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Organization culture has gained a lot of importance in recent years because of its impact on
employee performance and productivity. Organization as a whole includes knowledge, belief,
art, morale, custom and other capabilities and habits. The culture of an organization is
reflected in its norms and values, its traditions and what is expected from its employees.

The first chapter of the project report is the introductory chapter and it comprises research
objectives, need, scope, limitations and research methodology. Causative and analytical research
design is adopted for the research process. Survey was conducted for 50 employees with the help
of structured questionnaire to collect primary data.
The second chapter pictures the industry profile and company profile where it includes vision
and mission, resources used, SWOC of the company, functions and its competitors.
The third chapter includes the theoretical background, policies and benefits of those policies
to the employees and also the environment practices.
The fourth chapter deals with the appropriate tools that were employed for the data analysis
and interpretation with the help of tables and graphs .
Finally the last chapter gives a brief information regarding the findings of the data analysis,
suggestions to the company and conclusion.

Culture has its impact on control, normative behavior, innovation, performance, productivity and
satisfaction. The relationship that exists between culture and productivity is strong. Culture must
be changed, particularly when it is not conducive for organizational effectiveness. The results
showed that there was a significant correlation between organizational culture and organizational
commitment. Both organizational culture and organizational commitment had an influence on
the productivity. I personally gained thorough knowledge about the working processes, this
particular organization’s culture and the impact on the employees’ performance and productivity.
Through the survey conducted, I have highlighted some things which are critical and which has
to be corrected.


Values, believes, ethics, passion, attitude, knowledge, art, custom drives the organization.
Organizational culture comprises the attitudes, experiences, believes and values of the
organization, acquired through social learning, that control the way individuals and groups in the
organization interact with one another and with parties outside it. Organization envision to be
effective in achieving better results through developing a vigilant business strategy. However,
successful implementation of a business strategy occurs when leadership, management systems,
organizational structures and organizational culture change are all aligned to the strategy.
Organization culture, which is closely connected to productivity, is critical to the business
success as this is the process which an organization develops its internal capacity to be effective
in its mandate in the short, medium and long term. Productivity is the art of getting the
company’s products and/or services to the customer at the lowest possible cost and time.
Productivity is also related to quality, to customer needs and to industrial relations. This further
goes to imply that productivity and good management are intertwined. Therefore, productivity is
a result of motivation, and motivation thrives in a good climate.

Organizational culture provides a meaningful system for employees who are making sense of
their environment. As such organization culture serves as a vehicle of the organizational
influence on the individual’s identity and behavior by socializing individuals into specific norms
and patterns of behavior and by providing socially shared perceptions, which create
predictability in the organizational environment. Only a limited number of studies have
examined the impact of organizational culture on employee behavior, and those have specifically
been restricted to studying collectivistic and individualistic organizational cultural norms as
predictors of cooperative employee behavior. Consequently, there has been a relative paucity of
research examining the impact of a wider range organizational culture norms on productivity.
Organization’s culture encompasses everything it does and everything it makes. That is, it not
only affects the manner in which managers manage, but it also affects the way in which the
organization processes its product and provides services to its customers. Organizational culture
is a quiet, but driving, influence on our perception of a company, whether as a consumer or as an
Organization culture is the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and
groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with
stakeholders outside the organization. It refers to a system of shared meaning held by members
that distinguishes the organization from one another. Organizational values are beliefs and ideas
about what kinds of goals members of an organization should pursue and ideas about the
appropriate kinds or standards of behavior organizational members should use to achieve these
goals. From organizational values develop organizational norms, guidelines or expectations that
prescribe appropriate kinds of behavior by employees in particular situations and control the
behavior of organizational members towards one another. These shared values determine as to
how managers see and how they respond to their world. When confronted with a problem, the
organization’s culture restricts what the manager can do by suggesting the correct way – “the
way we do things here” – to conceptualize, define, analyze and solve the problem. Work groups
within the organization have their own behavioral quirks and interactions which to an extent
affect the whole system. Task culture can be imported. For example, computer technicians will
have an expertise, language and behaviors gained independently of the organization, but their
presence can influence the culture of the organization as a whole.

Organization culture is a vital factor in the effectiveness of the organization so that the
organization can be improved by creating right culture and support the achievement of
organizational goals. Organizational culture can be a strategy for the company and also it can be
used as a tool to improve performance and productivity in turn. In addition to the quality human
resources, organizational cultural activities also a determinant of company’s success.
Hence the organizational culture has a significant impact on the performance of the employees
that determine the success and failure of the company. While performance also plays an
important role, because without it the organization is only a set of activities without any purpose
or particular control. Theoretically the influence of organizational culture on employee
performance is defined as a rate process that is designed to link organizational goals and
individual goals such that both individual goals and organizational goals can be met equally.
A strong organizational culture provides stability to an organization. For some organizations it
can also be a major barrier to change. But every organization has a culture, depending on its
strength can have a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviors of organization members.
Research on organizational culture sought to measure how employees see their organization:
Does it encourage teamwork? Does it reward innovation? Does it stifle initiative? and other
aspects related to organization.

Literature review provides a sound base for the study. It is a evaluative report of information that
helps to identify the research gap and be more focused.

Peter and waterman (1982) have reported organizational culture as quick fix for managers
seeking to improve productivity and performance.

Robbins (1986) has described organizational culture as a uniform perception of an

organization which has common characteristics. Organizational culture, according to the
author is something descriptive and effectively it can distinguish one particular
organization from another. It can also integrate individuals and groups of organization

(Kotter and Heskett, 1992) has revealed that the elements of the organization that have
weak corporate culture include: bureaucracy instead of entrepreneurship and creativity,
unwillingness to adapt best practices from outside of the organization politicized
organizational environment and hostility to change.

Edger Schein in Luthans (1995:67) has cited that, Organizational culture is a pattern of
basic assumptions invented, discovered or developed by given a group as they learn to
cope with problems of external adaptation and internal integration , which has worked
well and they believe it is valuable and could be taught to new members.

( Furham, 1997) has opined that the Organizational culture is either unitarist in approach
where emphasis is on consensus and equilibrium or radical humanist perspective that
lays emphasis on control.

Jarratt and O’Neill (2002) has expressed that it is difficult to say that the organizational
culture guarantees that the success of the company but the companies with strong corporate
culture always have more chances to become successful than their competitors.

Schien (2004) has described Organizational culture as a pattern of shared assumptions

that have been accepted by a group of individuals as they solve their problems. Because
they have used these assumptions to solve their problems and it worked effectively they
accepted these assumptions as valid and thus they teach these assumptions to the newly
joined members of the organization as standard ways of thinking, perceiving and
approaching towards the problems.
Mobley (2005) has stated that the Organizational culture is a less tangible factor that
determines source of competition outside quality, cost, technology, consumer service
brand etc.

