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BSBMGT615 Contribute to organization development

Assessment task 2 – Group project

Complete the following tasks

Submit your responses in documents that are appropriate for each task.
1. Access the company business plan and the organizational charts. Using this document and
the development plan brief, prepare a draft development plan for senior management to
consider. The plan should include details on the following:

 The development plan’s goals and objectives and possible measures of


In 2015–2020 BizOps will consolidate its position in the market as a lead retailer
for green and sustainable solutions for high quality exclusive products. To do this,
BizOps will focus on the following business goals:
Financial stability:
- Increase revenue by 15% (compared to the previous 12 months) by the end of
the financial year
- Maintain annual profit levels of 15% of revenue for all products and services,
calculated at the end of each financial year
- Reinvest 75% of profit back into the business at the end of each financial year

 Key personal and their roles in implementing the proposed development plan

Key personnel and their roles

- Chief executive officer: Rose Hargreaves 15 years' financial experience in

the retail industry
- Managing director: Financial operations Mike Booth 20 years'
accountancy experience
- Managing director: Business operations Sean Bamford 15 years'
experience in a range of retail and logistics businesses
- Managing director: Retail operations Nancy Tooket 15 years' experience
in the retail industry
- Managing director: Human resources Sayo Yoshida 10 years' experience
in recruitment and general HR

Amara Thamasarn ID:1666MG0917 1

 A list of the stakeholders that needed to be consulted, with an outline of what
their needs and competing demands may potentially include

Stakeholders name and role Needs and competing demand

Chief executive officer: Rose To gain company’s overall success
Managing director: Financial The need to manage the financial
operations Mike Booth aspect of the company
Managing director: Business To build an efficient business
operations Sean Bamford operation plan
Managing director: Retail operations To have a successful retail operation
Nancy Tooket for all the stores
Managing director: Human resources To have a good staff and less staff
Sayo Yoshida turnover

 A stakeholder consultation and communication strategy that outlines what

needs to be communicated, who will receive the communication and how it
will be communicated

Stakeholders name and How to communicate Information

Chief executive officer: Meeting To gain approval
Rose Hargreaves
Managing director: Email About the financial
Financial operations Mike aspect of the business
Managing director: Phone Information regarding
Business operations Sean the business operation
Bamford part of the business
Managing director: Retail Intranet The retail operation
operations Nancy Tooket information
Managing director: Human meeting About the staff and
resources Sayo Yoshida recruitment strategy

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 Strategies that will be used to gather stakeholder feedback throughout the
implementation phase

These are the strategies to get feedback from internal stakeholders I have
described the pros and cons for each methods

Email & Chat

Have your team share feedback with you via email and use labels or folders to
stay organized, or if your organization uses a chat platform internally, create a
room specifically for feedback.

Convenient for customer teams to use.
Feedback can be shared virtually anytime.
You can search feedback later.

Neither option scales well for the Product Manager.
Chat and email can be distracting.
Does not aggregate data or provides analytics.
Requires extra manual work to extract the feedback.

Team Meetings
Consider holding bi-monthly or monthly feedback meetings with customer teams
to let folks share and discuss what they’ve been hearing.

Opportunity to provide product updates/share what’s next on your roadmap.
Allows you to ask follow-up questions.
You can clarify feedback with those who have shared it.

Getting everyone in the room at the same time can be hard and inconvenient.
Can lead to confusion if customer teams have to hold onto feedback for a month
before relaying it.

Feedback Reports
In lieu of (or in addition to) facilitating a feedback meeting, have every team
generate a customer feedback report every two weeks or so and share it with your

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Contains both qualitative and quantitative data.
It’s a resource you can return to for information when you need it.

Time-consuming and possibly inconvenient for customer teams to produce.
Does not look at long-term feedback trends.

 A proposed timeline with milestones to achieve full implementation

Item Milestone
Form a project team 1 week
Stakeholder consultation 2 days
Gain approval 3 days
Budget 1 day
Risk analysis 1 week
Assign task to team 1 week
Complete tasks 4 weeks
Draft the development plan 2 weeks
Present plan 2 days
Final plan 5 days

 An outline of resources that will be required to implement the proposed

development plan

Physical resources
- Computer
- Software
- Printer
- Meeting room
- Internet
Financial resources

- Budget form the financial director

Human resources

- Project team
- Manager
- IT specialist

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 An outline of possible risks and an assessment of the effects that may exist
with the implementation of the development program

Risk Likelihood Impact Level

Resource shortfalls High Medium High
Team members with High High High
negative attitudes
towards the project
Low team motivation Low Medium Medium
Information security Low Low Low
Failure to integrate Low High Medium
with business

 An evaluation of the proposed development program in terms of the costs,

benefits and potential risks.

