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J Rehabil Med 2012; 44: 429–435


The ScreeLing: Occurrence of Linguistic Deficits in Acute

Aphasia Post-Stroke

Hanane El Hachioui, MSc1, Mieke W. M. E. van de Sandt-Koenderman, PhD2,3,

Diederik W. J. Dippel, MD, PhD1, Peter J. Koudstaal, MD, PhD1 and Evy G. Visch-Brink, PhD1
From the Departments of 1Neurology, 2Rehabilitation Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center and 3Rijndam
Rehabilitation Center, Rotterdam Neurorehabilitation Research (RoNeRes), Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Objective: To investigate the occurrence of semantic, pho- For example, the nature of the linguistic disorder may be an
nological and syntactic deficits in acute aphasia with the important prognostic factor for aphasia outcome.
ScreeLing after the establishment of its psychometric prop- The only data available are about the frequencies of aphasia
erties. To examine the relationship between these deficits subtypes in acute stroke, and these are inconsistent. For in-
and: (i) overall aphasia severity; and (ii) quality of Sponta- stance, the reported incidence of Broca’s aphasia varies from
neous Speech. 11% to 22% (5–7), probably due to the fact that classification
Methods: The reliability and validity of the ScreeLing was of aphasia is difficult in the acute stage. Many patients are
established by investigating 141 subjects with acute apha- not classifiable according to classic aphasia syndromes (6)
sia (2 weeks after stroke), 23 with chronic aphasia, and 138 and during the first weeks after stroke these syndromes tend
healthy controls. In addition, the acute patients were as-
to change.
sessed with the Token Test and a Spontaneous Speech rating
It has been reported that domain-specific cognitive func-
(Aphasia Severity Rating Scale).
tions are good predictors for long-term cognitive outcome
Results: The ScreeLing was found to be valid and reliable for
(8). In addition, the prevalence of domain-specific cognitive
assessing the presence and severity of aphasia and linguistic
deficits at 12 days after stroke. In 22.4% of the patients defi- deficits in the acute stage after stroke has been established (9).
cits were found in only 1 of the 3 linguistic levels; phonology For aphasia, this information is unknown. In order to explore
was most frequently disturbed (16.3%), compared with se- whether the core linguistic components of language production
mantics (2.7%), and syntax (3.4%). The number of impaired and comprehension, i.e. semantics, phonology and syntax, are
linguistic levels was related to aphasia severity: patients with relevant prognostic factors, detailed information is first needed
a 3-level disorder had the lowest Token Test scores; patients on the nature and occurrence of linguistic-level deficits. This
with a selective phonological disorder had the highest Spon- information is lacking in the acute stage because of the lack
taneous Speech ratings. Phonology alone explained 54.6% of of tests providing a specific linguistic-level diagnosis suit-
the variance in the Spontaneous Speech rating. able for administration in the early stages after stroke when
Conclusion: In the acute stage, linguistic-level deficits are al- time-consuming tests are too much of a burden. The existing
ready present independently of each other, with phonology screening tools for acute aphasia usually reflect the approach
affected most frequently. taken in traditional aphasia test batteries that assess language
Key words: aphasia; language disorders; diagnosis; cerebrovas- modalities such as comprehension and reading (10, 11), and
cular accident; screening test; semantics; phonetics. are not aimed at the linguistic-level deficits.
J Rehabil Med 2012; 44: 429–435 To the best of our knowledge, the only linguistic screening
test designed to assess the presence of aphasia and to dif-
Correspondence address: Hanane El Hachioui, Erasmus MC ferentiate linguistic-level disorders in the acute stage is the
University Medical Center, Department of Neurology, Room ScreeLing. In a small group study (n = 17) 30% of the patients
EE 2291, PO Box 2040, 3000 CA Rotterdam, The Netherlands. showed selective linguistic disorders on a research version of
E-mail: [email protected]
this test (12). The test has been refined; less accurate subtests
Submitted September 30, 2011; accepted December 13, 2011 have been replaced and, based on item analysis, further adjust-
ments have been made in order to enhance its clinical value
(see Appendix I for further details) (13).
Information on the occurrence of linguistic-level disorders
The prognosis of aphasia after stroke depends largely on its may be important for several reasons. Establishing the oc-
initial severity (1–3), but other factors may also play an impor- currence of linguistic deficits in the acute stage will provide
tant role (2, 4). Regression models have so far explained only more insight into early recovery patterns. Discovering which
part of the variance of the outcome of aphasia (2, 5), indicating linguistic deficits are persistent and which may recover spon-
that other prognostic factors have not yet been discovered. taneously provides a basis for the selection of additional, more

