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IJMRT: Volume (1), Issue 1, Month 2019 ISSN (Print) : 2663-2381

ISSN(Online) : 2663-4007

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

(A Peer Reviewed Journal)

Study the Effects of Tobacco Waste Ash and Waste Glass Powder
as a partial replacement of cement on Strength Characteristics of
Naveen Kumar A B1*, Vivekananthan V2, Chithra P3
Department of Civil, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Mettu University, Ethiopia.
Department of Construction Technology and Management, Faculty of Engineering & Technology,
Mettu University, Ethiopia.
Department of Civil Engineering, SSCET, Palani, Tamilnadu, India.
Corresponding author

The environmental problems that are related to cement manufacturing makes the new
studies to move forward to using materials having a less environmental impact, thus, in
this paper, the authors were utilizing Waste Glass Powder (WGP) that has high
percentage of silicon dioxide (SiO2) along with Tobacco Waste Ash (TWA) in different
concentrations. Utilization of these waste materials can be considered as keeping on
resources. The objective of this study is to partially replace WGP (size 80 µm) and
TWA at percentage of 5, 7.5, 10, and 12.5 respectively as replacing cement. The
strength characteristics of this new type of concrete are compared with that of the
conventional concrete. After mixing, casting, and curing in water for 7, 14, and 28 days
respectively, with respect to the experimental results of compressive, flexural and split
tensile strength tests values of the specimens were assessed. The experimental results
reveal that the compressive and split tensile tests values of the specimens increases by
adding at 10% of WGP and 10% of TWA , whereas flexural strength test values
increases at the 12.5% of WGP and 12.5 % of TWA. The test results show that the
partial replacement of the waste glass powder and Tobacco Waste ash combination can
be a good substitute for cement. Apart from the strength, the new type of concrete helps
to recycle the wastes of glass and Tobacco, and thereby protecting the environment and
reduce the construction cost.

Keywords: Waste Glass Powder, Tobacco Waste Ash, Environmental Impact,

Compressive, Flexural, Split Tensile Strength.

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Naveen kumar A.B et al IJMRT: Volume (1), Issue 1, Month 2019

1. Introduction

Cement is a significant material that used for civil engineering applications all over the world.
Though, the consumption of cement brings about some important ecologic problems. One of
these problems is the large amount of CO2 emission resultant from the manufacturing process
of the cement [9-10]. In addition to reducing cement consumption of the mineral admixture
content also improves some important properties of the concrete in two ways. First way is the
reaction occurs between calcium hydroxide and mineral admixture resulting with the
generation of the extra Calcium Silicate Hydrate gel. Second way is the filler effect of the
mineral admixture due to its fineness [11]. Mineral admixtures can also reduce material costs
by providing less cement consumption [12].

Many natural and artificial mineral admixtures are used in the field of construction and
concrete production for various purposes. The utilization of the industrial wastes and by-
products in concrete industry as mineral admixture provides the industry to be eco-friendlier
and sustainable. Industrial by-products and wastes, such as, recycled plastics, silica fume, fly
ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag have been successfully used as mineral
admixture in concrete technology for decades [13, 14]. The behaviour of these additives in
concrete is physico-chemical. The physical part of this behaviour is originated from the
shrinking of the size of the void in the interface between the cement and the aggregate. The
main compounds SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 should constitute great rate of the total chemical
composition of the mineral admixtures in order to be used in cement and concrete. The
activity of these additives is dependent on the presence of oxides and minerals in amorphous
or weakly crystalline states [15]. As we know that now day, most of developing country
facing shortage of post consumers disposal waste site and it’s become very serious problems.
For this reason, regenerating and using waste product as resources and prevent environmental
pollutions. Currently most of recovered waste glass is used by glass manufactured company in
the production of new glasses such as bottle and etc. But only a limited amount from the waste
glass collected is that can be used towards the production of new glass.

Since waste glass and Tobacco waste still gave us a problem, an attempt made to use it in the
concrete mix and find the result whether because if the results gives us a good value, then it
will benefit to our earth because we can reduce few portion of our waste that cannot dissolved
by natural or normal recycling ways. The main reason of this study is to create a better
environment that free from polluted space and also to find a better solution for concrete
mixture that can give higher strength to concrete from the waste glass and Tobacco waste
products .Even study may give less cost of using those kind of admixture rather than buying
expensive admixture to get great and higher strength in concrete as now days it’s the
admixture that in market are very expensive and often increase the cost of the construction.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials

2.1.1 Cement

Cement is as important ingredient in the manufacturing of concrete and acts as a binding

material i.e. having adhesive and cohesive properties. Cement is obtained by pulverising

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clinker formed by calcining raw materials primarily comprising of lime (CaO), Silica (SiO 2),
Alumina (Al2O3), and Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3) along with some minor oxides.