- Bizops can conduct cost benefit analysis or payback period to ensure the
success and progress of the activities
- BizOps can compare company’s historical performance data or KPI to ensure
company operations are correctly align with strategic plan
- Company can ensure that potential risks had been identified and contingency
plan in place.

2. While senior management is considering your draft plan, there are other documents to
ensure and make them into a single document.

 A process to resolve problems that are raised by key stakeholders this should
also include a recommended process for allowing teams to develop problem-
solving skills so they can actively contribute to the resolution process.

Identify the issues.

- Be clear about what the problem is.

- Remember that different people might have different views of what the
issues are.

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- Separate the listing of issues from the identification of interests

Understand everyone's interests.

- This is a critical step that is usually missing.

- Interests are the needs that you want satisfied by any given solution. We
often ignore our true interests as we become attached to one particular
- The best solution is the one that satisfies everyone's interests.
- This is the time for active listening. Put down your differences for a while
and listen to each other with the intention to understand.
- Separate the naming of interests from the listing of solutions.

List the possible solutions (options)

- This is the time to do some brainstorming. There may be lots of room for
- Separate the listing of options from the evaluation of the options.

Evaluate the options.

- What are the pluses and minuses? Honestly!

- Separate the evaluation of options from the selection of options.

Select an option or options.

- What's the best option, in the balance?

- Is there a way to "bundle" a number of options together for a more
satisfactory solution?

Document the agreement(s).

- Writing it down will help you think through all the details and

- Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

- Conditions may change. Make contingency agreements about foreseeable
future circumstances
- How will you monitor compliance and follow-through?
- Create opportunities to evaluate the agreements and their implementation.

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 A process to manage possible conflict that may develop

Clarify what the disagreement is.

During the process, obtain as much information as possible on each side’s point of
view. Continue to ask questions until you are certain that all parties involved (you
and those on either side of the conflict) understand the issue.

Establish a common goal for both parties. In this step of the process, both sides
agree on the desired outcome of the conflict.

To accomplish this, discuss what each party would like to see happen and find a
commonality in both sides as a starting point for a shared outcome. That
commonality can be as simple as “both sides want to end the conflict.”

Discuss ways to meet the common goal. This involves listening, communicating,
and brainstorming together. Continue with both sides working together to discuss
ways that they can meet the goal they agreed on.

Determine the barriers to the common goal. In this step of the process, the two
parties acknowledge what has brought them into the conflict and talk about what
problems may prevent a resolution.

Understanding the possible problems that may be encountered along the way lets
you proactively find solutions and have plans in place to handle issues.

Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict. Both parties need to come to a
conclusion on the best resolution. Start by identifying solutions that both sides can
live with. Ask both sides and see where there is common ground. Then start to
discuss the responsibility each party has in maintaining the solution.

Acknowledge the agreed upon solution and determine the responsibilities each
party has in the resolution.

 A plan that outlines appropriate steps, corrective actions and interventions

for perceived problems that may be encountered through the implementation
of the development program.

The following is the project development actions

- Form a project team

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- Stakeholder consultation
- Gain approval
- Budget
- Risk analysis
- Assign task to team
- Complete tasks
- Draft the development plan
- Present plan
- Final plan

 A plan to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the development program

as it is being implemented.

Evaluation and monitoring checklist and plan

Focus What to check
Process How well was the project designed and implemented
(i.e. its quality)
Outcomes To what extent did the project meet the overall needs?
Was there any significant change and to what extent
was it attributable to the project?
How valuable are the outcomes to the organisation,
other stakeholders, and participants?
Learning What worked and what did not?
What were unintended consequences?
What were emergent properties?
Relevance Does the workshop topic and contents meet the
information needs of the target group?

To what extent is the intervention goal in line with the

needs and priorities of the community?
Efficiency Did the engagement method used in this project lead to
similar numbers of participants as previous or other
programs at a comparable or lesser cost?

Have the more expensive engagement approaches led

to better results than the less expensive engagement

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Effectiveness To what extent did the workshops lead to increased
community support for action to tackle climate

To what extent was did the engagement method

encourage the target group to take part in the project?

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