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Share the excitement and inspiration

of history's greatest geniuses



This book celebrates some of history’s greatest minds, whose
intelligence and perseverance has helped shape the modern world.
They are by no means the only great inventors in history, but within
these pages you’ll meet some of the most iconic figures in the history
of technology. Among many others, you will encounter brilliant
mathematicians Archimedes of Syracuse and Charles Babbage,
celebrated scientists Michael Faraday and Alfred Nobel, and
photography pioneers Nicephore Niépce and George Eastman. How It
Works Book of Great Inventors & Their Creations will offer an insight
into the careers of these geniuses through amazing articles,
informative diagrams and handwritten notes. So, turn the page and
witness the innovative spirit and insatiable drive possessed by the
men and women who conceived of some of the world’s most
influential inventions.

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Text copyright: Jack Challoner

The content in this book appeared previously in the Carlton book

Genius: Great Inventors and Their Creations

How It Works Book of Great Inventors & Their Creations Third Edition © 2016 Imagine Publishing Ltd

ISBN 978 1785 462 900

Part of the

bookazine series
Discover the individuals behind many
of the world’s greatest inventions
8 10 inventions that
changed the world
From the printing press to the Internet,
some of the most innovative inventions

20 Archimedes
Look into the life works of the
physicist and mathematician

24 al-Jazar
The inventor of the elephant clock and
the writer of how to construct devices
28 Johannes Gutenberg 42
Discover the inventor of the printing
press, a life-changing technology
64 Michael Faraday
32 Leonardo da Vinci Understand the process undertaken to
get electricity into our homes
From the screw maker to his military
inventions, explore his life’s work
72 Charles Babbage
38 Hans Lipperhey Learn about the man who invented the
first ever computer device
Learn how Lipperhey took the first
steps towards discovering the stars
78 Joseph Lister
42 Cornelius Drebbel Discover the man who introduced
antiseptics into surgical procedures
Read about how Drebbel submerged
the human race underwater
82 Alfred Nobel
46 Benjamin Franklin The inventor of dynamite and the man
who lends his name to the Nobel Prize
Light up your knowledge on Franklin’s
work on optics and much more
86 Karl Benz
50 James Watt Read about the person responsible for
the first automobile in production
How James Watt was a driving force
behind the Industrial Revolution
92 Thomas Edison
56 Nicéphore Niépce From the phonograph to the lightbulb,
discover Edison’s many inventions
Explore how the everyday occurrence
of taking a photo was invented
98 Alexander
60 Richard Trevithick Graham Bell
Read up on how English engineer The inventor of one of the most
Trevithick invented locomotives life-changing devices: the telephone


102 George Eastman

Read about how Eastman made the
60 camera a more affordable contraption

106 Nikola Tesla

Meet the man who gave the world the
automated current motor

112 Auguste and

Louis Lumière
Explore the men who can be credited
with helping invent moving pictures

146 116 Wilbur and

Orville Wright
Take flight with the first engine-
powered planes

126 Guglielmo Marconi

Learn about the pioneer of the radio:
Guglielmo Marconi

130 Carl Bosch

Meet the man who made mass
production of many materials possible

134 Vladimir Zworykin

08 Read about the man who gave us the
biggest advance in developing TV

138 Juan de la Cierva

Discover the man who invented
propellers now used on helicopters

142 Wernher von Braun

Rocket power: discover the man who
invented long-range ballistics

106 146 Alan Turing

Read about the inventor who made
code-breaking in WWII possible
150 Gertrude Elion
Meet the woman who has saved lives
by inventing chemotherapy

154 Tim Berners-Lee

92 Pioneer of modern day life, the man
behind the World Wide Web



very invention and inventor has a Touch screens and televisions have let inventions invented by accident that
story; a means by which the people receive and navigate information often have the greatest impact.
creation was conceived when in whole new ways, while the Wright Of course, there has been many a time
others had either failed or simply didn’t brothers’ plane and steam engines where an invention has been anything
realise it could be done. Some have been paved the way for transportation to but accidental, and the race to fi le a
the evolution of an earlier idea into become easy, quick and efficient. patent or show the idea to the general
something others had tried to attain – However, not all inventors had this public has been intense. When
building the world’s first powered long-term vision when creating their Alexander Bell went up against Elisha
airplane, for example. Gray in the race to patent
Other inventions have the first telephone, the
more humble former won out by a
beginnings, such as matter of hours.
plastic, which struggled Narrowing down
to achieve commercial every invention to a list
success for 50 years after of ten certainly was not
its invention until it suddenly sprang designs. In 1862, when Alexander Parkes an easy process, and of course there
into the limelight and became an unveiled the first man-made plastic, did will be era-defining gadgets and
integral part of the modern world. he realise how ingrained in everyday machines that do not appear in this
Many inventions have changed the life plastic would become by the end of collection. However, what follows are
world in entirely different ways. The the 20th century? Probably not. Did Tim ten of the most incredible inventions
Internet and telephone enabled people Berners-Lee design the world wide web that have, without a doubt, changed
to communicate on a global scale knowing that it would rule the world? the world that we live in and the way
instantaneously for the very first time. This is highly unlikely. It’s the that we live our lives.


Printing Press (1450)

The printing press revolutionised the accessibility Stalks
Once solid, letters were affixed
on the top of rectangular
and proliferation of knowledge Alloy
stalks, which themselves were
slotted into a rectangular

Individual letters were container in order.
idely considered by academics to be one of the made by pouring a
lead-tin alloy into a
most influential inventions of the past 1,000 copper mould.
years, the printing press set in motion the
democratisation of knowledge and the establishment of
our modern, knowledge-based economies. For the first
time, valued texts could be produced in their thousands
and allowed texts to be accessed widely by the majority,
not just the wealthy aristocracy and intellectual elite.
The man credited with the invention of the printing
press is inventor Johannes Gutenberg. Around the year
1440, Gutenberg designed a device based on screw
presses that, when partnered with inked movable type
heads, allowed paper to be quickly and efficiently Holder
The press’s holder held the
pressed with letters. Type heads were made by pouring a
paper in place over the inked
lead-tin alloy into a hand mould, and then affi xed to the type, sandwiched between
two wooden frames.
top of movable, rectangular stalks. The stalks could then
be arranged in order to create words and sentences
within a rectangular container, before being fed under a Press
screw press. The screw press clamped a paper sheet on The paper was then placed
on top of the rectangular
top of the type heads, pressing their ink onto the sheet. container and pressed
This was a groundbreaking invention in the 15th upon the inked type with
a heavy screw clamp.
century. Before the Gutenberg press, texts were hand Body
The press’s body provided
copied by monks and select few learned individuals. As a stable platform for the
such, the availability and cost of texts was immense and printing process, which
required pressing paper
could only be accessed by a tiny percentage of people. onto inked type heads.
Consequently, by the mid 16th century and on to the
Renaissance, printing presses had exploded all over
Western Europe, producing millions of mass-produced
texts on a diverse array of topics. Indeed, famous
Printing presses had exploded,
English philosopher Francis Bacon said that the producing millions of mass-
emergence of typographical printing had “changed the
whole face and state of things throughout the world.” produced texts on diverse topics

Johannes Gutenberg A German engineer operates a

replica of the Gutenberg press.

Johannes Gutenberg is considered the father of the Printing Revolution

and the inventor of the printing press. A German blacksmith and
goldsmith by trade, Gutenberg designed a complete printing system
circa 1439 based on the idea of movable type. By creating type heads in
a hand mould and then mounting them in the order of words,
Gutenberg’s machine could ink-press sheets of paper onto them far
quicker than copying by hand, which was the primary manner of
production at the time.


The telescope’s usage ranges

from amateur stargazing to
intergalactic analysis by NASA’s
Hubble Space Telescope.

The most important tool in astronomy, it has
broadened humanity’s knowledge of the universe

nvented at the start of the 17th stated: “Alas! Your dear friend and
century and named by Greek servant Galileo has been for the last
mathematician Giovanni month hopelessly blind; so that this
Demisiani in 1611, the telescope heaven, this earth, this universe, which
© Andrew Dunn

elongated humanity’s vision on Earth I by my marvellous discoveries and clear

and, due to work by Galileo Galilei, its demonstrations had enlarged a hundred
view of space. The latter has resonated thousand times beyond the belief of the
to the present day with particular wise men of bygone ages, henceforward
importance, with the telescope’s usage for me is shrunk into such a small space world’s first fully functional reflecting
extrapolated into a multitude of as is filled by my own bodily telescope system. Newton’s reflector
applications and disciplines, ranging sensations.” worked by using an arrangement of
from simple amateur stargazing The credit for the basic design of curved mirrors to gather transmitted
through to intergalactic analysis by modern astronomy telescopes is light and return it along an optical path
NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. attributed to English polymath Sir Isaac to a point of focus, directly visible to the
Speaking on the telescope, Galileo Newton, who in 1668 invented the scope’s user through an eyeglass.


Steam Engine (1712)

Allowing for items to be manufactured on a large scale, the steam engine
opened up incredible possibilities

he power of steam, even to this harnessing a portion of the expanding the 19th century, numerous advances
day, is harnessed worldwide. fluid’s heat energy to drive mechanical led to powerful steam-powered
Indeed, 80 per cent of the world’s apparatus, such as a piston and drive machines – such as the steam turbine –
electricity is generated through wheel. In the majority of steam engines, as well as technologies that would later
large-scale steam turbines, a direct steam is supplied via a boiler, which be included or built upon in internal
evolution from the first engine produced itself is pumped with a continuous combustion engines.
in Egypt by Hero of Alexandria in the supply of water. The boiler heats up the The rise of steam power granted a new
first century AD and the multitude of water, turns it into steam and then feeds exploitable form of energy but also
engines that powered the mills, mines it into a cylinder at high pressure. The ushered in the age of automation and
and automobiles of the Industrial expanding steam then pushes the mass-production. With steam-powered
Revolution. If it were not for this simple cylinder’s piston one way or the other machines undertaking the role of
yet powerful device, the evolution of – the direction is dictated by a slide humans – often with a higher product
further engines and our ability to valve – creating mechanical movement. output – items could be manufactured
generate energy could have been While early steam engines were on a large scale. This led to the invention
severely compromised. incredibly inefficient, requiring of the production line, a process that
Steam engines work by exploiting the subsequent design revisions by was later exploited by Henry Ford
expansion that steam demonstrates engineers Thomas Newcomen, James among others in the proliferation of
under high-pressure conditions, Watt and Matthew Boulton throughout cars, weapons and appliances.

Powering the Industrial Revolution, the steam engine

enabled extensive mechanisation and automation
Large, static steam engines
powered machinery in
mills, mines and factories.

A late 19th-century steam-

Cylinder powered fire engine.
Multiple cylinder engines were
not introduced to the mass
market till the late-1800s.
© Lmcelhiney

A Class C steam locomotive. Steam
engines powered the trains during
the Industrial Revolution.


Plastic (1856)
Polytetrafluoroethylene Polymethyl methacrylate
Uses: Non-stick cookware Uses: Shatterproof windows
Fact: Not one you’d want in a spelling Fact: This transparent and rigid plastic
bee, PTFE is also known as Teflon retains its properties even after prolonged
and was discovered by DuPont exposure to the Sun and weather, making it
From celluloid and chemist Roy Plunkett in 1938. an excellent substitute for glass in windows.

Bakelite to nylon and PVC,

plastics have many uses

lexander Parkes (1813-1890) of Polyethylene (PE)
Uses: Plastic bags, milk bottles, toys
Birmingham, UK, unveiled the first Fact: It is the most widely used
man-made plastic, Parkesine, at plastic in the world, with more than
80 million tons produced per year.
the Great International Exhibition, London,
in 1862. A mixture of chloroform and castor
oil, it was mouldable but retained its sturdy
shape when cooled, giving an advantage
over more brittle storage materials. His
invention led to the creation of more plastics
that wouldn’t find widespread commercial
Polypropylene (PP)
success until the 20th century. Parkes’s Uses: Bottles, toys, lunchboxes
attempts to reduce costs and mass-produce Fact: Italian chemist Giulio
Natta and his assistant Paolo
the plastic resulted in his company going Chini discovered it in 1954.
under due to poor product quality.
A few years later, American inventor John
Wesley Hyatt set about making the first
synthetic man-made plastic. By 1870 he and
his brother acquired a patent for their Phenol
plastic, which had more applications than formaldehyde
Uses: Appliance handles, wood
Parkesine. Created by mixing pressurised adhesive
Uses: Compact discs,
alcohol, camphor and solid nitrocellulose, it Fact: Leo Hendrik Baekeland’s
sporting equipment
patent for phenol formaldehyde
could be reheated repeatedly to mould into Fact: Polycarbonate
(trademarked as Bakelite) in 1907
lenses are often used in
different shapes, but was solid enough at is regarded as the start of the
prescription glasses
modern plastics industry.
room temperature to be sawed and drilled. because they are highly
durable and can bend light
They named it celluloid, and used it for easily according to need.
everyday items like piano keys and combs.
Today, it has largely been replaced by more
versatile plastics like Bakelite and cellulose
acetate due to its flammable nature.

What is a plastic? Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Uses: Garden hoses, shower curtains
Uses: Insulating food
A plastic is a material that can be moulded into Fact: Pure PVC is useful for its rigidity Fact: Foamed
almost any shape without springing back to its and low flammability; domestic uses polystyrene in food
original shape or breaking easily, like rubber include pipes and window frames. packaging is useful
for its good water-
or clay respectively. Plastics are polymers, a vapour transmission.
collection of chemical links known as
monomers (with ‘poly’ meaning ‘many’).
Uses: Shower heads, zips
They created it by mixing pressurised Fact: Polyacetal is strong, has low friction
and is highly resistant to oils and solvents,

alcohol, camphor and solid nitrocellulose making it a useful replacement for metal.


Speak and listen Wires

The mouthpiece of Bell’s Bell’s first telephone
telephone doubled as an transmitter, patented in 1876,
earpiece, but the two were used existing telegraph wires
separated in later designs. to send and receive sound.

The telephone soon
© Science Photo Library turned mobile, with
many now choosing
a smartphone.

Telephone (1876)
The invention that changed
communication forever

n the 1870s, inventors Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha
Gray both developed devices that could transmit voice
electronically, the telephone. Amazingly, both men
finished their designs within hours of one another, and both
rushed to the patent office to have their invention verified as
the original. Ultimately, it was Bell who arrived first, and is
now credited with the invention, although Gray challenged
this assertion for quite some time.
By 1876 Bell had devised a method to talk via electricity,
which he marketed as the telephone. His invention was much
more successful than attempts by other people to create
something similar, and he ultimately wound up victorious as
the true inventor of the telephone. This was partly due to his
previous experience with the telegraph, which was a
wire-based electrical system much like the telephone. Bell’s
prototype ‘harmonic telegraph’ showed that sounds of
different pitch could be sent across a telegraph, providing the Simplicity
The modern mobile phone
basis for his work on the telephone. He uttered the fi rst words bears little resemblance to
by telephone on 10 March 1876 to his assistant Thomas A the first telephone, with its
slick design.
Watson: “Mr Watson, come here, I want you.”


Airplane (1903)
The Wright brothers’ three-axis
control system heavily influenced
modern planes.

How the Wright brothers designed and

flew the first heavier-than-air vehicle

n 18 September 1901, 33-year-old soon changed their mind when
businessman Wilbur Wright it became apparent that wing
addressed a group of Chicago design had not been perfected,
engineers, outlining the difficulties he and in 1902 they constructed the
and his brother Orville had encountered Wright glider to test out their
when trying to achieve heavier-than-air- biplane wing design. The Wright glider would prove pivotal. By the early 1900s
flight. While hot air balloons and gliders flew at the Kill Devil Hills, near Kitty the engines were much lighter and more
had taken to the air in the preceding Hawk on the Outer Banks of North powerful, and by 1903 the Wright
century, no one had yet built a working Carolina. By 24 October 1902 they had brothers had the engine they required.
plane that could power its own flight. completed up to 1,000 flights with the On 17 December 1903, after a failed
Wilbur’s speech provided the basis of glider, with some flights covering almost attempt three days earlier, the Wright
the Wright brothers’ work over the next 190 metres (623 feet) in 26 seconds. Flyer took to the skies, the first powered
decade to build what had previously The problem with achieving powered airplane controlled fully by a pilot to
seemed impossible: an airplane. flight in the 19th century and before had become airborne. Its first flight, piloted
The Wright brothers were heavily been the lack of a suitable source of by Orville, travelled 36.6 metres (120
influenced by the work of predecessors power. Various experimental craft had feet), and lasted just a few seconds. Kitty
like George Cayley and Otto Lilienthal, toyed with steam power and even Hawk is a notoriously sandy area, so to
but initially focused their efforts where gunpowder, but most either didn’t have achieve flight the plane travelled down a
others had not, specifically avoiding the power to lift the aircraft off the monorail track 18 metres (60 feet) in
further development of wings. “Men ground or resulted in it breaking apart length, consisting of four two-by-fours.
already know how to construct wings,” under pressure. The emergence of the One year later, Wilbur flew an improved
explained Wilbur in 1901. However, they internal-combustion engine in 1860 Flyer II for five minutes.

Weight: 274kg Materials Power Length: 6.4m

The wings were
constructed of spruce,
A four-cylinder gasoline engine
provided 12.5 horsepower to the (21.0 feet)
Thrust while the wing ribs propellers, turning them at 348
The propellers needed were made of ash. rotations per minute.
the exact calculated
amount of thrust to
enable the first flight
to be a success. Wingspan:
12.3m (40.4 feet)

Modern wings can

Flexible support much
While strong, the
more weight.
Wright Flyer’s biplane
structure also meant it
was very flexible,
Pitch and yaw
© Kolossos

A lever controlled an
enabling accurate
elevator at the front,
steering by the pilot.
Pilot adjusting the pitch,
The pilot lay flat on the lower wing, while the rear rudder
shifting his weight to adjust the was linked to the
‘wing-warping’ (tilt of the wings) ‘wing-warping’
and thus roll the aircraft. system for yaw.


Television (1926)
From humble origins to the most popular entertainment appliance on Earth,
the television has connected societies and disseminated information
Disco HD and 3D
The coloured spinning disk Super high-definition and
from John Logie Baird’s 3D televisions are sold
1928 colour television. worldwide. The majority of
Western nations switch to a
digital-only transmission.

The first wave of televisions to go
mainstream were all-electronic
systems, using a cathode-ray
tube to paint images on their
phosphorescent screens.

Television? The word is half Greek

and half Latin. No good will come of it

escribed in function as early as Charles Francis Jenkins successfully revolving disc fitted with coloured
1880 by French engineer sent a still picture by radio waves and filters. The system worked by filtering
Maurice LeBlanc in the journal then later, in 1925, Scottish inventor the disc’s hues at the transmitting
La Lumière électrique, and later named John Logie Baird successfully camera and then applying them over
by fellow Frenchman Constantin transmitted a live human face on his the cathode ray tube at the receiver
Perskyi in 1900, the television was seen custom-built system. For this, Baird is end, generating a primitive colour
by many during its early development now considered as the inventor of the picture to the viewer. Later, fully
as a total waste of time, money and modern television and, furthermore, electronic systems eradicated the need
resources. Indeed, the editor of the also the inventor of colour television, for a spinning coloured disc by using
Manchester Guardian, England, with him releasing a colour variant cathode ray tubes to ‘paint’ images on a
famously said, “Television? The word is in 1928. glass screen that had been coated in
half Greek and half Latin. No good will Baird’s colour television was a hybrid phosphorescent materials.
come of it.” of the earlier mechanical prototypes – Based on these principles, the
Despite this scepticism from some, based on the scanning of an image line television was iterated upon feverishly
the vision of being able to transmit by line by light source, a process that during following decades, introducing
pictures live over large distances, caused transmitted images to flicker increased image resolution, greater
continued to drive development into badly – that had been developed and image refresh rate and more natural
the Twenties. This was the decade the later fully electronic systems. The and diverse colour palettes. Today the
when two major breakthroughs were television generated images by using a manufacture of televisions is a
achieved. In 1922 American inventor cathode ray tube in conjunction with a multibillion-dollar industry.

Coloured beads are
usually made from PVC


Touch screens have

revolutionised the way we
control appliances.

Touch screens (1965)

Altering how we interact with the world, they
LCD display
Visual information is
displayed on a high-
resolution LCD screen.

Glass substrate
allow direct control of information appliances This is the base upon
which the screen’s touch

layers are built on.
ouch screens, invented by conductive layer touches the
English engineer EA resistive layer at that point, causing
Johnson in 1965, are a key an alteration in the current. This is
feature of the majority of cutting- detected by a controller unit, which
edge electrical appliances; an logs the touch event’s vertical/
integral part of people’s day-to-day horizontal co-ordinates and action.
lives, streamlining their Capacitive touch screens work by
relationship with computer coating an insulator with a
software and hardware and transparent conductor. When the Conductive layers
banishing clunky peripheral screen is touched by another Capacitive screens use two
conductive layers to hold an
control devices. electrical conductor, like a human, electrical charge. When
There are two types of touch its electrostatic field is distorted at touched, the layers register
it through a change in their
screen: resistive and capacitive. the point of contact. This is electrostatic field.
Resistive touch screens work by registered by a control unit via surface
Key to both types of
registering pressure from the user’s oscillator circuits at the four corners touch screen, a
finger or stylus by the conjoining of of the screen, which vary in Separator dots flexible surface is
These prevent the two conductive necessary in order
a conductive and resistive layer frequency depending on where the layers accidentally touching. On for screen presses to
within the screen. When the screen touch took place. This data is then resistive screens, they separate be registered by the
conductive and resistive layers. two layers.
is pushed, the electrically charged translated into X/Y co-ordinates.


GPS (1973)
Without it, we’d be lost
It takes each satellite 12
hours to orbit the Earth,
travelling at about
11,300 km/h (7,000 mph).

n the Seventies, the US military asked Americans
Ivan Getting and Professor Bradford Parkinson to
devise the first GPS system so that they could fire
missiles accurately and avoid risk of attack. Their
proposal was a network of radio transmitters, with
each having an in-built clock. These would be atomic
clocks, allowing each satellite to have a precise
measure of time. Each missile had a radio emitter and
receiver, and by firing signals at the satellites they
were able to measure how long it took the signal to
return and pinpoint their location. This is the basis of
GPS today.
The first GPS satellites were launched by the US
military in 1978, but public access was denied until the
early-Nineties. GPS satellites orbit at a height of 20,200
kilometres (12,500 miles) above the surface, allowing
them to provide cover at all times. Originally there
were 18 satellites in 1979 and then 24 in 1988, with
three of those as replacements on standby, but that
number is now closer to 30.

