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From Chapter 58 to Chapter 66 (Juz 28)

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The Chapter Al-Mujaadilah (58) Translation Chapter Al-
Mujaadilah (58)

“The God has listened to the views

expressed (qawl – ‫ )قول‬by the
‫قَ ْد َس ِم َع اللَّـهُ قَوْ َل الَّتِي تُ َجا ِدلُكَ فِي زَ وْ ِجهَا َوتَ ْشتَ ِكي‬
party/group/team/delegation which
‫إِلَى اللَّـ ِه َواللَّـهُ يَ ْس َم ُع ت ََحا ُو َر ُك َما ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ َس ِمي ٌع‬
(allati – ‫ )الّتی‬exchanged arguments
﴾١﴿ ‫صي ٌر‬ ِ َ‫ب‬ with you (tujaadilu-ka – ‫ )تُجا ِدلُک‬in
respect of its comrade/compatriot
group or class of the community
(zawjiha – ‫ )زوجھا‬and was, in fact,
lodging a formal complaint (tashtaki
– ‫ )تشتکی‬with the Supreme Authority.
The God listens to the contentions of
both of you as He indeed is always
listening and employing His vision
(baseer – ‫)بصیر‬
ِ (1).
So, those of you who hold the weaker
‫الَّ ِذينَ يُظَا ِهرُونَ ِمن ُكم ِّمن نِّ َسائِ ِهم َّما هُ َّن‬
َّ ‫أُ َّمهَاتِ ِه ْم ۚ إِ ْن أُ َّمهَاتُهُ ْم إِ ََّّل‬ segments/classes (nisaa’i-him – ‫)نِسائھم‬
‫الَّلئِي َولَ ْدنَهُ ْم ۚ َوإِنَّهُ ْم‬
of their community in contempt, or
‫لَيَقُولُونَ ُمن َكرًا ِّمنَ ْالقَوْ ِل َو ُزورًا ۚ َوإِ َّن اللَّـهَ لَ َعفُ ٌّو‬
treat those with enmity/hostility
﴾٢﴿ ‫َغفُو ٌر‬
(yuzaahiroona min – ‫)یُظا ِھرون ِمن‬, must
realize that these classes, or their
conduct, is not expected to come up as
role models for their community
(ummahaati-him – ‫)اُ ّمہاتِ ِھم‬. None are
the role models or examples of
goodness and virtues for them
(ummahaatu-hum – ‫ )اُ ّمہاتُ ُھم‬except
those who are the founders of their
society (waladna-hum – ‫)ولدن ُھم‬. And
indeed they (the complainant party)
have been talking unfairly and falsely
in their discourse (munkiran min al-
qawli wa zooran – ‫) ُمنکرا من القو ِل و ُزورا‬.
But indeed, the God is forgiving and
provider of protection from past
‫َوالَّ ِذينَ يُظَا ِهرُونَ ِمن نِّ َسائِ ِه ْم ثُ َّم يَعُو ُدونَ لِ َما قَالُوا‬
َ‫فَتَحْ ِري ُر َرقَبَ ٍة ِّمن قَب ِْل أَن يَتَ َماسَّا ۚ َٰ َذلِ ُك ْم تُو َعظُون‬
misconduct (2).

﴾٣﴿ ‫ بِ ِه ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُونَ خَ بِي ٌر‬So those who hold their weaker
segments of community in contempt
(yuzaahiroona min Nisaai-him –
‫)یُظایِ ُرون مین نِسائِ ِھم‬, then draw back
from their former commitments, must
give a commitment in writing (tehrir
– ‫ )تحریر‬that monitors and binds them
(raqabatin – ‫ )رقبۃ‬against such
conduct, before both of them may
interact again (yatamasa – ‫)یتماسا‬.
This is what you are exhorted to do as
God keeps Himself abreast of what
you are doing (3).
‫صيَا ُم َشه َْري ِْن ُمتَتَابِ َعي ِْن ِمن قَب ِْل أن‬ َّ
ِ َ‫ فَ َمن ل ْم يَ ِج ْد ف‬Those who do not have this
َٰ ْ
َ‫ يَتَ َماسَّا ۚ فَ َمن لَّ ْم يَ ْست َِط ْع فَإِط َعا ُم ِستِّينَ ِم ْس ِكينًا ۚ َذلِك‬possibility, for them training in
‫ُح ُدو ُد‬ َ‫َو َرسُولِ ِه ۚ َوتِ ْلك‬ ‫بِاللَّـ ِه‬ ‫ لِتُ ْؤ ِمنُوا‬abstinence/selfl-restraint (Siyaam –
﴾٤﴿ ‫)صیا ُم اللَّـ ِه ۚ َولِل َكافِ ِرينَ َع َذابٌ أَلِي ٌم‬ ِ for two consecutive months is
prescribed before both parties can
interact mutually. Again, those who
do not have this possibility, for them,
giving away sustenance for sixty
needy ones is prescribed. This is so
that you may affirm your faith in God
and His Apostle in practice. And
these are the laws fixed by God. For
deniers of these laws, painful torment
َ‫ إِ َّن الَّ ِذينَ ي َُحا ُّدونَ اللَّـهَ َو َرسُولَهُ ُكبِتُوا َك َما ُكبِتَ الَّ ِذين‬is in waiting (4).
ٌ‫ت ۚ َولِ ْل َكافِ ِرينَ َع َذاب‬ ٍ ‫ت بَيِّنَا‬ ٍ ‫ ِمن قَ ْبلِ ِه ْم ۚ َوقَ ْد أَنزَ ْلنَا آيَا‬Indeed who oppose the God and His
﴾٥﴿ ‫ين‬ ٌ ‫ ُّم ِه‬Apostle, they would be humiliated
just like those humiliated before
them. And We have already sent
ُ‫صاه‬ َ ُ ُ َ َ َّ ُ
َ ْ‫ يَوْ َم يَ ْب َعثهُ ُم اللـهُ َج ِميعًا فيُنبِّئهُم بِ َما َع ِملوا ۚ أح‬down open signs. And for the deniers,
﴾٦﴿ ‫ اللَّـهُ َونَسُوهُ ۚ َواللَّـهُ َعلَ َٰى ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء َش ِهي ٌد‬there’s a humiliating punishment (5)
at the time when God would raise
them all from dead and would inform
them of what they have been doing.
God has taken account of that, but
they have forgotten about it. But God
is witness over all that goes on (6).
‫ت َو َما فِي‬ ِ ‫اوا‬ َ َّ َ َ َ
َ ‫ أل ْم ت ََر أ َّن اللـهَ يَ ْعل ُم َما فِي ال َّس َم‬Do you not observe that God knows
‫ون ِمن نَّجْ َو َٰى ثَ ََّلثَ ٍة إِ ََّّل هُ َو َرابِ ُعهُ ْم‬
ُ ‫ض ۚ َما يَ ُك‬ ِ ْ‫ْاْلَر‬ all that exists in the celestial bodies
‫َو ََّل خَ ْم َس ٍة إِ ََّّل هُ َو َسا ِد ُسهُ ْم َو ََّل أَ ْدنَىَٰ ِمن َذلِكَ َو ََّل أَ ْكثَ َر‬ and on this Earth. There can be no
‫إِ ََّّل هُ َو َم َعهُ ْم أَ ْينَ َما َكانُوا ۚ ثُ َّم يُنَبِّئُهُم بِ َما َع ِملُوا يَوْ َم‬ secret conversation between three
﴾٧﴿ ‫ْالقِيَا َم ِة ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ بِ ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء َعلِي ٌم‬ people as He is the fourth one present
there; and between five people as He
is the sixth one there; and between
more or less people except He is there
with them wherever they may be. As
a result, He is going to show them, on
the Day of Judgement, the record of
what they have been doing. Indeed
God’s knowledge transcends all limits
‫أَلَ ْم ت ََر إِلَى الَّ ِذينَ نُهُوا َع ِن النَّجْ َو َٰى ثُ َّم يَعُو ُدونَ لِ َما‬ (7).
ِ َ‫ْصي‬ ِ ‫ان َو َمع‬ ِ ‫اْل ْث ِم َو ْال ُع ْد َو‬
ِ ْ ِ‫نُهُوا َع ْنهُ َويَتَنَا َجوْ نَ ب‬ Do you not observe those who were
ُ‫ُول َوإِ َذا َجاءُوكَ َحيَّوْ كَ بِ َما لَ ْم ي َُحيِّكَ بِ ِه اللـه‬ ِ ‫ال َّرس‬ forbidden secret conversations, then
َّ َ
‫َويَقُولُونَ فِي أنفُ ِس ِه ْم لَوْ ََّل يُ َع ِّذبُنَا اللـهُ بِ َما‬ they reverted to what they were
﴾٨﴿ ‫صي ُر‬ ِ ‫س ْال َم‬
َ ‫نَقُو ُل ۚ َح ْسبُهُ ْم َجهَنَّ ُم يَصْ لَوْ نَهَا ۚ فَبِ ْئ‬ forbidden, and conspired in sinful
activity, aggressive designs and
disobedience to the Apostle; and when
they come to you, they greet you in a
way the God never greets you in, and
then they question themselves as to
why the God does not punish us for
what we have spoken? Hell is the
appropriate place for them into which
they will be inducted – and a vile
‫اْل ْث ِم‬
ِ ْ ِ‫َاجوْ ا ب‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َذا تَن‬
َ ‫َاج ْيتُ ْم فَ ََّل تَتَن‬ destination it is (8).
‫َاجوْ ا بِ ْالبِ ِّر‬
َ ‫ُول َوتَن‬ ِ ‫ت ال َّرس‬ ِ َ‫ْصي‬
ِ ‫ان َو َمع‬ ِ ‫َو ْال ُع ْد َو‬ O people of faith, if you need to hold
﴾٩﴿ َ‫َوالتَّ ْق َو َٰى ۚ َواتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ الَّ ِذي إِلَ ْي ِه تُحْ َشرُون‬ secret talk, do not hold it for sinful
purposes and for enmity and
disobedience to the Messenger. And
do your counselling for the purpose of
virtue and God-consciousness. And
‫ْس‬َ ‫ان لِيَحْ ُزنَ الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا َولَي‬ ِ َ‫إِنَّ َما النَّجْ َو َٰى ِمنَ ال َّش ْيط‬ remain conscious of God to whom you
‫ضارِّ ِه ْم َش ْيئًا إِ ََّّل بِإ ِ ْذ ِن اللَّـ ِه ۚ َو َعلَى اللَّـ ِه فَ ْليَت ََو َّك ِل‬ َ ِ‫ب‬ have to revert collectively (9). As for
﴾١٠﴿ َ‫ْال ُمؤ ِمنون‬
ُ ْ the secret conversations, it comes
from man’s rebellious instincts (min
ash-shayitaan – ‫ )من الشیطان‬so as to
bring grief to the faithful, but it can’t
harm them in any degree except what
God’s providence dictates. So, the
faithful peace-keepers always put
their trust in God (10).
ِ ِ‫سحُوا فِي ْال َم َجال‬
‫س‬ َ ِ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َذا ق‬
َّ َ‫يل لَ ُك ْم تَف‬ O people of faith and peace, if you are
‫يل ان ُش ُزوا فَان ُش ُزوا‬ َ ِ‫ح اللَّـهُ لَ ُك ْم ۚ َوإِ َذا ق‬ِ ‫فَا ْف َسحُوا يَ ْف َس‬ asked to make room (tafassahu –
‫يَرْ فَ ِع اللَّـهُ الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا ِمن ُك ْم َوالَّ ِذينَ أُوتُوا ْال ِع ْل َم‬ ‫س ُحوا‬
ّ ‫ )تف‬while sitting in company (fil
﴾١١﴿‫ت ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُونَ خَ بِي ٌر‬ ٍ ‫د ََر َجا‬ majaalis – ‫)فی المجالِس‬, make room for
others. God would make room for you
in return. And if you are asked to
leave and disperse, so disperse. God
would raise the status of those of you
who have attained to faith and
bestowed with knowledge, as He
keeps informed of all you do (11).
ْ‫ُول فَقَ ِّد ُموا بَ ْينَ يَ َدي‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َذا ن‬
َ ‫َاج ْيتُ ُم ال َّرس‬ O you who have attained to faith,
‫طهَ ُر ۚ فَإِن لَّ ْم‬ ْ َ‫ص َدقَةً ۚ َٰ َذلِكَ خَ ْي ٌر لَّ ُك ْم َوأ‬َ ‫نَجْ َوا ُك ْم‬ when you intend to have private
﴾١٢﴿ ‫ت َِج ُدوا فَإ ِ َّن اللَّـهَ َغفُو ٌر َّر ِحي ٌم‬ consultation with the Messenger, you
must on this occasion of private
audience pay what is due from you to
the Government (sadaqatan – ‫;)صدقۃ‬
that is for your own good and purity
‫ت ۚفَإ ِ ْذ لَ ْم‬ َ ‫أَأَ ْشفَ ْقتُ ْم أَن تُقَ ِّد ُموا بَ ْينَ يَ َديْ نَجْ َوا ُك ْم‬
ٍ ‫ص َدقَا‬ of self. However, if you don’t find
َ‫َاب اللَّـهُ َعلَ ْي ُك ْم فَأَقِي ُموا الص َََّّلةَ َوآتُوا ال َّز َكاة‬
َ ‫تَ ْف َعلُوا َوت‬ means for the same, then God is
‫َو َرسُولَهُ ۚ َواللَّـهُ خَ بِي ٌر بِ َما‬ َ‫َوأَ ِطيعُوا اللَّـه‬ forgiving and merciful (12). Do you
﴾١٣﴿ َ‫تَ ْع َملُون‬ have some kind of reservation and
fear against paying taxes on the
occasion of your private audience? In
case you don’t do that, and God
condones your inability, then you
must enforce and closely follow the
