Olympic Selectioon Test

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Class: 11CA

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS : Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. There seemed to be a(n) ……… of companies catering for the over-sixties who often have the leisure and the income to
take advantage of opportunities for travel.
a. void b. dearth c. emptiness d. richness
2. An article published recently is shedding new light on an important, but …………. little appreciated aspect of human
a. therefore b. nevertheless c. retrospect d. hitherto
3. He never does any exercise. He is ……………. idle.
a. bolt b. bone c. log d. gust
4. A: Did you find anything out? B: No, not a …………….’
a. sausage b. hotdog c. hamburger d. fish chip
5. The chairman is back in the ……… after his heart attack.
a. boat b. saddle c. wave d. tide
6. Sam’s been prowling about like a ……….. animal all morning.
a. confined b. limited c. caged d. captured
7. My children have never shown an interest in music, much ……………..
a. with respect b. from my failure c. to my chagrin d. in my disappointment
8. Would you like a ……………. of chewing gum?
a. slice b. leaf c. sheet d. stick
9. We knew the department would be a sacrificial ………….. when the time came to cut staff.
a. lamb b. cat c. donkey d. deer
10. She marched into the shop, as bold as ……….., and demanded for her money back.
a. bass b. grass c. brass d. glass
11. When the teacher told the children to sit down and be quiet they _____ obeyed him.
A. preservingly B. craftily C. favorably D. grudgingly
12. I couldn’t hear what he was saying on the phone because of the _____ behind me.
A. din B. matter C. stench D. orchestration
13. He knew from experience how _____ it was to argue with his parents.
A. futile B. commendable C. appalling D. rigorous
14. Is there any way of getting around this bureaucratic _____?
A. impediment B. stalemate C. deadlock D. bottleneck
15. When David started university he had to _____ the nest and live alone.
A. flee B. kick C. rush D. fly
16. Adams was asked to speak to the workers on the management’s behalf, as he was regarded as having _____.
A. a jaundiced eye B. the upper crust C. the common touch D. a clean slate
17. We feel sorry for the old woman. Her son visits her _____, but usually she’s all alone.
A. unevenly B. extravagantly C. sporadically D. erratically
18. The underlying message of the film is that love _____ everything else.
A. transcends B. surpasses C. overtakes D. outstrips
19. Shortly after the lightning, there was an enormous _____ of thunder.
A. smack B. clap C. snap D. click
20. She became _____ and _____, hardly speaking to anyone.
A. garrulous / broody B. withdrawn / pensive C. undemonstrative / placid D. secluded / angst-ridden
21. Mr. Wilson’s ……………the high jump. He has been caught fiddling the accounts.
a. in b. at c. for d. off
22. Stop wasting time. Get to my office ……………the double.
a. on b. for c. in d. to
23. We’ve zeroed ……………on the real problem – we don’t save enough money.
a. up b. for c. in d. to
24. Inside your passport, you should write the name of your next ……………kin.
a. in b. to c. for d. of
25. All the members of the board were ……………themselves to please the chairperson.
a. coming about b. jumping over c. carrying off d. falling over
26. ……………mutual consent, they kept their divorce secret from their children.
a. By b. With c. On d. In
27. The area of investigation was roped ……………and marked ……………with luminous tape.
a. round / of b. off / out c. with / in d. by / through
28. When the teacher looked up, the children dissolved ……………giggles.
a. in b. on c. at d. with
29. The money was given to the museum ……………the proviso that it was spent on operating costs.
a. at b. on c. with d. in
30. The bully cleared ……………when he saw the teacher approaching.
a. off b. up c. away d. out
31. All the way along the winding street __________.
A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he
32. John was the first person I saw __________ hospital.
A. by leaving B. on leaving C. in leaving D. on to leave
33. __________ of their size and weight, grizzly bears are remarkably nimble animals.
A. Animals B. For animals C. As animals D. To be animals
34. The police pursued the enemy relentlessly, __________.
A. and finally catch him B. finally catching him C. to catch him in the final D. with a final catch
35. Paul: Need you have told him about my plan? ~ James: Yes, I __________.
A) need B) must C) need have D) had to
36. “Don’t you like this place?” – “I’d rather we __________ somewhere romantic.”
A) had gone B) went C) go D) have gone
37. __________ the legendary lost continent of Atlantis may someday be found.
A) The belief B) Believing C) It is believed D) That belief
38. In economics, “diminishing returns” describes _______ resource inputs and production.
A. among B. when it is C. among them D. the relationship
39. Frost occurs in valleys and on low grounds _______ on adjacent hills.
A. more frequently as B. as frequently than C. more frequently than D. much frequently than
40. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have _______.
A. not definite shape B. none definite shape C. nothing definite shape D. no definite shape


