(B (Qnsmhqwduujj) : Certificate Concerning The Composition of The Family For The Purpose of Granting Family Benefits

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Return to:

PB 10020 – 1070 ANDERLECHT

File number: 4149898

National number: 84412312077 Dana Cristina Mesesan
Ask for: DELAERE MARIEKE Buftea 4 Ap 15
Telephone: (050) 44 60 92 400606 CLUJ-NAPOCA
E-mail: [email protected] ROUMANIE
Reception: Gistelsesteenweg 17, 8200 BRUGGE

THE ADMINISTRATIVE COMMISSION See « instructions » on page 4


Reg 1408/71: Art. 73, Art. 74, Art. 77, Art. 78
Reg 574/72: Art. 86.2, Art. 88, Art. 90, Art. 91, Art. 92
A. Request for certificate
1.  Employed person  Orphan
 Self-employed person  Pensioner (scheme for employed persons) (4)
 Person supporting the orphan  Pensioner (scheme for self-employed persons) (4)
1.1. Surname (1a)
1.2. Forenames Previous names (1b) Place of birth (2)
Stefan-Ciprian ………………………………………… …….…………………
1.3. Date of birth Sex Nationality Identification/insurance number (3)
25/03/1981 ….... B 81032561170
Civil status  single  married  widow/widower
 divorced  separated (5)  cohabiting (6)(7)
Address in the country of residence of the members of the family:
1.6. Street, No …..................................................................................................................................................................
Post code, Town, Country ….........................................................................................................................................

2.  Spouse  Spouse divorced or separated from the worker or pensioner

 Surviving parent (8)  Cohabiting partner (6)(7)

2.1. Surname (1a)

2.2. Forenames Previous names (1b) Place of birth (2)
Dana Cristina ………………………… ………………………
2.3. Date of birth Sex Nationality Identification/insurance number (3)
23/01/1984 B 84412312077
2.4. Address:
Street, No Buftea 4 Ap 15
Post code 400606 Town CLUJ-NAPOCA Country ROEMENIË
2.5. Pursuit of gainful employment:  Yes  No
Dana Cristina Mesesan - 4149898 / 84412312077

3. Person or persons, other than the spouse, in whose household the members of the family are living
3.1. Surname (1a)
3.2. Forenames Previous names (1b) Place of birth (2)
…………………………………………… …………………………………… ……………………………………..
3.3. Date of birth Sex Nationality Identification/insurance number (3)
…………………………………………… …………….. ……………… ………………………………………….
3.4. Family relationship with child or children: …………………………………………………………………….…………………
3.5. Address:
Street.. ……………………………………………………………………………………. N°.…………………………………..
Post code……………….. Town………………………………………………..

Pursuit of gainful employment:  Yes  No

4. Family members for whom the family benefits are claimed, living with the person named either in box 2 or box 3

Surname Forenames Date of birth (9) Relationship (10) Place of residence Insurance (3)
Mesesan Darius 19/03/2011
Mesesan Daria 16/05/2013

5. Name and address of the institution competent as regards the granting of family benefits

5.1. Name: Attentia allocations familiales asbl

Address(11): Avenue Charles-Quint 584 bte 3, 1082 Bruxelles.
5.3. File reference number: 4149898
Dana Cristina Mesesan - 4149898 / 84412312077

E 401

B. Certificate
Part B of this form should be completed by the population registration office or the authority or administration
competent in matters of civil status in the country of residence of the members of the family (13).

6. Composition of the family in which the members named in box 4 live

6.1. Surname (1a) Forenames Date of birth (9) Relationship(10)

1. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

2. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

3. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

4. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

5. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

6. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

7. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

8. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

9. …………………………… ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

10. …………………………. ……………………………… ……………………………… …………………………

6.2. Remarks (13)



7. Information to be supplied if the form is to be sent to a Danish, Icelandic or Norwegian institution (14)
7.1. Person exercising the parental authority
7.2. The maintenance of the children  is  is not paid
from public funds

7.3. The mother and/or father of the children  are/is  are/is not dead (15)
if he/she is, please indicate the date of the death

7.4. The mother and/or father of the children  do/does  do/does not (15)
receive an old-age invalidity pension

8. Population registration office or authority or administration competent in matters of civil status (12)
The accuracy of the information given above has been verified from the official documents in our possession by:

