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Epos Essentials

Paradigm™ 18

Training Manual
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Printed November 25, 2018


Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model,

and Terminology ................................................................................ 1-1
Section 1: Introduction to Paradigm Epos Infrastructure .................................. 1-3
Section 2: Getting Started ............................................................................... 1-5
Exercise 1.1 Select the Product................................................................ 1-6
Exercise 1.2 Review the Paradigm Session Manager’s Tabs .................. 1-10
Section 3: What is an Epos User? ................................................................. 1-14
Exercise 1.3 Select the Epos User ......................................................... 1-15
Section 4: What is an Epos Project?.............................................................. 1-16
Exercise 1.4 Learn About an Epos Project.............................................. 1-17
Exercise 1.5 Open an Epos Project ........................................................ 1-19
Exercise 1.6 View and Edit the Project Definition and Content
in the Project/Survey Manager ............................................................. 1-21
Exercise 1.7 Examine the Project in Integrated Canvas.......................... 1-28
Section 5: What is an Epos Survey?.............................................................. 1-34
Exercise 1.8 Examine the 3D Survey’s Definition in the
Project/Survey Manager ....................................................................... 1-35
Exercise 1.9 Examine the 3D Survey in Integrated Canvas .................... 1-38
Exercise 1.10 Examine the 2D Survey’s Definition in the
Project/Survey Manager ....................................................................... 1-41
Exercise 1.11 Examine the 2D Survey in BaseMap and 3D Canvas ....... 1-45
Exercise 1.12 Examine the Data Paths in the Project/Survey Manager . 1-47
Where Data is Stored .............................................................................. 1-54
Section 6: The Seismic Data Model ............................................................... 1-55
Exercise 1.13 Examine the Seismic Files in the Seismic Data Manager . 1-57
Exercise 1.14 Examine the Seismic Files in Integrated Canvas .............. 1-62
Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model ...................................................... 1-65
Exercise 1.15 Examine the Horizons and Faults Defined
in the Project and Surveys ................................................................... 1-67
Exercise 1.16 Examine the Interpretation Data
in the Interpretation Data Manager ....................................................... 1-72

Contents ParadigmTM

Exercise 1.17 Examine Interpretation Data in Integrated Canvas ........... 1-77

Exercise 1.18 Learn About Interpretation Data Types ............................. 1-82
Section 8: About an Epos Culture Database ..................................................1-84
Exercise 1.19 Register Web Map Service (WMS)
Sourced Raster Imagery ....................................................................... 1-85
Exercise 1.20 Examine the WMS Image Data in BaseMap ..................... 1-88
Section 9:The Well Data Model......................................................................1-90
Exercise 1.21 Examine Well Data in the Well Data Manager .................. 1-92
Exercise 1.22 Select Well Data with Which You Want to
Work and the Concept of Stratigraphic Context .................................. 1-102
Section 10: Vertical Functions, Pencils and Mute Data ................................ 1-109
Exercise 1.23 Examine the Vertical Functions in the
Vertical Functions Window and Sets in the Vertical
Functions Data Manager .................................................................... 1-110
Section 11: About an Epos Drilling Database ............................................... 1-114
Section 12: Paradigm Name Service (PNS), Data Access and Security....... 1-115

Appendix A Reviewing the Session Manager’s Options and Customize Tabs ...A-1
Review the Options Tab .............................................................................A-1
Review the Customize Tab ........................................................................A-2

iv Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure,
Data Model, and Terminology C h a p t e r 1

1 Introduction In this training course you are introduced to the ParadigmTM EposTM
infrastructure, data model, and terminology. You open an existing Epos project
that contains surveys, a well database, and a culture database, and learn how
data is organized in Epos. The objective is to enable you to practice opening
Epos data and to provide you with an understanding of where and how data is
stored and managed in Epos.

2 In this chapter  “Section 1: Introduction to  “Section 7: The Interpretation Data

Paradigm Epos Infrastructure,” Model,” page 1-65
page 1-3  “Section 8: About an Epos Culture
 “Section 2: Getting Started,” Database,” page 1-84
page 1-5  “Section 9:The Well Data Model,”
 “Section 3: What is an Epos page 1-90
User?,” page 1-14  “Section 10: Vertical Functions,
 “Section 4: What is an Epos Pencils and Mute Data,”
Project?,” page 1-16 page 1-109
 “Section 5: What is an Epos  “Section 11: About an Epos Drilling
Survey?,” page 1-34 Database,” page 1-114
 “Section 6: The Seismic Data  “Section 12: Paradigm Name
Model,” page 1-55 Service (PNS), Data Access and
Security,” page 1-115

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

3 Chapter Workflow The figure below shows you the sections in this chapter.

Course Chapter Sections

Introduction to Epos:
Introduction to Paradigm Epos
Epos Essentials Infrastructure, Data Model, and

Getting Started

What is an Epos User?

What is an Epos Project?

What is an Epos Survey?

The Seismic Data Model

The Interpretation Data Model

About an Epos Culture Database

The Well Data Model

Vertical Functions, Pencils, and

Mute Data

About an Epos Drilling Database

Paradigm Name Service (PNS),

Data Access and Security

1-2 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 1: Introduction to Paradigm Epos


1 Overview The Paradigm Epos infrastructure and data management system is the
foundation for the entire Epos-based application suite, links applications to a
shared database, and provides a common working environment for individual
users or teams across geologic disciplines or business units.
 The Epos infrastructure is based on a client/server architecture that
provides a multi-user environment for data sharing and work collaboration.
 The Epos database, developed using SQLite, has a distributed, relational
and hierarchical nature that enables quick and reliable access. SQLite is a
light transactional SQL database engine known for its reliability, high
performance, ease of use and configurability.
 The Epos distributed database comprises a group of dedicated data
repositories for each defined data type that is accessed through dedicated
data services. The data repositories are organized in such a way as to
provide the IT Administrator with full control and flexibility regarding the
location and arrangement of the repositories. This type of organization also
delivers scalability, as the database can be easily adapted to changing
performance and storage needs as datasets continue to grow.
 Each Epos database is fit-for-purpose for the most demanding applications
in each discipline, yet can be shared by all other disciplines quickly and
directly, with no need for duplication or reformatting. Epos features a Web
Asset Manager (WAM) that provides an overall Web-based view and a
global geographical search capability of all the data in Epos projects at a
given site.
 The Epos infrastructure includes a comprehensive set of data management
and configuration tools for IT Managers, Project Administrators and end
users. These tools incorporate permission management, disk allocation,
backup and restore, and various data management tools.
 Dedicated third-party data services offer interoperability and data exchange
with third-party databases.
 Paradigm provides an Epos Development Kit known as OpenGeo. This kit
enables application programmers to build software that can access any data
in Epos and interact with Epos applications.
 Epos supports Linux and Windows operating systems, including cross-
platform Linux-Windows support.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 1: Introduction to Paradigm Epos Infrastructure 1-3

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

The scalability and flexibility of Epos makes it suitable for customers of all sizes,
from individual laptop users to small groups to large enterprise businesses.

Figure 1-1

1-4 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 2: Getting Started

When you launch Paradigm, the Session Manager opens. The Paradigm
Session Manager is the central place for running Paradigm applications, data
management, and data import/export utilities. Once the Session Manager is
open, you must leave it open or minimized during your working session.
In this exercise you select one of the Paradigm solutions available in the
license file. Selecting a solution, or a Paradigm product, from the license file is
an essential step when you first start working in a Paradigm installation. Your
selection is remembered for the next time you launch the Session Manager. You
can change the product selection any time to remove or add products to your
working session. The ability to add products, however, depends on their usage
by other users at your site and the number of users who can use the products
simultaneously according to the license file.
Product selection is done in the Session Manager using the Product Selection
option located in the File tab. In addition to product selection, it provides
information concerning license usage at your site.

Figure 1-2 The Paradigm Session Manager File > Product Selection option is
used to select products

1 In this section  Exercise 1.1 ,“Select the Product”  Exercise 1.2 ,“Review the
on page 1-6 Paradigm Session Manager’s
Tabs” on page 1-10

Paradigm™ 18 Section 2: Getting Started 1-5

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.1 Select the Product E x e r c i s e 1 . 1

1 Select the products 1 In the Paradigm Session Manager select File > Product Selection. (This is
with which you the default display.)
want to work

 1

You can view the full list of Paradigm Suite products, or just your licensed
Products/Bundles. By default the full list appears, with the products
supported by the license file highlighted.

2 Now let’s have a look at Product selection. The products are divided into
groups according to Solutions. Each Solution represents a set of products.
Open the Interpretation Solution folder to view the product group. The
product groups are stand-alone products that work with Solutions to
complete a workflow or facilitate a solution.

1-6 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology


Note In this course the Interpretation product was selected. At your site, if
the number of users allowed to use the Interpretation product is limited, you
may not want to use an Interpretation license. If you have an Epos Data
Management product, you can use it.
3 Note that Bundles was selected.

 3

4 Under Products and Bundles, note that Advanced Interpretation

Workflow was selected.

 4

Figure 1-3

5 Under Product Selection Summary, open the Bundles folder and note that
Advanced Interpretation Workflow appears.
6 Hover your cursor over Advanced Interpretation Workflow to view the
products that are available with your license.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 2: Getting Started 1-7

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


Note The products you select are automatically saved by the Paradigm
Session Manager into your user preferences (whose location is defined by
the PG_USER_PREF variable). The products are visible in the Product
Selection Summary list.
Add-ons add functionality to a product, but cannot run independently. They
automatically appear when you select your product. If you toggle on an Add-
on, it will be listed under the product in the Product Selection Summary.

7 Click on License Usage . The Session Manager reads

your license file and provides you with up-to-date information about
available features within your license if they are in use at the moment. Click
Note When you launch an application, the license is checked out for all
products that contain this application that you selected. For example, if
you’ve selected Explorer and SeisEarth, when you launch Integrated Canvas,
both licenses are checked out because Integrated Canvas is available for
both products but with a different set of features/functionalities. If, in addition,
you selected a Tomography license, running Integrated Canvas does not
checkout a Tomography license because Integrated Canvas is not included in
a Tomography license.

1-8 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

8 Go to the Home tab. The applications that are available according to the
products that were selected appear in the Session Manager.


Figure 1-4 Session Manager displaying the applications according to selected

products and the Accessories tab

When you exit a session, the next time you open one, your last product
selections are applied to the new session and the related applications are
displayed in the Home tab.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 2: Getting Started 1-9

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.2 Review the Paradigm Session

Manager’s Tabs E x e r c i s e 1 . 2

In this exercise you review the Session Manager’s tabs.

1 Review the Home 1 Select the Home tab. This is where you select your Epos User. The Epos
User is the identity you work with in Epos. You will learn more about the
Epos User later on in the course.
2 Note that the Home tab is also where you launch the applications and
utilities you want to use by clicking on the application icon or the Accessory
or Epos Utility name.
a Applications are the main software which enable you to display data
and perform geophysical, geological, interpretation, mapping, and
modeling operations. They appear as icons on the left side of the
Session Manager.

b Accessories are added functionalities that can be used in the workflow.

The accessories appear as a list in alphabetical order in the Accessories
c Epos Utilities are utilities for data management and data import and
export. The utilities appear as a list in alphabetical order in the Epos
Utilities tab.
Take a minute to read the names of the Data Management and Import/
Export utilities.
See Figure 1-5 on page 1-11.

1-10 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-5 The Paradigm Session Manager’s Home > Epos Utilities tab

Paradigm™ 18 Section 2: Getting Started 1-11

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

2 Review the File tab 1 In the Session Manager open the File tab.

Figure 1-6

2 Note that the File tab provides options for creating a new project and survey,
and a new well, culture, and drilling database.

Review the
3 1 Click on the Options tab and look at the options that appear. These are
Options tab options that help you perform general tasks that are not related to specific
data or projects. When you click on each option, a dialog box opens
dedicated to that specific operation.
2 Click on CSS Manager. The CSS Manager displays the various Coordinate
Systems defined for use in Epos. Select File > Exit.
3 Click on Epos Terminal Window. A terminal window opens in which the
Epos environment is set. This terminal is used to run Epos batch operations
via a command line. Close the Epos Terminal Window.
See the Appendix for information about the other options.

1-12 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

We recommend that after you complete the course you go to Paradigm Online
University and review the Paradigm Coordinate Systems course. This course
provides a comprehensive overview of the usage of Coordinate Systems in

Paradigm Coordinate Systems-Paradigm 18

Location on Paradigm Online University: Online Training >

Epos Data Management and Interoperability > Paradigm
Coordinate Systems
To go directly to the course on Paradigm Online University:

4Review the 1 Click on the Customize tab. This tab includes options to customize general
Customize tab features of Epos, for example, which plotter to use, which units you should
select to display data, and more.
2 Click on Font then toggle on Auto Apply.
Note You can customize the fonts of menus and dialog boxes in the
applications running off the Paradigm Session Manager. You can select the
font family, size and spacing. The changes you make are automatically
applied to all applications you open.
3 Change the font style and size in the Session Manager. Go to the Home tab
to see your changes. To reset to the defaults, go to Customize > Font and
click on Defaults.
See the Appendix for information about the other options.
4 Go back to the Home tab for the next exercise.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 2: Getting Started 1-13

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 3: What is an Epos User?