Atomic clocks are

imperative to the
functionality of
GPS satellites.
© Science Photo Library

Solar power
GPS satellites operate on solar
power, but they have back-up
batteries for when they are
not in view of the Sun.

Atomic clocks US military asked for

A major contribution to GPS invention was advancement of
atomic clocks. Providing accuracy to within a billionth of a
the first GPS system so
second, they allowed the satellites to be accurately tracked
and relay information above Earth and back again,
they could fire missiles
providing pinpoint locations for various devices.


The orbits of GPS satellites The Internet now keeps

range from 50°N to 50°S. the world connected.

The 24 satellites are divided
into six groups of four, with
each group following a
different orbital path.

The Internet
and WWW
(1960s & 1989)
How global communication became
simple, easy and instantaneous

hile some firms had local networks in the early-
Sixties, there was no host-to-host connection until
1969, when the Advanced Research Projects Agency
(ARPA) of the US Department of Defense created ARPANET. The
first data exchange over this network resulted in the computers
crashing when researchers tried to simply send the letter ‘g’.
However, it was soon up and running at four computers across
the US.
While the Internet was working by the Seventies and Eighties,
and spreading, it was nothing like we know it today. It focused on
Today we use GPS
in many devices, the backbone of computer operations, data the user wouldn’t see.
including satnav. In the late-Eighties, a researcher at CERN called Tim Berners-Lee
and his colleagues developed a system through which users of
the Internet would be able to access text-based ‘pages’, which
would later become websites (the world wide web). Their system
involved the use of HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), allowing
communication between network servers and computers. They
developed an early web browser that allowed users to navigate
these text pages, which was released to the public in 1992. The
first ‘point and click’ graphical interface browser arrived a year
later from Marc Andreessen (co-founder of Netscape) at the
University of Illinois, and was called Mosaic.


Archimedes (c.287 BCE–c.212 BCE)

he greatest and best-known inventor of
the ancient world was also one of its
greatest mathematicians, and this was
Archimedes of Syracuse. Fortunately, a great
deal is known about his mathematical
achievements from his own writings, however,
any knowledge of his remarkable inventions
exists only because his contemporaries
documented them.
Archimedes was born in Syracuse, on the
island of Sicily, then a colony of the Grecian
Empire. Little is known about his life or what
kind of person he was. The little that is known
comes from commentaries written by historians
who lived at the time or over the next hundred or
so years. The most important source is Greek-
born Greek and Roman biographer and historian
Plutarch (c.46–120 CE).
According to Plutarch, Archimedes’s father
was an astronomer and the family was closely
related to the ruler of Syracuse, King Hiero (also ‘Archimedes
spelled Hieron) II (c.306–215 BCE). The king’s by Domenico Fetti ,
reign endured almost as long as Archimedes’s 1620, oil on canvas.



Block and tackle

Ancient civilizations made use of what physicists
call ‘simple machines’: the lever, ramp, wheel and
axle; inclined plane, wedge and pulley. Archimedes
was almost certainly the first to combine two
pulleys, to make a device that could exert a huge
force. That device, the block and tackle, is used
today for lifting or pulling heavy loads.
According to Plutarch, Archimedes invented the
block and tackle in response to a challenge set by
King Hiero after Archimedes had suggested that
Above: An 1815 print showing entire life – and many of Archimedes’s activities there is no weight too great to be moved by a lever.
the inside of an Archimedes Hiero challenged Archimedes to move the huge and
were connected to Hiero.
Screw, normally housed in a heavy ship Syracusia, a feat normally only achieved
cylinder. Turning the handle King Hiero asked Archimedes to design a by teams of many strong men. Archimedes
clockwise drags the water pump to drain his ship during the voyage to single-handedly moved the ship, complete with
up the screw thread, Alexandria, Egypt. Archimedes devised a simple crew and cargo, not with a lever but with a block
through the cylinder, so that and tackle.
it emerges at the top. The but brilliant solution. The device, today known
device was used extensively as the Archimedes Screw (or Archimedean
for irrigation in Screw) consists of a helical blade – a wide screw quickly moved beyond it. It is his exquisite
Archimedes’s day, and
brought him great fame. thread – inside a cylinder. The screw lifts water mathematical proofs and inspired ideas that
when it turns, and was so effective that it was reveal his true genius.
quickly adopted in many countries for irrigation. Although none of Archimedes’s original work
Archimedean Screws remain commonplace in his own hand exists, there are several copies
today in factories and on earth-moving made during the first thousand or so years after
machines, where they are used to move granular his death. The most important is an 11th-century
materials such as soil and plastic pellets. They manuscript on vellum. Archimedes’s work had
are also still in use for irrigation worldwide. been scraped off, overwritten with Christian
prayers, and bound together as part of a book.
Mathematics Since this book, now called the Archimedes
Archimedes brought together mathematics and Palimpsest, was bought at auction in 1998,
experimental and mechanical principles, and scientists have been applying the latest imaging
clearly realized the close and important techniques to try to ‘see through’ the Christian
connection between them. He studied the text to enable them to read Archimedes’s work
mathematics of the day – in Alexandria – and for the first time. One of the most remarkable
findings from the analysis of this book is that
Archimedes brought together Archimedes invented some of the principles of
the mathematical technique today called
mathematics and experimental calculus. Crucial to modern science and
technology, calculus was only actually
and mechanical principles formalized in the late 17th century, by Isaac


Left: An ancient Roman mosaic

depicting the death of Archimedes.
The mosaic was uncovered early in
the 19th century during French
excavations of Pompeii, Italy. It
shows Archimedes at his table with
an abacus – and a Roman soldier
apparently telling Archimedes to
leave the room.

Below: Part of the Antikythera

mechanism, which appears to be
an ancient astronomical calculator
and was recovered from the wreck
of a Roman ship dating to the first
century BCE. Archimedes is known
to have built devices for this
purpose and many academics
believe this could be one of them.

Newton (1643–1727) and Gottfried Leibniz

Archimedes used applied mathematics,
calculating the centres of gravity of objects and
working out the mathematics behind ‘simple
machines’ like levers, pulleys and gears.
He used his knowledge of gears to invent a
small, wheeled cart that could measure long
distances (an odometer), a clock that struck the
hours, and devices to predict the positions of the
sun, the moon and the five planets that were
then known. In 1900, divers discovered what
scholars deduced was an ancient astronomical
computer in a wreck off the coast of the Greek
island Antikythera. Some historians believe that
this computer may be closely descended from
the work of Archimedes.
Of all Archimedes’s inventions, the ones most
celebrated in his lifetime were the weapons he
designed to defend Syracuse during the siege of
the city by the Romans, which began in 214 BCE.
The weapons included the Claw – a crane fi xed to Above: The Archimedes Palimpsest – a book of Christian prayers (horizontal) written in the 12th
century over a tenth-century copy of some of Archimedes’s most important works (vertical).
the city wall that could lift Roman ships out of Scientists at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, USA, have used a variety of techniques to
the water and drop or capsize them. make the Archimedes text more visible.


al-Jazar (1136–1206)

ost people are aware of the
tremendous scientific and
technological advances of the great
ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, India,
Greece and Rome. However, during the Middle
Ages, the Islamic Empire kept the spirit of
learning and innovation alive. One of its greatest
technical geniuses was a mechanical engineer
named al-Jazar .
Badi’ al-Zaman Abu al-’Izz Isma’il ibn al-Razzaz
al-Jazar was born in an area of Mesopotamia
called al-Jazira, in what is now part of modern-
day southern Turkey. al-Jazar lived at the height
of the Islamic Golden Age, also sometimes called
the Islamic Renaissance. The spread of Islam in
the seventh century had encouraged a rich
culture and a stable political system – the
Caliphate. By 750 CE, the Caliphate covered a huge
area, from northern Spain in the west, through
the Middle East and North Africa, to the fringes of
China in the east. Throughout this Islamic


Selected pages from al-Jazari’s Book

of Knowledge of Mechanical
Devices, completed in 1206, showing
his ingenious devices. The book was
illustrated – and several copies
made – by members of a school of
painting sponsored by the rulers of
the Artuqid dynasty.


Above: Glass alembic, approximately 11th century. An alembic

is an essential tool in distillation, a procedure for purifying
mixtures. Distillation was pioneered by Islamic chemists, who
developed many processes that would later be important in
the development of the science of chemistry.

Knowledge of Mechanical Devices) is a

compendium of the engineering designs he
created through his career. According to the
book’s introduction, Nasir al-Din Mahmud ibn
Muhammad, the dynasty’s ruler between 1200
and 1222, commissioned al-Jazar to write the
book in 1198. al-Jazar ’s book contains details of 50
ingenious devices, including intricate clocks,
fountains that regularly change their flow
patterns, machines for raising water and toys for
entertainment. The description of each device is
accompanied by clear drawings that help explain
how it was constructed and how it worked.

The spread of Islam brought huge advances in
Above: Reconstruction of Empire, there was a great emphasis on learning; science, mathematics, medicine and philosophy.
al-Jazar ’s elephant clock at
scholars collected and translated all the Engineering, on the other hand – although held in
the Ibn Battuta Mall in
Dubai, United Arab knowledge they could from around the world and great esteem and practised competently – was
Emirates. Every half-hour, added their own. From the ninth to the 12th mostly just a continuation of existing technologies
the scribe on the elephant’s
century, the Caliphate was the foremost established by the Greeks and the Romans. There
back rotates full circle, and
at the end of each half-hour, intellectual centre of the world. were certainly notable exceptions, and some of
the figure of the mahout Out of the stability and the learning came great those innovations are to be found in al-Jazar ’s
(elephant driver) beats a
wealth, and powerful dynasties ruled over each wonderful book. For example, al-Jazar ’s water- or
drum and a cymbal sounds.
region. al-Jazar became chief engineer to the donkey-powered devices made use of power-
Artuqid dynasty in the town of Diyar Bakir, after transmission elements that had been used for
his father retired from the same position in 1174. centuries: gears, levers and pulleys. But in one of
Most of what we know about al-Jazar comes from his inventions, a double-acting piston pump, he
a book he completed shortly before his death. The gives the first known reference to a crankshaft – a
Kitáb fí ma’rifat al-hiyal al-handasiyya (Book of device for changing rotary motion to back-and-


The influence
of islamic
During the Islamic Golden Age, the
centre of scholarly activity was the
House of Wisdom in Baghdad (in
modern Iraq). Both a library and a
centre for translation, the House of
Wisdom acted not only as a repository
for the books and ideas of ancient
thinkers from Greece and China, but
also as a centre of excellence for
contemporary scholars.
Much of the knowledge collected,
translated and expanded by medieval
Islamic scholars passed into Europe in
the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. A
dedicated band of European scholars
sought out works in Spain and Sicily doctors contained significant
after these areas came under Christian advances in fields such as atomic
rule. They translated what they found theory, optics, surgery, chemistry
into Latin, and the resulting documents and mathematics. Kept alive in the
formed the basis of early scientific universities of medieval Europe,
study in Europe. their ideas inspired the Scientific Above: Water-raising pump from the Book of Knowledge of
The works of the Islamic scientists, Revolution of the sixteenth and Mechanical Devices. Pistons driven by a water wheel open and
mathematicians, astronomers and seventeenth centuries. close valves, drawing water from the river (blue) and pushing it
up through the two pipes, which join to form a single pipe (top).

forth motion (or vice versa). He also makes

extensive use of the camshaft, a rotating cylinder
with pegs protruding from it; his is the first
mention of that, too. al-Jazar also invented the
first known combination lock and the earliest
known mechanical water-supply system,
which was installed in Damascus in the 13th
century, to supply hospitals and mosques
across the city.
Several of al-Jazar ’s contraptions featured
automata: animal or human figures that made
precise, programmed movements. For example,
he describes a boat containing four automated
musicians that entertained at parties and an
automated girl figure that refilled a wash basin.
Automatons also feature in most of al-Jazar ’s
clocks, which were more elaborate and ingenious
than any that had come before. Most impressive
was his ‘castle clock’. More than 3 metres (10 feet)
high, it displayed the constellations of the zodiac,
with the orbits of the Sun and the Moon, and
doors that opened every hour to reveal papier-
mâché figures. This extraordinary device could Above: Model of a blood-letting device Above: Model of pump built for a 1976
described in al-Jazar ’s Book of Knowledge of exhibition called ‘Science and Technology in
also be programmed to take account of the Mechanical Devices. It measured the volume Islam’ at the Science Museum, London, part of
varying day lengths. of blood lost during blood-letting sessions. the countrywide Festival of Islam.


Gutenberg (c.1400–3 February 1468)

t is rather difficult to overestimate the
importance of the printing press in the
history of the world. The mass-production of
books made them cheaper and far more
accessible, which promoted literacy and the
spread of ideas. The creator of this influential new
technology was a German goldsmith who was
called Johannes Gutenberg.
Very little is known of the early life of Johannes
(or Johann) Gutenberg. It is known that he was
born in Mainz in Germany around 1400, and that
he came from the privileged, governing elite. He
attended university, where he would certainly
have come into contact with books, and he
trained as a goldsmith.
Around 1420, several families were exiled from
Mainz after a rebellion by the tax-paying middle
class. Gutenberg’s was among them, and he
travelled to Strasbourg, where he was involved in
several ventures. One of them, he told his
financial backers, was ‘a secret’. It is very likely


Gutenberg in a
16th century
copper engraving.


Rotary printing
press Above: The frontispiece of the oldest dated printed book. Bought from the monk in a cave in
Although Gutenberg’s invention dramatically Dunhuang, China in 1907, this copy of the Buddhist text Diamond Sutra is on a scroll 5 metres (16
changed the course of history in a very short time, feet) long. It was printed using woodblocks in 868 CE.
printing was still a painstaking process. It required
several people and produced only a hundred or so
sheets per hour. The invention of cast-iron presses
and the introduction of steam power in the 19th
century improved that rate to about a thousand
pages an hour. A further major step in the history of
printing was the invention of the rotary press in
1843, by American inventor Richard March Hoe
Hoe’s steam-powered invention could print
millions of pages per day, largely due to the fact
that paper could be fed in through rollers as a
continuous sheet. Hoe’s device relied upon
lithography, a process invented by Bavarian author
Aloys Senefelder (1771–1834). In lithography, ink is
applied to smooth surfaces rather than to raised
type, which was ideally suited to the drum of
Hoe’s press.

that this secret was the development of the number of characters that are used in written Above: Coloured 19th-
century artist’s impression
printing press. Chinese and Korean. of a scene in Gutenberg’s
At the time, nearly all books were painstakingly Gutenberg invented moveable type workshop (artist unknown).
written out by scribes. Books, therefore, were rare independently, and his approach was simple and Gutenberg, bearded, is
shown in the foreground,
and extremely expensive, and literacy was efficient. First, he made punches of hardened checking a printed page.
confined to religious and political leaders. steel, each with the raised shape of a letter. With There would actually have
Woodblock printing produced a few books – but these, he punched impressions of the letters into been about 20 people
working in the workshop at
each block, representing a whole page, had to be copper. Next, he fitted the ‘negative’ copper pieces any one time.
carved in its entirety. Gutenberg’s important into a hand-held mould of his own invention, and
innovation, ‘moveable type’, changed all that. poured in molten metal to cast as many perfect
copies of the letters as he needed. The metal
Moveable type Gutenberg was an alloy of lead, tin and antimony
Moveable type is a system of printing in which a that has a low melting point and solidified quickly
page of text is arranged in a frame, or matrix, by inside the mould. His alloy is still used wherever
slotting in individual raised letters. The letters are ‘founder’s type’ or ‘hot metal’ letterpress printing
then inked and pressed onto paper. It was methods survive today.
invented in Korea and in China in the 11th century, While still in Strasbourg in the 1440s, Gutenberg
but never caught on, mostly because of the large experimented with another crucial element of his


Right: Portrait of German

playwright Aloys Senefelder,
the inventor of lithography.
His process enabled printing
of illustrations from a flat
surface; artists could draw
directly onto it, using special
water-repellent inks.

Below: A type case filled

with large, decorative
moveable type in the
Gutenberg Museum. A
printer would slot these
individual pieces of type
into a frame, to represent the
text of one page of a book.

printing system: the press. Gutenberg’s press was technology, which then spread quickly across the Above: A highly decorated
page from a Gutenberg Bible.
adapted from winemakers’ screw presses. The rest of Europe. By 1500, millions of books had
Gutenberg produced 180
inked, typeset text was slotted face-up on a flat been printed. Gutenberg had created the first copies of his bible. Some
bed, covered with paper, then slid under a heavy media revolution. were on vellum, others on
paper; some were decorated
stone; turning the screw then pressed the paper Unfortunately for Gutenberg, Johann Fust
(by hand), others were left
onto the type. Repeating the process gave exact demanded his money back, and accused plain. The books caused a
copies time after time. Gutenberg also formulated Gutenberg of embezzlement. A judge ordered sensation when they were
first displayed at a trade fair
oil-based ink, which was more durable than the Gutenberg to hand over his printing equipment as
in Frankfurt in 1454.
water-based inks in use at the time. He knew that payment. Fust went on to become a successful
by putting all these technologies together he was printer, and Gutenberg set up a smaller printing
onto something very important. shop in the nearby city of Bamberg. Gutenberg
By 1448, Gutenberg was back in Mainz. He later moved to a small village where, in 1465, he
borrowed money from a wealthy investor, Johann was finally recognized for his invention and given
Fust (c.1400–1466), to set up a printing shop there. an annual pension. He died three years later in
Knowing that the church would be the main relative poverty.
source of business, Gutenberg decided to print
bibles. Work on the Gutenberg Bible began around
1452, after several test prints of other works,
The low price of the bibles, and
including books on Latin grammar. The relatively their quality, secured the success
low price of the bibles, and their exquisite quality,
secured the success of Gutenberg’s new of Gutenberg’s new technology

da Vinci(15 April 1452–2 May 1519)

he name Leonardo da Vinci is
synonymous with genius, yet arguably
the Italian polymath does not belong in
this book. He was undoubtedly a genius, and he
certainly changed the world, but his influence on
history was restricted to developments in art. His
scientific researches were not well known in his
lifetime, and most of his inventions never built.
Leonardo da Vinci was the archetypal
Renaissance man. He had an enormous influence
on the development of painting, drawing and
sculpture. He was a pioneer of perspective and of
using anatomical studies to improve life drawing;
he was an innovator in how to paint light and
shade, in using new materials and in
composition. That Leonardo was also a great
scientist, engineer and inventor only became
common knowledge when his journals were
published long after his death.

Leonardo was born in Vinci, a town in Tuscany,

Italy. His father was a local notary, and his mother


A 19th century engraving

by Raffaello Sanzio
Morghen in the Uffizi.


Left: Model of a revolving

crane. Leonardo’s twin cranes
were designed for quarrying.
Stones cut from a rock face
would be loaded into one
bucket; the whole crane would
then rotate, and the bucket
would be emptied while
another was loaded.

There were an estimated 13,000 pages in all,

containing his observations, thoughts, sketches
and inventions. Around 5,000 of these pages
survive today.
The notebooks reveal how Leonardo followed
the scientific method – based on careful
observation, scepticism and experiment – well
before the likes of Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) and
Isaac Newton (1643–1727). Leonardo’s grasp of
optics, geology, hydrodynamics (the behaviour of
water), astronomy and the principles behind
a peasant. At the age of sixteen, he became an gears, levers, cantilevers and force and motion
apprentice at the workshop of artist Andrea del was far ahead of his time.
Below: Model based on Verrocchio (c.1435–1488) in Florence, where his
Leonardo’s design for a talents shone through. He qualified as a master at Work experience
screw-cutting machine. the age of 20, and worked in Florence, then in Leonardo had a chance to apply some of his
Turning the crank handle
causes the dowel in the Milan, where he created such iconic paintings as knowledge and understanding when he worked
centre to turn. It turns the The Adoration of the Magi, The Virgin of the Rocks as an engineer and military architect for two
two side screws, advancing and The Last Supper. dukes of Milan from 1485 until 1499, and
the cutting tool along the
length of the wooden dowel Throughout his life, and particularly during his afterwards in the same capacity for other patrons,
in the centre. time in Milan, Leonardo kept detailed notebooks. including the infamous Cesare Borgia (1475–1507).

Above: Model of Leonardo’s car. He intended it to be powered

by spring-driven clockwork. It has no driver’s seat, because
this was designed to be an automaton. Like most of Leonardo’s
remarkable inventions, the car was not built in his lifetime.


Leonardo da Vinci lived during a turbulent time
in Italy’s history. In fact, Italy as it is today did
not then exist, but was largely a collection of
frequently warring city states. In addition, there
were constant threats from, and takeovers by,
the French and Spanish. Rich patrons would do
anything to protect their wealth, status and
territories, so when Leonardo suggested he
could build terrifying weapons and defence
systems, he found willing supporters.
It is ironic that Leonardo should have
produced such terrifying, warlike designs, since
he was a committed pacifist. Perhaps that is
why, in some cases, he seems to have
introduced flaws into the designs deliberately,
or withheld crucial information, which would
prevent them from working. One pertinent
example is his design for a tank, sketched out in
detail more than four hundred years before any
tanks were constructed. Leonardo’s tank was
to be powered by eight men turning cranks.
When the design was built for a television
series in 2004, it would not move until one of
the gears was reversed, a basic error that was
probably intentional, rather than an oversight.

