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The case study is made on the Turkey – a work in progress on their path towards growth and
the reconstruction for the new constitution. The main aim of the study is to assess the
possibilities of rewriting the constitution to make Turkey have their strategic significance in
the international arena. This will also analyse the work in progress of Turkey to grow and
progress despite the debt crisis in Europe. They would also find the different ways and means
in which Turkey deal with the problems in the domestic and international relations. This is
done by presenting a brief introduction chapter that lists in detail on the case study
background, aims and objectives, problem statement. The further chapter presents the tools
that could be used to achieve the objectives by assessing the case. The subsequent chapter
will make the analysis and findings. The recommendations and scope for further study is
given in the last chapter.

The analysis shows that by the end of the year 2012, the CAD of the Turkey was easing and it
was down to 8.2% and by the time the exports of the Turkey grew more than that of the
imports. The economy growth was also safer as of now in the year 2013 and they were on
their track to grow faster. The European Union though had their problems did not collapse
and the frictions that is faced in the Middle East did not get worse. The most appalling issue
was problems Turkey had with the Kurds and to be more specific was with the terrorist PKK
who remained as the most serious issues for Erdogan’s government. The constitutional reform
is one of the pressing challenges that the government is facing. The AKP is trying to
introduce more “civilian – friendly” constitution than the present one than the previous ones
that has failed to protect the minority and also the civil rights.

The country faced constitutional crisis in the year 2007 over the new president’s election as
Gul was elected to serve seven years through 2014. Prime Minister Erdogan had lot to do in
the two years as he cannot be further elected as prime minister he could further run for the post
of the President. Erdogan sorely wish Turkish economy to grow and also prosper despite the
effects of debt crisis that is faced in Europe. The country is also committed to establish them
as pre-eminence in Middle East. The vast majority of their FDI came from the European
countries and the crisis in the European Union has made the country to lessen their interest in
joining the EU and look for more opportunities outside the union. Turkey has insufficient
savings due to too much of consuming and import of the electrical needs made the country to
have a deficit in their FDI despite their growing exports. The Turkey has problems in
political, monetary, foreign relations which need to be overcome for constitutional reforms
which are the need of the hour. The best option for the Turkish government will be to
implement the civilian friendly constitution as this is the need of the hour. This will help
Turkey to have their growth with exports higher than the imports; they were funded highly
with the FDI and control fiscal deficit and inflation. The central bank of the Turkey also
engaged in the inflation targeting and aid in the business.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER.1 ............................................................................................................................................. 6
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1. Introduction: .............................................................................................................................. 6
1.2. Background of the study: .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Statement of the problem: ......................................................................................................... 7
1.4. Research questions: ................................................................................................................... 8
1.5. Research objectives:.................................................................................................................. 8
1.6. Significance of the study: .......................................................................................................... 8
1.7. Structure of the report: .............................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER.2 ...........................................................................................................................................10
CASE BRIEF ..........................................................................................................................................10
2.1. Turkey Country Background: .................................................................................................10
2.2. Turkey present situation:.........................................................................................................11
CHAPTER.3 ...........................................................................................................................................13
PROBLEM STATEMENT AND PLAN OF ANALYSIS .....................................................................13
3.1. Problem statement and plan of analysis: ......................................................................................13
3.2. Leadership Skills Problem.1: .......................................................................................................14
3.3. Leadership Skills Problem.2: .......................................................................................................15
3.4. Leadership Skills Problem.3: .......................................................................................................16
3.5. Strategic Management Problem.1: ...............................................................................................17
3.6. Strategic Management Problem.2: ...............................................................................................18
3.7. Strategic Management Problem.3: ...............................................................................................19
3.8. Decision making on international relations Problem.1: ...............................................................20
3.9. Decision making on international relations Problem.2: ...............................................................21
CHAPTER.4 ...........................................................................................................................................23
ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS................................................................................................................23
4.1. Turkey – a work in progress Case study analysis and findings: ..................................................23
4.2. Action centered Leadership: ........................................................................................................23
4.3. Dunham and Pierce's Leadership Process Model: .......................................................................23
4.4. Path - Goal Theory of Leadership ................................................................................................24