divine commandments (aqeemus-
Salaat – ‫صالۃ‬ ّ ‫ )اقیموا ال‬in your
community and provide
sustenance/welfare grnts to the needy
(Aatuz-zakaat – ‫)آتُوا ال ّزکاۃ‬, and be
obedient to God and His Messenger.
And do remember that God keeps
‫ب اللَّـهُ َعلَ ْي ِهم َّما هُم‬ ِ ‫أَلَ ْم ت ََر إِلَى الَّ ِذينَ ت ََولَّوْ ا قَوْ ًما غ‬
َ ‫َض‬ informed of all that you do (13).
‫ب َوهُ ْم‬ ِ ‫َعلَى ْال َك ِذ‬ َ‫ِّمن ُك ْم َو ََّل ِم ْنهُ ْم َويَحْ لِفُون‬ Do you not observe those who made
﴾١٤﴿ َ‫يَ ْعلَ ُمون‬ friends with a community that God
has condemned? They neither belong
to you, nor do they belong to them;
and they deliberately swear to their
‫أَ َع َّد اللَّـهُ لَهُ ْم َع َذابًا َش ِديدًا ۚ إِنَّهُ ْم َسا َء َما َكانُوا‬ falsehood (14). God has prepared for
﴾١٥﴿ َ‫يَ ْع َملُون‬ them a severe punishment. Indeed,
what they are doing is evil (15). They
are using their oaths as a shield to
ٌ‫يل اللَّـ ِه فَلَهُ ْم َع َذاب‬ َ َ‫اتَّخَ ُذوا أَ ْي َمانَهُ ْم ُجنَّةً ف‬
ِ ِ‫ص ُّدوا عَن َسب‬ hide behind with the purpose to
﴾١٦﴿ ‫ين‬ ٌ ‫ُّم ِه‬ hinder the way of God. Hence they
deserve a humiliating punishment
(16). Their possessions and their sons
‫لَّن تُ ْغنِ َي َع ْنهُ ْم أَ ْم َوالُهُ ْم َو ََّل أَوْ ََّل ُدهُم ِّمنَ اللَّـ ِه‬ are not going to protect them against
‫فِيهَا‬ ِ َّ‫الن‬
‫ار ۚ هُ ْم‬ ُ‫أَصْ َحاب‬ َ‫َش ْيئًا ۚ أُولَ َٰـئِك‬ God in any degree. They are the
﴾١٧﴿ َ‫خَ الِ ُدون‬ companions of fire wherein they
would be admitted forever (17).
َ‫يَوْ َم يَ ْب َعثُهُ ُم اللَّـهُ َج ِميعًا فَيَحْ لِفُونَ لَهُ َك َما يَحْ لِفُون‬ The stage when God would resurrect
‫لَ ُك ْم ۚ َويَحْ َسبُونَ أَنَّهُ ْم َعلَ َٰى َش ْي ٍء ۚ أَ ََّل إِنَّهُ ْم هُ ُم‬ them collectively, they would be
﴾١٨﴿ َ‫ْال َكا ِذبُون‬ taking oaths to gain His favor just as
they are taking oaths to deceive you,
while supposing they have a valid
trick to use. Nay, they indeed are the
‫ك‬ َ ِ‫ان فَأَن َساهُ ْم ِذ ْك َر اللَّـ ِه ۚ أُولَ َٰـئ‬
ُ َ‫ا ْستَحْ َو َذ َعلَ ْي ِه ُم ال َّش ْيط‬ liars (18). Their rebellious instincts
‫ان هُ ُم‬ ِ َ‫ب ال َّش ْيط‬ َ ‫ِح ْزبُ ال َّش ْيطَا ِن ۚ أَ ََّل إِ َّن ِح ْز‬ (ash-shayitaan – ‫ )الشیطان‬have taken
﴾١٩﴿ َ‫اسرُون‬ ِ َ‫ْالخ‬ over them with the result that they
have forgotten the admonitions of
God. They are the allies of their
rebellious instincts and are the losers
‫إِ َّن الَّ ِذينَ ي َُحا ُّدونَ اللَّـهَ َو َرسُولَهُ أُولَ َٰـئِكَ فِي‬ (19).
﴾٢٠﴿ َ‫ْاْلَ َذلِّين‬ Indeed those who confront the God
and His Apostle, they are among the
abject ones (20). God has made it a
ٌّ‫َب اللَّـهُ َْلَ ْغلِبَ َّن أَنَا َو ُر ُسلِي ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ قَ ِوي‬
َ ‫َكت‬ rule that He and His Messengers
﴾٢١﴿ ‫َزي ٌز‬ِ ‫ع‬ would certainly prevail. Indeed God
is Powerful and Dominant (21).
You will not find a community
‫ََّّل ت َِج ُد قَوْ ًما ي ُْؤ ِمنُونَ بِاللَّـ ِه َو ْاليَوْ ِم ْاْل ِخ ِر ي َُوا ُّدونَ َم ْن‬ believing in God and the Hereafter
ْ‫َحا َّد اللَّـهَ َو َرسُولَهُ َولَوْ َكانُوا آبَا َءهُ ْم أَوْ أَ ْبنَا َءهُ ْم أَو‬ who may love those who confront
ِ ْ ‫َب فِي قُلُوبِ ِه ُم‬
َ‫اْلي َمان‬ َ ‫إِ ْخ َوانَهُ ْم أَوْ ع َِشي َرتَهُ ْم ۚأُولَ َٰـئِكَ َكت‬ God and His Messengers even though
‫ت تَجْ ِري ِمن تَحْ تِهَا‬ ٍ ‫َوأَيَّ َدهُم بِر‬
ٍ ‫ُوح ِّم ْنهُ ۚ َويُ ْد ِخلُهُ ْم َجنَّا‬ they may be their elders, their sons or
‫ض َي اللَّـهُ َع ْنهُ ْم َو َرضُوا‬ ِ ‫ْاْلَ ْنهَا ُر خَ الِ ِدينَ فِيهَا ۚ َر‬ their brothers or others of their
َ ‫ َع ْنهُ ۚ أُولَ َٰـئِكَ ِح ْزبُ اللَّـ ِه ۚ أَ ََّل إِ َّن ِح ْز‬kindred. They are those in whose
‫ب اللَّـ ِه هُ ُم‬
﴾٢٢﴿ َ‫ ْال ُم ْفلِحُون‬hearts belief is ingrained and they are
strengthened by revelations from Him
(bi-roohin min-hu – ‫)بِروح منہ‬. And He
is going to admit them into a life of
peace and protection in which there
will be abundance of everything; they
Transliteration: would live therein forever. God is
“Qad sami’al-laahu qawla allati pleased with them and they are
tujaadilu-ka fi zawji-ha wa tashtaki ilal- pleased with Him. They are the party
laahi, wal-laahu yasma’u tahaawura- of God. Is it not that, indeed, the
kuma; inal-laaha samee’un baseer (1). party of God alone would eventually
Allazina yuzaahiroona min-kum min- be prosperous and successful? (22).”
Nisaai-him ma hunna ummahaati-him;
in ummahaatu-hum illal-laaee waladna-
hum; wa inna-hum la-yaquloona Meanings of important words from
munkaran min-al-qawli wa zoora. Wa Authentic Lexicons
innal-laaha la-‘afuwwun ghafoor (2).
Wal-lazina yuzaahiroona min nisaai-him (‫ )تظاھرون‬tathaharoona 2:85 ...from their
thumma ya’oodoona li-ma qaalu fa- homes, supporting each other against them
tahriru raqabatin min qabli an unlawfully...; Zahara min: ‫يظاہرون من‬: to hold
someone in contempt, to hurt, smote, hit, his
yatamaassaa. Dhaali-kum tu’azoona bi- back; to regard or treat with enmity, or hostility
hi; wal-laahu bi-ma ta’maloona khabeer or severe themselves one from another.
(3). Fa-man lum yajid fa-siyaamu Zahara ‘alayihi: He aided or assisted, against
shahrayini mutataabi’ayini min qabli an him;
yatamaassa. Fa-man lam yastati’ fa-
it’aamu sitteena miskeena. Dhaalika li- Ummah (ummahaati-him – ‫)ا ّمہاتِ ِھم‬
way/course/manner/mode of acting, faith,
tu’minoo bil-laahi wa rasuli-hi. Wa religion, nation, , time or period of time,
tilka hudood-ul-laah; wa lil-kaafireena righteous person, a person who is an object of
‘adhaabun aleem (4). Innal-ladhina imitation and who is known for
yuhaaddoon-al-laaha wa rasula-hu goodness/virtues;
kubitoo ka-ma kubit-al-ladhina min
qabli-him. Wa qad anzalna aayaatin Ra-Qaf-Ba = to guard, observe, watch,
respect, regard, wait for, tie by the neck, warn,
bayyinaat. Wa lil-kaafireen ‘adhaabum- fear, control. raqib - guard, observer, watcher.
muheen (5). Youma yab’athu-hum-ul- yataraqqab - observing, awaiting, looking
laahu jamee’an fa-yunabbi’u-hum bima about, watching. riqab - neck, slave, captive of
‘amiloo. Ahsaa-hul-laahu wa nasoohu. war, captive who has contracted with his
Wallahu ‘alaa kulli shayi’in Shaheed master or custodian for his freedom thus the
(6). Alam tara ann-al-laaha ya’lamu ma expression firriqab would mean in the
ransoming of slaves or captives, its sing. is
fis-samaawaati wa ma fil-Ardhi. Ma
yakunu min najwaa thalaathatin illa raqabah. murtaqib - one who guards etc.
huwa raabi’u-hum, wa la khamsatin illa
Najwa: ‫نجوی‬: confidential talk, secret
huwa saadisu-hum, wa la adnaa min
conversation between two persons or parties,
dhaalika wa la akthara illa huwa ma’a- discoursing secretly, soliloquy.
hum ayina ma kaanoo. Thumma
yunabbi’u-hum bi-ma ‘amiloo youmal-
Qiyaamah. Innallaha bi-kulli shayin
‘aleem (7). Alam tara ilal-ladhina
nuhoo ‘an-in-najwaa thumma ya’udoona
li-ma nuhoo ‘an-hu wa yatanaajoona bil-
ithmi wal-‘udwaani wa ma’siyat-ir-
Rasuli wa idha jaa’ooka hayyaw-ka bi-
ma lam yuhayyeeka bi-hil-laahu wa
yaquloona fi anfusi-him lou la
yu’adhdhibun-al-laahu bi-ma naqool.
Hasbu-hum jahannamu yaslawna-ha.
Fa-bi’s-al-maseer (3). Ya ayyuh-al-
ladhina aamanu idha tnajayi-tum fa-la
tatanaajaw bil-ithmi wal-‘udwaani wa
ma’siyat-ir-Rasooli wa tanaajaw bil-
birri wat-taqwaa. Wat-taqool-laaha
alladhi ilayi-hi tuhsharoon (9). Inna-ma-
an-najwaa min-ash-shayitaani li-yahzun-
al-ladhina aamanu wa layisa bi-dhaarri-
him shayi’an illa bi-idhn-il-laah. Wa
‘ala-Allahi fal-yatawakkal-il-
mu’minoon (10). Ya ayyuhal-ladhina
aamanu idha qeela la-kum tafassahuu
fil-majaalis fa-afsahoo yafsahil-laahu la-
kum. Wa idha qeela anshuzoo fa-
anshuzoo yarfa’il-laahu alladhina
aamanu min-kum wal-ladhina utul-‘ilma
darajaatin. Wallaahu bi-ma ta’maloona
khabeer (11).
Ya ayyuhal-ladhina aamanu idha
naajayi-tum-ur-Rasoola fa-qaddamu
bayina yadayi najwaa-kum sadaqatan.
Dhaalika khayir-ul-la-kum wa atharu.
Fa-in lam tajidoo fa-innal-laaha
ghafoorur-raheem (12). A’ashfaq-tum
an tuqaddamu bayina yadayi najwaakum
sadaqaatin; fa-idh lam taf’aloo wa tab-
al-laahu ‘alayi-kum fa-aqeemus-salaata
wa aatuz-zakaata wa atee’ul-laaha wa
rasula-hu. Wallahu khabeerun bi-ma
ta’maloon (13). Alam tara ilal-ladhina
tawallaw qawman ghadhib-al-laahu
‘alayi-him ma hum min-kum wa la min-
hum wa yahlifoona ‘alal-kadhibi wa
hum ya’lamoon (14). A’addal-laahu la-
hum ‘adhaaban shadeeda. Inna-hum
saa’a ma kaanu ya’maloon (15).
Attakhadhu ayimaana-hum junnatan fa-
saddoo ‘an sabeel-il-laahi fa-la-hum
‘adhaabum muheen (16). Lan tughniya
‘an-hum amwaalu-hum wa la awlaadu-
hum minallaahi shayi’an. Ulaa’ika
ashaab-un-naar. Hum fi-ha khaalidoon
(17). Youma yab’uthu-hum-ul-laahu
jamee’an fa-yahlifoona la-hu ka-ma
yahlifoona la-kum. Wa yahsaboona
anna-hum ‘alaa shay’in. Alaa inna-hum
hum-ul-kaadhiboon (18). Astahwadha
‘alayi-him-ush-shayitaanu fa-ansaa-hum
dhikral-laahi. Ulaaika hizb-ush-
shayitaan. Alaa inna hizb-ush-
shayitaani hum-ul-khaasiroon (19).
Innal-ladhina yuhaaddoon-al-laaha wa
rasula-hu ulaaika fil adhalleen (20).
Katabal-laahu la-aghlibanna anaa wa
rusulee. Innallaaha qawiyyun ‘azeez
(21). La tajidu qawman yu’minoona
billaahi wal-youm-il-aakhiri
yuwaaddoona man haadd-al-laaha wa
rasula-hu wa lou kaanoo aabaa’a-hum
aou abnaa’a-hum aou akhwaana-hum
aou ‘asheerata-hum. Ulaaika kataba fi
quloobi-him-ul-eimaana wa ayyada-hum
bi-roohin-min-hu. Wa yudkhilu-hum
jannaatin tajfi min tahtihaa-al-anhaaru
khaalideena fi-ha. Radhiyal-laahu ‘an-
hum wa radhoo ‘an-hu. Ulaaika hizbul-
laah. Alaa inna hizbul-laahi hum al-
muflihoon (22). ”