Indeed, when Leonardo was offering his services

to these men, he made a point of promising them
wonderful engineering projects, and only
Leonardo was almost unknown
mentioned in passing that he was also a painter.
Among Leonardo’s notebooks were detailed
for his scientific insight and his
plans for many incredible inventions, most of remarkable inventions
which were almost certainly never built. These
included a huge crossbow, various flying Two known examples are a bobbin-winding
machines, a parachute, an armoured vehicle, a machine and a lens-grinding machine. Ingenious
dredging machine, a helicopter, a humanoid though they are, these devices do not do justice to
mechanical robot, an aqualung, a bicycle and a Leonardo’s enormous genius and foresight.
water-powered alarm clock. In 1513, Leonardo met the king of France, Francis
Since the 19th century, there has been great I (1494–1547), after the king’s conquest of Milan.
interest in Leonardo among academics and the Francis commissioned Leonardo to make him an
general public alike. In recent years, several of his automaton in the form of a lion. Leonardo made Above: Leonardo’s assault
inventions that had only ever existed on paper one that walked and turned its head, and even tank – a model built by IBM
and on display at Château du
have at last been constructed. Leonardo’s designs presented a bunch of orchids when stroked in a Clos Lucé, France,
have been found to work remarkably well, albeit certain way. Francis was so impressed by this Leonardo’s final home. The
with a bit of adaptation in some cases. creation that he became Leonardo’s patron, and shell of this hand-cranked
tank was reinforced with
A few of Leonardo’s inventions did make it out of Leonardo lived out the last three years of his life in metal plates containing
his notebooks in his day, and were used by other Amboise, France. There he died peacefully, holes so that the soldiers
people, but because there was no patent system in renowned for his astonishing artistic skill but could fire weapons from
within. Behind can be seen
Italy at the time, there is little record of exactly almost unknown for his scientific insight and his the sketches he made and on
which inventions passed into general use, or how. remarkable inventions. which the model was based.


On this page: Various drawings

by Leonardo da Vinci. Including
designs for an enormous
crossbow, an Artillery Park ,
and a drawing of Cannons.

Opposite page: Historical

drawing of a flying machine
designed by Leonardo da Vinci.

Technical drawings by Leonardo da Vinci


(1570 – September 1619)

he telescope has enabled us to discover
our place in the Universe, and to reveal
the treasures and sheer scale of deep
space. Nobody is completely sure who was the
first to construct a practical telescope or whose
genius was the first to realize the potential for this
device. However, Dutch lens maker Hans
Lipperhey was certainly the first to apply for a
patent, in 1608.
Hans Lipperhey (sometimes spelled
Lippershey) was born in Wesel, Germany, and
moved to Middelburg, in the Netherlands (then
the Dutch Republic), in 1594. In the same year he
married, became a Dutch citizen and opened a
spectacle shop in the city. Little is known of his
life, but what is clear is that he was the first
person to apply for a patent for the telescope,
which was called a ‘kijker’ (Dutch for ‘viewer’).
In September 1608, Lipperhey travelled to The
Hague, the political centre of the Dutch Republic,
where he filed the patent application for his


Artist’s impression of Hans Lipperhey in his

workshop, experimenting with lenses during his
invention of the telescope. The eyepiece lens
magnifies the image produced by the larger,
objective lens. The lens grinding machines and
lathes are powered by treadles beneath the benches.


Above: Lens grinding machine, designed by Leonardo.

Lipperhey used a similar machine to grind concave lenses for
the eyepieces of his telescopes and a different one to make the
larger, convex lens that collects the light (the objective lens).

Above: Early depiction of a device. His application was denied, because of the next to his and pay to have major renovation work
‘Dutch telescope’ from the
‘Emblemata of zinne-werck’
simplicity of the invention – it was really just two carried out.
(Middelburg, 1624) of the lenses held at a certain distance apart in a tube. The States General was probably justified in
poet and statesman Johan However, the officials at The Hague saw the refusing Lipperhey a patent. Within a few weeks,
de Brune (1588-1658). The
print was engraved by
potential of Lipperhey’s instrument, and another Dutch spectacle maker, Jacob Metius
Adriaen van de Venne. commissioned him to build three sets of double- (1571–1630), submitted a very similar application.
telescopes (ie binoculars). The Dutch States In the 1620s, yet another retrospective claim for
General paid Lipperhey handsomely for his work: primacy of the invention of the telescope came to
he received more than enough to buy the house light. Zacharius Janssen (1580–1638), whose house
was a few doors away from Lipperhey’s, may have
beaten Lipperhey to it.
The Hubble Space Telescope,
in orbit above Earth’s The earliest drawing of a telescope is a sketch in
atmosphere. Hubble has a a letter by Italian scholar Giambattista della Porta
concave mirror, rather than
(1535–1615) in 1609. Della Porta later claimed he
an objective lens, to gather
light. A camera inside takes had invented the telescope years before
pictures using that light, Lipperhey, but he died before he could provide
producing incredible, clear
evidence of his claim. It is likely that long before
images of a wide range of
astronomical objects. Lipperhey many lens makers had held two lenses
in the right configuration and seen a slightly
magnified image, but not realized its potential.

Any uncertainty in the story of the telescope falls
away in 1609, when other people heard about the
new instrument, made their own, and used it for a
novel and world-changing purpose: gazing at the
night sky. The first person to note that he had
gazed upwards in this way was English
astronomer and mathematician Thomas Harriot
(1560–1621), who made a sketch of the moon as


Galileo Galilei
Although Lipperhey was by all accounts a gifted
craftsman, and was the first to submit a patent
application for the telescope, Galileo is the real
genius in this story. His careful and thorough
observation of the moon and his discovery and
observations of the moons of Jupiter were key in
overturning the long-standing, dogmatic theory
that the earth is at the centre of the Universe.
Galileo improved the basic telescope design, and
by August 1609, had managed to make his own
instrument with a magnification of 8x (8-to-1),
compared to Lipperhey’s instrument, which could
only magnify 3x. In the 1610s, he also experimented
with the compound microscope, and in the 1620s,
he became one of the first to make biological
Above: Compound seen through his telescope on July 26, 1609. Most observations with microscopes.
microscope designed by Galileo was a great thinker, and is often called the
famously, Galileo Galilei (1564–1542) did the same,
English scientist Robert father of physics or even the father of modern
Hooke (1635-1703), whose 1665 and much more, four months later. He published science. He was much more a pure scientist than
book Micrographia revealed his monumental findings in his book Sidereus an inventor, although he did invent a primitive
the microscopic world to the Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) in 1610. thermometer and a geometrical compass, and he
public for the first time.
Hans Lipperhey is often also credited with the did not actually invent the telescope.
Unfortunately, Lipperhey
died long before the book invention of the microscope, or to be more precise,
was published. The glass the compound microscope (consisting of two or Lipperhey’s and Janssen’s home city of
balls and lenses focused
light onto the specimen. more lenses, rather than one). Here again, Middelburg was famous for its spectacle makers,
Zaccharius Janssen probably invented the device thanks to its supply of fine-quality, bubble-free
around the same time as, if not before, Lippershey. glass and to a superior lens-grinding technique
Again, there is no patent for the microscope, that was developed in the city. Working with
because it was inevitable that, at some point, high-quality glass was a novelty in Northern
someone would arrange two lenses in the right Europe in the 17th century the secret of its
way to make things look bigger. manufacture had been exported from Italy, which
had had the monopoly on fine-quality glass since
People made their own and used the 13th century.
In a sense, then, along with the lens grinders of
it for a world-changing purpose: Middelburg, the Italian glassmakers of the 13th
century also deserve credit for these wonderful,
gazing at the night sky world-changing inventions.


Drebbel (1572–October 1633)

he person who designed and built the first
submarine, Dutch inventor Cornelius
Drebbel, is not really a household name.
But his brilliant mind, his grasp of chemical
processes and the forces of nature made him one
of the most prolific and best-known inventors of
the 17th century.
Cornelius Drebbel was born in Alkmaar, in the
Netherlands (then the Dutch Republic), the son of
a wealthy farmer. He had little formal schooling,
but aged 20 he was apprenticed to the Dutch
painter, engraver and publisher Hendrick
Goltzius (1558–1617) in Haarlem. During his
apprenticeship, Drebbel had the chance to
experiment with more than engraving. He
learned the art of alchemy, and throughout the
rest of his life, his work was dominated by the
elements of that art: earth, air, fire and water.
Drebbel moved back to Alkmaar in 1598, and
began creating ingenious inventions. In 1604, he
demonstrated the one that would bring him fame:



This reconstruction of one of Drebbel’s submarines sits in Heron

Square, London. It was based on design documents found at the
Public Records Office in London, and made in 2003.

Below: Model of Turtle, the first a fascinating astronomical clock called the
submarine used in warfare. The
Perpetuum Mobile. In the patent for the device,
one-man craft, driven by hand-
cranked propellers, was built in Drebbel claimed it could run for decades without
1775 by David Bushnell (1742– a visible source of power.
1824) and used to attach
The Perpetuum Mobile displayed the hour, day
explosives to ship hulls .
and date, the phases of the Moon and the position
of the Sun and planets. It was powered by
changes in air pressure and temperature, a fact
that Drebbel was aware of, although at the time
he was happy for a bit of mystique to surround his
invention. Later in 1604, he was called to England
to show it to King James I (1566–1625), and as news
spread of this remarkable clock, Drebbel gained
notoriety and invitations to show his invention
across Europe.
From 1604 until his death, Drebbel created and
demonstrated many new and improved
inventions. Among them was a process for
making an intense scarlet dye, a technology that
was to endure well beyond his lifetime. He also
invented a thermostatically controlled furnace
(the first known autonomous control system); a
portable bread oven for the Dutch army; a form of
air conditioning, which he reportedly
demonstrated in the auspicious Westminster Hall
in London; and an automatic chicken incubator.
He also invented a primitive, though important,
thermometer (see box).


The development
of thermometers
One of Cornelius Drebbel’s most important
inventions was a basic thermometer. His
instrument relied on the expansion and
contraction of air trapped in a glass tube.
Drebbel’s instrument was a thermoscope – an
instrument that gives an indication of
temperature while having no scale with which to
measure it. At least three other experimenters
produced air thermoscopes around the same
time, but what set Drebbel’s apart was that he
used it to control his thermostatic devices. His
was the one that had the most influence on
scientists in the next generation.
It was Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686–1736) who invented the prototype of the
modern liquid-in-glass thermometer. He also created the first accurate temperature
scale, defined by fixed points – one of them was salted ice water, one was his wife’s
armpit. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the use of accurate thermometers
contributed hugely to scientists’ understanding of the behaviour of matter and to the
development of the concept of energy.

Drebbel also experimented with light and

lenses: he constructed an early form of projector,
and one of the first practical microscopes. Both
these devices were made with lenses he had
ground using a machine of his own design.
Drebbel’s microscope was a distinct improvement
on the few that already existed, and was
important in the development of microscopy.

The first submarine

His most notable achievement, however, was
designing, constructing and trialling the
invention he is now best known for: the world’s
first submarine. Sadly, no convincing
contemporary illustrations of Drebbel’s invention
exist, but there are contemporary accounts and
modern best guesses of how he might have built
it. Between 1620 and 1624, Drebbel built three
different versions of his vessel, while working for carry 16 people, 12 of them oarsmen. The hull was Above: Drebbel’s last
submarine is shown only
the English Royal Navy. He tested them in the covered with greased leather to make it partially submerged in the
River Thames in London. Eyewitness accounts watertight. Some accounts suggest that long tubes River Thames, London, in
suggest that his vessels could stay submerged for allowed the oarsmen to breathe. However, there this 1626 illustration by G.H.
Tweedale. Legend has it that
hours at a time, diving as deep as 4 to 5 metres (13 is also evidence that Drebbel may have used a King James even had a ride
to 16 feet) beneath the surface. chemical reaction – heating saltpetre (potassium in the vessel.
The submarines contained large pigskin nitrate) – to produce oxygen.
Top Right: Drebbel’s
bladders for buoyancy; these were filled with and Drebbel tried to convince the English Royal Perpetuum Mobile clock,
emptied of water as necessary. Each craft was a Navy to adopt his submarine for use in warfare. from Dialogue
sealed wooden double-hull craft with leather- Despite his relationship with the royal family, the Philosophicall by Thomas
Tymme. The central sphere
sealed holes along the sides through which oars Navy was not interested. It was 150 years before (A) represents Earth; the
protruded. The third and largest vessel could submarines were used for military purposes. upper (B) lunar phases.


(17 January 1706–17 April 1790)

hen the United States of America was
born on 4 July 1776, one of the men
who signed the Declaration of
Independence was Benjamin Franklin. A fine
statesman, Franklin was also an important figure
in 18th-century science and invention – just the
sort of person a new nation needs.
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston,
Massachusetts, USA. He was one of 17 children,
and his parents could only afford to send him to
school for two years. He was keen to learn,
however, and was an avid reader – and at just 12
years old, he became an apprentice at his older
Coloured lithograph
brother’s printing firm. Following a dispute with illustrating Franklin’s 1752
his brother five years later, Franklin ran away experiment that proved
from home to make a new life in Philadelphia. lightning is an electrical
phenomenon. On the ground,
Penniless to begin with, he managed to find an beside Franklin, is a Leyden
apprenticeship in a printer’s firm there, and soon jar to collect electric charge
set up his own printing shop. drawn off the thundercloud
through the kite string.
By the 1740s, Franklin was extremely successful
– he now owned a publishing company as well as



Empire State Building

being struck by lightning.
At the top is a lightning
Researches in
rod that helps to
discharge thunderclouds
over the city. As well as Franklin conceived of the lightning rod
draining charge away, after carrying out research into electricity,
the building receives a hot topic at the time. In 1747, he set up a
about 100 lightning laboratory at his own home. In the
strikes each year. mid-1740s, scientists in Germany and
Holland had invented a way of storing
large amounts of electric charge, in a
device called a Leyden jar (right). Franklin
connected several of these jars together,
so that they could produce a much
stronger effect.
In five letters to Britain’s Royal Society,
Franklin laid down the foundations for the
proper study of electrical phenomena. He
was the first person to use the terms
‘charge’ and ‘discharge’, the first to write
about ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ electricity,
and the first to understand that electric
charge is not ‘created’, but simply
transferred from place to place.

a newspaper business – and he began to spend In 1749, Franklin retired from business, so that
increasing amounts of his time on scientific he could spend more time on his research. His
research. Franklin was a strong believer in the work on optics famously led him to invent
Below: Eighteenth-century
Franklin-style bifocals, with
idea that science and technology could be used in bifocals, although others probably invented them
sliding adjustable arms. In a order to improve society. In 1743, he founded the independently, around the same time. Bifocals
letter to his friend, English American Philosophical Society, the nation’s first are like two pairs of glasses in one, in a split-lens
merchant George Whatley,
dated 1784, Franklin wrote
learned society. In the same year, he also arrangement – ideal for people who need
that he was “happy in the invented a cleaner, more efficient way of heating different pairs of glasses for distance and close-up
invention of double the home; this was the Franklin Stove. Since he and would otherwise have to keep changing from
spectacles,” although it is
possible someone else had
intended it to be for the public good, he didn’t one pair to another.
invented them before him. patent it. Fire prevention was a major concern, as most
buildings were made of wood. In 1736, Franklin
founded one of America’s first volunteer fire
departments. In 1752, he formed America’s first
fire insurance company, and came up with his
most famous invention: the lightning rod, aimed
at preventing the risk of fire from lightning.
Lightning rods, or lightning conductors, are
pointed metal spikes connected to the earth,
which draw off electric charge from clouds,
dramatically reducing the risk of lightning
strikes. When lightning does strike, the rods
carry the electricity to the ground, bypassing the
building to which they are attached. They may
seem like a simple or even insignificant invention
today, but at the time, Franklin’s invention caused
a real buzz and helped to foster the idea that basic
insight into natural forces can produce important
practical results.


The kite experiment actually helped speed travel and postal services Above: Franklin’s 1786
map of the Gulf Stream.
Franklin’s fascination with electricity and with across the ocean. Franklin did not discover
lightning led him to carry out his famous kite In addition to his scientific work, Franklin the current, but he was
the first to study it
experiment, in 1752. During a storm, he flew a kite created America’s first lending library; he
systematically, after
into a thundercloud and drew electric charge founded America’s first hospital (Pennsylvania, noticing that mail ships
down the wet kite string, proving for the first time 1751) and university (The Library Company, 1731), took longer crossing the
Atlantic from America to
that lightning is an electrical phenomenon. pushed through early environmental regulations
Europe than from Europe
Between 1757 and 1775, Franklin spent most of and was a vocal advocate of the abolition of to America.
his time travelling between Europe and America, slavery. He was also America’s first Postmaster
negotiating between the British, the French and General, for which he was commemorated on
the Americans during the turbulent period America’s first postage stamp, issued in 1847.
leading up to American independence. During
this period, he became the first person to carry
out detailed studies of the Gulf Stream, a warm
Franklin was a strong believer in
current of seawater that originates in the Gulf of
Mexico and travels across the Atlantic Ocean to
the idea that science and
Europe. His resulting map of the Gulf Stream technology could improve society

James Watt
(19 January 1736–25 August 1819)

ne afternoon in May 1765, Scottish
engineer James Watt had an idea that
changed the world. Watt had hit upon a
clever device to make steam engines more
efficient and more powerful. It was this device
and his other inventions that made steam the
driving force of the Industrial Revolution.
English engineer Thomas Newcomen (1663–
1729) built the first practical steam engine
in 1712 to pump water from coal mines. By the
time of Watt’s birth, there were nearly a hundred
Newcomen engines across Britain, and several
more in other countries.
Newcomen’s engine relied on atmospheric
pressure to push down a piston inside a huge,
open-topped vertical cylinder. That could only
happen if there was a vacuum inside the
cylinder, beneath the piston. Newcomen
achieved the necessary vacuum by condensing
the steam inside the cylinder back into water,
which takes up only a tiny fraction of the volume


Portrait of James Watt. Watt’s

inventions revolutionized the
use of steam power in industry
in the 1770s and 1780s.


Above: Reconstruction of steam does. A system of valves allowed steam to tool kit his father had given him, Watt became a
Watt’s Workshop at the
fill the cylinder, then sprayed in cold water to skilled craftsman from an early age. Following a
Science Museum, London,
after the contents were condense the steam. Having to cool the cylinder year working in Glasgow, and a year in London
removed from Heathfield down for each stroke of the piston, and then heat learning the trade of making mathematical
Hall, Handsworth, in
it up with steam ready for the next stroke, made instruments such as theodolites and compasses,
Birmingham. Watt was
using the busts on the the engine incredibly inefficient. It was this fact Watt wanted to set up his own shop. After
workbench to test a that Watt addressed that day in 1765. repairing an instrument for a professor at
machine he invented
Glasgow University, he was offered a room there
to copy sculptures – a
kind of three- Early experimenting to use as a workshop, and earned a living making
dimensional photocopier. James Watt was born in Greenock, a town on the and selling musical instruments as well as
River Clyde, west of Glasgow in Scotland. His mathematical ones.
father was a ship’s instrument builder. Using a In 1763, Watt began experimenting with a
model of a Newcomen engine. He quickly
Watt quickly realized just how realized just how much fuel, steam and heat
Newcomen’s design wasted. Watt’s great idea of
much fuel, steam and heat 1765 was the ‘separate condenser’. In Watt’s
design, the steam was condensed in a chamber
Newcomen’s design wasted connected to but separate from the cylinder. The


Right: Model of an early Savery

pumping engine. Steam from
the boiler (left) filled the
receiver (right); water rushed
into the receiver as the steam
condensed. Water was
forced up through
another pipe
when new
steam was
admitted to
the cylinder.

The lunar society

James Watt was a member of a very important
society: an informal group of scientists, engineers,
industrialists, philosophers, doctors, artists and
poets called the Lunar Society.
This group of intellectuals typified the spirit of
the Age of Enlightenment – that period of history
when people began believing that science,
technology and reason could, and should, shape
society. Their activities centred on regular
meetings, which were often held at the house of
Matthew Boulton, also a member. In addition to the
meetings, the members of the group were in
frequent communication by letter.
The Lunar Society was very important in the
transformation of Britain from a rural, agricultural
society to an urban, industrial one – it has been
described as the revolutionary committee of the
Industrial Revolution. The society’s name was
derived from the fact that the meetings were
always held on the Monday closest to full moon; the Above: Watt rotative engine at the Science Museum, London.
moonlight made it easier for members to get home. In the background is the cylinder; to the right, the speed-
regulating governor; in the foreground, the flywheel.

chamber was held at a lower temperature, so Watt made many other important
that the cylinder could remain at boiling point. improvements to steam power – including, in
Watt patented his invention in 1769. The 1782, the ‘double-acting’ engine where steam
engineer and entrepreneur Matthew Boulton was admitted to the cylinder alternately above
(1728–1809) went into business with Watt in 1775. and below the piston, – all choreographed by a
Their partnership lasted until Watt’s retirement clever system of automatic valves. He also
in 1800 and completely revolutionized the use of invented a steam-pressure gauge and a way of
steam engines in industry. measuring the efficiency of a steam engine. In
Until 1782, steam engines were still used only 1788, he invented the ‘governor’, a device that
to pump water in coal mines. That same year, automatically regulated the speed of an engine.
on Boulton’s request, Watt invented a way to Watt was also a respected civil engineer,
make a steam engine produce a rotary motion, working mostly on canal projects. He is credited
rather than an up-and-down motion – and the with other inventions too, including a popular
resulting ‘rotative’ steam engines turned out to device for making multiple copies of letters.
be an immediate success. Before long, Watt’s However, steam was his life’s work. In honour of
rotative engines were installed in textile mills, his achievements in steam power, the
iron foundries, flour mills, breweries and also international unit of power, the ‘watt’, is named
paper mills. after him.


Right: Top, side and

end elevations of
Watt’s ‘Lap’ engine,
1788. This engine
drove lapping
machines that were
previously driven by
horses, so when Watt
calculated what the
machine was capable
of, he devised the
term ‘horsepower’.

Technical drawing of a Watt rotative engine


Niépce (7 March 1765–5 July 1833)

ess than 200 years ago, there was
practically no way of producing a lasting
image of a scene other than by drawing or
painting it. Photography, invented by French
scientist Nicéphore Niépce, has had a profound
effect on art, education, history and science.
Nicéphore Niépce was born in Chalon-sur-
Saône, France. His father was a steward to a duke,
but little else is known of his childhood. When he
was 21, he left home to study at a Catholic oratory
school in Angers, where he became interested in
physics and chemistry. His first name was
originally Joseph; he began using the name
Nicéphore, which means ‘victory-bearer’, when
he joined the fight against the monarchy in the
French Revolution in 1788.
It was in 1793 that Niépce first had the idea of
producing permanent images. Around the same
time, he and his brother, Claude (1763-1828),
conceived of a new type of engine that would use
explosions inside a cylinder to drive a piston.


