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Copyright © 2007 by Elenco® Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.

No part of this book shall be reproduced by REV-C Revised 2007 753104

any means; electronic, photocopying, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.
Table of Contents
Basic Troubleshooting 1 MORE DO’s and DON’Ts of Building Circuits 5
Parts List 2 Project Listings 6, 7
MORE About Your Snap Circuits® Parts 3, 4 Projects 306-511 8 - 61
MORE Advanced Troubleshooting 4 Other Snap Circuits® Products 62

WARNING TO ALL PARTS WITH A ! SYMBOL - Moving parts. Do not touch the motor or fan during operation.
! Do not lean over the motor. Do not launch the fan at people, animals, or objects. Eye protection is recommended. !
WARNING: Always check your wiring before turning
connect Snap Circuits® to the electrical ! CHOKING HAZARD -
on a circuit. Never leave a circuit unattended while
the batteries are installed. Never connect additional
batteries or any other power sources to your
outlets in your home in any way! Small parts. Not for children under 3 years. circuits. Discard any cracked or broken parts.

Basic Troubleshooting Review of How To Use It

(See p.3 of the Projects 1-101 manual for more details.)
1. Most circuit problems are due to 5. Try replacing the batteries.
incorrect assembly. Always double- 6. If the motor spins but does not balance The Snap Circuits® kit uses building blocks with snaps to
check that your circuit exactly matches build the different electrical and electronic circuits in the
the fan, check the black plastic piece with projects. These blocks are in different colors and have
the drawing for it. three prongs on the motor shaft. Be sure numbers on them so that you can easily identify them. The
2. Be sure that parts with positive/negative that it is at the top of the shaft. circuit you will build is shown in color and with numbers,
markings are positioned as per the identifying the blocks that you will use and snap together
Elenco® Electronics is not responsible for to form a circuit.
drawing. parts damaged due to incorrect wiring.
Next to each part in every circuit drawing is a small number
3. Sometimes the light bulbs come loose,
in black. This tells you which level the component is placed
tighten them as needed. Use care since Note: If you suspect you have damaged at. Place all parts on level 1 first, then all of the parts on
glass bulbs can shatter. parts, you can follow the Advanced level 2, then all of the parts on level 3, etc.
4. Be sure that all connections are securely Troubleshooting procedure on page 5 to A large clear plastic base grid is included with this kit to
snapped. determine which ones need replacing. help keep the circuit block together. The base has rows
labeled A-G and columns labeled 1-10.
Install two (2) “AA” batteries (not included) in the battery

! Batteries: holder (B1). The 2.5V and 6V bulbs come packaged

separate from their sockets. Install the 2.5V bulb in the L1
• Use only 1.5V AA type, alkaline batteries (not incl.). • Do not mix old and new batteries. lamp socket, and the 6V bulb in the L2 lamp socket.

• Insert batteries with correct polarity. • Remove batteries when they are used up. Place the fan on the motor (M1) whenever that part is
used, unless the project you are building says not to use it.
• Non-rechargeable batteries should not be • Do not short circuit the battery terminals.
Some circuits use the red and black jumper wires to make
recharged. Rechargeable batteries should • Never throw batteries in a fire or attempt to unusual connections. Just clip them to the metal snaps or
only be charged under adult supervision, and open its outer casing. as indicated.
should not be recharged while in the product.
• Batteries are harmful if swallowed, so keep Note: While building the projects, be careful not to accidentally make
• Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), away from small children. a direct connection across the battery holder (a “short circuit”), as this
or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries. may damage and/or quickly drain the batteries.

Parts List (Colors and styles may vary) Symbols and Numbers
Note: There are additional part lists in your other project manuals. Part designs are subject to change without notice.
Important: If any parts are missing or damaged, DO NOT RETURN TO RETAILER. Call toll-free (800) 533-2441 or e-mail us at:
[email protected]. Customer Service • 150 Carpenter Ave. • Wheeling, IL 60090 U.S.A.

Qty. ID Name Symbol Part # Qty. ID Name Symbol Part #

3 2 2-Snap Wire 6SC02 1 M2 Analog Meter 6SCM2

1 5 5-Snap Wire 6SC05 1 Q3 SCR 6SCQ3

1 D3 6SCD3 1 S3 Relay 6SCS3

1 D7 LED 6SCD7 1 T1 Transformer 6SCT1

1 FM FM Module 6SCFM 1 U6 Integrated 6SCU6

You may order additional / replacement parts at our website:

MORE About Your New Snap Circuits® Parts (Note: There is additional information in your other project manuals).
Our Student Guides give much more information about your parts, along with a complete lesson in basic electronics. See or page 62 for more information.

(Part designs are subject to change without notice). The relay (S3) is an electronic switch with contacts that can be
closed or opened. It contains a coil that generates a magnetic field
The FM module (FM) contains an integrated FM radio circuit.
when current flows through it. The magnetic field attracts an iron
Refer to the figure below for the pinout description:
armature, which switches the contacts (see figure).
FM Module:
(+) - power from batteries
(–) - power return to batteries
Coil COM Coil - connection to coil
T - tune up
R - reset Coil - connection to coil
OUT - output connection NC - normally closed contact
NC NO - normally open contact
(–) OUT (+)
See project #307 for example of COM - Common
proper connections.
Coil NO See project #341 for example of
The meter (M2) is a very important indicating and measuring proper connections.
device. You’ll use it to measure the amount of current or voltage
depending on the circuit configuration. Notice the meter has a “+”
The transformer (T1) consists of two coil windings on one core.
sign, indicating the positive terminal (+ power from the batteries).
One coil is called the Primary (input) and the other the Secondary
The other snap is the negative terminal (– power return to
(output). The purpose of the transformer is to increase the amount
batteries). The meter has a switch to change between scales,
of AC voltage applied to the primary. This transformer is a step-up
indicated as LOW and HIGH (or 10mA and 1A).

Meter: Less Windings Transformer:

A A A - less windings side
(+) - power from batteries
(–) - power return to batteries A - less windings side
B - more windings side
B - more windings side
(–) (+)
CT - center tap
The recording IC module (U6) contains an integrated recording B CT B See project #347 for example of
circuit. You can record a message up to eight seconds long. There More Windings proper connections.
are also three pre-recorded songs. Refer to the figure below for the
pinout descriptions: Recording IC Module: Diode (D3) - Think of a diode as a one-way valve that permits
(+) - power from batteries current flow in the direction of the arrow. The anode (arrow) is the
Mic + (+) (–) - power return to batteries positive side, and the cathode (bar) is the negative. The diode
RC - record conducts or turns on when the voltage at the anode is 0.7V or
Play - play greater.
Mic – OUT
OUT - output connection
Mic + - microphone input
Mic – - microphone input
Anode - (+)
Play (–) RC See project #308 for example of Anode Cathode Cathode - (–)
proper connections.

MORE About Your Snap MORE Advanced Troubleshooting (Adult supervision recommended)
Circuits® Parts (continued) Elenco® Electronics is not responsible for parts damaged due to incorrect wiring.
SCR (Q3) - An SCR is a three-pin (anode, cathode If you suspect you have damaged parts, you can follow this procedure to systematically
and gate) silicon-controlled rectifier diode. Like a determine which ones need replacing:
standard diode, it permits current flow in only one
1 - 20. Refer to project manuals 1 & 2 (projects #1-101, #102-305) for testing steps 1-20, then
direction. It will only conduct in the forward direction
continue below.
when triggered by a short pulse (or steady voltage
applied) between the gate and cathode terminals. A 21. FM Module (FM): Build project #307, you should hear FM radio stations.
high current may damage this part, so the current 22. Meter (M2): Build the mini-circuit shown here and set the meter switch
must be limited by other components in the to LOW (or 10mA), the meter (M2) should deflect full scale. Then, replace
circuit. SCR: the 10kΩ resistor (R4) with the 2.5V lamp (L1), and set the meter switch
A - Anode to HIGH (or 1A). The meter should deflect to 1 or higher.
K - Cathode
G - Gate
The 7-segment display (D7) is found in many
devices today. It contains 7 LED’s that have been 23. Recording IC (U6): Build project #308. Make an 8 second recording, then listen to the three
combined into one case to make a convenient prerecorded songs.
device for displaying numbers and some letters. The 24. Relay (S3): Build project #341. The red LED (D1) should be on when the slide switch (S1) is
display is a common anode version. That means on, and the green LED (D2) should be on when the switch is off.
that the positive leg of each LED is connected to a 25. Transformer (T1): Build the mini-circuit shown here.
common point which is the snap marked “+”. Each Pressing the press switch (S2) flashes the green LED
LED has a negative leg that is connected to one (D2). Connect the jumper wire to the CT point. Pressing
snap. To make it work you need to connect the “+” the press switch flashes the green LED.
snap to positive three volts. Then to make each
segment light up, connect the snaps of each LED to
ground. In the projects, a resistor is always
connected to the “+” snap to limit the current. A high 26. Diode (D3): Build the mini-circuit shown here, the red LED (D1) should
current may damage this part, so the current must light. Reverse the direction of the diode, the LED should not light now.
be limited by other components in the circuit.
7-segment Display:
(+) - power from batteries
A - Segment A
B - Segment B 27. SCR (Q3): Build the mini-circuit shown here. Turn on the slide
C - Segment C switch (S1) and the motor (M1) should not spin. Press the press
D - Segment D switch (S2), the motor should start spinning. Now turn the slide
E - Segment E switch off and on, the motor should not spin.
F - Segment F
G - Segment G
DP - Decimal Point
See project #337 for example
of proper connections. 28. 7-Segment Display (D7): Build project #337. All segments light, displaying the number 8.

