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Clinical Focus

Developing a Clinician-Friendly Aphasia Test

Robert C. Marshall
University of Kentucky, Lexington

Heather Harris Wright

Arizona State University, Tempe

Purpose: The Kentucky Aphasia Test (KAT) is Results: Results with the KAT clearly differenti-
an objective measure of language functioning for ated the language performance of individuals
persons with aphasia. This article describes with and without aphasia. NBD participants made
materials, administration, and scoring of the KAT; few errors, and overall scores on the test for
presents the rationale for development of test individuals with aphasia were rarely within 1 SD
items; reports information from a pilot study; of the NBD group. Performance of the partici-
and discusses the role of the KAT in aphasia pants with aphasia administered KAT-1, KAT-2,
assessment. and KAT-3 suggested that the 3 versions of the
Method: The KAT has 3 parallel test batteries, test represent a hierarchy of difficulty.
KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3. Each battery contains Conclusions: The KAT remains in its early
the same orientation test and 6 subtests, each stages of development. However, it does appear
with 10 items, assessing expressive and recep- to meet the requirements for a “ clinician-friendly ”
tive language functions. Subtests for KAT-1, aphasia test and, as such, offers a rapid, con-
KAT-2, and KAT-3 systematically increase in venient means of obtaining an objective score
difficulty so that it is possible to assess individ- to determine changes in language functioning
uals with severe, moderate, and mild aphasia, during the early postonset period.
respectively. The KAT was administered to
38 participants with aphasia and 31 non-brain-
damaged (NBD) participants. Key Words: aphasia, test, managed care

phasia test batteries have been used by clinicians to Few would dispute the need to conduct a comprehensive
assess persons with aphasia (PWA) for nearly a cen- assessment of the PWA before starting intervention. The
tury. The first test batteries used to characterize the MTDDA, PICA, BDAE, and WAB have met this need for
speech, language, and cognitive deficits of PWA were devel- decades, but using these tests to assess PWA in today’s
oped shortly before and after World War II (Eisenson, 1946; health care system is problematic for several reasons (Golper
Goldstein, 1948; Head, 1926; Weisenburg & McBride, 1935). & Cheney, 1999). The first is that clinicians have less time to
Additional measures were developed between 1960 and 1982 devote to assessment now than in the era before managed
as interest in aphasia rehabilitation grew and objective mea- care. The BDAE and MTDDA have multiple subtests and,
sures were needed to measure the effects of its treatment. Some in our clinical experience, can take up to 2 hr to give,
tests such as Examining for Aphasia (Eisenson, 1946), the particularly if the client’s aphasia is severe. The PICA and
Language Modalities Test for Aphasia (Wepman & Jones, the 1982 version of the WAB can usually be completed in
1961), and the Neurosensory Center Comprehensive Exam- less than an hour. However, 40 hr of training ( Porch, 1967)
ination for Aphasia (Spreen & Benton, 1977) are rarely used are required for a clinician to be able to use the PICA’s
today. Others, however, such as the Minnesota Test for Dif- multidimensional scoring system reliably. This may be
ferential Diagnosis of Aphasia (MTDDA; Schuell, 1972), impractical for many clinicians ( Lincoln, 1988). A second
Porch Index of Communicative Ability (PICA; Porch, 1981), problem is that clinicians are now obligated to conduct an
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE; Goodglass assessment of the PWA earlier in the poststroke course,
& Kaplan, 1983), and the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB; frequently at bedside. Both the PICA and the WAB contain
Kertesz, 1982), continue to have widespread use (Byng, Kay, materials (cards, objects, pictures) and forms that restrict
Edmundson, & Scott, 1990) and are taught to graduate students their administration in less than optimal settings, particularly
in communication disorders and sciences as part of their if the client is not medically stable. Finally, most aphasia
clinical training (Brookshire, 2003). tests in use today were designed to assess PWA in the middle

