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I/A Series® System

System Manager


Rev F
October 26, 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be
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without the prior written permission of the Invensys Systems, Inc. No
copyright or patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the
information contained herein. Although every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the
information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Invensys
Systems, Inc. The software described in this documentation is
furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software
may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these

© 2006-2011 Invensys Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Invensys Foxboro, FoxCom, FoxView, InFusion, I/A Series, the
Invensys logo, Tricon, Triconex and Trident are trademarks of
Invensys plc, its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All other brand names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

CHAPTER 1: Getting Started ..............................1
Overview ................................................................................................ 1
Features............................................................................................... 2
System Management Resources ......................................................... 2
System Monitors................................................................................. 3
System Messages ................................................................................ 5
Security ............................................................................................... 5
Installation and Setup ............................................................................. 6
Interoperability Considerations .......................................................... 6
Installation Procedures ....................................................................... 7
Configuring Interoperability between I/A Series Workstations ......... 9
Starting System Manager.................................................................. 14
The System Manager Service............................................................... 15
Starting and Stopping the System Manager Service......................... 15
Checking if the System Manager Service is Fully Up and Running 15
The System Manager Window ............................................................. 19
How Information is Maintained ....................................................... 20
Viewing Equipment Information.......................................................... 20
System Monitor View ....................................................................... 21
Address Translation Station (ATS) View.......................................... 21
LAN Interface (LI) View .................................................................. 22
Switch View...................................................................................... 24
Health and Alarm Indicators............................................................. 24
Responding to Alarms.......................................................................... 27
Alarms Tab in the Accessories Pane................................................. 27
Acknowledging Alarms .................................................................... 28
Inhibiting Alarms.............................................................................. 29
Next Step .............................................................................................. 29

CHAPTER 2: System Manager Window ..........31

Starting System Manager ..................................................................... 31
From the Desktop ............................................................................. 31
From FoxView Software .................................................................. 31
From FCS InTouch Application ....................................................... 32
Connecting to a System Manager Service ........................................ 32
Major Components............................................................................... 32
Navigation Pane................................................................................ 32
Information Pane .............................................................................. 32
Accessories Pane .............................................................................. 33
Menus ............................................................................................... 33
Toolbar.............................................................................................. 33
Status Bar.......................................................................................... 33
Navigation Pane ................................................................................... 33

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iv Contents

Status Indicators ................................................................................39

Alarm Conditions ..............................................................................40
Blinking and Color-Coding ...............................................................40
Information Pane...................................................................................41
General Tab .......................................................................................41
Connections Tab ................................................................................42
Counters Tab......................................................................................44
Accessories Pane...................................................................................46
Messages Tab.....................................................................................47
Alarms Tab ........................................................................................49
Inhibited Tab......................................................................................51
Search Tab .........................................................................................52
Watch Tab ..........................................................................................53
Smon Log Tab ...................................................................................56
File Menu ..........................................................................................57
View Menu ........................................................................................61
Options Menu ....................................................................................61
Actions Menu ....................................................................................66
Help Menu .........................................................................................77
Toolbar ..................................................................................................78
Alarm Icons .......................................................................................78
View Icons .........................................................................................78
Go-To Feature....................................................................................79
Hierarchy Navigation ........................................................................79
Date and Time Tools..........................................................................80
Daylight Saving Time (DST) ............................................................81

CHAPTER 3: System Monitors.........................85

Status and Alarm Symbols ....................................................................86
System Monitor Information.................................................................86
Monitored Equipment ...........................................................................87
Acknowledging Alarms ........................................................................88

CHAPTER 4: Workstations and Peripherals ...91

Identification of Workstations and Peripherals .....................................91
Workstation Information .......................................................................94
Equipment Status...............................................................................95
Equipment Information .....................................................................97
Connected Peripherals.........................................................................104
Counters Tab .......................................................................................105
Peripherals Information.......................................................................105
Annunciators and GCIO Peripherals ...............................................106
Peripherals Counters........................................................................108

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Contents v

Equipment Change Actions................................................................ 109

Managing Alarms ........................................................................... 109
Updating Peripheral Software .........................................................110
Disable/Enable All Reports .............................................................110

CHAPTER 5: Control Stations, ATSs, and

LIs ..................................................................... 111
Identification of Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs ...............................111
CP and ATS Equipment Status Indicators .......................................113
LI Equipment Status Indicators .......................................................116
Station Information for Control Processors and ATSs ....................... 121
Equipment Status ............................................................................ 122
Equipment Information................................................................... 125
Station Information for LI .................................................................. 127
Equipment Status ............................................................................ 128
Equipment Information................................................................... 131
Faults .............................................................................................. 133
Connected FBMs................................................................................ 134
Control Station, ATS, and LI Counters .............................................. 136
Primary ECB (Primary FBM) Information ........................................ 136
Primary ECB Status........................................................................ 137
Primary ECB Equipment Information ............................................ 139
Connections and Counters Tabs...................................................... 140
Equipment Change Actions................................................................ 141
Control Station Actions .................................................................. 141
Primary ECB Actions ..................................................................... 160

CHAPTER 6: Station Counters .......................165

Counters Tab for Stations ................................................................... 165
MAC Sublayer.................................................................................... 166
Network Layer.................................................................................... 169
Transport Layer .................................................................................. 170
Application Layer............................................................................... 172
Loading Parameters............................................................................ 175

CHAPTER 7: FCMs ..........................................177

Identifying FCMs in the Navigation Pane.......................................... 177
FCM Status and Equipment Information ........................................... 180
Connected FBMs................................................................................ 185
Equipment Change Actions................................................................ 186
Managing Alarms ........................................................................... 186
Changing Run Mode....................................................................... 187
Downloading .................................................................................. 188

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vi Contents

EEPROM Updates...........................................................................189
Switching Roles...............................................................................190
Module Fieldbus Switching Actions ...............................................190

CHAPTER 8: Fieldbus Modules .....................193

Identification of FBMs and Attached Devices....................................200
Status Indicators ..............................................................................202
FBM Status and Equipment Information ............................................202
Equipment Status Table ...................................................................207
Equipment Information Table..........................................................208
FBM246 Status and Equipment Information ......................................211
DCI Based FBMs ................................................................................212
Migration FBMs..................................................................................213
Connections Tab..................................................................................214
Counters Tab .......................................................................................215
Equipment Change Actions ................................................................216
Managing Device Alarms................................................................217
Managing Cable Alarms..................................................................217
Go On-line and Go Off-line ............................................................218
Download or Reboot........................................................................219
EEPROM Update ............................................................................220
Reset FBM.......................................................................................222
Software Download .........................................................................223
DB Download..................................................................................223
Switch Roles....................................................................................223
Enabling and Disabling Communications for Multiple Devices
(FBM222 and FBM228)..................................................................224
Enabling Control in Foundation fieldbus H1 Devices (FBM228) ..228
Device Displays and Actions ..............................................................230
Device Displays...............................................................................230
Device Actions ................................................................................231
Field Device System Integrator TSAA Driver ................................232

CHAPTER 9: Networking Equipment ............237

Identifying Switches in the Navigation Pane......................................237
Switch Status and Equipment Information .........................................238
Connected Stations and Switches........................................................240
Ports Tab .............................................................................................241
Port Counters ...................................................................................243
Equipment Change Actions ................................................................245

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Contents vii

APPENDIX A: Supported Migration and

Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules.........................247

APPENDIX B: Supported Classic I/A Series

System Modules ..............................................257
Equipment Information for Device Integrator Peripherals ................ 257
INI10, INI15 or SPECTRUM Interface Processor Peripheral Equipment
Information Fields .............................................................................. 259
SIP ECB Equipment Information Displays........................................ 261
INTERSPEC Integrator Translator Equipment Information.............. 262
Equipment Information view for the Allen-Bradley Port (ECB 63, ECB
64, and ECB 65) ................................................................................. 265
Equipment Information for the A-B Station PLC5 Series ................. 267
Equipment Information for the A-B Station Rack ............................. 269
Equipment Information Display for Modicon Port ECB (ECB60,
ECB61, and ECB62) .......................................................................... 271
Micro-I/A AB-PIO Peripherals Equipment Information ................... 273
Micro-I/A GE-PIO Peripherals Equipment Information.................... 274
Equipment Information Display for an AB-RIO Adapter.................. 276
Equipment Information Display for a GE I/O Device and A-B I/O
Device................................................................................................. 277
Equipment Information Display for ECB96 Port............................... 279
Equipment Information Display for ECB97 RTU.............................. 283
FoxGuard Manager Equipment Information...................................... 287
I/O Module Equipment Information Display ..................................... 290
Equipment Information Display for ECB98, ECB99, and ECB100 .. 292
ECB80 Equipment Information ......................................................... 295
ECB81 Equipment Information ......................................................... 296
Equipment Information Display for
PROFIBUS-DP Gate and Devices ..................................................... 297
Equipment Information Display for PROFIBUS-DP Devices........... 298
Equipment Information Displays for AB-PLC5/E Gate Devices ...... 299
Equipment Information Displays for the AB-PLC5/E Device........... 300
Equipment Information Displays for the Modbus Gate and Modbus
Devices ............................................................................................... 301
Equipment Information Displays for the Modbus Device ................. 302

APPENDIX C: System Messages ...................303

Network Fault Detection Message ................................................. 304

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viii Contents

APPENDIX D: Device Specific Peripheral

Counter Background Information..................305
Allen-Bradley, Modicon, or Instrument Gateway...............................305
Allen-Bradley PLC Devices................................................................305
Allen-Bradley Redundant Gateway ....................................................306
Allen-Bradley Station PLC .................................................................306
Device Integrator.................................................................................307
GE FANUC Programmable Controller Devices .................................308
INI10 Peripheral, INI15 Peripheral, and SIP ......................................308
INTERSPEC Integrator Translator/INTERSPEC Integrator 30 .........309
I/O Gate ECB98 Devices ....................................................................309
I/O Gate ECB99 and ECB100 Devices...............................................310
Micro-I/A Station Devices ..................................................................310
Modicon Programmable Controller Devices ......................................311
Primary FBM/FBM Devices...............................................................311
Printer and Terminal Devices..............................................................312

Index ................................................................313

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 1

Getting Started

This chapter introduces the System Manager software, and describes how to
open the System Manager window and perform several basic functions such as
responding to alarms. Chapter 2, “System Manager Window” provides detailed
information about the user interface, while subsequent chapters describe how
to use System Manager to manage various types of equipment.

• Overview
• Installation and Setup
• The System Manager Service
• The System Manager Window
• Viewing Equipment Information
• Responding to Alarms
• Next Step

System Manager is a distributed application for monitoring the health and
performance of all components of an I/A Series system, and managing network
System Manager software has two components:
• The System Manager service is installed on one or more I/A Series
workstations running the Windows Server® 2003 or Windows XP®
operating systems and interacts with other system management
subsystems including:
• System monitors
• Station Manager software on each workstation and control station
• Software Manager software on each workstation
• Server Manager software on Windows Server operating system only
• Network monitoring facilities
• System Manager client software, which also operates on I/A Series
workstations running the Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP®

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2 1. Getting Started

operating systems, provides the user interface, which is described in this

System Manager is a replacement for the System Management Display
Handler (SMDH) application. System Manager clients and SMDH can operate
concurrently on the same workstation provided that the System Manager
service is on a separate workstation. A System Manager service and SMDH
cannot run side-by-side on the same station.

The System Manager application provides the capability to:
• View the health of the system equipment, including workstations and their
peripherals, control stations, Fieldbus modules and field devices.
• Monitor the health of network communications hardware including
Ethernet switches, fiber optic cables, Fieldbuses (PIO buses), ATS and
• Set the network time on systems without a Global Positioning System
(GPS). For a system with GPS, date and time are set automatically by
• Perform Nodebus DST (Daylight Savings Time) adjustments.
• View station configuration information regarding location, system
monitor, host workstation, and so forth.
• For each station, fieldbus device and peripheral, view the current status of
the hardware and software, run mode, failure mode, error status, and so
• Analyze the performance of each station and field device by monitoring
• Perform equipment change actions, such as checkpoint, reboot, system
software image/EEPROM update, and download and upload of the control
• Perform online cable tests (LAN and Nodebus) for stations and offline
station diagnostic tests. These tests are useful to field service or
maintenance personnel in identifying and correcting equipment problems.
• Review and acknowledge system alarms.
• Inhibit alarm functions for specific equipment and view the equipment for
which alarms have been inhibited.
• Print and save data contained in various System Manager displays.
• Access on-demand help functions.

System Management Resources

This section provides a brief description of the system management resources
used by System Manager. Figure 1-1 shows a sample System Manager
implementation in a network consisting of nine control stations and six

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1. Getting Started 3

workstations, two of which host system monitors. The switches and field
devices are not shown.

System Monitor

System System
AWST02 Monitor Monitor AWST22
System Manager Domain Domain System Monitor:
Service Only SMON22
System Manager
Service and Client

System Manager System Manager
Client Only Client Only

Control Stations
FCP100 through

Figure 1-1. Example System Manager Implementation

In the example, System Manager client software is installed on three

workstations: AWST03, AWST22, and AWST23. Each of these can connect to
System Manager services running on either AWST02 or AWST22.
The connected service interacts with the two configured system monitors:
SMON01 and SMON22. The system monitors in turn provide information
about the stations and connected equipment in their respective domains. Note
that the System Manager clients can access any service instance on the
network, and that the service can reside on a workstation that hosts a system
monitor or on one that does not.

System Monitors
A system monitor is a service that runs on an I/A Series workstation and
monitors the health of the stations configured in its domain. The system
monitor application is a standard component in the I/A Series workstation
During system definition, the system monitor software is enabled on one or
more workstations. Other workstations, control stations and switches are
assigned to each system monitor’s domain.
The system monitor supplies status information retrieved from each station in
its domain to designated workstations via a variety of displays including
System Manager.
The system monitor maintains accurate information concerning the health,
current status, and performance of each station and its attached devices.

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4 1. Getting Started

The system monitor routes standard error messages and system alarm
messages to the designated workstations, logging devices such as printers, and
historians. In addition, the system monitor responds to operator actions and
reports those actions to the System Manager application.
The system monitor domains are configured during the site planning and
system definition phases.

Station Manager
The Station Manager software residing on each station in the network performs
the following functions:
• Maintains communication with the system monitor software
• Maintains a database of equipment information in order to process
requests for changes to equipment status as well as report any status
information to the system monitor
• Provides services such as rebooting stations, initiating diagnostics,
updating software image information, and switching buses.

Software Manager
A Software Manager subsystem located in each workstation performs the
following functions:
• Downloads station images, control databases, and FBM software
• Performs software image updates
• Uploads station images under certain conditions
• Checkpoints control databases.

Server Manager
Server Manager is only installed on Windows Server operating system with
V8.6 and later I/A Series software. It performs the following functions:
• Monitors Dell® critical components that reside on Windows Server
operating system only.
• Utilizes the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to
communicate with the Microsoft SNMP Service to obtain the status for the
Dell components.

Caution The Microsoft SNMP Services are installed on Windows Server
systems running I/A Series V8.6 or later. The services include the SNMP
service and SNMP Trap service. After the installation of I/A Series V8.6 or
later, the SNMP Trap service is disabled and it should not be manually
enabled since the Windows Server, which monitors switches, would be

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1. Getting Started 5

Network Monitoring Facilities

The I/A Series system uses a variety of services to detect faults on the physical
connections between switches, stations and devices. The equipment monitored
includes the Ethernet cables, fieldbus cables, and module fieldbuses.
System Manager can perform online diagnostics, including testing cables and
selecting new Nodebus master and performing online cable tests (LAN and
Nodebus) for stations.

System Messages
The system monitors and other workstation functions generate network
operation, equipment health, and equipment status event messages.
Messages may be a general response to an operator’s request, or may contain
an error response reflecting status change, completion messages, operation
results, station limitations, communication malfunctions, or other problems
associated with the station or communication path.
System Manager stores the most recent 500 messages in local memory and
displays them in the Accessories pane Messages tab. For each message, the tab
displays the following:
• Index reflecting the order in which the messages were received by System
• Date and time the messages were received by System Manager
• System generated message text.

The System Manager software provides two levels of access control:
• The software supports the access scheme defined in the configuration of
the system monitors. System Manager menus and toolbar buttons reflect
the equipment change action privileges configured for the workstation.
Thus, for example, the System Manager Equipment Change Action menu
includes the Reboot command only if the workstation has been assigned
that privilege.
• System Manager can be configured to require the user to confirm
equipment change actions and record the reason for taking the actions.
Refer to “Options Menu” on page 61 for information on these action
On a workstation running I/A Series V8.5 SE software (with security
enhancements), two criteria must be met in order to perform System Manager
Equipment Change actions such as EEPROM updates, rebooting stations, and
putting stations on-line/off-line:
1. You must be running in a user account that has permission to perform such
actions. For example, a user account that belongs to the Plant Operators
group does not have permission to perform Change Actions, but a user
account that belongs to the Plant Engineers or Plant Maintenance group
does have permission to perform Change Actions. For more information

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6 1. Getting Started

on setting up accounts, refer to Security Enhancements User’s Guide

2. The station needs to be configured for the change actions according to
System Definition (SysDef).

Installation and Setup

Caution The System Manager Server cannot be installed while SMDH is
running. This is because, after the installation, the System Manager service
will be launched, and System Manager service and SMDH cannot run side-by-
side on the same workstation.

Interoperability Considerations
Note the following interoperability requirements when installing System
Manager software on I/A Series workstations:
• The System Manager Client and Service must be at the same version in
order to communicate.
• System Manager software is not supported on Solaris™ workstations or
on Windows® workstations running I/A Series software versions prior to
• System Manager V2.2 can be installed on workstations running I/A Series
V8.2 through V8.7.

You must follow the steps below to install the Quick Fixes for System Manager
1. Any existing System Manager software must be uninstalled before the
Quick Fixes can be applied. From the Control Panel > Add or Remove
Programs, uninstall currently existing System Manager software.
2. Read the following instructions carefully to determine which Quick Fixes
are required for System Manager V2.2:
a. If the System Manager Server component is installed on a
workstation running I/A Series software versions 8.2 through 8.4.x,
the following Quick Fixes, QF1014714, QF1014716, and
QF1014717, must be installed before the installation of System
Manager V2.2. All three Quick Fixes must be installed for correct
I/A Series operation.
b. If the System Manager Server component is installed on a
workstation running I/A Series software version 8.5, the following
Quick Fixes, QF1014718, QF1014719, and QF1014720, must be
installed before the installation of System Manager V2.2. All three
Quick Fixes must be installed for correct I/A Series operation.

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1. Getting Started 7

c. If the System Manager Server component is installed on a

workstation running I/A Series software v8.6 or later, no Quick Fix is
d. If there is only System Manager Client component to be installed on
a workstation, no Quick Fix is required.
3. After the appropriate Quick Fixes have been installed, follow the
“Installation Procedures” described in the next section to install System
Manager V2.2.
If you installed the above Quick Fixes on a workstation, then updated to a
later version of I/A Series, make sure that you install any necessary Quick
Fixes for this later version also, as part of the general procedure. All three
Quick Fixes must be installed for correct I/A Series operation.
For example: If you installed the Quick Fixes on a workstation running
I/A Series V8.2 (where System Manager Server component is installed),
and then updated to I/A Series V8.4.3 software, make sure that you install
any necessary Quick Fixes for I/A Series V8.4.3 including QF1014714,
QF1014716, and QF1014717.

Installation Procedures
During the installation of System Manager software, you are prompted to
install the Client and/or Service components.

Note Any older versions of System Manager (v2.1 or earlier) must be

uninstalled prior to the new installation.

The System Manager software comes as a standard Microsoft Windows

Installer setup. Upon inserting the installation CD into the CD drive, setup will
proceed automatically. You can also launch the installation of System Manager
software by executing setup.exe from the root of the CD. On some systems,
there may be pre-requisite items to be loaded before System Manager can be
installed. If so, the following dialog box (Figure 1-2) will be displayed with
one or more of these items in the list.

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8 1. Getting Started

Figure 1-2. Pre-Requisite Window

This dialog box displays entries for the installation of Microsoft .NET 4.0
Framework software, required by the System Manager software. The pre-
requisite packages for installing this software may vary, depending on your
system. The packages shown in Figure 1-2 are provided as an example.
Click Install to proceed with the loading of pre-requisites.
If the error shown in Figure 1-3 appears during the installation process, you
must first download and install Windows Installer version 3.1, which is the
minimum requirement necessary to have the Visual C++ runtime libraries
installed. Then you can try to install Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework software

Figure 1-3. Installation Error

More information about Windows Installer version 3.1 is available at this site:

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

1. Getting Started 9

You can download Windows Installer version 3.1 from this site:;displaylang=en&id
Once the System Manager setup starts, it will ask for the selection of
components to be installed. By default, the client component is selected and
the server component is not.
For each I/A Series system, install the System Manager Server only on a
limited number of stations (for example, one or two) to avoid having excessive
traffic on the network.
If System Manager was previously installed with the server component
selected and removed in the previous step, then the server component will be
automatically selected in the following dialog box. Otherwise, the default is
not selected.

Figure 1-4. Select Components Window

Note Ensure the video resolution setting is set to at least 1280x1024.

Configuring Interoperability between I/A Series

Interoperability is only allowed from a workstation running I/A Series software
with security enhancements (on the domain) to an I/A Series workstation
without security enhancements (outside the domain).
There are two instances in System Manager where remote files are accessed:
• On the Options > Configure display, there is an indication as to whether a
System Manager Service is installed or not.
• On a remote workstation, you can view the System Monitor log.

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10 1. Getting Started

There are two interoperability issues that may arise when accessing remote
files between workstations running I/A Series software with and without
security enhancements:
1. If the System Manager Service is installed on an I/A Series workstation
without security enhancements and the System Manager Client is
installed on an I/A Series workstation with security enhancements, the
Options > Configure display in the client reports that the System
Manager Service is not installed.
2. If the System Manager Client is installed on an I/A Series workstation
with security enhancements, you cannot view the System Monitor log that
resides on a workstation without security enhancements.
These two issues exist because the workstation with security enhancements
cannot access the file system of the workstation without security
To configure interoperability between workstations running I/A Series
software with and without security enhancements, perform the following
procedure before invoking the System Manager client:
1. On the workstation with security enhancements, before starting System
Manager, click Start > My Network Places.

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1. Getting Started 11

2. From the My Network Places display, select Add Network Place:

3. From the Welcome to the Add Network Place Wizard, click Next:

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12 1. Getting Started

4. Click Next from the following display:

5. From the ‘What is the address of the network place?’ display, enter the
station name and share name of the I/A Series workstation without
security enhancements, then click Next.

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1. Getting Started 13

6. Enter the user name and password of the workstation running I/A Series
software without security enhancements, then click OK.

7. If desired, enter a name for the network place on the 'What do you want to
name this place?' display, then click Next.

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14 1. Getting Started

8. Click Finish on the Completing the Add Network Place Wizard display.

Starting System Manager

The System Manager service starts automatically when the host workstation is
restarted. System Manager client software can be started from the Windows
operating system Start button, from FoxView™ software or from Foxboro
Control Software (FCS) InTouch Application software.
To start the System Manager client:
1. Choose the application from the Start menu as follows:
Start -> Programs -> Invensys -> System Manager -> System
Manager Client
2. Start System Manager software:

a. From FoxView software, click in the FoxView Alarm


b. From FCS InTouch Application software, click in the

toolbar at the top of the FCS InTouch Application window.
3. Connect to a System Manager service. Refer to “Options Menu” on
page 61 for instructions.

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1. Getting Started 15

The System Manager Service

Starting and Stopping the System Manager

The System Manager service is started automatically after a reboot. However,
if you need to manually start or stop it, you can do so from the Services tool.
To start the System Manager service:
1. Invoke the Services tool by selecting: Programs > Administrative Tools
> Services.
2. Search for the entry System Manager Service.
3. Right-click on the System Manager Service item, and select Start.
To stop the System Manager service:
1. Invoke the Services tool by selecting: Programs > Administrative Tools
> Services
2. Search for the entry System Manager Service.
3. Right-click on the System Manager Service item, and select Stop.

Checking if the System Manager Service is Fully

Up and Running
The status of the start-up of System Manager service is written to the system
Event Viewer for tracking.

1. Only a user with administrative privileges can access the Event Viewer
2. The System Manager service may take approximately one to two minutes to
be fully up and running.

Checking the Status of a System Manager

Service using Event Viewer
The status of a System Manager service can be viewed from the Event Viewer
application. To invoke Event Viewer, do the following:
1. Select: Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer.

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16 1. Getting Started

2. From the Event Viewer GUI, select Application.

Figure 1-5. Checking the Status of a System Manager Service

From the Application page, select an entry where the Source column says
System Manager Service to view the status of the service.
When the System Manager service starts, the presence of the following four
log entries shows that the System Manager service is completely ‘up and
running’. Log entry #4 may take approximately 1 to 2 minutes, depending on
the number of stations in the system.

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1. Getting Started 17

Figure 1-6. Log Entry #1

Figure 1-7. Log Entry #2

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18 1. Getting Started

Figure 1-8. Log Entry #3

Figure 1-9. Log Entry #4

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1. Getting Started 19

The System Manager Window

When the client software connects with the configured service, the window
displays the system monitors in a Navigation pane on the left side of the
window. The Messages tab in the Accessories pane in the bottom of the
window shows the latest system messages (Figure 1-10).

Information Pane

Navigation Status Bar Accessories

pane Pane
Figure 1-10. System Manager Window after Connection to a Service

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20 1. Getting Started

The window displays system status and equipment information in three panes:
Navigation A tree view of the system equipment arranged by either
system monitor domains, ATS domain, LI domain or
switch domains. When an item is selected in the Navigation
pane, tables in the Information pane provide status,
configuration and equipment information about the item.
Right-click the item in the Navigation pane to display a
context menu of equipment change actions.
Information The content of the Information pane varies with the type of
equipment selected, but generally includes information on
the equipment’s current status, configuration and connected
Accessories Tabbed pages in the Accessories pane display system-wide
information including messages, system alarms, equipment
for which alarms have been inhibited, counters and system
monitor logs.

A more detailed description of these panes is provided in Chapter 2, “System

Manager Window”.

How Information is Maintained

On startup, System Manager identifies the stations and switches in each system
monitor domain and stores that information in local memory. Information
about peripherals and field devices connected to the stations and switches is
retrieved on demand. The peripherals and field device information is then
stored in local memory until the end of the System Manager session. On
startup, System Manager also begins receiving messages and alarms and stores
them in local memory. It is important to note that search and filtering tools in
the Accessories pane are applied only to the information stored locally by
System Manager in the current session.

Viewing Equipment Information

The equipment is displayed in the Navigation pane in one of four views:
• Click this icon, at the top of the Navigation pane, to arrange
equipment by system monitor domain.
• Click this icon, at the top of the Navigation pane, to choose all
configured ATS modules
• Click this icon, at the top of the Navigation pane, to choose all
configured LAN Interface modules.
• Click this icon, at the top of the Navigation pane, and select a switch
from the pull-down list to the right of the Switch button, to view all
stations and switches connected to the selected network switch.

Note Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to display a legend of the
icons used in the Navigation pane to identify equipment types.

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1. Getting Started 21

System Monitor View

In the System Monitor view, you can expand each system monitor in the
Navigation pane to display the stations and switches in its domain:
• Click to the left of a system monitor to display the stations and
switches assigned to it.
• Click to the left of any station on the next level to display the
equipment attached to the station.
Figure 1-11 shows a Navigation pane with the System Monitor and one of its
control stations expanded. Each equipment item is identified by an icon for the
equipment type and the equipment name (letterbug).

Figure 1-11. Expanded System Monitor in the Navigation Pane

Address Translation Station (ATS) View

The ATS view displays all ATS modules configured in LAN Interface, or “LI”
mode as shown in Figure 1-12.
• Click to the left of the configured ATS module to reveal all the stations
residing under an ATS node.

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22 1. Getting Started

• Click to the left of any station on the next level to display the
equipment attached to the station.

Figure 1-12. Navigation Pane ATS view

LAN Interface (LI) View

At the highest level, the LAN Interface (LI) View displays all configured LAN
Interface modules as shown in Figure 1-13. At the next level, the LAN
Interface view reveals all the stations residing in a particular node. When no

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1. Getting Started 23

LIs are configured on the I/A Series network, the LI button on the navigation
tool bar and the LAN Interface view will be disabled. The order of LIs shown
in this display does not indicate the order of physical connections on the bus.
• Click to the left of the device to reveal all the stations residing on a
particular LI domain.
• Click to the left of any station on the next level to display the
equipment attached to the station.

Figure 1-13. Navigation Pane the LAN Interface View

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24 1. Getting Started

Switch View
When the Switch view is selected, the Navigation pane shows the selected
switch and all the stations and switches connected to it.
• Use the pull-down list to the right of the Switch button to select the switch.
• Click to the left of the switch to display the stations and switches
connected to it.
• Click to the left of any station on the next level to display the
equipment attached to the station.

Figure 1-14. Navigation Pane Switch View

Health and Alarm Indicators

System Manager uses various symbols to indicate changes in equipment
health. In addition to marking the problem equipment, the status information is
propagated to the parent equipment and to the system monitor. For example, in
Figure 1-16 a failure with an FBM is marked on the FBM itself (FCP704), its
parent control station (FCP701) has a warning symbol, and the red symbol
attached to system monitor (SYSMN1) reflects the FBM failure.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to display a legend of the
symbols used in the Navigation pane to identify equipment status.
When the equipment problem is reported by the system monitor, an asterisk is
placed on the lower left corner of the equipment icon to show that the alarm
condition has not been acknowledged.

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1. Getting Started 25

If the Enable blinking option is checked in the Configuration dialog box

(Figure 1-15), the name of the problem equipment is color-coded and the
names blink on and off.

Status of the service on the

workstation selected with the
Connect To pull-down list

List includes all workstations on

the network

The selection is not applied until

you click OK

Figure 1-15. Configuration Dialog Box

When the condition is acknowledged, the asterisk is removed from the

equipment icon, the name is displayed in black, and the blinking stops.
Red symbol indicates a failure within the
system monitor's domain. The asterisk
indicates at least one unacknowledged alarm.
The control station has a warning symbol as
there is a problem with an attached device.

Expanded view shows an FBM is the failed

device and the source of the
unacknowledged alarm.

The yellow triangle indicates this switch has

a warning condition. The condition has been

This control station has an unacknowledged

alarm, but the station has returned to normal.

Figure 1-16. Status and Alarms Indicators in the Navigation Pane

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26 1. Getting Started

The symbol attached to a system monitor reflects the most severe condition of
any equipment within its domain. For example, when the problem with
FCP704 (Figure 1-16) is resolved and the FBM returns to normal operation,
the failure symbol is cleared from the FBM, and the warning symbol is cleared
from FCP701, the FBM’s parent control station. The red symbol is removed
from SYSMN1 if there are no other failures in the system monitor domain.
The procedures for resolving an equipment problem vary with the types of
devices involved, but generally include these steps:
1. Expand the marked equipment in the Navigation pane to identify all the
problem devices.
2. Select each device to display its status in the Information pane.
3. Right-click the item in the Navigation pane and choose the appropriate
equipment change action from the context menu.
To display the status of all FBMs connected to a control station:
1. Click the control station in the Navigation pane to display its status and
equipment information in the Information pane.
2. Click the Connections tab in the Information pane to list the connected
devices by name, type, status, run mode and failure mode (Figure 1-17).
3. Click any column header to sort the FBMs by the data in that column.

Figure 1-17. Connections Table for an FCP270

4. Do either of the following to navigate to an item listed in the Connections

• Double-click the equipment name.
• Right-click the equipment name and choose Navigate to <FBM
name> from the context menu (Navigate to FCP804, in Figure 1-17).

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1. Getting Started 27

The item is selected in the Navigation pane and its status and equipment
information are shown in the Information pane.

Responding to Alarms
Acknowledging system alarms and resolving the underlying equipment
problem are separate but related activities in System Manager. Thus, if an
alarm is still unacknowledged when the equipment returns to normal, the
asterisk remains attached to the equipment (ZCP706 in Figure 1-16, for
There are two types of system alarms:
• Alarms reporting a failure in a piece of equipment such as a station, field
device, or peripheral. These are generally referred to as station alarms.
• Alarms concerning communication faults associated with Ethernet cables
and module Fieldbuses. These are generally referred to as cable alarms.
You can view and respond to both types of system alarms in the Alarms tab in
the Accessories pane.

Alarms Tab in the Accessories Pane

To view all station and cable alarms:
1. Choose View > Accessories from the main menu if the Accessories pane
is not already displayed.
2. Click the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to display a table of system
alarms (Figure 1-18).


Figure 1-18. Alarms Tab in the Accessories Pane

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28 1. Getting Started

The Alarms tab lists alarms in a multi-column display containing the fields
described in Table 1-1:

Table 1-1. Alarms Tab Display Fields

* An asterisk indicates that an alarm has not yet been
acknowledged. Otherwise, the column is blank.
Index A unique ID number.
Date/Time The timestamp indicates when the alarm was generated.
Source Source from which System Manager received the alarm,
usually a system monitor.
Name Letterbugs of the affected equipment. The alarm condition
exists in the last item in the string of letterbugs and has been
propagated up to the parent equipment to the left.
Message System generated text describing the alarm condition.

3. Click the column header to sort the rows on that column; click the same
column header to reverse the sort order.
4. Select a column and drag it to the left or right to arrange the order of the

5. Click in the tab toolbar to refresh the table and show the latest alarms.

Acknowledging Alarms
There are multiple ways to acknowledge system alarms using the Alarms tab,
the Navigation pane context menus, and the main menu and toolbar:

Single Alarm
To acknowledge an individual system alarm:
• Select the alarm in the Alarms tab and click in the tab toolbar.

Station Alarms
To acknowledge all equipment failures associated with a station or field
1. Select the equipment in the Navigation pane.
2. Do one of the following:
• Choose Actions > Equipment Change > Acknowledge Station from
the main menu.
• Right-click the selection and choose Acknowledge Station or
Acknowledge Device from the context menu.

All Station Alarms in a System Monitor Domain

To acknowledge all station alarms in a system monitor domain:
1. Select the system monitor in the Navigation pane.
2. Do one of the following:

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1. Getting Started 29

• Right-click the selection and choose Acknowledge Smon Domain

from the context menu.
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.

Cable Alarms
To acknowledge cable alarms:
• Click in the toolbar, or choose Actions > Acknowledge All Cable
Alarms from the main menu.

Inhibiting Alarms
Inhibiting alarms causes the system to filter alarm conditions so that the system
monitor continues to indicate overall system and network health even while the
equipment is failed or off-line.
To inhibit alarms for a station or device:
• Select an alarm from the equipment in the Alarms tab and click in
the tab toolbar.
• Right-click the equipment in the Navigation pane and choose
Inhibit Alarming or Inhibit Device Alarming from the context menu.
The alarms from the equipment are cleared from the Alarms tab and the
equipment is listed in the Inhibited tab in the Accessories pane. In the
Navigation pane and the Hierarchy Navigation box, a is added to the icons
for the equipment, and the system monitor to indicate that alarms are being
To re-enable the alarms:
• Right-click the equipment in the Navigation pane and choose
Enable Alarming or Enable Device Alarming from the context menu.

Next Step
For additional information about using System Manager:
• Choose Help > Contents or Help > Index from the main menu for
information on specific features.
• Review the next chapter for a catalog of the menus, toolbar features and
other features of the System Manager window. By necessity, Chapter 2,
“System Manager Window”, repeats some of the material in this getting-
started section.
• Reference the relevant equipment-specific chapter for detailed
descriptions of Information pane fields and equipment change actions:
• Chapter 3, “System Monitors”
• Chapter 4, “Workstations and Peripherals”

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30 1. Getting Started

• Chapter 5, “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs”

• Chapter 7, “FCMs”
• Chapter 8, “Fieldbus Modules”
• Chapter 9, “Networking Equipment”

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 2

System Manager Window

This chapter describes the features of the System Manager window, including
the Navigation pane, Information pane, Accessories pane, menus and the
toolbar. The chapter provides information on selecting equipment, displaying
status and equipment information, responding to alarms and performing
equipment changes actions.
Subsequent chapters contain more in-depth information on displays and
procedures for specific equipment.

• Starting System Manager
• Major Components
• Navigation Pane
• Information Pane
• Accessories Pane
• Menus
• Toolbar

Starting System Manager

You can start the System Manager client software from the Windows operating
system Start menu, FoxView software or FCS InTouch Application software.

From the Desktop

To start System Manager from the Windows operating system desktop:
• Choose the application from the Start menu.

From FoxView Software

To start the application from FoxView software:
• Click in the FoxView Alarm bar.

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32 2. System Manager Window

From FCS InTouch Application

To start the System Manager from the FCS InTouch Application:
• Click in the toolbar at the top of the View window.

Connecting to a System Manager Service

The System Manager window opens and the application connects to the
configured service, which can be local or on any other workstation on the
network. When the connection is made, the host workstation for the service is
displayed on the left in the status bar.
The service is specified in the Configuration dialog box. If System Manager is
unable to make the connection, you can select a service on another
workstation, as described in “Options Menu” on page 61.

Note User can launch/open/view multiple System Manager clients from

FoxView software. A maximum of 35 clients can be connected to a System
Manager service.

Major Components
Figure 1-10, which is a typical System Manager window on startup, identifies
the major components of the user interface.

Navigation Pane
The Navigation pane on the left side of the window is the principal means for
selecting equipment to display status and equipment information and to
perform equipment change actions.

Information Pane
The area to the right of the Navigation pane provides status and equipment
information for the selected equipment. Depending on the type of equipment,
the pane can include one or more of the following tabular displays:
• General includes tables with status and equipment information, and for
stations and switches, shows the Ethernet switch to which the equipment
is connected, as described in the section “General Tab” on page 41.
• Connections identifies the equipment connected to a station or field
device and gives the status of the connected equipment; see “Connections
Tab” on page 42.
• Ports provides status and equipment information for ports on an Ethernet
switch, as described in the section “Ports Tab” on page 241.
• Counters, described in section “Counters Tab” on page 44, displays
counters read from the selected equipment.

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2. System Manager Window 33

Accessories Pane
The Accessories pane below the Information pane provides system-wide
information. The pane includes the following tabs:
• Messages displays all or selected system messages (page 47).
• Alarms lists system alarms and provides tools for acknowledging and
inhibiting alarms (page 49).
• Inhibited shows the equipment for which alarms are inhibited and allows
you to enable alarming (page 51).
• Search allows you to navigate to a specific piece of equipment based on a
variety of search criteria such as name and equipment type (page 52).
• Watch tracks user-selected counters for various pieces of equipment
(page 53).
• Smon Log displays the log for a selected system monitor (page 56).

The main menu provides a set of menus for acknowledging alarms, performing
equipment change actions, selecting views, and saving and loading
preferences. Context menus with equipment-specific commands can also be
accessed from each item in the Navigation pane.

The toolbar functions include acknowledging alarms, choosing view options,
selecting equipment, setting the system time and Daylight Saving Time (DST)
adjustment is supported for Address Translation Stations.

Status Bar
The status bar at the bottom of the window identifies the connected System
Manager service and, when a System Manager preference has been loaded
from a file (as described in “Saving and Loading Preferences” on page 57), the
name of the preference file.

Navigation Pane
The Navigation pane is a hierarchical display of equipment in the network,
enabling you to select individual equipment items to be displayed in the
Information pane. The equipment is shown in a tree view similar to the Folders
display in Explorer and other Windows operating system applications.
The Navigation pane displays equipment in one of four selectable tree views:
• System Monitor view displays the system monitors and the equipment in
each system monitor domain. On startup, only the system monitors are
displayed, but each system monitor can be expanded to show the assigned

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34 2. System Manager Window

switches and stations, and each station can be expanded to show connected
To select the System Monitor view:
• Click at the top of the Navigation pane, or choose View >
Navigation > System Monitor View from the main menu.
• The ATS view displays all configured ATS modules configured in LAN
Interface mode. Expanding an ATS reveals the stations residing under an
ATS node and its attached devices. This display is available only for
systems that have ATS modules configured in LAN Interface mode.
To select the ATS view:
• Click at the top of the Navigation pane or choose View >
Navigation > ATS View.
• The LAN Interface view displays all configured LAN Interface modules.
Expanding the LAN Interface view reveals all the stations residing in a
particular node. The order of LIs shown in this display does not indicate
the order of physical connections on the bus.
To select the LAN Interface view:
• Click at the top of the Navigation pane or choose View >
Navigation > LAN Interface View.
• The Switch view displays all stations and switches connected to a specific
network switch. Each station can be expanded to display the field devices
or peripherals connected to the station.
To select the Switch view:
• Click at the top of the Navigation pane and select a switch
using the pull-down list to the right of the button.
You can also select the view by choosing View > Navigation > Switch
View from the main menu.
Each system monitor or piece of equipment is identified by an icon and its
name (letterbug). Equipment status is indicated by symbols attached to the
equipment icon. Additional symbols show when there are unacknowledged
alarms and when alarms are inhibited.
On startup, the System Monitor view is selected and the Navigation pane
shows only the system monitors and the first level of the hierarchy. If you
choose the ATS, LAN Interface, or the Switch view, the Navigation pane
displays the corresponding selected stations and respective hierarchies.
• Click to the left of any view (System Monitor, ATS, LAN Interface, or
Switch) or double-click the name to display the stations and switches
assigned to it.
• Click to the left of any station on the next level or double-click the
station name, to display the equipment attached to the station.
• Click to the left of any expanded equipment or double-click the
equipment name to collapse the display and hide the equipment attached
to the item.

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2. System Manager Window 35

You can resize the Navigation pane or use the scroll bars on the right side and
bottom of the pane to bring equipment into view when the tree does not fit in
the pane.
To maximize the display of the system hierarchy in the Navigation pane, you
can select/deselect viewing options for both the Information pane and the
Accessories pane.
• Choose View > Information from the main menu, or click in the
toolbar, to toggle display of the Information pane on and off.
• Choose View > Accessories from the main menu, or click in the
toolbar, to toggle display of the Accessories pane on and off.
• Choose View > Navigation from the main menu, or click in the
toolbar, to toggle display of the Navigation pane on and off.

Navigation Buttons
Use the buttons at the bottom of the Navigation pane to expand and collapse
the display, select equipment, and print the contents of the Navigation pane:
Table 2-1. Navigation Pane Buttons
Expands the display of the selected system monitor or switch domain.
The first time in a session that the button is clicked for a system
monitor, the hierarchy is expanded to show workstations and their
peripherals, controls stations and their primary ECBs, and switches.
Thereafter, the button expands the full hierarchy to display FCMs,
FBMs, and field devices also. Likewise in the Switch view, the first
expansion of a switch domain adds peripherals to workstations and
primary ECBs to control stations. Thereafter, the domain is expanded
to show FCMs, FBMs, and field devices.
In the System Monitor view, collapses the system monitor domain
hierarchy so that only the system monitor name is displayed. The
button can be applied from the system monitor or any object
beneath it.
In the Switch view, collapses the tree view so that only the switch is
shown. The button can be selected from any object in the tree.
Expands the display of the selected equipment so that its child devices
are displayed. This is equivalent to clicking to the left of the item.
Collapses the display of the selected equipment, hiding any child
devices. This is equivalent to clicking to the left of the item.
Moves the focus to the parent of the selected item. The parent
equipment or system monitor is selected in the Hierarchy Navigation
box and the Information pane.
Moves the focus to the first child of the selected item. The child
equipment is selected in the Hierarchy Navigation box and the
Information pane.

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36 2. System Manager Window

Table 2-1. Navigation Pane Buttons (Continued)

Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the Navigation pane contents. See
“Printing System Manager Information” on page 58.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and print
a report of the Navigation pane contents. See “Printing System
Manager Information” on page 58.

Selecting Equipment
When you select a system monitor or piece of equipment in the tree:
• The Information pane displays status and equipment information about the
system monitor or equipment.
• The Hierarchy Navigation box displays the equipment icon and name to
the right of its parent equipment and the system monitor (if the System
Monitor view is selected) or switch (if the Switch view is selected).
• Equipment-specific commands selected from the main menu or the toolbar
are applied to the selected item.
• Equipment change actions are available from the context menu when you
right-click on the equipment (Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1. Context Menu

You can also change the selection in the Navigation pane by doing any of the
• Click a parent item in the Hierarchy Navigation box in the toolbar.