1 Overview The Epos User is the identity under which you work in Epos . An Epos
User is a group of one or more OS users.
An OS (Operating System) user is the identity defined in the operating system
of the computer, that is, the identity you logged in with to the computer. The
Epos User identity is built on top of the OS user identity, adding more flexibility
to Epos permission management.
When an Epos session is launched, each OS user selects the appropriate Epos
User to work as. Your Epos User identity determines the permissions you have
for each study.
Your OS user must be associated with at least one Epos User in order to work in
Epos. One or several OS users can be mapped to a single Epos User, and
a single OS user can be mapped to multiple Epos Users. Epos Users are
defined in the PNS (Paradigm Name Service) by the Epos Administrator.
The following table is an example of mapping between OS users and Epos

OS Users and Epos Users

OS Users user1, user 2, user3 user3, user 4 user5 user6
Epos EposUserA EposUserB EposUserC EposUserE

Epos introduced the concept of an Epos User, as well as a mechanism for data
access and security control to enable flexible and detailed managing of
permissions in a multi-user environment.
You learn more about permissions in “Section 12: Paradigm Name Service
(PNS), Data Access and Security,” page 1-115

2 In this section  Exercise 1.3 ,“Select the Epos

User” on page 1-15

1-14 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.3 Select the Epos User E x e r c i s e 1 . 3

In this exercise you select an Epos User.

1 Select the 1 In the Paradigm Session Manager click the Select Epos User button .
Epos User
2 Note that your OS user is assigned to more than one Epos User.
3 Select the Epos User under which you will be working as instructed by the
Trainer. This is the Epos User who is the administrator of the project you will
open in the next exercise.

Figure 1-7 Selecting an Epos User before starting to work

Paradigm™ 18 Section 3: What is an Epos User? 1-15

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 4: What is an Epos Project?

1 Introduction In this section you learn about an Epos Project and how it is defined and

2 In this section  Exercise 1.4 ,“Learn About an  Exercise 1.6 ,“View and Edit the
Epos Project” on page 1-17 Project Definition and Content in
 Exercise 1.5 ,“Open an Epos the Project/Survey Manager” on
Project” on page 1-19 page 1-21
 Exercise 1.7 ,“Examine the
Project in Integrated Canvas” on
page 1-28

1-16 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.4 Learn About an Epos Project E x e r c i s e 1 . 4

After running the Paradigm Session Manager and selecting your Epos User, you
open the project in which you want to work. In many cases the working
environment may have several projects and there are multiple Epos Users
working on the same project.

About an Epos Project

An Epos Project is a single entry point used to assemble a group of seismic

surveys, well data, culture data, and drilling data into one logical entity for
collaborative work by exploration or asset teams.
The Epos Project defines the lateral units, the coordinate projection system,
and the data units to be used to unify multiple studies. Within a specific Epos
Project it is possible to view and work with data defined in different units and
surveys with different projection systems.
An Epos Project can store regional grids that were created by combining data
from different seismic surveys and/or well data within the project.

Figure 1-8 An Epos Project referencing to several databases, enabling the

user to work with all of them in one environment

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-17

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

More about an Epos Project

An Epos Project does not physically contain seismic surveys, well, culture,
and drilling databases, rather, it references these entities. This makes it
possible to define a project that references a large number of seismic
surveys and well, culture, and drilling databases without the need to
duplicate data. Seismic surveys, well, culture, and drilling databases can be
assigned to more than one Epos Project at a time.
Note that the term contain is used when referring to the contents of a project.
For example, project A contains one 2D survey and two 3D surveys and three
well databases. The word contains is not in a physical context.

Figure 1-9 Two Epos Projects referencing to the same databases without
duplication of data

1-18 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.5 Open an Epos Project E x e r c i s e 1 . 5

1 Open an existing 1 In the Paradigm Session Manager select File > Open Project/Survey, or in
the Home tab, click the Open Project/Survey button . The Open
Project/Survey dialog box appears.

About the Open Project/Survey dialog box

The Open Project/Survey dialog box is where you select the project or survey
with which you want to work. It shows all the projects and surveys in your
working environment that, when created, were set to be visible in the Open
Project/Survey dialog box to all users.
Projects and surveys for which your Epos User has permission to access are
highlighted in green. Projects and surveys that your Epos User does not have
permission to access are highlighted in red.

The first two columns show the Name and the Type. You are going to open
a project by the name of TeaPotDome_proj_DMTrain.
2 Under Type, click on the down arrow and select Project.

 3  2

 4

Figure 1-10 Selecting the Epos project

3 Select TeaPotDome_proj_DMTrain. Note that the project may have a

prefix or suffix, because when it was restored your instructor may have
added one.
4 Click Open.
5 Observe that the name of the selected project appears in the Session
Manager’s Home tab. The name of the Epos User that you selected in the
previous exercise also appears.
6 Note also that the project is assigned a default Stratigraphic Context. You
will learn more about this later. For now we will just describe a Stratigraphic
Context as a feature that allows users to:
 Store, retrieve, share and copy different versions of well data selections,
activity, and assignments between different users, between Epos
Projects, and through Backup & Restore.
 Store, retrieve, share and copy different versions of Formation Tables.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-19

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


 5

Figure 1-11 Session Manager displaying the name of the project you opened

Opening a Project vs. Creating a Project

In this course we use an already created project. To create a new project,

you would select File > New Project in the Session Manager. You would
complete the Create New Project dialog box and select Finish. You define
the project parameters in the Create New Project dialog box.

1-20 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.6 View and Edit the Project Definition

and Content in the Project/Survey
Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 6

In this exercise you open the Project/Survey Manager to learn how a project is
defined, and view which surveys, well databases, and culture databases are
assigned to it.

1 Open the Project/  Under the Epos Utilities > Data Management panel select Project/Survey
Survey Manager Manager.

Figure 1-12

The Project/Survey Manager opens with the Project > Setup tab displayed
as shown in Figure 1-13 on page 1-22.

About the Project/Survey Manager

The Project/Survey Manager displays the definitions of the project and the
surveys assigned to it. It has several tabs.
The Project tab has two sub-tabs: Setup and Parameters.
The right panel of the Project > Setup tab displays the surveys, well, and
culture databases that are assigned to the project. This is the current content
of this project, as defined by the Project Administrator. An Epos User should
have specific permissions (Create/Modify Data, Modify Geometry) in order to
change the contents of a project.
The left panel of the Setup tab shows all the databases in your environment,
regardless of the project in which you are working. To add surveys, well or
culture databases to the project, you select it from the databases tree in the
left panel and add it to the project in the right panel using the Add button .

2 View the contents 1 Look at the right panel of the Project > Setup tab. This panel shows the
of the project databases that are currently assigned to the project.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-21

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

2 Note that this project contains the following:

a One 2D survey
b Two 3D surveys
c One Well database
d One Culture database




Figure 1-13

Add a survey and

3 1 Look at the left panel. Open the folders and scroll through the items in each
well database to the folder. You will find a well database, TP2, and a survey, TPz_SE, that are
project not assigned to the project you opened.
2 Select the survey TPz_SE. Is it a 2D or 3D survey?
3 Press the [Ctrl] button to add the well database named TP2 to your


 33

1-22 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

4 Click the Add button to add both to your project. The survey and the
well database both appear in the tree in the right panel under the project.



5 Click Save.
Clicking the Save button adds the survey and well database to the project.
Note that the Parameters tab of the project is grayed out after clicking the
Add button but before clicking Save. This is to indicate changes have been
made to what is contained in the project.
The Parameters tab opens. Read the message that appears.

This means that if the survey you added to the project has surfaces that are
not yet defined in the project, they will not be seen in Paradigm applications
unless you run the Create Missing Horizon/Faults utility in the Interpretation
Data Manager.
6 Click OK in the message.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-23

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

4 View project 1 Inspect the parameters that define this project. They were set when the
parameters project was created.

 2a

 2b
 2c






 2i

Figure 1-14

2 Let’s take some time to learn about the parameters that need to be set when
you create a project.
a Coordinate System Definition: Coordinate Reference System (CRS)
is a coordinate-based, local, regional or global system used to locate
geographical entities. A coordinate system defines a specific map
projection, as well as transformations between different spatial
reference systems.
When you create an Epos project, you define its Coordinate Reference
System. This CRS is used to display the project’s data, and is used to
display data stored in other databases assigned to the project (surveys,
well, and culture databases). If the surveys, wells, or culture assigned to
the project have a different CRS than the project, their coordinates are
transformed on the fly to the project’s CRS for display purposes.
Data that is stored in the Project database (e.g. regional grids and their
derivative data) is stored with the project’s coordinates. The CRS should
not be changed after data has been saved to the project.

1-24 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

About working in a regional multi-CRS project

A multi-CRS project is a large, regional project where at least one of the

surveys has a coordinate reference system different to that of the project.
Such a regional project is created for combining many 'local' seismic and well
data sources to provide a global overview of the basin architecture.
Interpretation from the various surveys can be combined to one map,
enabling identification of structural trends and stratigraphic fairways for future
prospectively analysis.
A regional project is a powerful tool for looking at a broad scale, however
caution needs to be taken when attempting to perform interpretation of
geological details in such a large project. This is because the spherical nature
of the earth implies non-linearity when projecting data from one CRS to
another. This non-linearity results in deformation of geological shapes.
Straight lines may no longer be straight and parallel lines no longer parallel.
There is a trade-off between maintaining the correct location of the objects
while distorting their shapes, or keeping the correct shapes while shifting their
In Epos, data stored at survey level is always stored within the CRS of that
survey. The same is true for project-based data. The assumption is that all
data that is loaded to a survey or a project has been correctly projected into
the CRS of that survey or project. Similarly, each well can (and should) have
its projection CRS defined in the well header.Then, when survey or well data
is displayed in a project with a coordinate reference system different to that of
the data, the data is projected on the fly, for display purposes, to the project
Epos uses two kinds of coordinate transformations for data projection: Exact
and Linearized. Exact transformation is applied to seismic and interpretation
data of 2D survey, to well data and to culture data. However, for 3D survey
data (3D Seismic, 3D Survey interpretation) Epos maintains the
parallelogram-nature of the inline-crossline grid structure: parallel, non-
curved, rows and columns. Keeping the grid structure between projections
results in a repositioning of grid nodes in the display. Epos seeks to minimize
the amplitude of that repositioning through the use of a linearization algorithm.
The linearization algorithm finds the best linear approximation for the CRS
transformation within each survey area, and keeps the relative position of all
grid related objects. The size of the repositioning depends on the CRS of the
project and 3D survey and the size of the 3D survey. The larger the 3D survey
(that is displayed in a project with different CRS), the larger is the
Continued on next page

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-25

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

About working in a regional multi-CRS project (continued)

 When working in a project that contains a survey(s) with different CRS(s),
we recommend that you determine in advance the purpose of the project/
survey combination. That is, to distinguish between regional and prospect
scale workflows.
 If you are working in prospect scale, e.g., well planning and detailed fault
mapping, we suggest working in a local CRS projection. It provides the
best, consistent view for detailed work.
 If you are working in regional scale, e.g., fairway mapping, a multi-CRS
project is usually appropriate. In a multi-CRS project, due diligence on
CRS linearization effect should be performed. A map of the size and
distribution of linearization effect for each 3D survey in the project is
calculated using the Preview Coordinate Transformation option in the
Project/Survey Manager.
 When importing survey data, import it into a survey that has the same
CRS as the data. In other words, do not physically transform any data,
especially 3D seismic data and grids, into a different CRS on load. This is
to reduce the likelihood of systematic errors with transformation
propagating through a workflow.
 For display purposes, interpretation and seismic data in a 2D survey is
precisely transformed into the project CRSs on the fly. Interpretation and
seismic data in a 3D survey is transformed using linearized
transformation. This leads to a recommendation, that whenever possible,
projects should be defined with the CRS of the largest 3D survey within
the project. Doing so ensures that data of a large 3D survey will not be
For more information, see Working in a Regional Multi-CRS Project in
Online Help.

b Lateral Units: This defines the unit of measurement for lateral distances
along the X and Y axis across the project area.
c Default units for time, depth, and velocity and other data types:
These are the units in which data is saved in the project. You can define
specific units for each data type using the option Advanced Units
Settings in the Project and Survey menus. They are also the default
units for displaying data.
You can set the display units as you wish using the Customize >
Display Units option in the Session Manager. The display units do not
affect the units in which data is saved.
d Bounding box coordinates: These are the coordinates that define the
project’s rectangular area. When you click the Scan button, the
bounding box adjusts to include all the surveys and well databases
assigned to the project.

