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For PRIME-HRM Target Maturity Level

Step 1: Stating the Goal (GOAL)

Purpose of the Agency Action Plan
What is the purpose of this Action Plan?

 To Achieve PRIME HRM Level 2 accreditation.

This Action Plan was created to identify action steps to be taken in 2019 in order
the Local Government Unit of Sagay City to reach maturity level 2 in all four (4) HR

Step 2: Determining the Current State (Reality)

What is your current Maturity Level based on the Assessment Results?

Currently the agency is on level 1 in all four (4) HR Systems.

What Maturity Level do you want to target for?

Maturity Level 2 in all four (4) HR Systems in 2019.

Current State Review & Target HR System
Identify your strengths and opportunities for improvement.


1. Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP) – on maturity level 1 but met

already some of the indicators for maturity level 2.

2. Performance Management (PM) – on maturity level 1 but met already some

of the indicators for maturity level 2.

3. Learning and Development (L&D) – on maturity level 1 but met already some
of the indicators for maturity level 2.

4. Rewards and Recognition (R&R) – on maturity level 1 but met already some
of the indicators for maturity level 2.


Four (4) HR Systems are in Level 1

For HR systems we need to improve on, which one/s do you now want to prioritize taking into
consideration your Agency Mandate? Why?

Priority will be given to all four (4) HR Systems in Level 1 so that the LGU Sagay
City could attain Level 2.

Of the target HR system, which areas (systems, practices and/ or competencies) do you want to focus
on? Why?
Focus will be given to the following:

1. Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP)

a. The Agency to use a customized screening criteria, guidelines and tools with
provisions Equal Employment Opportunity Principles (EEOP).
b. Create a workforce plan
c. Establish appropriate tools to evaluate functional and technical
qualifications of candidates.
d. Constitute Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with DSWD or SPED to
engage their services to assist PWD Applicants, (if there’s any)
e. For HRMPSB committee members to formulate it’s own internal rules and
f. Re-orientation of the HRMPSB Committee members on their roles and

2. Performance Management (PM)

a. Provide internal/customized guidelines for PMT with Equal Opportunity
Principles (EOP) to address PM needs.
b. Establish data base for Major Final Outputs (MFOs) and success indicators.
c. Institutionalize the use Individual Development Plans (IDPs) to all
d. Generate report on periodic review of performance.
e. Orientation and workshop of the Performance Management Team (PMT) on
their duties and functions.

3. Learning and Development (L&D)

a. Institutionalize the use of Training Needs Analysis (TNA), survey, Individual
Development Plan, training design and plan guide.
b. Develop customized learning materials and training aids to support
employees’ quality service delivery.
c. Develop pre-test and post test tools and approaches
d. Formulate Learning and Development Committee internal/customized
guidelines and criteria with Equal Opportunity Principles (EOP) to tackle L&D
e. Orientation and workshop of the (L&D Committee members) on their duties
and functions.
f. Layout L&D Process flowchart

4. Rewards and Recognition (R&R)

a. Develop customized screening selection criteria and processes that apply to all
employees, consistent with Equal Opportunity Principles (EOP)
b. Orientation and workshop of the PRAISE Committee members on their duties
and functions.
c. Establish R&R Process flowchart.
Step 3: MAPPING OUT THE ACTION STEPS (Options & Way Forward)


Detailed Activities Responsibilities Timeline Success Indicators

(How will you know

Recommended Action
that you are making
Steps based on
progress? What are
Assessment Tool
your benchmarks?
Results & Report & as By When?
What Will Be Done? Who Will Do It? How will you
determined by Agency (Day/Month)
determine that your
goal has been
reached? What are
your measures?)


The Agency to use a
customize screening
Enhance the RSP criteria, guidelines
system focusing on and tools with NLT May
HRMPSB & HRMO customized and
development and provisions of Equal 2019
institutionalization of Employment
screeining criteria.
guidelines and tools Opportunity
including the Principles. (EEOP)
provisions on PWD Establish appropriate
tools to evaluate Developed/adopted
functional and NLT May appropriate tools
technical 2019 (e.g. sample tests
qualifications of paper)
Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) HRMPSB & HRMO Approved MOA
with DSWD or SPED
for PWD applicants
The HRMPSB has no Formulate HRMPSB
Approved Internal
internal rules and internal rules and NLT May
HRMPSB & HRMO Rules and policies
policies on RSP policies. 2019
THE Agency has no Create a workforce NLT May Approved
workforce plan plan 2019 workforce plan
The HRMPSB, Conduct and
orientation of the
HRMPSB Committee HRMPSB members,
members RSP
describe/explain how
Training Proposals,
RSP policies and policies and heads/supervisors, NLT June
Attendance Sheets
processes meet itsprocesses meet its HRMO with the 2019
and Pictures
recruitment, assistance of CSC Field
recruitment, selection
selection and Office
and placement
Review and Provide PMT/HRMO/CPDO NLT May Approved
strengthen the internal/customized 2019 Internal/customized
implementation of guidelines for PMT to PMT guidelines.
Performance address PM needs.
Management System
Establish data base PMT/HRMO/CPDO NLT May Presence of data
for Major Final 2019 base for MFO’s and
Outputs (MFOs) and success indicators
success indicators.
Institutionalize the PMT/HRMO/CPDO NLT May Identified priority
use Individual 2019 development
Development Plans interventions duly
(IDPs) to all developed for
employees. employees.

