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Flippy Run(Endless casual game)

For Partial Fulfilment for Degree of

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)




Sindhi Society, Chembur Mumbai 400071. Phones: 25227514/25227470.

NAAC Re-Accredited ‘A’ Grade

This is to certify that Mr. SAGAR UMESH ACHARYA of T.Y.B.Sc.
(Computer Science) affiliated to University of Mumbai has
successfully completed a project work entitled.

Flippy Run(Endless casual game)

As partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of B.Sc. (Computer
Science) for the academic year 2018-2019.


Mr. Kamlakar Bhopatkar Mr. Kamlakar Bhopatkar
Ms. Madhavi Vaidya
Date:______________ Date:______________

Date:______________ College Seal


I have great pleasure in presenting this project entitled “PaperClip” and I grab this
opportunity to convey my immense regards towards all the people who with their invaluabl
contribution made this project successful.

I sincerely thank and express my profound gratitude to our Project Guides Mr. Kamlakar
Bhopatkar and Mr. Madhavi Vaidya for timely and prestigious guidance required for to
I also owe to my friends who have been a constant source of help to solve the problems that
cropped up during the development of the project, positive criticism, suggestions, constant
support, encouragement and the guidance force towards the successful completion of the



1 Description of current system 5
2 Proposed system and its 5
3 What is a game 6
5 Game Design 10-11
6 Coding phase 12
7 Use case Diagram 13
8 Activity Diagram 14-15
9 Component Diagram 16
10 Deployment Diagram 17
10 Screen Layouts 18
11 Future Enchantment & 21


Endless is a quit popular game type among all age people with the likes of games like
Subway surfer, temple run, run and many more.
Today endless type games have become more of a game than a time passer.
This is only because these types of game are competitive, and when I say competitive,
competitive among the players and with one who is playing it. This makes endless games
interesting to play. In the gaming market as specially in mobile gaming, Endless is on a boost
as many game companies and indie developer try to make and release it as this are quit easy
and more of a known game type among people.


Flippy Run is an endless type game.

Flippy is the main character. Flippy i.e. the player needs to avoid the obstacle coming in
In this game the player can also collect the crystals that are spawned randomly. Total
collection of crystal is stored in the main menu.
To boost the run the player is provided with a power which can shoot bullets to destroy the
obstacle for a limited time.
This is a fun and easy game.
In the game player can see the distance covered. The highest distance is stored in the main
Speed of the player i.e. flippy increases by time by 1 unit. Since increasing speed by time is
not practical, thus the speed is limited to 20 i.e. when it reaches 20 units, speed will stop
You will enjoy the endless experience of the game.

What is a Game

Game? any thing which can be played. Like cricket, videos game, cards, bottle flip. This
given example covers nearly all the areas of games i.e. cricket a more of an energic and full
of flexibility, videos game- sit down grab the Nintendo switch and enjoy the virtual game.
cards- tricky, strategic and mostly your luck, bottle flip- just casual.
But now-a-days gaming has drastically diverted towards virtual reality eg- video games.
A video game is essentially a form of entertainment, but refers not only to games played on a
personal computer, but also to games run by a console or arcade machine. Today computer
gaming is a big business, and there are millions of different computer games that are enjoyed
by people of all ages.
Games are much more than a software exported into .exe files. Games come with a lot of
contents in it which makes it more enjoyable such as modern games hire world’s top music
composers like Hans Zimmer, Bryan Tyler, Jesper Kyd to compose music for the in-game
levels Background scores etc.
Modern Games are built with powerful game engines which help the developers create a
massive open world environment for the user to immerse in for a best experience of computer
entertainment possible. The features for games to be popular are
a) 3D Graphics: All 3d games include 3d models, meshes and textures which gets
rendered in the game.
b) Impressive result: Whoever plays the game must get impressed by the game
mechanics which makes the player comeback and play more thus making it more
c) Graphical effects: To achieve the best and impressive result, game dev’s need to add
modern graphic effects such as real-time rendered shadows, ambience, occlusion,
motion blur.


• OS: Android (above android 4.0 i.e. Ice Cream Sandwich)

• Unity #D
o Unity 3d is the game engine on which the game was built and developed
on. This software has tons of features such as post processing etc.
• Adobe Photoshop cs6
o This software was used to create 2D character, icons etc...
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
o This is the software used to create scripts for the game.

