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Anchored on the vision of the Philippine Science High School (PSHS) System to be the leading
science high school in the Asia Pacific region, the management needs to be efficient and competitive in
the implementation of the infrastructure, goods, janitorial and security services. As stipulated in the
Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9184 otherwise known as the
Government Procurement Reform Act, the following documentary requirements are provided for by the
subcommittees of the Executive Committee (ExeCom) to ensure uniform and efficient implementation of
the projects. Hence, the succeeding sequence of documents shall be complied with by the Bids and
Awards Committee (BAC) and the management of each campus.


Required Reminder
1. Cover Memo It should stipulate the:
a. Project Name (The project name should be consistent with the project
title stipulated in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) or National
Expenditure Program (NEP))
b. Mode of Procurement (It should be consistent with the PhilGEPS Posting)
c. GAA ____ (Calendar Year)
d. ABC (It should be the same amount indicated in all bidding documents)
e. Competitive Bidding Details (Name of Bidder, Bid Offer as Read,
Findings, Contracting Party, Contract Cost, Contract Duration, Remarks)

Contract cost should be the lower amount (Sec 34.4)

f.Profile of Recommended Bidder (Name, NFCC, SLCC, Remarks about

SLCC, PCAB License No. and Category, ARCC, List of Ongoing
Government and Private Contracts including contracts awarded but not
yet started with the details: name of project, client, kind of service,
location, amount, date of completion and slippage/% accomplishment)
g. Total Area of the Project
h. Cost per square meter
i. Project Specification
j. Projects with PSHS System, if any
k. Statement that the NFCC is greater than the contract amount of the
proposed project
l. Statement that the procedures as prescribed by the RA 9184 had been
strictly adhered and complied with
m. Desired Action: For EXECOM and BOT approval
n. Signature of the Campus Director
2. MANCOM The MANCOM resolution should contain the following details:
Resolution a. GAA/ amount in GAA/ project title
b. Approved Budget for the Contract
c. Details of publication
d. Details of pre-bid conference
e. Details of bid opening (i.e. bid as read)
f. Details of bid evaluation (i.e. bid as calculated)
h. Recommendation
i. Date resolved
j. Signature of MANCOM members
3. BAC Resolution The BAC resolution should contain the following details:
a. GAA/ amount in GAA/ project title
b. Approved Budget for the Contract
c. Details of publication
d. Details of pre-bid conference
e. Details of bid opening (i.e. bid as read)
f. Details of bid evaluation (i.e. bid as calculated)
h. Recommendation
i. Date resolved
j. Signature of BAC members
4. Copy of GAA It should be a certified true copy.
5. Invitation to Bid Please use the template of GPPB. Check the following:
1st Paragraph – Name of the Campus, GAA of ____, ABC, title of the project
2nd Paragraph – name of the Campus, title of the project, contract duration
5th Paragraph – Name of the Campus, time (8:00am to 5:00pm)
6th Paragraph – Start of Publication up to last day of Publication, cost of bidding
8th Paragraph – Name of the Campus, Date of Pre-bid conference with time,
venue of pre-bid conference
9th Paragraph – Date and Time of Bid Opening
10th Paragraph - Date and Time of Bid Opening
11th Paragraph - Name of the Campus

Note: ITB should NOT be signed by the Campus Director.

6. PhilGEPS posting – The following details should be checked:
ITB (Bid Notice a. Title – It should be the same with the name of project in the GAA
Abstract) b. Classification – whether Civil works/ Goods/ Consultancy/ etc.
c. Approved Budget for the Contract - It should be the same with the name
of project in GAA
d. Delivery Period – It should be consistent with the contract duration
stipulated in the ITB
e. Bid Supplement Abstract – If there is any bid supplement, then the bid
supplement abstract should be printed.
f. Closing Date / Time – It should be the same with the date of bid
g. Pre-bid Conference – The date, time and venue should be the same with
the ITB.
7. Certification of This should be signed by the head of the BAC Secretariat.
8. Abstract of bid as It should bear the signatures of the BAC members and TWG.
9. Abstract of bid as It should bear the signatures of the BAC members and TWG.

10. Notice of post The notice should be received by the Bidder (Lowest Bid as Read) with the date
qualification of receipt.
11. Post qualification Notations such as complying, verified, complied will no longer be accepted as
evaluation report findings. Detailed statements of findings based on evaluation should be reflected
in the post qualification report.

On the list of ongoing and completed government and private contracts, the
details such as date of award, end of contract, and actual accomplishment
(specify if there is any slippage).
12. Bid evaluation See to it that the following details should be consistent with the previous
and summary report documents:

- name of the project - date of minutes sent to bidders

- ABC - original date and time of bid
- method of procurement submission
- pre-procurement conference - extension of bid submission
- date of advertisement and posting - bid opening date, time
of ITB - number of bids submitted
- period of availability of bid docs - bid validity period
- date of pre-bid conference - bid amount
13. Program of work / It should be signed by the Resident Engineer and approved by the Campus
bill of quantities Director.

14. Financial Bid Form Check the following details:

a. Title of the Project
b. Total Price of Bid and Discount, if any
c. Period of bid validity
d. Commitment to obtain a performance security

It should bear the signature of the contractor with the date signed.
15. Bill of Quantities The bidder should submit the BOQ according to the format prescribed by the
It should bear the signature of the contractor with the date signed.
16. Detailed Estimate It should bear the signature of the contractor with the date signed.
17. Comparative It should bear the signatures of the Resident Engineer and Technical Working
analysis Group.

18. Minutes of pre bid The minutes should be accompanied by the proof of attendance. It should bear
conference the signature of the BAC secretariat and the BAC Chairperson.

19. Minutes of bid The minutes should be accompanied by the proof of attendance. It should bear
opening the signature of the BAC secretariat and the BAC Chairperson.

20. Letter of invitation Observers shall be invited at least five (5) calendar days before the date of the
to observers (all procurement stage/activity.
stages of
procurement process)
with proof of receipt

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