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By Judi Thomases

(Reprinted with permission from Dell Horoscope)

© 2015


By Judi Thomases

Is it possible to see past lives in the horoscope?

Perhaps. Although there are no hard and fast “rules” for doing so, an intuitive
practitioner can often find correlations that transform a static wheel into a living story
of abilities, challenges, and leftover debris from the past. Inherent gifts as well as
troubling repetitious patterns speak to the astrologer of a person’s efforts to utilize
potential and learn lessons in this life that are carried over from a previous journey.
While one might need a little psi ability to actually see a past life, one can certainly use
reason and intuition (two good astrological words) to figure some things out.

Clues to Karma and Past Lives

It goes without saying that foremost among the clues to past life baggage is the South
Node of the Moon, since that is a point signifying one’s previous exploration of earth
life. Its sign and house placement tell of both wisdom gained and achievement
lacking. Western astrology almost always uses a negative interpretation of this point,
as though here is where you left off in spiritual evolutionary terms; on the other hand,
Vedic astrology understands this point positively, in the sense that you have
completed this aspect of experience and are no longer attached to it. Either way, this
represents old business, a “been there, done that” kind of meaning, forcing you to
focus on new potential and greater wisdom through its opposite point, the North
Node. The North Node, then, is your Way, or dharma; it is your agreed-upon direction
from this position forward, and will require effort and “stretching” in order to fathom
and grow.


Keeping in mind Western astrology’s negative interpretations of the South Node as the
point of previous experience yet to be purified and transcended, here are some
thoughts about possible reincarnational lessons to be confronted and processed when
divining a person’s current karmic predicament, looking at different house placements
for the South Node:
South Node in the first house indicates that a person was overly self-absorbed
and self-centered, and perhaps too self-reliant. Issues concerning areas of the face
might be problematic.
South Node in the second house can indicate materialism, even greed, in the
past, or a lifetime in which the lower desire nature and value system were dark and
the self-esteem was low.

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When the South Node is in the third house, the person was overly intellectual,
perhaps relying on logic more than faith, or brains more than heart. There might have
been issues involving relatives, neighbors, or the community. The mind was agitated
with an excess of trivial thoughts. A gossipy nature is likely.
With the South Node in the fourth house, matters involving property and
buildings can be tricky. Family can be a source of discord. The person might have
chosen sanctuary and seclusion over a more public role, so that the continuing desire
to retreat becomes a predicament.
When the South Node is in the fifth house, if children ensue they may be
unloving or uninvolved. The pleasure principle might have been overly emphasized,
and should not be made too prominent this time. The person may have shirked
With the South Node in the sixth house, there is the likelihood of hypochondria.
Physical disease might be overly emphasized. There might also be difficulties through
job conditions, co-workers, and even small animals.
If the South Node falls in the seventh house, the person might have given up
personal power to be co-dependent and live in the shadow of another. Guilt and
over-accommodation are likely.
When in the eighth house, the indicator is that there could be losses of
possessions, and there was over-much reliance upon funding from another. Sex
and/or occultism might be booby-traps. Brooding upon death is also possible.
To have the South Node in the ninth house is not favorable for long voyages or
relocations to distant places. Here the person can be a fantasist or have blind faith,
and might have cloistered themselves in a religious institution.
With the South Node in the tenth house, a public role that stoked ego would not
be advisable now. Fame and prominence were important goals. This soul must build
up inner resources, and a more humble role for the purpose of developing the spiritual
When the South Node falls in the eleventh house, friends can be frustrating or
false, and others’ values or goals distracting. Here it would be better to avoid
membership in disadvantageous clubs, groups or organizations, and instead develop
creative self-expression.
Finally, when the South Node is in the twelfth house, many secret, even karmic
problems can be foremost. The person might have been imprisoned, institutionalized
or self-sabotaging, or allowed afflictions of themselves or others to overwhelm.

Looking at the South Node in its different zodiac signs, in Aries there was
aggression and belligerence, even a warrior lifetime. Relaxation was not understood.
In Taurus, there was excessive materialism or possessiveness, and maybe an
indulgence in rich foods. The person might have farmed.
In Gemini, there might have been superficiality, glibness, and an inability to
pursue the depth of any subject. The word dilettante fits this.

