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VOCABULARY ENERGY 4: Students , Workbook and Wordstore


Look for=Try to find

It’s packed=It’s plenty of people
Go back=Return
To travel=To make a trip / To do a journey
College=It’s for students who are adult
School=It’s for students who are children or younger
Part-time job= Work for only few hours
Full-time job= Work for many hours
In a second – hand record shop people can buy things (CDs) which are not new
Maybe= Perhaps

Means of transport:
2 vehicles which have got two wheels: bike and motorbike
Differences between Bus/Coach: First it is for short distances, second it is for long distances
Preposition which is used with means of transport: BY
Trains are in a railway station and in the underground
Synonym for Underground= subway, Tube
A train in the streets of a city= Tram
A large vehicle which is used to transport things by road= Lorry
The surface, the place where people stand and wait for the trains= Platform
The place where you buy tickets?= Ticket office

Vocabulary which is connected with planes:

-Place where planes take off and land= Airport
-Place where the plane goes along= Runway
-Place where you show your ticket and leave suitcases= Check in desk
-Synonym for suitcase=Baggage
-Synonym for Timetable=Schedule
-Place where you show your passport= Passport Control
-Where do you leave your items?= In a tray
-What happens in a Duty free area?= People don’t pay taxes
-If you are tired , where do you have a cup of coffee?= In a Café
-Opposite of Arrivals# Departures
-Person who helps passengers= Airhostess
-Fly is the verb, the noun is….Flight……

Find synonyms:
Tourists=Visitors, holidaymakers
A-levels=Exams, qualifications
Celebrities= Famous people

Definition: Brochure= It is a booklet with pictures which gives you information

Flag= It is a piece of cloth, a symbol which represents the country

Geography: Write the four main points of the compass= North, South, East, West
Write three geographical words connected with “Water”= Lake, River, Sea
Talking about population, Order the place which is the biggest= City, town, Village
An area of water where people keep small boats= Marina

Ocean 1
Complete this exercise with these words:

1.The largest…Ocean……in the world is the Pacific

2.We walked down the mountain into the…Valley…
3.I do a lot of walking and …mountain…..climbing
4.Wales has got a beautiful…coastline…with great beaches

Complete the map with countries and capitals:

Switch on # Switch off
Turn on # Turn off
Turn up = play louder

This is a…..CD player…. Name different parts of it: Loudspeaker and Lead

Amazing girl=Wonderful girl

It’s great ,It’s fantastic!= Cool!
We say this morning,this afternoon,this evening and… Tonight….
How do you say in English….. Tomate las cosas con calma= Take it easy
Huele fatal= It smells like an old dog/ It smells like dirty socks
Te toca ,es tu turno= It’s your turn
Vertedero= Dump (Dirty place)
Musical shows=Gigs
Definition: YOUTH CENTRE = It is a place for young people to meet after school. They have a game room,there are drink machines.

Types of stories: Summer story =Telling what you did in summer season
Folk Story= Traditional or typical story from a country
Tale=Story for children ,examples}Cinderella, The three little piglets
Fable=A story which has got a message at the end}The lion and the mouse
The hare and the Tortoise
The ant and the grasshopper

Wise man=wizard=magician
Different rooms in a house: Kitchen
Wine cellar
Translate in English: Anillo-Ring
Sarten-Frying pan

The Cock usually crows =sings in the morning

Story of the dog= Hueso-Bone

Carnicería-Butcher’s shop
Puente de Madera-Wooden bridge
Un perro hambriento-A hungry dog

Connectors which are used in a story: Once-Una vez, Erase una vez-Once upon a time
As soon as-Tan pronto como

In Great Britain,there are two types of newspapers: -The Press (Serious)
-The tabloids (Scandals,love affairs)


Books-Fiction:A story book

Non-fiction: A factual book
Thriller: A exciting crime story
Romance: A love story
Novel :A long work of fiction
Biography:The story of somebody’s life
Autobiography: The story of the writer’s life
Travel guide
Ghost story
Crime story
Horror story
Spy story
Adventure story
Reference book
Classic: This is an old book that is still popular
Science fiction (Sci-fi)
Historical: This is a book about the past
Humour: This book will make you laugh
Teen fiction

Plot-trama =Storyline
Main character-personaje principal =Hero
What is it about?= ¿De qué va?