Chapter Al-Hashar (59) Translation Chapter Al-Hashar

‫ض ۚ َوهُ َو‬ ِ ْ‫ت َو َما فِي ْاْلَر‬ َ ‫َسب ََّح لِلَّـ ِه َما فِي ال َّس َم‬
ِ ‫اوا‬
﴾١﴿‫“ ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬Whatever exists in the celestial
bodies and on the planet Earth (al-
Ardh – ‫ )االرض‬has been performing its
functions for the accomplishment of
God’s (li-Allah: the Supreme
Authority’s) plans, as He is the
Almighty, the possessor of all Wisdom
‫ب ِمن‬ ِ ‫ هُ َو الَّ ِذي أَ ْخ َر َج الَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا ِم ْن أَ ْه ِل ْال ِكتَا‬He it is Who has made the deniers of
‫ار ِه ْم ِْلَ َّو ِل ْال َح ْش ِر ۚ َما ظَنَنتُ ْم أَن يَ ْخ ُرجُوا ۚ َوظَنُّوا‬ ِ َ‫ ِدي‬truth from people of the Book come
‫ْث‬ُ ‫ أَنَّهُم َّمانِ َعتُهُ ْم ُحصُونُهُم ِّمنَ اللَّـ ِه فَأَتَاهُ ُم اللَّـهُ ِم ْن َحي‬out of their settlements for the first
َ‫ب ۚ ي ُْخ ِربُون‬ َ ‫ لَ ْم يَحْ ت َِسبُوا ۚ َوقَ َذفَ فِي قُلُوبِ ِه ُم الرُّ ْع‬collective encounter (li-awwal-il-
‫ بُيُوتَهُم بِأ َ ْي ِدي ِه ْم َوأَ ْي ِدي ْال ُم ْؤ ِمنِينَ فَا ْعتَبِرُوا يَا أُولِي‬hashar – ‫)ال ّول الحشر‬. You did not
﴾٢﴿ ‫ار‬ َ ‫ ْاْلَب‬expect them to rise for combat
ِ ‫ْص‬
(yukhriju – ‫)یخرجوا‬, ُ and they had
assumed (Zannoo – ‫ )ظُنّوا‬they had
been made inaccessible (maani’atu-
hum – ‫ )مانِعتُ ُھم‬for God’s forces by the
safety of their fortifications (husoona-
hum – ‫)حصونہم‬. ُ So God approached
them in a way they could not account
for, and He cast terror in their hearts;
they resorted to ruining their abodes
with their own hands and by the
hands of the forces of peace
(almu’minoon – ‫)ال ُمو ِمنین‬. Therefore,
O people of insight (ool-il-absaar –
‫)اُولی االبصار‬, learn your lesson from
‫َب اللَّـهُ َعلَ ْي ِه ُم ْال َج ََّل َء لَ َع َّذبَهُ ْم فِي‬ َ ‫ َولَوْ ََّل أَن َكت‬this episode (2).
﴾٣﴿ ‫ار‬ ِ َّ‫ ال ُّد ْنيَا ۚ َولَهُ ْم فِي ْاْل ِخ َر ِة َع َذابُ الن‬Had the God not destined them to an
exodus (al-jalaa’a – ‫)الجالء‬, he would
certainly punish them in this world,
while they are doomed to the fire of
ِّ ‫َٰ َذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ ْم َشاقُّوا اللَّـهَ َو َرسُولَهُ ۚ َو َمن يُ َشا‬
‫ق اللَّـهَ فَإ ِ َّن‬ remorse in the Hereafter (3). That’s
﴾٤﴿ ‫ب‬ ِ ‫اللَّـهَ َش ِدي ُد ْال ِعقَا‬ because they had disappointed God
and created troubles for His
Messenger. And whoever disappoints
God, let him know that God is severe
‫َما قَطَ ْعتُم ِّمن لِّينَ ٍة أَوْ ت ََر ْكتُ ُموهَا قَائِ َمةً َعلَ َٰى أُصُولِهَا‬ in retribution (4).
﴾٥﴿ َ‫اسقِين‬ ِ َ‫ي ْالف‬
َ ‫فَبِإ ِ ْذ ِن اللَّـ ِه َولِي ُْخ ِز‬ Whatever you cut short (qata’tum -
‫ )قطعتُم‬from your gentleness/softness
(leenatin – ‫ )لینۃ‬or left it restored and
applicable (qaa’imatun – ‫ )قائمۃ‬in its
original form (‘alaa usuli-ha – ‫علی‬
‫)اصولِھا‬, that was in compliance with
God’s directives and meant to
disgrace the criminal-minded lot
‫َو َما أَفَا َء اللَّـهُ َعلَ َٰى َرسُولِ ِه ِم ْنهُ ْم فَ َما أَوْ َج ْفتُ ْم َعلَ ْي ِه ِم ْن‬ (alfasiqeen – ‫)الفاسقین‬ِ (5).
‫ب َولَ َٰـ ِك َّن اللَّـهَ يُ َسلِّطُ ُر ُسلَهُ َعلَ َٰى َمن‬ ٍ ‫خَ ي ٍْل َو ََّل ِر َكا‬ And whatever God had awarded to
﴾٦﴿ ‫يَ َشا ُء ۚ َواللَّـهُ َعلَ َٰى ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء قَ ِدي ٌر‬ His Messenger from them as spoils,
you did not need to be in commotion
over it in terms of acting with a
penetrative energy (min khayilin – ‫مین‬
‫ )خیل‬or riding on camels (rikaabin –
‫) ِرکاب‬, but it is the God Who empowers
His Messengers over whom He wills,
and the God has fixed values and
measures (qadeer –‫ )قدیر‬for everything
‫َّما أَفَا َء اللَّـهُ َعلَ َٰى َرسُولِ ِه ِم ْن أَ ْه ِل ْالقُ َر َٰى فَلِلَّـ ِه‬ Whatever spoils God has granted to
‫ين َوا ْب ِن‬ ِ ‫ُول َولِ ِذي ْالقُرْ بَ َٰى َو ْاليَتَا َم َٰى َو ْال َم َسا ِك‬ ِ ‫َولِل َّرس‬ His Messenger from residents of the
ُ ْ َ ْ ً َ
‫يل َك ْي َّل يَكونَ دولة بَ ْينَ اْلغنِيَا ِء ِمنك ْم ۚ َو َما‬
ُ ُ َ ِ ِ‫ال َّسب‬ settlements (ahl-il-quraa – ‫)اھل القُری‬,
ِ is
ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ
‫آتَا ُك ُم ال َّرسُو ُل فخذوهُ َو َما نهَاك ْم َعنهُ فانتهُوا ۚ َواتقوا‬
َّ ُ ُ َ certainly for the God and the
﴾٧﴿ ‫ب‬ ِ ‫اللَّـهَ ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ َش ِدي ُد ْال ِعقَا‬ Messenger and through them for all
the near and dear ones, for the
orphans and the needy ones, and for
those working in God’s cause (ibn-is-
Sabeel – ‫سبیل‬ ّ ‫)ابن ال‬,
ِ so that it may not
remain circulating (doolatan – ‫)دُولۃ‬
among your opulent ones. And
whatever you are given by the
Messenger out of it, take it; and what
he forbids you from, abstain from it.
‫ار ِه ْم َوأَ ْم َوالِ ِه ْم‬ ُ ِ َ‫لِ ْلفُقَ َرا ِء ْال ُمه‬
ِ َ‫اج ِرينَ الَّ ِذينَ أ ْخ ِرجُوا ِمن ِدي‬ And remain circumspect and
َ‫صرُونَ اللَّـه‬ ُ ‫يَ ْبتَ ُغونَ فَضْ ًَّل ِّمنَ اللَّـ ِه َو ِرضْ َوانًا َويَن‬ conscious of God’s commands (wa-
﴾٨﴿ َ‫َو َرسُولَهُ ۚ أُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم الصَّا ِدقُون‬ attaqoo – ‫)واتّقُوا ہللا‬. Verily, God is
severe in retribution (7). And part of
it is for the poor refugees who have
been driven out of their homes and
possessions, desiring the favor and the
approval of God, and who support
God and His Messenger. They are
ِ ْ ‫ار َو‬
‫اْلي َمانَ ِمن قَ ْبلِ ِه ْم يُ ِحبُّونَ َم ْن‬ َ ‫َوالَّ ِذينَ تَبَ َّو ُءوا ال َّد‬ the truthful ones (8).
‫ور ِه ْم َحا َجةً ِّم َّما أُوتُوا‬
ِ ‫ص ُد‬ُ ‫َاج َر إِلَ ْي ِه ْم َو ََّل يَ ِج ُدونَ فِي‬ َ ‫ه‬ Those who are already settled and
‫صةٌ ۚ َو َمن‬ َ ‫صا‬ َ
َ َ‫َوي ُْؤثِرُونَ َعلَ َٰى أنفُ ِس ِه ْم َولَوْ َكانَ بِ ِه ْم خ‬ rooted in faith, love those who have
﴾٩﴿ َ‫ق ُش َّح نَ ْف ِس ِه فَأُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم ْال ُم ْفلِحُون‬
َ ‫يُو‬ migrated to them and harbor nothing
in their hearts against what they are
given, and prefer them over
themselves (yu’thiroona ‘alaa anfusi-
him – ‫س ِھم‬ ِ ُ‫ )یُوثرون علی انف‬even though
they themselves be in a tight position.
And it is a fact that those who resist
(yooqa – ‫ )یُوق‬temptations (shuhha –
‫ )ش ُّح‬of their physical organism (nafsi-
hi – ‫)نفس ِہ‬,
ِ those are the truly
‫َوالَّ ِذينَ َجا ُءوا ِمن بَ ْع ِد ِه ْم يَقُولُونَ َربَّنَا ا ْغفِرْ لَنَا‬ successful ones (9).
‫ان َو ََّل تَجْ َعلْ فِي قُلُوبِنَا‬ ِ ْ ِ‫َو ِ ِْل ْخ َوانِنَا الَّ ِذينَ َسبَقُونَا ب‬
ِ ‫اْلي َم‬ And those who have embraced faith
﴾١٠﴿ ‫َّحي ٌم‬ِ ‫وف ر‬ ٌ ‫ِغ ًَّل لِّلَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا َربَّنَا إِنَّكَ َر ُء‬ after them also say, “Our Lord, give
us and our brothers who have taken
precedence over us in faith your
protection, and do not make our
hearts malicious for all those who
have become believers; Our Lord,
verily, you are compassionate and
‫أَلَ ْم ت ََر إِلَى الَّ ِذينَ نَافَقُوا يَقُولُونَ ِ ِْل ْخ َوانِ ِه ُم الَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا‬ provider of sustenance” (10).
‫ُج َّن َم َع ُك ْم َو ََّل نُ ِطي ُع‬َ ‫ب لَئِ ْن أُ ْخ ِرجْ تُ ْم لَن َْخر‬
ِ ‫ِم ْن أَ ْه ِل ْال ِكتَا‬ Have you not observed the hypocrites
‫فِي ُك ْم أَ َحدًا أَبَدًا َوإِن قُوتِ ْلتُ ْم لَنَنص َُرنَّ ُك ْم َواللَّـهُ يَ ْشهَ ُد إِنَّهُ ْم‬ who promise their disbeliever friends
﴾١١﴿ َ‫لَ َكا ِذبُون‬ from people of the Book that if you
come out for confrontation, we would
certainly accompany you and will
never obey anyone in respect of your
support, and if you are attacked in
battle, we shall certainly help you?
‫لَئِ ْن أُ ْخ ِرجُوا ََّل يَ ْخ ُرجُونَ َم َعهُ ْم َولَئِن قُوتِلُوا ََّل‬ But God testifies that they tell lies
َ َ‫صرُوهُ ْم لَي َُولُّ َّن ْاْلَ ْدب‬
‫ار ثُ َّم ََّل‬ َ َّ‫صرُونَهُ ْم َولَئِن ن‬
ُ ‫يَن‬ (11). In case they come out for war,
﴾١٢﴿ َ‫ُنصرُون‬ َ ‫ي‬ they (the hypocrites) will not come
out with them, and if they are
attacked, they are not going to help
them. And if at all they may come out
to help them, they would eventually
turn their backs and they (their
‫ور ِهم ِّمنَ اللَّـ ِه ۚ َٰ َذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ ْم‬ ُ ‫َْلَنتُ ْم أَ َش ُّد َر ْهبَةً فِي‬
ِ ‫ص ُد‬ friends) will not be helped (12).
﴾١٣﴿ َ‫قَوْ ٌم ََّّل يَ ْفقَهُون‬ You stand as a greater terror for
them than the God Himself, and that
is because they belong to a
community who has no perception of
the truth (13).
‫صنَ ٍة أَوْ ِمن َو َرا ِء‬َّ ‫ََّل يُقَاتِلُونَ ُك ْم َج ِميعًا إِ ََّّل فِي قُرًى ُّم َح‬ They are not going to fight you as a
‫ُج ُد ٍر ۚ بَأْ ُسهُم بَ ْينَهُ ْم َش ِدي ٌد ۚ تَحْ َسبُهُ ْم َج ِميعًا َوقُلُوبُهُ ْم‬ united army, except in fortified
﴾١٤﴿ َ‫َشتَّىَٰ ۚ َٰ َذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ ْم قَوْ ٌم ََّّل يَ ْعقِلُون‬ strongholds or from behind protective
boundary walls. There is severe
hostility between them. You take
them as united, while their hearts are
divided. That is because they are a
community who does not exercise
‫ال أَ ْم ِر ِه ْم َولَهُ ْم‬
َ َ‫َك َمثَ ِل الَّ ِذينَ ِمن قَ ْبلِ ِه ْم قَ ِريبًا ۚ َذاقُوا َوب‬ reason (14).
﴾١٥﴿ ‫َع َذابٌ أَلِي ٌم‬ They are a model of those who passed
just before them who had borne the
brunt of their decisions and had
َ َ‫ان ا ْكفُرْ فَلَ َّما َكفَ َر ق‬
‫ال إِنِّي‬ ِ ‫ْلن َس‬ َ َ‫ان إِ ْذ ق‬
ِ ْ ِ‫ال ل‬ ِ َ‫َك َمثَ ِل ال َّش ْيط‬ become liable to a painful punishment
﴾١٦﴿ َ‫اف اللَّـهَ َربَّ ْال َعالَ ِمين‬ ُ َ‫بَ ِري ٌء ِّمنكَ إِنِّي أَخ‬ (15). Just like the rebellious instincts
of man (ash-shayitaan – ‫ )الشّیطان‬when
it may incite man to deny the truth;
َ ِ‫ار خَ الِ َد ْي ِن فِيهَا ۚ َو َٰ َذل‬
‫ك‬ ِ َّ‫فَ َكانَ عَاقِبَتَهُ َما أَنَّهُ َما فِي الن‬ but when he denies, it may say, “I am
﴾١٧﴿ َ‫َجزَ ا ُء الظَّالِ ِمين‬ free from the responsibility of your
acts as I am afraid of God the
Sustainer of the worlds” (16). Thus
the end of both of them lies in that
they are inducted in the fire of
remorse wherein they would continue
to burn forever. And that is the
‫ت‬ ْ ‫ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ َو ْلتَنظُرْ نَ ْفسٌ َّما قَ َّد َم‬reward of wrong-doers (17).
﴾١٨﴿ َ‫ لِ َغ ٍد ۚ َواتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ خَ بِي ٌر بِ َما تَ ْع َملُون‬O Believers, be cautious of God’s
directives and do watch your inner
self (waltanzur nafsun – ‫ )ولتنظُر نفس‬as
to what it sends ahead for you for
tomorrow; and remain cautious of
َ َّ
‫َكال ِذينَ نَسُوا اللـهَ فَأن َساهُ ْم‬ َّ ‫ َو ََّل تَ ُكونُوا‬God’s commands, for, verily, God
﴾١٩﴿ َ‫ أَنفُ َسهُ ْم ۚ أُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم الفَا ِسقون‬keeps abreast of the way you are
ُ ْ
acting (18). And do not turn like those
who forgot all about God, because as
a result, they have forsaken the urges
of their own inner self. So they are the
criminal minded lot (19).
َ ْ
ُ‫ار َوأصْ َحابُ ال َجنَّ ِة ۚ أصْ َحاب‬ َ َ
ِ َّ‫ ََّل يَ ْست َِوي أصْ َحابُ الن‬The dwellers in the fire of remorse
﴾٢٠﴿ َ‫ ْال َجنَّ ِة هُ ُم ْالفَائِ ُزون‬cannot be equal to those having the
life of peace and protection (ashaab-
ul-Jannah- ‫)اصحاب الجنّۃ‬.
ُ Those having
the life of peace and protection are
the real achievers (20).
Had we sent down this Quran upon a
great chief (‘alaa jabalin – ‫)علی جبل‬,
you would certainly have found him
(la-rayita-hu – ‫ )لرایتہ‬frightened
‫اشعًا‬ ِ َ‫( لَوْ أَنزَ ْلنَا هَ َٰـ َذا ْالقُرْ آنَ َعلَ َٰى َجبَ ٍل لَّ َرأَ ْيتَهُ خ‬khaashi’an – "‫)خاشعا‬, ِ cleaving apart
‫َص ِّدعًا ِّم ْن خَ ْشيَ ِة اللَّـ ِه ۚ َوتِ ْلكَ ْاْلَ ْمثَا ُل نَضْ ِربُهَا‬ َ ‫ ُّمت‬from people (mutasadda’an – ‫) ُمتصدّعا‬
﴾٢١﴿ َ‫اس لَ َعلَّهُ ْم يَتَفَ َّكرُون‬ ِ َّ‫ لِلن‬for fear of God. And we give these
examples for men so that they may
contemplate (21). Bear in mind that
God is the one Who wields exclusive
authority, and possesses the
َ ْ ُ َّ َ َ َّ َّ
ِ ‫ ه َو اللـهُ ال ِذي َّل إِل َٰـهَ إَِّل ه َو ۚ عَالِ ُم الغ ْي‬knowledge of the unseen and the
‫ب‬ ُ
﴾٢٢﴿ ‫َّحي ُم‬ ِ ‫ َوال َّشهَا َد ِة ۚ هُ َو الرَّحْ َم َٰـ ُن الر‬visible; He is the provider of
emergent and continued means of
sustenance (22).
‫ك القدوسُ السََّّل ُم‬ ُّ ُ ْ ْ َّ َ َ َّ َّ
ُ ِ‫ هُ َو اللـهُ ال ِذي َّل إِل َٰـهَ إَِّل هُ َو ال َمل‬God is the One Who wields exclusive
‫ ْال ُم ْؤ ِم ُن ْال ُمهَ ْي ِم ُن ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َجب َّا ُر ْال ُمتَ َكبِّ ُر ۚ ُسب َْحانَ اللـ ِه‬authority, is the Supreme Ruler (al-
﴾٢٣﴿ َ‫ َع َّما يُ ْش ِر ُكون‬Malik-ul-Quddoos – ‫ک القُدُّوس‬ ُ ِ‫)المل‬, the
Source of Security, Peace (assalaam-
ul-Mu’min – ‫سال ُم ال ُمومن‬ ّ ‫)ال‬, the
Guarding Power (almuhayimin –
‫)ال ُمھیمن‬, the Dominant (al-Azees –
‫)العزیز‬, the Subduer (al-Jabbaar –
‫)الجبّار‬, the Magnificent (almutakabbar
َ ‫ئ ْال ُم‬
‫ص ِّو ُر ۚ لَهُ ْاْلَ ْس َما ُء‬ ِ َ‫ق ْالب‬
ُ ‫ار‬ ُ ِ‫هُ َو اللَّـهُ ْالخَ ال‬ – ‫)المتکبر‬. And he is far above what
ِ ‫اوا‬ َ ‫ال َّس َم‬ ‫فِي‬ ‫َما‬ ُ‫لَه‬ ‫ْال ُح ْسنَىَٰ ۚ يُ َسبِّ ُح‬ they associate with Him (23). He is the
﴾٢٤﴿ ‫ض ۚ َوهُ َو ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬ ِ ْ‫َو ْاْلَر‬ Supreme Authority, the Creator, the
Originator (albaari – ‫)الباری ُء‬,
ِ the
Molder of shapes/forms (al-
musawwar – ‫)ال ُمص ّور‬. For Him alone
are the beautiful attributes (al-asmaa-
Transliteration: al-hosnaa – ‫)االسماءالحسنی‬. Whatever
exists in the celestial bodies and on
“Sabbaha lillaahi ma fis-samawaati wa the Planet Earth is functioning to
ma fil-Ardhi; wa huwa al-‘azeez-ul- accomplish His plans, since He is the
Hakeem (1). Huwa alladhi akhraj-al- Almighty, the Possessor of all wisdom
ladhina kafaroo min ahl-il-kitaabi min (24).
diyaari-him li-awwal-il-hashr; ma
zanantum an-yakhrujoo; wa zannoo
anna-hum maani’atu-hum husoonu-hum
min-Allaahi fa-ataa-hum-Allaahu min
hayithu lam yahtasiboo; wa qadhafa fi
quloobi-him ar-ro’b; yukhriboona
buyoota-hum bi-ayidee-him wa ayid-il-
mo’minina fa-a’tabiroo ya ool-il-
absaar(2). Wa lou la an kataba-Allaahu
‘alayi-him-ul-jalaa’a la-‘azzaba-hum fi-
id-Dunia; wa la-hum fi-il-Aakhirati
‘adhaab-un-naar (3). Dhaalika bi-anna-
hum shaaqqoo Allaha wa rasoola-hu.
Wa man yushaaqq-al-laaha fa-inna-
Allaha shadeed-ul-‘iqaab (4). Ma qata’-
tum min leenatin aou taraktumoo-ha
qaa’imatan ‘alaa usooli-ha fa-bi-idhn-il-
laahi wa li-yukhziy-al-faasiqeen (5).
Wa ma afaa’allaahu ‘alaa rasooli-hi
min-hum fa-ma aowjaf-tum ‘alayi-hi
min kheelin wa la rikaabin wa laakinn-
al-laaha yusallatu rusula-hu ‘alaa man
yashaa’u. Wallaahu ‘alaa kulli shayi’in
qadeer (6). Ma afaa-Allahu ‘alaa
rasooli-hi min ahl-il-quraa fa-lil-laahi
wa lir-rasooli wa lidhi-il-qurbaa wal-
yataamaa wal-masaakeeni wab-nis-
sabeeli kayi la yakoona doolatan bayin-
al-aghniyaai min-kum. Wa ma
aataakum-ur-rasoolu fa-khudoo-hu wa
ma nahaa-kum ‘an-hu fa-anta-hoo. Wat-
taqoo-Allaah. Inallaaha shadeed-ul-
‘iqaab (7). Lil-fuqaraa-il-muhaajireena
alladhina ukhrijoo min diyaari-him wa
amwaali-him yabtaghoona fadhlan min-
Allaahi wa ridhwaanan wa yansuroon-
ul-laaha wa rasula-hu; ulaa’ika hum-us-
saadiqoon (8). Wal-ladhina tabawwaoo
addaara wal eimaana min qabli-him
yuhibboona man haajara ilayi-him wa la
yajidoona fi suduri-him haajatan
mimmaa utoo wa yu’thiroona ‘alaa
anfusi-him wa lou kaana bi-him
khasaasatun; wa man yuqa shuhha nafsi-
hi fa-ulaa’ika hum-ul-muflihoon (9).
Wal-ladhina jaa’u min ba’di-him
yaquloona Rabba-na aghfir la-naa wa li-
ikhwaani-na alladhina sabaquna bil-
eimaani wa la taj’al fi qulubina ghillan
lil-ladhina aamanu Rabba-na innaka
rauf-ur-raheem (10). Alam tara ila-
alladhina naafiqu yaquloona li-
ikhwaani-him-ul-ladhina kafaroo min
ahl-il-kitaabi la’in ukhrij-tum la-
nakhrujanna ma’a-kum wa la nutee’u fi-
kum ahadan abadan wa in qutil-tum la-
nansuranna-kum wa Allaahu yashhadu
inna-hum la-kaadhiboon (11). La’in
ukhrijoo la yakhrujoona ma’a-hum wa
la’in qootiloo la yansuroona-hum wa
la’in nasaru-hum la-yuwallunna-al-
adbaara thumma la yunsaroon (12). La-
antum ashaddu rahbatan fi suduri-him
min-Allah. Dhaalika bi-anna-hum
qawmun la yafqahoon (13). La
yuqaatiluna-kum jamee’an illa fi quran
muhassanatin aou min waraai judur.
Ba’su-hum bayina-hum shadeed.
Tahsabu-hum jamee’an wa quloobu-
hum shattaa, dhaalika bi-anna-hum
qawmun la ya’qiloon (14). Ka-mathal-
il-ladhina min qabli-him qareeban;
dhaaqu wabaala amri-him wa la-hum
‘adhaabun aleem (15). Ka-mathal-ish-
Shayitaani idh qaala lil-Insaani ik-fur fa-
lamma kafara qaala inni baree’un min-
ka, inni akhaaf-ul-laaha Rabb-
al’aalameen (16). Fa-kaana ‘aaqibata-
huma anna-huma fin-naari khaalidayini
fi-ha. Wa dhaalika jazaa’uz-zaalimin
(17). Ya ayyuhal-ladhina aamanu-ut-
taqoo-ul-laaha waltanzur nafsun ma
qaddamat li-ghadd. Wat-taqu-Allaha;
innallaha khabeerun bi-ma ta’maloon
(18). Wa la takunu kal-ladhina nasu-
Allaha fa-ansaa-hum anfusa-hum.
Ulaa’ika hum-ul-faasiqoon (19). La
yastawi ashaab-un-naari wa ashaab-ul-
Jannati. Ashaab-ul-Jannati hum-ul-
faa’izoon (20). Lou anzalna haadha-al-
Quraana ‘alaa jabalin la-ra’ayina-hu
khaashi’an mutasadda’an min khashyat-
il-laah. Wa tilka-al-amthaalu nadhribu-
ha lin-naasi la-‘alla-hum yatafakkaroon
(21). Huwa-Allahu alladhi la ilaaha illa
huwa; ‘aalim-ul-ghayibi wa ash-
shahadati. Huwa-ar-Rahmaan-ul-
Raheem (22). Huwa Allahu alladhi la
ilaaha illa huwa al-malik-ul-quddus-us-
Subhaan-al-laahi ‘ammaa yushrikoon
(23). Huwa-Allahu al-khaaliq-ul-baari’-
ul-musawwaru. La-hu al-asmaa-ul-
husnaa. Yusabbihu la-hu ma fis-
Samaawaati wal-Ardh. Wa huwa-al-
‘azeez-ul-hakeem (24).”

