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1.1 Business Overview
The agricultural industry of which chicken farming is a subset of is no doubt among
the leading industry in most countries of the world; it is the industry that produces
chicken for the populace. Because of the significant role the agriculture sector plays,
the government of most countries ensures that they go all the way to subsidize
seedlings, fertilizers, and farming implements and machinery for farmers and also
encourage entrepreneurs to go into commercial farming (chicken farming inclusive).

The Chicken Farm Company Industry is indeed a very large industry and pretty much
thriving in all parts of the world especially in developed countries such as United States
of America, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia and Malaysia et al.In
Malaysia particularly Malaysians consume chicken meat and eggs on a daily basis yet
hardly a thought is given to the horrendous conditions in modern livestock raising
systems known as ‘factory-farming’.Malaysia is largely self sufficient in poultry meat
production with over 81% of the local domestic demand for meat and more than 111%
of the country’s demand for eggs met by the local poultry industry.

1.2 Objectives
Our aim is to gain total profit of RM102,000 in sales by the end of 2019 by increasing
to total number of organic chicken produced. This can be achieved with the co-
operation of our team members who are specialized in their own department.
Afterwards, we have also aimed to produce other organic products with the profit
gained throughout the year.

1.3 Mission
Our mission is to produce the highest quality of organic chickens in Malaysia by
increasing our chicken quality.

1.4 Vision
To be the best company of producing high quality of organic chickens in the world

1.5 Keys to success

 Accept advice from family members and experts.
This is perhaps the simplest and most overlooked tactic when trying to boost
your sales. Listening to the family members and experts or potential
customers is the best way to understand and address their needs. Without
open communication, the chances for misunderstandings and frustrations
arise. Our sales team should understand how to actively listen, ask leading
questions to get more information and are comfortable brainstorming solutions
with clients. If some members of your sales team aren’t okay with employing
any of these tactics, that’s fine. It might be better to have them focused more
on closing sales or making initial contact than true consultative selling.

 Join business programs such as seminar

As an entrepreneur in the making, we will get invaluable techniques in starting
up your own business. That’s the very reason we should take on such
seminars. It is a free business knowledge bank for anyone who wishes to
acquire in-depth business skills with little or no financial consideration. It may
sound really weird to think that we don’t need the least of money to kick-start
that business idea of ours. What we actually need is the idea we wish to
transform into a potential business. That’s always the starting point –
identifying a problem maybe in the community and trying to figure out how
best we can provide solutions to it.

 Improve the product quality from time to time.

The area of quality and uniqueness is central to success in business. No
product or service can succeed unless it's somehow unique and superior to
any other product or service that competes with it. There's seldom any
opportunity to build a business around a "me too" product--a product or
service that's just the same as all the others, where the only difference is that
it's we, who happens to be selling it. The safest business strategy is to start
off with an accepted product that already has a widespread market and then
find a way to improve upon it in some way. Deliver it faster, make it better or
of higher quality, or lower the price of the product or service in some way

 Accept qualified workers

Skilled workers are a necessity, not a luxury. As markets shift and we
become even more global, productivity and worker efficiency are becoming
even more important to the bottom line. Customers also become more
particular about how they spend their money. Your employees will need to
know how to respond to these changes. If you reduce the training available to
them, you will find your company struggling to remain competitive. A skilled
workforce is not a luxury anymore—it is a necessity.

 Supervise work frequently

Control means match between actual and planned output. Whenever the
workers are under constant supervision or monitoring then step by step check
is kept and if they are deviating from plan then immediate instructions are
issued by the supervisor. By this constant monitoring, the supervision function
ensures strict control over the activities of subordinates.
The company is solemnly owned by Intrepide Sdn Bhd (private limited company).
The owner of this company is Mr Fathurrahman bin Muhammad Fathullah and there
are currently six shareholders. This company supplies 100% organic chickens
around the country

 Opened 6.5years ago in the year 2016

 The CEO, is a graduated food technology student from University of
Cambridge, UK.
 There, he studied about the benefits of organic food.
 When he returned to Malaysia, he realised that most poultry supplier uses a
lot of chemical substances in order to make the chickens grow faster and
 The CEO thought that it is not good for human to consume a lot of chemical
as it will give a long term effects.
 He wants Malaysia to live a more healthy life so, he decided to start an
organic chicken business.
 He gathered his friends and started to plan the business.
 At first, there are only six of his friends who truly believes in him which are the
current six shareholders.
 Dhamira, one of the shareholders, invested 6 hectares of land for him to start
up the business.
LOCATION: Parit Jaya, 32800 Parit, Perak.

 Open shud
 Place for slaughtering process
 Tools for slaughtering process
 Refrigerator and freezer
I. Situational Analysis
 Majority of the people prefer healthy organic food
 Diseases is easy to spread among the chicken
 Organic chicken is a protein source for people who work out
 Chicken is edible for all the races
 Fewer synthetic pesticide


Total Chicken Sold, By Type, 2016-2019







2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Live Chicken Whole Chicken Cut Into Parts (Frozen)

• Supply-Try to produce enough number of chickens every month
• Demand-Sold in different types; Alive, whole chicken or cut into parts
• Product-Delivery trusted 100% organic chicken with high qualification of

Geographic Demographic
• Rural and • Universal
urban area • shop that practice organic lifestyle
• those who prefer organic food.

Psychographic Behavioural
• Customers • Customers that willing to spend their money
that for healthy products.

- location free from pollutant and predators
- costly
- hard to be taken care
- Less competitor
- people are more aware to live healthily
- costly for organic chicken
- country's economy is not stable
- disease
I. Marketing Objectives
 By 2025, our company's marketing will be extended to
four methods.
-delivery (online booking/direct call)
-social media promotion
-TV advertisements
-Promotion through radio centers
-Own website
-Open tender to market sellers

II. Marketing Mix

 Price
-RM25 each whole organic chicken
-Because organic chicken feed are expensive (50kg
organic feed = RM90)
-Compare to other companies ,our chicken are
 Product
-Our chicken are free from hormone injections
-Breed in clean surrounding
-High quality
-Special care given under the optimum temperature
 Promotion
-Buy 4 whole chicken for RM95
-Buy 10 whole chicken ,free 6 organic eggs
-Membership card
-Special discount on the CEO's birthday
-Every Friday,5% discount on organic chicken
 Place
-Local market
-Wet market
-Pasar malam
Risk Management
-Keep the chicken indoor in high-risk time
-Make sure the housing is kept clean

2)Country's economy is not stable

-Export the chicken to foreign countries
-Lower the price from RM 25 to RM20

3) Competition from other companies

-Do frequent promotion

4) People’s mindset
-Advertise more frequently how organic chicken is far more better than normal

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