MORE DO’s and DON’Ts of Building Circuits
After building the circuits given in this booklet, you may wish to experiment on your own. Use Examples of SHORT CIRCUITS - NEVER DO THESE!!!
the projects in this booklet as a guide, as many important design concepts are introduced
throughout them. Every circuit will include a power source (the batteries), a resistance Placing a 3-snap wire directly
(which might be a resistor, lamp, motor, integrated circuit, etc.), and wiring paths between
across the batteries is a
them and back. You must be careful not to create “short circuits” (very low-resistance paths
across the batteries, see examples below) as this will damage components and/or quickly
drain your batteries. Only connect the IC’s using configurations given in the projects,
incorrectly doing so may damage them. Elenco® Electronics is not responsible for parts NEVER
damaged due to incorrect wiring.
! DO!
Here are some important guidelines: NEVER This is also a
ALWAYS use eye protection when experimenting on your own. DO! SHORT CIRCUIT.
ALWAYS include at least one component that will limit the current through a circuit, such
as the speaker, lamp, whistle chip, capacitors, IC’s (which must be connected When the slide switch (S1) is turned on, this large circuit has a SHORT
properly), motor, microphone, photoresistor, or fixed resistors. CIRCUIT path (as shown by the arrows). The short circuit prevents any
ALWAYS use the 7-segment display, LED’s, transistors, the high frequency IC, the SCR, other portions of the circuit from ever working.
the antenna, and switches in conjunction with other components that will
limit the current through them. Failure to do so will create a short circuit
and/or damage those parts.
ALWAYS connect the adjustable resistor so that if set to its 0 setting, the current will be
limited by other components in the circuit.
ALWAYS connect position capacitors so that the “+” side gets the higher voltage.
ALWAYS disconnect your batteries immediately and check your wiring if something
appears to be getting hot.
check your wiring before turning on a circuit.
connect IC’s, the FM module, and the SCR using configurations given in
the projects or as per the connection descriptions for the parts.
NEVER try to use the high frequency IC as a transistor (the packages are similar, but the DO! NEVER
parts are different).
NEVER use the 2.5V lamp in a circuit with both battery holders unless you are sure that
the voltage across it will be limited.
NEVER connect to an electrical outlet in your home in any way.
NEVER leave a circuit unattended when it is turned on.
NEVER touch the motor when it is spinning at high speed. You are encouraged to tell us about new circuits you create. If they are
unique, we will post them with your name and state on our website at
Note: If you have the more advanced Model SC-750, there are additional guidelines in your Send your suggestions to
other project manual. Elenco® Electronics.
For all of the projects given in this book, the parts may be arranged in different ways without Elenco® provides a circuit designer so that you can make your own Snap
changing the circuit. For example, the order of parts connected in series or in parallel does Circuits® drawings. This Microsoft® Word document can be downloaded
not matter — what matters is how combinations of these sub-circuits are arranged together. from or through the web site.
Warning to Snap Rover owners: Do not connect your parts to the
! Rover body except when using our approved circuits, the Rover WARNING: SHOCK HAZARD - Never connect Snap Circuits® to
body has a higher voltage which could damage your parts. the electrical outlets in your home in any way!

Project Listings
Project # Description Page # Project # Description Page # Project # Description Page #
306 AM Radio 8 340 Music Meter 18 374 Display Letter “e” 28
307 Adjustable Volume FM Radio 8 341 LED & Relay 19 375 Display Letter “h” 28
308 Playback & Record 9 342 Manual 7 Second Timer 19 376 Display Letter “o” 28
309 Playing Music 9 343 Half Wave Rectifier Circuit 20 377 Space War Alarm by SCR 29
310 Light-Controlled Music 9 344 Half Wave Rectifier Circuit (II) 20 378 Light Space War Alarm 29
311 Touch-Controlled Music 9 345 LED vs. Diode 20 379 Alarm by SCR 29
312 Power Amplified Playing Music 10 346 Current & Resistance 20 380 Light & Alarm IC 29
313 Power Playback & Record 10 347 Telegraph 21 381 Delay Light 30
314 Power Light-Controlled Music 10 348 Mosquito Sound 21 382 Delay Fan 30
315 Power Touch-Controlled Music 10 349 Mosquito Sound (II) 21 383 Delay Fan (II) 30
316 FM Radio 11 350 Mosquito Sound (III) 21 384 Recording LED Indicator 31
317 Mega Circuit 11 351 Touch-Control Mosquito Sound 21 385 Playback & Record with Meter 31
318 SCR 2.5V Bulb 12 352 Bulb & Relay 22 386 Alarm Light 32
319 SCR & Motor 12 353 Relay Buzzer 22 387 Alarm Light (II) 32
320 Music Alarm 13 354 Transistor Timer 23 388 Night Police Car 33
321 Light-Music Alarm 13 355 Light-Controlled Relay 23 389 Night Machine Gun 33
322 Light-Controlled SCR 13 356 Bulb Alert Relay 23 390 Night Fire Engine 33
323 3mA Meter 14 357 Adjustable Light Control 24 391 Night Ambulance 33
324 0-3V Meter 14 358 Meter Deflection 24 392 Daytime Light Police Car 34
325 Function of adjustable resistor 15 359 AC to DC Current 25 393 Daytime Light Machine Gun 34
326 Function of Photoresistor 15 360 Current Meter 25 394 Daytime Light Fire Engine 34
327 Meter Deflect by Motor 16 361 Buzzer, Relay, & Transformer 26 395 Daytime Light Ambulance 34
328 SCR 6V Bulb 16 362 Buzzer & Relay 26 396 Flashing 8 35
329 Principle of Segment LED 17 363 Display Capital Letter “F” 27 397 Flashing 8 with Sound 35
330 Display #1 17 364 Display Capital Letter “H” 27 398 Musical Space War 35
331 Display #2 17 365 Display Capital Letter “P” 27 399 Electronic Noisemaker 36
332 Display #3 17 366 Display Capital Letter “S” 27 400 Electronic Noisemaker (II) 36
333 Display #4 17 367 Display Capital Letter “U” 27 401 Bee 36
334 Display #5 18 368 Display Capital Letter “C” 27 402 Bee (II) 36
335 Display #6 18 369 Display Capital Letter “E” 27 403 Bee (III) 36
336 Display #7 18 370 Display “.” 27 404 Oscillator Sound 37
337 Display #8 18 371 Display Letter “b” 28 405 Oscillator Sound (II) 37
338 Display #9 18 372 Display Letter “c” 28 406 Oscillator Sound (III) 37
339 Display #0 18 373 Display Letter “d” 28 407 Oscillator Sound (IV) 37

Project Listings
Project # Description Page # Project # Description Page # Project # Description Page #
408 Oscillator Sound (V) 37 443 Flashing “A & J” 46 478 Variable Oscillator (II) 53
409 Transistor Tester 38 444 Alarm Timer 46 479 Variable Oscillator (III) 53
410 Adjustable Voltage Divider 38 445 Alarm Timer (II) 46 480 Variable Oscillator (IV) 53
411 Automatic Display Capital Letter “C” 39 446 Alarm Timer (III) 46 481 Photo Variable Resistor 53
412 Automatic Display Capital Letter “E” 39 447 Bird Sounds 47 482 Variable Whistle Chip Oscillator 53
413 Automatic Display Capital Letter “F” 39 448 Bird Sounds (II) 47 483 Slow Adjusting Tone 53
414 Automatic Display Capital Letter “H” 39 449 Bird Sounds (III) 47 484 Slow Adjusting Tone (II) 53
415 Automatic Display Capital Letter “P” 39 450 Bird Sounds (IV) 47 485 Fixed-Current Path 54
416 Automatic Display Capital Letter “S” 39 451 Bird Sounds (V) 47 486 Simple Illumination Meter 54
417 Automatic Display Capital Letter “U” 39 452 Touch-Control Bird Sound 47 487 LED Voltage Drop 55
418 Automatic Display Capital Letter “L” 39 453 Motor Sound Recording 48 488 Open/Closed Door Indicator 55
419 Whistle Chip Sounds 40 454 Motor Sound Indicator 48 489 Hand-Control Meter 56
420 Whistle Chip Sounds (II) 40 455 Relay & Buzzer 49 490 Light-Control Meter 56
421 Whistle Chip Sounds (III) 40 456 Relay & Speaker 49 491 Electric-Control Meter 56
422 Whistle Chip Sounds (IV) 40 457 Relay & Lamp 49 492 Sound-Control Meter 56
423 Whistle Chip Sounds (V) 40 458 Electronic Cat 50 493 Fixed-Voltage Divider 57
424 Whistle Chip Sounds (VI) 40 459 Electronic Cat (II) 50 494 Resistor Measurement 57
425 LED Music 41 460 Electronic Cat (III) 50 495 Automatic Display Letter “b” 58
426 Light-Controlled LED Time Delay 41 461 Electronic Cat (IV) 50 496 Automatic Display Letter “c” 58
427 Touch-Controlled LED Time Delay 41 462 Buzzer Cat 50 497 Automatic Display Letter “d” 58
428 Alarm Recorder 42 463 Buzzer Cat (II) 50 498 Automatic Display Letter “e” 58
429 Alarm Recorder (II) 42 464 Buzzer Cat (III) 50 499 Automatic Display Letter “h” 58
430 Machine Gun Recorder 42 465 Lazy Cat 50 500 Automatic Display Letter “o” 58
431 Time Delay 1-7 Seconds 43 466 Meter Deflection (II) 51 501 Hand-Control Display 1 & 4 59
432 Time Delay 43 467 Automatic Display #1 51 502 Hand-Control Display 1 & 0 59
433 Manual 7 Second Timer (II) 44 468 Automatic Display #2 51 503 Hand-Control Display 1 & 7 59
434 15 Second Alarm 44 469 Automatic Display #3 52 504 Hand-Control Display 1 & 8 59
435 Flashing “1 & 2” 45 470 Automatic Display #4 52 505 Hand-Control Display 1 & 9 59
436 Flashing “3 & 4” 45 471 Automatic Display #5 52 506 Monitor Capacitor Charging & Discharging 60
437 Flashing “5 & 6” 45 472 Automatic Display #6 52 507 Hand-Control Space Meter 60
438 Flashing “7 & 8” 45 473 Automatic Display #7 52 508 Rhythm Swinging Meter 61
439 Flashing “9 & 0” 45 474 Automatic Display #8 52 509 Police Car Sound with Whistle Chip 61
440 Flashing “b & c” 46 475 Automatic Display #9 52 510 Fire Engine Sound with Whistle Chip 61
441 Flashing “d & e” 46 476 Automatic Display #0 52 511 Ambulance Sound with Whistle Chip 61
442 Flashing “h & o” 46 477 Variable Oscillator 53

Project #306 AM Radio
OBJECTIVE: To build a one-IC AM radio.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and adjust the variable capacitor (CV) for
a radio station. Make sure you set the variable resistor (RV) control to
the left for louder sound.