Hofstede (2006) has explained that the organizational culture is in the form of onion that
contains a number of layers and values that make the core of the organizational culture.

Robbin and Sanghi (2007) have described that the Organizational culture is the system of
values that employees from different background and at different levels within similar
organization has.

Imran et al (2010) have opined that the organizational culture is a determinant of

employee’s performance as well as organizational successes because it brings about
individual employees’ innovativeness.

Richard Weeks (2010:44) has described the organizational culture is the enduring force
and natural evolving living system that injects order and stability in any organization
especially as regards organizational network of human interactions and activities.


The need for this study are :

To promote equality by ensuring no employee is neglected at the workplace

To promote healthy competition among employees and to unite employees of
different demographics

To develop a healthy culture in the organization which in turn encourages the
employees’ to stay motivated and loyal towards the management.


Benefits to the organization from this study are :

It promotes commitment amongst employees to achieve organizational goals and
also develops appropriate standards for employees and holds them together to
achieve those standards

It distinguishes one organization from the other. It creates brand name for the

It develops a sense of identity amongst members. The members associate
themselves with the organization

It provides control mechanism for shaping the attitude and behavior of employees.
It gives direction to the organizational activities and ensures that everyone moves
in the same direction

The organization culture brings all the employees on a common platform and it
gives the employees a sense of unity at the workplace which in turn promotes
healthy relationship amongst the employees and enhances the productivity.


Study has the following objectives :

To study the organizational culture of Accutech Agro pvt ltd and to explore its
impact on employees’ productivity

To establish the correlation between organizational culture and productivity in
Accutech Agro pvt ltd.


1.6.1 Research design :

The study is causative and analytical in nature.

1.6.2 Data collection method :

The study depends on both primary and secondary data

1.6.3 Primary data :

Primary data is collected by personally approaching the concerned person through
structured questionnaire. Questionnaire is designed for the employees.

1.6.4 Secondary data :

Secondary data is mainly based on the books, journals, magazines and annual reports of
the organization. The study also makes use of digital sources of internet.

1.7.1 Sampling method:

In this study, Non-probability method is employed.

1.7.2 Sampling technique :

Based on the convenience of the researcher, Convenience sampling technique is adopted in this
study. Convenience sampling refers to the collection of information from target population based on
the concept that whether the target employees are available to respond to the questionnaire.

1.7.3 Sampling size :

The target population of the study comprises 50 respondents which represents the total
population and it reflects opinions of others also.

1.7.4 Sampling unit :

The sampling unit consists of both skilled employees and unskilled labors.


Data is collected through survey, observation and worked on the excel sheet and analysis is
employed in the form of correlation.
Statistical tools like simple average and correlation will be employed for the study.


The study is confined to Accutech Agro pvt Ltd, chattobanahalli, P.B Road, Davangere

The opinions of the employees doesn’t reflect the true picture

Dependence on the secondary data might be a constraint.


2.1.1 Introduction to the Agro-based Industry

Agro industrial sector can be defined as the subset of the manufacturing sector that processes
raw materials and intermediate products derived from agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Agro
industry has historically given high priority in Indian policy and development programs. In India
agriculture is the largest sector of economic activity. It provides food, raw materials and above
all employment to a very large proportion of population. The national output depends on the
output in agriculture as it is one of the most dominating sectors in India. At the same time
exports of primary produce earn valuable foreign exchange which can be used to import capital
goods for the development of industry and infrastructure.

An improved and efficient agriculture is a basic necessity in our economy. 80 percent of the
population resides in the rural areas and 72 percent of the work force depends on agriculture for
their livelihood. According to the surveys conducted by India Ministry of Planning, 1996 it
shows that 46 percent of all factories in India are agro-industrial and they contribute 22 percent
of the manufacturing value added and nearly 43 percent of manufacturing industry
employment. Increase in per capita incomes, higher urbanization and the growing numbers of
women in the workforce engender greater demand for high-value commodities, processed
products and ready-prepared foods. There is also a growing use of agricultural products,
particularly grained and oil crops, fertilizers.

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy and hence the very existence of economic
activities of entire people in the country is dependent on the state and health of its agriculture
sector. Since last 30 years the fertilizer industry in India has grown tremendously. The
government is keen to see that fertilizer reaches the farmers in the distant and hilly areas. Some
steps are implemented to assure an increase in the supply of nonchemical fertilizers at reasonable
prices. In India there are 53 fertilizer quality control laboratories. Since Bio-fertilizers are
regarded as an effective, cheap and renewable supplement to chemical fertilizers, the
government is implementing a national project on development and use of Bio-fertilizers.
2.1.2 Importance of Agro-based sectors in India
Following points depicts the importance of agro-based sectors in India :

Contribution in national income :

Agricultural sector contributes the major share in the national income of India. Its
contribution is about 16 percent since the last decade. Agricultural productivity can be
improved by raising our national income and per capita income to a significant level.
This would be possible by devoting more resources to the development programs in
agricultural sector in such a manner that it directly contributes to the improved
agricultural productivity.

Employment :

Not just the agriculture is the main source of livelihood in India but it also provides
employment and work to majority of the population. A large number of people get their
living by working in related occupations in agriculture such as storage, processing, trade
and transport of agricultural products etc. thus agricultural sector provides employment
to about 62 percent of the working population.

Contribution in industrial development :

It provides market for industrial products like fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural

machinery and equipments etc. Thus industrial sector is dependent on agricultural sector
in many such ways. Hence it cannot be denied that the growth of agricultural sector
would accelerate the growth of industries.

Export :

Majority of the produce exported by India are agriculture based products. India exports
most of the agro products like coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, hides and skins, cotton, raw wool,
fruits, juice, spice and vegetables etc. Thus the contribution of agricultural sector to
India’s foreign exchange earnings is substantial. Exports of agriculture and related
products accounted for about 12 percent of the total exports.

Consumption :
It is estimated that about 60 percent of goods used by the people in India originate in the
agriculture sector. The per capita income in India is quite less. Hence major part of it gets
spent on the basic consumption requirements for livelihood such as pulses, cereals, foot
wears, cloth and vegetables etc.

Strong means to remove poverty :
With the development of agriculture, employment opportunities will also increase
simultaneously. Agricultural development will encourage the development of small
related industries in rural areas. Therefore, there will be an increase in employment
opportunities in these industries also. The development of agricultural sector will push up
more output of agricultural goods and this will in turn decrease their prices. It will also
result in higher income and higher living standards.

