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Week 2 FRIDAY January 11, 2019

Lesson: 5 Week: 2 Day : Friday Date: 11 January, 2019

Time : 8.00am - 8.30 am Class : Year 3 Subject : ENGLISH LANGUAGE
Topic : MODULE 1 : WELCOME! Theme: Word of Self, Family and Friends
Language Focus Have got (+any) question + Yes/No answer
Skills Main: Speaking Complementary: Listening
Content Standard 2.1-Communicate simple information 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety
intelligibly of familiar contexts
Learning standard 2.1.5 Describe people and objects using 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short
suitable words and phrases supported questions
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to describe people by using
substitution table.
2) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to listen and say true or false
Success Criteria/ 1) Pupils can say sentences by using has got or have got statement.
Can do statements 2) Pupils can listen and say true or false answer.
Teaching aids Textbook, coloured papers, worksheets
CCE : Creativity & Imagination HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: Types of question asked 21 CL : Think-Pair-Share
1. Teacher guides pupils to sing the song of ‘I, She, We, He, They, and You’.
Pre Lesson
2. Pupils complete the chart by filling in ‘has got’ or ‘have got’.
1. Teacher constructs the table for scaffolding pupils in generating sentences.
2. Pupils discuss in the group while teacher acts as a facilitator.
3. Teacher guides remedial pupils.
4. Teacher asks pupils to come to the front.
5. Pupils take turn to say the sentences.
6. Teacher asks questions to carry out formative assessment
7. Teacher rewards pupils who have given correct answer.
1. Teacher chooses specific pupils to say true or false answer.
Post Lesson
2. Teacher praises pupils for their effort in trying to write the sentences.
Assessment Task
Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
The lesson was carried out successfully.
Choose an item.
Week 2 FRIDAY January 11, 2019

道德教育 班级:一年级 时间:0830-


课题 : Program Transisi
内容标准 : -
学习标准 : -
价值 : -
学习目标 : -
活动 : 1。 教师和学生一同述说班里的规则。
2. 教师说出学生在这星期值得表扬的行为。
3. 同学们分享各自的感想。
3. 同学们一起整理课室。
4. 教师和学生谈论‘我的梦想’。
5. 同学们一起完成练习。
6. 教师灌输道德价值观。
反思 :

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