These days in the Western world, studying at a higher educational establishment is part and (41)____of life and what is
expected. Attitudes to education have shifted and, as a consequence, more and more people now undertake a master’s degree
in order to gain a(n) (42)_____in the job market. In my own case, I decided to make a radical change to my life and return to
education in my thirties. My own experiences of (43)_____education as a youngster hadn’t exactly helped instil in me a sense
of purpose, I have to admit, and I did virtually no work at all in the last few years of school. This is something I have been
reluctant to admit until recently. However, feeling (44)_____out and disillusioned by low-paid, long working days, I decided to
take the (45)_____and enrolled for an access course in maths and science before continuing on to an undergraduate science
degree. Although I initially felt rather intimidated by my new surroundings and overwhelmed by the level of knowledge I felt
we were expected to have, I then realised that in the first year we were largely going (46)_____old ground and that it wasn’t
exactly (47)_____ science. It was a really refreshing change to be in such a positive learning environment and very soon I
(48) _____ my hair down and began to enjoy the challenges I faced. In fact I got really hooked on my studies. I developed a
great work (49) _____ and gained confidence as I realised I could handle the workload, which had at first (50) _____ me. As
for peers , well, although I had to begin with felt I had little in common with them as they were so much younger than me, I
soon discovered that when I initiated conversations with them, they were easy to relate to. As the course progressed, I became
increasingly inspired by the diversity of career paths that I could pursue after graduation. You’ll never believe what I’m doing
41. A. package B. packet C. parcel D. piece
42. A. edge B. head start C. advent D. egghead
43. A. mainstream B. midpoint C. average D. middling
44. A. burnt B. worked C. cried D. pulled
45. A. plummet B. move C bullet D. plunge
46. A. above B. by C. through D. over
47. A radar B. torpedo C. rocket D. booster
48. A. fell B. let C. pulled D. freed
49. A. ethic B. code C. moral D. practice
50. A. unsettled B. obscured C. disordered D apprehended

Spanish Wildlife
Spanish animal life, as throughout Europe, has been (51) ______ to the devastating changes (52) ______ by man. Many
species have disappeared because of over-hunting and loss of habitat, while others (53) ______ to survival in (54) ______
small numbers. Spain, with more natural spaces than anywhere else in Western Europe, is often the last (55) ______ for
species such as the brown bear and pardel lynx. Ironically, shifting demographics and infrastructure have proven disastrous
for some Spain's species, (56) ______ beneficial for others. The Iberian lynx, which once ranged as far as the north coast of
the Mediterranean, is now down (57) ______ an estimated three breeding pairs in the southern mountains of Spain. (58)
______, the brown bear, known for its laziness in reproducing, has dwindled to fewer than 100, the result of lost habitats. On
the (59) ______, there has been a steady migration of people from the country to the cities of Spain over the last 30 years.
As the countryside has been left devoid (60) ______ people, vegetation in areas previously devoted to agriculture has returned
and such prey species as Iberian wolves, roe der and wild boar have increased significantly.
51) A) bent B) partial C) tenable D) prone
52) A) destitute B) constituted C) substituted D) instituted
53) A) cling B) clutch C) embrace D) grip
54) A) precautionary B) preciously C) prominently D) precariously
55) A) castle B) fortification C) bastion D) manor
56) A) whereas B) therefore C) whilst D) despite
57) A) with B) to C) under D) on
58) A) Alternatively B) Likewise C) Otherwise D) Meanwhile
59) A) contrary B) point C) run D) flipside
60) A) of B) from C) to D) off

