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(Open Elective-II)

Paper Code: ETVEC-554 L T/P C

Paper: Digital Electronics Lab 0 2 2

Note:- The required list of Experiments is provided as under. The example cited here are purely indicative and
not exhaustive. Attempt shall be made to perform all experiments. However, at least 8 experiments
should be done in the semester. More experiments may be designed by the respective institutes as per
their choice.

List of Experiments:

1. Realize all gates using NAND & NOR gates

2. Realize Half Adder, Full Adder, Half subtracter, Full subtracter
3. Realize a BCD adder
4. Realize a Serial Adder
5. Realize a four bit ALU
6. Realize Master-Save J K Flip-Flop, using NAND/NOR gates
7. Realize Universal Shift Register
8. Realize Self-Starting, Self Correcting Ring Counter
9. Realize Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer
10. Realize Carry Look ahead Adder / Priority Encoder
11. Simulation of PAL and PLA
12. Simulation Mealy and Moore State machines

Scheme and Syllabi for B. Voc. (Software Development), w. e. f. batch 2016-17, approved in the BOS of
USET/USICT held on 19th July, 2016 & AC Sub-Committee Meeting of USET/USICT held on 27th July, 2016.


Paper Code: ETVSD-556 L T/P C

Paper: Visual Basic Programming Lab 0 4 4

Note:- The required list of Experiments is provided as under. The example cited here are purely indicative and
not exhaustive. Attempt shall be made to perform all experiments. However, at least 8 experiments
should be done in the semester. More experiments may be designed by the respective institutes as per
their choice.

List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to Visual Basic IDE by demonstrating various types of windows in IDE.

2. Programs to illustrate the various data types in, arithmetic and relation a operators in VB.
3. Programs to illustrate the conditional structure (i.e. largest of three numbers, simple Calculator by
switch – case)
4. Programs to illustrate the loop structure (find sum of a geometric series, find sum of first n natural
numbers etc.)
5. Small Programs to implement standard controls: Label, Frame, Checkbox, Combo Box, DirList Box
Shape and Image with properties.
6. Small programs to implement standard controls: Picture Box, Text Box, Command Button, Option
Button, List Box V Scrollbar and Drive List Box with properties.
7. Programs to illustrate 1- D array ( i.e. find average of marks of a class in one subject)
8. Programs on user defined function and procedures (i.e. to print the first m Fibonacci Number, function
to find the factorial of a number.)
9. Programs to illustrate built- in string functions :space( ) ,str( ) ,instr( ) ,len( ) , ltrim( ) etc. Numeric
function: sgn( ) ,val( ) , rnd( ) etc. and time related functions.
10. Programs to implement mouse, keyboard, focus and scroll events.
11. Programs to implement the Menu Editor.
12. Programs to implement types of forms: Single Document Interface and Multiple Document Interface.

Scheme and Syllabi for B. Voc. (Software Development), w. e. f. batch 2016-17, approved in the BOS of
USET/USICT held on 19th July, 2016 & AC Sub-Committee Meeting of USET/USICT held on 27th July, 2016.


Paper Code: ETVSD-552 L T/P C

Paper: C++ Programming Skills Lab 0 4 4

Note:- The required list of Experiments is provided as under. The example cited here are purely indicative and
not exhaustive. Attempt shall be made to perform all experiments. However, at least 8 experiments should be
done in the semester. More experiments may be designed by the respective institutes as per their choice.

List of Experiments:

1. Design an employee class for reading and displaying the employee information, the getInfo() and
display Info () methods will be used respectively. Where get Info () will be private method.
2. Design the class student containing get Data() and display Data() as two of its methods which will
be used for reading and displaying the student information respectively. Where get Data() will be
private method.
3. Design a class Complex for adding the two complex numbers and also show the use of
4. Design a class Geometry containing the methods area() and volume() and also overload the area()
5. Overload the operator + for adding the timings of two clocks, And also pass objects as an argument.
6. Overload the + for concatenating the two strings. For e.g “c” + “++” = c++
7. Design a class for single level inheritance using public and private type derivation.
8. Design a class for multiple inheritances.
9. Implement the concept of method overriding.
10. Show the use of virtual function
11. String operations for string length , string concatenation
12. String operations for string reverse, string comparison.
13. Show the implementation of exception handling
14. Show the implementation for exception handling for strings
15. Design a class File Demo open a file in read mode and play the total number of words
and lines in the file.
16. Design a class to handle multiple files and file operations
17. Show the implementation of template class library for swap function.
18. Design the template class library for sorting ascending to descending and vice-versa

Scheme and Syllabi for B. Voc. (Software Development), w. e. f. batch 2016-17, approved in the BOS of
USET/USICT held on 19th July, 2016 & AC Sub-Committee Meeting of USET/USICT held on 27th July, 2016.