1-26 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

e Global SRD and Replacement Velocity: These parameters are

relevant to land projects. The Global SRD is the Seismic Reference
Datum; that is, the depth elevation at which Time = 0. In the project used
in this tutorial, SRD is -5500 ft, that is, 5500 ft above Mean Sea Level.
This is where time=0 in this project. The project SRD defines a common
time reference for display purposes for the surveys and well databases
that are assigned to the project, for display purposes.
The Replacement Velocity is the default velocity used to calculate travel
time between the time reference (SRD) and the depth elevation
(Floating Datum).
f Ranges:
Time/Depth Ranges: These are the default vertical axis ranges for
displaying data in depth or time. They should be sufficient for the
seismic data in the surveys.The sample rate is the rate by which the
vertical axis is sampled. It can be changed any time during your working
Velocity Analysis Defaults: These values should encompass the full
range of potential velocities expected in the project area. These values
can be changed any time during your working session.
g Get Ranges from Survey: Updates the ranges of the project with the
ranges defined in one or all of the attached seismic surveys.
h Phase rotation conversion and global polarity conventions: This
parameter is relevant for applications that apply phase rotation to the
data. Use to select the Phase Rotation Convention. The icon shows how
a positive phase rotation will be interpreted by all relevant applications.
This will affect applications that apply phase rotation to the data.
i Comment: Enter a comment that is relevant to the project (optional).
3 Recall that you have just added a survey and well database to the project. In
the Scan menu, select Surveys and Wells and click the Scan button to
adjust the bounding box of the project to include them.
4 Click Save to save the project with the new survey and well database you

About the Project database

The project definition is stored in the Project database.The Database

directory stores the definitions of the project, meaning all the parameters in
the project’s Parameters tab (e.g. name, coordinate system, units, bounding
box coordinates, etc.) and references to the surveys, well, culture, and
drilling databases that are currently assigned to the project. It also stores
catalogs of bulk data that are stored under the project.
When creating a project you select the database path, which is where the
Database directory resides on disk. You can view the data path in the Data
Paths tab in the Project/Survey Manager.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-27

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.7 Examine the Project in Integrated

Canvas E x e r c i s e 1 . 7

In this exercise you examine the project in both Integrated Canvas > BaseMap
and Integrated Canvas > 3D Canvas.

About Integrated Canvas

Integrated Canvas consolidates three of Paradigm’s main seismic

interpretation applications — 3D Canvas, BaseMap, and Section, along with
the Well Log window — into a single application. These applications are
pages within an Integrated Canvas that share synchronized representations
of interpretation data.

1 View the project in In this step you open Integrated Canvas > BaseMap to view the project’s
BaseMap bounding box that includes the surveys and well databases and other map
1 Go to the Paradigm Session Manager’s Home tab and click Integrated

Canvas . The Template Selector opens.

 2

Figure 1-15 Integrated Canvas Template Selector

1-28 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

2 Click on BaseMap.

About Integrated Canvas > BaseMap

Integrated Canvas > BaseMap provides a bird's-eye view of the project and
assigned surveys and well databases.
BaseMap displays interpretation, well, culture, and GeoTIFF data. In the
BaseMap area you select a line or traverse and the interpretation is updated
in BaseMap as you pick it on the seismic. BaseMap is where mapping
operations are performed including creating grids, editing outlines, creating
and editing contours, calibrating grids to wells, etc.

3 In the Display Elements embedded on the left, open the Bounding Boxes
folder and toggle on the bounding boxes, one at a time, for the project and
4 Toggle on CMP Lines.
5 Toggle on Wells.
6 Toggle on North Arrow.
7 Place your cursor on one of the bounding boxes in the BaseMap display and
note that the name of the survey or project appears.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-29

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

 7

Figure 1-16 Top view of the project in BaseMap

8 Place the Project/Survey Manager next to BaseMap so that you can see the
project’s bounding box definition in the Project > Parameters tab in the
Project/Survey Manager.
9 In BaseMap place the cursor on the south-west corner of the bounding box
of the project and compare it to the Min X and Min Y in the Project/Survey
Manager. You can zoom in BaseMap using the middle mouse button and
the Magnify Glass and/or the middle mouse button.

2 View the project in In this step you see a 3D display of the project in Integrated Canvas > 3D
3D Canvas Canvas. It is equivalent to the display in BaseMap, however the display in
BaseMap is a 2D top view, whereas 3D Canvas shows a 3D view.

1-30 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

1 In Integrated Canvas, in the Navigation Bar on the bottom, click on +.


2 Click on 3D Canvas in the Template Selector.

 2

Figure 1-17

3D Canvas opens.

About Integrated Canvas > 3D Canvas

Integrated Canvas > 3D Canvas is a 3D viewer that enables interpreters to

view and interpret 2D and 3D seismic and well data. It is used for integrating
surface and subsurface information assembled from different surveys,
disciplines and sources, ranging from regional to reservoir scale.

3 In the Display Elements:

a Set the domain to Depth.
b Toggle on all the Bounding Boxes.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-31

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

c Toggle on Wells.



4 Use the View Manipulation button to rotate the display.

See Figure 1-18 on page 1-33.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-18 Display of the project in 3D Canvas

5 Note that the cursors in BaseMap and 3D Canvas are coupled. When you
move the cursor in BaseMap, it moves to the same location in 3D Canvas
and vice versa.

Take a Tour of Integrated Canvas

This video on Paradigm Online University introduces you
to Integrated Canvas. Go to Paradigm Online University >
Online Training > Getting Started in Paradigm >
Introduction to Integrated Canvas > Working with 3D
Canvas, BaseMap, and Section Pages in Integrated
Canvas > Working with Pages and Templates in
Integrated Canvas.

6 Minimize Integrated Canvas.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 4: What is an Epos Project? 1-33

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 5: What is an Epos Survey?

1 Introduction A seismic survey contains seismic data in the form of a 3D survey (3D
geometry) or a 2D survey (multiple lines), as well as the respective
interpretation results. A seismic survey may be shared by more than one
project, with no need for data duplication.
An Epos Survey has a geometry definition. This includes the coordinate
reference system, the units, and the coordinates of the survey bounding box.
The geometry of a 3D survey includes the definition of inlines and crosslines
numbering and spacing, and for a 2D survey, the geometry of the CMP lines.
The geometry of the seismic survey can be expanded during the survey’s
Three types of bulk data are stored under the survey, each in a dedicated
 Seismic (trace) data of both prestack and poststack, and all kinds of seismic
attribute data.
 Interpretation data such as picks and grids. Interpretation data relates to the
seismic it was picked on, and this is the reason for storing it in the survey.
Regional grids that are created from data of several surveys are stored in
the project.
 Vertical Functions and Pencil data. Vertical Functions and Pencil data relate
to the seismic and this is the reason for storing it in the survey.

Opening a Survey vs. Creating a Survey

In this course we use surveys already assigned to the project. To create a

new survey you would select File > New Survey in the Session Manager’s
File tab. You would complete the Create New Survey dialog box, set the bulk
data paths, and set the Coordinate System definition, default units, and
BaseMap coordinates.

2 In this section  Exercise 1.8 ,“Examine the 3D  Exercise 1.11 ,“Examine the 2D
Survey’s Definition in the Project/ Survey in BaseMap and 3D
Survey Manager” on page 1-35 Canvas” on page 1-45
 Exercise 1.9 ,“Examine the 3D  Exercise 1.12 ,“Examine the Data
Survey in Integrated Canvas” on Paths in the Project/Survey
page 1-38 Manager” on page 1-47
 Exercise 1.10 ,“Examine the 2D
Survey’s Definition in the Project/
Survey Manager” on page 1-41

1-34 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.8 Examine the 3D Survey’s Definition in

the Project/Survey Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 8

In this exercise you examine how a 3D survey is defined. The survey definition
is displayed in the Project/Survey Manager.

1 Select the survey 1 In the Project/Survey Manager click on the Survey(s) tab.
and inspect 2 In the Survey drop-down menu at the top, select the survey
parameters TeaPotDome3Dsurv_West_DMTrain.
3 Inspect the parameters that define the survey. Most of them are similar to
the parameters that define the project as described in “View project
parameters” on page 1-24. In this section we will discuss parameters that
are specific to the definition of a 3D survey.

Question: Is the coordinate system of this survey the same as the

coordinate system (CRS) of the project?
Answer: Switch to the project Parameters tab and compare the CRSs. This
survey has a different CRS than the project, but that is OK as long as there is
a valid conversion algorithm between the two CRSs. The coordinates of the
survey will be transformed on the fly to the project CRS by the Epos CSS
server in order to display the data in a common coordinate system. Data that
is saved to the survey is saved with the survey’s original coordinates.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-35

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


Figure 1-19

2 Inspect the inline/ The Grid Definition defines the geometry of the 3D survey. The Inline-
crossline grid Crossline grid of a 3D survey can be defined in two equivalent representations:
definition Regular and 3 Points. When you define a new survey, you can use either
representation to define the inline-crossline grid. The equivalent representation
is created automatically. When you open an existing survey, you can view both.

1-36 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

1 Inspect the Regular grid definition for each 3D survey in the project. Look at
the Line Deviation in Degrees parameters and the small diagram of Inlines
(I) and Crossline (X) directions that is next to it. Note that the diagram looks
different for each survey. What do you think the diagram is showing?

About Line Deviation in Degrees

The Shooting Direction from North option specifies the angle of the inlines
from the North clockwise.

The Crossline Direction from Inline Direction option specifies the angle of the
crosslines relative to the inline direction. In most surveys, the inlines and
crosslines are orthogonal to each other or nearly orthogonal, so it is 90 or
nearly 90. This angle is positive in the clockwise direction and negative in the
counter-clockwise direction.


Figure 1-20
Tip Click the Help
2 Click on the 3 Points tab and view the 3 Points definition of one of the
button to access the
Online Help explaining surveys.
dialog box parameters. The three points do not necessarily need to be corners of the bounding box.
They can be any three points on the inline-crossline grid, as long as they are
not all on one line. The first and last inline and crossline that are defined
above the three points determine the range of the survey bounding box.
3 Look at the Time and Depth Ranges for the survey data.These values
define the vertical range used to display data in Time or Depth. The range
can be changed while working if needed.

Figure 1-21

4 Leave the Project/Survey Manager open.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-37

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.9 Examine the 3D Survey in Integrated

Canvas E x e r c i s e 1 . 9

Inspect the 3D
1 1 Place BaseMap and 3D Canvas side by side.
survey geometry in
2 In both BaseMap and 3D Canvas, toggle off the display of the wells, CMP
BaseMap and 3D lines, and the bounding box of the 2D survey in the Display Elements. You
Canvas want to display only the bounding boxes of the project and 3D surveys.

Figure 1-22 Bounding boxes of project and 3D surveys displayed in BaseMap

1-38 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-23 Bounding boxes of the project and 3D surveys displayed in 3D


3 Place your cursor on each bounding box in BaseMap to identify if it belongs

to the survey or project. Note that the cursor location is coupled between
BaseMap and 3D Canvas.
4 Put the cursor on the south-west corner of each survey in BaseMap and
look at the status at the bottom of the BaseMap. Compare the inline/
crossline number and the X/Y coordinates readout in BaseMap to the
definition of the south- west corner in the Project/Survey Manager.

Question: For the survey named TeaPotDome3Dsurv_West_DMTrain, the

X/Y numbers shown in BaseMap are not the same as those shown in the
Project/Survey Manager. Do you know why?
Answer: Integrated Canvas displays the coordinates in the project’s CRS.
The Project/Survey Manager, by default, displays the coordinates in the
survey’s original CRS. In the Project/Survey Manager at the top you can set
the Viewing Units to Calculation Units to see the values in the Project

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-39

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

5 Check that the maximum inline/crossline numbers read in BaseMap are the
same as those defined in the Project/Survey Manager for one of the
6 In the BaseMap Display Elements Manager toggle on the Inlines/
Crosslines folder. The default display spacing is 100, therefore not all are
a To display more inlines/crosslines, right-click on the Inlines/Crosslines
folder and select Properties.
b Set the inline and crossline step to 10 instead of 100 and click anywhere
on the display.
c In the Display Elements toggle on and off the X-Y grid.
Note Display properties, such as color and width of all these objects are
7 Toggle off the display of the Inlines/Crosslines and X-Y Grid.
8 Minimize BaseMap and 3D Canvas.

1-40 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.10 Examine the 2D Survey’s Definition in

the Project/Survey Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 0

Inspect the 2D
1 1 In the Project/Survey Manager go to the Survey(s) tab and use the down-
survey definition arrow to select the 2D survey, TeaPotDome2DSurv_DMTrain, in the
Survey field.
2 Note that the 2D survey has three tabs: Parameters (similar to the 3D
survey), Lines, and Intersections.
Let’s first take a look at the Parameters tab.
The upper part, (coordinate system, lateral units, and default units), is the
same as the 3D survey.
The lower part has the BaseMap coordinate specifications that define a
rectangular bounding box. The 2D survey bounding box should be large
enough to include all the 2D lines of the survey. Note the Scan Lines
button. It updates the bounding box according to the existing lines in the
At the bottom are the Time/Depth Ranges and Velocity Analysis
parameters, same as in the project.
3 Click on the Lines tab. It contains a list of all the 2D lines currently in the
a Click on each line name at the left and look at its corresponding CMP
and Shots table on the right.
b Open the CMP table of one of the lines to view all the CMP points within
the line. Close the CMP Table. See Figure 1-24 on page 1-42.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-41

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


Figure 1-24 The CMP table of one of the lines displaying the CMP points within
the line

c Open the Survey menu to see the options related to 2D lines.

1-42 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

About 2D Lines

The geometry of a 2D line is defined by a set of CMP points. In order to work

with a 2D line in Epos applications, the CMP Table must exist and include
CMP X/Y coordinates.
Shot Points are optional. If a Shot Point Table exists, the association between
a CMP and its nearest SP is defined in the CMP Table.
Each CMP and each Shot Point has a CMP Label and SP Label respectively,
which were provided by the user when the line was created. In addition, Epos
gives each CMP and SP a sequential number which is for internal use.
A 2D line can be defined by a full list of points, or by turning points. Each two
turning points define the end points of a segment within the line. The points
that reside between the turning points are interpolated on the fly.
Each seismic section belongs to a specific 2D line. Each 2D line can have
many sections associated with it. The 2D line only defines the geometry,
whereas the sections are the actual seismic and attributes data.

