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Philip Dan M.

BSEd-Math 3D
Elective 1

Reflective Journal

Teaching is not just a profession but it is also a vocation. The moment the teacher get a
lenience to teach, he/she will now be responsible in the future of his/her learners. Teacher are
like a road map that students rely on. That is why, students, even if they are smart or not, must
possess the competencies the curriculum desires. To be able to achieve this, teacher should
put extra effort in dealing with them specially the below average. Below average students are
special type of students that requires time and effort to be able to meet their must acquired
competencies and dealing with them is not a joke.

School should be a place where everyone, no matter what color, ethnic group or religion
they’re in, be felt accepted. Watching the movie made me realize that teaching is not a joke
specially if the teacher is a first timer. In the movie, Mrs. Gruwell was a first timer teacher who
worked at a school where every culture wants to be on top with one another. Racial
discrimination is also prominent in the story for it was told that black people were bullied
because of their appearance and they think that they are stupid and not capable of education.
On the other hand, they think that white people are superior to them in a sense that they think
that they are not fair in arresting people. Also, during free time students group themselves
according to their belongingness and race and so, it can’t de denied that there will be a fight
among them and even those simple fight could create disaster in the system of school. And so,
it must be necessary for the teacher to have fairness and acceptance in the classroom, just like
what Mrs. Grudwell does.

There was a part in the film where Mrs. Grudwell was very excited in her first day in
teaching and had prepared already her lesson plan. As a future teacher I also want to feel Mrs.
Grudwell’s excitement and eagerness. I want my first formal teaching to be memorable. When
she finally started her lesson she got shocked because it was not she supposedly expect. Of
course, in real life we cannot control our experiences. Even though we planned it well there will
always be something that would not be based according to our plan. So, it must be very
important for the teacher to formulate ways that would hook them to go according to what is
planned. Also, there was a part there that Eva, her student, told the truth about who killed the
innocent Asian guy. I think that it was really courageous of her to tell that in front of everyone. It
is really a dilemma in her part for it is between the truth or her family. Yet, she have chosen the
truth and is set her free.

After watching the movie I have realized that teacher is responsible for his/her students’
learning. And so, he/she must do whatever it takes for the lesson to be inculcated in their minds.
I really salute Mrs. Grudwell for she sacrificed a lot just for the sake of her students even her
marriage. Teachers like her should be recognized. I am very thankful for our professor because
it prepares me on to what could be the possible scenarios out there. The film is very inspiring
and gives a lot of values not just for the teacher but for the multicultural awareness of the world.
No students left behind.

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