American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007 • A American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 295
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of the severity continuum. It has been suggested that these permits the clinician to assess any client with aphasia with
lack a sufficient “ top ” (difficult tests) or “ bottom ” (easier the KAT and eliminates the need to devise hybrid protocols
tests) to adequately assess clients with mild and severe to assess clients at upper and lower ends of the severity
aphasia, respectively (Brookshire, 2003; Darley, 1983; continuum. The scoring system of the KAT requires no
Miller, Willmes, & de Belser, 2000; Raymer & LaPointe, special training to use. It combines features of the multi-
1986). When more time was available for testing, clinicians dimensional scoring system of the PICA ( Porch, 1967) and
could compensate for this by administering supplementary the communication-based system of the Communication
tests, and in some cases, devising their own measures. Activities of Daily Living, Second Edition (CADL–2;
However, managed care neither supports nor allows time Holland, Fratalli, & Fromm, 1998). Thus, it allows the
for this. examiner to record response features such as delays and
One way to compensate for the constraints on aphasia self-corrections, and it gives the client credit for respond-
assessment brought about by managed care is to develop ing correctly in modalities other than speaking (gesture,
“ clinician-friendly ” tests. Ideally, these would be measures drawing, writing, pointing).
that (a) could be given in their entirety in a short time frame, The purposes of this article are to (a) describe the ma-
( b) compensate for floor and ceiling effects and could be terials, administration, and scoring of the KAT and the
used with PWA across the severity continuum, and (c) are rationale underlying development of test items; (b) report test
convenient to administer in all patient care settings. Time scores and sensitivity information for participants with and
spent in testing PWA can be reduced by using short versions without aphasia and provide information on the scoring
of aphasia test batteries ( Disimoni, Keith, & Holt, 1975; and test–retest reliability; and (c) discuss the role of the
Goodglass, Kaplan, & Barresi, 2001; Kertesz, 2006; Schuell, KAT in present-day assessment practices of PWA.
1972) and aphasia screening tests (Crary, Haak, & Malinski,
1989; Fitch-West & Sands, 1998; Helm-Estabrooks, 1992;
Keenan & Brassell, 1975; Sklar, 1983). However, modifi- KAT Development
cations of longer aphasia tests and screening tools are rarely Orientation
standardized (Golper & Cheney, 1999) and do not meet, or To begin the test, the clinician administers the orientation
only partially meet, other desirable features of a clinician- test shown in Appendix A. The orientation test is identical
friendly test. for KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3. It requires the client to per-
This article provides information on the Kentucky form 10 tasks involving reading, writing, and pointing. Items
Aphasia Test ( KAT; Marshall & Wright, 2002). The KAT for the test were constructed similarly to those used in the
is an impairment-based, objective measure of language func- Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia, Second Edi-
tioning for use with individuals with aphasia secondary to a tion (LaPointe & Horner, 1998), the CADL–2 (Holland et al.
stroke. It is intended to provide clinicians with a means to 1998), and the Assessment of Language-Related Functional
quantify changes in language functioning during the early Activities (Baines, Martin, & Heeringa, 1999). The orienta-
postonset period when the individual is moving from one tion test is used (a) to establish rapport with the client, (b) to
patient care setting to the next.1 In developing this exper- “settle” the individual into the testing situation, and (c) to
imental version of the KAT, the time and physical constraints provide the clinician with supplementary information about
imposed on clinicians working in managed care settings the client’s speech and language functioning.
were given paramount consideration. The KAT contains only
an orientation test, a picture description task, and six 10-item
subtests to assess expressive and receptive functions. Read- Picture Description Task
ing and writing subtests were not included in the KAT, not The client’s performance on the picture description task
because they are not important to assess, but because these guides the clinician’s decision to administer KAT-1, KAT-2,
skills are usually the most impaired in aphasia, take more or KAT-3. For this task, the client describes the divided
time to assess, and tend to receive less attention in the early attention picture shown in Figure 1. This picture was
posttreatment period when the focus is on improving developed by providing a commercial artist with several
comprehension and message exchange skills that will allow types of elicitation stimuli that have been used to elicit
the client to communicate with his or her caregivers (Holland connected speech samples from clients with communication
& Fridriksson, 2001; Marshall, 1997; Murray & Holland, disorders. Using these as guidelines, the artist constructed
1995). The KAT has three parallel test batteries: KAT-1, several drawings, one of which was eventually chosen by the
KAT-2, and KAT-3. The three batteries increase systemati- authors. For this task, the examiner places the picture in front
cally in difficulty and complexity in order to facilitate of the client and says, “ Tell me what is going on in this
assessment of individuals with severe, moderate, and mild picture. ” The client is given as much time as needed to
aphasia, respectively. This “three-in-one ” arrangement complete the task. In the development of the KAT, 63 non-
brain-damaged (NBD) adults (33 men and 30 women)
ranging from 19 to 78 years of age (M = 36.60, SD = 16.04)
We consider the early postonset period to encompass the first 3 months and having from 12 to 18 years of education (M = 14.78,
after a stroke causing aphasia. This is a time when the individual may be SD = 2.10) described the picture. Their narratives were
seen for speech and language assessment and treatment in a variety of
settings (acute care, general hospital ward, rehabilitation, nursing home,
transcribed verbatim, and the content units (nouns and verbs)
home health, outpatient) and when most rehabilitation services are received listed in Appendix B were identified. The number of content
in the managed care system. units produced by the NBD volunteers ranged from 6 to 24

296 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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FIGURE 1. Divided Attention picture.

