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Yale University Department of Music

Maximally Even Sets

Author(s): John Clough and Jack Douthett
Source: Journal of Music Theory, Vol. 35, No. 1/2 (Spring - Autumn, 1991), pp. 93-173
Published by: Duke University Press on behalf of the Yale University Department of Music
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Accessed: 17/11/2009 08:36

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John Cloughand Jack Douthett

In their 1985 paper on diatonic theory, John Clough and Gerald

Myerson give an algorithmfor constructingthe usual diatonic set (the
white-key set) and other sets with the property "cardinalityequals va-
riety." They restrict the application of their algorithm to cases where
cardinalitiesof the chromatic and "diatonic" sets are coprime (have
no common divisor greater than one). When this restriction is put
aside, the algorithm generates a larger world of sets-we call them
maximally even (ME) sets-which are the subject of this paper.
Many familiarset classes in the 12-pc universe are maximallyeven:
the naked tritone, augmentedtriad, diminished-seventhchord, whole-
tone scale, anhemitonicpentatonic scale, diatonic scale, and octatonic
scale. Note that this list includes all the set classes featuring equal di-
vision of the octave (except those with cardinalities0, 1, 12) plus three
with unequal division of the octave (cardinalities5, 7, 8). In analytical
discourse, much is made of oppositions and contrastsamong these var-
ious set classes (e.g., in analysis of twentieth-centurymusic involving
juxtapositions and interactions of whole-tone, diatonic, and octatonic
sets). By observing that they are all classes of ME sets, we shift the
usual perspective and attend to similaritiesamong them.
Previous appeals to the notion of evenness are not limited to de-
scriptionsof sets which divide the octave into equal parts. In the New
Grove Dictionary, William Drabkin defines the diatonic set as one
which divides the octave into five whole steps and two half steps with
"maximalseparation"between the half steps. It is also notable that all

the scales treated by Joseph Yasser in his monumental study are re-
ducible to ME sets. But, as far as we know, ME sets have not been
previously recognized and studied as a class, either within the 12-note
universe or in general.
Part 1 of the paper is devoted to matters of definition and construc-
tion, questions of existence and uniqueness, combinatorialproperties,
and interval content of ME sets. In part 2 we view the usual diatonic
set as a member of a special family of ME sets found in chromatic
universes of certain sizes, and show that the set of all such "diatonic"
sets is the set of ME sets that have exactly one ambiguity. The third
and final part deals with generated ME sets, complements, maximally
even circles of intervals, and second-order ME sets.

1. Basic Features of ME Sets

We assume that the reader is familiar with concepts of pitch class
(pc), pitch-class set (pcset), and the integer model of pitch class, as
discussed, for example, in Forte (1973) and John Rahn (1980), and we
proceed immediately to definitions based on that model. In these def-
initions and elsewhere we use the terms pitch class and note inter-
Definition1.1. Given a chromatic universe of c pcs (a c-note chro-
matic universe), we say that c is the chromaticcardinality.We repre-
sent such a universe by the set Uc = {0, 1, 2, . . ,c - 1}, and we
assume that the integers are assigned to the notes in ascending order.
Throughout the paper it may be convenient to think of chromatic
universes based on equal divisions of the 2:1 octave, but this is not a
necessary restriction. Any system may be placed in correspondence
with our results as long as the intervals are suitably equivalenced.
Definitions1.2. To indicate a subset of d pcs selected from the chro-
matic universe of c pcs we write Dc,d = {Do, D1, D2, . Dd -l.
Thus {Do, D1, D2, . . ., Dd-} is a subset of {0,1,2, ..., c - 1}.
We generally assume Do < DI < . . . < Dd_,. We say that d is the
diatoniccardinalityof Dc,d. We write D(c,d) to represent the set of all
sets with parameters c and d.
The symbol Dc,d is the name of a variable whose assigned value is
always a particularset with parametersc and d. Where it is necessary
to speak of more than one set with parametersc, d in the same con-
text, we also use the symbol Dc,d. Thus D,d and Dc,d are variables in
Definitions 1.2 imply d < c. We assume alwaysthat c and d are pos-
itive integers; further restrictions on c and d will occasionally be

Unless otherwise stipulated, we assume that the elements of any set
of pcs are represented by smallest non-negative integers (mod c):
0, 1, ,c-1.
Example 1.1. Let D12.7 = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11}, with (pitch class)
C=O. Here D12.7 represents the represents the C major diatonic set.
The symbol D(12,7) represents the set of all seven-note subsets of the
twelve-note chromatic universe.
Definition 1.3. Let D(.,j = {D, DI, D1, ... D<,-1}. Then

{'} + DC(.l {J + Do, j + D, j + D,, . .. j + D, -i},

where the elements are reduced (mod c) unless otherwise indicated.
We say that D(.t<and D: 1, are equivalent under transposition if there
exists an integerj such that D::, = {j} + D, .a.
The above merely generalizes the usual definition of pc transposi-
tion so that it applies in a chromatic universe of any cardinality.
We define the term intervalfor ordered pairs of pcs only. The no-
tation (C, El,) means "from C to El,." If C = 0 Ct =1, etc., we may
write (0, 3) instead of (C, El,). Variablenames may also be used in this
context: (D,, DI), etc. Within a D,,t, intervals are measured by chro-
matic length, clen, and by diatonic length, dlen. The former is the
number of ascending chromatic steps (semitones in the familiarcase)
from one pc to another; the latter is the number of ascendingdiatonic
steps from one note to the other. Formal definitions follow:
Definition 1.4. Let Di, D, E D,,/. Then the chromatic length of the
interval (Di, Di), written clen (D,, D/), is the smallest non-negative in-
teger congruent to Dj - Di (mod c).
Definitions 1.5. Let Di, D,i D,,/. Then the diatonic length of the
interval (Di, Di), written dlen (Di, Di), is the smallest non-negative in-
teger congruent to j - i (mod d). If dlen (Di, Di) = 1, the interval is
called a step.
In this context, we use the terms diatonic and step broadly. A step
is simply the distance from one note of a D,., to the next higher note.
The concepts of step and diatonic length are not restrictedto sets con-
ceived as scales, and apply quite generally to all sets. Thus, intervals
of any clen may qualify as diatonic "steps."
Example 1.2. In the set {D, F, G, B}={2, 5, 7, 11}, there are four
intervalsof dlen 2, namely (D, G), (F, B), (G, D), and (B, F). These
four intervals have dens 5, 6, 7, and 6, respectively.
Definition 1.6. The spectrum of a dlen is the set of dens correspond-
ing to that particulardlen. We write < I > = {il, i, ...} to indicate
that the spectrumof dlen I is {il, i2, . .}. Thus if S is a set of dens in
a chromatic universe of cardinalityc, then < I > = S if and only if
D(N+II - DN(mod c) is an element of S for all N, 0 < N - d - 1, and

for any s in S there exists an N, 0 - N - d - 1, such that
D(N+I) - DN=S (mod c), where subscripts are reduced (mod d).
Example 1.3. In the C major set, <1> = {1,2}, <2> =
{3,4}, < 3 > = {5,6}, < 4 > = {6,7}, etc. Without ambiguitywe may
also write, for example, < C, E > = < 2 > or < C, E> = {3,4}.
Note that in any set < 0 > = 0. The fact that some dlens correspond
to more than one clen is related to the notion of "quality"(i.e., major,
minor, etc., as in the scalar intervals of traditional harmony).

ME set defined

The notion of a maximally even set is intuitively simple: it is a set

whose elements are distributedas evenly as possible around the chro-
matic circle. The following physical metaphor may make this concept
more tangible. Imagine 12 points located equidistantlyon the circum-
ference of a circle, as on a clock face, numbered consecutively, 0
through 11. Now imagine an orbit of 4 electrons. Place one electron at
the 0 position and require each of the other electrons to occupy one of
the 11 remaining positions in such a way that the charge equilibrium
is disturbed as little as possible. Since 4 divides 12, there is only one
solution: the electrons must occupy positions analogous to the notes of
a diminished seventh chord: 0, 3, 6, and 9.
Now suppose there are 7 electrons instead of 4; and again, one of
them occupies the 0 position. Since 7 does not divide 12, there is more
than one solution; in fact there are 7, just as there are 7 usual diatonic
sets that contain any particularpitch class. Or, if we drop the require-
ment that one of the electrons be in the 0 position, then there are 12
solutions. The electrons are not distributedevenly, but in view of our
requirement of minimum disturbance to the charge equilibrium, we
can say they are distributedas evenly as possible. It makes sense then
to call the sets that represent these distributionsmaximallyeven sets.
Somewhat more formally, a ME set is a set in which every dlen
comes in either one or two dens, as indicated by the following defi-
Definition1.7. A set of pcs is maximallyeven (ME) if it has the fol-
lowing property:the spectrumof each dlen is either a single integer or
two consecutive integers.
We write Mc,d to represent a particularD,., that is maximallyeven,
and M(c,d) to represent the set of all ME sets with parametersc and
d. Thus the symbol M, dis the name of a variablewhose assignedvalue
is always a ME set with parametersc and d. Where it is necessary to
speak of more than one ME set with parametersc, d, we also use the
symbol Mcd. Thus MCd and MZ., are variables in M(c,d). Frequently

we use the symbol M,,t with no specific assigned value, to mean "any
member of M(c,d)."
Example 1.4. In the octatonic set Dl28 = {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10},
we find the following interval spectrums: < 0 > = {0}, < 1 > = {1,2},
<2> ={3}, <3>={4,5}, <4>={6}, <5>={7,8}, < 6 > = {9},
and < 7 > = {10,11}. Since each of these spectrumsis a single integer
or two consecutive integers, D1.,s is a ME set, and we may write
M12.8 = {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10}. (It follows easily that all octatonic sets
are ME; later we will prove the general principle involved in this as-
sertion.) The symbol M(12,8) represents the set of all ME sets with
c = 12, d = 8. As we will see, this is precisely the set of all octatonic
Here is a method for constructing ME sets, which may provide a
more concrete idea of what it means to distribute notes "as evenly as
possible": First, choose values for c and d, say 12 and 7, respectively;
locate d "white" points equidistantly around the circumference of a
circle; and do the same for c-d (in this case 5) "black" points on an-
other circle. These two steps are shown in fig. 1, a and b. Next su-
perimpose one circle on the other so that no two points are in the same
location, as in fig. Ic. Finally, assign dlen 1 to all adjacent pairs of
white points, and clen 1 to all adjacent pairs of points regardless of
color, and "tune" the system as desired-to equal temperament or
whatever-as shown in fig. ld. The white points now represent a ME
set with parameters c and d, in this case M12.7, and the black points
represent a complementaryME set with parametersc and c-d, here
M12,5.(As we shall see, complements of ME sets are themselves max-
imally even.) A proof that the construction described here generates
ME sets will be given in part 3 of the paper.
The greatest common divisor of c and d is notated "(c,d)." We es-
tablish three classes of ME sets based on (c,d): class A, where
(c,d) = d; class B, where 1 < (c,d) < d; and class C, where (c,d) = 1.
Familiarsets appear as representativesof each class, as shown in figs.
2a, 2b, and 2c. For comparison, fig. 2d is a familiarset that is not max-
imally even: the set of the melodic minor ascending scale has three
sizes of dlen 3 (the traditional4th)-one too many for maximaleven-
ness; that is because its half steps do not have maximalseparation.The
significance of this classification will become clear as we discuss the
various properties of ME sets.

Existence and uniqueness of M,.(,for any c,d

Existence.Although Clough and Myerson do not discussME sets as

such, they essentially show their existence and uniqueness within

(a) 7-note universe (b) 5-note universe

(c) 5- and 7-note universesmerged (d) M12.7

Figure 1. Construction of M127 by fusion of 5- and 7-note "chromatic"


transposition, for any coprime c,d. We first restate without proof

Clough and Myerson's existence result (1985, pp. 266-67, theorem 4)
in a manner more suitable to our objectives, then work toward gen-
eralizing it to all ME sets. Then we follow the same strategy for their
uniqueness result.
We employ the usual mathematical notation for truncation: [x] =
the largest integer not greater than x.

(a) whole-tone set: c = 12, d = 6; (b) octatonic set: c = 12, d = 8:
(c,d) = d 1 <(r(.)=4<d

(c) diatonic set: c = 12, d = 7; (d) ascendingmelodic minor:not a

(c,d) = 1 ME set: dlen 3 (the 4th)
correspondsto more thantwo
dens (4.5,6)

Figure 2. Some familiar ME sets and a familiar non-ME set

Theorem 1.1. Let (c,d) = 1, and let

Dc,d= {[Oc]rI...
[c] [2c] (d- 1)c]}
j}-l d

Then all nonzero interval spectrums of Dc,d are sets of two consecutive
integers. Therefore Dc,d E M(c,d).

Ordinarily,the transpositionsof a pcset are identified by the trans-
position operators. For example, the transpositions of X = {O, 1, 2}
might be labeled as follows: X) = {0, 1, 2}, Xl = {1, 2, 3}, X2 =
{2, 3, 4}, etc. However, our work requires that the transpositionsbe
labeled in "cyclic"order. We will set up the mechanismsfor this now,
and explain what we mean by "cyclic" as the exposition proceeds.
Definition1.8. Let c,d,m, N be integers such that 0 in < c- 1 and
0 - N < d - c. Then the J-functionwith these parametersis expressed
cN + in
JJC. (N)
i? =
[?.c~ d
Definition 1.9. Let c, d, in be as in the above definition. Then the
J-set with these parameters is the set

J. =, { c. (0), J( (1) . . .,
The Clough-Myerson algorithm for generating "diatonic" sets,
quoted in theorem 1.1 above, is the basis for our J-set.
Jc. (N) is the (N + 1)th pc of the J-set J"', ; that is, J"', (0) is the first
pc, J',,t (1) is the second pc, etc. The parametersc and d are the chro-
matic and diatonic cardinalities. The superscriptm, called the mode
index, is a label for a particular transposition; however, setting in
equal to 0, 1, 2, . . ., etc. does not generate the transpositions of
J'", in the "expected" order. Instead it generates them in an order
correspondingto their internal cyclic structure. For example,

J2 7 = {0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10} = D, major set (C = 0),

J 7 = {0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10} = Al, major set,

J 12 = {0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10} = EF major set,

The various transpositionsof J'2 7 are generated in an order based on
clen 7-the familiar circle of fifths. That is,

2.7= {7} +

12,7={7}+ 12.7,

J12,7 ={7} + 2.7

This order of generation corresponds to the internal structure of
J17, which is also based on clen 7. For example, J127 {0-7,
1.7, 27 . ..,6.7}{, 7, 2, 9, 4, 11, 6} = 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11}
(mod 12).
For ME sets that do not have a "circle of fifths,"-those with
(c, d) 1-the situation is somewhat different, but still correspondsto
a cyclic aspect of the set. We comment further on this point below in
connection with the case (c,d) 1, and we take up the question of gen-
erators in detail in part 3.
Note that J' .7 is the "normal order" of the major scale set as de-
fined by Forte (1973, 3-4). In general, the Clough-Myersonalgorithm
generates sets in normal order. We leave it to the reader to discover
the reason for this.
The following lemma and corollaries pertain to the interval of I
steps in a J-set-the interval from the (N+ 1)th to the (N+I+ l)th
pc-from J'" (N) to J' (N + I), where the expressions in parentheses
are appropriatelyreduced (mod d). This is the interval of dlen I.
Lemma 1.1. Let c,d,mn,N,I be integers such that 0 < N < d - c, and
1 II d-1. Let cN + m = dqN + rN and cl = dql + rl, where
qN, ql, rv, and r/ are integers and 0 < rN < d and 0 c r/ < d. Then

it. ('N I),, + r)l

J''.. (N + I)'.-J N))-= ] + [N ] (mod c),
where the subscriptd indicates that the expression (N+ I) is reduced
(mod d).
Proof. Suppose N + I < d. Then

jJ. Id (N "I M M
+I,,)a -- J ,(N)- 'JCd(N + I) - J1,d (N)
N +
[c(N + I) + in
-- d \
cN+ in (mod c).

Now supposeN + I - d. Then

JI,I (N + -I),l- J .i.(N) J.' (N + I-d J)- ' (N)

[c(N + I) + n] [cN + in
d -
d -c

- c(N +)+m
d ] \
-cN + in (mod
_[Ndm c).

In either case
(in _+ in -c(N +I) + m 1 cN+m]
Jcd (N + I)d- c,d(N) c d [ d

dqN + rN+ dql + r][dqN + rN]

d d
dql + r] [rN + r,]

[ [rN d+ ](modc).e
Corollary 1.1.

JcN (N + I)d-Jd (N) [ [] + 1 (mod c).

Proof. This follows easily since

[rN+ r,]
[ d ]
Corollary 1.2.

clen(Jcd(N), Jcd (N + I)d) - [4], [X] + 1.