4.6. PEST Analysis: ............................................................................................................................25
4.7. SWOT Analysis: ..........................................................................................................................26
4.8. Decision Tree Analysis: ...............................................................................................................26
4.9. OODA Loops ...............................................................................................................................27
4.10. Kepner-Tregoe Approach ..........................................................................................................27
CHAPTER.5 ...........................................................................................................................................28
PROPOSED SOLUTION TO PROBLEM .............................................................................................28
5.1. Overview of solutions available:..................................................................................................28
5.2. Recommendations: .......................................................................................................................29
5.3. Action plan: ..................................................................................................................................30
5.4. Limitations of the study: ..............................................................................................................31
5.5. Scope for further study:................................................................................................................31
REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................32



1.1. Introduction:

Case study is the deeper investigation about the situation. It is about the narrowing down of
the widest areas into the topic that are more researchable. They represent the most realistic,
complex and also contextually richer situations that involves the dilemma or problems that
involves the characters where the case has to negotiate. This is one of the useful tools for the
investigation of the trends and also specific situations over which they are evolved. This is
mainly used in the social science, ecology, anthropology and psychology.

1.2.Background of the study:

In the past ten years Turkey had

their GPD grow at 6% annually.
This was subsequent to the
economic crisis that they had faced
in the year 2001 – 02. Subsequent
to this condition Turkey had to
borrow $16 billion more from the
IMF to support their debt and
meeting the conditions in the
economy. Today, Turkey is termed as the middle income country and thus they are in search
of the strategy that boosts their development. They have numerous problems to be solved like
higher inflation, devalued currency, despite the huge capital inflows with their borrowing from
the IMF (which is the second largest IMF package in the world they had current account
deficit (CAD). At home the government has to carefully manage between the islamicization,
democracy as well as the secularism. The country also at abroad has to face the difficult
neighbourhood like Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Israel. They also faced the interventions of the
Russia, Europe and the USA given their geographic and strategic priority. Amidst all these

issues Prime Minister Erdogan is rewriting their constitution before the year 2014 as this the
year when the next election occurs.

1.3. Statement of the problem:

By the end of the year 2012, the CAD of the Turkey was easing and it was down to 8.2% and
by the time the exports of the Turkey grew more than that of the imports. The economy
growth was also safer as of now in the year 2013 and they were on their track to grow faster.
The European Union though had their problems did not collapse and the frictions that is faced
in the Middle East did not get worse. The most appalling issue was problems Turkey had with
the Kurds and to be more specific was with the terrorist PKK who remained as the most
serious issues for Erdogan’s government. The constitutional reform is one of the pressing
challenges that the government is facing. The AKP is trying to introduce more “civilian –
friendly” constitution than the present one than the previous ones that has failed to protect the
minority and also the civil rights.

The country faced constitutional crisis in the year 2007 over the new president’s election as
Gul was elected to serve seven years through 2014. Prime Minister Erdogan had lot to do in
the two years as he cannot be further elected as prime minister he could further run for the post
of the President. Erdogan sorely wish Turkish economy to grow and also prosper despite the
effects of debt crisis that is faced in Europe. The country is also committed to establish them
as pre-eminence in Middle East. The vast majority of their FDI came from the European
countries and the crisis in the European Union has made the country to lessen their interest in
joining the EU and look for more opportunities outside the union. Turkey has insufficient
savings due to too much of consuming and import of the electrical needs made the country to
have a deficit in their FDI despite their growing exports. The Turkey has problems in
political, monetary, foreign relations which need to be overcome for constitutional reforms
which are the need of the hour.

