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Amid calls to cut back or even ban added sugars, scientists hunt
for alternative ways to SATISFY OUR CRAVINGS

SUGAR IS TOXIC. The fat and es: coffee and sports drinks, juices, grain-based
desserts, candy, and ready-to-eat cereals.
sodium we’ve spent so much time fretting over
Naturally, the food and beverage indus-
may in fact be the lesser of the evils in our diet. tries—and the sweetener purveyors who sup-
New evidence suggests that sugar—and pos- ply them—officially disagree with sugar’s bad
sibly artificial sweeteners—might be the ulti- rap. That position hasn’t changed in 40 years.
mate cause of high blood pressure, high choles- But they are increasingly looking for ways to
terol, heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease. reduce added sugars in their products by com-
Natural sugars in our diet aren’t the ones on bining natural and artificial sweeteners, adding
trial here. It’s added sugars that are under great- flavor enhancers to improve the taste of low- or
er scrutiny than ever before. Former New York zero-calorie sweeteners, and even searching for
City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s 2012 effort new kinds of sweeteners. They hope to avoid

to curb the sale of supersized soft drinks put a regulation as public health officials and govern-
spotlight on the added sugars in soda. But added ment agencies consider ways to curb how much
sugars are prevalent in many foods and beverag- sugar we consume.
CEN.ACS.ORG 11 AUGUST 4, 20 14

Some scientists, however, argue that the difference in how we metabolize natural saccharides and in table sugar sucrose is
evidence against added sugar is so damning and added sugars, the statement notes. a disaccharide. But that matters little be-
that we need to remove it from our diets But foods high in added sugars tend to be cause sugar’s disaccharide breaks apart in
entirely. Leading the crusade is endocri- higher in calories and lower in essential the low pH of soft drinks and in the diges-
nologist Robert H. Lustig of the University nutrients and dietary fiber. tive tract.
of California, San Francisco. Lustig doesn’t “In dealing with an obesity and public Although this subject was once a source
mince words when he calls sugar “the most health crisis, the worst thing we can do is of heated debate, scientists, the sugar and
demonized additive known to man.” tell people not to have sugar,” Clydesdale corn trade associations, and consumer
Lustig coauthored a paper providing says. “A sweetened drink is fine once in a groups now agree that there is no signifi-
the basis for the American Heart Associa- while. The biggest problem is that we are cant nutritional difference between sugar
tion’s recommendation that men consume eating too darn much of everything. We’ve and HFCS (Physiol. Rev. 2010, DOI: 10.1152/
less than 150 calories (37.5 g or about 9 got to cut down.” physrev.00019.2009). In fact, the three key
teaspoons) of added sugar per day. That’s dietary monosaccharides—glucose (starch
about the amount in one regular 12-oz soft sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), and galactose
drink. For women, the recommendation SUGAR ESSENTIALS (milk sugar)—all have the same caloric
is less than 100 calories (25 g or about 6 count, 4 cal/g.
teaspoons). Among added sugars the most common is But there are differences once they
Although added-sugar consumption in table sugar, or sucrose. It’s a disaccharide enter the bloodstream. Insulin-regulated
the U.S. remains significantly higher than it made of equal amounts of glucose and fruc- glucose is involved in getting energy into
was 50 years ago, the amount we take in has tose and is typically derived from cane or cells throughout the body, whereas insulin-
gone down during the past 15 years. Still, sugar beet juice. In the U.S., high-fructose independent fructose plays a role in glyco-
the average American consumes more than corn syrup (HFCS) is a close second. HFCS gen, triglyceride, and cholesterol produc-
double AHA’s recommendation—some 365 cropped up as a sweetener in the 1970s when tion in the liver. Meanwhile, galactose is
calories per day, according to the Depart- sugar import tariffs and corn subsidies sud- converted to glucose in the liver.
ment of Agriculture’s Economic Research denly made it a cheap sugar substitute. Its Lustig suggests that abnormal spikes
Service. introduction coincided with an increase in in sugar cause trouble by interfering with
Not everyone thinks the case against added sugar in the average American’s diet. normal regulation of insulin, leptin, and
added sugar is as clear as Lustig makes it HFCS is made by hydrolyzing the poly- ghrelin. These hormones control glucose
out to be. Fergus M. Clydesdale, a food sci- saccharides in cornstarch to form glucose and fat metabolism and signal hunger and
the feeling of being full to the brain (Nature
2012, DOI: 10.1038/482027a).
WE ASKED READERS, “What sweetener do you prefer?” They responded
Lustig posits that fructose is the most
via Facebook and Twitter. If you missed the poll but want to weigh in go to
damaging. Some fructose is converted to
glycogen for immediate energy purposes,
he notes. As with ethanol in alcoholic bev-
Saccharin (Sweet’N Low) “I can’t stand nonsugar
2% erages, any excess is converted to liver fat.
Other sweeteners.”
Agave nectar 9% This can eventually overwhelm the liver,
Lustig believes, leading to a condition
Aspartame Just plain
(Equal, known as insulin resistance.
table sugar
NutraSweet) 37% “Sugar because it doesn’t give The long-term result is fatty liver dis-
6% a swimming pool aftertaste.” ease, Lustig says, which leads to obesity,
Stevia heart disease, and diabetes. Lustig’s review
of global diabetes and nutrition data has
(Splenda) Honey “Maple syrup because of its convinced him that obesity does not cause
15% 20%
supreme deliciousness.” diabetes—however, too much sugar does
Total responses = 54
(PLOS One 2013, DOI: 10.1371/journal.
Given the complex biochemistry of the
ence policy expert at the University of Mas- and then enzymatically isomerizing most human body, Lustig’s theory may be hard to
sachusetts, Amherst, thinks that the data of the glucose to fructose. The industry prove experimentally. But in one research
don’t condemn sugar but rather suggest its started calling the sweetener “high-fruc- study, genetically engineered mice unable
moderation. tose corn syrup” to indicate that during to metabolize fructose appeared to be pro-
Clydesdale points to a position state- processing the fructose level reaches 90%. tected from these health problems (Nat.
ment by the Academy of Nutrition & But in the formulations most commonly Commun. 2013, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3434).
Dietetics noting that consumers can used in foods and beverages, the final frac- Critics note that most studies of the
safely enjoy a range of natural and artificial tion of fructose is adjusted down to 55% or health effects of added sugar have looked
sweeteners when consumed within an 42% by diluting with more glucose. at animals, not humans. The handful of hu-
eating plan that follows federal nutrition As a consequence, its glucose-fructose man studies done so far draws on national
guidelines (J. Acad. Nutr. Diet. 2012, DOI: ratio is not so different from that of table surveys. As such they provide only correla-
10.1016/j.jand.2012.03.009). There is no sugar, except in HFCS the sugars are mono- tions between sugar and health outcomes.

