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Power Sector Overview

Policies, Reforms and Key Challenges

August 2016



Power Sector in India- Generation, Transmission & Distribution

Demand Supply Scenario

Rural Electrification in India- 24*7 Supply to Every Household

The Rising Sun- Roadmap for Renewables

Electric Vehicle- Developing Urban Infrastructure

Key Policies, Reforms & Regulations of Power Sector


The Grid Transition in India
Traditional Grid New Grid

New Developments are accelerating the Transition

Changing Business Environment (1/3)

Home Automation,
Automated Demand
DSM Focus
175000 MW by 2022,
Renewable Attaining Grid
Infusing Competition Rising
Big Data to play a major Fuel
role Costs

Smart and of Carriage
Communicatin and Content
g Grid Reduce dependence on
imported coal

Changing Business Environment (2/3)

Distributed Generation Sources

Industrial Customer

Power Generation

Data Centers
Commercial Customer

(Local Utility)
Network Network
Control Control
Center Residential Customer
Energy Information
Changing Business Environment (3/3)
…..Utilities of the Future and Future of the Utilities

• Electricity
• Electricity Markets
• Renewable
• Energy Storage
• Transport
• Industrial Energy
• Building Energy
• Home Automation
and Security
• Smart Cities and
Shared Services
7 Source:
Changing Customer

Tech Savvy Seeks Value



Socially &
Digitizatio & Globally Informed
n Connected

The Buzz Around the Sector….

Power Sector Overview- Generation

Total Installed Capacity – Source Wise & Sector Wise
(as on 30.06.2016)

State Private Central

Total Capacity UoM Total % Share
Sector Sector Sector
Coal 64130.50 70692.38 51390.00 186212.88 61.43%

Gas 7210.70 9742.60 7555.33 24508.63 8.08%

Diesel 363.93 554.96 0.00 918.89 0.30%

Hydro 28157.00 3120.00 11571.43 42848.43 14.13%

Nuclear MW 0.00 0.00 5780.00 5780.00 1.9%

Total 99826.37 83115.34 76296.76 259238.46 -

1999.57 418850.17 0.00 43879.75 14.47%
Energy Sources

Total 101825.94 124995.51 76296.76 303118.21 -

% Share 33.59% 41.23% 25.17%

Source: CEA Report – Mar 16

Total Installed Capacity – 5 year Plan Wise
in MW (as on 30.06.2016)
Year Wise
Fuel Thermal Nuclear Hydro RES Total Net
Coal Gas Diesel
1st Plan (1951 – 56) 1597 0 228 1825 0 1061 0 2886 -
2nd Plan (1956 – 61) 2436 0 300 2736 0 1917 0 4653 1767
3rd Plan (1961 – 66) 4417 134 352 4903 0 4124 0 9027 4374
4th Plan (1969 – 74) 8652 165 241 9058 640 6966 0 16664 7637
5th Plan (1974 – 79) 14875 168 164 15207 640 10833 0 26680 10016
6th Plan (1980 – 85) 26311 542 177 27030 1095 14460 0 42585 15905
7th Plan (1985 – 90) 41237 2343 165 43746 1565 18308 18 63636 21052
8th Plan (1992 – 97) 54154 6562 294 61010 2225 21658 902 85795 22159
9th Plan (1997 –
62131 11163 1135 74429 2720 26269 1628 105046 19251
10th Plan (2002 – 07) 71121 13692 1202 86015 3900 34654 7761 132329 27283
11th Plan (2007 – 12) 112022 18381 1200 131603 4780 38990 24503 199877 67548
12th Plan (2012 – 17) 186212.88 24508.63 918.89 211640.04 5780.00 42848.43 43879.75 303118.21 103241.21
61.43% 8.08% 0.30% 69.82% 1.9% 14.13% 14.47%
% Share - -

Source: CEA Report – Mar 16

Capacity addition during the Eleventh Plan (2007-2012)
– Source Wise & Sector Wise
Total State Central Private %
UoM Total
Capacity Sector Sector Sector Share
Thermal 11691 12158 21739 45588 67.49
Hydro 1594 1523 1219 4336 6.42
Nuclear 0 880 0 880 1.30
Total 13285 14561 22958 50804 75.21
Renewable 2538 0 14205 16743 24.79
Total 15823 14562 37163 67547 100
% Share 23% 22% 55%