8.1. Name and address of the registration office, authority or administration (11):
8.3. Date:

8.4. Signature:
Dana Cristina Mesesan - 4149898 / 84412312077

Please complete this form in block letters, writing on the dotted lines only. It consists of four pages, none of which may be left
out even if it does not contain any relevant information. It should be completed in the language of the authority designated in
box 8.
(1) Symbol of the country to which the institution completing the form belongs: BE = Belgium, CZ = Czech Republic;,
DK = Denmark, DE = Germany; EE = Estonia, GR = Greece, ES = Spain; FR = France, IE = Ireland; IT = Italy,
CY = Cyprus; LV = Latvia; LT = Lithuania, LU = Luxembourg, HU = Hungary; MT = Malta; NL = The Netherlands;
AT = Austria, PL = Poland; PT = Portugal, SI = Slovenia, SK = Slovakia; FI = Finland; SE = Sweden;
UK = United Kingdom, IS = Iceland; LI = Liechtenstein; NO = Norway; CH = Switzerland.
(1a) In the case of Spanish nationals state both names. In the case of Portuguese nationals state all names (forenames, surname,
maiden name) in the order of civil status in which they appear on the identity card or passport.
(1b) Previous names include surname at birth.
(2) In the case of Portuguese districts, state also the parish and the local authority.
(3) Where the form is being sent to a Czech institution, state the birth number; to a Cypriot institution, if a Cypriot national state the
Cypriot identification number, if not a Cypriot national state the Alien Registration Certificate (ARC) number; to a Danish institution,
indicate the CPR number, to a Finnish institution, indicate the population register number; to a Swedish institution, indicate the
personal number (personnummer); to an Icelandic institution, indicate the personal identification number (kennitala); to a
Liechtenstein institution, indicate the AHV insurance number; to a Lithuanian institution state the personal identification number; to a
Latvian institution state the identity number state; to a Hungarian institution, state the TAJ (social insurance identification) number; to
a Maltese institution, in the case of Maltese nationals, state the identity card number, or, if not a Maltese national, state the Maltese
social security number; to a Norwegian institution, indicate the personal identification number (fΦdselsnummer); to a Belgian
institution, indicate the national social security number (NISS); to a German institution of the general pension insurance scheme,
indicate the insurance number (VSNR); to a Spanish institution, state the number appearing on the national identity card (DNI) or
N.I.E. in the case of foreign people, even if the card is out of date; to a Polish institution, state the PESEL and NIP numbers; to a
Portuguese institution, indicate also the registration number with the general pensions scheme, if the person concerned has been
insured under the social security scheme for civil servants in Portugal; to a Slovak institution, state the birth number; to a Slovene
institution, state the personal identification number (EMSO) and tax number; to a Swiss institution, state the AVS/AI (AHV/IV)
insurance number.
(4) Denmark, Poland, Slovakia, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland do not differentiate between Pensioner (scherme for employed
persons) and Pensioners (scheme for self-employed persons).
(5) For the purpose of Norwegian institutions state date of separation.
(6) For the purpose of Czech, Danish, Icelandic and Norwegian institutions.
(7) This information is based on a statement from the person concerned.
(8) Except if already mentioned in box 1.
(9) For the purpose of Danish and Norwegian institutions indicate only children under the age of 18. For the purpose of Latvian
institutions indicate only children under the age of 15, and, if they are attending general or vocational educational establishments and
not receiving scholarships and are not married, children under the age of 20.
(10) Show the relationship of each member of the family to the worker, using the following symbols:
A = legitimate child. In Spain and Poland child born in wedlock (matrimonial) and child born out of wedlock (non-matrimonial).
B = legitimised child.
C = adopted child.
D = natural child (if the form is completed for a male worker, the natural children must be mentioned only if the paternity or the
worker’s obligation to maintain them has been officially recognised).
E = child of a spouse belonging to the worker’s household.
F = grandchildren, brothers and sisters whom the person concerned has taken into his household. Also nephews and nieces to the
third degree where the competent institution is a Greek institution. Where the competent institution is a Polish institution, only
grandchildren and siblings, whose legal guardian is an entitled person or his/her spouse.
G = other children belonging permanently to the household on the same footing as the worker’s children (foster children). Where the
competent institution is a Polish institution, only other children, whose legal guardian is an entitled person or his/her spouse.
H = for the purposes of the Czech institutions describe further forms of custody (custody awarded following the court decision to other
persons than parents, guardian, curator, etc.).
Other relationship (e.g.grandfather) must be written in full. If a child is married, divorced, a widow or a widower, mention this in item 4
and 6.1. Also, if a child has no father or no mother, for the purposes of Greek institutions.
(11) Street, number, post code, town, country.
(12) In Spain, the “Dirección Provincial del instituto Nacional de Seguridad Social” (Provincial Directorate of the National Social Security
Institute) of the place of residence, or the “Autoridad Municipal (Municipal Authority) where appropriate. In case of seamen “Direccion
Provincial del Instituto Social de la Marina” (Provincial Directorate of the Marine’s Social Institute);
In France, the “mairie” (registrar’s office) or the “caisse d’allocations familiales” (fund for family allowances);
In Ireland, Child Benefit Section, Department of Social and Family Affairs, St. Oliver Plunkett Road, Letterkenny, County Donegal;
in Cyprus the Ministry of Finance, Grants and Benefits Service, 1489 Nicosia;
in Latvia, the “Valsts sociàlàs apdrosinàsanas agentùra’ (State Social Insurance Agency), Riga;
In Poland, commune or district;
in Portugal, the ‘Junta de Freguesia’ (Parish Council) of the place of residence of the members of the family;
in Slovakia, the “úrad práce, sociálnych veci a rodiny” (Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family) in the place of residence of
in Finland, the Social Insurance Institution, Helsinki;
in Sweden, the “forsäkringskassan” (social insurance office) at the place of residence;
in the United Kingdom, Inland Revenue, Child Benefit Office (GB), PO Box 1, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE 88 IAA or for Northem
Ireland, Child Benefit Office (NI), Windsor House, 9-15 Bedfort Street Belfast BT2 UW, and Inland Revenue, Tax Credits Office
(Northem Ireland), 52-58 Great Victoria Street, Belfast BT2 7WF, as appropriate;
in Switzerland, the local administration (registry office) of the place of residence.
(13) If the child resides at an address other than that indicated at point 2.5 or 3.6, please indicate the other address. For the purpose of
Norwegian and Polish institutions please state if the child resides in an orphanage, a special school or another residential institution.
(14) This information is supplied only if the civil administrations have the necessary data at their disposal.
(15) Strike out the alternative that is not relevant.

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