Chapter Al-Mumtahinah (60) Translation Chapter Al-

Mumtahinah (60)
‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا ََّل تَت َّ ِخ ُذوا َع ُد ِّوي َو َع ُد َّو ُك ْم أَوْ لِيَا َء‬
‫ق‬ِّ ‫تُ ْلقُونَ إِلَ ْي ِهم بِ ْال َم َو َّد ِة َوقَ ْد َكفَرُوا بِ َما َجا َء ُكم ِّمنَ ْال َح‬ “O people of faith, do not take my
‫ُول َوإِيَّا ُك ْم ۚ أَن تُ ْؤ ِمنُوا بِاللَّـ ِه َربِّ ُك ْم إِن‬ َ ‫ي ُْخ ِرجُونَ ال َّرس‬ enemies and your enemies as friends
‫َوا ْبتِغَا َء‬ ‫َسبِيلِي‬ ‫ِجهَادًا فِي‬ ‫ُكنتُ ْم خَ َرجْ تُ ْم‬ by showing towards them your
‫ضاتِي ۚ تُ ِسرُّ ونَ إِلَ ْي ِهم بِال َم َو َّد ِة َوأَنَا أَ ْعلَ ُم بِ َما أَ ْخفَ ْيتُ ْم‬ َ ْ‫َمر‬ affection while they have rejected the
‫ض َّل َس َوا َء‬ َ ‫َو َما أَ ْعلَنتُ ْم ۚ َو َمن يَ ْف َع ْلهُ ِمن ُك ْم فَقَ ْد‬ truth which has come to you, and
﴾١﴿ ‫ال َّسبِي ِل‬ drive you and the Messenger of God
out only because you have faith in
your Sustainer, and if you go out
striving in My way seeking my
approval. You secretly show them
affection while I am aware of all that
you hide and that which you do
openly. But whoever among you
would act this way he has strayed
‫إِن يَ ْثقَفُو ُك ْم يَ ُكونُوا لَ ُك ْم أَ ْعدَا ًء َويَ ْب ُسطُوا إِلَ ْي ُك ْم أَ ْي ِديَهُ ْم‬ from the straight path (1).
﴾٢﴿ َ‫َوأَ ْل ِسنَتَهُم بِالسُّو ِء َو َو ُّدوا لَوْ تَ ْكفُرُون‬ If they overcome you, they would turn
into your enemies and would exercise
their resources and their tongues
against you with evil designs and
ِ ‫لَن تَنفَ َع ُك ْم أَرْ َحا ُم ُك ْم َو ََّل أَوْ ََّل ُد ُك ْم ۚ يَوْ َم ْالقِيَا َم ِة يَ ْف‬
‫ص ُل‬ would want you to become rejecters
﴾٣﴿ ‫صي ٌر‬ ِ َ‫بَ ْينَ ُك ْم ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ َما تَ ْع َملُونَ ب‬ of truth (2). Your kinship and your
offspring would not be of any benefit
for you in the coming stage of
Resurrection where He would decree
a separation between you; and the
God keeps in view all that you have
‫َت لَ ُك ْم أُس َْوةٌ َح َسنَةٌ فِي إِب َْرا ِهي َم َوالَّ ِذينَ َم َعهُ إِ ْذ‬ ْ ‫قَ ْد َكان‬ been doing (3).
‫ون اللَّـ ِه‬ِ ‫قَالُوا لِقَوْ ِم ِه ْم إِنَّا ب َُرآ ُء ِمن ُك ْم َو ِم َّما تَ ْعبُ ُدونَ ِمن ُد‬ There had been for you a beautiful
َٰ‫ضا ُء أَبَدًا َحتَّى‬َ ‫َاوةُ َو ْالبَ ْغ‬
َ ‫َكفَرْ نَا بِ ُك ْم َوبَدَا بَ ْينَنَا َوبَ ْينَ ُك ُم ْال َعد‬ example of conduct in Abraham and
‫تُ ْؤ ِمنُوا بِاللَّـ ِه َوحْ َدهُ إِ ََّّل قَوْ َل إِب َْرا ِهي َم ِْلَبِي ِه َْلَ ْستَ ْغفِ َر َّن‬ his companions when they told their
‫ك‬ َ ‫ك لَكَ ِمنَ اللَّـ ِه ِمن َش ْي ٍء ۚ َّربَّنَا َعلَ ْي‬ ُ ِ‫لَكَ َو َما أَ ْمل‬ community : “Indeed we are free
from any responsibility on your
﴾٤﴿ ‫صي ُر‬ ِ ‫ ت ََو َّك ْلنَا َوإِلَ ْيكَ أَنَ ْبنَا َوإِلَ ْيكَ ْال َم‬behalf and from what you follow
other than God; we reject your ways
and it is now enmity, confrontation
and hatred that has arisen between us
and you until such time as you start
believing in One God”; the only
exception was what Abraham said to
his father, “I would beseech
forgiveness for you but I do not have
power to grant you any favor on
behalf of God; O my Sustainer, we
have placed our trust in you and to
You we turn, and with you is the
‫ك‬ َّ ْ
َ َّ‫ َربَّنَا ََّل تَجْ َعلنَا فِ ْتنَةً لِّل ِذينَ َكفَرُوا َوا ْغفِرْ لَنَا َربَّنَا ۚ إِن‬destination (4).
﴾٥﴿ ‫ أَنتَ ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬O our Sustainer, make us not a target
of temptation/mischief (fitnatan – ‫)فتنۃ‬
for the deniers of truth and provide
us Your protection, O our Sustainer;
َ‫ لَقَ ْد َكانَ لَ ُك ْم فِي ِه ْم أس َْوةٌ َح َسنَةٌ لِّ َمن َكانَ يَرْ جُو اللَّـه‬Indeed you are at the helm of
‫ َو ْاليَوْ َم ْاْل ِخ َر ۚ َو َمن يَتَ َو َّل فَإ ِ َّن اللَّـهَ هُ َو ْال َغنِ ُّي‬wisdom” (5). There certainly was for
﴾٦﴿ ‫ ْال َح ِمي ُد‬you a beautiful model in their
conduct, as well as for all those who
crave for God and the Hereafter; as
for those who turn away, be aware
that God is an Independent Entity
‫ َع َسى اللَّـهُ أَن يَجْ َع َل بَ ْينَ ُك ْم َوبَ ْينَ الَّ ِذينَ عَا َد ْيتُم ِّم ْنهُم‬and is worthy of all praise (6).
﴾٧﴿ ‫َّحي ٌم‬ ِ ‫ َّم َو َّدةً ۚ َواللَّـهُ قَ ِدي ٌر ۚ َواللَّـهُ َغفُو ٌر ر‬It is likely that God may create
mutual affection between you and
some of your enemies since the God
has devised ways and means (qadeer
– ‫ )قدیر‬for everything; He is the
َ‫ِّين َول ْم‬ ُ ُ َ َ َّ َّ ُ ْ َّ
ِ ‫ َّل يَنهَاك ُم اللـهُ ع َِن ال ِذينَ ل ْم يُقاتِلوك ْم فِي الد‬Protector and dispenser of grace (7).
َّ‫ار ُك ْم أَن تَبَرُّ وهُ ْم َوتُ ْق ِسطُوا إِلَ ْي ِه ْم ۚ إِن‬ ِ َ‫ ي ُْخ ِرجُو ُكم ِّمن ِدي‬God does not prohibit you from
﴾٨﴿ َ‫ اللَّـهَ ي ُِحبُّ ْال ُم ْق ِس ِطين‬showing generosity and justice to
those who have not confronted you in
the matter of your ideology/doctrine
and who have not driven you out of
your homeland, for God loves the
ُ ُ َ َّ َّ ُ ْ
ِ ‫ إِن َما يَنهَاك ُم اللـهُ ع َِن ال ِذينَ قاتَلوك ْم فِي الد‬dispensers of justice (8).
‫ِّين‬ َّ
‫اج ُك ْم أَن‬ ِ ‫ار ُك ْم َوظَاهَرُوا َعلَ َٰى إِ ْخ َر‬ ِ َ‫ َوأَ ْخ َرجُو ُكم ِّمن ِدي‬But God prohibits you from
﴾٩﴿ َ‫ ت ََولَّوْ هُ ْم ۚ َو َمن يَت ََولَّهُ ْم فَأُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم الظَّالِ ُمون‬befriending those who have fought
against you in respect of your
ideology/doctrine and have expelled
you from your homes or have taken
part in your expulsion; so those who
make friends with them, they are
doing a manifest wrong (9).
ٍ ‫اج َرا‬ ِ َ‫َات ُمه‬ُ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َذا َجا َء ُك ُم ْال ُم ْؤ ِمن‬
O people of faith, when groups of
‫ فَا ْمت َِحنُوهُ َّن ۚ اللَّـهُ أَ ْعلَ ُم بِإِي َمانِ ِه َّن ۚ فَإ ِ ْن َعلِ ْمتُ ُموهُ َّن‬faithful migrant communities/tribes
‫ار ۚ ََّل هُ َّن ِحلٌّ لَّهُ ْم‬ ِ َّ‫ت فَ ََّل تَرْ ِجعُوهُ َّن إِلَى ْال ُكف‬ ٍ ‫( ُم ْؤ ِمنَا‬almu’minaatu muhaajiraat – ُ‫المو ِمنات‬
‫ )محاجرات َو ََّل هُ ْم يَ ِحلُّونَ لَه َُّن ۚ َوآتُوهُم َّما أَنفَقُوا ۚ َو ََّل ُجنَا َح‬come to you, you must
‫ َعلَ ْي ُك ْم أَن تَن ِكحُوهُ َّن إِ َذا آتَ ْيتُ ُموهُ َّن أُجُو َرهُ َّن ۚ َو ََّل‬arrange to examine them. Although
‫ص ِم ْال َك َوافِ ِر َواسْأَلُوا َما أَنفَ ْقتُ ْم َو ْليَسْأَلُوا َما‬ َ ‫ تُ ْم ِس ُكوا بِ ِع‬God knows best about their faith, yet,
‫ أَنفَقُوا ۚ َٰ َذلِ ُك ْم ُح ْك ُم اللَّـ ِه ۚ يَحْ ُك ُم بَ ْينَ ُك ْم ۚ َواللَّـهُ َعلِي ٌم‬if you become sure they are faithful,
﴾١٠﴿ ‫ َح ِكي ٌم‬then do not send them back to the
Disbelievers. These groups (or
communities) are neither fit to settle
with them, nor are they fit to live with
these groups/communities. And
provide them with the resources
which they have run out of (ma
anfaqoo – ‫)ما انفقوا‬. And no harm for
you if you enter into working
agreements or contracts with them
(tankihu-hunna – ّ‫کحوھُن‬ ِ ‫ )تن‬provided
that you disburse them their
rights/dues/remuneration (ujoora-
hunna – ّ‫)ا ُجورھُن‬. And you may not
remain attached/stuck (la tumsiku – ‫ال‬
‫ُمس ُکوا‬
ِ ‫ )ت‬with the protection/defense
(bi-‘ism – ‫ )بِ ِعصم‬of the disbelieving
groups or communities (al-kawaafir –
‫)الکوافر‬, and, leaving them
independent, may recover from them
what you have spent for them; and
they may also claim what they might
have paid to you. This is the God’s
decree for you as He delivers it
between you. Indeed God is all-
knowing and all-wise (10).
‫ار فَ َعاقَ ْبتُ ْم فَآتُوا‬ِ َّ‫اج ُك ْم إِلَى ْال ُكف‬
ِ ‫ َوإِن فَاتَ ُك ْم َش ْي ٌء ِّم ْن أَ ْز َو‬If a segment from your allies (min
َ‫ت أَ ْز َوا ُجهُم ِّم ْث َل َما أَنفَقُوا ۚ َواتَّقُوا اللَّـه‬ ْ َ‫ الَّ ِذينَ َذهَب‬azwaaji-kum – ‫ازواج ُکم‬ ِ ‫ )من‬has
ُ ُ َ َّ
﴾١١﴿ َ‫ ال ِذي أنتم بِ ِه ُم ْؤ ِمنون‬deserted you and gone away (faata-
kum – ‫ )فات ُکم‬to the Disbelievers, and
you have subsequently taken full
account of that incident (fa-
‘aaqabtum – ‫)فعاقبتُم‬, than replenish
those who have lost their comrades
(dhahabat azwaaju-hum – ‫ذھبت‬
‫)ازواج ُھم‬
ُ with what is equal to that
which they have lost or running out of
(ma anfaqoo – ‫)ما انفقوا‬. And remain
conscious of God in whom you believe
‫َات يُبَايِ ْعنَكَ َعلَ َٰى أن ََّّل‬ ْ َ
ُ ‫ يَا أيُّهَا النَّبِ ُّي إِ َذا َجا َءكَ ال ُم ْؤ ِمن‬O Leader of men, when believing
َْ‫ْر ْقنَ َو ََّل يَ ْزنِينَ َو ََّل يَ ْقتُلن‬
ِ ‫ يُ ْش ِر ْكنَ بِاللَّـ ِه َش ْيئًا َو ََّل يَس‬communities come to you pledging
‫َان يَ ْفت َِرينَهُ بَ ْينَ أَ ْي ِدي ِه َّن‬ ٍ ‫ أَوْ ََّل َدهُ َّن َو ََّل يَأْتِينَ بِبُ ْهت‬allegiance to you on conditions that
‫ُوف ۚفَبَايِ ْعه َُّن‬ ٍ ‫ك فِي َم ْعر‬ َ َ ‫صين‬ِ ‫ َوأَرْ ُجلِ ِه َّن َو ََّل يَ ْع‬they would not share God’s authority
﴾١٢﴿ ‫ َوا ْستَ ْغفِرْ لَه َُّن اللَّـهَ ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ َغفُو ٌر َّر ِحي ٌم‬with others, and they would not steal,
and they would not distort the
divinely bestowed Ideology (yazneena
– ‫ )یزنین‬, and would not leave their
children un-educated (yaqtulna –
‫)یقتُلن‬, and they would not utter
slander upon Him openly and among
their common folks (bayina ayidi-him
wa arjuli-him – ‫ارجلِ ِھم‬
ُ ‫)بین ایدیھم و‬, and
would not disobey you with regard to
known values (fi ma’roofin – ‫فی‬
‫)معروف‬, then you may accept their
pledge and beg God’s protection for
ْ‫ب اللَّـهُ َعلَ ْي ِه ْم قَد‬ َ ‫َض‬ َ َّ َ َ ُ َّ َ
ِ ‫ يَا أيُّهَا ال ِذينَ آ َمنوا َّل تت ََولوْ ا قوْ ًما غ‬them. God is indeed a dispenser of
ِ ‫س ْال ُكفَّا ُر ِمن أصْ َحا‬
‫ب‬ َ ْ َ ِ‫ يَئِسُوا ِمنَ ْاْل ِخ َر ِة َك َما يَئ‬protection and mercy (12). O people
﴾١٣﴿ ‫ُور‬ ِ ‫ ْالقُب‬of faith, do not befriend a community
suffering the wrath of God; they have
lost the final phase of life, just as the
disbelievers in the graves have lost it
Transliteration: “Ya ayyuhal-ladhina
aamanu la tattakhidhu ‘aduwwi wa Some important words defined from
‘aduwwa-kum awliya’a tulqoona ilayi- Authentic lexicons:
him bil-mawaddati wa qad kafaroo bi-
ma ja’a-kum min-al-Haqqi yukhrijoona- Ayn-Sad-Miim: ‫ = عصم‬to
protect/defend/preserve/abstain/save, keep any
ar-Rasoola wa iyyaa-kum, an tu’minoo
one safe from evil, prevent/hinder, hold fast,
bil-laahi Rabba-kum in kuntum kharaj- formally seek refuge. ismatun - defence,
tum jihaadan fi sabeeli wa-abtighaa’a guardianship, prevention, preservation,
mardhaati; tusirroona ilayi-him bil- protection, immunity from sin, virtue, chastity.
mawaddati wa ana a’lamu bi-ma
akhfayi-tum wa ma a’lantum; wa man Kaf-Fa-Ra: ‫ = الکوافر‬to conceal, to cover, to reject,
to disbelieve, to be thankless, unthankful,
yaf’al-hu min-kum fa-qad dhalla ungrateful, to disown, deny, faithless, black horse,
sawaa’as-sabeel (1). In yathqafoo-kum dark night, tiller/farmer.[[Perhaps it should be
yakunoo la-kum a’daa’an wa yabsutoo noted that its primary meaning is to cover/conceal
(hence farmer), with active/conscious intent. From
ilayi-kum ayidiya-hum wa alsinata-hum this, is born: to reject/disbelieve because this is a
bil-sooi wa waddoo lou takfuroon (2). conscious decision made by a person. Please note
Lan tanfa’a-kum arhaamu-kum wa la one can only reject something after
awlaadu-kum youm-al-qiyaamati yafsilu hearing/seeing/experiencing it, not before.]]
bayina-kum; Wa-Allahu bi-ma
ta’maloona baseer (3). Qad kaant la-
Ayn-Qaf-Ba: ‫ عاقبتم‬:‫ = عقب‬to succeed, take the
kum uswatun hasanatun fi Ibraheema
place of, come after, strike on the heel, come at
wa-alladhina ma-a-hu idh qaaloo li-
the heel, follow anyone closely. aqqaba - to
qawmi-him inna bura’aau mini-kum wa
endeavour repeatedly, return, punish, requitt,
mimma ta’budoona min doon-il-laahi
retrace one's step. aqab - to die, leave
kafarna bi-kum wa badaa bayina-na wa
offsprings, give in exchange. aqabatun - place
bayina-kum-ul-‘adaawatu wa-al-
hard to ascent. uqbun - success. ta'aqqaba - to
baghdhaa’u Abadan hattaa tu’minoo bil-
take careful information, shout, follow step by
laahi wahda-hu illa qawla Ibraheema li-
step. aqub - heel, son, grandson, offspring,
abee-hi la-astaghfiranna la-ka wa ma
pivot, axis. uqba - requital, result, reward, end,
amliku la-ka min-Allahi min shayi’in.
success. iqab (pl. aqubat) - punishment after
Rabba-na ‘alayika taakkal-na wa ilayika
sin, one who puts off or reverses, who looks at
anab-na wa ilayika-al-maseer (4).
the consequence or result of the affair.
Rabbana la taj’alna fitnatan lilladhina
mu'aqqibat - who succeed each other, some
kafaroo wa-aghfir lana Rabbana; inna-
thing that comes immediately after another
ka anta al-‘azeez-ul-hakeem (5). La-qad
thing or succeeds another thing without
kaana la-kum fi-him uswatun hasanatun
interruption. It is a double plural feminine of
li-man kaana yarjoo-al-laaha wa
mu'aqqib. The plural feminine form indicates
alyoum-al-Aakhira; wa man yatawalla
the frequency of the deeds, since in Arabic the
fa-inna-Allaha huwa alghaniyyu-ul-
feminine form is sometimes employed to
hameed (6). ‘asaa Allahu an yaj’ala impart emphasis and frequency.
bayina-kum wa bayin-al-ladhina
‘aadayi-tum min-hum mawaddatun. Zay-Waw-Jiim: ‫ ازواج‬: ‫ = ز و ج‬to
Wallahu qadeer; Wallahu ghafoorun couple/join/pair/unite/wed, to unite with
Raheem (7). La yanha-kum-ul-laahu fellows; marriage, a pair, a fellow or like,
spouse. Azwaaj: sorts, kinds, species (of
‘an-il-ladhina lam yuqaatilu-kum fid-
people or others), fellows, companions,
Deeni wa lam yukhriju-kum min diyari- classes, groups and bands.
kum an tabarru-hum wa tuqsitoo alayi-
him; Innal-laaha yuhib-bul-muqsiteen
(8). Inna-ma yanhaa-kum-ul-laahu ‘an-
il-ladhina qaatalu-kum fid-Deen wa
akhrajuj-kum min diyaari-kum wa
zaaharoo ‘alaa ikhraaji-kum an
tawallou-hum; wa man yatawalla-hum
fa-oolaaika hum-uz-zaalimoon (9). Ya
ayyuhal-ladhina aamanu idha jaa’a-
kum-ul-Mu’minaatu muhaajiraatin fa-
amtahinu-hunna. Allahu a’lamu bi-
eimaani-hinna. Fa-in ‘alimtumu-hunna
mu’minaatin fa-la tarji’oo-hunna ila-al-
kuffaar. La hunna hillun la-hum wa la
hum yahilloona la-hunna. Wa aatu-hum
ma anfaqoo. Wa la junaaha’alayikum an
tankihu-hunna idha aatayitumu-huna
ujoora-hunna. Wa la tumsikoo bi-‘ism-
il-kawaafiri wa as aloo ma anfaqtum
wal-yasaloo ma anfaqoo. Dhaali-kum
hukm-ul-laah. Yahkumu bayina-kum.
Wallaahu ‘aleemun hakeem (10). Wa in
faata-kum shayi’un min azwaaji-kum
ila-al-kuffaari fa-‘aaqabtum fa-aatu
alladhina dhahabat azwaaju-hum mathla
ma anfaqoo. Wattaqoo-Allaha alladhi
antum bihi mo’minoon (11).
Ya ayyuha-an-Nabiyyu idha ja’aka al-
mu’minaatu yubaayi’na-ka ‘alaa an la
yushrikna billaahi shayi’an wa la
yasriqna wa la yazneena wa la yaqtulna
awlaada-hunna wa la ya’teena bi-
buhtaanin yaftarina-hu bayina ayidee-
hinna wa arjuli-hinna wa la ya’seena-ka
fi ma’roofin fa-baayi’hunna wastaghfir
la-hunna-allaaha. Innal-laaha ghafoor-
ur-Raheem (12). Ya ayyuhal-ladhina
aamanu la tatawallou qawman ghadhib-
al-laahu ‘alayihim qad ya’isoo min-al-
Aakhirati ka-ma ya’is-al-kuffaaru min
ashaab-il-quboor (13).”

Chapter Al-Saff (61) Translation Chapter Al-Saff (61)