© 2012 The Authors. doi: 10.2340/16501977-0955 J Rehabil Med 44

Journal Compilation © 2012 Foundation of Rehabilitation Information. ISSN 1650-1977
430 H. El Hachioui et al.

comprehensive assessment, which may result in a better guid- 2. Spontaneous Speech was elicited in a 10-min semi-standardized
ance during the treatment course. Furthermore, insight into the interview according to the Aachen Aphasia Test procedure (14) with
4 topics: the beginning and course of the disease; occupation; family
occurrence of linguistic-level deficits in the acute stage may
and housing conditions; and hobbies. This interview was evaluated
be used to examine the impact of early linguistic profiles on with the Aphasia Severity Rating Scale of the Boston Diagnostic
final outcome. Aphasia Examination (15). This categorical variable is a 6-point
The aims of this study were: (i) to report on the psycho- scale varying from 0 “no usable speech or auditory comprehension”
metric properties of the revised ScreeLing; (ii) to investigate to 5 “minimal discernible speech handicap”.
3. The Token Test (36 items) is a well-known and well-validated test
the occurrence of linguistic-level deficits in a large group to measure the presence and the severity of aphasia (16). The Token
of patients with aphasia at 2 weeks after stroke; and (iii) to Test score was handled as a continuous variable (i.e. mean values and
determine the relationship between linguistic-level deficits SD’s are reported) in line with the report on the 36 item-version we
and overall aphasia severity, as well as the verbal abilities in used (16).
spontaneous speech. For the acute patients, the assessment comprised the complete set
of tests. The healthy control group was assessed with the ScreeLing
and the Token Test; the chronic patients were tested twice with the
ScreeLing with an interval of minimally 1 and maximally 2 weeks to
investigate the test re-test reliability.
Acute aphasia patients. Patients were recruited from the stroke units Statistical analyses
of 17 hospitals in the Netherlands, and screened by the local neurolo- First, we established the psychometric properties of the ScreeLing by
gist (based on clinical examination) and speech-language therapist conducting reliability and validity analyses. We calculated the internal
(SLT) (based on an interview). Inclusion criteria were: adult Dutch consistency with Cronbach’s α in the acute patients and healthy con-
native/near-native speaker (i.e. education in Dutch started from early trols combined. The test-retest reliability was determined in the chronic
childhood and primary use of the Dutch language in everyday life); patient group using Bland-Altman plots. For the construct validity, we
aphasia after a first-ever intracerebral haemorrhage or infarction; and compared the ScreeLing performance of the acute patients with that of
testable with the ScreeLing (13) between 2 days and 2 weeks after the healthy controls with independent samples t-tests. The diagnostic
stroke (i.e. alert during the administration of the test and not too ill accuracy of the ScreeLing and each of its 3 linguistic levels was deter-
to tolerate at least 15 min of the ScreeLing assessment; it was also mined by means of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.
allowed to administer the 3 linguistic components in a maximum of The sensitivity and specificity were set at the optimal cut-off point.
3 test sessions if completed within 2 consecutive days). Exclusion In order to provide information on concurrent validity, correlation
criteria were: pre-stroke dementia (suspected or confirmed); severe analyses were conducted between the ScreeLing and the Token Test,
dysarthria; developmental dyslexia; severe impairment of vision and and between the ScreeLing and the Spontaneous Speech rating.
hearing (based on the medical history and standard clinical examination Secondly, differences in mean scores between the 3 linguistic levels
by the attending physician); illiteracy; and psychiatric disorder. were examined separately for the acute patients and healthy controls
with paired samples t-tests, in order to establish whether the subtests
Chronic aphasia patients. Adult Dutch native/near-native speakers were equally complex for healthy speakers, and to investigate whether
(i.e. education in Dutch started from early childhood and primary use the linguistic levels were equally impaired in aphasia. To obtain the oc-
of the Dutch language in everyday life) with aphasia after intracerebral currence of the linguistic-level disorders in the acute patients frequency
haemorrhage or infarction of at least 6 months who were testable with analyses were used. For establishing possible differences in aphasia
the ScreeLing (13), were recruited from 10 treatment centres by their severity between subgroups of the acute patients (i.e. with a selective
SLT. Exclusion criteria were: dementia (suspected or confirmed); severe linguistic-level disorder, a combined disorder, or a 3-level disorder), we
dysarthria; developmental dyslexia; severe impairment of vision and performed one-way ANOVA analysis and Kruskal-Wallis analysis. To
hearing (based on the medical history and standard clinical examination identify pairwise differences we conducted post-hoc multiple compari-
by the attending physician); illiteracy; and psychiatric disorder. sons tests with Bonferroni correction and Mann-Whitney tests. Finally, to
determine the impact of the linguistic-level disorders in the acute patients
Healthy control group. Native/near-native speakers of Dutch (i.e. on Spontaneous Speech we used ordinal regression analysis.
education in Dutch started from early childhood and primary use All analyses were carried out with SPSS 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago,
of the Dutch language in everyday life) older than 18 years were USA).
recruited by speech-language therapy Masters students from their
family and friends. Exclusion criteria were: cerebral disease; dementia
(suspected or confirmed); developmental dyslexia; severe impair- RESULTS
ment of vision and hearing (based on an interview); illiteracy; and
psychiatric disorder. Between June 2007 and June 2009, 147 acute stroke patients
This study was approved by the central medical ethics committee with aphasia were included. The complete assessment was
of Erasmus MC University Medical Center and by the local ethics
administered at 11.66 days (SD 2.10 days) after stroke. We
committees of the participating centres. Informed written consent
was obtained from the participants and/or their close relatives prior excluded 6 patients whose assessments could not be completed
to their inclusion in the study. within the time limits because no SLT was available for testing.
An additional 23 chronic patients (mean time after stroke 49.96
Assessment months, SD 95.62 months) were included between November and
1. The ScreeLing investigates 3 linguistic levels (i.e. semantics, pho- December 2009. We included 138 healthy controls from April to
nology, syntax) with a maximum score for each level of 24, and a May 2007. Participants’ characteristics are shown in Table I.
maximum overall score of 72 (13) (see Appendix I). The ScreeLing
and the 3 linguistic levels were handled as continuous variables (i.e. The 3 groups were compared with Mann-Whitney tests. The
mean values and standard deviations (SD’s) are reported) in line with acute and chronic patients did not differ significantly for age
the previous report on the research version of this test (12). or education level. The healthy controls were younger than the