Source - CEA Input Paper 11th Plan and CEA Monthly Report – Mar 12; Captive
Generation added during 11th Plan: 9300 MW approx. (Not included in above)
Proposed Capacity addition during XII Plan (FY 2012-
17) – Sector Wise
State Central Private
Total Achieved Achieved till Achieved till
Sector Sector Sector
Capacity till May 16 May 16 May 16
(Target) (Target) (Target)

Thermal 13,922.00 18,829.10 14,878.00 12,638.10 43,540.00 50,222.50

Hydro 1,608.00 712.00 6,004.00 2504.02 3,285.00 595.00

Nuclear 0 0 5,300.00 1000.00 0 0

Total 15,530.00 19,541.10 26,182.00 16,142.12 46,825.00 50,817.50

Source: CEA Report – Mar 16

Despite record generation capacity addition driven by private sector,
acute power shortages coexisting with idle power assets
• record capacity addition
Progress • high level private sector contribution 11th plan - 67547 MW
11th plan
 Capacity added (incl. renewables) - 67,547 MW Central
22% 23%
 Private sector contribution - 37,163 MW (~55%)
 Private sector share in total capacity - 13%  27%
12th Plan
 Capacity addition envisaged (incl. renewables) – 107037 MW
 Capacity added (incl. renewable) – 67760 MW Private
 Private sector contribution – 46825 MW (~53%)
• Stranded investment due to financially
Challenges 12th plan - 107037 MW
stressed projects and suboptimal PLF
Major factors causing the distress
 Unviability due to under recovery of costs, caused by State
 Fuel shortage/non availability and higher cost of alternate fuel 14%
 Change in regulatory norms/ law in coal source countries
 Abnormal fluctuations in commodity prices/interest rates/foreign
 Delays in development due to land acquisition/ E&F clearance
timelines, etc. Denial of allocated mines
 Absence of peaking capacities 68% Private

 Transmission constraints and low off-take by Discoms

 Plants operating at ~65% PLF

Rescue and revitalize stranded asset and capital before additional capacity plan 15
Sector Scenario: Transmission

Transmission bottlenecks – improve network availability/ utilization and
Regulatory Framework to be in sync with competitive power market

Progress so far Private


– 341551 ckt. kms. network length stands up to Mar2016

– This is 118.57% of the annual target of 23,712 ckm fixed for this year Central
State 38%

– Evacuation Constraints –Growing demand in SR has led to severe congestion Congestion
in W3 region and WR-NR and NEW-SR links. Inadequate new capacity leading to demand
creation aggravating the constraint supply mis-match
– Inadequate Interregional transmission capacity
High safety
– Clearances Delay - Right of Way (RoW) / Environment/ Forest.
margins restrict
– Regulatory/Planning Issues availability.
– High level of uncertainty regarding path of power flow due to lack of
bidding opportunities and growing open access users. Transmission
– Generators have to pay committed transmission charges even when planning not in
projects are delayed for reasons beyond their control sync with Open
Access needs