1.4. Research questions: Skills:
 How does Erdogan convince the Turkish amidst all problems to rewrite the
constitution? Strategic management:
 What are the possibilities in which Turkish economy could grow and proper despite
debt crisis in Europe? Decision making on international relations:
 How does Turkey deal with the problems in the domestic and international relations?
1.5. Research objectives:
1.5.1. Aim:

The main objective of the study is to assess whether the Turkey is a work in progress and how
Turkey could rewrite the constitution under the leadership of Tayyip Erdogan amidst all the
problems that they face in home and abroad.

1.5.2. Objectives:
 To assess the possibilities of rewriting the constitution to make Turkey have their
strategic significance in the international arena
 To analyse the work in progress of Turkey to grow and progress despite the debt crisis
in Europe
 To find the different ways and means in which Turkey deal with the problems in the
domestic and international relations
1.6. Significance of the study:

The study presents how a country that has their roots in the Islam changes themselves from the
King’s rule to the democracy over the century and problems they face in their transformation.
The country need to make transformation to place them in the most important place in the
global space amidst the controversies and the cynicism that is prevailing in the country. The
study shows how the changes and the acceptance of the new strategy pave way for the growth
of the nation. The study shows how the different macroeconomic conditions combined with

the political and the religious influences that poses as the challenge in the adoption of the new

1.7. Structure of the report:

Chapter.1: Introduction

Chapter.2: Case Brief

Chapter.3: Problem Statement and plan of Analysis

Chapter.4: Analysis and Findings

Chapter.5: Proposed solution to the problem



2.1.Turkey Country Background:

Turkey has 97% of their landmass in Asia and 3% in Europe and they span over 770,000
square kilometres. Turkey has the strategic significance as it serves as the buffer for the
Europe and the Middle East. The company shares their borders with the Bulgaria, Iran, Iraq,
Syria, Greece, Armenia and Georgia. Turkish economy has the mixture of modern and also
the traditional industries. The services industries in the country are accounting for 64% of the
economy and the manufacturing and agriculture constitutes around 27% and 9%. Turkey is
the vital textile and also apparel producer who has big on the automobile assembly and is
strong in the higher value agricultural exports.

It was in the year 1950 – 1980 that the Turkish government transitioned themselves to
democracy. In 2012 the ruling party was the Justice and Development Party (AKP) which is
headed by the Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. Initially Turkey had their investment in state
sectors and the investments were less in the private sector. The opening of the economy was in
the year 1983 yet it slowed down in the wake of Gulf war. The years of the higher inflation,
deficit spending, weak banking system and also foreign debt led to more crises in 1994. In

order to deal with the debt IMF stressed on the significance of tackling inflation while they are
implementing the monetary and also the exchange – rate policies.

Turkey received more FDI after 2001 and indeed in the developing countries it is among the
ten largest recipients. The insufficient savings created an obstacle for the sustainable growth.
The banks in the Turkey thus engaged in targeting the inflation. The main objective that is
used by the bank is in maintaining the price stability in the nation. The bank pursues the
monetary policy where the price and the financial stability are complementing each other.
Turkey also has the political challenges as the role of the Islam is one of the preeminent issues.
The country has faced foreign – policy issues and most eminent problem among them was
Kurdish problem. The majority of the Kurds are rural and poor and they are located in the
southeast Turkey as the impoverishment and unemployment that proves the fertile ground for
antinational sentiments.

2.2. Turkey present situation:

In the past ten years Turkey had their GPD grow at 6% annually. This was subsequent to the
economic crisis that they had faced in the year 2001 – 02. Subsequent to this condition
Turkey had to borrow $16 billion more from the IMF to support their debt and meeting the
conditions in the economy. Today, Turkey is termed as the middle income country and thus
they are in search of the strategy that boosts their development. They have numerous
problems to be solved like higher inflation, devalued currency, despite the huge capital
inflows with their borrowing from the IMF (which is the second largest IMF package in the
world they had current account deficit (CAD). At home the government has to carefully
manage between the islamicization, democracy as well as the secularism. The country also at
abroad has to face the difficult neighbourhood like Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Israel. They also
faced the interventions of the Russia, Europe and the USA given their geographic and strategic
priority. Amidst all these issues Prime Minister Erdogan is rewriting their constitution before
the year 2014 as this the year when the next election occurs.