Price constancy :
In India when the prices of agricultural goods rise, similar rise in the general price level
is observed. If price of food grain increase, cost of living would increase and industrial
workers would ask for high wages. In the same way, if an increase in prices of raw
materials happens, the production cost of the final output would go high and hence prices
of their products would also increase. Right now, the shortage and high prices of
agricultural goods such as food grains and raw materials are to a larger extent responsible
for the current inflationary situation in the country. It follows that when the prices of
agricultural goods are stabilized, it would not be very difficult to control inflationary
forces in the Indian economy.

Contribution to government revenue :
The tax revenue of government is strongly linked with the output level of agricultural
sector. With increase in agricultural output, industrial output also tends to increase and
the result is the expansion in the total volume of exchange. All these results into large tax
revenue of the government increase movement of agricultural and industrial goods. Thus
it can be concluded that the agricultural sector occupies a central place in the Indian
economy. Growth of economy as a whole depends on the performance of agricultural

2.1.3 Constraints facing Agroindustry :

 The first constraint is inadequate supply of raw materials from agriculture
 A second constraint is the poor quality of much raw material. Available raw material is
often of unsuitable quality, processing varieties are frequently not available and the
period of availability of the raw material is too short and unreliable
 A third constraint is the obsolete technology often used in processing, resulting in low
efficiency and poor quality of the output
 A fourth constraint is the regulations that work against Agroindustry.
 Final constraint is lack of finance.

Accutech Agro Pvt. Ltd., Davangere

Accutech Agro private limited is a private incorporated company on 23 June 2011. It is classified
as Non-government company and is registered at registrar of companies, Bangalore. Its
authorized share capital is Rs. 30,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 29,130,880. It is involved
in agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activities. Accutech
Agro Private Limited’s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U01403KA2011PTC059274
and its registration number is 59274. Accutech Agro Private Limited manufactures granulated
fertilizers and soil conditioners. The main branch of Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd is in Bangalore.
Annual turnover of the company is about 15 crores.

Date of Incorporation of the company :

23 June 2011

Directors of Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd :

Directors of Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd., are Siddesh Kalour Omkarappa and Prasad
Muthagudoor Jayanna and additional director is Vishwanath Mathur.

2.2.1 Vision Statement :

The company’s vision statement is to be world class company in the field of granulated
fertilizers and soil conditioners with dominant position in Indian market, ensuring optimal
utilization of resources, taking good care of environment , building a world class organization
with culture based on creativity, quality and service and to remain socially and ethically

2.2.2 Mission Statement :

The company’s mission statement is – a desire to create and to bring agricultural technologies
and inputs to the farming community in the most efficient manner and to contribute to the
advancement of agricultural science aimed at sustainable development of natural resources for
the benefit of current and future generations around the world.

2.2.3 Objectives of the company :

To improve the productivity of farmland and the nutritional value of fertilizers produced by
preserving and enhancing the environment.

To be a leader in agricultural industry and to play a large role in revolutionizing the
industry by promoting and providing biological farming practices developing new
science and innovations.

To provide farmers with a comprehensive, transparent service through detailed analysis of soil and
crops, fertilizers.

To assist farmers to improve the sustainability and profitability of their land while increasing
the nutritional value of the food they produce.

2.2.4 Nature of the business carried :

Accutech Agro Private Limited manufactures granulated fertilizers and soil conditioners.
Granulated fertilizers are the one which are in the form of small lumps or granules. Their
advantages are friability, freedom from caking and improved agro technical properties. These are
the most effective for the application in rows or in seed drill holes along with the seeds. A soil
conditioner is a product which is added to soil to improve the soil’s fertility (ability to provide
nutrition for plants) and soil structure.

Fertilizer Grades used :

Fertilizer grades are expressed in terms of percentage by weight in fertilizer as NPK i.e., the
presence of nitrogen(N), phosphorous (P) and potash (K).
 17-17-17
 14-06-21
 15-15-15
 19-19-19

Resources used :
DAP, Urea, Potassium, filler materials.

Here the NPK are mixed to form the granulated fertilizers and for every 400 bags 1 sample is
drawn and tested through core and core method. As per the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) the
granule size must not exceed the limit of 1.5mm – 4mm. Soil conditioners are made of calcium,
magnesium and sulphur. It is best suited for crops like onion, paddy and to salty soil. 17-17-17
grade fertilizer is used in paddy and maize. 14-06-21 grade is used in areca nut, coconut and
fruit crops. Product manufactured from Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd is “SIRI” .
2.2.5 Core values :
This supports the company’s vision, shapes the culture and reflect what company values. Here
are the few core values the company possess :

 Teamwork :
Providing support to one another, working co-operatively, respecting one another’s views
to achieve mutually beneficial results and making the work environment fun and

 Honesty :
Being open and honest in all the dealings and maintaining the highest integrity at all

 Excellence :
Always doing what is been said and striving for excellence and quality in everything it

 Commitment :
Works with urgency and commitment to be successful from individual and company

 Recognition :
Recognizes and rewards each others contributions and efforts.

 Customer service :
Customers are provided with the timely, responsive, pro-active service meeting their
needs and aiming to delight.

 Professionalism :
At all times company acts with integrity, providing quality service, being reliable and

 Personal development :
Company value learning, feedback, coaching and mentoring.

2.2.6 Infrastructure utilities :

Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd has following infrastructure utilities:
 3
Cooling water system – 16600 m / h circulation rate

Water De-mineralizing plant – 120 m3/ h capacity
 3 3
Nitrogen plant – 650 Nm / h of gaseous nitrogen and equivalent 50 Nm / h of liquid
 3
Instrument Air Compressor with Instrument Air Drier – 1500 Nm /h capacity

Product handling – there are four streams for urea and three streams for phosphatic
fertilizers for bagging and dispatch

Auxiliary Boiler – the ammonia and urea plants are supplemented with an auxiliary
boiler of 60 MT/h steam capacity at 75 kg/cm2 pressure and 480c

Purge gas recovery unit (PGRU) – of about 4800 Nm3/h capacity

Captive power plant

Imported ammonia and phosphoric acid terminal

Water reservoir

Bulk storage (silo) – there are two separate silos to store 30,000MT and 10,000MT of
Urea and Phosphatic fertilizers respectively.

2.2.7 Safety, health and environment:

a) Safety :
Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd conforms to the highest standards of safety and has a strong commitment
to the Environment Conservation and employee health.

b) Health :
Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd provides support programs and services to help its employees live
healthier and safer lives at work.