Paper Code: ETVSD-554 L T/P C

Paper: Desktop Publishing Lab 0 4 4

Note:- The required list of Experiments is provided as under. The example cited here are purely indicative and
not exhaustive. Attempt shall be made to perform all experiments. However, at least 8 experiments
should be done in the semester. More experiments may be designed by the respective institutes as per
their choice.

List of Experiments:

1. Design Newspaper article in Multiple Columns in ADOBEPAGEMAKER.

2. Design a classified advertisement in ADOBE PAGEMAKER.
3. Perform experiments with the use of Master Pages in ADOBE PAGEMAKER.
4. Perform experiments with the use of import and export command in ADOBE PAGEMAKER.
5. Design Invitation Card in CORELDRAW.
6. Design a Logo in CORELDRAW
7. Design Greeting Card in CORELDRAW.
8. Design a Broucher in CORELDRAW
9. Design a Magazine Front Page in CORELDRAW.
10. Scan a BLACK& WHITE PHOTO and convert it into COLOR PHOTO in PHOTOSHOP.
11. Change dress color of a scanned photo using PHOTOSHOP.
12. Scan a PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO and apply various tools for finishing the photo in PHOTOSHOP.

Suggested Tool Kits: Adobe PageMaker 7, CorelDraw 9, Adobe Photoshop 7

Scheme and Syllabi for B. Voc. (Software Development), w. e. f. batch 2016-17, approved in the BOS of
USET/USICT held on 19th July, 2016 & AC Sub-Committee Meeting of USET/USICT held on 27th July, 2016.


(Common to All Disciplines)

Paper Code: ETVEN-552 L T/P C

Paper: Environmental Science Lab/ Field Work 0 2 2

Note:- The required list of Experiments is provided as under. The example cited here are purely indicative and
not exhaustive. Attempt shall be made to perform all experiments. However, at least 8 experiments
should be done in the semester. More experiments may be designed by the respective institutes as per
their choice.

List of Experiments:

1. Determination of pH, conductivity and turbidity in drinking water sample.

2. Determination of pH and conductivity of soil/sludge samples.
3. Determination of moisture content of soil sample.
4. Determination of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of water sample.
5. Determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water sample.
6. Determination of Biological oxygen demand (BOD) in the water sample.
7. Determination of Chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the water sample.
8. Determination of Residual Chlorine in the water sample.
9. Determination of ammonia in the water sample.
10. Determination of carbon dioxide in the water sample.
11. Determination of nitrate ions or sulphate ions in water using spectrophotometer.
12. Determination of the molecular weight of polystyrene sample using viscometer method.
13. Base catalyzed aldol condensation by Green Methodology.
14. Acetylation of primary amines using eco-friendly method.
15. To determine the concentration of particulate matter in the ambient air using High Volume Sampler.

P.S.: For better understanding of various aspects of environment visits to local areas, depending upon easy
access and importance may be planned to any nearby river, forest, grassland, hills and students should write a
report based on their observations.
Suggested Books:
[T1] A. I. Vogel, G. H. Jeffery, Vogel’s Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, Published by
Longman Scientific & Technical, 5th Edition, 1989.
[T2] (monograph of green chemistry laboratory experiments).
[T3] S. Chawla, Essentials of Experimental Engineering Chemistry, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 3rd Edition, 2008.
[T4] S. Rattan, Experiments in Applied Chemistry, Published by S.K.Kataria& Sons, 2nd Edition, 2003.
[T5] W. Cunningham and M. A. Cunningham, Principles of Environment Science: Enquiry and
Applications, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, N. Delhi, 2003.
[T6] A. Kaushik and C. P. Kaushik, Perspectives in Environment Studies, 4th Edition, New Age International
Publishers, 2013.

Scheme and Syllabi for B. Voc. (Software Development), w. e. f. batch 2016-17, approved in the BOS of
USET/USICT held on 19th July, 2016 & AC Sub-Committee Meeting of USET/USICT held on 27th July, 2016.

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