Project #307 Adjustable Volume

FM Radio
OBJECTIVE: To build a working FM radio with adjustable

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and press the R button. Now press the
T button and FM module (FM) scans for a radio station. When a
station is found, it locks on to it and you hear it on the speaker (SP).
Adjust the volume using the adjustable resistor (RV). The resistor
controls the amount of signal into the power amplifier IC (U4). Press
the T button again for the next radio station. The module will scan up
to 108MHz, the end of the FM band, and stop. You must then press
reset (R) to start at 88MHz again.

Project #308 Playback & Record
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the capabilities of the recording
integrated circuit.

Build the circuit shown. Turn on the slide switch (S1), you hear a beep
signaling that you may begin recording. Talk into the microphone (X1)
up to 8 seconds, and then turn off the slide switch (it also beeps after
the 8 seconds expires).
Press the press switch (S2) for playback. It plays the recording you
made followed by one of three songs. If you press the press switch
before the song is over, music will stop. You may press the press
switch several times to play all three songs. The lamp (L2) is used to
limit current and will not light.

Project #309 Project #310 Project #311

Playing Music Light- Touch-
Controlled Controlled
Music Music
OBJECTIVE: To play the three built-in
songs on the recording IC.

OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that uses OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that lets you
Use the circuit in project #308. Turn on the light to control the recording IC. control the recording IC with your fingers.
slide switch (S1), then press the press switch
(S2) to start the first song. When the music
stops, press the press switch again to hear the Use the circuit in project #308. Place a single
Use the circuit in project #308. Replace the snap on base grid point F1. Replace the
second song. When the second song stops,
press switch (S2) with the photoresistor (RP), press switch (S2) with the PNP transistor (Q1,
press the press switch again, the third song
then turn on the slide switch (S1). Turn the with the arrow on point E2) and then turn on
music on and off by waving your hand over the slide switch (S1). Turn the music on and
photoresistor. off by touching points F1 & G2 at the same
time. You may need to wet your fingers.

Project #312 Power Amplified
Playing Music
OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that amplifies the recording IC.

Connecting the power amplifier IC (U4) to the output of the recording

IC (U6), you can make much louder music than project #308.
Turn on the switch (S1), you hear a beep signaling that you may begin
recording. Talk into the microphone up to 8 seconds, and then turn
open the switch (it also beeps after the 8 seconds expires).
Press the press switch (S2) for playback. It plays the recording you
made followed by one of three songs. If you press switch (S2) before
the song is over, music will stop. You may press the press switch
several times to play all three songs.

Project #313 Project #314 Project #315

Power Power Light- Power Touch-
Playback & Controlled Controlled
Record Music Music
OBJECTIVE: To amplify the output of the OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project
recording IC. #312. #312.

Use the circuit in project #312. Turn on the Use the circuit in project #312. Place a single
switch (S1), then press the press switch (S2) Use the circuit in project #312. Replace the snap on base grid point F1. Replace the
to start the first song. When the music stops, press switch (S2) with the photoresistor (RP), press switch (S2) with the PNP transistor (Q1,
press the press switch again to hear the then turn on the switch (S1). Turn the music with the arrow on point E2) and then turn on
second song. When the second song stops, on and off by waving your hand over the slide switch (S1). Turn the music on and
press the press switch again, the third song photoresistor. off by touching points F1 & G2 at the same
plays. time. You may need to wet your fingers.

Project #316 FM Radio
OBJECTIVE: To build a working FM radio.

The FM module (FM) contains a scan (T) and a reset (R) button. The
R button resets the frequency to 88MHz. This is the beginning of the
FM range. Press the T button, the module scans for the next available
radio station.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and press the R button. Now press the
T button and the FM module scans for an available radio station.
When a station is found, it locks on to it and you hear it on the speaker.
Press the T button again for the next radio station. The module will
scan up to 108MHz, the end of the FM band, and stop. You must then
press the reset (R) button to start at 88MHz again.

Project #317 Mega Circuit

OBJECTIVE: To build a complex circuit.

This is an example of using many parts to create an unusual circuit.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Turn on the slide
switch (S1). As the circuit oscillates, the 7-segment display (D7)
flashes the number 5 and the LED’s (D1 & D2) flash as well. The
meter deflects back and forth and the speaker (SP) sounds a low tone
at the same rate. The frequency of the circuit can be changed by
adjusting the adjustable resistor (RV).

Project #318 SCR 2.5V Bulb
OBJECTIVE: To learn the principle of an SCR.

This circuit demonstrates the principle of the SCR (Q3). The SCR can
be thought of as an electronic switch with three leads: anode, cathode,
and gate. Like a standard diode, it permits current flow in only one
direction. It will only conduct in the forward direction when triggered
by a short pulse or steady voltage applied between the gate and
cathode terminals. One set of batteries powers the lamp, the other is
used to trigger the SCR.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the bulb (L1) should not light. Now
press the press switch (S2); the SCR turns on and lights the bulb. To
turn off the bulb you must turn off the slide switch (S1).

Project #319 SCR & Motor

OBJECTIVE: To activate a motor using an SCR.

Place the fan onto the motor (M1). In this circuit, the gate is connected
to the battery (B1) through the 1KΩ resistor (R2). When the slide
switch (S1) is turned on, it triggers the gate, the SCR (Q3) conducts,
and the motor spins. The motor continues to spin until the switch is
turned off.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

! motor during operation.

Project #320 Music Alarm
OBJECTIVE: To build a music alarm.

The alarm circuit activates when you remove the jumper wire from
points A & B. The jumper wire shorts the SCR’s (Q3) gate to ground
and the SCR does not conduct. Removing the jumper wire places a
voltage on the gate and the SCR conducts. This connects the battery
to the music IC (U1) and music is played.
Construct the circuit and you should hear no music. Now remove the

Project #321
jumper wire and the music starts playing.

Light-Music Alarm
OBJECTIVE: To build a light-music alarm.

Use the circuit in project #320. Replace the resistor R3 with the
photoresistor (RP) and remove the jumper wire. Cover the
photoresistor with your hand. Now slowly remove your hand. When

Project #322 Light-controlled SCR

enough light hits the resistor, the music plays.

OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that activates a bulb and motor

with the amount of light present.

Cover the photoresistor (RP) with your finger. Turn on the switch (S1),
and only the LED (D1) lights. The relay (S3) connects the motor (M1)
and the bulb (L2) to the batteries, but the motor and bulb are
powerless until a voltage is applied to the SCR's gate.
Remove your finger, as light hits the photoresistor, its resistance
decreases and a voltage appears on the gate of the SCR (Q3). The
SCR conducts and the motor and bulb work now.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

! motor during operation.

Project #323 3mA Meter
OBJECTIVE: To build a 3mA meter circuit.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Inside the meter,
there is a fixed magnet and a moveable coil around it. As current flows
through the coil, it creates a magnetic field. The interaction of the two
magnetic fields cause the coil (connected to the pointer) to move
(deflect). By itself, the meter can measure 300µA. To increase its
range, resistors are connected in parallel or in series to the meter.
Build the circuit shown. Placing the 100Ω resistor (R1) in parallel with
the meter increases the range by 10 times to 3mA. More current flows
through the resistor than the meter. The lower the resistor value, the
wider the range of the meter.

Project #324 0-3V Voltmeter

OBJECTIVE: To build a voltmeter.

Build this 0-3V voltmeter circuit. Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or
10mA) setting. Using new batteries, place the battery holder between
points A & B. Adjust the adjustable resistor (RV) so the meter deflects
full scale.
Now you can check your other “AA” batteries by inserting them into the
battery holder.

Project #325 Function of
Adjustable Resistor
OBJECTIVE: To understand the function of the adjustable resistor.
An adjustable resistor is a normal resistor with an additional arm contact.
The arm moves along the resistive material and taps off the desired
The slider on the adjustable resistor moves the arm contact and sets the
resistance between the bottom (point C1) pin and the center pin (point
B2). The remaining resistance is between the center and top pin. For
example, when the slider is all the way down, there is minimal resistance
between the bottom and center pins (usually 0Ω) and maximum
resistance between the center and top pins. The resistance between the
top (point A1) and bottom (point A3) pins will always be the total
resistance, (50kΩ for your part).
Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Adjust the adjustable
resistor (RV) for maximum resistance by setting the slider to the top. The

Project #326 Function of

meter only deflects part of the way. As you move the slider down,
decreasing the resistance, the meter deflects more.

OBJECTIVE: To understand the function of the photoresistor.

Build the circuit shown. Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA)
scale. The photoresistor (RP) is a light-sensitive resistor. Its value
changes from nearly infinite in total darkness to about 1,000Ω when a
bright light shines on it.
The meter reading changes as the resistance changes in the circuit.
When the lights are on, the meter points to a higher number on the
scale. When the lights are OFF, the pointer will point to a lower number
on the scale. This means that the resistance of the photoresistor is
changing according to the amount of light in the room.

Project #327 Meter Deflect
by Motor
OBJECTIVE: To change the direction of current flow using a

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. A motor generates
a current when it rotates. The rotation of the motor determines the
direction current flows. Quickly spin the motor (M1) clockwise with
your hand; the meter deflects to the right. Now spin the motor
counterclockwise, and the meter deflects to the left.

Project #328 SCR 6V Bulb

OBJECTIVE: To learn the principle of an SCR.

In this circuit, the 6-volt bulb (L2) will not light until the SCR (Q3) is
triggered. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the bulb will not light. Now
press the press switch (S2) to light the bulb. The bulb will stay lit until
the slide switch is turned off. To protect the SCR, a current limiting 1kΩ
resistor (R2) is placed in series with the gate.