Pre-employment and periodic medical check-ups and maintenance of health records for all
the employees.

Regular health awareness programs and specialized health / medical check-us organized
for employees to enhance their knowledge about living in a healthy, safe and secure
environment in a simplistic way.

c) Environment :
Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd understands the effects of environment deterioration and therefore takes
great steps towards environment conservation and protection by reducing and limiting the
generation of pollutants to eliminate and minimize end treatments.
Adhering to the regulatory requirements and standards of the State Pollution Boards and
Federation of Indian Industries, Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd incorporates appropriate effluent
handling and disposal systems, to keep allowable limits of solid, semi-solid and gaseous affluent
discharges in check through constant monitoring.

 Emissions in the fertilizer plant are duly controlled by scrubbers and cyclone
separators. Ambient air-monitoring stations are installed in the factory premises to
monitor the air quality continuously.

 The CNA plant helps eliminate the generation of pollutants and thereby reducing
NOx emission to levels lower than statutory regulations.

 In the ammonia and methanol plants waste gases containing hydrogen and
carbon monoxide are burnt in a flare with a separate flare to burn off ammonia.

 Every year tree plantation is taken up as a drive within the premises as well in the
neighboring areas.

 In addition to these efforts, appreciable part of Research and Development is

directed towards developing environment control measures. Employees are
provided training and education to create awareness and commitment towards
maintaining the required standards in the company. It’s also working at spreading
awareness and helping customers in solving any environment-related problems.

d) Effluent Treatment Facilities :

Effluent treatment facilities and waste management is given much importance in Accutech Agro
Pvt Ltd.

Physiochemical and biological effluent treatment is operational at the effluent
treatment plant (ETP) at the factory premises.

All sanitary waste from the factory complex is treated by the sewage treatment

Using treated water for gardening and sanitary purposes is under implementation.

Pollution control equipments are constantly monitored by the environment cell of
the company.
2.2.8 SWOT Analysis :
Strengths Weaknesses

 
Good infrastructure High R & d costs
 
Strong financial stability Need for efficient distribution systems
 
Current market capital of the company is Outdated technology
good 
Labor strikes in the past have led to massive

Customer loyalty changes in the management which has
resulted in poor productivity

Brand name

Key producers have direct accessibility via
distribution to the market

Low cost manufacturing base

Opportunities Threats
 
Online market Government environmental regulations
against certain fertilizer manufacture
 Growth of horticulture and floriculture practices
 
New markets Intense competition from local as well as
international players

International expansion
 
Innovations and new technology Volatile revenue
 
Emergence of substitutes for the
Grant of government’s shares to the
company’s products has decreased demand
workforce has come as a great motivator for for their products
improved productivity and growth

Threat from genetically modified seeds

Integrated pest management (IPM) and rising
demand for organic farming
Tie-Up’s :
Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd is tied-up with one of the most reputed fertilizer company Mangalore
Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (MCF) and this year they tied-up with Deepak Fertilizers and
Petrochemicals corporation Limited, Mumbai.

2.2.9 Competitors :
Some of the competitors to Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd in Davangere are :

Aradhya Agro Industries

Vrishabhaa Agro Industries

Dharma Agro Industries

Sri Anjaneya Agrotech Pvt Ltd

R N Agriseeds Pvt Ltd

Microtech Agro India Ltd

Vani Agro Industry

H M Venkateshwara Shetty and company

GM group of companies

Nisarga Janashakthi Agrotech Pvt Ltd

Optima Agriseeds Pvt Ltd

Sokke Agro Pvt Ltd

Theoretical Background
3.1 Meaning of organization culture

Organization culture gives organizations a sense of identity and determines the way which things
are done through the organization’s legends, rituals, believes, meanings, values, norms and
language. Organization culture is made up of more superficial aspects such as patterns of
behavior and observable symbols and ceremonies and underlying values, assumptions and
beliefs. Some proponents argue that organization culture can be changed by focusing on the
more visible aspects such as rites and rituals as these help shape behavior. Some argue that
deeper aspects of culture such as beliefs and feelings must be taken into account when
considering organization culture. Organization culture is the basic pattern of shared assumptions,
values and beliefs considered to be the correct way of thinking about and acting on problems and
opportunities facing the organization. It is what is important and unimportant in the organization.
It is considered as organization’s DNA i.e., invisible to the naked eye yet a powerful template
that shapes what happens in the workplace.

Organization differ in their cultural content in terms of the relative ordering of beliefs, values and
assumptions. For instance some organization practices place a premium on their recruitment and
selection, training and development programmes, compensation administration and performance
management. Also some place a premium on career development, goal setting and pay-for-
performance with a view of maximizing employee performance. Companies with strong culture
are more effective than those with weak culture. Strong culture have greater impact on
motivation, behavior and productivity. There is a high degree of agreement amongst members
about the organizational purpose, goals, norms, values and activities. This increase their loyalty
and commitment towards the organization and reduces the rate of labor turnover and

3.2 Characteristics of the organization culture

Nature of the organization culture can be better understood by the following characteristics :

Individual initiative
Organization culture reflects the degree of responsibility, freedom and interdependence
that individuals have in any organization. It reflects how the individual’s behavior.

Risk tolerance
Organization culture reflects the degree to which employees encourages
being aggressive, innovative and risking seeking.

Organization culture reflects the degree to which the organization creates clear objectives
and performance expectations.

Organization culture reflects the degree to which units within the organization are
encouraged to operate in a coordinated manner.

Management support
Organization culture reflects the degree to which managers provide clear communication
assistance and support to the subordinates.

Organization culture reflects the number of rules and regulations and the amount of direct
supervision that is used to oversee and control employee behavior.

Organization culture reflects the degree to which member’s identity with the organization as
a whole rather than with their particular work group of field of professional expertise.

Reward system
Organization culture reflects the degree to which reward allocation are based on
employee performance criteria in contrast to seniority, favoritism etc.

Conflict tolerance
Organization culture reflects the degree to which employees are encouraged to air
conflicts and criticisms openly.

Communication pattern
Organization culture reflects the degree to which organizational communications are
restricted to the formal hierarchy of authority.

3.3 Elements of an organization culture

According to Gagne (1986) there are some elements of culture :

Shared values - Culture involves shared values or social ideas or normative beliefs about
proper behavior in various situations. The degree to which these shared values have been
internalized by organizational members belief systems decides the strength of a culture.

Artifacts - symbolic artifacts of culture comprise of rituals, rites, myths, norms,
symbols, legends, heroes and ceremonies. These artifacts form a system of support and
maintenance for the set of the prevailing beliefs.