PHRASAL VERBS – Match each phrasal verb with its meaning

Work out----------solve problems

Go through--------check, examine
Grow up-----------become an adult
Find out------------learn a fact, discover
Get up--------------get out of bed
Look up------------find the meaning of
Look after---------care for, take care of, babysit

Hear= Listen to
Bang is a noise
Gunshot =disparo de pistola
The moon =La luna
Stars =Estrellas
Crowd= a lot of people
Doorbell =timbre de la puerta
Dark #light
Spot =mancha--------FALSE FRIENDS TV Commercial / Advertisement
Blood= red liquid BLEED BLED BLED = sangrar
Wet #dry
Empty #full
Bandage = vendaje

EXPRESSIONS------- Put on jacket

Pick up keys
Run to door
Trip over cat
In a hurry
Run to car
Get in the car
Start the car
Drive away fast

Electronic equipment:

Definitions: 1)A regular movement or sound, it often makes people clap or dance=BEAT (golpe)
2)One of several pieces of music on a CD= TRACK(pista)
3)Part of the equipment goes round and round= DECK(pletina)
4)A flat disc which contained music before CDs were invented= RECORD(disco)
5)A pair of speakers which you wear over your ears in order to listen to a radio,record player
=HEADPHONES (auriculares)
6)Finding beats in one record that match those in another =BEAT MATCHING
7)This connect your pieces of equipment= LEADS (Cables)
8)The town where one is born =HOMETOWN
9)A book which is sold a lot =BEST-SELLER
10)The words in a song = LYRICS

Expressions: To cue the music=Dar entrada a la música

To put on the arm=Poner el brazo,la aguja del tocadiscos
To plug in the leads=Enchufar
To do a project= Search information for school homework

Synonyms: Leaflet= Brochure (It is a book with pictures which gives you information about a product)
Worth 50 Euros= The value,the price (vale de dinero)
The film is really worth seeing it= You can see it because it is enjoyable (merece la pena)
Rules= Instructions (reglas)
Look after=Take care of (Cuidar)
Prize=Award (premio)
Pause= Still (pausa)
Swap=Change channels
Close= Shut (Cerrar)
Cash= Money
Remove=Take out (Quitar,sacar)
Stuff= Things
Calm down =Take it easy! Be relaxed!
Stupid= silly,fool
Puzzled = Confused (confuso, confundido)
Angry= Furious (Enfadado)
To call = To phone
To chat= To talk,speak to
Fed up = Tired and angry (Harto ): I’m fed up of telling you –Shut up!
Scholarship= Grant (Beca)
I believe = I think
Teenagers= Adolescent (adolescents)
Kids= Children
Amazing= Surprising (sorprendente)
Ground= Floor (Suelo)
Enormous= Big
Slim= Thin (Delgado)

Opposites: Borrow(pedir prestado) # Lend Lent Lent (prestar)

Switch on#Switch off
On button# Off button
Turn up# Turn down (The volume control)
Put in #Take out (The CD)
Left-hand # Right-hand (zurdo / diestro)
Pass# Fail exams (aprobar ,suspender)
Stupid# Clever
Winner # Loser (ganador / Perdedor)
Land# Take off (The planes,the crafts: Aterrizar / despegar)
Put on # Take off (Clothes : Ponerse / Quitarse)
Wide # Narrow (amplio # Estrecho)
Deep# Shallow (Profundo # Poco profundo)
Push # Pull (Empujar # Tirar)

English / Spanish: Speaker=Altavoz

Eject= Sacar
To record= Grabar
Washing machine=Lavadora
Washing powder= Detergente de lavadora
Pour= Derramar
Slot= Ranura
Tickets= Entradas (Train tickets,cinema tickets…)
Bill = Factura (Electricity,water)
Receipt= Recibo (In a restaurant, in a shop)
To apply= Solicitar
Application Form = Solicitud
Towards = Hacia
Everywhere=En todas partes } Siempre referido a “Places”
Nowhere= En ninguna parte
Somewhere= En alguna parte
Pocket money= Dinero suelto
Successful = Con éxito

Answer these questions:

-What’s the difference between “Atmosphere” and “Environment”?: Atmosphere means the general impression you have the place you are, how you
Environment is the natural world,the landscape, the sea,
the air. Examples: There is a friendly atmosphere in the party
There is much pollution in the environment