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When the South Node is in Cancer, there might be selfishness and

possessiveness, over-sensitivity and moodiness, and excessive emotionality and
evasiveness. Clinging to apron strings, or expecting that of others. Smothering with
“love” would be the description here.
When the South Node is in Leo, there is egotism, grandiosity, the desire to be
noticed, and flashiness. Narcissistic is an apt phrase.
If in Virgo, the hypochondriac and the overly critical and fussy individual find
toxicity in life’s daily routines. Nothing is ever good enough.
When the South Node is in Libra, there is codependency. There may not be an
ability to know who one is, separate from a partner or an important tie. And there is
excessive indecisiveness.
When the South Node is in Scorpio, the fight between devil and angel might
have been lost, leading to a lust for power or a deeply held resentment. This person
usually keeps score.
When the South Node is in Sagittarius, too much risk-taking, rash behavior, and
poor judgment can lead to a lack of stability. The person tends to gamble with
If the South Node is in Capricorn, selfishness and ambition merge with the desire
for domination. A reserve and coldness would linger. The person might have
abandoned family in pursuit of profit.
When in Aquarius, the individual might be too eccentric, rebellious, removed
from daily intercourse, and may continue to be quite willful and stubborn. The word
kook might fit.
When the South Node is in Pisces, here is someone who might have escaped
through substance abuse or fantasy, or who might be overly sensual and not fully
grounded. Space cadet, anyone?

Bear in mind that the South Node also indicates the lessons endured and the skills
honed. Thus, in these house and sign placements each of these dire framings also
carries the potential of past wisdom and earthly talents. From this perspective, Aries
offers courage, Taurus perseverance, Gemini sociability, Cancer nurturance, Leo
leadership, Virgo discernment, Libra artistry, Scorpio power, Sagittarius vision,
Capricorn reliability, Aquarius genius, and Pisces spirituality.
To correctly analyze a person’s horoscope in terms of past lives, the astrologer
may pick equally (and validly) from the negative choices or from the positives.


Now let’s look at how planets conjuncting the South Node give further insight into past
life attributes. From the range of possibilities, worse so would be those planets that
were afflicted by aspect or sign placements (e.g., detriment).
When one’s Sun conjuncts the South Node, a male likely played a dominant role
in one’s past, and it was important to express your personal essence during the

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Similarly, the South Node conjunct one’s Ascendant mandated expressing your
personality to the fullest, even being a celebrity. This time, partnerships will be essential
(North Node conjunct Descendant).
When one’s Moon conjuncts the South Node, a female likely was deeply
important, probably but not always a family member. Sensitivity and emotionality
were significant ingredients of that lifetime. Family ties were close and may remain so
into the present.
Mercury conjunct the South Node indicates a past life as a communicator,
writing or speaking, and a young male such as a brother or a buddy played a big
part. Talent with language continues.
Venus conjunct the South Node shows artistic talent being brought forward, and
the likelihood of a loving tie with a sister figure.
If Mars ties to the South Node, belligerence and courage were marked. The
person could have made their mark in war or leadership but might not have polished
his/her people skills. The energy system is dynamic.
If Jupiter holds this position, fine ethics, good character, and embodying a
positive role model bring protection and luck into the present. The person might have
been a respected member of society, even a religious leader or guru.
If Saturn conjuncts the South Node, much restriction and responsibility weighted
down the past, and the person might be fearful, stingy, cold, or meek. Death by
starvation was possible. Caring for one’s elders might have been uppermost. Poverty-
consciousness now needs to be overcome.
If Uranus conjuncts the South Node, here is a revolutionary or activist
participating in crusades and causes that sought to overthrow the existing order. The
person may eschew normalcy and pursue iconoclasm. Willfulness remains hard to
Neptune conjunct the South Node can indicate either a life of drunkenness or as
a psychic! The person might have been mentally ill or over-imaginative. In any case,
weakness and impressionability must be overcome.
When Pluto hovers near the South Node, an abuse of power – wielded by you or
foisted upon you – occurred. You might have tried your hand at research or dug
mines. Great resources were at your disposal. You may have been a tyrant, a bully…
or a physicist!
If the South Node is conjunct the person’s Midheaven, see above regarding the
tenth house. If it conjuncts the IC, see above regarding the fourth house.