Cultural strength – a strong culture one characterized by widespread and strong
normative guides to behavior is somehow better than a weak culture which has
virtually no common values or beliefs held by significant number of organizational
members. According to the studies a strong culture does not have to be positive.
Negative or destructive values or beliefs can be widely held in a strong culture.

Values – these are the basis of organization culture. They provide a sense of common
direction for all employees and guide their day-to-day behavior. Value defines the
character of the organization and creates a sense of identity throughout the people of the

Heroes – these are the people who have been successful by sticking to organization values.
They provide a role model to other members of the organization and at the same time
illustrate that success lies within the grasp of all employees. They set out standards of
behavior they call attention to the way in which procedures are to be carried out.

G . Johnson and Schoels (1999) has described some of the elements of culture as follows :

The paradigm - what the organization is about, what it does, its mission, its values.

Control systems - the processes in place to monitor what is going on.

Organizational structures - reporting lines, hierarchies and the way that work flows
through the business.

Power structures - who makes the decisions, how widely spread is power, and on what is
power based.

Symbols - these include organizational logos and designs.

Rituals and routines - management meetings, board reports and so on may become more
habitual than necessary.

Stories and myths - conveys message about what is valued within the organization.

3.4 Rationales for organizational culture

A. To employees

Provides a sense of security to its members

Knowledge of one’s organization

Culture helps employees interpret what goes on inside it

Help stimulate employee enthusiasm.

B. To organizations
 To give organizational identity
 Provides with a source of stability and continuity to the organization
 It prescribes norms of acceptable and non-acceptable behavior
 It helps in forming a collective identity that helps in member associate with their
organizational policies and mission.

3.5 Factors determining organization culture

The following factors determine the organization culture :

Organization’s founder :
Organization culture develops through its founders. Whatever impression founders create
about the organization continues and develops for a long period of time.

Organization success and shared experiences :
Organization success for a long period develops a strong culture about its name and way
of working.

Innovation and risk-taking :
Organization culture is determined by the degree to which its employees are innovative
and have the ability to take risks. It creates strong culture.

Outcomes rather than techniques :
When managers focus on results than ways of achieving outcomes it develops a strong
organization culture.

people and team orientation :
when the organization take into account the effect of their decisions or results on people
as individuals and teams it develops a strong organization culture.

Competitiveness :
Organizations whose employees are competitive are culturally stronger than those whose
employees are easy going.

Shared interpretations :
Organizations whose members have common perceptions and thinking about
organizational values, norms and ways of functioning have a strong culture.

Market standing :
Organization culture is determined by the way it develops its market standing. Some
companies are known for quality while others for their price. People don’t mind paying
high price for quality or compromise with quality for suitable price.

3.6 Functions of organizational culture

It performs the following functions :

 It distinguishes one organization from the other. It creates brand name for the

 It develops a sense of identity amongst members. The members associate themselves

with the organization.

 It promotes commitment amongst employees to achieve organizational goals.

 It develops appropriate standards for employees and holds them together to achieve
those standards.

 It provides a control mechanism for shaping the attitude and behavior of employees.

 It gives direction to organizational activities and ensures that everyone moves in the same

3.7 Types of organization culture

According to Hellriegel, Slocum and woodman (2001:523) describes four types of culture :

Bureaucratic culture :
An organization that values formality, rules, standard operating procedures and
hierarchical coordination has a bureaucratic culture. Long-term concerns of bureaucracy
are predictability, efficiency and stability. Managers view their roles as good
coordinators, organizers and enforcers of written rules and standards. Tasks,
responsibilities and authority for employees are clearly defined. The organizational
rules and processes are specified in manuals and employees believe their duty is to
follow them.

Clan culture :
Tradition, loyalty, personal commitment, teamwork, extensive socialization, self-
management and social influence are attributes of clan culture. The members recognize
an obligation beyond the contractual agreements. Long term clan members serve as
mentors and role models for the new members. In this type of culture, members share a
sense of pride in membership. They have a strong sense of identification and recognize
interdependence of organizations and members.

Entrepreneurial culture :
High levels of dynamism and creativity characterize the entrepreneurial culture. There is
commitment to experimentation, innovation and leadership. This culture does not quickly
react to changes in the environment instead creates change. Individual initiative,
flexibility and freedom foster growth are encouraged and well rewarded.

Market culture :
The achievement of measurable and demanding goals especially those which are
financial and market based characterize a market culture. In this culture there is
relationship between individuals and the organization. The market culture is often tied to
monthly, quarterly and annual performance goals based on profits. In this culture
superior’s interaction with the subordinates largely consists of negotiating performance
reward agreements and evaluating requests for resource allocation.

3.8 Transmission of organization culture

Organization culture gets transmitted to employees in a number of ways. Some of these are :
 Stories :
Stories about organizational values, rules, past and present practices create positive
impression in employees’ minds about organization culture. Stories contain a narrative
events that highlights the organizational practices. When success stories of an
organization are constantly narrated, people start relating facts in these stories with their
actual behavior.
 Symbols :
Symbols transmit intentions of organizations that words may not. The symbols convey
hard work, perseverance, honesty endurance on the part of employees.

 Language :
Many organizations use language that identifies members with its culture. Employees
learn that language and jargons and associate themselves with the organization.
Organizations develop language to describe their customers, equipments, suppliers etc.,
which is not commonly used by the general public. This language unites employees of
the organization together and helps in strengthening its culture.

 Rituals :
Some companies perform certain rituals to express their achievements. It conveys
determination, optimism, need for hard-work, reward for hard-work and motivation
that hard work and good performance are appreciated and rewarded.

 Ceremonies :
Organization transmit cultures by conducting various types of ceremonies. Inauguration
ceremony indicates launching of a new product or design.

3.9 Key factors that shapes company’s culture

According to David Dreman, twelve key factors which shapes company’s culture are :

1. Influence of a dominant leader

2. Company’s history and traditions
3. Technology, products and services
4. The industry and its competition
5. Customers
6. Company expectations
7. Information and control systems
8. Legislation and company environment
9. Procedures and policies
10. Reward systems and measurements
11. Organization and resources
12. Goals, values and beliefs
Chapter 4


The objective of this chapter is to outline the research methodology used to establish the
framework for evaluation in order to carry out the primary research. The chapter also deals with
the concepts and techniques used during primary research in order to arrive at the findings of
this effort and establish a framework. This deals with the survey analysis and interpretation of
the data accumulated with relative tables and graphs with the aid of the result obtained
statistically are included.