Most people have never heard of it, and they certainly have not eaten it in its original form, but the Atlantic Ocean
menhaden is the most important fish in the ocean. However, it is disappearing at an alarming rate. The east coast of
the United States once teemed with immense schools, some as many as a mile across, but the devastation of the
menhaden stocks over the last sixty years has led to severe dislocations in the oceans’ ecosystems. The decline of the
menhaden has had particularly disastrous effects on fish species that feed on it, on bird species that use it as a food
source, and on how clean the oceans are.
Menhaden are a small fish belonging to the haddock family, and they are not very palatable to humans, having a
foul, oily taste and consisting of many small bones. Commercial fishing of menhaden since the end of World War II has
primarily been for the production of feed for livestock, with ground-up fish used to make meal for chickens, pigs, and
cows. Companies use spotter planes to find large schools and direct fishing boats to the location. Catches have declined
almost forty percent since the 1960s and show no sign of leveling off or increasing. Unlike other species that are
protected by government quotas, menhaden are not, most likely because they are not a species consumed directly by
humans. This is unfortunate since the loss of the menhaden spells an eco-disaster of epic proportions.
Of principal importance are the many species of fish and other animals that feed on menhaden. They are the main
diet for bluefish and striped bass, and both species have shown a serious decline in numbers. The striped bass was once
the prized catch of the Chesapeake Bay area, but the specimens brought in by rod and reel now are weak sisters
compared to the past. Not only do they lack the bulk of their ancestors, but they are also dying at alarming rates. Fish
are not the only predators of menhaden, as birds also depend on them as a source of nourishment. Large colonies of
osprey all along the eastern seaboard have disappeared in recent years, with the numbers of nests and birds reduced
by fifty percent in some areas over the last ten years. There are similar statistics for loons in Chesapeake Bay.
The greatest threat from the loss of the menhaden is that the oceans have lost one of their great natural filterers.
Menhaden swim in massive schools with their mouths open, allowing water to flow through their gills, which serve to
absorb oxygen and grab plankton and other detritus from the water. They act like gigantic vacuum cleaners for the
ocean. The cleaner water allows sunlight to penetrate to greater depths, which stimulates plant life that harbors other
fish and shellfish and produces oxygen for the water. With the decline of the menhaden, this process is in serious
jeopardy. Chemical run-off from farms, lawns, and houses ends up in the oceans, increasing the nitrogen and phosphorus
levels in the water. Algae grow in great numbers in these conditions, block the sunlight, and deplete oxygen of the
water. In addition, the algae sink to the ocean floor and prevent shellfish and oxygen-producing plants from growing.
Entire coastal areas are lifeless, with the algae’s killing the fish. Menhaden reduce the levels of these chemicals, but now
that there are fewer menhaden, the algae have taken over.
The large companies that process menhaden disagree with the findings of environmental scientists. Since there is no
accurate way to count the amount of menhaden in the oceans, they claim that the fewer menhaden are a result of a
cyclical event and that the stocks will grow again in time. Yet, much of the menhaden catch consists of smaller fish,
often less than one year old. These fish have not had a chance to mature long enough to become reproductive, and
thus the commercial fishing companies are destroying future menhaden stocks in order to make a profit at the moment.
The largest companies have had to lay off many employees, and many of their vessels sit idle at the wharf. In the long
run, the menhaden will probably rebound once their numbers have reached the point where catching them is no longer
profitable. Hopefully, laws will soon be in place to protect them from their greatest predator, mankind.
menhaden: a large deep-bodied fish of the herring family
algae: plants that have no roots, stems, or leaves and grow in water or in other wet places
Question 61: According to paragraph 1, the Atlantic Ocean menhaden is ……………..
A. eaten only by other fish and not at all by humans
B. not in any immediate danger of disappearing from the ocean
C. eaten by birds and other fish as a part of their diets
D. quite well-known to most people in the United States
Question 62: The word palatable in the passage is closest In meaning to _________
A. stable B. partial C. disgusting D. edible
Question 63: According to paragraph 2, all of the following are reasons for the decline of the menhaden stocks EXCEPT
A. People desire directly to consume them as a food fish.
B. Improved fishing technology has helped catch more fish.
C. Farmers have a strong dependence on fish-fed livestock.
D. There is a lack of laws providing government protection.
Question 64: It can be inferred from paragraph 2 that humans consume menhaden __________.
A. for the healthy benefits from eating its oily flesh
B. directly from the oceans in their original form
C. only in the eastern coastal areas of the United States
D. as a result of eating livestock raised on menhaden meal
Question 65: Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the underlined sentence in the
passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. In the past the Chesapeake Bay striped bass fishery was more valuable than it is nowadays.
B. The Chesapeake Bay area is prized for the striped bass that can be caught by fishermen there.
C. There are prizes given for the best striped bass caught by sport fishermen in Chesapeake Bay.
D. The striped bass caught by sport fishermen in Chesapeake Bay are not as large as those caught in the past.
Question 66: The word predators in the passage is closest in meaning to________________.
A. hunters B. stalkers C. watchers D. chasers
Question 67: According to paragraph 4, the main influence on the oceans as a result of declining menhaden numbers
is __________.
A. an overabundance of plankton near the coast
B. increased human dumping of chemicals in the ocean
C. the decline of fish stocks that feed on menhaden
D. an increase in the number of lifeless areas
Question 68: The word their in the passage refers to ________
A. menhaden stocks B. many employees
C. largest companies D. commercial fishing companies
Question 69: According to paragraph 5, large commercial fishing companies argue that the shrinking menhaden stocks
are the result of ____________.
A. a lack of oxygen in the ocean as a result of too much algae
B. environmental factors that are totally beyond their control
C. fishing technology that has developed in recent years
D. a normal cycle that will end some time in the near future
Question 70: In paragraph 5, why does the author mention the fact that commercial fishing companies are catching
smaller and younger fish?
A. To prove that the declining menhaden stocks are not an illusion
B. To explain why they have had to lay off employees and leave boats idle
C. To counter their disagreements with the environmental scientists
D. To show that menhaden stocks are not safe for the future