4 Click on the Intersections tab to see all the intersections between pairs of
2D lines. The intersection between the lines are displayed on top of the
seismic section and facilitates the navigation between the sections while
When you load new 2D lines to a survey, the new intersections are
automatically calculated. You can calculate them explicitly by selecting
Project > Find Line Intersections. The calculation of intersection points
allows the interpreter to create traverses across multiple 2D lines.

 4


Figure 1-25

5 Click on the 2D Lines tab. This tab displays all the 2D lines from all the 2D
surveys in the project, or for each survey at a time, with their properties. The
Line Lists sub-tab allows you to create and manage line lists. A line list is a

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-43

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

subset of the 2D lines in a project. When the project has many lines, it is
useful to define a line list that includes the lines you want to work with, and
make it the active line list. Only lines that are in the active list are shown in

Figure 1-26 2D Lines tab displaying all 2D lines found in the 2D survey in the

6 Minimize the Project/Survey Manager.

1-44 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.11 Examine the 2D Survey in BaseMap

and 3D Canvas E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 1

1Examine the 2D 1 In both Integrated Canvas > BaseMap and 3D Canvas, toggle on CMP
survey in BaseMap Lines and the 2D survey bounding box in the Display Elements. Toggle off
the project and the 3D surveys’ bounding boxes.

Figure 1-27 BaseMap display

2 In BaseMap, place the cursor on a line. Note the cursor is coupled with 3D
Canvas. The name of the line, CMP number and X/Y coordinates appear
in the Status Bar at the bottom and follow your cursor.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-45

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

3 Compare the first and last CMP number and coordinates for one line to this
line definition in the Project/Survey Manager.

Figure 1-28 3D Canvas display

4 Minimize BaseMap and 3D Canvas.

1-46 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.12 Examine the Data Paths in the Project/

Survey Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 2

Data paths are the locations on the file system where the Epos data you work
with is stored. In this exercise you examine the data path defined for the project,
survey, well database, and culture database. Each of these is called an Epos
Study, and each one has its own database.

About an Epos Study

An Epos study is a general term for an Epos Project, Survey, Well database,
Culture database, and Drilling database. Each study is registered on the
Paradigm Name Service (PNS). The study record on the PNS contains:
unique name, data locations, services to launch, etc.
Each study is registered on only one PNS server.

1Examine the 1 Click the Data Paths tab in the Project /Survey Manager.
database paths 2 Note that it has two subtabs: Database Path and Bulk Data Path.
3 Click on the Database Path subtab. Note that each study in the project has
a database path. The type of database is written in the Type column.
4 Inspect the data paths in the Database Path column. The data paths are
defined when the study is created.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-47

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


This path varies

according to the
settings at the
training site.

Figure 1-29 Project/Survey Manager > Data Paths > Database Path

About the Database Directory

The Database Path is where the Database directory resides on the file
system. The Database of a study stores the study name and relevant
parameters that define the study.
For a well database, culture database, and drilling database, the Database
directory also stores the data itself. For projects and surveys, the Database
directory does not store data. It stores the parameters that define the project/
survey, for example, coordinate system, units and geometry. The Database
stores catalogs of bulk data that are stored under the project or survey, and
preferences that are set by the user and stored per Project/Survey. For a
project, it stores references to studies that are currently assigned to the
project, and the session saved by users.
The Databases are accessed during the working session via the Epos
DataBase service.

Examine the
2 The term Bulk data refers to data that belongs to a project or a survey, for
interpretation bulk example, interpretation data and seismic data. Each data type has a dedicated
data paths bulk data directory where it is stored.
1 Click on the Bulk Data Path subtab.
2 Select the project from the drop-down menu at the top of the tab.

1-48 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

3 Note that there are toggles for different data types. Only Interpretation data
and Application output data are stored in a project. The other data types:
Trace (Seismic), Vertical Functions, and Prestack Pencil data are stored in
a survey and not in a project.
4 Select All from the drop-down menu at the top of the tab.
5 Toggle on Interpretation.


6  5

This path varies

according to the
settings at the
training site.

Figure 1-30 Project/Survey Manager > Data Paths > Bulk Data Path

Under the path shown in the Path column there is a directory with the
project or survey name. Under the directory with the project or survey name
there are directories that store data that is accessed by services. One of
these is the Interpretation directory which stores the interpretation data.
These directories are automatically created under the specified path.
6 Note the title that appears above the Data Path table: Data is accessed by
services. Path should have Epos Database permissions.
This means that the access to the interpretation data is managed by a
dedicated Epos service. The owner of directories that store data is a special
OS user, the EposDB user, who created it when the software was installed.
The EposDB user is the Epos Database Administrator who owns the files
and directories in the Epos databases that are accessed indirectly (via data
services). A username such as eposdb, pgdb or eposuser is usually used
for the EposDB User. The permission to read and write to the interpretation
database is based on Epos User permissions and not OS user permissions.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-49

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Depends on the path at the training site

Figure 1-31 Survey database, interpretation and vertical function directories of

a survey as seen in a UNIX shell

7 Select one of the surveys from the drop-down menu at the top of the tab.
Note the Add Path button at the bottom. The project administrator can add
additional data path(s) if needed.

Examine the
3 1 Toggle on Application Output Data. The application output data paths are
application output for application internal use (the output is not for the user). It is for storing
data paths files that applications create while running and need to keep.
2 Note the title at the top of the table: Application output data is directly
accessed. Path should have OS user permissions. This means that
applications write directly to this directory, not via a data server.

1-50 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology


This path varies

according to the
settings at the
training site.

Figure 1-32

Examine the
4 1 Select one of the 3D surveys from the drop-down menu at the top of the tab.
seismic bulk data 2 Toggle on the Trace (Seismic) data path and read the title at the top of the
path data path table. The seismic data directory is accessed directly by the
applications, not via a server. The read/write permissions to this directory
are operating system (OS user) permissions, and not Epos User
3 Note the Path and SubPath. The sub path is created automatically when
creating a survey.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-51

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™



Figure 1-33

4 Note the Add Path button. The project administrator can add more paths for
storing bulk data any time, and can monitor their order in the table. Data is
first loaded to or created in the upper path in the table. For 3D seismic data,
which can be very large, monitoring the available data paths can be very

Figure 1-34 An example of three seismic bulk data paths defined for a survey
(different dataset)

5 Minimize the Project/Survey Manager.

1-52 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

About Seismic and Interpretation Bulk Data Paths

The trace (seismic) and interpretation bulk data paths are used when data is
loaded into Epos or created within Epos. Additional paths can be added any
time. The paths are defined in a hierarchal order. The first path on the list will
be used first. The priority of the bulk data paths can be changed. The Project
Administrator can set criteria as to when to move to the next path. The criteria
can be the amount of reserved disk space (Threshold). When this limit is
reached, files are created in the next data path on the list. A single prestack
seismic file can be stored in several data paths if there is not enough space in
the first data path. The maximum file size can also be defined. If the maximum
is reached, the file is split.
Seismic data can also be read directly from the SEGY file (direct SEGY
loading). This slows the performance but saves disk space and the need to
load the file.
The Epos Administrator can define a datapath as a scratch directory for
storing data for a limited time, i.e., for testing. Data in a scratch path may be
deleted from time to time as part of the disk space maintenance routine.
The Seismic bulk data path, which is accessed directly by the applications,
should have read /write permissions for the OS users who run the
applications. On top of that, the Epos Administrator can set Read/Write
permissions to seismic bulk data paths by setting their status in the Project/
Survey Manager.
The Interpretation bulk data path is accessed via the interpretation data
service and the access to it is managed by Epos User permissions.

Managed vs Non Managed Data Paths

An Epos Administrator at a site can decide to have full control over the
location of the data on the disk, or give users freedom of choice regarding
where to put data. If the Epos Administrator has decided to control where the
data will be located, Epos enables the definition of specific datapath(s) for
each datastore in the PNS, and forces users to select from among them.
 Data Paths Managed by PNS: The data paths available for selection are
predefined in the PNS by the Epos Administrator. Users creating studies
and/or adding bulk datapaths can select the disk locations only from a
limited list set in advance.
 Non Managed Data Paths: Data paths, when creating a study or adding
bulk datapaths, can be freely selected.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 5: What is an Epos Survey? 1-53

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Where Data is Stored . .

Data Type Database

Project Survey Well Culture

Seismic Data X

Vertical Functions and X


Horizon and Fault Picks X

Grids and Grid Derivative X X


T-Surfaces, T-Sets, Solid X X


Culture* X

GeoTiff** X

Well Data (Markers, Logs, X

and Checkshots, etc.)

* Culture data can be displayed directly from a web site (WMS or WFS) in read-
only fashion. It can also be imported or created manually and stored in the Epos
Culture database, and it can reside as Shape files in external locations and
accessed directly.
** The GeoTiff files reside in an external location and links to GeoTiffs are stored
in the project.

1-54 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 6: The Seismic Data Model

1 Introduction The Epos seismic database was developed to support Epos seismic
processing, imaging and interpretation workflows. The seismic data model
supports Epos-proprietary prestack and poststack seismic data and their
Different file structure organizations are supported. Post-stack seismic volumes
can be organized in brick format, enabling fast access and roaming through the
data for very large datasets.
Seismic data is the largest consumer of data storage in the Oil and Gas industry,
and working with large seismic datasets can be extremely challenging. To help
address these challenges, Paradigm has developed a seismic compression
roaming capability for poststack seismic data that optimizes data management
and saves disk space and time, while maintaining seismic precision.
Epos can also work directly with files in SEG-Y format without converting them
into Epos format. However working with SEG-Y files significantly reduces the
performance of reading the data and is not recommended. It may be used for
prestack data when there is not enough disk space for loading.
Seismic files can be linked from one survey to another, so there is no need to
store a large seismic file on the disk more than once if it is to be used in several
different interpretation surveys.
Seismic bulk data files may be distributed over several data paths. The data
paths are created and prioritized by the Project Administrator using various
criteria, including file size, path capacity and permissions. Large prestack data
files can be split among data paths.
Various temporary versions of seismic attribute data can be stored in a specially
designated scratch area, if desired.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 6: The Seismic Data Model 1-55

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

About Seismic Files

Each seismic file is classified as prestack or poststack. Each prestack or

poststack file is identified by its:
 Vertical Axis
 Data type
 Data Subtype
 Name
The name is arbitrary and is provided by the user; whereas the vertical axis,
data type, and subtype describes the nature of the file. For example: A
poststack time migrated seismic volume has a vertical axis Time Migrated,
data type Seismic, and data subtype Amplitude.
Seismic files with the same vertical axis, data type and data subtype cannot
have the same name.
Files with a data type that is not Seismic are referred to as seismic attribute
files. Seismic attributes are, for example, Velocity, Coherency, Reflectivity etc.

2 In this section  Exercise 1.13 ,“Examine the  Exercise 1.14 ,“Examine the
Seismic Files in the Seismic Data Seismic Files in Integrated
Manager” on page 1-57. Canvas” on page 1-62

1-56 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.13 Examine the Seismic Files in the

Seismic Data Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 3

The Paradigm Seismic Data Manager

The Paradigm Seismic Data Manager enables users to manage seismic and
seismic attribute files belonging to each survey in a project.
You can view seismic files for all surveys in your project in a single table, or
you can view seismic files for an individual survey. For 2D surveys, you can
view seismic and attribute data for all 2D lines, for specific 2D lines, and
according to survey or project line list.
You can view the headers of a file, and the data as it is stored in the file.
You can perform various management operations on the files such as:
renaming files, linking or copying files from one survey to another, deleting
files, and creating Brick files from files with a different organization.

1 Open the Seismic  Under the Epos Utilities > Data Management panel select Seismic Data
Data Manager Manager.

Figure 1-35

2 View seismic files in 1 Select the Seismic Files tab (it should be open by default).
the Seismic Data
The Survey filter at the top of the table allows you to select which survey you
Manager want to view. Selecting All Surveys enables you to view seismic files for all
surveys in your project in a single table.
2 Select to view the files of the 3D survey TeaPotDome3Dsurv_DMTrain.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 6: The Seismic Data Model 1-57

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

 2

 3

Figure 1-36

3 Place the cursor on any column title in the table, right-click and select Table
The Table Layout dialog box, which is common to tables in all applications,
allows you to select which columns in the table you want to display and their
order in the table.
You use the Add arrow to move items from the Hidden Columns to the
Columns to Display panel and the Remove arrow to move columns you do
not want to display. The Up and Down arrows on the right side enable you to
set the order of the columns.
4 Select to display these columns in the following order:
 Survey Name
 Name
 Vertical Axis
 Data type
 Data Subtype
 Organization
 Size
 Value Encoding
 Last Modification Date
 Create User

1-58 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-37 Display after setting the table layout of the Seismic Data Manager

5 Look at the volumes (files) that belong to survey

a How many files with data type Seismic are in this survey? Note that you
can use the filter at the top of the column to filter for specific data type.
What is their data subtype?
b Do they have the same vertical axis?
In Epos, the vertical axis represents the domain of the file. In this survey
there is one seismic amplitude file in the Time Migrated domain and one
seismic amplitude file in the Depth domain.
c What is the organization of these files?
d What is the data type, subtype, and vertical axis of the volume named
RMS_vol? What is its size?
e What is the data type, subtype, and vertical axis of the volume named
Average Velocity Volume and Smooth_Average Velocity Volume? What
is their organization?
6 Scroll to the right of the table to inspect the contents of all the columns.
7 Select a 2D survey using the survey filter, and add the line name column to
the table.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

8 At the top of the table toggle on Show Only Active Files.

 8

Figure 1-38 Showing the active file in the Seismic Data Manager

About the activity of seismic files

For a specific combination of data type, data subtype, and vertical axis, one
file can be the active file. The activity of seismic files is saved per OS user.
The first time you open a survey no file is active, which means no file will be
used by default for display or calculations. You explicitly select the active files
or copy the activity scheme from another user by selecting Options > Copy
Active Table in the Seismic Data Manager.

