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Indian J Pediatr

DOI 10.1007/s12098-014-1559-4


Guest Editor: Bhim S. Pandhi

Acute Respiratory Distress in Children: Croup and Acute Asthma

B. S. Sharma & Dhananjay S. Shekhawat & Prity Sharma &
Chetan Meena & Hari Mohan

Received: 24 March 2014 / Accepted: 12 August 2014

# Dr. K C Chaudhuri Foundation 2014

Abstract Acute respiratory distress is one of the most com- Acute Respiratory Distress in Children
mon reason for emergency visits in children under 5 y of age.
An accurate understanding of the epidemiology of these dis- Any child with respiratory distress has a potential to progress
eases, identification of risk factors and etiology is critical for to respiratory failure. It includes:
successful treatment and prevention of related mortality. The
cause of acute respiratory distress varies in etiology, and hence 1. Altered breathing pattern (fast, slow, feeble or
is amenable to different treatment modalities. Depending on absent)
the predominant symptoms and signs, a child presenting to the 2. Forced breathing pattern or obstructed breathing
clinician can be divided into six groups, viz., stridor; cough, 3. Chest wall in drawing
fever and difficulty in breathing or fast breathing; wheezing;
mediastinal shift with severe respiratory distress; slow or Signs of respiratory failure include respiratory distress and
irregular breathing in absence of any pulmonary sign; and cyanosis along with central nervous system (CNS) and /or
respiratory distress with cardiac findings. A detailed history cardiovascular signs of hypoxemia.
followed by a thorough clinical examination and laboratory CNS signs of hypoxemia: Restlessness, obtunded sensori-
evaluation assisted by imaging modalities if indicated, helps um, somnolence, seizures and coma.
to establish the exact cause of respiratory distress in the child. Cardiovascular signs of hypoxemia: Marked tachycardia,
Early recognition and prompt institution of appropriate man- bradycardia, hypotension and cardiac arrest.
agement or referral can significantly improve the outcome of
this illness. This article offers clinicians a brief update on the Causes of Respiratory Distress in Children
general management guidelines of respiratory distress in pe-
diatric patients. Specific treatment depends on the exact cause, & Central nervous system disturbances (altered central reg-
however croup and acute severe asthma have been discussed ulation of respiration)
in this article. & Neuromuscular problems (paralysis or weakness of respi-
ratory muscles)
& Interference with air entry
Keywords Acute respiratory distress in children . Croup
syndrome . Acute severe asthma ○ Obstruction in the upper airways

▪ Acute laryngitis
▪ Laryngotracheitis
B. S. Sharma (*) : D. S. Shekhawat : C. Meena : H. Mohan
Department of Pediatric Medicine, S.M.S. Medical College, Jaipur, ▪ Diphtheria
Rajasthan 302004, India ▪ Foreign body aspiration
e-mail: [email protected] ○ Obstruction of the lower airways
P. Sharma
Department of Pediatric Medicine, Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur, ▪ Bronchiolitis
Rajasthan, India ▪ Bronchial asthma
Indian J Pediatr