Proof. This follows from corollary 1.1 and definition 1.4. 0

Corollary 1.2 tells us that for given I, c, and d, the choices of N and
m can affect clen(Jn d (N), Jc d(N + I)d) by at most 1. We now gener-
alize theorem 1.1, showing the existence of ME sets for any fixed c,d.
Theorem 1.2. For any integer m, J'd e M(c,d).
Proof. The fact that J'd is maximally even follows easily from the
definition of ME set and corollary 1.2. 0
Uniqueness.The next problem we face is a more difficultone. Each
of the ME sets pictured in Fig. 2 has a J-representation.For example,
the octatonic set {0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10} = J'8, where m = 0, 1, 2,
or 3. Is this true in general? For any Mc,d, does there exist an
m, 0 - m < c, such that Mc,d = Jcd? Intuitively, it seems there should
be essentially one way to choose d pcs from a universe of c pcs in order
to satisfy maximalevenness. Indeed that is the case, but we must look
closely at the inherent properties of ME sets to prove it.
As we shall see, a ME set with (c,d) = 1 is "generated"by a smaller
ME set with (c',d') = 1. It makes sense then to focus our attention
first on the case (c,d) = 1. We will show that, for fixed c and d, such
ME sets are equivalent under transposition.This will allow us to show
that J-representationsexist for all such ME sets.
The next lemma is proved in Clough and Myerson.
Lemma 1.2. For any D,L,, and I, 1 < I - d- 1, the sum of the dens
of the intervals of dlen I is cl.
Lemma 1.3. For any c, d with (c,d) = 1, D,.a has no nonzero single-
element spectrum.
Proof. Let (c,d) = 1 and D,.,, = {D,, D, . . . D-_1}. Suppose
D,, has a nonzero single-element spectrum < I > = {k}. Since there
are d intervals with clen k, the sum of the dens of the intervals is dk.
But this sum is also cl (lemma 1.2). Thus dk = cl. But then d must
divide I since (c,d) = 1. This cannot be since I - I < d-1. We con-
clude that there is no nonzero single-element spectrum.*
Lemmas 1.4 and 1.5 below are proved in Clough and Myerson. The
second of these is their uniqueness result (1985, p. 266, theorem 3),
and the theorem following is our extension of that result. Each of
these lemmas and theorems is preceded by necessary definitions bor-
rowed from their work.
Definition 1.10. Let D,. = {D(,, D1, . . . D,1}; let X be a se-
quence of pcs, D,,, D,, . .., D,,L, where each term of the sequence
is an element of D,^1;and let I be a dlen, 0 < I d- 1. Then we say
that the sequence D,,,+ , D,, +. . . , D,,+ (subscripts reduced mod
d) is a diatonic transposition of X by dlen I.
To indicate the cardinalityof a set S (i.e., the number of distinct
elements in S), we write S 1.
Definition 1.11. For any subset S of D,./,I and any sequence of pcs
including each element of S at least once, if the d distinct diatonic
transpositionsof the sequence (by dlens 0,1,.. ., d - 1) form IS I
distinct sequences of dens, then D,(
, is said to have property cardi-
nality equals variety (CV).
In the following definition, we adopt Clough and Myerson's term
honoring John Myhill, the late, eminent logician to whom their work
owes much.
Definition 1.12. If all interval spectrums of D,.I are sets of two in-
tegers, except < 0> = {0}, we say that D,,,( has Myhill's property
Lemma 1.4. Myhill's property implies CV.
Definition 1.13. If < 1 > is a set of two consecutive integers, then
we say that D.,, is rounded.
Lemma 1.5. Let (c,d) = 1 and D,,, and DI:,, be rounded sets with
CV. Then D,,I and DI(,,are equivalent under transposition.
Definition1.14. If each intervalof D,.,/ has a spectrumconsisting of
consecutive integers, we say that D,,, has the consecutivityproperty
Theorem 1.3. For any fixed c and d, (c,d) = 1, all M(,, are equiv-
alent under transposition.

Proof. Since (c,d) = 1, there are no single-element spectrumsex-
cept < 0 > = {0} (lemma 1.3). Thus all M,. must have both CP and
MP. It follows that they must be rounded. Since these sets have MP,
they must have CV (lemma 1.4). We have now established that (for c,
d as stated) all M,.1 are rounded and have CV. It follows that they are
equivalent under transposition (lemma 1.5)..
We now prove one more lemma that will enable us to show that all
ME sets with (c,d) = 1 have J-representations.
Lemma 1.6. Let 1 - d < c, 0 < in c - 1, and j be any non-
negative integer. Then
J..1+i ={1} + J,.,
where the subscriptc following the parenthesizedexpression indicates
reduction (mod c).
Proof. Let j = 1 and suppose in + d < c. Then
Jt,+l (N) = l ' (N)
cN + (n +d)
-L d \
[CN+ n1

I +J ", (N)(mod c).

It follows that
j, (,,+,i, = l+jm

Now suppose mn+ d c and I < N < d - 1. Then

"'1c (N) = J "tl-' (N)

=- 1+L
= I + J..",(N- 1)(mod c).
IfN = 0,then
+ c
J'(1+ (0) [n d ]

=1+ d
-1+ +c

=1+ dl)+im]
1+ J',t (d-l) (mod c).
J (/? d), I=+ {1} +
Then by induction we see that

Jcldl, = {} + J , / .
Theorem 1.4. For any fixed c and d, (c,d) = 1, and any M(./, there
existsanin, 0 < m < c- 1, such that M,., = J''.t
Proof. We know that for any fixed c and d, (c,d)= 1, all M,., are
equivalent under transposition (theorem 1.3). Also J'., is a ME set
(theorem 1.2). Thus M.,l = {/} + J,, for some integerj. It follows that
M.d = Jl,,, where m = jd (mod c) (lemma 1.6). Further, since m is re-
duced (mod c), we have 0 -< n < c - 1.e
Now we are ready to relax the condition (c,d) = 1. We will show
that M,.Xlwith (c,d) = k # 1 is "generated"by M,. ,, with (c',d') = 1.
To get a preliminaryidea of what "generated"means in this case, see
fig. 3, which shows how the ME set J7. 9 is generated by the smaller
ME set J.3.
To see how this structure is reflected in the definition of the J-set,
consider J7 .9, as m is set to 0,1,2, etc.:
J'l9 = {0, 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13}, in = 0, 1, 2;
Jl ' = {0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13}, in = 3, 4, 5;

Jly = {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14}, in = 6, 7, 8;

M15.9 has "no circle of fifths"; that is, it cannot be generated by a sin-
gle clen. However M5.3 may be generated by clen 2 or 3 (e.g.,
{0.2, 1.2, 2.2} = {0, , 4}, an element of M(5,3)). Jt^, is "generated"
by transpositionsof Jil53J,~,for some fixed mode
transpositions of index mn':J915 is gener-
ated by JA:3for m = 0, 1, 2; by J.3 for m = 3, 4, 5; etc. (The reader
may verify that this is the case by completing the table of sets for
J'5 9 above.) It is in this sense that the J-set captures the cyclic struc-
ture of ME sets when (c, d) $ 1.
We will soon generalize theorems 1.3 and 1.4, but we must develop
some more tools first.
Lemma 1.7. Suppose (c, d) = k 1 for some M,.,. Then
<jd/k > = {lc/k}forallj, I < j < k - 1.
Proof. Assume < jd/k > ? {jc/k}. The sum of the dens of the in-
tervals of dlen jd/k is c(jd/k) (lemma 1.2). But c(jd/k) = d(jc/k).Since

1101+J5,3 2
0?o (mod 15) \

[ 5'3 *15.9 4 3
~2 10 nn = 67.8X

j2 =
5,3 = 0,2,41}
151 +J.3 (mod 15)

y7 j2 yj
J15,9 J53 u |(5) +J5.3j (rmod15)

ulI ()10 +J5.31 (mod 15)

Figure 3. J.9, m = 6, 7, 8, as generated by J,3

there are d intervals of dlen jdlk, if one interval has a clen less than (or
greater than) jc/k there must be at least one interval whose clen is
greater than (or less than) jc/k, contradicting the assumption that
M,(, is a ME set. Thus < jd/k > = {jc/k}.
Lemma 1.8. Let M( ( = {Do, D, . D. , D(_} and suppose
(c, d) = k. Let c' = clk and d' = d/k, M, =
c'= c/k and d'=d/k, Mc',d'={DO, D .. ., D,i_1}, and M, =
Proof. We know that < jd/k > = {jc/k} (lemma 1.7). Thus Dj, =
jc' + Do, Di+j/, = jc' + Di, . . . D,l-l+(j = jc' + D,-l, where
0 < j < k - 1. It follows that M,.,/ {D,, D , . . , D/ -_,c' +
Do ..., c' + D,- ...
..., (k - 1)c' + D, ... (k -
1)c' + D,_ = U1M/ . ?
We see that M,,,i is completely determined by M,.,l. The notation
MC,1,suggests that M, ,, is a ME set with chromatic and diatonic car-
dinalities c' and d'. This is fact the case, but we must enter one more
lemma before we prove it.

Lemma 1.9. For any Dc,d and any associated dlen I, if < I =
{kl or {kl, kl + 1}, then
k, =
kl H *-
Proof. Suppose there are h intervals of dlen I such that
DN+I,, - DN k1(mod c),O - N - d - 1. Then there are d - h in-
tervals of dlen I such that D(N+I,, - DN = k + 1 (mod c). Thus the sum
of the dens of these intervals is hk1 + (d - h)(k1+ 1). But this sum is
also cl (lemma 1.2). Thus
hk, + (d-h)(k + 1) = cl
cI d-h


cl d-h d-h
since - - < 1.?
d is an integer and 0
Lemma 1.10. Let Mcd = {Do, D1, . . .,Dd-} and suppose
c' = c/(c,d), d' = d/(c,d) and Dc,d' = {Do, D1.. , Dd' }. Then
Dc',d' is an element of M(c',d').
Proof. We must show

], (mod c') for all Os N d'-l

DIN+I),,-DN- [] -J +
and 1 - I < d' - 1. First note that since d' divides d there is a non-
negative integer n such that (N + I)d' = (N + I - nd')d. (The sum on
the left is reduced (mod d'); the sum on the right is reduced (mod d).)
D(N+ ld'- DN - DiN+-I -d')- DN

[c' (I-nd') [c'(I-nd'

d' d'
+1 (lemma 1.9)

f] nc7l
- nc' + 1 (mod c).
But since c' divides c we have

D(N+I -DN -[c]r, [] + 1 (mod c').

It follows that Dc',d' is a ME set. ?

We are now in a position to prove the generalizationsof theorems
1.3 and 1.4.
Theorem 1.5. For any M,., there exists an in, 0 - in c - 1, such
that M,,I = J-.
Proof. Let (c,d) = k, c' = c/k, and d' = d/k. Then M(,.,, as in
lemma 1.10 is a ME set. Since (c',') = 1 there exists an in', 0
in' < c' - I such that MA,.,,/= Ji'! (theorem 1.4). It follows that
M,.</= UkM, where MA= {jc'} + J"' (lemma 1.8). Now let m
kin'. Clearly 0 mn< c- 1. Also J'" (N + d'j) = c' + J. (N)
whenO j -< < k landO < N < d' - 1. Thus

U (i=jc} +
J7.d= - 1'.,r)
= Uk-I,m
= M ../ -

Theorem 1.6. If D(,, = {j} + M,.(,,then D,.., EM(c,d); that is, any
transpositionof a ME set is a ME set.
Proof. If D(.,( is a transpositionof a ME set, then
D, = {j) + M,.,t

= {/} + Ji",
for some integer in, 0 - in < c - 1 (theorem 1.5). Then

D,.i = J ll+il (lemma 1.6).

By theorem 1.2, it follows that D,,, e M(c,d)..

Theorem 1.7. For any fixed c and d, all M( ,, are equivalent under
Proof. Let j be as in lemma 1.8. Let M,.,Iand MA.,,be two ME sets
andsuppose(c,d) = k. Let c' = c/k and d' = d/k.Then

M,C.,= U i= MiA

M.,, =U =,,
where MJ = i{c'} + J"'l, (mod c) and M {c' + "' (mod c)
(lemmas 1.8 and 1.10, and theorem 1.4).

MJ'= {c'} + J'2, (mod c)

= {i + {jc'} + J.!,,, (mod c)
for some integer i (theorem 1.3)

{i} + M] .
It follows that

M,.d =U , MM;
U ({i} + M)

={i}+ U.-,l
= {i} + M,,.

Thus M(., and M.d1are equivalent under transposition.0

Theorems 1.6 and 1.7 show that for any choice of c and c, there is
essentially one M,., in the following sense: all ME sets with the same
c and d are related by transposition, and conversely any transposition
of a particularM,..,yields another (possibly identical) ME set with the
same c and d. That is to say, the ME propertyis invariantunder trans-
position. But what is the effect of inversion on ME sets? Before an-
swering this question we give the usual formal definition for inversion
of a set of pcs.
Definition1.15. D(,.. and D(.dIare related by inversionif there exists
an integerj such that D,., = {/} - Dj, .
The next theorem shows that ME sets are inversionallysymmetri-
cal: the inversion of a ME set is a ME set.
Theorem 1.8. For fixed c, d, if D,,/ and M,. are related by inver-
sion, then D,.( e M(c,d).
Proof. If D,., and M,..l are related by inversion, then by definition
. = {} - M,. . Since M(
there exists an integerj such that D,( ,. is ME
there exists an integer in, 0 im
n c - 1 such that M(.,I = J'" (theo-
rem 1.5). Then

+mt r [Oc+m]c
d2c +

[lcd ,c d ].

c d
- {j}
cd- n c(d- 1)-in
+ d d

c 2- n c 1- m
d ' d

- i J
fc .0-n c1 - n

(i.e. d [ d (mod)

= {d} +1 -

-= J.,;'+i (lemma 1.6).

Thus D.(,,E M(c,d) (theorem 1.2). ?

Combinatorialproperties and symmetry

We now return to the counting problem stated informallyabove in

connection with the electron analogy. For a particularchoice of c and
d, how many distinct ME pcsets are there, and how many of them in-
clude a particularpc? We will show that the answer to the first ques-
tion depends upon c and (c,d), and the answer to the second question
depends upon d and (c,d).
As previously noted, we write IS I to represent the cardinalityof S.
Thus I M(c,d) I means "the number of distinct pcsets in M(c,)."
It is clear from theorem 1.7 that for any choice of c and d, M(^,(is
unique within transposition. And theorem 1.8 tells us that inversions
of ME sets are not distinct from transpositions.Thus we need consider
only transpositions. We will first demonstrate that c-,r is an upper
bound for I M(c,d) I, and then show that it is also a lower bound, the
conclusion being obvious.
Since any M,.,,has a J-representation,J7'/, where 0 n -c - 1
(theorem 1.5), we need only consider the set of J-sets
{J),(/ J. , . . . ,J,I' }. Any J-set with parametersc and d must be in
this set. Hence theorem 1.5 establishes c as an upper bound for the
number of distinct M,.,i. We now proceed to furtherrestrictthis upper
Lemma 1.11. LetO 0 j c-,r - 1. Then
I _ jj(' + .) I
Jc =-~ J (c,ld)+
( +'- . , - .

Proof. We need to show that correspondingelements of these sets
are equal. Choose any N, 0 - N < d - 1, and i, 0 < i - (c,d) -
1. Then
Jic(t.I+i (N) =
N +j(c,d) + i]

We have the following chain of inequalities:

cN +j(c,d) cN + j(c,d) + I cN + (j+ 1)(c,d)- 1
d < d < . . . < d
It follows that corresponding elements have the following relation-
cN +j(c,d) c[cN+j(c,d)+1 cN + (j+l)(c,d)-l1
r[d d d
Now we will show that the first and last members in this chain of in-
equalities are equal.
c = c- and d' ^ = d -
' c
cN+j(c,d) - c'Nd +j
Let c'N + j = d'q + r, where 0 < r - d'- 1.
[c'N+] id'q + r]

[cN+ (i + )(c,)-1 [c'N +j + ((c,) - l)/c,)

d))- 1 )

ButO r $ d' - 1, and 0 (< c,d) < 1. Adding these inequalities

we get
(c,d)- I
O + <d
r +((c,d)- )/(c,d)
0-< I <1.


It follows that
[r + ((c,d)- )/(c,d)
q+ d' j=<=q+O=q.
Hence Jlt''','+ (N) = q for all i, 0 < i < (c,d) - 1. Since Nwaschosen
arbitrarily,we conclude that
jlcI(t_ =_
jijc.dl - Jjlc. i .l+c.
+ dl
( 1I
ca.= c.d ?- .

Corollary 1.3. I M(c,d) I (
Proof. Let j be as in lemma 1.11. Then, for each j, 0 j <
c7-T - 1, there are (c,d) equivalent J-sets, each with a distinct mode
indexrn, 0 - m < c - 1. Further, fori, 0 - i (c,d) - 1,we have

{c.i }i.j=- {c.. J.l.. * * *. }

with no duplicationof superscriptsmodulo c in either set. Thus all dis-
tinct ME sets are represented in both sets (theorem 1.5). But for a
fixed jo, 0 jo < c - 1, the sets JI,lt^'+I are equivalent for all
i, 0 i (c,d) - 1 (lemma 1.11). Sincejocan take any value between
0 and (c-, - 1, inclusive, there can be at most ci--distinct pcsets in
M(c,d). o
The next three lemmas and corollary establish (c-, as a lower
bound for I M(c,d) I. Lemma 1.12, from elementary numbertheory, is
given without proof.
Lemma 1.12. Suppose c,d, and m are positive integers and
(c,d) = 1. Then there exists a positive integer q and an integer
N, 0 N < d, suchthat cN - dq = - n.
Lemma 1.13. Let J'l = {D( DI, D1_ . . . I}be a J-set such that
0 < m -- c - 1.ThenO D
< <. . < D,(-_1 c - 1.
Proof. Clearly 0 < D < D < . .< . D,li. Thus we need only
show Dd1_I< c - 1.
D-j_ I= J^ l(d- 1)
c(d- 1)+,n]
- dc
fc(d-I)+ (c-1)]


Lemma 1.14. Let mi and m2 be integers such that 0 < mi < m2 '
_Then I
'T"I,., ylm (c,di) _ jml2(C,d)
(c,) -1. jncd) jnC,d
c d
Proof. Let c' = (cd and d' = ( - Then 0< m2 - mi c' -
fc+ml Mi
c,d [_ ' [2c+ d m-c'+m d '+
] ] ]}
i c,d {T[7
[c'+ 2] [2c'+ 2] [ (d- )c'+m
[j d' d' d'
where the elements of the sets are arranged in order of magnitude
(mod c) (lemma 1.13). If any of the corresponding elements differ,
then the sets cannot be equal. Now there exist integers N and
q, 0 N< d',q - 0, such that c'N - d'(q + 1) = - m2 (lemma
1.12). Thusc'N = d'q + (d' - m2). Then
[c'N+ ] = [d'q + (d'- m2) + m2

d [ d'-d

q+ d' 1+ + 1 (i e., d-m

+ ml <d')

d'q + (d' - m2) + m 1

= [c l] + 1.