By the end of the year 2012, the CAD of the Turkey was easing and it was down to 8.2% and
by the time the exports of the Turkey grew more than that of the imports. The economy
growth was also safer as of now in the year 2013 and they were on their track to grow faster.
The European Union though had their problems did not collapse and the frictions that is faced
in the Middle East did not get worse. The most appalling issue was problems Turkey had with
the Kurds and to be more specific was with the terrorist PKK who remained as the most
serious issues for Erdogan’s government. The constitutional reform is one of the pressing
challenges that the government is facing. The AKP is trying to introduce more “civilian –
friendly” constitution than the present one than the previous ones that has failed to protect the
minority and also the civil rights.

The country faced constitutional crisis in the year 2007 over the new president’s election as
Gul was elected to serve seven years through 2014. Prime Minister Erdogan had lot to do in
the two years as he cannot be further elected as prime minister he could further run for the post
of the President. Erdogan sorely wish Turkish economy to grow and also prosper despite the
effects of debt crisis that is faced in Europe. The country is also committed to establish them
as pre-eminence in Middle East. The vast majority of their FDI came from the European
countries and the crisis in the European Union has made the country to lessen their interest in
joining the EU and look for more opportunities outside the union. Turkey has insufficient
savings due to too much of consuming and import of the electrical needs made the country to
have a deficit in their FDI despite their growing exports. The Turkey has problems in
political, monetary, foreign relations which need to be overcome for constitutional reforms
which are the need of the hour.



3.1. Problem statement and plan of analysis:

The study is made on the assessment of how Turkey will be able to reconstruct their
constitution under the leadership of Tayyip Erdogan amidst all the problems that they face in
home and abroad. The constitutional reform is one of the pressing challenges that the
government is facing. The AKP is trying to introduce more “civilian – friendly” constitution
than the present one than the previous ones that has failed to protect the minority and also the
civil rights. This is assessed in this chapter.

The analysis is done on the basis of three basis Leadership skills, Strategic Management and
Decision making on International relations.


Leadership Skills Strategic Decision Making on

Management International
• Action centered
leadership • Mintzberg's 5Ps of
Strategy • Decision Tree Analysis
• Dunham and Pierce's
Leadership Process • PEST • OODA Loops
• SWOT • Kepner-Tregoe Approach
• Path - Goal Theory of

3.2. Leadership Skills Problem.1:
What type of approach does Erdogan adopt to implement the reconstruction of the constitution
in Turkey?

Action centered Leadership:

This is mentioned since this shall mention the key actions that needs to be adopted by the
leader while they manage their teams. The responsibilities are mainly stated under three areas
and they are task, team and individual (Leatherman, 2008).

Fig.3.1. Action centered Leadership:

Source: (Vietor, 2015)

Task: This refers to the achievement of the overall objective that is set forth

Team: The development and the building of the team have to be done here to make it more
effective (Adair, 2010).

Individual: The helping of the individuals for the development of the full potential is vital in
the workplace.

3.3. Leadership Skills Problem.2:
What will be the appropriate leadership strategy that needs to be applied on the basis of the

Dunham and Pierce's Leadership Process Model:

This the model that shows the factors that contributes to the success of the leadership or
towards the failure (Gunderson, 2014).

Fig.3.2. Dunham and Pierce's Leadership Process Model:

Source: (Gunderson, 2014)

Leader: The leader is the one who takes charge and strategy of the group’s performance

Followers: They are the people who follow on the direction of the leader on the projects as
well as the tasks that has to be completed (L.Caroselli, 2013).

Context: This is the situation on which work is done and this could be a regular one,
emergency, challenging and these changes on basis of environment and resources.

Outcomes: This is considered as the result of this process and this shall reach the particular
goal that develops the higher quality product (Gillen, 2002).

3.4. Leadership Skills Problem.3:

How does Erdogan surpass the hurdles at home and foreign to reconstruct the constitution?