Programming language

• C#
o Unity supports both C# and javascript.
o But since I am comfortable with C# I used C# .

Game size
52 MB

Game Engine
What is a Game Engine?
A Game Engine is a software that helps providing the game developers and designers with
the necessary set of features, tools, etc. to build the game more quickly and efficiently.
Game Engines are a framework for the game development process that supports multi core
area of development. Game Engines enables us to import art, assets which could be either 2d
or 3d from other software’s such as Adobe Photoshop, Premier, Maya and Blender.
This asset which are later imported into Game Engines helps us to assemble those assets into
scenes and environments, add lightings, audio, special effects, physics and animation.
Most modern game development studios create their own game engines for any particular
game. Let’s take a game for example
• GTA V is a popular game developed by Rockstar Games studios. Now this game is
one of the best example of modern open world games with ultra-realistic textures,
models. Rockstar studios instead of depending on popular game engines like Unity,
Unreal Engine, decided to create their own game engines full of the features they

want to import into their game. They called this game engine as “RAGE Game
Engine”, Abbreviation for Rockstar Advanced Game Engine.
• The Rockstar Advanced Game Engine is a proprietary game engine developed by
RAGE Technology Group, a division of Rockstar Games' Rockstar San Diego studio

To Save time in my development process, I chose to use Unity 3d to develop my game.

Unity 3D
Unity is a cross-platform game engine used to develop games which was developed by
Unity Technologies.
Unity was first announced and released in June 2005 in the Apple Inc’s worldwide
developers conference as an Operating System exclusive game engine. But now in 2018,
Unity has extended its support to 27 platforms such as windows, mac, consoles like Sony’s
Playstation4 and Playstation4Pro and Microsoft’s Xbox consoles.
Unity was developed in C++ language but it has been supporting a lot of programming
languages such as JavaScript, Python and C#.
Unity3D is a very powerful cross-platform 3D engine which has a user-friendly environment
which is easy for every beginner but is powerful enough for the experts. Unity is free but
there are pro versions with a variety of features and tools but it costs a monthly subscription.

Visual Studio 2017
Microsoft Visual Studio is development integration environment created by Microsoft. It is
mainly used to develop websites, as well as computer programs, web apps, web services and
mobile apps.
It can create both managed code and native code.
Visual studio comes with a code editor which supports IntelliSense and code refactoring.
The integrated debugger works as machine-level debugger and a source-level debugger.

Adobe Photoshop cs6

Adobe Photoshop is an editor software for raster graphics which was published and
developed by Adobe Systems for windows and macOS.
It can help edit and compose raster images in multiple layers which also supports masks,
alpha compositing RGN included several colour models, CMYK, CIELAB, spot colour and
Photoshop gives a vast support for graphical file formats but has a native own .psd format
and text render, vector graphics though clipping paths, video and 3d graphics.
It is most widely used for creating textures, editing pictures, etc.
In my project Photoshop was used to create character image, and some game icons.

Game Design
3D modelling
▪ Lane and obstacle
Unity provides inbuild 3D object to work on, you can simply use basic 3D object if you don’t
want to use other 3rd party software as I did.

Started creating a normal plan that would act as starting point.

Than created few lanes of same dimensions with some static obstacle on it. These lanes will
be spawned for an endless experience unless the game ends.

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▪ Crystal
In unity we can also import created 3D models or can from unity’s own asset store.
I imported a crystal 3D object from asset store. In game player can collect this crystal in the

▪ Bullet and power object

I created a 3D bullet with a cylinder 3D model of unity and giving it a orang shade.
Powerup of bullet is created with the same asset but giving a halo effect so that it can glow
give a powerup like effect.

Material & texture

Material- any property like solid, bouncy, stiff is a material.
Material is also used to apply colour.
Texture- a 2D object applied on an object.
Eg- a good flower design can be applied on object.

In my case I used both material and texture everywhere. Like applying a material on player
making it little shiny. Texture on crystal.