Thus Jmc,d) (N) > Jnc,d) (N) + 1, and we have found two corre-
sponding elements that differ by at least 1. It follows that
Jm{(c,d) A jm2(c,d).
c,d c,d
Corollary1.4. I M(c,d) I- c--d .
Proof. Lemma 1.14 implies that for 0 i,j < c,--
1, cJ'i'd
,d = jj(c,d if and only if i = j. Hence there must be at least
(c,) distinct pcsets in M(c,d).?
Theorem 1.9. For fixed c,d, I M(c,d) I = -c,-d' and
M(c,d) = {J?d, (c,d), 2(c,d)
c,d) , ,
c,d I

Proof. The fact that there are C-- distinctpcsets in M(c,d) follows
from corollaries 1.3 and 1.4. Their J-representation follows from
lemma 1.14. 0
Counting problems like the above will be familiar to students of
atonal set theory, where the distinct pcsets generated by a specified
group of operations are often called the "forms" of a pcset. Thus, if
the group of operations includes (i) transposition and (ii) inversion
about a fixed axis followed by transposition, there are three forms of
the octatonic set. If we restrict the group of operations to (i) above,
there are still three forms, since inversionsof this particularset are not
distinct from transpositions. Following John Rahn (1980, 90-91), we
call the number of distinct operations (within the specified group) that
map a set into itself the "degree of symmetry."Dividing the degree of
symmetry of a set into the number of operations in the group then
yields the number of distinct pcsets corresponding to the set. Since
ME sets are inversionallysymmetrical,it makes no difference whether
we choose (i), or (i) and (ii) above as the group of operations; the
number of distinct pcsets corresponding to a particular Mc,dis the
same in either case.
We now turn to the second question raised above. Let us first re-
state it in more precise terms: Suppose we have before us all of the
ME sets for some given c and d. We know from theorem 1.9 that there
are (c-,d such sets. Now we select a particularpc and ask, how many
of these sets include the selected pc? Theorem 1.10 provides the an-
swer, but first we need to have some terminology to discuss "pcsets in
M(c,d) which include p." We call the selected pc a "tonic," and we
make the following definition:
Definition 1.16. A tonic ME (TME) set ,d is an M,d which in-
cludes a specified pitch-classp. We write TP(c,d)to represent the set
of all ME sets with parameters c,d that contain the pitch-classp.
As in the case of Mc,d, the symbol ,d is the name for a variable
whose assigned value is always a pcset of certain description. As an
example of TME sets, the five sets correspondingto TO5 are shown in
fig. 4a. All of these sets are members of M(8,5) of course. There are
three additional sets in M(8,5) which do not include p = 0; these are
shown in fig. 4b.
Lemma 1.15. For any fixed c,d, I T? (c,d) I = (c-,' and
TO(c,d) =J ,d J (cd) j2(c,d)
* * * Jd-c,d)}
c,d c,d , d c,d

Proof. Consider M(c,d) = {Jo J(c,d, J2,d) . . . cJd)}. By

lemma 1.13, 0 is an element in the sets in M(c,d) if and only if

(a) Five sets correspondingtoT(

(b) Three additionalsets in M(8,5)

Figure 4. The eight sets of M(8,5)

c.d (0)
Jijcd. = 0 (where 0 < j < 7 - 1). But Jjj1c,d)(0) = I ( d)
(c jicd)
implying Jc,d)' (0) = 0 if and only if j(c,d) < d. We may conclude

(c,d) and
0 if(0) = ifid-
0 - 1.
c,=and= only
r(c,d) {jojIc,dt i2(c,d c,d)} . I
{y,,J,,d ^, c,d
Theorem 1.10. For any fixed c,d and any pc p, I 7P(c,d)I = 7,d
i \L,U = \{cjpdc
a c,d
,j (2(c,d)+pd)d(c,d+pd

Proof. By lemma 1.15, T?(c,d) = {Jod (c,d) j2(c,d

...JcddC} . If each of these sets in T?(c,d)is transposedby p, the
resulting sets remain distinct and each of them contains p (since each
contained 0 before the transposition). Similarly,if Mc.d T(c,d), then
its transposition by p will not be in TP(c,d).Thus the set of ME sets
that contain p is
7T(c,d)= {{P} + 0O
J{ + p + 2(c,d) . .
icc,d,, {p} }
P + j-c,d
, . j(d
= {jlpd)< l(c.d)+pd),d j(2c.d)}+pd}, j(d -(c,d) +pd)}
c-c, d Jc. d c, , c,d
(lemma 1.6).
Consider the familiar case M(12,7). Let C = pc 0. Theorem 1.10
tells us there are seven sets in T?(12,7)-the seven diatonic (major-
scale) sets which include C; there are of course five additional sets in
M(12,7) which exclude C. Note that the seven members of T0(12,7),
each a diatonic set with C marked as "tonic," correspondto the seven
modes, or more precisely, "modal scales." It is easy to see why this is
true. The diatonic set consists of seven contiguous pcs on the circle of
fifths. Therefore choosing a particular"tonic," say C, and rotating a
seven-pc segment around the circle so that it always includes the tonic,
is similarto choosing a particulardiatonic set and rotating the "tonic"
so that each pc in turn becomes the "tonic." These two rotation pro-
cedures are equivalent in that each produces the set of seven modal
scales, conceived as a set of pcs with a particularpc marked as "tonic."
Note that if (c,d) = 1, (cd = d. Thus if c and d are coprime there
are d distinct pcsets in TP(c,d)for any p. This particularcase of the-
orem 1.10 is a special case of Clough and Myerson's "cardinality
equals variety" result. In their terms, given D,d with (c,d) = 1 and
each interval spectrum a two-element set, if we list the d possible sca-
lar orderings of Dc,d:

Do, D1, . . .Dd-1;

D1, D2, . . ., Do;

Dd-l, Do, . . ,Dd-2,

these d orderingsconstitute a generic "line class" which must, as they
show, appear in d "species." The special case of M12,7is discussed by
Richmond Browne (1981), who describes the "unique interval con-
texts" of the scale degrees.

Interval content

In traditionalmusic theory, the interval-contentsymmetryof com-

plementary intervals in the diatonic set is well-known: there are two
each of minor 2ds and major 7ths, five each of major 2ds and minor
7ths, . . ,and one each of the augmented 4th and diminished 5th.
This symmetry does not depend upon the inherent symmetry of the
diatonic set; as the following lemma shows, it holds quite generally for
any set conceived as "diatonic" (i.e., having intervals measured in
Lemma 1.16. For any Dc,d,and associated dlen I (I0O), the number
of intervals in <I> of clen k equals the number of intervals in
< d - > of clenc - k.
Proof. Let dlen (Di, Dj) = I and clen (Di, Dj) = k, where i j.
Now consider the interval from Dj to Di. Clearly dlen (Di, Dj) +
dlen (Dj, Di) = d and clen(Di, Dj) + clen (Dj, Di) = c. Such asym-
metry exists for each pair of pcs and the lemma follows immediately. 0
Because of the regularstructureof ME sets, their interval contents
may be computed directly from the parameters c and d. In order to
show this, we first establish limits for dens in a particular< I >, given
that < I> is consistent with ME sets (< I> consists of an integer or
two consecutive integers). The interval-content formula follows as
theorem 1.11.
Theorem 1.11. For any Mc,d and associated dlen I, suppose cl =
dq + r, where q and r areintegerssuchthatq - 0 and 0 - r < d. Then
there are r intervals in <I> of clen [X] + 1, and r intervals in
< d - I> of clen c - ([]
+ 1). Hence there are d - r intervalsin
<I> of clen [-] and d - r intervals in < d - I> of clen c - [-].

Proof. From lemma 1.9 we know that the clen of any interval in
<I> is ]
or [] + 1. Let h be the numberof intervalsin < I > of
clen [X] + 1. Then there will be d - h intervals in < I > of clen
[E]. The sum of these dens is

+ + (d-h) = cI(lemma 1.2).

h(] 1) []
h = cl-d[cj.

Now let cl = dq + r, where q and r are integers,q -> 0, 0 r <

d - 1. Then
h = cI-d[ ]

= dq + r-d[ ]

- r.

Thus there are r intervalsin < I > of clen [ + 1 and hence d-r in-
tervals in < I > of clen [] . From lemma 1.16 it follows immediately
that there are r intervals in < d - I> of clen c - ([ + 1) and
d - r intervals in < d - I> of clen c - [ .

The information available through theorem 1.11 is more complete

than that given by the usual metrics of atonal set theory, which give
the multiplicity of each clen in a set. Theorem 1.11 gives the multi-
plicity of each clen as associated withthe various dlens, from which the
overall multiplicityof each clen may easily be counted. We now define
a function that "organizes" the information provided by theorem
Definition 1.17. DFUNC(X, k, I) = the numbers of intervals of
clen k and dlen I in the set X.
Example 1.5. DFUNC(M12,7,2, 1) = 5 tells us that there are five
intervals of clen 2 and dlen 1 (major 2ds) in the usual diatonic set.
Fig. 5 shows the intervals in M8,5,as counted by DFUNC. Com-
plementary intervals are indicated by nested brackets.
Note that theorem 1.11 applies only to ME sets. It is, of course,
possible to profile any pcset by means of DFUNC, and the more com-

plete profile provided by DFUNC seems potentially advantageous.
For example, DFUNC is sufficient to distinguish between any two
Z-related sets in the 12-pc universe; whether this holds for Z-related
pairs (and triples, etc.) in any chromaticuniverse is an open question.
DFUNC (M85 0,0) = 5
DFUNC(M8. 11,)= 2--------
DFUNC (M8.5 2,1)= 3---------
DFUNC(M.5 3,2) =4-.---
DFUNC (MX85 4,2)= 1--
DFUNC (M85 4,3)= 1..1
DFUNC (MX5 ,3) =
5,3) =4------
6,4)= 3----------
DFUNC (M8.5 7.4) = 2- ----------
Figure 5. The interval profile of M8,5= {0,1, 3, 4, 6}

The spectrum of a set

As we will see (particularlyin part 2 of this paper), it is sometimes

useful to distill the information of DFUNC; for certain purposes we
need to know only how many dlens correspond to each clen.
Definition1.18. The spectrumof a set Dc,d,writtenspec(D,d), is the
set of all elements in the interval spectrums < I>, 0 < I -d - 1, of
Dc,d, including their multiplicity. That is, spec(Dc,d) = UdI < I>.
Since multiplicityis included, spec(Dc,d)is a multiset.
Example 1.6. Let D12,7 = {0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}, the "whole tone
plus one" set. Then the interval spectrumsof D12,7, tabulated so as to
highlight the symmetries of complementary intervals, are as follows:
<0> = {0}

<1>={1, 2} <6>={10, 11}

<2> ={2, 3, 4} <5>={8, 9, 10}
<3 > ={4, 5, 6} < 4 > ={6, 7, 8}.
The spectrum of the set, spec(D2,7) = {0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6,
7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11}. To simplify this notation we write
spec(D12,7) = {0, 1, 22, 3, 42, 5, 62, 7, 82, 9, 102, 11}. Note that
spec(D12,7) reflects several ambiguous dens. For example,
< 1 > = {1, 2}, < 2 > = {2, 3, 4}; so clen 2 corresponds to both dlen 1
and dlen 2. We discuss ambiguities more fully in part 2.

We now set forth a few additional concepts which will allow us to
show how the spectrum of a set is associated with other properties of
the set.
Definition 1.19. Cc = {0, 1, 2, ..., c - 1}, a multiset.
Note that while Uc (the chromatic universe) and Cc contain the
same elements, they are not identical. Ucis a set, whereas Ccis a mul-
tiset in which each element has multiplicity one.
Definition 1.20. If < 1 > = {1, 2}, we say that the set is reduced.
The above definition is borrowed from Clough and Myerson.
Lemma 1.17. Suppose c and d are positive integers such that
< d -< c. Let S = Ud , FI' + 1 be a set (not a multiset)
where the elements are reduced (mod c). Then S = Uc=
{0, 1, 2, .... c - 1}.
Proof. The proof is in three parts:

(i) 0 = [] (trivial).

(ii) either c- 1 = [c(d 1)] or c- 1 = [c(d 1) .+

(iii)[J] + 2 [c( 1)] for all I, 0 I< d-2.
Note that since c - d,
c.0 < c -
< c < < [c(d 1) c-

So if

fc/1 (I + 1) - 1) .
[] + 2[ d , and \c{d + 1-c-1,

then all the integers from 0 to c-1, inclusive, will also be in S. Thus
S = {0, 1,2 ... c- 1}.

(i) When =0, = = 0. Thus 0 E S.

(ii) If c = d and I = d-1, then
[l] =c(d - 1

c(c- 1)

= c-l.

If c< d<c, then when I = d - wehave

[clA 1 [c(d - 1))

dc - d - (cd)]1d) +
"[' d
-dLd j
=.+[ (c- d)]
=c-1 (since c< d < c).

In either case c - 1 E S.

+ (c d)]-
[]clI +2,~[cI [c+(cd)]+ 1 (since d>)

=- d 2


From the uniqueness property of ME sets, it follows that for any

Mc,d, Mc,d E M(c,d), spec(M,d) = spec(Mc,d).We are now able to
show the following relationships among spec(Mc,d) and other at-
tributes of Mc,d.
Theorem 1.12. For any Mc,d, the following are equivalent:
(1) <d.
(2) spec(Mc,d) includes Cc.
(3) Mc,d is reduced or is the entire chromaticset (d = c).
(1) = (2). Let S be as in lemma 1.17. Suppose spec(Mc,d) does not
include Cc.By lemma 1.9we see that j E <I>, 0 I d- 1. By
lemma 1.17 we see that S contains all chromaticlengths. Thus any clen
not in spec(Mc,d) must be of the form[r + 1. Then cI = qd + 0,
since there are no dens of [] + 1 in < I > (theorem 1.11). But then

[ +1 q +1


\c-d 1
= q + 1 + [-] (since c < d
< c)

= [C(I+ 1)] E <I + 1>

implyingl] + 1 E <I + 1>, contradictingour assumption.Thus

if 2 c < d c, then spec(Mc,d) includes Cc.
(2) = (3). We will assume that Mc,d is not reduced and show that if
spec(Mc,d) includes Cc, then Mc,d must be the entire chromatic set. If
Mc,d is not reduced, then < 1 > {1, 2} and thus either
1 < 1 > or < > = {1}(lemmal.9;note[] ? 1). If 1 (< 1>,
then ~l 2, implying d c (contradiction). Thus < 1 > =
{1}. But i < 1 > = {1}, then Mc,dmust be the entire chromaticset.
(3) = (1). If Mc,dis the entire chromaticset or Mc,dis reduced, then
1 E < 1 >, implying -[- = 1. But < c. ?
then2 c < d
Corollary 1.5. Mc,d is reduced if and only if 2 c < d < c.
Proof. Clearly Mc,dis the entire chromatic set if and only if c =
d. The corollary follows immediately from theorem 1.12, (1) and

2. Ambiguities, Tritones, and Diatonic Sets

In the past two decades there have been several approaches to a

deeper understandingof the diatonic set. In addition to the work of
Clough and Myerson cited above, there are well-known contributions
by Gerald Balzano (1980), Benjamin Boretz (1970), Richmond
Browne (1981), Carlton Gamer (1967), Robert Gauldin (1983), and
Peter Westergaard(1975). More recently, Stephen Dembski (1988)
has presented a rational reconstructionof the tonal system as part of
his paper on a generalized step-class system, and Jay Rahn (1991) has
discussed the coordination of interval sizes in seven-note collections.

Closely related to our efforts here are Norman Carey and David
Clampitt's(1989) work and Eytan Agmon's (1989) work. In this part
of the paper and in the third and final part, we seek to advance the
inquiryinto the essence of diatonicism. We will not attempt to review
all of the importantwork cited above, but we will point out the more
salient connections, particularly those between Agmon's work and
Clough and Myerson show that the usual diatonic set is one of an
infinite class of "special" sets with the following properties: (1) "car-
dinality equals variety"-a "line class" including n different pcs
appear in n species, (2) "partitioning"-chord species map (unambig-
uously) onto chord genera, and (3) the "deep-set" property as studied
by Gamer (1967, 32-59). They offer a definition of this class of sets
based on Myhill's property together with the "generalized circle of
fifths," and show that, in terms of the relationship between c and d,
there are just two families of "special" sets: family A, where c =
2d - 1, and family B, where c = 2d - 2 with d odd. M8,5and
M12,7, discussed above and shown in figs. 4 and 2c, respectively, are
members of family B. For comparison, fig. 6 shows the two ME sets
of family A with d = 5 and d = 7: M9,5 and M13,7.
Agmon (1989) offers a mathematicalapproachto the same class of
"special" sets-an approach closely resembling that of Clough-
Myerson in some respects and differingfrom it significantlyin others.
Agmon measures intervals by clen and dlen, as do Clough and My-
erson, and as we do here. He distinguishesbetween the sets of family
A, and those of family B, as defined above and in Clough and Myer-
son. In defining the class diatonic, Agmon quite reasonably rules out
the sets of family A on the ground that they are inherently less inter-
esting than those of family B, because the former are generated by the
whole-step (clen 2) or its complement, while (for c > 4) the latter are
generated by a "skip" of more than one diatonic step (e.g., in the
usual diatonic set, clen 5 or 7-the perfect 4th or perfect 5th). The
question of whether the sets of family A are less interesting has a sur-
prisingtwist, which we come to in part 3 of the paper. Meanwhile, we
accept Agmon's premise and focus on the usual diatonic and other sets
of family B.
Some new terminologywill be useful in maintainingthe distinctions
among various kinds of sets. We will call the sets of family B (ME sets
with c = 2d - 2 and d odd) diatonicsets. We will continue to refer to
M12,7 as the usual diatonic set, and we will henceforth refer to other
diatonic sets as hyperdiatonicsets. Thus our diatonic sets, which in-
clude the usual diatonic set plus all hyperdiatonicsets, correspond to
Agmon's "diatonic systems." As before, we will refer to the comple-
ment of M12,7, M12,5as the usual pentatonic set.

Figure 6. Examples of family A: c = 2d - 1

Expanded formal definitions of the above terms will be given later

in this part of the paper. Note that with the exceptions of
M4,3 and M8,5, all hyperdiatonic sets are truly "hyper" in that they
have more elements than the usual diatonic. The definitions of dia-
tonic length (dlen), diatoniccardinality,and diatonictransposition,and
the symbol Dc,d, are unchanged; as before, these terms and symbols
apply broadly to any subset of a chromatic universe.
While the Clough-Myersonand Agmon formulationsprovide much
insight, they are fairly complicated, and there is the problem of the
"uninteresting"sets with c = 2d - 1. This motivates a continued
search for formulationsof greater intuitive appeal yielding the family
of diatonic sets. We take up this quest by investigating the various
types of ME sets in terms of ambiguity, with particularattention to
tritones.We then show that the set of diatonic sets is nothing more or
less than the set of ME sets with exactly one ambiguity (a tritone).
Surprisingly,any one of a number of other conditions may be substi-
tuted for "exactly one ambiguity";within the realm of ME sets, the
specified conditions are all equivalent. The theorem enumerating
these equivalent conditions is the principal result of this part of the
paper. We also provide a method for constructingthe sets in question,
and a theorem generalizing the well-known fact that, given a naked
tritone in the 12-pc universe, any additional note is sufficientto imply
a unique transposition of the usual diatonic set.