Path - Goal Theory of Leadership

This shows the way in which the leaders are encouraging their followers for the achievement
of their goals. They are classified as;

Fig.3.3. Path - Goal Theory of Leadership


Supportive Directive Participative
- Oriented

Source: (By the author, 2016)

Supportive leadership: This is where the leader gives concern for welfare and create
friendlier environment for work (Gillen, 2002).

Directive leadership: this is where the leaders give the guidance

Participative leadership: In this the leader not just gives ideas but participates in that
(Leatherman, 2008).

Achievement – oriented leadership: This is where the challenging goals are set while they
make the decisions and take specific actions.

3.5. Strategic Management Problem.1:
What are the prospective strategy that Turkey could develop towards their growth and

Mintzberg's 5Ps of Strategy

This shows the different approach for building the business strategy;

Fig.3.4. Mintzberg's 5Ps of Strategy






Source: (By the author, 2016)

Plan: This is about the planning through brainstorming or to plan on the basis of best
available options.

Ploy: This is done to oust the competitor from the place (Varbanova, 2013).

Pattern: This show the pattern in the team and organisation.

Position: This show how the strategy is positioned in market place.

Perspective: This shows how far they rely on the culture as pattern of behaviour (Martin,
3.6. Strategic Management Problem.2:
What is the present state of environment in Turkey and the strategies that is used for
overcoming the hurdles?


Fig.3.5. PEST Analysis

Source: (Cole, 2013)

Political: This presents the political situations in the country of operation

Economical: This presents the economical situations in the country of operation

Socio - cultural: This presents the social situations in the country of operation (Sadler, 2013)

Technological: This presents the technological situations in the country of operation (Cole,

3.7. Strategic Management Problem.3:
What are the strength and the opportunities prevailing in Turkey for their growth and


Fig.3.6. SWOT Analysis

Source: (Analoui, 2013)

Strength: This shows the internal strength present in country.

Weakness: This shows the internal weakness present in country (Hill, 2011).

Opportunities: This shows the external opportunities present for the country.

Threats: This shows the external threats awaiting the country (Analoui, 2013).

3.8. Decision making on international relations Problem.1:
How does Turkey deal with the Kurds and the problems from neighbouring countries?

Decision Tree Analysis:

They are tools that could be used to choose between the different options that are available.
Every option could be assessed and the best available option could be presented by measuring
the outcomes of every option that is assessed (Crichlow, 2010).

Fig.3.7. Decision Tree Analysis

Source: (Crichlow, 2010)

3.9. Decision making on international relations Problem.2:
Devise a plan for Turkey to develop a strategically vital place in global arena?

OODA Loops

This is called as OODA as there are four vital loops that decides on the four – point decision
that is supporting quick, effective and have proactive decision – making. The four different
stages are (Mintz, 2013);

Fig.3.8. OODA Loops

Source: (Crichlow, 2010)

Observe: The ones used for collecting the current information from the different sources as
possible (Smouts, 2010)

Orient: This is where the information is assessed and they are updated to the current reality.

Decide: This will determine the different course of action (Nicholson, 2000)

Act: This will help in follow up of the decision made.

3.10. Decision making on international relations Problem.3:

What is the best possible choice that Turkey could make to either eliminate or reduce the
problems with neighbours?

Kepner-Tregoe Approach

This is used to make an unbiased decision as possible. They comprise of four basic steps;

Fig.3.9. Kepner-Tregoe Approach

Situation Appraisal

Problem Analysis

Decision Analysis

Potential problem Analysis

Source: (By the author, 2016)

Situation Appraisal: This will outline the different corners and outline the priorities.

Problem Analysis: This shall describe the exact problem and the issue by identification as
well as evaluating the different causes (Crotty, 2001).

Decision Analysis: This will help in the identification of the different alternative by the
performance of the risk analysis.

Potential problem Analysis: This shall evaluate the final decision that is made by assessing
the risk and making the identification of the contingencies (Crichlow, 2010).