○ Compression of lungs Differential Diagnosis

▪ Large pleural effusion Depending on the predominant symptoms and signs, a child
▪ Pneumothorax presenting to the clinician can be divided into following 6
& Interference with alveolar gas exchange
1. Stridor
○ Failure of alveolar ventilation
a. Acute laryngotracheitis (Viral croup): Usually a youn-
▪ Pneumonia ger child presenting with a viral prodrome of fever,
cough, coryza, suddenly develops a barking cough
& Cardiovascular problems and respiratory distress with stridor. Diagnosis in most
& Decreased tissue oxygen supply/ Increased oxygen cases can be established on clinical grounds and rou-
demand tine X-ray of neck is not recommended.
b. Bacterial tracheitis: It should be suspected when a
○ Congestive heart failure (CHF) clinical picture similar to that of viral croup is com-
○ Sepsis plicated by high grade fever, toxicity and copious
○ Severe anemia purulent tracheal secretions.
c. Foreign body in the larynx or trachea: An acute epi-
sode of coughing, choking or gagging followed by
stridor in infants and toddlers while eating nuts or
Diagnostic Evaluation playing with small objects is typical. However in 1/
3rd patients below 3 y of age, such a history may not
A. History be available. Unequal breath sounds on clinical ex-
amination combined with asymmetrical lung aeration
& Acute, recurrent or chronic and nature of progression on chest X-ray usually establishes the diagnosis. In
& Associated symptoms: cough, fever, rash, chest pain absence of these findings with a strong suspicion of
& Preceding events: foreign body inhalation, trauma, foreign body, a CT chest is recommended. Diagnostic
accident, exposure to chemical or environmental bronchoscopy may be indicated in exceptional cases.
irritants d. Diphtheria: Gradual onset with mild sore throat and
& Family history: exposure to infections, tuberculosis, moderate fever is usually present. A grayish membrane
atopy forms over the tonsils which may extend to affect the
larynx. The patient presents with harsh cough, hoarse
B. Physical examination voice, stridor, neck swelling and increased difficulty in
breathing. The child may be severely toxic and death
& Assess stability of airways and ventilation may occur due to laryngeal obstruction and an emer-
gency tracheostomy is required in certain cases.
i. Respiratory rate, rhythm, depth and work of e. Acute epiglottitis: It is a rare cause of stridor in India.
breathing Usually occurs in children between 2 and 7 y of age
ii. Color, level of activity and playfulness and very rarely below 2 y of age. Characteristically,
iii. Chest movements and indrawing of chest wall there is high grade fever of sudden onset, rapidly
iv. Abnormal sounds, stridor, wheezing and grunting progressing rattling or snoring, stridor, toxic appear-
(audible) ance, muffled voice, difficulty in swallowing. The
& Tracheal position child assumes a characteristic airway protective pos-
& Auscultation: air entry, type of breath sounds, adven- ture, i.e., sitting and leaning forward with protrusion
titious sounds (rhonchi, crepts etc.) of jaw and open mouth with drooling of saliva. X-ray
& Assessment of other symptoms lateral view of neck may be helpful. It shows a grossly
distended hypopharynx, swollen epiglottis and
C. Diagnostic workup aryepiglottic folds, and a normal subglottic airway.
f. Retro-pharyngeal abscess: High-grade fever, sore
& Routine blood investigations: CBC, septic profile, throat, inspiratory stridor and difficulty in swallowing.
blood culture Neck is generally hyper-extended, so as to achieve
& Imaging studies (X-ray, USG, as indicated) maximum airway. Lateral X-ray of the neck is
Indian J Pediatr

diagnostic. It shows airway narrowing, and widening 6. Associated finding of congestive cardiac failure
of retro-pharyngeal space. The presence of significant auscultatory findings on
g. Acute severe tonsillitis superimposed on tonsillar and examination of heart in association of congestive cardiac
adenoid hypertrophy is an important cause of severe failure indicates underlying heart disease. In children with
upper airway obstruction. congenital heart defects with a left to right shunt, there is
2. Cough, fever and difficulty in breathing or fast breathing an increased incidence of recurrent respiratory tract infec-
tions. In these patients, the respiratory distress might arise
a. Pneumonia: Cough, fever and difficulty in breathing either from CHF or a respiratory infection. Chest X-ray,
in the absence of signs of airway obstruction are echocardiography and ECG may be helpful in establish-
suggestive of pneumonia. Presence of grunting, chest ing the exact diagnosis.
wall indrawing, and inability to feed normally are
signs of severe disease.
3. Wheezing General Management

a. Bronchiolitis: Should be considered in any child less 1. General supportive measures

