Nicotine Patches

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Nicotine Skin Patches

Information Nicotine is the addictive chemical in tobacco. Why do people keep smoking?
for Patients Nicotine patches can help people quit smok-
ing when they are used with a program to People smoke cigarettes for many reasons.
help change their behavior. Because nicotine They become addicted to the nicotine.
patches decrease withdrawal symptoms and They develop habits like smoking when they
cravings, they can make it easier to quit. You drink coffee or while on the phone. Using
can buy nicotine patches over the counter a nicotine patch can help you change your
without a prescription. The brand names are habits and cut back on the amount of
Nicoderm CQ (original and clear) and Nico- nicotine you use.
trol. Store brands (generic) are also available.
How do you use a nicotine patch?
How does the nicotine patch work? Nicotine patches come in three strengths.
When you wear a patch, the nicotine passes You and your doctor can choose the strength
through your skin and into your bloodstream. that is right for you.
While in the bloodstream, it replaces some of Nicoderm CQ
the nicotine you were getting from smoking Nicoderm CQ and store brand patches
cigarettes. The patch puts less nicotine in your come in three strengths. They are labeled by
blood than cigarette smoking. But the nicotine how much nicotine your body absorbs in 24
in the blood is still high enough to decrease hours. The strengths are 21 milligrams per
cravings and withdrawal symptoms (such as ir- day (Step 1), 14 milligrams per day (Step 2),
ritability, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty and 7 milligrams per day (Step 3).
concentrating, and restlessness). Sticking with
the patch will increase your chances of success.
Nicotine patches do not have the harmful
carbon monoxide, tar, and other chemicals
that are in cigarettes.

Nicotine Skin Patches

How to use Nicoderm CQ NicodermCQ delivers nicotine faster than

• If you smoke more than 10 cigarettes per other patches. After NicodermCQ is applied,
day, start with Step 1 (21mg). Use Step 1 Nicotine levels in the blood rise and level off
for 6 weeks. Then switch to Step 2 (14mg) within 2 to 4 hours. Then there is a slow drop
and use it for 2 weeks. Then switch again in the nicotine level until the patch is taken
to Step 3 (7mg) and use it for another off. After 2 days of using NicodermCQ, your
University of 2 weeks. body reaches a steady blood level of nicotine.
Pittsburgh Once you finish your Nicoderm therapy and
Medical Center • If you smoke fewer than 10 cigarettes per remove your last patch, the nicotine will no
Information day, start with Step 2 (14mg). Use Step 2 longer be detectable in your blood after 10 to
for Patients for 6 weeks. Then switch to Step 3 (7mg) 12 hours.
and use it for 2 weeks.
Because of the steady, smooth level of nico-
• NicodermCQ patches can be worn for tine supplied by the patch, it is a good choice
16 to 24 hours a day. If you have strange if you used to smoke at regular intervals
dreams or other problems sleeping when throughout the day.
wearing the patch for 24 hours, take it off
before you go to bed and put a new one When you are ready to apply NicodermCQ,
on the next morning. If you crave nicotine tear open the pouch and take the patch out.
when you wake up, try wearing the patch Remove the clear plastic that covers the sticky
for 24 hours. silver side of the patch. Hold the patch at the
edge, touching the sticky silver side as little as
If you start with the 21 mg dose, it should possible. Apply the patch to your skin as soon
take about 10 weeks to wean yourself off as you take it out of the pouch to keep the
nicotine. If you start with the 14 mg dose, it nicotine from evaporating. With the heel of
should take about 8 weeks. You should not use your hand, press the patch on your skin for 10
NicodermCQ for more than 3 months. You seconds. Check that it is sticking to your skin,
are more likely to quit smoking if you finish especially around the edges. Be sure to take
the whole NicodermCQ treatment program. off the old patch at the same time that you are
If you feel you need nicotine patches longer applying a new patch.
than recommended, you should talk to your

