WHSMS Action Plan

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For Salad Fresh to succeed in providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment, it
is essential that all staff participate in adopting safe work practices as part of their day to day
activities. To assist staff in achieving this aim, Salad Fresh has committed to developing and
maintaining a Work Health and Safety Management System (WHSMS).
 A WHSMS is a set of plans, actions and procedures to systematically manage health and
safety in the workplace that is actively endorsed by a committed employer to achieve:
 Provision of a safe and health workplace and the prevention/reduction of illness
and injury equally for employees and contractors.
 Identification of workplace hazards, assessment and control of all risks.
 Active involvement in health and safety matters by managers, supervisors and
employees and their representatives.
 Provision of information and training for employees at all levels so they can work safely.
 Audit and review of the OHSMS.

Salad Fresh’s WHSMS Framework has five key elements (based upon the information provided in
AS/NZS 4804:2001). These are as follows:

Commitment and policy

 Planning
 Implementation
 Measurement and evaluation
 Review and improvement.

To establish requirements for the overall management of Salad Freshs work, health and safety
management system..

This document identifies how the restaurant manages its work health and safety obligations and
details how Salad Fresh meets the requirements of Australian Standard 4801 Occupational Health
and Safety Management Systems and Australian Standard 4804 General Guidelines on Principles,
Systems and Supporting Techniques. The Health and Safety System shall apply to all Salad Fresh
workers (fulltime, temporary, casual, contractors, volunteers and relevant stakeholders).

The restaurant will focus on:

 Identifying hazards associated with the restaurant activities

 Identifying all relevant WHS legislative (and other) requirements which are applicable to the
undertakings of Salad Fresh
 Assess compliance with identified WHS Legislation/regulations
 Review/investigate past experiences (namely previous incidents, assessments, reviews etc.)
 Assess the efficiency and effectiveness of existing resources dedicated to WHS management
 Identify gaps in existing WHS systems and establish desired outcomes to aim towards.
WHS Policy
 Salad Fresh will define its overall WHS objectives and commitment to improving WHS
performance with a WHS Policy.
 Include a commitment to establish measurable objectives and targets to ensure continued
improvement aimed at the elimination of work related injury and illness
 Include a commitment to comply with all relevant WHS Legislation
 Be documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all employees
 Be available to all interested parties
 Be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate.

The successful implementation and operation of a WHSMS requires an effective planning process
with well- defined measurable outcomes. Salad Fresh as part of it WHSMS planning process will
establish objectives, targets and performance indicators within our WHS plans to ensure our aims
are achieved.


A controlled system of policies, procedures, processes and the necessary tools exist for hazards and
risks to be identified and ranked. This system also allows for timely reporting, consideration of
control measures, further investigation if necessary and recording. Responsibility is assigned to
individuals for action with timeframes set for completion. Incidents and hazards are communicated
to the organisation with feedback to the persons reporting and to those affected by any change.

Workplace activities and all aspects of the WHS risk management system are constantly reviewed in
consultation with employees. The review process considers changes in legislation, codes of practice
and national standards. A corporate risk register has been implemented, maintained and updated
when risks are identified.


Managers are responsible to ensure all their team members are aware, follow and comply with all
Salad Fresh’s WHS procedures and all relevant WHS instructions. Managers have a responsibility in
their areas of control to ensure that:
1. They carry out their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety
policies and procedures.
2. They effectively implement relevant health and safety policies, procedures and instructions
as they relate to all risks to health and safety relevant to their area within the restaurant.
This includes ensuring all WHS risks are identified, assessed and effectively controlled in
consultation with workers and their representatives.
3. The effectiveness of risk control measures are regularly monitored and deviations from
standards are rectified.
4. Supervisors and workers who report to them have adequate knowledge and skills to carry
out their health and safety responsibilities.
5. Workers and their representatives are consulted on any proposals for, or changes to, the
workplace, work practices, policies or procedures which may affect the health and safety of

Supervisors, team leaders or workers with supervisory responsibilities have a responsibility to

1. They carry out their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety
policies and procedures.
2. Relevant health and safety policies and procedures are implemented in their areas of
3. All risk control measures in their areas of responsibility are implemented, regularly
monitored and maintained.
4. Workers under their supervisory control are provided with the necessary information,
instruction and training to effectively and safely carry out their jobs.

Workers are responsible to follow and comply with these procedures and other related Work Health
and Safety protocols and systems as detailed above.

Workers have a responsibility to:

1. Take care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid adversely affecting the health
and safety of any other worker.
2. Report any incident or hazard at work to their manager or supervisor a soon as possible by
the fastest means.
3. Carry out their roles and responsibilities as detailed in the relevant health and safety policies
and procedures.
4. Obey any reasonable instruction aimed at protecting their health and safety while at work.
Use any equipment provided to protect their health and safety while at work.
5. Assist in the identification of hazards, the assessment of risks and the implementation of risk


Salad Fresh understands the ability to improve our WHS systems relies on ensuring the cooperation
of all workers. Further to this Salad Fresh acknowledges that knowledge and experience throughout
the workforce is a valuable resource and all workers must be encouraged to participate in the
development and implementation of the WHSMS. Salad Fresh therefore agrees to undertake the
 Provide mechanisms to ensure all workers are involved in the development, implementation
and review of WHS policies, procedures and instructions;
 Ensure all workers will be consulted where there are changes that affect workplace health
and safety;
 Foster and encourage the role of the WHS Committee as well as WHS Representatives;
 Ensure that all relevant WHS instruction is effectively communicated to all workers as
appropriate to their role

Training is conducted at all levels of the organisation commensurate with the needs of individuals. A
structured system exists to ensure safety related training is conducted by suitably qualified or
competent personnel to meet the needs of individuals to carry out tasks related to their job.
Assessment of individuals ensures personnel are competent prior to them undertaking tasks.

Salad Fresh understands the importance of effective two way communication with timely reporting
in ensuring that our WHSMS is able to meet all promulgated objectives and ultimately ensure that
our work place is free (so far as reasonably practicable) of all risks to health and safety. Salad Fresh
will therefore develop mechanisms to communicate WHS information to all levels within our

Procedures will be established for relevant and timely reporting of all information relating to Salad
Fresh’s WHSMS. The following reporting mechanisms will be used at the restaurant to achieve this
specific aim:
 WHS Performance Reporting;
 Non-conformance (with legislation/procedures) Reporting;
 Incident reporting;
 Hazard/Near Miss Reporting;
 Statutory Reporting Requirements (As defined in the WHS Act).

Salad Fresh will develop a coordinated and managed program that integrates all aspects of injury
management (including treatment, rehabilitation, retraining, claim management and employment
management practices) for the purpose of achieving optimum results in terms of a timely, safe and
durable return to work for injured workers.


Controlled WHS documents are used throughout Salad Fresh ensuring consistency and uniformity in
the application of procedures and providing and auditable trail of activity. Documentation exists in
both electronic and printed form with processes allowing consultation and review by those it
impacts on prior to approval.


Procedures and systems have been established and are maintained for identification, collection,
indexing, filing, access, confidentiality, secure storage, maintenance and disposal of WHS records in
accordance with legislation. The WHSMS will integrate with Salad Fresh’s existing records
management systems.


The WHS Committee, subcommittee, WHS working groups and WHS representatives are responsible
to assist with the implementation and consultation processes relating to WHS matters, providing
feedback to managers, team co-ordinators and employees.

 Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
 AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational Health and safety management systems – General
guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques.

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