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2. System Manager Window 37

• Use the Go-To button and combo box in the toolbar (as described in “Go-
To Feature” on page 79).
• Double-click an item listed in an Information pane Connections tab.
• Double-click an item listed in the results table in the Accessories pane
Search tab.

Equipment Icons
The following table shows the icons that identify system monitors and various
types of equipment:
Table 2-2. Equipment Icons

Symbol Description
This icon is used to identify system monitors, which are displayed in
the top level of the hierarchy when the System Monitor view is
selected in the Navigation pane. System monitors are not shown when
other views are selected. Refer to Chapter 3, “System Monitors” for
information on the displays and equipment change commands
available when a system monitor is selected.
The computer and video display icon represents a workstation. The
workstations are on the second level of the hierarchy below the
station’s system monitor.
Refer to Chapter 4, “Workstations and Peripherals” for additional
Peripherals such as annunciator panels and printers are attached to
their host workstations.
Refer to Chapter 4, “Workstations and Peripherals” for additional
Control stations include modules such as CP and ATS. The 2 adjacent
to the upper right corner of the icon indicates that the station is a
fault-tolerant control station or redundant ATS.
Refer to Chapter 5, “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs” for additional
information about control stations.
This icon is used to identify LAN Interface Modules, which are
displayed in the top level of the hierarchy when the LAN Interface
view is selected in the Navigation pane. This will also be shown as an
LI station in the System Monitor view.
The 2 adjacent to the upper right corner of the icon indicates that the
station is a fault-tolerant LI.

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38 2. System Manager Window

Table 2-2. Equipment Icons (Continued)

Symbol Description
A small block icon under each control station represents the station’s
Primary ECB (also known as the Primary FBM), an equipment
control block that manages communications with the attached FBMs.
When the station is an FCP270, CP30, or CP40, a label at the upper
right corner of the block indicates which channel in the module
fieldbus is being used to communicate with the station’s FBMs. When
the station is a ZCP270 or CP60, the label indicates which Fieldbus
cable is being used to communicate with the attached FCMs.
• AUTO when the station automatically switches to the better
channel or cable
• Bus A when the A channel or A cable has been selected by an
• Bus B when the B channel or B cable has been selected by an
Refer to Chapter 5, “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs” for information
on channel selection.
Fieldbus Communication Modules (FCMs) are baseplate-mounted
modules that connect FBMs to a ZCP270 or CP60 over an optionally
redundant Ethernet fieldbus. One or more FCMs can be shown on the
level below the ZCP270 or CP60’s Primary ECB (Primary FBM).
A label at the upper right corner of the FCM icon indicates which
channel in the module fieldbus is being used to communicate with the
• AUTO when the station automatically switches to the better
performing of the two channels
• Bus A when the A channel has been selected by an operator
• Bus B when the B channel has been selected by an operator
Refer to Chapter 7, “FCMs” for information on channel selection.
The icons for baseplate mounted Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) are
shown below the Primary ECB for the host FCP270/CP30/CP40 or
the FCM that connects the FBMs to a ZCP270/CP60.
Labels to the right of the FBM icon indicate the status of
communication between the FBM and its host FCP270/CP30/CP40
or FCM including communication failures and inhibited cable alarms.
Refer to Chapter 8, “Fieldbus Modules” for detailed information on
these status indicators.

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2. System Manager Window 39

Table 2-2. Equipment Icons (Continued)

Symbol Description
Certain FBMs can be expanded in the Navigation pane to show a
second level of the attached intelligent field devices. These FBMs
include the FoxCom™ dual-baud rate intelligent device interface and
the Distributed Communication Interface (DCI) modules that support
various fieldbus standards such as HART™, PROFIBUS-DP™, and
FOUNDATION™ fieldbus. The second-level items can be selected to
view device status and equipment information, and to perform
equipment change actions.
Refer to Chapter 8, “Fieldbus Modules” for information on the DCI
based FBMs, including a list of user guides for the specific fieldbus
When the System Monitor view is used, the icon for an Ethernet
switch in the The Mesh Control Network is on the second level of the
Navigation pane hierarchy under the switch’s assigned system
monitor. When the Switch view is used, the selected switch is at the
top of the hierarchy, and stations and switches connected to it are
displayed on the second level. Refer to Chapter 9, “Networking
Equipment” for additional information about switches.
The port icon does not appear in the Navigation pane, but is used in
the Ports tab of the Information pane when a switch is selected.
Refer to Chapter 9, “Networking Equipment” for additional
information about ports.

Status Indicators
System Manager indicates system alarms by attaching symbols to the upper
left corner of the icon. This scheme is used in the Navigation pane, the
Hierarchy Navigation box, the Connections tab in the Information pane, and
the results table in the Accessories pane Search tab. The table below shows
how the symbols are used.
Table 2-3. Status Indicators

Symbol Condition
The question mark on a blue background indicates the equipment
is off-line or not ready.

The warning symbol indicates that there is at least one failed

peripheral attached to the equipment.

The X on a red background indicates that the equipment has


The question mark on a gray background indicates that the status

of the equipment is unknown. There is no status response from
the system monitor.

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40 2. System Manager Window

Alarm Conditions
The status of alarms associated with the equipment is indicated by symbols
attached to the lower left corner of the icon in Navigation pane, the Hierarchy
Navigation box, the Connections tab in the Information pane, and the results
table in the Accessories pane Search tab. Table 2-4 shows how these symbols
are used with a workstation.

Table 2-4. Alarm Condition Symbols

Symbol Example Condition

This equipment or an attached peripheral or field
device has an unacknowledged health status
change. The asterisk is removed when you
acknowledge the alarm.
To acknowledge the alarm, do one of the following:
• Right-click the equipment and choose
Acknowledge Station or Acknowledge
Device from the context menu.
• Select the Alarm in the Accessories pane
Alarms tab and click in the tab toolbar.
• From the main menu, select Action >
Equipment Change > Acknowledge Station
or Acknowledge Device.
Alarms from the equipment are inhibited. To enable
• Right-click the equipment in the Navigation
pane and choose Enable Alarming or Enable
Device Alarming from the context menu.
When there is no symbol attached to the lower left
corner of the equipment, alarms are enabled and
there are no unacknowledged alarms from the

Blinking and Color-Coding

If Enable blinking is checked in the Configuration dialog box (see “Options
Menu” on page 61), the equipment name blinks when there is an
unacknowledged alarm and the equipment name is shown in one of the
following colors:
Table 2-5. Blinking and Color Code Alarm Indicators

Name Condition
Yellow The equipment has a warning condition, most often because an
attached peripheral or field device has failed.

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2. System Manager Window 41

Table 2-5. Blinking and Color Code Alarm Indicators (Continued)

Name Condition
Red The equipment has failed.
Black The equipment is operating normally or is off-line. The name
will continue to blink if the alarm has not been acknowledged
even though the equipment has returned to normal.
The blinking stops and the name is displayed in black when the alarm is

Information Pane
The area to the right of the Navigation pane is used to display information
about the selected equipment.
• Choose View > Information from the main menu, or click in the
toolbar, to toggle display of the Information pane on and off.
The information is arranged in one or more tabular displays depending on the
type of equipment that is selected and whether it has attached devices.

General Tab
The General tab displays status and equipment information for the selected
equipment (Figure 2-2). The Equipment Status table is updated dynamically,
while the Equipment Information table is updated periodically.
Values are displayed in green when they change from the previous update.
An Equipment Status field remains green until the next status update received
from the equipment results in no change to that field. For example in Figure 2-
2, the Failed Acknowledged State is green indicating that field was changed to
Acknowledged when the user acknowledged an alarm. If several minutes later,
the same or another user enables alarms, the Alarming State field will change
from Inhibited to Enabled and Failed Acknowledge State will change from
Acknowledged to Acknowledged. Depending on what is happening with the
equipment, a status field may remain green for several seconds, several
minutes, or even for the remainder of the session.
Equipment Information fields remain green for 10 seconds and then change to
black if there is no change detected on the next scan of the equipment

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42 2. System Manager Window

Figure 2-2. Information Pane, General Tab

The fields in both tables vary with the type of equipment selected. Figure 2-2 is
the General tab for a fault-tolerant FCP270. Subsequent chapters catalog the
fields for system monitors and various equipment types:
• “System Monitors” on page 85
• “Workstations and Peripherals” on page 91
• “Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs” on page 111
• “Primary ECB (Primary FBM) Information” on page 136
• “FCMs” on page 177
• “Fieldbus Modules” on page 193
• “Networking Equipment” on page 237.
The General tab for stations and switches also includes a Switch Connections
area that shows the switches to which the equipment is connected.
Do one of the following to select a connected switch for display in the
Information pane:
• Double-click the switch name
• Right-click the switch name choose Navigate to <switch name> from the
context menu.

Connections Tab
The Connections tab provides a summary of the attached equipment selected in
the Navigation pane. It is available for stations, FCMs, FBMs, System

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Monitors, and Switches with attached devices. The Connections tab shows the
hierarchical next level connections for the selected component. The
Connections tab has been extended for LI and ATS, but in these two cases it
shows logical connections rather than attached devices. Logical connections
represent the stations residing under an ATS node (ATSs which are configured
in LI mode) or an LI node. The Connections tab will not be shown for ATS if
configured in 'Extended Mode'. Additionally, no Connections tab will be
shown for ATS when seen under the Switch View. Figure 2-3 shows an
example of the Connection Tab view.

Figure 2-3. Information Pane, Connections Tab

In the Name column, the tab identifies each piece of equipment and its status
using the same icons and symbols used in the Navigation pane. The other
columns list the equipment type, status, run mode and failure mode.
To modify the table layout:
• Drag a column header to the right or left to change the order of the
• Drag the right edge of a column to the right to increase the column width
or the left to decrease the width.
• Scroll the displays if necessary using the scroll bars on the right side or
bottom of the tab.
• Click any column header to sort the rows on that category; click the
column a second time to reverse the sort order.
To navigate to equipment listed in the tab, do one of the following:
• Double-click the equipment name.

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44 2. System Manager Window

• Right-click the equipment name and choose Navigate to <equipment

name> from the context menu (Navigate to FCP804 in Figure 2-3).
The item is selected in the Navigation pane and displayed in the
Information pane.

Counters Tab
System Manager provides access to a variety of counters maintained by the
equipment itself to assist in monitoring performance and isolating problems.
The counters track items such as messages sent and received, invalid
commands, communication overruns, timeouts and so on.
Use the Counters tab for a selected station or peripheral device to periodically
read the counters for the equipment. The tab also enables you to reset selected
or all counters maintained by the equipment, if the workstation has the
appropriate equipment change action privileges.
Individual counters can be selected in the Information pane tab and placed on a
watch list to be monitored with counters for other system equipment (as
described in “Watch Tab” on page 53).
The types of counters vary with the equipment and are described in subsequent
chapters. Common features in the display are shown in Figure 2-4 with the
Counters tab for an FCP270 selected in the Information pane and the Watch tab
displayed in the Accessories pane.
The Counters tab includes one or more tables showing the Current and
Previous values and the Maximum and Minimum readings for each counter.
Maximum and Minimum are the highest and lowest values read from the
equipment in the current System Manager session.
When you select the tab, System Manager reads the counter values from the
equipment, and updates the columns accordingly. If this is the first time in a
System Manager session that the counters are read, the Current, Maximum,
and Minimum values are equal, and the Previous column is empty. You can
then read all or selected counters. The new Current value is displayed in green
text if it differs from the previous value.
The Counters tab for workstations and control stations include five separate
tables of counters, which are selected using the Counter Categories radio
buttons (Figure 2-4). These tables of counters are:
• MAC Sublayer
• Network Layer
• Transport Layer
• Application Layer
• Loading Parameters

Note Network Layer option will be enabled for LI and ATS stations only.

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Counters Tab Toolbar

Watch Tab Toolbar

Figure 2-4. Information Pane, Counters Tab and Watch Tab

• To select multiple counters, click the first counter and then press Ctrl as
you click each additional item.
The Counters tab toolbar includes the function buttons listed in the following
Table 2-6. Counters Tab Toolbar Buttons
Reads the selected counters and updates the Current, Previous,
Maximum and Minimum values accordingly. The new value is
displayed in green if it differs from the previous reading.
Reads all counters in the table from the equipment and updates the
Current, Previous, Maximum and Minimum columns accordingly.

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46 2. System Manager Window

Table 2-6. Counters Tab Toolbar Buttons (Continued)

Resets the selected counters. The selected counters are restarted in the
equipment, and new values (usually, but not necessarily, 0) are
displayed in the Current, Maximum and Minimum columns. The
Previous column shows the counter value before the reset.
This command is available only if the workstation has equipment
change action privileges.
This button is not active for switch port counters, as these counters
cannot be reset from System Manager.
Resets all counters. This command is available only if the workstation
has equipment change action privileges.
This button is not active for switch port counters, as these counters
cannot be reset from System Manager.
Adds the selected counters to the Watch tab in the Accessories pane
(as described in “Watch Tab” on page 53). You can also add counters
to the Watch tab by dragging them from the Counters tab to the Watch

Accessories Pane
The Accessories pane, which is positioned below the Information pane,
provides system-wide information and navigation tools in the following tabbed
• Messages
• Alarms
• Inhibited
• Search
• Watch
• Smon Log
To show or hide the Accessories pane:
• Click in the toolbar or choose View > Accessories from the main
Each tab features a toolbar with buttons that enable you to perform related
tasks, navigate to specific equipment, and print and save the tab contents. You
can also do any of following to adjust the display:
• Drag the bottom edge of the Information pane up or down to adjust the
number of rows displayed in the Accessories pane.
• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the
• Use the scroll bars on the right side of a tab to view additional rows in a
• Click a column header to sort the table rows on the data in the column;
click the header a second time to reverse the sort order. This feature is not
available in the Messages and Smon Log tabs.

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Each tab includes three buttons for printing and saving the tab contents:
• Click to open the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format
and preview a printed report of the tab contents.
• Click to open the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format
and print a report of the tab contents.
• Click to output the contents of the tab to a file.
See “Printing System Manager Information” on page 58 for additional
information on printing.

Messages Tab
The first tab in the Accessories pane lists system messages in a three-column
display, showing the message index, a timestamp when the message was
received by System Manager and the message text (Figure 2-5).
When System Manager is started it begins accumulating system messages in a
list, and makes these messages available in the Messages tab. When there are
500 messages in the list, incoming messages replace older messages on a first-
in, first-out basis. The message index is not reset until the list is cleared.
The messages are cleared from local memory when the System Manager
session is ended. Click in the Messages tab toolbar to save messages in a
separate file.


Figure 2-5. Accessories Pane, Messages Tab

To change the way the messages are displayed:

• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the

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48 2. System Manager Window

The Message tab toolbar includes the following buttons:

Table 2-7. Messages Tab Toolbar Buttons
Clears the Messages tab, empties the message list, and resets the
message index. System Manager displays a dialog box so you can
confirm the action.
Toggles display of the message filtering controls on the left side of
the tab.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the tab contents.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print a report of the tab contents.
Outputs the contents of the tab to a file.

Message Filtering
Use the message filtering controls to select which messages are displayed in
the tab. The selection can use any combination of three criteria:
• Date and time range
• Messages that include a specific text string (Match)
• Messages that do not include specified text (Filter).
To display only messages of immediate interest:
1. Click in the tab toolbar to display filtering controls in the tab
(Figure 2-6).
2. Check Date/Time Range and use the Begin and End controls to specify
the range.
• The dates can be changed manually or with a calendar control pulled
down with the arrow button on the right edge of each date field.
• The times can be specified manually (using a 24-hour clock) or by
clicking the spinner buttons on the right edge of each time field.
• Uncheck Date/Time Range to display messages from the full range
stored by System Manager.
3. Right-click Match and choose Create from the context menu to add a
match string (with the default name edit text) under Match.
4. Right-click the string, choose Edit from the context menu, and specify the
text to be used in the match.
The Match and Filter fields use substring searches. Thus, for example,
CP12 would find FCP123, ZCP122, and ZCP129.
5. Add other match strings.
6. Right-click any match string and choose Edit from the context menu to
change the string or Delete to remove it.
7. Right-click Filter and add filtering criteria using the same procedures as
used for creating, editing and deleting Match strings.

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8. Check the box for Match and the box for each individual match string you
want to apply.
As set in Figure 2-6, the Messages tab will display any message that
includes the string Inhibit, but it will not apply the match string FC.
9. Check the box for Filter and the box for each filter criteria you want to
10. Click Apply to display only messages that meet the criteria.
System Manager clears the tab and displays messages that match the
criteria. New messages are displayed only if they meet the specified time,
match and/or filter criteria.

Figure 2-6. Messages Tab Filtering Controls

Alarms Tab
The Alarms tab (Figure 2-7) lists both device and cable alarms in a multi-
column display:
Table 2-8. Alarms Tab Display Fields
* An asterisk indicates that an alarm has not yet been
acknowledged. Otherwise, the column is blank.
Index A unique ID number.
Date/Time The timestamp indicates when the alarm was generated.
Source Source from which System Manager received the alarm,
usually a system monitor.

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50 2. System Manager Window

Table 2-8. Alarms Tab Display Fields (Continued)

Name Letterbugs of the affected equipment. The alarm condition
exists in the last item in the string of letterbugs and has been
propagated up to the parent equipment to the left.
Message Text describing the alarm condition.
To change the way the alarms are displayed:
• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the
• Click a column header to sort the rows on data in the column; click the
column a second time to reverse the sort order.
The rows can be sorted on any column. For example, in Figure 2-7 the
table has been sorted to list the unacknowledged alarms at the top.


Figure 2-7. Accessories Pane, Alarms Tab

The Alarms tab toolbar includes the following buttons:

Table 2-9. Alarms Tab Toolbar Buttons
Refreshes the display to include the most recent alarms.
Acknowledges all system alarms, including cable alarms.
Acknowledges the selected alarm.
Inhibits alarms from the selected device. Clicking this button is
equivalent to selecting the equipment in the Navigation pane and
choosing Inhibit Alarming, Inhibit Device Alarming or Inhibit
PIO Bus Cable A/B Alarms from the context menu.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the tab contents.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print a report of the tab contents.
Outputs the contents of the tab to a file.

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Inhibited Tab
System Manager enables you to inhibit alarming for selected equipment so that
the system monitor continues to indicate overall system and network health
even while the equipment is failed or off-line. When alarming is inhibited, the
system does not send alarm messages for the equipment to the printer or
To inhibit alarms from a specific piece of equipment, do one of the following:
• Right-click the equipment in Navigation pane and choose Inhibit
Alarming, Inhibit Device Alarming or Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A/B
Alarms from the context menu.
• Select an alarm from the equipment in the Alarms tab and click in the
Alarms tab toolbar.
The Inhibited tab (Figure 2-8) lists all equipment on the network for which
alarming is inhibited. This equipment can include cables, stations, switches,
and field devices.
The Item column lists the system monitor, the parent devices and the
To change the way the inhibited items are displayed:
• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the
• Click a column header to sort the rows on data in the column; click the
column a second time to reverse the sort order.

Tab Toolbar

Figure 2-8. Accessories Pane, Inhibited Tab

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52 2. System Manager Window

The Inhibited tab toolbar includes the following buttons:

Table 2-10. Inhibited Tab Toolbar Buttons
Refreshes the display to include the most recent inhibited items.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the tab contents.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and print
a report of the tab contents.
Saves the list of inhibited alarms to a file.

To enable alarming:
1. Select the equipment in Navigation pane.
2. Choose Enable Alarming, Enable Device Alarming, or Enable PIO
Bus Cable A/B Alarms from the context menu.

Search Tab
Use the Search tab (Figure 2-9) to find a specific piece of equipment based on
a variety of search criteria such as name and equipment type, and then navigate
to the equipment. The tab consists of fields on the left for specifying search
criteria and a table on the right to display search results.
The Search tab toolbar includes the following buttons:
Table 2-11. Search Tab Toolbar Buttons
Clears the search criteria and empties the results table.

Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the search results.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print a report of the search results.
Outputs the equipment listed in the results table to a text file.

Search Tab

Figure 2-9. Accessories Pane, Search Tab

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To find equipment:
1. Use the Category pull-down menu to select system monitors or one of the
following general categories of equipment:
• Switch
• Workstation
• Control Processor
The tab displays fields for additional search criteria appropriate for the
selected category.
2. Enter additional search criteria in the additional fields if desired.
• Use the drop-down list in fields such as Type and SMON to select
additional criteria.
• Enter a text string in the name field, using an asterisk as a wildcard.
For example:
• Enter FCP123 to find the device whose name matches the string
FCP123 exactly.
• Enter FCP* to search for names that start with the FCP.
• Enter *CP* to find all names that contain the string CP.
• Enter *804 to find all names that end with the string 804.
The drop-down lists contain the search strings used for previous
searches. The strings are cleared when System Manager is closed.
• To find a classic workstation or control processor, select None in the
Switch Connection drop-down menu. All is the default option in the
Switch Connection field. Refer to Figure 2-9.
3. Click Search to start the search and display the results in the table to the
4. Do one of the following to navigate to an item in the table, select the item
in the Navigation pane and display the equipment status and information
in Information pane:
• Double-click the equipment name.
• Right-click the equipment and choose Navigate to <equipment
name> from the context menu.
To change the way the search results are displayed:
• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the
• Click a column header to sort the rows on data in the column; click the
column a second time to reverse the sort order.

Watch Tab
Use the Watch tab to monitor up to 25 counters for different pieces of
equipment. The counters are selected from the Counters tabs for the equipment

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54 2. System Manager Window

to be monitored. Figure 2-10 shows a Counters tab for an FCP270 above the
Watch tab.

Counters Tab Toolbar

Watch Tab Toolbar

Figure 2-10. Accessories Pane, Watch Tab

To add counters to the watch list:

1. Select the equipment in the Navigation pane and click the Counters tab in
the Information pane.
2. Select one or more counters in the Counters tab and do one of the
• Click the button in the Counters tab toolbar.
• Drag the items to the Watch tab.
The counters are inserted in the next available lines in the Watch tab.

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Note Counters in the Loading Parameters table for workstations and

control stations cannot be added to the Watch tab as their values are static.

The counter is identified by name and the equipment letterbug (Source). The
Current, Previous, Maximum and Minimum values are copied from the
Counters tab, but once copied, these values can be read and reset from the
Watch tab.
To change the way the counters are displayed:
• Drag a column header to the right or left to re-arrange the order of the
• Click a column header to sort the rows on data in the column; click the
column a second time to reverse the sort order.
To select multiple counters in the Watch tab:
• Click the first counter and then press Ctrl while clicking the additional
The Watch tab toolbar includes the following buttons:
Table 2-12. Watch Tab Toolbar Buttons
Clears the all counters from the watch list.

Removes the selected counters from the list.

Reads the selected counters, updating the values in the tab. New
values are displayed in green if they differ from the previously read
Reads all counters on the watch list.
Resets the selected counters. The counters are restarted in the
respective equipment, and new values (usually, but not necessarily,
0) are displayed in the Current, Maximum and Minimum columns.
The Previous column displays the value prior to the reset.
This command is available only if the workstation has equipment
change action privileges.
Resets all counters on the watch list. This button is not active when
the list contains any switch port counters, as these counters cannot
be reset from System Manager.
This command is available only if the workstation has equipment
change action privileges.
Enables the auto-refresh feature, in which System Manager
periodically reads all counters on the watch list. The fewer the
counters on the list the more frequently the list is refreshed.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the tab contents.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print a report of the tab contents.
Outputs the contents of the tab to a file.

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56 2. System Manager Window

Smon Log Tab

Use the Smon Log tab to review the log for a selected system monitor:
1. Pull down the Smons list on the left to select the system monitor and click
The system monitor messages are displayed on the right.
If there is no log for the selected system monitor, System Manager
prompts you to create one.
A dialog box advises you when the log has been renamed or deleted.

1. System Manager does not support creating or viewing System Monitor logs
hosted on Solaris stations.
2. The View button is disabled when you select a System Monitor with
unknown status.
3. If the Smon host workstation is not reachable, an error message appears
stating that Cannot access Smon Log on <Station Name>,
Station unreachable.

Figure 2-11. Accessories Pane, System Monitor Log

System Manager reads the selected log and displays approximately 1,000
of the most recent entries.
The tab shows when the log was created and the current size of the log in
the system monitor workstation.
2. Use the scroll bar on the right side of the tab to scroll to previous log
The Smon Log tab toolbar includes the following buttons:
Table 2-13. Smon Log Tab Toolbar Buttons
Clears the selected system monitor log. This command is only
available if the workstation has equipment change action privileges.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
preview a printed report of the tab contents.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print the log.
Outputs the contents of the tab to a file.

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2. System Manager Window 57

This section describes the menus that can be pulled down from the System
Manager main menu. Many of the options in these menus can be accessed from
a toolbar icon or from a context menu when you right-click the equipment
name in the Navigation pane.

File Menu
The File menu contains selections for printing System Manager information,
saving and loading preferences, and exiting the application.

Saving and Loading Preferences

You can save the current System Manager layout and configuration settings to
a file so that the setup can be applied to the current session or to a future
session. The preferences that are saved include:
• Selected System Manager service
• Actions and View settings specified in the Configure dialog box
• Size, layout, and visibility of the Navigation, Information and Accessories
• Size of the System Manager window.
To save the current System Manager layout:
1. Choose File > Save Preferences from the main menu to open the Save
Preferences dialog box (Figure 2-12).

User Name

System Manager Version

Figure 2-12. Save Preferences Dialog Box

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58 2. System Manager Window

2. Use the dialog box to specify a folder and a file name (but not extension)
for the preferences.
Figure 2-12 shows the default path for preferences files, the Applications
Data folder in the user’s Documents and Settings. Note that the two
variable elements in this path are the user name and the version number.
3. Click Save.
Multiple preferences files can be created.
When it initializes, System Manager always uses a default layout and connects
to the System Manager service in use at the end of the previous session. You
can load a previously saved setup at any time during a session.
To load previously saved preferences, do one of the following:
• Choose File > Load Preferences from the main menu, use the Windows
operating system Open dialog box to browse for and select the preference
file, and click Open.
• Choose File > Recent Files > {File Name} from the main menu.
Recent Files lists preference files loaded in the current and previous

Printing System Manager Information

Print opens a submenu for selecting an area of the System Manager window to
be printed:
• File > Print > Accessories > {Current Tab} prints the tab currently
displayed in the Accessories pane.
• File > Print > Information > {Current Tab} prints the tab currently
displayed in the Information pane.
• File > Print > Navigation prints the contents of the Navigation Pane. The
selection creates an image of the equipment hierarchy as it is arranged in
the Navigation pane.
Before selecting the Navigation pane for printing, select System Monitor,
ATS, LAN Interface, or Switch view, and expand items and collapse
others to specify which equipment is to be included in the output.
To print System Manager information:
1. Select an area to be printed using the File > Print submenus.
Each selection opens the Page Setup dialog box which you can use to
modify the print format, select a printer, preview the image, and print the
report (Figure 2-13).

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2. System Manager Window 59

Figure 2-13. Page Setup Dialog Box

2. Use the dialog box controls to make changes in the page layout, and if
desired, click Printer to select a printer and printer properties.
The printer properties dialog boxes vary with the type of printer selected.
3. Click OK to display the report in the Print preview window (Figure 2-
4. Use the controls at the top of the window to scale the preview and select
the number of pages to be displayed in the preview.
5. Click Close to return to the Page Setup page if the page layout requires

6. Click to print the report using the selected printer and layout.

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60 2. System Manager Window

Figure 2-14. Print Preview of the Messages Tab

The Navigation pane and each of the Accessories tabs include two print
selection buttons that also enable you to print the contents of the window area:
Opens the Page Setup dialog box (Figure 2-13) from which you can
format and preview a printed report of the selected display.
Opens the Page Setup dialog box from which you can format and
print a report of the selected display.

To end a System Manager session:
• Choose File > Exit from the main menu, or click at the right edge of
the title bar.
If a preference file is currently loaded, a dialog box prompts you to save
changes made to the System Manager layout during the current session
(Figure 2-15), even if no changes were made to the loaded layout. There is
no prompt to save changes made to the Default layout.

Figure 2-15. Saving Changes to a Preference File

If you issued commands such as Acknowledge All Stations just before closing
the window, the commands may still be executing after you exit. Once
initiated, the commands are not dependent on the window remaining open.

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2. System Manager Window 61

View Menu
Use the View menu to select viewing and navigation options:
• Choose View > Accessories, or click in the toolbar, to toggle display
of the Accessories pane on and off.
The Accessories pane is described on page 46.
• Choose View > Information, or click in the toolbar, to toggle
display of the Information pane on and off.
The Information pane is described page 41.
• Choose View > Navigation, or click in the toolbar, to toggle display
of the Navigation pane on and off.
• Choose View > Navigation View > Hierarchy to toggle display of the
Hierarchy Navigation box in the toolbar.
The Hierarchy Navigation box is described page 79.
• Choose View > Navigation View > System Monitor View to change the
Navigation pane to the System Monitor view.
• Choose View > Navigation View > ATS View to change the Navigation
pane to ATS view.
• Choose View > Navigation View > LAN Interface View to change the
Navigation pane to the LAN Interface view.
• Choose View > Navigation View > Switch View to change the
Navigation pane to the Switch view.
• Choose View > Status bar to toggle display of the status bar at the bottom
of the window.
The status bar displays the connected System Manager service, the most
recent system message, and the name of the preferences file.
• Choose View > Toolbar to toggle display of the toolbar.

Options Menu
The Configure command in the Options menu opens a dialog box for
specifying connection to a System Manager service, setting requirements for
equipment change actions, and choosing view preferences (Figure 2-16).
When System Manager is started for the first time on a workstation, the
application displays a Configuration dialog box so that you can specify a local
or remote connection to a System Manager service.

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62 2. System Manager Window

Status of the service on the

workstation selected with the
Connect To pull-down list

List includes all workstations on

the network

The selection is not applied until

you click OK

Figure 2-16. Configuration Dialog Box

Proxy Settings
On startup, System Manager automatically connects to a System Manager
service on a workstation specified in the Proxy Settings group in the
Configuration dialog box (Figure 2-16).

Note If you are running I/A Series software with security enhancements, you
must be logged in to a user account with administrative privileges in order to
switch to a System Manager Service running on a Windows Server 2003
workstation. If you are logged in to an Operator account, for example, System
Manager will report an error if you attempt to connect to a System Manager
Service on a Windows Server 2003 workstation.

If the connection cannot be made, System Manager displays a Connection

dialog box (Figure 2-17). Click Yes to make additional attempts, or click No
and select a different service in the Configuration dialog box.

Figure 2-17. Unsuccessful Connection to System Manager Service

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2. System Manager Window 63

To select a different connection after clicking No:

1. Choose Options > Configure from the main menu to open the
Configuration dialog box.
The Connect To field includes a pull-down list of all workstations on the
network and the Connections Details table shows whether the System
Manager service is installed and running on the selected workstation.
2. Use the Connect To pull-down menu to select a workstation, confirm that
the service is operating on the station, and then click OK.
If the connection cannot be made because the System Manager service is not
running or System Manager service has a different version, such as, V2.0, then
the following dialog box will be shown:

Figure 2-18. System Manager - Connection Failure 1

If System Manager client is trying to connect to System Manager service

which has a different version and the version number is available, then the
following dialog box is shown:

Figure 2-19. System Manager - Connection Failure 2

If either of the errors as shown in Figure 2-18 and Figure 2-19 appears,
clicking No cancels the connection process, and clicking Yes allows you to
connect to another System Manager service.
To connect to a different System Manager service:
1. Click Yes and the Configuration dialog box appears.
2. Use the Connect To pull-down menu on the Configuration dialog box to
select a workstation.
3. Confirm that the service is operating on the station (that is, Service
Installed is Yes and Service Status is Running), and then click OK.

Reconnecting to the System Manager Service

You may need to reconnect to the System Manager service if the following
message appears (Figure 2-20). When this message appears, the System

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64 2. System Manager Window

Manager graphical user interface is grayed out and the status bar indicates that
the workstation is disconnected.

Figure 2-20. Reconnecting to a System Manager Service

When this message appears:

• Click Yes if you want to connect to the same System Manager service, and
the status bar should indicate that the workstation is connected. If the
connection is not successful, the dialog box in Figure 2-21 appears
allowing you to periodically retry the connection.
• Click No if you want to connect to the System Manager service on a
different workstation.
If you choose No to connect to a different workstation, the Configuration
dialog box appears. To select a new System Manager service:
1. Use the Connect To pull-down menu to select a workstation.
2. Confirm that the service is operating on the station (that is, Service
Installed is Yes and Service Status is Running), and then click OK.
If the connection is not successful, the dialog box in Figure 2-21 appears
allowing you to periodically retry the connection. Click Yes to retry the
operation and No to cancel.

Figure 2-21. Unsuccessful Connection to System Manager Service

Action Settings
Action Settings are applied to the equipment change actions such as Reboot
and Off-Line that affect the operational status of the selected station or device.
The settings are not applied to alarm acknowledgments, commands to inhibit
and enable alarms, and channel/cable switching.
The equipment change commands are initiated from the Actions menu and the
equipment’s context menus in the Navigation pane. There are two settings:
• When Confirmation Required is checked, System Manager displays a
confirmation dialog box when one of the commands is initiated (Figure 2-
22, top).

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2. System Manager Window 65

• If Reason Required is checked, the confirmation dialog box is expanded

to include a field for noting why the command was initiated (Figure 2-
22, bottom).
The text entered in the Reason field is used to generate a System Monitor
message that can be received by other applications, such as
AIM*Historian and FoxCTS, in addition to the System Monitor log.
Reason Required is only available when Confirmation Required is

Figure 2-22. Confirmation Dialog Boxes

A confirmation dialog box is always displayed when the equipment

change action is for a fault-tolerant control station or a redundant Fieldbus
device. Figure 2-23 shows the confirmation dialog box for a redundant
FCM when the Go On-Line action is selected, and how the dialog box is
expanded if Reason Required is checked.

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66 2. System Manager Window

Figure 2-23. Dialog Boxes for Redundant FBMs

View Settings
When Enable blinking is checked, the names of system monitors and
equipment with unacknowledged alarms blink on and off in the Navigation
pane, and color-coding of the names is used to indicate the item’s status (red
for failed, yellow for warning and so forth). When the alarm is acknowledged
the names of the affected equipment stop blinking and are displayed in black.
When the option is not checked, all names are displayed in black without
blinking, regardless of the item’s alarm status.

Actions Menu
The Actions menu includes the following items: Equipment Change,
Acknowledge Smon Domain, Acknowledge Cable Alarms, Set Date and Time,
DST Options, and Download FF Devices File.

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2. System Manager Window 67

Equipment Change
Only workstations assigned the appropriate equipment change action
privileges can access the equipment change commands.
• Choose Actions > Equipment Change to display a menu of commands
for the selected equipment.
The list of equipment change actions varies with the type of device and its
current status. Figure 2-24 shows the commands available when an FCP270 is
selected from a workstation with full equipment change action privileges.

Figure 2-24. Equipment Change Menu

The Actions > Equipment Change menu of a station includes some or all of
the following items in Table 2-14:
Table 2-14. Actions > Equipment Change Menu Items

Menu items Description

Inhibit Alarming This will allow you to inhibit, or filter out, alarms from
a particular station or device. System Manager will
continue to indicate overall system and network health
even while equipment is failed or off-line.
Enable Alarming You can use Enable Alarming to re-enable inhibited
Checkpoint You can use the Checkpoint action to save process
tuning changes to the checkpoint file database on the
file server (AP). When you use the Checkpoint action,
the system copies the current checkpoint file to a
backup file and saves the database from the station into
the current checkpoint file.
Reboot You can select to reload a selected station’s image
from a file server and, if necessary, reload the database
related to that station.

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68 2. System Manager Window

Table 2-14. Actions > Equipment Change Menu Items (Continued)

Menu items Description

EEPROM Update You can use the EEPROM Update action to update the
existing EEPROM in a station with new
EEPROM firmware.
Image Update You can use the Image Update action to update the
existing Image for the stations of type FCP270 and
ZCP270 with new images.
On-Line Image On-Line Image Update allows you to upgrade to
Update subsequent software on fault-tolerant Field Control
Processors 270 (FCP270FT) and Z-Module Control
Processors 270 (ZCP270FT), safely
and with minimum hold-control time.
Enable Upload You can use Enable Upload to upload the station
image to a local file on the host Application Processor
(AP) or Application Workstation (AW).
Disable Upload You can use Disable Upload to prohibit station to
upload image to a local file on the host Application
Processor (AP) or Application Workstation (AW).
Enable Download In order to reboot a station or to update the EEPROM,
you must Enable Download.
Disable Download You can use Disable Download to prevent rebooting a
station or updating the image.
Enable All Reports Enabling all reports permits the internal reporting of
all status information for the station and any attached
devices, as well as reporting of system and peripheral
counters to the System Monitor.

The Actions menu includes some or all of the following items (Table 2-15) for
Table 2-15. Actions > Equipment Change Menu Items for ECBs

Menu items Description

EEPROM Update You can use the EEPROM Update action to update the
existing EEPROM in a station with new EEPROM
Go On-Line To put peripherals on-line.
Go Off-line To put peripherals off-line. For example, to turn
selected peripherals off before performing EEPROM
updates or before performing maintenance on those
General Download To download FBM images for all off-line, failed FBMs
attached to a selected control processor (CP), tank
processor (TP) or display processor (DP)
Download To download a selected FBM with its image.
Periodic PIO Bus The PIO bus switches the buses from the control
Switching processor to the FBMs.

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Table 2-15. Actions > Equipment Change Menu Items for ECBs

Menu items Description

PLC Program You can use PLC Program option to set the PLC to
program with ladder logic.
PLC Run You can use the PLC run option to run the ladder
program and drive outputs.
PLC Test You can use PLC test option to set the PLC to run the
ladder program and update in-memory data
Bus A Enable Allows communication over Port 1.
Bus B Enable Allows communication over Port 2.
Bus A Disable Stops communication over Port 1.
Bus B Disable Stops communication over Port 2.
Inhibit Device This will allow you to inhibit, or filter out, alarms from
Alarming a particular station or device. System Manager will
continue to indicate overall system and network health
even while equipment is failed or off-line.
Enable Device You can use Enable Device Alarming to re-enable
Alarming inhibited alarms.
Reset Attention Bit The Reset Attention Bit action is only available for the
UIO and UFM INTERSPEC Integrator peripherals to
reset attention bits when status setting of either LOC
(local), FLK (flunk) or there is a momentary loss of
power to the peripheral.
Before performing the Reset Attention Bit action, you
must clear the unacknowledged bit.
Reset Major Fault Reset Major Fault action is used to reset a major fault
bit in the PLC.
Reset Minor Fault Reset Minor Fault action is used to reset a minor fault
bit in the PLC.
Switch Roles Switch Roles, that applies to Redundant equipment,
enables you to switch the roles of the main and backup
Because the FCM100E module does not support the
Master/Tracker functionality, the SWITCH ROLES
selection on the FCM100E’s Equipment Change
display is disabled. Similarly, the SWITCH ROLES
selection on the FCM100Et’s Equipment Change
display is disabled when the module is configured

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70 2. System Manager Window

The equipment change actions menu items that are applicable for each device
group are given in Table 2-16
Table 2-16. Equipment Change Actions for Device Groups

Equipment Change
Actions Device Groups
EEPROM update FCM10E and GE PIO
Enable Device Alarming All device groups
Inhibit Device Alarming
General Download AB PIO and GE PIO
Profibus Gate
Echelon Gate
PLC5 Gate
Modbus Gate
Go On-line All device groups except Bristol Babcock Port
Go Off-line and F2068 Port
Periodic PIO Bus Switching AB Port
Bus A Enable Switching Modbus Port
Bus B Enable Switching GIT devices
Bus A Disable Switching
Bus B Disable Switching
PLC - Program ABPLC devices
PLC - Run
PLC - Test
Upload Database
Reset Major Fault
Reset Minor Fault
Download AB PIO and GE PIO
AB RIO Adaptor

Equipment Change Actions for LI and ATS

When an ATS or LI is selected, the following commands can be selected from
the peripheral’s context menu or from the Actions > Equipment Change
submenu pulled down from the System Manager main menu. Table 2-17 shows
the list of equipment change actions available for LI and ATS stations.

Table 2-17. Equipment Change Actions Applicable for LI and ATS

Equipment Actions Explanation

Acknowledge Station Acknowledge all alarms for the selected ATS
and LI station.
Inhibit Alarm or Enable Alarm When alarming is inhibited for a station, the
system monitor still updates the control
station’s status, but faults do not result in
system alarm messages.
When that alarm of the station is in inhibited
state, Enable Alarm will enable the system

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Table 2-17. Equipment Change Actions Applicable for LI and ATS

Equipment Actions Explanation

Disable All Reports or Enable Enabling all reports permits the internal
All Reports reporting of all status information for the
control station, as well as the reporting of
system alarms and counters to the system
When reporting is disabled, the Equipment
Status and Equipment Information tables may
contain outdated information, the health status
for the station and the attached devices may not
be accurate.
EEPROM Update The EEPROM Update action updates the
existing EEPROM in a station with new
EEPROM firmware.
Reboot The Reboot action restarts the selected control
station and reloads the station’s control database
from a file server.
Enable Upload or Disable When an ATS or LI station is rebooted due to a
Upload software failure, the system uploads the station
image to a local file on the boot host
workstation. The user can permit or prohibit the
system from uploading this image when the
station fails under certain conditions.
Enable Download or Disable In order to reboot a station or to update the LI or
Download ATS station image, you must enable
Equipment changes actions for specific equipment are described in later
• System Monitors; see page 88
• Workstations; see page 109
• Control Stations and Primary ECBs; see page 141
• FCMs; see page 186
• FBMs; see page 216
• Switches and switch ports; see page 245.

Acknowledge Smon Domain

You can acknowledge alarms individually using either the equipment’s context
menu or the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane. You can also acknowledge all
non-cable alarms in a system monitor domain with a single selection from the
Actions menu, the system monitor’s context menu or the toolbar.
To acknowledge all equipment failures in a system monitor domain:
1. Click at the top of the Navigation pane if the System Monitor view
is not already selected.
2. Select the system monitor in the Navigation pane.

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72 2. System Manager Window

3. Do one of the following:

• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Right-click the selection and choose Acknowledge Smon Domain
from the context menu.
• Click in the toolbar.
System Manager acknowledges all non-cable alarms in the system monitor
domain and clears the asterisks from the equipment icons.

Acknowledge All Cable Alarms

To acknowledge all cable faults:
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge All Cable Alarms from the main
menu or click in the toolbar.

Set Date and Time

Set Date and Time is described in “Date and Time Tools” on page 80.

DST Options
Instructions to configure Daylight Saving Time adjustments and the DST
Options command are given in “Daylight Saving Time (DST)” on page 81.

Download FF Devices File

The Download FF Devices File option on the Actions menu allows you to
download the latest version of the FF Devices file delivered with the System
Manager application. This option downloads the FFRegistered.xml file to
workstations running the System Manager or I/A Series System Management
Display Handler (SMDH) application, which may have an earlier version of
this file.
To download the latest version of the FFRegistered.xml file to workstations
running System Manager or SMDH, perform the following steps:
1. Choose Actions > Download FF Devices File.

Figure 2-25. Download FF Devices File Option in Actions Menu

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2. System Manager Window 73

2. When the Download FF Devices File dialog box is being loaded, “Loading
the dialog box” appears in the left corner of the System Manager status
bar, and the progress is indicated in the right corner of the status bar.

Figure 2-26. Loading Progress of Download FF Devices File Dialog Box

3. The Download FF Devices File dialog box appears and lists workstations
that are currently running. Select those workstations to which you want to
copy the FFRegistered.xml file. When the download is being performed, a
description of the current status appears in the left corner of the Download

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74 2. System Manager Window

FF Devices File dialog box, and the progress is indicated in the right
corner of the status bar, as shown in Figure 2-27.

Figure 2-27. Download FF Devices File Dialog Box

4. Click OK. If no workstation is selected, the following message is


Figure 2-28. No Workstation Selected Message

5. The latest version of the FFRegistered.xml file is copied to

D:\usr\fox\sysmgm\smdh directory of the selected workstations. The
status bar shows the progress of the operation.