The study is causative and analytical in nature and also the study depended on both primary and
secondary data. Primary data was collected by personally approaching the concerned person
through a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed both to the skilled
employees as well as the unskilled labors. Secondary data was collected from books, journals,
magazines and annual reports of the organization.

In this study digital sources of internet is used as well. Here for this study the non-probability
method has been employed. The convenience sampling technique is employed to select the
representation from the total population. The target population of the study comprised of 50
respondents. Data has been collected through survey, observations and will be worked on the
excel sheet and analysis is employed using the tables and suitable graphs.
Part – A

Table No 4.01 : respondent’s age

Response Respondents percentage
18-25 10 20
26-35 26 52
36-45 8 16
46 and above 6 12
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Age of the respondents



46 years and above

Analysis :
Above table no 4.01 indicates that 20% of the employees are of the age group 18 to 25, 52%
of the respondents belongs to 26 to 35, 16% of the respondents between 36 to 45, and 12% of
the people belongs to the age group of 46 & above.

Interpretation :
The above analysis shows that majority of the employees belongs to the age group of 26-35
Table No 4.02 : Gender of the respondents
Response Respondents percentage
Male 50 100
Female 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
The above information describe that 100% of the employees are male.

Above analysis shows that all the employees in the organization are male.

Table No 4.03 : Educational qualification

Response Respondents percentage
SSLC 6 12
PUC 8 16
UG 26 52
PG 10 20
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Above information from table No.4.03 describes that 12% of the workers have finished
PUC, 16% of the workers are done with PUC whereas 52% of the respondents are UG
holders and 20% are of PG.

The above analysis shows that majority of the respondents are undergraduates.
Table No 4.04 : Respondent’s department
Response Respondents percentage
Production 9 18
Storage 11 22
Packing 13 26
Dispatch 17 34
Others 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Above table no 4.04 indicates that 18% of the respondents works in production department,
22% of those works in storage department while 26% of those works in packing department and
that of 34% respondents works in dispatch section.

The above analysis shows that respondents are working in all the departments with slight
variations in number.

Table No 4.05 : Number of years of experience at Accutech Agro Pvt Ltd.,

Response Respondents percentage
0-6 months 8 16
1-2 years 13 26
2-5 years 12 24
More than 5 years 17 34
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
The above table indicates that 16% of employee respondents are of 0-6 months, 26% are of 1-2
years of experience while 24% are of 2-5 years of experience and 34% are of more than 5
years of experience.

The above analysis shows that number of experiences of the respondents varies with slight
differences and those employees who are experienced with more than 5 years dominates in

Question : Do you believe that work groups in the organization interact effectively ?
Table no 4.06 : Work groups interaction
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 25 50
Agree 15 30
Undecided 05 10
Disagree 03 06
Strongly disagree 02 04
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

work group interaction

strongly agree
50% agree
30% undecided
strongly disagree

Analysis :
The above table indicates that 50% of the respondents strongly agree that the work groups in
the organization interact effectively 10% respondents are in undecided situation.

The above analysis shows that majority of the workers strongly agree that the work groups in
the organization interacts effectively.

Question : Do you agree that the organization thrives in team building ?

Table no 4.07 : Organization thrives in team building

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 27 54
Agree 19 38
Undecided 03 06
Disagree 01 02
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.07 demonstrates that 54% of the respondents strongly agree that organization thrives
in team building whereas 06% of the respondents are in undecided situation.

The above analysis depicts that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the
organization thrives in team building.

Question : Do you believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top
management passed on to the lower level at the right time ?

Table no 4.08 : Relevant information passed at right time to employees

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 17 34
Agree 26 52
Undecided 05 10
Disagree 02 04
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.08 illustrates that the 52% of the respondents agree that the relevant information
given by the top level management is passed on to the lower level at the right time, while 10% of
the respondents are in the undecided situation.

The above analysis shows that majority of the respondents agree that the relevant information is
passed on the lower level of the management from the top level at right time.

Question : Does the management share information in a way that makes u feel included as
partner in business ?

Table no 4.09 : Management share information in a way that makes u feel

included as partner in business
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 10 20
Agree 27 54
Undecided 09 18
Disagree 03 06
Strongly disagree 01 02
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.09 reveals that 54% of the respondents agree that the management shares information
and makes them feel included as a partner in business whereas 18% respondents are in
undecided situation.

The above analysis demonstrates that majority of the respondents agree that the management
shares information and makes them feel included as a partner in business.

Question : Have you ever been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of
working ?

Table no 4.10 : Recognition for adopting a effective method of working

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 09 18
Agree 26 52
Undecided 09 18
Disagree 05 10
Strongly disagree 01 02
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Recognition for adopting a effective method of working


10% 18%
Strongly agree
18% Agree

Strongly disagree

Analysis :
Table no 4.10 above symbolizes that 52% of the respondents agree that they have been
recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working, while 18% of the respondents is
cant be decided.

Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents agree that they have been recognized for
adopting a new and effective method of working in the organization.

Question : The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the

Table no 4.11 : Promotion policy motivates employees

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 09 18
Agree 31 62
Undecided 07 14
Disagree 03 06
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.11 indicates that 62% of the respondents agree that the promotion policy in the
organization is fair enough to motivate the employees and 14% are of undecided situation.

Above analysis shows that the majority of the respondents agree that the promotion policy in
the organization is fair enough to motivate the employees.

Question : Organization provides the opportunities to utilize your abilities ?

Table no 4.12 : Providing opportunities to utilize the abilities

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 31 62
Agree 08 16
Undecided 11 22
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.12 depicts that the 62% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities, while 22% of the respondents are in
ambivalent situation.

Above analysis shows that the majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
provides the opportunities to utilize their abilities.

Question : The organization has an effective program for the training and development of
employees ?

Table no 4.13 : Effective program for training and development

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 09 18
Agree 29 58
Undecided 08 16
Disagree 03 06
Strongly disagree 01 02
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.13 illustrates that 58% of the respondents agree that the organization has an effective
program for the training and development of employees and 16% of the respondents are
uncertain about it.

Above analysis shows that the majority of the respondents agree that the organization has an
effective program for the training and development of employees.

Question : Does the organization encourages and help those employees who wishes for
higher studies ?

Table no 4.14 : Encouragement to the higher studies

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 29 58
Agree 10 20
Undecided 08 16
Disagree 02 04
Strongly disagree 01 02
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Encouragement to the higher studies

16% Strongly agree


58% Undecided


20% Strongly disagree

Analysis :
Table no 4.14 describes that the 58% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
encourages and help those employees who wishes for higher studies whereas 16% respondents
are unsure about it.

Above analysis shows that the majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
encourages and help those employees who wishes for higher studies.