Did you know that if you want your pet cat to live as long as possible you should choose an ordinary female cat, keep a
close eye on her in spring and summer, and make sure that she is not black, or black and white? It has been discovered
that male cats wander further from home, and of the large number of cats killed on the roads in spring and summer, a
surprisingly high percentage are black or black and white.
Did you know, too, that domestic cats regard their owners as fellow members of the cat family and make many more
sounds to us than they do to other cats when living in groups? They have worked out that we communicate by sound –
and so learn a vocabulary we will understand to get their message over.
The way cats have learned to live with, and be looked after by, man, without losing their hunting and killing abilities or
their mental independence, is a good reason for studying them, some scientists say.
A study of the suburban cat in Barking in Essex showed that outside the home they adopted the same hunting and
exploring habits as wild cats. The female cats covered a territory limited to house and garden, while male cats travelled
over an area ten times as large.
Though many people think the opposite, a cat is very practical about defending its territory. Its attitude depends on its
confidence about the cat it faces, following the experience of its previous meetings. Females and young males often
hide when fierce adult males turn up on their territory.
Female cats seem to feel no tension between their affectionate relationships with humans and their life “in the wild”. It
is the male cats which occasionally show signs of anxiety indicating that they are suffering from strain.
71. You should keep a close eye on your pet cat in spring and summer means you ______.
A. not look at her B. keep her in the dark C. watch her carefully D. not let her see
72. Most of the cats killed on the roads are _________.
A. black B. white C. black and white D. black or black and white
73. Domestic cats look on their owners as _________.
A. other cats B. human beings C. female cats D. male cats
74. Female cats __________, according to a study of suburban cats in Banking.
A. stayed within the house and garden B. covered a larger territory than male cats
C. went further than the house and garden D. stayed in the house
75. In short, your pet cat should be _________.
A. male and black B. female and black and white
C. male and black or black and white D. female and black or black and white
76. Why do cats make a wider range of sounds when communicating with people?
A. They are used to doing this with other cats. B. They are taught to do so by their owners.
C. They are copying human behaviour. D. They wish to be considered human beings.
77. Why are domestic cats of special interest to scientists?
A. They are fierce and clever hunters. B. They have been domesticated for a very long time.
C. They have lost all traces of wild behaviour. D. They lead both wild and domesticated lives.
78. In what ways are wild cats and domestic cats alike?
A. They cover a wide territory. B. They tend to fight.
C. They hunt and explore. D. They like to be alone.
79. When on their own territory cats _________.
A. hide from all strange cats B. allow only familiar cats to cross.
C. chase larger cats. D. allow fierce cats to cross.
80. Compared with female cats, male cats tend to _________.
A. be mostly black or blaclk and white. B. show less affection to humans.
C. hunt more successfully. D. suffer more frequently from nervous strain.