Source: CEA Transmission Report – Mar 16

Sector Scenario: Distribution

Financial Performance of Utilities 2012-14
Profit/ (Loss) on subsidy received basis (Rs. Crores, per year)
Region 2013-14 2014-15
Eastern (3,600) (3,021)
North Eastern (1,905) (2,136)
Northern (31,576) (37,538)
Southern (29,415) (13,616)
Western (4,067) (6,512)
Grand Total (70,564) (62,462)
UDAY States 2012-13 2013-14
Bihar (1,227) (367)
Chattisgarh (502) (1,317)
Gujarat 589 583
Jharkhand (2,668) (1,511)
Harayana (3,835) (3,315)
Punjab 253 642
Rajasthan (12,510) (15,926)
Uttar Pradesh (13,154) (17,678)
Grand Total for all States (33,896) (38,889)
Financial Performance of Utilities 2012-14
Accumulated Profit / (loss) (Rs. Crores)
Region 2012-13 2013-14
Eastern (17,764) (21,225)
North Eastern (9,434) (11,414)
Northern (182,579) (218,010)
Southern (57,302) (73,848)
Western (23,593) (29,962)
Grand Total (290,672) (354,460)
UDAY States 2012-13 2013-14
Bihar (1,782) (2,148)
Chattisgarh (3,721) (5,038)
Gujarat 2,077 2601
Jharkhand (11,958) (13,468)
Harayana (23,517) (24,551)
Punjab (1,836) (1,194)
Rajasthan (55,981) (71,900)
Uttar Pradesh (78,371) (96,200)
Grand Total for All States (175,089) (211,898)
Financial Performance of Utilities 2012-14
ACS, ARR and Gap (Rs/Kwh)
2012-13 2013-14
Gap Avg Revenue Gap
Region Avg Revenue (subsidy (Subsidy Recd (subsidy
ACS (Subsidy Recd basis) recd basis) ACS basis) recd basis)
Eastern 4.93 4.40 0.52 4.68 4.42 0.26
North Eastern 5.23 3.47 1.75 4.94 3.48 1.46
Northern 4.99 3.96 1.03 5.53 4.29 1.24
Southern 5.90 4.54 1.36 5.28 4.62 0.66
Western 4.33 4.10 0.23 4.72 4.40 0.32
Grand Total 5.04 4.19 0.85 5.15 4.41 0.73
2012-13 2013-14
UDAY States Avg Revenue (Subsidy Gap (subsidy Avg Revenue Gap (subsidy
ACS Recd basis) recd basis) ACS (Subsidy Recd basis) recd basis)
Bihar 5.33 4.67 0.63 5.00 4.78 0.22
Chhattisgarh 3.26 3.04 0.22 5.52 3.79 1.73
Gujarat 4.09 4.08 0.01 5.22 4.57 0.66
Jharkhand 6.10 3.66 2.44 5.52 3.99 1.73
Haryana 5.14 4.23 0.91 5.25 4.6 0.65
Punjab 4.49 4.47 0.02 4.71 4.67 0.06
Rajasthan 5.84 3.58 2.26 6.59 3.82 2.76
Uttar Pradesh 4.92 3.45 1.47 6.19 4.06 2.18
Grand Total 5.84 4.09 1.75 5.81 4.37 1.43
Financial Performance of Utilities 2012-14
AT&C Loss (%)
Region 2012-13 2013-14
Eastern 42.04 38.02
North Eastern 38.31 33.94
Northern 28.89 24.86
Southern 17.40 19.08
Western 23.36 18.37
Grand Total 25.45 22.70

UDAY States 2012-13 2013-14

Bihar 54.64 46.33
Chhattisgarh 25.12 23.17
Gujarat 19.87 15.93
Jharkhand 47.49 42.17
Haryana 32.55 34.33
Punjab 17.52 17.91
Rajasthan 20.00 26.76
Uttar Pradesh 42.85 24.65
Grand Total for all states 25.45 22.70
State’s resolve and sustainable commitment to distribution
reforms process

– Discoms are in dire situation due to the following

– Growing gap between the ACS and tariff realization (113 p/unit)
– AT&C losses (~25%) and infrequent and inadequate tariff increases . Most states hovering at
40%. 16 utilities had losses below 15 per cent, while 40 had losses below 30 per cent
– Total exposure amount till date of Indian Banks are Rs. 3,20,238 crs. Discoms are in
– Distribution utilities are preferring load shedding to meeting DSM obligations dire financial
situation -
– Competition through Open Access – A non-starter
manifested by
– Increased cross subsidization in last 5 years – an unsustainable trend unwillingness
– Slow or virtually no Reforms in Distribution Sector despite successful reforms in Delhi in 2002 to serve
– State Governments only pursuing the Franchisee Model, whereby O & M contract(s) for 10-15
years in particular areas are tendered to private parties. Current trends
– Approx. rise of 40-50% in the cost of Generation over last 2 years and ~100% in last 5 years are
– Inefficient Power Procurement and Management

