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I would like to express my special thanks to
gratitude to my teacher Rajni vashisht as well
as our principal Ashwani tambat who give me
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on topic ‘consumer awareness’.

This project helped me a lot in gaining adequate

knowledge about the topic. I have completed this
project after proper analysis and research and I come to
know about so many new things

I am making this project not only for marks but also to

increase my knowledge and intellect development
▪ The need for consumer protection
arises due to the helplessness of the
consumers. They don’t exercise
their rights due to lack of
▪ Exploitation in market place
happens in various ways. E.g.-
sometimes traders indulge in unfair
trade practices such as when
shopkeepers weight less than what
they should or when traders add
charges that where not mentioned
before or when adulterated goods
are sold.

❖ BOOK : Economics (NCERT)

published : 20th november 2018 At
office of the publication division,
❖REPORT BY : Mr. Mridul dawar on
january 09,2014
▪ The need for consumer protection
arises due to the helplessness of the
consumers. They don’t exercise
their rights due to lack of
▪ Exploitation in market place
happens in various ways. E.g.-
sometimes traders indulge in unfair
trade practices such as when
shopkeepers weight less than what
they should or when traders add
charges that where not mentioned
before or when adulterated goods
are sold.
▪ The main aim of consumer
protection is to provide better and
all protection to consumers.
▪ The six consumer rights were
included in the consumer
protection act 1986.
This is to certify that
project work ‘consumer
awareness ’ is the
bonafide work of
Naman pathak under
the guidance of Rajni

name and signature of teacher

❖ Introduction.
❖ Concept of consumer
❖ Need for consumer protection.
❖ Causes of consumer
❖ Right of consumers.
❖ Responsibilities of consumers.
❖ Consumer protection act
❖ Conclusion.
A project report on:
Consumer awareness

Submitted by :
Naman pathak
class : x
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Rajni vashisht
Ramshree india internation school
This is to certify that
project work ‘consumer
awareness’ is the
bonafide work of Jatin
godiya under the
guidance of Rajni

name and signature of teacher

A project report on:
Consumer awareness

Submitted by :
Jatin godiya
class : x
Under the guidance of
Mrs. Rajni vashisht
Ramshree india internation school

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