J Rehabil Med 44
Occurrence of linguistic deficits post-stroke 431

Table I. Baseline characteristics of the participants

Acute patients Healthy controls Chronic patients
(n = 141) (n = 138) (n = 23)
Age, years, mean (SD) [range] 66.61 (14.90) [19–96] 55.74 (20.83) [18–88] 67.96 (14.76) [29–89]
Gender, n (%)
Female 75 (53.2) 73 (52.9) 10 (43.5)
Male 66 (46.8) 65 (47.1) 13 (56.5)
Handedness (EHI), n (%)
Right-handed 123 (87.2) 120 (87.0) 21 (91.3)
Left-handed 15 (10.7) 11 (8.0) 2 (8.7)
Ambidextrous 2 (1.4) 7 (5.1) 0 (0)
Unknown 1 (0.7) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Level of education, n (%)
Unfinished elementary school 3 (2.1) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Elementary school 20 (14.2) 11 (8.0) 3 (13)
(Unfinished) Middle school 5 (3.6) 12 (8.7) 0 (0)
Sophomore high school or lower vocational education 44 (29.1) 15 (10.9) 9 (39.1)
Junior high school or middle vocational education 38 (27) 46 (33.3) 9 (39.1)
Senior high school or higher vocational education 26 (18.4) 31 (22.4) 1 (4.4)
University 5 (3.5) 23 (16.7) 0 (0)
Unknown 3 (2.1) 0 (0) 1 (4.4)
Type of stroke, n (%) –
Infarction 121 (85.8) 20 (87)
Haemorrhage 20 (14.2) 2 (8.7)
Both (infarction and haemorrhage) 0 (0) 1 (4.3)
Clinical localization of stroke, n (%) –
Left hemisphere 139 (98.6) 22 (95.7)
Right hemisphere 2 (1.4) 1 (4.3)
SD: standard deviation; EHI: Edinburgh Handedness Inventory.

