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Company Logo

Our logo “Sweet Egg Balls” came from our previous product
(Popcorn & Fries) and the recent product which is the egg sandwich. The
sweet represents the fries, Egg represents the sandwich and balls represents
the popcorn.

History of the Product


The sandwich is considered to have been named after John

Montague, 4th Earl of sandwich, the inventor of the sandwich. These
sandwiches are a popular type of lunch food taken to work, school, or
picnics. There are also variety of sandwiches and egg sandwich is one of
them. The group was inspired with the history of the sandwich so they
decided to adopt it and come up with their egg sandwich business. They
created an egg sandwich with their own version of it and what surely their
customers will love.

Current Condition

There are canteens in the campus but unfortunately, these canteens

are located far from the SHS department. Therefore, Sweet egg balls
corporation took the opportunity to offer students, teachers, and other
personnel inside the campus the healthful foods. We will be offering three
products which is the fries, popcorn and egg sandwich. At present, egg
sandwich will serve as the main product of the corporation.

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The Concept

The concept of sweet egg balls will be formulated by the owners.

They will think critically and will come up with the business that offers
healthful foods. They plan a product which people will love and can sustain
their hunger. One competitive edge of the S.E.B. corporations it’s marketing
capabilities which includes the members’ great ability great ability to
persuade customers through sales talk and other marketing strategies. With
the logo itself, we are trying to portray that our corporation offers delicious
and healthful snacks.

The Overall Objective

The S.E.B. Corporation aims to sell affordable yet nutrious foods and
very satisfying snack that can be eaten anytime and anywhere, to earn a
good grade in the entrepreneur subject and also to enhance our
entrepreneurial skills for us to build a big business in the near future.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the corporation is to help others live a

healthy lifestyle by eating our product, to provide the students of Guisad
Valley National High School students snacks and sustain their hunger and
to earn profit to provide our financial needs. We aim to sell affordable yet
very satisfying snacks that can be eaten anytime and anywhere.

Description of the business

Sweet Egg Balls Corporation will be established due to Grade 11

subject Entrepreneurship. It is a small-time business which is owned by
Jhonalyn Baladad, Aira Bornales, Amor Encarnacion, Joena Español, Irish
Garcia, Cazzel Gatinao, and Melissa Topacio. The name of the business is
composing of three symbolic words; Sweet which represents the former
product of the corporation which is Fries, Egg the latest product which is
the sandwich, and Balls, another former product which the popcorn is.

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Strategic Description

The corporation sells their product during break or leisure time. The
corporation will create a website or page for the promotion of the product
online and will distribute a flier to students or any other customers who
would catch it’s attention. The members of the corporation will also
promote our product room per room and tell everyone how good the
product is.

Guisad Valley National High School

S.E.B. Corporation
*Located at Guisad Valley National High School-Humanities and
Social Sciences 11 Classroom.
For more info: CALL/TEXT 09099479648 (Jhonalyn Baladad-


The target market of our corporation is comprised of the Senior High

School students and the members of the faculty and is planning to extend
its reach to the Junior High School students and teachers, and the workers
and visitor at the campus, basically the whole population that consists the
Guisad Valley National High School institution. The said target market will
serve as the business’ guide in making its strategic plans and in deciding
the changes to be made in the business.


Unique Selling Proposition(USP)

“Selling you the healthful product with an affordable price that can
sustain your hunger.” Our motto serves as our pledge that we will do our
responsibilities for the sake of our customers’ health and safety. It also serves
as a promise to customers so that we will provide them better service.

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Jhonalyn Baladad (C.E.O)

Joena Español (Manager)

Irish Garcia (Sec.) Melissa Topacio (Auditor) Amor Encarnacion


Cazzel Gatinao (Purchaser) Aira Bornales (Promoter)

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Product Description

Our latest product is egg sandwich which is a healthful product. It is

made up of fine loaf bread, mayonnaise, and egg. The product is done by
the employees of the corporation to ensure their customers safety. They
also make sure that the ingredients used in the product is not expired or
damaged. As an alternative product the members of the group, decided
to sell crackers which has a less than PHP 100.00 during Tuesdays and
Thursday, so that their customers will purchase at their Corporation and so
that the money in their Corporation will keep cycling. They observe
cleanliness at all times for sanitation purposes.