Project #329 Principle of
Segment LED
OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate how a seven segment LED works.

The display (D7) is made up of seven segments. Each segment

contains an LED connected to an input snap. When the snap is
connected to the negative of the battery the segment lights. For
example, connect the circuit as shown and the letter “L” lights.

Project #330 Project #331

Display #1 Display #2
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the number 1. segment to display the number 2.

Connect B & C to the negative of the Connect A, B, G, E, & D to the negative

battery. of the battery.

Project #332 Project #333

Display #3 Display #4
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the number 3. segment to display the number 4.

Connect A, B, G, C, & D to the negative Connect B, C, F, & G to the negative of

of the battery. the battery.

Project #334 Project #335 Project #336
Display #5 Display #6 Display #7
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the number 5. segment to display the number 6. segment to display the number 7.

Connect A, F, G, C, & D to the negative of the Connect A, C, D, E, F, & G to the negative of Connect A, B, & C to the negative of the

Project #337 Project #338 Project #339

battery. the battery. battery.

Display #8 Display #9 Display #0

OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the number 8. segment to display the number 9. segment to display the number 0.

Project #340 Music Meter

Connect A, B, C, D, E, F & G to the negative Connect A, B, C, D, F, & G to the negative of Connect A, B, C, D, E, & F to the negative of
of the battery. the battery. the battery.

OBJECTIVE: See and hear the output of the music IC.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. In this circuit, the
output of the music IC (U1) is applied to the less windings side of the
transformer (T1), which lights the LED (D1) and deflects the meter.
Place the adjustable resistor (RV) to the bottom position and turn on
the switch (S1). Adjust the adjustable resistor upwards. This
increases the voltage across the LED and meter. The LED brightens
and the meter deflects more towards 10. Place the speaker (SP)
across points A & B and use a jumper wire to complete the connection.
Now you can hear and see the output of the music IC.

Project #341 LED & Relay
OBJECTIVE: Turn on and off LED’s using a relay.

A relay is an electronic switch with contacts that are opened or closed

using voltage. It contains a coil that generates a magnetic field when
a current flows through it. The magnetic field attracts an iron armature
which switches the contacts. Contact #2 is normally closed,
connecting the green LED (D2) and the resistor across the batteries.
With the slide slide switch (S1) turned off, the green LED should light.
Now turn on the switch, contact #1 on the relay (S3) will switch to
contact #3, lighting the red LED (D1).

Project #342 Manual

7 Second Timer
OBJECTIVE: To build a manual timer using a relay.

The transistor (Q2) acts as a switch, connecting the relay (S3) to the
batteries. As long as there is positive voltage on the transistor’s base,
the bulb (L2) will light.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and hold down the press switch (S2). The
transistor turns on, capacitor C5 charges up, and the bulb lights.
When the press switch is released, the capacitor discharges through
the base, keeping the transistor on. The transistor will turn off when
the capacitor is almost discharged, about 7 seconds. The relay
contacts will switch and the bulb will turn off.
Change the value of the capacitor and see what happens.

Project #343 Half Wave
Rectifier Circuit
OBJECTIVE: To build a half wave rectifier circuit.

A rectifier changes an AC voltage into a DC voltage. A diode (D1) is

used because it allows current to flow in only one direction, for one
polarity of applied voltage. As the contacts open and close, it
generates an AC voltage across the transformer (T1). We can
measure the DC current from the transformer’s output using a resistor
(R2), a diode (D1), and a meter (M2). Set the meter to the LOW (or
10mA) scale. Turn on the slide switch (S1), the LED lights as the meter
points past the 5 scale.

Project #344 Project #345 Project #346

Half Wave LED vs. Diode Current &
Rectifier Resistance
Circuit (II)
OBJECTIVE: To see the voltage difference
between an LED and diode.
OBJECTIVE: See how resistance affects
OBJECTIVE: Measure the voltage using the

Use the circuit in project #343. Now see what

happens if you connect to the center-tap on Use the circuit in project #343. Replace the
the side with more windings. Place the meter Change the 1kΩ (R2) resistor to a 5.1kΩ (R3)
LED (D1) with the diode (D3) and turn on the
(M2) across points A & B, then turn on the and turn on the switch (S1). You will see that
switch (S1). The needle deflects higher,
switch (S1). The needle should deflect less, increasing the resistance decreases the
because the voltage drop across the diode is
about half as much as project #343. As you current through the meter (M2).
less than the voltage drop across the LED.
use less windings, the output decreases.

Project #347 Telegraph
OBJECTIVE: Making telegraph sounds.

Press the press switch (S2) down. The circuit oscillates and the AC
voltage generated from the transformer (T1) drives the speaker (SP).
To make a telegraph sound, depress the switch for long and short

Project #348

Mosquito Sound
OBJECTIVE: Use the whistle chip to make a mosquito sound.

Use the circuit in project #347. Remove the speaker (SP). Connect

Project #349 Project #350 Project #351

the whistle chip (WC) across points C & D to make a mosquito sound.

Mosquito Mosquito Touch-Control

Sound (II) Sound (III) Mosquito Sound
OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project OBJECTIVE: To use the photoresistor to
#347. #347. adjust the oscillator sound.

Use the circuit in project #347. Connect the Use the circuit in project #347. Replace the
Use the circuit in project #347. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across points E & D (place 100kΩ resistor (R5) with the photoresistor
whistle chip (WC) across points B & E. it beneath capacitor (C2) or use the jumper (RP). Wave your hand over the resistor and
wires). the sound changes.

Project #352 Bulb & Relay
OBJECTIVE: Light a bulb using a relay.

Turn off the slide switch (S1). If you press switch (S2), the lamp (L2)
will not light. Turn on the slide switch and press the press switch again;
the lamp lights and stays on until the slide switch is turned off. This
circuit remembers that the press switch was pressed. Turn the slide
switch off and back on again. The lamp will be off until the press switch
is pressed, then the lamp will stay on. Computers use memory circuits
to remember states like on and off.

Project #353 Relay Buzzer

OBJECTIVE: To make a relay buzzer.

When you turn on the switch (S1), you should hear a buzzing sound
from the relay (S3). The sound is caused by the relay’s contacts
opening and closing at a fast rate.

Project #354 Transistor Timer
OBJECTIVE: To build a manual timer using a transistor in
place of the relay.

This circuit is similar to project #342 except now two transistors are
used. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and hold down the press switch
(S2). The transistors (Q1 & Q2) turn on, the capacitor (C3) charges
up, and the bulb (L2) lights. When the press switch (S2) is released,
the capacitor discharges through the base, keeping the transistors on.
The transistors will turn off when the capacitor is almost discharged
(about 1 minute). The relay (S3) contacts will switch and the bulb will
turn off.

Project #355 Light-controlled Relay

OBJECTIVE: To use a photoresistor to control a relay.
Under normal light, the resistance of the photoresistor (RP) is low, allowing a voltage at
the base of the transistor (Q2). This turns the transistor on, connecting the relay (S3)
across the batteries, and the bulb (L2) lights. If the light decreases, the resistance
increases and the voltage to Q2 drops. If the voltage at Q2 decreases enough, the
transistor turns off.

Project #356
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the bulb lights. Now as you block the light from the
photoresistor, the bulb turns off.

Bulb Alert Relay

OBJECTIVE: Make a warning system that lights the bulb.
Replace the photoresistor (RP) with a 10kΩ resistor (R4). Connect the wire to
points A & B. As long as the wire is connected, the transistor (Q2) is off and
the relay (S3) and bulb (L2) are not powered. Disconnect the wire. The relay
contacts will switch and the bulb will light.

Project #357 Adjustable Light
OBJECTIVE: Build an adjustable light-controlled relay.

You can set the amount of light it takes to keep the bulb (L2) on by
adjusting the adjustable resistor (RV). Set the adjustable resistor to
the top position and turn on the switch. The bulb lights. Cover the
photoresistor (RP) and the bulb turns off. Set the adjustable resistor
to different positions and then cover the photoresistor. Note that only
the top half of the adjustable resistor affects the circuit. If you position
it below the middle, the bulb stays off.

Project #358 Meter Deflection

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the properties of a transformer.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Pressing the press
switch (S2) generates a current on the left side of the transformer (T1).
The current lights the LED’s (D1 & D2) and deflects the meter. There
are two current paths as shown by the arrows. Placing the meter in
both current paths always measures each current. The top current is
produced when the press switch is pressed and the bottom current is
produced when the press switch is released.

Project #359 AC to DC Current
OBJECTIVE: To convert an AC current to DC using an LED.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Pressing and
releasing the press switch (S2) continuously generates an AC
(changing) current. The LED (D1) is used to convert the AC
(changing) current to DC (unchanging) current because it only allows
the current to flow in one direction. The LED should light as the meter
deflects to the right only. Without the LED, the meter would deflect in
both directions.

Project #360 Current Meter

OBJECTIVE: To measure the current through a transformer.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. By placing the
meter, diode (D3) and current limiting resistor (R4) on the transformer
(T1), you can measure the current. Turn on the slide slide switch (S1)
and the motor (M1) starts spinning. The current on the right side of the
transformer creates a current on the left side using magnetism.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

! motor during operation.

Project #361 Buzzer, Relay, &
OBJECTIVE: To use a transformer for a louder buzzer.

Turn on the switch (S1). The speaker (SP) generates a buzzer sound.
As in project #353, the relay (S3) is rapidly switched on and off. This
causes an AC voltage on the left side of the transformer (T1). The
voltage is stepped-down and applied to the speaker, generating the
To make the sound a little louder, replace the 0.1µF capacitor (C2) with
a 3-snap wire.

Project #362 Buzzer & Relay

OBJECTIVE: Make a relay buzzer with speaker.

A speaker (SP) and capacitor (C2) are placed across the coil of the
relay (S3). When the slide switch (S1) is turned on, the relay’s
contacts open and close as in project #353. As the capacitor (C2)
charges and discharges, the speaker generates a buzzing sound.

Project #363 Project #364
Display Capital Display Capital
Letter “F” Letter “H”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the capital letter “F”. segment to display the capital letter “H”.