We first define some terms pertaining to correspondences among
dlens and dens. Our definitions are those given by Jay Rahn in an
article elsewhere in this journal, reworded to suit the context of our
discussion. Our method of counting the number of cases of difference
or ambiguity or contradiction in a set also follows that of Rahn.
Definition 2.1. Given Dp, Dq, D,., Ds E DCd, if dlen(Dp, Dq) =
dlen(D,, Ds), and clen(Dp, Dq) = clen(D,, Ds), that is a case of differ-
Definition 2.2. Given Dp, Dq, D,, Ds E Dc,d, if dlen(Dp, Dq) =
dlen (D,., Ds), and clen(Dp, Dq) = clen(D,, Ds), that is a case of am-
Definition 2.3. Given Dp, Dq, D,., Ds E Dc,d, if dlen(Dp, Dq) <
dlen(D,., Ds), and clen(Dp, Dq) > clen(D,., Ds), that is a case of con-
Examples 2.1. Suppose D,d = {C, D, Eb, F#, G, A, B} =
{0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11}. Then
(1) dlen(C, Eb) = dlen(D, Fg) and clen(C, Eb) dlen(D, F#)-a
case of difference;
(2) dlen(C, Ft) $ dlen(Ft C,) and clen(C, Ft) = clen(Ft, C)-a
case of ambiguity;
(3) dlen(E,, F#) < dlen(F#, Ab) and clen(Eb, F#) > clen(F#, Ab)
-a case of contradiction.
Note that each case of difference, ambiguity, or contradiction in-
volves two intervals-that is, two ordered pairs of pcs. The two in-
tervals may have zero, one, or two pcs in common, though in different
order positions (all three possibilities are evident in the examples
above). It follows immediately from the above definitions and from
lemma 1.16 that for each case of difference, ambiguity, or contradic-
tion involving particulardlens and dens, there is a correspondingcase
involving the complementary dlens and dens.
Examples2.2. In M12,7,< 2 > = {3, 4}, implyingone or more cases
of difference. (There are in fact 12 = 3 .4 cases of difference here--12
pairs of intervals-since there are three intervals of dlen 2 with clen
4[major thirds], and four intervals of dlen 2 with clen 3 [minor
thirds].) The complementary cases arise from <7 - 2> = <5>
= {12 - 3, 12 - 4} = {8, 9}. Complementary cases are not necessar-
ily distinct. For example in M12,7, < 3 > = {5, 6} and < 4 > =
{6, 7}, implyingone or more cases of ambiguity. There is in fact a sin-
gle ambiguityhere-that is, a single ambiguouspair of intervals-one
interval of dlen 3 with clen 6, and one interval of dlen 4 with clen 6.
But these two intervals are mutually complementary.

We now state a number of results connecting the above definitions
with ME sets.
Lemma 2.1. No Mc,d contains a contradiction.
Proof. By theorem. 1.11, for any dlen I,

<I>: {[]} or {[] , [] + 1)

[c] 2c] 3c][ (d- ])c

Thus ] + 1 [(d ) for all I, 1 - I - d - 2. Since no spectrum

<I> has an element smaller than [-] or an element larger than
Cl- + 1, no element of < I > can be largerthan the smallest element
of < I + 1 >, 1 < I d - 2. Thus there can be no contradiction.0
Lemma 2.2. Let d - . Then Mcd has no ambiguity.

Proof. If d 22 then
c(+l) [] = [c I + c] [c

- +
2]- [c]

Thus[] + 1 < [( ] forall I, 0 - I d - 2. It follows that there

is no ambiguity since the largest possible element in < I> is -[]
+ 1 and the smallest possible element in < I + 1 > is[( ) (the-
orem 1.11). *
Lemma2.3. Let (c,d) = d. Then M,d has no ambiguityand no dif-
Proof. By lemma 1.7, < jd/d > = {jc/d for 1 - j - d - 1. Now let
jequal anydlen , 1 I - d - 1. Then < I > = {cI/d}.Hence there is
no difference. Further, since

- c-1 c 2 c(d-1)
<d < d < d '< d

there can be no ambiguity.0

As the following two lemmas show, any ambiguityin a ME set in-
volves two consecutive diens, each with a two-element spectrum.
Lemma 2.4. If co is an element in two distinct spectrums of Mc,d
(i.e., co is the clen of an ambiguity), then there exists a unique
I, 0< I d- lsuchthat < I > < I + 1> = {co}.Further

+ 1 = [c(+d1)]
d d
Proof. By lemma 1.9, co must have the form [] or [J] +

- - d - 1. Further, < .<

1, 0 I [ ] []<
[] [<
[(d l)c1 < c. Thus if cois in two spectrums, then there exists a unique
- I ' d - 1, suchthat <> n < = {co}, and o =
I, 1 + 1>
[cI] 1- rc( + 1)1].

Lemma 2.5. For any Mc,d and associated dlen I, if <I> n

< I + 1 > = 0 (implying an ambiguity), then < I> and < I + 1 >
are two-element spectrums.
Proof. Assume co < I> <I + 1>. Then co = -j + 1
(lemma 2.4), implying <I> is a two-element spectrum (t eorem
1.11). Now suppose <I + 1> is a one-element spectrum. Then
c(I + 1) = dq + 0(theorem .ll),implyingcl = dq - c. Thus, since
there is an ambiguity,

[]+ 1 [c(+ 1)] (lemma 2.4),

dq - c] 1


[ 1
This implies d - c. By definition d ' c. Thus d = c. But if d =
c, then (c,d) = d, which implies Mc,dhas no ambiguity (lemma 2.3),
contradictingthe assumption <I> n <I + 1 > 7 0. Thus < I +
1 > must be a two-element spectrum.?


We now turn our attention to a particularambiguity, that with clen

c/2. This is a special kind of ambiguity-the only one capable of ex-

pression by means of a single pair of pitch classes, say x and y, span-
ning clen c/2 as the interval from x to y and the interval from y to x.
The familiar case is, of course, the tritone of M12,7,where the spec-
trums of the traditional4th and 5th intersect, both including an inter-
val of six semitones. We borrow the traditionalterm and call any half-
"octave" interval a "tritone," regardless of its dlen.
Definition 2.4. A tritone is a two-element subset {Di, Dj} of DC,d
such that clen(Di, Dj) = clen(Dj, Di) = 2. Tritone is defined only for c
Note that tritones are not necessarily ambiguous. A tritone
{Di, Dj}is unambiguousif dlen(Di, Dj) = dlen(Dj, Di) and ambiguous
if dlen(Di, Dj) $ dlen(Dj, Di).
Consider the sets D12,4 and M12,4pictured in fig. 7. Both have the
same chromatic and diatonic cardinalities, but their tritone contents
are very different. In one (fig. 7a) < 1 > n < 3 > = {6}, and in the
other (fig. 7b) < 2 > = {6};the former has one ambiguoustritone and
the latter, two unambiguoustritones. So we see that for pcsets in gen-
eral, knowing c and d does not tell us how many tritones the set has
or whether they are unambiguous or ambiguous. If we restrict our-
selves to ME sets, however, we can compute this information from c
and d, as the following lemmas show.
Lemma 2.6. If both c and d are even, then Mc,d has precisely d/2
tritones, all of which are unambiguous, and < d/2 > = {c/2}.
Proof. Since there are d elements in Mc,d, there can be at most
d/2 distinct tritones. Now consider = d/2: cl = c(d/2) = (c/2)d +
0. Thus all the intervalsof dlen d/2 have clen [ (d2) (theorem 1.11);
that is, there are d intervals of clen [c(d2)] = c/2. Thus there must
be at least d/2 distinct tritones. It follows that there are exactly d/2
tritones, and < d/2 > = {c/2}.
Further, since < d/2 > = {c/2} is a single-element spectrum, clen
c/2 cannot be ambiguous (lemma 2.5). .
Lemma 2.7. If Mc,d has a tritone ambiguity (implying c is even),
d-1 d+l
then d is odd, < <-- < > = {c/2}, and c/2 belongs to no
other spectrums.
Proof. Assume Mc,d has an ambiguity. If d is even, then there are
no ambiguous tritones (lemma 2.6). Thus d is odd. Since Mc,d has an
ambiguity,d > c/2 (lemma 2.2). Consider I = - .

= d -
c()_ 2 ) +2

(a) 10,6,8,10} (b) 10.3,6,91
<1> n <3> = {6}: <2> = 1(6:
one ambiguoustritone two unambigLuoustritones

Figure 7. Ambiguous and unambiguoustritones

Since d> c/2 >0, the element c(d )/2 + 1 is a member of
d-1 L
< -- > (theorem 1.11). But

c(d- 1)/2+ = c2 + [- + 1
d 21 +

= c/2 (since d > c/2).

d- [c(d+1)/2 d+l
Thus c/2 E < --- > . Further, d E < --2- > (theorem
1.11). Also
c(d + 1)/2 c
d ] [212
= c/2 (since d> c/2).
d+l d-1 d+l
Hence c/2 E < -- > . It follows that < -- > n < - >
{c/2}, and c/2 is in no other spectrum (lemma 2.4). 0
Lemma 2.8. Let c be even, and d odd.
(i) If d -: , then Mc,d has no tritones.
cC c
(ii) If < d < c, then Mc,d has d - 2 distinct tritones, all of which
are ambiguous.
Proof. Assume {Di, Dj} is a tritone. Then there are d - 2 other
elements in M.,d. Since d is odd, so is d - 2 Hence the number of

elements on one side of {Di, Dj} must differ from the number of ele-
ments on the other. Thus dlen (Di, Dj) # dlen (Dj, Di) and hence
{Di, Dj} is ambiguous.
(i) Assume d - 2 and Mc,dhas a tritone. Then, as shown above,
the tritone must be ambiguous. But if there is an ambiguity then
< d (lemma 2.2), contradictingthe assumptionthat d -< 2 It follows
that there are no tritones.
(ii) As shown above, any tritones must be ambiguous. It remainsto
show how many tritones there are when C< d < c. We know from
lemma 2.7 that if there are ambiguous tritones, then

d-1 d+1 {c}

< >n
2 >>n< >

and there are no other spectrums containing c/2. Also

( d-1c d (( + d\c
?i C 1)=
"\z -
[c(d- 1)/2] c

It follows that there are (d -\ )intervals with clen( -1) +

1 = c/2 (theorem 1.11). ?
Lemma 2.9. Let c be even and d odd. Then if Mc,dhas an ambi-
guity, it has an ambiguous tritone.
Proof. Since there is an ambiguity, d > (lemma 2.2). If c is even
and d is odd, then clearly c # d. Thus : < d < c, implying there are
c - 2 tritones, all of which are ambiguous (lemma 2.8). *
Corollary2.1. Let c be even. Then if Mc,dhas an ambiguity, it has
a tritone.
Proof. Lemma 2.6 covers the case with both c and d even, and
lemma 2.9 the case with c even and d odd. ?
This covers some of the properties of tritones in conjunction with
ME sets. From lemma 2.9 we see that if c is even and d odd, then the
d-1 d+l
clen of the "first"ambiguity is in < -- > n < -> . Might this
also be true if both c and d are odd? Since c odd implies there are no
tritones, we make the following definition.

Definition2.5. Suppose c and d are odd and
d-1 d+1
< 2- > n < --2- > 0.
Then we say that Dc,dcontains a pseudotritone.
Note that pseudotritones are, by definition, ambiguous. Also, un-
like tritones, they are not associated, by definition, with a particluar
clen. In fact, a pseudotritone may correspond to more than one clen
in the same set, as in the next example.
Example 2.3. The two sets pictured in fig. 8 have the same chro-
matic and diatonic cardinalities. In both cases, -- = 2 and
--- = 3. Now in fig. 8a, < 2 > < 3 > = {3, 6}, indicating the
presence of pseudotritones. On the other hand in fig. 8b,
<2> < 3 > = 0, indicating there are no pseudotritones. Note
that fig. 8a is not a ME set, and fig. 8b is a ME set. The following
lemma shows that these sets exemplify the general situation: pseudo-
tritones occur only in non-ME sets.
Lemma 2.10. No ME set has a pseudotritone.
Proof. If c = d, then (c,d) = d and there are no ambiguities
(lemma 2.3) and hence no pseudotritones. Assume d < c. The largest
element in < > is[( d )/2 + 1. If a pseudotritoneexists, then

d1)/2 =
[c(d d 1+ [c(d+ 1)/2] (lemma 2.4).

rc(d- 1)/2 - c+l [d-c]

[ d 1 + [2J
c+l d-c
- -1 (since d # c, implying -2-- < 0)


[c(d+1)/2 c+ 1
d + c-d1
j-2 2dj
c+l c-d
>- + 0 (since -T > 0)
2 ?

(a) D9.5= 10,1,2,3,5 (b) M .5 = 1()
<2> = {2,3,5,6} <2> = {3.4}
<3> = 3,4,6,71 <3> = (5.6}
<2> n <3> = (3,6) <2> n <3> = null set
(pseudotritones) (nopseudotritones)

Figure 8

It follows that c(d [1++ [( d and hence < > n

d+ d
< --2- > = 0 whenever both c and d are odd. ?
Thus, for ME sets, if c is even and d odd, then the "first"ambiguity
d-1 d+1
is in < - > n < >, but if both c and d are odd, then
d-1 d+l
< 2- > n < -2- > is always empty.
The above results concerning tritones may be summarized as fol-
lows (note that pseudotritone is defined only for the case where both
c and d are odd):
1. If both c and d are even, then MC,dhas d/2 tritones, all of which
are unambiguous;and < d/2 > = {c/2}(lemma 2.6).
2. If c is even, d odd, and d - c/2, then Mc,dhas no tritones (lemma
3. If c is even, d odd, and c/2 < d < c, then Mc,dhas d - c/2 tri-
tones, all of which are ambiguous; and < (d - 1)/2 > n < (d +
1)/2> = {c/2} (lemma 2.8).
4. If both c and d are odd, then tritone is not defined for
Mc,d, and Mc,d has no pseudotritones; that is, < (d - 1)/2> n
< (d + 1)/2 > = 0 (lemma 2.10).

5. If c is odd and d even, then neither tritone nor pseudotritone is
defined for Mc,d-
It is clear from the above that if a ME set contains one or more
tritones, then either all of them are ambiguous or all are unambigu-
As we demonstrate in the next section, the case of Mc,d with c is
even, d odd, and c/2 < d < c (e.g., the usual diatonic set; see case 3
above) is of special interest. We need to prove one more lemma re-
garding ambiguities for this case.
Lemma 2.11. Mc,d has an odd number of ambiguous dens if and
only if c is even, d is odd, and < d < c.
(=>) If Mc,dhas an ambiguity, then 2 < d < c (lemmas 2.2 and 2.3).
Further, <> n <I + 1 > 0 if and only if <d - I> n<d -
(I + 1) > =#0 (lemma 1.16), implyingM,,dhas an odd numberof am-
biguous dens if and only if for one of these dens, < I > = < d -
(I + 1)> (or equivalently <I +1> = <d-I>) and
<I>n<I + 1>#Q0.Butif<I> = <d - (I + 1)>then =
d - (I + 1), implyingI = 2-. Hence d must be odd. Further, if c is
d-1 d+l
odd, then < 2 > < > = 0 (lemma 2.10), implying by
lemma 1.16 an even number of ambiguousdens (contradiction).Thus
c must be even.
(<) If c is even, d is odd, and 2 < d < c, then there is an ambiguous
tritone (lemma 2.8), and < --- > n < - > -= (lemma 2.8,
d-1 d+l
- (
ii). It follows that < d > n < d d >2
= is also an ambiguous tritone. But < d - > n < d -
d+l- d+l d-1
> = < 2 > n< >, so these two pairsof intervalspec-
trums are one and the same. Thus if c is even, d is odd, and Mc,d has
an ambiguity, then it has an ambiguous tritone (lemma 2.9) and all
other ambiguitiesoccur in pairs (lemma 1.16). It follows that Mc,dhas
an odd number of ambiguous clens. o

Diatonic sets

This section culminates in a theorem circumscribingthe set of dia-

tonic sets. We begin by stating, without proof, two lemmas which are
easily proved via elementary number theory.

