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I am MS (Management science) student working on my research article. It will take your 15-20
minutes to answer these questions and providing the valuable information. I assure you that data
will be strictly kept confidential and will only be used for academic purposes. Your contribution
toward this research will be highly appreciated. Thank you!

Gender Male Female

Age Below 20 20-24 years 25-29 years 30-34 years 35-39 years

Qualification Under- Graduate Masters PhD


professional status Government Self-employee Private Student

employee employee

Household income < 30k 30k-49k 50k-69k > 70k

Computer skills Beginner Average User Above IT Expert


1. Have you heard of Bitcoin?

a) Yes
b) No
2. Do you currently have or own any Bitcoin?
a) Yes
b) No
3. Please tell us your main reason for owning Bitcoin. (Select one)
a) I am interested in new technologies
b) It is an investment
c) I use it to buy goods and services on the internet in Pakistan
d) I use it to buy goods and services in physical stores in Pakistan
e) It allows me to make payments anonymously
f) I use it to make remittances or other international payments
g) It uses secure blockchain technology to prevent loss and fraud
h) I do not trust banks
i) I do not trust the government or Pakistani Rupee
j) Other (specify) ____________
4. How many Bitcoin do you own? (Select one)
a) None
b) Less than 1
c) 1 to 5
d) 6 to 10
e) More than 10,
f) Unsure/would rather not say
5. Have you owned or used Bitcoin in the past, but subsequently stopped using it?
a) Yes,
b) No
6. Please tell us your main reason for not owning any Bitcoin.
a) I do not understand/know enough about the technology
b) It is not widely accepted as a method of payment
c) My current payment methods meet all my needs
d) The value of Bitcoin varies too much
e) It is not easy to acquire/use
f) I do not trust a private currency that is not backed by the central government
g) I am concerned about cyber theft
h) I am concerned about lack of oversight from regulatory bodies
i) I use alternative digital currencies instead (e.g. Dogecoin, Litecoin, Ripple,etc)
j) Other (specify) ______________
7. What is your preferred method of payment for making purchases online?
a) Credit card,
b) PayPal,
c) Interac online,
d) Interac e-transfer,
e) Bitcoin
f) Other ______________
g) I do not make purchases online

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