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Directions : Choose and Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is the process of coordinating and overseeing the work performance of individuals

working together in organizations.
a. Leading b. Effectiveness c. Management d. Organizing
2. Involves evaluating and, if necessary, correcting the performance of the individuals or work
group or teams to ensure that they are all working toward the previously set goals and plans
of the organization.
a. Planning b. staffing c. Controlling d. Leading
3. It is a harmonious integrated action of the various parts and processes of an organization.
a. Coordination b. Planning c. Teamwork d. Controlling
4. A measure of how efficiently and effectively a manager uses resources to satisfy customers
and achieve organizational goals.
a. Organizational Performance b. Organizational Activity c. Effectiveness
d. Management
5. Collection of people who work together to coordinate their actions to achieve goals or
desired future outcomes.
a. Planning b. Organizational Structure c. Marketing d. Business Organization
6. A cluster of decisions about what goals to pursue, what actions to take, and how to use
resources to achieve goals.
a. Efficiency b. Strategy c. Management d. Organizational Chart
7. Structuring working relationships in a way that allows organizational members to work
together to achieve organizational goals; one of the four principal tasks of management.
a. Organizing b. Planning c. Staffing d. Financing
8. A formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinates and motivates
organizational members so that they work together to achieve organizational goals.
a. Man Activity b. Selling c. Strategy d. Organizational Structure
9. Identifying and selecting appropriate goals and courses of action; one of the four principal
tasks of management.
a. Planning b. Coordinating c. Effectiveness d. Management
10. The art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.
a. Transactional Leadership c. Authoritarian Leadership
b. Leadership d. Facilitative Leadership
11. A measure of how well or how productively resources are used to achieve a goal.
a. Efficiency b. Effectiveness c. Evaluating d. Planning
12. A manager who is responsible for the daily supervision of non-managerial employees.
a. Leading b. Effectiveness c. First-Line Manager d. Manager
13. The ability of one organization to outperform other organizations because it produces
desired goods or services more efficiently and effectively than they do.
a. Manager b. Competitive Advantages c. Turn Around Management d.
14. A manager who supervises first-line managers and is responsible for finding the best way to
use resources to achieve organizational goals.
a. Leadership b . Line Manager c. Laissez-faire Leadershipd. Middle Manager
15. Is one that involves a leader who is essentially the head of an organization.
a. Transformational Leadership c. Democratic Leadership
b. Team Leadership d. Strategic Leadership Style
16. Is all about initiating change in organizations, groups, oneself and others.
a. Facilitative Leadership c. Cross-Cultural Leadership
b. Transformational Leadership d. Team Leadership
17. The inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that people use to analyze or interpret
a situation and then decide what is the "right" or appropriate way to behave.
a. Morale b . Values c. Ethics d. Beliefs
18. The people and groups that supply a company with its productive resources and so have a
claim on and stake in the company.
a. Business Owner b. Entrepreneur c. Stakeholders d. Business Partner
19. A collection of feelings and beliefs.
a. Attitude b. Character c. Traits d. Values
20. The ability to understand and manage one's own moods and emotions and the moods and
emotions of other people.
a. Emotional Capacity b. Feelingsc. Emotional Intelligence d. Terminal Value
21. The tendency to get along well with other people.
a. Attitude b. Agreeableness c. Instrumental Value b. Extraversion
22. Enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways.
a. Character b. Inner side c. Feelings d. Personality Traits
23. The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and
the rest of the world.
a. Introversion b. Immersion c. Ability d. Extraversion
24. A manager who establishes organizational goals, decides how departments should interact,
and monitors the performance of middle managers.
a. Middle Manager b. Top Manager c. Supervisor d. CEO
25. Structuring working relationships in a way that allows organizational members to work
together to achieve organizational goals; one of the four principal tasks of management.
a. Organizing b. Planning c. Directing d. Leading
26. It involves teaching and supervising follower and is highly operational in settings where
results/performance require improvement.
a. Team Leadership b. Coaching Leadership c. Visionary Leadership
c. Democratic Leadership
27. Unwritten, informal codes of conduct that prescribe how people should act in particular
situations and are considered important by most members of a group or organization.
a. Norms b. Beliefs c. Interpersonal Skills d. Values
28. When you are applying for a job, what is the first thing you have to submit to the
establishment you are applying for?
a. Application Form b. Curriculum Vitae c. ID d. Birth Certificate
29. Which of these are not one of the four management functions?
a. Planning b. Leading c. Organizing d. Decision making
30. Operates in a foreign country through co-ownership with local partners.
a. Joint Venture b. Co-ownership c. Share Holder d. Stock Holder
31. A lifelong goal or objective that an individual seeks to achieve.
a. Terminal Value b. Monetary Value c. Funds d. Cancer
32. Is the monetary valueneeded to buy, do or make something.
a. Cost b. Value c. Remuneration d. Compensation
33. Is changing or creating more effective processes, productsand ideas that can increase the
businesslikelihood and succeeding.
a. Creating b. Building c. Innovation d. Making
34. Quality influences your company’s reputation.Poor quality or product failure can create
negative publicityand damage your reputation.
a. Customer Expectation b. Wants and Needs c. Desire d. Reputation
35. An action or effort performed to satisfy a need or to fulfill a demand, in business this is a
requirementsfor all customers as they need to have “what theywant when they need it.”
a. Cost b. Service c. Customer Service d. Quality
36. The collection of feelings and beliefs that managers have about their organization as a whole.
a. Organizational Commitment b. Dedication c. Managerial Commitment
d. Experiences
37. Differences among people in age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,
socioeconomic background, and capabilities/ disabilities.
a. Dilemna b. Diversity c. Differences d. Conscientiousness
38. The tendency to be careful, scrupulous, and persevering.
a. Dedication b.Conscientiousness
39. The extent to which an individual desires to control or influence others.
a. Need for Power b. Need for Popularity c. Authority d. Commitment
40. It is a management philosophy that focuses on the satisfaction of customers, their needs and
a. Total Quality Management b. SWOT Analysis c. Changing Options
d. People’s Spending Habit
41. The specific set of departmental skills, knowledge, and experience that allows one
organization to outperform another.
a. Competitiveness b. Completeness c. Core Competency d. Diversity
42. Are useful for scheduling and planning projects.
a. Flow Chart b. GANTT Charts c. Venn Diagram d. Cause and Effect
43. It is a tool that puts key processes in symbolic patterns that are easy to understand.
a. GANTT Charts b. Fish Bone c. Flow Chart d. Pie Graph
44. Refers to what it is to be done, how it is to be done, who will do it and when it is to be done.
a. Directing b. Staffing c. Controlling d. Planning
45. In manufacturing, a measure of excellence or a state of being free fromdefects , deficiency
and standard variations.
a. Defect b. Torn c. Quality d. Speed
46. A measure of the appropriateness of the goals an organization is pursuing and of the degree
to which the organization achieves those goals.
a. Deficiency b. Effectiveness c. Goals d. Vision
47. The shared set of beliefs, expectations, values, norms, and work routines that influence the
ways in which individuals, groups, and teams interact with one another and cooperate to
achieve organizational goals.
a. Organizational Performance b. Organization c. Organizational Culture
d. Organizing Events
48. Is a planning tool used todiagram activities in sequence from start tofinish.
a. Activity Network Diagram b. Globalization c. Networking d. Fish Diagram
49. It is how countries are coming together as one big global economy making international
trade easier.
a. Trade and Swap b. Globalize c. Globalization d. Merging
50. The various skill that managers must possess, such as conceptual human and technical skills.
a. Managerial Roles b. Manager c. Manager Character d. Managerial Skill

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