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GAY MARRIAGE(same-sex couple)

General purpose: to persuade

Specific purpose: to persuade audiences that correct awareness about the

benefit of gay married ( gay families) which need to be taken to stop the
negative action for gay couple/ married.

Center idea: Incorrect awareness about gay couple or same-sex married can
lead to some serious issues, so it is necessary to stop it.

Main point:

Not right thinking and negative actions has caused the serious problem .

 Criticismcan make their ( gay couple) feels isolated in real life.

 Discrimination for same-sex marriage makes to contradict in society.

The benefits of gay marriage for the development of equal societies.

Some countries have laws that support gay mariage


( keep smile- eyes contact with audiences- just say in main content )
1. The worldwide sexual violence activities and consequences?
 it's discrimination in equally societies.
 tell about Bill and Robert story or gay couple in Russian.
 Are people categorizing gay couples as a lower social class?
2. In this morning, we will talk and discussion about the benefits
of right view about gay couple/marriage.
Transition: Let's we start with the benefits of legalization of same-sex


2. Legal Rights Protection

One of the most useful advantages of legalizing marriage is the
protection it gives the couple when it comes to health care, finances and
taxes. Before, two people who are cohabitating and in a homosexual
relationship living as couples are not given the security of protecting
what both have them earned and saved together. If a partner dies, the
surviving lover does not have the right to the property under the name
of the deceased even if both of them have paid for the property. With
the legalization of gay marriage, they are now considered by the state
they live in as legally married so they now can enjoy tax breaks given to
heterosexual married couples and are entitled to become heirs to their
spouses. This also includes signing documents together as a couple and
open joint accounts and purchase properties together.
3. Lessens Stigma

Legalizing gay marriage also mitigated the discrimination and

stigma on homosexuals because making the union or marriage legal
gives gay couples the affirmation that they are accepted not only by
society but also the state. For so many years, there have been stories
about discrimination of homosexuals as well as crime committed
against them. Today, no one can be ostracized and discriminated in
the workplace or be denied from marrying his or her partner because
of sexual orientation.
4. Gives Right to Start a Family

There have been lesbian and gay couples who want to start a family
and have their own children. Before, this was not allowed and looked
at negatively by society. If ever one partner already has children, the
other partner does not have the right to be an adoptive parent or if
ever, they process does not work on their favor and takes years to be
completed. With the legalization, gay couples can now adopt children
just as straight couples can. They can even have children of their own
through in vitro fertilization or by getting surrogate mothers or
sperm donors.
5. Gives Equal Laws
Homosexual relationships are also the same with heterosexual
relationships when it comes to the mistakes or abuses that can
happen between two people. However, unlike straight married
couples who can file for adultery, divorce and infidelity, gay couples
were not given the same purview of the law before. With gay
marriage, married homosexuals can now file for divorce and sue their
partners with adultery or infidelity. Also, in case of divorce, the other
one can receive alimony and their children will be given child



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