Lemma 2.12. Let c and d be integers such that 1 < d < c. Then
there are precisely (c,d)values of I, 0 < I < d - 1, such that d divides
Remark. In number theory, a is said to "divide" b if and only if a
and b are integers, a - 0, and there is an integer x such that b =
ax. We write "a Ib" when a divides b, and "a - b" otherwise.
Lemma2.13. If(a, c) = 1 and (b,c) = 1, then (ab, c) = 1.
We now state some propertiesof spec(Mc,d). The next lemma shows
that the cardinalityof spec(Mc,d) is a function of c and d.
Lemma 2.14. I spec(Mc,d) I = 2d - (c,d).
Proof. From theorem 1.11 we know that < I > is a single element
spectrum if and only if d I cI; else < I> is a two-element spectrum.
I spec(Mc,d I = (number of single element spectrums)
+ 2. (number of two-element spectrums)
= (number of values of I such that d Icl)
+ 2 *(numberof values of I such that d (r) cI), 0 < I < d - 1.
But the number of values of I such that d IcI is (c,d) (lemma 2.12).
There are d possible values of I. Thus the number of values of I such
that d (-t) cl is d - (c,d). Therefore
Ispec(M,) I = (c,d) + 2(d-(c,d))
= 2d - (c,d). ?
Lemmas 2.15 and 2.16, given without proof, follow directly from
lemma 2.4 and the definitions of ME set, ambiguity, and spec(Dc,d).
Note that, by lemma 2.4, the elements of spec(Mc,d) have multiplicity
one or two.
Lemma 2.15. There are n ambiguous dens in Mc,d if and only if
there are n elements of multiplicity2 in spec(Mc,d).
Lemma 2.16. If I spec(Mc,d) I > c, then Mc,dhas at least one ambig-
uous clen.
Lemma2.17. If Ispec(Mcd) I > c + 1, then Ccis properlyincluded
in spec(Mc,d).
Proof. Recall that C, is the multiset {0, 1,2, . . .c-1}.
If Ispec(Mc,d) I - c + 1, then clearly Mc,dhas at least one ambiguity.
Thus < d (lemma 2.2), implying Cc is included in spec(M,d) (theo-
rem 1.12). Since Ispec(Mc,d)I > I Cc I = c, Cc is properly included in
The usual diatonic set has the following important property: each
of the possible dens {0, 1, 2, . . ,c - 1} appears exactly once in its
spectrum, except for clen 6, which is represented twice. The dual ap-
pearance of a clen in the spectrum signals the presence of an ambi-
guity. Thus spec(M12,7)is the smallest spectrum including all dens

while containing at least one ambiguity. The following definition for-
malizes this property, which is similar, though not identical, to Ag-
mon's "efficiency" condition.
Definition2.6. M(c) (read "min c") is the set of ME sets whose
spectrums are the smallest sets that properly contains C. That is,
Mc,d e M(c) if and only if both of the following hold true:
(1) Cc is properly included in spec(M,,t).
(2) For all M ,d such that CC is properly included in spec
(MCd), I spec(M,^() I I spec(Md) I.
We write Mc to indicate an element in M(c).
Example2.3. M(12) = M(12,7).
This example tells us that M(12)consists of precisely all the major-
scale sets.
Note that for a particularchoice of c, M(c) is not necessarily re-
stricted to a unique d. For example, Ispec(M1511)I
Ispec(M15.12)I = 21, and M(15) = M(15,11)U M(15,12)since the set
spectrums of M5.11 and M15.12are the smallest multisets which prop-
erly contain C15. If c = 3 (mod 6), the situation with M(c)is complex.
For example, M(3) = 0, M(9) = M(9,7), M(15) = M(15,11) U
M(15,12), M(21) = M(21,13). We conjecture that when c= 3 (mod
6) there is no finite set of algorithmsthat describe M(c). More specif-
ically, we conjecture that if 3 Ic and 5(+)c, then M(c) = M(c, (c +
5)/2); if 3 I c, 5 Ic, 7 ({) c, and 9(t) c, then M(c) = M(c, (c + 9)/2);
if 31 c c, 7 (Y) c, and 9 c, then M(c) = M(c, (c + 7)/2) U
M(c, (c + 9)/2), etc. It would appear that M(c) depends on how c fac-
tors into powers of odd primes.
Fortunately, if c is even or if c-1,5 (mod 6), then M(c) is re-
stricted to a unique d, as we show in theorem 2.1 below. In prepara-
tioin for this theorem, we state the following lemma without proof.
Lemma 2.18. Let a, b, c, x, and y be integers such that ax +
by = c. Then (x, y) divides c.
Theorem 2.1. Let c > 4.
(i) If c is not congruent to 0 (mod 4), then M(c) = M(c, c/2 +
1) and I spec(M) I = c + 1.
(ii) If c is not congruent to 2 (mod 4), then M(c) = M(c, c/2 +
2) and Ispec(M) I= c + 3.
(iii) If c is not congruent to 1, 5 (mod 6) (or equivalently if c is odd
and c is not congruent to 0 (mod 3)), then M(c) = M(c, (c +
3)/2) and Ispec(M,) I = c + 2.
Proof. In general, to prove M(c) = M(c,d) for a particular value of
d, we first compute I spec(M,d) I. We then show that there is no d*
such that c < I spec(M ,d!) I < I spec(M,,d) I. This implies M(c,d) is in-
cluded in M(c). Finally, we show that if Mc,.* E M(c), then
Mc,d E M(c,d).

(i) Assume c- 0 (mod 4). Then (c/2, c/2 + 1)
1 and (2, c2 + 1) = 1, implying (c, c/2 + 1) = 1 (lemma 2.13). Thus
Ispec(Mc,/2+l) = 2(c/2+ 1)-1 (lemma 2.14)
=c+ 1.
Since Cc is included in spec(Mc,12+1) (lemma 2.17) and
Ispec(M,c/2+) I = c + 1, we conclude that Mc,c2+1E M(c). Thus
M(c, c/2 + 1) is included in M(c). Further, if M d E M(c), then
I spec(M,d) I = c + 1. Thus 2d - (c,d) = c + 1 (lemma2.14). But
then (c,d) divides d, (c,d), and c; hence (c,d) must divide 1, implying
(c,d) = 1. It follows that
2d-1 = c + 1
d = c/2 + 1.
Hence M,d M(c, c/2 + 1), implying M(c) is included in
M(c, c/2 + 1). We conclude that M(c) = M(c, c/2 + 1).
(ii) Assume c = 2 (mod 4). Then (c/2 + 2) - c/2 = 2, implying
(c/2, c/2 + 2)divides 2 (lemma 2.18). Thus (c/2, c/2 + 2) = 1,2. But
c/2 is odd, implying(c/2, c/2 + 2) = 1. Further,c/2 + 2 is odd, imply-
ing (2, c/2 + 2) = 1. It follows that (c, c/2 + 2) = 1 (lemma 2.13).
Now we compute Ispec(Mc,c2+2)I.
Ispec(Mc,c2+2)1 = 2(c/2 + 2)- 1 (lemma 2.14)
=c + 3.

Suppose I spec(Mc,d) I = c + 1. Then

2d-(c,d) = c + 1 (lemma 2.14).
Thus since (c,d) divides d, (c,d), and c, we conclude that (c,d) di-
vides 1; hence (c,d) = 1. It follows that
2d-1 = c +
d = c/2 + 1.
But since c = 2 (mod 4), d is even, implying (c,d) - 2 (contradiction).
Now suppose Ispec(Mc,d)I = c + 2. Since Cc is included in
spec(Mc,d) (lemma 2.17), Mc,d must have two ambiguousdens (lemma
2.15). Hence d must be even (lemma 2.11). Also

2d-(c,d) = c + 2 (lemma 2.14).

But since c = 2 (mod 4), we have c + 2 = 0 (mod 4), and since d is

even, 2d 0 (mod 4). Thus (c,d) 0 (mod 4), implying 4 divides

(c,d). But then 4 must divide c, implying c 0 (mod 4) (contradic-
tion). It follows that M(c, c/2 + 2) is included in M(c).
LetMc,d EM(c). Then I spec(Mc,d) I = c + 3.Thus
2d-(c,d) = c + 3.
Since(c,d) divides d, (c,d), and c, it must divide 3. It follows that
(c,d) = 1,3. If (c,d) = 3,then
2d-3 = c+ 3
d = c/2 + 3.
But since c 2 (mod 4), c/2 + 3 must be even. Thus 2 divides both c
and d, contradictingthe assumptionthat (c,d) = 3. Hence (c,d) = 1.
But then
2d-1 =c+ 3
d = c/2 + 2.
Thus Mc,dEM(c, c/2 + 2), implying M(c) is included in M(c, c/2 +
2). It follows that M(c) = M(c,c/2 + 2).
(iii) Assume c- 1,5 (mod 6). Then 2((c + 3)/2) - c = 3. Thus
(c, (c + 3)/2) divides 3 (lemma 2.18), implying (c, (c + 3)/2) = 1,3.
But if c is not congruent to 0 (mod 3), 3 does not divide c. Thus
(c, (c + 3)/2) = 1. Then
I spec(Mc,c+3)/2)I = 2((c + 3)/2)- (c, (c + 3)/2)
=c + 3-1
=c + 2.
Since c is odd, Mc,dmust have either no ambiguous dens or an even
number of ambiguous dens (lemma 2.11). Thus we cannot have
Ispec(Mc,d) I = c + 1 (lemma 2.15). We conclude that Mc,(c + 3)/2
is included in M(c).
Now assume Mc,d M(c). Then
I spec(Mc,d) I = c + 2
2d- (c,d) = c + 2 (lemma 2.14).
Since (c,d) divides d, (c,d), and c, (c,d) = 1,2. If (c,d) = 2, then c
must be even (contradiction). Hence (c,d) = 1. Then
2d-1 = c + 2
d = (c+3)/2.
Thus Mc,d M(c, (c + 3)/2), implying M(c) is included in M(c, (c +
3)/2). It follows that M(c) = M(c, (c + 3)/2). ?

The case c 0 (mod 4), covered in part 1 of theorem 2.1 above, is
of particularimportance as we shall see.
The presence of exactly two half steps (intervals of clen 1) is an
important characteristic of the usual diatonic set. The next lemma
shows that ME sets with two half steps occur only under a particular
Lemma 2.19. Mc,d has precisely two intervals of clen 1 if and only
ifc = 2(d - 1).
Proof. It is clear that clen 1 can only be associated with dlen 1, for
if clen 1 is associated with, for example, dlen 2, then

c < d (contradiction).
(=) Mc,d has an interval of clen 1, then 1 < 1>, implying
[ ] = 1.Thus

Hence, by theorem 1.11,
c. =d+(d - 2)
c = 2(d-1).
(<) If c = 2(d - 1),then
c-1 = d + (d-2),

implying Mc,d has precisely two intervals associated with dlen 1 that
have clen 1. Since clen 1 can only be associated with dlen 1, if follows
that there are precisely two intervals of clen 1.o
Theorem 2.2 below characterizesthe class of ME sets with exactly
one ambiguity by stating ten equivalent conditions. Conditions 1-4
deal with ambiguity; conditions 5-7 are different ways of stating the
relationshipbetween chromaticand diatonic cardinalities;condition 8
deals with "half steps"; conditions 9 and 10 deal with the spectrumof
the set.
Theorem 2.2. For Mc d the following are equivalent:
(1) Mc,d has precisely one ambiguity.
(2) Mc,d has precisely one ambiguous clen.
(3) Mc,d has precisely one ambiguous tritone.

(4) Mc,dhas precisely one tritone and d - 2.
(5) c = 2(d- 1) and (c,d) = 1.
(6) c = 2(d - 1) and disodd.
(7) c = 2(d - 1) and c0 (mod 4).
(8) Mc, has precisely two intervals of clen 1, and c 0
(mod 4).
(9) M(c,d) = M(c), and c 0 (mod 4).
(10) I spec(Mc,d) I = c + 1

Proof. We first show that conditions 7 and 8 are mutually implica-

tive. We then show 1 = 2 = 3 > 4 > 5 => 6 = 7 > 9 > 10 > 1.
(7 < 8) This follows directly from lemma 2.19.
(1 = 2) From the definition of ambiguity it is clear that if Mc.d has
more than one ambiguousclen, it has more than one ambiguity.Thus
if Mc,d has precisely one ambiguity, it has precisely one ambiguous
(2 > 3) If Mc.d has precisely one ambiguous clen, there is an odd
number of ambiguous dens, implying c is even and d odd. (lemma
2.11). Hence there is a tritone ambiguity (lemma 2.9).
Next we assume that there are two (or more) ambiguous tritones,
and show that this entails at least two ambiguous dens. Consider the
two tritones {Df, Dh} and {Dg, Di} (see fig. 9). Clearly clen
(Df, Dg) = clen(Dh, Di). Call this clen co: that is clen(Df, Dg)
clen(Dh, Di) = co. Since the tritones are ambiguous, their dens cor-
respondto two distinctdiens, say < Il > and < ll + 1 > (lemma 2.4).
Without loss of generalitywe may assume dlen(Df, Dh) = I, and dlen
(Dg, Di) = lI + 1. Now let dlen (Df, Dg) = Io and dlen(Dh,, Di) =
I2. Then

I2 = [dlen(Df, Dg) + dlen(Dg, Di)] - dlen(Df, Dh)

= [Io + (II + 1)] - I
= I,,+ 1.

But then cois a member of < Io > intersect < Io + 1 >, implyinga sec-
ond ambiguous clen. Thus if there is precisely one ambiguous clen,
then there is precisely one ambiguous tritone.
(3 > 4) Assume there is precisely one ambiguous tritone. Then d
must be odd (lemma 2.7). Hence d - 2 and M,,d can contain no un-
ambiguoustritones (lemma 2.8). It follows that M,Ccontains precisely
one tritone.
(4 > 5) Assume Mc,d has precisely one tritone and d- 2. If d is
even then Mc,d has d/2 tritones (lemma 2.6). Since Mc,d has precisely
one tritone, d/2 = 1, implying d = 2, contradictingthe assumption.

Thus d must be odd; hence (2, d) = 1. Further,since there is precisely
one tritone, d - = 1 (lemma 2.8). It follows that (c2, d = 1 and
c = 2(d- 1). Since (2, d) =1, (2(Q), d) = (c,d) = (lemma 2.13).
(5 = 6) Assume (c, d) = 1 an c = 2(d - 1). Then d must
be odd, else (c,d)- 2.
(6 => 7) Assume d is odd and c = 2(d - 1). Then d - 1 is even
and hence 4 12(d - 1). It follows that c-= 0 (mod 4).
(7 9) Assume c = 2(d - 1) and c 0 (mod 4). Then d = 2 +
1, implying M(c,d) = M(c, + 1) = M(c) (theorem 2.1) and
c O (mod 4).
(9 = 10) Assume M(c,d) = M(c) and c 0 (mod 4). Then Ispec
(Mc) I = c + 1 (theorem 2.1). Thus I spec(M,d) I = c + 1.
(10 d> 1) Assume Ispec(Mc.d) I = c + 1. Then C, is properly in-
cluded in spec(M, d) (lemma 2.17). Since I CcI = c, and every element
of C, has multiplicity 1, there must be precisely one element of
spec(Mc,d) that has multiplicity 2. Thus there must be precisely one
ambiguous clen (lemma 2.15). It follows that c is even and d is odd
(lemma 2.11), implying the ambiguous clen is a tritone (lemma 2.9).
We must now determine how many tritone ambiguities there are.
Since I spec(M,d) I = c + 1, we know that 2d - (c,d) = c + 1
(lemma 2.14). Further, since (c,d) divides c and d, (c,d) must divide 1.
Hence (c,d) = 1. It follows that

II +

/x_Dh / 2= 0+1

Figure 9

2d-1 = c + 1
d-c/2 = 1.

Thus there is precisely one (tritone) ambiguity (lemma 2.8). ?

Definitions2.7. If a set satisfies the conditions of theorem 2.2, we
say that it is a diatonicset. If a diatonic set has d = 7, we say that it is
a usual diatonic set; otherwise we say that it is a hyperdiatonicset.
Together with the uniqueness property of ME sets, theorem 2.2
tells us that each universe whose cardinalityis congruent to 0 (mod 4)
contains an essentially unique diatonic set-that is, unique within
transpositionin its respective universe. The most remarkablefeature
of theorem 2.2 is what might be called "the power of the single am-
biguity": ME sets with just one ambiguity exist only in universes
where the chromatic cardinality is congruent to 0 (mod 4). We feel
that characterizingthe usual diatonic set as the unique ME set with a
lone ambiguity in the 12-pc universe has strong intuitive appeal.
As in the case of any ME set, diatonic sets may be constructed by
means of the Clough-Myerson algorithm (theorem 1.1) by simply
"plugging in" an appropriatepair of parameters c and d. They may
also be constructedby the method of superimposingcircles given fol-
lowing example 1.4. Fig. 10 shows another graphic method based on
the single tritone and the requirement for maximal separation of the
two "half steps": The tritone is first put in place (fig. lOa). Now, for
the tritone to be ambiguous, both half-steps must be located on the
same "side" of the tritone, and, for maximal evenness, they must be
as far apart as possible within this half-octave; it follows that the half-
steps must be "attached"to the tritone (fig. lOb). Finally, whole steps
are filled in as necessary (fig. lOc). It is easy to see how this construc-
tion implies the tetrachordal structure of the set (fig. lOd). Fig. 11
shows the same procedureused to constructthe hyperdiatonicset with
c = 16, d = 9. Naturally all of these constructionsalso produce the
complements of diatonic sets, which we will study in the next part of
the paper.
It is well known that a tritone plus one other pc is sufficient to de-
termine a unique transpositionof M12,7.For example, if we choose the
tritone {B/Ct, E$/F} and then select any other pc, say DO, these three
pcs imply the F#/Gb major scale and no other major scale. The con-
struction procedure shown in fig. 10 provides insight as to why this is
true: In fig. lOb the half steps might have been placed on the left side
of the tritone. This would have yielded the other instance of M12.7with
the same tritone-a set sharingonly the two pcs of the tritone with its
"companion"M12,7.We will soon show that this is a feature of diatonic
sets in general.

(a) tritone (b) attachhalfstepsto tritone

(c) fill in wholesteps (d)tetrachords:

unionof 11,3,5,61and

Figure 10. Constructionof M127, the usual diatonic set

Lemma 2.20. Let t be a tritone {Di, Dj}. There are exactly two
(transpositionallyequivalent) diatonic sets which include t.
Proof. By definition and by theorem 2.2, a diatonic set has exactly
one tritone. By lemma 2.7 either dlen(Di, D) = - and
dlen(Dj, Di) = -Z or these assignmentsare reversed. The two pos-
sibilities imply two distinct (transpositionally equivalent) diatonic
sets. *

(a) tritone (b) attachhalf steps to tritone

(c) fill in whole steps (d) tetrachords: union of { 1,3,5,7,8)

and { 10,12,14,0,1

Figure 11. Construction of diatonic set M6,,9

Theorem 2.3. Let t be as in the lemma 2.20, let MA and MB be the

two diatonic sets which include t, and let D be a 3-element set
{t} U {Dk}, where Dk is a pc distinct from both Di and Dj. Then D is
included in either MA or MB but not both.
Proof. Since c is even, the chromatic universe {0, 1 ..., c -
1} may be divided into 2 tritones, {0, c/2}, {1, 1 + c/2}, {2, 2 +
c/2)}, ... {c/2 - 1, c - 1}, one of which is t. Suppose t =
{0, c/2}. Consider any one of the other tritones, say {1, 1 + c/2}. If pc
1 e MA, then pc (1 + c/2) MA because if both of these pcs were in

MA, this would imply that MA has more than one tritone, contradict-
ing the assumption that it is a diatonic set. Similarly, for any tritone
except t, if one of the pcs of the tritone is in MA, the other is not. Now
since MA and MBarediatonicsets, I MA I = MB I = c/2 + 1 = 2 +
(c/2 - 1). Therefore MA and MB each contain the two pcs of t plus
exactly one pc from each of the (c/2 - 1) other tritones. It follows that
D is in either MA or MB but not both. ?