2 continued
Nicotine Skin Patches

Do not use more than one patch at a time. The makers of Nicotrol offer help. (A toll-free
phone number for the NicodermCQ support
Apply a new NicodermCQ patch every 24
program can be found in the product packaging.
hours. Leaving the same patch on for more
Web sites are and
than 24 hours may irritate your skin. Also, the .)
patches lose strength after 24 hours.
How to use Nicotrol
When you remove your NicodermCQ patch,
University of
fold it in half, sticky side in, and place it in the Nicotrol patches are worn while you are awake for
Medical Center disposal tray in your Nicoderm CQ box. 16 hours each day.
Information The makers of NicodermCQ offer help. A 1. Start with the 15 mg patch and use it for
for Patients 6 weeks.
toll-free phone number for the NicodermCQ
support program can be found in the product 2. After week 6, step down to the 10 mg patch and
packaging. Websites are use it for 2 weeks.
and .
3. Then step down again to the 5 mg patch and use
it for 2 weeks.
Using Nicotrol
Put on the Nicotrol patch when you get up in the
Nicotrol skin patches come in 3 strengths as morning. Nicotrol is worn while you are awake.
well. The strengths reflect how much nicotine For most people, this is about 16 hours. If you
the patch gives in 16 hours: 15 mg, 10 mg, work at night, you can still use Nicotrol according
and 5 mg. to your own daily schedule.
When you put on a Nicotrol patch, the nico- Save the pouch that the patch came in. When you
tine is gradually absorbed into your skin and take off your patch, fold it in half, sticky side in,
bloodstream over 16 hours. Use Nicotrol and place it back in the in the pouch for disposal.
when you get up in the morning. The amount
Remove the patch before you go to bed. After you
of nicotine in the blood builds up. It reaches
take the patch off, nicotine will still be in your
its highest level after approximately 5 to 10
bloodstream for several hours from the nicotine in
hours. Then there is a gradual drop in the
your skin.
amount of nicotine in the blood. When you
remove the patch, after 16 hours the level of Ask your doctor if you need to keep using the patch
nicotine slowly goes down. Nicotine can’t be after the set number of weeks.
found in your blood after 10 to 12 hours of
removing a patch.

Nicotine Skin Patches

General Guidelines for Applying a Body creams, lotions, and sunscreens can also
Nicotine Patch cause the patch not to stick well. Do not put
creams or lotions on your skin where you will be
Choose a time of the day that works best for placing the patch.
you. Put on your first patch at this time, and
change the patch daily at the same time. If you If you are having trouble keeping the patch stuck
need to switch the time you change patches, to your skin, try using a non-allergic sticky tape
University of on top of it.
just take off the old patch and put on a new
Medical Center one. After that, put on patches at the new If your Nicoderm CQ patch comes off, you can
Information time. put on a new one. Then you can change the patch
for Patients Choose a clean, dry spot, with no hair on the again at your usual time. Or, you can switch the
upper part of your outer arm or the upper time you change your patch to be the time you
part of your body. Be sure to change the site applied the replacement. If your Nicotrol patch
you choose daily. Don’t go back to a previ- comes off, you can put on a new one. Choose a
ously used site for at least 1 week. Do not use different part of the skin that is clean and dry.
an area of skin that is oily, burned, broken out, The replacement patch should be removed as
cut, or irritated. Make sure there is no usual at bedtime.
lotion or soap on your skin before applying Nicotine patches are sensitive to heat. They must
the patch. not be kept in temperatures above 86 degrees F.
Once your patch is on, wash your hands. They should not be kept inside the car in the
Nicotine can get on your hands, and can irri- summer.
tate your eyes or nose if you touch them.
Water will not affect your patch. You can
exercise, bathe, shower, swim, or use a hot tub
while wearing nicotine patches.
If the soap you use contains lanolin or a
moisturizer, the patch may not stick well. Use
soap without lanolin or moisturizers.

4 continued
Nicotine Skin Patches

Side Effects You can remove the patch and tell your doctor
if you experience problems or symptoms that
The most common side effect is skin irrita- are bothering you, such as:
tion. When you first put on a patch, you
might feel a mild itching, burning, or tingling. • skin redness that does not go away
These feelings are normal and should go away after 4 days
within an hour. When you take off a patch, • skin swelling
University of the skin underneath might be somewhat red.
Pittsburgh • skin rash
The redness should go away within a day. If
Medical Center • irregular heartbeat or palpitations
you notice any skin reactions more severe or
Information long-lasting than these, do not put on a new
for Patients • symptoms of nicotine overdose, such as
patch and call your doctor. He or she may nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, and
prescribe something for you to put on the rapid heartbeat
irritated skin or something for you to take by
mouth, depending upon the reaction.
Other side effects could include insomnia,
abnormal dreams, nervousness, nausea, vom-
iting, upset stomach, constipation, diarrhea,
headaches, dizziness, weakness, irregular
heartbeat, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, and
body aches.