Avg. Cost of Supply & Tariff Realized (Paise/ Kwh)

800 471 506 570 593 593

200 387 439 480
0 327 367

(Actual) (Actual) (Prov.) RE AP

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Cost of Supply Average Tariff Source: Planning Commission Report March 2014
* Source World Bank 2014 report
Reason for Poor Financial Health of Discoms

1. Under recovery from the highly Subsidized tariff of Agriculture and

Domestic Consumers

Solution :The National Tariff Policy 2006 stipulates that the SERCs should
endeavour to set the tariffs within ±20% of the average cost of supply latest by the
end of year 2010–11. In practice, few States complied with the above guideline.

2. Non Recovery of Subsidy Disbursed from State Government

Solution : The EA 2003 stipulates that the subsidy from the government should be
available to the discom upfront. However, in many cases utilities witness huge gap
between the assured amount and actual subsidy received ( As Shown in Below
Table). Also Utility has to borne additional cost in financing of these Gap. Therefore
SERCs have to give mandate to utilities, that subsidy can be disbursed only
after receiving it upfront from the government.
Reason for Poor Financial Health of Discoms

3. Huge AT&C Losses

Solution : Through government has started various schemes like RAPDRP and NEF etc
for funding of infrastructure, Digitization and Loss reduction , however the losses of
discoms remain same in last 10 years. It is necessary that the current monopolized
structure of the distribution sector be reformed and competition be encouraged. Few of
the ways to manifest this is:
1. Separate carriage and content businesses of the distribution segment
2. PPP model like Delhi with certain modification on ownership of assets etc
3. Complete Performance based Outsourcing of Commercial function of Discoms
Reason for Poor Financial Health of Discoms

4. Segregation of Agriculture Feeders and 100% Metering -

Solution : Agricultural consumers benefit from electricity subsidies provided by the

States but these consumers remain unmetered in many cases. Separating the feeder to
irrigation pumps from other uses with assured electricity supply during the stipulated
hours can contain excessive electricity consumption. In the case of low-income
households that enjoy subsidized electricity which remain unmetered, prepaid
meters can regulate their power consumptions.

5. Timely Liquidation of Regulatory Assets -

Solution : Discoms in many States are incurring massive losses due to increasing,
unchecked regulatory assets. The National Tariff Policy 2006 stipulates that the “recovery
of Regulatory Asset should be time-bound and within a period not exceeding three years
at the most”. Lack of timely cost-reflective tariff revision has resulted in its yearly
nationwide magnitude to the tune of more than 70,000 crores and the interest component
alone costs around 9,500 crores (The World Bank, 2014). It is necessary that the
SERCs explore ways to liquidate them in a time-bound manner without further
Power Supply Scenario in India

Power Supply Scenario in India

State’s resolve and sustainable commitment to distribution
reforms process

Power Purchase Cost Comparision



5.00 4.84
4.05 3.92
3.88 3.77 3.75
4.00 3.67 3.53 3.50 3.59 3.55
3.53 3.48 3.41 3.55
3.09 2.93 2.92
3.00 2.63 2.52



PPC (2012-13) PPC (2013-14) PPC (2014-15) All India Avg. (2014-15)
Tariff Comparison across different utilities
of Metro Cities in India
Delhi (TPDDL) Mumbai Kolkata Chennai
Consumer Category
Units Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit

Dom - 2 Kw* 200 2.20 5.38 6.51 4.15

Dom - 2 Kw* 400 2.58 5.97 7.31 5.13

Non Domestic/
1500 9.46 7.40 8.68 8.41
Commercial- 20 kW

LT Industrial - 20 kW 1500 8.98 8.01 6.95 6.58

HT Industrial -
15000 8.3 9.79 6.62 8.61
100kW/108 KVA

Peak Load In MW 1704 3192 1856 2000

No of Consumers In Lakhs 15.15 30 25 11

* Domestic Tariff upto 400 units include 50% subsidy on energy charges
Tariff Comparison across different Utilities
near Delhi NCR
Haryana Uttar Pradesh Rajasthan
Consumer (TPDDL)
Category Units
Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit Rs. / Unit

