EF3e Int Filetest 01 Answerkey

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2 Answer Key A

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 Did you remember

2 Have you ever borrowed
3 has / ’s just gone
4 fell
5 have / ’ve broken
6 have you known
7 met

2 1 have you been saving up

2 been learning
3 been planning
4 known
5 been crying
6 disliked
7 had

3 1 since
2 since
3 for
4 since
5 for
6 since


4 1 bank account
2 make
3 owes
4 save
5 loan
6 inherited
7 waste
8 lent

5 1 back
2 into
3 on
4 in
5 for

6 1 hilarious
2 sure
3 furious
4 hungry
5 terrified
6 cold
7 filthy
2 Answer Key A

7 1 owe
2 money
3 worth
4 afford
5 honest

8 1 sa|la|ry
2 de|ligh|ted
3 in|vest
4 re|ce|ssion
5 po|si|tive

Reading and Writing


1 1 A
2 C
3 B
4 C
5 B
6 C
7 A
8 C
9 B
10 B

2 1 T
2 F
3 T
4 T
5 F


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer is easy to understand. (4 marks)
Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure
the meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message
clearly. (3 marks)
2 Answer Key A
Listening and Speaking


1 1 
3 
5 
6 
8 

2 1 A
2 B
3 A
4 C
5 C


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
conversation and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task
successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear
and comprehensible. (5 marks)
2 Answer Key B
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation


1 1 since
2 since
3 for
4 for
5 since
6 since

2 1 have you known

2 met
3 fell
4 have / ’ve broken
5 Did you remember
6 Have you ever borrowed
7 has / ’s just gone

3 1 had
2 have you been saving up
3 been crying
4 known
5 been planning
6 been learning
7 disliked


4 1 terrified
2 hungry
3 filthy
4 cold
5 hilarious
6 sure
7 furious

5 1 for
2 in
3 back
4 into
5 on

6 1 owes
2 inherited
3 save
4 bank account
5 make
6 lent
7 waste
8 loan
2 Answer Key B

7 1 in|vest
2 re|ce|ssion
3 po|si|tive
4 de|ligh|ted
5 sa|la|ry

8 1 afford
2 owe
3 honest
4 worth
5 money

Reading and Writing


1 1 C
2 B
3 A
4 A
5 B
6 B
7 C
8 A
9 A
10 C

2 1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 T


Student’s own answers.

Task completion: The task is fully completed and the answer is easy to understand. (4 marks)
Grammar: The student uses appropriate structures to achieve the task. Minor errors do not obscure
the meaning. (3 marks)
Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of words and phrases to communicate the message
clearly. (3 marks)
2 Answer Key B
Listening and Speaking


1 1 
2 
4 
6 
8 

2 1 B
2 C
3 A
4 A
5 B


Interactive communication and oral production: The student communicates effectively with
his / her partner, asking and answering simple questions, and where necessary initiating
conversation and responding. The student uses appropriate strategies to complete the task
successfully. (5 marks)
Grammar and Vocabulary: The student uses a sufficient range of vocabulary and structure to
communicate clearly. Minor occasional errors do not impede communication. (5 marks)
Pronunciation: The student’s intonation, stress, and articulation of sounds make the message clear
and comprehensible. (5 marks)

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