C EN.ACS.ORG 12 AUGUST 4, 20 14
A SWEET SAMPLERThe innate human need to taste something sweet has led to the development of many sweeteners.

sweeteners Artificial sweeteners
Sucrose (table sugar) Honey Saccharin (Sweet’N Low)
HO 4 1.1 50 O
Maple syrup S
4 1.0 54
4 1.0 68 0 300 0
Agave syrup
4 1.5 15
Glucose (dextrose) Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal)

4 1.7 19

4 0.7 100
High-fructose corn syrup 4 180 0
(fructose:glucose = 55:45)
Others: trehalose, galactose,
maltose, lactose, brown rice syrup,
barley malt syrup, molasses Acesulfame-K (Sweet One, Sunett)
4 1.2 58
O N– K+

Sugar alcohols (polyols) New sweeteners O

Sugar alcohols (polyols) New sweeteners
Erythritol Rebaudioside A or stevia (Truvia, Pure Via)
OH HO 0 200 0
OH Sucralose (Splenda)
0.2 0.6 2
Sorbitol HO
0 250 0 0 600 0
2.6 0.5 9

Tagatose Others: Norbu Others: neotame, cyclamate,

Others: xylitol, maltitol, (mogroside advantame
mannitol, isomalt, lactitol OH HO from monk fruit)
1.5 0.9 3

Key: ◼ Calories per gram ◼ Sweetness indexa ◼ Glycemic indexb

Glycemic index of common foods

Baked potato, 110 Cornflakes, 90 White rice, 89 White bread, 70 Apple, 39 Black beans, 30
NOTE: Most common sweeteners are mentioned; there are many others out there. a Relative to sucrose. b A measure of how much a food raises a person’s blood glucose;
glucose is defined as 100. SOURCES:, International Table of Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load Values,, company data