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2. System Manager Window 75

6. When the file is successfully downloaded, the following message displays:

7. If the download fails for any of the selected workstations, the following
dialog box appears and lists the workstations for which the download

8. If the download procedure fails, you may need to modify file sharing
properties on each of the workstations for which the download failed.
Perform the following steps:
a. Open Windows Explorer software.
b. Select Tools > Folder Options.
c. From the Folder Options dialog box, click the View tab.

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76 2. System Manager Window

d. Scroll down to see the Use simple file sharing (Recommended)

option. Deselect this entry.

Figure 2-29. Disabling Simple File Sharing

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2. System Manager Window 77

Help Menu
The Help menu contains the following items:
About Displays the version and copyright notices for the System
Manager software.
Legend Provides a key to the equipment icons and the status
symbols used in the Navigation pane and the Hierarchy
Navigation box.

Contents Starts compiled HTML Help for the System Manager user
interface and displays the Help Contents tab.
Index Starts HTML Help and displays the Help Index tab.
Search Starts HTML Help and displays the Help Search tab.

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78 2. System Manager Window

Additionally, a context-sensitive help function is provided with the System

Manager application. Pressing F1 allows you on-demand access to the specific
online help topic associated with the part of the software in which you are
currently working. For example, if you are working in the Connections tab and
press F1, the HTML Help immediately jumps to the Connections tab topic.

The toolbar contain buttons for commonly used functions, commands,
additional navigational controls, and tools for setting network time. In
addition, the toolbar displays the current system date and time, DST Options
and the Master TimeKeeper. Figure 2-30 displays an example of the toolbar.

DST Options
Acknowledge Information System Date
Cable Alarms Pane and Time
Navigation Pane

Set Date/Time
Acknowledge Navigation Hierarchy Master Timekeeper
Smon Domain Go To Device

Figure 2-30. Example of a Toolbar

To display or hide the toolbar:

• Choose View > Toolbar from the main menu.

Alarm Icons
• Select a system monitor in the Navigation pane and click to
acknowledge all station alarms in the system monitor domain.
Clicking this icon is the same as choosing Actions > Acknowledge Smon
Domain from the main menu, or Acknowledge Smon Domain from the
system monitor’s context menu.
• Click to acknowledge all communication faults associated with
cables, transmitters, receivers, and fieldbuses.
Clicking this icon is the same as choosing Actions > Acknowledge Cable
Alarms from the main menu.
These buttons are only selectable if the workstation has been designated to
perform secured actions during system monitor software configuration
and the system monitor is currently active.

View Icons
• Click to toggle display of the Accessories pane.

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2. System Manager Window 79

Clicking this icon is the same as choosing View > Accessories from the
main menu.
• Click to toggle display of the Information pane.
Clicking this icon is the same as choosing View > Information from the
main menu.
• Click to toggle display of the Navigation pane.
Clicking this icon is the same as choosing View > Navigation from the
main menu.

Go-To Feature
The Go-To icon (Figure 2-31) and the drop-down menu to its right enable you
to search for and navigate to system monitors, stations and field devices by
name. The found item is selected in the Navigation pane and the Hierarchy
Navigation box, and displayed in the Information pane.

Figure 2-31. Go-To Icon and Drop-Down Menu

To find and navigate to a system monitor or equipment item by name:

1. Specify a search string in the combo box, using an asterisk as a wildcard.
For example:
• Enter FCP123 to find the device whose name matches the string
FCP123 exactly.
• Enter FCP* to search for names that start with the FCP.
• Enter *CP* to find all names that contain the string CP.
• Enter *804 to find all names that end with the string 804.

2. Click to find the next instance of the string specified in the combo
box and select that item in the Navigation pane.

3. Click to the right of the box to pull down a list of previous search
The list of previous search strings is cleared when System Manager is

Hierarchy Navigation
The Hierarchy Navigation box (Figure 2-32) is used to view and quickly
navigate to predecessors in the selected equipment’s hierarchy.

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80 2. System Manager Window

When the System Monitor view is selected for the Navigation pane, the box
displays the currently selected station or device, its parent equipment and
system monitor using the same symbols that are used in the Navigation pane.
When the Switch view is selected for the Navigation pane, the box displays the
currently selected station or device, its parent equipment and the switch using
the same symbols that are used in the Navigation pane.

When the System Monitor view is selected:

When the Switch view is selected:

Figure 2-32. Hierarchy Navigation Box

To use the box:

1. Choose View > Navigation > Hierarchy from the main menu if the box is
not already displayed in the tool bar.
The right-most item in the box is the device or station selected in the
Navigation pane.
2. Click an item to the left to select a parent station, the system monitor, or
the network switch.

Date and Time Tools

During system configuration, one workstation on the network is designated to
serve as the master timekeeper for all stations. The master timekeeper is
identified on the right side of the System Manager toolbar along with the
current date and time (Figure 2-33).
• Double-click the master timekeeper name to navigate to the workstation.
The workstation is selected in the Navigation pane, and the General tab in
the Information pane displays the workstation’s status and equipment
When the GPS icon is displayed to the left of the master timekeeper name, time
is externally sourced from the Global Positioning System (GPS) and cannot be
set from System Manager.

Time is externally sourced.

Time and date can be set

from System Manager.

Figure 2-33. Date and Time Tools

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2. System Manager Window 81

When a clock icon is shown to the left of the master timekeeper name, the
system date and time can be set from System Manager.

Caution Resetting the time can affect other activities on the network, such as
historian collection, trending and reporting. Only authorized personnel should
set the time and date.

To keep all stations on the node synchronized, you must make time and date
changes through the Set Date and Time command, not through the Windows
operating system Adjust Time/Date functions (selected from the tool tray or
Control Panel) on individual workstations.
To adjust the master timekeeper when the time is not sourced from the GPS:
1. Choose Actions > Set Date and Time, or click in the toolbar, to open
a dialog box for setting the date and time (Figure 2-34).

Figure 2-34. Set Date/Time Dialog Box

2. Use the calendar control to select a different date if necessary.

3. Select a portion of the time signature in the time box, and enter the change
or use the spinner buttons to increment or decrement the selected portion.
4. Click OK to set the specified date and time, and close the dialog box.

Daylight Saving Time (DST)

The Address Translation Stations (ATS) connects the The Mesh control
network to Nodebus networks. DST control is only supported if an ATS is
installed in the system. The Master Timekeeper (MTK) resides on The Mesh
and provides time updates to all stations on The Mesh and Nodebus Networks.
DST time adjustments (Standard Time to Daylight Saving Time and vice
versa) are automatically sent to all stations on The Mesh. Optional DST time

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82 2. System Manager Window

adjustments are provided that allow an operator to determine when DST time
adjustments are sent to Nodebus stations. This feature provides protection for
applications where changing time backwards (from Daylight Saving Time to
Standard Time) could cause problems.
The DST Options dialog box is shown when you click the DST Options
button (Figure 2-35). You can choose to have DST time adjustments sent
automatically or manually. These options ensure backward-compatibility for
I/A Series system releases with Nodebus networks, where the operator decides
when to manually change time using System Manager to adjust for DST.

DST Options

Figure 2-35. DST Options Button

The following two attributes control sending DST time adjustments to

Nodebus stations (Table 2-18 and Table 2-19):
• DST Mode (Manual / Automatic)
• Nodebus Time Mode (Standard Time / Daylight Saving Time)
Table 2-18. DST Modes

DST Modes Description

Manual DST Mode The user can manually change from Standard
Time to Daylight Saving Time and vice versa for
Nodebus stations. Time changes from Standard
Time to Daylight Saving Time in the spring and
reverts back to Standard Time in the fall.
Automatic DST Mode Nodebus stations will automatically track time of
Mesh stations when they change from Standard
Time to Daylight Saving Time and vice versa.
Table 2-19. Nodebus Time Modes

Nodebus Time Modes Description

Standard Time Standard Time is in any of 24 time zones,
usually the mean solar time at the central
meridian of each zone.
Daylight Saving Time Daylight Saving Time is time during which
clocks are set one hour or more ahead of
Standard Time to provide more daylight at the
end of the working day during spring, summer,
and early fall.

DST Options
Figure 2-36 shows the information presented on the DST Options dialog box.

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2. System Manager Window 83

Figure 2-36. DST Options Dialog Box

When you click the DST Options button on the Toolbar, the DST Options
dialog box appears and shows the current time settings of the Nodebus and
The Mesh network.
• If Nodebus DST Mode is set to Automatic, time sent to the Nodebus
stations is the same as The Mesh time mode (Standard Time or Daylight
Saving Time). Any selection made under Nodebus Network has no effect.
• If Nodebus DST Mode is set to Manual, time sent to the Nodebus
stations is based on Nodebus Time Mode regardless if The Mesh is in
Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time mode.
To change the Nodebus station times from Standard Time to Daylight Saving
Time or vice versa:
1. Make sure Nodebus DST Mode is set to Manual. This enables the
Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time options available under Time
2. Choose Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time under Time Settings
for the Nodebus Network.
3. Click Apply.
The message “Do not reboot any workstation for 1 minute” on the System
Manager message line confirms that the System Manager selection has been
processed. The user is warned not to intentionally reboot workstations until 1
minute to allow all workstations to record the System Manager time selection
thus making the time selection persistent should a workstation later fail and a
new Master Timekeeper take over. The worst scenario that could happen is that

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84 2. System Manager Window

the Primary MTK workstation fails immediately after a time selection is made
and other workstations do not get a chance to record the new time selection.
This could result in the Nodebus stations going to the selected System
Manager time state and immediately reverting back to the previous time state
when a new Master Timekeeper takes over. You would then have to repeat
their desired time selection.

Figure 2-37. Please Wait Dialog Box

MTK generates system messages indicating if The Mesh and Nodebus

networks are operating in the same time mode (Standard Time vs. Daylight
Saving Time).

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 3

System Monitors

When the System Monitor view is selected, the system monitors are shown at
the top of the tree in the Navigation pane. Each system monitor is identified by
the icon and the system monitor name (Figure 3-1).

Figure 3-1. System Monitor View in the Navigation Pane

This chapter describes status symbols attached to the system monitor, the
Information pane displays when a system monitor is selected and how to
acknowledge all station alarms within the domain.
• Status and Alarm Symbols

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86 3. System Monitors

• System Monitor Information

• Monitored Equipment
• Acknowledging Alarms

Status and Alarm Symbols

The status symbol attached to the upper left side of the system monitor icon
represents the most severe condition among the stations and switches in the
system monitor’s domain. For example, the failure symbol attached to
INFSMN in Figure 3-1 reflects the failed condition of control station IN1FC1,
which is more severe than the warning condition associated with INF2AW.
IN2SMN monitor in Figure 3-1 also has a failed station (IN2FC2) and one with
a warning (INF1AW). However, the system monitor is only marked with a
warning symbol because alarms from the failed station are inhibited.
The status of alarms in the domain is indicated by symbols attached to the
lower left corner of the system monitor icon as shown in the following table:

Symbol Condition
There is at least one alarm in the system monitor domain that
has not been acknowledged.

There is at least one switch, station, field device or peripheral

in the system domain that is inhibited, and there are no
unacknowledged alarms. The next time there is an alarm from
equipment that is not inhibited, the inhibited symbol will be
replaced by the asterisk until all alarms from the domain are

The status of the system monitor reflects the most severe condition in its
domain. If the System Manager service cannot communicate with a system
monitor, the Unknown symbol is attached to upper left corner of the icon and
the system monitor name is displayed in gray italicized text, as shown in
Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2. System Monitor Not Available

System Monitor Information

Click a system monitor listed in the Navigation pane to display its status and
configuration in the Information pane (Figure 3-3).

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3. System Monitors 87

Figure 3-3. System Monitor Status

Table 3-1. System Monitor Status Display Fields

Field Description
Name Name of the system monitor
Host Letterbug Name of the workstation on which the system monitor is
LI Letterbug Name of the LAN Interface host name (letterbug) for the
selected Carrierband LAN station
Historian Name of the historian acquiring messages from the
system monitor
Revision Level Revision level of the system monitor software

Monitored Equipment
To access additional information about stations and switches in the system
monitor domain:
1. Click the Connections tab to display a table of the stations and switches.
The table lists the monitored equipment by name and type, and shows the
status, run mode and error mode of each item (Figure 3-4).

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88 3. System Monitors

Figure 3-4. Connections Tab for a System Monitor

2. Click any column header in the table to sort the rows on that column; click
the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header to the right or left to change the column order.
4. Do one of the following to navigate to a station or switch:
• Double-click the equipment name.
• Right-click the equipment name and chose Navigate to <equipment
name> from the context menu (Navigate to FCP702 in Figure 3-4).
The item is selected in the Navigation pane and the Information pane
General tab displays status and equipment information tables for the
selected device.

Acknowledging Alarms
The asterisk is attached to the bottom left corner of the system monitor icon if
there is at least one unacknowledged station alarm in the system monitor’s
domain. There are multiple ways of acknowledging alarms:
• The System Manager toolbar contains a button for acknowledging all
station alarms in the selected system monitor domain and a button for
acknowledging all cable alarms system-wide.
• The Alarms tab toolbar contains buttons for acknowledging all alarms and
individual alarms.
• The context menus in the Navigation pane contain selections for
acknowledging alarms at the equipment level and/or domain level.
To acknowledge all station alarms in a system monitor domain:
1. Select the system monitor in the Navigation pane.

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3. System Monitors 89

2. Do one of the following:

• Right-click the selection and choose Acknowledge Smon Domain
from the context menu.
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.
The commands and the toolbar button are active only when there are
unacknowledged alarms in the domain and the workstation has the appropriate
equipment change action privileges.

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90 3. System Monitors

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 4

Workstations and Peripherals

This chapter describes how to use System Manager software to monitor

workstations and attached peripherals, such as annunciator panels and printers.

• Identification of Workstations and Peripherals
• Workstation Information
• Connected Peripherals
• Counters Tab
• Peripherals Information
• Equipment Change Actions

Identification of Workstations and Peripherals

In the Navigation pane, an Application Workstation is depicted by the
icon and a Workstation Processor is depicted by the icon. For each
workstation type, an attached peripheral is represented by the icon.
Figure 4-2 is a Navigation pane in which a system monitor has been expanded
to display workstations in its domain and expanded to display the peripheral
Symbols attached to system monitor SYSMN2 show there is at least one failed
device in the domain and at least one unacknowledged alarm. The failed device
is a printer attached to workstation AWSM02, and thus the yellow warning
symbol is attached to the workstation icon. Workstation AWSM05 has an
unacknowledged alarm and the workstation is in the failed state.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.

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92 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Figure 4-1. Mesh Workstations and Peripherals in the Navigator

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 93

Alarms from WP
are inhibited Station transmitter/
receiver cable alarms
are inhibited for
Nodebus A and B

Station transmitter/
receiver cable alarms
for Nodebus A
are inhibited
Figure 4-2. Nodebus Workstations and Peripherals in the Navigator

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94 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Labels attached to the workstation icon indicate the state of communications

between the station and the Network:

Symbol Condition
The top right corner is used for indicators of a fault in the
station’s connection to the network when the fault is with
A channel (Receiver A) and middle right when the fault is in
B channel (Receiver B).

The top right corner is used for indicators of a fault in the

station’s connection to the network when the fault is with
A channel (Transmitter A) and middle right when the fault is in
B channel (Transmitter B)

The station with symbol indicates that station

transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus
Cable A.

The station with symbol indicates that station

transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus
Cable B.

Workstation Information
When a workstation or a server is selected, the General tab in the Information
pane (Figure 4-3) displays the station’s status and equipment information in
two tables.
An area at the bottom of the tab identifies the switches to which the station is
Do one of the following to navigate to a connected switch:
• Double-click the switch name.
• Right-click the switch name and choose Navigate to <switch name> from
the context menu.
The switch is selected in the Navigation pane, and its status and equipment
information are displayed in the Information pane.

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 95

Figure 4-3. Information Pane General Tab for a Workstation

Equipment Status
The following table describes the Equipment Status grid:
Table 4-1. Equipment Status Display Fields

Field Description
Name The station letterbug assigned during system hardware
Type Type of hardware specified when the letterbug was
defined. (For example “Windows Server Workstation.”)
IP Address I/A Series station network address.
Switch Connections Number of switches connected to this station.
SMON System monitor domain to which the station is
SMON Host Host station for the system monitor.
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. The field changes to On Line
when the station reports to the system monitor after
booting up. If reporting is disabled, the last known state
appears in this field.

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96 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Table 4-1. Equipment Status Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Failed State Failed or Not Failed. The field changes from Not
Failed to Failed if either of the following occurs:
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for
more than two minutes.
• A station hardware failure or communication
failure results in the station not being able to send
its internal reports for one minute or more.
Alarm Enabled Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for
State the station. When alarming is inhibited for a
workstation, the system monitor still updates its status,
but alarm messages are not displayed in System
Manager, and are not logged to the printer or the
• To inhibit alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit Alarming
from the context menu.
• To enable alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Enable Alarming
from the context menu.
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field
Acknowledged changes from Acknowledged to Not Acknowledged,
State when Failed State changes from Not Failed to Failed.
To return the field to Acknowledged:
• Right-click the station name in the Navigation pane
and choose Acknowledge Station from the context
menu to acknowledge the status change.
Failed Devices Yes, if a peripheral attached to the station is reported as
Attached failed; otherwise, No. To determine which peripherals
are failed:
• Click the Connections tab to list the type, current
status, run mode and failure mode of each
peripheral as described in “Connected Peripherals”
on page 104.

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 97

Table 4-1. Equipment Status Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Failed Devices Yes or No. This field is initially set to Yes. If an
Acknowledged attached device fails, the field is set to No until the
system alarm from the peripheral is acknowledged.
• Right-click the peripheral in the Navigation pane
and choose Acknowledge Device from the context
menu to acknowledge the failed device.
Server Status Good, Critical or Not Applicable. This status
indicates the overall status of the components that are
residing in Windows Server workstation as shown in
Table 4-2, “Equipment Information Fields,” on
page 97.
Critical if any of the server components listed in
Table 4-2, “Equipment Information Fields,” on page 97
are in failure state.
Good if all the server components listed in Table 4-2,
“Equipment Information Fields,” on page 97 are in
healthy state.
Not Applicable if the workstation is not a Windows

Equipment Information
The following table describes the fields in the Equipment Information table:
Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields

Field Description
Reporting State Indicates whether the station is reporting its status to its
system monitor; values can be:
• Reporting All
• No Reporting
• No Counters
• No Information
To change the Reporting State:
• Right-click the station name in the Navigation
Pane and choose Disable All Reports or Enable
All Reports from the context menu.
Cable State Status of cable connections between the workstation
and the switch:
• Both Cables Okay
• Fault
• No Information

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98 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Station Address A six-octet media access control (MAC) address
assigned during system definition and used by the
networking protocol in the I/A Series stations
Master Timekeeper If GPS is enabled:
• GPS Config
• GPS Enabled MTK
• GPS Failed
• GPS Failed MTK
If GPS is not enabled:
• GPS Not Config MTK
• GPS Not Config
Server Model The model of the Windows Server operating system,
for example, PowerEdge 2900.

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
DELL Software The software revision of the DELL OpenManage
Revision Server.

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Server Power The overall status of all the power supplies located in
Windows Server system.
• Good when all the power supplies are operating.
• Non-critical condition requires prompt attention.
• Critical condition requires immediate attention.
• Unknown when the health status of the power
supplies is unknown.

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 99

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Server Cooling The operational state of the fans located in Windows
Server system is shown as one of the following:
• Good when all the fans are operating.
• Critical when one or more fans are not working.
• Unknown when the health status of the fans is

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Server Temperature The status of the system board ambient temperature for
Windows Server system is shown as one of the
• Good
• Non-critical
• Critical
• Unknown

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Server Voltage The components on Windows Server system are rated
for a specific operating voltage. Voltage probes are
placed on different components to ensure adequate
voltage and to prevent voltage that can result from
excessive voltage. The status of the voltage can be one
of the following:
• Good
• Non-critical
• Critical
• Unknown

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

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100 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Server Memory The status of random-access memory (RAM) which
Device indicates normal, prefailure or failure performance of
the connection or slot for a memory device. The status
of the memory device can be one of the following:
• Good
• Non-critical
• Critical
• Unknown

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Server Intrusion Intrusion status for each chassis in Windows Server
system. Good when the chassis cover or bezel cover is
closed or Critical when the chassis cover or bezel
cover is opened.

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Power 1 The health status of power supply 1 located in Windows
Server system is shown as one of the following:
• Good indicates power supply 1 is operating.
• Non-critical condition indicates the power supply
condition that should be addressed soon or at the
next scheduled maintenance.
• Critical condition means the cable cord of power
supply 1 is unplugged or the power supply is
operating outside of wattage limit which takes the
power supply offline. It requires immediate
• Unknown/Undefined when the health status of
power supply 1 is unknown or cannot be

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 101

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Power 2 The health status of power supply 2 located in Windows
Server system is shown as one of the following:
• Good indicates power supply 2 is operating.
• Non-critical condition indicates the power supply
condition that should be addressed soon or at the
next scheduled maintenance.
• Critical condition means the cable cord of power
supply 2 is unplugged or the power supply is
operating outside of wattage limit which takes the
power supply offline. It requires immediate
• Unknown/Undefined when the health status of
power supply 2 is unknown or cannot be

This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,

otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.
Power 3 The health status of power supply 3 located in Windows
Server system is shown as one of the following:
• Good indicates power supply 3 is operating.
• Non-critical condition indicates the power supply
condition that should be addressed soon or at the
next scheduled maintenance.
• Critical condition means the cable cord of power
supply 3 is unplugged or the power supply is
operating outside of wattage limit which takes the
power supply offline. It requires immediate
• Unknown/Undefined when the health status of
power supply 3 is unknown or cannot be

Note This field is dependent upon the model of the

Windows Server system. For example, this field is
applicable to Windows Server PowerEdge 2800
system. Otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,

otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.

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102 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Power 4 The health status of power supply 4 located in Windows
Server system is shown as one of the following:
• Good indicates power supply 4 is operating.
• Non-critical condition indicates the power supply
condition that should be addressed soon or at the
next scheduled maintenance.
• Critical condition means the cable cord of power
supply 4 is unplugged or the power supply is
operating outside of wattage limit which takes the
power supply offline. It requires immediate
• Unknown/Undefined when the health status of
power supply 4 is unknown or cannot be

Note This field is dependent upon the model of the

Windows Server system. For example, this field is
applicable to Windows Server PowerEdge 2800
systems. Otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Power Redundant Redundant power supply can prevent system shutdown
State due to power supply failure.
• Full when all the power supplies located in
Windows Server system are working.
• Lost when one or more power supply is not

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 103

Table 4-2. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Cooling Redundant Redundant fan can prevent system shutdown due to fan
State failure.
• Full when all the fans located in Windows Server
system are working.
• Lost when one or more fan is not working.
• Undefined if the redundancy status is not available
for some models of Windows Server systems, such
as, PowerEdge T610.

This field is applicable only to Windows Server

systems, otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the
Free Space in Drive Displays available disk space (in GB) for Drive C.
This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,
otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.
Used Space in Displays used disk space (in GB) for Drive C.
Drive C:
This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,
otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.
Free Space in Drive Displays available disk space (in GB) for Drive D.
This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,
otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.
Used Space in Displays used disk space (in GB) for Drive D.
Drive D:
This field is applicable only to Windows Server system,
otherwise, Not Applicable is displayed in the field.

1. The Microsoft SNMP Service and Server Manager must be installed on the
Windows Server in order to view the status for the fields applicable to
Windows Servers. The Microsoft SNMP Service and Server Manager are
installed during I/A Series V8.6 software installation. For information on
installing V8.6 software, refer to V8.6 Release Notes and Installation
Procedures (B0700SD).

2. A System Monitor log entry is generated if Server Status as described in

Table 4-1 is transitioned to a Critical or Non-recoverable status, as well as,
when the Server Status is transitioned back to a recovered state.
While the Windows Server is in a particular status and there is an event
which results in the same status as it is already in, no message is logged to
the System Monitor log. For example, the status of each component and the
Server Status is in Good state, initially. If the cover of the Windows Server
is opened, the Server Status is changed from Good to Critical, and this status
change is logged in System Monitor log. Now, if a fan is pulled out from the
Windows Server, there is no change in the Server Status as it is already in
Critical status. Hence, no message is logged to the System Monitor log.

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104 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Caution The Microsoft SNMP Services are installed on Windows Server
systems running I/A Series V8.6 or later. The services include the SNMP
service and SNMP Trap service. After the installation of I/A Series V8.6 or
later, the SNMP Trap service is disabled and it should not be manually
enabled since the Windows Server system that monitors switches would be

Connected Peripherals
To access additional information about a workstation’s peripherals:
1. Click the Connections tab to display a table listing the workstation
peripherals by name and type, and showing their status, run mode and
error mode (Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4. Connections Tab for a Workstation

2. Click any column header in the table to sort the rows on that column; click
the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header to the right or left to change the column order.
4. Do one of the following to navigate to a peripheral:
• Double-click the equipment name.
• Right-click the equipment name and chose Navigate to <equipment
name> from the context menu (Navigate to AKP 1 in Figure 4-4).
The peripheral is selected in the Navigation pane and the General tab in
the Information pane displays status and equipment information tables for
the selected device (Figure 4-6).

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 105

Counters Tab
The Counters tab (Figure 4-5) provides statistics on the workstation
performance such as the number of transactions and errors. Counters from the
tab can be added to a watch list that includes counters from other workstations
or other equipment.
To access counters for a workstation:
1. Select the workstation in the Navigation pane and click the Counters tab
in the Information pane.
2. Click the radio button at the top of the page to select the category to be
The tab consists of a five-column table with the counter names, current
and previous values, and high and low values. Figure 4-5 is a workstation
Counters tab with the MAC Sublayer category selected.

Figure 4-5. Workstation Counters Tab

Buttons in the Counters tab toolbar are used to read and reset values in the
table, and add selected counters to the Watch tab. See “Counters Tab” on
page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional information on using
features of the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.
Workstations and control stations maintain the same counters, and these are
described in detail in Chapter 6, “Station Counters”

Peripherals Information
When a peripheral is selected, the General tab in the Information pane displays
Equipment Status and Equipment Information tables similar to those for the
annunciator in Figure 4-6 or the printer in Figure 4-7.

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106 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Annunciators and GCIO Peripherals

The table layout in Figure 4-6 is used to provide status and equipment
information for annunciators and peripherals that use the GCIO interface. The
data fields are described in the table that follows the example.

Figure 4-6. Information Pane for an Annunciator Panel

Table 4-3. Annunciator Panel Equipment Status and Equipment

Information Display Fields

Field Description

Equipment Status
Name Device name (letterbug) assigned during hardware
Type Equipment type
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. The status changes to Off Line
when you initiate an EEPROM update, and returns to
On Line when the update is completed.
Failed State Failed or Not Failed
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. The field
Acknowledge State changes to Not Acknowledged when Failed State
changes from Not Failed to Failed.
• Right-click the peripheral name in the Navigation
pane and choose Acknowledge Device from the
context menu to acknowledge the failed peripheral.
Alarming State Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for
the peripheral. When alarming is Inhibited for the
device, the system monitor still updates the device
status, but system alarm messages are not sent to
System Manager and are not logged to the printer or the

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 107

Table 4-3. Annunciator Panel Equipment Status and Equipment

Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
EEPROM Update EEPROM Updating when the workstation is
State downloading peripheral software; otherwise, Not

Equipment Information
Release Date Date of the revision level
EEPROM Revision Revision level of the peripheral software image
Hardware Revision Revision level of the hardware
Hardware Part Part number of the peripheral
Panel Slot 1 Type of annunciator in the slot: Annunciator/Keypad,
Annunciator/Numeric Keypad, or Modular Keyboard
Manufacture Date Date the hardware was manufactured
Panel Slot 2 Type of annunciator in the slot: Annunciator/Keypad,
Annunciator/Numeric Keypad, or Modular Keyboard
Panel Slot 3 Type of annunciator in the slot: Annunciator/Keypad,
Annunciator/Numeric Keypad, or Modular Keyboard

The table layout in Figure 4-7 is used to display status and equipment
information for printers. The data fields are described in the table that follows
the example.

Figure 4-7. Information Pane for a Printer

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108 4. Workstations and Peripherals

Table 4-4. Printer Equipment Status and Equipment Information

Display Fields

Field Description

Equipment Status
Name Device name (letterbug) assigned during hardware
Type Equipment type
Run Mode On Line or Off Line
Failed State Failed or Not Failed
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. The field
Acknowledge State changes to Not Acknowledged when Failed State
changes from Not Failed to Failed.
• Right-click the peripheral name in the Navigation
pane and choose Acknowledge Device from the
context menu to acknowledge the failed peripheral.
Alarming State Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for
the peripheral. When alarming is Inhibited for the
device, the system monitor still updates the device
status, but system alarm messages are not sent to
System Manager and are not logged to the printer or the
Ready State Ready or Not Ready

Equipment Information
Backup Name 1 Letterbugs of the backup printers
Backup Name 2
Auto Recovery Yes or No indicating whether Auto Recovery is enabled
Lockable Yes or No indicating whether access to the printer can
be restricted
Port Number Port connecting the printer to the workstation
Class Name Type of printer

Peripherals Counters
The Counters tab for printers display the number of messages dropped.
Annunciator and GICO peripherals do not maintain counters.
See “Counters Tab” on page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional
information on using the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.

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4. Workstations and Peripherals 109

Equipment Change Actions

When a workstation is selected, the following commands can be selected from
the station’s context menu or from the Actions > Equipment Change
submenu pulled down from the System Manager main menu:
• Acknowledge Station (when there is an unacknowledged alarm)
• Inhibit Alarming or Enable Alarming
• Disable All Reports or Enable All Reports
When a peripheral is selected, the following commands can be selected from
the peripheral’s context menu or from the Actions > Equipment Change
submenu pulled down from the System Manager main menu:
• Acknowledge Device (when there is an unacknowledged alarm)
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go Off-Line or Go On-Line (for printers)
• EEPROM Update (for annunciator panels and GCIO)

Managing Alarms
There are multiple ways to acknowledge alarms associated with a workstation
or one of its peripherals:
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to identify and acknowledge
an individual alarm, or acknowledge all alarms (see “Alarms Tab” on
page 49).
• Right-click the workstation in the Navigation pane and choose
Acknowledge Station from the context menu to acknowledge all alarms
for the selected station.
• Right-click the peripheral in the Navigation pane and choose
Acknowledge Device from the context menu to acknowledge an alarm
from the selected device.
• Acknowledge all alarms in the system monitor domain to which the
workstation is assigned by selecting the system monitor in the Navigation
pane and doing one of the following:
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.
• Right-click the system monitor and choose Acknowledge Smon
Domain from the context menu.
You can inhibit all alarms for the workstation or one of its peripherals so that
no alarm conditions are reported to the system monitor.
To inhibit workstation alarms:
1. Right-click the workstation in the Navigation pane.
2. Choose Inhibit Alarming from the context menu.

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110 4. Workstations and Peripherals

The workstation is marked with the symbol to indicate that alarms are
being inhibited.
To inhibit alarms from one of the station’s peripherals:
1. Right-click the peripheral in the Navigation pane.
2. Choose Inhibit Device Alarming from the context menu.
The peripheral’s icon is marked with the symbol to indicate that alarms
are being inhibited.
To re-enable the alarms:
1. Right-click the peripheral in the Navigation pane.
2. Choose the appropriate command from the context menu:
Enable Alarming
Enable Device Alarming

Updating Peripheral Software

The EEPROM Update action for a peripheral device updates the selected
device with new firmware. The action downloads the software, burns a new
EEPROM image, and restarts the device. During the update operation, the
peripheral is off-line and marked as failed.
Invensys supplies the EEPROM update software. It is recommended that you
perform an EEPROM update only after an official Invensys software release.
To update existing peripheral firmware:
1. Right-click the peripheral in the Navigation pane and choose EEPROM
Update from the context menu.
2. Respond to the prompts in the confirmation dialog if the Action Settings
requires that you confirm the action and document the reason for the
firmware update.
3. Right-click the device and choose Acknowledge Device from the context
menu when the peripheral is back on-line.

Disable/Enable All Reports

Enabling all reports permits the internal reporting of all status information for
the workstation and any attached peripherals, as well as reporting of system
and peripheral counters to the system monitor. When reporting is enabled, all
displays are updated with the current status of the station and its peripherals,
and equipment failures can be acknowledged.
• Right-click the workstation and choose Disable All Reports to stop
internal reporting.
When reporting is disabled, the Equipment Status and Equipment
Information tables may contain outdated information, you cannot
acknowledge equipment failures, and the station health status may not be
accurate in terms of the peripherals attached to the station.

Note Disabling reports is not recommended unless you need to reduce traffic
on the network to diagnose a problem.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 5

Control Stations, ATSs, and


This chapter describes how to use System Manager software to monitor control
stations and perform equipment change actions.

Note The examples used in this chapter involve the Field Control Processor
270 (FCP270) and Z-Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270).

• Identification of Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs
• Station Information for Control Processors and ATSs
• Station Information for LI
• Connected FBMs
• Control Station, ATS, and LI Counters
• Primary ECB (Primary FBM) Information
• Equipment Change Actions

Identification of Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Control stations are depicted in the Navigation pane by the icon displayed
on the second level below the assigned system monitor (or the selected switch
when the Switch view is used). When the station is a fault-tolerant control
processor, a redundant ATS, or a fault-tolerant LAN interface module, a 2 is
attached to the upper right corner of the icon.
When you expand a control station in the Navigation pane, the next level
shows the station’s Primary ECB ( ), sometimes referred to as FBM0 or the
Primary FBM. The Primary ECB is not a separate piece of hardware, but is an
equipment control block residing in the control station and managing
communications with the attached field devices:
• Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) when the control station is an FCP270, CP40,
or CP30 (Figure 5-1)
• Fieldbus Communication Modules (FCMs) when the control station is a
ZCP270 or CP60 (Figure 5-2).

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112 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

This Primary ECB can be selected to view additional information about the
control station and perform equipment change actions that affect the FBMs and
the Fieldbus communications.

Fault-tolerant FCP270 with a warning

and unacknowledged alarms
Primary ECB for FCP701 with
FBMs attached

FBM with an unacknowledged

equipment problem

Non-fault-tolerant FCP270
in a normal operating state
Primary ECB for FCP805

Figure 5-1. FCP270s and their Primary ECBs (Primary FBMs)

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 113

Fault-tolerant ZCP270 with a warning

and an unacknowledged alarm
Primary ECB for ZCP703

FCM connecting FBMs to


This FBM has an unacknowledged alarm

but has returned to normal

This FBM has an unacknowledged

warning condition

Non-fault-tolerant ZCP270 in
the normal operating state
Primary ECB for ZCP711

First FCM Attached to ZCP711

Figure 5-2. ZCP270s and their Primary ECBs (Primary FBMs)

CP and ATS Equipment Status Indicators

A symbol attached to the upper left corner of the control station or ATS icon
indicates an adverse condition with the station or one of its field devices, such
as the warning symbol on FCP701 and the red failure symbol on the attached
FBM in Figure 5-1. The alarm status associated with the control station is
indicated by symbols on the lower left side of the station.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.

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114 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Labels attached to the control station or ATS icon indicate the state of
communications with its attached field devices and with switches in the
Table 5-1. Equipment Status Indicators for CP and ATS

Symbol Condition
The lightning symbol to the left of the station icon indicates
that there is a cable fault with at least one of the field devices
attached to the station.
This symbol is not shown until the station node in the
Navigation pane is expanded for the first time in the session so
that System Manager retrieves the identity and status of the
attached devices.
The lightning symbol on the top right of the CP/ATS indicates
that there is a failure in Cable A.

The lightning symbol on the middle right of the CP/ATS

indicates that there is a failure in Cable B.

The top right corner is used for indicators of a fault in the

station’s connection to the network when the fault is with
A channel (Receiver A) and middle right when the fault is in
B channel (Receiver B).

The top right corner is used for indicators of a fault in the

station’s connection to the network when the fault is with
A channel (Transmitter A) and middle right when the fault is in
B channel (Transmitter B).

The CP30, CP40, CP60, or ATS with symbol indicates

that station transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for
Nodebus Cable A.

The CP30, CP40, CP60, or ATS with symbol indicates

that station transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for
Nodebus Cable B.
The ATS with symbol on bottom left indicates that the
cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus Cable A.

The ATS with symbol on bottom left indicates that the

cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus Cable B.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 115

Table 5-1. Equipment Status Indicators for CP and ATS (Continued)

Symbol Condition
The CP with the symbol on the bottom right indicates
that the station has devices attached to the single cable (that is,
The red outline around an ATS letterbug indicates that there is:
• A communication fault on the Nodebus cable
• A communication fault with connected station or FBM
(indicates the communication fault path)

In this example, the affected ATS letterbug is H3BATS. Refer

to Figure 5-3.
Labels attached to the right side of the station’s Primary ECB indicate the state
of communications between the control station and the Fieldbus devices:

Symbol Condition
When the station is an FCP270, CP30, or CP40, a label at the
upper right corner of the block indicates which channel in the
module fieldbus is being used to communicate with the
station’s FBMs.

When the station is a ZCP270 or CP60, the label indicates

which Fieldbus cable is being used to communicate with the
attached FCMs. The indicators are:
• AUTO when the station automatically switches to the
better channel or cable
• Bus A when the A channel or A cable has been selected by
an operator
• Bus B when the B channel or B cable has been selected by
an operator

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116 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Failure in
ATS alarms Cable A
are inhibited
fault exists underneath
Cable alarms ATS
are inhibited
for Nodebus Station transmitter/receiver
Cable B cable alarms are
inhibited for
Nodebus Cable A

Failed station
receiver on
Nodebus Cable A

Figure 5-3. Example of ATS Equipment Status Indicators

LI Equipment Status Indicators

A symbol attached to the upper left corner of the LI icon indicates an adverse
condition with an attached station.The alarm status associated with the LI is
indicated by symbols on the lower left side of the station.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 117

Labels attached to the LI icon indicate the state of communications with its
attached equipment.

Table 5-2. Equipment Status Indicators for LI Stations

Symbol Condition
The lightning symbol on the top right of the LAN Interface
station indicates that there is a failure in Cable A on the
Nodebus or Carrierband LAN.

The lightning symbol on the middle right of the LAN Interface

station indicates that there is a failure in Cable B on the
Nodebus or Carrierband LAN.
For more information on the type of fault and where the fault
has occurred (either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or
both simultaneously), go to the LI’s Equipment Information
pane and refer to the Faults group (Figure 5-7).
• For Carrierband LAN, the symbol at the top right corner
indicates the failed Receiver A in the primary module on
the LAN side of the LI.
• For the Nodebus, the symbol at the top right corner
indicates a failed station receiver on Nodebus Cable A.
The symbol on the right side of the LI icon represents a
possible Drop Cable A fault.
For more information on the type of fault and where the fault
has occurred (either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or
both simultaneously), go to the LI’s Equipment Information
pane and refer to the Faults group (Figure 5-7).
• For Carrierband LAN, the symbol at the middle right
indicates the failed Receiver B in the primary module on
the LAN side of the LI.
• For the Nodebus, this symbol at the middle right indicates
a failed station receiver on Nodebus Cable B.
The symbol on the right side of the LI icon represents a
possible Drop Cable B fault.
For more information on the type of fault and where the fault
has occurred (either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or
both simultaneously), go to the LI’s Equipment Information
pane and refer to the Faults group (Figure 5-7).

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118 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-2. Equipment Status Indicators for LI Stations (Continued)

Symbol Condition
• For Carrierband LAN, the symbol at the top right corner
indicates the failed Transmitter A in the primary module
on the LAN side of the LI.
• For the Nodebus, the symbol at the top right corner
indicates a failed station transmitter on Nodebus Cable A.
The symbol on the right side of the LI icon represents a
possible Drop Cable A fault.
For more information on the type of fault and where the fault
has occurred (either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or
both simultaneously), go to the LI’s Equipment Information
pane and refer to the Faults group (Figure 5-7).
• For Carrierband LAN, the symbol at the middle right
indicates the failed Transmitter B in the primary module
on the LAN side of the LI.
• For the Nodebus, this symbol at the middle right indicates
a failed station transmitter on Nodebus Cable B.
The symbol on the right side of the LI icon represents a
possible Drop Cable B fault.
For more information on the type of fault and where the fault
has occurred (either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or
both simultaneously), go to the LI’s Equipment Information
pane and refer to the Faults group (Figure 5-7).
The LAN Interface station with symbol indicates that
station transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for
Nodebus Cable A.

The LAN Interface station with symbol indicates that

station transmitter/receiver cable alarms are inhibited for
Nodebus Cable B.
The LAN Interface station with symbol on bottom left
indicates that cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus Cable A.

The LAN Interface station with symbol on bottom left

indicates that cable alarms are inhibited for Nodebus Cable B
alarms are inhibited.
The LAN Interface station with symbol on middle left
indicates that the LI station transmitter/receiver cable alarms
are inhibited for Carrierband LAN A.

The LAN Interface station with symbol on middle left

indicates that the LI station transmitter/receiver cable alarms
are inhibited for Carrierband LAN B.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 119

Table 5-2. Equipment Status Indicators for LI Stations (Continued)

Symbol Condition
The LAN Interface station with symbol on top left
indicates that the cable alarms are inhibited for Carrierband

The LAN Interface station with symbol on top left

indicates that the cable alarms are inhibited for Carrierband
The red outline around the letterbug of an LI indicates that
there is:
• A communication fault on the Nodebus cable
• A communication fault with connected station or FBM
(indicates the communication fault path)
In this example, the affected LI letterbug is A21LI1. Refer to
Figure 5-4.

Failed Cable A
on Carrierband LAN

LI station transmitter/
receiver cable alarms Communication
are inhibited for fault exists
Carrierband LAN underneath LI

Figure 5-4. Example of LI Equipment Status Indicators

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120 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Failed Cables A and B Communication

on Nodebus, fault exists
Carrierband LAN, underneath LI
or both* station

Cable alarms inhibited for:

Carrierband LAN A
Nodebus A

Alarms from
LI station
are inhibited

Failed station
receiver on
Nodebus Cable B

Station transmitter/
receiver cable alarms
are inhibited for
Nodebus Cable B

* For more information on the type of fault and where the fault has occurred
(either on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or both), go to the LI’s
Equipment Information pane and refer to the Faults group Figure 5-7.

Figure 5-5. Example of LI Equipment Status Indicators

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 121

Station Information for Control Processors and

When a control station or ATS is selected in the Navigation pane, the General
tab in the Information pane displays status and equipment information for the
station in two tables and the switches to which the station is connected
(Figure 5-6).
The first two fields in the Equipment Status table identify the station by name
and type. The remainder of the fields in this group provide status information
and are updated dynamically. The fields in the Equipment Information group
are updated periodically.

Figure 5-6. General Tab for a Fault Tolerant FCP270

The area at the bottom of the pane displays the switches to which the station is
Do one of the following to navigate to a connected switch:
• Double-click the switch name.
• Right-click the switch name and choose Navigate to <switch name> from
the context menu.
The switch is selected in the Navigation pane, and its status and equipment
information are displayed in the Information pane.

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122 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Equipment Status

Table 5-3. Equipment Status Fields

Field Description
Name The station letterbug assigned during system hardware
Type Type of hardware specified when the letterbug was
Boot Host Host station for the CP/ATS
SMON System monitor domain to which the station is assigned
SMON Host Host station for the system monitor
IP Address I/A Series station network address
Switch Number of switches connected to this station
Fault Tolerant Yes or No. Indicates whether the station is fault-tolerant.
Fault Tolerant State Operational or Non-Operational for fault-tolerant
controllers only. Fault Tolerant State indicates Non-
Operational if the shadow module is not installed or
Redundant State Operational or Non-Operational for redundant ATSs
only. Fault Tolerant State indicates Non-Operational if
the shadow module is not installed or configured.
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. This field is initially Off Line, but
changes to On Line when the station reports to the
system monitor after booting up. If reporting is
disabled, the last known state appears in this field.
Run Mode and Failed State are separate, but related
fields. Although certain Equipment Change options
change the Run Mode to Off Line, they do not fail the
station. However, a failed station results in the Run
Mode changing to Off Line.
The field changes to Off Line if any of the following
• Reboot of the station
• Image update
• Power failure
• Any station hardware failure or communication
failure that results in the station not being able to
send its internal reports for one minute or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Run Mode of
each module in the pair.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 123

Table 5-3. Equipment Status Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Failed State Failed or Not Failed. This field changes from Not
Failed to Failed if any of the following occurs:
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for
more than two minutes.
• A physical pull/push of the module is performed to
reboot the station, and the station requires more
than two minutes to come back on-line.
• Any station hardware failure or communication
failure that results in the station not being able to
send its internal reports for one minute or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Fail State of
each module.
Alarming State Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for
the device. When alarming is Inhibited for a station, the
system monitor still updates the control station’s status,
but faults do not result in system alarm messages.
• To inhibit alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit Alarming
from the context menu.
• To enable alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Enable Alarming
from the context menu.
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. If the Failed
Acknowledged State changes from Not Failed to Failed, the Failed
State Acknowledged State field changes to Not
Acknowledged to indicate this transition. To
acknowledge the failed state:
• Right-click the station in the Navigation pane and
choose Acknowledge Station from the context
Failed Devices Yes if one or more Fieldbus devices attached to the
Attached station are reported as failed; otherwise, No
Failed Devices Yes or No. If any of the attached devices becomes
Acknowledged unacknowledged, the field changes from Yes to No. Do
one of the following to acknowledge the failed
• Use the Connections tab to identify the failed
device, right-click the equipment in the Navigation
pane, and choose Acknowledge Device from the
context menu.
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to
identify and acknowledge the alarm.