Connect A, E, F, & G to the negative of Connect B, C, E, F, & G to the negative

Project #365 Project #366

the battery. of the battery.

Display Capital Display Capital

Letter “P” Letter “S”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven
segment to display the capital letter “P”. segment to display the capital letter “S”.

Connect A, B, E, F, & G to the negative Connect A, F, G, C, & D to the negative

Project #367 Project #368 Project #369 Project #370

of the battery. of the battery.

Display Capital Display Capital Display Capital Display “.”

Letter “U” Letter “C” Letter “E”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the
seven segment to display the capital seven segment to display the seven segment to display the seven segment to display the
letter “U”. capital letter “C”. capital letter “E”. decimal (DP).

Connect B, C, D, E, & F to the Connect A, D, E, & F to the Connect A, D, E, F, & G to the Connect DP to the negative of the
negative of the battery. negative of the battery. negative of the battery. battery.

Project #371
Display Letter “b”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven segment to display the letter “b”.

Connect C, D, E, F, & G to the negative of the battery.

Project #372
Display Letter “c”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the seven segment to display the letter “c”.

Connect A, F, & G to the negative of the battery.

Project #373 Project #374 Project #375 Project #376

Display Display Display Display
Letter “d” Letter “e” Letter “h” Letter “o”
OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the OBJECTIVE: To configure the
seven segment to display the seven segment to display the seven segment to display the seven segment to display the
letter “d”. letter “e”. letter “h”. letter “o”.

Connect B, C, D, E, & G to the Connect A, B, D, E, F, & G to the Connect F, E, G, & C to the Connect C, D, E, & G to the
negative of the battery. negative of the battery. negative of the battery. negative of the battery.

Project #377 Space War Alarm by SCR
OBJECTIVE: To build an alarm circuit.

The circuit uses the space war IC (U3) and works the same way as

Project #378
project #320. Remove the jumper wire and a space war sound plays.

Light Space War Alarm

OBJECTIVE: To build an alarm circuit.

Use the circuit in project #377. Replace the resistor (R3) with the
photoresistor (RP) and remove the jumper wire. Cover the
photoresistor with your hand. Now slowly remove your hand. The

Project #379 Alarm by SCR

music plays when enough light hits the resistor.

OBJECTIVE: To build an alarm circuit.

The circuit uses the alarm IC (U2) and works the same way as project

Project #380
#377. Remove the jumper wire and an alarm IC sounds.

Light & Alarm IC

OBJECTIVE: To build an alarm circuit.

Use the circuit in project #379. Replace the 10kΩ resistor (R4) with
the photoresistor (RP) and remove the jumper wire. When enough
light strikes the photoresistor, the Alarm IC (U2) plays. Cover the
photoresistor with your hand. Now slowly remove it, when enough light
hits the resistor, the IC plays.

Project #381 Delay Light
OBJECTIVE: To construct a time delay circuit.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the bulb (L2) does not light. Press
switch (S2) and slowly the bulb lights.
When the press switch is pressed, current flows to the base of the
transistor (Q2) and charges the 100µF capacitor (C4). When the
capacitor charges up to more than 1 volt, the transistor (Q2) turns on
and triggers the SCR (Q3). The bulb will stay lit until the slide switch
is turned off. The values R5 and C4 determine the time it takes until
the transistor turns on. The larger the capacitor value, the more time
it takes to turn on.

Project #382 Project #383

Delay Fan Delay Fan (II)
OBJECTIVE: To construct a time delay fan. OBJECTIVE: To construct another type of time delay fan.

Use the circuit in project #381. Replace the lamp (L2) with the motor
(M1) and fan, then replace the 3-snap (base grid locations E6-G6) with
the lamp (L2). Turn on slide switch (S1) and press down the press switch Use the circuit in project #382. Replace the 100µF capacitor (C4) with
(S2) to start the motor. the 470µF capacitor (C5). Turn on slide switch (S1) and press switch
(S2). See how long it takes until the motor (M1) spins.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

! motor during operation.

Project #384 Recording LED
OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that lights an LED to indicate
the recording mode.

The circuit uses sound (beep) and light (LED) to indicate that you are
recording. Build the circuit; the red (D1) and green (D2) LED’s should
light. Now turn on the slide switch (S1). You hear one beep and the
green LED turns off. Speak into the microphone (X1) to record a
message. When you turn off the slide switch, or the circuit beeps twice
(indicating the recording is finished), the green LED turns on again.
Make sure that the slide switch is turned off. Press the press switch to
hear your recording followed by a song. The lamp (L2) is used to limit
current and will not light.

Project #385 Playback & Record

with Meter
OBJECTIVE: To add a volt meter to the playback and record

When recording, if the input signal into the microphone (X1) is too
high, distortion can occur. To monitor the level, a meter (M2) is placed
in series with the microphone.
Set the meter to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Turn on the slide switch
(S1) and the meter defects to the right. As you speak into the
microphone, the meter indicates the change in current. Turn the switch
off and then on to record again, but this time speak louder. You will find
that the louder you speak, the more the meter deflects. The lamp (L2)
is used to limit current and will not light.

Project #386 Alarm Light
OBJECTIVE: To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit.

This is another example of a alarm that activates when the circuit is

broken. Connect the jumper wire across points A & B and then turn
on the slide switch (S1). The lamp (L2) will not light until the jumper
wire is disconnected. Then the lamp will not turn off. Turn off the
switch to turn the lamp off again. This circuit remembers if there was
a break in the connection.

Project #387 Alarm Light (II)

OBJECTIVE: To light a bulb to indicate an open circuit.

This project is similar to project #386, but uses a transistor (Q2). The
lamp (L2) will not light until the jumper wire is disconnected. The
jumper wire grounds the base of the transistor, keeping it off. Remove
the jumper and the voltage on the base rises; turning the transistor and
SCR (Q3) on, and lighting the lamp. Note, the adjustable resistor (RV)
is used as a fixed value. Once the SCR is triggered, it will light the
lamp even if the jumper wire is replaced. Turn the slide switch (S1) off
to turn off the lamp.

Project #388 Night Police Car
OBJECTIVE: To build a night-sensitive police car sound.

As the photoresistor (RP) is exposed to light, its resistance is very low,

thereby connecting the gate of the SCR (Q3) to ground. This prevents
the SCR from conducting, connecting the alarm IC (U2) to the
batteries. The alarm IC remains off until the light is blocked, triggering
the SCR. If the light in the room is not bright, the IC may turn on.
Wave your hands over the photoresistor. Block the light with your hand
and the speaker (SP) sounds.

Project #389 Project #390 Project #391

Night Night Night
Machine Gun Fire Engine Ambulance
OBJECTIVE: To build a night-sensitive OBJECTIVE: To build a night-sensitive fire OBJECTIVE: To build a night-sensitive
machine gun sound. engine sound. ambulance sound.

Use the circuit from project #388. Connect the Use the circuit from project #388. Connect the Use the circuit from project #388. Connect the
jumper wire to points B & C for a machine gun jumper wire to points A & B for a fire engine jumper wire to points A & D for an ambulance
sound. sound. sound.

Project #392 Daytime Light
Police Car
OBJECTIVE: To build a light-sensitive police car sound.

As long as the photoresistor (RP) is exposed to light, the alarm IC (U2)

outputs a signal to the speaker (SP). Block the light with your hand
and the sound will stop.

Project #393 Project #394 Project #395

Daytime Light Daytime Light Daytime Light
Machine Gun Fire Engine Ambulance
OBJECTIVE: To build a light-sensitive OBJECTIVE: To build a light-sensitive fire OBJECTIVE: To build a light-sensitive
machine gun sound. engine sound. ambulance sound.

Use the circuit from project #392. Connect the

Use the circuit from project #392. Connect the Use the circuit from project #392. Connect the
jumper wire to points B & C. The sound of a
jumper wire to points A & B for a fire engine jumper wire to points A & D for an ambulance
machine gun will be heard when the room is
sound, when room is not dark. sound.
not dark.

Project #396 Flashing 8
OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the number “8”.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the number 8 starts flashing. The
segments are powered by connecting them to the IC’s (U2) output.

Project #397
Flashing 8 with Sound
OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit so you can hear and see the 8 flash.

Use the circuit in project #396. Connect the speaker (SP) across
points X & Y to see and hear the IC’s (U2) output.

Project #398 Musical Space War

OBJECTIVE: To combine the sound effects of the recorder and
space war integrated circuits.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and you hear space war sounds as the
lamp (L1) flashes. If you wave your hand over the photoresistor (RP),
the sound changes. If you keep the photoresistor covered, then the
sound will stop.
Press the press switch (S2) and you will hear music in addition to any
space war sounds that are playing. Press the press switch again to
change the music. You will also hear any recording you had made
previously with other projects.
Replace the lamp with the 100Ω resistor (R1) to reduce the loudness.

Project #399 Electronic Noisemaker
OBJECTIVE: To make different tones with an oscillator.
Build the circuit and turn on the slide switch (S1), you hear a high-
frequency tone. Press the press switch (S2) and move the adjustable
resistor (RV) control around to change to frequency of the tone.

Project #400
Replace the 0.1µF capacitor (C2) with the 10µF capacitor (C3, “+” on
the right) to lower the frequency of the tone.

Electronic Noisemaker (II)

OBJECTIVE: To show a variation of project #399.
You can also change the frequency by changing the resistance in the
oscillator. Replace the 10KΩ resistor (R4) with the 100KΩ resistor

Project #401 Bee

(R5), this can be done with either the 0.1µF (C2) or 10µF (C3)
capacitors in the circuit.

OBJECTIVE: To make different sounds with an oscillator.

Build the circuit and press the press switch (S2) a few times, you hear cute
sounds like a bumble bee. Replace the 0.02µF capacitor (C1) with 0.1µF
capacitor (C2) or 10µF capacitor (C3, “+” on the right) to change the sound.

Project #402 Project #403

Bee (II) Bee (III)
OBJECTIVE: Show a variation of project #401. OBJECTIVE: Show a variation of project #401.