Portrait of Niépce.
Ironically, there are no
photographs of the
inventor of photography.


Louis Daguerre
After his initial successes with bitumen on pewter
plates, Niépce found a way to give better definition
to his photographs, or ‘heliographs’ as he called
them. He used iodine vapour to make the pewter
darken. In 1829, Niépce began collaborating with a
French artist, Louis Daguerre. Niépce died in 1833,
but by 1837, Daguerre was producing images that
only needed a few minutes’ exposure. He used
copper plates coated with silver iodide, which were
‘developed’ after exposure to mercury vapour and
then ‘fixed’ using a strong salt solution.
Daguerre had improved the process so much
that he felt justified in calling his photographs
daguerreotypes. In 1839, the French Government
gave Daguerre’s process away, patent-free, as a
‘gift to the world’, and paid Daguerre and Niépce’s
son a handsome pension. Daguerreotypes became He tried to project an image onto
very fashionable, dominating early photography
and spurring the development of subsequent a printing plate, hoping to find a
photographic technologies.
way to make it permanent
Together, they invented the world’s first internal printing plate, rather than having to etch it into Above: The Ladder,
photographed c.1845 by
combustion engine, the Pyréolophore. Its fuel was wood or metal. Niépce couldn’t draw, so he
William Fox Talbot
a highly flammable powder of spores from a decided to try and project an image onto the plate (1800–1877). Talbot invented
fungus called lycopodium (which, quite instead, hoping to find a way to make the image the calotype process, which
involves making prints
coincidentally, was later used in photographic permanent. To project the image, he turned to an
from negatives.
flash bulbs). They received a patent in 1807, and existing technology called the ‘camera obscura’.
two years later the brothers entered a government Popular with Renaissance artists who wanted to
competition to design a replacement for a huge produce an accurate representation of a scene, the
pumping machine on the River Seine in Paris. camera obscura – literally ‘darkened chamber’ – is
Their ingenious idea was highly favoured by the a simple closed box or room in which a lens casts
judging committee, but in the end the pumping an image on a screen.
machine was never replaced.
Shortly after its invention in 1796, Niépce Picture taking
learned about a new method of printing Niépce had some success with paper coated with
illustrations, called lithography, which allowed light-sensitive compounds of silver. Images did
artists to draw their design directly onto a register on the paper, but they completely


Table Servie (Set Table)

by Niépce. Some experts
believe this to be the
oldest photograph, dating
it to 1822, but it is more
likely to be from c.1832. The
original was on a glass
slide, now broken.

Above: Diagram showing how a pinhole camera obscura works. Making the hole bigger lets more
light in, producing a brighter image, but the image becomes blurred. A lens brings it back into
focus, and two lenses can bring the image right way up.

blackened when they were exposed to light as etched into the metal wherever the bitumen was Above: An 1825 copy of an
earlier print. Niépce soaked
they were removed from the camera. Also, this not present, leaving a plate from which he could
the print in varnish in order
process produced negatives: the parts of the paper make prints. to make it translucent, then
where the most light fell became the darkest parts Three years later, Niépce began taking pictures laid it on a copper plate
coated with his bitumen
of the resulting image. So Niépce tried using of scenes, rather than ‘photocopying’ drawings.
solution. After washing the
compounds that bleach in sunlight, instead of He dissolved bitumen in lavender oil and applied plate in acid, he was left with
those that darken. In 1822, Niépce turned to a the mixture to pewter plates. Then he exposed the an etching, from which to
make this print.
substance called bitumen of Judea, a thick, tarry plates for several hours in his camera obscura.
substance that hardens and bleaches when The bitumen bleached and hardened where light
exposed to light. His first real successes were in fell, while the unexposed bitumen – representing
producing permanently etched metal plates. For the darkest parts of the image – was washed away
this, he placed drawings on top of a sheet of glass, to reveal the dark metal below. These photos were
which in turn lay on the metal plate coated with not negative but positive images. The oldest photo
bitumen. After exposure to light, for days at a still in existence is View from the Window at le
time, he washed away the unhardened bitumen, Gras (1826), an eerie image of outbuildings taken
then treated the plate with nitric acid. The acid from the first floor of Niépce’s house.


(13 April 1771–22 April 1833)

uring the 19th century, the railways
revolutionized travel and
communication for millions of people.
The coming of the railways was made possible by
the invention of high-pressure steam engines by
English engineer Richard Trevithick, who also
designed and built the first steam locomotives.
Richard Trevithick was born in the parish of
Illogan in Cornwall, England. His father was the
manager of several local mines, and Richard
spent much of his early life gaining practical
knowledge of steam engines. He did not do well at
school, but he earned an excellent reputation
after he became a mine engineer, aged 19.
At that time, working engines used steam only
at atmospheric pressure or slightly above.
Trevithick realized early on that steam under
high pressure could lead to more compact, more
powerful engines. Most people at the time,
including steam pioneer James Watt (1736–1819,
see page 50), feared ‘strong steam’, believing that


Trevithick’s Coalbrookdale Locomotive – the

world’s first locomotive to run on rails. The
Coalbrookdale was built for a colliery in
Newcastle, in 1803. This contemporary illustration
is the only source of information about it.


Above: Trevithick’s demonstration of the potential of steam

trains in Euston, London, in 1808 – later called ‘The Steam
Circus’. The locomotive was called Catch-Me-Who-Can,
because – to show that travel by steam would be faster –
Trevithick raced it in a 24-hour race against horses, and won.

Above: An artist’s the risks of explosion were too high. Trevithick In 1803, Trevithick built another road vehicle,
impression of Trevithick’s
began experimenting with high-pressure steam which he demonstrated in London. It attracted a
London Steam Carriage of
1803, which was the world’s in the 1790s, and by 1794, he had built his first lot of attention, but it was more expensive, noisier
first reliable self-propelled boiler designed to withstand high pressures, and more inconvenient than horse-drawn
passenger-carrying vehicle.
from heavy cast iron. carriages, and went no further. In the same year,
It had a top speed of about 15
kilometres per hour (9 miles In 1797, Trevithick built a model steam carriage one of Trevithick’s boilers exploded in
per hour) on the flat, and – and by 1801, he had built a full-size one, Greenwich, London. This event could have set
weighed about a tonne when
nicknamed the ‘Puffing Devil’, which ran back his work; instead Trevithick invented a
fully laden.
successfully in Camborne, Cornwall. However, safety device, a ‘fusible plug’, that he publicized
the Puffing Devil was destroyed in an accident so, but did not patent, in order to promote high-
in 1802, Trevithick designed a locomotive that pressure steam.
would run on rails. At the time, rails were used
with horse-drawn wagons, mainly in order to Steam trains
transport coal from mines to ports for onward The world’s first steam train – carriages pulled by
shipping. Trevithick’s locomotive, built by the a locomotive – was the result of a bet. The owner
celebrated Coalbrookdale Ironworks, was of the Pen-y-Darren ironworks in Merthyr Tydfil,
possibly the first locomotive to run on rails. Wales, bet the manager of a neighbouring
However, little is known about the locomotive, ironworks that a steam locomotive could be used
and only a single letter and drawing relating to to pull carriages filled with iron from his premises
it survive. to a canal 16 kilometres (9 miles) away. The

The rainhill trials

Although Richard Trevithick laid the foundations of In 1829, the Stephensons entered into the Rainhill
the railways, it was not until the 1820s that people Trials, a competition to find a locomotive for the
began to see steam trains as a serious alternative to forthcoming Liverpool and Manchester Railway.
horse-drawn transport. The first public railway Their entry was called Rocket, and its many
designed from the start to use steam power was innovations made it the blueprint for all future
opened between Stockton and Darlington, in steam locomotives. Rocket was the only locomotive
northern England, in 1825. Two of the shareholders to complete the ten 5-kilometre (3-mile) round trips
and engineers on that first railway were father and required in the competition. When empty of cargo
son George (1781–1848) and Robert Stephenson and passengers, it ran at a maximum speed of 47
(1803–1859). kilometres per hour (29 miles per hour).


The Pen-y-Darren Locomotive,

built in 1804, pulling wagons.
The locomotive was formed by
lifting one of Trevithick’s
existing stationary engines
onto wheels at the Pen-y-
Darren ironworks in Wales. It
ran only three times, because
it was too heavy for the iron
rails. After the engine’s trials,
the railway returned to using
horse power.

Below: Trevithick built the

He built a circular track in Euston, London, to first ‘flue boiler’, in which
hot exhaust gases pass

promote the idea of steam trains. It was the through tubes inside the
water tank and out through
the chimney. The
world’s first fare-paying passenger railway high-pressure steam
produced made possible
more compact engines.
carriages were normally pulled by horses, so the who paid five shillings for the privilege (later
rails already existed. Trevithick built a reduced to two shillings). It pulled a single
locomotive, and in February 1804, it successfully carriage at speeds of about 20 kilometres per hour
pulled 10.2 tonnes (10 tons) of iron and about 70 (12 miles per hour).
people the full distance. Although the rails broke Trevithick also built a steam-powered
in several places under the weight, the concept of dredging machine; he powered a barge using one
steam trains was proven. A year later, Trevithick of his engines; and in 1812, he even built an
built a lighter locomotive for a colliery in engine to thresh corn. In addition to this, he
Newcastle, but although it worked, it was not put invented an early propeller for steamboats and a
into service. device for heating homes, and he worked as an
In 1808, Trevithick built a circular track in engineer on a tunnel under the River Thames in
Euston, London, to promote the idea of steam London, as well as on various projects in the silver
trains. This was the world’s first fare-paying mines of South America. However, it is his
passenger railway. From July to September that pioneering contributions to the birth of the
year, Trevithick’s locomotive, the Catch-Me-Who- railways for which Richard Trevithick will
Can, ran around its track carrying passengers be remembered.


(22 September 1791–25 August 1867)

lectric motors, generators and
transformers have helped to define the
modern world. English chemist and
physicist Michael Faraday made the first
examples of each of these devices. More pure
scientist than inventor, Faraday nevertheless had
a practical bent, which led him to find innovative
ways of using some of the incredible things he
created in his laboratory.
Michael Faraday was born in Newington Butts,
in London. Unlike most scientists of his day, he
was not born into a wealthy family and did not
benefit from much formal education. At the age of
13, his family secured an apprenticeship for him
as a bookbinder.
Faraday took the opportunity to read many of
the books he bound, and from these he developed
an interest in science. In 1812, he was given tickets
to a lecture by English chemist Humphrey Davy
(1778–1829), who was about to retire from the
Royal Institution in London. Keen to move out of


Portrait of
Faraday in his
late thirties.


Michael Faraday lecturing at the Royal Institution. In

James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) 1825, Faraday instigated two series of public lectures
that are still a feature of the institution: a series of
During his researches with magnetism Friday evening discourses and the annual Christmas
and electromagnetism, Michael Faraday Lectures, aimed at young people.
became the first to describe ‘fields’ of
force. Several of his contemporaries
expressed his discoveries in the precise
language of mathematics, which
Faraday’s lack of formal education
prevented him from doing. Most notable
among these mathematical physicists
was Scottish mathematician James
Clerk Maxwell.
In the 1850s, Maxwell derived four
equations that comprehensively describe
the behaviour and interaction of
electricity and magnetism. In 1864,
Maxwell combined the equations, and
the result was a single equation that
describes wave motion. The speed of the
wave described by the equation worked
out to be exactly what experimenters
had found the speed of light to be.
Maxwell had shown that light is an
electromagnetic wave. He went on to
predict that light is a small part of a
whole spectrum of electromagnetic
radiation, a prediction that was
confirmed in 1887 by the discovery of
radio waves by German physicist
Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894).

bookbinding, Faraday wrote up his notes from the

lecture, bound them and presented them to Davy
in the hope of being offered a job. Then, when a
position became available, Davy employed
Faraday as his assistant. phenomenon to make an electric motor, but they
could not get it to work.
Other scientists Later in 1821, Faraday succeeded where Davy
After Davy’s retirement, Faraday travelled across and Wollaston had failed. He suspended a wire
Europe with him, meeting some of the most over a magnet in a cup of mercury. The wire
important scientists of the day. On his return, rotated around the magnet whenever electric
Faraday experimented in the field of chemistry, current flowed through it, because of the
making several discoveries and inventing the interaction between the magnetic field produced
earliest version of the Bunsen burner. A chance by the wire and the magnetic field of the magnet.
discovery in 1819/20 by Danish experimenter Crude though it was, this was the precursor of all
Hans Christian Ørsted (1777–1851) was to take electric motors, which today are found in washing
Faraday in a new direction. Ørsted had discovered machines, drills and a host of other machines and
that whenever electric current flows, it produces appliances. When Faraday published his results,
magnetic forces. In 1821, Davy and his colleague he failed to credit Davy, and the resulting fuss
William Wollaston (1766–1828) tried to use this caused Faraday to stop working on
electromagnetism until after Davy’s death in 1829.
Faraday succeeded where Davy In 1831 in the basement of the Royal Institution,
Faraday made a series of groundbreaking
and Wollaston had failed discoveries with batteries and wires. First, he


Left: Replica of the apparatus

used by Faraday in 1831 that
changes movement energy into
electrical energy.

Below: Faraday’s Giant Electromagnet (1830), under the table in

a mock-up of his lab at the Royal Institution, London. Faraday
discovered materials like water and wood are repelled weakly
by a strong magnet – a property called ‘diamagnetism’.

discovered that a magnetic field produced by wire spinning close to a

electric current in one wire can create, or ‘induce’, magnet’s poles. Today,
electric current in another wire nearby. Faraday generators that supply
wound two long insulated wires around a circular huge amounts of electric
iron ring, which intensified the effect; what he power from power
had made was the world’s first transformer. Today, stations and wind turbines
transformers are a vital part of the electricity can trace their lineage
distribution network, and they are also found in directly back to Pixii’s design.
many home appliances, including mobile-phone In addition to his research and
chargers and televisions. his inventions, Faraday instigated
A month later, Faraday fi xed a copper disc regular Friday discourses and the celebrated
between the poles of a strong magnet and Christmas lectures at the Royal Institution; he Above: Replica of Faraday’s
attached wires to the disc, one via the axle and himself was an inspiring lecturer. Later in his induction ring – the world’s
one via a sliding contact. When he rotated the career, Faraday campaigned to clean up air and first transformer, consisting
of two long wires coiled
disc, an electric current was produced in the river pollution, and he was called upon to improve around an iron ring. A
wires. This was the world’s first electric generator. lighthouse technology and to investigate mining changing electric current
A year later, French instrument maker Hippolyte disasters. The most important contributions flowing in one coil produces
a changing magnetic field in
Pixii (1808–1835) read about Faraday’s discovery Faraday made, however, were those he made in the iron ring, which induces
and made an improved generator using coils of the basement of the Royal Institution. a voltage in the other coil.


Right: Pages from

September 1821,
describing the
world’s first
electric motor.
describes how he
suspended a wire
in a basin of
mercury. The
wire rotated
around a magnet
in the mercury
current flowed
through it.

Pages from Faraday’s laboratory notebook


Pages from Faraday’s laboratory notebook


(26 December 1791–18 October 1871)

ong before the invention of the modern
computer, a determined genius named
Charles Babbage designed machines that
would carry out complicated mathematical
operations, and invented the world’s first
programmable computing device. Babbage was a
brilliant mathematician, but he also contributed
to the development of business efficiency and
railway travel.
As a child, Babbage was extremely inquisitive.
In his autobiography, he wrote that whenever he
had a new toy, he would ask his mother “What’s
inside it?” and broke things open to find out how
they worked. This curiosity gave him an early
understanding of machines and mechanisms.
In 1810, he went to study mathematics at Trinity
College, Cambridge University. At the time,
mathematicians and engineers completely relied
on books filled with tables of numbers in order to
carry out calculations. There were tables of
trigonometric functions (sine, cosine and tangent)


Charles Babbage was a

notoriously difficult man,
one of the many reasons
given for the lack of
realization of his designs.


In 1822, Babbage presented to the Royal

Astronomical Society a proposal to build a
calculating machine. The society granted
Babbage money to set about making his machine,
and he hired an engineer to oversee the job. In a
workshop close to Babbage’s house, with
and tables of logarithms. The books contained Above: Babbage’s collection machine tools painstakingly designed by
of mathematical tables. His
hundreds of tables, and each table contained Babbage himself, the engineer set to work. It was
engines were designed to
thousands of numbers. The values in the tables make these redundant. an enormous task, and Babbage repeatedly asked
were worked out by hand, by ‘computers’ – a word for, and was granted, more money from the
Top right: Babbage’s
that then meant ‘people who compute’. In 1812, British Government.
Difference Engine No.1. It
Babbage moved college, to Peterhouse. In the was built in 1832 by Joseph
library there, he realized that there were large Clement, a skilled toolmaker The Difference Engine
and draughtsman. It was a
numbers of mistakes in the numerical tables, and Babbage called his proposed device the
decimal digital machine; the
that these mistakes were down to human error. At value of a number Difference Engine. It was never finished, because
the time, various mechanical calculating represented by the positions of a dispute between Babbage and the engineer –
of toothed wheels marked
machines existed, but they were limited in what and perhaps also because it was so complicated.
with decimal numbers.
they could do. As such, Babbage envisaged a The Government officially abandoned the project
machine that would be able to calculate these in 1842. Babbage later improved his design, which
tables at speed as well as remove the risk of he called Difference Engine 2. In 1991, London’s
human error. Science Museum followed Babbage’s design and
constructed it; in 2005, they added a printer that
He envisaged a machine that had also been part of Babbage’s original design.
Both machines worked perfectly.
would calculate tables at speed and In 1827, his father, his wife and one of his sons
died, and Babbage stopped work and took time to
remove the risk of human error travel in Europe. While he was travelling, he


Above: Babbage’s cowcatcher in use on a steam locomotive in

Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province. The concept was
used on trains around the world.

dreamed up a more general calculating machine,

which would be able to follow sets of instructions.
Babbage envisaged a machine that would have
input via punched cards, would be able to store Analytical engine
answers, and would have a printer that would Babbage’s Analytical Engine was the first known design for a mechanical, general
output the results. By 1835, he had produced the all-purpose computer. Although never built, the concepts it utilized in its design
were at least 100 years before their time. Programs and data would be input using
first of many designs for an ‘Analytical Engine’ –
punched cards. Output consisted of a printer, a curved plotter and a bell. The
the forerunner to the modern programmable machine’s memory would be capable of holding 1,000 numbers of 50 decimal
computer. His design was expressed in 500 large digits each. The programming language it was to use was similar to that used in
engineering drawings, a thousand pages of early computers 100 years later. It used loops and conditional branching and was
engineering calculations and thousands of pages thus Turing-complete long before Alan Turing’s concept (see page 146). Although
Babbage’s direct influence on the later development of computing is argued
of sketches. Unfortunately, this machine was also
greatly, Howard H. Aiken – the primary engineer behind IBM’s 1944 Harvard Mark I
never finished. (the first large-scale automatic digital computer in the United States) – said of
Babbage’s designs inspired the pioneers of the Babbage’s writings on the Analytical Engine: “There’s my education on computers,
modern computer, and this is what he is right there: this is the whole thing, everything took out of a book.”
remembered for, but he also had a significant
influence on other fields. While he was travelling
in Europe in the 1820s, Babbage toured factories
and studied the manufacturing process. In 1832,
he published a book called On the Economy of
Machinery and Manufacture, which was the
beginning of studies into the efficiency of
business and industry – what is now called
operational research. He applied his methods to
mail in Britain, and the result was the world’s first
cheap and efficient national postal system.
He also studied the efficiency of the railways,
which were in their infancy then. He invented a
special carriage filled with equipment that would
record the bumps in the tracks during a journey,
and a device to move objects off the track ahead of Above: A design sketched by Babbage for part of his Analytical Engine.
a train – affectionately called a cowcatcher.


Design drawing, 1840, of

Babbage’s Analytical
Engine, showing the
incredibly complex
arrangement of gears. Had it
been built, this would have
been the first truly
automatic calculating
machine. Babbage intended
the machine to be powered
by a steam engine.

Design drawing of Babbage’s Analytical Engine


Joseph Lister
(5 April 1827–10 February 1912)

ntil the late 19th century, patients
undergoing even minor surgery had
about as much chance of dying
afterwards as they did of surviving. English
surgeon Joseph Lister dramatically improved
patients’ chances in the 1870s, by introducing
antiseptics into surgery.
Joseph Lister was born in Upton, in Essex,
England, to a wealthy Quaker family. His father
was a man of science, who made significant
improvements to microscope design. Joseph
studied the arts and then medicine at University
College, London. Although born and educated in
England, he spent most of his career in Scotland.
In 1856, Lister became an assistant surgeon at
the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary. Four years later,
he was appointed Professor of Surgery at Glasgow
University Medical School. In 1861, Lister was put
in charge of a new building with surgical wards at
Glasgow Royal Infirmary. At the time, around half
of the patients died as a result of surgery – open


The surgeon
Joseph Lister in 1902.


an easy connection to make. But it badly missed

the point: believing that polluted air caused
disease, surgeons carried out operations without
washing their hands and surgical wards were not
kept clean.

