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Assessment 2: Case Study: Theory into practice scaffolding rubric – approximately 800 - 1500 words

Year Level observed Joint 1, 2 and 3 class School Mypolonga Primary School

Theory Key Concepts of the Evidence – what have you observed? How does this inform your teaching? E.g.
theory classroom set-up, concrete materials, time
allocation, practices.

Piaget’s Constructivist 1. Socio-dramatic play was used in this classroom I will use socio-dramatic play in my teaching as
Cognitive learning, developing setting for their Financial Literacy class. During it is a fun, flexible and engaging way for the
Development schemas, this class, they acted as shop assistants when children to learn. Children learn best through
Theory (assimilation/accomm learning about counting money and using the hands on learning and social-dramatic play is
odation /adaptation) correct communication skills needed in the great for this.
Equilibrium/Disequilib It is important to be able to differentiate
2. The year 1,2,3 class uses age and ability
rium learning tasks to suite the different stages and
appropriate activities. For example; years 3 fill
abilities of the children. I will use this in my
Pre-operational: out worksheets where they write sentences,
socio-dramatic play, year 2’s write words and the year 1’s draw
combination of pictures on the different work sheets. The questions sticks are an effective strategy to
schemas, animism, 3. My mentor teacher uses question sticks for one enable the child to stop and think before asking
representations of child. The child has 5 questions they can ask any unrelated question. The sticks allow the
reality, categorising, during a lesson. This promotes the child’s child to think for themselves before asking.
egocentrism, independence to enable them to be in a state
centration, non- of equilibrium before asking the teacher.
Vygotsky Social mediated 1. There are many MKO’s that assist this I enjoyed having MKO’s in the classroom and
learning, More classroom by taking extended reading and will use this concept in my own pedagogy. From
knowledgeable writing lessons. These are preservice teachers, my observations, the children could learn
others, Scaffolding SSO’s, older children, parents and teachers. immensely from the older children and staff.
2. Social Speech is used in the classroom as the Not only does this assist the children, the
ZPD, Cultural values
tables are in groups allowing for group teachers are benefitted as they have another
of learning, Cultural
discussions. There are 5 steps of voice levels pair of helpful hands.
tools, socio-dramatic
displayed on the wall. They are; no talking,
play, Language (social, In my future teaching, I will promote social and
whisper, table talk, strong speaker and outside
private, inner speech), private speech as it is affective for their
learning. I will organise my classroom so the
3. Private Speech is used in the classroom as the
tables are in group to enable the children to
children are encouraged to sound the letters
learn from discussions and working with each
out to themselves when reading.
4. The teacher uses the scaffolding technique as
she asks many prompting and open-ended The scaffolding technique will be used in my

questions throughout her teaching. An example future teaching as supporting students through

of questions used is, ‘What do you think a their learning is vital. I will use appropriate open

procedural text is?’. ended, child’s voice, differentiation, visual and

hands on learning to scaffold the children’s
Behaviourism Classical and operant 1. Positive reinforcement: The children have a peg Behaviourism is an important theory for
conditioning, Positive board where if they participate in a desirable behaviour management. I would use the
and negative behaviour, they move their peg up. Once the concepts in this theory in my teaching practices.
reinforcement child reaches the highest point, their peg is then Positive and negative reinforcement is effective
(schedules of placed on the teachers or principal’s jumper. As in managing the children’s behaviour. It is
reinforcement), stated from my mentor; ‘this is very special for essential to reward the children when needed. I
them’. Table points are also given if the groups will use the peg board or a similar strategy for
are working well. The table at the end of the the rewarding system as well as table points as I
Reciprocal week with the highest points are first to have observed this worked well.
determinism free play.
The children know and understand the rules
2. Negative reinforcement- On the same peg
through repetition. As they are aware of these,
chart, if a child isn’t doing so well, the peg will
reinforcement is used to remind the children. I
be moved down. Negative reinforcement is also
will use consistency with the routines and rules
used if the homework or task isn’t completed in
in my teaching so the children’s behaviour is
time, free play time is taken away to finish their
kept under control and on task, meaning
reinforcement is minimal.
3. Schedules of reinforcement was continuous
initially but is now partial. Partial reinforcement To begin with, I will use continual reinforcement

is only used to remind the children of the rules so the learning occurs quickly and then partial

and routines. At the end of the week, the table reinforcement will be used to remind the