Place the 0.02µF capacitor (C1) back in the circuit. Replace the 100µF capacitor (C4)
Remove the speaker (S1) from the circuit and place
the whistle chip (WC) across the transformer (T1)
with the 10µF capacitor (C3) or the
at points labeled A & B on the circuit layout. Listen 470µF capacitor (C5) to change the
to the sounds as you press the press switch (S2). duration of the sound. Use either the
Replace the 0.02µF capacitor (C1) with 0.1µF
capacitor (C2) or 10µF capacitor (C3, “+” on the
speaker circuit in project #401 or the
right) to change the sound. whistle chip circuit in project #402.

Project #404 Oscillator Sound
OBJECTIVE: Build an oscillator circuit.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the LED (D1) lights as the speaker
(SP) emits a tone. The circuit oscillates and generates an AC voltage

Project #405
across the speaker through the transformer (T1).

Oscillator Sound (II)

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #404.

Use the circuit in project #404. In this circuit, you will change the tone
by adding more capacitance. Place the whistle chip (WC) on top of
capacitor (C1). Turn on the slide switch (S1) and you now hear a lower

Project #406 Project #407 Project #408

tone. Adding the more capacitance lowers the oscillating frequency.

Oscillator Oscillator Oscillator

Sound (III) Sound (IV) Sound (V)
OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project
#404. #404. #404.

Use the circuit in project #404. Place the Use the circuit in project #404. Using a 1- Use the circuit in project #404. Replace the
whistle chip (WC) in parallel with the capacitor snap, place the 10µF capacitor (C3) on top of 100kΩ resistor (R5) with the photoresistor
(C2) by placing it on the left side of the the 100kΩ resistor (R5), with the “+” side on (RP). Wave your hand over the photoresistor.
transformer (T1). Turn on the slide switch (S1) point A1. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and Now, as the resistance changes, so does the
and you now hear a lower tone. you should hear a much lower sound then the oscillator frequency.
previous projects.

Project #409 Transistor Tester
OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that checks the transistor.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Turn on the switch
(S1), the meter does not move. Press the switch (S2), the meter
deflects and points to 10. This indicates the transistor (Q2) is GOOD.
The meter would only deflect a little or not at all for a BAD transistor.

Project #410 Adjustable Voltage

OBJECTIVE: To make an adjustable current path.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. This circuit is a
simple voltage divider. When the adjustable resistor (RV) is set to the
far right, the voltage across the resistors (R4) and (RV) are equal.
Adjust resistor (RV) to the left, the meter deflects less, as the voltage

Project #411
Automatic Display Capital Letter “C”
OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter C.

Connect segments A, D, E & F to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the display
flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes on and off.

Project #412
Automatic Display Capital Letter “E”
OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter E.

Use the circuit from project #411. Connect A, D, E, F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the

Project #413 Project #414 Project #415

switch (S1), the display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes on and off.

Automatic Display Automatic Display Automatic Display

Capital Letter “F” Capital Letter “H” Capital Letter “P”
OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter F. OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter H. OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter P.

Use the circuit from project #411. Connect A, E, F, Use the circuit from project #411. Connect B, C, E Use the circuit from project #411. Connect A, B, E,
& G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the , F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the
display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes

Project #416 Project #417 Project #418

on and off. on and off. on and off.

Automatic Display Automatic Display Automatic Display

Capital Letter “S” Capital Letter “U” Capital Letter “L”
OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter S. OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter U. OBJECTIVE: To construct a flashing display for the capital letter L.

Use the circuit from project #411. Connect A, F, G, Use the circuit from project #411. Connect B, C, D, Use the circuit from project #411. Connect D, E, &
C, & D to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the E, & F to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the F to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the display
display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes display flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes flashes and the whistle chip (WC) buzzes on and
on and off. on and off. off.

Project #419
Whistle Chip Sounds
OBJECTIVE: To make sounds from the whistle chip.

Turn on the switch (S1). As the circuit oscillates, the plate in the whistle

Project #420
chip vibrates and generates sound.

Whistle Chip Sounds (II)

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #419.

Project #421 Project #422

Connect the whistle chip (WC) across points B & C.

Whistle Chip Whistle Chip Sounds (IV)

Sounds (III) OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #419.

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #419. Use the circuit in project #419, but replace the 100µF capacitor (C4) with
the 10µF capacitor (C3).

Project #423 Project #424

Use the circuit in project #419. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across
points C & D. You should hear a faster sound.

Whistle Chip Whistle Chip Sounds (VI)

Sounds (V) OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #419.

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #419.

Use the circuit in project #419, but replace the 100µF capacitor (C4) with
Use the circuit in project #419, but replace the 100µF capacitor (C4) with the 10µF capacitor (C3) and connect the whistle chip across points B &
the 470µF capacitor (C5). C. You can also connect the whistle chip across points C & D.

Project #425 LED Music
OBJECTIVE: To light the LED’s using the recording IC.

The recording IC (U6) lights the LED’s (D1 & D2) instead of driving the
speaker (SP). Press the press switch (S2) once. The LED’s light and
then turn off after a while. Press the press switch again and see how
long the second song plays. When the second song stops, press the
press switch (S2) again to play the third song.

Project #426 Project #427

Light-controlled LED Touch-controlled LED
Time Delay Time Delay
OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #425. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #425.

Use the circuit in project #425. Replace the press switch (S2) with the Use the circuit in project #425. Replace the press switch (S2) with the
photoresistor (RP). Turn the LED’s on and off by waving your hand over PNP transistor (Q1, arrow on U6 and a 1-snap on point F1). Turn the
the photoresistor. LED’s on and off by touching grid points F1 & G2 at the same time. You
may need to wet your fingers.

Project #428 Alarm Recorder
OBJECTIVE: To record the sound from the alarm IC.

The circuit records the sound from the alarm IC (U2) into the recording
IC (U6). Turn on the switch (S1). The first beep indicates that the IC
has begun recording. When you hear two beeps, the recording has
stopped. Turn off the slide switch (S1) and press the switch (S2). You
will hear the recording of the alarm IC before each song is played.
The lamp (L2) is used to limit current and will not light.

Project #429 Project #430

Alarm Recorder (II) Machine Gun Recorder
OBJECTIVE: Record the sound from the alarm IC. OBJECTIVE: To record the sound of a machine gun.

Use the circuit in project #428. Remove the 2-snap from A1 to B1. Turn Use the circuit in project #428. Move the 2-snap from A1 - B1 to 3A -
on the switch (S1). The first beep indicates that the IC (U6) has begun 3B. Turn on the switch (S1). The first beep indicates that the IC (U6) has
recording. When you hear two beeps, turn off the switch (S1), press the begun recording. When you hear two beeps, turn off the switch (S1),
switch (S2), and the new recording plays. press the switch (S2), and the machine gun sound plays.

Project #431
Time Delay
1-7 Seconds
OBJECTIVE: To build a time delay circuit.

The length of time the motor (M1) runs depends on the position of the
adjustable resistor (RV). When the press switch (S2) is pressed, the
470µF capacitor (C5) charges. As the press switch is released, C5
discharges through the resistors R4 and RV, turning the transistor (Q2)
on. Transistor Q2 connects the relay (S3) to the batteries, the contacts
switch, and the motor (M1) spins. As the voltage decreases, Q2 will turn
off and the motor will stop spinning.
Setting RV to the right (large resistance) sets a long discharge time. To
the left, a short discharge time.

Project #432
Turn on the switch (S1), the red LED (D1) lights. Now press and release
the switch (S2), the bulb lights and the motor spins.

Time Delay
OBJECTIVE: To see how the capacitor value affects the time.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or Use the circuit in project #431. Replace the 470µF capacitor (C5) with
! motor during operation. the 100µF capacitor (C4). Set the adjustable resistor (RV) to the far right,
turn on the switch (S1), then press and release the switch (S2). The
motor (M1) spins and bulb (L2) lights for about 3 seconds. Adjust the
adjustable resistor to the left for a much shorter time.

Project #433 Manual 7 Second
Timer (II)
OBJECTIVE: To build a manual timer using a relay and whistle

This circuit is similar to project #431 except now the whistle chip (WC)
will also make sound.

Project #434 15 Second Alarm

OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that sounds the speaker for 15

As in project #431, the transistor (Q2) acts as a switch, connecting the

relay (S3) and the alarm IC (U2) to the batteries. As long as there is
a voltage on the transistor's base, the alarm IC sounds.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and then press the switch (S2). The
transistor turns on, the capacitor (C5) charges up, and the alarm
sounds. Release the press switch (S2). As the capacitor discharges,
it keeps the transistor on. The transistor will turn off when the
capacitor is almost discharged, about 15 seconds. The relay contacts
will switch and the alarm will turn off.

Project #435
Flashing “1 & 2”
OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash the numbers “1 & 2”.

Connect segments B & C to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the number
“1” should be flashing. Now, connect A, B, G, E, & D to flash the number “2”.

Project #436 Project #437

Flashing “3 & 4” Flashing “5 & 6”
OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a
switch to flash the numbers “3 & 4”. switch to flash the numbers “5 & 6”.
Use the circuit in project #435. Connect A, B, G, Use the circuit in project #435. Connect A, F, G,
C, & D to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) C & D to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1)

Project #438 Project #439 Project #440

and the number “3” should be flashing. Now, and the number “5” should be flashing. Now,
connect C, B, G & F to flash the number “4”. connect A, C, D, E, F & G to flash the number “6”.

Flashing “7 & 8” Flashing “9 & 0” Flashing “b & c”

OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash
the numbers “7 & 8”. the numbers “9 & 0”. the letters “b & c”.
Use the circuit in project #435. Connect A, B, & C Use the circuit in project #435. Connect A, B, C, D, Use the circuit in project #435. Connect C, D, E, F
to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1) and the & G to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and
number “7” should be flashing. Now, connect A, B, number “9” should be flashing. Now, connect A, B, the letter “b” should be flashing. Now, connect A, F

Project #441 Project #442 Project #443

C, D, E, F & G to flash the number “8”. C, D, E, & F to flash the number “0”. & G to flash the letter “c”.