than 2 y of age with first episode of wheezing and
respiratory distress. There is usually a history of co- a. Positioning of the child: Allow the child to assume a
ryza 2–3 d preceding the onset of irritating cough, position of maximum comfort and allay the anxiety.
wheezing and respiratory distress. The chest may b. Minimize handling in procedures: If the diagnosis is
appear barrel shaped. Auscultation reveals reduced established, there is no urgency to agitate the child for
air entry, bilateral fine crepitations and sibilant blood sampling.
rhonchi. c. Ensure adequacy of circulation, maintenance of tem-
b. Acute asthma is one of the most common causes of perature and hydration.
wheezing in children. Family history of allergy, his- 2. Oxygen should be administered when the child is
tory of severe attacks in past, intractable cough, expi- cyanosed or have stridor, wheeze, tachypnea with inter-
ratory wheeze and multiple adventitious sounds on costal retractions. Humidified oxygen is administered to
auscultation are characteristic. Attacks are frequently prevent the drying up of epithelium of the respiratory
precipitated by exposure to allergens, infections, ex- passages and ciliary dysfunction. Oxygen should be ad-
ercise, and sometimes by emotional disturbance. ministered without agitating the child.
c. Bronchitis and pneumonia may be associated with 3. Children with severe respiratory distress, cyanosis (due to
wheezing and can be confused with the first attack respiratory cause) and impending respiratory failure
of asthma. This is secondary to airway edema and should be referred immediately after initial stabilization
mucus production. A clinical picture consistent with to a higher center for further treatment.
infection and a chest X-ray are helpful for its differ- 4. Specific management depends on the etiology. The de-
entiation from asthma. tailed discussion of each condition is beyond the scope of
d. Foreign body aspiration: There is usually a sudden this article; however the authors will discuss here the man-
onset with cough, choking and onset of stridor and agement of croup and acute asthma.
wheezing. Stridor may occur initially but once the
foreign body slips below carina, stridor disappears
and wheezing predominates.
4. Mediastinal shift Croup Syndrome

a. Pleural effusion / Empyema Croup syndrome is most common cause of stridor in children,
b. Atelectasis and primarily affects children between 3 mo and 5 y of age,
c. Pneumothorax with the peak in the 2nd year of life. The term “croup syn-
These conditions can be diagnosed on the basis of drome” refers to a group of diseases that vary in anatomic
a meticulous clinical examination, chest X-ray, and involvement and etiologic agents and includes:
pleural tap / bronchoscopy, if needed.
5. Bradypnea and/or irregular breathing & Laryngotracheitis
In the absence of history or physical findings sugges- & Spasmodic croup
tive of primary respiratory illness, bradypnea and/or ir- & Bacterial tracheitis
regular breathing is most likely to be due to depression of & Laryngotracheobronchitis
central nervous system. & Laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis
Indian J Pediatr


(without stridor or significant (stridor and chest wall indrawing (stridor at rest and indrawing of
chest wall indrawing at rest) at rest without agitation) the sternum associated with
agitation or lethargy)

Minimize intervention Minimize intervention (as for

Give oral dexamethasone 0.6 mg/kg Place child on parent’s lap moderate croup)
Educate parents Provide position of comfort Provide ‘blow-by’ oxygen
− Anticipated course of illness
(optional unless cyanosis is
− Signs of respiratory distress
− When to seek medical
Give oral dexamethasone 0.6 mg/kg

Nebulize epinephrine
− Racemic epinephrine 2.25%
May discharge home without (0.5 ml in 2.5 ml saline)
further observation Nebulize with epinephrine or
− L-epinephrine 1:1000 (5 ml)
Give oral dexamethasone (0.6
mg/kg): may repeat once
Sustained improvement as No or minimal improvement − If vomiting / too distressed to
evidenced by no longer take oral medication, consider
having: administering budesonide (2
− Chest wall indrawing Nebulize with epinephrine
mg) nebulized with
− Stridor at rest epinephrine
Educate parents (as for mild
Discharge home

Good response to nebulized Poor response to nebulized

epinephrine epinephrine

Observe for 2 h Repeat nebulized epinephrine

Persistent mild symptoms Recurrence of severe respiratory Poor response to nebulized

No recurrences of: distress: epinephrine
− Chest wall indrawing Repeat nebulized epinephrine
− Stridor at rest If good response continue to
observe Shift to pediatric ICU for
Provide education (as for mild
further management

Discharge Home
Fig. 1 Treatment algorithm of croup
Indian J Pediatr

Acute viral infection is the most common cause of croup, & Children with pre-existing upper airway narrowing such
but bacterial and atypical agents have also been identified as sub-glottic stenosis and those having Down’s syndrome
[1, 2]. are at higher risk of severe croup.