3 Activate seismic In this exercise you activate the seismic amplitude files, an NMO velocity file,
files and an average velocity file.
1 Reselect to view the files in 3D survey named
2 Toggle off Show Only Active Files.

3 Select all the files in the table by clicking the Select All button on the
left upper corner of the table.

4 Right-click in the table and either click the Activate button or select
Activate from the menu. All the files, except for one, are activated. The
active files highlight in yellow.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-39

a Why is only one average velocity file active?

b Activate the second average velocity file by selecting it, right-clicking
and clicking the Activate button . Note that the other file is
5 Optional - If possible at your training site ask one student in the class to
change the activity of the average velocity volume back to the first volume.
The other students should select Options > Copy Active Table from this
student. Note that the activity of this student is now applied to their table.
6 Close the Seismic Data Manager.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 6: The Seismic Data Model 1-61

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.14 Examine the Seismic Files in

Integrated Canvas E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 4

Often after loading you need to visually QC the files you have loaded. In
Integrated Canvas, seismic files are displayed in 3D Canvas in a 3D view, and
in Section in a section view.

Display seismic
1 1 In Integrated Canvas > 3D Canvas toggle off the display of the CMP lines
files in Integrated from the previous exercise and click the Open Volume /2D Section button

2 Select the Time Migrated Amplitude volume and click OK.

Figure 1-40

3 Use the Animate tool at top to roam a bit through the volume.
4 Use the slider at the top of the window to quickly roam through the volume
along the inlines.



5 Change the direction of roaming to crosslines by clicking on the Active

Direction button .

6 Use the Animate tool to inspect the data along crosslines. Stop the
animation by clicking on it again.

1-62 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

 5


Figure 1-41 Inspecting the volume in 3D Canvas

7 At the bottom of Integrated Canvas, in the Navigation Bar, click and

select Section.

About Integrated Canvas > Section

Integrated Canvas > Section provides a sectional view of seismic,

interpretation, well and culture data, and enables efficient horizon and fault
picking. Together with Integrated Canvas > 3D Canvas and BaseMap, it
enables you to visualize and interpret your data from every perspective and

Paradigm™ 18 Section 6: The Seismic Data Model 1-63

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

8 Place your cursor on the inline or crossline displayed in 3D Canvas. Right-

click and select Blocks > Open in Section. (If a message appears about
wells, click OK. This message appears because the trajectories of these
wells cannot be converted from depth to time.) The section is displayed in

Figure 1-42 Displaying the section in Section

To attach and
2 You next learn how to attach the three Integrated Canvas pages together so that
detach Integrated they appear in a single window and then how to detach them. You can attach
Canvas pages and detach all pages in one operation.
1 At the bottom of Integrated Canvas, in the Navigation Bar, right-click on a
page name, for example Section, and select Attach all Pages. The pages
are now grouped into a single window.
2 Right-click on a page name and select Detach all Pages.The Integrated
Canvas pages open in separate windows. Note that you can also detach a
single page by clicking on the name of the page in the Navigation Bar and
dragging it out of the single window.

1-64 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model

1 Introduction The Paradigm® Seismic Interpretation suite is an integrated, modern

interpretation and visualization system designed to perform all seismic
interpretation tasks, including structural, stratigraphic, and volume
interpretation. Structural interpretation and modeling tools help interpreters
understand the depositional history of the reservoir, and identify, in the shortest
time possible, fault compartments and sealing and trapping mechanisms that
hold hydrocarbons. These factors help determine the best drilling and ultimately
the project scope and cost.

About Horizons and Faults

In the Epos data model, the basic interpretation entities are horizons and
faults. They represent geological features of the subsurface. Horizons and
faults are referred to as surfaces. Each horizon and fault has interpretation
data associated with it. Each interpreter can create horizons and faults,
digitize them on the seismic data, and map them.

Defined by Name, Class, and Epos User

Surface Type Horizon or Fault

Belongs to
the Fault Fault Map T-
Contours Control
surface Picks Points
Grids Outline
Outline sets Boundary Surfaces
Sets Sets
(For horizons)

Fault Horizon

Figure 1-43

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-65

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Interpretation data objects that do not belong to a specific surface include:

 Traverses  Images (GeoTIFFs and WMS)
 T-Sets  Notes
 Solid Models  Polygon Sets
 Slice Sets  Project/Survey Boundary
 Global Velocity Models  Target Sequences,
 Crossplots  Synchronization Collection
 Crossplot Relationship Sets  Rock Physics Models
 Cultures

2 In this section  Exercise 1.15 ,“Examine the  Exercise 1.17 ,“Examine

Horizons and Faults Defined in the Interpretation Data in Integrated
Project and Surveys” on page 1-67 Canvas” on page 1-77
 Exercise 1.16 ,“Examine the  Exercise 1.18 ,“Learn About
Interpretation Data in the Interpretation Data Types” on
Interpretation Data Manager” on page 1-82
page 1-72

1-66 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.15 Examine the Horizons and Faults

Defined in the Project and Surveys E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 5

In this exercise you open the Interpretation Data Manager and inspect the
horizons and faults defined in the project and surveys.

The Paradigm Interpretation Data Manager

The Interpretation Data Manager provides a single entry point for managing
Interpretation data in a project and its surveys. Tools are provided for editing
attributes, copying data within a survey and from one survey to another, and
The Interpretation Data Manager has five tabs: Data, Horizon/Faults
Definition, Formations, Assignments, and Interpretation Lists. The Horizon/
Faults Definition tab and the Data tab lists the surfaces and their data. In the
Formations tab, the order of the surfaces is defined for a geological model.
This is needed for workflows that requires a defined sub-surface model, but Is
not needed in interpretation workflows.The Assignments and Interp Lists tab
are optional for use.

Open the
1  Under the Epos Utilities > Data Management panel select Interpretation
Interpretation Data Data Manager.

Figure 1-44

2 Inspect the horizon 1 Select the Horizons/Faults Definition tab.

and faults defined The left panel is the Surface Type Filter. This is where you select to view
in the survey and horizons or faults.
2 Click on Horizons.
In the Survey/Project field at the top, you select the survey or project whose
horizons you want to view.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-67

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

3 Select All. Then click on the column title Surface Name to organize the
horizon names in alphabetical order.

Figure 1-45 Interpretation Data Manager

4 Inspect the Surface Name, Class, Survey/Project, and Epos User of the
horizon. Note that most of the horizons exist in all the surveys and in the
project. This is the common situation when working in a multi survey project,
because the interpreter usually wants to pick a specific surface across all
surveys in the project.
5 Notice the two toggles at the top of the table: Show Horizon/Faults: With
Data and Without Data. Toggle off With Data.
The horizons that are now shown in the table are horizons that do not yet
have data. When data will be created, for example, when an interpreter
picks this horizon on seismic belonging to a specific survey, the picks will be
stored in that survey, under this horizon.
6 Toggle on With Data.
7 Look at the Classes of horizon called Carlile. Note that there are two
different class names. Even though the surface name is the same, the
different class makes them two distinct horizons. Their color, however, is the
same because the color is defined by the surface name regardless of the
class. The color of the surface is the default color of the picks in the
Integrated Canvas display. The color can be changed any time and is not
part of the surface definition.

1-68 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-46

About Surface Identity

A surface (horizon or fault) is uniquely identified through a combination of its

Name, Class, and Epos User ownership.
For example, when two Epos Users each create a horizon (or fault) and give it
the same Name and Class, the uniqueness of each horizon is maintained,
since the system recognizes the different Epos User ownership.
An Epos User can specify a different Class to two horizons with the same
name to differentiate between them.

About Horizon Type

Surfaces of the type Horizon also have Horizon Type. The Horizon Type of a
horizon can be Horizon, Formation Bottom, Formation Top, Reference
Horizon or Inter Layer Horizon.
This classification is for interpreters to classify the horizons they create, and
can be changed after the horizon is created.

8 Note that some horizons have the class name SPECIAL. These are
horizons that are created automatically by the system and they have
predefined roles, such as Floating Datum.

3 Inspect the faults in 1 In the Surface Type filter on the left select Faults.
the survey

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

2 Set Survey/Project to All.


Figure 1-47

3 Inspect the fault surfaces defined for this survey. Scroll through the column
and note that the Surface Type is fault (and not Horizon) and that faults do
not have “Interpretation Type”.

About deleting a surface

If you delete a surface in the Horizon/Faults Definition tab, all the data that
belongs to this surface will be deleted because data cannot exist in the
database without a surface definition. However, you can delete interpretation
data without deleting their surface definition from the Data tab.

4 Create missing When you assign a survey to a project, and the survey already has surfaces
horizons in the defined in it, you need to use the option Create Missing Horizons/Faults in
project Project in order to update the project surfaces with the surfaces defined in the

About Surfaces in the Survey and in the Project

Surfaces are defined per survey and per project.

When working in a project, all of the surfaces defined in the surveys should
also be defined in the project in order to be used in the project. This is done
automatically for surfaces that are created while working in the project.
However, when adding a survey that already has surfaces to a project, these
surfaces have to be explicitly defined in the project, using the Create Missing
Horizons/Fault in Project option in the Interpretation Data Manager.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

1 In the Surface Type filter select Horizons.

2 In the surface name column filter, type *au*.
3 Look at the horizon named AUK1. If it does not appear, make sure that the
option Without Data is toggled on at the top of the table.
Is horizon AUK1 defined in a survey? Is it defined in the project?
The surface AUK1 exists in the survey but not in the project. This can
happen if the surface was defined while working in this survey in another
project or as a stand-alone survey.
In order to be able to work with the surface AUK1 in this project you need to
define it in the project. To do this you use the Create Missing Horizons/
Faults in Project option.
4 Select Horizon/Faults Definition > Create Missing Horizons/Faults in
5 Select AUK1 horizon.

 5

Figure 1-48

6 Click OK, then find this horizon in the Horizons/Faults table for the project.


7 Note that the Info area at the bottom of the table reports that the operation is
being performed.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-71

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.16 Examine the Interpretation Data in the

Interpretation Data Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 6

In the previous exercise you looked at the Horizons and Faults that are defined
in the project and surveys. In this exercise you examine the interpretation data
that belongs to these surfaces and also interpretation data that does not belong
to a specific surface.

1 Inspect the data in 1 In the Interpretation Data Manager select the Data tab.
the Interpretation
The left panel is a Data Objects Type filter which lists all the types of
Data Manager interpretation data that are managed in the Interpretation Data Manager.
This is where you select which data you want to see in the Data Table. The
object types Picks through Prestack picks are under the Horizon/Fault data
folder because they are interpretation of a specific surface, Horizon or Fault.
The other object types do not belong to a specific surface, but they are still
considered interpretation data.

These interpretation data object

types belong to a surface.

These interpretation data object

types do NOT belong to a surface.

Figure 1-49 Interpretation Data Objects

1-72 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

2 Set the Survey/Project field to All. All means that the interpretation data
from all surveys in the project and the project will be displayed in the table.

About Interpretation Data Stored in a Project and Survey

Interpretation data is stored in a dedicated database, with is accessed via the

interpretation data server.
Picks are stored in a survey and not in a project. This is because picks were
picked on a seismic volume or sections and the seismic data is stored in a
seismic survey.
Other interpretation data (grids, fault outlines, map boundaries, polygons, T-
Surfaces, slice sets, etc.) can be saved in a survey or in a project, according
to the user’s decision.
Grids stored in a project are usually regional grids created from data that
spans multiple surveys.

2 Inspect picks 1 In the Data Objects Type filter click on Picks.

2 Use the Table Layout dialog box to organize the columns in the table in this
 Survey/Project
 Surface Name
 Class
 Surface Type
 Data Type
 Interpretation Type
 Version
 Epos User
 Data Subtype
 2D Line
 Object Type

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-73

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

About Data Type and Sub Type of Interpretation Data

Interpretation data that belongs to a surface has a data type, and optionally a
data sub type. For example, picks that were picked along an event on a time
migrated volume have the data type time migrated and no data sub type.
Similarly, picks that were picked on a depth volume have the data type depth
and no data sub type.
A velocity grid has the data type Velocity and data sub type Average. Another
example is grid or picks that their values are extracted from seismic data.
They have the data type Seismic and data sub type Amplitude.