Question : Does the organization gives proper prioritization for work life balance ?
Table no 4.15 : Proper prioritization for work life balance
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 25 50
Agree 19 38
Undecided 06 12
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.15 indicates that the 50% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization gives
proper prioritization for work life balance and 12% of the respondents are unclear about it.
Above analysis depicts that the majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
gives proper prioritization for work life balance.

Question : You blend your ideas with superiors to create new alternatives for resolving a
disagreement ?
Table no 4.16 : Blending ideas with superiors to resolve disagreement
Response Respondents Percentage
Never 04 08
Sometimes 05 10
Often 16 32
Almost 11 22
Always 14 28
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
In table no 4.16 the 32% of the respondents reveals that they blend their ideas often with
superiors to create new alternatives for resolving a disagreement while 8% of the respondents
reveals that they never blend their ideas often with superiors to create new alternatives for
resolving a disagreement.
Above analysis shows that respondent’s responses varies and few reveals their ideas often
considered in creating a alternative for resolving a disagreement.

Question : Quality of work life is way too good in this organization?

Table no 4.17 : Quality of work life is way too good

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 26 52
Agree 19 38
Undecided 05 10
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.17 illustrate that 52% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s quality of
work life is way too good, while 10% of the respondents are ambivalent in their decision.
Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the quality of
work life is good in the organization.

Question : Do you feel that the organization believes in motivating employees?

Table no 4.18 : Organization believes in motivating employees

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 26 52
Agree 17 34
Undecided 07 14
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.18 illustrates that the 52% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
believes in motivating employees and 14% of the respondents are indefinite about it.
Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
believes in motivating employees.

Question : Do you believe that the organization foster a climate of trust among the employees
that help to achieve the goals of the employees and organization?

Table no 4.19 : Organization foster a climate of trust among employees

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 29 58
Agree 15 30
Undecided 06 12
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.19 describes that 58% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization foster a
climate of trust among them and help in achieving the goals of the employees and organization
whereas 12% of the respondents are unclear about it.

Above analysis illustrates that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization
foster a climate of trust among them and help in achieving the goals of the employees and

Question : Does the organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved ?

Table no 4.20 : Gives opportunities to take decisions at risky times

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 16 32
Agree 26 52
Undecided 04 08
Disagree 03 06
Strongly disagree 01 02
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Gives opportunities to take decisions at risky times

32% Strongly agree
Strongly disagree


Analysis :
Table no 4.20 indicates that the 52% of the respondents agree that the organization give opportunity
to take decisions where risk is involved whereas 08% of those are uncertain about it.

Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents agree that the organization give
opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved.

Question : Do you believe that the organization’s social responsibilities helps in achieving
sustainability ?

Table no 4.21 : Social responsibilities helps in achieving sustainability

Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 16 32
Agree 28 56
Undecided 06 12
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Analysis :
Table no 4.21 symbolize that the 56% of the respondents agree that the organization’s social
responsibilities helps in achieving sustainability while 12% of those are unclear about it.

Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents agree that the organization’s social
responsibilities helps in achieving sustainability

Question : Does the organization show respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas and
people ?
Table no 4.22 : Respect for opinions, ideas and people
Response Respondents percentage
Never 01 02
Sometimes 10 20
Often 02 04
Almost 26 52
Always 11 22
Total 50 100
Source : Field study

Respect for opinions, ideas and people


22% 20%
4% Sometimes


Analysis :
Table no 4.22 describes that the 52% of the respondents believe that the organization almost
shows respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas and people while 20% of the respondents
reveal that only sometimes the organization show respect for a diverse range of opinions,
ideas and people.

Above analysis shows that the majority the respondents believe that the organization almost
shows respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas and people.

Question : Organization is good at fulfilling their goals based on their vision and mission ?
Table no 4.23 : organization is good at fulfilling goals
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 29 58
Agree 15 30
Undecided 06 12
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.23 symbolizes that the 58% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization is
good at fulfilling their goals based on their vision and mission whereas 12% of those respondents
are uncertain about it.
Above analysis depicts that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization is
good at fulfilling their goals based on their vision and mission.

Question : Does organization’s overall environment helps to boost employee productivity?
Table no 4.24 : Overall environment helps boost employee productivity
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 28 56
Agree 19 38
Undecided 03 06
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.24 indicates that the 56% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s
overall environment helps to boost employee productivity and 06% of the respondents are in
ambivalent situation.
Above analysis depicts that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s
overall environment helps to boost employee productivity.

Question : Does organization’s top level management maintain good relationship with all the
levels of employees ?
Table no 4.25 : Top level management maintain good relationship with all
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 31 62
Agree 15 30
Undecided 04 08
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.25 illustrates that the 62% of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s
top level management maintain good relationship with all the levels of employees while 08%
of the respondents are uncertain about it.
Above analysis depicts that majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s top
level management maintain good relationship with all the levels of employees.

Question : There is openness to suggestions from people at all levels of the organization ?
Table no 4.26 : Openness to suggestions from people at all levels
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 27 54
Agree 14 28
Undecided 07 14
Disagree 02 04
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.26 reveals that the 54% of the respondents strongly agree that there is openness to
suggestions from people at all levels of the organization and 14% of the respondents are in
the undecided state.
Above analysis shows that majority of the respondents strongly agree that there is openness to
suggestions from people at all levels of the organization.

Question : Does the organizational culture positively affects the performance of the
employees ?
Table no 4.27 : Organization culture positively affects the performance
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 38 76
Agree 12 24
Undecided 00 00
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.27 describes that the 76% of the respondents strongly agree that the organizational
culture positively affects the performance of the employees and the other 24% of the
respondents slightly agree the same.
Above analysis shows that most of the respondents strongly agree that the organizational culture
positively affects the performance of the employees.

Question : Does employee performance affects the organizational growth and development?
Table no 4.28 : Employee performance affects organization growth
Response Respondents percentage
Strongly agree 37 74
Agree 13 26
Undecided 00 00
Disagree 00 00
Strongly disagree 00 00
Total 50 100
Source : Field study
Analysis :
Table no 4.28 reveals that the 74% of the respondents strongly agree that the employee
performance affects the organizational growth and development and the other 26% of
the respondents slightly agree the same.
Above analysis depicts that most of the respondents strongly agree that the employee
performance affects the organizational growth and development.
Chapter – 5


Findings :

From the study it shows that majority of the respondents belongs to the age group of 26-35.

Majority of the respondents are undergraduates.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the work groups in the organization interact

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization thrives in team building.

Majority of the respondents agree that the relevant information is passed on to the lower level of
the management from the top level at right time.

