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oThe state of Jammu and Kashmir has quite a

rich variety of plant life which helps the people

and animals to depend for their daily needs
such as food, medicine, fuel, fiber, etc for
people; and food and habitat for both wild and
domestic animals.

o The fauna of Jammu and Kashmir is varied

due to its unique location and climatic
condition. About 16% of the Indian mammals,
birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects are
present in this state. And also it is home to
number to species that are listed as
endangered like the Hangul, Snow Leopard and
many more. The main tourist attractions of
here is due to the fauna of the state.
o Cradled in the lap of the Himalayas, the
state of Jammu and Kashmir is particularly
rich in flora due to the wide variations in

o Undoubtedly the most important of the

trees found in Kashmir is the Chinar which is
grown throughout the length and breadth of
the valley, and the most important plant
grown is the saffron plant. At the higher
altitudes there are birch, rhododendron,
Berbers and a large number of herbal plants;
while in the mountainous region of the state,
it is covered densely with deodar, fir and
o Locally called "The Booune“
in the Kashmiri language, the
Chinar tree holds a special place
in the Kashmiri civilization which
is almost found in every village of
the valley. Chinar is a gigantic
sized tree whose scientific name
is platanus orientalis.
o It grows up to a height of 25
meters and a girth exceeding 50
feet in certain cases.
o This tree with largest
circumference of 60 feet is
located at a village named
Chattergam in central Kashmir.
o With its scientific name as genus
pinus, the pine trees are an
evergreen coniferous tree which
has dense branches and long dark
needle like leaves. In recent years
these trees are becoming very
popular because they are used in
ornaments etc by the cashmeres.
o This evergreen conifer tree can
thrive in full sun and poor soil. The
soft dark green needles of the tree
are 6-10 inches long and these are
arranged in bundles of three. With
this also the cones of the tree are 3
to 5 inches long. This tree is grown
both urban and rural areas.
o There are only two places in the
world where Saffron grows, and
in India, Jammu and Kashmir is
one of those places where it
o Crocus sativus, or the saffron
plant is very small and its flower
is the only part which is seen
above the ground. The blooming
time of this flower is autumn.
Saffron has a unique sweet smell
and is used in dyeing and
cooking. The orange stigmas of
the saffron flower are harvested
as these are used as a flavoring
and coloring agent in various
The fauna of Jammu and Kashmir is In this, we are going to tell about animals
different due to its unique location and in mainly two national parks: Dachigam
climatic condition. About 16% of the National Park and Gulmarg Biosphere
Indian mammals, birds, reptiles, Reserve where we will talk various
amphibians and butterflies are presented animals.
in the state.
o A Beautiful reserve, the national o Initially created to ensure clean
park stretches across an area of drinking water supply for the city
141 square kilometers, with of Srinagar, it now houses many
abundance of the most scenic rare species within its premises
natural beauty; the variation in including Hangul, Kashmir Stag
its altitude is vast, ranging from etc, and other than that there
5500 ft to 14000 ft above the sea includes Leopards, tigers,
level. Thus, it is very clearly Himalayan Gray Langurs, Leopard
marked into an upper and lower Cats, Himalayan Black Bear,
region. Cinnamon Sparrows, Black
o The park has been a protected Bulbuls, Monal Pheasants,
area since 1910 and its name Golden Orioles and many more.
literally means 'ten villages',
which stands for the number of
villages that were relocated for
its formation. It was finally
declared a National Park in the
year 1981.
o Located 48km from Srinagar, Gulmarg o The best season for bird viewing is
Biosphere Reserve occupies an area the months of March to May, and for
of 180 sq km. The Reserve is the animal sighting it is from September
natural habitat for its Himalayan to March.
musk deer, red fox, black & brown o If one wants to explore the reserve It
bear; but mainly it is a paradise for is important to dress in camouflage
bird watchers colors, such as khaki, green, etc.
o The best season for bird viewing is
the months of March to May, and for
animal sighting it is from September
to March.

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