acute patients (Z = –4.46, p < 0.001) and the chronic patients A ROC analysis showed that the ScreeLing discriminates
(Z = –2.64, p = 0.008). Their education level was higher than accurately (0.94) between aphasic patients and healthy controls
of the acute patients (Z = –3.51, p < 0.001) and the chronic (Table III). The optimal cut-off score for the total ScreeLing
patients (Z = –2.95, p = 0.003). was 68, i.e. patients scoring less than 68 were classified as
aphasic. This led to a sensitivity of 0.94 and a specificity of
Psychometric properties of the ScreeLing 0.81 with an overall correct classification of 0.88.
The Cronbach’s α of the total ScreeLing and phonology was The ScreeLing and its linguistic levels correlated signifi-
0.95; of semantics and syntax was 0.93. These results show cantly with the Token Test and the Spontaneous Speech rating
high internal consistency for the total ScreeLing and for its in the acute aphasic patients (Table IV). The Token Test showed
linguistic levels. the strongest correlation with the overall ScreeLing score.
Test-retest reliability of the ScreeLing was examined in the The Spontaneous Speech rating was most related to phonol-
chronic group. Each patient was assessed at a mean interval ogy, as this is the only part of the ScreeLing that incorporates
of 10 days (SD 3.16). The Bland-Altman plots illustrate high language production. The high similarity and the significant
agreement between the two assessments, indicating a high relationships between the ScreeLing and the other two aphasia
stability of the ScreeLing over time (Fig. 1). tests suggested a good concurrent validity.
The comparison of the performances on the ScreeLing of
the acute patients and the healthy controls revealed an overall Selective linguistic disorders
significant difference on the total ScreeLing and its linguistic We examined possible differences in mean scores between the
levels (Table II). 3 linguistic levels with paired samples t-tests (Table II). In the

Table II. Construct validity: mean total ScreeLing and linguistic-level scores for the acute patients and healthy controls
Acute patients (n = 141) Healthy controls (n = 138) Difference p (independent samples
Mean (SD) [SE] Mean (SD) [SE] Mean (95% CI) t-tests)
Semantics 19.22 (5.6) [0.47] 23.63 (0.63) [0.05] 4.41 (3.47–5.35) < 0.001
Phonology 16.98 (6.06) [0.51] 23.69 (0.63) [0.05] 6.71 (5.70–7.73) < 0.001
Syntax 17.96 (5.76) [0.49] 23.53 (0.77) [0.07] 5.57 (4.60–6.54) < 0.001
Total ScreeLing 54.16 (16.14) [1.36] 70.85 (1.38) [0.12] 16.70 (14.0–19.39) < 0.001
SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error of the mean; CI: confidence interval.

J Rehabil Med 44
432 H. El Hachioui et al.