3 Generated Sets; Complements; Interval Circles;

and Second-Order ME Sets

Generated ME sets

Extending the familiar concept of the circle of fifths, Clough and

Myerson show that any rounded set with (c,d) = 1 may be generated
by a single clen. May all ME sets be formed in this way? We proceed
to explore this question and other related ones.
Definition3.1. A g-generatedME set, Mgd, is a ME set that can be
represented as follows: Mgd = {j, j + g, j + 2g, . . , j + (d -
1)g},wherej is a non-negative integer, 0 < j < c - 1, and 1 - g_
c- 1.
Examples 3.1. The usual diatonic and pentatonic sets,
M52.7and M525, are 5-generated (5=perfect 4th).
Lemma3.1. An integer g, 1 < g < c - 1, generates Mc,dif and only
if c - g also generates Mc,d.
Proof. Let Mgdabe represented as in the above definition and let
- Mcd be the inversion of Mgd. Since - Mgd is also a ME set (the-
orem 1.8), we may write

-Mg,d = {-j, -j + (c-g),-j+2(c-g), ... -j + (d- 1)(c-g)}.

Both sets have the same parametersc and d. Thus they are equivalent
under transposition. Hence there exists an integer n such that

Mgd = {n}- Mcd

= {n-j, n-j + (c-g) ..., n-j
+ (d-l)(c-g)}


It follows that if g generates MgdS,so does c - g. The converse follows

immediately since c - (c - g) = g. ?

Examples 3.2. The generators of the usual diatonic set are 5 and
12-5 = 7. The generators of the usual whole-tone set are 2 and
12-2 = 10.
Note that any set of diatonic cardinality0, 1, c - 1, or c, is max-
imally even. In this sense we can regard sets of these cardinalitiesas
triviallyME and other ME sets as nontriviallyso. This distinctionwill
help to simplify the following treatment of generators.
Lemma 3.2. If g is a generator of Mc,d (nontrivial), then g is an un-
ambiguous clen.
Proof. Assume g is an ambiguous clen. Then

g= [] + 1 = [(d)] (lemma 2.4).


cl = d [j] + r (where -< r -< d- 1)


c(I+ 1)= d[C(Id )] + r2 ((0 <r2d-1).

Thus there are rl intervals associated with I, whose clen is

g = + 1
and d - r2 intervals associated with I + 1, whose clen is

[c(+ 1)] (theorem 1.11).

But then
cI = d(g-1) + rl
rl = cl-dg + d
c(l + 1) = dg + r2
d-r2 = dg + d-cl-c.
Since g is a generator, at least d - 1 intervalsmust have clen g. Hence
rl + (d-r2)-d-1
(dg + d-cl-c) + (cl- dg + d)- d-1
d c- 1,

contradictingthe hypothesis that Mc,d is nontrivial. It follows that g is
an unambiguousclen. ?
Lemma 3.3. Suppose (c,d) = 1. If Mc,d has a generator, then
(c,d) = d.
Proof. If g generates M,d, then all intervals with clen g are asso-
ciated with the same dlen, say I (lemma 3.2). If I has a two-element
spectrum, then there is one interval associated with I that has clen
g? l.So
cl = gd + 1
cl = gd + (d-1) (theorem 1.11).
In either case, since (c,d) divides c and d, (c,d) must also divide 1,
contradictingthe hypthesis that (c,d) - 1. It follows that all intervals
associated with I have clen g. Therefore
dg = cl (lemma 1.2).
Now consider two ways of representing Mgd:

(1) Mgd = {Do, D1, D2, . . , Dd_l}, where 0

< Do < D < D2< . .< Dd- < c;

(2) Mg = {,j + g,j + 2g ...,j + (d-l)g},

where the elements are reduced (mod c).

Suppose <1> is a 2-element spectrum. Then

</> = {[c/d], [cld] + 1} (theorem 1.11)

and there exist Dk2+l, Dk,, Dk,+ , Dk in Mgd such that

Dk, [c/d] + 1 (mod c)
Dk,+1 - Dk2 [cld] (mod c).

But since Md, is a generated ME set, there exist integers mn1,n, m2,
and n2 such that

Dk,+l j + mg (mod c)
Dk =j + n1g (mod c)
Dk2+l j + m2g (mod c)
Dk j + n2g (mod c).

Dk1+ - Dk (m, - n,)g- [cld] +1 (mod c)
Dk2 (m2 - n2)g
[cld] (mod c).
Subtractingthe second congruence from the first we get
(ml - nl - m2 + n2)g - 1 (mod c).
It follows that
(g,c)= 1.

Clearly I < g. But since dg = cI and (g,c) = 1, g divides I. It follows

that g = I, implying c = d. But then <1> must be a single-element
spectrum (theorem 1.11), contradicting the assumption that <1> is a
2-element spectrum. Hence <1> must be a single-element spectrum
and thus (c,d) = d (theorem 1.11).0
Lemma3.4. Let Mc,dbe a nontrivialME set and suppose (c, d) = 1.
Then there are d - 1 intervals whose clen is g and whose dlen is
I 0 if and only if g is a generator of Mc,d.
(=>) Since (c,d) = 1, all nonzero interval spectrums have two ele-
ments (lemma 1.3). Thus, of the intervalsassociated with I, d - 1 have
clen g and one has clen g + 1, (lemma 3.2). Then for
= {Do, D ,..
Mcd Da-1}

there is some Dj such that clen (Dj, Dj + I) = g ? 1, where the subscript

j + I is reduced (mod d). Now we order M, d as follows:
Mcd = {Dj+, Dj+21, . Dj+(d_1)1' Dj})
where all subscriptsare reduced (mod d). But clen (Dj, Dj+ ) = g + 1,
implying that the clen from any element other than Dj to the next el-
ement must be g. Thus we may write
M,d = {Dj+,, Dj+i + g, Dj+/ + 2g ..., Dj+1 + (d - l)g}.
It follows that Mc.d is g-generated.
(<=) If g is a generator, then g is unambiguous(lemma 3.2). Hence
all intervals of clen g must have the same dlen, say I. Clearly, if g is
a generator, then g 7 0 and hence g 0E<O>.Then there must be d -
1 intervals with clen g and one with clen g ? 1, all with dlen I (lemma
1.3). ?
The direct part of the above lemma holds true for both trivial and
nontrivialME sets. As the following example shows, the converse part
of the lemma does not hold for trivial ME sets.

Example3.3. M721 is generated by clen 7. However, there are not
d - 1 = 10 intervals of clen 7 associated with one particular dlen.
Hence clen 7 must be ambiguous. In fact, 7 E <6>n<7>.
The following lemma and corollary, given without proof, are well-
known in number theory.
Lemma 3.5. If (c,d) = 1, then there exist unique integers g1 and g2,
1 < g1, g2 < c - 1, such that dg1 - 1 and dg2 = -1 (mod c).
Corollary 3.1. Let c, d, gl, g2 be as in the above lemma. Then
g2 = c - gl.
As established in part 1, there are three classes of ME sets based on
(c,d): class A, (c,d) = 1; class B, (c,d) = d; and class C, l<(c,d)<d.
The following theorem shows that the generator of M, d if there is
one, is dependent upon (c,d).
Theorem 3.1. Let MC,d = {Do, D ..., DdZ_}. Then
A. The following are equivalent.
(1A) (c,d) = 1.
(2A) All nonzero interval spectrums have two elements.
(3A) gl, g2, as defined in lemma 3.5 exist and are generators.
B. The following are equivalent.
(1B) (c,d) = d.
(2B) All interval spectrums have one element.
(3B) cld and c-cld are generators.
C. The following are equivalent.
(1C) l<(c,d)<d.
(2C) There is at least one nonzero spectrumwith one element
and one with two elements.
(3C) Mc,d has no generator.
A. (1A=>2A)Assume (c,d) = 1. Then every nonzero spectrumhas
two elements (lemma 1.3).
(2A:=3A) Note that <dl(c,d)> = {cl(c,d)} (lemma 1.7). Since
every nonzero spectrum has two elements, we must conclude that
(c, d)= 1, else there would be a nonzero one-element spectrum,
namely <dl(c, d)> (lemma 1.7). Hence gl and g2 as in lemma 3.2
exist. Consider gI with dg =- -1 (mod c). There exists an I, 1 < I <
d - 1, such that cl = dg, + 1. It follows that, for the set of d intervals
associated with I, there are precisely d - 1 of them with clen g, (the-
orem 1.11). Thus gl is a generator (lemma 3.4). By lemma 3.1 and
corollary 3.1, MC,d is also generated by g2.
(3A-1A) Clearly if dgl -1 (mod c) or dg2 1 (mod c), then
(c, d)= 1.
B. (1B:>2B) Assume (c,d) = d. Then <I> = {cIld} (lemma 1.7),
implying every spectrum has one element.

(2B=3B) Assume every spectrum has one element. Consider the
intervals of dlen 1. By theorem 1.11, c * 1 = dq. Thus dI c and
<1> = {c/d} (lemma 1.7). It follows that
MC,d = {Do, Do + cld, Do + 2(c/d), .. , Do + (d - l)(c/d)}
and hence cld is a generator. Further, c - cld is a generator (lemma
(3B=>1B)If cld and c - cld are generators, then cld must be an
integer. Thus (c,d) = d.
C. Here the method is to show that 1C and 2C imply each other,
and that 1C and 3C imply each other.
(1C=2C) Assume 1 <(c,d)<d. Then d does not divide c, and hence
c * 1 = dq + r, where 1 - r - d - 1. It follows that <1> is a two-
element spectrum (theorem 1.11). If I = c-,d) then <I> is a one-
element spectrum (lemma 1.7). Thus M,. has both one- and two-
element nonzero spectrums.
(2C=>1C)Assume that there is at least one 1-element nonzero spec-
trum and at least one 2-element spectrum. If (c,d) = 1, then there are
no 1-element nonzero spectrums(part A); and if (c,d) = d, then there
are no 2-element spectrums (part B). Hence 1 < (c,d) < d.
(1C=3C) This follows immediately from lemma 3.3.
(3C=1C) From parts A and B we know that if (c,d) = 1 or (c,d) =
d, then Mcd is a generated set. Hence if Mc.d is not a generated set,
then 1 < (c,d) < d. ?
Theorem 3. 1 will be important in relation to complementaryME
sets, considered in the next section. We will also need to consider triv-
ial ME sets.
Theorem 3.2. Trivial ME sets are generated.
Proof. Since neither Mco nor MC,,has a second element which can
be generated with reference to a first element, we may consider any g,
O - g < c - 1, to be a generator. Any clen that is coprime to c is a
generator for Mc.c_- or M,,.

ME complements

In the study of ME sets, as in atonal set theory, the complement of

a set with respect to the chromatic universe turns out to be an object
of considerable interest. The reader may already have a number of
insights regardingthe complementation of the usual diatonic and (an-
hemitonic) pentatonic sets, M127 and M125.In this section we will see
how some of these insights may be generalized for diatonic sets or all
ME sets.

We will usually speak, not of literal complementation (as in the
case of white and black keys), but of "abstract"complementation. As
in atonal set theory, if each of two set classes includes one of a pair of
literally complementarysets, then we say that the two set classes are
abstractlycomplementary.For example, M(12,7) and M(12,5) are ab-
stractlycomplementary, since they contain, respectively, the C-major
set {0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11} and the literally complementarypentatonic set
{1, 3, 6, 8, 10}. Where the terms literaland abstractare omitted in our
discussion, the distinction will be clear from context.
Definition 3.2. The complement of D,d, compl(D.d), is Uc\D,d
(the set consisting of all elements of Uc not in D,, ). Note that the
cardinality of compl(Dc,d) is c - d.
We will state without proof two lemma easily proved in elementary
number theory, and then prove that the complement of a ME set is
itself a ME set.
Lemma 3.6. For any integers p and d there exist integers q and r,
0 c- r < d
c-7 - 1, such that
c = dq + (c,d)r.
Lemma 3.7. Let c, d, x, y, z be integers such that
x y z
c+d =(c,d)
Then c divides (c,d)x and d divides (c,d)y.
Theorem 3.3. Jcd and JCl-dl, 0 < m < c - 1, are complementary
sets; that is, JCd = compl(J d).
Proof. Let m = j(c,d) + r, where 0 < r < (c,d) - 1. Then
c- m- =(c- (j+ 1)(c,d)) + ((c,d) - r - 1)
(where 0 < (c,d) - r - 1 - (c,d) - 1).
= = J c-(j+(cdl
So Jm,d jlc and Jc-dl (lemma 1.11). Thus we need
only show that JCCdd)and Jc (+ l)cc,d)are complementary sets. But since
1 (c,d)
I c,d = d andcIJc = c - d, these two sets are literally com-
plementary if and only if they have no elements in common.
Assume, to the contrary, that the two sets have one or more ele-
ments in common. By definition the elements of Jfc,d) and
+ (c , 0 -
cM +cd - are )c,d)] N d 1, and
cM +
c -d(,+ )(c,d 0 -< M - c - d- 1, respectively. Then
by assumption there exist M and N such that
cN + j(c,d) [cM + c-( + l)(c,d)
d c-d PI

for some pitch class p.
Then by lemma 3.6
cN + j(c,d) = dp + (c,d)rl,
where 0 < rl d/(c,d) - 1, and
cM + c-(j + l)(c,d) = (c-d)p + (c,d)r2,
where 0 - r2 - d/(c,d) - 1) - 1, noting here that (c, c - d) = (c,d).
Now, adding the remainder inequalities, we get
0 -- rl + r2 --(c-- - 2.
With some manipulation we solve cN+j(c,d) = dp + (c,d)rI for p.
Substitutingappropriatelyin cM + c-(j + 1)(c,d)=(c-d)p + (c,d)r2
we obtain
r2 + r2 + 1 (c/(c,d))N + j + r _ M + N + 1
c + d (c,d)
Thus c divides (c,d)(rl + r2 + l)(lemma 3.7). Clearly (c,d)(rl+
r2 + 1) = 0; therefore
(c,d)(rl + r2 + 1)-c
rl + r2 '- c,-1,

contradicting the previous computation. We conclude that J1"i and

Jc,d are complementary sets. 0
Corollary 3.2. For any Mc,d, compl(M,d) E M(c,c-d).
Proof. This follows directly from theorems 1.2, 1.5, and 3.3. ?
Examples 3.4. (i) Compl(J25) = J
(ii) Compl(2.8) = J12,4
What is the relationship between complementation and g-gener-
ated ME sets? It is well-known that the usual diatonic and pentatonic
sets are both generated by dens 5 or 7. Is it true in general that the
complement of a g-generated ME set is also g-generated?The follow-
ing theorem provides the answer.
Theorem 3.4. Mc,d and compl(M,d) are both generated ME sets if
and only if (c,d) = 1 or d = 0, 2, c.
(4>) We will prove the contrapositive.
(a) If (c,d) = 1 and c/2 < d < c, then 1 < (c,d) < d, and M,C/has no
generator (theorem 3.1, C).

(b) If (c,d) 1 and 0 < d < c/2, then c - > c - d > c -c/2, im-
plying c/2 < c - d < c. Thus 1 < (c, c- d)<c - d (since c,d) = (c,
c - d) and d < c/2), implying compl(Mcd) = Mcc _ d has no generator
(theorem 3.1, C). Thus if Mc d and compl(M,cd) are both generated
ME sets, then either (c,d) = 1 or d = 0, c/2, c.
(a) If (c,d) = 1, then (c,c - d) = 1, and both Mc d and compl(Mc,d)
are generated ME sets (theorems 3.1, A and 3.2).
(b) If d = 0, or d = c, then the corresponding ME sets and their
complements are trivially ME, hence generated (theorem 3.2).
(c) If d = c/2, then (c, c-d) = (c,c12) = c/2, and both Mc,/2 and
compl(Mc.c/2) are generated ME sets (theorem 3.1, B). ?
Having gained some understandingof ME set complements, we are
now at a logical place to recall the constructionof ME sets by means
of points distributedaround the circumferenceof a circle. The follow-
ing theorem proves the claim that this construction,firstpresented fol-
lowing example 1.4, yields a ME set and its complement.
Theorem3.5. Let c and d be positive integers such that d < c. Place
d white points equidistantly around the circumference of a circle.
Then place c - d black points equidistantlyaround the circumference
so that no two points (one white, one black) are in the same location.
Assume that intervals from one point to another are measured clock-
wise aroundthe circumference.Assign clen 1 to every adjacent pair of
points, regardlessof color. Then both the set of white points and the
set of black points represent ME sets in a chromatic universe of car-
dinality c.
Proof. Clearly if d = c - d, then the theorem holds true. If d = c
- d, we may assume without loss of generality that d > c - d. The
general approach to the proof will be as follows:
(a) Find the smallest clockwise distance from a white to a black
point; call this distance 8 (fig. 12a).
(b) Call the white point a0. Moving clockwise around the circle, call
the other points a1, a2, . . ., a , consecutively. Assume that the dis-
tance aroundthe circumferenceis d. Calculatethe distancesfrom a0 to
all points in terms of 8 and d (fig. 12b), and label each point with its
respective distance from ao.
(c) Define an order-preservingmap u that sends aj to j (fig. 12c).
(d) Show that o maps the black points (and hence the white points)
to a ME set.
After points have been labeled with their distances from a,, the sets

Sc,d = {0, 1, 2, .... ,- 1},

2d (c - d - l)d
S a + c -dd
Sc,c-d d'8 + c - d ... .+ c- d

(a) c= 9, d =5

0 5 O (a o)
Oo (a() (a))

14 8 a-) a (7) 2

5 4

5+5/2 <(.as) 7(a

a +

Figure 12. Construction of ME sets with superimposed circles.

represent the sets of white and black points, respectively. Now, if

8 + Jd + 1, then,since/_ <L^J + 1,we
c- d>
have8 c+ d< + d] + 1 implying

<() c- d]( + 1)<8,

contradictingthe assumption that 8 is the smallest clockwise distance
from aa white point
from point a black
to a black Thus
Thus .

rjd jd
c- d] < + - c <[ -d
where 0 < j < c - d - 1. Let Sc = Sc,d U Sc,c-d Then

sc=o0', l,,,], [)jd

c- d .. + c -... dd[d], .c +
c - d 1}
will be the set of points listed in order of magnitude. Label these el-
ements ao, a, . . ., ac-1, respectively. Then
Sc = {aO,al, ..,
. ac-l}'
Now construct a map crsuch that
S:Sc-- Uc
aj ---j,
where Uc is the chromatic universe. Clearly r is well defined, onto,
one-to-one, and preserves order. Further, cr maps 8 + c - d to

[c -d +j+ 1.
We now show that ('(Scd) and C(S,,c-d) are ME sets.
d 6 s
6=" (c - d- 1)d
O'(Sc,cd) = 0(8), (85+ c - d) . . . (c d

{[0- d] + 1, [ d]
- d) -
+ 2, .... [ + (c+d)}

c + (c - d)] 1 c + (c- d)
c- d [[ c-d d
[(c-d-1) c + (c-d)]

={Jc 0, JJ,(1)
=JC,c- d(?) c,c....,
-d( -d JCCC -c d d - 1})

=J,C-d E M(c, c - d).