4.1. Turkey – a work in progress Case study analysis and findings:

The analysis is made by applying the tools that are mentioned in the previous chapter to
achieve the objectives that are framed. This helps in findings how amidst all these issues
Prime Minister Erdogan could rewrite their constitution before the year 2014 as this is the year
when the next election occurs. The constitutional reform is one of the pressing challenges that
the government is facing. The AKP is trying to introduce more “civilian – friendly”
constitution than the present one than the previous ones that has failed to protect the minority
and also the civil rights.

4.2. Action centered Leadership:

Task: The main task of the leadership is in reconstruction of the constitution. This is not a
feasible task as they have challenges in the political, economical, cultural levels. This has to be
done only with more careful way else there are chances that the government could get ousted
out of the power (Vietor, 2015).

Team: This has to be done by the ministers in National Security Council (NSC) that consist
of ten members and half in this were from the military and other half included President,
Prime Minister (PM) and three other top cabinet officials who decide on the changes
(Commission to the European Parliament, 2013).

Individual: Erdogan (PM) plans to do this so as the law is more civilian friendly and aids in
growth and prosperity of Turkey.

4.3. Dunham and Pierce's Leadership Process Model:

Leader: Erdogan has to lead the nation and the most pressing issue is the reconstruction of the
constitution that pushes their growth.

Followers: The followers have to be convinced that there is no bias in this and are at par with
the global requirements (Owings, 2012).

Context: The preeminent factor here is the crisis in EU has not impacted their growth despite
being their greatest investor and the Middle East do not face much pressures now.

Outcomes: The new constitution will help in the transformation of Turkey from the Islamist
nation to more secular state that is accepted in globe and aids their economic growth (Kirisci,

4.4. Path - Goal Theory of Leadership

Supportive leadership: The supportive leadership is not suitable as the government is at the
time of transition.

Directive leadership: Erdogan could give more directions to the government to follow the
strategy that they enforce (Das, 2012).

Participative leadership: It is not applicable at this situation.

Achievement – oriented leadership: This is the most suitable leadership as it is in the point
of transformation the achievement of goal is necessary by surpassing the hurdles (Das, 2012).

4.5. Mintzberg's 5Ps of Strategy

Plan: The implementation of the new constitution should not be on the basis of the Islamic or
shariat law as this prevents their growth.

Ploy: This has to be done by careful steps and make sure there are no controversies unlike the
Hijab issue that disrupted the government earlier (Morelli, 2013).

Pattern: The pattern has to be created on the basis of which the constitution is made whether
they are on the basis of the Turkey separate from the Islam law, kemalism that embrace techno
cultural character, etc. They plan to implement the law that are EU compliant (Das, 2012).

Position: Turkey has the plan to position them as the one of the vital geographical location
and at the same time that they could be transparent and compatible with the modern world.

Perspective: The main perspective is to allay the fears of the Kurds in the nation and being
friendly to neighbours and help them foster their growth (Vietor, 2015).

4.6. PEST Analysis:
Political The most important issue was the Kurds who were supported by the
outside agents to fight against the Turks. They had to choose between the
different nationalisms like kemalism or sharia law or radical Turkish
nationalism or make Turkey separate from Islamic state.
Economical Turkey had the growth with exports higher than the imports, they were
funded highly with the FDI yet the fiscal deficit and inflation remained
high. The central bank of the Turkey also engaged in the inflation
Socio – cultural They had two major sects they are Sunni and Alwaite. The country had
majority of Turks yet they also had population speaking Kurdish, Arabic,
Armenian or Greek. Turkey has now transformed from the Muslim
society yet there need to be more transformation that needs to be done to
face competition in the world.
Technological The country has attained their education which is better than many of the
developing nation and now they need to concentrate on the quality of the
education however there are no many people who has education in
information technology, medicine and other technical studies (Vietor,