‫ض ۖ َو ُھ َو‬ ِ ‫ت َو َما فِي أاْلَ أر‬ ِ ‫اوا‬ َّ ‫سبَّ َح لِلَّـ ِه َما فِي ال‬
َ ‫س َم‬ َ “Whatever exists in the celestial
﴾١﴿‫ ا أل َع ِزی ُز ا أل َح ِكی ُم‬bodies and on this earth has been
performing its functions for the
accomplishment of God’s plans ( ‫سبَّ َح‬ َ
‫)لِلـ ِه‬, as He is the Dominant Power, full
﴾٢﴿ َ‫ یَا أَیُّ َھا الَّ ِذینَ آ َمنُوا لِ َم تَقُولُونَ َما َال تَ أف َعلُون‬of Wisdom (1).
Therefore, O those who have attained
to faith, why do you boast about that
﴾٣﴿ َ‫ َكبُ َر َم أقتًا ِعن َد اللَّـ ِه أَن تَقُولُوا َما َال تَ أف َعلُون‬which you are not actually doing (2).
It is very hateful with God that you
speak of such things as you are not
supposed to be doing (3). Indeed the
‫صفًّا َكأَنَّ ُھم‬ َ ‫سبِیلِ ِه‬ َ ‫ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ یُ ِح ُّب الَّ ِذینَ یُقَاتِلُونَ فِي‬God loves those of you who fight or
﴾٤﴿ ‫وص‬ ٌ ‫ص‬ ُ ‫ بُ أنیَانٌ َّم أر‬struggle in His cause in a strong
formation (Saffan – "‫ )صفّا‬as if they
are a fortified front (bunyaanun
marsoosun – ‫( )بُنیان مرصوص‬4).
‫سى لِقَ أو ِم ِه یَا قَ أو ِم لِ َم ت أُؤ ُذونَنِي َوقَد‬ َ ‫ َوإِ أذ قَا َل ُمو‬And remember the time when Moses
‫سو ُل اللَّـ ِه ِإلَ أی ُك أم ۖ فَلَ َّما زَا ُغوا أَزَا َغ‬ ُ ‫ تَّ أعلَ ُمونَ أَنِّي َر‬admonished his people by saying: “O
﴾٥﴿ َ‫اسقِین‬ ِ َ‫ اللَّـهُ قُلُوبَ ُھ أم ۖ َواللَّـهُ َال یَ أھ ِدي ا ألقَ أو َم ا ألف‬People, why do you cause mental
torture to me (tu’dhoona-ni – ‫)تو ُذوننی‬
when you already know that I am an
Apostle of God deputed to you?” But
when they turned away from the right
path, God made their minds deviate.
Verily, God does not guide such a
community of criminals (al-qawm-ul-
‫سو ُل‬ ُ ‫س َرائِی َل إِنِّي َر‬ ‫سى ابأنُ َم أریَ َم یَا بَنِي إِ أ‬ َ ‫ َوإِ أذ قَا َل ِعی‬faasiqeen – ‫( )القوم الفاسقین‬5).
‫ش ًرا‬ ِّ َ‫ي ِمنَ التَّ أو َرا ِۃ َو ُمب‬ َّ ‫ص ِّدقًا لِّ َما بَیأنَ یَ َد‬َ ‫ اللَّـ ِه إِلَ أی ُكم ُّم‬And remember the time when Jesus
son of Mary said: “O children of
‫س ُمهُ أَ أح َم ُد ۖ فَلَ َّما َجا َءھُم‬ ‫ول یَأأتِي ِمن بَ أع ِدي ا أ‬ ٍ ‫س‬ ُ ‫ بِ َر‬Israel, I am a Messenger of God sent
﴾٦﴿ ٌ‫س أح ٌر ُّمبِین‬ َ
ِ ‫ت قالوا ھَـذا‬ ُ َ ِ ‫ بِا ألبَیِّنَا‬to you to confirm what is already with
you of the Torah, and to give you glad
tidings of a messenger who will come
after me whose name - or attribute –
will be Ahmad ( ‫س ُمهُ أَ أح َم ُد‬
‫”)ا أ‬. However,
when he finally came to them with
clear signs, they said it was an open
‫ب َوھ َُو یُ أدعَى‬ ‫أ‬ ‫أ‬ َ
َ ‫ َو َمنأ أظلَ ُم ِم َّم ِن افت ََرى َعلَى اللَّـ ِه ا أل َك ِذ‬deceit (sehrun Mubeen – ‫( )سحر ُمبین‬6).
﴾٧﴿ َ‫س َال ِم ۖ َواللَّـهُ َال یَ أھ ِدي ا ألقَ أو َم الظَّالِ ِمین‬ ‫اْل أ‬ ِ ‫ إِلَى أ‬So who could be more wicked than
him who put blame upon God of lying
when called upon to accept Islam/to
submit? And God does not bestow
guidance upon such a community of
transgressors (7).
‫ور اللَّـ ِه بِأ َ أف َوا ِھ ِھ أم َواللَّـهُ ُمتِ ُّم نُو ِر ِه‬ َ ُ‫ یُ ِریدُونَ لِیُ أطفِئُوا ن‬They intend to extinguish the light of
﴾٨﴿ َ‫ َولَ أو َك ِرهَ ا أل َكافِ ُرون‬God with their tongues/words, while
the God brings His light to perfection
irrespective of the dislike of these
ُ‫ق لِیُ أظ ِھ َره‬ ِّ ‫ین ا أل َح‬ِ ‫سولَهُ بِا أل ُھدَى َو ِد‬ ُ ‫س َل َر‬ َ ‫ ھ َُو الَّ ِذي أَ أر‬deniers of truth (8).
﴾٩﴿ َ‫ش ِر ُكون‬ ‫ِّین ُكلِّ ِه َولَ أو َك ِرهَ ا أل ُم أ‬ ِ ‫ َعلَى الد‬It is He Who has sent His messenger
with guidance and an ideology of
truth so that he makes it prevail over
‫ُنجی ُكم ِّمنأ‬ِ ‫ار ٍۃ ت‬ َ ‫ یَا أَ ُّی َھا الَّ ِذینَ آ َمنُوا َھ أل أَ ُدلُّ ُك أم َعلَى تِ َج‬all other ideologies irrespective of the
﴾١٠﴿ ‫یم‬ ٍ ِ‫ب أَل‬ ٍ ‫ َع َذا‬dislike of these polytheists (9).
O those who have attained to faith,
should I tell you about a business deal
‫یل اللـ ِه‬ ِ ِ ‫سب‬ َ ‫سولِ ِه َوت َُجا ِھدُونَ فِي‬ َّ ُ ‫أ‬
ُ ‫ تُؤ ِمنونَ بِاللـ ِه َو َر‬that would save you from a painful
ُ‫س ُك أم ۖ َذلِ ُك أم َخ أی ٌر لَّ ُك أم إِن ُكنت أم‬ ِ ُ‫ بِأ َ أم َوالِ ُك أم َوأَنف‬suffering?(10). All of you must
﴾١١﴿ َ‫ تَ أعل ُمون‬believe in God and His Messenger
and strive hard in God’s cause with
your possessions and your lives; that
‫ت ت أَج ِري ِمن ت أَحتِ َھا‬ َّ ُ ‫أ‬ ُ ُ ُ ُ َ ‫أ‬
ٍ ‫ یَغفِ أر لك أم ذنوبَك أم َویُد ِأخلك أم َجنا‬is for your own good if you happen to
َ ‫أ‬
‫أن ۖذلِكَ الف أو ُز‬ َ ٍ ‫ت َعد‬ ِ ‫سا ِكنَ طَیِّبَةً فِي َجنَّا‬ َ ‫ أاْلَ أن َھا ُر َو َم‬know it (11). This way He would
﴾١٢﴿ ‫ ا أل َع ِظی ُم‬bestow his protection upon you from
your errors and would admit you to a
life of peace and comfort (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫)ویُد ِأخ أل ُك أم َجنَّا‬
under which flows abundance of
everything and where they would
enjoy befitting abodes in perpetual
‫َوفَ أت ٌح‬ ‫اللَّـ ِه‬ َ‫ِّمن‬ ‫ص ٌر‬ ‫ َوأُ أخ َرى ت ُِحبُّونَ َھا ۖ نَ أ‬bliss. That is the great success (12).
﴾١٣﴿ َ‫ش ِر ا أل ُم أؤ ِمنِین‬ِّ َ‫یب ۖ َوب‬ ٌ ‫ قَ ِر‬And another thing which you are
going to love; there’s God’s support
and a victory soon to come; And give
this glad tiding to those responsible
for spreading this movement of peace
‫سى‬ َ
َ ‫ار اللَّـ ِه َك َما قا َل ِعی‬ َ َ
َ ‫ یَا أیُّ َھا الَّ ِذینَ آ َمنُوا ُكونُوا أ‬O those who have attained to faith,
َ ‫نص‬
‫نصا ِري إِلَى اللَّـ ِه ۖ قَا َل‬ َ َ‫ ابأنُ َم أریَ َم لِ أل َح َوا ِریِّینَ َمنأ أ‬become the supporters of God, like
‫نصا ُر اللَّـ ِه ۖ فَآ َمنَت طَّائِفَةٌ ِّمن بَنِي‬َ َ‫ ا أل َح َوا ِریُّونَ نَ أحنُ أ‬Jesus son of Maryam had said to his
‫س َرائِی َل َو َكفَ َرت طَّائِفَةٌ ۖ فَأَیَّ أدنَا الَّ ِذینَ آ َمنُوا َعلَى‬ ‫ إِ أ‬companions, “Who would be my
﴾١٤﴿ َ‫صبَ ُحوا ظَا ِھ ِرین‬ َ
‫ َعد ُِّو ِھ أم فَأ أ‬helpers in God’s cause”? His
companions replied: “We are helpers
of God”. And it so happened that a
Transliteration: “Sabbaha lillaahi ma group of the children of Israel
fis-samawaati wa ma fil-Ardh; wa huwa attained to faith and a group of them
al-‘Aeez-ul-Hakeem (1). Ya ayyuhal- denied the faith. Then we
ladhina aamanu lima taquloona ma la strengthened those who had attained
taf’aloon (2). Kabura maqtan ‘indal- to faith against their enemies so they
laahi an taquloo ma la taf’aloon (3). eventually achieved dominance over
Inal-laaha yuhibb-ul-ladhina the others (14).”
yuqaatiloona fi sabieeli-hi saffan ka-
anna-hum bunyaanun marsoos (4). Wai
dh qaala Moosa li-qawmi-hi ya qawmi
lima tu’dhoona-ni wa qad ta’lamoona
anni rasool-ul-laahi ilayi-kum; fa lamma
zaaghoo azaagh-al-laahu qulooba-hum;
wa-Allahu la yahdi-il-qawm-al-
faasiqeen (5). Wa idh qaala ‘Eisa ibnu
Maryama ya Bani Israela inni rasool-ul-
laahi ilayi-kum musaddaq-al-lima
bayina yadayya min-at-Tawraati wa
mubashshiran bi-rasoolin yaati min
ba’adi-ismu-hu Ahmad; fa lamma jaa’a-
hum bil-bayyinaati qaalu haadha sihr-
um-mubeen (6). Wa man azlamu
mimman-iftara ‘alallah-il-kadhiba wa
huwa yudh’aa ila-al-Islaam. Wallaahu la
yahd-il-qawm-az-zaalimiin (7).
Yureedoona li-yutfi’oo noor-Allaahi bi-
afwaahi-him wa-Allahu mutimmu
noori-hi wa lou karih-al-kaafiroon (8).
Huwa alladhi ursala rasoola-hu bil-
hudaa wa deen-il-haqqi li-yuzhira-hu
‘ala-ad-deeni kullihi wa lou karih-al-
mushrikoon (9). Ya ayyu-hal-ladhina
aamanu hal adullu-kum ‘alaa tijaaratin
tunjee-kum min ‘adhaabin aleem (10).
Tu’minoona billaahi wa rasooli-hi wa
tujaahidoona fi sabeel-il-laahi bi-
amwaali-kum wa anfusi-kum; dhaali-
kum khayir-ul-lakum in kuntum
ta’lamoon (11). Yaghfir la-kum
dhunooba-kum wa yudkhil-kum
jannatin tajri min tahtiha-al-anhaaru wa
msaakina tayyibatun fi jannaati ‘adnin;
dhaalik-al-fawz-ul-‘azeem (12). Wa
ukhraa tuhibbuna-ha, naqsrun min-
Allaahi wa fathun qareeb; wa bashshir-
il-mo’mineen (13). Ya ayyu-hal-ladhina
aamanu koonoo ansaar-al-laah kamaa
qaala ‘Eisa-ibn-maryama lil-
hawariyyeena man ansaari ila-Allaah;
qaala-al-hawaariyyoona nahnu ansaar-
ul-laah. Fa aamanat taa’ifatun min Bani
Israela wa kafarat taa’ifatun. Fa
ayyadna alladina aamanu ‘alaa
‘aduwwi-him, fa-asbahoo zaahireen

Chapter Al-Jum’ah (62) Translation Chapter Al-Jum’ah

‫ض ْال َملِ ِك‬
ِ ْ‫ت َو َما فِي ْاْلَر‬ َ ‫“ يُ َسبِّ ُح لِلَّـ ِه َما فِي ال َّس َم‬Whatever exists in the heavenly
ِ ‫اوا‬
﴾١﴿ ‫يز ْال َح ِك ِيم‬
ِ ‫وس ْال َع ِز‬
ِ ‫ ْالقُ ُّد‬bodies and on this Earth, keeps
working with its full might to serve
the purpose, and reach the target,

fixed by God the Almighty (yusbbihu
lillaahi – ‫)یُسبِّ ُح ِ ِّل‬, the Sovereign, the
Glorious, the Powerful, the Wise (1).
‫ُوَّل ِّم ْنهُ ْم يَ ْتلُو َعلَ ْي ِه ْم‬ ً ‫ث فِي ْاْلُ ِّميِّينَ َرس‬ َ ‫هُ َو الَّ ِذي بَ َع‬
‫َاب َو ْال ِح ْك َمةَ َوإِن َكانُوا ِمن‬ َ ‫ آيَاتِ ِه َويُزَ ِّكي ِه ْم َويُ َعلِّ ُمهُ ُم ْال ِكت‬He it is Who has nominated among
﴾٢﴿ ‫ض ََّل ٍل ُّمبِي ٍن‬ َ ‫ قَ ْب ُل لَفِي‬the gentiles a messenger from within
who recites to them His messages,
evolves their minds and imparts to
them the divine injunctions and the
rationality thereof as in the past they
were indeed lost in manifest evil (2);
ْ ْ
‫ َوآخَ ِرينَ ِم ْنهُ ْم لَ َّما يَل َحقُوا بِ ِه ْم ۚ َوهُ َو ال َع ِزي ُز‬and to those others of them as and
﴾٣﴿ ‫ ْال َح ِكي ُم‬when they happen to come into
contact with them. And it so because
His authority is based upon profound
Wisdom (3).
ْ َٰ
‫ َذلِكَ فَضْ ُل اللَّـ ِه ي ُْؤتِي ِه َمن يَ َشا ُء ۚ َواللَّـهُ ُذو الفَضْ ِل‬That was a grace from God which He
﴾٤﴿ ‫ ْال َع ِظ ِيم‬bestows upon those who want it, for
the God is the dispenser of great
ِ ‫ َمثَ ُل الَّ ِذينَ ُح ِّملُوا التَّوْ َراةَ ثُ َّم لَ ْم يَحْ ِملُوهَا َك َمثَ ِل ْال ِح َم‬bounties (4). The analogy of those
ِ ‫س َمثَ ُل ْالقَوْ ِم الَّ ِذينَ َك َّذبُوا بِآيَا‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫ يَحْ ِم ُل أَ ْسفَارًا ۚ بِ ْئ‬bestowed with the Torah, then they
﴾٥﴿ َ‫ اللَّـ ِه ۚ َواللَّـهُ ََّل يَ ْه ِدي ا ْلقَوْ َم الظَّالِ ِمين‬did not carry out the liability thereof,
is similar to the ass carrying a load of
books; what a bad example of the
nation who falsified the injunctions of
God; And the God does not bestow
guidance to the nation of such
transgressors. (5)
َّ َ ُ َّ َ ُ َ‫ز‬ ُ َّ َ ْ‫ل‬ُ
‫ ق يَا أيُّهَا ال ِذينَ هَادوا إِن َع ْمت ْم أنك ْم أوْ لِيَا ُء لِلـ ِه ِمن‬Tell them: “O you who have become
﴾٦﴿ َ‫صا ِدقِين‬ َ ‫اس فَتَ َمن َّ ُوا ْال َموْ تَ إِن ُكنتُ ْم‬ ِ َّ‫ون الن‬ِ ‫ ُد‬Jews, if you claim you are the
favorites of God, exclusive of any
other people, then prove it by desiring
َّ َ ْ َّ َ َ َ َّ َ َ
‫ َوَّل يَت َمنوْ نهُ أبَدًا بِ َما قد َمت أ ْي ِدي ِه ْم ۚ َواللـهُ َعلِي ٌم‬to die, if your claim is true (6). But
﴾٧﴿ َ‫ بِالظَّالِ ِمين‬the fact is that you would never desire
that by virtue of the deeds you have
sent ahead to the credit of your
account. And the God knows all about
ُ‫ قُلْ إِ َّن ْال َموْ تَ الَّ ِذي تَفِرُّونَ ِم ْنهُ فَإِنَّهُ ُم ََّلقِي ُك ْم ۚ ث َّم‬the transgressors like you (7).
‫ب َوال َّشهَا َد ِة فَيُنَبِّئُ ُكم بِ َما ُكنتُ ْم‬ ِ ‫ تُ َر ُّدونَ إِلَ َٰى عَالِ ِم ْال َغ ْي‬Tell them, that the death they are
﴾٨﴿ َ‫ تَ ْع َملُون‬trying to escape from, is going to meet
them anyway; thereafter they will be
brought back to Him Who knows all
that is hidden from the eye and all
that is obvious and visible, then He
would let you know what you have
been doing (8).
‫ي لِلص َََّّل ِة ِمن يَوْ ِم ْال ُج ُم َع ِة‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َذا نُو ِد‬ O YOU who have attained to
‫فَا ْس َعوْ ا إِلَ َٰى ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه َو َذرُوا ْالبَ ْي َع ۚ َٰ َذلِ ُك ْم خَ ْي ٌر لَّ ُك ْم إِن‬ faith/peace, when you are called for a
﴾٩﴿ َ‫ُكنتُ ْم تَ ْعلَ ُمون‬ follow up on the divine guidance (lis-
Salaat – ‫ )لِلصالۃ‬on a day of occasional
congregation (youm-il-Jum’ati – ‫یوم‬
‫)الجمع ِۃ‬,
ُ then you must hasten towards
the remembrance of God and give up
the business. That is for your own
ِ ْ‫ت الص َََّّلةُ فَانت َِشرُوا فِي ْاْلَر‬
‫ض َوا ْبتَ ُغوا ِمن‬ ِ َ ‫ضي‬ ِ ُ‫فَإ ِ َذا ق‬ good if you happen to know it (9).
﴾١٠﴿ َ‫فَضْ ِل اللَّـ ِه َواذ ُكرُوا اللَّـهَ َكثِيرًا لَّ َعلَّ ُك ْم تُ ْفلِحُون‬
And when the session of the follow up
(as-Salaat – ‫صالۃ‬ ّ ‫ )ال‬comes to its end,
you can disperse in the land and seek
God’s bounties, but keep in mind the
divine guidance constantly so that you
may secure success and prosperity
َ ‫ارةً أَوْ لَ ْه ًوا انفَضُّ وا إِلَ ْيهَا َوت ََر ُكو‬
‫ك‬ َ ‫َوإِ َذا َرأَوْ ا تِ َج‬ (tuflihoon – ‫ُفلحون‬ ُ ‫( )ت‬10). And when
َ‫قَائِ ًما ۚ قُلْ َما ِعن َد اللَّـ ِه خَ ْي ٌر ِّمنَ اللَّـه ِْو َو ِمن‬
they expect a business deal or see a
ِ ‫ار ِة ۚ َواللَّـهُ خَ ْي ُر الر‬
﴾١١﴿ َ‫َّازقِين‬ َ ‫التِّ َج‬
pastime they rush towards it and
leave you standing. Tell them :
“What is with God is much better
“Yusabbaha lillaahi ma fis-
than the pastime and/or the business
Samawaatiwa ma fil-Ardhi al-Malik al-
deal. And the divinely ordained
Quddoosi al-‘Azeez-il-Hakeem (1).
discipline/ideology embodies the best
Huwa alladhi ba’atha fil ummiyyeena
sustaining possibilities”(11).”
rasoolan min-hum yatlu ‘alayi-him
aayaati-hi wa yuzakki-him wa
yu’allama-hum al-Kitaaba wa-al-
hikmata wa in kaanoo min qablu la-fi
dhalaalin Mubeen (2). Wa aakhareena
min-hum lamma yalhaqoo bi-him; wa
huwa al-‘Azeez-ul-Hakeem (3).
Dhaalika fadhl-ul-laahi yu’tee-hi man
yashaa’u; wal-laahu dhul-fadhl-il’azeem
(4). Mathal-ul-ladheena hummiloo at-

tawraata thumma lam yahmiloo-ha ka-
mathal-il himaari yahmilu asfaara; bi’sa
mathal-ul-qowmi alladheena kazzabu
bi-aayaat-il-laah. Wal-laahula yahdi al-
qowm-az-zaalimeeen (5). Qul
yaayyuhal-ladheena haadoo in
zaa’amtum annaa-kum awliyaa’u
lillaahi min doon-in-naasi fa-tamannau-
al-mawta in kuntum saadiqeen (6). Wa
la yatamannauna-huabadan bi-ma
qaddamat ayidee-him. Wal-laahu
‘aleemun biz-zaalimeen (7). Qul inna-
al-mawta alladhee tafirroona min-hu fa-
inna-hu mulaaqee-kum; thumma
turaddoona ilaa ‘aalim-im-ghayibi
wash-shahaadati fa-yunabbi’ukum bima
kuntum ta’maloon (8). Ya ayyuhal-
ladheena aamanoo idhaa noodiya lis-
salaati min youm-il-jum’ati fa-sa’oo ilaa
dhikr-il-laahi wa dhroo al-bayi’a;
dhaali-kum khayirul-la-kum in kuntum
ta’lamoon (9). Fa-idhaa qudhiyat-is-
Salaatu fantashiroo fil-Ardhi wabtaghoo
minfadhl-il-laahi wadhkuroo-ul-laaha
katheeran la-‘alla-kum tuflihoon (10).
Wa idhaa ra’aw tijaratan aou lahwan
anfadhdhoo ilayi-ha wa tarakooka
qaa’iman, qul ma ‘indal-laahi khayirun
min-al-lahwi wa min-at-tijaarati; wal-

Chapter al-Munaafiqoon (63) Translation Chapter al-

Munaafiqoon (63)
‫إِ َذا َجا َءكَ ْال ُمنَافِقُونَ قَالُوا نَ ْشهَ ُد إِنَّكَ لَ َرسُو ُل‬
‫اللَّـ ِه ۚ َواللَّـهُ يَ ْعلَ ُم إِنَّكَ لَ َرسُولُهُ َواللَّـهُ يَ ْشهَ ُد إِ َّن‬
“When the hypocrites came to you
﴾١﴿ َ‫ْال ُمنَافِقِينَ لَ َكا ِذبُون‬
they said “we testify that you are
God’s Messenger”, however the God

does know that you are His
Messenger while He also testifies that
َّ َّ ً َّ َ ُ َّ
َ َ‫ اتخَ ذوا أ ْي َمانَهُ ْم ُجنة ف‬the hypocrites are indeed giving a
ِ ِ‫ص ُّدوا عَن َسب‬
‫يل اللـ ِه ۚ إِنهُ ْم‬
﴾٢﴿ َ‫ َسا َء َما َكانُوا يَ ْع َملُون‬false statement (1) as they have taken
their oaths just as a cover and have
actually turned away from the path of
God. Indeed it is evil that they have
been actively following (2).