Impressive results
In 1865, Lister read a report by French chemist and
microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)
suggesting that fermentation and rotting are
caused by airborne micro-organisms. Pasteur also
showed how micro-organisms can be killed by
heat, filtration or chemical attack. When Lister
heard of Pasteur’s work, he realized that airborne
micro-organisms might actually be causing
wounds to turn septic. He had heard that carbolic
acid (phenol, C6H5OH) had been used to stop
sewage from smelling bad, and had also been
sprayed onto fields, where it reduced the
incidence of disease in cows. And so, he and his
surgeons began applying carbolic acid solution to
wounds, and using dressings that had been
soaked in a the same solution. In 1869, he
Above: French chemist and wounds often festered, becoming badly infected developed a spray that would fill the air with
microbiologist Louis Pasteur and inflamed and full of pus. Untreated, this carbolic acid – the aim being to kill airborne
in an 1885 painting by Albert
Eledfelt (1854–1905). In the ‘wound sepsis’ was often life-threatening. The germs. Lister also told his surgeons to wash their
1870s, Pasteur carried out prevailing explanation of infection was the hands before and after operations and to wash
experiments that so-called ‘miasma theory’: the idea that polluted their surgical instruments in carbolic acid
highlighted the existence of
airborne microbes. air was the cause of disease. In the filthy air of the solution. His results were impressive: his surgical
disease-ridden cities of the 19th century, this was wards remained free of sepsis for nine months,

Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865)

Nearly 30 years before Joseph Lister’s Semmelweis realized that the doctors
pioneering work on antiseptic surgery, a and students – who did not wash their
Hungarian obstetrician, Ignaz Semmelweis, hands between operations or even after
demonstrated the importance of washing dissecting corpses – were unwittingly
hands. He worked in maternity wards at transferring infections from one patient to
the Vienna General Hospital, in Austria. In another. In 1847, Semmelweis began a
wards attended by doctors and medical regime of washing hands with a solution of
students, a disease called puerperal fever chlorinated water, and managed to reduce
typically claimed the lives of about 20 per the mortality to below one per cent.
cent of women after childbirth, while in Unfortunately, the medical community
midwife-only wards, the incidence of dismissed Semmelweis’s results, and his
puerperal fever was much lower. work was quickly forgotten.

The doctors and students were

transferring infections from one
patient to another


Left: Carbolic acid solution spray, used to sterilize

tools and open wounds, as pioneered by Joseph
Lister. This example is from France; French
surgeons quickly adopted Lister’s sterile surgical
procedures, in part because it had saved
many lives in the Franco-Prussian war.

Right: Glasgow slum, 1868.

As in all large cities at the
time, poor sanitation and
overcrowding led to the
spread of infectious
diseases. This gave rise to
the miasma theory, in
which ‘foul air’ was
blamed for disease. The
miasma theory was
eventually superseded by
the germ theory of disease.

and Lister had proved that carbolic acid was an

effective antiseptic.
Other surgeons were slow to copy Lister’s
procedures, largely because many were reluctant
to accept the idea that disease can be caused by
micro-organisms – an idea known as the ‘germ
theory of disease’. When, gradually, surgeons did
begin using his techniques, post-operative
survival rates increased dramatically. It was after
surgeons in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871
used Lister’s techniques, saving the lives of many
wounded soldiers, that Lister’s fame spread across
Europe, and he began to receive the recognition
he deserved. In 1877, Lister moved back to King’s
College, London, where he managed to convince
many of the still-sceptical surgeons by
successfully performing a complex knee
replacement operation that had nearly always
proved fatal. He continued to experiment Lawson Tait (1845–1899) defined modern aseptic Above: Joseph Lister, centre,
directing the use of his
tirelessly on improving surgical techniques and surgical practices – even though he was not
carbolic spray during a
reducing mortality until his retirement in 1893. convinced of the existence of germs. Lister’s surgical operation, around
Although Lister is famous for his antiseptic pioneering investigations into wound sepsis, his 1865. Note the use of a cloth
soaked in ether as an
methods, he also worked on ‘aseptic’ ones: application of the germ theory of disease and his
anaesthetic (left).
attempting to keep operating theatres free of success in reducing mortality make his
germs rather than killing them. Scottish surgeon contributions to surgery of utmost importance.


Alfred Nobel
(21 October 1833–10 December 1896)

ew scientists have left a legacy more noble
than Alfred Nobel. This Swedish chemist
not only invented dynamite, but also
urged other scientists to explore new avenues of
study by establishing the world’s most
prestigious accolade for intellectual achievement:
the Nobel prize.
Since the award was founded in 1901, the
greatest minds have been rewarded for their
services to the advancement of science and other
arts. This peer-assessed award, Nobel hoped,
would inspire people to push the boundaries for
the benefit of humanity. Past winners include
such geniuses as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie and
Alexander Fleming.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm,
Sweden, on 21 October 1833 to Immanuel and
Andriette. His mechanical engineer father
enjoyed varying degrees of success with a
number of inventing and manufacturing business
ventures. In 1837, however, Immanuel left in


In the first 20 years after

dynamite was patented,
66,500 tons was produced
across the globe.


The big idea

Nobel’s work with nitroglycerin led him to
experiment with different additives to stabilise the
oily liquid. One of Nobel’s early ‘big ideas’ was the
invention of a functioning detonator, which he
designed first as a simple wooden plug and
developed into the patented blasting cap, which
was fitted with a small primary charge that could
be detonated by a strong shock. While the
detonators were groundbreaking, it was Alfred’s
chemistry that really put him on the map.
To make nitroglycerin safer, Nobel spent years
developing the formula; several labs and factories
were blown up in the process! Before long he
discovered that by adding a very fine inert silica
powder called diatomaceous earth, or kieselguhr,
the oily nitroglycerin liquid could be transformed
into a safer, malleable paste. When shaped into
rods, this paste could be inserted into drilling holes
and detonated in order to blast rock for mining. And
the name of this material? Dynamite.

search of better fortune in Russia. By 1842 he had

established a profitable business producing
equipment for the Russian military, and so the
rest of the Nobel family moved out to join him.
Together with his three brothers – Robert,
Ludwig and Emil – Alfred was home-educated by
private tutors. Taking a cue from his
Nobel spent many years
entrepreneurial father, who also designed and
made mines, Alfred developed a talent for
inventing and developing
chemistry – and explosives in particular. In 1850
Alfred travelled to Paris to study chemistry under
detonation devices
French professor Théophile-Jules Pelouze, who set up a small factory in which he began to
had been carrying out experiments using manufacture an exciting but highly volatile
concentrated nitric acid to develop explosive explosive called nitroglycerin, which had
materials in his laboratory. recently been invented by another of Pelouze’s
students: Ascanio Sobrero. While Nobel
Explosive experiments recognised the industrial potential of this
On his return to Russia Nobel began working in explosive, the use of nitroglycerin was just not
his father’s factory manufacturing military practical due to its unstable nature. The challenge
equipment for the Crimean War. Once the conflict was to find a way to control nitroglycerin so it
was over in 1856, the company struggled to turn a could be safely handled.
profit and, by 1859, the firm had gone bust, forcing Nobel spent many years perfecting the formula
the Nobels to return to Sweden. Alfred’s two elder for his explosives, as well as inventing and
brothers, Robert and Ludwig, remained in Russia developing detonation devices. Eventually his
hoping to salvage what was left of the business. research led him to discover a way to make
Alfred, meanwhile, started experimenting nitroglycerin stable and practical for the
with explosives in his father’s lab. By 1862 he had construction and mining industries. This


Nobel was interested in other aspects

of chemistry, including the
manufacture of synthetic rubber,
leather, artificial silk and more. Above: Nobel’s application for patent, regarding his percussion
cap and principles for initial ignition of nitroglycerine.

development was the invention of dynamite (see

‘The big idea’ boxout), for which Nobel obtained
the patent in 1867. With a commercial product on
his hands, Nobel became a wealthy man at the
heart of a brand-new industry. He established
some 16 factories for producing explosives in
almost as many countries.
Nobel died at the age of 63 of a heart attack at
his home in San Remo, Italy. Without the help of a
lawyer, a year before his death Nobel had signed
his last will and testament. In it he bequeathed
much of his wealth to the establishment of an
annual prize that he hoped would stimulate
scientific progress. In this document he wrote:
‘The whole of my remaining realisable estate
shall be dealt with in the following way: the
capital, invested in safe securities by my
executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on
which shall be annually distributed in the form
of prizes to those who, during the preceding
year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit Above: CCC crew member loading a hole under a stump with dynamite,
on mankind.’ Lolo National Forest (Montana).


Karl Benz
(25 November 1844–4 April 1929)

he person responsible for designing the
first true motor car, German engineer
Karl Benz, had no idea what effect his
invention would have on the world. By
increasing mobility, less than 100 years after the
rise of the railways, the motor car once again
revolutionized patterns of work, play and the
distribution of goods, and its rapid uptake in the
20th century changed the landscape very
quickly and dramatically.
Karl Benz was born in Karlsruhe, Baden (now
in Germany). His father died when Karl was just
two years old, but his mother encouraged him
greatly, working hard to put him through
grammar school and the Karlsruhe
Polytechnische Schule (Institute of Technology).
It was his dream from very early on to invent a
form of transport that would run without horses
and off rails.
The idea of self-propelled road vehicles was
already popular before Benz was born. Some


Photograph of the original, and unique, Benz

Patent Motorwagen, 1886. The car was
converted to a four-wheel vehicle in the 1890s,
then in 1903, it was returned to its original
form. It is now on display at the Deutsches
Museum, in Munich, Germany.


invented in 1859 by Belgian engineer Étienne

Lenoir (1822–1900).
The next step towards motor cars proper was
the ‘four-stroke’ engine designed by German
inventor Nikolaus Otto (1832–1891) in 1876. The
four strokes – intake of the fuel-air mixture;
compression of that mixture; ignition; and
exhaust – still form the basis of petrol engines
today. Otto’s engine was the first real alternative
to the steam engine.

Motoring dreams
Karl Benz closely followed developments in
engine design after leaving college, and worked
towards his dream of building a motor car. He
had been employed on mechanical engineering
projects, and in 1871 had moved to the nearby
city of Mannheim. In the 1870s, Benz designed a
Above: Replica of Benz’s engineers had made ‘cars’ – mostly steam reliable two-stroke petrol engine (in which the
patent motor car, showing
carriages and electric vehicles; all of them were four operations of the four-stroke engine are
the single-cylinder,
four-stroke engine, adaptations of horse-drawn carts and none was combined into one upward and one downward
horizontal flywheel and belt particularly effective. The most crucial invention stroke), for which he was granted a patent in
drive. The original ran on
in the development of the motor car was the 1879. Four years later, he formed a company with
ligroin, a mixture of
hydrocarbons very similar internal combustion engine. In a steam engine, two other people: Benz & Company Rheinische
to petrol. Also visible are the the combustion – the fire that heats the steam – is Gasmotoren-Fabrik. The company began as a
fuel tank, in the foreground,
produced outside the cylinder. The fi rst practical bicycle repair shop, and quickly grew when it
and the cooling water tank.
engines in which combustion took place inside began making machines and engines.
the cylinder, and drove a piston directly, Benz & Company did rather well, giving Benz
appeared in the 1850s. The most important was the time and the confidence that he needed to

Henry Ford (1863–1947)

For 20 years after Karl Benz’s Patent Motorwagen, motor cars were not
available to most people. The fact that each one had to be made individually
kept the cost high, which in turn kept demand low. In 1908, American
entrepreneur Henry Ford set out to change that, when he introduced what he
called ‘a car for the great multitude’.
The affordable Ford Model T was a real breakthrough, being made from
interchangeable parts in a factory with tools laid out in an efficient
arrangement. From 1913, the cars were manufactured on assembly lines.
One of Ford’s employees had seen how effective production lines could be
when he visited a meat-packing factory in Chicago. The application of the
idea to the motor-car industry brought costs down dramatically, made Henry
Ford incredibly rich and had a rapid and profound effect on the world of the
20th century.

From 1913, the Ford Model T

cars were manufactured on
assembly lines


pursue his dream. By the end of 1885, Benz’s car powered vehicle, and not simply as a cart with an Above: By 1888, Benz had
improved his design, and
was finally ready. It was a three-wheeled engine attached.
began producing cars in
carriage powered by a single-cylinder four- After a few improvements, including the greater numbers. French
stroke engine, which he had created specially. world’s first carburettor, the first Benz Patent engineer and entrepreneur
Émile Roger, in Paris, held
Benz’s motor car incorporated several very Motorwagen was sold in 1887. Benz began
the sole rights to sell
important innovations of his own design. These production of the car, and advertised it for sale in Benz’s cars outside
included an electric starter coil, differential 1888; it was the first commercially available Germany, and helped to
popularize the vehicle.
gears, a basic clutch and a water-cooling system production car in history. Uptake was very slow,
for the engine. Despite his hard work and his however, so Benz’s wife Bertha (1849–1944)
obvious brilliance, Benz had not quite worked decided to try to raise awareness. In August 1888,
out how to achieve steering with four wheels. He she drove with her two sons from Mannheim to
therefore took the easy option and had three her home town of Pforzheim and back – this was
wheels, the single front wheel being turned by a a total distance of nearly 200 kilometres (120
‘tiller’-type handle. miles). The stunt generated a great deal of
Benz applied for a patent in January 1886, and publicity – and thanks at least in part to that
it was granted in November of that year. His publicity, Benz’s Motorwagen ended up
application was successful because his motor car becoming a real success. The age of motoring
had been designed from the start as a self- had begun.


Right: By 1888, Benz had

improved his design, and
began producing cars in
greater numbers. French
engineer and entrepreneur
Émile Roger held sole rights
to sell Benz’s cars outside
Germany, and helped to
popularize the vehicle. Here
are extracts translated from
the patent granted to Karl
Benz for his ‘vehicle with gas
engine drive’.


PATENT NO. 37435






Patented in the German

Empire as from 29th
January, 1896

The discovery relates to the

operation of mainly light
carriages and small vessels,
such as are used to transport
1 to 4 persons.

The appended drawing

shows a small tricycle-like
vehicle, constructed for 4
persons. A small gas engine
(any system can be used)
serves as the motive power.
The latter receives its gas
from an accompanying
apparatus, in which gas is
generated from petroleum
ether or from other gasifying
materials. The engine’s
cylinder is kept at constant
temperature through the
evaporation of water.

The engine is laid out in such

a way that its flywheel
rotates in a horizontal plane
and the power is transmitted
through two bevel gears to
the main wheels. This not
only makes the vehicle fully
manoeuvrable, but also
provides a safeguard against
any tipping over of the same
when being driven around
small curves, or should
there be any obstructions
on the route.

German patent for Benz’s gas-powered engine


(11 February 1847–18 October 1931)

or the sheer number of important
inventions he pioneered, Thomas Edison is
one of the best-known and most prolific
inventors of all time. He was granted a total of
1,093 US patents, but perhaps his greatest
invention of all was something he could not
patent: organized, systematic research.
Home-schooled from the age of 12, Edison set
up his first laboratory in his bedroom at his
family’s home in Port Huron, Michigan. Much of
his early effort was dedicated to improving the
telegraph, a system that had revolutionized
long-distance communication in the 1840s. At 14,
Edison built a working telegraph at home; by the
age of 16, he was working as a telegraph operator
at his local telegraph office; and for the next five
years he travelled, working at a number of
telegraph offices in several cities. Eventually, he
decided to devote all his time to inventing.
Edison’s first successful invention was the
‘Universal Stock Ticker’ (1870) – a device with


Photograph of Edison with

his phonograph (2nd model),
taken in Mathew Brady’s
Washington, DC studio in
April 1878.


Above: The galvanizing which dealers could receive the current share
room in Edison’s Menlo
prices across the telegraph system, from the New
Park laboratory. His early
electric bulbs can be seen York Stock Exchange. He sold the rights to this
on the table. invention, and with the money he made, he set up
a workshop in Newark, New Jersey, in which he
employed 80 people. One of his employees was
Right: One of the most 16-year-old Mary Stilwell, who became his first
important early inventions wife in 1871.
to come from West Orange,
in 1894, was the
Kinetoscope, the first device Other inventions
for showing moving In 1873, he invented the ‘Quadruplex Telegraph’,
pictures. Edison came up
with the idea after meeting which made it possible to transmit and receive
English inventor Eadweard four telegraph signals simultaneously on a single
Muybridge,who pioneered wire. He sold the rights to this invention to
the photography of
movement. The Kinetoscope Western Union – it saved them millions of dollars
and an associated camera in wiring – and the proceeds helped him move his
were developed by a British workshop to new premises. In 1876, Edison
assistant of Edison, WKL
Dickson, and led to the bought 34 acres (14 hectares) of land in the
invention of cinema. countryside of Menlo Park, New Jersey, where he


The phonograph
In July 1877 Edison came up with an idea for a Above: The Dynamo Room at Pearl Street Station, New York. Pearl Street, the first central power
device that would make it possible to record and plant in the US, was built by Edison’s Electric Illuminating Company and started generating
play back sounds. One of his researchers set about electricity on 4 September 1882. By 1884 it was serving 508 customers and powering 10,164 lamps.
trying to make it, and in November Edison recited
the first verse of the poem “Mary Had a Little improvements that made it practicable for the
Lamb”. To everyone’s amazement, the device first time. His use of a carbonized bamboo
played back Edison’s voice clearly. The phonograph
filament meant a bulb would light for 40
indented sound vibrations on to a sheet of tinfoil
wrapped around a cylinder, turned by a hand crank. hours instead of just a few minutes. He
demonstrated the new technology in
December 1879, lighting the workshop
set up a full research and development laboratory in a public demonstration.
– the first of its kind anywhere in the world. At Edison set up a bulb-making factory
Menlo Park, Edison set about trying to improve at Menlo Park, and his success with
the recently-invented telephone. In 1877, he electric light led him to work on a system
invented a sensitive microphone, filled with to distribute electric power. He patented
compressed carbon, which improved the the system in 1880, and by 1882, he had set
distance over which telephone calls could be up a power station at Pearl Street, New York.
made. His invention was part of nearly every In 1884, Edison’s wife died. He married again,
telephone until the 1970s. to Mina Miller, in 1886. The following year, Edison
As an offshoot of his research into the moved his operation to a new laboratory in West
telephone, Edison and his team invented a device Orange, also in New Jersey. He headed the West
for recording sound: the phonograph. It was an Orange laboratory until his death in 1931. During
instant success, and Edison travelled extensively this period, his research team invented the first
to demonstrate his new invention. He was even device for showing moving pictures (using 35mm
called to the White House to show it to the then US sprocketed film, which later became the film
President, Rutherford Hayes. One journalist industry standard), a new type of battery, a
referred to Edison as the Wizard of Menlo Park – a device for separating iron ore, an all-concrete
name that stuck. house, and an electric locomotive.
Perhaps the most important invention to come After Edison died, US President Herbert Hoover
out of Menlo Park was the light bulb. As is true of encouraged Americans to turn off their lights for
nearly all his inventions, Edison did not actually one minute, in tribute to the contributions made
invent the light bulb: he made significant by America’s greatest inventor. Above: An ‘Ediswan’ lamp,
c.1890. English physicist Sir
Edison did not invent the light bulb: he made Joseph Wilson Swan
(1828–1914) took Edison’s

improvements that made it practicable lamp and improved upon

it further.


Right: Diagram from

Edison’s 1880 patent for
an ‘electric lamp’.
Edison’s main
innovation was to use a
long, coiled filament;
figure 2 shows the
filament before coiling.
Coiling allowed Edison
to fit a long filament
inside a small bulb,
dramatically increasing
the filament’s resistance.

Diagram from Edison’s patent

Left: Drawing for a

Phonograph, 05/18/1880.
This is the printed patent
drawing for a
phonograph invented by
Thomas A. Edison. From
the National Archives.


Graham Bell
(3 March 1847–2 August 1922)

robably the most lucrative patent of all
Top left portrait photo ©Moffett Studio

time was awarded to a Scottish-

Canadian-American inventor in 1876, for a
device that had the magical ability to transmit the
sound of the human voice across long distances.
The inventor’s name was Alexander Graham Bell,
and the device was the telephone.
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh,
Scotland. His father and grandfather were
pioneers in the field of speech and elocution, and
his mother had a condition that resulted in
progressive hearing loss. These influences
inspired Bell to study language and the human
voice. The young Bell attended a prestigious
school in Edinburgh, and when he left aged 16, he
taught music and elocution before studying in
Edinburgh and London. After his studies, Bell
taught deaf people to speak, using a method his
father had developed, and it was during this time
he began experiments in the transmission of
sound using electricity.


Alexander Graham Bell,

seated, in New York, on 18
October 1892, at the opening
of the first long-distance
telephone service. The line
connected New York and
Chicago, in the USA: a
distance of about 1,140
kilometres (710 miles).


Above: In 1877, news of Bell’s success spread worldwide. Britain’s Above: The first wireless telephone call, using a photophone transmitter, in April 1880.
Queen Victoria even asked Bell to demonstrate it at her residence on Sound made a tiny mirror vibrate inside the transmitter, which changed the intensity of
the Isle of Wight. This telephone and ‘terminal panel’ were part of the a light beam reflected off it. At the receiver, a light-sensitive cell detected the changes in
resulting installation. intensity and reproduced the speech sounds.

Bell lost both his brothers to tuberculosis, and sent as pulses of electricity with a distinct
in 1870 his own precarious state of health frequency of alternating current. Bell’s financial
deteriorated. His parents decided the family backers were keen for him to perfect his device,
should emigrate to Canada. Within a year of but Bell was much more interested in trying to
arriving, Bell had become a Canadian citizen, and adapt his device to transmit the human voice
his health had improved. The family settled on a through a wire, something that many thought
farm, and Bell continued his experiments with was impossible. In 1875, Bell was getting close, but
sound and electricity. He spent time teaching deaf his knowledge of electricity was lacking.
people in Montreal, Canada, and in various Fortunately, that year he met an electrical
American cities. Eventually, he settled in Boston, technician called Thomas Watson (1854–1934),
where he founded a school for the deaf and whom he engaged as his assistant.
became professor of vocal physiology at Boston
University. However, in 1873, becoming Success
increasingly preoccupied with his attempts to When Bell was granted the patent for the
transmit sound with electricity, he resigned his telephone, his device had not yet transmitted any
position. He retained two deaf people as private speech. But three days later, on 10 March 1876,
students; as luck would have it, their wealthy Bell and Watson achieved success. Bell, in one
parents became interested in what he was trying room, spoke into the device, and in an adjoining
to achieve, and helped fund his work. room, Watson heard the now famous words, “Mr
By 1874, Bell had built a device called a Watson, come here – I want to see you.” In the
harmonic telegraph, which was designed to following months, Bell and Watson made
transmit several telegraph messages at the same improvements to the microphone, and his
time through a single wire. Each message was device transmitted speech over increasing
distances – and began to generate huge interest
Bell improved Edison’s most from scientists as well as the press. In 1877, he
and his financial backers formed the Bell
famous creation: an early sound- Telephone Company.
Bell’s inventions were not only restricted to the
recording device, the phonograph telegraph and the telephone. He improved


Elisha Gray (1831-1901)

Alexander Graham Bell’s company fought a total of 587 lawsuits over priority in
the invention of the telephone during the 1880s and ‘90s. The company won
them all, ultimately due to the fact that no one had claimed priority until many
months after Bell was awarded his patent. However, some controversy remains
over Bell and one of his competitors at the time: prolific American inventor
Elisha Gray.
On the same day as Bell filed his patent, 14 February 1876, Gray filed a patent
‘caveat’ at the same office, for a very similar device. There is evidence that Bell
had sight of Gray’s application. In Bell’s first successful experiment, he used a
water-based microphone Gray had designed. But he never used it in public
demonstrations, probably because he knew he should not have known about it.
Instead he used his own, less effective, electromagnetic receiver.

