Direct and Indirect Speech New

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A. Direct Speech
Direct sentences is the sentences which the speakers speech is directly written.
As it is, the sentences is written using quotation marks, therefore this sentences is also
commonly reffered to as a quote sentences.
Direct sentences consists of two parts, Reporting verbs and Reported words.
Consider the table below :
Direct Speech
Reporting Verbs Reported Words
1. Gina says, “ I am a dentist ‘’
2. Adi said, ‘’ Fia is a dilligent student ‘’
3. Lala has said, ‘’ We have to studyhard for exam “

B. Indirect Speech

Indirect sentences is a sentence that reports something that is said by someone

else. Therefore this sentences is commonly called reported speech.
Direct sentences can be changed into indirect sentences by removing quotes
and replacing them with that conjunctions.
Some example of direct sentences that are converted ito indirect sentences :

1. D : They say, “we are happy”

I : They say that they are happy

2. D : Ali said “ i don’t like seafood “

I : Ali said that he did’t like seafood

3. D : Paula said “ I love this town “

I : Paula said that she loved that town

4. D : My sister said “ i will visit my teacher “

I : My sister said that she would visit her teacher
C. The Rules for Changing Direct Sentences into Indirect Sentences

There are two kinds of rules relating to changes in tenses in the formation of
indirect sentences namely :
a. Tenses in “ Reported Words” don’t need to be changed

If the tenses in the Reporting Verbs in direct sentences are inthe form of
Simple Present Tense, Present Future Tense, and Present Perfect Tense, then
tenses on Reported Words in indirect sentences don’t need to changes.
Some examples of indirect sentences that didn’t change the tenses in
Reported Words are :
 D : Rina says to me, “ I am happy “
In : Rina says to me that she is happy

 D : My lecturer will say, “ must speak up in the class “

In : My lecturer will say that must speak up in the class

 D : Rose has said “ i have stayed in Jakarta for 3 years “

In : Rose has said that she stayed in Jakarta for 3 years

b. Tenses in “Reported Words” that must be changed

If the tenses on the Reporting Verbs in sentences are inthe form of

Simple Past Tense or Past Perfect Tense, then tenses on Reported Words must
Some examples of changes in tenses Reported Words in indirect
sentences are :
 Simple Present Tense become Simple Past Tense :

D : Hanum said, “ I love my parents so much “

In : Hanum said that she loved her parents so much

 Present Perfect Tense become Past Perfect Tense

D : Niko said, “ I have seen that film twice”

In : Niko said that he had seen that film twice

Direct speech is a sentences spoken directly from the speaker. Direct

speech can be retold in other ways without changing the meaning, that is called
Indirect Speech. There are two parts of Direct Speech namely Reporting Verbs and
Reported Words.

In this material, there are also procedures for coverting Direct Speech
into Indirect Speech which are divided into two parts namely Tenses on Reported
Words that don’t need to be changeand Tenses on Reported Words that must be
changed. In indirect speech form will change according the rules if the sentences in
the form of a Past. And if the sentences is directly not in the form of a past, but in
form of a Simple Present, Present Perfect, and Present Future, the indirect speech will
not change in the tense.

 Kasmini, Mien., and Siwi Kadarmo.2018. Modul English Grammar.Jakarta:


 Handoko, Teguh.2018.Student’s Pocket Grammar.Klaten: Real Books

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