(M = 16.64, SD = 4.62). This value falls midway between version being given to a fluent client with severe aphasia
those of younger (M = 18.0, SD = 4.7) and older NBD and good motor skills.
participants (M = 14.7, SD = 3.6) who described the Cookie
Theft picture from the BDAE in a study by Yorkston and
Beukelman (1980). We made a decision to administer KAT-1 Subtests
to any PWA who produced from 0 to 5 content units because The KAT has six 10-item subtests. Three—Picture
this was fewer than the number of content units from any Naming, Repetition Span, and Defining Words—assess
NBD participant, and we opted to administer KAT-2 and expressive abilities. Three others—Following Commands,
KAT-3 when the number of content units was 6 to 10 or ≥11, Yes/ No Questions, and Word-to-Picture Matching—assess
respectively. This decision was primarily made to be con- receptive functions. Stimuli for each of the subtests, instruc-
sistent across the three versions of the KAT, but it should tions, administration procedures, scoring, and other special
be pointed out that these values are consistent with those circumstances surrounding administration of each subtest
from Yorkston and Beukelman (1980) for participants are provided in Appendix C.
with low–moderate (M = 10.5, SD = 2.5) and mild aphasia Picture Naming. Items for the Picture Naming subtest are
(M = 16.4, SD = 3.3). black-and-white drawings approximately 2.5 in. × 3 in. in
Whereas the results of the picture description task do not size. Task difficulty was determined on the basis of frequency
contribute to the overall score for the KAT, this task does of occurrence (Kucera & Francis, 1967) of the target words.
provide information about the client’s articulation, use of Mean frequencies for words selected for KAT-1, KAT-2,
propositional language, semantic production, and syntax that and KAT-3 are 125.4 (SD = 58.3), 55.1 (SD = 14.6), and 17.4
is useful in characterizing the client’s speech and language (SD = 11.3), respectively. Frequency of occurrence indicates
abilities. Our rationale for using results of the picture de- how common the target words are; the numbers represent
scription task as an “indicator ” of severity and to deter- the average frequency of occurrence per 1 million words.
mine which version of the KAT to give was based on the Following Commands. On this subtest, the client fol-
fact that in the early postonset period, most PWA are lows spoken commands requiring the identification of body
concerned about their verbal communication status, and parts. KAT-1 involves one- and two-step commands involv-
the patient’s ability to communicate verbally is a common ing body parts only (e.g., make a fist). KAT-2 commands
standard by which early progress is judged. We are cognizant increase in difficulty by adding right-left distinctions (e.g.,
that using the number of content units produced on a picture make a fist with your left hand). Two-step commands
description task as an indicator of severity has some lim- involving right-left discriminations are also used for KAT-3,
itations. For example, in some cases it could result in a but the commands are made more difficult by having the
less difficult version of the test being given to a client with client make distinctions between the adverbs before and after
a co-occurring motor speech problem or a more difficult (e.g., after you touch your right knee, raise your hand).

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Defining Words. To develop the Defining Words subtest, a difficulty encountered in finding pictures for KAT-3 that
large corpus of lexical items was selected using guidelines would challenge clients with mild aphasia. Thus, we elected
for frequency similar to the Picture Naming task. A sample to use geometric forms, which are also included on the
of 30 NBD adult volunteers provided written definitions BDAE (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1983), while acknowledging
for each of the items. Items for KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3 that these stimuli might be familiar to a client with a
were chosen from the written definitions that reflected background in architecture or a related subject.
greatest consensus and least variability (see Appendix D).
Repetition Span. The Repetition Span subtest requires Scoring
the client to repeat a series of numbers after the examiner.
Span length is systematically increased from battery to Responses to the 10 items on the orientation test and six
battery by increasing the number of syllables to be repeated. subtests are scored as follows: 0 = no response; 1 = attempts
Span length for KAT-1 items ranges from 1 to 3 syllables, response, but error; 2 = partially correct or correct after
span length for KAT-2 ranges from 4 to 6 syllables, and span reinstruction; 3 = self-corrected response; 4 = correct
length for KAT-3 ranges from 7 to 9 syllables. This method response after delay; 5 = correct, prompt response. The
for assessing repetition span differs from that of aphasia 10 scores for each subtest are summed to provide a subtest
test batteries, which include repetition tasks of words, phrases, score (maximum = 50). The subtest scores are summed to
and sentences, and that of the MTDDA, which uses digit compute an overall score for the test (maximum = 350).
strings. The rationale for using a syllable rather than a word
metric was based on the need to have precise control of span Pilot Study
length and to minimize the effects of linguistic redundancy
and memory demands for the task. Also, having the client Participants
repeat numerical values (e.g., 92, 309) rather than digit Thirty-eight adults with aphasia resulting from a left-
strings (e.g., 3, 8, 1) facilitates examiner control of presen- hemisphere stroke and 31 NBD adults were tested with
tation rate. While there are no data to support the use of the KAT. Table 1 summarizes demographic information for
syllables over words or digit strings, it has been shown the groups regarding gender, age, education, ethnicity, and
that experienced clinicians alter their speaking rates in the time postonset for the participants with aphasia. Analyses
presentation of sentences (Token Test commands) in accor- of variance (ANOVAs) were performed to determine whether
dance with the severity of the client’s aphasia (Salvatore, participants with and without aphasia differed in age and years
Strait, & Brookshire, 1978). of education completed. Results indicated that participant
Yes/ No Questions. Stimuli for the Yes /No Questions groups did not differ significantly for age, F(1, 67) = 0.39,
subtest were developed using guidelines from the aphasia p = .53, or years of education completed, F(1, 67) = 3.26,
literature regarding the processing of yes /no questions p = .08.
( Brookshire, 2003; Brookshire & Nicholas, 1980; Deloche Of the 38 adults with aphasia, 20, 10, and 8 participants
& Seron, 1981; Gray, Hoyt, Mogil, & Lefkowitz, 1977; were administered KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3, respectively.
Kudo, 1984). KAT-1 includes nonfalsified, nonreversible ANOVAs were performed to compare the three groups of
questions requiring no inference (e.g., Do dogs bark?). participants with aphasia; they did not differ significantly
KAT-2 questions contain falsified information (e.g., Do for age, F(2, 35) = 0.59, p = .56, or years of education
elephants have fins?), reversible sentences (e.g., Do doc- completed, F(2, 35) = 1.42, p = .26.
tors work for nurses?), and a need for inference (e.g., Does
everyone save money?). KAT-3 questions have similar
features to those for KAT-2 but also require the client to TABLE 1. Demographic information for participants with aphasia
make comparisons (e.g., Are men larger than boys?). (PWA) and without aphasia (NBD).
Word-to-Picture Matching. For the Word-to-Picture
Matching subtest, the client points to one picture in a field Variable PWA (N = 38) NBD (N = 31)
of five following a request from the examiner. The task is
introduced with a single practice item that is identical for Gender 19M /19F 19M /12F
each version of the KAT. Each version of the KAT requires Ethnicity
identification of five nouns and five verbs. On each KAT Caucasian 31 21
battery, the stimuli are systematically reordered to change the African American 3 10
Hispanic 1 0
position of the target picture from item to item. On KAT-1, Other 3 0
noun ( ball, car, dog, table, and tree) and verb pictures
(throw, drive, run, eat, and chop) are not semantically related. Age
M (SD ) 65.11 (14.42) 63.06 (12.29)
For KAT-2, the level of difficulty is increased by using Range 32–87 50–86
semantically related nouns (apple, orange, pear, banana, and
grapes) and increasingly abstract verbs (mounting, peeking, Years of education completed
M (SD ) 13.00 (2.63) 13.76 (2.51)
melting, opening, and acting). Stimuli for KAT-3 include five Range 8–20 8–18
abstract nouns (convex, sphere, triangle, rectangular, and
Months postonset
conical) and verbs (diverging, converging, paralleling, inter- M (SD ) 59.97 (57.71)
secting, and angling). The items of KAT-3 are at variance Range 3–240
with those for KAT-1 and KAT-2. The reason for this is the