4.7. SWOT Analysis:
Strength Weakness
 Geographical location that serves as  Kurds who fight against Turks
the buffer zone between Europe and  Secularist who fight against the
Middle East modernism and accepting western
 Growing young population norms
 Low cost labour and growing  Less savings investment
industries  Rise in real estate
 Amendment to labour laws
Opportunities Threats
 Growth by increasing in the exports  EU crisis
 FDI investment  Middle east crisis and Arab Spring
 Ease in the inflation  Syria attack
 IMF funding  International stand against terrorism

4.8. Decision Tree Analysis:

International and domestic threats: The intervention from the Syria and Kurds could be
mitigated by providing many beneficiary schemes for Kurds and being friendly towards the
other nations. To take a neutral stand in the international conventions to prevent from negative
image (Adair, 2010).

Constitution: Turkey could adopt the EU They had to choose between the different
nationalisms like kemalism or sharia law or radical Turkish nationalism or make Turkey
separate from Islamic state. The country had majority of Turks yet they also had population
speaking Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian or Greek. Turkey has now transformed from the Muslim
society yet there need to be more transformation that needs to be done to face competition in
the world. Erdogan (PM) plans to do this so as the law is more civilian friendly and aids in
growth and prosperity of Turkey (Commission to the European Parliament, 2013).

4.9. OODA Loops
Observe: The country at present is highly dependent on the FDI and any internal
disturbances will lead to the lack of funds. There are problems from Kurds and neighbouring
countries (Vietor, 2015).

Orient: The orientation has to be more towards the reconstruction of constitution.

Decide: Out of the many options available the law that is more civilian friendly has to be
accepted (Crichlow, 2010).

Act: The government must act for the creation of the new constitution in their growth
towards prosperity.

4.10. Kepner-Tregoe Approach

Situation Appraisal: The present is highly dependent on the FDI and any internal
disturbances will lead to the lack of funds. There are problems from Kurds and neighbouring
countries (Hill, 2011).

Problem Analysis: Out of all the problems the resistance from the Kurds is at the highest.

Decision Analysis: This could be curbed by framing policies for their development.

Potential problem Analysis: The problem analysis has to be done by assessing the different
problem and their outcome and how they are met. The constitution could be done after
overcoming these hurdles (Cole, 2013).



5.1. Overview of solutions available:

Option.1: Ataturk nationalism:

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a war hero who made the changes in the Turkish Repbublic with his
vision and political determination made many changes to Turkey by ending the caliphate rule
and declaring Turkey a secular state. He was responsible for the sweeping reforms in Turkey.
This helped the country on their path to transformation and their way to the growth and
prosperity. The nationalism that is adopted has taken Turkey way forward from the traditional
law to the modern world by ending the Caliphat and Shariat law.

Option.2: Kemalism:

Kemal focused their attention on the principle of laicism that protects the secular republic.
This shall be opposed by the paramilitary origin. The adoption of this shall not be feasible as
there shall be strong opposition from the paramilitary origin. The country slowly moved to the
military regime that among the members of the National Security Council half of them were
from the military and other half included President, Prime Minister (PM) and three other top
cabinet officials who decide on the changes.

Option.3: Radical Turkish nationalism:

The adoption of the Islamic and the Shariat law would prevent the growth of the nation and
they might also have the chances of being secluded from global and the western countries. The
most important issue was the Kurds who were supported by the outside agents to fight against
the Turks. They had to choose between the different nationalisms like kemalism or sharia law
or radical Turkish nationalism or make Turkey separate from Islamic state. They had two
major sects they are Sunni and Alwaite. The country had majority of Turks yet they also had
population speaking Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian or Greek. Turkey has now transformed from
the Muslim society yet there need to be more transformation that needs to be done to face
competition in the world. This prevents them from adopting the Turkish nationalism.
Option.4: Liberal nationalism:

The adoption of the liberal nationalism similar to that of the western countries might not be
applicable as there are certain sects of the Turks who are still vying for the traditional system.
Thus the slow changes could be possible which has to be implemented step by step and this
shall benefit the Turkey. The country has attained their education which is better than many
of the developing nation and now they need to concentrate on the quality of the education
however there are no many people who have education in information technology, medicine
and other technical studies. Thus the liberal nationalism is also tough at the present situation.

