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Technology Stack for Full Stack Web Developer (3+)


UI Technologies


HTML -> for structuring of the webpage

CSS -> for presentation of the webpage

JavaScript -> for producing Dynamic content using DOM Manipulation

JQuery -> Library of JavaScript for dynamic data like JS

AJAX -> for Asyncronous calls with server

Bootstrap -> for Responsiveness and Mobile friendly applications

TypeScript -> a superset of JavaScript with fully Object oriented

Angular JS / Angular -> for MVC architecture and two way data binding.

Serverside Technologies


Node JS -> for serverside JavaScript for serverside processing

Express JS -> Library of Node JS for serverside processing



Mongo DB -> for No-SQL database

Fire Base -> cloud based No-SQL database

MySQL -> Relational Database

Testing Frameworks


Mocha -> for Unit Testing

Sinon -> for Unit Testing

Jasmine -> for Unit Testing

Karma -> for Unit Testing

Protractor -> for Integration Testing

Code Coverage Tools


Istanbul -> for code coverage

Build Tools


Git / Gulp -> for building the application

Live Reload of Code


Editors integrated live reload



Code Editors


Sublime Text -> Sublime

Visual Studio Code -> Microsoft

Brackets -> Adobe Systems

Atom -> Github

Webstorm -> JetBrains

Dreamweaver -> Adobe Systems

Code Repositories


Github Enterprise

IBM Clear Case

Graphs & Charts




Optional Technologies


React JS

Ember JS

BackBone JS

Vue JS

Ext JS

Photoshop skills

Development Methodology


Agile Methodology

-> Scrum Model

Project / Task Updates


JIRA website

Daily Standup meetings

HTML -> 10 days
CSS -> 7 days
JavaScript -> 10days
BS -> 7 days
JQuery -> 7 days
Node JS -> 7 days
React JS -> 7 days

Installation of Notepad++
-> goto "google" -> type " notepad++"

-> goto ""

-> click on "download" button

-> select the download options like (32 bit / 64 bit)

-> Click on the "installer" link

-> it downloads a '.exe' file

-> double click on the downloaded file

-> proceed with default installation.

Installation of Node JS

-> Goto "Google" -> type 'node js"

-> goto ""

-> click on "10.15.1" green button

-> it downloads a '.msi' file

-> double click on '.msi' file

-> proceed with the default installation.

Verification of Node Js Installation

-> goto "command prompt"

-> type 'node -v' to get the version of Node JS

-> once you get the version, it is installed successfully

-> type 'npm -v' to get version of NPM

-> once you get the version, it is installed successfully

-> Now you can install 'live server'

Installation of Live Server

-> go to "Command Prompt"

-> type 'npm install -g live-server" (with internet connection)

-> Once it is installed, we can check the version of it by using

'live-server -v'

-> here we get the version as 'live-server 1.2.1'

WebStorm IDE Installation


-> Double Click on 'WebStorm.2018.1.4'

-> Click on Next , Click Next

-> Select the '64Bit' / '32bit'

-> Select Associations for HTML , CSS , JavaScript

-> Check the 'Download JRE' If exists

-> Click on Next

-> Click on Install.

Once installation is done , click on 'run webstorm' and click on finish.

-> Do not import Settings => Ok

-> Close the Activation licence window.

Step 2:
copy the jar file (JetbrainsCrack-3.1.jar) to the below folder
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.1.4\bin"

Step 3:
Select the file '.VMOPTIONS' and change the permissions.
in the 'bin' folder.

-> Select 'webstorm64.exe.vmoptions' => right click

-> click on 'properties' -> Click on 'security'
-> Select the 'users' => Click 'Edit'
-> Select 'Users' => check all 'Allow' options.
-> Click on 'Apply' -> CLick on OK -> Click on OK.

-> Open the '.VMOPTIONS' file in notepad and add the following line,
-javaagent:C:/Program Files/JetBrains/WebStorm 2018.1.4/bin/JetbrainsCrack-3.1-

Step 4:
> Open the 'licence' in notepad and copy it.
-> Open the WebStorm IDE -> Select Activation ->
-> Enter the Licence -> Click on OK.
-> Now the Activation is successful.

-> Click on 'Create New Project' -> Click on 'Create'

Download Source for the HTML Developemnt

-> go to "google"

-> type "naveen saggam"

-> go to ""

-> click on "HTML_Template"

-> Click on "Clone or Download" green color button

-> it downloads a '.zip' file

-> Extract the zip file

-> Open the webstorm IDE

-> click on file -> Open -> Paste the URL of the folder
-> Click OK.

1. Web Architecture

2. JavaScript Introduction

3. CSS Introduction

4. Angular Js Framework

5. MVC Architecture

6. Directives

7. Data Binding

8. Events
9. Services

10. Modules

11. Controllers

12. Filters

13. Ajax Calls

14. Using JSON in Angular JS

15. Single Page Applications (Angular JS Routing)

16. Dependency Injection

17. Cookies

18. Angular Bootstrap

19. CRUD Operations

20. Animations

21. AngularJS Communication with Node JS

22. Custom Services

23. Custom Directives

24. Factory Methods

25. Angular JS Validation States

26. One Time Data Binding

27. Angular JS Promises

28. $http Service

29. $q and $q.all

30. $broadcast and $emit

31. $digest and $apply


33. $watch and $watchGroup

34. $inject

35. MEAN STACK Introduction with ANGULAR JS

36. $ sanitize

37. Interceptors , $http Provider

38. MINI PROJECT with Angular JS

Angular - 2, 4 & 5

1. Typescript

2. Introduction of Angular

3. Differences between 1, 2, 4 & 5

4. Node Modules

5. Angular Framework Architecture

6. Components, Modules

7. Decorators

8. Organize Routes using Modules

9. Injectable Service Classes

10. Directives

11. Providers

12. Component Life Cycle

13. Creating Reactive form and Template Driven Forms

14. Bind form controls to a model

15. Custom Pipe

16. Routing (Single Page Application)

17. Integration with Serverside Script

18. Express JS API Services

19. Mongo DB (with Amazon Cloud)

20. NPM Commands

21. Observable

22. Node Server

23. Angular Animations

24. Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE

25. Angular CLI

26. MEAN Stack Programming


27. BootStrap with Angular

28. Jquery Integration with Angular

29. Search Plugin

30. Pagination with Data Grid

31. Sorting Data Using Angular

32. Mini Project with Angular

33. InterView Questions.

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