298 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Procedure Defining Words subtest required the examiner to make a
The NBD participants attended one session. Initial testing judgment about the “correctness ” (i.e., correct, partially
and activities were completed first; then all three versions correct, incorrect) of the individual’s response in order to
of the KAT were administered. Initial activities included score each item. Since there was room for interpretation,
obtaining informed consent and collecting demographic these data were not collapsed with other scoring agreement
information, as well as completing the Short Portable Mental data. Rather, all samples (i.e., aphasia and NBD) were
Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ; Pfeiffer, 1975) to ensure nor- included for interrater scoring judgments, and 50% of
mal cognitive functioning. All NBD participants had nor- responses by NBD participants and 100% of responses by
mal cognitive functioning based on their performance participants with aphasia were included for intrarater scor-
on the SPMSQ. ing judgments. Only these four subtests were included in
Participants with aphasia attended one or two sessions, determining scoring reliability because responses were
depending on whether they completed the KAT a second verbal and could be scored from listening to the audiotapes.
time. After informed consent and demographic information Nineteen participants with aphasia completed the KAT
were obtained, a narrative sample was collected from the twice, and their data were used to determine test–retest
participant’s picture description and then analyzed to deter- reliability. Pearson product–moment correlations were per-
mine which KAT test battery the participant would receive. formed for each subtest as well as the total score between
Following this determination, the orientation test was ad- Session 1 and Session 2.
ministered, and then the subtests of the appropriate KAT
level were administered. Nineteen participants attended a Results
second session and were administered the KAT a second Reliability. For intra- and interrater scoring agreement,
time. This second session occurred no less than 1 week after examiners listened to the audiotapes and scored test items no
the first session. Order of subtests administered was ran- less than 2 weeks after the testing session. Scoring agreement
domized across participants as well as testing sessions data were collapsed for the three subtests—Picture Naming,
when applicable. Repetition Span, and Yes/ No Questions. Inter- and intrarater
Test administrators were graduate students in speech- scoring agreement was 85% and 94% for responses from
language pathology supervised and trained by certified participants with aphasia, respectively, and 93% and 98%
speech-language pathologists. Testing took place in a quiet, for responses from the participants without brain damage,
distraction-free room. Participants’ verbal responses were respectively. For the Defining Words subtest, examiners
audiotaped. The examiner scored the KAT online for most were trained to the rules for scoring and were provided a list
items but was able to refer to the audiotapes to transcribe of examples of correct definitions for the items prior to
responses and score at a later time as needed. This was scoring. Item-by-item interrater agreement was 74% and
often necessary for the Repetition Span and Defining Words 88% for responses from participants with and without
subtests. The audiotapes were also used to determine inter- aphasia, respectively. Item-by-item intrarater agreement for
and intrarater scoring agreement. responses provided by NBD participants’ samples yielded
Data analysis procedures. Analyses of interest included 94.7% agreement. Item-by-item intrarater agreement of the
how NBD participants compared across the three KAT bat- responses provided by participants with aphasia yielded
teries, how participants with aphasia compared across the 92.5% agreement.
different test batteries, and how participants with and without Test–retest reliability for the KAT was determined for
aphasia compared on the same KAT batteries. To determine each subtest and the total score between Session 1 and
whether NBD participants performed similarly across the Session 2. Pearson product–moment coefficients revealed
three KAT versions, several repeated measures ANOVAs significant correlations for all subtests (r ≥ .80, p < .0001),
were performed. Several Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA demonstrating that participants’ performance across sessions
tests (a nonparametric test) were conducted to identify group was stable. See Table 2 for groups’ performance on the
differences among participants with aphasia. The Kruskal– KAT subtests across the two sessions.
Wallis was used for two reasons: (a) because of the unequal Performance by NBD participants. We expected that the
sample sizes among groups, and (b) because homogeneity NBD adults would perform at or near ceiling level for all
of group variances was not met. Finally, equality of variance subtests of KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3, indicating that test
F tests were performed to determine homogeneity of variance items are appropriate and individuals without language
for the group comparisons among participants with and with- problems are able to perform the tasks without difficulty.
out aphasia. Homogeneity of variance was not met for any Also, we expected that performance would not differ for
comparisons; thus, Mann–Whitney U tests (a nonparametric NBD participants across the different versions. Table 3
test) were performed to compare KAT performances between presents the subtest and overall means and standard devia-
participants with and without aphasia. tions for the three versions of the KAT completed by the
Reliability of the scoring system as well as overall test– NBD participants.
retest reliability was determined. To ascertain scoring reli- Several repeated-measures ANOVAs were performed,
ability, inter- and intrarater agreement for item-by-item and no significant differences were found among the three
scoring was calculated on responses from 20 of the partici- versions for the Following Commands, Repetition Span,
pants with aphasia and 30 NBD participants for the Pic- Yes/No Questions, or Defining Words subtests. Participants
ture Naming, Repetition Span, and Yes/ No subtests. The evinced significant main effects for total score, F(2, 60) = 12.38,