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124 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-3. Equipment Status Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Image/EEPROM Image Updating or EEPROM Updating (for classic
Update State stations) when the station’s operating software image is
being updated; otherwise, Not Updating. For fault-
tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode and Shadow
Mode fields for the current Image Updating State.
Download State Downloading when the station is rebooted via an
operator-initiated request; otherwise, Not
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Download
Diagnostics State Active for a non-fault-tolerant station that is off-line;
otherwise, Not Active

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 125

Equipment Information

Table 5-4. Equipment Information Fields

Field Description
Reporting State Status of the station’s reporting to the system monitor
is shown as one of the following:
• Report All
• No Reporting
• No Counters
• No Information
To change the Reporting State:
• Right-click on the station name in the Navigation
Pane and choose Disable All Reporting or
Enable All Reporting from the context menu.
Master Timekeeper Indicates the status of UTC and time strobe from the
Reporting system timekeeper
(STK), as received by the station. If STK
synchronization (STK SYN) is enabled, the status can
• Pulsed STK: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe from both ports A and B.
• Sync A in Fail: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe only from port B.
• Sync B in Fail: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe only from port A.
• Sync AB in Fail: Receiving UTC time from
MTK, but lost time strobe from ports A and B.
If STK SYN is not enabled, the status can be either
AB Fail Not Config or Sync Not Config.
Station Address A six-octet media access control (MAC) address
assigned during system definition and used by the
networking protocol in the I/A Series stations
Cable State The state of communications between the control
station and the attached field devices is reported as:
• Both Cables Okay
• Fault
• No Information

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126 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-4. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Primary Mode Shows the mode of the Primary module:
• Single Primary when the station is a non-
redundant station and it is on-line
• Married Primary for the primary module in a
redundant pair that is operating normally
• Image Updating when the primary station
software image is being updated
• Off Line
• Downloading when the control database is being
downloaded to the primary station
• Failed
• No Information
Primary ROM A six-octet MAC address of the Primary controller
Address assigned during manufacturing. The last six characters
of this address are the module hardware ID which is
stamped on a label on the module’s outer cover.
Primary Hardware Part number for a non-fault-tolerant station or for the
Part Number Primary module in a fault-tolerant pair
Primary Hardware Revision level of the hardware for a non-fault-tolerant
Revision station or of the Primary module hardware in a fault-
tolerant pair
Primary Hardware Manufacturing date of the hardware for a non-fault-
Date tolerant station or of the Primary module hardware in
a fault-tolerant pair
Primary Image Revision number for the operating software image in a
Revision non-fault-tolerant station or in the Primary module
hardware in a fault-tolerant pair
Shadow parameters are only shown for fault-tolerant stations.
(“Backup” is used in place of “Shadow” when referring to a redundant
Shadow Mode • Married Shadow for the shadow module in a
redundant pair that is operating normally
• Image Updating when the software for a shadow
station in a redundant pair is being updated
• Downloading when the control database is being
downloaded to the shadow station
• Diags Active when the station is performing
Offline Diagnostics
• Off Line
• Failed
• No Information

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 127

Table 5-4. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Shadow ROM A six-octet MAC address of the Shadow controller
Address assigned during manufacturing. The last six characters
of this address are the module hardware ID which is
stamped on a label on the module’s outer cover.
Shadow Hardware Part number for the Shadow module.
Part Number
Shadow Hardware Revision level of the Shadow module hardware.
Shadow Hardware Manufacturing date of the Shadow module hardware.
Shadow Image Revision number for the operating software image in
Revision the Shadow module hardware.

Station Information for LI

When a LAN Interface module is selected in the Navigation pane, the General
tab in the Information pane displays equipment status, equipment information,
and faults for the module in three tables (Figure 5-7).
The first two fields in the Equipment Status table identify the module by name
and type. The remainder of the fields in this group provide status information
and are updated dynamically. The fields in the Equipment Information group
are updated periodically.

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128 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Figure 5-7. General Tab for a LAN Interface Module

The Faults area at the bottom of the pane describes Nodebus and Carrierband
LAN faults. Because the symbols in the LAN Interface view can represent a
cable fault on the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or on both simultaneously,
the General tab displays a Faults group.
The left table under the Faults group displays Nodebus cable faults, and the
right table displays Carrierband LAN faults.

Equipment Status

Table 5-5. Equipment Status Fields

Field Description
Name The station letterbug assigned during system hardware
Type Type of hardware specified when the letterbug was

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 129

Table 5-5. Equipment Status Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Boot Host Host station for the LI
LI Name LI’s logical name
SMON System monitor domain to which the station is assigned
SMON Host Host station for the system monitor
Fault Tolerant Yes or No. Indicates whether the station is fault-tolerant.
Fault Tolerant State Operational or Non-Operational for fault-tolerant LIs
only. Fault Tolerant State indicates Non-Operational if
the shadow module is not installed or configured.
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. This field is initially Off Line, but
changes to On Line when the station reports to the
system monitor after booting up. If reporting is
disabled, the last known state appears in this field.
Run Mode and Failed State are separate, but related
fields. Although certain Equipment Change options
change the Run Mode to Off Line, they do not fail the
station. However, a failed station results in the Run
Mode changing to Off Line.
The field changes to Off Line if any of the following
• Reboot of the station
• Image update
• Power failure
• Any station hardware failure or communication
failure that results in the station not being able to
send its internal reports for one minute or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Run Mode of
each module in the pair.
Failed State Failed or Not Failed. This field changes from Not
Failed to Failed if any of the following occurs:
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for
more than two minutes.
• A physical pull/push of the module is performed to
reboot the station, and the station requires more
than two minutes to come back on-line.
• Any station hardware failure or communication
failure that results in the station not being able to
send its internal reports for one minute or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Fail State of
each module.

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130 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-5. Equipment Status Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Alarm Enabled Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for
State the device. When alarming is Inhibited for a station, the
system monitor still updates the control station’s status,
but faults do not result in system alarm messages.
• To inhibit alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit Alarming
from the context menu.
• To enable alarming, right-click the station name in
the Navigation pane and choose Enable Alarming
from the context menu.
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. If the Failed
Acknowledged State changes from Not Failed to Failed, the Failed
State Acknowledged State field changes to Not
Acknowledged to indicate this transition. To
acknowledge the failed state:
• Right-click the station in the Navigation pane and
choose Acknowledge Station from the context
Failed Devices Yes if one or more Fieldbus devices attached to the
Attached station are reported as failed; otherwise, No
Failed Devices Yes or No. If any of the attached devices becomes
Acknowledged unacknowledged, the field changes from Yes to No. Do
one of the following to acknowledge the failed
• Use the Connections tab to identify the failed
device, right-click the equipment in the Navigation
pane, and choose Acknowledge Device from the
context menu.
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to
identify and acknowledge the alarm.
EEPROM Update EEPROM Updating (for classic stations) when the
State station’s operating software image is being updated;
otherwise, Not Updating. For fault-tolerant stations,
refer to the Primary Mode and Shadow Mode fields for
the current EEPROM Update State.
Download State Downloading when the station is rebooted via an
operator-initiated request; otherwise, Not
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the Primary Mode
and Shadow Mode fields for the current Download
Diagnostics State Active for a non-fault-tolerant station that is off-line;
otherwise, Not Active

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 131

Equipment Information

Table 5-6. Equipment Information Fields

Field Description
Reporting State Status of the station’s reporting to the system monitor
is shown as one of the following:
• Report All
• No Reporting
• No Counters
• No Information
To change the Reporting State:
• Right-click on the station name in the Navigation
Pane and choose Disable All Reporting or
Enable All Reporting from the context menu.
Master Timekeeper Indicates the status of UTC and time strobe from the
Reporting system timekeeper
(STK), as received by the station. If STK
synchronization (STK SYN) is enabled, the status can
• Pulsed STK: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe from both ports A and B.
• Sync A in Fail: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe only from port B.
• Sync B in Fail: Receiving UTC time from MTK
and time strobe only from port A.
• Sync AB in Fail: Receiving UTC time from
MTK, but lost time strobe from ports A and B.
If STK SYN is not enabled, the status can be either
AB Fail Not Config or Sync Not Config.
Station Address A six-octet media access control (MAC) address
assigned during system definition and used by the
networking protocol in the I/A Series stations

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132 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-6. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Primary Mode Shows the mode of the Primary module:
• Single Primary when the station is a non-
redundant station and it is on-line
• Married Primary for the primary module in a
redundant pair that is operating normally
• Image Updating when the primary station
software image is being updated
• Off Line
• Downloading when the control database is being
downloaded to the primary station
• Failed
• No Information
Primary ROM A six-octet MAC address of the Primary controller
Address assigned during manufacturing. The last six characters
of this address are the module hardware ID which is
stamped on a label on the module’s outer cover.
Primary Hardware Part number for a non-fault-tolerant station or for the
Part Number Primary module in a fault-tolerant pair
Primary Hardware Revision level of the hardware for a non-fault-tolerant
Revision station or of the Primary module hardware in a fault-
tolerant pair
Primary Hardware Manufacturing date of the hardware for a non-fault-
Date tolerant station or of the Primary module hardware in
a fault-tolerant pair
Primary EEPROM Revision number for the operating software image in a
Revision non-fault-tolerant station or in the Primary module
hardware in a fault-tolerant pair
Shadow parameters are only shown for fault-tolerant stations.
Shadow Mode • Married Shadow for the shadow module in a
redundant pair that is operating normally
• Image Updating when the software for a shadow
station in a redundant pair is being updated
• Downloading when the control database is being
downloaded to the shadow station
• Diags Active when the station is performing
Offline Diagnostics
• Off Line
• Failed
• No Information

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 133

Table 5-6. Equipment Information Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Shadow ROM A six-octet MAC address of the Shadow controller
Address assigned during manufacturing. The last six characters
of this address are the module hardware ID which is
stamped on a label on the module’s outer cover.
Shadow Hardware Part number for the Shadow module.
Part Number
Shadow Hardware Revision level of the Shadow module hardware.
Shadow Hardware Manufacturing date of the Shadow module hardware.
Shadow Image Revision number for the operating software image in
Revision the Shadow module hardware.

The Faults tables give additional information about the symbols associated
with the LI in the navigation pane. For example, if an LI had an icon with the
symbols , you can look at the faults table for more information on where
the faults have occurred, either in the Carrierband LAN, the Nodebus, or both.
By looking at the Faults tables in Figure 5-8, you can determine that there is a

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134 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

failure of Cable A on the Carrierband LAN, and there is a failure of Cable B on

the Nodebus.

Figure 5-8. Viewing Nodebus and Carrierband LAN Faults

Connected FBMs
To display a list of the Fieldbus devices attached to a control station:
1. Select the station in the Navigation pane and click the Connections tab in
the Information pane.
For a control processor, the Connections tab lists the attached field devices
by name, type, status, run mode, and failure mode (Figure 5-9). The tab
lists the Primary ECB, the attached FCMs (if the station is a ZCP270 or
CP60) and the connected FBMs. The Connections tab can also be selected

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 135

from the Primary ECB, in which case it lists the attached FCMs and

Figure 5-9. Connections Tab for an FCP270

For an ATS or LAN Interface module, the Connections tab lists the CP30,
CP40, or CP60 and the workstation that resides on the particular network.


Figure 5-10. Connections Tab for an ATS or LAN Interface Module

2. Click any column header to sort the rows on the values in that column;
click the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header to the right or left to change the column order.
4. Double-click a device name, or right-click the name and choose
Navigate to <Name> to go to the selected FCM or FBM (Navigate to
FCP704 in Figure 5-9).
The device is selected in the Navigation pane and its information is
displayed in the Information pane. If there are devices connected to the
FCM or FBM, the Connections tab is shown in the Information pane;
otherwise, the General tab is displayed.

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136 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Control Station, ATS, and LI Counters

The Counters tab (Figure 5-11) provides statistics on the station performance
such as the number of transactions and errors. Counters from the tab can be
added to a watch list that includes counters from other workstations or other
To access counters for a control station, ATS, or LI:
1. Select the control station, ATS, or LI in the Navigation pane and click the
Counters tab in the Information pane.
2. Click the option button of at the top of the page to select the category of
counters to be displayed.
The tab consists of a table with the counter names, current and previous
values, and high and low values read during this System Manager session.
Figure 5-11 is a control station Counters tab with the MAC Sublayer
counters selected.

Figure 5-11. Counters Tab

Buttons in the Counters tab toolbar are used to read and reset values in the
table, and add selected counters to the Watch tab. See “Counters Tab” on
page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional information on using
features of the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.
Control stations and workstations maintain the same counters, and these are
described in detail in Chapter 6, “Station Counters”.

Primary ECB (Primary FBM) Information

Figure 5-12 shows a General tab for a Primary ECB. The first two fields in the
Equipment Status table identify the Primary ECB by name and type. The
remainder of the fields in this group provide status information and are updated

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 137

dynamically. The fields in the Equipment Information group are updated


Note When a station status is off-line, the primary ECB, any attached FCMs
(if station is a ZCP270 or CP60), and connected FBMs and devices will be
removed from station hierarchy and will be restored once the station has
returned to an on-line status.

Figure 5-12. Status and Equipment Information for a Primary ECB

Primary ECB Status

Table 5-7. Primary ECB Equipment Status Display Fields

Field Description
Name Same as the name of the control station. The Primary
ECB does not have its own letterbug designation.
Type Always FBM0
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. The primary ECB is installed
as On Line after it is “fixed” and configured.
Changing the Primary ECB status to Off Line causes
all communication to the Ethernet Fieldbus or
module Fieldbus to stop. All attached FBMs and
FCMs go off-line.
Refer to “Go Off-Line/Go On-Line” on page 161 for
additional information.
Device State Failed or Not Failed

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138 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-7. Primary ECB Equipment Status Display Fields

Field Description
Alarming State Enabled or Inhibited. When alarms are inhibited,
Primary ECB failures do not result in system alarms.
To change Alarming State:
• Right-click the Primary ECB in the Navigation
pane and choose Enable Device Alarming or
Inhibit Device Alarming from the context
Failed Acknowledge Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. The field
State changes to Not Acknowledged when Device State
transitions to Failed.
Periodic Switch Enabled or Not Enabled. When Enabled, automatic
switching between Bus A and B occurs periodically.
Active PIO Bus On an FCP270, the module fieldbus being used by
the control station to communicate with the attached
FBMs. On a ZCP270, the Ethernet fieldbus cable
being used to communicate with the attached FCMs.
• Bus A when bus A has been selected by an
• Bus B when bus B has been selected by an
• Bus A & B Auto when Switching Mode is
See “Ethernet and Module Fieldbus Switching
Actions” on page 162 for additional information.
The following fields are only displayed for an FCP270 Primary ECB:
CP Power 1 Status of the control station’s primary power cable is
either Ok or Failed
CP Power 2 Status of the control station’s secondary power cable
is either Ok or Failed
The following fields are only displayed for a CP30, CP40, CP60, or ZCP270
Primary ECB:
Switching Mode Automated switching for the Ethernet fieldbus is
either Enabled or Not Enabled
Periodic Config Yes if Periodic Switching has been enabled by an
operator; otherwise, No
The following fields are only displayed for a ZCP270 Primary ECB:
Field Bus A Status of the A fieldbus cable connecting the control
station and the FCMs is either OK or Failed
Field Bus B Status of the B fieldbus cable connecting the control
station and the FCMs is either OK or Failed

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Primary ECB Equipment Information

Table 5-8. Primary ECB Equipment Information Display Fields

Field Description
Diag Status 1 through Hexadecimal values relating to the status of the FBM.
Diag Status 4 If the module is operating properly, these values can
be safely ignored. If there are hardware and software
errors, these values will assist the Global Customer
Support Center (CSC) in resolving the problem.
Primary Cmd Status Value indicating health of communications with the
FBMs and FCMs:
0x0 Normal
0x1 Success with retry
0x3 The control station has timed out the FBM
>0x3: Link level protocol error
FBM Status [not used]
Self Hosting Enabled or Not Enabled. This field is set to Enabled
when the FCP270 or ZCP270 controller is in self-
hosting mode, and Not Enabled when the controller is
not in self-hosting mode.
When the self-hosting capability of an FCP270 or
ZCP270 is enabled, the controller can restart and
execute its configured control scheme without
communicating with a host workstation; a host
workstation is only required when changing the
system configuration or the controller image.
To enable self-hosting in an FCP270 or ZCP270, use
your control configuration software to set the self-
hosting bit (Bit 8) of the CFGOPT parameter and
issue a Checkpoint command. Refer to Integrated
Control Block Descriptions (B0193AX) for additional
information on the CFGOPT Station block parameter.
When a checkpoint is performed on a FCP270 or
ZCP270, the selected station’s database is saved in a
checkpoint file on the host file server and Bit 8 of the
CFGOPT parameter is evaluated to determine the
controller’s mode of operation.
• If the FCP270 or ZCP270 is not currently in self-
hosting mode and was not in self-hosting mode
prior to the Checkpoint command being issued,
the checkpoint is complete.
• If the FCP270 or ZCP270 is in self-hosting mode,
the controller requests a copy of the checkpoint
file from the download server. This file is then
copied (burned) into the control station’s flash

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140 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-8. Primary ECB Equipment Information Display Fields

Field Description
Logical Address Address used by the control station to communicate
with FBMs and FCMs. The Primary ECB is always
Primary Check Point Field used to display the number of times the primary
Shadow Check Point or shadow FCP270 or ZCP270 module’s flash
memory has been burned. Refer to Field Control
Processor (FCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AR) and Z-
Module Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User’s
Guide (B0700AN) for additional information on self-

Connections and Counters Tabs

The Connections tab for a Primary ECB displays the connected FBMs and
FCMs (when the station is a ZCP270). The tab functions the same way as the
Connections tab for a control station, as described on page 134.
The Counters tab for a Primary ECB (Figure 5-13) displays three counters:

Counter Description
Timeouts Number of times the primary ECB timed out an FBM
during communication attempts.
Inval Cmnd Number of commands received by the primary ECB
that were invalid in the present state of the station.
Inval Resp Number of invalid messages received by the primary
ECB from an FBM.

Figure 5-13. Counters Tab for a Primary ECB

See “Counters Tab” on page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional
information on using the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 141

Equipment Change Actions

Control Station Actions

When a control station is selected, the following commands can be chosen
from the station’s context menu or from the Actions > Equipment Change
submenu pulled down from the main menu:
• Acknowledge Station (if there are any unacknowledged alarms)
• Inhibit/Enable Alarming
• Disable/Enable All Reports
• Checkpoint
• Image Update
• EEPROM Update
• On-line Image Update (on fault-tolerant stations only)
• Reboot
• Disable/Enable Download
• Disable/Enable Upload (available for non-CP270 and non-Allen
Bradley™ stations only)
• Online Diagnostics
• Offline Diagnostics

Managing Station Alarms

There are multiple ways to acknowledge system alarms associated with a
control station or one of its field devices:
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to identify and acknowledge
individual alarms, or acknowledge all alarms (see “Alarms Tab” on
page 49).
• Right-click the station in the Navigation pane and choose Acknowledge
Station from the context menu to acknowledge alarms for the selected
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Acknowledge
Device from the context menu to acknowledge an alarm from the selected
• Acknowledge all alarms in the station’s system monitor domain by
selecting the system monitor in the Navigation pane and doing one of the
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.

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142 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

• Right-click the system monitor and choose Acknowledge Smon

Domain from the context menu.

You can inhibit alarms for the control station so that no alarm conditions are
reported to the system monitor.
To inhibit station alarms:
• Right-click the station in the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit
Alarming from the context menu.
Any unacknowledged alarms are acknowledged, and the station is marked
with the symbol to indicate that alarms are being inhibited.
To re-enable alarms:
• Right-click the inhibited equipment in the Navigation pane and choose
Enable Alarming from the context menu.

Enable/Disable All Reports

Enabling all reports permits the internal reporting of all status information for
the control station and its attached devices, as well as the reporting of system
alarms and counters to the system monitor. When reporting is enabled, all
displays are updated with the current status of the station and its attached
devices, and equipment failures can be acknowledged.
• Right-click the control station and choose Disable All Reports from the
context menu to turn off reporting to the system monitor.
• Right-click the control station and choose Enable All Reports from the
context menu to turn on reporting to the system monitor.
When reporting is disabled, the Equipment Status and Equipment Information
tables may contain outdated information, the health status for the station and
the attached devices may not be accurate, and you cannot acknowledge
equipment failures.

Note Disabling reports is not recommended unless you need to reduce traffic
on the network to diagnose a problem.

If you have disabled all reports and an FBM is deleted using ICC, the FBM
icon will still appear in System Manager displays.
When you re-enable reporting, expand the station node in the Navigation pane
so that System Manager retrieves status and equipment information for the
connected devices.

Checkpointing copies the control database in the control station to the boot
host checkpoint file. Use the checkpoint command to save current controller
tuning before you reboot the station to resolve system maintenance issues.
If the control station is in self-hosting mode, the control station obtains the
current checkpoint file from its flash memory when the station restarts. If the
control station is not in self-hosting mode (default), the control station

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downloads the current checkpoint file from the boot host. (Refer to Field
Control Processor 270 (FCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AR) and Z-Module
Control Processor 270 (ZCP270) User’s Guide (B0700AN) for information on
CP270 self-hosting mode.
Checkpoint saves the following control station changes to the checkpoint file:
• Control database configuration changes
• Tuning changes made through the process displays
• FBM status changes made outside System Manager
To save recent control processor changes to the checkpoint file:
1. Right-click the station and choose Checkpoint from the context menu.
2. Enter the reason for the checkpointing and click OK in the confirmation
dialog box (Figure 5-14) if these actions settings are configured (see
“Action Settings” on page 64).

Figure 5-14. Confirmation Dialog Box for Checkpoint Action

You can make another selection while checkpoint is in progress.

3. Review the messages in the Accessories pane or the status bar to verify
that the checkpoint was completed successfully.

Checkpointing Information for ICC Databases

The database file developed with the I/A Series Configuration Component
(IACC) or the Integrated Control Configurator (ICC) and maintained in the
host workstation is a separate file from the checkpoint file used by the control
processor. The separate configuration database is not affected by
checkpointing within System Manager. You must use the IACC or ICC to
change the database in the configurator. Before exiting, ICC saves the ICC
database changes to the checkpoint file. The IACC saves the ICC database
automatically after a download to the CP, or manually when requested by the
Refer to Integrated Control Configurator (B0193AV) or I/A Series
Configuration Component (IACC) User’s Guide (B0400BP) for additional

The Reboot action restarts the selected control station and reloads the station’s
control database from a file server. While a station is rebooting, it is off-line
until the reboot is complete; this suspends any access to the station database.

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144 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Rebooting is typically used to resolve maintenance issues.

To reboot a fault-tolerant control station:
1. Right-click the station in the Navigation pane, and choose Enable
Download if the command is listed in the context menu.
2. Right-click the station in the Navigation pane, and choose Reboot from
the context menu.
System Manager displays a dialog box for selecting which module to
reboot (Figure 5-15). The dialog box gives the status and MAC address of
each module.

Figure 5-15. Dialog Box for Selecting Target Device

3. Make an entry in the Reason field if the field is included in the dialog box.
The Reason Required action setting is set in the Configuration dialog box
(see “Action Settings” on page 64).
4. Select one or both modules, and click OK.
5. Review the messages in the Accessories pane or the status bar to verify
that the reboot was completed successfully.
To reboot a non-fault-tolerant station:
1. Right-click the station in the Navigation pane, and choose Enable
Download if the command is listed in the context menu.
2. Right-click the station in the Navigation pane, and choose Reboot from
the context menu.
A dialog box is displayed if confirmation is required.
• Make an entry in the Reason field if the field is included in the dialog
box, and click OK.
3. Review the messages in the Accessories pane or the status bar to verify
that the reboot was completed successfully.

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Image Update
The Image Update action updates the operating system software in the selected
station. The action downloads a file and burns a new image to flash memory.
During the update, the station is off-line and access to the database for that
station is suspended.

Note Although Image Update is available for both fault-tolerant and non-
fault-tolerant stations, use On-Line Image update instead on fault-tolerant
stations to minimize hold-control time.

Update the station’s image to implement an official Invensys software release

or to resolve a maintenance issue.
To update a station’s image:
1. Right-click the station and choose Checkpoint from the context menu to
ensure that all changes to the control database are recorded in the host
2. Right-click the station and choose Enable Download if the action appears
in the context menu.
3. Right-click the station and choose Image Update from the context menu.
With a fault-tolerant station, the station places the Shadow module off-line
and then downloads and burns the new image in the Primary module.
After verification, the Primary reboots automatically. When the Primary
finishes rebooting, it sends the new image to the Shadow. The Shadow
reboots and the module pair marries using the new image.

The EEPROM Update action updates the firmware in a selected classic station
such as an LI, CP30, CP40, or CP60, etc. with new EEPROM firmware. The
update downloads a file, burns a new EEPROM, and reboots the system.
During the update, the station is off-line and access to the database for that
station is suspended.
Update the station’s EEPROM to implement an official Invensys software
release or to resolve a maintenance issue.
To update existing EEPROM station firmware:
1. Right-click the station and choose Checkpoint from the context menu to
ensure that all changes to the control database are recorded in the host
2. Right-click the station and choose Enable Download if the action appears
in the context menu.
3. Right-click the station and choose EEPROM Update from the context
With a fault-tolerant station, the station places the Shadow module off-line
and then downloads and burns the new image in the Primary module.
After verification, the Primary reboots automatically. When the Primary
finishes rebooting, it sends the new firmware to the Shadow. The Shadow
reboots and the module pair marries using the new firmware.

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146 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs


SINGLE ATS MODULE: If you perform EEPROM updates on a single
Carrierband LAN Interface (LI) or a single ATS module, the Nodebus is
isolated from the network. During the update, any further actions on that LI or
ATS through System Management are inhibited. To avoid network isolation,
initiate EEPROM updates only on one LI or ATS module of a redundant pair at
a time.

4. While the EEPROM update processes, the system sends standard update
progress messages to the printer.
Upon completion of the EEPROM update, the station reboots.

On-Line Image Update

Use On-Line Image Update to minimize hold-control time while upgrading
software on fault-tolerant control stations.

Note Both cables connecting the control modules to the network must be
attached and functional to perform an on-line image update, as one module
must continue using the A cable for control while the other is using the B cable
for downloading the new image.

To update a station’s image on-line:

1. Right-click the station and choose Checkpoint from the context menu to
ensure that all changes to the control database are recorded in the host
2. Right-click the station and choose Enable Download if the command
appears in the context menu.
3. Right-click the station and choose On-Line Image Update from the
context menu.
The On-Line Image Update dialog box prompts you to select the type of
restart after each module is updated (Figure 5-16).

Figure 5-16. On-Line Image Update Dialog Box

4. Click the start option.

With Cold Start, initialization occurs as follows:

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 147

• Compounds initialize according to the state configured in the INITON

• Continuous control blocks initialize according to the states configured
in the INITMA and INITLR parameters.
• Sequence control blocks initialize according to the states configured
in the RSTMA and RSTACT parameters. This clears internal variable
values and restarts sequence code execution at the first statement.
With Warm Start, all compounds and blocks initialize according to the
states saved in the checkpoint file, with the following exceptions:
• CALC, CALCA, MATH, and LOGIC blocks initialize to the state
configured in the INITMA parameter. This clears the stack and resets
memory values to those stored in the checkpoint file.
• Sequence control blocks initialize according to the states configured
in the RSTMA and RSTACT parameters. This clears internal variable
values and restarts sequence code execution at the first statement.

Note In conjunction with the Warm Start option, the control loops in the
control station can be configured to initialize bumplessly by reading back
the current output values and performing an upstream initialization of the
blocks in the control loop.

The fault-tolerant pair goes single, and the Primary module downloads the
image from the host (messages are sent to the system printer to indicate
progress) and passes the image to the Shadow module.
The Shadow module updates its flash memory with the new image and
reboots. The Primary module performs a checkpoint of the database and
turns off the B cable. When complete, the Primary module tells the
Shadow module (with the new image) to perform a database download.
The Shadow module downloads the database on the B cable and then
assumes control via a role switch.
5. Evaluate the station operation under the new software, and perform one of
the following steps:
If you are satisfied with the behavior of the station:
• Right-click the control station in Navigation pane, choose Reboot
from the context menu and select the Shadow module in the Reboot
dialog box.
This completes the update process by implementing the new image in the
If you do not want to continue running with the new software image:
• Right-click the control station in Navigation pane, choose Reboot
from the context menu and select the Primary module in the Reboot
dialog box.
This causes the module running the old software image to reboot,
download the database, and then assume control. The other module that
was running the new image relinquishes control, reboots, then copies the
old image from the running module, re-burns the image, and reboots

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148 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

again. The end result is that the modules resume fault-tolerant operation
running the old software image.

Enable or Disable Download Actions

In order to reboot a station or to update the station image, you must enable
To enable downloading:
• Right-click the station and choose Enable Download if it is listed in the
context menu.
To disable downloading:
• Right-click the station and choose Disable Download if it is listed in the
context menu.
If the Enable Download or Disable Download actions fail, do the following:
• Check the boot host for the station.
• Make sure no other workstations are running the CIO configurator for the
• Make sure no other workstations are executing equipment change actions
for the station using System Manager.

Enable or Disable Upload Actions

Note This section is applicable to non-CP270 and non-Allen-Bradley station
types only.

When a station is rebooted due to a software failure, the system uploads the
station image to a local file on the boot host workstation. You can permit or
prohibit the system from uploading this image when the station fails under
certain conditions.
To enable uploading:
• Right-click the station and choose Enable Upload if it is listed in the
context menu.
To disable uploading:
• Right-click the station and choose Disable Upload if it is listed in the
context menu.
If the Enable Upload or Disable Upload actions fail, do the following:
• Check the boot host for the station.
• Make sure no other workstations are running the CIO configurator for the
• Make sure no other workstations are executing equipment change actions
for the station using System Manager.

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 149

Offline Diagnostics
The Offline Diagnostic tests are used to verify proper operation of the station
components. Offline diagnostic tests are station specific; when Offline
Diagnostics appears for a selected station, the menu shows only those tests
available for that station.
Offline Diagnostics are applicable to FCP270, ZCP270, ATS, LI, and classic
stations. For classic stations, offline diagnostics can be performed locally
(across the Nodebus) and remotely (across the Carrierband LAN or fiber optic

Note PW (Personal Workstations) and Solaris based workstations do not

support Offline Diagnostics.
Offline Diagnostics cannot be performed on stations that are configured as
fault-tolerant in System Definition but running in non-fault-tolerant mode.

Accessing Offline Diagnostics

To perform Offline Diagnostics with a fault-tolerant station or redundant ATS:
1. Right-click the station and choose Offline Diagnostics from the context
The Offline Diagnostics dialog box displays the current status of each
module and prompts you to select the module to take off-line.

Figure 5-17. Selecting a Station for Offline Diagnostics

2. Type an entry in the Reason field if the field is included in the dialog box.
3. Select the module to be taken off-line and click OK.
The selected module goes off-line, and its status changes to Diagnostics
Active. The status of the other module changes to Single Primary.

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150 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

4. Right-click the station a second time and choose Offline Diagnostics. The
submenu for Offline Diagnostics can differ depending on the station type.

Figure 5-18. Offline Diagnostics Submenu for an FCP270

Figure 5-19. Offline Diagnostics Submenu for a CP60

5. Choose Execute Tests to run the diagnostic test, Restart to reboot the
station, or Fail to mark the station as failed. Refer to “Performing Offline
Diagnostics” on page 151.
To perform Offline Diagnostics with a non-fault-tolerant control station:
1. Right-click the control station and choose Offline Diagnostics from the
context menu.
A dialog box prompts you to confirm the action if Confirmation Required
is checked in the Configuration dialog box. Type an entry in the Reason

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 151

field if the field is included in the dialog box, and click OK to take the
station off-line.


The selected module goes off-line now.

2. Right-click the station a second time and choose Offline Diagnostics. The
submenu for Offline Diagnostics can differ depending on the station type.
3. Choose Execute Tests to run the diagnostic test, Restart to reboot the
station, or Fail to mark the station as failed. Refer to “Performing Offline
Diagnostics” below.

Performing Offline Diagnostics

When you click on Execute Tests, the Offline Diagnostics screen appears
(Figure 5-20) showing the diagnostics tests for the selected station. The
following figure shows the available off-line diagnostic tests for a CP60.

Figure 5-20. Offline Diagnostics Dialog Box

To run off-line diagnostics tests:

1. Choose one or more tests to run for the selected station by checking the
box next to the desired test.

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152 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

2. Execute the selected tests. Click Execute All, Execute Once, or Execute
Loop, as described in Table 5-9.
Table 5-9. Offline Diagnostics Test Execution Options

Button Description
Execute All Click Execute All to perform all the tests shown
in the Offline Diagnostics dialog box.
Execute Once Select the desired test(s) and click Execute Once
to perform each selected test one time.
Execute Loop Select the desired test(s) and click Execute Loop
to perform each selected test continuously. The
Execute Loop button changes to a Halt button,
and the tests will continue executing until you
click Halt in the Offline Diagnostics dialog box.

Figure 5-21. Offline Diagnostics Dialog Box for CP60 Showing the Halt

The system runs the selected tests as designated. The Offline Diagnostics
results appear, showing the tests results of each as it completes. The result
count section on the Offline Diagnostics dialog box shows the total number of
tests passed and the total number of tests failed.

Results of the Offline Diagnostics Tests

Possible Offline Diagnostics test results are described in Table 5-10.

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Table 5-10. Possible Offline Diagnostics Test Results

Result Description
Pass Indicates that the station passed the diagnostics
Fail When shown in red text, it indicates that the
station failed the diagnostics test.
No Response Indicates that the station is not responding to the
test execution request.

Note Possible reasons for No Response are:

1. The station is not responding to a particular test
2. A time-out has occurred. A time-out is the minimum time required to get a
response from a station for a particular test. If a time-out occurs, the result
for the particular test(s) is shown as No Response.

After performing the Offline Diagnostics test(s), you can restart or set the
station to fail.

Table 5-11. Possible User Actions After Performing Offline


User action Description

Restart To reboot/reload the station after running Offline
Diagnostics tests.
Fail To set the station to off-line indefinitely. Fail is
generally used when the station needs repair or

Tests for Various Devices

Devices Tests
Control processors:- DB XFER
style-B, CP40 style- FBM PORT
A-B Integrator 30B, I/O PROCES
(IS30) 80387 TEST
Carrier band LAN LETTERBUG

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154 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Devices Tests
Comm Processor 10 LETTERBUG
Applic Proc 10 LETTERBUG
Applic Proc 20 LETTERBUG
Spect Slave Gateway LETTERBUG
8087 TEST
Wrksta Processor 20, LETTERBUG
WP20 - Japanized GE KERNEL
8087 TEST
Display Panel, PW for LETTERBUG
Hydrostatic Sys I/O PORT
8087 TEST
Modbus Plus Integrator LETTERBUG
80387 TEST

Online Diagnostics
Online Diagnostics enables you to perform on-line diagnostic tests specific to a
selected network.
The on-line diagnostic tests available differ based on network type, and include
the following:

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 155

• Cable testing
• Enabling or inhibiting alarms
• Viewing the current Nodebus master
• Selecting a station as the Nodebus master
• Selecting the default Nodebus master.
You can use Online Diagnostics to test Carrierband LAN cables and the
Nodebus cables on-line.

Online Diagnostics for Carrierband LAN

When an LI station is selected, the Actions menu will include on-line
diagnostics for Carrierband LAN. On-line diagnostics tests can be used to
verify the proper operation of the Tokenbus network.

Accessing Carrierband Cable Tests

In order to perform a Carrierband LAN cable test, select Online Diagnostics >
Carrierband LAN from the Actions menu, or select Online Diagnostics >
Carrierband LAN from the context menu by right-clicking an LI node.
Figure 5-22 shows how to access to the Carrierband LAN Online Diagnostics
by right-clicking an LI node and using the context menu.

Figure 5-22. Context Menu for Carrierband LAN Cable Test

You can perform on-line diagnostics for Carrierband LAN operations as listed
in Table 5-12.

Table 5-12. Carrierband LAN Cable Test Operations

Function Definition
Run Cable Test Runs the carrierband cable test.
Current Test Initiator Shows the current carrierband test initiator.
Set As Test Initiator Set the current selected LI station as carrierband
test initiator.

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156 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-12. Carrierband LAN Cable Test Operations (Continued)

Function Definition
Enable/Inhibit Allows/Inhibits reporting of carrierband LAN
Carrierband Cable A Cable A alarms.
Enable/Inhibit Allows/Inhibits reporting of carrierband LAN
Carrierband Cable B Cable B alarms.
Enable/Inhibit Allows/Inhibits reporting of the selected
Carrierband Cable A transmitter/receiver alarms of Cable A for the
Station TxRx Alarms selected station on the carrierband.
Enable/Inhibit Allows/Inhibits reporting of the selected
Carrierband Cable B transmitter/receiver alarms of Cable B for the
Station TxRx Alarms selected station on the carrierband.
Enable/Inhibit Entire Allows/Inhibits reporting of all the equipment on
Nodebus and Cable A the selected LI station, and nodebus Cable A
Alarms alarms.
Enable/Inhibit Entire Allows/Inhibits reporting of all the equipment on
Nodebus and Cable B the selected LI station, and nodebus Cable B
Alarms alarms.
When you select the Set As Test Initiator from either the Actions menu or the
context menu for an LI station, a confirmation dialog box appears (Figure 5-

Figure 5-23. Set Test Initiator Confirmation Dialog Box

Results of the Online Diagnostics Tests

The result of Online Diagnostics will be shown under result dialog as shown in
Figure 5-24 and Figure 5-25. The result will also be added to the Message tab
of the Accessories pane.

Figure 5-24. Carrierband Cable Test Result Window

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 157

Click the Detail button to show or hide the current messages. The most recent
message is at the top of the message display area.

Figure 5-25. Carrierband Cable Test Result window

Online Diagnostics for Nodebus Cable Test

Nodebus Cable test is intended to verify the health of the Nodebus cables (A
and B) as well as the transmitters and receivers for each of the stations on the
Nodebus or Nodebus segment.
Nodebus cable testing involves a series of loopback tests wherein the Initiator
sends messages over cable A or B between the two stations selected for the
test. The Nodebus cable test requires two stations on the Nodebus excluding
the cable test initiator.
The Nodebus cable test isolates the communication faults related to the
faulting Nodebus/station hardware (Nodebus Cables A and B, Station Tx and

Accessing Nodebus Cable Test

The Online Diagnostics context menu will be available for all stations on the
Nodebus by right-clicking on the node and selecting Online Diagnostics >
Nodebus. This can be accessed via the SMON view, LAN Interface view, ATS
view, or Switch view. Figure 5-26 shows an example of this menu being
accessed via the LAN Interface view. Online Diagnostics involves several
other actions such as Verifying the Test Initiator, Changing the Test Initiator,
Configuring the Default Test Initiator, Running Tests, and Enabling/Inhibiting
desired Alarms.

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158 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Figure 5-26. Context Menu for Nodebus Cable Test

Setting Nodebus Test Initiator

In order to perform a cable test there should be a designated Nodebus Test
You will be able to verify the designated test initiator by selecting Online
Diagnostics > Nodebus > Current Test Initiator from the right-click context
menu of a Nodebus node or from the Actions menu. The result will be
displayed in Online Diagnostics results window when the details are selected.
A Nodebus station can be designated as a Test Initiator. If there is an ATS
attached to the Node then the ATS station will be assigned as default Nodebus
Test initiator.
To change the Nodebus Test Initiator, select the desired station of type ATS, LI,
AP20, AP50/AP51, AW50/AW51, or AW70 from the Navigation Pane and
select Online Diagnostics > Nodebus > Set As Test Initiator from the right-
click context menu. On confirmation, the selected station will be set as
Nodebus Test initiator. The results will be displayed in the Online Diagnostics
results window when the details are selected.
You will be allowed to set Nodebus Test initiator to the default value, that is,
ATS, if it is present on Node otherwise LI. This can be performed by selecting
Online Diagnostics > Nodebus > Default Test Initiator from the Actions
menu or from the right-click context menu of a node in Navigation Pane. The
results of this action will be displayed in the Online Diagnostics results
window with the details.

Performing Cable Test

You can perform a Nodebus cable test by selecting Online Diagnostics >
Nodebus > Run Cable Test from the Actions menu or from the context menu
of a Nodebus node in the Navigation Pane. The Online Diagnostics window as
shown in Figure 5-27 will be displayed with the list of Nodebus stations, from
which a second station needs to be selected in order to perform a cable test.
Clicking the Run button after selecting the second station will perform a
Nodebus cable test between this station and the default Nodebus test initiator.
The test results will be stacked in the Message pane available on the Online

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 159

Diagnostics window in the order of occurrence, that is, the most recent
message will be shown on the top level.
On-line diagnostics test results will be directed to the configured fault
notification printer. The System Manager Navigation pane will be updated
with appropriate icons to represent the cable test results. The system will send
the cable test results to all workstations only if the cable test fails. If any of the
station involved in the cable test is in failed state, appropriate error messages
will be appended to the Message pane.

Figure 5-27. Online Diagnostics Run Cable Test Window

Enable/Disable Alarms for Nodebus Cable Test

You can Enable/Inhibit the alarms during Online Diagnostics by selecting the
desired menu option displayed as shown in Table 5-13.

Table 5-13. Menu Options To Enable/Inhibit Alarms

Function Definition
Enable/Inhibit Nodebus Cable A Allows/disallows reporting of nodebus
Alarms LAN Cable A alarms.
Enable/Inhibit Nodebus Cable B Allows/disallows reporting of nodebus
Alarms LAN Cable B alarms.

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160 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

Table 5-13. Menu Options To Enable/Inhibit Alarms

Function Definition
Enable/Inhibit Nodebus Cable A Allows/disallows reporting of the
Station TxRx Alarms selected transmitter/receiver alarms of
Cable A for the selected station on the
Enable/Inhibit Nodebus Cable B Allows/disallows reporting of the
Station TxRx Alarms selected transmitter/receiver alarms of
Cable B for the selected station on the
Enable/Inhibit Entire Nodebus Allows/disallows reporting of all the
and Cable A Alarms equipment on the selected LI nodebus
station, its PIO bus (if any), and nodebus
Cable A alarms.
Enable/Inhibit Entire Nodebus Allows/disallows reporting of all the
and Cable B Alarms equipment on the selected LI nodebus
station, its PIO bus (if any), and nodebus
Cable B alarms.