Flashing “d & e” Flashing “h & o” Flashing “A & J”

OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash OBJECTIVE: Use the Alarm IC as a switch to flash
the letters “d & e”. the letters “h & o”. the letters “A & J”.
Use the circuit in project #435. Connect B, C, D, E, Use the circuit in project #435. Connect C, E, F, & Use the circuit in project #435. Connect A, B, C, E,
& G to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and G to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1)
the letter “d” should be flashing. Now, connect A, B, the letter “h” should be flashing. Now, connect C, D, and the capital letter “A” should be flashing. Now,
D, E, F & G to flash the letter “e”. E, & G to flash the letter “o”. connect B, C, & D to flash the capital letter “J”.

Project #444 Alarm Timer
OBJECTIVE: To connect the alarm IC to a timer circuit.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the alarm may sound and slowly drift
away as the lamp (L2) brightens. Press the press switch (S2) and the
alarm sounds at full volume as the LED (D1) lights. Capacitor C5 is
also charged. Release the press switch; the alarm IC (U2) still sounds
because the voltage from the discharging C5 keeps Q1 and Q2 off. As
the capacitor’s voltage drops, the LED will turn off and the sound will
slowly stop.
Replace resistor R5 and capacitor C5 with different values and see
how it affects the circuit.

Project #445 Project #446

Alarm Timer (II) Alarm Timer (III)
OBJECTIVE: To change the time by switching the resistor and OBJECTIVE: To modify project #285 for a different sound.
Replace the 1-snap
Build this circuit wire from the middle
using the following snap on U2 with a 2-
combinations for R5 snap and connect it
and C5: to grid location D7 &
R5 & C3, R4 & C4, E7. The circuit now
and R4 & C5. produces a different
sound. Change R5
and C5 with the
following combin-
ations for R5 and C5:
R5 & C3, R4 & C4,
and R4 & C5.

Project #447
Bird Sounds
OBJECTIVE: To create bird sounds.

Project #448
Turn on the switch (S1). The circuit makes a bird sound.

Bird Sounds (II)

OBJECTIVE: To create bird sounds.

Use the circuit in project #447. Replace the 100µF (C4) capacitor with the
10µF capacitor (C3), the tone should sound like a buzzer. Now use the

Project #449 Project #450

470µF capacitor (C5) and hear how the tone gets longer between chirps.

Bird Sounds (III) Bird Sounds (IV)

OBJECTIVE: To create bird sounds. OBJECTIVE: To create bird sounds.

Use the circuit in project #447. Using the jumper wires, connect the Use the circuit in project #447. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across

Project #451 Project #452

whistle chip (WC) across points A & B and the sound changes. points B & C.

Bird Sounds (V) Touch-Control

OBJECTIVE: To create bird sounds.
Bird Sound
OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #447.
Using the jumper wires, connect the whistle chip (WC) across points C &
D. Use the circuit in project #447. Replace the 100kΩ resistor (R5) with the
photoresistor (RP). Wave your hand over the resistor and the sound
changes. With the photoresistor installed, redo projects #448 - 451.
Project #453 Motor Sound
OBJECTIVE: Build a circuit that records the sound of the motor

Placing the motor (M1) (with the fan attached) next to the microphone
(X1) enables you to record the sound as it spins. Turn off and then turn
on the switch (S1). After the two beeps, turn off the slide switch (S1)
again. Remove the jumper wire connected across points A & B and
press the press switch (S2) to hear the recording. The lamp (L2) is used
to limit the current and will not light.

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or


Project #454 Motor Sound Indicator

motor during operation.

OBJECTIVE: To build a circuit that generates sound as a motor

is spinning.

Turn off the switch (S1). There is no power; the LED’s and motor are
off. Now turn on the switch (S1). Only the green LED (D2) lights,
indicating power to the circuit. Press the switch (S2). The motor spins,
the red LED (D1) lights, and you hear the motor sound from the
speaker (SP).

WARNING: Moving parts. Do not touch the fan or

! motor during operation.

Project #455 Relay & Buzzer
OBJECTIVE: Use the whistle chip and relay to make sound.

Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the relay (S3) opens and closes
continuously. This creates an AC voltage across the whistle chip
(WC), causing it to vibrate and sound.

Project #456 Project #457

Relay & Speaker Relay & Lamp
OBJECTIVE: Use the speaker and relay to make sound. OBJECTIVE: Light the bulb using the relay.

Use the circuit from project #455. Replace the whistle chip (WC) with the
Use the circuit from project #455. Replace the whistle chip (WC) with the
speaker (SP). Turn on the slide switch (S1) and now you generate a
6V lamp (L2). Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the lamp lights.
louder sound using the speaker.

Project #458
Electronic Cat
OBJECTIVE: To create the sound of a cat.
Set the adjustable resistor (RV) to the far left. Press and release the switch (S2). You
should hear the sound of a cat from the speaker (SP). Now adjust the resistor and

Project #459
hear the different sounds.

Electronic Cat (II)

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458.
Use the circuit in project #458. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across points A & B.
Press and release the the switch (S2). You hear sound from the whistle chip and

Project #460 Project #461 Project #462

speaker (SP). Adjust the resistor (RV) and hear the different sounds.

Electronic Cat (III) Electronic Cat (IV) Buzzer Cat

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458.

Use the circuit in project #458. Using the jumper Use the circuit in project #458. Connect the whistle Use the circuit in project #458. Remove the
wires, connect the whistle chip (WC) across points chip (WC) across points C & D. Press and release speaker (SP) and connect the whistle chip (WC)
B & C. Press and release the switch (S2). Adjust the switch (S2). Adjust the resistor (RV) and hear across points A & B. Press and release the press

Project #463 Project #464 Project #465

the resistor (RV) and hear the different sounds. the different sounds. switch (S2) to hear the sounds.

Buzzer Cat (II) Buzzer Cat (III) Lazy Cat

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #458.

Use the circuit in project #458. Remove the speaker (SP) Use the circuit in project #458. Remove the speaker Use the circuit in project #458. Replace the 100µF
and, using the jumper wires, connect the whistle chip (WC) (SP) and connect the whistle chip (WC) across points
capacitor (C4) with 470µF (C5). Repeat projects
across points B & C. Press and release the switch (S2). C & D. Press and release the switch (S2). Adjust the
#459-464 and hear 7 different sounds.
Adjust the resistor (RV) and hear the different sounds. resistor (RV) and hear the different sounds.

Project #466 Meter Deflection (II)
OBJECTIVE: To build change the direction in which current

Compare this circuit to project #358, which has the LED (D1 & D2)
positions reversed. This changes the direction that current can flow.
Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. Press the press
switch (S2) and now the meter deflects to the left.

Project #467
Automatic Display #1
OBJECTIVE: Construct a light-controlled display.
Connect segments B & C to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1),
the display should be off. Place your hand over the photoresistor

Project #468
(RP), now the number 1 lights.

Automatic Display #2
OBJECTIVE: Light the number 2 using a light-controlled
Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, G, E, & D to the
circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the display should be off. Place
your hand over the photoresistor (RP), now the number 2 lights.

Project #469 Project #470 Project #471
Automatic Automatic Automatic
Display #3 Display #4 Display #5
OBJECTIVE: Light the number 3 using a OBJECTIVE: Light the number 4 using a OBJECTIVE: Light the number 5 using a
light-controlled display. light-controlled display. light-controlled display.

Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, G, Use the circuit from project #467. Connect B, G, C, Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, C, F,
C, & D to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the & F to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the G, & D to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the
display should be off. Place your hand over the display should be off. Place your hand over the display should be off. Place your hand over the

Project #472 Project #473 Project #474

photoresistor (RP), now the number 3 lights. photoresistor (RP), now the number 4 lights. photoresistor (RP), now the number 5 lights.

Automatic Automatic Automatic

Display #6 Display #7 Display #8
OBJECTIVE: Light the number 6 using a OBJECTIVE: Light the number 7 using a OBJECTIVE: Light the number 8 using a
light-controlled display. light-controlled display. light-controlled display.

Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, C, D, Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, & Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, C,
E, F, & G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the C to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the display D, E, F & G to the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1),
display should be off. Place your hand over the should be off. Place your hand over the the display should be off. Place your hand over the

Project #475 Project #476

photoresistor (RP), now the number 6 lights. photoresistor (RP), now the number 7 lights. photoresistor (RP), now the number 8 lights.

Automatic Display #9 Automatic Display #0

OBJECTIVE: Light the number 9 using a light-controlled display. OBJECTIVE: Light the number 0 using a light-controlled display.

Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, D, F, G, & C to the circuit. Turn Use the circuit from project #467. Connect A, B, C, D, E & F to the circuit. Turn
on the switch (S1), the display should be off. Place your hand over the on the switch (S1), the display should be off. Place your hand over the
photoresistor (RP), now the number 9 lights. photoresistor (RP), now the number 0 lights.

Project #477
Variable Oscillator
OBJECTIVE: To change the tone using the adjustable resistor.
Set the adjustable resistor (RV) to the bottom position. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and you

Project #478
should hear sound from the speaker (SP). Adjust the resistor to hear the different sounds.

Variable Oscillator (II)

OBJECTIVE: To change the tone using the adjustable resistor.
Use the circuit in project #477. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across points A & B
and adjust the resistor (RV). You should hear a higher tone. This is generated by the

Project #479 Project #480 Project #481

whistle chip (WC).

Variable Oscillator (III) Variable Oscillator (IV) Photo Variable Resistor

OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #477. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #477. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #477.

Use the circuit in project #477. Connect the Use the circuit in project #477. Connect the Use the circuit in project #477. Replace the 100kΩ
resistor (R5) with the photoresistor (RP). Wave your
whistle chip (WC) across points B & C and whistle chip (WC) across points D & E and
hand over the resistor and the sound changes.

Project #482 Project #483 Project #484

adjust the resistor (RV). adjust the resistor (RV). Adjust the resistor (RV) to make more sounds.

Variable Whistle Slow Adjusting Slow Adjusting

Chip Oscillator Tone Tone (II)
OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #477. OBJECTIVE: Show variations of project #477. OBJECTIVE: Show a variation of project #483.