Dom - 2 Kw* 200 2.20 5.6 5.44 6.02

Dom - 2 Kw* 400 2.58 5.69 5.35 6.03
Non Domestic/
Commercial- 20 1500 9.46 8.25 8.57 7.85
LT Industrial - 20
1500 8.98 6.29 8.27 6.15
HT Industrial -
15000 8.3 6.26 7.60 7.72
100kW/108 KVA
Power Outage
During Hours/ day 0 4-6 4-6 2-2.5
Peak Demand Met In MW 1704 8114 8733 10038

No of Consumers In Lakhs 15.15 50 239 78

* Domestic Tariff upto 400 units include 50% subsidy on energy charges
The Rising Sun: Roadmap for

Distributed Renewable Energy in India

Net Metering: Smart Metering with

Rooftop Dual Energy Source
 Policy
Solar in and Bidirectional Flow
 Technology

*16 States have come up with their own state solar

policies and 30 states RPO mandates 4%- 8%

Offgrid Minigrid: Future integration of
Minigrids in
 Policy Offgrid Minigrid with
 Technology Discom Grid

*18500 unelectrified villages to come up with Microgrids

Proximity of Solar Rich States with Major Load Centre

India has ambitious target of setting up 175 GW

of Renewable Energy by 2022

Source: KPMG India Analysis

State Wise target and Current Installed Solar Capacity


Source: Invest Rajasthan, MNRE

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure in India

Growth of E-Mobility in India
Accelerated electrification of clean transportation,
charging infrastructure, and the 21st century electric grid India now overshadowing China
are key contributors to future-proof global energy security, Average PM2.5 concentration, micrograms per m2
July-November 2015
environment, and clean-air objectives.
1. National Electricity Mobility Mission (NEMM) Plan 2020 Faridabad

Indian annual national standard

• 6 to 7 Million electric vehicles Kanpur

2. National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM) Varanasi


• Primary driver of grid modernization Pune

Who annual guideline

3. Renewable generation of 175 GW by 2022
• 6x from current state-of-generation-mix. Chandrapur
4. Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improved air-

national standard
Annual urban
• 68% power generated from coal. Jinan


-10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150

Source: Greenpeace,

Market Analysis: Vehicle Growth

Source: DHI-DST Survey for India, 2015

• Indian market expectations in vehicle size, purchasing costs and driving
– Mostly 2 wheelers – 15 million/ yr
– Small cars – 2 million/ year
• (<4 m /ICE 1.2 litre petrol or 1.4 litre diesel)
– Commercial vehicles
• Three wheelers, SUV, Vans, Minibus, Buses, Trucks
EV System Architecture
Major Policies and Reforms of
Power Sector

UDAY Scheme for Discoms

UDAY (Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojna) scheme helps in reduction in tariff by facilitating
operational improvements. It’s key highlights are:
• States shall take over 75% of DISCOM debt as on 30 September 2015 over two years -
50% of DISCOM debt shall be taken over in 2015-16 and 25% in 2016-17.
• Achievement of 24X7 Power for All
• Speedy achievement of electrification of remaining 18,500 villages
• Reduce Current Account Deficit (CAD) from higher diesel import (current annual
imports of around Rs. 50,000 crore)
• Lower cost of power -Typical 3,000 MW NTPC plant running at 60% Plant Load Factor
(PLF) has a fixed cost of Rs. 2.67 / unit, vs Rs. 1.80 at 90% PLF
• Avoid banking contagion (Rs, 40,000 crore of repayments due to banks in 2015-16)
which will create significant NPAs
• Increased procurement of power by DISCOMs revives existing power projects suffering
from low PLFs

Scope of UDAY Scheme

Improvement of Operational Efficiency

• Compulsory smart metering

• Energy efficiency measures like efficient LED bulbs, agricultural pumps fans etc.
• Upgradation of transformers, meters etc.