Option.5: Civilian friendly constitution:

The civilian friendly constitution is one of the best options that the country could use
considering the prevailing problems that is persisting them. This would help them in
satisfying all sects. Turkey had the growth with exports higher than the imports, they were
funded highly with the FDI yet the fiscal deficit and inflation remained high. The central bank
of the Turkey also engaged in the inflation targeting. In order to curtail all these issues the
adoption of the Civilian friendly constitution is considered as the best option.

5.2. Recommendations:
The best option for the Turkish government will be to implement the civilian friendly
constitution as this is the need of the hour. The country faces the problem of Turkish Kurds
who were supported by the outside agents to fight against the Turks. They had to choose
between the different nationalisms like kemalism or sharia law or radical Turkish nationalism
or make Turkey separate from Islamic state. The civilian friendly government is considered as
the best choice for this. This will help Turkey to have their growth with exports higher than
the imports; they were funded highly with the FDI and control fiscal deficit and inflation. The
central bank of the Turkey also engaged in the inflation targeting and aid in the business.

They had two major sects they are Sunni and Alwaite. The country had majority of Turks yet
they also had population speaking Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian or Greek. Turkey has now
transformed from the Muslim society yet there need to be more transformation that needs to be
done to face competition in the world. The country has attained their education which is better
than many of the developing nation and now they need to concentrate on the quality of the
education however there are no many people who have education in information technology,
medicine and other technical studies. The better education and the complete change are
possible with the civilian friendly constitution.

5.3. Action plan:

The implementation of the civilian friendly government could be done by serious of steps that
is combined together to achieve the results.

5.3.1. Implementation of the beneficiary procedures for Kurds:

The Kurds are the biggest drawback for the country as they engage in the terrorist activity as
the poverty is the easy ground for impoverishment and sowing seeds of terrorism. If the
government takes active measures to protect the interest of the Kurds and educate them this
would alleviate their fears and be supportive for the Turkish democracy and the new
constitution to be in place.

5.3.2. Targeting the inflation and fiscal deficit:

The lifeblood of the country is the FDI fund. The country is also running short of the savings
investment due to the high consumption of the Turkish national. If there is any internal
disturbances and the political disproval this would reduce the value of lira hike the inflation.
The country has the higher exports yet the fiscal deficit is due to the higher import of coal and
the energy. The deal with the Russians to build the nuclear reactor is way for the country to
have their independent energy source and contain their fiscal deficit on their path towards

5.3.3. Convincing the paramilitary on the growth aspect:

The ministers in National Security Council (NSC) that consist of ten members and half in this
were from the military and other half included President, Prime Minister (PM) and three other
top cabinet officials who decide on the changes. They are the higher authority in the country
in decision making who needs to be convinced in implementing the constitution.

5.3.4. Being friendly with the neighbours:

The country need to make sure that they do not get into conflicts with the other nations
especially the neighbouring countries. The sweeping statement given against them in the
international conventions will provoke their anger and Turkey has to face that. The growth is
the need of the hour and not war.

The implementation of all the above mentioned aspects will lead the country to the path of
growth and adoption of new constitution.

5.4. Limitations of the study:

The study is done by assessing the data from the case study and also the other secondary data.
Thus the lack of the primary data is possible. Also the study is done for Turkey and thus the
situation in Turkey could be considered as an example but this cannot be generalised as every
country will have their own type of problems in their due course of the transformation to meet
the global challenges.

5.5. Scope for further study:

The further study could be made on the other developing countries as well as the countries that
do not have democratic rule. The way in which a country gets transformed into the society that
is more civilian friendly and their successful implementation could be studied. The hurdles
the country face on their path towards the democratic society is also worth studying. This
would help in identifying the similarities and the differences that every country is facing for
the democratic rule in the nation.


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