3 Click on the title of the Survey/Project column to organize it in alphabetical


Figure 1-50 Interpretation Data Manager > Picks

4 Inspect the picks that were picked up to now in each survey. Note that each
pick belongs to a specific surface. The picks are of data type Time Migrated.
This means they were picked on a Time Migrated volume or 2D section, and
they represent the bottom of the surface.
5 In the Survey/Project filter, select the project. Note that there are no picks
stored in the project.
Picks are stored in a survey and not in a project. This is because picks are
closely related to the seismic data on which they were picked. The seismic
is stored in the survey and the picks are stored with the seismic on which
they where picked.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

3 Inspect grids 1 In the Interpretation Data Manager’s Data Objects Type filter click on Grids.
2 Set the Survey/Project filter to All.
3 Inspect the information in each column.
Grids, similar to picks, have a data type and subtype. Which survey has a
grid with data type Statistical and data subtype Coherency? Use the empty
cell at the top of the Data Type column to filter the data type for Statistical.
To which surface does it belong?
Grids, unlike picks, can have versions of the same data type and subtype.
One version is active, similar to the seismic files activity concept. What is
the version name of this statistical-coherency grid?
4 Remove the filter from the data type columns by clicking on the Clear

Filters button in the upper left corner of the table to redisplay the grids.

Figure 1-51 Interpretation Data Manager > Grids

Are there grids stored in the project? To which surface(s) do they belong?
What data type and subtype does each one have?
Grids can be stored in the project or in the surveys.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-75

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

5 Set Survey/Project to TeaPotDome3Dsurv_West_DMTrain, and select the

grid of horizon h1w and one version of the grids belonging to surface h2w.

Figure 1-52

About Single Value and Multi Value Interpretation

The term Single Value refers to interpretation that has one data value per X,Y
location. The term Multi Value refers to interpretation that can have multiple
data values per X,Y location. Horizon picks can be defined as either single
value or multi value.
For 3D surveys, single value picks are stored in a grid-like structure. Multi
value picks are stored as polylines. Fault picks are always defined as multi
value, and are stored as polylines.
Grids are single value, that is, each grid represents a structure that does not
overlap itself. T-Surfaces can be multi value, that is they are sufficient for
representing complex structures such as salt domes, or vertical faults.

About Versions of Interpretation Data

The term Version refers to multiple objects with the same data type and sub
type belonging to the same surface. A surface is defined by its name, class,
and Epos User. Picks of a specific surface cannot have multiple versions,
whereas grids can have multiple versions. For a specific surface, in the Time
Migrated domain for example, there is only one version of picks. However,
there can be several versions of Time Migrated grids for this surface, each
version name created, for example, with a different smoothing level.

About Grid Derivative Data

Fault outlines, map boundaries, control points, and contours that relate to a
specific grid are considered derivative data.

1-76 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.17 Examine Interpretation Data in

Integrated Canvas E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 7

You use the Open Interpretation dialog box in Integrated Canvas to open
interpretation data. You can also send interpretation data from the Interpretation
Data Manager to Integrated Canvas.
Interpretation data is shared among three Integrated Canvas pages: 3D
Canvas, BaseMap, and Section.

1 Send picks from the 1 Maximize the display of Integrated Canvas > BaseMap and 3D Canvas.
Interpretation Data They must be open for this procedure.
Manager to 2 In the Interpretation Data Manager Survey/Project filter, select the 3D
Integrated Canvas survey TeaPotDome3Dsurv_DMTrain.
3 Select the picks belonging to the horizon named Carlile.
4 Right-click and select Send.

 4

Figure 1-53

The picks you selected are displayed in BaseMap and 3D Canvas. Inspect
them. See Figure 1-54 on page 1-78.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-77

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


3D Canvas

Figure 1-54 3D picks displayed in Integrated Canvas > BaseMap and 3D


1-78 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

5 Note that the picks in 3D Canvas are displayed by default in the color of the
surface they belong to, whereas in BaseMap they are colored by their
attribute values (time migrated). In 3D Canvas you can change the display
of the grid to be colored by its attribute values, by dip, by azimuth etc.

2Open interpretation 1 In 3D Canvas select File > Open Interpretation.

data using the Open 2 In the Open Interpretation dialog box set the Sort by to Object Type.
dialog box 3 Open the Grids > Horizons folder.
4 Open the subfolders of horizons h1w and h2w. Then select the grids
belonging to the survey TeaPotDome3Dsurv_West_DMTrain.
5 Open the Picks > Horizons folder. Then open the Lakota horizon subfolder
and select all the picks belonging to this horizon (from both the 2D and 3D
survey). Click Apply.

Figure 1-55

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-79

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

6 In the Display Elements toggle on Grids and the Picks you just opened and
inspect them in 3D Canvas. In addition, toggle on the contours and fault
outline that were opened along with the grids to which they belong. Also
toggle on 2D Sections.

Figure 1-56

7 Press r on your keyboard to view the interpretation restricted to the seismic.

Press r again to restore the view.
8 Note that once you open interpretation data in one Integrated Canvas page,
for example, 3D Canvas, the interpretation is shared with the other
Integrated Canvas pages (Section and BaseMap) and appears in
the Display Elements of these pages.

3 Create a new If you want to continue picking a horizon that already has picks, you open the
horizon picks via the Open Interpretation dialog box. To start and pick a new surface,
you first have to create (define) it.

In 3D Canvas, select Interpretation > New Horizon .

1 In the Create New Horizon dialog box:
a Give the horizon a name (your initials, for example) and a class
b Change Horizon Type to Horizon.

1-80 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

c Select a color for your new horizon by clicking on the color box.
d Click the Interpretation Type arrow to see the interpretation types.
Accept the default interpretation type, Single Value.

Figure 1-57

e Click OK.
You can start interpreting this horizon on seismic data in any of the surveys.
Similarly, you can create a new fault by clicking the Create New Fault button.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-81

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.18 Learn About Interpretation Data Types E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 8

1 Overview This optional section presents an overview of several Interpretation Data Types.
Data that belongs to a specific Horizon or Fault
1 Picks: Horizon picks define the interface between two distinct subsurface
layers with different lithology and velocity. Fault picks define the location of
faults which are breaks in a horizon. Picks are digitized by the interpreter on
seismic data. The interpreter can combine manual and automatic picking
techniques. Picks can be sparse and do not have to be picked on every line.
When creating a grid from the picks, the picks are interpolated and
extrapolated to provide a value for the grid in each CMP in the area of
2 Fault-Horizon Contacts Fault-horizon contacts are the points at which a
horizon and fault intersect. Fault-horizon contacts facilitate simple structural
interpretation workflows for identifying the intersections between horizons
and faults.


 1
Section view
 2 1 is horizon pick,
2 is fault pick and
fault horizon

Top view

1 is horizon pick,

1 2 is fault horizon

3 Grids: Equally-spaced xyz points (nodes) that represent the structure of a

horizon or fault. Grids are the interpolated, extrapolated and often smoothed
representation of the picks. Grids can also represent properties of the
subsurface along a specific horizon, for example, velocity grids.
4 Contours: Polylines of iso-values on a grid or horizon picks.
5 Control Points: The points from which a grid is created.

1-82 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

6 Fault Outline Set: A set of polygons defining the horizontal projections, on

the horizon, of faults that intersect the horizon.
7 Map Boundary Set: A set of polygons defining the boundary of a grid,
either internal or external.


 7


 6


 6

An Interpretation object that is not related to a specific surface:

 Global Velocity Models: The global velocity model defines a velocity
function in the 3D space of a project. It allows consistent scaling of
interpretation, seismic, and well data from time to depth and vice versa.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 7: The Interpretation Data Model 1-83

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 8: About an Epos Culture Database

1 Introduction The Culture database is an Epos database that stores culture data, or holds
references to external culture data. A Culture database is assigned to a project,
and access is via the project. Multiple Culture databases can be assigned to
one project, and a Culture database can be assigned to several projects.
You can register to an Epos Culture database images and culture data from
external Geographic Information System sources (GIS), such as Web Map
Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), and Esri ArcGIS. You can also
register Shape files stored locally. Shape files can also be loaded into the Epos
Culture database via the ASCII import utility.
After being registered or loaded, the images and vector data can be displayed in
Integrated Canvas along with the interpretation data.
The registration of the external data is done in the Interpretation Data Manager.
The Epos User who is registering the data needs to have Modify Geometry
permissions for that culture database.
Culture data is managed in the Interpretation Data Manager.

2 In this section  Exercise 1.19 ,“Register Web Map  Exercise 1.20 ,“Examine the WMS
Service (WMS) Sourced Raster Image Data in BaseMap” on
Imagery” on page 1-85 page 1-88

1-84 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Exercise 1.19 Register Web Map Service (WMS)

Sourced Raster Imagery E x e r c i s e 1 . 1 9

In this exercise you register to the Culture database a World Map available in a
WMS server.

1Register culture 1 Open or maximize the Interpretation Data Manager.

data using the 2 Select Data > Register External GIS Source.
Interpretation Data
Manager The Culture Repository is set to the one Culture database assigned to the
project. If there are more than one, you have to select the culture database
to which you want to register it.

3 Click Add Row . Each row you add is used to register one
4 Click the Source cell and select WMS URL.
5 In the Location cell enter:
6 Note that the Name column is filled automatically. You can edit the name.
This is the name of the Image folder that stores the images, or layers
Once the location is specified, the data needs to be scanned in order to read
the image names.

7 Select the row and click Scan Selected Source

Scanning may take some time depending on the location of the data. A
progress bar indicates the percentage of scanned data. When the scanning
is completed, the lower table is populated with the names of the scanned
layers (Images).
8 Note that all the layers (images) are active. You can deactivate a layer by
toggling off the green checkmark. Only active layers will be available for
display. You can change the activity of registered images in this dialog box
at any time and re-save the registration.
9 Click Save.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 8: About an Epos Culture Database 1-85

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™



4  6

 7  3

 8


Figure 1-58

10 Click Close in the Register External GIS Source dialog box.

Inspect the
2 1 In the Interpretation Data Manager, Survey/Project field select the culture
registered data in database TeaPotCulture_DMTrain.
the Interpretation 2 In the Data Objects Types filter, select Images > WMS. Here you can view
Data Manager the registered WMS imagery. If you want you can delete a registration here.

1-86 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

3 Note the Name Column and the Image Name column. The Name is a
common name to all the layers of the same registration. Each Layer has a
name, as shown in the Image Name column.


 2

Figure 1-59

Paradigm™ 18 Section 8: About an Epos Culture Database 1-87

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.20 Examine the WMS Image Data in

BaseMap E x e r c i s e 1 . 2 0

1 Open the culture 1 In Integrated Canvas > BaseMap select File > Open Interpretation.
in BaseMap
2 In the Open Interpretation dialog box open WMS Image folder.
3 Note that the sub-folder has the name given when registering the WMS
image. Open this folder to see the layer names.

Figure 1-60 Selecting the WMS Image in the Open Interpretation dialog box’

1-88 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

4 Select all the layers then click OK.

5 In BaseMap Display Elements, toggle on WMS.

 4

Figure 1-61 WMS display in BaseMap1

6 Right-click on WMS and select Properties. Note that you can change the
opacity and transparency of the image. This enables you to view
interpretation data below the WMS image.

1 Portions of this section include:

Intellectual property of Esri and its licensors and are used under license. Copyright ©
2018 Esri and its licensors. All rights reserved.
State of Western Australia data © 2018, Government of Australia. Under Public
License, all warranties disclaimed. For more information go to https://

Paradigm™ 18 Section 8: About an Epos Culture Database 1-89

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 9:The Well Data Model

1 Introduction The Epos Well database is part of the ParadigmTM EposTM data management
infrastructure and is used by GeologTM, the Formation Evaluation product suite
for advanced petrophysical analysis, StratEarthTM, used for geological
interpretation, SKUATM, the model-building solution, and SeisEarthTM, the
seismic interpretation and visualization product. All of these and other
Paradigm products (e.g., ExplorerTM, ProbeTM, VanguardTM, etc.) write and read
from the same Well databases.
The Epos Well database has been designed for storing all types of well data,
including well header information, position and deviation logs, checkshots,
wireline logs, well markers, lithology logs, and production and completion logs.
Wells in the Well database are stored together with their units and coordinate
system. Each well stores its logs and marker sets.
A Well database is assigned to a project, and access to a Well database is via
the project. A single project can include multiple Well databases, and a Well
database can be shared by more than one project.
For ease of use, when working with large databases, the wells within a Well
database can be organized in lists, and users can activate only the lists with
which they want to work. In addition, users can activate only the marker sets
with which they want to work.
Epos infrastructure enables direct access to third-party databases, with no need
to copy data by providing on the fly mapping from the third-party data model to
the Epos model.

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Well Database

Well lists All Wells Well List 1

Wells Well 1 Well 2 Well 3 Well 4 Well 3 Well 4

Fault Map
Set1 Set2 Set3
Outline Set4 Set5 Set6
Sets Sets

Domain Production
Logs Logs Markers Markers ........
Conversion Data

Figure 1-62 Well database

2 In this section  Exercise 1.21 ,“Examine Well  Exercise 1.22 ,“Select Well Data
Data in the Well Data Manager” on with Which You Want to Work and
page 1-92 the Concept of Stratigraphic
Context” on page 1-102

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-91

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.21 Examine Well Data in the Well Data

Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 2 1

In this exercise you open the Well Data Manager and look at the well data that
belongs to the Well databases assigned to the project.