Use the circuit in project #477, remove the Use the circuit in project #477. Place the 10µF Use the circuit in project #483. Replace the 10µF
speaker (SP). Make three more sounds by capacitor (C3) (+ towards the top) directly over the capacitor (C3) with the 100µF capacitor (C4) and the
placing the whistle chip (WC) across points, A .02µF capacitor (C1). A tone is generated once or tone is much slower. To make it even slower, replace the
& B, B & C, and D & E. 100µF capacitor (C4) with the 470µF capacitor (C5).
twice per second, depending on the resistor setting.
Project #485 Fixed-Current Path
OBJECTIVE: To make a fixed-current path.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. The meter indicates
the amount of current in the circuit. Turn on the switch (S1), the needle
deflects indicating the amount of current. The 10kΩ resistor limits the
current, otherwise the meter could be damaged.

Project #486 Simple Illumination

OBJECTIVE: To make a simple light meter.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Using only a few
parts, you can make a simple light meter. The amount of light changes
the resistance of the photoresistor (RP), which affects the current
though the meter. As light increases, the resistance drops and the
meter deflects to the right. Decreasing the light, the meter deflects to
the left, indicating less current.
Set the adjustable resistor (RV) to the far left and turn on the slide
switch (S1). The circuit is now very sensitive to light. Wave your hand
over the photoresistor (RP) and the meter deflects to the left, almost
to zero. Move the adjustable resistor to the far right and see how less
sensitive the circuit is to light now.

Project #487 LED Voltage Drop
OBJECTIVE: To measure the voltage drop across diodes.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Turn on the slide
switch (S1) and the LED (D1) lights as the meter deflects to the middle
of the scale. The sum of the voltage drop across each components
equals the battery voltage. Bypass the LED by pressing the switch (S2).
The voltage across the 10kΩ resistor increases, as shown by the meter
deflecting more to the right. Replace the red LED with the green LED
(D2) and then the diode (D3), to see the different voltage drops.

Project #488 Open/Closed Door

OBJECTIVE: To make a circuit that indicates whether a door is
open or closed.

Using the photoresistor (RP) you can build a circuit that indicates if a
door is open or closed. When the door is open and light is present, the
letter “O” lights. When the door is closed and the room is dark, the letter
C lights.
The photoresistor turns the transistor (Q2) on or off, depending on the
amount of light in the room. When the transistor is on (light present),
segments B & C connect to the (–) side of the batteries and letter “O”
lights. When the room is dark, the transistor is off and the letter “C” lights.
Segments B & C are connected to the transistor.
Turn the slide switch (S1) on and the letter “O” should light. Cover the
photoresistor, simulating closing the door, and the letter “C” lights.

Project #489 Hand-control Meter
OBJECTIVE: To understand music deflection.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Instead of driving a
speaker (SP) with the music IC (U1), you can see it by using the meter.
Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the meter deflects according to the
rhythm of music. After the music stops, hold down the press switch
(S2) to make it continue.

Project #490 Project #491 Project #492

Light-control Electric- Sound-control
Meter control Meter Meter
OBJECTIVE: To control the circuit using OBJECTIVE: To start the circuit using an OBJECTIVE: To start the circuit by using a
light. electric motor. speaker.

Use the circuit in project #489. Place the

Use the circuit in project #489. Replace the Use the circuit in project #489. Place the speaker (SP) across points A & B. Turn on the
press switch (S2) with the photoresistor (RP). motor (M1) across points A & B. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and the meter (M2) deflects
The music IC (U1) outputs a signal, as long as slide switch (S1) and the meter (M2) deflects and swings according to the rhythm of music.
a light is present on the photoresistor. The and swings according to the rhythm of music. When deflection stops, clap your hands next
photoresistor is like a short, connecting the When deflection stops, rotate motor to start to the speaker, the music plays again. The
pin to the battery. When the song repeats, the music again. The voltage generated by clapping sound vibrates the plates in the
cover the photoresistor with your hand, the the motor triggers the IC again. whistle chip, creating the voltage needed to
resistance goes up, and the music stops. trigger the IC.

Project #493 Fixed-Voltage Divider
OBJECTIVE: To make a simple voltage divider.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) scale. This circuit is a simple
voltage divider with parallel load resistors. The voltage across resistors
R3 & R4 is the same. The current through both paths are different, due
to the resistor values. Since resistor (R3) (5.1kΩ) is half the value of
resistor (R4) (10kΩ), twice the current flows through R3.
The lights in a house are an example of this type of circuit. All are
connected to the same voltage, but the current is dependent on the
wattage of the bulb.

Project #494 Resistor Measurement

OBJECTIVE: To make a resistor checker.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Connect the jumper
wire to points A & B. Adjust the adjustable resistor (RV) so the meter
deflects to 10. The resistance between points A & B is zero. Remove
the jumper wire and put the 100Ω resistor (R1) across points A & B. The
meter deflects to the 10, indicating a low resistance. Now replace
resistor (R1) with the other resistors. The meter will display different
readings for each resistor.

Project #495
Automatic Display Letter “b”
OBJECTIVE: To construct a light-controlled display for lower case

Connect C, D, E, F & G to the circuit. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and
the display should be off. Place your hand over the photoresistor (RP),

Project #496
now the letter “b” lights.

Automatic Display Letter “c”

OBJECTIVE: To light the letter “c” using a light-controlled

Use the circuit from project #495. Connect E, D, & G to the circuit. Turn
on the slide switch (S1) and the display should be off. Place your hand

Project #497 Project #498

over the photoresistor (RP), now the letter “c” lights.

Automatic Display Letter “d” Automatic Display Letter “e”

OBJECTIVE: To light the letter “d” using a light-controlled display. OBJECTIVE: To light the letter “e” using a light-controlled display.
Use the circuit from project #495. Connect B, C, D, E, & G to the circuit. Turn on Use the circuit from project #495. Connect A, B, D, E, F, & G to the circuit. Turn
the slide switch (S1) and the display should be off. Place your hand over the on the slide switch (S1) and the display should be off. Place your hand over the

Project #499 Project #500

photoresistor (RP), now the letter “d” lights. photoresistor (RP), now the letter “e” lights.

Automatic Display Letter “h” Automatic Display Letter “o”

OBJECTIVE: To light the letter “h” using a light-controlled display. OBJECTIVE: To light the letter “o” using a light controlled display.
Use the circuit from project #495. Connect F, E, C, & G to the circuit. Turn on the Use the circuit from project #495. Connect C, D, E, and G to the circuit. Turn on
slide switch (S1) the display should be off. Place your hand over the the slide switch (S1) the display should be off. Place your hand over the
photoresistor (RP), now the letter “h” lights. photoresistor (RP), now the letter “o” lights.

Project #501
Hand-Control Display 1 & 4
OBJECTIVE: Display numbers 1 or 4 using the slide switch.

Connect segments B, C, F, & G as shown in the diagram. Turn the

slide switch (S1) off and on, the display changes from numbers 1 to 4.

Project #502
Hand-Control Display 1 & 0
OBJECTIVE: Display numbers 1 or 0 using the slide switch.

Connect segments A, B, C, D, E, & F as shown in the diagram. Turn

the slide switch (S1) off and on, the display changes from numbers 1
to 0.

Project #503 Project #504 Project #505

Hand-Control Hand-Control Hand-Control
Display 1 & 7 Display 1 & 8 Display 1 & 9
OBJECTIVE: Display numbers 1 or 7 OBJECTIVE: Display numbers 1 or 8 OBJECTIVE: Display numbers 1 or 9
using the slide switch. using the slide switch. using the slide switch.

Connect segments A, B, C, D, E, F, & G as Connect segments A, B, C, D, F, & G as

Connect segments A, B, & C as shown in the shown in the diagram. Turn the slide switch shown in the diagram. Turn the slide switch
diagram. Turn the slide switch (S1) off and on, (S1) off and on, the display changes from (S1) off and on, the display changes from
the display changes from numbers 1 to 7. numbers 1 to 8. numbers 1 to 9.

Project #506 Monitor Capacitor
Charging &
OBJECTIVE: View charging and discharging a capacitor.

Using the meter (M2), we can monitor the charging and discharging of a
capacitor. First turn off the switch (S1).
Charging: Connect the meter (M2) to points A & B (positive pole
downward). Turn on the switch (S1). The 100µF capacitor (C4) charges
and the meter deflects, slowly returning to zero.
Discharging: Connect the meter to points B & C (positive pole
downward). Press the switch (S2). The capacitor discharges and the
meter deflects, slowly returning to zero.

Project #507 Hand-Control

Space Meter
OBJECTIVE: Using the meter with the space war IC.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. This is another circuit
using the meter to monitor the output of an IC.
Turn on the switch (S1). Press switch (S2) to start the circuit. As the
space war IC (U3) outputs a signal, the meter will deflect. When the
circuit stops, start it again by pressing switch (S2).

Project #508 Rhythm Swinging
OBJECTIVE: Use the meter with the alarm IC.

Set the meter (M2) to the LOW (or 10mA) setting. Connect 3-snap
wires to terminals E & F, and C & D. Turn on the slide switch (S1) and
the meter swings rhythmically.

Project #509 Project #510 Project #511

Police Car Fire Engine Ambulance
Sound with Sound with Sound with
Whistle Chip Whistle Chip Whistle Chip
Show variations of project #508. Show variations of project #508. Show variations of project #508.

Connect a 3-wire snap to terminals C & D.

Use the circuit in project #508. Connect the Connect 3-wire snaps to terminals C & D and
Connect the whistle chip (WC) across points
whistle chip (WC) to points G & H. Connect a A & B. Connect the whistle chip (WC) across
G & H. Connect a jumper wire to terminals B
3-wire snap to the terminals C & D and turn on points G & H. You should hear a fire engine
& H. You should hear an ambulance sound
the switch (S1). sound generated by the alarm IC (U2).
generated by the alarm IC (U2).

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Elenco® Electronics, Inc.
150 Carpenter Avenue
Wheeling, IL 60090
(847) 541-3800
e-mail: [email protected]

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