Primary ECB Actions

When the Primary ECB for an FCP270 is selected, the following actions can be
chosen from the FBM’s context menu or from the Actions > Equipment
Change submenu pulled down from the main menu:
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go Off-Line or Go On-Line
• General Download
• Select Bus A Only/Select Bus B Only/Bus Auto Select
• Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A Alarms or Enable PIO Bus Cable A Alarms
• Inhibit PIO Bus Cable B Alarms or Enable PIO Bus Cable B Alarms
The following equipment change actions are available when the Primary ECB
for a ZCP270 is selected:
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go Off-Line or Go On-Line
• General Download
• Enet A Only/Enet B Only/Enet Auto Select
The following equipment change actions are available when the Primary ECB
for a CP60 is selected:
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go Off-Line or Go On-Line
• General Download

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 161

The following equipment change actions are available when the Primary ECB
for other classic stations is selected:
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go Off-Line or Go On-Line
• General Download
• Periodic PIO Bus Switch
• Bus A Enable Switching or Bus A Disable Switching
• Bus B Enable Switching or Bus B Disable Switching
• Inhibit PIO Bus A
• Inhibit PIO Bus B

Managing Alarms
From the Primary ECB, you can inhibit all alarms for the Primary ECB so that
no alarm conditions are reported to the system monitor. When the station is an
FCP270, you can also inhibit all cable alarms on either or both module fieldbus
channels connecting the station to the field devices. When the station is
ZCP270, inhibiting and enabling cable alarms are initiated from the FCMs
(refer to “Cable Alarms” on page 186).
To inhibit device alarms:
• Right-click the Primary ECB in the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit
Device Alarming from the context menu.
The Primary ECB is marked with the symbol to indicate that alarms
are being inhibited.
To inhibit cable alarms for the FBMs attached to an FCP270:
• Right-click the Primary ECB and choose Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A
Alarms or Inhibit PIO Bus Cable B Alarms from the context menu.
A symbol ( , or ) attached to lower right corner of each FBM
icon indicates which cables have alarms inhibited.
To re-enable the alarms:
• Right-click the Primary ECB in the Navigation pane and choose the
appropriate command from the context menu.
Enable Device Alarming
Enable PIO Bus Cable A Alarms
Enable PIO Bus Cable B Alarms

Go Off-Line/Go On-Line
The Go Off-Line action takes all Fieldbus devices attached to the station off-
line. Placing a Primary ECB off-line stops all communication to the Fieldbus.
The system sends multiple messages to the printer indicating PIO Bus cable

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162 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

The Go On-Line command can be used after a general download to implement

a new strategy involving multiple FBMs.
Depending on how the Actions Settings are configured (see “Action Settings”
on page 64), System Manager may prompt you to confirm the action and enter
a reason when you select Go Off-Line or Go On-Line.

General Download
General Download updates FBM images for all off-line and failed FBMs
attached to a selected station.
Use this command when you add a new FBM to the CP and the FBM data is
not already in the checkpoint file. Typically, you use the General Download
action to download FBM images after you perform integrated control
configuration and FBM fix on each of the new FBMs.
If the checkpoint file information in the station already includes the selected
FBM data (that is, checkpointing was performed while the FBMs were on-
line), downloading occurs automatically, when necessary.
Depending on how the Actions Settings are configured (see “Action Settings”
on page 64), System Manager may prompt you to confirm the action and enter
a reason when you select General Download.
To download FBM images for all off-line and failed FBMs:
• Right-click the Primary ECB in the Navigation pane and choose General
Download from the context menu.

Note For a ZCP270, you must choose General Download a second time
when performing a General Download after a LoadAll. The first command
downloads all the FCMs and the second action downloads all the FBMs.

Note If you use the General Download option during initial start-up,
perform a checkpoint to the control processor after downloading to all the
FBMs. This preserves the on-line state of the FBMs in the checkpoint file.
Refer to “Checkpointing” on page 142.

Ethernet and Module Fieldbus Switching

The module Fieldbus is a redundant bus that connects the modules installed in
the modular baseplates. The Primary ECBs for the baseplate mounted FCP270
enables you to select channel A or B, or set the Primary ECB to periodically
select the better of the two cables based on the number of faults recorded for
each cable (auto-switching).
Similarly, the Primary ECB for a ZCP270 enables you to select one of the
ethernet cables connecting the station to its FCMs, or to set the Primary ECB to
periodically select the better of the two ethernet cables based on the number of
faults recorded for each cable.
To select auto-switching:

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5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs 163

• Right-click the Primary ECB and choose Bus Auto Select from the
context menu.
On a ZCP270, select Enet Auto Select.
The Primary ECB records the number of FBM access failures on each
channel or cable and periodically determines whether switching should
occur. If the current channel or cable has failures and the other has fewer
failures, the station automatically switches. If both have an equal number
of FBM or FCM access failures, the station continues transmission over
the existing bus.
To disable auto-switching:
• Right-click the Primary ECB and choose Select Bus A Only or Select Bus
B Only from the context menu.
On a ZCP270, choose either Enet A Only or Enet B Only from the
context menu.
The station attempts to continue transmission over the selected cable/bus
regardless of the number of failures in each module.

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164 5. Control Stations, ATSs, and LIs

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C H A P T E R 6

Station Counters

This chapter describes the workstation and control station counters.

• Counters Tab for Stations
• MAC Sublayer
• Network Layer
• Transport Layer
• Application Layer
• Loading Parameters
Note Network Layer option is only enabled for LI and ATS stations.

Counters Tab for Stations

When a workstation or control station is selected in the Navigation pane, the
Counters tab displays counts of transactions, errors and other performance
indicators maintained by the station. Counters from the tab can be added to a
watch list that includes counters from other stations or other equipment.
To access counters for a station:
1. Select the station in the Navigation pane and click the Counters tab in the
Information pane.
2. Click the radio button at the top of the page to select the category to be
A table below the Counter Categories displays the counter names, current
and previous values, and high and low values read during this System
Manager session.
Use the buttons in the Counters tab toolbar to read and reset values in the table,
and to add selected counters to the list in the Watch tab in the Accessories

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

166 6. Station Counters

Note The entries on the counter are blank if the station is off-line:

See “Counters Tab” on page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional
information on using features of the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.

MAC Sublayer

Figure 6-1. MAC Sublayer Counters Tab

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6. Station Counters 167

The following table describes the MAC Sublayer counters. A problem with the
equipment may be indicated if the counter exceeds the threshold listed in the
Value column (the threshold is usually counts per hour).
Table 6-1. MAC Sublayer Counters Display Fields

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
802.3 MAC Number of times the 2 Bad cable or bad receiver
Resets Nodebus MAC was if very large values are
initialized due to observed over short
transmission errors and periods of time. Low
hot remarries. values (less than
threshold) are norm for
30 second intervals.
Possible heavy network
802.4 MAC Number of times the 2 Possible bad cable, bad
Resets tokenbus MAC was receiver or very heavy
initialized due to loaded network for large
transmission errors and value over short periods.
hot remarries. This Occasionally DEFER
counter applies to the LI may appear, and is
station only. acceptable if less than
thresh- hold levels over
30 seconds.
Align Errors Number of received, 0.1% of Bad local receiver or
misaligned frames with frames external transmitter.
CRC errors. Not received
reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running
Collisions Number of collisions 5.0% of Bad cable, bad hardware,
experienced by the transmitt hot remarries.
controller chip during ed frames
transmission attempts.
Not reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running
CRC Errors Number of properly 0.1% of Bad cable or bad local
aligned frames received frames receiver or remote
with CRC errors. Not received transmitter if threshold is
reported for a fault- exceeded in 30 seconds.
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running

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168 6. Station Counters

Table 6-1. MAC Sublayer Counters Display Fields (Continued)

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
DMA Number of frames lost 0 Possible station overload
Overrun because the memory or incoming traffic in
bus was not available to process.
the controller chip. Not
reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running
DMA Number of times the 1 Signifies a hardware error
Underruns station ran out of on local station, notify
internal bus bandwidth. service.
Not reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running
Excess Number of unsuccessful 1 Bad cable or bad receiver.
Collisions transmissions because Possible very heavy
the number of collisions network traffic.
exceeded the maximum
number of retries.
Frames Number of frames N/A Each message received
Received successfully received by on network increments
the MAC. this counter by 1.
Frames Number of frames 180,000 Each message transmitted
Transmitted successfully transmitted on network increments
by the MAC. this counter by 1.
No Receive Number of received 0.1% of Signifies hardware error
Resources frames lost due to frames on local station notify
memory resource received service personnel.
problems in the station.
Not reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running
Transmits Number of times the 5.0% of Bad cable, bad hardware,
Deferred controller chip deferred transmitt hot remarries.
traffic during the first ed frames
transmission attempt.
Not reported for a fault-
tolerant station
(excluding the LI
station) running

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6. Station Counters 169

Network Layer
This layer is enabled only for ATS and LI stations.

Figure 6-2. Network Layer Counters Tab

The following table describes the Network Layer counters.

Table 6-2. Network Layer Counters Display Fields

Counter Name Description

Destination Unknown Number of messages dropped because the
destination node ID was unknown.
PDUS Relayed Number of PDU (Protocol Data Unit) messages
which pass through the LI (LAN Interface) or

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170 6. Station Counters

Transport Layer

Figure 6-3. Transport Layer in a Control Station Counters Tab

The following table describes the Transport Layer counters.

Table 6-3. Transport Layer Counters Display Fields

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
Checksum Number of TPDUs 1 System overload condition.
Errors received with checksum
Connect Data Number of successfully N/A Each connection data packet
TPDUS Recvd received, connection- received increments counter
oriented TPDUs. by 1.
Connect Data Number of successfully N/A Each connection data packet
TPDUS Trans transmitted, connection- transmitted (non-ack)
oriented TPDUs. increments by 1.
Connects Number of connection 10 The local TL detects one of
Denied – APP requests denied by a the following errors; peer
local application. connection not valid;
destination station not
Connects Number of connection 1 Application not ready to get
Denied – RES requests denied due to connections.
lack of Transport Layer
(TL) local resources.

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6. Station Counters 171

Table 6-3. Transport Layer Counters Display Fields (Continued)

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
Connects Number of connection 1 The local TL detected one of
Denied – TL requests denied by the the following errors: packet
TL. format error from peer; no
response from peer; peer TL
denied the connection due to
one of these two error
Current # Number of Fox IPC N/A N/A
Connections connections currently
established. You cannot
set this counter.
Disconnects Number of established 1 This counter is incremented
Due To Errors connections that broke only if an established
due to error. connection experiences one
of the following conditions:
retransmits were exceeded
and the TL did not
acknowledge a TPDU; no
TPDUs were received from
the peer TL in a sufficient
time period; the peer TL
broke connection due to one
of two error conditions.
Disconnects Number of established N/A N/A
Requested connections broken due
to a local or remote
application request.
Retrans Data Number of 0.2% of Heavily loaded network.
TPDUS on A retransmitted Transport transmit
Protocol Data Units ted
(TPDUs) on Cable A. TPDUs
Retrans Data Number of 0.2% of Heavily loaded network.
TPDUS on B retransmitted TPDUs on transmit
Cable B. ted

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172 6. Station Counters

Application Layer

Figure 6-4. Application Layer in a Control Station Counters Tab

The following table describes the Application Layer counters.

Table 6-4. Application Layer Counters Display Fields

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
CNLS-ACK Number of 180,000 Incremented by 1
Received connectionless, where: when received.
acknowledged data CNLS-ACK
packets received by the is sum of
AL. transmitted
and received
CNLS-ACK Number of 180,000 Incremented by 1
Transmitted connectionless, where: when received.
acknowledged data CNLS-ACK
packets transmitted by is sum of
the AL. transmitted
and received

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6. Station Counters 173

Table 6-4. Application Layer Counters Display Fields (Continued)

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
CNLS-UNACK Number of N/A Each received
Received connectionless, connectionless
unacknowledged data unacknowledged
packets received by the packet increments
AL. These data packets this counter by one.
have a minimal
overhead, provide no
services, and neither
send nor receive
Delivery is further
assured by sending the
message a second time
on the primary and
secondary cables.
CNLS-UNACK Number of 200 Each transmitted
Transmitted connectionless, connectionless
unacknowledged data unacknowledged
packets transmitted by packet increments
the Application Layer this counter by one.
LLC Frames Number of LLC frames N/A Memory overload:
Discarded received directly from lack of space
the LLC layer, but available.
discarded because a
lack of memory
prevented the AL from
copying and passing the
LLC Frames Number of LLC frames N/A Incremented by 1
Received received directly from each time sent.
the LLC layer,
bypassing the Transport
and Network layers.
LLC Frames Number of frames N/A Incremented by 1
Transmitted transmitted directly to each time received.
the Logical Link
Control layer (LLC),
bypassing the Transport
and Network layers.

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174 6. Station Counters

Table 6-4. Application Layer Counters Display Fields (Continued)

Possible Reason
Counter Description Value For Increment
No RUCBS Number of 5 A lack of available
Available connectionless data RUCBS indicates an
packets rejected due to insufficient number
lack of Receive Unit of control structure
Control Blocks allocated to process
(RUCBs). A lack of current incoming
available RUCBs traffic and re-
indicates an insufficient configuration may be
number of control necessary.
structures allocated to
process the current
incoming traffic. You
may need to reconfigure
the allocation.
No TUCBS Number of 5 A lack of available
Available connectionless data TUCBs indicates the
packets not sent due to a control structures a
lack of available located to process
Transmit Unit Control current outgoing
Blocks (TUCBs). A message to the traffic
lack of available is insufficient.
TUCBs indicates the
control structures
allocated to process the
current outgoing traffic
are insufficient. You
may need to reconfigure
the allocation.
RETRANS Number of 0.2% of Cable problems (one
CL-ACK on A retransmitted, CL-ACK or more cables, or
RETRANS connectionless, transmitted transitory problems
CL-ACK on B acknowledged data where: may be responsible
packets on Cable A or CL-ACK is for ack never
Cable B. Cable sum of A and arriving, resulting in
problems (one cable, B CL-ACKs. retransmission.
two cables or transitory
problems affecting both
cables) may be
responsible for the
acknowledgment never
arriving; this may result
in retransmissions.

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6. Station Counters 175

Loading Parameters

Figure 6-5. Loading Parameters Counters Tab

The following table describes the Loading Parameters. These counters are
static values, and as such cannot be reset or added to the Watch tab in the
Accessories pane.
Table 6-5. Loading Parameters Display Fields

Counter Description Static Value

Block per Number of blocks in a logical group. 256 blocks/ logical
group Files are segmented into groups for the group at 1400 octets
purpose of loading station images. per block
LD Retry Number of times a load request is sent 1 time
Count1 before the load is considered failed.
LD Timer_t1 Number of counts, converted to 8000 milliseconds
milliseconds, the LD waits for a load
response before issuing another Load
Max Block Maximum number of counts 15000 milliseconds
Delay (converted to milliseconds) that an LD
can tolerate between transmission of
individual data blocks.
Max Block Maximum data block size, in octets, 1280 octets
Size that a station can accept for loading.
Min Block Size Minimum data block size, in octets, 0 octets
that a station can accept for loading.
Rls Retry Number of times the ROM Load 1000 retries
Count Server (RLS) requests completion
status from a Loadable Device (LD).

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176 6. Station Counters

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C H A P T E R 7


Field Communication Modules (FCMs) connect FBMs to rack-mounted

control stations such as the ZCP270 and CP60. The FCMs communicate with
the control stations over a 100-Mbit Ethernet trunk Fieldbus.
The optionally redundant FCM100Et and FCM100E modules communicate
with 200 Series DIN rail mounted FBMs using the 2 Mbps Module Fieldbus
provided by the baseplates and baseplate cabling. The FCM100E can
additionally communicate with 100 Series FBMs using the 268 Kbps Fieldbus.
An FCM100E pair can support either 100 Series or 200 Series FBMs, but not
This chapter describes how to use System Manager software to monitor and
control FCMs.

• Identifying FCMs in the Navigation Pane
• Symbols for FCM100
• Symbols for FCM10
• Connected FBMs
• Equipment Change Actions

Identifying FCMs in the Navigation Pane

An FCM is depicted in the Navigation pane by the icon
attached to the Primary ECB of the host ZCP270. The single icon is used to
represent both redundant FCM pairs and a single non-redundant module.

Note The host for FCM10 is CP60.

A symbol attached to the upper left corner of the FCM icon indicates an
adverse condition with the module or one of the attached field device. The
status of alarms associated with the FCM is indicated by symbols on the lower
left side of the module.
Labels attached to the right side of the station’s Primary ECB indicate the state
of communications between the FCM and the FBMs, and the status of
communications between the FCM and the control station.

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178 7. FCMs

• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.
Figure 7-1 shows a Navigation pane in which a ZCP270 and its Primary ECB
(both labeled ZCP703) have been expanded to display an FCM100Et
(FCM300). The FCM in turn has been expanded to display the attached FBMs.
The attached FBMs include a module that is off-line (FCM308) and another
that has failed (FCM311). Thus, the yellow warning symbol is attached to the
FCM icon. The FBM failure has not been acknowledged, and an asterisk has
been attached to the FBM, the FCM, and the host control station.

Host ZCP270

Primary ECB for the host

control station (ZCP703)

Baseplate mounted FCM

connects FBMs to
the ZCP270.

Connected FBMs

Figure 7-1. Displays of FCMs in the Navigation Pane

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

7. FCMs 179

Labels and symbols attached to the right side of the FCM indicate the state of
communications between the FCM and the attached FBMs and the FCM and
the control station, as described in the following table:
Table 7-1. Symbols for FCM100

Symbol Condition
A label attached to the upper right corner of the FCM icon
indicates which module Fieldbus channel is being used for
communications between the FCM and the FBMs:
• Bus A when the A cable has been selected by an operator
• Bus B when the B cable has been selected by an operator
• AUTO when the station automatically switches to the
better cable based on a periodic check of the number of
faults on each cable
See “Module Fieldbus Switching Actions” on page 190 for
information on specifying the module Fieldbus channel.
A lightning symbol attached to the right side of the FCM icon
indicates that there is a cable fault with one of the attached
A red line with A, B or AB attached to the right side of the
FCM icon indicates a PIO bus failure, that is, a failure in one
or both of the Fieldbus cables connecting the FCM with its
host control station.

A label attached to the bottom right corner of the FCM icon

indicates whether cable alarms are inhibited for channel A,
channel B, or both A and B.
Cable alarms can be inhibited for all FBMs on a module
Fieldbus with an FCM equipment change action (“Cable
Alarms” on page 186).
Cable alarms can be inhibited and enabled for an individual
FBM using the FBM’s context menu in the Navigation pane, as
described in “Inhibit Alarms” on page 217.

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180 7. FCMs

Table 7-2. Symbols for FCM10

Symbol Condition
A lightning symbol attached to the right side of the FCM icon
indicates that there is a cable fault with one of the attached
A red line with A, B or AB attached to the right side of the
FCM icon indicates a PIO bus failure, that is, a failure in one
or both of the Fieldbus cables connecting the FCM with its
host control station.

FCM Status and Equipment Information

When an FCM is selected in the Navigation pane, the General tab in the
Information pane displays FCM status and equipment information in two
The first two fields in the Equipment Status table (Figure 7-2) identify the
FCM by name and type. The remaining fields in this group provide status
information and are updated dynamically. The fields in the Equipment
Information table (Figure 7-3) are updated periodically.
When the FCM is a redundant pair, the designation A or Main refers to the
module located in the first position in the baseplate, and the designation B or
Backup refers to the module located in the second position.

Figure 7-2. FCM Equipment Status Table

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7. FCMs 181

Table 7-3. FCM Equipment Status Display Fields

Field Description
Name FCM letterbug assigned during definition of system
Type Model number of the FCM defined during the system
Run Mode A Gives the run mode of each module in a redundant
Run Mode B pair as either On Line or Off Line. The field changes
from Off-Line to On-line when the FCM reports to its
host control processor after booting up. If reporting is
disabled, the last known state appears in this field.
Although certain equipment change options change
the Run Mode to Off Line, they do not fail the FCM.
However, a failed FCM results in the Run Mode
changing to Off Line.
Run Mode changes to Off Line if any of the
following occurs:
• An EEPROM update
• A physical pull/push of the module to reboot the
• Any FCM hardware failure or communication
Device State A Normally Not Failed. The field displays Failed if
Device State B any of the following occurs:
• A physical pull/push of the module to reboot the
• Any module failure or communication failure
Failed Acknowledged Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. If the Device
State State changes to Failed, the Failed Acknowledged
State changes to Not Acknowledged until the failed
state is acknowledged.
Refer to “Managing Alarms” on page 186.
Alarming State Alarming for the FCM is either Enabled or
Inhibited. When alarming is inhibited, the system
monitor continues to indicate overall system and
network health while equipment is failed or off line.
Refer to “Managing Alarms” on page 186.
Failed Devices Yes if one or more attached FBMs are reported as
Attached failed; otherwise, No
Failed Devices No until all attached devices that have failed are
Acknowledged acknowledged; otherwise, Yes

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182 7. FCMs

Table 7-3. FCM Equipment Status Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
EEPROM State A Updating while the module’s operating software is
EEPROM State B being updated from a workstation; otherwise, Not
Refer to “EEPROM Updates” on page 189.
Download State A Downloading, while the module is rebooting after a
Download State B download of the FCM’s control configuration;
otherwise, Not Downloading.
Refer to “Downloading” on page 188.

Figure 7-3. FCM Equipment Information Table

Table 7-4. FCM Equipment Information Display Fields

Field Description
Redundant Status A Status of each module in a redundant pair is shown
Redundant Status B as:
• Master when the module in a redundant pair
is in control
• Tracker when the module is ready to take
over control if the other module fails
• Off-Line when Run Mode (A, B) is Failed
• Not Operational when the module has been
taken off-line by an operator action
Compound Name Compound name containing the FCM’s ECB
Block Name Name of the FCM’s ECB

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7. FCMs 183

Table 7-4. FCM Equipment Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Ethernet Address A A six-octet media access control (MAC) address
Ethernet Address B assigned to each module during system definition
and used by the networking protocol in the
I/A Series stations. The A (Main) module in a
redundant pair has the lower MAC address.
IP Address A Internet Protocol address of each module assigned
IP Address B during system definition and used by the
networking protocol in the I/A Series stations
Network Mask The subnet mask of the FCM is normally set to as assigned during system
Sync Sate • Network Time
• Sync Pulse
• Drifting
• No Sync Pulse
Power 1 A Failed if there is a fault with the module’s primary
Power 1 B power supply; otherwise, OK
Power 2 A Failed if there is a fault with the module’s
Power 2 B secondary power supply; otherwise, OK
Manufacture Date A Manufacturing date for each module
Manufacture Date B
Hardware Part A Module part number
Hardware Part B
Hardware Revision A Release level of the module hardware
Hardware Revision B
Software Revision A Release level of the software running in the FCM
Software Revision B
Program A The software running in module A or B is the
Program B Backup or Normal (main) module software.
Software Type Number indicating the software running in the
210 for an FCM100Et or FCM100E
Hardware Type Number indicating the FCM hardware type:
200 for an FCM100Et or FCM100E
Primary CMD Status Value related to the status of communication
between the FCM and the control station and
between the FCM and the FBMs:
0 = Normal, no error
1 = Success with retry (this condition is very rare)
2 = FCM timed out FBM
3 = CP timed out FCM
> 3 = Link level protocol error (this is very rare
and transient)

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184 7. FCMs

Table 7-4. FCM Equipment Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
FCM CMD Status A hexadecimal value associated with the return
status included in the header of every response
from the FBMs to the FCM. Typically, the
hexadecimal value is 0, indicating the command
was understood and action was taken.
0 = Command understood, action taken
1 = Command not understood
2 = Command understood, but unable to take
4 = Invalid argument
Main Ethernet A Errors Number of messages with errors received from the
Backup Ethernet A Errors control station over the A cable
Main Ethernet B Errors Number of messages with errors received from the
Backup Ethernet B Errors control station over the B cable
Main HDLC A Errors Number of messages with errors received from
Backup HDLC A Errors FBMs over the module Fieldbus A channel
Main HDLC B Errors Number of messages with errors received from
Backup HDLC B Errors FBMs over the module Fieldbus B channel
IOM Status Code used by Invensys service personnel, usually
FCM State Main FCM operational status, same as the Main
Status field
Strobe Status A Not applicable
Strobe Status B
Main Status Status of each module:
Backup Status
• Normal for a non-redundant FCM operating
under normal conditions
• Master for the controlling FCM in a
redundant pair
• Tracker for a module in a redundant pair that
is ready to take control if the other module
• Not Operational for a module that is Off Line
Main HDLC 01 Status of communications on the A channel of the
Backup HDLC 01 module Fieldbus
Main HDLC 02 Status of communications on the B channel of the
Backup HDLC 02 module Fieldbus
Main Interlink Status of communications on the A cable of the
Backup Interlink Ethernet Fieldbus connection with the control
Main Ethernet Status of communications on the B cable of the
Backup Ethernet Ethernet Fieldbus connection with the control

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7. FCMs 185

Connected FBMs
To display a list of the FBMs attached to the FCM:
1. Select the FCM in the Navigation pane and click the Connections tab in
the Information pane.
Connections lists the attached FBMs by name, type, status, run mode, and
failure mode (Figure 7-4).

Figure 7-4. Connections Tab for an FCM

2. Click any column header to sort the rows on the values in that column;
click the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header to the right or left to change the column order.
4. Double-click an FBM name or right-click the name and choose
Navigate to <FBM name> to go to the selected module (Navigate to
FCM517 in Figure 7-4).
The FBM is selected in the Navigation pane and its information is
displayed in the Information pane. If there are devices connected to the
FBM, the Connections tab is shown in the Information pane; otherwise,
the General tab is displayed.

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186 7. FCMs

Equipment Change Actions

For commands available from the FCM’s context menu or from the Actions >
Equipment Change submenu pulled down from the main menu when either
FCM100 or FCM10 is selected, refer Table 2-14 and Table 2-15.

Managing Alarms

There are multiple ways to acknowledge system alarms associated with an
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to identify and acknowledge
individual alarms (see “Alarms Tab” on page 49).
• Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose Acknowledge
Device from the context menu to acknowledge device alarms for the
selected FCM.
• Acknowledge all alarms in the FCM’s system monitor domain by
selecting the system monitor in the Navigation pane and doing one of the
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.
• Right-click the system monitor and choose Acknowledge Smon
Domain from the context menu.

Inhibit Alarms
You can inhibit all device alarms for the FCM so that no alarm conditions are
reported to the system monitor.
To inhibit FCM device alarms, do one of the following:
• Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit Alarming
from the context menu.
• Select the FCM in the Accessories pane Alarms tab and click in the
tab toolbar.
The FCM icon is marked with the symbol to indicate that alarms are
being inhibited.
To re-enable alarms:
• Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose the Enable
Device Alarming from the context menu.

Cable Alarms
To inhibit cable alarms:

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7. FCMs 187

• Right-click the FCM and choose Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A Alarms or
Inhibit PIO Bus Cable B Alarms from the context menu.
A symbol ( , or ) attached to lower right corner of each FBM
icon indicates which cables have alarms inhibited.
To re-enable cable alarms:
• Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose the appropriate
command from the context menu:
Enable PIO Bus Cable A Alarms
Enable PIO Bus Cable B Alarms

Changing Run Mode

The context menu for an FCM includes the Go On-Line command when a non-
redundant FCM is off line, or one or both modules in a redundant pair are off
line. Likewise, the menu includes the Go Off-Line command when a non-
redundant FCM is on line, or at least one module in a redundant pair is on line.

Note When you take a non-redundant module or both modules in a redundant

pair off line, the control station cannot communicate with the attached FBMs.

To change a module’s run mode:

1. Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose Go On-Line or
Go Off-Line from the context menu.
A dialog box displays the current run mode of each module and prompts
you to select which module is to go on line or off line (Figure 7-5). Note
that Main is the module located in the first baseplate position, and not
necessarily the Master (or controlling) module.

Figure 7-5. Go On-Line and Go Off-Line Dialog Boxes

2. For redundant modules, click the check box for Main, Backup or both.
The second module in a redundant pair to be brought on line automatically
assumes the Tracker role.

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188 7. FCMs

If you take one module off line, the other assumes the Master role if it is
not already in control. If you take both modules off line, all the attached
FBMs also go off line.
For non-redundant FCMs, click the check box for Main.
3. Enter a reason for the action if the Reason field is displayed in the dialog
This action setting is configured in the Configuration dialog (refer to
“Options Menu” on page 61).
4. Click OK to complete the command.

Downloading takes the FCM off line, copies the module’s configuration
database from the ZCP270, and brings the module back on line.
When you download to a non-redundant FCM, the attached FBMs are off-line
while the FCM is off-line. For redundant FCMs, you can download to either or
both modules in one command.
To download to an FCM:
1. Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose Download from
the context menu.
A dialog box displays the current run mode of each module and prompts
you to select which module is to be updated (Figure 7-6). Note that Main
is the module located in the first baseplate position, and not necessarily the
Master (or controlling) module.

Figure 7-6. FCM Download Dialog Boxes

2. For redundant modules, click the check box for Main, Backup or both.

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7. FCMs 189

If you download one module, the other assumes the Master role if it is on-
line and not already in control.
For non-redundant FCMs, click the check box for Main.
3. Enter a reason for the action if the Reason field is displayed in the dialog
This action setting is configured in the Configuration dialog (refer to
“Options Menu” on page 61).
4. Click OK to complete the command.

EEPROM Updates
An EEPROM Update takes the FCM off line, loads the module’s operating
system software to the FCM’s flash memory and restarts the module. During
an EEPROM update of a non-redundant FCM, the attached FBMs are off-line,
but are automatically returned to their prior status when the FCM is restarted.
For a redundant pair, you can only update one module at a time.
To update an FCM operating system image:
1. Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose EEPROM
Update from the context menu.
A dialog box displays the current run mode of each module and prompts
you to select which module is to be updated (Figure 7-7). Note that Main
is the module in the first baseplate position, and not necessarily the Master
(or controlling) module.

Figure 7-7. FCM EEPROM Update Dialog Boxes

2. For redundant modules, click the check box for Main or Backup.
If both modules are on-line, the module selected for the update goes off-
line and the other assumes the Master role if it is not already in control.
For a non-redundant FCM, click the check box for Main.

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190 7. FCMs

3. Enter a reason for the action if the Reason field is displayed in the dialog
This action setting is configured in the Configuration dialog, as described
in “Options Menu” on page 61.
4. Click OK to complete the command.

Switching Roles
In a redundant FCM pair, one module assumes control of the module Fieldbus
(the Master role) and the other module operates in the Tracker role, ready to
take over if the other module fails. The current role of each module is
displayed in the Redundant State A and Redundant State B fields in the
General tab Equipment Information table (Figure 7-3).
To force the modules in a redundant pair to switch roles:
1. Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose Switch Roles
from the context menu.
The Switch Roles dialog box displays the current run mode of each
module and prompts you to confirm the action (Figure 7-8). Note that
Main is the module in the first baseplate position, and not necessarily the
Master (or controlling) module.

Figure 7-8. Confirmation Dialog Box for Switching FCM Roles

• If both modules are not on line, click Cancel, use the Go On Line
command to change the run mode of the modules, and select the
Switch Roles command a second time.
2. Click OK in the Switch Roles dialog box to complete the switch.

Module Fieldbus Switching Actions

FCMs communicate with the attached FBMs over the redundant module
Fieldbus. You can specify that the FCM use channel A or channel B, or set the
module to automatically switch to the better of the two channels.
When auto-switching is specified, the FCM records the number of FBM access
failures per channel and determines whether switching should occur:

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7. FCMs 191

• If the current module Fieldbus has failures and the other bus has fewer
failures, the station automatically switches to the better bus.
• If the channels have an equal number of FBM access failures, the FCM
continues transmission over the existing bus.
When the operator selects Bus A Only or Bus B Only, the FCM attempts to
transmit over the selected channel regardless of the number failures on that
• Right-click the FCM in the Navigation pane and choose the switching
Select Bus A
Select Bus B
Bus Auto Select

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192 7. FCMs

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 8

Fieldbus Modules

This chapter describes how to use System Manager software to monitor and
control Fieldbus Modules (FBMs) and their attached field devices.
The information in this chapter applies to the 200 Series (DIN rail mounted)
FBMs listed in Table 8-1 and the 100 Series FBMs listed in Table 8-2. For a
list of equivalent migration FBMs and Fieldbus Cluster I/O modules, refer to
Appendix A, “Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules”.
Table 8-1. Supported 200 Series FBMs

FBM Description
FBM201 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA Input, Channel Isolated (8 AI)
FBM201b 8-Channel 0 to 100 mV dc Input, Channel Isolated (8 AI)
FBM201c 8-Channel 0 to 5 V dc Input, Channel Isolated (8 AI)
FBM201d 8-Channel 0 to 10 V dc Input, Channel Isolated (8 AI)
FBM201e 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA Input, Channel Isolated (8 AI)
FBM202 8-Channel Thermocouple/Millivolt Input, Channel Isolated
(8 AI)
FBM203 8-Channel RTD Input (platinum or nickel), Channel
Isolated, 0 to 320 ohm (8 AI)
FBM203b 8-Channel RTD Input (platinum or nickel), Channel
Isolated, 0 to 640 ohm (8 AI)
FBM203c 8-Channel RTD Input (copper), Channel Isolated, 0 to 30
ohm (8 AI)
FBM203d 8-Channel 4-wire RTD Input (Pt, Ni, Cu), Channel
Isolated, 0 to 320 ohm (8 AI, FBM3 replacement)
FBM204 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA I/O (4 Input, 4 Output), Channel
Isolated (can have redundant outputs)
FBM205 Redundant 0 to 20 mA Input/Output (4 Input and 4
Output), Channel Isolated (4 AI/4 AO)
FBM206 8-Channel Pulse Input, Channel Isolated (8 PI)
FBM206b 4-Channel Pulse Input,
4-Channel 0 to 20 mA Output (non-HART), Channel
Isolated (FBM06 replacement)
FBM207 Redundant Ready
6-Channel Voltage Monitoring, Channel Isolated (16 DI)

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194 8. Fieldbus Modules

Table 8-1. Supported 200 Series FBMs (Continued)

FBM Description
FBM207b Redundant Ready
16-Channel 24 V dc Contact Sense, Channel Isolated
FBM207c Redundant Ready
16-Channel 48 V dc Contact Sense, Channel Isolated
FBM208 Redundant with Readback, 0 to 20 mA Input/Output
(4 Input and 4 Output), Channel Isolated (4AI/4AO)
FBM208b Redundant with Readback, 0 to 20 mA Input/Output
(4 Input and 4 Output), Channel Isolated (FBM05
FBM211 16-Channel Differential Analog Input,
0 to 20 mA, Differential Isolated (16 AI)
FBM212 14-Channel Differential Analog Input, Thermocouple,
Differential Isolated (14 AI)
FBM213 RTD (Platinum and Nickel) (8 AI)
FBM214 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART® Input
FBM214b 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART® Input (FBM01
replacement with HART capability)
FBM215 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART Output
FBM216 Redundant 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART Input
FBM216b Redundant 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART Input
FBM217 Redundant Ready
32-Channel Discrete Input, Group Isolated (32 DI)
FBM218 Redundant 8-Channel 0 to 20 mA, HART Output
FBM219 24-Channel Voltage Monitor, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, External Source, Group
FBM220 1-Channel Interface to H1 FOUNDATION fieldbus (one
FBM221 4-Channel Interface to H1 FOUNDATION fieldbus (four
FBM222 Redundant Ready
2-Channel Interface to Redundant PROFIBUS-DP™
FBM223 2-Channel Interface to PROFIBUS-DP™
FBM224 4-Port RS-232, RS-422 and/or RS-485 Interface to
Modbus® Devices
FBM227 4-Channel 0 to 10 V dc Input, 2-Channel 0 to 10 V dc
Output 4-Channel Discrete Input, 4-Channel Discrete
Output; Discrete channels are isolated in channel pairs
(FBM17 replacement with MDACT and DPIDA control)
FBM228 Redundant Ready
4-Channel Interface to H1 FOUNDATION fieldbus
FBM229 1-Channel Interface to up to 64 DeviceNet devices

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8. Fieldbus Modules 195

Table 8-1. Supported 200 Series FBMs (Continued)

FBM Description
FBM230 RS-232, RS-422, and/or RS-485 Field Device System
Integrator (FDSI) Interface
FBM231 Redundant RS-232, RS-422, and/or RS-48 Field Device
System Integrator (FDSI) Interface
FBM232 Ethernet Field Device System Integrator (FDSI) Interface
FBM233 Redundant Field Device System Integrator (FDSI)
FBM237 Redundant Ready
8-Channel 0 to 20 mA Output, Redundant, Channel
Isolated (8 AO)
FBM238 24-Channel Voltage Monitor, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, External Source, Group
Isolated (FBM9/14, 10/15, 11/16, 26/27, 41/42
FBM239 16-Channel Voltage Monitor, Plus
16-Channel Discrete Output, External Source, Group
Isolated (FBM9/14, 10/15, 11/16, 26/27, 41/42
FBM240 Redundant Ready
8-Channel Externally Sourced Discrete Output with
Readback, Channel Isolated (8 DO)
FBM241 8-Channel Voltage Monitor, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, External Source, Channel
Isolated (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM241b 8-Channel Voltage Monitor, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, Internal Source, Channel
FBM241c 8-Channel Contact Sense, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, External Source, Channel
FBM241d 8-Channel Contact Sense, Plus
8-Channel Discrete Output, Internal Source, Channel
FBM242 16-Channel Externally Sourced Discrete Output, Channel
Isolated (8 DO)
FBM243 8-Channel Bi-directional FoxCom™ Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Device Interface Communication
FBM243b 4-Channel Bi-directional FoxCom™ Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Device Interface Communication, Plus
4-Channel 0 to 20 mA, Output (FBM39 and FBM44
FBM244 4-Channel 0 to 20 mA Input and 4-Channel 0 to 20 mA
Output (with HART® Support on All Channels) (FBM04

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196 8. Fieldbus Modules

Table 8-1. Supported 200 Series FBMs (Continued)

FBM Description
FBM245 Redundant 4-Channel 0 to 20 mA Input and 4-Channel
0 to 20 mA Output (with HART® Support on All
Channels) (FBM05 replacement)
FBM246 Redundant, 8-Channel Bi-directional FoxCom Dual Baud
Rate Intelligent Device Interface Communication
FBM246b Redundant, 4-Channel Bi-directional FoxCom Dual Baud
Rate Intelligent Device Interface Communication, Plus
4-Channel 0 to 20 mA, Output (FBM46 replacement)
FBM247 8-Channel Current/Voltage Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O
Configurable Channel Interface Module (with HART®
Support on All Channels) - Includes support for additional
communication types

Table 8-2. Supported 100 Series FBMs

FBM Description
FBM01 0 to 20 mA Input (8 AI)
FBM02 Thermocouple/mV Input (8 AI)
FBM03 RTD Input (8 AI)
FBM04 0 to 20 mA Input/Output (4 AI/4 AO)
FBM05 0 to 20 mA Input/Output Interface (4 AI/4 AO) (Redundant
FBM06 Pulse Input, 0 to 20 mA Output (4 PI/4 AO) (can be
FBM07 Contact/dc Input (16 DI)
FBM08 120 V ac Input (16 DI)
FBM09 Contact/dc Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM10 120 V ac Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM11 240 V ac Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM12 Contact/dc Input Expander
FBM13 120 V ac Input Expander
FBM14 Contact/dc Input/Output Expander
FBM15 120 V ac Input/Output Expander
FBM16 240 V ac Input/Output Expander
FBM17 0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc Input/Output (4 AI/2 AO and
4 DI/4 DO)
FBM18 Intelligent Field Device (8 Inputs)
FBM20 240 V ac Input (16 DI)
FBM21 240 V ac Input Expander
FBM22 Single 0 to 20 mA Input/Output with Auto/Manual (1 AI/1

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8. Fieldbus Modules 197

Table 8-2. Supported 100 Series FBMs (Continued)

FBM Description
FBM23 (HIU) HTG Interface Unit
FBM24 Contact/125 V dc Input Interface (16 DI)
FBM25 Contact/125 V dc Input Interface
FBM26 Contact/125 V dc Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM27 Contact/125 V dc Input/Output Expander
FBM33 RTD Input (Copper) (8 AI)
FBM36 Type R Thermocouple/mV Input (8 AI)
FBM37 0 to 20 mA Output (8 AO)
FBM38 Mass Flow Transmitter
FBM39 Intelligent Field Device Input and 0 to 20 mA Output
(4 Inputs/4 AO) (can be redundant)
FBM41 Contact 24 V dc Input/0 to 60 V dc Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM42 Contact 24 V dc Input/0 to 60 V dc Output Expander
FBM43 Intelligent Field Device Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Interface (8 Inputs)
FBM44 Intelligent Field Device Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Transmitter Interface/0 to 20 mA Output
(4 Inputs/4 AO) (can have redundant outputs)
FBM46 Redundant Dual Baud Rate Interface to Intelligent
Transmitters and Redundant 0 to 20 mA Outputs (4
Inputs/4 AO)
PDISP Panel-Mounted Display

Supported Device Groups

The following table lists all the device groups that are supported.

Equipment information
Device Group Devices supported reference
Foreign Device Group Foreign Device RS232 Refer to “Equipment Information
for Device Integrator Peripherals”
on page 257
INI X.25 Port group INI X.25 Port ECB Refer to “INI10, INI15 or
SPECTRUM Interface Processor
Peripheral Equipment Information
Fields” on page 259
SIP group Spectrum Interface Proc ECB Refer to “SIP ECB Equipment
Information Displays” on page 261
IS30 GIT device group IS30 GIT device Refer to “INTERSPEC Integrator
Translator Equipment Information”
on page 262.

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

198 8. Fieldbus Modules

Equipment information
Device Group Devices supported reference
Allen Bradley ECBs AB Port Refer to “Equipment Information
group AB PLC view for the Allen-Bradley Port
AB Scan (ECB 63, ECB 64, and ECB 65)”
on page 265
Allen Bradley PLC Allen Bradley 540 PLC type Refer to “Equipment Information
device group Allen Bradley 560 PLC type for the A-B Station PLC5 Series”
Allen Bradley 511 PLC type on page 267
Allen Bradley 520 PLC type
Allen Bradley 530 PLC type
Allen Bradley 530 PLC type
Allen Bradley rack Allen Bradley Rack type Refer to “Equipment Information
device group for the A-B Station Rack” on
page 269
ModBus ECBs group MG Port Refer to “Equipment Information
MG PLC Display for Modicon Port ECB
MG Scan (ECB60, ECB61, and ECB62)” on
page 271
AB primary port OMC FC Primary ECB for AB Refer to “Micro-I/A AB-PIO
Peripherals Equipment
Information” on page 273
GE primary port OMC FC Primary ECB for GE Refer to “Micro-I/A GE-PIO
Peripherals Equipment
Information” on page 274
AB Remote Adapter for FC AB RIO Adaptor Refer to “Equipment Information
OMC Display for an AB-RIO Adapter”
on page 276
AB and GE I/O Modules FC GE 8 DO #GEDC/GE120AO Refer to “Equipment Information
FC GE 16 DO #GE24DO Display for a GE I/O Device and
FC GE 8 AI #GE20 A-B I/O Device” on page 277
FC GE 16 DI #GE24/48/120 DI
FC GE 4 AO #GE04
FC AB 8 AI #1794-IE8
FC AB 8 DI #1794-IB8S/IA8
FC AB 16 DI #1794-IB16
FC AB 4 AO #1794-OE4
FC AB 4AI/2AO #1794-IE4OE2
FC AB 16 DO #1794-OB16
FC AB 8 DO #1794-OA8/OW8
FC AB T/C #1794-IT8
FC AB RTD #1794-IR8
SCADA (port device) Port (Bristol-Babcock) Refer to “Equipment Information
Display for ECB96 Port” on
page 279
SCADA (device) RTU (Bristol-Babcock) Refer to “Equipment Information
Display for ECB97 RTU” on
page 283

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

8. Fieldbus Modules 199

Equipment information
Device Group Devices supported reference
ACM (Main Processor) TRICON Monitor Refer to “FoxGuard Manager
device Equipment Information” on
page 287
ACM (I/O Cards) TRICON 32 DI Refer to “I/O Module Equipment
TRICON 64 DI Information Display” on page 290
DI-WIN-NT Character Port for Character Protocols Refer to “Equipment Information
Port group, Display for ECB98, ECB99, and
DI-WIN-NT Message Port for Msg protocols ECB100” on page 292
Port group, and
DI-WIN-NT Device Generic Device
FOX2068 Port group Fox2068 Port Refer to “ECB80 Equipment
Information” on page 295
FOX2068 RTU group Fox2068 RTU Refer to “ECB81 Equipment
Information” on page 296
Profibus Gate group Profibus Gate Refer to “Equipment Information
Display for PROFIBUS-DP Gate
and Devices” on page 297
Profibus Device group Profibus Device Refer to “Equipment Information
Display for PROFIBUS-DP
Devices” on page 298
PLC5 Gate Group PLC5 Gate Refer to “Equipment Information
Displays for AB-PLC5/E Gate
Devices” on page 299
PLC5 Device Group PLC5 Device Refer to “Equipment Information
Displays for the AB-PLC5/E
Device” on page 300
Modbus Gate Group Modbus Gate Refer to “Equipment Information
Displays for the Modbus Gate and
Modbus Devices” on page 301
Modbus Device Group Modbus Device Refer to “Equipment Information
Displays for the Modbus Device”
on page 302

• Identification of FBMs and Attached Devices

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

200 8. Fieldbus Modules

• FBM Status and Equipment Information

• FBM246 Status and Equipment Information
• DCI Based FBMs
• Migration FBMs
• Connections Tab
• Counters Tab
• Equipment Change Actions
• Device Displays and Actions

Identification of FBMs and Attached Devices

FBMs are depicted in the Navigation pane by the icon attached either to
the Primary ECB (Primary FBM) of a control station or to an FCM. The same
icon is used for both redundant and non-redundant FBMs.
Certain FBMs can be expanded in the Navigation pane to show a second level
of the attached intelligent field devices, represented by the icon. These
FBMs include the FBM246 FoxCom dual-baud rate intelligent device interface
and the Distributed Communication Interface (DCI) modules that support
various fieldbus standards such as HART™, PROFIBUS-DP™, and
FOUNDATION™ fieldbus. The second-level items can be selected to view
device status and equipment information, and to perform equipment change

Note 100 Series upgrade FBMs are treated as if they were 200 Series FBMs.

