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School : SMK PGRI Kudus

Lesson/Subject : English
Subject Matter : Speaking
Material : Suggestion
Class/Program : XII

A. Core Competence (KI)

1. Appreciating and practicing the devotion of their religion.
2. Appreciating and practicing good behaviours (honesty, discipline, responsibility, care,
good manner, curiosity, confidence, tolerance, intrinsic motivation, healthy life style,
and environmental friendly) in social interaction effectively and naturally within the
students’ communicative environment.
3. Understanding, implementing, analyzing knowledge (factual, conceptual, procedural)
based on their curiosity about knowledge, technology, art, culture, and humanities with
human concept, nationality, and civilization insights related to the phenomena and real
events, also applying the procedural knowledge in a specific area of study according to
their talents and interests to solve the problem.
4. Processing, reasoning and presenting various things in the concrete and abstract realm
in accordance with the development of what they have learned in the school
independently and be able to use the method according to the rules of science

B. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence
1.1 Expressing sincere gratitude to the God for the opportunity can learn English as a
language of International communication instruction embodied in the spirit of learning.
2.1 Indicating well-mannered and caring behaviour in conducting interpersonal
communication between the student and teacher and his/her friends.
2.2 Indicating honest, discipline, self-confidence and responsible in conducting
transactional communication between teacher and his/her friends.
2.3 Indicating responsibility, care, cooperative and peace love in conducting functional
3.1 Analyzing social function, text structure, and linguistics element in the phrase of talking
about self according to the context of use.
4.1 Catching the meaning of talking about self according to the context of use.
4.2 Developing oral and written text to explain, ask, and respond talking about self regarding to
the social function, the structure of the text, and linguistic elements that are correct and
1. Cognitive
a. Students able to use suggestion with their friends.
b. Students able to communicate with other.
a. Students identify about suggestion (Command, Statement, Question, and Refusing).
b. Students give response about material of introduction.
c. Students make a suggestion sentences.
2. Affective
a. Characters: honest, creative, critical and logical, responsible
b. Social skill: asking question, giving idea and opinion, communicating in a good manner.
3. Psychomotor
Students give the respond about introduction.

C. Material
a. Suggestion
1. Command
- Let’s (Let us)+ Verb +Noun
Let’s play football.
Let’s do homework.
2. Statement
-Subject+ suggestion, should, advise, must, propose, could+ Verb + Object
You must sleep.
We could go shopping.
3. Question
- Shall we…………….? Why don’t we……..? How about……………..?
Why don’t we set the table?
Shall we go shopping after class?
4. Refusing
- Should not, Don’t, Rather not, No
You should not do that.
I don’t think this would work.
D. Teaching Method/Technique
1. Method : CLT (cooperative learning teaching)
2. Technique : Drill
 OPENING (15 minutes)

 Greeting

 Ask students to pray before the activity begin.

 Ask the students to put the rubbish into it’s place.

 Arousing the students’ interest in the topic they are going to discuss or learn.


 Exploration

 The teacher ask the students about the background knowledge

 Elaboration

 The teacher giving explanation about suggestion (Command, Statement,

Question, and Refusing)

 Confirmation
 The teacher ask the students to play Kahoot! Application
 CLOSING (15 minutes)
 The teacher evaluate the students’ work.
Place : Classroom
Means : Computer / Laptop, LCD (PPT), Speaker
Material : Suggestion


a. Technique of Assessment :
 Performance test
 Oral test

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