About the Well Data Manager

The Well Data Manager is a single entry point for all well data viewing and
manipulation of Wells, Sets, Logs, Markers, Domain Conversion, Production,
Well Tests, Engineering, Geology, Well Info Sets, and Raster Logs data.
Its design is in the form of Excel-like tables, with features such as easily
movable columns, filters, and “hide column” functionality. Its extensive “drill
down” capability opens additional tables and dialog boxes, enabling users to
edit and QC their data at any level of detail. All the tables allow customization
of units for display, for example, displaying data in its original units, project
units, etc.
The Well Data Manager includes the following main capabilities: Load data
through LAS/LIS, copy data from third-party databases or other Epos Well
databases, QC data, change Marker set ownership, verify and manipulate
coordinate systems, export and copy data, and activate/de-activate wells,
logs and markers. These tasks may be performed by Data Managers and
Epos Users, according to their roles and permission.
Well data is very complex and very rich. In Epos, all well data is mapped into
a hierarchy of Wells, Sets, and Logs.
Epos provides a set of configuration files that define all the different types of
logs, sets, and units, enabling the customization of all the naming conventions
in order to distinguish between them.
Log types may be activated/de-activated in the same way (Log Tab); once
filtered out, they will not appear in any application. The Well database
contains the full range of log types, and users have the option to choose the
log types that are relevant to their work, depending on the phase of the
The Well Data Manager communicates with third-party well data repositories
to allow viewing and copying data between the databases.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

1 Open the Well Data  Under the Epos Utilities > Data Management panel select Well Data
Manager Manager.

Figure 1-63

The Well Data Manager opens.

2 Inspect the types of 1 Note the tabs at the top. Each tab is used for managing the well data
well data managed specified on the tab: Wells, Logs, Markers, Domain Conversion, Production,
in the Well Data Well Tests, Engineering, Geology, Well Info Sets, and Raster Logs.

Each of these data types is organized in sets within a well. Each well can
have several sets of each data type. The Sets tab provides a global view of
all sets in the well database. A well is defined by its well header. When a
new well is defined in the well database, it can possibly not contain data.
Sets can be added to the well any time while working.
2 Note that (as shown in Figure 1-64 on page 1-94):
a The left panel, called Well, shows a tree of all the wells in the project.
Under each Well database, it shows the wells in that Well database.
There is a folder for each well database, and under it there are the wells
assigned to this well database, grouped by well lists.
b Two Well databases are assigned to this project: TP2 and
c Under the well database folder there are well lists folders. All Wells is a
default well list that includes all the wells in the database. The number in
parenthesis following the well list name is the number of wells in that
well list. You can see that in the TP2 well database there are 15 wells,
and in TeaPot_wells_DMTrain there are 351 wells.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-93

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

d There are folders for well lists created by users who are working in that
Well database. Each well list is a subset of the wells in the database.
What are the names of the well lists in TeaPot_wells_DMTrain
database? How many wells in each?

 2a



Figure 1-64

3 View the well Each well is defined by a set of constants stored in the well header.
1 In the Well Data Manager click on the Wells tab and the Well
Headers subtab.
2 In the left panel, under the TP2 well database, open the well list called All
3 Select several wells and note that the Well Header Table in the right panel
displays well header information for the selected wells.

1-94 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-65 The Well Data Manager

Each row in the Well Headers table represents one well. Each column is for
one well header constant.
4 Inspect the constants that compose the well header. Use the Table Layout
dialog box to add constants to the table display. Note the following
a WELL: This is the main well identifier by which Epos identifies each well.
When a well is created (for example, when loading a file with well
parameters) one of the well identifiers is written into the well header as
the constant WELL and serves as the main well identifier. The constant
Well is mandatory in a well header. It cannot be changed after a well is
created. The light blue color of the cells in the table indicates that it is a
non-editable field.
b WELL_NAME: This is a well identifier that is usually used by the user to
label the wells in the applications. It can be changed at any time.
c API_NUMBER: This is a well identifier that consists of a number that is
unique for each well. When the well is created, the API number can be
written into the well header as the constant WELL. In the wells in
Figure 1-65 it was stored in the well header as an additional well
identifier, and not as the main identifier WELL.
d X_LOCATION, Y_LOCATION: These are the coordinates that define the
well location and are mandatory when a well is created. The coordinates
are defined by the coordinate system also specified in the well header. If
no coordinate system is defined, the project CRS is assumed.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™


constants that together define the elevation of the well top above mean
sea level.

About Well Labeling

Wells are labeled in Paradigm applications by their well header constants. A

user can define by which well header constant the wells will be labeled.
In Figure 1-65 on page 1-95 note that the wells are labeled by their
WELL_NAME and API_NUMBER constants. To change the label, for
example, to label the wells only by their WELL_NAME, select Customize >
Edit Well Labeling Options in the Well Data Manager.

4 Inspect the well 1 Click on the Sets tab.

What is a well set?

Logs and markers within a well are stored in sets. A log set is a group of logs
that were measured together within the well and share the same reference
curve. A marker set is a group of markers that together represent one version
of structure and attribute interpretation down the well.
Each well can store many sets.
Sets are classified in Kinds. The Kind indicates what type of logs or markers
the set stores. For example, WIRELINE sets store wireline logs, a
CHECKSHOT set stores time-depth logs, and a POSITION set stores
deviation surveys.

2 In the Well panel, click on Well 1-TP-33 (it is in the TeaPot_wells_DMTrain

well database). The sets for that well appear in the Set table on the right.
3 Inspect the Set Kinds in this well.

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Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

 1

Figure 1-66 Well Data Manager Sets tab

4 Click on a set of the WIRELINE kind.

5 Click on the View Logs button below the table.This displays the logs that
belong to this set. See Figure 1-67 on page 1-98.

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

 5


Figure 1-67 Displaying logs that belong to the selected set

5 Inspect the logs 1 Click on the Logs Tab.

2 Note that Well 1-TP-33 is still selected in the left Well panel and that the
right panel displays all the Wireline logs in that well.
3 Note that each log has a log type that indicates the type of data in the log.
The log type cannot be changed.The log name can be changed.
4 Note that the name of the set the log belongs to is specified in the Set Name
5 Select a log in the Log Table and view the graphic display of the log that
appears in the Quick View Log Display panel on the right. You can select
and display more than one log. This display enables you to quickly inspect
the logs.

1-98 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-68

6 Select several logs in the Log Table, then right-click in the Log Table and
view the available options.
7 Select View/Edit Log Table. A table of the logs values opens. It enables
you to inspect the value and perform log manipulations such as filtering,
transforming to another type, etc.

6 Inspect the 1 Let’s go now to the Markers tab.

2 Click on the Markers for Wells subtab. It enables you to view and edit all
markers according to the well to which they belong.
3 Select well 11-AX-11 (it is the in TeaPot_wells_DMTrain well database).
The markers appear in the Well Markers Table in the right panel.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-99

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

The Well Markers Table

The Well Markers Table shows marker information for a well or wells that you
select from the Well List. You can view markers for selected wells, or for all
wells by marker name.
You can activate, edit, create new attributes, copy and paste markers, etc.

4 Select several wells in the All Wells folder in the left panel. The markers that
are in these wells appear in the Well Markers Table in the right panel.
5 Note that:
a Each marker has a name. The name usually reflects the geological
feature that the marker represents.
b Each marker belongs to a set. The set name is written in the Set Name
column. A well can have several marker sets. Users can deactivate the
marker sets that they do not want to use.
c The Reference Value is the marker’s value. Usually it is a depth value:
the depth of that geological feature at the marker location. Add the
Reference Name column to the table, and observe that the marker’s
reference value is named DEPTH.
d Look at the Preferred TVD column. The True Vertical Depth value of a
marker is calculated on the fly from the depth value by taking into
account the elevation of the well above MSL, and the deviation of the
well bore, if the well is deviated. The values of the Preferred TVD
column are colored light blue to indicate they are calculated on the fly.
The reference values are colored white to indicate they are data, and
can be edited.

1-100 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

 4

Figure 1-69

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-101

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.22 Select Well Data with Which You Want to

Work and the Concept of Stratigraphic
Context E x e r c i s e 1 . 2 2

Before starting to work in a project, it is recommended to consider limiting the

amount of well data available in your working session so that you see only the
wells, logs, and markers with which you currently want to work. The purpose of
selecting well data is to improve the performance and efficiency of working. This
is important because the full scope of well data assigned to the project can be
very large, for example, thousands of wells that could contain large numbers of
markers and logs. The reading of all the data from the database and displaying
it in applications may take time that you would not need to spend if you did not
use all the data.

1 In this exercise we use the well lists already created in the well database. A
well data with which well list includes wells that you have selected among the full scope of wells
you want to work assigned to the project. When creating a well list, there are various options that
makes it easy to select the wells: You can select them in the BaseMap display
based on their location, you can select wells based on markers names, or by
any other attribute of the wells. Once you have created one or more well lists,
you can select the lists you want to use in your working session. This is done in
the Well Data Load Settings dialog box, where you can also select the marker
sets with which you want to work.
1 In the Well panel on the left, note that the well database
TeaPot_wells_DMTrain has 351 wells and two well lists, List 1 and List 2,
each with a small subset of the wells.
2 In BaseMap you can see all the wells, because all wells are loaded in
Integrated Canvas. See Figure 1-70 on page 1-103.

1-102 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

 1

3  2

Figure 1-70

3 In the Well Data Manager select File > Well Data Load Settings. In this
dialog box you select the well lists with which you want to work.
4 Toggle on By Selected Well Lists. Then set as follows:
a Toggle off All Wells for Well Database TeaPot_wells_DMTrain.
b Toggle off List 2 for Well Database TeaPot_wells_DMTrain.
By doing this, you are selecting to work with only the wells in the well list
named List1 for Well Database TeaPot_wells_DMTrain and all the wells
belonging to the TP2 well database.
5 In the bottom part of the dialog box, for markers, toggle on By Selected
Marker Sets and make sure only the set named TOPS is toggled on. By
doing so, you are selecting to work only with the markers belonging to the
set named TOPS.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-103

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Figure 1-71

6 Click Load.
7 Note that now in the Well Data Manager, for Well Database
TeaPot_wells_DMTrain, only the wells under List 1 are available. This also
happens in Integrated Canvas and all other applications. Look at BaseMap
and see that only the wells of List1 are displayed.

1-104 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

8 8

Figure 1-72

8 In the Well Data Manager go to the Markers > Markers for Wells tab and
note that only the markers for the selected marker set, TOPS appear. The
same thing happens in Integrated Canvas and all other applications.

About the Well Data Load Settings Dialog Box

The Well Data Load Settings dialog box is where you select the well lists and
marker sets with which you want to work. The selection can be changed any
time during your working session.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-105

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

About Stratigraphic Context

A Stratigraphic Context is a saved version of the well data-related selections

you made in a specific project. When you start working in a project all well
data is selected. This is the Default Stratigraphic Context, and it is active by
default. Any changes that you make during your working session are saved
automatically to your active Stratigraphic Context.
The content of a Stratigraphic Context includes:
 The selections in the Well Data Load Settings dialog box, that is: Which
well lists and marker sets you want to load into your working session.
 Well Data Activity (active Wells, active Sets, Markers, Log Types and
 Assignment of Markers to Features (to surfaces)
 Global Velocity Model Activity
 Formation Table
Stratigraphic Context is saved per Epos User. Each Epos User can have
multiple versions of a Stratigraphic Context.
Stratigraphic Contexts can be copied from one Epos User to another.
You activate a specific Stratigraphic Context according to your needs during
your working session. The activity of a Stratigraphic Context is per OS user.
This implies that two distinct OS users who are working as the same Epos
User in the same project, can each have a different active Stratigraphic
Context. Only one Stratigraphic Context is active for you at a time. Next time
you open the project, it will open with your active Stratigraphic Context.

Save the
2 In this step you save the current Stratigraphic Context under a new name.
1 In the Paradigm Session Manager, select File > Select Stratigraphic
Context under a
new name Context, or click in the Home tab, to open the selection panel.

2 Click Save As.

1-106 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

3 Change the name to Train_A_StratContext.<date> Note that you can enter

a comment. Click OK.

 3


Figure 1-73 Creating a new stratigraphic context

The new name appears in the Paradigm Session Manager > Home tab.

 4

 4

Paradigm™ 18 Section 9:The Well Data Model 1-107

Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

4 In the Session Manager select File > Select Stratigraphic Context. Note
that there are now two Stratigraphic Contexts. The last one you created is
the active one.

 5


Figure 1-74

5 Change the settings in the new Stratigraphic Context so that it is different

than the previous one. To do so, follow the same steps as when you
selected List1. In the Well Data Manager select File > Well Data Load
Settings. Instead of List1, select List 2 and a different marker set. Click
Load. This new setting is saved automatically to the active Stratigraphic

3 After you have selected the well lists and marker sets you want to work with, you
Deactivate specific can further deactivate individual wells and markers. This is performed in the
wells Well Data Manager in the Active Wells and Markers Activity tabs.
and markers 1 Go to the Active Wells tab.
2 Open the List1 folder for the TeaPot_wells_DMTrain database.
3 Select a few wells, right-click and select Deactivate. The wells that you
deactivated will not appear in Integrated Canvas and other applications.
This now is your current well selection which is saved automatically to the active
Stratigraphic Context.
Similarly, you can deactivate specific markers.
Note In addition to wells and marker set selections, there are other items that
are saved to the Stratigraphic Context, for example, the assignment of markers to
features, and the Formation Table.