CEN.ACS.ORG 13 AUGUST 4, 20 14

For example, a study published earlier health outcomes than people who don’t. have oversweetened our food supply. It’s
this year evaluating data from the National To test the idea, Swithers and her team important that the public understands the
Health & Nutrition Examination Survey have observed that rats consuming a science in order to help them make the best
found that the average American derives noncaloric sweetener, such as saccharin- health decisions.”
14.9% of their calories from added sugar. sweetened yogurt, failed to adjust their
Those who derived 17 to 21% of calories food intake to account for the sweetener’s
from added sugar had a 38% greater risk lack of calories. The animals overate and NEW OPTIONS
of dying from cardiovascular disease gained more weight than rats receiving
compared with those who consumed only sugar-sweetened yogurt. Consumers seem to be getting the mes-
8% of their calories from added sugar Swithers says the inability to accurately sage. People in the U.S. have been shifting
(JAMA Intern. Med. 2014, DOI: 10.1001/ predict the arrival of energy in the gut ap- away from carbonated soft drinks and to-
jamainternmed.2013.13563). pears to weaken the cascade of hormone- ward bottled water, tea, and energy drinks
controlled events that leads to the feeling for years. But they defected at an even fast-
of being full. Swithers has also observed er rate in 2013, according to data reported
CUTTING BACK this unexpected effect in lab animals with by Beverage Digest, an industry newsletter.
fat substitutes used in snack foods. Per capita consumption of carbonated soft
An obvious way to reduce added sugar is to Additional evidence comes from func- drinks is at its lowest level since 1986.
rely more on artificial sweeteners. Their in- tional magnetic resonance imaging studies But that’s not to say our appetite for
tense sweetness means we can use less. But of the brain. In one example, Erin Green added sugar is gone. Far from it. To satisfy
this switch may not have the intended the innate urge to eat something sweet,
benefit, according to Purdue University scientists and manufacturers are look-
SWEET TOOTHThe American Heart
behavioral neuroscientist Susan E. ing for ways to reduce sugar in the prod-
Association’s added sugar recommendations
Swithers, who studies correlations be- ucts we love.
tween eating and weight management. Women limit added sugar It’s a difficult problem. “Sugar plays
“Substituting a part of the diet with to 100 calories per day or many functional roles in foods and bev-
a similar-tasting item that has fewer or about 6 teaspoons erages, from taste to providing the tex-
zero calories sounds like a common- ture of creamy foods and the appealing
sense approach to lose weight and possi- Men limit added sugar to browning of baked goods,” Clydesdale
150 calories per day or
bly improve health,” Swithers says. “But about 9 teaspoons says. Artificial sweeteners, such as sac-
common sense is not always right.” charin or sucralose, are more intense so
When the mouth tastes something The average American we use less. They are also zero calorie
sweet, it tells the body to prepare for actually consumes 365 and don’t increase blood glucose levels,
the calories, Swithers notes. But when calories per day or about which are blessings to diabetics. But
23 teaspoons
those calories aren’t present, she be- they can’t replace all of sugar’s proper-
lieves the body’s mechanisms to con- ties, he notes.
trol food intake become ineffective. And they can come with an objec-
Swithers points to Russian digestive tionable bitter aftertaste. As humans
physiologist Ivan Pavlov’s research on evolved, the need to identify nutritious
conditioned responses to explain. In foods such as fruits, vegetables, and
Pavlov’s classic experiment, he learned grains resulted in a single sweet-taste
that making a sound when giving food to a and Claire Murphy of San Diego State Uni- receptor in the taste buds on the tongue—a
dog would condition the dog to associate versity and the University of California, G protein-coupled receptor dimer known
the sound with the presentation of food. San Diego, compared people who regularly as T1R2/T1R3. But the ability to taste some-
When hearing the sound, the dog would sali- drank diet sodas with those who didn’t thing bitter, often a sign of toxicity, was
vate whether the food was delivered or not. drink diet sodas. perhaps more important: Humans have
“Pavlov demonstrated that there are While brain scans were under way, the some 25 bitter receptors.
many cues—when we see and smell some- researchers randomly had study partici- About a decade ago, when scientists
thing and then when it hits our mouths— pants sip sugar water or saccharin water. began to better understand these recep-
that trigger physiological responses and The reward-processing regions of the brain tors, they started to use high-throughput
help us prepare for what is going to arrive that lit up differed sharply, depending on screening techniques to identify new
in our bodies,” Swithers says. “So if we trick past diet drink consumption, not what the sweetener additives that might block the
the mouth and interrupt that conditioned participants were drinking at the time. bitter aftertaste of artificial sweeteners.
response with an artificial sweetener, it is According to Swithers, the findings sug- They’ve used the same methods to find ad-
going to be problematic.” gest that, once fooled, the brain’s sweet ditives that might enhance the sweetness
Swithers reviewed research studies that processing system may no longer be able to of sugar and HFCS. The technology is al-
explored links between consuming zero- or reliably gauge calorie intake. lowing scientists to come up with sweeten-
low-calorie sweeteners and overeating, “I am a scientist, but I am also a consum- er taste packages that optimize the desired
weight gain, and health problems. She con- er, so it is hard to differentiate sometimes sweet taste with fewer calories.
cluded that people who consume artificially my scientific versus my personal opin- For example, Givaudan’s TasteSolu-
sweetened beverages don’t have any better ions,” Swithers admits. “But it is clear we tions line of flavor ingredients includes