‫ َٰ َذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ ْم آ َمنُوا ثُ َّم َكفَرُوا فَطُبِ َع َعلَ َٰى قُلُوبِ ِه ْم فَهُ ْم ََّل‬It is so because they first attained to
﴾٣﴿ َ‫ يَ ْفقَهُون‬faith and chose to deny it thereafter;
therefore, a seal has been fixed upon
their minds, so they no longer discern
‫ْجبُكَ أجْ َسا ُمهُ ْم ۚ َوإِن يَقُولوا تَ ْس َم ْع‬ َ َ
ِ ‫ َوإِ َذا َرأ ْيتَهُ ْم تُع‬the right from the wrong (3).
‫صي َْح ٍة‬ َ ‫ لِقَوْ لِ ِه ْم ۚ َكأَنَّهُ ْم ُخ ُشبٌ ُّم َسنَّ َدةٌ ۚ يَحْ َسبُونَ ُك َّل‬And when you see them, their
َٰ‫ َعلَ ْي ِه ْم ۚ هُ ُم ْال َع ُد ُّو فَاحْ َذرْ هُ ْم ۚ قَاتَلَهُ ُم اللَّـهُ ۚ أَنَّى‬physical disposition pleases you, but
﴾٤﴿ َ‫ ي ُْؤفَ ُكون‬when they speak, you observe from
their words as if they are like propped
up pieces of hollow wood. They
would show as if every suffering is
falling upon them. They are the
enemies; therefore, you must remain
cautious of them. The God has been
in a state of war against them
(qaatala-hum). For whom they make
a false show?(4).
‫يل لَهُ ْم تَ َعالَوْ ا يَ ْستَ ْغفِرْ لَ ُك ْم َرسُو ُل اللَّـ ِه لَوَّوْ ا‬ َ ِ‫َوإِ َذا ق‬
﴾٥﴿ َ‫ص ُّدونَ َوهُم ُّم ْستَ ْكبِرُون‬ ُ َ‫ ُر ُءو َسهُ ْم َو َرأَ ْيتَهُ ْم ي‬So, when they were asked to come in
the fold, the Messenger of God would
ensure protection/forgiveness for you
(yastaghfir la-kum – ‫)یستغفِر ل ُکم‬, they
turned their heads away and you saw
ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ‫ت‬ َ ْ َ َ َ
‫ َس َوا ٌء َعل ْي ِه ْم أ ْستغفرْ لهُ ْم أ ْم ل ْم ت ْستغفِرْ لهُ ْم لن يَغفِ َر‬them drawing back in a pompous way
﴾٦﴿ َ‫( اللَّـهُ لَهُ ْم ۚ إِ َّن اللَّـهَ ََّل يَ ْه ِدي ْالقَوْ َم ْالفَا ِسقِين‬5). It is all the same for them whether
you offered protection/forgiveness for
them, or you didn’t, the God is not
going to forgive them, for indeed, God
does not guide such criminal-minded
people (6).

‫ُول اللَّـ ِه‬ ِ ‫ هُ ُم الَّ ِذينَ يَقُولُونَ ََّل تُنفِقُوا َعلَ َٰى َم ْن ِعن َد َرس‬It is they who prohibit/preclude any
‫ض‬ِ ْ‫ت َو ْاْلَر‬ ِ ‫اوا‬ َ ‫ َحتَّ َٰى يَنفَضُّ وا ۚ َولِلَّـ ِه خَ زَ ائِ ُن ال َّس َم‬spending on those who are with God’s
﴾٧﴿ َ‫ َولَ َٰـ ِك َّن ْال ُمنَافِقِينَ ََّل يَ ْفقَهُون‬Messenger so that they may disperse
(yanfadhdhu – ‫ضوا‬ ّ ‫)ینف‬, while the fact is
that to God belong the treasures of
the heavens and the Earth; but those
hypocrites do not realize that (7).
ْ َ ْ ْ ْ
‫َّج ْعنَا إِلَى ال َم ِدينَ ِة لَيُخ ِر َج َّن اْلع َُّز ِمنهَا‬ ُ ُ
َ ‫ يَقولونَ لَئِن ر‬They say, “When we return to power
ْ ْ
‫ ْاْلَ َذ َّل ۚ َولِلَّـ ِه ال ِع َّزةُ َولِ َرسُولِ ِه َولِل ُم ْؤ ِمنِينَ َولَ َٰـ ِك َّن‬in the City (raja’na ila-al-Madinati –
﴾٨﴿ َ‫)رجعنا الی المدینۃ ْال ُمنَافِقِينَ ََّل يَ ْعلَ ُمون‬, our elitist class (al-
a’azzu – ‫)االعز‬ would certainly expel
this lower class of people (al-adhalla –
‫ )االذ ّل‬from there. However, the power
and domination belongs to God and
to His Messenger and to the believers
in peace; but these hypocrites are not
aware of this reality (8).
‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا ََّل تُل ِه ُك ْم أَ ْم َوالُ ُك ْم َو ََّل أَوْ ََّل ُد ُك ْم عَن‬
‫ ِذ ْك ِر اللَّـ ِه ۚ َو َمن يَ ْف َعلْ َٰ َذلِكَ فَأُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم‬O people of faith & peace, do not let
﴾٩﴿ َ‫اسرُون‬ ِ َ‫ ْالخ‬your wealth or your offspring make
you oblivious of the remembrance of
God, because those who acts that way,
‫ت‬ ْ
ُ ْ‫ َوأَنفِقُوا ِمن َّما َرزَ ْقنَا ُكم ِّمن قَب ِْل أَن يَأتِ َي أَ َح َد ُك ُم ْال َمو‬will be the real losers (9). And do
‫ق َوأَ ُكن‬ َ ‫ص َّد‬ َّ َ ‫ب فَأ‬
ٍ ‫ول َربِّ لَوْ ََّل أَ َّخرْ تَنِي إِلَ َٰى أَ َج ٍل قَ ِري‬
َ ُ‫ فَيَق‬spend from what We have provided
﴾١٠﴿ َ‫ ِّمنَ الصَّالِ ِحين‬for you before the death approaches
any of you and then he may say : “O
my Sustainer, had you given me a
little bit of respite, I could have
acknowledged/admitted the truth
(assaddaqa – ‫صدّق‬ ّ ‫ )ا‬and been among
the righteous” (10).

‫ َولَن يُؤَ ِّخ َر اللَّـهُ نَ ْفسًا إِ َذا َجا َء أَ َجلُهَا ۚ َواللَّـهُ خَ بِي ٌر بِ َما‬But the fact is that God does not
﴾١١﴿ َ‫ تَ ْع َملُون‬grant a respite to a being when its
term is expired, as God is fully aware
of all that you do (11).”

Transliteration: “Idhaa jaa’aka al-

munaafiqoona qaaloo nash’hadu inna-ka
la-rasool-ul-laahi, wa Allahu ya’lamu
inna-ka la-rasoolo-hu wa-Allahu
yash’hadu inna-al-munaafiqeena la-
kaadhiboon (1). Attakhadhoo
ayimaana-hum junnatan fa-saddoo ‘un
sabeel-il-laah; inna-hum saa’a ma
kaanoo ya’maloon (2). Dhaalika bi-
anna-hum aamanoo thumma kafaroo fa-
tubi’a ‘alaa quloobi-him fa-hum la
yafqahoon (3). Wa idhaa ra’ayita-hum
tu’jibu-ka ajsaamu-hum. Wa in
yaqooloo tasma’ li-qawli-him, ka-anna-
hum khushubun musannadatun,
yahsaboona kulla sayihatin ‘alayi-him.
Hum-ul-‘aduwwu fa-ahdhar-hum.
Qaatala-hum Allah. Annaa yu’fakoon
(4). Wa idhaa qeela la-hum ta’aalaw
yastaghfir la-kum rasool-ul-laahi
lawwaw ru’oosa-hum wa rayita-hum
yasuddoona wa hum mustakbiroon (5).
Sawaa’un ‘alayi-him astaghfarta la-hum,
am lam tastaghfir la-hum lan yaghfir-
Allahu la-hum. Inna Allaaha la yahdi al-
qoum-al-faasiqeen (6). Hum-ul-
ladheena yaqooloona la tunfiqoo ‘alaa
man ‘inda rasool-il-laahi hatta
yanfadhdhoo. Wa lillaahi khazaa’in-us-
Samaawaati wal-Ardhi wa laakinna-al-
munaafiqeena la yafqahoon (7).
Yaqooloona la-in-raja’na ila-al-
madeenati la-yukhrijanna al-a’azzu min-
ha al-adhalla. Wa lillaahi al-‘izzatu wa
li-rasooli-hi wa lil-mu’mineena wa
laakinna al-munaafiqeena la ya’lamoon
(8). Ya ayyuhal-ladheena aamanu la
tulhi-kum amwaalu-kum wa la awlaadu-
kum ‘an dhikr-il-laahi. Wa man yaf’al
dhaalika fa-oolaa’ika hum-ul-khaasiroon
(9). Wa anfiqoo min ma razaqnaa-kum
min qabli an ya’tiya ahada-kum al-
mowtu, fa-yaqoola Rabbi lou la
akhkhartani ilaa ajalin qareebin fa-
assaddaqa wa akun min-as-saaliheen
(10). Wa lan yu’akhkhar-al-laahu
nafsan idhaa jaa’a ajalu-ha. Wa-Allaahu
khabeerun bi-ma ta’maloon (11). ”

Chapter At-Taghaban (64) Translation Chapter At-

Taghaban (64)
ُ‫ض ۚ لَه‬ ِ ْ‫ت َو َما فِي ْاْلَر‬ َ ‫يُ َسبِّ ُح لِلَّـ ِه َما فِي ال َّس َم‬
ِ ‫اوا‬
﴾١﴿ ‫ك َولَهُ ْال َح ْم ُد ۚ َوهُ َو َعلَىَٰ ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء قَ ِدي ٌر‬ ُ ‫“ ْال ُم ْل‬Whatever exists in the heavenly
bodies and on this Earth, keeps
working with its full might to serve
the purpose, and reach the target,
fixed by God the Almighty. For Him
are the dominion thereof and the
beautiful attributes. And He fixes the
values and measures over all of his
‫ هُ َو الَّ ِذي خَ لَقَ ُك ْم فَ ِمن ُك ْم َكافِ ٌر َو ِمن ُكم ُّم ْؤ ِم ٌن ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ َما‬creations (1). He is the One who has
﴾٢﴿ ‫صي ٌر‬ ِ َ‫ تَ ْع َملُونَ ب‬created you all; and then among you
some have turned into the deniers of
truth, and some have become the
believers in peace; and God keeps
monitoring your conduct (2).
َ‫ص َّو َر ُك ْم فَأحْ َسن‬
َ ‫ق َو‬ ْ
ِّ ‫ض بِال َح‬ َ
َ ْ‫ت َو ْاْلر‬ ِ ‫اوا‬ َ ‫ق ال َّس َم‬ َ َ‫ خَ ل‬He has created the heavenly bodies
﴾٣﴿ ‫صي ُر‬ ْ
ِ ‫ ص َُو َر ُك ْم ۚ َوإِلَ ْي ِه ال َم‬and the Planet Earth with the
elements of truth and wisdom and has
formulated your structure in a very
befitting form; and by Him is fixed
the journey’s end (3).
‫ض َويَ ْعلَ ُم َما تُ ِسرُّ ونَ َو َما‬ ِ ْ‫ت َو ْاْلَر‬ ِ ‫اوا‬ َ ‫ يَ ْعلَ ُم َما فِي ال َّس َم‬His knowledge encompasses all that
﴾٤﴿ ‫ور‬ ِ ‫ت الصُّ ُد‬ ِ ‫ تُ ْعلِنُونَ ۚ َواللَّـهُ َعلِي ٌم بِ َذا‬goes on in the heavenly bodies and on
the Planet Earth and He is aware of
all that goes on within your selves and
what you openly disclose (tu’linoon –
‫ )تُعلِنُون‬because He knows what the
minds are capable of (zaat-is-sudoor –
‫ال أَ ْم ِر ِه ْم‬ ُ ْ
َ َ‫الصدُور أَلَ ْم يَأتِ ُك ْم نَبَأ الَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا ِمن قَ ْب ُل فَ َذاقُوا َوب‬ ُّ ‫ت‬ ِ ‫( )ذا‬4).
﴾٥﴿ ‫ َولَهُ ْم َع َذابٌ أَلِي ٌم‬Have the news not come to you lately

of the deniers of truth that they have
tasted the results of their doings and
that they were destined to suffer a
ِ ‫َٰ َذلِكَ بِأَنَّهُ َكانَت تَّأْتِي ِه ْم ُر ُسلُهُم بِ ْالبَيِّنَا‬
‫ت فَقَالُوا أَبَ َش ٌر‬ painful torture? (5). It was so that
‫يَ ْه ُدونَنَا فَ َكفَرُوا َوت ََولَّوا ۚ َّوا ْستَ ْغنَى اللَّـهُ ۚ َواللَّـهُ َغنِ ٌّي‬ their apostles kept coming to them
﴾٦﴿ ‫َح ِمي ٌد‬ with evidence of truth (bi-al-
bayyinaat – ‫)بالبیّنات‬, but they argued
as to how common earthlings can act
as their guides. So they eventually
denied the truth and turned away; so
the God also dispensed with them
because God is free of all needs and
worthy of all praise (6).
‫زَ َع َم الَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا أَن لَّن يُ ْب َعثُوا ۚ قُلْ بَلَ َٰى َو َربِّي‬ The deniers of truth supposed that
‫لَتُ ْب َعثُ َّن ثُ َّم لَتُنَبَّ ُؤ َّن بِ َما َع ِم ْلتُ ْم ۚ َو َٰ َذلِكَ َعلَى اللَّـ ِه‬ they are not going to be resurrected.
﴾٧﴿ ‫يَ ِسي ٌر‬ Tell them : “It is true and my Lord
would certainly raise you again and
you shall be given the briefing on
what your conduct had been. And for
‫ور الَّ ِذي أَنزَ ْلنَا ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ َما‬
ِ ُّ‫فَآ ِمنُوا بِاللَّـ ِه َو َرسُولِ ِه َوالن‬ the God, it is something very easy to
﴾٨﴿ ‫تَ ْع َملُونَ خَ بِي ٌر‬ do” (7). Therefore, you must believe
in God and His apostles and the
enlightenment we have sent down.
And know that God keeps track of
‫يَوْ َم يَجْ َم ُع ُك ْم لِيَوْ ِم ْال َج ْم ِع ۚ َٰ َذلِكَ يَوْ ُم التَّغَابُ ِن ۚ َو َمن‬ your conduct (8). The stage when He
ُ‫صالِحًا يُ َكفِّرْ َع ْنهُ َسيِّئَاتِ ِه َويُ ْد ِخ ْله‬
َ ْ‫ي ُْؤ ِمن بِاللَّـ ِه َويَ ْع َمل‬ shall gather you at an hour of
‫ت تَجْ ِري ِمن تَحْ تِهَا ْاْلَ ْنهَا ُر خَالِ ِدينَ فِيهَا‬ ٍ ‫َجنَّا‬ congregation that will be the time of a
﴾٩﴿ ‫أَبَدًا ۚ َذلِكَ ْالفَوْ ُز ْال َع ِظي ُم‬ crucial losing and gaining (at-
taghaabun – ‫)التّغابن‬, because those
who believe in God and perform
reformative deeds, He will absolve
them of their wrongdoings and admit
them into a life of peace and
protection under which streams of
abundance keep flowing; they will
stay there forever; that will be the
ِ َّ‫َوالَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا َو َك َّذبُوا بِآيَاتِنَا أولَ َٰـئِكَ أَصْ َحابُ الن‬
‫ار‬ highest achievement (9).
﴾١٠﴿ ‫صي ُر‬ ِ ‫س ْال َم‬
َ ‫خَ الِ ِدينَ فِيهَا ۚ َوبِ ْئ‬ And as for the deniers of truth who
treat our signs as falsehood, they will
be the companions of fire; they would
dwell in it for ever; and that’s the
worst destination (10).
‫صيبَ ٍة إِ ََّّل بِإ ِ ْذ ِن اللَّـ ِه ۚ َو َمن ي ُْؤ ِمن بِاللَّـ ِه‬
ِ ‫اب ِمن ُّم‬
َ ‫ص‬َ َ‫َما أ‬ No calamity befalls except as per the
﴾١١﴿ ‫يَ ْه ِد قَ ْلبَهُ ۚ َواللَّـهُ بِ ُكلِّ َش ْي ٍء َعلِي ٌم‬ laws of God; and who believes in God,
God would guide his mind, as God
keeps abreast of all developments
‫َوأَ ِطيعُوا اللَّـهَ َوأَ ِطيعُوا ال َّرسُو َل ۚ فَإِن ت ََولَّ ْيتُ ْم فَإِنَّ َما‬ (11). So, obey the God and obey the
﴾١٢﴿ ‫ين‬ ُ ِ‫غ ْال ُمب‬
ُ ‫َعلَ َٰى َرسُولِنَا ْالبَ ََّل‬ Messenger for if you turn away, then
be aware that the duty of our
Messenger is only to convey the
message open and clear (al-balaagh-
‫اللَّـهُ ََّل إِلَ َٰـهَ إِ ََّّل هُ َو ۚ َو َعلَى اللَّـ ِه فَ ْليَت ََو َّك ِل‬ ul-mubeen – ‫( )البال ُغ ال ُمبین‬12). There is
﴾١٣﴿ َ‫ْال ُم ْؤ ِمنُون‬ no sovereign authority except the
God, and in God, therefore, the
believers put their trust (13). O those
‫اج ُك ْم َوأَوْ ََّل ِد ُك ْم َع ُد ًوا‬
ِ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا إِ َّن ِم ْن أَ ْز َو‬ who believe, indeed among your
‫لَّ ُك ْم فَاحْ َذرُوهُ ْم ۚ َوإِن تَ ْعفُوا َوتَصْ فَحُوا َوتَ ْغفِرُوا فَإ ِ َّن‬ people/companions and your sons
﴾١٤﴿ ‫اللَّـهَ َغفُو ٌر َّر ِحي ٌم‬ there are your enemies; so remain
cautious of them. And if you forgive
and overlook, and protect them, then
verily the God is also the Protector
‫إِنَّ َما أَ ْم َوالُ ُك ْم َوأَوْ ََّل ُد ُك ْم فِ ْتنَةٌ ۚ َواللَّـهُ ِعن َدهُ أَجْ ٌر‬ and ever Merciful (14).
﴾١٥﴿ ‫َظي ٌم‬ ِ ‫ع‬ It is so that your wealth and your sons
are a trial for you, whereas the God is
the dispenser of great rewards (15).
‫فَاتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ َما ا ْستَطَ ْعتُ ْم َوا ْس َمعُوا َوأَ ِطيعُوا َوأَنفِقُوا‬ Therefore, remain conscious of God
‫ق ُش َّح نَ ْف ِس ِه فَأُولَ َٰـئِكَ هُ ُم‬
َ ‫خَ ْيرًا ِّْلَنفُ ِس ُك ْم ۚ َو َمن يُو‬ as much as possible for you, and
﴾١٦﴿ َ‫ْال ُم ْفلِحُون‬ listen, obey and spend in charity for
the benefit of your own selves;
because those who would resist (yuqa
– ‫ )یُوق‬the temptations of their
physical organism (shuhha nafsi-hi –
َ ‫إِن تُ ْق ِرضُوا اللَّـهَ قَرْ ضًا َح َسنًا ي‬
ْ‫ُضا ِع ْفهُ لَ ُك ْم َويَ ْغفِر‬ ‫نفسہ‬
ِ ‫)ش ُّح‬, they are the ones who have
﴾١٧﴿ ‫لَ ُك ْم ۚ َواللَّـهُ َش ُكو ٌر َحلِي ٌم‬ attained real success (16). If you loan
to God in a beautiful way, He will
multiply it for you and take you into
His protection; for God makes your
efforts fruitful as He is the Most
﴾١٨﴿ ‫ب َوال َّشهَا َد ِة ْال َع ِزي ُز ْال َح ِكي ُم‬
ِ ‫عَالِ ُم ْال َغ ْي‬ Forbearing (17). He is Aware of the
unknown and the known, Exalted in
Might, full of Wisdom.(18)”
Transliteration: “Yusabbihu Lillahi ma
fis-Samawaati wa ma fil-Ardhi. La-hu
al-Mulku wa la-hu alhamd. Wa huwa
‘alaa kulli shayi’in qadddr (1). Huwa
alladhi khalaqa-kum, fa-minkum
kaafirun wa minkum mu’minun. Wa-
Allahu bi-ma ta’maloona baseer (2).
Khalaqa-as-Samaawaati wa-al-Ardha
bil-haqqi wa sawwara-kum fa-ahsana
suwara-kum. Wa ilayihi-il-maseer (3).
Ya’lamu ma fis-Samaawaati wal-Ardhi
wa ya’lamu ma tusirroona wa ma
tu’linoon. Wa-Allahu ‘aleemun bi-
dhaat-is-sudoor (4). Alam ya’ti-kum
naba’-ul-ladhina kafaroo min qablu fa-
dhaaqu wabaala amri-him wa la-hum
‘adhaabun aleem (5). Dhaalika bi-anna-
hu kaanat ta’tee-him rusulu-hum bil-
bayyinaati fa-qaaloo a’basharun
yahduna-na, fa-kafaroo wa tawallaw;
wa-astaghna-Allahu. Wa-Allahu
ghaniyyun hameed (6). Za’ama-
alladhina kafaroo allan yub’athu. Qul
balaa wa Rabbi la-tub’athunna thumma
la-tunabba’unna bi-ma ‘amil-tum. Wa
dhaalika ‘ala-Allahi yaseer (7). Fa-
aaminoo bi-Allahi wa rasuli-hi wa an-
noori alladhi anzalna. Wa-Allaahu bi-
ma ta’maloona khabeer (8). Youma
yajma’u-kum li-youm-il-jam’i. Dhaalika
youm-ut-Taghaabun. Wa man yu’min
bi-Allahi wa ya’mal saalihan yukaffiru
‘an-hu sayyi’aati-hi wa yudkhil-hu
jannaatin tajri min tahti-ha al-anhaaru
khalideena fi-ha abada. Dhaalika al-
fawz-ul-‘azeem (9). Wa-alladhinaa
kafaroo wa kadhdhaboo bi-aayaatina
oolaa’ika ashaab-un-naar. Khaalideena
fi-ha. Wa bi’sa-al-maseer (10). Ma
asaaba min museebatin illa bi-idhni-
Allah. Wamanyu’min bi-Allahi yahdi
qalba-hu. Wa-Allahu bi-kulli shayi’in
‘aleem (11). Wa atee’oo-Allaha wa
atee’oo-ar-Rasula. Fa-in tawallayi-tum
fa-innama ‘ala rasuli-na al-balaagh-ul-
mubeen (12). Ya ayyuhal-ladhina
aamanu inna min azwaaji-kum wa
awlaadi-kum ‘aduwwal-lakum fa-
ahdharoo-hum. Wa in tu’foo wa
tasfahoo wa taghfiroo fa-innal-laaha
Ghafoor-ur-Raheem (14). Inna-ma
amwaalu-kum wa awlaadu-kum
fitnatun; Wal-laahu ‘inda-hu ajrun
‘azeem (15). Fa-attaqoo-Allaha ma
astata’tum wasma’oo, wa atee’oo wa
anfiqoo khayiral-li-anfusi-kum. Wa
man yooqa shuhha nafsi-hi fa-oolaaika
hum almuflihoon (16). In tuqridhoo-
Allaha qardhan hasanan yudhaa’if-hu la-
kum wa yaghfir la-kum. Wa-Allahu
shakoorun Haleem (17). ‘Aalim-ul-
ghayibi wa-ash-shahaadat-il-‘azeez-ul-
hakeem (18).”