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TABLE 2. Means and standard deviations of test–retest performance for participants with aphasia for subtests and total score.

KAT-1 (N = 12) KAT-2 (N = 4) KAT-3 (N = 3)

Time 1 Time 2 Time 1 Time 2 Time 1 Time 2


Orientation 22.9 13.8 23.0 13.3 36.8 10.8 38.0 9.1 31.0 21.0 34.7 22.4
Picture Naming 24.8 12.6 28.5 13.4 41.3 3.5 41.8 3.0 33.3 20.6 29.3 17.8
Commands 32.6 10.8 30.7 12.3 46.3 2.6 48.3 3.5 28.3 16.4 34.7 17.2
Repetition Span 34.0 18.4 33.2 16.3 43.5 11.1 44.0 8.1 30.0 17.6 32.3 20.1
Yes/ No 34.3 12.7 36.4 10.7 41.5 6.0 42.5 6.4 40.7 6.1 43.3 9.0
Defining Words 28.2 13.3 30.8 13.3 26.5 13.0 26.5 12.6 31.0 19.0 32.3 19.4
Word-to-Picture 35.6 12.8 34.4 9.4 42.8 3.3 48.0 2.5 33.0 20.1 34.0 15.7
Total score 212.4 80.0 217.0 75.2 278.5 37.0 289.0 34.5 227.3 114.0 240.7 119.2

Note. Maximum total score for each subtest = 50; maximum total score overall = 350.

p < .0001, and the Picture Naming, F(2, 60) = 38.55, p < .0001, this test should be the case for less severe clients. Thus,
and Word-to-Picture Matching, F(2, 60) = 22.75, p < .0001, participants completing KAT-3 would be expected to have
subtests. Planned comparisons were performed to identify the highest scores, those taking KAT-2 the next highest
group differences. The a priori p value was set at .05. Mul- scores, and those taking KAT-1 the lowest scores. Table 4
tiple comparisons were performed; thus, we controlled for shows the KAT subtest and overall means and standard
familywise error using an adjusted p of .0167. For the total deviations for the participants with aphasia. Several
score, participants yielded significantly better scores for the Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA tests were conducted
KAT-1 version compared with the KAT-2 and KAT-3 ver- and revealed significant differences among groups on the
sions. Participants performed significantly worse on the orientation subtest (H = 8.55, p < .05) and naming subtest
KAT-2 version of the Picture Naming subtest compared (H = 7.87, p < .05). Planned comparisons were performed,
with KAT-1 and KAT-3 versions. Lastly, for the Word-to- and the a priori p value was set at .05 and then controlled for
Picture Matching subtest, participants yielded the lowest familywise error. Results indicated that participants who
score for the KAT-3 version compared with the KAT-1 completed the KAT-1 version performed significantly worse
and KAT-2 versions. on the orientation subtest as well as the naming subtest
Performance by participants with aphasia. Thirty-eight compared with participants who completed KAT-2 and
participants with aphasia were administered the KAT at least KAT-3 versions. No other comparisons yielded statistically
one time. We anticipated no differences among the subtests significant differences.
or overall scores for the participants completing KAT-1, Comparing participants with and without aphasia.
KAT-2, or KAT-3. The reason for this was that test items Mann–Whitney U tests were performed to compare KAT
for KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3 were selected so that those performances between participants with and without aphasia.
for KAT-1 would be less difficult than those of KAT-2 and See Table 4 for groups’ performance on the KAT. Twenty
so forth, to coincide with the parallel testing concept of participants with aphasia and 31 NBD adults completed the
the KAT. However, it was anticipated that participants with KAT-1 version. The groups differed significantly for all
aphasia would differ in their performance on the orientation subtests as well as the total score (U = 618, p < .0001). In
subtest. The reason for this was that the orientation subtest all cases, the NBD group had significantly higher scores.
was the same for all participants, and better performance on Using an a priori p value of .05, similar results were found

TABLE 3. Means and standard deviations for participants without aphasia (N = 31) on KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3 subtests and overall.


Subtest M SD M SD M SD

Picture Naming* KAT-2 < KAT-1 & KAT-3 48.5 3.3 42.3 5.8 48.0 4.1
Commands 49.9 0.4 49.4 1.8 48.6 2.2
Repetition Span 49.9 0.5 49.8 0.6 49.4 1.7
Yes/ No 49.5 1.2 48.6 2.1 49.1 1.5
Defining Words 46.4 3.9 48.0 3.3 46.8 2.5
Word-to-Picture Matching* KAT-1 & KAT-2 > KAT-3 49.5 2.2 49.3 2.3 43.2 7.0
Total score* KAT-1 > KAT-2 & KAT-3 343.10 5.92 336.74 9.22 334.42 11.70

Note. Maximum total score for each subtest = 50; maximum total score overall = 350.
*Statistically significant group differences.