The age of the soul can be seen by the extent of love, kindness and compassion in the
horoscope, such as softness, sweetness, sensitivity and spirituality (being careful to
distinguish these from plain old gullibility). Markers of vindictiveness, cruelty, or
selfishness would announce a younger soul.
Many planets or angles in late degrees can indicate the completion of a cycle
of lives – not, however, one’s “last life”, a common mistaken declaration of young

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souls. Many lifetimes are required to complete a particular cycle of growth and
wisdom, with such a pattern of many late degrees showing a wrap-up of this specific
lesson. (Many more lesson cycles are still to come.)
Similarly, a chart with lots of planets and angles at very early degrees often
indicates that a person is beginning a fresh cycle in their continuing reincarnational
passage. It rarely indicates, however, that the person is a baby soul, altogether new in
his/her human journey.


The support or abrasiveness of Saturn – teacher, taskmaster, and Lord of Karma – often
suggests how wisely or irresponsibly you handled your karmic predicaments.
Funk & Wagnall’s defines karma as “the doctrine of responsibility for all one’s
acts in all incarnations that explains and justifies good and evil fortune”. Wikipedia
explains it thus: “the principle of causality where intent and actions of an individual
influence the future of that individual.” Some schools of philosophy define karma as
accruing when one removes another’s choice. A Buddhist teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh,
explains karma as cause and effect, together in one entity, a pair of opposites to be
transcended, continuing throughout time and space. In essence, in a closed energy
system wherein energy cannot be lost, only transformed, karma is vernacularly
described by the phrase, “What goes around, comes around.”
To reincarnate is to confront your karma.
To create karma is to be forced to reincarnate.
The placement of Saturn in a horoscope might tell you about your accrued
wisdom status. Is Saturn kind to you (trines and sextiles) as a reward for your learned
patience and maturity? Or is he harsh with you (squares and oppositions), demanding
accountability and consequences? Rest assured that old souls can have difficult
Saturn aspects. That’s because, as an older soul, you are more ready to take on the
challenge of karmic comeuppance.
Saturn is not showing us the age of the soul but rather how experiences have
been handled. Hard aspects require karmic rebalancing. If you harmed another, you
must either accept a form of restitution (i.e., repairing the harm you inflicted), or wear
the other shoe to see how it feels to be on the receiving end of such an action.
Since every soul in their earliest reincarnational travels undoubtedly harmed
another before learning earth’s hard lessons, it’s interesting to realize that people often
wait for a much older, wiser lifetime to address these early transgressions. Such
horoscopes might reflect great struggles along with alleviating blessings. Often there
are several major aspects playing off each other, such as two or three t-squares
balanced by a grand trine or even a kite formation. Thus, the life is tough but full of
awareness and aid. The older soul has gained the wisdom necessary to face the test.
Many of my astrological friends say, “Was I nuts? What was I thinking of?!”, when full
realization of this type of central choice hits.


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Yet another indicator of past life development might be the person’s goals and
dreams. These are harder to skry but as a general rule, more idealism and less
materialism is the gauge of the older soul. Look to the ninth (values) and eleventh
(goals) houses, to the North Node, or to planets referring more to love and beauty
rather than pleasure and desire.
For example, Neptune conjunct either of the lights, Venus in Pisces, and the Sun
or Jupiter in Sagittarius in late degrees trine a personal planet would tell of an evolved,
gentle and wise soul. On the other hand, Pluto in Capricorn second house square
Mars/South Node in Aries with a “loaded” Scorpio eighth house might indicate a
hostile, manipulative and greedy individual.

The concept of a soul’s age is worth our deep consideration in chart interpretation
because, not only do we go after dissimilar goals depending upon our soul maturity,
but we handle our challenges (transits) differently and tend to make better choices
with our current options as we evolve. The more past lives, the older the soul. The
older the soul, the greater the wisdom.
The subject of soul age is well delineated in a non-astrological book called
“Messages from Michael”, by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Young souls, who are often very
accomplished and successful, pursue lower goals such as power, fame, status, or
wealth. Older souls pursue goals such as self-expression, beauty, peace, and service.
Keeping in mind that everyone has Saturn in their chart somewhere, and is thus
dealing with trials, our assessment as astrologers is to figure out from the horoscope
who is who. The following examples might help:

Example of a Younger Soul

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Note the extreme emphasis on materialism (Moon, Sun, Uranus, Midheaven, South
Node, and Venus in Taurus; Venus at 29° Taurus), the self-indulgence (Venus in t-square
to Ascendant, and Jupiter), the cynicism and obsessiveness (Mercury square Pluto),
and the egotism (Leo Ascendant in Grand Fixed Square to Venus, Jupiter, and North
Node). This was a fresh start of incarnations (New Moon birth) to deal with the past
issue of greed regarding other’s assets (Node in Scorpio), but obviously it was not
handled wisely. This is the horoscope of Bernie Madoff.