4 Switch between 1 In the Paradigm Session Manager, select File > Select Stratigraphic
Context, or click in the Home tab, to open the selection panel.
2 Select one Stratigraphic Context at a time, and view the different wells
available in BaseMap and the Well Data Manager for each Stratigraphic

1-108 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 10: Vertical Functions, Pencils and Mute Data

1 Introduction Vertical functions, pencils and mute functions are each a collection of data
points along a vertical axis (time or depth), at a specific spatial locations,
sparsely distributed in a 2D or 3D seismic survey.
Vertical function data consists of attribute data picked on prestack seismic data,
or calculated from another vertical function. For example, Stacking Velocity
(NMO time) is picked along seismic CMP time gathers, and is the first
estimation of the sub-surface velocity. Residual Moveout vertical functions are
picked along prestack seismic gathers after migration, and serve as an
estimation for the quality of the velocity model. Vertical functions are used as
input for volume creation, where they are interpolated and extrapolated spatially
to fill the whole survey area.
Mute Functions are vertical functions whose purpose is to eliminate the noise
preceding the first arrivals. They are picked along seismic gathers and mask the
near offset or far offset traces.
Vertical functions and Mute functions are stored in sets. Each set consists of a
group of functions of the same data type, data sub type and vertical axis. The
vertical function database is accessed by a dedicated data service. The
permissions to create and view vertical functions are per Epos User.
Pencil data is a type of vertical function that carries discrete information about
the structural subsurface model and its geological and geophysical attributes.
The information is sampled at intersecting points of interpreted surfaces along a
predefined spatial grid, and includes structural attributes such as dip, azimuth
and continuity (DAC) of reflecting surfaces, and surface ID; and velocity
attributes, such as layer velocities and relative residual velocities.
Pencil data is generated by the 3D Create Pencils application running from the
Paradigm Session Manager, or from the SKUA Extract Pencil utility.
The pencil data repository is the main data repository used by GeoDepth, as it
provides access to diverse data types in a consistent manner by simplifying the
representation of structural models and related attributes. This representation
provides a convenient mechanism for optimizing processing speeds on high
performance computing (HPC) clusters and for exchanging structural/velocity
information between the GeoDepth and SKUA technologies.

 Exercise 1.23 ,“Examine the

Vertical Functions in the Vertical
Functions Window and Sets in the
Vertical Functions Data Manager”
on page 1-110

Paradigm™ 18 Section 10: Vertical Functions, Pencils and Mute Data 1-109
Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Exercise 1.23 Examine the Vertical Functions in the

Vertical Functions Window and Sets in
the Vertical Functions Data Manager E x e r c i s e 1 . 2 3

In this exercise you open the Vertical Functions window and inspect vertical
functions. You also open the Vertical Function Data Manager and look at the
vertical functions sets.

Open the Vertical

1 1 In the Session Manager click Vertical Functions.
Function s window
2 Select File > Open Vertical Functions.
3 Set as follows:
a Type: Velocity
b Subtype: Stacking (NMO Time)
c Domain: Time
d Select all the vertical functions.

1-110 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Figure 1-75

Paradigm™ 18 Section 10: Vertical Functions, Pencils and Mute Data 1-111
Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

4 Click OK.

Figure 1-76

2 Open the Vertical 1 Under the Epos Utilities > Data Management panel, select Vertical
Functions Data Function Data Manager.

Figure 1-77

The Vertical Function Data Manager opens with the Vertical Functions Table

1-112 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

3 Inspect the sets 1 Look at the Survey filter at the top of the table to see the filters. Note that
the project does not appear as a filter. This is because vertical functions are
not stored in a project. Set the filter to All.
2 Arrange the table so that the Survey/Project column is first, followed by
Name (which is the set name), Data Type, Data Subtype, Vertical Axis, Epos
User and then the remaining columns.

Figure 1-78 Vertical Function Data Manager

Which survey (or surveys) has vertical functions? Are there two sets with
the same data type and data subtype and the same vertical axis?

4 View the file info 1 Select a vertical function set in the table, then right-click to view the
of a set available options.
2 Select Info. The Info window provides information about the number of
functions stored in the set.

Figure 1-79

3 Click Close.
4 Select File > Exit.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 10: Vertical Functions, Pencils and Mute Data 1-113
Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

Section 11: About an Epos Drilling Database

The Epos Drilling Database stores all drilling engineering objects defined in the
Epos environment. This includes platforms, slots, planned wells, drilling targets,
casing points, wellbore intervals, and wellbore comments. The Epos Drilling
Database is a modified version of the engineering database used by the stand-
alone Sysdrill well planning and drilling engineering application. As such, it is a
fit-for-purpose repository that provides a sophisticated engineering model of the
well. This extensive and established data model can support future engineering
object types, analyses, and workflows implemented in Epos applications.
As a fully-relational repository, a single drilling database can be used to hold
engineering data for all Epos projects registered in an office or business unit.
Alternatively, you can create multiple drilling databases and associate each with
a particular Epos project. Only one Drilling Database can be associated with an
Epos project at a time.

1-114 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

Section 12: Paradigm Name Service (PNS), Data

Access and Security

What is the
1 The Paradigm Name Service (PNS) serves as the overall manager and “glue” of
Paradigm Name all the projects/surveys/well databases (collectively called "studies") owned by a
Service (PNS)? business unit. It enables the Epos Administrator to manage the studies and
studies’ data, as well as permission and access control.
All the data being accessed by Epos applications are referenced through Epos
studies and through dedicated data services for each database and major data
type. The role of the PNS is to launch, monitor, manage, and eventually shut
down the data services.
The PNS registers all Epos studies, and maintains a list of all the projects,
surveys and well databases (and other data) belonging to a business unit,
according to permissions set by the Project Administrator.
Together with the data services, PNS controls user access to studies’ data. Its
own database includes all the information about permissions for Epos Users
and study access.
The PNS enables the Epos Administrator to maintain a list of disk space that is
available for allocating the various data types in the studies. Once the Epos
Administrator assigns disk space to a business unit, only that list of allocated
disk space will be visible to the users in that business unit.
Because the information in the PNS is critical to the site configuration, it is
accessible only to designated users, and is stored in an SQLite repository.
At larger sites, multiple PNS servers may be installed and activated. PNS
servers are grouped into PNS Segments. All the PNS servers in a PNS segment
will share study information but not with PNS servers in other segments.
The first PNS Segment at any site is created during the installation of the
software. Additional PNS Segments can be introduced by the Epos
Administrator (Epos Services Control Panel). A natural use of PNS Segments
would be to separate the Epos Projects used in two different departments within
a company.
Epos provides a special account (EposDB) that is the single physical owner of
all data belonging to a PNS segment. This significantly enhances data security
and simplifies such data management activities as backup, restore, etc.
PNS provides the following basic functionality:
 When an application requests it, create a list of the currently available
registered studies. This could be a full list or a list filtered by the owner's
name, the type of Datastore, or by host location.
 Transparently open a study assuming the user has the proper authorization.
Opening a study includes establishing a connection to the dataset
associated with the study.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 12: Paradigm Name Service (PNS), Data Access and Security 1-115
Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

 Register a new study by providing basic information, including information to

identify the datasets to be associated with the study.
 Modify the dataset associated with a given study.
 Remove a study registration.
PNS servers are started and stopped using the utility scripts found in the
Services/bin directory.

2 Key points  PNS is a daemon process that runs continuously in the background and is
normally started when the PNS server machine is booted up.
 Enables shared access to surveys and well databases.
 Whenever a study is created, deleted, or accessed, services are needed.
The PNS provides access to these services.
 The services started by the PNS enable Epos applications to be provided
with data.
 Stores a record (study) of information about each database.
 Must be running somewhere on the network before any Epos application
can be used.
 Provides Epos applications with services such as cursor tracking,
coordinate conversions, and unit conversions.
 Honors user’s access control privileges to both data and services.

3 Epos Users and Epos introduced the concept of an Epos User, as well as a mechanism for data
permissions to access and security control to enable flexible and detailed managing of
access data permissions in a multi-user environment.
The Epos permission mechanism is implemented via the Paradigm Name
Service (PNS). Permissions are granted to Epos Users per Epos study (per
project, survey, well databases, culture databases, or a drilling database).
Each study has an Epos User who is the Database Administrator. The Database
Administrator holds full permissions for that study and can grant other Epos
Users various permissions.
There are different types of permissions: Permission to access the study,
permissions to modify its geometry, permissions to create and modify tagged
data in the study, and permissions to read other Epos User’s data. For well
databases, there is also permission to modify other Epos User’s data.
For example, to access a project, an Epos User needs Access permissions. To
create data, an Epos User needs Create/Modify data permissions. When an
Epos User creates interpretation data, the data belongs to this Epos User and
other Epos Users cannot modify it. Interpretation data is referred to as Tagged
Data because it is tagged by the Epos User who created it. Epos Users are
granted permission to view other Epos User’s data and copy it to be their own.
To facilitate the management of permissions in an environment of many Epos
Users, Epos Users can be grouped into Epos Permission Groups.

1-116 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Paradigm™ Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology

The Permissions Manager is where permissions are viewed and managed. For
more information on permissions, refer to the Online Help > Data Management
and Import/Export > Permissions Manager.
Note that the Epos User mechanism is relevant for data that is accessed by an
Epos data server. The Epos User mechanism does not apply to seismic data
which is directly accessed by the applications (not via a data server). This is due
to the large size of current seismic surveys. For directly accessed data, all
security and access control is at the Operating System level.

Paradigm™ 18 Section 12: Paradigm Name Service (PNS), Data Access and Security 1-117
Chapter 1 Introduction to Epos: Infrastructure, Data Model, and Terminology Paradigm™

1-118 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

Reviewing the Session Manager’s
Options and Customize Tabs C h a p t e r 0

Review the Options Tab . .

1 Click on the Options tab and look at the options that appear. These are
options that help you perform general tasks that are not related to specific
data or projects. When you click on each option, a dialog box opens
dedicated to that specific operation.
2 Click on:
a Epos Terminal Window: Opens a terminal window in which all the
environment variables of the Epos environment are set. This terminal is
used to run Epos batch operations via a command line.
b Echos Terminal Window: Opens a terminal window in which all the
environment variables of the Echos environment are set. This terminal
is used to run Echos batch operations via a command line.
c Epos Applications Control Panel: Most of the applications here are
for the Epos Administrator to manage the installation. However, in the
Epos Database tab there are options that can be used by the user such
as options to backup and restore a project and copy a project.
d Create Presentation: The option, File > Take Snapshot of Opened
Windows, generates snapshots from opened applications (Motif
applications are not supported). At a later stage, you can use these
snapshots to create PowerPoint (PPT) files using a specified template.
The images are saved according to the path defined under Customize >
Snapshot Path. ImageAutoSave/sessionID directories are added to that
path. To generate a PPT file, select Options> Create Presentation.
e Permissions Manager allows the Project Administrator to control who
can access the project, create data in the project and change the project
f Preferences Manager provides you with a user-friendly interface for
viewing, copying, and deleting preferences.
g Project Synchronization is an easy to use tool for transferring data in
Epos format between different sites that work on copies of the same
h Select OW Primary Interpreter: This is relevant if you are working with
third-party well data. You are also prompted to select your preferred
OpenWorks Primary Interpreter when you open a project to properly use
OpenWorks data.

Reviewing the Session Manager’s Options and Customize Tabs ParadigmTM

i The CSS Manager shows you how coordinates are converted from one
coordinate system to another.
j Tape Manager enables you to view data files on tape and transfer data
back and forth between tape and disk. In reality, most loading from tape
is done via Echos, since Echos deals with raw data coming from the
k CPM is a Cluster Performance Monitor.
l Shared Memory Manager allows the user to manage seismic volumes
that were loaded to shared memory.
m Logger View is a viewer for log files created by Epos applications. It is
used mainly by R&D.
n Upgrade Well Database to Epos Project enables you to upgrade a
Geolog well database (or an Epos well database) to an Epos project.
The upgraded project has all the capabilities of both a Geolog project
and an Epos project.

Review the Customize Tab . .

1 Click on the Customize tab.

2 Click on:
a General. Look at General options for working with Epos. The Profiler
should not be enabled by the end-user unless specifically instructed by
Paradigm developers. The information produced by the Profiler can only
be interpreted by the developers that are familiar with the application
source code.
Message Area Customization: Enables you to customize how you want
messages to be displayed in Integrated Canvas (BaseMap, Section,
and 3D Canvas). In addition to the information displayed in the message
area located in the lower right corner of this application, you can display
pop-up messages and tool tips describing the actions performed on
Snapshot Path: The option, File > Take Snapshot of Opened Windows,
generates snapshots from opened applications (Motif applications are
not supported). At a later stage, you can use these snapshots to create
PowerPoint (PPT) files using a specified template. The images are
saved according to the path defined under Customize > Snapshot Path.
ImageAutoSave/sessionID directories are added to that path. To
generate a PPT file, select Options> Create Presentation.
b Logger is where you manage the amount of information in log files
created by applications during the run, and where the files will be saved.
The log files are necessary in case there is a problem which can then be
analyzed by R&D.

A-2 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

ParadigmTM Reviewing the Session Manager’s Options and Customize Tabs

c Plotting and Tape: In Plotting Output you set where you want the
plotting file to be saved. if you are plotting via a plotter (and not a printer)
you have to set the plotter command line.
d Display Units is where you can set the units in which data will be
displayed for various data types.
e User Defined Plug-ins enables you to add plug-ins developed from
OpenGeo® API libraries.
f Path Setting Template enables you to create templates for setting
paths to the databases.
g Font is where you customize font settings for all menus and dialog
h Icon Size is where you select preferred icon size.

Paradigm™ 18 A-3
Reviewing the Session Manager’s Options and Customize Tabs ParadigmTM

A-4 Epos Essentials Paradigm™ 18

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