C EN.ACS.ORG 14 AUGUST 4, 20 14
4-(2,2,3-trimethylcyclopentyl)butanoic tagatose doesn’t bind to digestive enzymes Tagatose also functions well in ice cream
acid, which reduces the bitterness of ar- the same way and is not fully metabolized. and soft drinks, Kim says, and it produces
tificial sweeteners (Curr. Biol. 2010, DOI: Tagatose controls blood glucose levels, good browning for baking. However, it
10.1016/j.cub.2010.04.043). Senomyx’s Kim explains, because it inhibits carbohy- exists in small amounts in nature. CJ
Sweetmyx products include heterocy- drate digestion in the small intestine and CheilJedang has therefore developed a
clic compounds such as aryl-substituted promotes glucose conversion to glycogen two-step process to produce tagatose from
thioureas and benzothiadiazines, which in the liver. In taste tests people rate the the disaccharide lactose derived from milk
have structures that resemble saccharin sweetness and texture of tagatose and sug- processing. Lactose is first hydrolyzed into
and improve sugar’s sweetness (Proc. ar as being about the same, she notes. galactose and glucose by β-galactosidase,
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2010, DOI: 10.1073/
But scientists continue to hunt for a
natural sugarlike molecule that is low-cal,
tastes the same as sugar, and imparts the
same functional properties.
One popular alternative is stevia. Origi-
nating in South America, the stevia plant
has been used as a sweetener in some
countries for years. In the past decade,
scientists have managed to isolate a series
of the plant’s sweet-tasting glucose-coated
diterpene molecules, called steviol glyco-
sides. Rebaudioside A, the version with the
most preferred taste profile, is more than
200 times as sweet as sugar and has little
or no effect on blood glucose levels. The
sweetener is available in Cargill’s Truvia
used by Coca-Cola, PureCircle’s Pure Via
used by PepsiCo, and others.
Stevia’s taste has a slower onset, and it
retains its sweet taste longer than sugar. But
at high concentrations it imparts an unfa-
vorable aftertaste. To counter that, Truvia,
for example, is made up of 90% erythritol
mixed with rebaudiosides and natural fla-
vor additives. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol
commonly used as a bulking agent to take
up dead space so that artificial sweeteners
behave more like sugar. Erythritol is about
60% as sweet as sugar, and at 0.2 cal/g has
5% of the calories, which is low enough to be
considered zero calorie on nutrition labels.
Just as they did with saccharin, cycla-
mate, and other artificial sweeteners, regu-
latory agencies and consumer advocacy
groups have questioned stevia’s safety. Al-
though stevia has stood up to this scrutiny,
the search for alternatives continues.
Another promising sweetener is taga-
tose, a stereoisomer of fructose. Unlike
fructose, tagatose is a little less sweet than
sugar. But it has a calorie count of 1.5 cal/g
relative to sugar’s 4 cal/g and only slightly
affects blood glucose levels, according
to Yang Hee Kim, a senior scientist at CJ
CheilJedang, a South Korean sweetener
producer. The company is trying to intro-
duce tagatose to a global market.
The minor structural difference be-
tween fructose and tagatose means that