300 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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TABLE 4. Means and standard deviations for participants with aphasia and participants without aphasia for subtests and total score.


PWA (N = 20) NBD (N = 31) PWA (N = 10) NBD (N = 31) PWA (N = 8) NBD (N = 31)


Orientation 25.1 12.5 49.4 1.3 36.6 7.8 49.4 1.3 37.9 13.0 49.4 1.3
Picture Naming 26.6 14.5 48.5 3.3 39.7 3.8 42.3 5.8 38.5 13.5 48.0 4.1
Commands 33.4 9.8 49.9 0.4 40.8 9.9 49.4 1.8 31.9 13.7 48.6 2.2
Repetition Span 34.5 17.4 49.9 0.5 43.7 10.3 49.8 0.6 34.9 15.8 49.4 1.7
Yes/ No 36.6 10.5 49.5 1.2 38.9 8.8 48.6 2.1 41.9 6.6 49.1 1.5
Defining Words 29.4 12.7 46.4 3.9 30.4 10.5 48.0 3.3 35.1 13.8 46.8 2.5
Word-to-Picture 37.4 11.0 49.5 2.2 40.8 7.1 49.3 2.3 32.5 13.0 43.2 7.0
Total score 222.9 14.5 343.10 5.92 270.9 38.4 336.74 9.22 250.4 78.1 334.42 11.7

Note. Maximum total score for each subtest = 50; maximum total score overall = 350.

when comparing performances by the aphasia group (N = 10) measures. No PWA had an overall score within 1 SD of the
who completed KAT-2 with the NBD group’s (N = 31) NBD group. Thus the KAT is sensitive to aphasia when its
KAT-2 scores, as well as comparisons between participants overall score is used as a metric. However, as mentioned
with aphasia (N = 8) and without aphasia (N = 31) on the previously, 9%, 27%, and 29% of the participants with
KAT-3 version. That is, for all subtest and total score com- aphasia given KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3, respectively, had
parisons, the NBD group performed significantly better than orientation, expressive, or receptive subtest scores within
the respective aphasia group. 1 SD of the NBD group. Largely, this was a result of the fact
Finally, test sensitivity for accurately differentiating that stimuli on the naming subtest of KAT-2 and the Word-to-
adults with and without aphasia was determined. Using 1 SD Picture Matching subtest of KAT-3 were more difficult for
of the NBD group’s mean as an indicator of test sensitivity, the NBD participants than anticipated. Replacing these items
we calculated the number of participants with aphasia who with easier, less abstract stimuli may improve sensitivity of
scored within this range. None of the participants with the KAT in the future, but this would be premature before
aphasia received total scores within 1 SD of the NBD group’s increasing the database for the KAT, and it does not nec-
means. However, for subtest scores within each KAT level, essarily preclude use of the test at the present time. Also,
some participants with aphasia scored within 1 SD of the Lezak and colleagues (2004) point out that judging the
NBD group’s mean. For KAT-1, 9% of scores by participants “goodness ” of a test on its diagnostic accuracy is a ques-
with aphasia across the subtests were within 1 SD; many tionable assumption because most tests have as their purpose
occurred during the Repetition Span subtest (5 out of the describing an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and
20 participants). For the KAT-2, 27% of scores by partic- monitoring the status of a disorder or disease for planning
ipants with aphasia were within 1 SD. However, most of and treatment.
these occurred during the naming subtest—8 of the 10 par- Preliminary estimates of scoring and temporal reliability
ticipants scored within 1 SD. Similar findings were found for the KAT are relatively high. To administer the KAT,
with KAT-3 scores: 29% of the scores by participants with the clinician needs only a few materials (e.g., test booklet,
aphasia were within 1 SD. The culprits of this number were scoring form, coins for making change, paper and pencil).
the naming and Word-to-Picture Matching subtests. For Other props needed to administer the test (e.g., telephone)
each of these, 4 out of 8 participants scored within 1 SD are usually available at the testing location. Perhaps the most
of the NBD group’s mean. compelling feature of the KAT is that it offers three separate
tests in one clinical package: KAT-1, KAT-2, and KAT-3.
The fact that the overall scores for participants with severe,
Discussion and Clinical Implications moderate, and mild aphasia did not differ significantly for the
The KAT is a first step in the development of a measure three batteries suggests that we are close to establishing a
for time-conscious clinicians in need of a single aphasia test reasonable hierarchy of difficulty for KAT-1, KAT-2, and
with which to obtain an objective score for any client with KAT-3, and are creating different but parallel test protocols.
aphasia. While the time to administer the KAT has not been This is confirmed, in part, by the fact that participants tested
determined empirically, our observations to date are that with KAT-1 performed significantly poorer on the only
clients with aphasia need less than 30 min to complete the test that was the same for each battery, the orientation test,
test. Although the KAT is not a diagnostic test, it appears to but unfortunately participants administered KAT-2 and
be capable of distinguishing among persons with and with- KAT-3 did not differ on the orientation test.
out aphasia. Test sensitivity refers to the probability of
accurately detecting abnormal functioning in an impaired
individual ( Keil & Kaszniak, 2002; Lezak, Howieson, & Potential Clinical Uses of the KAT
Loring, 2004). Our NBD participants made few errors on Managed care challenges clinicians to do more with
the test and performed significantly better than PWA on all less. For many clinicians, this means spending less time in