points are added up and the reward is given. children of the rules and routines.
Bandura’s Social Observational 1. To maintain the child’s attention, my teacher Gaining the children’s attention has a major
Cognitive learning, allows the children to play a quick game (brain impact on the child’s learning. I will incorporate
Theory break), enabling them to get their minds back brain breaks into my lesson to allow them to
on track. have a quick play, enabling them to be ready
Attention, retention, 2. My mentor teacher uses the role modeling and focused again to learn. I used this method
reproduction, technique in her teaching practices. One when completing a lesson and it worked well to
motivation, triadic example is that she models the correct way to maintain their attention.
reciprocal causation hold a pen and correct sequence to draw the
As a teacher, being a positive role model is
(personal, social, letters of the alphabet.
important. I aim to show the children the
behavioural factors), 3. Children participate in show and tell as well as
correct way to complete a task so the best
self-efficacy, self- weekly jobs. My teacher explained to me that
learning can occur.
regulation this increases their self-efficacy and
independence as they become a leader. Goal Show and tell is an effective learning

directed learning is used in this classroom as experience, allowing the children to develop

children’s goals are displayed in the room. many skills including independence, self-esteem
and self-efficacy. I will use this in my practices.

Attachment Relationships 1. Positive relationships are built through the I will focus on building positive relationships
Theory Security term, ‘Fill the bucket’. From my observations, with the children to promote trust and
Sense of belonging each child compliments another child daily to belonging into the classroom, enabling the best
Class climate fill their bucket. learning to occur. Children will also be
2. The routine, staff, rules, etc. are kept the same encouraged to build relationships with each
to build relationships, trust and consistency. other and other staff.
3. Sense of belonging is incorporated into the
classroom as children’s photos and goals are
displayed. Children also have their own lockers
and trays to promote a sense of belonging.

Erikson Industry vs Inferiority 1. Desks are grouped and children participate in I will encourage goal setting in my teaching
(6-11) – cooperation, grouped tasks to promote cooperation and practices to provided the children with
goal directed learning, team work skills. something to aim for throughout the term. I will
opportunity to 2. Children participate in weekly jobs that give use the weekly jobs strategy for the children to
achieve success them responsibilities. For example; recycling, develop independence.
time keeper, calendar, roll runner, etc.
3. Goals are set each term and are displayed in the

Bronfenbrenner' Nested environments 1. Parents have positive relationships with my Having contact with parents through notes,
s Bio-ecological School context mentor teacher as she includes the parents into apps, reading groups, assemblies builds positive
Systems Theory Parent/teacher the teaching (reading), sending home notes, relationships between all. This includes
relations and the use of the seesaw app. parents/teachers, teachers/students and
Child/teacher 2. Parent/students relationships are influenced parents/students. These relationships are
relations through the Reading Groups as the parents effective in understanding the child’s ability and
Cultural values of assist every morning and listen to the students planning and implementing strategies and
learning (curriculum) read. teaching methods to best support this.
Government 3. During assembly on Friday afternoons the
initiatives and laws cultural values are accepted with the Australian
Anthem and Acknowledgement of Country
being said.

Information Short term memory: 1. Pictures and videos are used for visual learners The child’s memory is the most important
Processing sensory register, to process the information aspect to effective learning. I will use different
Theory attention 2. Rehearsal is used in the classroom with many strategies such as; pictures, rehearsal, chunking,
different learning tasks and prompting brain breaks, recall, etc. to target the children’s
Working memory:
questions. These include answering a question short term, working and long-term memory.
focus, processing,
as an exit pass.
rehearsal, cognitive Time allocation needs to be considered
3. My mentor uses chunking to break the task
load regarding this theory. Children’s attention is lost
down into manageable steps. For example; the
towards the end of the day. It is important to
Long term memory: children need to complete and show the
participate in Literacy, Math’s, etc. at the
transfer, storing and teacher their LSCWC words before going onto
beginning of the day when the children are
recalling information, their rainbow words.
most concentrated.
reconstruction, 4. My mentor allows the children to process the
meaning information, recall it by asking them to say it

Memory deficits back to her before moving to their tables.

(special needs)

Vygotsky- observation 2 Behaviourism-

observation 1 and 2
Image of the voice levels
used in the classroom Image of the peg chart
used for reinforcement
within the classroom

Bandura- observation 3
and Erikson- observation

Image of the show and

tell topics and weekly
jobs used in the

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