For example, the selected FBM in Figure 8-1 (FBM232) is an FDSI module
with four devices attached. Each of the devices can be selected to display
device status and equipment information in the Information pane and to
perform equipment change actions.

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

8. Fieldbus Modules 201

Status of the selected FBM

is displayed in the General
tab in the Information pane

FBMs that interface to fieldbus

devices can be expanded
for access to the individual

Red symbol indicates that

this FBM has failed

FBM232, 518, and 528 are

connected directly to an FCP270
(FCP800) over the module

This FCM connects multiple

FBMs (two of which are
shown) to a ZCP270

Figure 8-1. FBMs and Attached Devices in the Navigation Pane

FOUNDATION fieldbus FBM228 device names are prefixed with <P1>, <P2>,
<P3> or <P4> to identify the H1 segment on which the device is operating.
The first time an FBM228 device is shown in a System Manager session, the
device is identified by its segment and six-character DEV_ID. When you click
on the device, System Manager retrieves complete status and equipment
information for the device and changes the display so that the device is
identified by its segment, block name, and DEV_ID for the remainder of the
System Manager session.

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202 8. Fieldbus Modules

Note Depending on the block name and the DEV_ID of the device, FBM228
devices may appear out-of-order on the Navigation pane as shown below:


Device list prior to inserting Device list after inserting

block name block name

Status Indicators
A symbol attached to the upper left corner of the FBM or device icon indicates
an adverse condition with the equipment. The status of alarms associated with
the FBM and attached devices is indicated by symbols on the lower left side of
the equipment icon.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.
Labels attached to the right side of the FBM (for example, FCM50A in
Figure 8-1) indicate the state of communications between the FBM and the
control station or FCM:

Symbol Condition
A red label to the right of the FBM indicates a problem with
communications between the FBM and the control station or
FCM in one or both of the module Fieldbus channels.

A label attached to the bottom right corner of the FBM icon

indicates whether cable alarms are inhibited for channel A,
channel B, or both A and B.
Cable alarms can be inhibited and enabled for an individual
FBM using the FBM’s context menu in the Navigation pane, as
described in “Managing Cable Alarms” on page 217.
Cable alarms can be inhibited for all FBMs on a module
Fieldbus with an FCM equipment change action (“Cable
Alarms” on page 186) or a Primary ECB equipment change
action (“Managing Alarms” on page 161).

FBM Status and Equipment Information

When an FBM is selected in the Navigation pane, the General tab in the
Information pane displays status and equipment information for the FBM in
two tables. The tab can also include indicators of I/O quality. Figure 8-2 is the
Information tab for an FBM206.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 203

Figure 8-2. Status and Configuration Information for an FBM206

The first two fields in the Equipment Status table identify the FBM by name
and type. The remainder of the fields in this group provide status information
and are updated dynamically. The fields in the Equipment Information group
are updated periodically.
The I/O Points group at the bottom of the tab shows the quality of the data
from each point handled by the FBM. This display is available only if the bad
I/O bit is set in BADALM parameter (BADALM: 1) of the control station’s
Primary ECB (that is, the ECBP or Primary ECB in the station’s ECB
compound). This requirement does not apply to the DCI-based FBMs.
The fields displayed in the General tab vary with the type of FBM. For
example, the displays for redundant FBMs have additional fields that apply to
the Main and Backup modules.
The FBM206 information in Figure 8-2 is an example of the format used for
the following non-DCI FBMs:

FBM Description

100 Series FBMs

FBM01 0 to 20 mA Input (8 AI)
FBM02 Thermocouple/mV Input (8 AI)
FBM03 RTD Input (8 AI)
FBM04 0 to 20 mA Input/Output (4 AI/4 AO)

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204 8. Fieldbus Modules

FBM Description
FBM05 0 to 20 mA Input/Output Interface (4 AI/4 AO)
(Redundant I/O)
FBM06 Pulse Input, 0 to 20 mA Output (4 PI/4 AO) (can be
FBM07 Contact/dc Input (16 DI)
FBM08 120 V ac Input (16 DI)
FBM09 Contact/dc Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM10 120 V ac Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM11 240 V ac Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM12 Contact/dc Input Expander
FBM13 120 V ac Input Expander
FBM14 Contact/dc Input/Output Expander
FBM15 120 V ac Input/Output Expander
FBM16 240 V ac Input/Output Expander
FBM17 0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc Input/Output (4 AI/2 AO and
4 DI/4 DO)
FBM18 Intelligent Field Device (8 Inputs)
FBM20 240 V ac Input (16 DI)
FBM21 240 V ac Input Expander
FBM22 Single 0 to 20 mA Input/Output with Auto/Manual (1
AI/1 AO)
FBM23 (HIU) HTG Interface Unit
FBM24 Contact/125 V dc Input Interface (16 DI)
FBM25 Contact/125 V dc Input Interface
FBM26 Contact/125 V dc Input/Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM27 Contact/125 V dc Input/Output Expander
FBM33 RTD Input (Copper) (8 AI)
FBM36 Type R Thermocouple/mV Input (8 AI)
FBM37 0 to 20 mA Output (8 AO)
FBM38 Mass Flow Transmitter
FBM39 Intelligent Field Device Input and 0 to 20 mA Output
(4 Inputs/4 AO) (can be redundant)
FBM41 Contact 24 V dc Input/0 to 60 V dc Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM42 Contact 24 V dc Input/0 to 60 V dc Output Expander
FBM43 Intelligent Field Device Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Interface (8 Inputs)
FBM44 Intelligent Field Device Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Transmitter Interface/0 to 20 mA Output
(4 Inputs/4 AO) (can have redundant outputs)

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8. Fieldbus Modules 205

FBM Description
FBM46 Redundant Dual Baud Rate Interface to Intelligent
Transmitters and Redundant 0 to 20 mA Outputs (4
Inputs/4 AO)
PDISP Panel-Mounted Display

200 Series FBMs

FBM201 0 to 20 mA Input (8 AI)
FBM202 Thermocouple/mV Input (8 AI)
FBM203 RTD Input (Platinum, Nickel and Copper) (8 AI)
FBM203d 8 - Channel RTD for 2 and 4-wire RTD [FBM3
FBM204 0 to 20 mA Input/Output (4 AI/4 AO)
FBM205 0 to 20 mA Input/Output Interface (4 AI/4 AO)
FBM206 Pulse Input, 0 to 20 mA Output (8 PI)
FBM206b 4 Pulse In & 4 (4-20mA) Out (non-HART); [FBM06
FBM207 Contact/dc Input (16 DI)
FBM208 0 to 20 mA (4AI/4AO)
FBM208b Redundant with readback, 4 (0 to 20mA) IN, 4 (0 to
20mA) OUT with 50ohm sense [FBM05 replacement]
FBM211 0 to 20 mA (16 AI)
FBM212 Thermocouple/mV (14AI)
FBM213 RTD (Platinum and Nickel (8 AI)
FBM217 Contact (32DI)
FBM219 Switch (24 DI/8 DO)
FBM227 4 AI (0-10V), 2 AO (0-10V), 4 DI, 4 DO; [FBM17
replacement with MDACT and DPIDA control]
FBM229 One channel support for a network of up to 64 DeviceNet
devices (including the FBM itself, the slave I/O modules
and a third-party configuration workstation).
FBM238 24DI/8DO Mixed Expander; [FBM9/14, 10/15, 11/16,
26/27, 41/42 replacements]
FBM239 16DI/16DO Mixed Expander; [FBM9/14, 10/15, 11/16,
26/27, 41/42 replacements]
FBM240 120V ac/125 V dc Switch (8 DO)
FBM241 Contact 24 V dc Input/0 to 240 V ac Output (8 DI/8 DO)
FBM242 0 to 60 V dc Externally Sourced Output (8DO)
FBM243 FoxCom Dual Baud Rate, 8 channel, Intelligent Device
FBM243b 4 FoxCom Dual Baud (4800 or 600 Baud) & 4 AO (4-
(ECB23) 20mA); [FBM39 and FBM44 replacement]

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206 8. Fieldbus Modules

FBM Description
FBM246b 4 Redundant FoxCom Dual Baud (4800 or 600 Baud) &
(ECB49) 4 AO (4-20mA);
[FBM46 replacement]
FBM247 0 to 20 mA, non-HART or 4-20 mA, HART, over eight
channels, each of which can be individually configured
for a specific type of field I/O signal, and as either an
input or output.
Also supports:
• 0 to 10 V and 0 to 5 V analog input, non-HART
• Digital dry contact sense 24 V dc
• Discrete voltage monitor, configurable 0 and 1
thresholds 0-10 V
• NAMUR sensor discrete input - Signal level
according to DIN EN 50227 (NAMUR):
• “On” switching threshold 2.1 mA ± 10%
• “Off” switching threshold 1.6 mA ± 10%
• Input impedance 123 Ohms
• Pulse count, frequency, acceleration and jerk,
contact sense or voltage input
• Discrete Output 24 V, 20 mA current or solid state
switch output
The Equipment Status and Equipment Information tables for these FBMs are
described below.
Formats used for other FBMs are covered in the following sections:
• “FBM246 Status and Equipment Information” on page 211
• “DCI Based FBMs” on page 212
• “Migration FBMs” on page 213
• For the DeviceNet FBM229, refer to the “FBM229 Equipment
Information” section in Implementing a DeviceNet Network on the
I/A Series System (B0750CH).
• For the HART-capable FBM247, refer to the “HART-Capable FBM247
Equipment Status and Information Display” section in HART™
Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

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8. Fieldbus Modules 207

Equipment Status Table

Table 8-3. FBM Equipment Status Display Fields

Field Description
Name Letterbug assigned to the FBM
Type Type is determined by the Primary ECB when checking
the devices on its Fieldbus. Table 8-1 describes the
available 200 Series FBMs and Table 8-2 describes the
available 100 Series FBMs.
Run Mode On Line or Off Line. You can set the Run Mode using
the Go On-Line and Go Offline actions from the
module’s context menu.
If station reporting is disabled, the last known FBM run
mode appears in this field. If the field indicates an Off-
line status:
• Check the hardware.
• Download to the module if necessary.
• Check related fields such as Download State.
Device State Failed or Not Failed
Failed Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. If the Device
Acknowledge State value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the value
State in this field changes to Not Acknowledged.
Do the following if the field indicates a Not
Acknowledged status:
• Check the Alarms tab in the Accessories Pane for
the type of failure.
• Acknowledge system failures using the Alarms tab
in the Accessories pane or right-click FBM in the
Navigation pane and choose Acknowledge Device
from the context menu.
Alarming State Enabled or Inhibited. When device alarming is
inhibited, the system monitor continues to indicate
overall system and network health while equipment is
failed or off-line, and any system alarm messages are not
logged to the system printer or to the historian. To
change the Alarming State:
• Right-click the FBM icon in the Navigation pane
and choose Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable
Device Alarming from the context menu.
Inhibiting alarms acknowledges any unacknowledged
Download State Downloading if the FBM is downloading its application
image; otherwise, Not Downloading
Warning Condition Yes if the device has a non-fatal error condition or if an
attached field device has failed; otherwise, No

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208 8. Fieldbus Modules

Table 8-3. FBM Equipment Status Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Devices Attached Yes if the FBM has devices attached; otherwise, No
Failed Devices Yes if a device attached to the FBM has failed;
Attached otherwise, No
Last Cable Access The status of both module Fieldbus channels is reported
• Both Cables OK
• A Okay / B Fail
• A Fail / B Okay
• A Fail / B Fail
Failed Devices No if a failure of an attached device has yet to be
Acknowledged acknowledged; otherwise, Yes.
Refer to “Managing Device Alarms” on page 217.

Equipment Information Table

Table 8-4. FBM Equipment Information Display Fields

Field Description
Compound Name Name of the compound that holds the FBM’s equipment
control block (ECB)
Block Name ECB name of the FBM, typically but not necessarily the
same as the FBM (letterbug) name
Hardware Type Number associated with this FBM type
Software Type Software type being used with the designated FBM
hardware type. The FBM Software Type is not the ECB
type. Software types for supported FBMs are given in
Table 8-5.
Hardware Part The hardware part number related to this FBM
Hardware The hardware release level of this FBM hardware type
Software Revision Release level of this FBM’s software
EEPROM Firmware release for this FBM
Serial Number Serial number assigned to this module
Manufacture Date Date of manufacture for this module
Diag Status 1 Hexadecimal values relating to the status of the FBM. If
through the module is operating properly, these values can be
Diag Status 4 safely ignored. If there are hardware and software errors,
these values will assist the Global CSC in resolving the

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8. Fieldbus Modules 209

Table 8-4. FBM Equipment Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Logical Address Logical Address is the number of the FBM based on the
order in which the FBMs were “fixed” using the
Integrated Control Configurator. If an FBM is deleted
and another added later, the new FBM is given the
lowest number available. For example, if 0x02 is deleted
from the sequenced group of 0x01, 0x02, and 0x03, the
next FBM added results in the following sequence
group: 0x01, 0x03, and 0x02.
Primary Cmd State A hexadecimal value associated with the return status
included in the header of every response from the FBM
to the Primary ECB:
0 = the command was understood and action was taken.
1 = the command was not understood.
2 = the command understood, but unable to take action.
4 = the argument was invalid.
IOM Status Hexadecimal values relating to the status of the FBM. If
IOM Cmd Status the module is operating properly, these values can be
safely ignored. If there are hardware and software errors,
these values will assist the Customer Service Center in
resolving the problem.
Power 1 OK if power is applied to the primary module in a
redundant FBM or to a non-redundant module;
otherwise, Failed
Power 2 For a redundant FBM, OK if power is applied to the
secondary module in the redundant pair; otherwise,
For a non-redundant FBM, always Failed
Extension Type Not used in this version of System Manager

Table 8-5. FBM Software Typesa

100 Series FBMs

Type (and Expander) 200 Series FBMs Software Application
1 1, 2, 3, 36 201, 203, 211, 212, 213 All Analog Inputs
2 4, 5 204, 205, 206, 208 Analog Inputs and Outputs
4 6 Pulse Rates, Pulse Rate Inputs, and
Analog Outputs
5 9 (14), 10 (15), 11 207, 217, 219, 238, 239, Digital Inputs,
(16), 26 (27), 41 240, 241, 242 Sustained/Momentary,
(42) Digital Outputs
6 7 (12), 8 (13), 20 207, 217 Sequence of Events Inputs
(21), 24 (25)
7 7 (12), 8 (13), 20 207, 217 DI and Pulse Count Inputs
(21),24 (25)

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210 8. Fieldbus Modules

Table 8-5. FBM Software Typesa (Continued)

100 Series FBMs

Type (and Expander) 200 Series FBMs Software Application
8 9 (14), 10 (15), 11 207, 217, 218, 239, 238, Ladder Logic or dc Output/Validated
(16), 26 (27), 41 239, 241, 242 Input
9 17, 22 227 Analog Inputs and Analog Outputs,
Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs
(Remote/Manual station)
12 18 243 Intelligent Field Device Interface
13 23 Hydrostatic Tank Gauge Interface
22 38 Coriolis Mass Flowmeter
23 39 243b Intelligent Device Interface with
Analog Outputs
37 43 Intelligent Field Device Interface,
Dual Baud Rate
38 44 Intelligent Device Interface, Dual
Baud Rate, with Analog Outputs
49 98 (FBM46 only) 246b Redundant Dual Baud Rate
Intelligent Transmitter Interface and
Redundant Analog Outputs
214, 215, 214, 215, 216, 218 HART Communication Interface
216, 218
53 37 237 All Analog Outputs
73 243, 246 FoxCom Dual Baud Rate Intelligent
Device Interface
224 224 Modbus Communication Interface
128 FBM228 with 128 type FOUNDATION fieldbus Interface with
(CIF) software (introduced CIF
with InFusion 2.0)
228 FBM228 with 228 type FOUNDATION fieldbus Interface
(non-CIF) software
230 230, 231 Field Device System Integrators
232 232, 233 Field Device System Integrators
227 227 0 to 10 V dc, Contact/dc I/O
Interface Module with DPIDA and
MDACT Support
229 229 1-Channel Interface to up to 64
DeviceNet devices (refer to
Implementing a DeviceNet Network
on the I/A Series System (B0750CH)
for details.)
238 238 Digital I/O Mix Expander Module
(24 DI/8 DO)

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8. Fieldbus Modules 211

Table 8-5. FBM Software Typesa (Continued)

100 Series FBMs

Type (and Expander) 200 Series FBMs Software Application
239 239 Digital I/O Mix Expander Module
(16 DI/16 DO)
244 244 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module
with HART Support
245 245 0 to 20 mA I/O Interface Module
with HART Support (Redundant)
247 247 8 Current/Voltage
Analog/Digital/Pulse I/O
Configurable Channels
a. For a more comprehensive list, refer to the table “DIN Rail Mounted FBMs and Related ECBs” and the Appendix
“DIN Rail Mounted FBM Control Schemes” in DIN Rail Mounted Subsystem User’s Guide (B0400FA).

FBM246 Status and Equipment Information

When you select a redundant FBM246, the tables in the General tab display
status and equipment information for each module in the pair (Figure 8-3). In
the tables, Main refers to the module with the lower baseplate position
number, and Backup refers to the module installed to the right of the Main
module and configured with the higher baseplate position number.

Figure 8-3. Status and Equipment Information for an FBM246

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

212 8. Fieldbus Modules

DCI Based FBMs

Figure 8-4 is a General tab for an FBM233 Redundant Field Device System
Integrator and provides an example of the way equipment status and
equipment information are displayed for DCI-based FBMs.
When the FBM is a redundant pair, status and equipment information are
separately reported for each module in the pair: Main, which is installed in the
lower numbered baseplate position, and Backup, which is installed to the right
of Main in the next higher numbered position. Each module can be assigned
the Master or Tracker role. The General tab includes information about each
module in the redundant pair, the ports connecting the field devices and
connected equipment.
The General tab for DCI based FBMs often includes a third table with
additional status information.

Figure 8-4. Status and Configuration Information for an FBM233

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

8. Fieldbus Modules 213

For the FBM233 and similar DCI modules, more detailed descriptions of the
Information pane fields are available in the user’s guide for the FBM or the
fieldbus standard, as listed in the following table:

FBM Document
FBM220, FBM221 FOUNDATION fieldbus H1 Interface Module
(FBM220/221) User Guide (B0400FD)
FBM222 Implementing Profibus Networks in Foxboro Control
Software Applications (B0750BE)
FBM223 and related PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module
slave devices (FBM223) User’s Guide (B0400FE)
FBM214, FBM215, HART Communication Interface Module
FBM216, FBM218 (FBM214/215/216/218) User’ Guide (B0400FF)
and related slave
FBM224 Modbus Communication Interface Module (FBM224)
User’s Guide (B0400FK)
FBM228 • Implementing FOUNDATION™ fieldbus on the
I/A Series System (B0700BA)
• Implementing FOUNDATION™ fieldbus
(B0750BC, for InFusion V1.2.2 and earlier
• Implementing FOUNDATION™ fieldbus in
Foxboro Control Software Applications
(B0750DA, for InFusion V2.0 and later systems
or Foxboro Control Software V3.0 and later
FBM229 Implementing a DeviceNet Network on the I/A Series
System (B0750CH)
FBM230, FBM231, I/A Series System Field Device System Integrators
FBM232, FBM233 (FBM230/231/232/233) User’s Guide (B0700AH)
FBM247 HART Communication Interface Modules User's
Guide (B0400FF)

Migration FBMs
The Invensys Plug-in Migration program enables users of legacy DCS systems
that are no longer supported to migrate to the I/A Series system. In this
program, the legacy I/O modules are replaced with I/A Series migration FBMs
that plug into the existing I/O racks and use existing field wiring. System
Manager includes support for several such programs. The Siemens/Moore
APACS+ and Westinghouse WPDF migration programs are based on 200
Series FBM technology. The SPEC 200, SPEC 200 MICRO, CCM, Spectrum
(UCM, UIO, UFM, FIO), Cluster, and Competitive Migration (Honeywell,
Bailey, Provox) programs are based on 100 Series FBM technology.
The migration FBMs, called DCS Fieldbus Modules, are represented in the
I/A Series system by ECBs that are the same or similar to those used for

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

214 8. Fieldbus Modules

standard 100 Series or 200 Series FBMs. For example, the ADO115 is an
I/A Series FBM242 packaged in a Moore APACS+ form factor. The module is
displayed in System Manager as if it were an FBM242. Some migration FBMs
consist of two I/A Series FBMs in a single module and are thus represented by
two ECBs. For example, the ASA211 for Moore APACS+ migration is
displayed in System Manager as two FBM211s. System Manager uses the
same icons, status indicators and Information pane formats as it does for other
For specific information on the content of Status and Equipment Information
displays and on the available equipment change actions, refer to the user’s
guide for the particular migration program:
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Moore® APACS+ Systems (B0700BK)
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Westinghouse® WPDF Systems User’s Guide
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Bailey® NET90 and INFI90 Systems User’s
Guide (B0193XG)
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Fisher® PROVOX Controller Series Systems
User’s Guide (B0400AR)
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Fisher® PROVOX Series 10 Systems User’s
Guide (B0193WV)
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Fisher® PROVOX Series 20 Systems User’s
Guide (B0193YV)
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Honeywell® TDC 2000 Systems User’s Guide
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Honeywell® TDC 3000 Systems User’ Guide
• Fieldbus Cluster I/O User’s Guide (B0193RB)
• SPEC 200 MICRO® Control Integrator User’s Guide (B0193RR)
• SPEC 200® CCM Control Integrator User’s Guide (B0193VU)
• SPEC 200® Control Integrator User’s Guide (B0193RD)
• SPECTRUM™ Migration Integrator User’s Guide (B0193RC)

Connections Tab
To display a list of the devices attached to an FBM:
1. Select the FBM in the Navigation pane and click the Connections tab in
the Information pane.
The Connections tab lists the attached field devices by name, type, status,
run mode, and failure mode (Figure 8-5).

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

8. Fieldbus Modules 215

Figure 8-5. Connections Tab for an FBM211

2. Click any column header to sort the rows on the values in that column;
click the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header right or left to rearrange the column order.
4. Double-click a device name, or right-click the name and choose
Navigate to <device name> to go to the selected device.
The device is selected in the Navigation pane and its information is
displayed in the Information pane.

Counters Tab
The Counters tab for an FBM (Figure 8-6) displays three statistics:

Counter Description
Timeouts Number of times the primary ECB timed out an FBM
during communication attempts.
Inval Cmnd Number of commands received by the primary ECB
that were invalid in the present state of the station.
Inval Resp Number of invalid messages received by the primary
ECB from an FBM.

Figure 8-6. Counters Tab for an FBM211

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216 8. Fieldbus Modules

See “Counters Tab” on page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53 for additional
information on using the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.

Equipment Change Actions

When an FBM is selected in the Navigation pane, the following equipment
change actions are available from the FBM’s context menu and from the
Actions > Equipment Change submenu pulled down from the main menu:
• Acknowledge Device when there is an unacknowledged alarm
• Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable Device Alarming
• Go On-line when a non-redundant FBM or at least one module in a
redundant pair is off line
• Go Off-line when a non-redundant FBM or at least one module in a
redundant pair is on line
• Download or Reboot for all FBMs except Field Device System Integrator
(FDSI) modules (FBM230/231/232/233)
• EEPROM Update
• Enable/Disable Control on Port 1, 2, 3, and 4 (only for FBM228 with
Software Type 128)
• Enable/Disable Control for Multiple Devices (only for FBM228 with
Software Type 128)
• Enable/Disable Communications for Multiple Devices (only for
FBM222 and FBM228 with Software Type 228)
• Software Download only on FDSI modules (FBM230/231/232/233)
• DB Download only for Profibus (FBM223), Modbus (FBM224) and
FDSI (FBM230/231/232/233) interfaces, and APACS+ DCS Fieldbus
Modules 234, 235, 236 and 237
• Reset FBM only on FDSI modules (FBM230/231/232/233)
• Switch Roles on redundant FBMs (FBM216/218/222/228/231/233)
• Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A Alarming or Enable PIO Bus Cable A
• Inhibit PIO Bus Cable B Alarming or Enable PIO Bus Cable B
For the DeviceNet FBM229’s equipment change actions, refer to the “FBM229
Equipment Change Actions” section in Implementing a DeviceNet Network on
the I/A Series System (B0750CH).
For the HART-capable FBM247’s equipment change actions, refer to the
“FBM214/214b/215/244 and FBM247 Equipment Change Display” section in
the HART™ Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F

8. Fieldbus Modules 217

Managing Device Alarms

There are multiple ways to acknowledge system alarms associated with an
FBM or its attached devices:
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to identify and acknowledge
individual alarms, or acknowledge all alarms (see “Alarms Tab” on
page 49).
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Acknowledge
Device from the context menu to acknowledge all alarms for the selected
• Acknowledge all alarms in the FBM’s system monitor domain by
selecting the system monitor in the Navigation pane and doing one of the
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge Smon Domain from the main
• Click in the toolbar.
• Right-click the system monitor and choose Acknowledge Smon
Domain from the context menu.

Inhibit Alarms
You can inhibit alarms for an FBM and its attached devices so that no alarm
conditions are reported to the system monitor.
To inhibit device alarms, do one of the following:
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Inhibit Device
Alarming from the context menu.
• Select a device in the Accessories pane Alarms tab and click in the tab
The FBM icon is marked with the symbol to indicate that alarms are
being inhibited.
To re-enable device alarms:
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Enable Device

Managing Cable Alarms

There are multiple ways to acknowledge cable alarms associated with an FBM
or its attached devices:
• Use the Alarms tab in the Accessories pane to identify and acknowledge
individual alarms, or acknowledge all alarms (see “Alarms Tab” on
page 49).
• Choose Actions > Acknowledge All Cable Alarms from the System
Manager main menu or click in the System Manager toolbar to

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218 8. Fieldbus Modules

acknowledge all cable alarms including those associated with the selected
You can inhibit all cable alarms on either or both cables/busses connecting the
FBM to its host station.
To inhibit cable alarms:
• Right-click the FBM and choose Inhibit PIO Bus Cable A Alarming or
Inhibit PIO Bus Cable B Alarming from the context menu.
A symbol ( , or ) attached to lower right corner of the FBM
icon indicates which cables have alarms inhibited.
To re-enable the alarms:
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose the appropriate
command from the context menu:
Enable PIO Bus Cable A Alarming
Enable PIO Bus Cable B Alarming

Go On-line and Go Off-line

If you place an FBM on line from a cold start, the FBM fail-safe condition for
the FBM outputs is 0 (outputs are de-energized). If you place an FBM on line
while it is running under control, the FBM fail-safe condition is dictated by the
ECB configuration. If the fail-safe timer is enabled, the outputs go to fail-safe
as configured; if the fail-safe timer is not enabled, the outputs hold.
If you remove FBMs from a rack, or power them off, ensure that you place
those FBMs off-line to prevent them from being scanned.
If you place an intelligent field device on-line, the FBM uploads the intelligent
field device database.
To place a non-redundant FBM on-line:
1. Select the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Go On-line from the
context menu.
If Confirmation Required is checked in the Configuration dialog box (as
described in “Action Settings” on page 64), a Go On-Line dialog box
prompts you to confirm the action (Figure 8-7, left) and, if Reason
Required is checked, note why the action is being taken (Figure 8-7,

Figure 8-7. Dialog Box When Confirmation and Reason Required

2. Enter a reason for the action (if prompted), and click OK.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 219

To place a redundant FBM on-line:

1. Select the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Go On-Line from the
context menu.
A dialog box prompts you to select the module to go on line. Figure 8-8
shows the dialog box with and without the text box for entering a reason.

Figure 8-8. Go On-Line Dialog Box for Redundant FBMs

2. Click the radio button for Main or Backup.

3. Enter the reason for the mode change if prompted.
4. Click OK.
When a non-redundant FBM or at least one module in a redundant pair is on
line, the FBM’s context menu includes the Go Off-Line command, which
works the same way as the Go On-Line command.

Download or Reboot
The Download or Reboot actions takes the FBM off line, loads the FBM’s
control configuration from the control station, and brings the FBM back on
If the checkpoint file information does not include the FBM data, you must
download the new FBM added to the control station after performing
integrated control configuration and FBM fix.
If the checkpoint file information in the control station already includes the
selected FBM data (that is, checkpointing was performed while the FBM was
on line), downloading occurs automatically, when necessary. Refer to
“Checkpointing” on page 142.

Note The download command is not available for FDSI interfaces

(FBM230/231/232/233). See “Reset FBM” on page 222.

To download an FBM’s control configuration to the module:

1. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Download or
Reboot from the context menu.

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220 8. Fieldbus Modules

A dialog box prompts you to confirm the action. For redundant FBMs, the
dialog box also prompts you to select which modules to update: Main,
Backup or both (Figure 8-9).

Figure 8-9. Download Dialog Box for a Redundant FBM

2. Check the box for one or both modules if the FBM is a redundant pair.
3. Enter a reason for the download if prompted.
4. Click OK.
The system displays a message indicating the success or failure of the
action for each downloaded FBM. If the download is successful, the FBM
goes on-line. If there is an error, the System Manager displays a message
in the Message tab.
5. After the FBM image download is complete, right-click the control station
in the Navigation pane and choose Checkpoint from the context menu to
align the control database in the checkpoint file in the boot host with the
control station.

The EEPROM Update copies FBM operating system software from the host
workstation to the module’s flash memory and restarts the module.
It is advised that you use this action only after an official Invensys software

Note For FBMs you can perform numerous, consecutive EEPROM updates
without waiting for the completion of each. However, all EEPROM updates
must be completed successfully before you perform a download. Check the
revision level of all stations after the FBMs are downloaded to ensure that the
update was successful before you perform a download.

To update firmware in a non-redundant FBM:

1. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose EEPROM
Update from the context menu.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 221

System Manager displays an EEPROM Update dialog box (Figure 8-10,

left) if Confirmation Required is checked in the Configuration dialog box.
The dialog box may also contain the Reason field (Figure 8-10, right) if
Reason Required is also set.

Figure 8-10. Dialog Boxes for Confirming an EEPROM Update

2. For 200 Series FBMs, observe the Run Mode field to see when the FBM
is returned to On-Line.
For 100 Series FBMs, follow Step 3 to perform Download (or Reboot)
action in order to bring the FBM back on-line.
The update is complete when the FBM is back on-line. The system
displays a message indicating that the device is back on-line. If the update
action fails, a failure message is shown in the Messages tab.
3. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Download (or
Reboot) from the context menu to download the control configuration
from the control station.
4. Right-click the control station and choose Checkpoint from the context
menu to update the control database in the host workstation.
5. Review the Messages tab in the Accessories pane to verify success of the
EEPROM Update, Download, and Checkpoint actions.
To update firmware in a redundant FBM:
1. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose EEPROM
Update from the context menu.

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222 8. Fieldbus Modules

A dialog box prompts you to select which modules to update: Main or

Backup (Figure 8-9).

Figure 8-11. EEPROM Dialog Box for a Redundant FBM

2. Click the radio button for Main or Backup.

When you update a module in a redundant pair, the other module assumes
the Master role.
3. Enter a reason for the update if prompted.
4. Click OK.
5. Observe the Run Mode field to see when the FBM is returned to On Line.
The update is complete when the FBM is back on-line. The system
displays a message indicating that the device is back on-line. If the update
action fails, the System manager displays a message in the Messages tab.
6. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Download (or
Reboot) from the context menu to download the control configuration
from the control station.
7. Right-click the control station and choose Checkpoint from the context
menu to update the control database in the host workstation.
8. Review the Messages tab in the Accessories pane to verify success of the
EEPROM Update, Download, and Checkpoint actions.

Reset FBM
The Reset FBM action is only available for the FDSI modules: FBM230,
FBM231, FBM232 and FBM233.
The action restarts the FBM logic without downloading the image to the FBM.
For the redundant FBM231 and FBM233, the confirmation dialog box prompts
selection of either the Main or Backup module for the reset.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 223

See I/A Series System Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233)

User’s Guide (B0700AH) for details.

Software Download
The Software Download action is only available for the FDSI modules:
FBM230, FBM231, FBM232 and FBM233.
The action downloads the I/O Device Driver (.ziph) to the FBM and restarts
the FBM logic. For the redundant FBM231 and FBM233, the confirmation
dialog box prompts selection of either the Main or Backup module for the
driver download.
See I/A Series System Field Device System Integrators (FBM230/231/232/233)
User’s Guide (B0700AH) for details.

DB Download
The DB Download action updates port configuration files in the following
• Profibus: FBM223 and FBM222
• Modbus: FBM224
• FDSI modules: FBM230, FBM231, FBM232 and FBM233
• APACS+ DCS Fieldbus Modules: FBM234, FBM235, FBM236 and
For the redundant modules, the configuration database is downloaded to the
Master module, which in turn updates the Tracker module. For details on the
DB Download action refer to the maintenance section of the appropriate FBM
user guide:
• I/A Series System Field Device System Integrators
(FBM230/231/232/233) User’s Guide (B0700AH)
• PROFIBUS-DP Communication Interface Module (FBM223) User’s
Guide (B0400FE)
• Implementing Profibus Networks in Foxboro Control Software
Applications (B0750BE)
• Modbus Communication Interface Module (FBM224) User’s Guide
• DCS Fieldbus Modules for Moore APACS+ Systems (B0700BK)

Switch Roles
For some DCI based FBMs, two modules are installed for redundant operation
with one module taking control (the Master role) and the other playing the role
of Tracker, ready to assume control if there is a failure with the Master. The
module with the lower system network address is identified in System
Manager as Main, while the second module is referred to as Backup. When
both modules are on line, you can assign the Master role to either.

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224 8. Fieldbus Modules

The Switch Roles action can be selected for the following FBMs:
• FBM216 and FBM218 HART Interfaces
• FBM222 Profibus Interfaces
• FBM228 FOUNDATION fieldbus interface (when installed as a redundant
pair and defined with an ECB202)
• FBM231 and FBM233 FDSI modules
To switch the module roles for a redundant FBM:
1. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Switch Roles
from the context menu.
The Switch Roles dialog box displays the operating mode for each module
(Figure 8-12).

Figure 8-12. Switch Roles Dialog Box

If one of the modules is off-line:

• Click Cancel, use the Go On-Line command to bring the module
back on-line, and then choose Switch Roles again.
2. Click OK for the change to take effect.
The system displays a message in the Messages tab indicating the success
or failure of the switch action.

Enabling and Disabling Communications for

Multiple Devices (FBM222 and FBM228)
The Enable/Disable Communications for Multiple Devices actions allow you
to enable or disable communications for multiple devices attached to a
Profibus FBM222 or FOUNDATION fieldbus FBM228.
To enable or disable communications for multiple devices attached to an
FBM222 or FBM228:
1. Perform one of the following steps:
a. From the Connections tab:

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8. Fieldbus Modules 225

• Click the FBM222 or FBM228 in the Navigation tree.

• Click the Connections tab in the Information pane.
• Click Enable Communications to enable communications or
Disable Communications to disable communications for
multiple devices attached to the selected FBM. These buttons are
inactive (grayed out) on non I/A Series workstations.
b. From the FBM’s context menu (as shown in Figure 8-13):
• Right-click the FBM222 or FBM228 in the Navigation tree.
• Select Enable Communications for Multiple Devices or
Disable Communications for Multiple Devices from the pop-
up menu.
c. From the Actions menu:
• Click the FBM222 or FBM228 in the Navigation tree.
• Select Actions > Equipment Change > Enable
Communications for Multiple Devices or Disable
Communications for Multiple Devices.

Figure 8-13. Enable/Disable Communications for Multiple Devices (via

FBM Context Menu)

Note that the first time you use this function, you must expand the
FBM222 or FBM228 in order to enable or disable communications for

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226 8. Fieldbus Modules

multiple devices. If the FBM222/228 is not expanded the first time, the
following message appears:

Figure 8-14. Expanding the FBM222/FBM228 Prior to

Enabling/Disabling Device Communications

2. The Enable Communications (shown in Figure 8-15) or Disable

Communications dialog box appears showing only the valid devices for
which communication can be enabled or disabled. Click the Name column
heading to sort the list in ascending or descending order. (By default, the
list of valid devices appears sorted in ascending order.) Select the desired
devices for which you want to enable or disable communications and click
Start. Information on the status bar shows the progress of the action.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 227

Figure 8-15. Enable Communications Dialog Box

3. If no device is selected from the list view, the following message appears:

Figure 8-16. No Device Selected for Enabling Communications

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228 8. Fieldbus Modules

4. To disable communications, the selected devices should be on-line. If all

devices for the selected FBM are off-line, the following message appears:

Figure 8-17. All Devices are Off-Line

Enabling Control in FOUNDATION fieldbus H1

Devices (FBM228)
System Manager provides a variety of ways to enable control in the H1 devices
attached to an FBM228. When a device is placed on control, the FBM228
causes the device to execute its deployed function blocks, publish the outputs,
and process client/server connections to the device, including reading block
Four selections in the FBM context menu toggle devices on a segment (or port)
on and off control. For example, to enable control for all devices on segment 1:
• Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Enable Control
for Port 1 to enable all device on the selected port. The menu selection
changes to Disable Control for Port 1.
The same procedure can be followed to enable or disable control for ports 1, 2,
3, and 4.
To place selected devices on one or more segments on control:
1. Right-click the FBM in the Navigation pane and choose Enable Control
for Multiple Devices.

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8. Fieldbus Modules 229

If there are any devices attached to the FBM that are off-line, System
Manager displays the Enable Communications dialog box (Figure 8-18):

Figure 8-18. Enable Communications Dialog Box

The Enable Communications dialog box can also be opened from the
Connections tab in the Information pane, as discussed in the next section.
Click the check box for individual devices or click Check All, and then
click Start. If all devices are already on line, System Manager displays a
dialog box displayed in Figure 8-19.

Figure 8-19. All Devices On-line

2. Disable Control for Multiple Devices works the same way as the Enable
Control equipment change action. The command opens a Disable
Communications dialog box when there are devices on control and shows
a dialog box advising All the devices are off-line when there are no
devices on control.

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230 8. Fieldbus Modules

Device Displays and Actions

The following sections describe displays associated with devices attached to
DCI based FBMs.

Device Displays
Do one of the following to display detailed status and equipment information
for a device:
• Select the device in the Navigation pane.
• Right-click the device listed in the Connections tab for the FBM in the
Information pane, and choose Navigate to <device name> from the
context menu.
The Information pane General tab includes an Equipment Status display and an
Equipment Information table.
The information displays and context menus for device ECBs attached to the
DCI based FBMs vary with the supported fieldbus technology. Refer to the
System Management section of the individual FBM user guide for a
comprehensive discussion regarding information provided by these displays.

Figure 8-20. Information Pane for a Device Attached to an FBM246

For the DeviceNet FBM229’s device display, refer to the “Device Information
Displays” section in Implementing a DeviceNet Network on the I/A Series
System (B0750CH).

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8. Fieldbus Modules 231

For the HART-capable FBM247’s device display, refer to the “FBM247

Device Equipment Status and Information Display” section in the HART™
Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide (B0400FF).

Device Actions
The following commands are available from the context menu of a device:
• Acknowledge Device when there is an unacknowledged alarm.
• Inhibit Device Alarming (when alarms are enabled) to disable
communication of alarms generated by the device.
System Manager marks any unacknowledged alarm from the device as
acknowledged, and places the symbol next to bottom left corner of the
device icon to indicate that alarms are being inhibited.
• Enable Device Alarming (when alarms are inhibited) to re-enable
communication of alarms generated by the device.
System Manager clears the symbol from the bottom left corner of the
device icon.
• Enable Control/Communications (when the device is off-line) to enable
communications between the FBM and the device and place the device on
A dialog box prompts you to confirm the action (Figure 8-21):

Figure 8-21. Enable Control Dialog Box

• Disable Control/Communications (when the device is on-line) to disable

communications between the FBM and the device, taking the device off
A dialog box (similar to the one in Figure 8-21) prompts you to confirm
the action.
For the DeviceNet FBM229’s equipment change actions, refer to the “Device
Equipment Change Actions” section in Implementing a DeviceNet Network on
the I/A Series System (B0750CH).
For the HART-capable FBM247’s equipment change actions, refer to the
“HART Device and FBM247 Device/Signal Equipment Change Actions”
section in the HART™ Communication Interface Modules User’s Guide

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232 8. Fieldbus Modules

Field Device System Integrator TSAA Driver

The Field Device System Integrator (FDSI) Triconex® Integrator driver runs in
an FBM232 or FBM233 to integrate Tricon® and Trident® devices using the
Triconex System Access Application (TSAA) protocol. Refer to FDSI and
SOE Workstation Drivers for Triconex User’s Guide (B0700DF) for additional
System Manager allows you to view the status and information for a Triconex
device attached to an FDSI FBM.
To invoke the FoxView diagnostic display for the Triconex device:
1. Ensure that FoxView software is installed and running on the workstation
where System Manager is installed.
2. Click on the FDSI device and click Actions > Equipment Change >
FoxView Diagnostic Display.
Right-click the FDSI device and select FoxView Diagnostic Display from
the pop-up menu.

Figure 8-22. Accessing the FoxView Diagnostic Display for a Triconex

Device (Actions Menu)

Figure 8-23. Accessing the FoxView Diagnostic Display for a Triconex

Device (Context Menu)

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8. Fieldbus Modules 233

The TRICON Main Chassis Diagnostics display, shown in Figure 8-24, allows
you to observe the diagnostic status of each chassis in a TRICON system.

Figure 8-24. TRICON Main Chassis Diagnostics Display

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234 8. Fieldbus Modules

Figure 8-25 shows the TRIDENT Baseplate Diagnostics display, which

provides the diagnostic status of each baseplate.

Figure 8-25. TRIDENT Baseplate Diagnostics Display

3. The following warning message will appear if there is an error opening the
FoxView Diagnostic Display.

Figure 8-26. Error Opening the FoxView Diagnostic Display for a

Triconex Device

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8. Fieldbus Modules 235

Figure 8-27 shows the Information pane for a Triconex device attached to an
FDSI FBM. A bit in the DDIAG1 device status determines the presence of the
Triconex Device in Alarm state field.

Figure 8-27. Information Pane for a Triconex Device Attached to an


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236 8. Fieldbus Modules

System Manager‚ B0750AP Rev F


C H A P T E R 9

Networking Equipment

This chapter describes how to use the System Manager application to monitor
and control switches and switch ports in The Mesh Control Network.

• Identifying Switches in the Navigation Pane
• Switch Status and Equipment Information
• Connected Stations and Switches
• Ports Tab
• Equipment Change Actions

Identifying Switches in the Navigation Pane

Figure 9-1 shows a Navigation pane with the first system monitor expanded to
display the stations and switches on the next level. Ports for a switch are shown
in a separate Ports tab in the Information pane when the switch is selected (as
described in “Ports Tab” on page 241).
A symbol attached to the upper left corner of the switch icon indicates an
adverse condition with the equipment. The status of alarms associated with the
switch is indicated by symbols on the lower left side of the equipment icon.
• Choose Help > Legend from the main menu to identify the equipment
health and alarm status symbols, or refer to “Status Indicators” on page 39.