Thus r (Sc, -d) is a ME set, and, since complements of ME sets are
ME sets, a(S,d) must also be a ME set. ?
The reader will recall that M(c), the ME set whose spectrum is a
smallest proper superset of Cc, played a role in the characterizationof
diatonic sets. A similaror "inverse"situation exists with respect to the
characterizationof diatonic set complements.
Definition 3.3. ~M(c)(read "max-c") is the set of ME sets whose

spectrumsare the largest proper subsets of Cc. That is, Mc,d E M(c) if
and only if both of the following hold true:
(1) Spec(M, d) is properly included in Cc
(2) For all M,d such that spec(M,d) is properly included in CC,
I spec(Mc,d) I I spec(Mcd) I.
We write Mc to indicate an element in M(c).
Example 3.5. M(12) = M(12,5), the usual pentatonic set.
Spec(M12,5)= {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10} = C12\{1, 6, 11}.
The question naturallyarises: for any particularchoice of c, is there
a unique d such that M(c,d- = M(c)?In contrastto the situation with
M(c), examined previously, there are no problem cases here, as the
following theorem shows.
Theorem 3.6. Let c 2.
(i) If c = 2, 4, 6, then M(c) = M(c,c/2) and I spec( Mc)I = c/2.
(ii) If c is odd, then M(c) = M(c,(c - 1)/2) and
I spec(Mc) I = c - 2.
(iii) If c is even and c- 8, then M(c) = M(c,c/2 - 1) and
(a) if c 0 (mod 4), then I spec(Mc)I= c - 3, or
(b) if c 2 (mod 4), then I spec(M,)l = c - 4.
Proof. In general, to prove M(c) = M(c,d) for a particularvalue of
d, we first compute I spec(Mcd) I. We then show that there is no d*
such that d* - d and I spec(M, d) I - I spec(M, d*) I < c.
(i) We can show by computation that for c = 2, 4, 6, M(c) =
M(c,c/2). Further,
I spec(Mc c/2) I =2 (c/2) - (c, c/2)(lemma 2.14)
=c - c/2
= c/2.

(ii) Assume c is odd. Then c - 2((c- 1)/2) = 1, implying (c, (c-1)/

2) = 1 (lemma 2.18). Then
I spec(M,(c_1)/2) I = 2((c-1)/2) - (c, (c-1)/2)
=(c -1) -1
=c -2.

If d > c/2, then Cc is included in spec (M, d) (theorem 1.12); hence

d < c/2. Further, MC,dhas no ambiguities(lemma 2.2), implyingspec-
(M, d) is included in Cc. Let d = (c - 1)/2 - n, where 1 < n (c -
1)/2. We will show I spec(Mc.d) I c - 2. Then
I spec(M,d) I = I spec(M, (c-1)12-i_) I
= 2((c - 1)/2 - n) - (c,c - 1)/2 -n)(lemma
- (c - 1-2n)- 1 (since (c,(c - 1)/2 - n) - 1)
cc - 4 (since n - 1).

Thus Mc,d (i~M(c). It follows that M(c) = M(c,(c - 1)/2).
(iii) Assume c is even and c :-8.
We can show by computation that M(8) = M(8,812 - 1) and
I spec(M8,3) I = 8 - 3. Thus for c = 8 we have M(c) = M(c,c12 -
1) and I spec(Mc, c/21) I= C- 3.
Now suppose c > 8. As in (i) above, d ? c12 (theorem 1.12) and
Mcd has no ambiguities (lemma 2.2). Hence spec(Mc,d) is included in
Cc. We now consider the two cases (a) c 0 (mod 4) and (b) c 2
(mod 4).
(a) If c 0 (mod 4), then d = c12 - 1 must be odd. Thus (2, d) = 1.
Further, d - c12 = -1, implying (c12, d) = 1 (lemma 2.18). Thus
(c, d) = 1 (lemma 2.13), and
I spec(M,12-1) I =2(c/2 - 1) - (c, c/2 - 1)
= (c - 2) - 1
c - 3.
(b) If c 2 (mod 4), then d = c12 - 1 must be even, implying (c,
d) : 2. Also c - 2(c12 - 1) = 2, implying (c,d) ? 2 (lemma 2.18).
Thus (c,d) = 2 and
I spec(Mh,,c/21)I = 2(c12 - 1) - (c,d)
=(c - 2) 2
c - 4.
In either case
I spec(M,,,/2 ) I c - 3.
Thus spec(M,, 2 -1) is properly included in C, (lemma 2.2). Further,
I spec(M,,c/2-1) I : c - 4.
Now we must show that for d = c12 - n, where 2 - n - c/2,
I spec(M,,,2-n) I< c - 4.
I spec(M,c/2,-) I = 2(c12 - n) - (c, c12 - n)
(c - 2n) - 1 (since (c, c/2 - n) ? 1)
c - 5 (since n ? 2)
<c -4.
Hence if d < c/2 - 1, then I spec(Mc,d) I < I spec(M,.2,,/2-) 1. Now we
consider d = c/2.
I spec (Mc,02) I = 2(c/2) - (c, c/2)
c - c/2
<c - 4 (since c > 8).

Thus I spec(Mc,c2) I < I spec(Mc,,/2-) I. Since we can show by com-
putation that M(8) = M(8,3), we conclude that if c is even and c - 8,
then M(c) = M(c,c/2 - 1). ?
We will return to our investigation of the properties of M(c) and
M(c) later. First we explore some further relationships between dia-
tonic sets and their complements.
Recall that diatonic sets have precisely one tritone. Indeed we used
this property in the construction of diatonic sets. In the case of dia-
tonic set complements, the clen c/2 - 2 (the major 3d in the usual
diatonic set) plays a similarrole-it is the singularintervalof this clen.
Lemma 3.8 below shows that ME sets with precisely one interval of
this clen are restricted to particularrelationshipsbetween c and d. In
preparation for the lemma, note- r<
that up to this point we have been
writing cl = dq + r where 0 d, attachinglittle or no importance
to the quantity q; however

cI = dq + r= d[ ] + r.

Lemma 3.8. Let c > 8. Then Mcd has precisely one interval of clen
c/2 - 2 if and only if (c,d) = 1 and either c = 2(d + 1) or c = 2(3d -
(>) c - 8 implies c/2 - 2 - 2, which in turn implies that clen c/2
- 2 is in a nonzero interval spectrum (theorem 1.11); also note that
- > 0 implies I = O.) If Mc. has precisely one interval of clen c/2 -

, fien there exists an interval of dlen I such that c/2 - 2 E <I> and
cl = d[- + 1 or c = d[- + (d - 1) (theorem 1.11). In either
case since (c,d) divides c and d, (c,d) must divide 1; thus (c,d) = 1,
and clearly d # c/2, else (c,d) = 1. Thus either d > c/2 or d < c/2. We
consider each of these cases in turn.
Case 1. Suppose d > c/2. Then Mc, has a tritone ambiguity and
2\ 1> n d 2 / = {c
(lemma 2.8). Since (c,d) = 1 every non-
zero spectrum has two elements (lemma 1.3). It follows that c/2 - 1
E 22 1> Hence c/2 - 2 E <d 2 >, since both c/2 and c/2 - 1
- 3)/2)
are in <d-~ 2 >. Then either [c((d d c/2 - 2 or
- 3)/2)]
(( d )] + 1 = c/2 - 2(theorem 1.11). We nowconsiderthese
5wo subcases in turn.
(i) If[c((d 3)/2 2, h

c((d - 3)/2 = d[((d 32 + d - 1 (theorem 1.11)
= d(c/2 - 2) + d - 1
3c = 2d + 2
-2 c + 2 (since d - c)
c - 2 (contradiction).
(ii) f [c((d 3)/2) + 1 = 2 - 2, then
c((d - 3)/2) c/2

c((d - 3)/2 = d[c((d + 1 (theorem 1.11)
= d(c/2 - 3) + 1
3c= 6d -2.
But this would imply 3 divides 2 (contradiction).
Case 2. If d < c/2, then there are no ambiguities (lemma 2.2) and
no tritones (lemma 2.8). Since (c,d) = 1 every nonzero spectrum has
two elements (lemma 1.3). Hence <d 2 1>has two elements and has
no tritone. Thus c/2 - 2 E <d -2 > It follows that either
[c((d - 1)/2) / c((d - 1)/2)1
[ d c/2-2 or d + 1 = c/2 - 2(theorem
1.11).We now consider these two subcases in turn.
(i) If[c((d 1)/2) 2 2, then

c((d - 1)/2) = d[(d d- 12) + d - 1 (theorem 1.11)

= d(c/2 - 2) + d - 1
c = 2(d + 1).

() If[c d1 + 1 = c/2 - 2, then [c(d 2)=c/2

- 3, and

c(d - 1)/2) = [c(( d )]) + 1 (theorem 1.11)

=d(c/2 - 3) + 1
c = 2(3d - 1).

(<=) From (c,d) = 1 and either c = 2(d + 1) or c = 2(3d - 1), it
follows that c must be even and d odd. Further, every nonzero spec-
trum has two elements (lemma 1.3) and Mc,d has no tritones (lemma
2.8). Hence if c/2 - 2 is in any interval spectrum, it must be in
d - 1>
Case 1. Assume c = 2(d + 1). Then
[cl] [c((d1)/2)d

= c/2 - 2
+ c- 2 (since c = 2(d + 1))

= c/2 - 2 (since c - 8).

Thus c/2 - 2 E <(d - 1)/2> (theorem 1.11). Further
c((d - 1)/2)= d(c/2 - 1) + (d - 1) (since c = 2(d + 1))
c ((d -
=dc(d d 1)/2)]
1)2) + (d - 1).

Thus there is precisely one interval of clen [c((d 1)/2) (theorem

1.11; also note that I = (d - 1)/2). But, as shown above,
c((d- = c/2 -
1)/2) 2.
Case 2. Assume c = 2(3d -1). Then
[ci= [c((d - 1)/2)]

= c/2 - 3 + (since c = 2(3d

= c/2 - 3 (since c > 8).
Thus c/2 2 E <(d - 1)/2> (lemma 1.3 and theorem 1.11). Further
c((d - 1)/2) = d(c/2 - 3) + 1 (since c = 2(3d -1))
=d[c((d 1)/2)1 + 1.
d[ d
Thus there is precisely one interval of clen c((d 1)/2) (theo-

rem 1.11).But, as implied 1)/2) + 1 = c/2 - 2.

' ~~~~d[c((d
above, +1 / .

If a set contains precisely one interval of clen c/2 - 2, it must con-
tain precisely one interval of clen c - (c/2 - 2) = c/2 + 2, and the
converse is also true (theorem 1.11). Therefore, in the above lemma
and henceforth, whatever is implied by a singularinstance of c/2 - 2
is also implied by a singular instance of c/2 + 2.
Examples3.6. The case c = 2(d + 1)from lemma 3.8 is exemplified
by M(16,7); the case c = 2(3d - 1) is exemplifiedby M(16,3). Each of
the ME sets in these classes has exactly one interval of clen 6 = 16/2
- 2.
We are now in a position to prove the characterizationtheorem for
diatonic set complements. The equivalent conditions enumerated for
diatonic set complements are to some extent "complementary" to
those enumerated for diatonic sets in theorem 2.2; also, as in the case
of diatonic sets, the condition c = 0 (mod 4) is central here.
Theorem 3.7. For Mc, with c - 8, the following are equivalent:
(1) M, d is the complement of a diatonic set.
(2) Mc,d has precisely one interval of clen c/2 - 2 and c : 2(3d
- 1).
(3) c = 2(d + 1) and (c,d) = 1.
(4) c = 2(d + 1) and d is odd.
(5) c = 2(d + 1) and c 0 (mod 4).
(6) M, d has precisely two intervals of clen 3, and c 0 (mod 4).
(7) M(c,d) = M(c), and c 0 (mod 4).
(8) c is even and spec(Mc, ) = Cc {1, , c - 1}.
(9) I spec(MC,d) I = c - 3.
Proof. We will show 2 < 3, then 1 >3 = 4 > 5 6 > 7 => 8=
9 1.
(2 < 3) This follows directly from lemma 3.8.
(1 = 3) If Mc d is the complement of a diatonic set, then
compl(Mc,d) = Mc,c-d is a diatonic set. Then c = 2((c - d) - 1), and
(c, c - d) = 1 (theorem 2.2). Thus c = 2(d + 1) and (c,d) = 1.
(3 => 4) Assume c = 2(d + 1) and (c,d) = 1. Then d must be odd,
else (c,d) - 2.
(4 = 5) Assume c = 2(d + 1) and d is odd. Then d + 1 is even,
hence 4 divides 2(d + 1). Thus c= 0 (mod 4).
(5 = 6) Assume c = 2(d + 1) and c 0 (mod 4). It follows that
c = 2d + 2. But then

c1= [ ]+ 2
and there must be two intervals associated with dlen 1 whose clen is
[c- + 1 = 3(theorem 1.11). Since Mc, hasnoambiguities(lemma

2.2), there must be precisely two intervals of clen 3 and, by assump-
tion, c- 0 (mod 4).
(6 = 7) Assume Mcd has precisely two intervalsof clen 3, and c 0
(mod 4). If 3 is an ambiguous clen, then there exists an I, 0 < I d
- 1, suchthat <I> n<I + 1> = {3}and[j] + 1 = [c(d ] =3
(lemma 2.4).
But since 3 is associated with both I and I + 1, and since there are
precisely two intervals of clen 3, we have

I=[jd + d - 1)
(theorem 1.11)

c(I+ 1)= c(I + 1)]d 1

Since -] + 1 = [cI ] = 3, we have

c = 3d- 1
c(I + 1) = 3d + 1.
Putting these two equations together, we get c = 2, contradictingthe
assumption that c - 8. Hence 3 cannot be an ambiguous clen.
Since both intervals of clen 3 must be associated with the same
dlen, say I, then either [] = 3 or []
+ 1 = 3 (lemma 1.9). If
[] = 3,then

cl = [j]d + d - 2 (theorem 1.11)

= 4d -2.
But since c 0 (mod 4), 4 divides c, and since 4 divides 4d, 4 must
divide 2 (contradiction). It follows that I] + 1 = 3. But then

cI = [j]d + 2 (theorem 1.11)

=2d + 2.

Since C[] E <I> (lemma 1.9), 2 E <I>, implying I= 1 or 2. If

I= 2, then

c 2 = 2d + 2
c=d+ 1.
Since c > 8, we have d - 7. Hence
c(i + 1) c 31
[ d ] [j-
= 3 + [a] (since c = d + 1)

=3 (since d 2 7).
But then 3 would be an ambiguous clen (lemma 1.9) (i.e., 3 E
<2>n<3>, contradiction). It follows that I = 1 and c ? 1 = 2d + 2.
Thus d = c/2 + 1, and since c 0 (mod 4), M(c,d) = M(c) (theorem
(7 4 8) Assume c =0 (mod 4) and M(c,d) = M(c). Then d = 2 -
1 (theorem 3.6). Thus d < 2, implyingMCd has no ambiguities(lemma

2.2) and all elements of spec(Mcd) have multiplicityone. Then [c] is

the smallest element in <1> (lemma 1.9) and thus the smallest non-
zero element in spec(Mc,d). But [] - 2 since d < It follows that 1
Q spec(Mcd). Further, no interval spectrum includes c - 1 (theorem
1.11) and hence c - 1 4 spec(Mc d). Further, since c 0 (mod 4) and
d = - 1, c is even, d is odd, and d < 2. Thus 2 E spec(Mcd)(lemma
2.8, i). Since c = 0 (mod 4) and M(c,d) = M(c), I spec(Mc.d) I = c -
3 (theorem 3.6). And since spec(Mc.d) has no elements of multiplicity
2, we conclude that spec(Mcd) = Cc\{1, 2, c - 1}.
(8 > 9) I Spec(Mc d) I = c - 3 follows immediately from
spec(Mc,d) = Cc\{1, , c - 1}.
(9 = 1) Assume I spec(Mc.d) I = c - 3. Then 2d - (c,d) = c - 3
(lemma 2.14), implying (c,d) = 1 or 3, since (c,d) divides both c and
d. If (c,d) = 3, then
2d - (c,d) = c - 3
2d - 3 = c - 3

c c
But then (c,d) = 2, implying 2 = 3. Thus c = 6, contradictingthe as-
sumption c - 8. If (c,d) = 1, then

2d - (c,d) = c - 3
2d - 1= c - 3

But then compl(M,,d) = Mc c-d, and
c - d = c - (c/2 - 1) (since d = c/2 - 1)
c = 2[(c - d) - 1].
Hence c is even, and since (c,d) = 1, (c, c - d) = 1, implying c - d
is odd. Thus Mcc-d is a diatonic set (theorem 2.2). It follows that Mcd
is the complement of a diatonic set. ?
In light of theorem 3.7, we now introduce some logical extensions
of our terminology for diatonic sets.
Definitions3.4. We say that the complement of a diatonic set is a
pentatonic set; the complement of a usual diatonic set is a usual pen-
tatonicset; the complement of a hyperdiatonicset is a hyperpentatonic
Note that with the exception of the usual pentatonic ("black key")
sets, which have five notes, the infinitely many other pentatonic sets,
which we call hyperpentatonic, are not 5-note sets. Note also that, in
the 12-note chromatic universe, the class pentatonic does not include
5-note sets other than the usual pentatonic. While these possible con-
fusions are unfortunate, they are outweighed in the present context by
the symmetry between definitions for diatonic and pentatonic sets,
which reinforces our results on complementation. To avoid one of the
pitfalls noted above, we will use the cautionaryterm (hyper)pentatonic
instead of pentatonic.
The extremal sets M(c) and M(c) play "complementary"roles in
characterizingdiatonic and (hyper)pentatonicsets, respectively. From
theorems 2.2 and 3.6 we see that if Mc d is a diatonic set or if com-
pl(MCd) is a (hyper)pentatonic set, then Mcd E M(c), and com-
pl(MCd) E M(c). We now show that the connections among these
extremal, diatonic, and (hyper)pentatonic sets are still deeper.
Theorem 3.8. Let c - 8. Then the following are equivalent:
(1) Mcd E M(c), and compl(Mc, ) E M(c).
(2) M(c) is the set of diatonic sets in Uc.
(3) M(c) is the set of (hyper)pentatonic sets in Uc.
Proof. It is clear from theorems 2.1 and 3.5 that statement 1 holds
if c 0 (mod 4) and d = c/2 + 1, or possibly if c = 3 (mod 6) as the-
orem 2.1 does not include this case. First we will show that statement
1 does not hold if c = 3 (mod 6).