CEN.ACS.ORG 15 AUGUST 4, 20 14

and then galactose is converted into taga- Agave syrup, which has become a popu- emptying and stimulates production of
tose by l-arabinose isomerase. lar sweetener recently, is obtained by cook- insulin. López thinks they are promising.
The company currently produces 2,000 ing down the raw plant and is about 85% “Our study represents the first attempt to
metric tons of tagatose per year for table fructose monosaccharide. Being high in evaluate agavins as sweeteners,” she says.
consumption. But Kim is enthusiastic fructose is not particularly desirable, López
about the prospects of tagatose catching on admits. But agavins are mildly sweet with
as a full sugar replacement. no aftertaste. And the largely nondigestible PUBLIC PRESSURE
Scientists are also taking a closer look at fiber would not be expected to raise blood MOUNTS
natural sweeteners such as honey, maple glucose, but it would help people feel fuller
syrup, and molasses. Beyond their primary so they would eat less. No matter how many substitutes become
constituents glucose and fructose, these López and her team wondered whether available in the attempt to improve on
sweeteners contain other classes of bioac- agavins might have beneficial effects simi- sugar, society’s current means of sweeten-
tive compounds including complex car- lar to inulin, a related polysaccharide found ing its food isn’t ideal. Public officials and
bohydrates, amino acids, and polyphenols in wheat, bananas, and other plants. Inulin health regulatory agencies are under pres-
that might impart health benefits, scien- has been shown to help increase insulin sure to start finding solutions.
tists have found (C&EN, April 14, page 10). secretion and has been used as a sugar Two-thirds of the nearly 1,300 respon-
The complex carbohydrates in particular substitute by diabetics for years. It is also dents to a 2013 New England Journal of Med-
could offer a sweet advantage. For example, now being used as a bulking agent in some icine poll favored government regulation of
earlier this year at the American Chemical stevia-based sweeteners. sugar (DOI: 10.1056/nejmclde1215057).
Society national meeting in Dallas, Mercedes The researchers found that mice re- But opposition remains, as New York
G. López of the Center for Research & Ad- ceiving agavin supplements in their water City’s experience shows. A judge blocked
vanced Studies of the National Polytechnic eat less, gain less weight, and have lower implementation of Bloomberg’s proposed
Institute, in Mexico, described studies on blood glucose levels compared with mice regulation on sugary soft drinks because
the composition and potential health ben- that consume sweeteners such as sugar, it was not uniformly enforceable. Mean-
efits of agavins, which are branched polysac- agave syrup, and aspartame. Agavins also while, industry, advocacy groups, and oth-
charides (a type of dietary fiber) found in increase levels of glucagon-like peptide-1, ers argue that a 16-cal spoonful of sugar
agave, the plant used to make tequila. a hormone that slows the stomach from should be an unalienable right alongside

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C EN.ACS.ORG 16 AUGUST 4, 20 14
SUPERSWEETLugduname is estimated to HO O
be some 300,000 times as sweet as sugar and N
to be the sweetest molecule on the planet. The C
NH O perspective, that needs to be addressed.”
acetic acid group attached to guanidine along O She points to lessons learned from reduc-
with a perpendicular tail group is a molecular N N ing sodium to meet recommended healthy
arrangement set up to perfectly bind to the H
levels in the diet. When salt is not added to
human sweet-taste receptor on the tongue. processed or fresh prepared food, and the
consumer is given a saltshaker to add as
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. UMass’s Clydesdale suggests that instead much salt as they want, people tend to use
The range of public opinion represented of worrying about controlling added sugar, less salt overall, Swithers notes. She thinks
in the NEJM poll varied widely. Some fat, and sodium, “we should concentrate this behavior would hold for sugar as well.
believe personal responsibility should be on having people eat differently.” Food sci- Swithers also points to lessons learned
enough to control our sugar diet without ence has given us excellent-tasting low-cost with tobacco. Cigarettes have known
limits or an outright ban. Yet others point fresh, frozen, and canned prepared foods negative health consequences and no real
out that all of society must bear the conse- that contain vegetables and protein and are health benefits, she says. The use of age
quences of too much sugar, which include low in fat, sodium, and added sugar, Clydes- restrictions, higher taxes, scare-tactic la-
rising health care costs, lost wages, and dale says. “But the public backlash against beling, and peer pressure have drastically
reduced productivity. processed foods is preventing their broader curbed smoking, making it unnecessary
UC San Francisco’s Lustig is more adoption. I find it a great frustration that to resort to an outright ban. Swithers
blunt. Sugar has gone from being a condi- people line up to buy the latest electronic thinks that public health and government
ment to a dietary staple, Lustig says, and gadgets but they aren’t lining up to buy the agencies could use the same strategies
he thinks it should be controlled like a latest in food technology.” to reduce the use of natural and artificial
narcotic. “If a substance is abused and Part of the problem is that the economic sweeteners.
addictive and it contributes to societal incentive for buying foods is currently “It might be a so-called nanny state,”
problems,” he contends, “that’s criteria upside down, Purdue’s Swithers believes. Swithers says, “but I don’t think it is un-
for regulation.” Lustig believes sweeten- “It is often cheaper to buy processed foods reasonable as a start to tax sweetened
ers should at least be removed from the and eat at fast-food restaurants than it is to beverages, to restrict the size so that buy-
Food & Drug Administration’s “generally buy fresh foods at restaurants or to prepare ing more is more expensive, and to curtail
recognized as safe” list. them at home. From a public health policy advertising and marketing to children.” ◾

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CEN.ACS.ORG 17 AUGUST 4, 20 14

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