Above: Replica of Bell’s 1875 experimental telephone

transmitter. Speech sounds caused the stretched parchment
drum to vibrate, and the metal spring with it. A magnet
attached to the spring produced an alternating electric current
in the coil that matched vibrations of the sound waves.

Edison’s most famous creation: an early sound-

recording device known as the phonograph. He
also invented record-breaking speedboats that
rose up out of the water on submerged ‘wings’
called hydrofoils, a chamber to help people with
respiratory problems breathe better (an early
version of the iron lung) and the first metal
detector. In his later years, he spent a great deal of
time and effort experimenting with flight. The
invention of which he was most proud, however,
was the photophone, a device that transmitted
sound using light rather than electricity. In 1880,
Bell’s photophone made the first ever wireless
transmission of speech, across a distance of more
than 210 metres (230 yards). Although his idea
never actually took off at the time, it is very
similar to the way telephone signals are
Above: Bell’s HD-4 hydrofoil boat, photographed in 1919, when it set a marine speed record of
transmitted today using laser light passing 114.04 kilometres (70.86 miles) per hour. Bell became interested in hydrofoils just after the
through optical fibres. Wright Brothers had successfully lifted into the air with aerofoils.


(12 July 1854–14 March 1932)

n its first fifty years, photography was the
preserve of a relatively small number of
professionals and enthusiastic amateurs. It
was expensive, time-consuming, awkward and
very specialized. All that changed in 1888, when
American inventor George Eastman began selling
a cheaper camera, which was also easier to use.
George Eastman was born on a small farm in
New York State, USA. When he was five years old,
the family moved to the city of Rochester, also in
New York. His father died when George was just
eight years old, and the family fell on hard times.
As a result, George had to leave school aged 13, to
find a job. He was keen to learn, though, and was
largely self-taught.
Eastman’s interest in photography was sparked
at age 24 when, while working as a bank clerk, he
planned a trip abroad. A colleague suggested he
take a record of his trip, so Eastman bought a
camera. The camera was a large, unwieldy box,
which had to be mounted on a heavy tripod and


Photograph of founder of the

Eastman Kodak company,
George Eastman.


bought. While he was still working at the bank,

Eastman devoted all his spare time to finding the
perfect way to mass-produce dry plates.

In 1880, Eastman set up the Eastman Dry Plate
Company. He began making and selling dry plates
in 1881, and realized that glass could be replaced
by a lighter, flexible material. In 1884, he had the
idea of making the flexible plate into a roll. A roll
holder could be mounted in place of the plate
holder inside the camera. His first camera to
feature a roll of film, dubbed the ‘detective
camera’, was available in 1885. The roll was made
of paper, but this was not ideal since the grain of
the paper showed up on the prints. Meanwhile,
other people were working on flexible dry plates,
too. Several were experimenting with a material
Above: Taking a photo with a instead of film there were individual glass called nitrocellulose, also known as celluloid.
Kodak Brownie camera,
plates that had to be coated with light-sensitive Eastman began selling celluloid film in 1889.
1900s. Brownie cameras
transformed photography emulsion in situ and held in large plate holders. Eastman’s real stroke of genius was his
from an expensive, For outdoor shooting, the plates had to be realization that, to be successful, he would need
prepared in a portable tent that doubled as to expand the market for photography, and that
process to something a child
could master and more a darkroom. would mean, in Eastman’s own words, making
could afford. In 1878, Eastman read about ‘dry plates’, photography “as convenient as a pencil”. To do
invented in 1871 by the English photographer that, he had to invent a new, smaller, affordable
Richard Leach Maddox. The emulsion was sealed camera. In 1888, the first Kodak camera went on
onto the plates with gelatine. These plates could sale. It was an immediate success.
be stored then used whenever desired, making The camera came loaded with a roll able to
obsolete much of the equipment Eastman had record 100 photographs. Once a camera’s owner

Eastman’s stroke of genius was his

realization that, to be successful, he’d need
to expand the market for photography

The Brownie
The first camera with mass-market appeal, the Kodak, retailed at $25 (5
shillings in the UK). This was only half what Eastman paid for the first
camera he bought, but it was still prohibitively expensive for everyday
photography. In 1900, the Eastman Kodak Company introduced the first
of its most successful range of cameras: the Brownie. Eastman Kodak
made and sold 99 different models of Brownies between 1900 and 1980.
The first Brownie was a cardboard box that contained a roll holder, a
roll of film and a lens. On the outside, there was a shutter button and a
spool winder. The epitome of simplicity, it sold for just $1 (equivalent to
about $20 in 2010), and brought in the era of the ‘snapshot’ – a
George Eastman photograph taken without preparation that can capture a moment in
using a 16-mm time which would otherwise be lost.
Cine-Kodak camera.


Above: Dry plate camera, 1870s. Photography took off with the
advent of ‘wet plates’ (1850) – glass slides coated in wet, light-
sensitive solution. Convenient and affording shorter exposure
times, Eastman’s first success was mass-producing them.

At the heart of a digital camera is a charge coupled device (CCD). On the surface of this
semiconductor chip are millions of light-sensitive units; each one stores and releases
an amount of charge that depends upon the intensity of light that falls on it, and a
computer translates those charges into digital information.

Above: After its introduction had taken the pictures, he or she had only to send affordable photography. He never married, nor
to still photography in 1925, the camera to Eastman’s company and wait for did he ever have any children.
35mm roll film dominated
the market until the the pictures and the return of the camera, newly He was a great philanthropist, giving away
introduction of consumer loaded with film. The key to the Kodak’s success large sums of his own money to universities,
digital cameras in the 1990s. was changing the perception of photography to hospitals and dental clinics. His last two years
Top: The Eastman Dry Plate something that anyone could do. Eastman had a were painful because he was suffering from a
Company building, in New simple phrase that did just that: “You press the degenerative bone disease, and he ended up
York. Eastman moved to this button, we do the rest.” taking his own life in 1932 by shooting himself in
building in 1883, after the
commercial success of his Eastman changed the name of his company to the heart. His suicide note read: “My work is done;
dry plates. Eastman Kodak, and cornered the market in why wait?”


Nikola Tesla
(10 July 1856–7 January 1943)

erbian-American genius Nikola Tesla would
be very MUCH at home in today’s developed
world, with its almost ubiquitous electricity
supply and its widespread reliance on wireless
technologies. His vision and determination went a
long way towards creating it.
Nikola Tesla was born into a Serbian family in
Smiljan, now in the Republic of Croatia but at the
time of his birth part of the Austrian Empire. He
studied engineering, first in Austria then in
Prague, where he dropped out after a few months
as his father died. Nevertheless, in 1880, he
landed a job as a telephone engineer in Budapest.
In 1882, Telsa had a flash of inspiration that
resulted in one of his most important inventions:
the AC (alternating current) motor. AC is electric
current that repeatedly changes the direction it
flows along a wire, unlike DC (direct current),
which flows in one direction only. Inside Tesla’s
motor, AC passes through a clever arrangement of
coils, producing a rotating magnetic field that


A photograph image
of Nikola Tesla
(1856-1943) at age 34.
Date: c. 1890. Author:
Napoleon Sarony.


Above: Wardenclyffe Tower, spins the rotor (the rotating part). Also in 1882, Around this time,
57 metres (187 feet) high, American inventor Thomas Edison (1847–1931) Tesla hit upon two ideas
with metal pipes pushing
125 metres (400 feet) into opened the world’s first steam-driven power- that were to dominate his thinking
the ground. Tesla hoped generating stations, one in London and one in from then on: the first was the transmission
that electrical oscillations New York; both produced DC, which Edison of electric power without wires; the second was
would ‘shake’ the earth and
travel through the favoured because no AC motors were available, wireless transmission of information (radio). In
atmosphere, enabling the and Edison’s light bulbs – the main reason for 1889, Tesla began experimenting with very
worldwide broadcasts of generating power at the time – did not work well high-voltage, high-frequency AC (current that
sound and pictures.
with AC. oscillates thousands of times every second).
Top Right: A demonstration Tesla worked for a year for an Edison subsidiary Around 1891, he invented the Tesla coil: a kind of
model made by Tesla of an in France, and in 1884 he moved to America. All he transformer that can produce very high voltages.
induction motor – perhaps
Tesla’s most important had was 4 cents and a letter of recommendation Initially designed to provide wireless power to
invention – stripped down to from his boss to Edison himself. Edison gave Tesla lights, it played an important role in the
show the coils of wire (stator) a job, and also promised him $50,000 if he could development of radio, television and X-ray
surrounding the rotor.
Alternating current in the improve on Edison’s DC generators. Within a year, technology. Meanwhile, Tesla continued his
stator creates a rotating Tesla had succeeded, however, Edison was not
magnetic field, which pulls forthcoming with the money. Tesla asked for a

War of currents
the rotor around.
raise instead, but was again refused, and he
subsequently resigned.
Nikola Tesla’s most important achievement is his
design of the power distribution system that has
Bigger and better things become the standard way of delivering electrical
During the months that followed, Tesla developed power from generator to consumer. Based on
a power distribution system based on AC; he took alternating currents, it superseded Thomas Edison’s
out several patents in 1887. Alternating current direct current system.
In 1893, the superiority of Tesla’s AC system
power distribution is cheaper to install, more
became apparent when the Westinghouse
efficient and more versatile than DC systems. Electrical Company provided impressive
American inventor George Westinghouse electrification of the Chicago World’s Fair. That year,
(1846–1914) was impressed with Tesla’s ideas, and Tesla had the chance to fulfil a childhood dream: to
in 1888 he gave Tesla a job. There ensued a battle harness the power of the Niagara Falls. He and
Westinghouse won the contract to build a power
between Edison (DC) and Westinghouse (AC), but
plant there, and their success when the first
Tesla’s system won out, and his AC motor has electricity flowed in 1896 bolstered the cause of AC
driven the wheels of industry ever since. power systems. In the following years, Edison
mounted a bitter publicity campaign denouncing

Tesla’s system won out, and his AC as dangerous, even going so far as orchestrating
public electrocutions of animals and being involved

AC motor has driven the wheels in the development of the first electric chair (which
was AC). Despite the campaign, the advantages of
Tesla’s system guaranteed its success.
of industry ever since

research into wireless broadcasting. Several

other inventors were working on the same idea,
but Tesla’s mastery of high-frequency electricity
put him ahead. In 1898, he designed and built the
first remotely controlled vehicle: a boat, which he
demonstrated to an amazed crowd in Madison
Square Garden, New York.
In 1901, on Long Island, New York, work began
Above: Tesla in his Colorado on Wardenclyffe Tower, a hugely ambitious
Springs laboratory. To the project Tesla hoped would demonstrate the
left is his ‘magnifying potential for transmitting energy and information
transmitter’, which could
produce millions of volts. worldwide. Even as work was beginning on
The meandering sparks Tesla’s tower, the Italian inventor Guglielmo
stretch about 7 metres (23 Marconi (1874–1937) transmitted a radio signal
feet) across the laboratory.
The photograph was across the Atlantic Ocean. The US Patent Office
probably a double exposure awarded priority in the invention of radio to
– with Tesla in one and the Marconi. In 1905, funding for Tesla’s project dried
sparks in another.
up, and the project was shut down.
Left: Sparks of ‘artificial His patents lapsed, and with no financial
lightning’ fly from a large backing, Tesla declared himself bankrupt in 1916
tesla coil, Nemesis, built by
the Tesla Coil Builders and spent the rest of his life in relative poverty
Association, in the USA. and increasing obscurity. A few months after his
Nemesis runs on mains death, however, the US Supreme Court
voltage (110 volts in the USA),
but produces more than a overturned the earlier decision, and named Tesla
million volts. as the real inventor of radio.


Right: Tesla’s drawing

and notes for
improvements to his
alternating current
induction motor, on
hotel notepaper (Tesla
lived in luxurious hotels
for much of his life in the
USA). These notes relate
to US patent 433,701, for
which Tesla applied on
26 March 1890.

Tesla’s drawing and notes

Left: Tesla’s bladeless Above: Nikola Tesla’s AC dynamo-electric

turbine—the Tesla machine (Electric generator) used to
turbine, Tesla’s 100th generate AC which is used to transport
American patent. electricity across great distances.

Above: A rotating magnetic field is a magnetic field which periodically changes direction. This is a key principle to the operation of alternating-current motor.
In 1882, Nikola Tesla identified the concept of the rotating magnetic field. In 1888, Tesla gained U.S. Patent 381968 for his work.


Auguste and
Louis Lumière(19 October 1862–10 April 1954 and
5 October 1864–6 June 1948)

hile no single person can be credited
with inventing moving pictures, two
French brothers – Auguste and Louis
Lumière – stand out for their foresight and their
important contributions. Using a film camera-
projector that they designed, they put on some of
the earliest public film screenings and helped to
define cinema.
Auguste and Louis Lumière were born in
Besançon, France, where their father had a
photographic studio. In 1870, they moved to Lyon,
and their father opened a small factory that made
photographic plates. In 1882, Auguste and Louis
helped to bring the factory back from the brink of
financial collapse by mechanizing the production
of the plates, and selling a new type of plate that
Louis had invented the previous year. The firm
moved to a larger factory in Montplaisir, on the
outskirts of Lyon, where it employed 300 people.
In 1894, the brothers’ father attended a
demonstration of the Kinetoscope, a moving


Auguste (looking down the

microscope) and Louis
Lumière in Auguste’s
laboratory, 1930s.


Above: The Lumières’ film of

Queen Victoria’s Diamond
Jubilee procession in
London, 1897. Its circular
sprocket holes are
characteristic of the picture peep-show device developed at the Louis developed the film transport mechanism,
Lumières’ system. Other
early filmmakers used laboratory of American inventor Thomas Edison inspired by a similar device in sewing machines,
35mm film with rectangular (1847–1931). The Kinetoscope was not a projector – which allowed each frame of the film to stop
Edison perforations. only one person could watch a film at a time – but momentarily behind the lens.
Top Right: The Lumière
it was fast becoming popular entertainment. The Lumière brothers patented their camera-
Cinématographe – an Antoine saw a commercial opportunity and, projector, the Cinématographe, in February 1895.
all-in-one film camera, returning to Lyon, suggested his sons work on Louis shot their first film, which was called La
printer and projector. For
shooting, only the camera
producing an apparatus that could record and Sortie de l’Usine Lumière à Lyon (Workers Leaving
is needed; the wooden box. play back moving images. the Lumière Factory in Lyon), and the pair showed
The magic-lantern Louis, the more technically minded of the two the film to the Société d’Encouragement de
lamphouse – the large black
box – contains the light
brothers, designed the camera-projector, while l’Industrie Nationale, in Paris in March 1895, the
source for projection. Auguste designed the housing for the light source. first public screening of a film.

Pioneers of motion pictures

The Lumière brothers pioneered The Lumières were not the first to
cinema, but weren’t the first to make project films to a paying audience,
moving-picture films. Many were either. Projection and a paying
experimenting with moving pictures audience form the definition of
several years before them. One of the cinema. That honour of the first
first people to capture realistic cinema performance goes to
movement on film was French American brothers Grey and Otway
inventor Louis Le Prince (1841–1890). Latham, who projected their films in
Le Prince made his first successful New York in May 1895. But the
film in October 1888. This was a ‘projector’ they were using was
sequence shot in his father-in-law’s simply a modified Edison
garden in Leeds, England, showing his Kinetoscope, and the results were not
son, his in-laws and a family friend. very good.


Above: Colour photograph,

They refused to sell their devices to anyone c.1910, taken with the
Lumières’ Autochrome

except through their own agents system. When shooting, a

glass slide coated with
randomly scattered red-,
green- and blue-
After several other screenings in France, their Cinématographe and that was quickly becoming pigmented starch grains
father arranged for the first performances to a the standard in a rapidly developing industry. By was held in front of the
(black and white) film; the
paying audience. Ten films were shown 20 times a 1905, Edison’s system would predominate and
same slide was required
day. The opening night, at the Salon Indien – the the Lumière brothers would leave the film for viewing.
empty basement of the Grand Café in Paris – was business altogether.
Top Left: One frame from
in December 1895. Auguste and Louis did not Auguste’s interests turned to chemistry and
the Lumière Brothers’ first
attend the first day, because they felt the medicine. In 1910, he founded a laboratory in Lyon, film, La Sortie de l’Usine
technology still needed more work. where his 150 staff carried out research into Lumière à Lyon, 1895. The
film was shot at 16 frames
cancer and other diseases. Auguste invented a
per second and, at that
Great success dressing for burns, called tulle gras, which is still rate, it runs for just under
After a slow start, the shows became a great used today, and pioneered the use of film in 50 seconds. It features
most of the nearly 300
success. In 1896, the Lumière brothers sent their surgery, which helped generations of medical
workers – mostly women
agents abroad, demonstrating their students. Meanwhile, in the early 1900s, Louis – walking or cycling out of
Cinématographe and arousing great interest. demonstrated a sequence shot on a new, wider- the factory yard.
They also ordered 200 or so of the camera- format film, and later experimented with
projectors to be constructed, and opened agencies panoramic and stereoscopic (3-D) films.
in several countries to sell them. The Lumière In 1904, the Lumière brothers perfected a colour
franchise was very successful, but they refused to photography system known as Autochrome; they
sell their devices to anyone except through their had been working on colour photography ever
own agents. since the early 1890s. Autochrome was the most
By 1897, Thomas Edison had developed a system important colour photographic process until
of sprocket holes that was incompatible with the colour film became available in the 1930s.


Wilbur and
Orville Wright (16 April 1867–30 May 1912
& 19 August 1871–30 January 1948)

t the dawn of the 20th century, two
brothers from a small town in the USA
– Wilbur and Orville Wright – became the
first to achieve sustained, powered flight.
The key to their success was the combination of
their inventive, mechanical skill with the
application of scientific principles to flight.
Moreover, they learned to become pilots in a
gradual, thoughtful way, rather than risking
everything on one short trial, like so many
other pioneers.
Wilbur (seen right) and Orville (left) Wright
grew up in Dayton, Ohio, in a family with seven
children (although two died in childhood). They
were mechanically-minded from an early age: in
1886, they built their own lathe; in 1888, they built
a printing press, which they used to produce their
own local paper; and in 1892, they opened a
bicycle repair shop. They used the profits of the
shop to finance their efforts in aviation.


First successful flight of the Wright Flyer, by the

Wright brothers. It travelled 120 ft (36.6 m) in 12
seconds at 10.35 am at Kill Devil Hills, North
Carolina. Orville Wright was at the controls.
Wilbur Wright ran alongside to balance the
machine, and just released his hold on the
forward upright of the right wing in the photo.


Replica of the engine that powered the

Wright Flyer. The engine was built in 1903 by
Wilbur and Orville’s bicycle-shop mechanic, Charlie
Taylor (1868–1956). It was relatively light, thanks to the
fact that the cylinder block was cast in aluminium.

constructed their first glider in 1900, and also

The brothers decided to build added a front ‘wing’ called an elevator, for pitch
control. They chose the open area on the coast,
full-size, piloted gliders near the tiny fishing village of Kitty Hawk in North
Carolina, for its steady on-shore winds. First they
The dream of human flight stretches back to flew the glider tethered like a kite, moving to the
antiquity, but it was only in the late 18th century nearby Kill Devil Hills for actual flights. During
that people finally made it into the air, by courtesy 1901 and 1902, Wilbur and Orville built and tested
of ‘lighter-than-air’ balloons. In the 19th century, two more gliders, and they also carried out
scientists and inventors began giving serious hundreds of experiments in a homemade wind
consideration to the problem of ‘heavier-than-air’ tunnel in their bicycle shop back in Dayton. By
flight. Providing power was problematic, since analysis and practical trials the brothers became
steam engines were large and very heavy. During the first to realize that controlling an aircraft
the 1880s and 1890s people flew in unpowered required the banking control (wing warping or
gliders and kites. In 1899, the Wright brothers aileron), rudder and elevator all to be used
built a large box kite. Wilbur hit on the idea that continuously in combination. They were now
by twisting the box shape, it would be possible to ready to make a powered version of their flying
change the airflow over the wings and make the machine. For driving the aeroplane, they
kite bank and turn. He called this effect ‘wing designed and built large wooden propellers and,
warping’, and it would be crucial to the brothers’ with a colleague in the bicycle shop, made a
later success. purpose-built, lightweight, powerful engine.
After the kite performed well, the brothers
decided to build full-size, piloted gliders, with Testing their ideas
wing warping effected via control cables. They In December 1903, at Kill Devil Hills, the Wright


Otto Lilienthal (1848-1896)

It was Wilbur who was first struck by the desire to build a
powered flying machine, after reading a magazine article about
Otto Lilienthal, a German gliding pioneer. Lilienthal realized that
to develop successful flying machines, any inventor needed to
understand the scientific principles behind flight but also needed
first-hand experience of flying. The Wright brothers took the
same approach, and paid tribute to Lilienthal as their inspiration.
Lilienthal began his quest to fly by studying birds, and then
carried out a huge amount of research into aerodynamics. In the
1890s, he made nearly 2,000 flights, mostly from an artificial hill
he built near Berlin, in gliders he had designed and constructed.
During what was to be his last flight, a gust of wind made him
stall at an altitude of 15 metres (50 feet). He crashed to the
ground and died the next day from his injuries. According to
legend, his last words were: “Sacrifices must be made.”

brothers were ready to put all their ideas, to believe that the age-old dream
experiments and calculations to the test. The first of flight had finally come true, but
successful flights took place on December 17. also because the brothers became
There were four flights that day, two by each secretive about their work, hoping
brother. The first, with Orville piloting, lasted just to sell their invention to a
12 seconds and covered 37 metres (120 feet). The government or large corporation.
final flight of the day, with Wilbur as pilot, lasted Wilbur and Orville were awarded a patent in
59 seconds and covered 260 metres (852 feet). By 1906 for a ‘Flying Machine’. Three years later they
1905, the Wright brothers’ flying machines were founded The Wright Company. Wilbur died within Above Left: The Wright
routinely staying in the air for several minutes at a three years, from typhoid. Orville became a brothers’ wind tunnel. They
used it to test wing designs
time, taking off, landing, and manoeuvring with long-time advisor to the US Government’s National to compile the first accurate
ease. At first, the world was slow to recognize the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and was able tables of lift and drag forces
Wrights’ achievement, despite the fact that there to appreciate the incredibly rapid developments on wings and understand
how the lift force moves back
were several witnesses on the day. This was partly in aviation that took place within a few decades of or forward as the wing tilts,
because the media and the public were unwilling those first flights. affecting control.


