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A. In Grave and Less Grave Felonies

c. Accessories

178 SCRA 626


At around 11:00 P.M., while Ernesto, the father of Roberto, was resting, he heard two
gunshots. Thereafter, he heard Roberto cry out in a loud voice saying that he had been shot. He saw
Roberto ten (10) meters away so he switched on the lights of their house. Aside from Ernesto and
his wife, his children Ermalyn and Julius were also in the house. They went down to meet Roberto
who was crying and they called for help from the neighbors. The neighbors responded by turning
on their lights and the street lights and coming down from their houses. After meeting Roberto,
Ernesto and Julius saw Lito Vino and Jessie Salazar riding a bicycle coming from the south. Vino was
the one driving the bicycle while Salazar was carrying an armalite. Upon reaching Ernesto’s house,
they stopped to watch Roberto. Salazar pointed his armalite at Ernesto and his companions.
Thereafter, the two left.


Whether or not petitioner is criminally liable for actively assisting the escape of Salazar.




Petitioner was charged as a principal in the commission of the crime of murder. Under
Article 16 of the Revised Penal Code, the two other categories of the persons responsible for the
commission of the same offense are the accomplice and the accessory. There is no doubt that the
crime of murder had been committed and that the evidence tended to show that Jessie Salazar was
the assailant. That the petitioner was present during its commission or must have known its
commission is the only logical conclusion considering that immediately thereafter, he was seen
driving a bicycle with Salazar holding an armalite, and they were together when they left shortly
thereafter. At least two witnesses, Ernesto and Julius Tejada, attested to these facts. It is thus clear
that petitioner actively assisted Salazar in his escape. Petitioner’s liability is that of an accessory.

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