Fig. 1. Bland-Altman plots (n = 23). SD: standard deviation.

healthy control group there was one small significant difference Speech rating (score 4 or 5). Among the combined disorders of
between phonology and syntax (p = 0.038, 95% confidence two linguistic levels, the most frequent was the combination
interval (CI) = 0.0 to 0.32), in favour of phonology. In the of a phonological and syntactic deficit (13.6%). Patients with
acute group there was a significant difference between all 3 this combination had a mean phonology score of 17.60 (SD
levels, i.e. between semantics and phonology (p < 0.001, 95% 3.46), a mean syntax score of 18.50 (SD 2.8), a mean Token
CI = 1.49 to 2.99), between semantics and syntax (p < 0.001, Test-score of 23.55 (SD 5.52), and 30% of the patients had a
95% CI = 0.71 to 1.81), and between phonology and syntax high Spontaneous Speech rating. A 3-level disorder was found
(p = 0.001, 95% CI = –1.56 to –0.40). The phonological level in approximately 39% of the patients; these patients had a
showed the lowest scores; semantics scored the highest. mean score for semantics of 13.88 (SD 5.08), for phonology
To ascertain the occurrence of linguistic-level deficits in the 11.60 (SD 5.33), and for syntax 12.58 (SD 4.86). This group of
first 2 weeks after stroke, we conducted frequency analyses patients had a mean Token Test score of 10.06 (SD 6.89) and
(Table V). Selective linguistic-level disorders occurred in only 26.3% had a high Spontaneous Speech rating.
22.4% of the patients; they scored lower than 22 on one par- Twenty-five patients did not have a disorder on any of the lin-
ticular level, whereas their score on the other two linguistic guistic levels. All had been judged as aphasic by their neurolo-
levels was normal, i.e. > 22. A selective phonological disorder gist and speech-language therapist. The Token Test classified
occurred most frequently (16.3%). These patients had a mean 8 of these patients as aphasic; according to the Spontaneous-
phonology score of 19.71 (SD 1.99), a mean Token Test-score Speech rating 17 were aphasic, whereas according to the overall
of 27.20 (SD 5.41), and 79.2% of them had a high Spontaneous

Table IV. Concurrent validity: comparing ScreeLing with Token Test and
Table III. ScreeLing and its linguistic levels: accuracy, sensitivity, and Spontaneous Speech rating (n = 141)
specificity (n = 279) Spontaneous
Optimal Token Test Speech rating
Accuracy cut-off point Sensitivity Specificity (Pearson) (Spearman’s) p
Semantics 0.79 22 0.94 0.56 Semantics 0.79 0.58 < 0.001
Phonology 0.94 22 0.93 0.83 Phonology 0.80 0.73 < 0.001
Syntax 0.87 22 0.91 0.74 Syntax 0.85 0.67 < 0.001
Total ScreeLing 0.94 68 0.94 0.81 Total ScreeLing 0.88 0.73 < 0.001