Reduction of Cost of Power

• Increased supply of cheaper domestic coal

• Coal linkage rationalization
• Liberal coal swaps from inefficient to efficient coal plants
• Coal price rationalization based on GCV and supply of washed and crushed coal

Reduction in Cost of Interest to DISCOMs

• States to take over 75% of DISCOM debt

• Government of India will not include debt taken over by the state in circulation of
fiscal deficit

Separation of Content & Carriage…

Are We Ready for the Competition ??

National Smart Grid Mission
• An institutional mechanism for planning,
monitoring and implementing policies and
programmes related to smart grids in India.

• It entails implementation of a Smart Grid based

on state-of-the art technology in the fields of
automation, communication, IT systems that
can monitor and control power flows from
points of generation to points of consumption.

•Smart Grid Pilots 13th Plan •SG rollout nationwide

•Infrastructure for AMI for all •Nationwide AMI rollout for all
consumers with load >20KW customers
•Development of micro grids in •SG roll out in all urban areas •Development of micro grids
1000 villages/industrial •Nationwide AMI rollout for in 20000 villages/ industrial
parks/commercial hubs customers with 3-phase parks/ commercial hubs
•Development of 5 smart cities •Development of micro grids •Development of 100 Smart
in 10000 villages/industrial Cities
parks/commercial hubs
During 12th •Development of 25 smart

14th Plan

National Renewable Mission
Government of India has taken a number of measures to
promote sustainable development and address the threat
of climate change at national and sub-national level.
( 40 % Renewables by 2030)

Revisiting the National Climate Finance

Missions under the Policies (For e. g.
National Action Plan on Coal cess
Climate Change. Mitigation quadrupled from
Government is Strategies ( for e.g. INR 50 to INR 200
proposing to set up Adaptation
More than 5 times per tonne to help
new missions on Wind Strategies (For e.g.
Energy, Health, Waste
increase in finance clean
National Mission for
to Energy, Coastal Renewable capacity energy projects,
clean Ganga)
Areas and redesigning from 35 GW to 175 Reduction in
the National Water GW by 2022) subsidies on fossil
Mission & National fuels including
Mission on Sustainable diesel, kerosene and
Agriculture. domestic LPG)

The Rising Sun…

NSM bids have been between INR 5.21/kWh Solar Energy

Potential of
and INR 6.45/kWh which are comparable to the 2.5GW
cost at which new generation plants are willing
to sell power.

Future volatility of coal is really high as

compared to the locked-in cost of solar (for 20
Solar Energy
Tariffs has
fallen by 6-8%
Solar in 49% Potential
in Domestic
years). per year since
1998 Delhi Sector

The energy payback time, that is the time

needed to produce again the energy used in the 1 GW by 2020
manufacture of the PV system, is between 3 - 4 and 2 GW by
2025 from
years for crystalline solar modules and between rooftops in
1.5 - 2.5 years for thin-film modules. Delhi

Source: KPMG- The Rising Sun 2015

• COP 21 will aim to achieve a legally

binding and universal agreement on
climate with aim of keeping global
warming below 2°C.
• Before COP 21, all countries will
publish details of what they will do
to contribute to the 2°C goal, known
as Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDCs).
• Another objective is to mobilize
flow of US $100 billion per year
from developed countries to
developing countries to help reduce
emissions and adapt to the effects
of climate change. The funds will
come from public and private
sources 2020 onwards.

