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The nine categories of instructional strategies

1. Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback Provides Students with a direction for learning and
information about how well they are performing
relative to a particular learning objective so they
can improve their performance.

4 recommendations for setting objectives in the


1. Set learning objectives that are specific but


2. Communicate the learning objectives to

students and parents.

3. Connect the learning objectives to previous

and future learning.

4. Engage students in setting personal learning

objectives. Make them own the learning
objectives. This makes them self-directed

2. Reinforcing effort and Providing Recognition Enhance Students’ understanding of the

relationship between effort and achievement by
addressing students’ attitudes and beliefs about

Provide students with abstract tokens of recognition

or praise for their accomplishments related to the
attainment of a goal.

3. Cooperative Learning Provide students with opportunities to interact with

one another in ways that enable their learning.

Elements of the Cooperative Learning Model

Element Purpose Instructional Implication

Positive Interdependence To Ensure that success by an Establishes a cooperative goal

individual promotes success structure and equally distribute
among other group members. resources; help students develop
a sense that they “sink or swim”

Face-to-Face Promotive To encourage and activate Encourages discussion among

Interaction individuals’ efforts to achieve group members and teach
and help one another learn. students about the importance
of effort and how to provide
others with recognition for their
Individual and Group To ensure that all members Establishes an optimal group size
Accountability contribute to achievement of the and include individual
goal and learn as individuals. assessments.

Element Purpose Instructional Implication

Interpersonal and Small-Group To ensure that all members Provide initial and ongoing
Skill clearly understand effective instruction on effective group
group skills skills such as communication,
decision making, conflict
resolution, leadership and trust

Group Processing To promote group and individual Establishes dedicated time for
reflection for maintenance of group reflection by providing
group effectiveness and success. structures such as specific
questions , learning logs, or
sentence stems that focus on
how well the learner is
functioning and how to function
even better.

4. Cues, Questions and Advance Organizers Enhance students’ ability to retrieve, use and
organize that they already know about the topic.

 Use explicit clues

(1) giving a preview of what is to be learned

perhaps with the use of pictures;

(2) by explaining the learning outcomes of the

lesson/unit, and;

(3) providing a list of guide questioned that

they should be able to answer at the end of
the lesson/unit.

 Ask analytic questions (sample table


 Use advance organizers with 4 formats:

(1)expository (2)narrative (3) skimming and

6. Summarizing and Note Taking Enhance student’s ability to synthesize information

and organize it in a way that captures the main
ideas and supporting details.

Process to help in summarizing

1. Use summary frames

2. Engage students in reciprocal teaching

7. Assigning Homework and Providing Practice Extend the learning opportunities for students to
practice, review and apply knowledge.

Enhance students’ ability to reach the expected

level of proficiency for a skill or process.

8. Identifying Similarities and Differences Enhance students’ understanding of and ability to

use knowledge by engaging them in mental
processes that involve identifying ways in which
items are alike and different.

9. Generating and Testing Hypotheses Enhance students’ understanding of and ability to

use knowledge by engaging them in mental
processes that involve making and testing

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