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assessment and getting treatment started earlier. This has Acknowledgments
essentially been the case since the Budget Reconciliation Act
The authors appreciate the assistance of Tamara Cranfill,
of 1997. The fact that the “ cap” for combined coverage of University of Kentucky; Donald B. Freed, California State
speech-language pathology and physical therapy services University, Fresno; Patrick Coppens, Plattsburgh State University
must be contested on a yearly basis suggests that the situation of New York; and Kathryn Chezik, Marshall University; and
is not changing and clinician-friendly tests such as the KAT their respective graduate students for their help in collecting data
have a place in assessment. for this project.
The KAT has some shortcomings. Paramount is limited
information about a client’s (a) functional abilities, (b) type
of aphasia and/or co-occurring deficits, and (c) reading and
writing. Some limited information on functional abilities can Baines, K., Martin, A., & Heeringa, H. (1999). Assessment of
be obtained from the client’s responses to the orientation test; Language-Related Functional Activities. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
however, the KAT is predominantly an impairment-based Brookshire, R. H. (2003). Introduction to neurogenic communi-
measure. While aphasia research has shown that scores on cation disorders (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
Brookshire, R. H., & Nicholas, L. E. (1980). Sentence veri-
impairment-based and functional tests are highly correlated
fication and language processing of aphasic persons. In R. H.
( Holland, 1980; Irwin, Wertz, & Avent, 2002; Ross & Wertz, Brookshire (Ed.), Clinical Aphasiology conference proceedings
1999), it is inadvisable to make determinations about how (pp. 53–63). Minneapolis, MN: BRK.
a client functions on test scores alone regardless of the type Byng, S., Kay, J., Edmundson, A., & Scott, C. (1990). Aphasia
of test administered ( Lezak et al., 2004). Information about tests reconsidered. Aphasiology, 4, 67–92.
the client’s language abilities will always rely heavily on Crary, M., Haak, N., & Malinski, A. (1989). Preliminary
(a) making careful behavioral observations (Holland, 1982), psychometric evaluation of an acute aphasia screening protocol.
( b) carrying out informal assessment using items at the Aphasiology, 3, 611–618.
client’s bedside ( Holland & Fridriksson, 2001; Marshall, Darley, F. L. (1983). Aphasia. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.
1997), and (c) having those familiar with the individual’s Deloche, G., & Seron, X. (1981). Sentence understanding and
knowledge of the world: Evidence from sentence-picture
communicative status make indirect ratings with instruments matching tasks. Brain and Language, 14, 57–69.
such as the Communicative Effectiveness Index (Lomas Disimoni, F., Keith, R., & Holt, D. (1975). Practicality of
et al., 1989). shortening the PICA. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research,
Although the KAT has far fewer subtests than the two test 18, 491–497.
batteries traditionally employed to specify type of aphasia— Eisenson, J. (1946). Examining for aphasia. New York: The
the BDAE and the WAB—it does contain some of the same Psychological Corporation.
subtests (Picture Description, Repetition, Naming, Word-to- Fitch-West, J., & Sands, E. (1998). Bedside Evaluation Screen-
Picture Matching, Following Commands, Yes/No Questions) ing Test, Second Edition. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
that these longer batteries rely upon to designate type of Goldstein, K. (1948). Language and language disturbances.
aphasia. The primary strength of the KAT is that it is a “one- New York: Grune & Stratton.
Golper, L. A., & Cheney, L. (1999). Back to basics: Assessment
stop” aphasia test that can be rapidly administered to persons practices with neurogenic communication disorders. Neurophysi-
with severe, moderate, and mild aphasia at different points ology and Neurogenic Speech and Language Disorders, 9, 3–8.
in the client’s poststroke course: acute care, rehabilitation, Goodglass, H., & Kaplan, E. (1983). The Boston Diagnostic
home health, and outpatient treatment. It is our hope that Aphasia Examination—Second Edition. Philadelphia: Lea &
this initial step toward developing a clinician-friendly test Febiger.
will ultimately benefit clinic practice. We acknowledge Goodglass, H., Kaplan, E., & Barresi, B. (2001). The Boston
that the KAT is in its early stages of development. Changes in Diagnostic Aphasia Examination—Third Edition. Philadelphia:
test items, such as replacing stimuli in the naming and Word- Lea & Febiger.
to-Picture Matching subtests of KAT-2 and KAT-3, respec- Gray, L., Hoyt, P., Mogil, S., & Lefkowitz, N. (1977). A
tively, may need to be made in the future. It may also be comparison of clinical tests of yes/no questions in aphasia. In
R. H. Brookshire (Ed.), Clinical Aphasiology conference
necessary to remove one or two of the easier items from the proceedings (pp. 265–268). Minneapolis, MN: BRK.
orientation subtest and replace them with harder items to see Head, H. (1926). Aphasia and kindred disorders of speech.
whether the test will better differentiate those with severe, New York: McMillan.
moderate, and mild aphasia. As pointed out previously, rely- Helm-Estabrooks, N. (1992). Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles.
ing on clients’ performance on the picture description task Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
to make decisions about severity may be unwise for some Holland, A. L. (1980). Communication activities in daily living.
individuals. However, to make these changes before testing Baltimore: University Park Press.
more individuals with and without aphasia with KAT-2 and Holland, A. L. (1982). Observing functional communication of
KAT-3 would be throwing the baby out with the bath water. aphasia adults. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 47, 50–56.
Future research with the KAT needs to include (a) assess- Holland, A. L., Fratalli, C., & Fromm, D. (1998). Communica-
tion Activities of Daily Living, Second Edition. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.
ing more clients with aphasia with the KAT, (b) giving the Holland, A. L., & Fridriksson, J. (2001). Aphasia management
test to clients with neurological deficits other than aphasia, in the early phases of recovery following stroke. American
(c) administering the test to clients in a wide variety of patient Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 10, 19–28.
care settings, and (d) determining changes in clients’ lan- Irwin, W., Wertz, R., & Avent, J. (2002). Relationships among
guage functioning with the KAT throughout the early post- language impairment, functional communication, and pragmatic
onset course. performance in aphasia. Aphasiology, 16, 823–837.

