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Alfaro v.

GR# 162864 | 519 SCRA 270| March 28, 2007 Hence, this petition.
1. W/N the fact that the signatures in the copy of the deed of absolute sale
would render it spurious?
- Sps. Bagano filed a complaint against Sps. Alfaro for Declaration of Nullity
of Sale before the RTC of Cebu. In the complaint, Bagano alleged that RULING & RATIO
they were the previous registered owners of the subject lot; that they - NO
executed a REM over the lot in favor of Alfaro to secure payment of an • When a document in two or more copies is executed at or about the same
obligation; that upon payment of the mortgage debt, a Cancellation and time, with identical contents, all such copies are equally regarded as
Discharge of Mortgage was executed; that when Bagano demanded the originals. Original does not mean the first paper written, in contrast to a
return of their title, Alfaro refused, prompting the former to check with the copy or transcript made later. The original depends upon the issue to be
Register of Deeds. proved. It is immaterial whether that document was written before or after
- Upon verification, respondents learned that their title had already been another, was copied from another, or was itself used to copy from,as long
cancelled and in lieu thereof TCT issued in the name of Alfaro by virtue of as its contents are the subject of inquiry. Hence, one or some of these
a spurious Deed of Absolute Sale purportedly executed by Bagano. copies are still considered as originals, and they have equal claims to
- Bagano presented Varona as an expert witness on their behalf. Varona authenticity.
• THE RTC WAS WRONG because it cannot properly speak of retraction
affirmed the conclusion embodied in his Report that the questioned
because Varona examined two different standard signatures and two
signatures appearing on Exhibit B (Copy of the Deed of Absolute Sale)
different specimen signatures. Due to the different findings, this rendered
were forged.
Varona’s testimony as unconvincing. Thereby leaving the presumption of
- On the same trial date, Alfaro manifested their intention that Varona validity of the Deed of Absolute Sale presented by Alfaro. It was the
should examine another set of documents where they alleged contain the burden of Bagano to proved the forgery and they failed with bringing
genuine signature of Bagano. At the continuation of the cross- Varano as an expert witness.
examination, Varona examined, among others, Exh. 13 (Another copy of • THE CA WAS WRONG in its conclusion to have the sale annulled
the Deed of Absolute Sale), and stated that the signatures on the because the burden of proving the forgery was never achieved by the
documents were genuine and affixed by the herein parties. Bagano.
- According to the documents/evidence, Bagano had initially mortgaged the • In fact the signatures in the Deed of Absolute Sale (Exh. 13) was
lots to Alfaro, as evidenced by the REM, then later Bagano sold different compared with the REM, and the signatures were found to be the same,
lots by 6 deeds of conditional sale in favour of Alfaro, where the latter where the latter document was also notarized which enjoys the
made downpayment. Thereafter, Alfaro, discovered that Bagano was also presumption of validity.
selling the lots on instalment basis to other parties. To appease Alfaro,
Bagano sold them the lot which was evidenced by a Deed of Absolute DISPOSITION
Sale. WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals
- RTC ruled in favor of Alfaro and dismissed the Complaint because Varona is SET ASIDE. The Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu, Branch 12, is
had retracted his first opinion when he came out with his second opinion. REINSTATED.
- CA reversed the decision, and said that Varona did not actually receive
and examine the original Deed of Sale (Exh. 13) because the written report
which contained conclusions was not presented in evidence.

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