Clinical Features A. Supportive Care

Initial prodromal phase lasting 12–48 h is associated with & Child should be calm and comfortable. Agitation may
rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, low-grade fever, with or without worsen airway obstruction.
cough, following which there is gradual development of the & Do not examine the throat with a tongue depressor.
triad of barking cough, hoarseness, and inspiratory stridor.
Fever may or may not be present. B. Oxygen
Child may develop more severe obstruction with inspira- ‘Blow-by’ (administration of oxygen through a plastic
tory stridor at rest, increased heart rate, respiratory rate, nasal hose with the end opening held near the child’s nose and
flaring, chest wall retractions, progressive hypoxia and cya- mouth) oxygenation is often the most beneficial way of
nosis. Symptoms may worsen at night, with agitation and on administering oxygen and should be reserved for children
crying. Mild illness lasts for 3–7 d, but in the severe form it having moderate to severe croup. Current evidence does
can last upto 2 wk. not support the role of humidified air in management of
Spasmodic croup tends to occur at evening or night in croup [3].
young children between 3 mo and 3 y of age. The child
awakens with a characteristic barking cough, stridor and C. Pharmacological Management
respiratory distress and is usually afebrile. Symptoms
usually subside within several hours. Less severe attacks
without severe respiratory distress may occur for the next 1. Adrenaline [4, 5]
two or three successive nights. Spasmodic croup repre- • Mechanism of action: Constriction of capillary
sents an allergic reaction to viral antigens rather than a arterioles resulting in consequent decrease in la-
direct infection. ryngeal mucosal edema.
• Duration of action: ≤ 2 h
Diagnosis • Efficacy: Racemic and L-epinephrine are equally
efficacious (Racemic form not available in India)
The diagnosis of croup is made on clinical grounds. Radiog- • Indications: Moderate to severe stridor at rest, the
raphy is not routinely indicated. possible need for intubation, respiratory distress, and
Management of Croup (Fig. 1) ♦ Dose: 0.5 ml/kg/dose of 1:1,000 L-
epinephrine in 2.5 ml of normal saline
via nebulizer
♦ Frequency: Repeat every 2 hourly if
& Assess severity of airway obstruction and NOT the stridor. needed. Where possible, nebulisation
Worsening obstruction may lead to soft stridor. should be driven by oxygen
& Repeated clinical assessment is the key. ♦ Maximum dose: 5 ml

Table 1 Pulmonary score index

Score Respiratory rate Wheezing present* Accessory muscles usage

<6y >6 y

0 < 30 <20 None No apparent activity

1 31–45 21–35 Terminal expiration with stethoscope Questionable increase
2 46–60 36–50 Entire expiration with stethoscope Increase apparent
3 >60 >50 During inspiration and expiration without stethoscope Maximal activity
Add Score 0–3 Mild *If wheezing is absent (due to minimal air flow), score >3
4–6 Moderate
>6 Severe
Indian J Pediatr

& As its activity diminishes, symptoms of croup can reappear Dexamethasone: Most commonly used
& Use cautiously in patients with congenital heart disease ♦ Dose: 0.15 to 0.6 mg/kg orally (preferred),
such as Tetralogy of Fallot, or ventricular outlet IV, IM
obstruction. ♦ Frequency: Once
♦ Duration of action: 24 to 72 h
Nebulized Budesonide
2. Corticosteroids: [6–12] ♦ Efficacy equals to dexamethasone. Consider
Corticosteroids decrease edema of the laryngeal in children with emesis or severe respiratory
mucosa via their anti-inflammatory action. distress.