Majority of the respondents agree that the management shares information and makes them
feel included as partner in business.

Majority of the respondents agree that they have been recognized for adopting a new and
effective method of working in the organization.

Majority of the respondents agree that the promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to
motivate the employees.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization provides the opportunities to
utilize their abilities.

Majority of the respondents agree that the organization has an effective program for the
training and development of employees.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization encourages and help those
employees who wishes for higher studies.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization gives proper prioritization for
work life balance.

Few revealed that their ideas are often considered in creating a alternative for resolving a

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the quality of wok life is way too good in the

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization believes in motivating

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization foster a climate of trust
among them and help in achieving the goals of the employees and organization.

Majority of the respondents agree that the organization give opportunity to take decisions
where risk is involved.

Majority of the respondents believe that the organization almost shows respect for a diverse
range of opinions, ideas and people.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that the organization is good at fulfilling their
goals based on their vision and mission.

Majority of the respondents agree that the organization’s social responsibilities help in
achieving sustainability.

Most of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s overall environment helps to
boost employee productivity.

Most of the respondents strongly agree that the organization’s top level management
maintain good relationship withal the levels of employees.

Majority of the respondents strongly agree that there is openness to suggestions from people at
all levels of the organization.

Most of the respondents strongly agree that the organizational culture positively affects the
performance of the employees.

Most of the respondents strongly agree that the employee performance affects the
organizational growth and development.

Suggestions :

Employee should be highly motivated using effective motivating factors. As most of the
employees have ranked in challenging job as the most effective motivating technique such as
job enrichment program should be used.

Organization should appreciate the work done by the workers which in turn motivates them to
work smart an effective.

Workers should get an opportunity to attend meetings where it would be beneficial to the
workers to understand more about the organization’s practices, strengths, weaknesses and
decision patterns.

Management should introduce new benefits and welfare schemes.

Self development and training needs of employees should be fulfilled.

Effective co-ordination must be inculcated between various departments.

Monthly review meeting must be arranged in order to gain more confidence of employees.
Conclusion :
According to the research conducted the organization culture is satisfactory and motivates the
members of the organization. There have been innumerable studies & research projects
conducted by many organizations but it can be easily concluded that no study showed that 100%
of employees in an organization were fully satisfied. It has always been tried to find out the
factors, which motivate the employees the most. The human nature is so complex that it responds
unpredictably at different times. These factors differ from time to time, place to place and
situation to situation and person to person. In this project the following points have came into
picture : designation, working environment, training and development, relationship with
colleagues, performance appraisal, career development, recognition, communication, welfare
schemes, freedom of taking decisions etc. This leads to a conclusion that if the culture is not in
congruence with their needs it might affect their performance in a negative way. If the culture is
in congruence with the needs of the employees, the organization is said to have a strong culture.

At the end it can be concluded that though there are some employees who are not satisfied with
some factors but majority of the employees are fairy satisfied with the work culture at Accutech
Afro Pvt Ltd.


Organizational behavior - 14 edition by Stephen P ROBBINS, Timonthy A JUDGE, Neharika

Organizational behavior – fifth edition by Steven L McShane, Mary Ann Von Glinow, Radha R

Personnel management by C B Memoria

Research methodology, methods and techniques by C R Kothari

Business Research Methods-S.N Murthy and U Bhojanna 3 Editions

Dear Sir/Madam
I am Inchara R Murthy, student of 4 Semester MBA in University B.D.T College of
Engineering, Davangere , As a part of academic curriculum, have undertaken project internship
entitled “A study on Organizational Culture and it’s Impact on Productivity with reference
to Accutech Agro pvt ltd, Davangere”. Hence I kindly request you to fill this questionnaire and
the information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used only for academic


1. Name :

2. Age:
a) 18-25 yrs ( ) c) 36-45 yrs ( )
b) 26-35 yrs ( ) d) 46 years and above ( )
3. Gender:
a) Male ( ) b) Female ( )
4. Educational Qualification:

a) SSLC ( ) c) UG ( )
b) PUC ( ) d) PG ( )
5. Department:
a) Production ( ) c) Packing ( )
b) Storage ( ) d) Dispatch ( ) e) Others ( )

6. Number of years of experience at Accutech agro pvt ltd :

a) 0-6 months c) 2-5 years

b) 1 – 2 years d) More than 5 years
1. Do you believe that work groups in the organization interact effectively?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
2. Do u agree that the organization thrives in team building?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

3. Do you believe that the relevant information, which has been given by the top
management passed on to the lower level at the right time?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

4. Does the management share information in a way that makes u feel included as partner
in business?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

5. Have you ever been recognized for adopting a new and effective method of working?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
6. The promotion policy in the organization is fair enough to motivate the employees ?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
7. Organization provides the opportunities to utilize your abilities?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
8. The organization has an effective program for the training and development of
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

9. Does the organization encourages and help those employees who wishes for higher
studies ?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

10. Does the Organization gives proper prioritization for work life balance?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

11. You blend your ideas with your superiors to create new alternatives for resolving a
a) Never ( ) d) Almost ( )
b) Sometimes ( ) e) Always ( )
c) Often ( )

12. Quality of work life is way too good in this organization?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

13. Do you feel that the organization believes in motivating employees?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

14. Do you believe that the organization foster a climate of trust among the employees that
helps to achieve the goals of the employees and organization?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
15. Does the organization give opportunity to take decisions where risk is involved?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

16. Do you agree that the Organization’s social responsibilities helps in achieving
sustainability ?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

17. Does the organization show respect for a diverse range of opinions, ideas and people ?
a) Never ( ) d) Almost ( )
b) Sometimes ( ) e) Always ( )
c) Often ( )

18. Organization is good at fulfilling their goals based on their vision and mission?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

19. Does organization’s overall environment helps to boost employee productivity?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

20. Does organization’s top level management maintain good relationship with all the level’s
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

21. What according to you are the most effective motivating factors? Please rank the
following factors (1 for highest 8 for lowest)
a) Money ( ) e) Achievement ( )
b) Acceptance ( ) f) Social status ( )
c) Recognition for accomplishment ( ) g) Growth and development ( )
d) Position ( ) h) challenging job ( )
22.There is openness to suggestions from people at all levels of the organization?
a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )
b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
23.Does organizational culture positively affects the performance of the employees?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )
24.Does employee performance affects organizational growth and development?

a) Strongly agree ( ) d) Disagree ( )

b) Agree ( ) e) Strongly disagree ( )
c) Undecided ( )

Any suggestions to improve the organization culture ?


Thank you

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