2.1.2 Fine aggregates and course aggregates

Fine and coarse aggregate make up the bulk of concrete mixture. Sand, natural gravel and
crushed stone are mainly used for this purpose. For fine aggregates natural sand is provided
with maximum size of 4.75 mm. Coarse aggregates are used with size between 20mm-

2.1.3 Waste Glass Powder

Glass is widely used in our lives through manufactured products such as sheet glass, bottles,
glassware, and vacuum tubing. The amount of waste glass is gradually increased over the
recent years due to an ever-growing use of glass products. Most waste glasses have been
dumped into landfill sites. The Land filling of waste glasses is undesirable because they are
not biodegradable, which makes them environmentally less friendly. Glass powder shows that
have a high content of SiO2, CaO, and Fe2O3 in the powder, in the same of time Ordinary
Portland Cement have almost the same content but with different percentages. These results
encouraged us to utilize it as a partial replacement of cement. Composition of cement, Glass
Powder and Tobacco waste ash are shown in Table 1.

2.1.4 Tobacco Waste Ash

Tobacco waste ash is a material that needs to be investigated with its potential to show
puzzolanic activity due to its properties such as fineness, amorphous form and high silica
content. So it can be said that tobacco waste ash may be used in concrete as a mineral
admixture. The tobacco waste was collected from a local factories and shops, and the waste
was primarily composed of tobacco stems. The waste was burned, and the resulting ashes
were sieved through a 425 μm sieve to eliminate undesirable particles. The ashes were ground
in a Los Angeles abrasion machine to reduce the particle size to below 60 μm.

Table 1: Chemical Composition of Cementing Material

S. No Properties Waste Glass Cement TWA

% Powder (WGP) % %
1 SiO2 72 20.2 25.67
2 CaO 9 60.06 25.54
3 MgO 2.5 2.6 4.6
4 Al2O3 0.5 4.2 0.16
5 Fe2O3 3.5 3.0 0.31
6 SO3 - 3.5 7.04
7 Cr2O3 1.00 - -
8 Na2O 8.9 0.19 0.49
9 K2O - 0.82 17.84
10 CaCO3 - 2.3 -
11 Specific gravity 2.6 3.13 2.62

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2.2 Methods

The ingredients of concrete consist of Cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates, water.
When the reaction of water with cement takes place hydration process is done and a hard
material is formed. Mix design carried out for M20 grade of concrete by IS 10262: 2009
yielded a mix proportion as shown in Table.2. Specimens were prepared according to the mix
proportion and by replacing cement with glass powder and also replacing cement with both
WGP and TWA in different proportion. The ingredients are used in proper proportion by
replacement of cement at 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by only waste glass powder. Even in the
next stage both waste glass powder and tobacco waste ash replaced as cement at 5%, 7.5%,
10% and 12.5% respectively. To find out the Compressive strength, specimens of dimensions
150X150X150mm were used finally cast and tested using a compressive testing machine for
7, 14 and 28 days characteristic compressive strength.

Table2: Mix Proportions

Cement Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate
Mix Base Water ( ℓ )
(Kg /m3) (Kg / m3) (Kg / m3)
Weight 191.58 384 559.91 1219.3
Ratio W/C=0.5 Ratio = 1 : 1.45: 3.30

3. Result And Discussion

In this chapter, the authors were discussed about the important properties of concrete such as
compressive strength, Flexural strength and split tensile strength of conventional concrete in
various mixing proportion such as glass waste powder and tobacco waste ashes.

3.1. Compressive Strength

At first, compressive strength is considered, because it is the most important and commonly
used property of concrete, to study the strength behavior of the concrete. It may give an
overall picture about quality and performance of test samples.

The concrete (test samples) is prepared with the combination of glass powder and Tobacco
waste ash (discussed in last section), the test samples are compared with conventional
concrete, the compressive strength of the test sample which gives a better characteristics than
the conventional concrete for all ages, is shown in Figure 1. The compressive strength of the
conventional concrete was in the range 13.92 N/mm2 (at 7 days), 19.36 N/mm2 (at 14 days)
and 21.46 N/mm2 (at 28 days). The compressive strength of the concrete mixed with only
GWP was in the range 12.87–18.12 N/mm2 (at 7 days), 17.02–20.04 N/mm2 (at 14 days) and
18.94–23.07 N/mm2 (at 28 days). The compressive strength of the concrete mixed with both
GWP and TWA was in the range 13.03–17.68 N/mm2 (at 7 days), 18.42–19.89 N/mm2 (at 14
days) and 20.62–24.32 N/mm2 (at 28 days). Table 3 shows the 7, 14 and 28 days compressive
strength for Conventional, WGP, WGP+TWA concrete. For this three samples cube were
taken and the average compressive strength is founded.