Translation Chapter At-Talaaq

Chapter At-Talaaq (65) (65)
َّ‫سا َء فَطَلِّقُوھُنَّ لِ ِع َّدتِ ِھن‬ َ ِّ‫یَا أَیُّ َھا النَّبِ ُّي إِ َذا طَلَّ أقتُ ُم الن‬
O Nabi (one holding the top-most
ۖ ‫صوا ا أل ِع َّدۃَ ۖ َواتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ َربَّ ُك أم‬ ُ ‫َوأَ أح‬
َ‫َال ت أُخ ِر ُجوھُنَّ ِمن بُیُوتِ ِھنَّ َو َال یَ أخ ُر أجنَ إِ َّال أَن یَأأتِین‬ authority), when you set free from
‫ش ٍة ُّمبَیِّنَ ٍة ۖ َوتِ ألكَ ُحدُو ُد اللَّـ ِه ۖ َو َمن یَتَ َع َّد ُحدُو َد‬ allegiance or governance (tallaqtum –
َ ‫اح‬ِ َ‫بِف‬
َ َ ‫ )طلّقتُم‬a particular segment of your
‫ث بَ أع َد‬ ُ ‫سهُ ۖ َال تَ أد ِري لَ َع َّل اللَّـهَ یُ أح ِد‬ َ ‫اللَّـ ِه فقَ أد ظلَ َم نَ أف‬
﴾١﴿ ‫َذلِكَ أَ أم ًرا‬ subjects/people/population (an-Nisaa
– ‫)النّساء‬, always set them free (tallaqu-
hunna – ّ‫ )طلّقوھُن‬by allowing them an
appointed time period of preparations
(li-‘iddati-hinna – ّ‫)لِع ّدتِ ِھن‬, and reckon
the period carefully; and in the

process remain conscious of your
Nourisher’s commandments.
Meanwhile, do not turn them out of
their regional centers/institutions and
they should not relinquish their posts
(la yakhrujna – ‫ )ال یخ ُرجن‬except in case
they resort to committing manifest
excesses. These are the
limits/boundaries determined by God,
and those who violate God’s
limitations; they are supposed to
commit cruelty to their own selves.
You may not know that the God may
َّ‫وف أَ أو فَا ِرقُوھُن‬ ٍ ‫س ُكوھُنَّ بِ َم أع ُر‬ِ ‫فَإ ِ َذا بَلَ أغنَ أَ َجلَ ُھنَّ فَأ َ أم‬ subsequently cause something new to
َ‫ش َھا َدۃ‬ َّ ‫ي َعد ٍأل ِّمن ُك أم َوأَقِی ُموا ال‬
‫ش ِھدُوا َذ َو أ‬ ‫وف َوأَ أ‬
ٍ ‫بِ َم أع ُر‬ take place (1).
‫لِلَّـ ِه ۖ َذلِ ُك أم یُو َعظُ بِ ِه َمن َكانَ یُ أؤ ِمنُ بِاللَّـ ِه َوا ألیَ أو ِم‬ Hence, when their time period lapses,
﴾٢﴿ ‫ق اللَّـهَ یَ أج َعل لَّهُ َم أخ َر ًجا‬ِ َّ‫أاْل ِخ ِر ۖ َو َمن یَت‬ you either keep your allegiance with
them in a fair manner or say them
farewell on fair terms and make
witness two of the jurists of your own
and bear true witness before God.
This admonition is being delivered for
those who believe in God and the
Hereafter. And those who remain
cautious of God He creates for them a
‫ب ۖ َو َمن یَت ََو َّك أل َعلَى‬ ُ ‫ث َال یَ أحت َِس‬ ُ ‫َویَ أر ُز أقهُ ِمنأ َح أی‬ way out (2), and provides sustenance
ُ‫سبُهُ ۖ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ بَالِ ُغ أَ أم ِر ِه ۖ قَ أد َج َع َل اللَّـه‬ ‫اللَّـ ِه فَ ُھ َو َح أ‬ for them in an unaccountable
﴾٣﴿ ‫َي ٍء قَ أد ًرا‬
‫لِ ُك ِّل ش أ‬ measure; and those who put their
trust in God, it is for their own
benefit. Indeed, the God always
conveys his commands. God has fixed
measures and values for everything
َ ِّ‫ن‬
‫سائِ ُك أم إِ ِن أ‬
‫ارتَ أبتُ أم‬ ‫ض ِمن‬ ِ ‫الالئِي یَئِسأنَ ِمنَ ا أل َم ِحی‬ َّ ‫َو‬ Out of the above communities those
ُ‫والت‬ َ ُ‫ضنَ ۖ َوأ‬ ‫یَ ِح أ‬ ‫الالئِي لَ أم‬
َّ ‫ش ُھ ٍر َو‬ ‫فَ ِع َّدتُ ُھنَّ ثَ َالثَةُ أَ أ‬ who have been afflicted with despair
َ‫ق اللـه‬ ِ َّ ‫ۖ َو َمن یَت‬ َّ‫ضعأنَ َح أملَ ُھن‬َ َ‫ال أَ َجلُ ُھنَّ أَن ی‬ ِ ‫أاْلَ أح َم‬ ( َ‫ – یَئِسأن‬ya’isna) in the course of
﴾٤﴿ ‫س ًرا‬ ‫یَ أج َعل لَّهُ ِمنأ أَ أم ِر ِه یُ أ‬ bloodshed ( ‫ض‬ ِ ‫ – ِمنَ ا أل َم ِحی‬min al-
Muhayiz), if you want to pause and
think (‫ارتَ أبتُ أم‬
‫ – إِ ِن أ‬in artabtum) about
them, then your time period for
making relief arrangements for them
(fa-‘iddatu-hunna – ّ‫ )فع ّدتُ ُھن‬is three
months as well as for those units who
have not faced bloodshed (‫ یحضن‬-
yahidhna). And for those units
ِ َّ ‫َذلِكَ أَ أم ُر اللَّـ ِه أَنزَ لَهُ إِلَ أی ُك أم ۖ َو َمن یَت‬
ُ‫ق اللَّـهَ یُ َكفِّ أر َع أنه‬ entrusted with
﴾٥﴿ ‫سیِّئَاتِ ِه َویُ أع ِظ أم لَهُ أَ أج ًرا‬ َ responsibilities/obligations (Oolaatul
ahmaal - ‫)اوالت االحمال‬, their deadline
for separation is the discharge of their
responsibilities/obligations (yadha’na
hamla-hunna – ّ‫)یضعن حمل ُھن‬. And
those of you who would remain
cautious of God on this issue, God
would ease their way by His will.
This is the God's command conveyed
to all of you; and whoever would
remain cautious of God’s commands
(yattaq), He would hide (yukaffir) his
minor oversights and enhance his
َّ‫اروھُن‬ َ ‫س َكنتُم ِّمن ُو أج ِد ُك أم َو َال ت‬
ُّ ‫ُض‬ ُ ‫س ِكنُوھُنَّ ِمنأ َح أی‬
َ ‫ث‬ ‫أَ أ‬ reward (5).”
‫ت َح أم ٍل فَأَنفِقُوا‬ ِ ‫وال‬ َ ُ‫ُضیِّقُوا َعلَ أی ِھنَّ ۖ َوإِن ُكنَّ أ‬ َ ‫لِت‬ Help them live in the same manner as
‫ضعأنَ لَ ُك أم‬َ ‫ضعأنَ َح أملَ ُھنَّ ۖ فَإِنأ أَ أر‬ َ َ‫َعلَ أی ِھنَّ َحتَّى ی‬ you live with your means and do not
‫وف ۖ َوإِن‬ ٍ ‫ورھُنَّ ۖ َو أأتَ ِم ُروا بَ أینَ ُكم بِ َم أع ُر‬َ ‫فَآتُوھُنَّ أُ ُج‬ harm them to make their lives
﴾٦﴿ ‫ض ُع لَهُ أُ أخ َرى‬ َ َ‫س أرتُ أم ف‬
ِ ‫ست أُر‬ َ ‫تَ َعا‬ miserable. And if they are having
obligations (ulaati Hamlin – ‫ت حمل‬ ِ ‫)اوال‬
then provide them means (anfiqu
‘alayi-hinna – ّ‫ )انفِقوا علیھن‬so that they
fulfill or discharge their obligations;
and if they provide some means of
sustenance for you (ardha’na lakum –
‫)فان ارضعن ل ُکم‬, then pay them their due
remunerations; and hold
consultations between you in a good
manner so that if you happen to face
difficulties/shortages (ta’asar-tum –
‫ )تعاسرتُم‬then one may provide means
ُ‫س َعتِ ِه ۖ َو َمن قُ ِد َر َعلَ أی ِه ِر أزقُه‬
َ ‫س َع ٍة ِّمن‬ َ ‫ق ُذو‬ ‫لِیُنفِ أ‬ of sustenance (fa-saturdhi’u – ‫ُرض ُع‬ِ ‫)فست‬
‫سا إِ َّال َما‬ ‫أ‬ َّ ِّ َّ
ً ‫ق ِم َّما آتَاهُ اللـهُ ۖ َال یُ َكلفُ اللـهُ نَف‬ ‫فَ ألیُنفِ أ‬ for the other (6); for one who has
﴾٧﴿‫س ًرا‬ ‫سیَ أج َع ُل اللَّـهُ بَ أع َد ُع أ‬
‫س ٍر یُ أ‬ َ ۖ ‫آتَاھَا‬ ample means must spend from his
amplitude (min sa’ati-hi – ‫;)من سعتہ‬
and whose subsistence (rizqu-hu ُ‫) ِرزقُہ‬
has become scanty (qudira ‘alayihi –
‫)قُ ِدر علی ِہ‬, he may spend according to
what God has bestowed upon him.
God does not burden anyone with
more than what He has given him.
God certainly creates ease and
abundance after a period of hardship
ُ ‫َو َكأَیِّن ِّمن قَ أریَ ٍة َعتَتأ عَنأ أَ أم ِر َربِّ َھا َو ُر‬
‫سلِ ِه‬ (7). And how many a community has
﴾٨﴿ ‫ش ِدیدًا َوع ََّذ أبنَاھَا َع َذابًا نُّ أك ًرا‬ َ ‫فَ َحا‬
َ ‫س أبنَاھَا ِح‬
َ ‫سابًا‬ turned with disdain from the
command of its Sustainer and His
apostles, and we have subjected it to a
severe accountability and have caused
them to suffer with terrible suffering
‫فَ َذاقَتأ َوبَا َل أَ أم ِرھَا َو َكانَ عَاقِبَةُ أَ أم ِرھَا ُخ أ‬
﴾٩﴿ ‫س ًرا‬ (8); and then it tasted the results of its
doing; and the end of its doing was
ruin (9);
‫ش ِدیدًا ۖفَاتَّقُوا اللَّـهَ یَا أُولِي‬ َ ‫أَ َع َّد اللَّـهُ لَ ُھ أم َع َذابًا‬ The God had prepared for them
﴾١٠﴿ ‫ب الَّ ِذینَ آ َمنُوا ۖ قَ أد أَنزَ َل اللَّـهُ إِلَ أی ُك أم ِذ أك ًرا‬
ِ ‫أاْلَ ألبَا‬ severe punishment. Hence, O people
of insight and faith, remain cautious
of God’s commands; He has bestowed
upon you reminder/admonition (10)
َ‫ت لِّیُ أخ ِر َج الَّ ِذین‬
ٍ ‫ت اللَّـ ِه ُمبَیِّنَا‬
ِ ‫وال یَ أتلُو َعلَ أی ُك أم آیَا‬
ً ‫س‬ ُ ‫َّر‬ through an apostle who reads to you
‫ت ِإلَى‬ ِ ‫ظلُ َما‬ ُّ ‫ت ِمنَ ال‬ ِ ‫صالِ َحا‬َّ ‫آ َمنُوا َو َع ِملُوا ال‬ God’s detailed and eloquent
ٍ ‫صالِ ًحا یُد ِأخ ألهُ َجنَّا‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫النُّو ِر ۖ َو َمن یُ أؤ ِمن بِاللَّـ ِه َویَ أع َم أل‬ (mubayyinaat – ‫ ) ُمبیّنات‬verses so that
‫ت أَج ِري ِمن ت أَحتِ َھا أاْلَ أن َھا ُر َخالِ ِدینَ فِی َھا أَبَدًا ۖ قَ أد‬ he may take out of darkness and
﴾١١﴿ ‫سنَ اللَّـهُ لَهُ ِر أزقًا‬ َ ‫أَ أح‬ towards enlightenment those who
have attained to faith and peace and
done reformative work; and those
who believe in God and work for
reformation of the society, He would
admit them to a life of peace and
protection (jannaatin – ‫ )جنّات‬with
abundance of everything (al-anhaar –
ِ ‫ت َو ِمنَ أاْلَ أر‬
َّ‫ض ِم أثلَ ُھن‬ ٍ ‫اوا‬
َ ‫س َم‬ َ ‫س أب َع‬َ ‫ق‬ َ َ‫اللَّـهُ الَّ ِذي َخل‬ ‫)االنھار‬, where they would live forever.
‫َي ٍء‬ ‫یَتَنَ َّز ُل أاْلَ أم ُر بَ أینَ ُھنَّ لِتَ أعلَ ُموا أَنَّ اللَّـهَ َعلَى ُك ِّل ش أ‬ God has arranged a beautiful
‫قَ ِدی ٌر َوأَنَّ اللَّـهَ قَ أد أَ َحاطَ بِ ُك ِّل ش أ‬
﴾١٢﴿ ‫َي ٍء ِع أل ًما‬ sustenance for them (11). God is the
One who has created countless cosmic
bodies (sab’a smawaatin – ‫)سبع سماوات‬
and like them many of the kind of
earth (min al-Ardhi – ‫ض‬ ِ ‫ ;) ِمن االر‬His
commands are delivered through all
of them so that you may learn that
God has the ultimate decisive power
(qadeerun – ‫ )قدیر‬over everything, and
Transliteration: that God encompasses and controls
“Ya ayyuha-an-Nabi idha Tallaq-tum all with the knowledge of sciences
an-Nisaa’a fa-tallaqu-hunna li-‘iddati- (‘ilman – "‫( )علما‬12).
hinna wa ahsu-al-‘iddah. Wa-attaqu-
Allaha Rabba-kum. La tukhriju-hunna
min buyooti-hinna wa la yakhrujna illa
an-yateena bi-faahishatin mubayyinatin.
Wa tilka hudood-ullah; wa man yatta’ad
hudood-ullahi fa-qad zalama nafsa-hu.
La tadri la’alla-Allahu yuhdithu b’ada
dhaalika amra (1). Fa-idha balaghna
ajala-hunna fa-amsiku-hunna bi-ma’roof
aou faariqu-hunna bi-ma’roofin wa
ashhidu dhawai ‘adlin min-kum wa
aqeemu ash-shahaadata lillah. Dhaali-
kum yoo’aza bi-hi man kaana yu’minu
billaahi wal-youmil-aakhir. Wa man
yattaqil-laaha yaj’al la-hu makhraja (2),
wa yarzuq-hu min hayithu la yahtasib.
Wa man yatawakkala ‘ala-Allahi fa-
huwa hasbu-hu. Inna-Allaha baaligha
amri-hi. Qad ja’ala-Allahu li-kulli
shayi’in qadran (3). Wa allaa’i ya’isna
min al-mahayidhi min nisaa’i-kum in-
irtabtum fa-‘iddatu-hunna thalaathatu
ashhurin wa allaa’i lam yahidhna, wa
oolaat-ul-ahmaali ajalu-hunna an-
yadha’na hamla-hunna; wa man yattaq-
il-laaha yaj’al la-hu min amri-hi yusra
(4). Dhaalika amr-ul-laahi anzala-hu
ilayi-kum, wa man yattaq-il-laaha
yukaffar ‘un-hu sayyi’aati-hi wa yu’zim
la-hu ajran (5). Askinoo-hunna min
hayithu sakan-tum min wujdi-kum wa la
tudhaarroo-hunna li-tudhayyiqu ‘alayi-
hinna. Wa in kunna oolaati Hamlin fa-
anfiqu ‘alayi-hinna hattaa yadha’na
hamla-hunna. Fa-in ardha’na la-kum fa-
aatu-hunna ujoora-hunna. Wa’tamiroo
bayina-kum bi-ma’roofin. Wa in
ta’aasar-tum fa-saturdhi’u la-hu ukhraa
(6), li-yunfiq dhu sa’atin min sa’ati-hi;
wa man quddira ‘alayi-hi rizqu-hu fal-
yunfiq mimma aataa-hu- Allahu, la
yukallif-ul-laahu nafsan illa ma aataa-
ha. Sa-yaj’alu-Allahu ba’da ‘usrin yusra
(7). Wa ka-ayyin min qaryatin ‘atat ‘un
amri Rabbi-ha wa Rusuli-hi fa-
haasabna-ha hisaaban shadeedan wa
‘azzabna-ha ‘adhaaban nukra (8). Fa-
dhaaqat wabaala amri-ha wa kaana
‘aaqibatu amri-ha khusran (9). A’adda-
Allahu la-hum ‘adhaaban shadeeda. Fa-
attaqu-Allaha ya ooli-al-baabi allazina
aamanu, qad anzala-Allahu ilayi-kum
dhikran (10), rasoolan yatlu ‘alayi-kum
aayaat-il-laahi mubayyinaatin li-
yukhrija-allazina aamanu wa ‘amilu-as-
saalihaati min-az-zulumaati ila an-noor.
Wa man yu’min billaahi wa ya’mal
saalihan yudkhil-hu jannaatin tajri min
tahtiha-al-anhaaru khaalideena fi-ha
abadan; qad ahsan-Allahu la-hu rizqan
(11). Allaahu allazi khalaqa sab’a
samaawaatin wa min al-ardhi mithla-
hunna yatanazzal-ul-amru bayina-hunna
li-ta’lamoo anna-Allaha ‘alaa kulli
shayi’in qadeerun wa anna Allaha qad
ahaata bi-kulli shayi-in ‘ilman (12).”