J Rehabil Med 44
Occurrence of linguistic deficits post-stroke 433

Table V. Frequency of linguistic disorders (n = 141) In addition, patients with a selective phonological disorder
n (%) had the highest Spontaneous Speech ratings. The number of
linguistic-level disorders was related to the severity of aphasia,
Selective semantic deficit 4 (2.7)
Selective phonological deficit 24 (16.3) measured with the Token Test; patients with impairments on
Selective syntactic deficit 5 (3.4) all 3 linguistic levels had the lowest Token Test scores.
Semantic and phonological deficit 2 (1.4) Our study is the first report on the occurrence of linguistic-
Semantic and syntactic deficit 4 (2.7) level deficits in the acute stage in a large cohort of aphasic
Phonological and syntactic deficit 20 (13.6)
stroke patients. In addition, the ScreeLing is the first thoroughly
Semantic, phonological and syntactic deficit 57 (38.8)
evaluated linguistic-level screening test suitable for assessing
the presence and severity of the main linguistic-level deficits
score of the ScreeLing one patient was aphasic. Four did not in early aphasia. It even exceeds the overall sensitivity and
have aphasia according to any of these measures. specificity of the well-known Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test
(FAST), which was reported to be the best out of 6 aphasia
Relationship between linguistic-level deficits and aphasia screening tests (17).
severity Some aspects of the ScreeLing deserve mention. In the acute
stage patients are often too ill to be tested extensively, therefore
There was an overall significant difference (p < 0.001) in aphasia
the ScreeLing has to be short and easy to administer at the bed-
severity, measured by the Token Test, between the subgroups
side in a hospital as well as in a rehabilitation setting. Another
of patients with a selective phonological deficit, a combined
crucial aspect regards the decreasing time of hospitalization:
phonological and syntactic deficit, and a 3-level deficit (one-way
sufficient linguistic information should be available as soon
ANOVA analysis). Patients with a 3-level disorder were the most
as possible to enable additional targeted assessment for an
severe (p < 0.001). Their mean Token Test score was significantly
adequate referral. For each linguistic level, we selected various
lower than the mean Token Test score of the patients with a
tasks that optimally capture each linguistic level, as it is not
selective phonological disorder (mean difference = –17.13, 95%
clear which linguistic task best represents language processing
CI = –20.94 to –13.33) and of the patients with a combined pho-
at the 3 linguistic levels. Not all well-known linguistic tasks
nological and syntactic disorder (mean difference = –13.49, 95%
appeared to be suitable for the acute stage. For example, we
CI = –17.50 to –9.48). There was no difference in mean Token
decided not to use non-word repetition even though this is
Test score between the patients with a selective phonological
known to represent phonological processing (18). This task
disorder and a combined disorder.
appeared too much of a burden for acute patients.
The subgroups of patients with a selective phonological
An earlier version of the ScreeLing proved to have a high
deficit, a combined phonological and syntactic deficit, and
sensitivity (86%) and specificity (96%) in discriminating
a 3-level deficit, showed an overall significant difference in
aphasic and non-aphasic acute stroke patients (12) (see Ap-
the Spontaneous Speech rating with the Kruskal-Wallis test
pendix I for the modifications). A limitation of the present
(χ2 = 30.50, degrees of freedom = 2, p < 0.001). The selective
study is that we did not examine the discriminative power
phonological disorder group showed that more patients had
of the ScreeLing in stroke patients with and without aphasia,
high Spontaneous Speech ratings than in the group with a
as our norm group was restricted to healthy controls. Even
combined phonological and syntactic disorder (Mann-Whitney
though this is standard procedure in neuropsychological tests,
tests, Z = –3.30, p = 0.001), and the 3-level disorder group
we will try to incorporate this aspect in our future research.
(Z = –5.39, p < 0.001). There was no difference in Spontaneous
Another limitation is that our healthy controls were not age-
Speech ratings between the patients with a combined disorder
matched and education-matched with the acute and chronic
and a 3-level disorder.
patient groups. In our future research, we will try to include
Semantic, phonological and syntactic scores explained
norm groups of healthy speakers and stroke patients without
56.3% of the variance of Spontaneous Speech in ordinal
aphasia who are age- and education-matched with the aphasic
regression analysis. Semantics and syntax did not contribute
patients. A final limitation with respect to the psychometric
significantly to this effect: phonology alone explained 54.6%
properties of the ScreeLing is the rather low specificity of
of the variance.
semantics and syntax. In clinical practice, this would result
in a patient being incorrectly classified as having a semantic/
DISCUSSION syntactic disorder. It is almost impossible for screening tests
to be both highly specific and highly sensitive. We preferred
The ScreeLing proved to be a valid and reliable measure for optimal sensitivity in order to avoid misdiagnosing patients
assessing semantic, phonological, and syntactic deficits in with an actual semantic/syntactic disorder.
acute aphasia after stroke. Selective linguistic-level disorders Our results demonstrate that differential assessment of
occurred in 22.4% of the aphasic patients with phonology as linguistic-level deficits is feasible at 2 weeks after stroke and
most frequently affected. The importance of assessing the 3 that the occurrence of selective linguistic disorders is not rare.
linguistic levels separately was further underlined by the find- A selective semantic disorder was the least frequent and also
ing that they had a different impact on spontaneous speech. rarely occurred in combination with just one other linguistic-

J Rehabil Med 44
434 H. El Hachioui et al.