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Table 3: Test Result for Compressive Strength Conventional, WGP and TWA
Concrete at 7, 14 and 28 days
Glass Powder (G)+ TWA
Glass Powder Concrete


Compressive strength of

5% 7.5% 10% 12.5%

concrete (N/mm2)


10% 15% 20% 25% + + + +
5% 7.5% l0% 12.5%
C1 C2 C4 C6 C8 C3 C5 C7 C9
7 150 13.92 12.87 13.89 17.66 18.12 13.03 14.31 19.47 17.68
14 150 19.36 17.02 18.88 20.27 20.04 18.42 18.42 21.22 19.89
28 150 21.46 18.94 20.95 22.83 23.07 20.62 21.35 24.32 22.96

7days 14days 28days

Compressive Strength N/mm2





C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9
Mix Proportion

Fig.1. Optimum level of replacement of WGP and TWA for compressive strength of
3.2. Flexural Strength of Concrete

Secondly, another important characterises, flexural strength is considered. Here, the

concrete (test samples) is prepared with the combination of glass powder and Tobacco waste
ash similar as compressive strength analysis (discussed in last section).

The flexural strength of concrete with the mixing of glass powder alone shows good
strength when compared with the conventional concrete and the cement concrete with the mix
of glass powder and tobacco waste ash shows small improvement in the flexural strength is
shown in Figure 2.

Table 4 shows the 14 and 28 days flexural strength. For this three samples cube were
taken and the average Flexural strength is founded

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Table 4: Test Result for Flexural Strength Conventional, WGP and TWA Concrete
Glass Powder (G)+ TWA
Glass Powder Concrete

Flexural Strength of Concrete

Prism Size (mm)

5% 10%

%G 12.5%
Days G G
+ G
+ +
10% 15% 20% 25% 7.5 +
5% l0%

% 12.5%
F1 F2 F4 F6 F8 F3 F5 F7 F9

14 6.41 5.92 6.12 6.44 6.79 5.77 6.07 6.74 6.79


28 7.12 6.81 6.89 6.73 6.98 6.48 6.77 6.93 7.11

Flexural Strength


F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9
Mix Proporrtion

Figure 2: Optimum level of replacement of WGP and TWA for flexural strength of concrete

3.3. Split Tensile Strength

Lastly, another important characterises of concrete, split tensile test was done. Similar
to previous section, the concrete (test samples) is prepared and considered for testing. The
outcome of the test with the addition of glass powder and tobacco waste ash combination, not
gives much variation in the split tensile strength. However, the partial replacement of WGP
and TWA mixed concrete gains strength as the age of concrete increases is shown in figure 3.

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Table 5: Split Tensile Test Result for Conventional Concrete, WGP + TWA Concrete
Glass Powder (G)+ TWA
Glass Powder Concrete
Split Tensile Strength of Concrete

Prism Size (mm)
5% 10%

%G 12.5%
Days + G
+ +
10% 15% 20% 25% 7.5 +
5% l0%

% 12.5%
S1 S2 S4 S6 S8 S3 S5 S7 S9
14 2.98 2.11 2.36 2.69 2.45 2.04 2.29 2.89 2.63

28 3.16 2.54 2.61 2.84 2.61 2.36 2.57 3.12 2.90

Split Tensile


1.5 14days
1 28days


S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
Mix Proportion

Fig.3. Optimum level of replacement of WGP and TWA for split tensile strength of concrete
4. Conclusion

Based on the experimental study and the analysis of the test results, the following points are

 With the presence of silica in the waste glass which causes to increases the
compressive strength of the concrete at an early stage of 28 days. It also helps to
enhance the durability and toughness of the concrete. It is highly resistant to chemical
attack. With replacement of small quantity of waste glass powder in the conventional
concrete will not give a major effect in compressive strength properties.

 With the partial addition of tobacco waste ash, the compressive strength and Flexural
strength increases day by day. It also increases workability thereby reducing the water
requirement. It also help to reduce the heat generated during hydration and the tobacco
waste ash may also prevents (ASR) in the concrete

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 Whereas the compressive strength of the concrete mix with the partial replacement of
10% wastes glass powder and 10% of tobacco waste ash for cement was found as the
best mixing proportion. And also the proposed mixing proportion will reduces the
construction cost considerably, based on this study.

The waste materials like glass and tobacco waste can be used as cementing replacement
materials; it may compensate the cost of environmental hazard from the discharge of the ash
as landfill or any other activities.

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