Advances in technology have done much to change the way we live and communicate, but no breakthrough
revolutionized life as much as the advent of wireless technology, according to a panel of experts assembled by CNN in
2010. (1)……………………. in 1980, when it came to communication technology, telephones were stuck to walls, facts
were found in books, and people had to browse shelves in a record store if they wanted to buy the latest music. However,
developments that occurred at the start of the twenty-first century (2) ………………….. we could access all that information
just by reaching into our pockets for our mobile phone. From the very beginning of the Information Age, having
immediate access to data was fundamental (3) ………………….. progress. In some cases, technological advances (4)
………………….. to overhaul industries at a lightning-fast pace. For example, the internet helped tech-savvy music lovers
to force changes in the way the music industry did (5) ………………….., while text messaging over cell phones made
written (6) ………………….. more immediate.
We embraced information technology to such an (7) ………………….. that having computer access in our homes was not
(8) ………………….. enough. We wanted to use these tools everywhere. Wireless hot spots popped up in cafes, airports,
universities – even whole city blocks. And just as computer use worldwide exploded, the brains behind them – the
processors – became increasingly smaller. A computer chip that you could balance on your fingertip could hold massive
(9) ………………….. of data. This ability to store tons of information in cell phones or digital cameras allowed us to keep
computer technology portable. The entertainment industry harnessed satellite technology to give consumers more
choice, and video game technology developed to the point where it became a $10 billion a year industry, producing
games that invite players into a (10) ………………….. world of fantasy, sport or even war.

Have you ever asked yourself what you are working for? If you have ever had the time to (11)_____ this taboo
question, or put it to others in moments of weakness or confidentiality, you (12)_____ well have heard some or all of
the (13)_____. It’s the money of course, some say with a smile, as if explaining something to a small child. Or it’s the
satisfaction of a job well done, the sense of achievement behind the clinching of an important (14)_____. I worked as
a bus conductor once, and I can’t say I (15)_____ the same as I staggered along the swaying aisle trying to (16)_____
out tickets without falling over into someone’s lap. It’s the company of other people perhaps, but if that is the (17)_____,
what about farmers? Is it the conversation in the farmyard that keeps them captivated by the job? I suspect, and I say
this under my (18)_____, that most of us work rather as Mr. Micawber lived, hoping for something to (19)_____ up.
We’ll win the pools, and tell the boss what we really think. We’ll scrape together the money and open that little shop we
always dreamed of, or go (20)_____ the world, or spend more time in the garden. One day we’ll get that promotion we
deserve, but until then at least we have something to do. And we are so busy doing it that we won’t have time to wonder

A. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words given in parentheses.
1. Disaster and terror make us feel vulnerable and _______________. (POWER)
2. Extra funding would be targeted on _______________ households. (FUEL)
3. Our bodies are naturally _______________ by our organs of elimination – the skin, lungs, intestines, kidneys and
liver. (TOXIC)
4. IDA Ireland, the national investment agency, is _______________ its efforts to sell Ireland's well-educated
workforce and low corporation tax to foreign investors. (DOUBLE)
5. They are working to improve the _______________ of their e-books. (DISCOVER)
6. Common sense and creativity are some of the _______________ we're looking for in an employee. (TOUCH)
7. He has this incredibly _______________ girlfriend; if he doesn't tell her that he loves her every five minutes, she
tends to break down into hysterical depressive weepy fits. (MAINTAIN)
8. Digital downloads are now a major _______________ to cinemagoing. (ATTRACT)
9. She looked _______________ pretty, and the front of her dress was a wonderful work of art. (SUM)
10. During a long parade of nations, Tonga spiced things up with its _______________. Pita Nikolas Taufatofua, an
Olympian in taekwondo, showed off his oiled, muscular frame much to the delight of the crowd, the NBC announcers,
and the Twittersphere. (FLAG)