-What is the difference between “Button” and “Bottom”? Button is the thing you press in a machine.
Bottom can be a part of the body or the opposite of Top

-What’s the difference between “Project” and “Homework”? Project is extra homework in a subject to
get better marks. Homework is the daily exercises you do at every subject

-What is the adjective of “Patience”: PATIENT (Paciencia-Paciente)

-MIX is the verb, say some Nouns: MIXER, MIXTURE


-CURRENCY in Great Britain= Pounds and pence or pennies in USA = Dollars and Cents

-NEWS is an Uncountable word, the verb always in sg.: News is great today!
People read news in newspapers or magazine
People listen to news on the radio
People watch and listent to news on TV

-UFO means Unidentified flying object. It is a FLYING SAUCER or A CRAFT

-Name different “SHAPES” you know: Triangle,square,rectangular,circle…

-PICK UP the telephone (descolgar) / PICK UP apples (Recoger)

-Different adjectives which can be said with LIFESTYLE: relaxing/exciting/boring/entertaining…..

-KNOW is the verb, the noun is KNOWLEDGE (conocimiento)

Symbols in a Remote Control (mando a distancia):

Council= Ayuntamiento
Build –Built- Built= Make houses (Construir)
Support= Apoyar
Banners = Posters
Go on a march = Ir en una manifestación
Sign your petition= Firmar en una lista Signatures (Firmas)
Survey = Informe
Rules = Official instructions
Audience = Public (Público)

What’s up? = What’s the matter? = ¿Qué pasa?

You’re kidding = You’re pulling my leg= You’re joking =¿Estás bromeando?
Tell a joke= Contar un chiste
Blue jokes= Chistes verdes
Play a joke= Gastar una broma

Put up = Stick, put something on the wall (pegar, poner, colocar)

Put up with =Tolerate (aguantar, tolerar)

Put together = Create, organise (organizar, crear algo juntos)

Put off = postpone (postponer, hacerlo más tarde)

Put forward = Suggest an idea (sugerir una idea)

Go away = Run away ,escape (escaparse)

Break up = Divide into groups (Separar)

Be back = Return (regresar)

Get on well with someone= Have a friendly relationship (Congeniar con


Get on = Carry on = Go on (Continuar

Lock = Close with a key

I don’t care = I don’t mind (no me importa)
Change their minds = Think differently
For example= Like what exactly
It is outrageous = It is terrible (¡Es escandaloso!)

Agree# Disagree (Estar de acuerdo # No estar de acuerdo)
Fair # Unfair (Justo # Injusto)
Appear # Disappear
Like # Dislike
Rude = Impolite # Polite (maleducado # educado)
Lucky # unlucky (Afortunado # desafortunado)
Wrong # Right (Equivocado # correcto)
Successful # unsuccessful (con éxito # sin éxito)


It makes me angry = It makes me mad = It makes me see red (Me cabrea)

I hate = I detest =I can’t stand (No aguanto)

I have had enough of =I’m fed up with (Estoy harto)

Alarm clock = It is a type of clock that you can set to wake you up (Despertador)
Rubbish bin= Litter bin
Celebrity= A popular person
Bullying= To treat somebody badly
Fizzy drinks= Bebidas gaseosas
Awful = Horrible (Horroroso)
Junk food = Fast food (comida basura)
Tools = Herramientas

Tall story = It is a story which is funny but untrue

To Lie / lied / lied = Mentir
To tell lies = Contar mentiras
A lie = una mentira
A liar = un mentiroso

Amazing = Surprising, it’s great, it’s wonderful! (Es estupendo)

Free time = Spare time (Tiempo libre)
Be on tour = Travel (Viajar)

Skin is from people’s (PIEL)

Fur is from animals’ (PIEL)
Leather = Cuero
Fur coats = abrigos de piel
Leather jacket /shoes / belt / bags = Chaquetas de cuero, zapatos de piel , cinturones y bolsos de piel

Spend Money / Time on (gastar dinero o tiempo)

Issues = topics = matters ( temas)
Photos = pictures (fotos)
Allow = Let = Permit (permitir)
Discuss = Talk about (Hablar sobre un tema)
Argue = Discutir
To hunt = cazar
Cage = jaula
To complain = Quejarse


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