302 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Keenan, J., & Brassell, E. (1975). Aphasia Language Perfor- Porch, B. E. (1981). Porch Index of Communicative Ability.
mance Scales. Murpheesboro, TN: Pinnacle Press. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
Keil, K., & Kaszniak, A. (2002). Examining executive function in Raymer, A. M., & LaPointe, L. L. (1986). The nature and
individuals with brain injury. Aphasiology, 16, 305–336. assessment of the mildly aphasic person. Seminars in Speech
Kertesz, A. (1982). Western Aphasia Battery. Orlando, FL: Grune and Language, 7, 207–220.
& Stratton. Ross, K., & Wertz, R. (1999). Comparison of impairment and
Kertesz, A. (2006). Western Aphasia Battery—Revised. disability measures in assessing severity of, and improvement in
San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Assessment. aphasia. Aphasiology, 13, 113–124.
Kucera, H., & Francis, W. N. (1967). Computational analysis of Salvatore, A., Strait, M., & Brookshire, R. H. (1978). Effects of
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LaPointe, L. L., & Horner, J. (1998). Reading Comprehension nosis of Aphasia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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flogging a dead horse? Aphasiology, 5, 501–506. Columbia, Canada: University of Victoria, Department of
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Appendix A (p. 1 of 3)
Orientation Subtest, Including Score Sheet and Stimulus Pictures

304 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Appendix A (p. 2 of 3)
Orientation Subtest, Including Score Sheet and Stimulus Pictures

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Appendix A (p. 3 of 3)
Orientation Subtest, Including Score Sheet and Stimulus Pictures

Appendix B
Content Units Produced by 63 Non-Brain-Damaged Adults in Response to the Divided Attention
Picture Shown in Figure 1

Nouns Verbs Phrases

Announcer Man Sleeping In the ceiling

Antlers Moose Changing (light bulb) In the corner
Book News Crocheting On her lap
Baseball cap News reporter Drinking On the ground
Chair Painting Dropping On the table
Couch Paper Getting shocked On the wall
Desk Picture Laying down
Dress Radio Looking down
Drink Room Playing
Flowers Sofa Reading
Foot Stool Screwing
Glass Television show Spill
Hat Towel Standing
Indian Tug-o-war Watching
Jewelry TV
Lamp Two dogs
Living room Vase
Magazine Woman
Magnifying glass

306 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Appendix C (p. 1 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

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Appendix C (p. 2 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

308 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Appendix C (p. 3 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

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Appendix C (p. 4 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

310 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Terms of Use:
Appendix C (p. 5 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

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Appendix C (p. 6 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

312 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Appendix C (p. 7 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

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Appendix C (p. 8 of 8)
Score Sheets and Stimuli ( When Applicable) for Picture Naming, Following
Commands, Defining Words, Repetition Span, Yes/ No, and Word-to-Picture
Matching Subtests

314 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 16 • 295–315 • November 2007

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Appendix D
Acceptable Definitions for Items Used on the Defining Words Subtest

Cup: Drinking utensil, holds liquid, liquid container, mug, holder/container
Hot: Burn / burning, heated / with heat, matter of temperature, not cold, very warm
Large: Big, not small, humungous, great, immense, large
Sleep: Rest, quiet, go to bed, doze, not awake
Throw: Pitch, toss, sling, thrust, launch an object
Go: Move/motion, leave, get out, opposite of stop
Baby: Infant, young child, new born
Long: Measure of length, distance, not short, extended, lengthy duration
Smile: Facial expression, happy, grin
Push: Shove, move forward, opposite of pull
Rose: Flower, sweet smelling
Cab: Taxi, paid / hired transportation, commercial transportation
Couple: Two, two people together, pair
Journey: Trip, travel
Thief: Robber, criminal, crook
Carve: Cut, slice
Prepare: Get /make ready, to fix, plan
Rescue: Save, help, retrieve from danger
Ancient: Old, matter of age
Fake: Not real, false, a lie, not true, phony, sham
Salmon: Fish, food
Hilarious: Funny
Connect: Put together, join, attach two items
Complete: Finish, end, entire, whole
Beggar: Poor man, someone who wants something, soliciting funds
Companion: Friend, partner, loved one, associate, husband /wife
Monument: Statue, memorial, landmark, structure that honors a hero
Share: To give, divide with others, cut in half
Confidential: Private, secret, personal, keep to oneself
Accelerate: Speed up, go fast, increase speed, give more gas

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