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238 9. Networking Equipment

Switch SW001A is in the normal

state with alarms enabled and no
unacknowledged alarms

The warning symbol attached to

this switch indicates a problem
with one of the switch ports. The
asterisk indicates at least one
unacknowledged alarm.
With SW001B selected, the
Information pane General tab
displays status and equipment
information for the switch

Figure 9-1. Display of Switches in the Navigation Pane

Labels on the right side of the switch icon indicate the state of communications
between the switch and stations and switches in its domain:

Symbol Condition
The RCVR label attached to the right side of the switch icon
indicates a receiver failure for one or more stations in the switch
• Select the switch and use the Connections tab in the
Information pane to identify the station with an A channel or
B channel receiver fault.
The fault is marked on the lower right corner of the station icon
with or .
The RCVR error on the switch cannot be cleared by inhibiting or
acknowledging the alarm. The RCVR error will remain on the
switch until all the receiver faults for that station(s) in the switch
domain are fixed.

Switch Status and Equipment Information

When a switch is selected in the Navigation pane, the General tab displays an
Equipment Information table (Figure 9-2). The first two fields identify the
switch by name and type. Status information in the remaining fields is
dynamically. Reporting State and Station Address are updated periodically.
The Switch Connections area below the table lists the other switches to which
this one is connected.
Do one of the following to navigate to a connected switch:
• Double-click the switch in the Switch Connections area.

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9. Networking Equipment 239

• Right-click the switch and choose Navigate to <switch name> from the
context menu.
The switch is selected in the Navigation pane and its equipment
information is displayed in the Information pane.

Figure 9-2. Switch Status and Equipment Information

Table 9-1. Switch Equipment Information Display Fields

Field Description
Name The station letterbug assigned during system
hardware definition
Type Type of hardware specified when the letterbug
was defined
SMON System monitor domain to which the station is
SMON Host Host station for the system monitor
Manufacturer Original equipment manufacturer
IP Address I/A Series station network address
Switch Connections Number of other switches connected to the
Failed State Failed or Not Failed
Run Mode Displays either On-Line or Off-line
Alarming State Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or
Inhibited for this switch

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240 9. Networking Equipment

Table 9-1. Switch Equipment Information Display Fields (Continued)

Field Description
Failed Acknowledged Indicates whether the last reported failed state
State was acknowledged. To acknowledge the failed
• Right-click the switch in the Navigation
pane and choose Acknowledge Station
from the context menu.
See “Equipment Change Actions” on page 245
for information on acknowledging switch
Failed Devices No if there are switch port failures that have not
Acknowledged been acknowledged; otherwise, Yes. To
acknowledge a switch port failure:
• Right-click the failed port in the Ports tab in
the Information pane and choose
Acknowledge Device from the context
See “Ports Tab” on page 241.
Failed Devices Attached Yes if a switch port has failed or is off-line;
otherwise, No. To review the status of individual
• Click the Ports tab in the Information pane.
See “Ports Tab” on page 241.
Station Address The six-octet media access control (MAC)
address assigned during system definition and
used by the networking protocol in the
I/A Series stations
Reporting State Indicates whether status of the switch and its
ports is being reported to the system monitor. To
change the Reporting State:
• Right-click the switch in the Navigation
pane and choose Disable All Reports or
Enable All Reports from the context menu.

Connected Stations and Switches

To display a list of connected stations and switches:
1. Click the Connections tab in the Information pane.
The Name column in the Connections table (Figure 9-3) identifies the
stations and other switches by name and the equipment icons and status
indicators used in the Navigation pane. The table also gives the type,
status, run mode and error mode for each piece of equipment.

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9. Networking Equipment 241

Figure 9-3. Connections Tab for a Switch

2. Click a column header to sort the rows in the table on the data in that
column. Click the column header a second time to reverse the sort order.
3. Drag a column header to the right or left to rearrange the column order.
4. Do one of the following to go to a connected station or switch:
• Double-click the equipment name.
• Right-click the equipment name and choose Navigate to <equipment
name> from the pop up menu (Navigate to AWSM02 in Figure 9-3).
The equipment is selected in the Navigation pane, and displayed in the
Information pane. If there are items connected to the new selection, the
Connections tab is shown in the Information pane; otherwise, the General
tab is displayed.

Ports Tab
To review information about a specific switch port:
1. Click the Ports tab in the Information pane to display the Ports tab
(Figure 9-4).

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242 9. Networking Equipment

Figure 9-4. Ports Tab for a Switch

The Switch Ports pane at the top of the Ports tab displays the status of each port
in the selected switch using the icons and symbols listed in the following table:

Symbol Condition
The port is on-line, alarming is enabled and there are no
unacknowledged alarms associated with the port.

The port is off-line. When an asterisk also appears with the

question mark symbol, the port’s transition to off-line has not
been acknowledged.
The port has failed.

The port has an unacknowledged system alarm. The asterisk is

removed when you acknowledge the alarm. Do one of the
following to acknowledge the alarm:
• Right-click the port and choose Acknowledge Device from
the context menu.
• Select the alarm in the Accessories pane Alarms tab and
click in the Alarms tab toolbar.
Alarms from this port are inhibited. To re-enable alarms:
• Right-click the port and choose Enable Device Alarming
from the context menu.

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9. Networking Equipment 243

2. Select a port to display detailed status information in lower half of the

The Port Information fields are described in the following table:
Table 9-2. Switch Port Information Display Fields

Field Description
Name Port name (P01 for example)
Type Port type, Switch Port
Run Mode On Line or Off Line
Device State Failed if the port is failed; otherwise, Not Failed
Failed Acknowledged if the last port failure (Device State is
Acknowledged State Failed) has been acknowledged; otherwise, Not
Acknowledged. To acknowledge a failed port:
• Right-click the port name in the Switch Ports pane
and choose Acknowledge Device from the
context menu.
Alarming State Whether alarming for the port is Enabled or
Inhibited. To change the Alarming State:
• Right-click the port name in the Switch Ports pane
and choose Inhibit Device Alarming or Enable
Device Alarming from the context menu
(Figure 9-4).
Inhibiting alarms acknowledges any unacknowledged
alarms for the port.
Warning Condition Yes if the port has a non-fatal error condition;
otherwise, No
Comm State OK or Failed
Number Port number
Admin State Port Enabled or Port Not Enabled
Current Sate Port Running or Port Not Running
Interface State Indicates the communications protocol in use by the
Port Position Physical location of the port, usually the same as the
port number

Port Counters
The Counters tab for a switch consists of the Switch Ports display used in the
upper half of the Ports tab and a table of counters for the port selected in the
Switch Ports display (Figure 9-5).

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244 9. Networking Equipment

Figure 9-5. Counters Tab for a Switch

As with the Counters tab for other equipment, the buttons in the tab toolbar
enable you to read counters for the selected port, and add counters to the list in
the Accessories pane Watch tab. However, unlike the tabs for other equipment,
the reset buttons are not enabled as switch port counters cannot be reset from
System Manager. See “Counters Tab” on page 44 and “Watch Tab” on page 53
for additional information on using the Counters and Watch tabs, respectively.
The switch ports counters are described in the following table:
Table 9-3. Switch Port Counters Display Fields

Counter Description
Broadcast PKTS Number of broadcast packets that were transmitted to all
Collisions Number of collisions experienced by the controller chip
during transmission attempts. This number should be
zero (0) on The MESH switches.
CRC Align Errors Number of properly aligned frames received with CRC
errors. This number should be non-incrementing.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

9. Networking Equipment 245

Table 9-3. Switch Port Counters Display Fields (Continued)

Counter Description
Drop Events The number of times packets that were dropped because
the device could not keep up with the flow of traffic on
the network. The number reflects the number of times
packets were dropped, not the number of packets.
Fragments The number of packets that were undersized (less than
64 bytes) and had either a non-integral number of bytes
(alignment error) or a CRC error.
Jabbers The number of packets that were oversized (greater than
1518 bytes) and had either a non-integral number of
bytes (alignment error) or a CRC error.
This number should be 0 with Ethernet switches.
Multicast PKTS Number of multicast packets that were transmitted.
Octets Number of octets that were transmitted.
Oversize PKTS Number of packets that were greater than 1518 octets.
PKTS Number of packets that were transmitted.
PKTS <range> Number of packets of the specified size that were
Octets transmitted.
Undersize PKTS Number of packets that were less than 64 octets.

Equipment Change Actions

When a switch is selected, the following commands are available from the
equipment’s context menu and from the Actions > Equipment Change
submenu pulled down from the main menu:
• Acknowledge Station
Acknowledges device alarms related to the switch. This command is
displayed only when there is an unacknowledged alarm.
• Inhibit Device Alarming/Enable Device Alarming
Inhibits/enables reporting of switch alarms to the system monitor.
• Disable All Reports/Enable All Reports
Disables/enables all internal reporting from the switch, including the
status of individual ports, to the assigned system monitor.

When a port number is selected in the Ports tab, the following commands are
available from the port’s context menu:
• Acknowledge Device

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

246 9. Networking Equipment

Acknowledges an alarm related to the port. This command is displayed

only when there is an unacknowledged alarm.
• Inhibit Device Alarming/Enable Device Alarming
Inhibits/enables reporting of alarms from the port to the system monitor.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F



Supported Migration and

Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

This chapter provides a list of migration modules as well as Fieldbus Cluster

I/O modules that are supported by the System Manager software. For
additional supported FBMs, refer to Chapter 8, “Fieldbus Modules”.
Following are the Spectrum® migration modules supported by System
Manager software. Refer to PSS 21H-7Q1 B3.

Table A-1. Spectrum Migration Modules

Module Description
FBP11 UCM Spectrum Migration Interface
FBP11R Redundant UCM Spectrum Migration Interface
3A2-V2D High Level, Isolated
3A2-V3D High Level
3A2-E2D ac Voltage Input
3A2-I2D Current Input, Isolated
3A2-I2DA High Level, Isolated
3A2-I3D Current Input
3A2-I3DA High Level
3A2-H3D High Level
3A4-I2D Quad Current Input
3A2-M2D MV/TC Adj Range
3A2-T2DJ1 Thermocouple Input
3A2-T2DJ2 Thermocouple Input
3A2-T2DK1 Thermocouple Input
3A2-T2DK2 Thermocouple Input
3A4-M2DA1 Millivolt/TC Input
3A4-M2DA2 Millivolt/TC Input
3A4-M2DA3 Millivolt/TC Input
3A4-M2DA4 Millivolt/TC Input
3A4-M2DA5 Millivolt/TC Input

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248 A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

Table A-1. Spectrum Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
3A4-M2DA6 Millivolt/TC Input
3A4-M2DA7 Millivolt/TC Input
3A2-R2DC Copper RTD
3A2-R2DN Nickel RTD
3A2-R2DP Platinum 1 RTD
3A2-R2DP Platinum 2 RTD
3A2-R2DP Platinum 3 RTD
3A2-R2DP2 Platinum RTD
3C8-C3D Octal Contact Input
3C8-E2D Octal Line V Mon
3A2-F2D Pulse Rate Counter
3A2-Q2D Pulse Input Count
3A2-D3V Dual Voltage Output
3A2-D2I Dual Current Output
3A2-D3I Dual Current Output
3C4-D2CS DC Switch Output
3C4-D2KS AC Switch Output
3C8-D2CS Octal Contact Output
3C4-D2VS dc Volt Output
3C4-D2CP dc Pulse Output
3C4-D2KP ac Pulse Output
3C4-D2VP dc Pulse Output
3AS-I2I Single Loop I/O
3AS-I3I Single Loop I/O
3AD-I3I Dual Loop I/O
3A2-V2D High Level, Isolated
3A2-V3D High Level
3A2-E2D ac Voltage Input
3A2-I2D Current Input, Isolated
3A2-I2DA High Level, Isolated
3A2-I3D Current Input
3A2-I3DA High Level
3A2-H3D High Level
FBP12 FIO Spectrum Migration Interface
3F8-V2DA1 Octal High Level
3F8-V2DA2 Octal High Level
3F8-V2DA Octal High Level
3F4-I2D1A Quad 0 to 20 mA dc, 16V

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules 249

Table A-1. Spectrum Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
3F4-I2D2A Quad 0 to 20 mA dc, 22V
3F8-I2DA Octal High Level
3F8-H2DA Octal High Level
3F8-T2DA1 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA2 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA3 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA4 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA5 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA6 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA7 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-M2DA1 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA2 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA3 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA4 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA5 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA6 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA7 Octal Millivolt
3F8-R2DCA Octal RTD (Copper)
3F8-R2DNA Octal RTD (Nickel)
3F8-R2DPA1 Octal RTD (Platinum 1)
3F8-R2DPA2 Octal RTD (Platinum 2)
3F8-R2DPA3 Octal RTD (Platinum 3)
3F8-C2DCA Octal Contact
3F8-C2DNA Octal Prox Sensor
3F8-E2DA Octal HL Digital
3F4-F2DA Quad Pulse Rate
3F4-Q2DA Quad Pulse Counter
3F4-D2VA Quad High Level Output
3F4-D2IA Quad High Level Output
3F8-D2CSA Octal dc Switch
3F8-D2ZA Octal Solenoid Dvr
3F8-D2KSA Octal ac Switch
3F4-D2WA Quad Solenoid Dvr
3F8-D2CPA Octal dc Pulse Sw
3F8-D2KPA Octal ac Pulse Sw
3F8-V2DA1 Octal High Level
3F8-V2DA2 Octal High Level
3F8-V2DA Octal High Level

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250 A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

Table A-1. Spectrum Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
3F4-I2D1A Quad 0 to 20 mA dc, 16V
3F4-I2D2A Quad 0 to 20 mA dc, 22V
3F8-I2DA Octal High Level
3F8-H2DA Octal High Level
3F8-T2DA1 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA2 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA3 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA4 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA5 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA6 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-T2DA7 Octal Thermocouple
3F8-M2DA1 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA2 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA3 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA4 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA5 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA6 Octal Millivolt
3F8-M2DA7 Octal Millivolt
3F8-R2DCA Octal RTD (Copper)
3F8-R2DNA Octal RTD (Nickel)
3F8-R2DPA1 Octal RTD (Platinum 1)
3F8-R2DPA2 Octal RTD (Platinum 2)
3F8-R2DPA3 Octal RTD (Platinum 3)
3F8-C2DCA Octal Contact
3F8-C2DNA Octal Prox Sensor
3F8-E2DA Octal HL Digital
3F4-F2DA Quad Pulse Rate
3F4-Q2DA Quad Pulse Counter
3F4-D2VA Quad High Level Output
3F4-D2IA Quad High Level Output
3F8-D2CSA Octal dc Switch
3F8-D2ZA Octal Solenoid Dvr
3F8-D2KSA Octal ac Switch
3F4-D2WA Quad Solenoid Dvr
3F8-D2CPA Octal dc Pulse Sw
3F8-D2KPA Octal ac Pulse Sw
FBP13 UFM Spectrum Migration Interface
3A8-V2D1 Octal High Level

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A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules 251

Table A-1. Spectrum Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
3A8-I2D1 Octal High Level
3A8-M2D1 Octal Millivolt
3A8-M2D2 Octal Millivolt
3A8-M2D3 Octal Millivolt
3A8-T2D1 Octal Thermocouple
3A8-T2D2 Octal Thermocouple
3A8-T2D3 Octal Thermocouple
3A8-R2DC1 Octal RTD (Copper)
3A8-R2DN1 Octal RTD (Nickel)
3A8-R2DP1 Octal RTD (Platinum 1)
3A8-R2DP2 Octal RTD (Platinum 2)
3A8-R2DP3 Octal RTD (Platinum 3)
3D8-C2D1 Octal Contact
FBP14 UIO Spectrum Migration Interface

Following are the SPEC 200 Control Integrators supported by System

Manager software. Refer to PSS 21H-7R1 B3.
Table A-2. SPEC 200 Control Integrators

Module Description
S2BM04 Spec200 0 to 10 V dc I/O
S2BM17 Spec200 0 to 10 Volt
S2MM09 Extended Control Integrator
S2MM17 Basic Control Integrator

Following are the Fisher PROVOX migration modules supported by System

Manager software. Refer to PSS 21H-3A2 B3.
Table A-3. Fisher PROVOX Migration Modules

Module Description
F1M01A/C/E/F Analog Input
F1M02 Analog Input
F1M03 Analog Input, 4 RTD
F1M04A/B Analog Output
F1M06 Pulse Input
F1M07 Discrete Input
F1M09 Digital Output
F1SFIA/B Fieldbus Isolator

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

252 A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

Table A-3. Fisher PROVOX Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
F2M214 Analog HART Input FBM
F2M215 Analog HART Output FBM
F2M239 Discrete I/O FBM
F2DFBI Dual Baud Fieldbus Isolator, installed in F2DFBC Dual
Baud Fieldbus Isolator Carrier Board
F2M67A Discrete FBM (Replaced by F2M239)
F2M68A Analog I/O FBM (Analog inputs replaced by F2M214,
(Legacy) analog outputs replaced by F2M215)
F2SFBI Fieldbus Isolator
FRM701 Configurable Controller FBM
FRM711 Computing Controller FBM
FRMMPU Integrator for Fisher Interactive Controller

Following are the Honeywell migration modules supported by System

Manager software. Refer to PSS 21H-3A1 B3.
Table A-4. Honeywell Migration Modules

Module Description
H2C02A,B,D-H,J-N,P-Z Analog Input
H2D02A-E,G,H Analog Input
H2J02A-H Analog Input
H2M01A,B,C,D Analog Input
H2M02A,B,E Analog Input
H2M03A-G Analog Input
H2M04 Analog Output
H2M06, 6A Pulse Input
H2M07,7E Digital Input
H2M09 Digital Output
H2M24 Digital Input
H2M26 Digital Output
H2SFBI, H3SFBI Fieldbus Isolator
H2V02B-R Analog Input
H3M01 Analog Input
H3M02A DCS Integrator Kit
H3M02B DCS Integrator Kit
H3M03 Analog Input
H3M04 DCS Integrator

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules 253

Table A-4. Honeywell Migration Modules (Continued)

Module Description
H3M06 Pulse Input
H3M07 Digital Input
H3M09 Digital Output
H3M37 Analog Output
H3SFBI DCS Fieldbus Isolator

Following are the Bailey migration modules supported by System Manager

software. Refer to PSS 21H-3A3 B3.
Table A-5. Bailey Migration Modules

Module Description
BAMM01 Analog Input
BAOM37 Analog Output
BASIO1 Analog Input
BASIO3 Analog Input
BASM01 Analog Input
BASM02 Analog Input
BASM03 Analog Input
BASM33 Analog Input
BASO37 Analog Output
BDSI07 Discrete Input
BDSM06 Pulse Input
BDSM09 Discrete Output
BDSM09A Discrete Input
BDSM09B Discrete Input/Output
BDSO10 Discrete Output
BDSO26 Discrete Output
BDSO41 Discrete Output
BSEM01 Discrete Input
BSBE2 Fieldbus A/B Switch
BFBI Fieldbus Isolator

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

254 A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

Following are the Westinghouse Process Control WDPF I and II Systems

migration modules supported by System Manager software. Refer to PSS 21H-
3A4 B3.
Table A-6. Westinghouse Process Control WDPF I and II Systems
Migration Modules

Module Description
WAH01 Analog Input
WAI02A Thermocouple Input
WAI01 Analog Input
WAO37 Analog Output
WAV02A Thermocouple Input
WAW01 Analog Input
WAX01 Analog Input
WAX02A Thermocouple Input
WBO09 Discrete Output
WCI07A Contact Input
WDI07 Contact Input External
WID07 Contact Input
WLJ04 Analog I/O
WPA06A Pulse Accumulator
WRF03 RTD Input
WRO09 Relay Output
WRT03 RTD Input
WTO09 TRIAC Output

Following are the Fieldbus Cluster I/O modules supported by System Manager
software. Refer to B0193RB.
Table A-7. Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

Module Description
FBP10 Fieldbus processor
FBP10R Redundant Fieldbus Processor
FBC01 0 to 20 mA Input - 32
FBC01R 0 to 20 mA Input - 32 - Redundant
FBC02 T/C Input -32
FBC04R 0 to 20 mA Output – 16 - Redundant
FBC07A 24 Volt dc Inputs – 32
FBC07A/R 24 Volt dc Inputs – 32 - Redundant
FBC07B Contact Input - 32
FBC07B/R Contact Input – 32 - Redundant
FBC09 Contact Output – 32

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules 255

Table A-7. Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules (Continued)

Module Description
FBC09R Contact Output – 32 - Redundant
FBC10 Digital Input/Output - 64
FBC17 0 to 10 Volt Digital Input - 32
FBC17R 0 to 10 Volt Digital Input - 32 - Redundant
FBC21 0 to 20 mA Input - 16
FBC21R 0 to 20 mA Input – 16 - Redundant

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

256 A. Supported Migration and Fieldbus Cluster I/O Modules

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F



Supported Classic I/A Series

System Modules

This chapter provides information on classic I/A Series modules supported by

System Manager software.

Equipment Information for Device Integrator

This Equipment Information Display contains information specific to the
selected Device Integrator peripheral.

This name, PORT 00, 01, 02 or 03, is predefined by the gateway device.

This type, FD_RS-232, identifies that the Foreign Device Gateway supports
the FD_RS-232 device.

On-line or Off-line. You can change the RUN MODE using the GO ON-LINE
and GO OFF-LINE options in the Equipment Change Display. If the gateway
is disabled, the last known run state of this peripheral appears.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
Off-line status:
• Check hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
• Check related fields (DOWNLOAD and EEPROM UPDATE).

Not Failed or Failed. The Foreign Device Gateway peripheral is installed as
Failed, Off-line and remains as such until you put it on-line.
The following actions change this field to Failed:
• You physically disconnect the port.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

258 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

• A physical failure occurs.

The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the field indicates a Failed status:
• Check peripheral hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
• Check Fieldbus and Foreign Device Gateway (FDG).


Failure Acknowledged State displays Acknowledged (default) or Not
Acknowledged. If the DEVICE STATE value changes from Not Failed to
Failed, the value in this field changes to Not Acknowledged.
Click ACK in this display to acknowledge the selected faulted device; or click
ACK ALL in the initial system management display to acknowledge all
unacknowledged devices for which the workstation is responsible. The system
updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the field indicates a Not Acknowledged state:
• Check printed/historical log for type of failure.
• To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

Identifies the protocol used on the port. Refer to the programmer’s reference
guide for the specific device to determine the protocol this number represents.

Displays the number of stop bits, 1 or 2, required by the foreign device. You set
this value during integrated control configuration.

Indicates the type of parity required, as either None, Odd, or Even. You set this
value during Integrated Control Configuration.

Indicates the echo mode as either enabled (Yes) or disabled (No). You set this
value during integrated control configuration.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 259


Displays the amount of time the system waits for the end of message signal.
This number represents the value in tenths of a second, for example, 5
indicates 0.5 of a second.


Indicates the amount of time the system waits for a response signal. This
number represents the value in tenths of a second, for example, 5 indicates 0.5
of a second.

The number of times a device tries to re-send a message before timing out. The
range of configurable counts depends on the type of Foreign Device peripheral;
this value is set during Integrated Control Configuration.

Length of time to validate a change of state when the data carrier detects signal
changes. This number represents the value in tenths of a second, for example, 5
indicates 0.5 of a second.


The maximum number of bytes in a message. The range of configurable bytes
depends on the type of Foreign Device peripheral

The rate for sending transmissions, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or
19200. The range of configurable baud rates depends on the type of Foreign
Device peripheral and is set during Integrated Control Configuration.

The number of data bits per message word, 8, 7, 6, or 5. This number depends
on the type of Foreign Device peripheral.

INI10, INI15 or SPECTRUM Interface Processor

Peripheral Equipment Information Fields
This Equipment Information Display contains information specific to the
Information Network Interface 10 (INI10), Information Network Interface 15
(INI10), or SPECTRUM Interface Processor (SIP). The INI10, INI15, and SIP
each can have only one peripheral device, the X.25 port.

This name, PORT 00, 01, 02, or 03, is predefined by the gateway device.

This type, FD_RS-232, identifies that the Foreign Device Gateway supports
the FD_RS-232 device.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

260 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

On-line or Off-line. You can change the RUN MODE using the GO ON-LINE
and GO OFF-LINE options in the Equipment Change Display. If the gateway
is disabled, the last known run state of this peripheral appears.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the status is Off-line:
• Check hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
• Check related fields (DOWNLOAD and EEPROM UPDATE).

Failed or Not Failed (default). The system updates this field when a status
change occurs.
The following can change this field to a Failed state:
• You click FAIL after running off-line diagnostics
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• You pulled/pushed the station, and it required more than two minutes
to come back on-line.
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that prevents
the station from sending its internal reports for two or more minutes.
The operator-initiated equipment change actions (REBOOT, EEPROM
UPDATE) and off-line diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line, but do
not change the FAIL STATE to Failed.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current FAIL STATE of each module in the fault-tolerant
If the status is Failed:
• Check Printer/Terminal/CPU hardware.
• Check communication path with parent station.
• Check configuration information.


Displays Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged. If the DEVICE
STATE value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the value in this field changes
to Not Acknowledged.
Click ACK in this display to acknowledge the selected faulted device; or click
ACK ALL in the initial system management display to acknowledge all
unacknowledged devices for which the workstation is responsible.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Acknowledged:
• Check printed/historical log for type of failure.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 261

• To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation


Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

SIP ECB Equipment Information Displays

This name, PORT 00, 01, 02, or 03, is predefined by the gateway device.

Redundant ECB Selected (Black)

On-Line. The ECB24 is placed On-Line when it is created and cannot be
placed Off-Line. However, requesting “GO OFF LINE” through the
EQUIPMENT CHANGE page for the AW51RS that is in the CTL state forces
a switch to the other AW51RS in the redundant pair, if it is in the TRK state at
the time of the request.

Failed or Not Failed. An ECB24 is in the normal, Not Failed state when the
two AW51RSs in the redundant pair are able to communicate with each other
normally. When there is a failure in these inter-processor communications, the
ECB24 is Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE changes from Not Failed to Failed, the
FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
Display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key
in the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge
all the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the Device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment is failed or off-line.
System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer, nor the Historian.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

262 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Successful or Unsuccessful last switch of control between the two AW51RSs.

41 for ECB24.

24 for ECB24.

Physical letterbug of the other AW51RS in the redundant pair.


INTERSPEC Integrator Translator Equipment

Letterbug of the INTERSPEC Integrator 30 station containing the
INTERSPEC Integrator Translator (IIT).

ISEC Intgr Trans (INTERSPEC Integrator Translator).

On-line or Off-line. The IIT is installed as On-line after it is “fixed” and
configured. For the INTERSPEC Integrator Translator (IIT) located in the
station, changing the IIT status to Offline causes all communication to the
integrator to stop and, therefore, all attached gateway peripherals to fail. As a
result, the system sends numerous messages to the printer indicating
communication and peripheral equipment failures.
Changing a peripheral status to Off-line causes communications to that specific
device to stop.
You can change the RUN MODE using the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE
Equipment Change options. If station reporting is disabled, the last known run
state appears in this field.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
Off-line status:
• Check hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
• Check related fields (DOWNLOAD and EEPROM UPDATE).

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 263

Failed or Not Failed (initial setting). This field updates when a status change
occurs. The following events change this field to Failed:
• Failure of the 186 chip
• Loss of Data Carrier Detect (DCD), indicating a cable break
• Software problem.
The field changes to Failed if any one of the following occurs to the IIT:
• Power is lost to the local I/A Series enclosure
• The peripheral connection (elevator) is disengaged on the Integrator.
• If communications are not established to the IIT from the gateway
Failed status:
• Check peripheral hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
• Check INTERSPEC bus and INTERSPEC device.


Displays Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE
value changes from Not Failed to Failed, the value in this field changes to Not
Acknowledged to indicate this transition.
Click ACK to acknowledge the selected faulted device or click ACK ALL in
the initial system management display to acknowledge all the unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Acknowledged:
• Check printed/historical log for type of failure.
• To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.


Bus A or Bus B. This field initially is set to Bus A, or to the value saved in the
checkpoint file.
This field indicates the current port used for communications to the
INTERSPEC Integrator 30:
• Bus A indicates Port 1

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

264 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

• Bus B indicates Port 2.

Enabled (initial setting) or Not Enabled. When this field is set to Enabled,
automatic switching can occur in the event of a bus fault for the following
To change this field to Not Enabled, select the BUS A: DISABLED or BUS B:
DISABLED action from the Equipment Change Display.

Diagnostic Status 1 indicates the electrical status of Port 1 communications.

Table 9-4. Electrical Status Definitions for Port 1 Communications

Electrical Status Definition

00 Status appears before IIT has run diagnostics to
determine the DCD and communication statuses.
08 Status indicates the DCD test to indicate the
presence of a cable was successful; but the
loopback diagnostics test was unsuccessful.
80 Status indicates the DCD test was unsuccessful; the
last loopback diagnostics test was successful.
88 Status indicates that the cable is present and the
loopback diagnostics was successful.

Diagnostic Status 2 indicates the electrical status of Port 2 communications.

Table 9-5. Electrical Status Definitions for Port 2 Communications

Electrical Status Definition

00 Status appears before IIT has run diagnostics to
determine the DCD and communication statuses.
08 Status indicates the DCD test to indicate the
presence of a cable was successful; but the
loopback diagnostics test was unsuccessful.
80 Status indicates the DCD test was unsuccessful;
the last loopback diagnostics test was successful.
88 Status indicates that the cable is present and the
loopback diagnostics test was successful.

This field is not applicable to the INTERSPEC Integrator Translator.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 265

Equipment Information view for the Allen-

Bradley Port (ECB 63, ECB 64, and ECB 65)
User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

Identifies the type of Allen-Bradley device as follows: AB PIOM (A-B Port
ECB63); AB PLC (A-B PLC ECB64); AB SCAN (A-B Scan ECB65).

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up. You can change the RUN
MODE using the GO ON-LINE and GO OFFLINE options in the Equipment
Change Display. If station reporting is disabled, the last known run state
appears in this field. If reporting is disabled, the last known state appears in
this field.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
RUN MODE and FAIL STATE are separate but related fields for some
stations. Although you can use the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE options
to change the RUN MODE to Off-line, this does not fail the station. However,
a failed station changes the RUN MODE to Off-line.
This value changes to Off-line if any of the following occur:
• A reboot of the station.
• An EEPROM update.
• An off-line diagnostic request.
• A physical pull/push of the station (requiring more than two minutes
to come back on-line).
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station no longer being able to send its internal reports for two
minutes or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current RUN MODE of each module of the pair.

Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially Not Failed. This field changes to
Failed if any of the following occur:
• The operator selects the FAIL soft key after running off-line
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• A physical pull/push of the station (requiring more than two minutes
to come back on-line) is performed.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

266 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

• Any station hardware failure or communication failure results in the

station not able to send its internal reports for two or more minutes.
• Operator-initiated equipment change actions (REBOOT, EEPROM
UPDATE) or off-line diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line,
but do not change the FAIL STATE to Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE changes from Not Failed to Failed, the
FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
Display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key
in the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge
all the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green System bar) while equipment is failed or off-line,
and any system alarm messages are not logged to the system printer or to the

Number associated with the peripheral hardware, as follows: 103 (ECB63);
104 (ECB64); 105 (ECB65). This value is configured with the ICC for the
specific ECB.

Number identifying the software used in the DIW devices, as follows: 63
(ECB63); 64 (ECB64); 65 (ECB65). This value is configured with the ICC for
the ECB.

Displays the compound name for the device. This field does not apply to the
ECB63 device.

Displays the block name for the device. This field does not apply to the ECB63


Primary Command Status represents a communication status code. This field
does not apply to the ECB63 device.


0; This field does not apply to the ECB63 device.


0; This field does not apply to the ECB63 device.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 267

Equipment Information for the A-B Station

PLC5 Series
Letterbug assigned to the PLC.

The type is determined by the A-B station when checking the devices on its
The type for this A-B PLC can be one of the following: PLC5/11, PLC5/20,
PLC5/30, PLC5/40, PLC5/60, or PLC5/80.

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up. You can change the RUN
MODE using the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE options in the Equipment
Change Display. If the station reporting is disabled, the last known run state
appears in this field. If reporting is disabled, the last known state appears in
this field. The system updates this field when a status change occurs. RUN
MODE and FAIL STATE are separate but related fields for some stations.
Although you can use the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE options to change
the RUN MODE to Off-line, this does not fail the station. However, a failed
station changes the RUN MODE to Off-line.
This value changes to Off-line if any of the following occur:
• A reboot of the station
• An EEPROM update
• An off-line diagnostic request
• A physical pull/push of the station (requiring more than two minutes
to come back on-line)
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station no longer being able to send its internal reports for two
minutes or more.
For fault-tolerant stations refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current RUN MODE of each module of the pair.

Failed or Not Failed (default). The system updates this field when a status
change occurs.
The following can change this field to a Failed state:
• You click FAIL after running off-line diagnostics
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• You pulled/pushed the station, and it required more than two minutes
to come back on-line

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

268 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that prevents

the station from sending its internal reports for two or more minutes.
The operator-initiated equipment change actions (REBOOT, EEPROM
UPDATE) and the off-line diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line, but
do not change the FAIL STATE to Failed.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current FAIL STATE of each module in the fault-tolerant


Failure Acknowledged State displays Acknowledged (default) or Not
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE value changes from Not Failed to Failed,
the value in this field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition.
Click ACK to acknowledge the selected faulted device or click ACK ALL in
the initial system management display to acknowledge all the unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Acknowledged, check printed/historical log for type of
failure. To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Responding or Not Acknowledged, check hardware.

Displays the PLC mode, as follows:
• RUN Mode: The PLC is running the ladder program and is driving the
• PROGRAM Mode: The PLC is being programmed with ladder logic,
is not running a ladder program, and is not driving the outputs.
• TEST Mode: The PLC is running the ladder program and updating in-
memory data fields, but is not driving the outputs.

Address of the PLC on the A-B Data HighwayPlus™ displayed in decimal.

Displays the PLC RAM status as either good or bad. If bad, refer to the PLC

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 269


The Maximum Program Scan is the current maximum value (in milliseconds)
for the last program scan.

A bit pattern display of major faults in the PLC. Major faults (for example, a
hardware fault) halt the processor and stop it from processing information.
Consult your PLC documentation for the meaning of fault codes.


The rung number of the ladder program executing when the fault occurred.

A bit pattern display of minor faults in the PLC. Minor faults indicate a
problem that is not severe enough to halt the processor. Consult your PLC
documentation for the meaning of fault codes.


The name of the file that contains the ladder program executing when the fault

A bit pattern display of minor faults in the PLC. Minor faults indicate a
problem that is not severe enough to halt the processor. Consult your PLC
documentation for the meaning of fault codes.

Consult your PLC documentation for the error corresponding to the fault code.

Equipment Information for the A-B Station Rack

The A-B Station Rack is always a site specific I/O card. All rack-specific fields
indicate status and cannot be set.

Letterbug assigned to the A-B Rack.

A-B Rack.

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up. You can change the RUN
MODE using the GO ON-LINE and GO OFFLINE options in the Equipment
Change Display. If station reporting is disabled, the last known run state
appears in this field. If reporting is disabled, the last known state appears in
this field.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

270 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

RUN MODE and FAIL STATE are separate but related fields for some
stations. Although you can use the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE options
to change the RUN MODE to Off-line, this does not fail the station. However,
a failed station changes the RUN MODE to Off-line.
This value changes to Off-line if any of the following occur:
• A reboot of the station
• An EEPROM update
• An off-line diagnostic request
• A physical pull/push of the station (requiring more than two minutes
to come back on-line)
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station no longer being able to send its internal reports for two
minutes or more.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current RUN MODE of each module of the pair.

Failed or Not Failed (default). The system updates this field when a status
change occurs.
The following can change this field to a Failed state:
• You click FAIL after running Off-line Diagnostics
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• You pulled/pushed the station, and it required more than two minutes
to come back on-line.
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that prevents
the station from sending its internal reports for two or more minutes.
The operator-initiated equipment change actions (REBOOT, EEPROM
UPDATE) and the off-line diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line, but
do not change the FAIL STATE to Failed.
For fault-tolerant stations, refer to the PRIMARY MODE and SHADOW
MODE fields for the current FAIL STATE of each module in the fault-tolerant


Failure Acknowledged State displays Acknowledged (default) or Not
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE value changes from Not Failed to Failed,
the value in this field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition.
Click ACK to acknowledge the selected faulted device or click ACK ALL in
the initial system management display to acknowledge all the unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 271

If the state is Not Acknowledged, check printed/historical log for type of

failure. To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Responding or Not Acknowledged, check hardware.

Displays Yes if the rack configuration is correct; otherwise, displays No.


Displays Yes if the block transfer queue is full; otherwise, displays No.

Displays Yes if the rack is inhibited; otherwise, displays No. If the rack is
inhibited, the A-B Station does not scan the I/O.

Displays Yes if the outputs to the rack are turned off and stay off until the Rack
Reset is cleared; otherwise, displays No. When the PLC gets no response from
the rack after 100 ms, it issues a Reset.

I/O SLOT 0-15

User-defined names for I/O devices installed in the related slots.

Equipment Information Display for Modicon

Port ECB (ECB60, ECB61, and ECB62)
User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

Identifies the type of Modbus device as follows: MODBUS PIOM (ECB60);

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

272 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially Not Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.

100 (ECB60); 101 (ECB61); 102 (ECB62).

60 (ECB60); 66 (ECB61) or 62 (ECB62).


Displays the compound name and block name for the device.


Represents a communication status code. This field does not apply to the
ECB60 device.


0; This field does not apply to the ECB60 device.


0, This field does not apply to the ECB60 device.


Reflects the health of both cables as follows: Both Cables OK, Cable A Not
OK, Cable B Not OK, or Both Cables Not OK. This field applies to the
selected device and indicates whether transmissions were successfully sent the
last time either Bus A or B was used.
This field does not apply to the ECB60 device.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
A Not OK status indicates a PIO Bus send failure. To resolve:
• Check the PIO Bus.
• Switch to the other cable if the bus is bad.

The logical address, 1 through 16, of the gateway peripheral; this value is
configured using the ICC. The logical address order of the peripherals is the
order in which the peripherals were “fixed” during configuration. This field
does not apply to the ECB60 device.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 273

No Bkup Possible or None. Identifies whether backups are permitted to the
alternate parent ECB port for this device. This alternate port takes over if the
designated parent ECB port fails or has a change of state. This field does not
apply to the ECB60 device.

Micro-I/A AB-PIO Peripherals Equipment

User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

Identifies the type of AB-PIO device as AB PRIMARY IO.

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up.

Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially Not Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.


Displays Yes if one or more peripherals attached to the station report as failed;
otherwise, displays No.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the status is Yes, one or more of the attached peripherals have failed. Verify
status of peripherals.


Displays the compound name and block name for the device.

Number, 123, associated with the peripheral hardware type.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

274 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Displays 2, 3 or 4. This field displays the PCMCIA card’s port number, which
corresponds with the Micro-I/A Station slot number in which the card is

Displays the number (1 through 32) representing the number of actively
scanned RIO adapters on the A-B network.

Displays the number (0 through 32) indicating the number of RIO adapters that
are in the fault state.

Indicates the mode (program or run) the AB-PIO Bus device is currently in.
Mode 1 is program and 2 is run.

This field displays a 0 or a 1. The AB-RIO adapters do not work properly when
there is more than one AB-PIO Bus device connected to a single network. A
value of 1 indicates duplicate active scanners; 0 indicates that only one AB-
PIO Interface card is connected.

This field indicates the baud rate at which the bus is operating. The value in
this field describes the configuration of the ECB, and must match the rate
configured by the Adapter DIP switches (jumper-configured rate) at the AB-
RIO modules.

Table 9-6. Baud Rate values

Value Baud Rate (Kbd)

0 57.6
1 115.2
2 230.4

Micro-I/A GE-PIO Peripherals Equipment

User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

Identifies the type of GE-PIO device as GE PRIMARY IO.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 275

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up.

Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially Not Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. F.

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.


Displays Yes if one or more peripherals attached to the station report as failed;
otherwise, displays No.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the status is Yes, one or more of the attached peripherals have failed. Verify
status of peripherals.


Displays the compound name and block name for the device.

Number, 113, associated with the peripheral hardware type.

Displays 2, 3 or 4. This field displays the PCMCIA card’s port number, which
corresponds with the Micro-I/A station slot number in which the card is

This field is not currently supported.

This field is not currently supported.

This field is not currently supported.

This field is not currently supported.

This field is not currently supported.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

276 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Identifies the GE FANUC bus device orientation using the following values:
• 0 - A left-to-right physical orientation indicates that the field interface
cable attaches to the field terminal base such that with the I/O module
installed the cable enters on the side nearest the label text “SLOT.”
• 1 - A right-to-left physical orientation indicates that the field interface
cable attaches to the field terminal base such that with the I/O module
installed the cable enters on the side nearest the label text “PWR.”

This field is normally 0. If an error is detected in the GE FANUC bus device,
this field is set to a non-zero value.

Note Refer to Micro-I/A station maintenance documentation for error code

identification, description and corrective action.

Equipment Information Display for an AB-RIO

User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

Identifies the type of AB-RIO device as AB-RIO ADAPTER.

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up.

Failed or Not Failed. This field is initially Not Failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device.


Displays Yes if one or more peripherals attached to the station report as failed;
otherwise, displays No.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 277

If the status is Yes, one or more of the attached peripherals have failed. Verify
status of peripherals.


Displays the compound name and block name for the device.

Number, 114, associated with the peripheral hardware type.

This field is not currently supported.

An RIO adapter can be configured to be part of a fault group. The Fault Group
ID identifies the number of the fault group (1 through 15) to which the RIO is

Indicates the current state of the AB-RIO adapter, where Off-line is 0 and On-
line is 1.

Normally, this field displays a 0. If one of the adapters in the fault groups has a
fault, this value is a 1.

Displays the value from 1 to 32 representing the rack number configured to the
ECB as set by the adapter DIP switches. This value appears as a one-based
decimal, as opposed to the DIP switches on the module which are set with
zero-based octal values.

Equipment Information Display for a GE I/O

Device and A-B I/O Device
GE4752 and TS5783

GE-IO Mod B AI and AB-IO Mod 4 AO

On-line or Off-line. You can change the RUN MODE using the GO ON-LINE
and GO OFF-LINE options in the Equipment Change Display. If the gateway
is disabled, the last known run state of this peripheral appears.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

278 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

If the status is Off-line:

• Check hardware.
• Download, if necessary.
Check related fields (DOWNLOAD and EEPROM UPDATE)

Failed or Not Failed.


Failure Acknowledged State displays Acknowledged (default) or Not
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE value changes from Not Failed to Failed,
the value in this field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this transition.
Click ACK to acknowledge the selected faulted device or click ACK ALL in
the initial system management display to acknowledge all the unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation has responsibility.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Acknowledged, check printed/historical log for type of
failure. To clear, click ACK or ACK ALL on the configured workstation

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.
If the state is Not Responding or Not Acknowledged, check hardware.


GE4752 and TS5783


Only A-B I/O analog devices report per channel faults in the FAULT BYTE
field. If a channel is not set active, the fault byte information is not set.
Each bit represents one channel. Bit 0 (the right-most bit on display) is channel
1 (0 on the module).
The following can be displayed in the FAULT BYTE field:

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 279

• ECB75 (1794-IE8) – Under range errors (4 to 20 mA range only) for

each channel indicate either a broken or open input wire, or input at or
below 4 mA.
• ECB78 (1794-OE4) – An error in any of the four outputs (4 to 20 mA
range only) indicates the wire on the output is either broken or the
load resistance is too high.
• ECB79 (1794-IE4XOE2) – Under range errors for any of the four
input channels (4 to 20 mA range only) indicates either a broken or
open input wire, or input at or below 4 mA. Errors in the two outputs
(4 to 20 mA range only) indicate the wire on the output is either
broken or the load resistance is too high.
• ECB101 (Hardware types 127 and 128, 1794-IT8 and 1794-IR8) –
Indicate over and under range errors. An under range error is set if the
input signal is below the input channel’s minimum range. An over
range error is set if the input signal is above the input channel’s
maximum range or an open detector is identified.