5 continued
Nicotine Skin Patches

Precautions • salivation

This medicine should be kept out of reach of • flushing

children and pets. Even used patches contain • dizziness
enough nicotine to be harmful to children and
• hearing and vision problems
pets. If a child should come into contact with
a patch that is out of a sealed pouch, take it • confusion
University of away from the child and contact a poison con- • weakness
Pittsburgh trol center or your doctor immediately.
Medical Center • tremor
Information It is very important that you do not smoke
cigarettes or use other tobacco products at the • palpitations
for Patients
same time that you are wearing a patch. Taking • breathing problems
nicotine into your body from both sources at
• decreased blood pressure
the same time could cause nicotine toxicity.
Also, do not take the patch off to smoke a
Signs and symptoms of nicotine toxicity cigarette. Nicotine is still in your bloodstream
include: for several hours after the patch is removed.
• headaches
• nausea
• abdominal pain
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• sweating

6 continued
Nicotine Skin Patches

If you have any of the following conditions, Experts at UPMC hospitals

you may not be able to use a nicotine patch. You can call the UPMC Referral Service at
• pregnancy 1-800-533-UPMC to learn about group sup-
port sessions. Tobacco treatment specialists at
• breastfeeding
many UPMC hospitals and clinics will help
• recent heart attack you develop a personalized quit plan.
University of • irregular heart beat The Pennsylvania Free Quitline
Medical Center • severe heart pains This hotline provides telephone support at
Information • drug allergies 1-800-QUIT NOW. Counselors are available
for Patients any time, day or night, every day. They can
• rashes from tape or bandages also connect callers with local services.
• skin diseases Medicine
• very high blood pressure Medicine can double your odds of quitting.
You must be at least 18 years of age to buy It can help you feel more comfortable as you
nicotine patches without a prescription. adjust to life without cigarettes. Talk to your
doctor to decide which medicine (if any)
Talk with your doctor or smoking cessation
might be right for you.
facilitator about what might work best for
you. Don’t give up! Self help guide
Journey to a Smoke Free Life is a self-help
Resources to help you workbook written by experts at UPMC. It can
quit smoking help you develop a successful strategy to quit.
You can download this guide by visiting www.
If you are ready to stop smoking, there are On the homepage, click on Man-
many ways to increase your chances of quit-
aging Your Health, click on UPMC Patient
ting. The right mix of support, planning,
Education Materials, and then click on
and medicine can help you quit for good. It
doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried
to quit in the past. Consider checking out
your options. Most are free.

7 continued
Nicotine skin patches

Online help
An online resource,,
allows you to choose the type of help that is
right for you. This website offers:
• a step-by-step guide to quit smoking
• instant messaging to an expert at
University of
LiveHelp service
Medical Center • free articles and booklets that can be
Information downloaded, printed, or ordered
for Patients
At the hospital
If you are an inpatient at a UPMC hospital:
• Ask
 your nurse if the hospital has the
UPMC patient education TV channel,
which features a video about quitting
• Ask to talk one-on-one with a smoking
cessation counselor.

For help in finding a doctor or health service that suits your needs, call the UPMC Referral Service
at 412-647-UPMC (8762) or 1-800-533-UPMC (8762). Select option 1.
Pittsburgh, PA, USA The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer. Policy prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, na- tional origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. Further, UPMC will continue to support and promote
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© University of Pittsburgh Medical UPMC programs and activities. This commitment is made by UPMC in accordance with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations.
Center 2007
SYS294410 JPL/LAS REV 5/07 This information is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should not rely entirely on this information for
Form # 7894-82191-0507 your health care needs. Ask your own doctor or health care provider any specific medical questions that you have.

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