Above: A letter dated 28 December 1903 from Wilbur Wright to French-born American aviation pioneer
Octave Chanute (1832–1910), describing in detail the Wright brothers’ achievements earlier that month.

Orville Wright’s diary


Orville Wright’s diary


Orville Wright’s diary

Above: Orville Wright’s diary from 1903, manuscript photograph. Entry notes the first successful airplane flight.


Marconi (25 April 1874–20 July 1937)

he early history of radio is rather
complex, and credit is due to dozens of
important pioneers. One of the most
important and successful was Italian inventor
Guglielmo Marconi, who helped bring radio into
everyday use.
Guglielmo Marconi was born in Bologna, Italy
to an Italian father and an Irish mother. From an
early age, he took an interest in science and was
particularly interested in electricity. In late 1894,
Marconi became aware of the experiments of the
German physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894), who
had succeeded in proving the existence of radio
waves during the late 1880s.
Hertz produced radio waves by sending a
rapidly alternating current up and down a
vertical antenna, and detected the waves up to 20
metres (65 feet) away. Marconi also read about a
demonstration that English physicist Oliver Lodge
(1851–1940) had recently performed. Lodge sent
Morse-code messages wirelessly, using the


Batteries and tuning coils at Marconi’s

South Wellfleet station, Massachusetts. From
here, in 1903, Marconi sent a message from US
President Theodore Roosevelt to King Edward,
in London – a distance of more than 5,000
kilometres (3,000 miles).


Lee De Forest
In the early 1900s, radio communication could only
be made using wireless telegraphy – sending
Morse-code messages as on-and-off pulses of
radio waves. That changed with the introduction of
audio broadcasting; regular broadcasts began in
1920. One of the most important technologies
involved in the development of audio broadcasting
was the Audion, invented in 1906 by American
Above: Sailors on board ship, reading a ‘marconigram’, in the early 1900s. Just as a telegram was a electronics engineer Lee de Forest .
physical record of a Morse code message sent via telegraph wires, a marconigram was a record
The Audion was an early example of a ‘valve’ that
– on paper tape – of Morse-code message received wirelessly via radio.
found myriad uses in the developing field of
electronics. In radio and television broadcasting, it
‘Hertzian’ waves. At the time, telegraph messages enabled the construction of all-electronic
in Morse code could only be sent as electric pulses ‘oscillators’, which produced radio waves of any
along wires, and Marconi was excited at the frequency to order. From the 1920s until the 1960s,
prospect of ‘wireless telegraphy’. radio and TV sets used valves for amplification.
Eventually, they were replaced by the smaller, less
Marconi decided to carry out experiments of
power-hungry transistor, invented in 1947.
his own, with the aim of making wireless
telegraphy a useful, practical technology. He set
up a laboratory in the attic room of his family Following a series of impressive
home, and assembled the necessary components. demonstrations during 1897, Marconi garnered
He was soon sending and receiving Morse code the support of the Post Office, which was in charge
wirelessly over increasingly large distances: first of Britain’s telegraph system at the time. In that
across the room, then down a corridor, then year, he formed the Wireless Telegraph & Signal
outside, across fields. In the summer of 1895, Company to expand his work. In the following few
Marconi transmitted a message over nearly 2 years, he sent messages over ever greater
kilometres (1.2 miles), and in 1896 patented his distances and, notably, between ships and from
system. On being refused funding by the Italian ship to shore. In 1900, Marconi decided to try
government, he decided to travel to Britain to extending the range of his transmissions yet
seek interest there. further: across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1901, he
created a worldwide sensation when he
He was soon sending and announced the successful transmission of a
Morse code letter ‘S’ (three short bursts of radio)
receiving Morse code wirelessly from Poldhu, in Cornwall, England to St John’s,
Newfoundland (then a British colony, now in
over increasingly large distances Canada). After suggestions that he had faked the


Illustration of the receiving end of

Marconi’s first trans-Atlantic
transmission in 1901. A kite was
used to lift the antenna into the
air at St Johns, Newfoundland,
after a heavy storm destroyed the
original fixed antenna at Cape
Cod, Massachusetts.

transmission, he carried out another, carefully

monitored experiment the following year. Aboard
a ship close to the Canadian coast, he received
signals from Cornwall more than 3,200 kilometres
(2,000 miles) away.

During the years that followed, Marconi made
several important improvements to his system of
radio transmission, and in 1907 he instigated the
first commercial trans-Atlantic radio service. He
found fame again when the British ocean liner
RMS Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in 1912. A higher-frequency, shorter-wavelength radio Above: ‘Marconiphone’
amplifier from around 1925,
Marconi-radio operator aboard the sinking ship waves – microwaves – and a year later, he with valves – the
managed to broadcast radio distress signals and installed a beamed, microwave radio-telephone developments of de Forest’s
summon help from nearby ships. system between the Vatican and the Pope’s Audion (see box). Marconi
formed the Marconiphone
During the 1920s, Marconi experimented with summer residence. Much of today’s Company in 1922, to
much higher-frequency radio waves. These ‘short telecommunications infrastructure is built on manufacture radios sets for
waves’ can be focused by a curved reflector microwave beams like this. domestic use as well as
amplifiers like this one,
behind the transmitter, like the parabolic dishes Marconi did not invent radio, but he did make which made it possible to
used to receive satellite communications. This several important improvements to it, and his listen without headphones.
arrangement made radio more efficient and less determination to turn a complicated laboratory
power-hungry, since the waves were curiosity into something useful and commercially
concentrated into a beam and not radiating in all successful helped make the world feel a bit
directions. By this time, radio operators, smaller. In 1909, he received the Nobel Prize for
including Marconi, were transmitting not only Physics, for his contributions to wireless
Morse code, but also speech, music and audio telegraphy, and in 1930, he became president of
signals. In 1931, he experimented with even the Royal Italian Academy.


The Board of Directors of

IG-Farben, Germany. In
front (left) Carl Bosch.
Hermann Groeber, 1926,
Oil on canvas.

Carl Bosch
(27 August 1874–26 April 1940)

here is one 20th-century invention that
arguably changed the world more
profoundly than any other. It is not a
machine or a device, but an industrial process.
The manufacture of ammonia, perfected by
German chemist Carl Bosch, enabled the
production of fertilizers and explosives on a
completely unprecedented scale, resulting in a
meteoric rise in population and unlimited
explosive capacity in two world wars.
Carl Bosch was born in Cologne, Germany. He
studied mechanical engineering and metallurgy
at Charlottenburg Technical University. In 1896,
he began studying chemistry, at the University of
Leipzig. Three years later, Bosch joined
Germany’s most successful chemical company,
in Ludwigshafen. At the time, the company’s
name was Badische Anilin- & Soda-Fabrik;
nowadays, the name is simply BASF.
At first, Bosch worked on synthetic dyes, but in
1905 he turned his attention to a major question



Carl Bosch made it possible to produce Bosch’s lasting legacy is double-
huge quantities of ammonia, much of edged, however. Artificial fertilizers
which is made into nitrogen-rich saved millions from starvation, but the
ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer. huge increases in population they
Careful estimates suggest that allowed, from nearly 1.8 billion in 1910
synthetic fertilizers feed about half of to nearly 7 billion a century later, have
the world’s population. Plants rely upon put a strain on the world’s resources.
nitrogen compounds for building Their manufacture accounts for about
proteins and DNA (deoxyribonucleic one per cent of the world’s total energy
acid). In nature, nitrates come from consumption and their use causes
decaying plant and animal matter and pollution; agricultural run-off creates
from certain bacteria, which fix ‘harmful algal blooms’ in lakes and
nitrogen from the air. estuaries due to the extra nitrogen.

Above: German chemist Fritz Haber, photographed in 1918, the year he won
the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Haber developed the reaction that produces
ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gases, which Bosch scaled up in
1910; the resulting technique is today called the Haber-Bosch Process.

Above: Synthetic ammonia of the day: how to ‘fi x’ atmospheric nitrogen into 20th century, a growing threat of war led
fertilizer factory, 1920s.
Before Bosch developed his
chemical compounds. This seemingly esoteric to further increases in the demand for
industrial process, only issue was actually of immense global nitrogen compounds.
bacteria, living in the soil or significance. Scientists in the 19th century had
in water, could ‘fix’ nitrogen
from the air in these
realized that nitrogen-rich compounds made The role of nitrogen
quantities. The production very effective fertilizers. In particular, huge As an element, nitrogen is notoriously
of synthetic nitrogen-based deposits of guano (fossilized bird excrement) and unreactive. That is why it makes up nearly 80 per
fertilizers enabled the world
to avoid mass starvation.
saltpetre (potassium nitrate, KNO3) had helped cent of the atmosphere. From the 1890s, chemists
to sustain an ever-expanding world population. had tried in vain to find an efficient, high-yield
In 1898, English chemist William Crookes process to fi x nitrogen from the air to make
(1832–1919) delivered a lecture to the British fertilizers and explosives. Then, in 1905, German
Association entitled ‘The Wheat Problem’, in chemist Fritz Haber (1868–1934) reported that he
which he noted that these deposits were had produced small amounts of ammonia from
dwindling. Crookes suggested that the world nitrogen gas (N2 ) and hydrogen gas (H2 ). Haber’s
could face major famines by the 1920s. In process required high temperature, high
addition, nitrogen compounds were an essential pressure and a catalyst – a chemical that speeds
ingredient in explosives. In the early years of the up a reaction, while remaining unchanged, or a


Above: A German World War I biplane

dropping a bomb. The manufacture of
explosives depended upon a plentiful
source of nitrogen-rich compounds.
Bosch’s process for the manufacture of
ammonia helped Germany meet the
demand and sustain its war effort.

Heavy use of artificial fertilizers causes dead zones,

chemical that lowers the energy needed for a like this one in the Gulf of Mexico. They form in
reaction to take place, therefore speeding it up. lakes and coastal seas as agricultural run-off finds
Haber was working under contract to BASF and, its way into water courses, causing a proliferation of
algae, which starve other organisms of oxygen.
by 1909, he had produced an impressive yield of
ammonia in his laboratory. In that year, BASF
gave Bosch the task of scaling up Haber’s
reaction for use on an industrial scale.
Bosch developed a reaction vessel that could
withstand the high temperatures and pressures
that were necessary: a double-walled chamber
that was safer and more efficient than Haber’s
system. He carried out nearly 20,000
experiments before he found a more suitable
catalyst than the expensive osmium and
uranium Haber had used. Bosch also worked out
the best ways to obtain large quantities of
hydrogen – by passing steam over red-hot coke
– and nitrogen, from the air. He patented his
results in 1910, and by 1911, BASF had begun
producing ammonia in large quantities. The
company opened the world’s first dedicated
ammonia plant, in Oppau, a suburb of
Ludwigshafen, just two years later. The ammonia
was used to make artificial fertilizers in huge Bosch’s intensive work and his insight into Above: The world’s first
ammonia synthesis plant, at
quantities. When the First World War began in chemistry and engineering helped to lay the Oppau, near BASF’s
1914, however, the German government was foundations of large-scale, high-pressure headquarters in
faced with a shortage of ammunition, and the processes – which, in turn, underpin much of the Ludwigshafen, Germany. In
its early years, the plant
output of the Oppau plant was used to produce modern chemical industry. In 1931, he was produced more than 7,000
explosives instead. Without the Haber-Bosch awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Today, tonnes of ammonia, made
process, the war would probably not have lasted nearly 200 million tonnes of synthetic nitrogen into 36,000 tonnes of
ammonium sulphate.
as long as it did; Britain had blockaded fertilizers are produced worldwide every year –
Germany’s imports of saltpetre, which Germany several tonnes every second – using the Haber-
had relied upon to make explosives. Bosch process.


Zworykin (30 July 1889–29 July 1982)

elevision changed the way of life of
hundreds of millions of people in the 20th
century. But the history of this far-
reaching invention is far from simple: dozens of
inventive people contributed to its development.
One of the most significant pioneers was Russian-
born inventor Vladimir Zworykin, who also made
important contributions to the development of
the electron microscope.
Vladimir Zworykin was born in the town of
Murom, in what was then the Russian Empire. As
a child he spent time installing and repairing
electric doorbells in the family-owned passenger
steamships. In 1912, he obtained a degree in
engineering from the Saint Petersburg Institute of
Technology. At the Institute, one of Zworykin’s
professors, Boris Rosing (1869–1933) showed him a
project he had been working on in secret. Rosing
called it ‘electric telescopy’ – one of the early
names for television; several other people in other
countries were working on the same idea.


Vladimir Kosma Zworykin (1889-1982), a

Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing
Company research engineer, is demonstrating his
new cathode ray television set that can entertain
large groups. Mildred Birt is the watcher. Broadcast
images are projected on a mirror on the top of the
cabinet making it possible for many to watch.


Below: Zworykin’s Indeed, as early as 1908 the Scottish engineer

night-vision device, the
AA Campbell Swinton (1863–1930) had published a
photographed in 1944. The letter in which he outlined his concept for ‘distant
snooperscope was sensitive electric vision’ using the cathode-ray tube,
to infrared radiation, which
invented in 1897 by German physicist Karl
warm-blooded animals
emit with greater intensity Ferdinand Braun (1850–1918). A cathode-ray tube Above: Combined
than non-living things, by is a glass tube, from which the air has been electronic television set and radio
virtue of their warm bodies. receiver, 1938, made by British company Pye. The
removed, in which a beam of electrons strikes a 23-centimetre (9-inch) cathode ray tube (CRT) screen
Zworykin’s device helped
soldiers in night-time flat screen. The inside of the screen is coated with is a descendant of Zworykin’s kinescope.
conflicts in World War II. chemical compounds called phosphors, which
glow wherever electrons during the Russian Civil War, Zworykin
collide with them. emigrated to the USA. Within a year he had begun
Electromagnets working at the Westinghouse Electric and
positioned around the Manufacturing Company in Pittsburgh. In 1923,
tube control the direction after spending a considerable amount of his spare
of the beam, and the time working on television, he applied for a
television signal fed to the patent. Zworykin’s system used one cathode-ray
magnets causes the beam to tube to display pictures and another one in the
scan in horizontal lines across camera. Inside his television camera, light fell on
the screen. By scanning the whole the screen of the cathode-ray tube. Instead of
screen in this way several times every phosphors, this screen was coated with light-
second, while also varying the intensity of sensitive dots made of potassium hydride. An
the electron beam, it is possible to display a electron beam scanned the screen, as in the
moving image. Swinton never attempted to picture tube, and each light-sensitive dot
build the system he conceived, and while produced a signal that depended on the
Rosing was a pioneer, his system was crude brightness of the image at that point.
and unwieldy, and never worked. After submitting an improved patent
application in 1925, Zworykin demonstrated his
Zworykin’s system television system to his employers at
In 1919, after the Bolshevik Revolution Westinghouse. The images were rather dim


Television pioneers
For much of the 1930s, Vladimir Zworykin was
embroiled in a lengthy patent battle between the
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) and another
television pioneer, American inventor Philo T
Farnsworth (1906–1971). Farnsworth won the battle
– at great cost to RCA. Another important figure in
developing electronic television was Hungarian
inventor Kálmán Tihanyi (1897–1947), whose work
was crucial in making Zworykin’s Iconoscope
camera work. There was another approach to
television besides the all-electronic system: the
‘electromechanical system’. In 1924, Scottish
inventor John Logie Baird (1888–1946; shown far
left, standing by the railings) transmitted the
first-ever television pictures. The earliest
photograph of a television picture (above) shows
Baird’s business partner. Instead of electron beams
scanning the inside of a cathode ray tube, Baird’s
device used spinning discs with spiral holes to
In 1940, Zworykin’s team
produce images. Electromechanical systems made
some of the earliest television broadcasts – but achieved the first magnification
electronic television won out in the end.
greater than 100,000x
and stationary, and his employers were not at Canadian electronic engineer James Hillier
all impressed. (1915–2007) and worked with him to improve on
He received a more favourable response when the electron microscope, which had been
he showed it to the Radio Corporation of America invented in the early 1930s in Germany. In
(RCA) in 1929. Zworykin’s camera, later dubbed the particular, the team developed the scanning
Iconoscope, would become the standard way of electron microscope, in which a beam of electrons
producing television pictures. Zworykin scans a sample – not unlike what happens inside a
Above: Zworykin next to
developed the technology even further at the cathode-ray tube. In 1940, Zworykin’s team an early scanning electron
RCA. In 1939, the company demonstrated it at the achieved the first magnification greater than microscope, around 1945.
New York World’s Fair and, in 1941, the RCA 100,000x – a huge improvement in the technology. Zworykin did not invent
the electron microscope,
began regular commercial television broadcasts In addition to his work in television and but led a team that made
in the USA. electron microscopy, Zworykin developed important improvements
Zworykin’s work on the electron microscope infrared ‘night vision’, missile guidance systems in the device, which
has revolutionized
stemmed from his wealth of experience working and security systems that used ‘electric eyes’. He biology, medicine and
with images and electrons. In 1938, he employed received a total of 120 US patents. materials science.


Juan de la
(21 September 1895–9 December 1935)

strange aircraft took to the air in 1923. It
was the autogyro, an aeroplane with
both a propeller and a rotor, invented by
Spanish engineer Juan de la Cierva. Today, the
autogyro is only flown by enthusiasts, having
been superseded by the more manoeuvrable
helicopter. The most important feature of
helicopter design, however, the complicated
mechanics at the hub of the rotor, was established
in Cierva’s autogyros.
Juan de la Cierva was born to a wealthy family
in Mercia, Spain. As a boy, he was inspired by the
early pioneers of flight, and he became
determined to be an aviator himself. In 1911, he
went to study civil engineering in Madrid. That
year, he and two friends experimented with
gliders, and formed an aviation company. In 1912,
Cierva built the first aeroplane in Spain, but
during the following few years two of his
aeroplanes crashed after stalling at low speed. As
a result, he became determined to build an


Pitcairn PCA-2 autogyro,

build in the U.S. under
Cierva license, 1961.


The autogyro, invented by Juan de la Cierva and later developed by It was Russian-American aviation pioneer Igor Sikorsky (1889–
Russian engineer Igor Bensen (1917–2000), was effective, safe, and 1972) who established the blueprint for the modern helicopter.
moved through the air almost as fast as some aeroplanes did. Sikorsky built his first helicopter in 1909 but, as with other inventors’
Autogyros found several uses during the Second World War, attempts at the time, it did not work. After working on fixed-wing
including reconnaissance and even the bombing of submarines. But aircraft during the 1910s and ’20s, Sikorsky produced one of the
autogyros could not hover, or perform truly vertical landings and world’s first successful helicopters, the VS-300, in 1939. He went on
take-offs so eventually helicopters gained the edge once they to design the first mass-produced helicopter, the Sikorsky R-4, in
became practical. 1942. The layout of most helicopters has changed little since then.

Above: Russian-American aeroplane that could not stall. He came up with autogyro would not crash to the ground. Instead,
helicopter pioneer Igor
Sigorsky, flying his VS-300
the autogyro: an aeroplane with a propeller at the it would fall slowly, like a spinning sycamore seed
helicopter in 1940. The front and rotating wings – rotor blades – at the top. case. In 1920, Cierva patented his idea, and tested
VS-300 was the first The rotor blades would always be moving fast small models of his autogyro concept. The models
helicopter to have a tail
rotor; until then, helicopters
relative to the air, and producing lift, even when worked well, but when he scaled up his design, he
had two counter-rotating the autogyro was moving slowly. found it had a tendency to flip over. He soon
main rotors to keep them Other inventors had experimented with rotors realized why. As it turns, each rotor blade spends
stable in flight. Both designs
are still common today.
as early as 1907, but with little success. Cierva half the time moving forwards – into the
decided to leave his rotors unpowered, so that oncoming air – and half the time moving
they would windmill or ‘autorotate’ as the backwards. This means that the advancing blade
autogyro moved through the air. This approach is moving through the air faster than the receding
had an added benefit: if the engine cut out, the blade and so the lift force is greater on one side
than the other.

Successful prototype
Cierva looked back at his earlier models, and
realized that the smaller rotor blades were
flexible. As those rotors turned, the blades twisted
slightly, automatically adjusting to the changing
airspeed during each rotation, and producing
constant lift. Cierva set about mimicking this
phenomenon in his larger, metal blades. To do
this, he incorporated a ‘flapping hinge’ where
each rotor blade met the rotor hub. In January
1923, Cierva’s first successful prototype, the C4,
flew 180 metres (200 yards) at an airfield near
Madrid. This was the first stable flight of a
rotating-wing aircraft in history, and was quickly
followed by many longer, more sustained flights.
In 1925, Cierva demonstrated autogyro C6 in
Above: A Cierva autogyro taking off from the South Grounds of the White House in Washington,
DC, in 1931. The aircraft has fixed wings, like an aeroplane, but most of the lift force is provided by England and, with the support of an investor,
the rotor blades. In 1933, Cierva dispensed with the fixed wings altogether. formed the Cierva Autogiro Company. Three years


later, Cierva flew his C8 autogyro from England to

France. The C8 featured a ‘fully articulated rotor’,
with blades that could flex backwards to absorb
the drag force (air resistance), which had
previously caused some blades to snap.
More improvements followed, including a
system to drive the rotor, just at take-off, so that
the autogyro could rise vertically. The most
obvious change came in 1933 when Cierva built
autogyros with no wings and no tail. Up to this
point, autogyros were controlled in the same way
as fixed-wing aircraft: using moveable flaps on
the wings and tail. This meant that pilots all but
lost control at low speeds, so Cierva decided to
find a way to control his autogyros by tilting the
rotor. To do this, he had to design a complicated
system of hinges and control levers around his
rotor hub, and what he achieved formed the basis
of all future helicopter rotors. Ironically, after
devoting his career to avoiding the problems of
stalling, Cierva was killed at Croydon airport, a
passenger aboard a conventional fixed-wing
Above: A modern, fully articulated rotor. Each blade is able to move independently of the others,
aeroplane that stalled and crashed into a building and can tilt to increase or decrease the lift force. Cierva developed the fully articulated rotor so
just after take-off. that he could control his autogyros without fixed wings.