Chapter At-Tehreem (66) Translation Chapter At-Tehreem
‫تُ َحرِّ ُم َما أَ َح َّل اللَّـهُ لَكَ ۚ تَ ْبتَ ِغي‬ ‫يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِ ُّي لِ َم‬
﴾١﴿ ‫َّحي ٌم‬ِ ‫ۚ َواللَّـهُ َغفُو ٌر ر‬ َ‫اجك‬ ِ ‫ضاتَ أَ ْز َو‬ َ ْ‫“ َمر‬O exalted Messenger, why do you
refrain from (‫ )ت َُح ِّر ُم‬taking those steps
for which Allah has given you free
hand (ahalla-Allahu laka – ُ‫ما اح ّل ہللا‬
‫)لک‬, only because you desire to keep
different segments of your people
ِ ‫ )أَ أز َو‬pleased and satisfied ( َ‫ضات‬
( َ‫اجك‬ َ ‫?) َم أر‬
Though Allah is a source of
protection and mercy (1),
ُ‫ض اللَّـهُ لَ ُك ْم ت َِحلَّةَ أَ ْي َمانِ ُك ْم ۚ َواللَّـه‬ َ َ ‫ر‬ َ ‫ف‬ ‫د‬ْ َ ‫ق‬ but He has made it mandatory for all
﴾٢﴿ ‫ َموْ ََّل ُك ْم ۚ َوهُ َو ْال َعلِي ُم ْال َح ِكي ُم‬of you to fulfill (tahillata – ‫ )تحلّۃ‬your
covenants & commitments (ayimani-
kum – ‫ )ایمانِ ُکم‬as a duty; and He is the
One who is your Lord, friend and
guardian (mowlaa-kum – ‫)موال ُکم‬.
Verily He knows the best and is full of
wisdom (2).
‫ت بِ ِه‬ ْ َ ‫اج ِه َح ِديثًا فَلَ َّما نَبَّأ‬ ‫و‬ ْ
‫ز‬ َ ‫أ‬ ‫ْض‬
ِ َ ِ َ َٰ ِ ُّ ِ ‫ع‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ى‬ َ ‫ل‬ ‫إ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ب‬ َّ ‫ن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ر‬َّ ‫س‬ َ ‫أ‬ ‫ذ‬ْ ‫إ‬ ‫و‬
َ ِ َ Remember the incident when the
‫ض عَن‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ع‬ْ َ ‫أ‬‫و‬ ‫ه‬
َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ‫ُ َ ِ َ َّف‬ ‫ْض‬‫ع‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ه‬ ْ
‫ي‬ َ ‫ل‬‫ع‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ـ‬َّ ‫ل‬ ‫ال‬ ُ َ َ‫ظه‬
‫ه‬ ‫ر‬ ْ َ‫ َوأ‬exalted Messenger took some of his
‫ال نَبَّأَنِ َي‬ َ َ‫ت َم ْن أَنبَأَكَ هَ َٰـ َذا ۚق‬ ْ َ‫ْض ۚ فَلَ َّما نَبَّأَهَا بِ ِه قَال‬ ٍ ‫ بَع‬allied groups (azwaaji-hi – ‫ )ازواج ِہ‬into
﴾٣﴿ ‫ ْال َعلِي ُم ال بِي ُر‬confidence about some happening;
َ‫خ‬ ْ
and when that party divulged it, and
Allah informed the Messenger about
it, and he let them know about part of
it and ignored the rest of it. And
when the party was told about this
breach, they had the audacity to
question the Messenger as to who had
given him this news? The Messenger
replied: “the All-Knowing and the
‫صغَت قلوبُك َما ۚ َوإِن تَظاه ََرا‬ ُ ُ ُ ْ َّ َ ُ
َ ‫ إِن تَتوبَا إِلى اللـ ِه فَقَ ْد‬All-Aware has informed me” (3).
‫صالِ ُح‬ َ ‫ َعلَ ْي ِه فَإ ِ َّن اللَّـهَ هُ َو َموْ ََّلهُ َو ِجب ِْري ُل َو‬And said : “If you two parties beg
﴾٤﴿ ‫ ْال ُم ْؤ ِمنِينَ ۚ َو ْال َم ََّلئِ َكةُ بَ ْع َد َٰ َذلِكَ ظَ ِهي ٌر‬forgiveness of Allah it would prove
that your hearts are inclined towards
reformation; but if you tried to
overrule the Messenger’s authority

(‫)تَظَا َھ َرا َعلَ أی ِه‬, then be it known that his
guardians and supporters include
Allah Himself, the Quran (Jibreel –
‫ )جبریل‬and all the righteous faithful;
and some other powerful entities (al-
malaaikatu – ُ‫ )المالئکۃ‬also stand as his
supporters” (4).
‫َع َس َٰى َربُّهُ إِن طَلَّقَ ُك َّن أَن يُ ْب ِدلَهُ أَ ْز َواجًا خَ ْيرًا ِّمن ُك َّن‬ In case he decides to separate/free
ٍ ‫ت َسائِ َحا‬ ٍ ‫ت عَابِدَا‬ ٍ ‫ت تَائِبَا‬ ٍ ‫ت قَانِتَا‬ ٍ ‫ت ُّم ْؤ ِمنَا‬ ٍ ‫ُم ْسلِ َما‬ your groups from his allegiance
﴾٥﴿ ‫ت َوأ ْب َكارًا‬ٍ ‫ثَيِّبَا‬ ( َّ‫)طَلَّقَ ُكن‬, it will be most likely that His
Lord may provide him as
replacement (ُ‫ )ی أب ِدلَه‬teams/groups of
allies/comrades (‫اجا‬ ً ‫ )أَ أز َو‬much better
than your teams ( َّ‫) َخ أی ًرا ِّمن ُكن‬, who are
humble submitters (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫سلِ َما‬
‫) ُم أ‬, faithful
ones (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫) ُّم أؤ ِمنَا‬, devout ones (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫)قَانِتَا‬,
repentant ones (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫)تَائِبَا‬, obedient ones
(‫ت‬ ٍ ‫)عابِدَا‬, devoted ones (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫سائِ َحا‬
َ ),
rewarded ones (‫ت‬ ٍ ‫ )ثَیِّبَا‬and those taking
precedence (‫( ) َوأَ أب َكا ًرا‬5).
‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا قُوا أَنفُ َس ُك ْم َوأَ ْهلِي ُك ْم نَارًا َوقُو ُدهَا‬ O you who believe, Protect yourselves
َ ‫النَّاسُ َو ْال ِح َج‬
َ‫ارةُ َعلَ ْيهَا َم ََّلئِ َكةٌ ِغ ََّلظٌ ِشدَا ٌد ََّّل يَ ْعصُون‬ and your people from Fire whose fuel
﴾٦﴿ َ‫اللَّـهَ َما أَ َم َرهُ ْم َويَ ْف َعلُونَ َما ي ُْؤ َمرُون‬ is men and their conscious minds,
over which are appointed authorities
(malaaikah – ‫ )مالئکۃ‬stern and severe,
who disobey not the Commands they
receive from Allah, but do that which
they are ordered (6).
‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ َكفَرُوا ََّل تَ ْعتَ ِذرُوا ْاليَوْ َم ۚ إِنَّ َما تُجْ َزوْ نَ َما‬ And, O you, who hide the truth, make
﴾٧﴿ َ‫ُكنتُ ْم تَ ْع َملُون‬ no excuses in the present phase! You
will ultimately be requited only for
what you used to do (7).
َٰ‫يَا أَيُّهَا الَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا تُوبُوا إِلَى اللَّـ ِه تَوْ بَةً نَّصُوحًا َع َسى‬ O those who have attained to faith,
‫ت تَجْ ِري‬ ٍ ‫َربُّ ُك ْم أَن يُ َكفِّ َر عَن ُك ْم َسيِّئَاتِ ُك ْم َويُ ْد ِخلَ ُك ْم َجنَّا‬ turn towards God in sincere
َ‫ي َوالَّ ِذين‬ َّ ِ‫ِمن تَحْ تِهَا ْاْلَ ْنهَا ُر يَوْ َم ََّل ي ُْخ ِزي اللَّـهُ النَّب‬ repentance; it may well be that your
‫آ َمنُوا َم َعهُ ۚ نُو ُرهُ ْم يَ ْس َع َٰى بَ ْينَ أَ ْي ِدي ِه ْم َوبِأ َ ْي َمانِ ِه ْم‬ Lord will efface from you your sins
‫ورنَا َوا ْغفِرْ لَنَا ۚ إِنَّكَ َعلَ َٰى ُك ِّل‬ َ ُ‫يَقُولُونَ َربَّنَا أَ ْت ِم ْم لَنَا ن‬ and admit you into a life of peace and
﴾٨﴿ ‫َش ْي ٍء قَ ِدي ٌر‬ security in which there’s abundance
of everything (tahtiha al-anhaar –
‫)تحتھا االنھار‬. On this stage here God
‫ظ‬ ْ ُ‫ار َو ْال ُمنَافِقِينَ َوا ْغل‬ َ َّ‫ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِ ُّي َجا ِه ِد ْال ُكف‬will not shame the Messenger and
﴾٩﴿ ‫صي ُر‬ ِ ‫س ْال َم‬ َ ‫ َعلَ ْي ِه ْم ۚ َو َمأْ َواهُ ْم َجهَنَّ ُم ۚ َوبِ ْئ‬those who shared faith with him;
their insight (nooru-hum – ‫ )نُورھُم‬shall
assist them to achieve (yas’aa – ‫)یسعی‬
what exists before them (bayina ayidi-
him – ‫ ) بین ایدی ِھم‬and to fulfil their
commitments (bi-ayimaani-him –
‫ ;)بِایمانِھم‬they will pray “O our
Sustainer, let our insight reach its
climax and grant us your protection;
for you are the one Who determines
the values and laws for everything (8).
O Exalted Messenger, strive against
the deniers of truth and hypocrites,
and be stern with them. Their
َ‫وح َوا ْم َرأت‬ َ َّ
ٍ ُ‫ب اللـهُ َمثَ ًَّل لِّل ِذينَ َكفَرُوا ا ْم َرأتَ ن‬ َّ َ ‫ض َر‬ َ destination is hell, and that’s a vile
‫صالِ َح ْي ِن‬ َ ‫ لُو ٍط ۚ َكانَتَا تَحْ تَ َع ْب َد ْي ِن ِم ْن ِعبَا ِدنَا‬destination (9).
‫يل ا ْد ُخ ََّل‬ َ ِ‫ فَخَ انَتَاهُ َما فَلَ ْم يُ ْغنِيَا َع ْنهُ َما ِمنَ اللَّـ ِه َش ْيئًا َوق‬For the deniers of truth God has
﴾١٠﴿ َ‫اخلِين‬ ِ ‫ار َم َع ال َّد‬َ َّ‫ الن‬given an example of Noah and Lot’s
barren communities (amra’ata –
‫)امرات‬. Both of those were under two
of our reformer servants, but they
betrayed both of them; so both of
them could not avail any respite from
God and were told to enter the fire of
remorse along with other entrants
ْ‫ب اللَّـهُ َمثَ ًَّل لِّلَّ ِذينَ آ َمنُوا ا ْم َرأَتَ فِرْ عَوْ نَ إِ ْذ قَالَت‬ َ ‫ض َر‬ َ ‫( َو‬10).
َّ ْ ً
َ‫ َربِّ اب ِْن لِي ِعندَكَ بَ ْيتا فِي ال َجن ِة َونَ ِّجنِي ِمن فِرْ عَوْ ن‬And for those who attained to faith,
﴾١١﴿ َ‫ َو َع َملِ ِه َونَ ِّجنِي ِمنَ ْالقَوْ ِم الظَّالِ ِمين‬God also quotes the example of the
poor and deprived community of the
Pharaoh (amra’ata Fir’oun – ‫امرات‬
‫ )فرعون‬when it prayed, “O Lord, build
for us an abode in the coming life of
peace and protection and save us
from Pharaoh and his subordinates
and thus save us from the gang of
tyrants (11).
‫َت فَرْ َجهَا فَنَفَ ْخنَا فِي ِه‬ ْ ‫صن‬ َ ْ‫ َو َمرْ يَ َم ا ْبنَتَ ِع ْم َرانَ الَّتِي أَح‬And look at the example of Maryam
ْ ‫ت َربِّهَا َو ُكتُبِ ِه َو َكان‬
َ‫َت ِمن‬ ِ ‫ت بِ َكلِ َما‬ ْ َ‫ص َّدق‬
َ ‫وحنَا َو‬ِ ُّ‫ ِمن ر‬daughter of Imran who strengthened
﴾١٢﴿ َ‫ ْالقَانِتِين‬and fortified her weaknesses (ahsanat

farja-ha – ‫)احصنت فرجھا‬, so We infused
in her our spirit and she proved the
injunctions of her Sustainer and His
books as true; and she was among
Transliteration: the true devotees(12).”

“Ya ayyuha-an-Nabiyyu li-ma Meanings of some important words in

tuharrimu ma ahalla-Allahu laka, the above text from Authentic
tabtaghi mardhaata azwaaji-ka; wa- lexicons:-
Allahu Ghafoorun-Raheem (1). Qad
faradh-Al-laahu la-kum tahillata Siin-Ra-Ra ‫ اسر‬:‫= س ر ر‬
glad/delight/happiness/joy/rejoice. sarra - to speak
ayimaani-kum; wa-Allahu mowlaa- secretly, divulge a secret, manifest a secret. secret, heart,
kum; wa huwa al-‘Aleem-ul-Hakeem conscience, marriage, origin, choice part, mystery, in
(2). Wa idh asarr-an-Nabiyyu ilaa ba’dhi private, to conceal/reveal/manifest. sarir - couch/throne.

azwaaji-hi hadeethan fa-lamma nabb’at Sad-Gh-Ya : ‫ = ص غ ت‬to incline, lean, bend, bow,
bi-hi wa azhara-hu-Allahu ‘alayi-hi pay attention, give ear, hearken, listen.
‘arrafa ba’dha-hu wa a’radha ‘an
ba’dhin, fa-lamma nabba’a-ha bi-hi Za-ha-Ra ‫ = ظ ه ر‬to appear, become
qaalat man amba’a-ka haadha; qaala distinct/clear/open/manifest, come out, ascend/mount,
get the better of, know, distinguish, be obvious, go forth,
nabba’ani al-Aleem-ul-Khabeer (3). In enter the noon, neglect, have the upper hand over,
tatubaa ila-Allahi fa-qad saghat qulubu- wound on the back.
zahara - to help/back/support in the sense of
kuma; wa in tazaaharaa ‘alayi-hi fa- collaboration.
inna-Allahahuwa mowlaa-hu wa zihar - was a practice of the pre-Islamic days of the
Jibreelu wa saalih-ul-mo’mineen; wa-al- Arabs by which the wife was kept in suspense,
sometimes for the whole of her life having neither the
malaa’ikatu ba’da dhaalika zaheer (4). position of a wife nor that of a divorced woman free to
‘Asaa Rabbu-hu in tallaqa-kunna an marry elsewhere. The word zihar is derived from zahr
meaning back.
yubdila-hu azwaajan khayiram min-
kunna muslimaatin, mo’minaatin, : ‫ سائحات‬siyahat - travel/journey/tour. saihun -
qaanitaatin, taa’ibaatin, ‘aabidaatin, devotee, wandering, one who fasts, one who holds
saa’ihaatin, thayyibaatin wa abkaara (5). himself back from doing or saying or thinking evil.
Ya ayyuhal-lazina aamanu qoo anfusa-
Ba-Kaf-Ra =‫ب ک ر ؛ ابکارات‬: Beginning of the
kum wa ahlee-kum naaran waquduhaa day, first part of the day, early morning, between
an-naasu wa al-hijaaratu, ‘alayiha daybreak and sunrise
malaa’ikatun ghilaazun shidaadun la Possessing the quality of applying oneself early, or in
ya’soona-Allaha ma amara-hum wa Performing something at the commencement of it, or
yaf’aloona ma yu’maroon (6). Ya doing something early
ayyuhal-lazina kafaroo la ta’tadhiroo Before it's time, preceding or took precedence

alyouma; inna-ma tujzowna ma kuntum Miim-Ra-Ta = ‫مرت؛ امرات‬: A waterless desert

ta’maloon (7). in which is no herbage: Render a thing smooth,
Ya ayyuhal-lazina aamanu tuboo ila- remove a thing from its place, to break a thing,

Allahi tawbatan nasoohan ‘asaa Rabbu- to be without water and herbage; barren;
kum an yukaffara ‘an-kum sayyi’aati- rendered unproductive; A man having no hair
kum wa yudkhila-kum jannaatin tajri upon his eyebrows/body.
min tahti-ha al-anhaaru youma la Fa-Ra-Jiim = To open, separate, cleave, split,
yukhzi-Allahu al-Nabiyya wal-lazina enlarge, part, let a space between, make a room,
aamanu ma’a-hu; nooru-hum yas’aa comfort anything in, dispel cares. An opening,
bayina ayidi-him wa bi-ayimaani-him intervening space [gap or breach] between two
things. Ex: Parting hind legs or intervening spaces
yaquloona Rabbana atmim lanaa noora- between fingers. He opened, made room, ample
na waghfir lanaa; inna-ka ‘alaa kulli space. Furijat - Cloven, split, rent, opened. All the
shayi’in qadeer (8). Ya ayyuha-an- borders lines and places of risk and danger are
figuratively called Farj (Mufarradaat).
Nabiyyu jaahid-il-kuffaara wa-al-
munaafiqeena waghluz ‘alayi-him; wa
maawa-hum Jhannamu; wa bi’sa-al-
maseer (9). Dharaba-Allahu mathalan
lillazina kafaroo amra’ata Noohin wa
amra’ata Lootin; kaanata tahta ‘abdayini
min ‘ibaadina saaliheeni fa-khaanataa-
huma fa-lam yughniyaa ‘un-huma min-
Allahi shayi’an wa qeela udkhulaa an-
naara ma’a ad-daakhileen (10). Wa
dharaba-Allahu mathalan
lillazinaaamanu amra’ata Fir’ouna idh
qaalat Rabba ibni li ‘indaka bayitan fil-
Jannati wa najjini min Fir’ouna wa
‘amali-hi wa najjini min al-qowm-iz-
zaalimeen (11). Wa Maryama ibnata
‘Imraana allati ahsanat farja-ha, fa-
nafakh-na fi-hi min roohi-na wa
saddaqat bi-kalimaati Rabbi-ha wa
kutubi-hi wa kaanat min al-qaaniteen


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