B. Fill each blank space with the correct form of the word chosen from the box



Napoli coach Carlo Ancelotti says the next time a member of his team is (11) _________ abused he'd be happy for
the Serie A side to stop playing.
Ancelotti was speaking after his side was beaten 1-0 by Internazionale in Milan on Boxing Day in a league game that
was marred by racist chanting towards Napoli's Senegalese (12) _________ Kalidou Koulibaly and fan violence before
the match in which a 35-year-old man reportedly died.
The Napoli coach pointed to Koulibaly's (13) _________ in the 80th minute as the game's turning point, suggesting
the defender had been severely "shaken" by the abuse.
"The red card (14) ________ the result. We were pushing towards the end but we were affected by going down to 10
men," Ancelotti told the Napoli website.
"It's a shame because three times we asked for the match to be suspended for the racist chanting towards Koulibaly."
European (15) _________ body UEFA instructs that a player or team found guilty of racist conduct must be suspended
for at least 10 matches. Referees are instructed to stop, suspend, or even abandon a match if racist incidents occur.
"It shook him - he's a good-mannered player and he was (16) ________ by the stadium," added Ancelotti.
"Despite our requests and the chanting, the game wasn't suspended. I think it should have been. Next time we'll stop
playing ourselves, whatever happens.
"It was impossible for him to be calm - he cares a lot about the issue of racism and he commits a lot of time to the
matter, including in society.
"What happened today is (17) ________ - not just for us but for Italian football as a whole."
Milan police chief Marcello Cardona told a (18) ________ conference he's going to ask the public safety department to
ban Internazionale transfers until the end of the season and also the (19) _________ of part of San Siro stadium until
March 2019, according to Repubblica.
Serie A and Inter did not (20) __________ reply to CNN's request for comment.

ERROR RECOGNITION : Identify and correct 10 mitakes in this passage

Every day, all over the world, unwanted waste is disposed of from both domestic and commercial resources, usually
with insufficient attention paid to the resulting problems. The increase in excess refuses and how to dispense with it has
become a major headache for the government and the environmental agencies.
One of the biggest drawbacks to landfill is the cost. In the past this was not the case as land was plentiful and
cheap in abandoned quarries and mines often being utilised. But by 2015, since space for approved and licensed landfills
will have been run out, viable alternatives to waste disposal have to be found. Another disadvantage is the environmental
impact made by the acids and hazardous chemicals that are leaked from the landfills. Older sites depended on these
substances are diluted naturally by rain but this often did not occur and surrounding agricultural land was affected and
livestock poisoned. Nowadays, more modern landfills use liners within the pits to contain any dangerous material and
the liquid is then collected, treated and discharged within the site themselves. But perhaps the most apparent annoyance
for the general public living in the immediate vicinity in the landfill is the nuisance that results from the traffic, the noise,
the dust and the unpleasant odours emanate from the site. Although no risks to human health have been verified,
symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness and exhaustion have been reported by people living close to landfills. These
may have been caused by toxic emissions from the site but they may be connected to the impact that living next to the
sites can bring on stress and anxiety.

1.I didn’t let him know what I was thinking.
I didn’t let it __________________________________.
2.I saw that man stealing some goods while I was doing shopping at Coopmart Xtra.
I caught ____________________________________________.
3.He prefers living in the centre of the city to living in the suburbs.
Rather _______________________________________________.
4.Mr. Brown is very poor indeed. (NAME)
Mr. Brown ____________________________________________.
5.She herself admits to being rather selfish. (ADMISSION)
6. He has finally come to accept that it is impossible to get something for nothing. (DAWNING)
 It ____________________________________________________________ lunch.
7. He seemed to be enjoying himself very much. (APPEARANCE)
 He ______________________________________________________ of a time.
8. You’d better say goodbye to your friend now. (LEAVE)
 It’s high ___________________________________________________.

9. Obviously, he has spent all his earnings on gambling. (AWAY)

 It ___________________________________________________________.
10. The purpose of this research program is to increase knowledge of science. (AT)
 This _____________________________________________ frontiers of science.

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