If c 3 (mod 6), then c is odd and, by theorem 3.6, M(c) = M
(c,(c - 1)/2). It follows that if compl(Mc,d) = Mc,c-d E M(c, (c - 1)/
2), then c - d = (c - 1)/2 and hence d = (c + 1)/2. But then
I spec(Mc,(c+1)/2) I = 2((c + 1)/2) - (c, (c + 1)/2) (lemma 2.14)
_ 2((c + 1)/2) - 1
- C.

Hence spec(M,(c+1)/2) does not properly contain Cc, implying

c,(c+1)/2 ( M(c). Thus statement 1 holds if and only if c = 0 (mod 4)
and d = c/2 + 1. The equivalences between statements 1 and 2 and
statements 1 and 3 follow immediately from theorems 2.2 and 3.6, re-
spectively. ?
It is well-known that the usual diatonic and usual pentatonic sets
are generated by dens 7 and 5-their cardinalities. Theorem 3.9
below shows that this is a general propertyof diatonic and (hyper)pen-
tatonic sets.
Theorem 3.9. Any diatonic or (hyper)pentatonicset with parame-
ters c,d may be generated by d. (The cardinalityof the set is a gen-
Proof. If Mc,d is a diatonic set or its complement, then c 0 (mod
4), (c,d) = 1, and d = 2 + 1 (theorems 2.2 and 3.6). Then there exists
g, 1 < g < c - 1, such that dg- 1 (mod c)(lemma 3.5), and g is a
generator (theorem 3.1, ii). We now show that g = d = 2 + 1 is a so-
lution to this equation.
dg-(2 -+ 1) (2 1)
c () + c + 1
1 (mod c) (since c 0 (mod 4)).
Thus d is a generator. @
(In addition to the (hyper)diatonicand (hyper)pentatonicsets, the
sets generated by Balzano (1980) are also ME sets generated by dens
equal to their cardinalities. We leave it to the reader to verify this.)
As theorem 2.3 shows, when c 0 (mod 4), a tritone plus one ad-
ditional pc is sufficient to define a unique transposition of a diatonic
set. Clearly, the same procedure defines by exclusion a unique trans-
position of a (hyper)pentatonic set. Is there a similar procedure that
defines a unique transpositionof a (hyper)pentatonicset by inclusion
(and hence a unique transpositionof a diatonic set by exclusion)? It is
easy to see, though perhaps not widely recognized, that the choice of
any two pcs capable of forming a major 3d defines by exclusion a
unique transposition of the diatonic set. Suppose we choose, for ex-
ample, pcs FI/G6 and AB/Bk. These are of course the excluded
boundarynotes of the C-major set on the circle of 5ths. It is clear that
the only diatonic set which excludes both of these pcs is the C-major
set. We now show that such a property exists quite generally in the
world of diatonic sets and their complementary (hyper)pentatonic
Theorem 3.10. Let c 0 (mod 4) and let {Di, Dj) be a pcset such
that clen(Di, Dj) = c/2 - 2. Then there is a unique transpositionof a
(hyper)pentatonicset, say Mc d, which includes {Di, Dj}, and hence a
unique transposition of a diatonic set, compl(M,d), which excludes
{Di, Dj}.
Proof. Assume Mc,d and Mcd are two distinct (hyper)pentatonic
sets that each include {Di, Dj}. Then MCd is a transposition of Mc d
(theorem 1.6) and hence M,cd = {k} + Mc,d. Further k is not congru-
ent to 0 (mod c), else Mc.d = M ,. From Mc.d D {Di, Dj} it follows that
MC,d D {k + Di, k + Dj}. But then

clen(k + Di, k + Dj) - (k ++ D)

Dj - Di (mod c)
= clen(Di,
=c/2 - 2,

implying Mc,d has two intervals of clen c/2 - 2 and contradictingthe

assumption that Mc,d is a (hyper)pentatonic set (theorem 3.7). ?
Finally, what of the constructionof (hyper)pentatonicsets? Given
appropriatevalues for c and d, we can construct a (hyper)pentatonic
Mc,d by using the Clough-Myersonalgorithm(theorem 1.1), or by the
method of fig. 1, or by superposing intervals of clen d (theorem 3.9).
Or we may construct a complementarydiatonic set, M ,.c-d, by means
of the method illustrated in figs. 10 and 11-the remaining notes are
the desired (hyper)pentatonic set.
The latter method is indirect, but theorem 3.7 suggests a direct
method along the same lines. Recall from the theorem that a (hyper)-
pentatonic set contains one interval of clen c/2 - 2 and two intervals
of clen 3. Begin the constructionwith the singularinterval c/2 - 2. To
this interval attach the two intervals of clen 3; one of these should be
attached to each of the initial notes, outsidethe intervalof c/2 - 2 (and
inside the complementaryintervalof c/2 + 2). Complete the construc-
tion by filling in whole steps where intervalslarger than clen 3 remain.
The method of construction illustrated in figs. 10 and 11, and
adapted to the (hyper)pentatoniccase above, provides insight regard-
ing the interval content of diatonic and (hyper)pentatonicsets. In dia-
tonic sets, the various dens appear as follows (we write "#clen j" for

"the multiplicity of clen j"):
#clen j = j + 1, for odd j < c/2
#clen j = c/2 - j + 1, for even j - c/2
#clen j = #clen c - j, for j > c/2
And for (hyper)pentatonic sets:
#clen j j - 1, for odd j < c/2
#clen j = c/2 - j - 1, for even j < c/2
#clen j = 0, for j = c/2
#clen j = #clen c - j, for j > c/2
The above may be verified by means of theorem 1.11. Now with
reference to fig. 11 (the diatonic case), one can see that after the lone
tritone (clen c/2) and 2 half-steps (clen l's) are in place, the filling in
of whole-steps (clen 2's) will yield-for odd clens-4 intervals of clen
3, 6 intervals of clen 5, etc., and-for even clens-3 intervals of clen
c/2 - 2, 5 intervals of clen c/2 - 4, etc. And similarlyfor the (hyper)-
pentatonic case. Gamer's (1967) work has helped us to understandthe
unique multiplicityproperty of deep scales (i.e., all dens of 1 through
c/2 appear in different numbers); from theorem 1.11 and the construc-
tion method discussed above we gain some insight about the patternof
those unique multiplicitiesfor one kind of deep scale-the diatonic-
and about the pattern of multiplicities (which are similarlyunique ex-
cept for nonzero dens) in its complement-the (hyper)pentatonic.

Interval circles

Well known in tonal music are "circles" of dlen 2 or its comple-

ment, dlen 5 (upward and downward 3ds, respectively; e.g., in the
C-major set, C - E - G - B - D - F - A - C). Such circles are ME in the
following sense. The seven intervals of dlen 2-three of clen 4 and
four of clen 3 (major and minor 3ds)(theorem 1.11)-are distributed
as evenly as possible around the circle of 3ds: clen 4's alternate with
clen 3's except for one necessary juxtaposition of two clen 3's (see fig.
13a). As a more formal test for maximalevenness, we may reconceive
this structureas follows: the circle of 3's and 4's is reinterpretedto give
the dens for successive steps, thus doubling the size of the original
chromaticuniverse. The resultingset then turnsout to be precisely the
ME set with c = 24 and d = 7, pictured on fig. 13b.
In addition to ME circles of dlen 2,5, M12,7has ME circles of dlen
1, 6 (2ds, 7ths, respectively), and 3, 4 (4ths, Sths, respectively). The
circle of 4ths or 5ths is trivially ME in the sense that it has only one
clen different from the rest, so the location of this rare intervalrelative

to the other intervals is immaterial; the circle is ME in any event.
However the circle of 2ds (7ths) is nontrivially even: it has two rare
intervals-half steps-and they are maximallyseparated. In summary,
all interval circles in M12,7 are maximally even; one of them and its
inversion are trivially so, the others nontriviallyso.
The following theorem shows that, quite generally, interval circles
in ME sets are themselves maximally even.
Theorem 3.11. Let c, d be fixed such that c - d > I - 1 and let
Mc.d = {Do, D,..., Dd 1j.Then, for allj, 0 - j d - 1, there exists
an Mcd = {Eo, E1 . ... } such that clen(Dj,,
D(O+ = clen(Ej, Ei+ ), where the subscripts are reduced (mod d).
Proof. Since Mc d E M(c,d) there exists an m, 0 < m c - 1, such
that Mc.d = Jc, (theorem 1.5). Then

clen(DjZ, D(+ 1)) = clen(Jc"d(ij), Jc,((J' 1)))

Jcd((j + 1) )- Jc(jI)

[CI( + ) + m] [cI dm (mod c).

Now consider Jc,d = {E, E1 . , E-}. Then

clen(Ej,E(j l)) =_-<

:/c (i),JI
'"',c+ +
J'l,d(]') + 1))

[cl(j +1) m]
d[ j d+ ]
m (mod c/).

Clearly clen(Djl D(+ )l) -clen(Ej, Ej+ ) (mod c), and clen(Dj,,
D(t+l)l) clen(Ej, Ej+ ). Hence
clen(Ej, Ej+ ) = nc + clen(Dj,, D(+I)/),
where n is a non-negative integer. Now we need only show clen(Ej,
- c - 1.
By corollary 1.2, clen(Ej, Ej+l) = [], [1 + 1. Suppose d= c.

clen(E,, Ej+) = [1] (theorem 1.1)

d - 1
= c - 1.
Thus clen(Ej, Ej+,) =
clen(Dj,, DO.+1)).

(a) Circleof 3ds (b)M247

Figure 13. Isomorphism between traditional circle of 3ds and M24,7

Now suppose d < c. Then

clen(Ej, Ej+,) = [] [X] + 1

[c(d-1) +

C - 1.

Again, it follows that clen(Ej, Ej+l) = clen(Dj,, D(,+ l)). ?

Comparing the sets pictured in fig. 13a and 13b, we find that the
latter "collapses" into the former if pcs 14, 17, and 21 are reduced
(mod 12) to 2, 5, and 9; however this relationship does not hold in
general. We make the following conjecture: Let Mc,d and MC,,dbe as
in theorem 3.11. Now reduce the elements of MC,d modulo c and call
this set MI, d (mod c). Then Mc, d (mod c) = MC,dif and only if (d,
As another example of interval circles in ME sets, consider the
"quarter-tonediatonic" set M24,13. Since 13 is prime, all dlens will ex-
haust the set as they "circle." The circle of dlen 6 (or dlen 7) is trivial
in the same sense as the circle of 5ths in M12.7, but the circles of dlens
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (and their complements) are nontriviallyME-each
with a different distributionof "major" and "minor" sizes. This sce-
nario is depicted in fig. 14.

I dens of (Do, DI), (DI, D^2),(D21,D31).....(D121,Do)
1 l 2 2 2 2 2 l 2 2 2 2 22
2 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4
3 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 6
4 7 7 8 7 7 8 7 8 7 7 7 8
5 9 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 10 9 9 9 10
6 11 11 1 111 1111 11 11 11 11
11 11 12

12 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 22 22 22 22 22 23

Figure 14. Circles of dlen I in J4 13

Second-order ME sets

The triads and seventh chords of tonal music are usually defined as
subsets of the diatonic set M12,7 (with allowances for inflection in the
case of the minor mode). If the usual diatonic set is itself conceived as
a subset of the 12-note chromatic universe, then triads and seventh
chords are subsets of subsets. A question naturally arises here: if, as
we have seen, the diatonic set is ME, are the familiar chords, its sub-
sets, also ME? But how shall we interpret this question? If we mean
"are the diatonic triads and seventh chords maximally even with re-
spect to the 12-note chromatic?" then the answer is clearly "no." Of
the three 3-note diatonic chords (major, minor, and diminished triads)
and four 4-note diatonic chords (the correspondences "three" with "3-
note," "four" with "4-note" are due to CV; see part 1 above), none
is ME in this sense. In fact no 3- or 4-note subset of M12,7 is ME in this
sense, for M12 3 = the augmented triad and M12,4 = the diminished-
seventh chord, neither of which is a subset of M12,7.
Now suppose we put the question differently: if the diatonic set is
maximally even with respect to the chromatic universe, are the tertian
chords maximally even with respect to the diatonic set? To answer this
question, think of the diatonic set as though it were chromatic. (M12,7
is, after all, ME, which is to say that, within the 12-note equal-
tempered template, it is the best approximation to 7-note equal tem-
perament.) From this perspective, triads and seventh-chords are
maximally even. At this level they are in fact instances of M7 3 and
M7 4, respectively-the best approximations to 3- and 4-note equal
temperament within the 7-note template.

This tri-level structureis illustratedin fig. 15, where the outer circle
represents the 7-note diatonic as small white circles within the 12-note
chromatic, and the inner circle represents the triad {0, 2, 4} and the
seventh-chord {0, 2, 4, 6} within the 7-note diatonic reconceived as
"chromatic." The interval spectrums of these chords with respect to
their seven-note context are given beneath the figure. Here the unit
dlen is the distance from one chord note to the next higher; unit clen
is the upwardstep in the seven-note set. Maximal evenness is evident
from the fact that each dlen is associated with two dens. We call such
sets second-orderME sets.
Thus the complete roster of first- and second-order ME sets con-
sists of the augmented triad, diminished-seventhchord, three diatonic
triads, and four diatonic 7th chords-in the view of many theorists,
precisely the set of chords capable of harmonic function in tonal
music. It is interestingto note in passing that the tertian 9th chords are
not second-order ME sets, but the usual pentatonic scale and its dia-

7t chord = 10,2,4,6}

a\ E

Interval spectrums of triad and 7th-chord, with respect to 7-note diatonic:

triad: <1>={2, 3}, <2)={, 5}
7th-chord: <1>={1, 2}, <2>1{3, 4}, <3>={5, 6}

Interval vectors of triad and 7th-chord, with respect to 7-note diatonic:

triad: [0 2 1]
7th chord: [1 3 2]

Figure 15. Triad and seventh chord as second-order ME sets

tonic transpositions are. Also worthy of passing mention is the fact
that any particulartriad or seventh-chordis either a first-or a second-
order ME set but not both, while the usual pentatonic scale is both a
first-and a second-orderME set. Does this propertycarryover to dia-
tonic sets in general? We conjecture that it does.
The generic triads and seventh chords of M2, 7 are complementary:
extract a triad from the diatonic set and a seventh chord remains. The
seventh chord is the second-order ME set with cardinality(d + 1)/2,
and the triad is the second-order ME set with cardinality (d - 1)/2.
The relationshipof these cardinalitiesto d, the cardinalityof their dia-
tonic "universe," is similar to the relationship of d and c - d to c,
where the diatonic set is the first-order ME set with cardinality
(c + 2)/2 and its complementary pentatonic set is the first-orderME
set with cardinality (c - 2)/2. In each case, the two complementary
cardinalitiesare the smallest integer greater than, and the largest in-
teger less than, 1/2 the "parent" cardinality.
Conceived as second order ME sets, diatonic triads and 7th chords
are none other than a 4-note member of family A discussed earlier-
the family of "less interesting" sets with c = 2d - 1-and its 3-note
complement. Thus we are dealing with what may be reasonably de-
scribed as a quasi-diatonic set and its complement within a diatonic
set. The usual diatonic set is a member of family B (c = 2d - 2, d odd)
with respect to the total chromatic; the diatonic chords are members
of family A with respect to the usual diatonic set considered as "chro-
matic." As members of family A, triads and seventh chords lack a true
"circleof Sths" within the parent diatonic set: their generator with re-
spect to the usual diatonic set is the same as their "step"--a traditional
3d. However they have all the properties noted for this family by
Clough and Myerson: cardinalityequals variety, partitioning,and the
deep-scale property.
A significantconsequence of the deep-scaleness of triads and sev-
enth chords is that, by application of the well-known theorem, the
numberof common tones between two triads or two seventh chords in
the same diatonic set is given by the interval vector for those chords
within the diatonic set. For example, the interval vector of the triad,
given at the bottom of fig. 15, [0, 2, 1], that is, no intervals of 1-2ds
or 7ths, two intervalsof 2-3ds or 6ths-and one intervalof 3-4th or
5th; from the vector, we can read the familiarinformationthat if two
triads are related by step they have no common tones, if by 3d two
common tones, and if by 5th one common tone. These vectors are pre-
cisely the ones given by Gamer for 3-note deep scales in their 7-note
equal-tempered context in his classic paper on equal tempered sys-
tems (1967, 42). The vectors were later given with their "diatonic"
meaning as in fig. 15 in a paper by one of us (Clough, 1979, 48), but

their implications for common tones among triads and 7th chords have
not been previously noticed, as far as we know.
The structure observed here is remarkable for what it shows re-
garding relationships between three nested levels of pc sets, which
might be labeled chromatic,diatonic, and harmonic. The celebrated
unique multiplicity property of the diatonic set with its consequences
for hierarchical structuring of transpositions of that set within the 12-
tone chromatic, as first observed, we believe, by Milton Babbitt
(1965), is present as well in triads and seventh chords, considered as
subsets within a seven-note world, where the consequences of that
property for hierarchical structuring of transpositions may reasonably
be regarded as an important feature of tonal harmony.
To generalize the above, chromatic universes which support dia-
tonic sets also support nested arrays of first-order, second-order, and
high-order ME sets that are deep scales with respect to their parent
collections. We suggest that the concept of diatonic system might well
include, as an essential feature, the hierarchical aspects discussed
here. Thus, it would encompass the diatonic system as defined by
Agmon (our diatonic set), plus one or more additional levels of struc-
ture including, in the usual case, the harmonic level.
Further investigations along these lines may be expected to yield
additional insights regarding tonal music as we know it, and to provide
a basis for invention of hypertonal musics in microtonal worlds.

List of Works Cited

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