Equipment/Materials Needed

• Container

• Spoon

• Paper bag/ tissue

• Bowl

• Pan

• Stove

Size of the Business

Sweet Egg Balls Corporation is a small business that will start on

JANUARY AND WILL END on MARCH.A small business has a capital of
one thousand and below. Our business has a capital of less than PHP
200.00 so our business is considered to be a small business.

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Production of Income

Date Capital Expenses Sales Income Loss

January ₱200.00 ₱172.50 ₱90.00 ₱-82.50 -82.50
January ₱150.00 ₱146.00 ₱180.00 ₱34.00
January ₱125.00 ₱121.00 ₱145.00 ₱24.00
January ₱110.00 ₱88.00 ₱190.00 ₱102.00
January ₱90.00 ₱80.00 ₱160.00 ₱80.00
January ₱135.00 ₱131.00 ₱176.00 ₱45.00
January ₱170.00 ₱170.00 ₱197.00 ₱27.00
January ₱240.00 ₱237.00 ₱247.00 ₱38.00
January ₱210.00 ₱209.00 ₱268.00 ₱59.00
January ₱135.00 ₱131.00 ₱168.00 ₱37.00
January ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
February ₱135.00 ₱131.00 ₱168.00 ₱37.00
February ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
February ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
February ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
February ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
February ₱135.00 ₱131.00 ₱176 ₱45.00
March ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
March ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00

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March ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
March ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱30.00
March ₱200.00 ₱190.00 ₱250.00 ₱60.00
March ₱335.00 ₱321.00 ₱426.00 ₱105.00
March ₱200.00 ₱190.00 ₱250.00 ₱60.00
March ₱100.00 ₱95.00 ₱125.00 ₱60.00

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Members of the Corporation

Name Position Characte- Responsibilit Job

ristics y Description

BALADAD, C.E.O Wise Runs the Responsible

Jhonalyn Corp. of

ESPAÑOL, Manager Strict Manages Responsible

Joena the of the
inventory. employees
reporting to
the C.E.O.
GARCIA, Irish Secretary Neat Writing Writes the Responsible
inventory for handling
and sales. records,
ENCARNACI Treasurer Trustworthy Keeps Responsible
ON, Amor the money. for handling
the money.

TOPACIO, Auditor Mathematici Audits Responsible

Melissa an the money. for
GATINAO, Purchaser Industrious Purchases Responsible
Cazzel the raw for
materials. purchasing
BORNALES, Promoter Talkative Promotes Responsible
Aira the for
product. promoting

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Accomplishment Report (SEB Corporation)


The corporation were grouped with 7 members and on the

beginning of their business, the group executed an impromptu plan so they
failed then made another business plan. First, they assigned their members
with specific position and planned their business thoroughly. They planned
that their final product would be egg sandwich and sell it every school days
in Senior High building. (Baladad, Jhonalyn)

Our first plan is to sell fries and other foods too for our business. Our
target customer since we are at school are the students and teachers. We
were given different task and responsibilities. We were expecting our
business to be a successful one. (Encarnacion, Christel Amor)

The members of the corporation are planning to put up a business

that gives the consumer a healthy and affordable foods. Especially our
business is in school base. The entrepreneurs planned to sell egg sandwich
and fries. (Bornales, Catherine)

The members of the corporation are brainstorming on what they are

going to sell. Then they eventually came up with an idea that they will sell
egg sandwich and popcorn that is nutritious for the consumers or buyers.
(Gatinao, Cazzel)

As a group, we planned what to sell and how we are going to sell it.
At first, we honestly didn’t know where to start until the day that we gained
our confidence by selling our first product which is fries. (Español, Joena)