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Appendix I. ScreeLing. The following requirements are met: short (30 min); suitable for bedside administration (1 booklet and a score sheet) by
various disciplines; vivid material (colour photographs, varying tasks); simple scoring system (right/wrong).
Semantics (24 items) Example: sentence “The man’s hair is being cut by the woman”;
1. Word-picture matching (6 items); 6 photos of objects, 5 3 pictures (i) “the man’s hair is being cut by the man”, (ii) “the
semantically related foils. A traditional task for semantic woman’s hair is being cut by the man”, (iii) “the man’s hair is
processing (24). Example: gorilla, tiger, elephant, polar bear, being cut by the woman”.
wolf, giraffe. 2. Wh-questions (4 items); photographed situation with a “Wh”-
2. Identifying semantically anomalous sentences (6 items); choice question. “Wh”-questions require syntactic processing of the
correct/incorrect. This requires recognizing the violation of non-canonical sentence construction (31–32). Example: “Wie
semantic selection restrictions (25). Example: “The ice chose the ziet dat hij een taartje pakt?” (Literally: “Who sees that he a cake
wrong direction”. takes?”) The photograph depicts a man and woman talking, while
3. Verbal semantic association (6 items); choice out of 4 words i.e. a boy takes a cake. The woman is looking at the boy.
1 correct, 2 distracters semantically related with the target word, 3. Identifying syntactic incorrect sentences (6 items); choice correct/
and 1 unrelated distracter. Differentiating between relevant and incorrect. This requires processing of word order, subject-verb
irrelevant semantic features is required (26, 27). Example: letter: agreement, auxiliaries, and conjunctions (31). Example: “Die
chalk, paint, pen, grass. bloemen is veel te duur” (Those flowers is far too expensive).
4. Odd-word out (6 items); choice out of 4. The word that does 4. Sentence completion with function words (6 items); choice out
not fit into the same semantic category has to be selected (28). of 4. Foils are well-known for addressing syntactic processing:
Example: violin, siren, trumpet, piano. personal pronouns, arguments, prepositions, auxiliaries, and
Phonology (24 items) different forms of verb tense or transitive/intransitive verbs (33).
1. Repetition of words and phrases (6 items); to examine Example: “De jongen geeft zijn vriendin...” (The boy gives his
phonological disorders in the output route. Phonological girlfriend…) Naar de film (to the movie), parfum (perfume),
complexity is varied according to word length, consonant wandelen (hiking), van de chauffeur (of the driver).
clusters, identical vowels, phoneme-grapheme correspondence For semantics and syntax all items are presented aurally as well as
(29). Example: “monopolie” (monopoly); “de excentrieke visually in order to gain insight into the underlying linguistic disorder
antiekhandelaar” (the eccentric antique dealer). independently of the input route.
2. Reading aloud words and phrases (6 items); level of complexity This is a description of the final version of the ScreeLing, referred to
matches the repetition task. Phonological processing may in this paper. In an earlier research version, all subtasks were validated
vary depending on the input route (30). Example: “macaroni” against the judgment of a linguist (12).
(macaroni), and “de enthousiaste beroepsgoochelaar” (the In this final version, the following phonological and syntactic
enthusiastic professional magician). subtasks have been adapted. Phonology 3 and 4 consisted of
3. Equal/unequal judgment of spoken word pairs (6 items); choice respectively “reverse the word” (“pan” → “nap”) and lexical decision
yes/no. A task to examine the phonological input route (30). (“cimputer”). Both were replaced after item analyses. Phonology 3
Example: “straat-staart” (street-tail). appeared to relate to a general capacity to perform the required action
4. Matching first phoneme of a spoken word with the grapheme rather than to intactness of phonological processing. The lexical
(6 items); choice out of 3. Phoneme analysis and phoneme- decision task was too easy; 80% of the patients performed perfectly.
grapheme conversion is required (30). Example: “boek” (book): To reduce chance level in Syntax 1, more foils were added to the
g, k, b. original choice of 2. In Syntax 3, selecting a grammatically correct
Syntax (24 items) sentence out of 3 possibilities appeared to be too time-consuming.
1. Sentence-picture matching (8 items); choice out of 3 or 4 Syntax 4, repetition of sentences with mainly function words, was
photographs. The task requires syntactic comprehension, replaced by an easier-to-score task; this ensures that the test can also be
including reversible sentences, subject-verb agreement, reflexive used by professionals from other disciplines, such as neurologists and
verbs, passive sentences, prepositions, and verb tense (31). neuropsychologists.

J Rehabil Med 44

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