Example of an Older Soul

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Note the healing Chiron/ Node conjunction in the eighth house, the rebellious but
visionary-teacher Sagittarian influence from the past, the Moon/ Neptune and
Neptune/ Jupiter conjunctions, with Neptune at Sag’s last degree, and the loving Sun/
Venus conjunction in the Cancerian ninth house. This woman is a young tarot
professional and student of shamanism. The prominent Saturn placement in the first
house, heavily afflicted yet helped by its sextile to Jupiter, and the equally prominent
Pluto placement angular at the last degree of Libra in the twelfth indicate the weighty
karma that must be rebalanced during this lifetime.

Karma Between Charts

It is almost always in contrast to other people that we play out our reincarnational
dramas. No article such as this would be complete without a look at obvious karmic
patterns between charts. One person’s planets to another’s South Node indicate a bit
about the nature of past life relationships, dependent of course upon the harmony or
affliction of aspects to the planet(s).

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Sun: a husband or very important male tie.
Moon: a mother or wife, but in certain cases, a sister or aunt.
Mercury: a brother or friend; a mental tie; in certain cases, a cousin or relative.
Venus: a love, a sister, a benefactor, a creative collaborator.
Mars: a rival, an enemy.
Jupiter: a protector, a teacher, a benefactor.
Uranus: a provocateur; a disruptor; an antagonist.
Neptune: a guide, a miracle worker, a guru; or a helpless dependent figure.
Pluto: a counselor; a catalyst; an overlord.


Saturn is a special case of past life tie. He brings many lessons. He can be a father-
figure, but is often a taskmaster. If aspects are good, he has come to support you. If
aspects are harsh, he will crack the whip until you bend in humility and learn his
teachings. Here are some worst-case scenarios.
If another person’s Saturn is on your South Node in Aries, that person stifled your
initiative, and made demands on your energies.
In Taurus, limited your finances, and took away your comforts.
In Gemini, held you back from social activities, and perhaps made you stutter.
In Cancer (in detriment), starved you, or withheld mothering.
In Leo (in detriment), stole your thunder, and cramped your style.
In Virgo, made you dot every “I” and cross every “t”, and caused you health
In Libra (in exaltation), took away your chance at marriage, and chastised you
for your choices.
In Scorpio, hindered your sexual gratification, and perhaps blocked your
In Sagittarius, stood in the way of your freedom, expected adherence to his
beliefs, and planted resistance to risk-taking.
In Capricorn (in rulership), was extra strict, exacted remuneration, and schooled
you in propriety.
In Aquarius (in co-rulership), put limitations on your friendships, and held you
responsible for others’ disadvantages.
In Pisces, quashed your fantasies, and made suffering unbearable.

To be fair, each of these combinations, be they plutonic or mercurial, confusing or

demanding, or otherwise, has been arranged by both parties before birth and
designed to complete the karmic mission of this cycle. You have gone around
together before, maybe multiple times, and you’re doing so again… and again until
the karma is resolved and you both gain from the interchange.

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“Buy” Yourself Some Good Karma for Your Next Life!

By seeing a person’s karma, goals and level of wisdom, you’ll have a good sense of
how advanced that soul is, and roughly how many rounds they probably have had on
the wheel of existence. This, in turn (short of gaining sudden clairvoyant ability), tells
you something of their past lives.
If anything is to be learned, it is that to accelerate your accumulation of wisdom
is to evolve beyond old karmic lessons and accrue better luck for your next go-round.
You can’t escape your karma… but you can transcend it!


Astrologer, psychic and channeler for over four decades, frequent contributor to Dell
Horoscope magazine, featured guest on ABC, CBS, Sirius, Judi Thomases' own inner voice of
spiritual guidance is The Brotherhood of Light Workers. Her newest book, “The Wisdom Keys”,
can be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Balboa Press. Judi is available for private
consultations - contact [email protected] for more information.

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