MILD (PS 0-3) MODERATE (PS 4-6) SEVERE (PS > 6)/Red flag signs
SA β2 agonist Oxygen Oxygen + I.V. fluids
MDI + spacer ± mask 4-6 SA β2 agonist neb q20 mins x 3 May switch to IV steroid
puffs q20 min x 3 or Continue SA β2 agonist neb q1h/
SA β2 agonist MDI + spacer ± 2 continuous
puffs q2-3 mins till 6 puffs x 3 Start Ipratropium neb q30 mins x 3 and
or then q6 h for 24 h
Sustained Not sustained
If inhalation therapy is not Observe over 1-2 h
4-6 h for 4-6 h or
risk factors,
− Adrenaline 0.01 ml/kg sc q20
start first dose
min x 3 If no response on above therapy:
rescue steroid
− Or Terbutaline 0.01 ml/kg s.c. IV magnesium sulfate 25-50 mg/kg + 50
1 mg/kg/d
one dose ml NS infusion over 30 mins stat (max 2g)
Commence /continue rescue IV aminophylline 5 mg/kg bolus followed
steroid by IV infusion 0.8-1 mg/kg/h
Observe hourly for 3-4 h Terbutaline infusion if no response: 2-10
SA β2 agonist neb q1 hour p.r.n. mcg/kg loading dose followed by infusion
of 0.1-0.4 mcg/kg/min

Sustained 4-6 h
Reduce SA β2 agonist q4-6 h No response/ill sustained response
Continue intensified ward plan
Blood gas studies
Possible intubation and mechanical
DISCHARGE CRITERIA ventilation with Ketamine and
Pulmonary score < 3 Midazolam/Fentanyl IV infusion
Comfortable Paralysis with Vecuronium, if required
Slept well at night
Feeding well

DISCHARGE PLAN Response sustained 4-6 h

Continue treatment with inhaled SA β2 agonist MDI + spacer Follow the principle ‘Last in-First out’
± mask q4-6 h till symptoms
Continue course of rescue steroid for 3-7 d (tapering not
Review adherence, trigger elimination, preventer drug use
Review/initiate long term strategy
Plan follow up visit within 7-14 d

Fig. 2 Management of acute severe asthma. PS Pulmonary score; SA Short acting; MDI Metered dose inhaler; NS Normal saline
Indian J Pediatr

Prednisolone & Arterial blood gases: rate of rise of PaCO2 >5 mm Hg/h,
♦ Dose: 1 mg/kg and prescribe a second dose PaCO2 >40 mm Hg, PaO2 <60 mm Hg, metabolic acidosis
for the next evening. (−Base excess >7–10)
In patients with severe distress or near respiratory & SpO2 on room air <92%
failure, the simultaneous administration of
budesonide and epinephrine is logical and may be
more effective than epinephrine alone.
3. Antibiotics
List of various causes of acute respiratory distress as illustrated
Antibiotics are not indicated in viral croup.
in the article will guide us in arriving to a precise diagnosis. A
Antibiotics are reserved for patients who have
thorough history, good clinical examination and judicious use of
evidence of laryngotracheobronchitis or
laboratory investigations and imaging can pinpoint the cause of
laryngotracheobronchopneumonitis, which have a
respiratory distress in majority of situations. In addition to the
bacterial disease component.
general principles of ABC, the treatment directed towards spe-
4. Analgesics and anti-pyretics
cific cause can be rewarding in most of the situations. Applying
Acetaminophen, may be given if the child has a fever.
the protocols of management of acute asthma and croup men-
tioned in the article can make the approach simple for the
5. Antitussive and decongestants not indicated.
treating physician in the ER.
D. Endotracheal intubation may be required only for a
brief period until laryngeal edema resolves for pa-
tients who have severe croup that does not respond Contributions BSS: Conceptualised the article and scrutinised and
to the previously cited therapies. finalised the contents; DS: Collected the material from different sources
and helped in writing the manuscript; PS: Searched the different refer-
ences and finally shaped the manuscript; CM: Helped in typing the
manuscript; HM: Helped in collection and compilation of data. BSS will
Criteria for Discharge act as guarantor for this paper.

& No stridor at rest Conflict of Interest None.

& Normal pulse oximetry
& Normal color Source of Funding None.
& Normal level of consciousness

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