Above: A Focke-Wulf Fw-61, the first fully controllable helicopter, in 1937. German engineer Heinrich Focke (1890–1979) designed this after working on Cierva
autogyros. The pilot is German aviator Hanna Reitsch (1912–1979), who set many records, including being the first woman to fly helicopters.


von Braun
(23 March 1912–16 June 1977)

erman-American rocket engineer
Wernher von Braun designed the first
rocket-powered long-range ballistic
missiles – but his real achievement was in
spaceflight. His determination in following his
boyhood dream of sending people to the Moon,
together with his excellent technical and
leadership skills, made him the ultimate
spaceflight pioneer of the 20th century.
Wernher von Braun was born a baron, to an
aristocratic family in the town of Wirsitz, in the
then German Empire (now Wyrzysk in Poland).
After the First World War, his family moved to
Berlin, Germany. Young Wernher became
interested in space when his mother, a serious
All images on spread ©NASA

amateur astronomer, gave him a telescope – and

he was mesmerized by stories of journeys into
outer space. von Braun studied mechanical
engineering at the Charlottenburg Institute of
Technology, in Berlin. While there, he joined the
Verein für Raumschiffahrt (VfR) – the Society for


Dr. von Braun became

Director of the NASA
Marshall Space Flight
Center on 1 May, 1964.


The launch of the Apollo 11 mission,

16 July 1969, carried into space by a
huge Saturn V rocket from Cape
Kennedy, USA. This was the
realization of a childhood ambition
for von Braun, who led the project to
design and build the Saturn V.

Above: Wernher von Braun, in 1954, holding a model of a

proposed rocket that would lift people into space. During the
1950s, von Braun was a celebrity in the USA, nurturing dreams
of space travel among the postwar American people.

Spaceship Travel – and became involved in

building and firing early liquid-fuel rockets.

The Aggregate programme

von Braun joined the German army’s Ordnance
Division in October 1932, developing and testing
rockets at an artillery range in Kummersdorf,
near Berlin. He became technical head of the
‘Aggregate’ programme, whose aim was to
design rockets for use as long-range ballistic
missiles. In 1935, von Braun’s team moved to
Peenemünde, on the Baltic Coast, where the
programme continued until the end of the
Second World War. Each rocket in the proposed
Aggregate series was bigger and more ambitious
than the last. For example, the A9/10, had it been
launched, would have been a 100-tonne,
two-stage rocket aimed at New York, United
Above: Russian space visionary Konstantin Above: Officials of the US Army Ballistic States; the A12 would have been a true orbital
Tsiolkovsky, whose 1903 book The Exploration Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal in launch vehicle, able to place satellites into orbit.
of Cosmic Space by Means of Reaction Devices Huntsville, Alabama. von Braun is second
was the first serious scientific treatise on from right; in the foreground is Romanian The only Aggregate rocket to see service was
using rockets to reach space. rocket pioneer Hermann Oberth. the A-4, better known as the V-2. Designed by


Early spaceflight
It was when he read Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen
(The Rocket into Interplanetary Space) that Wernher
von Braun set about learning the mathematics, physics
and engineering necessary to make space travel a
reality. The book was written by German rocket pioneer
Hermann Oberth (1894–1989), in 1923.
Oberth was one of three visionaries who
independently worked out how multi-staged rockets
could be used to lift into space. The other two were
Russian mathematics teacher Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
(1857–1935) and American physicist Robert Goddard
(1882–1945). In 1926, Goddard became the first person
to build and fly a liquid-fuel rocket, in his aunt’s farm in
Massachusetts. In his day, Goddard was ridiculed in the
press. Nevertheless, Wernher von Braun, although
himself an innovator, based much of his early work on
Goddard’s research.

von Braun became something of a celebrity,

promoting the idea of space travel
von Braun’s team, this was the world’s first satellite, Sputnik 1, into orbit. The news
medium-range ballistic missile – and the first prompted the United States Government to
reliable liquid-fuel rocket. By the end of the form NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space
war, more than 3,000 had been launched; these Administration). In 1958, a Redstone rocket,
terrible weapons, built by prisoners-of-war, designed by von Braun, put America’s first
rained destruction upon England, Belgium and satellite into orbit. Two years later, NASA
France from 1944 onwards. von Braun’s opened its Marshall Spaceflight Center, in
involvement in the weapon’s development and Huntsville, and von Braun became its director.
his membership of the Nazi party remain The Soviet Union got the upper hand again in
controversial, but he was always preoccupied 1961, when it launched a human into space for
with his real goal of sending rockets into space. the first time; the United States retaliated by
When the war ended, the US Army took von launching Alan Shepherd into space less than
Braun and his team of workers to the United a month later, again with a von Braun
States. In 1950, von Braun settled in Huntsville, Redstone rocket.
Alabama, where he headed the US Army rocket In May 1961, to von Braun’s delight, United
team. At that time, the Cold War was States president John F Kennedy (1917–1963)
intensifying, and the United States was announced the country’s intention of “landing
worried that the Soviet Union might dominate a man on the Moon and returning him back
the new territory of space. Throughout the safely to the Earth”. The United States
1950s, von Braun became something of a succeeded – and the astronauts of the ‘Apollo’ Above: An A-4 rocket on a test
celebrity, promoting the idea of space travel in programme travelled to the Moon in modules launch at Peenemünde, 1943.
The A-4 became the V-2
books, magazines, on television and in films launched into space atop huge Saturn V
when used in World War II.
– inspiring the American people with his rockets, designed by von Braun’s team at the Payload: 1 tonne; maximum
dreams of space stations and journeys to the Marshall Space Center. von Braun had fi nally altitude: 95 kilometres (50
miles); maximum speed:
Moon and Mars. achieved his goal of interplanetary travel and
5,800 kilometres per hour
The Space Age officially began on 4 October NASA call him “without doubt, the greatest (3,600 miles per hour); range:
1957, when the Soviet Union launched the fi rst rocket engineer in history.” 320 kilometres (199 miles).


Alan Turing (23 June 1912–7 June 1954)

he first electronic digital computers
appeared in the 1940s. They were not
simply the result of advances in
electronics. Their development relied on a theory
of computation formulated by English
mathematician Alan Turing, who was also an
important wartime code-breaker and a pioneer of
machine intelligence.
Alan Turing was born in London to an upper-
middle-class family, and his genius was evident
from an early age. He taught himself to read in a
matter of weeks and while in his teens at the
auspicious Sherborne public school in Dorset he
developed a fascination for science and
mathematics. In 1931, he went to King’s College,
Cambridge, to study mathematics.
While he was at university, Turing became
interested in logic. This was a hot topic in
mathematics at the time: mathematicians were
attempting to define their subject completely in
terms of logic – to iron out inconsistencies and to


ENLAC, built by the US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory in

1946. The first general-purpose computing machine, designed
to compute trajectories, its program was ‘stored’ by physically
manipulating switches and patch cables.


Above: Pilot ACE, 1950. show that mathematics is ‘logically complete’. In – a ‘universal’ computer – if given the correct set of
Towards the end of World
1931, German mathematician Kurt Gödel (1906– instructions. This was another way of expressing
War II, Turing told his
colleagues he was “building 1978) had published two theorems that showed Gödel’s theorems, since it also proved there were
a brain”: the Automatic this was impossible. He proved that even simple some mathematical statements that the machine
Computing Engine (ACE).
mathematical statements rely on assumptions could not compute. It was significant for another
After the war, Turing
presented his design to the and intuition that cannot be defined in terms reason: Turing’s hypothetical device became
National Physical of logic. known as the ‘Universal Turing Machine’ and was
Laboratory. Pilot ACE was
Inspired by Gödel’s theorems, Turing wrote a to be the blueprint for digital computers.
the prototype based on
Turing’s design. landmark paper on the logic of mathematics in During the Second World War, Turing worked
1936. In this paper, Turing imagined an ‘automatic for the UK government helping to decode the
machine’ that could read and write symbols on a German military forces’ encrypted
tape, and carry out tasks based on a simple set of communications, at a Buckinghamshire mansion
instructions. Turing proved that any problem that called Bletchley Park. The Germans used two
is ‘computable’ can be solved by such a machine devices, the Enigma machine and the Lorenz

The central processing unit

A general-purpose computer is defined by the presence of a CPU (Central
Processing Unit) to carry out instructions, memory to hold the
instructions and some form of input and output. This basic architecture is
called the von Neumann architecture, after Hungarian-American
mathematician John von Neumann (1903–1957). In 1945, he presented a
paper to the US Army proposing a general-purpose computing machine,
with the ability to store programs. His proposal was based on the idea of
the Universal Turing Machine developed by Turing. The computer was the
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), one of the
earliest general-purpose computers, which ran its first programs in 1951.
In modern computers, the CPU is contained on a chip of semiconductor
called a microprocessor.


Above: A Colossus code-breaking computer at Bletchley Park, UK, 1943. Designed by English
electronic engineer Tommy Flowers (1905–1998), the Colossus was the first fully electronic,
stored-program computer – but it was not a truly general-purpose computer.

Cipher machine, to produce extremely well- conversations via a keyboard and monitor – one Above: John von Neumann,
photographed in the 1940s.
encrypted communications. Although possible to with a human being and one with a computer. If
In his now-classic ‘First
find ‘keys’ to crack the encryption, this was a the judge was not certain which was which, the Draft of a Report on the
laborious process. In the early 1930s, Polish computer would be deemed intelligent. No EDVAC’, von Neumann
established the basic
code-breakers had built a machine that sped up computer has yet passed the test.
‘architecture’ of modern
the process. But in 1939, the Germans improved In 1945, Turing was awarded the OBE (Order of computers – although he
their machines, making the codes even harder to the British Empire) for his work at Bletchley Park, was greatly inspired by
ENIAC, which he had used
crack. Turing in turn designed a more efficient but in 1952 he was convicted for homosexuality,
in the development of the
and faster machine, which he called ‘The Bombe’. then illegal in the UK (the UK government issued a hydrogen bomb.
By the end of the war, 211 Bombes were posthumous apology to Turing in 2009). Two years
operational, requiring 2,000 staff to run them. after his conviction, he was found dead in his bed
Turing’s invention greatly helped the war effort, from cyanide poisoning; an inquest concluded
and probably shortened the war by a year or more. that it was suicide.

Post-war developments
After the war, he wrote a proposal to the National Left: The
Physical Laboratory in London for an ‘automatic ‘keyboard’ of the
Z3, built in 1941 by
computing engine’, based on his Universal engineer Konrad
Turing Machine. While his proposal was Zuse (1910–1995). It
accepted, it was thought too ambitious, and a was the first
smaller version – the Pilot ACE – was built computer to use
instead. It ran its first program in 1950. Other binary to
researchers were working on Turing Machines, represent
numbers and
too. The world’s first stored-program, general- instructions.
purpose computer was the Small Scale
Experimental Machine, built by a team at the
Victoria University of Manchester, also in
England. It ran its first program in 1948.
Turing was well aware of the possibility that
machines might one day ‘think’. In an article in
1950, he suggested a test for artificial intelligence:
a person (the judge) would have two


(23 January 1918–21 February 1999)

he inventions of American biochemist
Gertrude Elion are far too small to see.
They are works of engineering, but at the
molecular level: Elion was a pioneer of
chemotherapy. The medicines she developed
have brought hope to millions of people with
bacterial and viral infections and cancer.
Gertrude Elion was born in New York, USA. Her
mother was from Russia, her father from
Lithuania. As a child, ‘Trudy’ had an insatiable
desire to read and learn, and she took an interest
in all subjects. It was the fact that her grandfather
had died of leukaemia that fostered her interest in
science. At the age of 15, she began studying
chemistry at Hunter College, New York, in the
hope that she might one day develop medicines
to cure or prevent the disease that had claimed
her grandfather.
The campus at Hunter College was for women
only, so Elion was used to women studying
science. However, in the world outside college,


Gertrude Elion and George Hitchings, shortly after

winning the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1988. In 1991
Elion became the first woman to be inducted into
the US National Inventors Hall of Fame. She worked
closely with Hitchings for much of her career.


men still dominated, and despite her outstanding Right: Replica of DNA model
originally assembled by
academic record, Elion found it impossible to get
English biologist Francis
funding to take on a PhD. By doing several poorly Crick (1916–2004) and
paid jobs, she managed to save up enough money American molecular
biologist James Watson
to enrol at night school, and she received a
(b.1928) in 1953. Along the
masters degree in 1941, but never received a PhD. length of each helical
That year, many men were out of the country strand are the purines
and pyrimidines.
fighting in the Second World War, so some
laboratories were employing women. In 1944,
after several years of working in unchallenging
jobs in the chemical industry, Elion began work
as a senior research chemist in the New York
laboratory of the pharmaceuticals company
Burroughs Wellcome. There she worked as an
assistant to American doctor and chemist George
Hitchings (1905–1998), who encouraged her to
learn as much as possible and to follow her own
lines of enquiry.

Although Elion had studied chemistry, her quest
to produce medicines had led her to biochemistry
(the chemistry of living things), pharmacology
(the study of how drugs work) and virology (the
study of viruses). By the 1940s, biochemists had
discovered that a chemical called DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid) present in the cell nucleus
was involved in cell replication. They had worked

discovered that
DNA was involved in
cell replication
Transplant surgery
In 1958, American doctor William kidney transplants, and found that it
Dameshek (1900–1969) suggested that was fairly effective. Gertrude Elion
Gertrude Elion’s anti-leukaemia drug suggested that a related compound,
6-MP might be effective at suppressing azathioprine, might be more effective,
the immune system. If true, the drug and Calne conducted promising trials
might prevent the body’s rejection of with the new drug in 1961. The first
organs after transplant surgery. successful kidney transplant between
Damashek’s rationale was that the unrelated humans was performed soon
white blood cells responsible for the after, using azathioprine. In combination
immune response were similar to the with corticosteroids, this drug became
white blood cells involved in leukaemia. the mainstay of transplant surgery, until
In 1960, English transplant pioneer it was replaced by a more powerful
Roy Calne (b.1930) tested 6-MP in dog drug, cyclosporine, in 1978.


Above: Today there are dozens of anti-viral drugs available,

including this one, Valtrex®. The active ingredient in this drug
is a derivative of acyclovir, developed by Elion. Valtrex® is used
to treat all kinds of herpes infections, including genital herpes,
shingles and AIDS-related herpes.

Above: Molecular
structure of
out the constituent parts of DNA, but its double increase life expectancy, and 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP),
helix structure would not be worked out until 1953. some children even went into full developed by Elion and
The most important constituents are small remission. The drug is still used today in Hutchings in 1951. 6-MP has
a very similar shape to
molecules called purines and pyrimidines, which anti-cancer chemotherapy. purine molecules found
join together in pairs along the length of the much With increasing knowledge of biochemical along the length of DNA, and
larger DNA molecule. Elion wondered whether reactions at the heart of cell biology, Elion went on it interrupts their formation,
inhibiting the rampant
altering these molecules might somehow confuse to synthesize several medicines effective against reproduction of DNA
a virus or a bacterium or stop the uncontrolled a range of bacterial diseases, including malaria, characteristic of cancers.
reproduction of cancer cells. So she and Hitchings meningitis and septicaemia. In 1958, she produced
set about engineering new ones. the first medicine that could suppress the
Elion and Hitchings made their first immune system, making organ transplants safer
breakthrough in 1948. One of their purines, (see box). In 1981, after more than a decade’s work,
2,6-diaminopurine, was found to restrict the she created the first anti-viral drug, acyclovir,
reproduction of bacteria, and to slow the growth which is the active substance in anti-herpes Top Left: False-colour
electron micrograph of
of tumours in mice. Over the next few years, Elion medicine such as Zovirax® and Valtrex®. Gertrude herpes simplex viruses.
tested more than 100 other engineered purines. In Elion received many awards for her Each virus comprises DNA in
1951, trials in rats suggested that one of them, groundbreaking work in chemotherapy, a protein ‘cage’ (the capsid),
surrounded by a fatty
6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), could fight leukaemia. including, in 1988, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or membrane (the envelope). A
At the time, there was little hope for patients with Medicine. She shared the prize with George virus uses resources inside a
leukaemia, most of whom were children and most Hitchings and Scottish pharmacologist James host cell to reproduce; Elion
produced the first effective
of whom died within a few months of diagnosis. Black (b.1924), for ‘discoveries of important anti-viral drugs, which
When 6-MP was tested in humans, it was found to principles for drug treatment’. inhibit this process.


Berners-Lee (born 8 June 1955)

n modern life, it seems increasingly hard for
an individual to invent something that truly
changes the world. However, one person
who did just that is English physicist and
computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee. In 1990, he
launched the World Wide Web.
Timothy Berners-Lee was born in London. His
parents were both computer scientists. As a boy,
Tim became interested in electronics after
building circuits to control his model train set. He
studied physics at Oxford University; while he
was there, he built his first computer. After
graduating in 1976, he worked as a computer
systems engineer at various companies.
In 1980, Berners-Lee spent six months at the
European Organization for Nuclear Research, a
particle physics facility in the outskirts of Geneva,
on the border between France and Switzerland. It

is better known by the acronym CERN, which

derives from the facility’s original name, Conseil
Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire. While at


Tim Berners-Lee
at the Home
Office, London.


Above: During the 1960s most large businesses and universities had a Above: A 1994 screenshot of the first web browser, World Wide Web. Berners-Lee
centralized ‘mainframe’ computer like this. Computer networking, upon wrote the software exclusively for NEXT computers, like the one he used at CERN.
which the Web depends, originated in efforts to establish time-shared access The software could read and edit pages written in html, open linked pages and
to these machines via terminals distributed through the organization. download any linked computer files.

CERN, Berners-Lee devised a computer system,

for his own personal use, to store and retrieve
information. Named ENQUIRE, this was a
forerunner of the Web. It was based upon
hyperlinks, cross-references in one document
that enable a computer to call up another,
related document.
In 1984, Berners-Lee was back at CERN, on a
computing fellowship programme. He became
frustrated by the lack of compatibility between
different computer systems, and between
documents written using different software
applications. In a memo he sent to his manager in
1989, Berners-Lee set out his vision of a ‘universal
linked information system’ with which to
organize the huge amounts of information
produced at CERN. He proposed that a ‘web of
links’ would be more useful than the ‘fi xed,
hierarchical system’ that existed. Documents
available on computers within CERN’s network
would contain hyperlinks to other documents,
including those on different computers. In 1990,
Berners-Lee’s manager encouraged him to
spend some time – as a side project – on
developing his idea.
During the autumn of 1990, Berners-Lee, along
with his colleague, Belgian computer scientist
Robert Cailliau (b.1947), created all the now-
familiar fundamental components of the World
Wide Web. The universal language he invented
for writing linked documents (web pages) is ‘html’
– hypertext markup language. The software that


Within a few short years, most Doug Engelbart

people in the world had been Two very important technologies underpinned

affected directly by its existence Tim Berners-Lee’s invention of the World Wide
Web: hyperlinks and the computer mouse.
American computer scientist Douglas Engelbart
responds to ‘requests’ from hyperlinks is called a invented the mouse in 1967, and he was also
‘web server’, a term that also refers to the heavily involved in the development of hyperlinks.
hardware that hosts the web pages. And the In the 1960s, Engelbart headed a team at the
Augmentation Research Center, at the Stanford
language, or protocol, computers use to
Research Institute, California. Engelbart’s team
communicate the hyperlink requests is ‘http’ – devised an online ‘collaboration system’ called
hypertext transfer protocol. Berners-Lee had to NLS (oN-Line System). This included the first use
write the first web browser, the application used of hyperlinks and the mouse, which Engelbart
to view the documents hosted on web servers. He invented in 1967. In 1968, Engelbart
demonstrated NLS to a large audience of
called his browser ‘WorldWideWeb’. Berners-Lee
computer scientists. In addition to hyperlinks and
also wrote the first web pages, which he the mouse, the 90-minute session, normally
published on his server in December 1990. It was referred to as ‘The Mother of All Demos’,
on 25th of that month that Berners-Lee first introduced such ideas as e-mail, video-
‘surfed’ from one web page to another, via http, by conferencing and real-time collaboration
between computer users far apart.
clicking a hyperlink in his browser.

Top: plaque at CERN

Going global been affected directly by its existence, and
commemorating the The following year, Berners-Lee made available millions were already regularly ‘surfing’ from
invention of the Web. his software to people outside CERN, and the idea document to document online.
quickly caught on. By 1994, the Web had grown so Tim Berners-Lee has received a huge number
Left: The actual ‘NeXTcube’
computer Berners-Lee used much that each ‘resource’ – a document or image, of accolades for his invention, which he gave free
to host the first web page, for example – needed a unique ‘address’ on the to the world without patents or rights. In 1994, he
and to write the software Internet. In consultation with the Web founded the World Wide Web Consortium,
necessary to implement his
idea. The computer was community, Berners-Lee created the format for which helps keep the Web working smoothly and
connected to the local web addresses, called the ‘uniform resource aims to foster its future growth. He also
network at CERN. A sticker locator’ (URL). After 1994, the Web spread rapidly campaigns to keep the Internet ‘neutral’ – free of
on the processing unit reads:
‘This machine is a server: DO beyond academic and military circles. Within a restrictions on content and what kinds of
NOT POWER DOWN!’ few short years, most people in the world had computers may be connected.


Left: The first page of the

historic proposal for
‘Information Management’
at CERN, submitted by
Berners-Lee in March 1989,
to his boss Mike Sendall
(1939–1999). The words
“vague but exciting” were
written by Sendall, who
encouraged Berners-Lee to
spend some time on his idea
the following year.

The proposal for ‘Information Management’ at CERN

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