National Mobility Mission
EV Industry is
Technology Driven
 NEMMP 2020 Central Govt Policy on EV Development in India.
vs.  In Delhi Policy Framing is under Process. MCD will be nodal body for Licensing.
Policy Driven  Subsidy Planned for HEV/BEV ( 25-35 %) to improve EV penetration
 In Developed Countries, Regulated Asset Base & Public Space are used with mix
of Franchisee & OEM Model.
Igniting EV
 DISCOM Concern/Submission :
Absence of Guidelines on Charging Infrastructure, Tariff & Standardization
 EV 2-Wheeler has highest Share (92 %) among 2W/3W/4W EV (NEMMP)
 E-Rickshaw Market Size in TPDDL Area : 48000
 E-Rickshaw Cost : 85,000 to 105,000.
Driving EV  Lead Acid Battery with Life of 1 Yr.(400 Cycles) Charging Time : 8-10 Hrs.
(5 Unit/charge).
 M/s Hero Electric ambitious plan to Setup 10,000 Charging kiosk pan India
( One at Jangpura)
 Lithium-ion used worldwide for faster charging, superior performance & life.
Charging  Li-ion battery cost 5-7 times to Pb-Acid which is Rs 20000 for 48V/100 AH
 Private EV owner use Home Charging through Domestic Tariff.
 Absence of Public EV Kiosk Charging ( Except Pilots-Hero Electrical
& M/s Mahindra Reva at Bangalore )
 Commercial EV Charging in Delhi- Home Charging, Park-n Charge &
Direct Theft of Electricity.
 EV Infrastructure Development Approach Worldwide- OEM,
Franchisee, Municipality
49 & Utility.
DDUGJY- Rural Electrification
Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY): (launched- Nov ’14)
(i) to separate agriculture and non agriculture feeders facilitating judicious rostering of
supply to agricultural and non-agricultural consumers in rural areas and
(ii) strengthening and augmentation of sub transmission and distribution infrastructure
in rural areas, including metering of distribution transformers/feeders/consumers.
The estimated cost of the scheme for above two components is Rs.43,033 crore which
includes the requirement of budgetary support of Rs.33,453 crore from Government of
India over the entire implementation period.
The scheme would bring in more opportunities for TPDDL in terms of:
 Micro Grid based REM
 Storage solution for Off-Grid location in villages
 Smart Appliances and Inverters
IPDS Scheme

Integrated Power Development Scheme (IPDS) is one of the flagship programme

of the Ministry of Power launched on 28th June 2015 which will be at the core
attempt to ensure 24x7 power for all.
• The Scheme, announced in the Union Budget 2014-15, aims at strengthening
of sub-transmission network, Metering, IT application, Customer Care
Services, provisioning of solar panels and the completion of the ongoing
works of Restructured Accelerated Power Development and completion of
the Reforms Programme(RAPDRP).
• Government of India will provide budgetary support of Rs. 45,800 crore over
the entire implementation period of IPDS.
• The Scheme includes upgradation of the electrical assets at Sub – centers,
lines and distribution transformers, capacity enhancement and renewal of
the old sub – stations and installation of roof-top solar panel in government
National Tariff Policy 2016
4 E’s of Electricity: Electricity for all, Environment for a sustainable future,
Efficiency to Ensure affordable tariffs, Ensure financial viability and Ease of
doing business to attract investments.
Key Highlights of New Amendments in National Tariff Policy 2006: (Approved: 20th Jan 2016)

• 24X7 power supply will be ensured to all consumers. In this case state governments and regulators
will devise appropriate power supply trajectory to achieve this.
• Micro Grids will provide power to remote unconnected villages. It will have provision for purchase
of power into the grid.
• People near coal mines will be provided with affordable power through procurement of power
from coal washery reject based plants.
• Reduce power cost to consumers through expansion of existing power plants.

• For reduction in overall power cost, benefit from sale of un-requisitioned power to be shared.
National Tariff Policy 2016
• Through competitive bidding process, transmission projects will be developed in order to ensure
faster completion at lower cost.
• To enable Time of Day metering installations of smart meters will be fasten. It will help to reduce
theft and allow net-metering.
• Creating transmission capacity for accessing power from across India for lower power cost.
• Renewable Power Obligation (RPO): By March 2022, 8% of electricity consumption shall be from
solar energy in order to promote renewable energy and energy security.

• Renewable Generation Obligation (RGO): New thermal plants based coal/ligniteto

establish/purchase/ procure renewable capacity. Transmission charges and losses will be not levied
for solar and wind power between inter-State power transmission. 100% power procurement
produced from Waste-to-Energy plants in order to give big boost to Swachh Bharat Mission.

Ease of Doing Business

• Investments will be encouraged in coal rich states like West Bengal, Odisha, Jharkhand and
Chhattisgarh to generate employment.
Thank You

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