First day of planning, we have many ideas running in our heads. We

had a little argument on what to sell. We first planned to sell marshmallows
but we ended up selling fries instead in which it caused us problem
because of having loss at the end of the week. (Garcia, Irish Jane)

The members of the corporation planned to sell something that is

unique but it failed so we come up again of another product wherein it
caused us to have our loss then we continuously sell the product and
decided to add more (crackers) for our income to increase. (Topacio,

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The corporation owners planned out well their business. According

to Jhonayn Baladad the chief executive officer of the corporation, she
noticed that her members or team worked properly and aimed for their
goal. They sell egg sandwich which is their third or final product and
sometimes crackers as an alternative to keep their money cycling within
the corporation. The purchaser, purchases the product after class and the
promoter even the other members sells it on the other day. After selling, the
auditor audits the sales of that day and the treasurer keeps the capital for
purchasing. In the beginning, the corporation lost ₱82.50 because of the
impromptu plan then when they realized their mistake, the corporation was
able to regain from their loss on the next days. Until then, the corporation
didn’t experience loss again due to a well new plan. (Baladad, Jhonalyn)

We’ve experienced selling products and making journal about it. At

the first try, we were shy selling our products to everyone but then we were
doing it for like every week so we became comfortable about it. We were
gaining profit and grades at the same time so we were happy about it. We
may have loss at first but then we got up to our feet then made a new plan.
(Encarnacion, Christel Amor)

After this experience, we think straight, discuss it with the members

and have a little bit of researching on what would be the final product we
could sell. Until we settled on selling ‘egg sandwich’. Days passed, we
decided to add some products that can help our small business such as
crackers. (Garcia, Irish Jane)

The loss we encountered pushed us to do more that made us realize

that the beginning of trials is not always successful but then it’s fine at least
we enjoyed, tried our best and gives lesson to us which we should always
keep. (Topacio, Melissa)

Our subject teacher and also our adviser Ma’am Catalina B.

Alamag who enlightened and made us realize that we can commit
success if we continue to strive for success. We seek and by selling variety
of products we accomplished our goals as an entrepreneur. We took our
first loss as a challenge and continued up to now. (Español, Joena)

The corporation is consisting of 7 members wherein all the members

are helping each other for them to reach their target value of income. The
members experienced some circumstances like when they are selling their
product which is the sandwich and popcorn, some are refusing it and
saying that “It’s too small” “Why is the size like this and that” but the sellers
just smile at them. (Gatinao, Cazzel)

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According to Catherine Bornales the promoter of the corporation,
doing business is not that easy, in order to gain income each of the
members of the corporation did their job. The promoter of the product finds
excitement and happiness in selling their product. The corporation started
not that good but because of determination and willingness to do business
they are now far from what their business were before. The corporation
were able to conquer what happened. The C.E.O. and the other members
of the board were able to think of an alternative solution in order to put up
the business once again. (Bornales, Catherine)

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
House made products Owners have little to no
 Consistent quality and taste experience in starting up a
 Quality of product are business and managing a newly
easily monitored and established business.
maintained  Problems in decision
 Product price is adjustable making: in choosing a
because production costs product, quantity that
are under the controls of should be solved, money
the owners that should be used, etc.
Strong relationship with the Limited capital that can be used
costumers for daily operations
 There is communication  Lesser opportunities for
between the costumers innovation
 The corporation accepts  Limited list of potential
the costumers feedback products that can be sold
and acts accordingly.

Opportunities Threats
 Chances to increase the Competion from other businesses
number of products especially businesses formed in
through research, surveys, the
comments and feedbacks TVL 11 track and from the
from the costumers. canteens.
 Gain experience in Decrease sales
becoming entrepreneurs Limit products that can be
and acquire some skills in sold due to the
cooking. competition from other
Reduces costumer count.
Stacked up school works like
home works, practicums,
studying/reviewing etc.
Lesser time for selling
Causes inefficient

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Photo documentation

It’s checking time for the


Okay guys let me introduce to

you our product, it’s tasty
common try it…

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Olaaah let’s count the total
sales for today

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