Generate report on PMT/HRMO/CPDO NLT May Conducted periodic

periodic review of 2019 review with
performance. corresponding
periodic report.
Orientation and PMT/HRMO/CPDO/ NLT May Training Proposals,
workshop of the Dept. Heads/ line 2019 Attendance Sheets
Performance supervisors with the and Pictures
Management Team assistance of CSC Field
(PMT) on their duties Office.
and functions.
Institutionalize the CPDO/HRMO/L&D Committee NLT Developed and
use of Training July Utilized TNAs
Focus on the Needs Analysis 2019 and other tools
institutionalization (TNA), survey, as basis for
of Learning and Individual CapDev
Development Development Plan, Intervention
programs with training design and
appropriate tools plan guide.
to determine it’s
effects and Develop customized CPDO/HRMO/L&D Committee NLT Developed
impacts. learning materials July customize
and training aids to 2019 learning
support resource and
employees’ quality Information,
service delivery. Education and
(IEC) materials.
Develop pre-test CPDO/HRMO/L&D Committee NLT Developed pre
and post test tools July and post tests
and approaches 2019
Formulate Learning CPDO/HRMO/L&D Committee NLT Approved L&D
and Development July Internal
Committee 2019 customized
internal/customized guidelines and
guidelines and criteria
criteria with Equal
Principles (EOP) to
tackle L&D matters
Orientation and L&D NLT Training
workshop of the Committee/HRMO/CPDO/Internal July Proposals,
(L&D Committee pool of facilitators/ Dept. Heads/ 2019 Attendance
members) line supervisors with the Sheets and
on their duties and assistance of CSC Field Office. Pictures

Layout L&D Process L&D Committee/HRMO/CPDO NLT Approved L&D

flowchart July Process
2019 flowchart
Develop customized PRAISE Committee and HRMO NLT Approved R&R
screening selection July Internal
Enhance and criteria and 2019 customized
Intensify R&R processes that apply guidelines and
System process and to all employees, criteria
procedures. consistent with
Equal Opportunity
Principles. (EOP)
Orientation and PRAISE/HRMO/CPDO/ Dept. NLT Training
workshop of the Heads/ line supervisors with the July Proposals,
PRAISE Committee assistance of CSC Field Office. 2019 Attendance
members their Sheets and
duties and functions Pictures
Layout R&R Process PRAISE Committee and HRMO NLT Approved R&R
flowchart July Process
2019 flowchart

Resources: Identify the following:

 Committees
 Support of the management
 Involvement of all Unit Heads and top Division Officials
 Financial and Logistics

Potential Barriers

 Sense of commitment. When employees or department heads are not

committed, the plan will not succeed.
 Unfamiliarity of the Dept. Heads and employees on the HR System.
 Time conflict. Availability of the committees, Department Heads, and
other stakeholders on the timeline set for the action plan in all HR core
Communications Plan
The following are involved in the PRIME-HRM Process. Officials, Department Heads,
Committee Members on each HR core areas, HRMO and employees. The Agency will use
all forms of communication methods such as Memorandum Order, advisories, meetings,
announcements, orientations, and other modes. Meetings will be conducted regularly
based on agreed schedule such as quarterly or monthly. Special meetings may be convened
as requested and as the need arises.


Date of Next Process Consulting Session:

Next Consultation session will be convened on April 22, 2019. Pre-activities like
meeting of small or core group for each committee maybe held prior to the

Agenda for Next Process Consulting Session:

Checking and monitoring as to the progress of compliance to actions plan.

Tasks to be achieved prior to next Process Consulting Session & Person/s


Practice of action stipulated in the Action Plan.

Name Signature Date

Prepared by: RENA A. DY April 2, 2019


Assisted by: ATTY. ERNA T. ELIZAN

Director II
CSC Field Director


City Mayor

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