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Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________________ Score: ___________________

Multiple Choice. (Read & Analyze the questions/statements. Write your answer on the space provided before each number)
________1. How does the dictionary define religion?
A. Religion is a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power(s) regarded as a creator.
B. Religion is an association of people believing in a particular set of beliefs.
C. Religion is a way of worshipping the Gods.
D. Religion is an institutionalized system of preaching and paying tribute to the creator.
________2. Max is a member of particular religious group. Their church believes that the only way to eternal life is to do good deeds
wholeheartedly. Which of the following elements of religion is represented by the example?
A. Idea of Sin B. Idea of Evil
C. Idea of Salvation D. Idea of Goodness
________3. Alexa and her church believes that it is morally acceptable to kill an offender if the act is in defense of the religion’s
reputation. Which of the following elements of religion is represented by the example?
A. Idea of Sin or Evil B. Idea of Goodness
C. Idea of Salvation D. Idea of Personal Relationship
________4. Islam: Mosque :: Judaism: ___________.
A. Church B. Temple
C. Synagogue D. Pyramid
________5. Which among the sacred or holy writings is used in the Practice of the Jewish Faith?
A. Bible B. Dharma
C. Torah D. Qur’an
________6. What do you call the place of worship of the Islamic faith?
A. Temple B. Synagogue
C. Mosque D. Cathedral
________7. In the Christian faith, Christians believe that God is one buy three coeternal consubstantial persons - the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit. What is the term used to describe these persona?
A. Holy Trinity B. Holy Triad
C. Tetrad of the Christian Doctrine D. Doctrina Christiana Trinitia
________8. In the Islamic faith, Muslims are encouraged to attend the pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. What do we call the Holy Place of
the Islamic faith?
A. Medina B. Mecca
C. Jeddah D. Riyadh
________9. The Philippine Government declared a non-working holiday on June 15 to give due respect to our Muslim brother and
sister as they observe the end of which Holy Days?
A. Feast of the sacrifice B. Month of Fasting
C. Feast of Breaking the fast D. Feast of Fortune
________10. Which Religion is considered to be the oldest?
A. Hinduism B. Judaism
C. Christianity D. Islam

True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is TRUE, and FALSE if otherwise.
________1. All religions celebrate the sense of sacred life.
________2. Geography and culture plays a significant role in shaping the foundations of a Religion.
________3. Polytheism is the belief in only one God.
________4. In Western beliefs, time and life is viewed in cycles.
________5. Hinduism believes in the idea of reincarnation.
________6. The main concern of Easter beliefs is to live a good, happier and better life right here and now.
________7. Islam and Judaism sprang from Christianity.
________8. INRI means Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
________9. Meditation is central to Easter beliefs.
________10. According to Western beliefs, things can be made better or worse through karma.
________11. Morality is based on learning the will of God.
________12. Shiva is the God in the Buddhist faith.

Identification. Identify the terms describing each statement/picture.

_______1. Refers to the theological beliefs and scriptures or holy writings of a religion.
_______2. Refers to the way of worshipping, to the rituals that are practiced of the followers.
_______3. Refers to the ethical values and the system of moral practice directly resulting from an adherence to the beliefs.

Which Religion is represented by these symbols?

1.______________ 2. ________________ 3.________________ 4._____________ 5.__________________

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