This value, 1 through 8 inclusive, indicates the position of the GE I/O module
with regard to the GE Fanuc bus device, with Module 1 being the closest to the
field interface cable.
This value, 1 to 8 inclusive, defines the position of the module with regard to
the RIO adapter. Module 1 is the closest to the AB-RIO adapter, and Module 8
is the furthest away.

This field is normally 0. If an error is detected in the GE I/O module, this field
is set to a nonzero value.

Equipment Information Display for ECB96 Port

Shows the station letterbug assigned during System hardware configuration.

Shows the type of station defined when the letterbug is assigned during System

On-line. This field is always on-line (ECB96 is always on line) when the
station reports to the System Monitor.

On Scan or Not Ready. This field is initially On Scan.
This field changes to Not Ready if any of the following occur:

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

280 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

• The operator selects the FAIL softkey after running Off-line

• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station not able to send its internal reports for two or more
Operator-initiated Equipment Change actions (EEPROM update) or Off-line
Diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Not Ready.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the DEVICE STATE changes from On Scan to Not Ready,
the FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
Display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key
in the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge
all the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device. When
alarming is Inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment is failed or off-line.
System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer, nor the Historian.


Yes or No. Yes is specified if one or more devices attached to the station are
reported as failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If any of the attached devices become unacknowledged, the
field changes to Not Acknowledged.

The name of the compound that contains the ECB96. Database.

The text string configured (with ICC) for the ECB96’s NAME parameter. This
name is used by all I/O blocks (in their IOM_ID parameter) to reference the

158 (as configured with the ICC for ECB96).

Zero (as configured with the ICC for ECB96).

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 281

Indicates type and status of data exchange. Currently the flags are:
The process attached to the message exchange is currently accessing the wait
packet queue.
A message exchange which allows requests to be sent if the quota of buffers
used exceeds the maximum allotted.
A message exchange which is expecting requests from the remote system, but
in an asynchronous fashion. If this flag is not set, if a solicited type message
(one without the BSI_UNSOL_MSG flag set) arrives without a matching wait
packet, the message is discarded.
If this bit is set, the Open BSI cannot be shutdown until the current message
exchange is released.


• 0 = Normal – No Problem.
• 2 = Device did not respond.
• 1 = A retry will be made in an attempt to clear a problem.
• 4 = The response from the device had one of the following errors:
exception code returned by the device (which is saved in DEVICE
STATUS); or parity, framing, buffer overrun, or block-check (CRC)
• 64 = Disconnected.

Exception error code sent by the device in a reply message.

Number Meaning
1 Normal – No error
2 No communications event


A non-zero value indicates that an error was detected by the communication
driver software. If the condition persists (so that successful communications

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

282 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

are not possible) and is not eliminated by a hardware reset of the AW70,
replace the communications card.
If the condition happens often, but is not debilitating, report it to you Foxboro
Service Representative

Number of messages sent from this message exchange since the last time the
MEX was allocated, or the statistics were initialized

Number of message blocks waiting for processing by the current process

Number of messages processed by this message exchange

If non-zero, the message exchange currently has message data which was
copied to the local queue

Number of times which this server attempted to send out more messages than
allowed by its reserved buffer count

Number of responses being waited for by the current service

Number of times that an allocate buffer or send message was refused due to a
lack of buffers in the system. This field should always be zero.

Maximum number of buffers allowed to be reserved by this message exchange
(task). A buffer is reserved when the MEX is expecting a response to a
previously sent message

Number of times that a conflict has occurred locking this message exchange

Number of buffers currently reserved for use by the message exchange (task).
In general, the number of buffers cannot exceed the maximum buffer count;
however, exceptions can arise during peak communications loading

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 283

Equipment Information Display for ECB97 RTU

RTU1. Shows station letterbug assigned during System hardware

BB RTU. Shows type of station defined when the letterbug is assigned during
System configuration.

On-line or Off-line. This field is initially off-line. It changes to on-line when
the station, after booting up, reports to the System Monitor. If reporting is
disabled, the last known state appears in this field.
RUN MODE and DEVICE STATE should be viewed as separate, but related
fields. Although certain Equipment Change options change the RUN MODE to
Off-line, they do not fail the station.
However, a failed station results in the RUN MODE changing to Off-line.
The field changes to Off-line if any of the following occur:
• A reboot of the station.
• An EEPROM update.
• An off-line diagnostic request.
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station not able to send its internal reports for two or more

On Scan or Not Ready. This field is initially Not Ready. This field changes to
Not Ready if any of the following occur:
• A hardware problem causes the station to fail for more than two
• Any station hardware failure or communication failure that results in
the station not able to send its internal reports for two or more
Operator-initiated Equipment Change actions (reboot, EEPROM update) or
Off-line Diagnostics change the RUN MODE to Off-line, but do not change
the DEVICE STATE to Not Ready.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the DEVICE STATE changes from On Scan to Not Ready,
the FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
Display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

284 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

in the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge
all the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device. When
alarming is Inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment is failed or off-line.
System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer, nor the Historian.


Yes or No. Yes is specified if one or more devices attached to the station are
reported as failed.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If any of the attached devices become unacknowledged, the
field changes to Not Acknowledged.

AWNT01_ECB. Name of the compound that contains the ECB97.

Text string configured (with ICC) for the ECB97’s NAME parameter. All I/O
blocks use this name (in their IOM_ID parameter) to reference the device.

159 (as configured with the ICC for ECB96).

Zero (as configured with the ICC for ECB96).

Flags indicating current status of the current RTU:
Indicates that the RTU is not configured into system.
Set when the RTU is due to receive a time synch message.
Set when the current RTU will not accept messages.
Set when an RTU is declared inactive due to a configuration error on the
current communication line.
Download to current RTU is in progress.
The attached RTU requires a poll on the next poll pass. Used to implement a

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 285

preferred poll pass of only those nodes which responded to the previous poll


• 0 = Normal – No Problem.
• 0x40 = CMD_INV = invalid command used

Flags indicating the options used for the current RTU:
Direct connected to RTU
Current RTU is the first slave defined on the line.
This RTU is on a line which must be dialed.
0x08= MODEM
This RTU requires RTS / CTS keying


The request type.

Flags indicating the protocol used:
• 0x01 = BSAP
• 0x02 = REMOTE
• 0x03 = EBSAP

Exception error code sent by the RTU in a reply message.

Code Number Meaning

1 Normal – No error
2 No communications event present
3 Node requires local download
20 Data stored in user buffer
21 Some data has been stored
22 Data not available – communications error
23 Error attempting to send to BSI
24 Node name not found
25 Error parsing response
27 Node’s load version has changed
-100 MEX not initialized for process

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

286 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Code Number Meaning

-101 Service already allocated by other process
-102 No unused service found
-105 Unable to reserve wait packet for response
-115 System not initialized
-116 Initialization already performed
-117 Not correct NETTOP version number
-118 First level slave not accepting message
-119 Message to send has invalid length
-121 Invalid MEX number specified
-122 Invalid first level slave number specified
-126 RTU not located in NETTTOP file
-127 Communication line already started with


Read Messages Sent/Received RTU


Read NAKs Sent/Received

Read Time-outs on Send/Receive


Read CRC errors statuses Sent/Received


Write Messages Sent/Received


Write NAKs Sent/Received

Write Time-outs on Send/Receive


Write CRC errors statuses Sent/Received

Input character buffer overflowed before receiving the end of message

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 287


A start message sequence was detected before receiving the corresponding end

An invalid DLE sequence was received: the DLE (10 hex) was not followed by
an ETX (03 hex), STX (02 hex), SOH (01 hex), or DLE.

A buffer was not available to load in an incoming message.

An ACK message has been received when one was not expected, or the
message contained an invalid message identifier.

Number of times that a message was received with a duplicated sequence
number. This can occur when a remote system misses an ACK message.

Number of times that a messages ACK has not returned within the time
interval allowed.

Available only on systems which support dial-up. It is the number of times that
this RTU has successfully been connected via a dial operation.

Available only on systems which support dial-up. It is the number of times that
a dial operation failed to the current RTU.

Number of messages waiting to be sent to this RTU. Note: When using direct
connect BSAP, this field is only maintained for the first slave on the
communication line.

Number of attempts which have been made to send the current message out of
the communication port. For direct connect BSAP, this field is only maintained
on the first slave on the communication line.

FoxGuard Manager Equipment Information

Device name for the ECB85.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

288 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Always FoxGuard Monitor based on the ECB hardware type parameter

The FoxGuard Manager mode is either on-line or off-line.

Indicates whether the Advanced Communications Module has failed.


Indicates whether failure in the Advanced Communications Module has been

Indicates whether device alarming to the Nodebus level has been enabled or
inhibited. Device alarming can be enabled or inhibited with the Equipment
Change overlay.


Reports when a TRICON module referenced by a FoxGuard Manager I/O ECB
has a fault.

Yes indicates that there is a warning condition concerning the FoxGuard
Manager hardware, either Power Supply Failure or Maintenance Required.


Shows whether a TRICON I/O module fault has been acknowledged from a
Nodebus workstation.

Name of the ECB compound, <letterbug>_ECB, where letterbug is the
letterbug of the DNBI.

This field is not used in the FoxGuard Manager.

TRICON_ECB, the block name of the FoxGuard Monitor ECB.

The ECB85 hardware type is 142.

The software type of the FoxGuard Monitor ECB is always 285.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 289


Reserved for future use.


Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


Displays hexadecimal code for the individual main processor status fields in
the left column.

Indicates whether the Advanced Communications Module is configured in the
TRICON as a read-only module or as a read/write module.

Reports the current state of the TRICON control program as Running, Halted,
or Paused.

Indicates the front panel key switch position on the TRICON main chassis as
Remote, Run, Program, or Stop.


Operational status of each TRICON power supply is reported in a hexadecimal

Name of the current TRICON control program downloaded from the

Node number of the TRICON main chassis in a networked system. Node can
be 1 through 10. A stand-alone TRICON is 0.

Yes, if at least one TRICON module has reported a fault.


Maps to the TRICON chassis and physical slot of the module with a fault.

Version number of the TRICON control program. The version number is
incremented by one each time the program is downloaded from the

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

290 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

The time allocated by the control program for the TRICON to scan its I/O
modules and execute one cycle of the control program.

I/O Module Equipment Information Display

Device name for the selected ECB.

The FoxGuard Manager mode is either on-line or off-line.


Indicates whether failure in the Advanced Communications Module has been

Reserved for future use.

This field is not used in the FoxGuard Manager.

For I/O module ECBs, Hardware Type identifies the referenced
TRICON hardware are as follows:
143: discrete input, 32 points
144: discrete input, 64 points
145: discrete (pulse) input, 8 points
146: discrete output, 16 points
147: discrete output, 8 points
148: discrete output, 32 points
149: analog input, 32 points
150: analog input, 16 points
151: analog input, 64 points
152: analog input, 32 points, thermocouple
153: analog input, 16 points, thermocouple
154: analog output, 8 points
For window ECBs, Hardware Type indicates function as follows:
140: input (ECB90, ECB91, ECB92)
141: output (ECB93, ECB94, ECB95)

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 291

Describes the ECB based on the HARDWARE TYPE parameter.

Indicates whether the Advanced Communications Module has failed.

Indicates whether device alarming to the Nodebus level has been Enabled or
Inhibited. Device alarming can be enabled or inhibited with the Equipment
Change overlay.

Name of the ECB compound, <letterbug>_ECB, where letterbug is the
letterbug of the DNBI.

Displays the NAME parameter of the configured ECB.

Reserved for future use.

Reserved for future use.


In an output ECB, identify the first TRICON alias in the ECB. The three fields
are used to show the 5-digit alias as follows: DIAG 2 for 1000s, DIAG 3 for
tens, and DIAG 4 for ones. For example, alias 2010 is coded as:
DIAG 2: 2
DIAG 3: 1
DIAG 4: 0
Alias 40252 is coded as:
DIAG 2: 40
DIAG 3: 25
DIAG 4: 2

For I/O module ECBs, displays a description of the referenced TRICON
module read from the TRICON configuration data. For FoxGuard Manager
window ECBs, this field displays the description of the block from the
MDSCRP parameter, which copies the user-configured DESCRP parameter.


Reserved for future use.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

292 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules


Reserved for future use.

Used with I/O module ECBs only.
Shows the status of modules in the referenced logical slots as follows:
0 No problem.
0x01 Left physical slot is empty.
0x02 Right physical slot is empty.
0x03 Both physical slots are empty.
0x04 There is an I/O module fault.
0x08 There is a load/fuse warning.
0x10 TRICON did not accept a write request packet from the FoxGuard
0x20 An output from this ECB was the first write in the packet to be rejected
by the TRICON.

For I/O module ECBs, displays a model number of the referenced TRICON
module as read from the TRICON configuration data.
For FoxGuard Manager window ECBs, the codes are as follows:

Equipment Information Display for ECB98,

ECB99, and ECB100
The letterbug assigned during system definition for hardware configuration:
PORT1 (ECB98), PORT2 (ECB99) or DEV_M1 (ECB100).

Type of ECB defined when the letterbug is assigned during site planning and
system definition:

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 293

On-line or Off-line (default). This value changes to On-line when the station
reports to the System Monitor after booting up. You can change the RUN
MODE using the GO ON-LINE and GO OFF-LINE options in the Equipment
Change Display. Changing the ECB status to Off-line causes all
communication to the respective device to stop and all attached devices to fail.
As a result, a number of messages appear at the printer indicating
communication failures and device equipment failures.
If reporting is disabled, the last known run state appears in this field. The
system updates this field when a status change occurs.

The system updates this field when a status change occurs. The possible
mutually exclusive states are:
• Not Failed: The device is connected to the control strategy, though
measurements are not guaranteed to be good.
• Failed: Fatal hardware or other fatal fault reported by the device.


Displays Acknowledged (default) or Not Acknowledged. If the DEVICE
STATE changes from Not Failed to Failed, the FAIL ACK STATE field
changes to Not Acknowledged.
Click ACK to acknowledge the selected faulted device; or click ACK ALL in
the initial system management display to acknowledge all unacknowledged
devices for which the workstation is responsible.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for this device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health while equipment is failed or off-line, and any system alarm
messages are not logged to the system printer or to the Historian.
The system updates this field when a status change occurs.

Number associated with the peripheral hardware: 160 (ECB98), 161 (ECB99)
or 162 (ECB100).
This value is configured with the ICC for the specific ECB.

Number identifying the software used in the DIW devices: 98 (ECB98), 99
(ECB99) or 100 (ECB100). This value is configured with the ICC for the ECB.

Failure Algorithm indicates the failure algorithm used to cause the port to fail
internally even if the port is connected and on-line. When the port fails, the
system generates a trigger ID. Triggers communicate event information

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

294 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

between ECBs and can be used to initiate status changes in the destination
ECBs. This failure algorithm uses the generated trigger IDs to determine the
ratio of errored communications to good (complete) communications.
The possible values are as follows:
• 1 = The port fails when the WatchDog timer reaches zero.
• 2 = The port fails based on a predefined Trigger Event.
• Other = 0x10, 0x100, or 0x1000.


Not Failed Algorithm identifies the algorithm that causes the port to transition
from Failed to Not Failed state. When the ECB returns to the Not Failed state
from Failed, the system generates a predefined trigger ID.
The possible values are as follows:
• 0 = No Information available.
• 1 = The port goes back on-line based on the WatchDog timer value
(Time delay).
• 2 = The port goes back on-line based on the Trigger ID generated
(Trigger Event).

Identifies the type of server (IOGATE) I/A Series uses to communicate with
this ECB device.
The values are as follows:
• 1 = DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange protocol)
• 2 = OLE (Object Linking and Embedding).

Identifies the name of the server application (driver) used for communications
with the related gate. (Each gate type can have more than one server.) Refer to
the documentation which accompanies each IOGATE for valid options.

Watchdog Timer indicates the value of the port ECB watchdog timer (in
seconds). When this value is zero, the watchdog timer has expired and the
device goes off-line. If no communications activity occurs for the specified
time, the port goes to Off-line state.

On-line Timer indicates the number of seconds before the off-line port with the
ECB device attempts to transition to on-line.

Identifies the parent port as Port 1 for ECB99 or ECB100. Not applicable
(N/A) for ECB98.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 295

Alternate Parent Name identifies the alternate parent port for this ECB99 or
ECB100 device.
This alternate port takes over if the designated parent ECB port fails or has a
change of state.
Not applicable (N/A) for ECB98.

ECB80 Equipment Information

User-supplied ECB name, as configured using the ICC.

User-supplied ECB type descriptor, as configured using ICC.

On-Line. The ECB80 is put On-Line when it is created, and cannot be put Off-

Failed or Not Failed. The ECB80 is Failed if and only if the SCADA database
becomes inaccessible to the Control database.
There are several events that can result in failure of the ECB80. Although such
events are abnormal, and recovery from them should be automatic, if the
Failed state persists for more than a few minutes, the AW51RS should be shut
down and restarted. A failure of the ECB80 in the AW51RS that is in the CTL
state causes a switch to the other AW51RS if it is in the TRK state.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE changes from Not Failed to Failed, the
FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
Display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key
in the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge
all the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

Indicates whether alarming is enabled or inhibited for the device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment is failed or off-line.
System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer, nor the Historian.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

296 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

ECB81 Equipment Information

User-supplied ECB name, as configured using ICC.

User-supplied ECB type descriptor, as configured using ICC.

On-Line or Off-Line. The ECB81 is placed Off-Line when it is created and
whenever it is modified via the ICC. Thereafter, its On-Line/Off-Line state can
be changed only via the EQUIPMENT CHANGE function of the System
Manager display.
When the AW51RS is rebooted, the Run Mode of all ECBs, including the
ECB81, is whatever their Run Mode was at the time of the last database
checkpoint prior to the reboot. The Run Mode is controlled solely by the user
actions in the Control database. No operating conditions can change the Run
Mode, nor can any state changes in the SCADA database.
When an ECB81 is in the Off-Line state, all control blocks that have been
configured to access data in the RTU represented by the ECB81, or in any
equipment (such as an IT) whose ECB is parented by the Off-Line ECB81,
have their live data (i.e., inputs and outputs) marked Out of Service.

Failed or Not Failed. An ECB81 is in the normal, Not Failed state when the
RTU it represents is being polled successfully by the SCADA software, and
when the port ECB (ECB80) is Not Failed. If any operator actions or
equipment failures cause the SCADA polling of the RTU to be discontinued
intentionally or disrupted unintentionally, the ECB81 goes to the Failed state
and remains in this state until successful polling by the SCADA software is
resumed. Also, if the ECB80 goes to the Failed state, all ECB81s go to the
Failed state.
All control blocks that have been configured to access data in an RTU
represented by a failed ECB81, or in any equipment (such as an IT) whose
ECB is parented by the failed ECB81, have their live data (i.e., inputs and
outputs) marked Out of Service.


Acknowledged or Not Acknowledged. This field is initially set to
Acknowledged. If the FAIL STATE changes from Not Failed to Failed, the
FAIL ACK STATE field changes to Not Acknowledged to indicate this
transition. Use the ACK key in the top menu bar of the Equipment Information
display to acknowledge the selected faulted device or use the ACK ALL key in
the top menu bar of the initial System Management Display to acknowledge all
the unacknowledged devices for which the workstation has responsibility.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 297

Indicates whether alarming is Enabled or Inhibited for the device. When
alarming is inhibited, the System Monitor continues to indicate overall system
and network health (a green “SYS BAR”) while equipment is failed or off-line.
System Alarm messages are not logged to the system printer, nor the Historian.

Indicates (yes/no) whether one or more devices are attached to this ECB.


Indicates (yes/no) whether an attached device has failed.


Indicates (yes/no) whether a failure associated with an attached device has
been acknowledged.

Equipment Information Display for

PROFIBUS-DP Gate and Devices
This identifies the compound-level name for the PROFIBUS-DP ECB, as
assigned using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the PROFIBUS-DP ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the number of the gate where the PROFIBUS is located.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software.

This indicates the baud rate at which the bus is operating.

This is the identifying number of the PROFIBUS-DP as defined by the
PROFIBUS User Organization and entered through the Integrated Control

This field is normally 0. If an error is detected in the PROFIBUS gate
operation, this field is set to a nonzero value.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

298 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

This identifies the address of the Micro-I/A station that is the parent for the

This indicates the operational state in hexadecimal format of the PROFIBUS-
DP gate.

This displays DDLM/USIF release information.

This displays DDLM/USIF release information.


This displays user-entered information where applicable.


This displays user-entered information where applicable.

Equipment Information Display for PROFIBUS-

DP Devices
This identifies the compound-level name for the PROFIBUS-DP ECB, as
assigned using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the PROFIBUS-DP ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software.

This is the identifying number of the PROFIBUS-DP device as defined by the
PROFIBUS User Organization (PROFIBUS Nutzer Organization) and entered
through the Integrated Control Configurator.

This field is normally 0. If an error is detected in the PROFIBUS-DP module,
this field is set to a nonzero value.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 299

This identifies the unique identifier for each PROFIBUS device, which is
assigned using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the address of the Micro-I/A station that is the parent for the

This gives common diagnostic information. ECB103 contains specific error
information, and associated error codes, that are displayed based on analysis of
data from regular software calls.

This gives diagnostic information for each slave device channel. This is split
into two parts: a device part and a module/channel part. Information appearing
in this field is device dependent and information must be determined during
configuration based on vendor supplied information.

Equipment Information Displays for AB-PLC5/E

Gate Devices
This identifies the compound-level name for the AB-PLC5/E ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the AB-PLC5/E ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the number of the gate where the AB-PLC5/E is located.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software.

This gives diagnostic information for each slave device channel. This is split
into two parts: a device part and a module/channel part. Information appearing
in this field is device dependent and information must be determined during
configuration based on vendor supplied information.


This displays user-entered information when applicable.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

300 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

This displays user-entered information when applicable.

Equipment Information Displays for the AB-

PLC5/E Device
This identifies the compound-level name for the AB-PLC5/E ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the AB-PLC5/E ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software.

This identifies the address of the AB-PLC5/E. It is a 4-byte unsigned integer.
Display shows an incorrect data type.

This identifies the address of the router assigned to the network. It is a 4-byte
unsigned integer.

This identifies the address of the starting address assigned to calling stations. It
is a 4-byte unsigned integer. It is displayed in decimal format.

This identifies the Gate Subnet Mask. It is a 4-byte unsigned integer. Display is
in decimal format with a period between each byte.

This is not currently supported. It identifies the PLC5/E processor status. It is a
2-byte integer. It represents the PLC5/E Status File Word 1.

This is not currently supported. It identifies the PLC5/E fault codes. It is a 2-
byte integer. It represents the PLC5/E Status File Word 12.

This is not currently supported. It identifies the PLC5/E major fault flags. It is
a 2-byte integer. It represents the PLC5/E Status File Word 11.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules 301

This is not currently supported. It identifies the PLC5/E minor fault flags. It is
a 2-byte integer. It represents the PLC5/E Status File Word 10.

Equipment Information Displays for the

Modbus Gate and Modbus Devices
This identifies the compound-level name for the Modbus gate ECB, as
assigned using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the Modbus gate ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software.

This identifies the number of the gate where the Modbus is located, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This indicates the status of the communications port.

This indicates the specific operational status of messages passing through the
gate. The gate may have an error specific to a message being passed or there
can be a general problem with input/output.


This indicates the operational status of the gate.

This indicates the logical address of the gate as assigned when it is configured
using the Integrated Control Configurator BUSOPT parameter.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

302 B. Supported Classic I/A Series System Modules

Equipment Information Displays for the

Modbus Device
This identifies the compound-level name for the Modbus ECB, as assigned
using the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the block-level name for the Modbus ECB, as assigned using
the Integrated Control Configurator.

This identifies the ECB responsible for interfacing with the port
communications message control software, as assigned using the Integrated
Control Configurator.

This indicates the number of misaligned frames that occurred.

This indicates the number of receiver buffer overruns.

This indicates the number of parity errors.

This indicates the number of properly aligned frames received with CRC


This indicates the operational status of the communications with the gate ECB.


This indicates that an error was detected by the communication driver software
when the value in this field is not zero.

This indicates the failure state of the device. A failure may be the result of
termination of gate activity, a user-defined event triggering an off-line state, or
server failure.

This indicates the logical address of the gate, as assigned using the Integrated
Control Configurator.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F



System Messages

This section contains system messages that can appear in the System Manager
Table C-1. System Manager Event Messages

Message Description/Cause Corrective Action (s)

<Peripheral Equipment Indicates the success or failure of Retry action if failed.
Change Action> the following peripheral equipment
Succeeded or change actions: Upload Database,
Failed:<Letterbug> Download Database, Download,
EEPROM Update.
Action not allowed You attempted to perform an illegal Verify that the action can, and
action. This could be due to should, be requested for this
network operation, station status or station type.
an action not available to that Check the system health, then try
workstation. the action again. Check the station
health, network health, and so
forth, then try again.
Cannot unlock station Unable to unlock station records. Determine if another utility such
letterbug available This prohibits station actions such as a configuration or another
as reboots. System Manager is running and
has locked the station.
Checkpoint succeeded or Indicates the success or failure of If checkpoint failed, retry
failed: <Station the checkpoint equipment change checkpoint action. If the problem
Letterbug> action for a specific type of station continues, contact the Global
(control processor, selected CSC. Check the printer for
gateways, display station appropriate error code.
processor). Check the applicable subsystem.
Master timekeepers not System Manager cannot initiate Check for an on-line application
responding communications with a master processor (AP). There must be an
timekeeper. You cannot set the date on-line AP to run a master
and time. timekeeper.
IPC Failed System Manager cannot Verify network configuration
communicate with the network health and revision levels.
using Foxboro Inter-Process
Communication (IPC).

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

304 C. System Messages

Table C-1. System Manager Event Messages (Continued)

Message Description/Cause Corrective Action (s)

No Off-line Diagnostics System Manager cannot recognize
for this station the type of station, or System
Manager’s off-line test data file
does not contain any test for the
station type.
No System Monitors The System Monitor data file Verify the existence of
configured or responding (smonlst.cfg) is not available and /usr/fox/sysmgm/smonlst.cfg,
no System Monitors responded to verify network communication,
System Manager’s request for verify existence of active System
information. Monitor(s).
SYSMON not responding Inability to communicate with a Check path to the AP hosting the
System Monitor. System Monitor and the load on
the AP. Call IPS Global Customer
Support (GCS).

Network Fault Detection Message

Table C-2. Network Fault Detection Message

Message Description Action

Configuration Integrity System Manager cannot Check for File Server utility
In Question communicate with, or does not know operation; close and restart
who is, the current System Manager.
Nodebus initiator.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F



Device Specific Peripheral

Counter Background

This appendix contains device-specific information for Peripheral Counters.

Allen-Bradley, Modicon, or Instrument Gateway

Table D-1. Counter Descriptions for AB, Modicon, or Instrument


Counter Description
TIMEOUTS Number of times an ABG, MODG or IG timed-out an
attached device during communication attempts.
INVAL CMND For an ABG, the number of invalid commands from the A-
B interface module.
INVAL RESP For an ABG or MODG, the number of invalid commands
from a controller on the Data Highway; for an IG, the
number of invalid commands from a 760 or 761 controller.

Allen-Bradley PLC Devices

No PLC remote I/O level cable information is displayed for the AW70. A
standard set of communication counters are maintained by the AW70.

Table D-2. Counter Descriptions for AB PLC Devices

Counter Description
DATE ACCESS Number of times read accesses occurred.
DATE ACCESS Number of times write accesses occurred.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

306 D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information

Table D-2. Counter Descriptions for AB PLC Devices (Continued)

Counter Description
DATE ACCESS Number of times read data errors occurred.
DATE ACCESS Number of times write access error occurred.

Allen-Bradley Redundant Gateway

All fields are initialized to zero when booting the ABG station, when switching
to/from CTL state, and when you select the RESET COUNTERS action.

Table D-3. Counter Descriptions for AB Redundant Gateway

Counter Description
RDM XMIT Total number of IPC messages transmitted to alternate
COUNT gateway.
RDN RECV Total number of IPC messages received from alternate
COUNT gateway.
PROCESS Number of ABSCAN block updates transmitted to
UPDATES tracking gateway if in control mode, or the number of
messages received if in track or standby mode
RDN OM Number of one-time object sets, om-writes, or peer-to-
UPDATES peer scan updates transmitted if in control or received
if in track or standby mode.
RDN DB UPDATES Number of CIO Configurator database change requests
transmitted if in control mode, or received if in track or
standby mode
RDN IPC Number of communication errors detected in IPC link
UPDATES to alternate gateway
RDN DB Number of times that a heartbeat period (six seconds)
TIMEOUTS expired without receiving an IPC message from the
alternate gateway.
RDN RCV Number of unrecognized IPC messages received from
UPDATES alternate gateway.
RDN OM Number of one-time object sets, om-writes or peer-to-
UPDATES peer scan updates resulting in errors detected by
tracking gateway.

Allen-Bradley Station PLC

No PLC remote I/O level cable information is displayed for the AW70. A
standard set of communication counters are maintained by the AW70.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information 307

Table D-4. Counter Descriptions for AB Station PLC

Counter Description
DATE ACCESS READ Number of times read accesses occurred.
DATE ACCESS WRITE Number of times write accesses occurred.
DATE ACCESS READ Number of times read data errors occurred.
DATE ACCESS WRITE Number of times write access error
ERRORS occurred.

Device Integrator

Table D-5. Counter Descriptions for Device Integrators

Counter Description
NUM XMIT Number of messages transmitted by the Device
NUM ERRS Number of errors that occurred during the
transmission of messages from the gateway
NUM TMOUT Number of timeouts that occurred during the
transmission of messages from gateway.
NUM RECV Number of messages successfully received by the
gateway. Messages are counted in groups of 10.
RECV ERRS Number of errors that occurred during the receipt
of messages to the gateway that are not due to a
time-out condition (for example, line
RECV TMOUT Number of errors that occurred during the receipt
of messages to the gateway due to time-outs
RSP TMOUT Number of time-out errors that occurred between
the transmission of a message and the receipt of a
CHKSUM ERR Number of messages received by the gateway
with checksum errors (not all messages contain
SEQ NM ERR Number of messages received by the gateway
with sequence number errors (that is, not all
messages contain sequence numbers).
BT CNT ERR Number of messages received by the gateway
with bad byte counts (that is, not all messages are
transmitted with byte count checks)
PARITY ERR Number of messages received by the gateway
with parity byte errors.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

308 D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information

Table D-5. Counter Descriptions for Device Integrators (Continued)

Counter Description
DISCONS Number of times the RS-232 port connection on
the gateway was disconnected.
QUEUE FULL Number of messages discarded by the gateway
because its queues were full

GE FANUC Programmable Controller Devices

Table D-6. Counter Descriptions for GE FANUC Programmable

Controller Devices

Counter Description
TIMEOUTS Number of times the primary station timed out a
GE controller during communication attempts.
PROTOCOL ERRORS Number of protocol-specific-routine errors
detected during communications with the GE
CRC ERRORS Number of properly aligned frames received with
CRC errors.
FRAMING ERRORS Number of misaligned frames that occurred.
COMMUNICATION Number of communication errors detected in GE
ERRORS Controller communications link.
BUSY ERRORS Number of times the station attempted
communications with the GE controller and
recorded an error because the controller was busy.

INI10 Peripheral, INI15 Peripheral, and SIP

Table D-7. Counter Descriptions for INI10, INI15, and SIP

Counter Description
T1 EXPIRES Number of X.25 frame level T1 timer expirations.
PKT LVL TO Number of X.25 packet level time-outs (T20,
T21, T22, T23 timers).
ERROR PKTS Number of error packets transmitted and received.
DATA XMTD Number of data packets successfully transmitted
and received.
DATA RCVD Number of data packets successfully received.
RR FRAMES Number of Received Ready (RR) frames
transmitted and received.
ERR FRAMES Number of error frames transmitted and received.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information 309

INTERSPEC Integrator Translator/INTERSPEC

Integrator 30

Table D-8. Counter Descriptions for INTERSPEC Integrator

Translator/INTERSPEC Integrator 30

Counter Description
TIMEOUTS Number of times the IIT timed out a peripheral
during communication attempts.
INVAL CMND Number of commands received by the IIT that
were invalid in the present state.
INVAL RESP Number of invalid messages received by the IIT
from a peripheral.

I/O Gate ECB98 Devices

Table D-9. Counter Description for I/O Gate ECB98 Devices

Counter Description
SUCCESSFUL Number of messages successfully sent since the
TRANSMITS last time the statistics were initialized.
SUCCESSFUL Number of messages successfully received since
RECEIVES the last time the statistics were initialized.
NO RESPONSE CTR Number of times that there was no response to the
Clear To Receive (CTR) signal since the last time
the statistics were initialized.
CONNECT ERRS Number of errors generated while attempting to
establish communications.
DISCONNECTS Number of times that the link disconnected since
the last time the statistics were initialized. This is
the number of established connections that broke
due to error. This counter is incremented only if
an established connection experiences one of the
following conditions: retransmits were exceeded
and the client did not acknowledge; no messages
were received from the server in a sufficient time
period; the server broke connection due to one of
the previous conditions.
AUXILIARY CTR Reserved for use by the application.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

310 D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information

I/O Gate ECB99 and ECB100 Devices

Table D-10. Counter Descriptions for I/O Gate ECB99 and ECB100

Counter Description
SUCCESSFUL Number of messages successfully sent since the
TRANSMITS last time the statistics were initialized.
INCOMPLETE Number of incomplete messages sent since the
TRANSMITS last time the statistics were initialized
OTHER TRANSMIT Number of errors generated during the
ERRS transmission of messages that are not due to a
time-out condition (for example, link disconnects)
SUCCESSFUL Number of messages successfully received since
RECEIVES the last time the statistics were initialized.
INCOMPLETE Number of incomplete messages received since
RECEIVES the last time the statistics were initialized.
OTHER RECEIVE Number of errors received that occurred during
ERRORS the reception of messages that are not due to a
time-out condition (for example, link
CHECKSUM ERRORS Number of checksum errors generated since the
last time the statistics were initialized.
PARITY ERRORS Number of parity errors generated since the last
time the statistics were initialized.
DROPPED CHARS Number of characters dropped since the last time
the statistics were initialized.
DISCONNECTS Number of times that the link disconnected since
the last time the statistics were initialized. This is
the number of established connections that broke
due to error. This counter is incremented only if
an established connection experiences one of the
following conditions: retransmits were exceeded
and the client did not acknowledge; no messages
were received from the server in a sufficient time
period; the server broke connection due to one of
the previous conditions.

Micro-I/A Station Devices

A Micro-I/A station connects GE and A-B devices to the I/A Series system.
Peripheral counters for A-B Flex™ I/O and GE FANUC devices are not
implemented in Software Release Version 6.0, but will be in a later release.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information 311

Modicon Programmable Controller Devices

Table D-11. Counter Descriptions for Modicon Programmable

Controller Devices

Counter Description
TIMEOUTS Number of times the primary station timed out a
GE Controller during communication attempts.
PROTOCOL ERRORS Number of protocol errors generated in
communications with the Modbus PC.
Protocol-specific-routine errors are detected and
reported by the driver and usually signify an error
in the communications link.
CRC ERRORS Number of properly aligned frames received with
CRC errors.
FRAMING ERRORS Number of misaligned frames that occurred.
COMMUNICATION Number of communication errors detected in the
ERRORS Modbus communications link.
BUSY ERRORS Number of times the station attempted
communications with the Modbus controller and
recorded an error because the controller was busy.

Primary FBM/FBM Devices

These counters are currently not being reported and, therefore, are zero.

Table D-12. Counter Descriptions for Primary FBM/FBM Devices

Counter Description
TIMEOUTS Number of times the primary station timed out an
FBM during communication attempts.
INVAL CMND Number of commands received by the primary
station that were invalid in the present state of the
INVAL RESP Number of invalid messages received by the
primary station from an FBM.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

312 D. Device Specific Peripheral Counter Background Information

Printer and Terminal Devices

Table D-13. Counter Descriptions for Printer and Terminal Devices

Counter Description
MSGS DROP Number of alarm messages that could not be
printed because the output
device failed.

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F


About dialog box 77
access control 5
Accessories pane 46
Alarms tab 49
hiding and showing the pane 46, 61
Inhibited tab 51
Messages tab 47
re-arranging columns 46
Smon Log tab 56
Watch tab 53
Acknowledge All Stations
Actions menu 154
Action Settings in the Configuration dialog box 64
Actions menu 66
Acknowledge All Stations 154
Download FF Devices File 82
Equipment Change 67
Set Date and Time 80
alarm status indicators
ports 241
system monitors 86
acknowledging alarms 28
acknowledging all alarms in a system monitor domain 88
control stations 141
enabling alarms 29, 51
FBMs 217
FCMs 186
inhibiting alarms 29, 51
peripherals 109
Primary ECB 161
unacknowledged and inhibited indicators 40
workstations 109
Alarms tab 49
acknowledge all alarms 49
acknowledge selected alarm 49
changing the column order 49
inhibit alarms 49
sorting alarms by equipment, acknowledge status, time 49
asterisk symbol 40
AUTO indicator
FCMs 177
Primary ECB 113

blinking of equipment names 40
Bus Auto Select
FCMs 190
bus switching
FCMs 190
Primary ECB 162

cable alarms
FBMs 217
FCMs 186
control stations 142

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

314 Index

description 1
Cold Start option when performing an On-line Image Update 146
color-coding of equipment names 40
communication fault indicators
FBMs 202
Configuration dialog box 61
Confirmation Required for equipment change actions 64
connected devices
FBMs 214
connected FBMs
control stations 134
FCMs 185
connected stations and switches
switches 240
Connections tab 42
system monitors 87
workstations 104
control stations 111
Checkpoint 142
connected FBMs 134
counters 165
Counters tab 136
EEPROM Update 145
Enable/Disable All Reports 142
Enable/Disable Downloads 148
Enable/Disable Uploads 148
equipment change actions 141
Image Update 145
Offline Diagnostics 149
On-line Image Update 146
Reboot 143
status and equipment information 121, 127
adding counters to the Watch tab 53
Counters tab 44
control stations 136, 165
FBMs 215
functions and features 44
peripherals 108
See also Watch tab 44
switches 243
workstations 105, 165

data tree. See Navigation pane. 33
DB Download
FBMs 223
DCI based FBMs
status and equipment information 212
DCS Fieldbus Modules 213
DIN Rail Mounted Fieldbus Modules. See FBMs 193
FBMs 219
FCMs 188
Download FF Devices File
Actions menu 82

ECBP. See Primary ECB 111
control stations 145

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

Index 315

FBMs 220
FCMs 189
EEPROM update
peripherals 110
Enable blinking in the Configuration dialog box 66
Enable/Disable All Reports
control stations 142
Enable/Disable Downloads
control stations 148
Enable/Disable uploads
control stations 148
equipment change actions 66
configuration of Confirmation Required and Reason Required 64
control stations 141
FBMs 216
FCMs 186
peripherals 109
ports 245
Primary ECB 160
switches 245
workstations 109
Equipment Change menu 67
equipment icon
ports 241
switches 237
equipment icons
FBMs 200

FBM0. See Primary ECB 111
status and equipment information 211
FBMs 193
alarms 217
cable alarms 217
communication fault indicators 202
connected field devices 214
Counters tab 215
DB Download 223
Download 219
EEPROM Update 220
equipment change actions 216
equipment icon 200
Go On-Line / Go Off-Line 218
Reset FBM 222
Software Download 223
status and equipment information 202
supported modules 193
Switch Roles 223
FCMs 177
alarms 186
cable alarms 186
connected FBMs 185
Download 188
EEPROM Update (Image Update) 189
equipment change actions 186
equipment icon 177
Go On-Line / Go Off-Line 187
Select Bus A / Select Bus B / Bus Auto Select 190
status and equipment information 179
SwA / Sw B / AUTO indicators 177
Switch Roles 190
Field Communication Modules. See FCMs 177

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

316 Index

Field Control Processor 270 (FCP270). See control stations 111

field devices
connected to an FBM 230
Fieldbus Modules. See FBMs 193
filtering messages 48
finding an equipment item
Search tab 52
FoxView software 31

General Download
Primary ECB 162
General tab 41
Go On-Line / Go Off-Line
FBMs 218
FCMs 187
Go To feature 79

Help 77
on-demand help 78
Help menu 77
Hierarchy Navigation 79

Image Update
control stations 145
FBMs 220
FCMs 189
Information pane
Connections tab 42
Counters tab 44
hiding and showing the pane 61
Inhibited tab 51
changing the column order 51
sorting the display 51
sorting the table of inhibited alarms 51
updating the table 51
initial display 32
installation 6
InTouch software 31

Legend 77

Menus 57
View 61
Actions 66
Help 77
Options 61
displayed by System Manager 5
Messages tab 47
filtering messages 48
migration FBMs 213
Moore APACS migration FBMs 213

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

Index 317

Navigation pane 33
alarm status indicators 40
buttons at the bottom of the pane 35
expanding and collapsing the data tree 33
selecting equipment 36
status indicators 39
view selection buttons 33
network monitoring facilities 5

Offline Diagnostics
control stations 149
On-line Image Update
Cold Start versus Warm Start 146
control stations 146
Options menu 61

peripherals 91
Counters tab 108
equipment change actions 109
status and equipment information 105
updating the software image (EEPROM update) 110
alarm status indicators 241
equipment change actions 245
equipment icons 241
status indicators 241
Ports tab 241
previewing printed reports 57
Primary ECB
alarms 161
bus switching 162
equipment change actions 160
General Download 162
icons 111
status and equipment information 136
SwA / Sw B / AUTO indicators 113
Primary FBM. See Primary ECB 111
print and print preview buttons
Accessories pane 46
Print menu 57
printers. See peripherals 105
Proxy Settings group in the Configuration dialog box 62

Reason field in equipment change action confirmation dialog box 64
Reason Required for equipment change actions 64
control stations 143
Refresh Rate in the Configuration dialog box 66
enabling and disabling reports for a workstation 110
Reset FBM
FBMs 222

save button

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

318 Index

Accessories pane 46
Search tab 52
changing the column order 52
sorting the search results 52
security 5
Select Bus A / Select Bus B
FCMs 190
selecting equipment 36
description of System Manager service component 1
service connection
first time System Manager is used on a workstation 14
Set Date and Time 80
and System Manager 1
Smon button 33
Smon Log tab 56
SMON. See system monitors 85
Software Download
FBMs 223
software manager subsystem 4
station manager software 4
status and equipment information
control stations 121, 127
DCI based FBMs 212
FBM246s 211
FBMs 202
FCMs 179
peripherals 105
Primary ECB 136
switches 238
workstations 94
Status bar
showing and hiding the bar 61
status indicators 39
ports 241
system monitors 86
SwA / Sw B indicators
FCMs 177
Primary ECB 113
Switch button 33
Switch Roles
FBMs 223
FCMs 190
Switch view
selecting the view 61
switches 237
connected stations and switches 240
counters 243
equipment change actions 245
equipment icon 237
port status information 241
status and equipment information 238
symbols. Choose Help > Legend from the menu bar 77
system alarms. See alarms 27
system management components 2
System Manager
and SMDH 1
client software 1
features 2
installation 6
product structure 1
service component 1
startup 31

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

Index 319

user interface 19
System Manager service connection
on startup 32
System Manager window 32
system messages 5
system monitor
role in system management 3
Smon Log tab in the Accessories pane 56
status table in the Information pane 86
System Monitor view
selecting the view 61
system monitors
acknowledging all alarms in a system monitor domain 88
alarm status in a system monitor domain 86
displaying equipment in the system monitor domain 87
displays in the Navigation pane 85
name displayed in italic 86
status indicators 86

buttons 78
showing and hiding the toolbar 61

View menu 61
View Settings
Enable Blinking 66

Warm Start option when performing an On-line Image Update 146
Watch tab 53
changing the column order 53
sorting the display of watched counters 53
Westinghouse WPDF migration FBMs 213
Windows operating system Start menu 31
workstations 91
connected peripherals 104
counters 105, 165
enabling and disabling reports 110
equipment change actions 109
status and equipment information 94

Z-Form Control Processor 270 (ZCP270). See control stations 111

System Manager – B0750AP Rev F

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