Particle System
In games, other than solid, there are other entities that are fluid and intangible in nature and consequently
difficult to portray using meshes or sprites. For effects like moving liquids, smoke, clouds, flames and
magic spells, a different approach to graphics known as particle systems
can be used to capture the inherent fluidity and energy. This section explains Unity’s particle systems and
what they can be used for.
In my game I used a thunder effect. It is activated when it hits the powerup.

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Start(), Update(), Fixedupdate()

Start()- To initialization of any object or variable is need to be done in start function
void Start () {
score.text = s + "";
crystal_score = 0;

Update()- Used with mostly non-physics objects

void Update () {
highdist.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HD").ToString();
highscore.text = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HS").ToString();

Fixedupdate()- advisable to use with physics object

void FixedUpdate () {
if (Input.GetKey("right")) {
transform.Translate(sideforce * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
if (Input.GetKey("left")) {
transform.Translate(-sideforce * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

Data saving
Since no database is used in this project, so I used a very simple and easy method to store
data know as PlayerPrefs.
PlayerPres- these is unity’s built-in solution to store game data.
It is some what like key-value pair. It is advisable to use it for data like Player setting, game
progress or scoreboard.
Setting data in PlayerPres-
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HD", PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HD"));

Getting data from PlayerPres-


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Use case Diagram

A use case diagram depicts the various operations that a system performs. It contains
use cases, actors, and their relationships. Use cases are a sequence of actions that
form a single unit of work for an actor. An actor represents a user who is external to
the system and interacts with the use case.
Elements of Use Case Diagram
• Actor
• Usecase
• System Boundary
• Extends
• Includes

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Activity Diagram

Activities are a representation of the various operations performed by a class. An

activity diagram depicts the flow of control from one activity to another. An activity
diagram uses activities to model objects, classes, interfaces, components and nodes.
An activity represents a set of actions such as call to a method of class, send or
receive a signal, create or destroy an object, and evaluate an expression.

The basic elements of activity diagram are

Action state: Represents the state of the system in terms of actions
Activity state: Represents an activity and therefore this state can further expand
into another activity state or action state.

Transition: Represents the control flow that performs a particular operation

Decision: Represents the if-else or branch condition that decides the path of control flow

Initial State: A Filled circle followed by an arrow represents the initial action state.

Final State: An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle
represents the final action state.

Synchronization: A synchronization bar helps illustrate parallel transition. It is also

called fork and joining.

Swim lanes: Swim lanes group related activities into one column.

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Component Diagram describes the organization of components, including source

code, run time (binary) code, and executable.

Component Diagrams:

• Give the physical view of the system in terms of implementation aspect. This is
important for reusability and performance purpose.
• Constitute the Components, their interfaces and realizations, and dependencies
between components.

Component Diagrams are used:

• To depict organizations and dependencies among Component type.

• To show allocations of “Classes” and “Objects” to components in the physical designs
of the system.
• To indicate the “physical layering” and “partitioning” of the system architecture.

A component typically encompasses:

• Structure and behavior of a “Collaboration of classes” from the system design.

• Interfaces that describe a group of operations implemented by components.



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Deployment Diagram is a structure diagram which shows architecture of the system
as deployment (distribution) of software artifacts to deployment targets.

Artifacts represent concrete elements in the physical world that are the result of a
development process. Deployment diagrams are usually represented by a node which is either
hardware device or some software execution environment. Nodes could be connected through
communication paths to create networked systems of arbitrary complexity.

Note, that component was directly deployed to nodes in UML 1.x deployment
diagrams. In UML 2.x artifacts are deployed to nodes, and artifacts could manifest
(implement) components. Components are deployed to nodes indirectly through artifacts.

Deployment Diagrams could describe architecture at specification level (also called

type level) or at instance level (similar to class diagrams and object diagrams).

Specification level deployment diagram shows some overview of deployment of

artifacts to deployment targets, without referencing specific instances of artifacts or nodes.

Instance level deployment diagram shows deployment of instances of artifacts to

specific instances of deployment targets. It could be used for example to show the differences
in deployments to development, staging or production.



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Main Menu:

Game starts:

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Player Collision and destroy:

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Picking shooter powerup:

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• Willing to add a Challenge mode in the game

Challenge mode will come with various challenge that player need to complete
• Resume is option
• Play games support to store player progress online


Web site




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