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Copyright 1992 by
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"Asian Americas are the only racial
Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth group doing better than whites when it comes to
by income. The Asian median household income in
Dr. Wu Tao-Wei the U.S. was $36,784 in 1989, compared with
(5th Edition) $31,435 for white households....
"... In the nation, Asian median house­
hold income relative to that of whites rose from
INTRODUCTION 13 percent higher in 1979 to 17 percent higher in
"It's not right the way [the Asians] come in here 1989....
and push the [black] people back. They get in here and
"The new numbers also include the
they get to boasting. They want their own damn way. I
probability that a household in any racial group
don't blame them. They don't really bother anyone. They
just crowd you out. They come over here with money and would have an income of more than $100,000.
low they're driving around in their Mercedes and Rolls- For Asians, the probability is 7.5 in 100; for
Royces." whites it is 4.8; for Hispanics it is 1.9; and for
" ... It used to be that you hated Mexicans. Now 2
blacks it is 1.2." [ ]
blackshate the Asians because, like the Mexicans, Asians With these kinds of statistics, it is easy to
got to step over us on their climb upward. The system we
jump to the conclusion that these people as a
live in profits from division and conflict between lower
classes. It is the classic cycle of oppression. One group is
race have something special that no one else has.
down so low and then they are manipulated into believing And yet, race has absolutely nothing to do with
the group next to them is to blame. The real source of the it. It is knowledge and knowledge alone that has
problem is that our bankrupt [American] economic policies allowed even the poorest of Vietnamese Boat
havemade sure that poverty is built right into the system. People, to name the latest immigrant group, to
The scapegoating that goes on here - blacks blaming
prosper in this Land of Opportunity.
Asians, whites blaming Asians, Asians blaming blacks and
Hispanics - is no accident."[ ] Yes, America is a land of opportunity.
When I first read the above comments And I, for one, would like to feel free to walk
made by these African-Americans, it was easy to along any street or alley in the entire nation
see that there was a dangerous problem here that without fearing that someone of another ethnic
required a solution. I, for one, would certainly group would wish me harm merely because of
lot like to walk through an ethnic neighborhood our being of different races.
and to have these kinds of confused and hateful In America, as in the rest of the world,
thoughts directed at me merely because of my the pie is big enough for everyone to have a
race. Who would? And yet, I have heard very piece. The age-old problem is, that those who
similar words coming from the mouths of know how to cut the pie, selfishly cut themselves
ignorant White People who also do not under­ the biggest possible piece and leave nothing for
stand the Oriental ways of making money. anyone else. Since I do not see anyone else
It is not a matter of being racially an sharing the knowledge that makes the Asian
Asian that has allowed the Asian Peoples to People and Asian Culture so profoundly excel­
become the richest ethnic group in America as lent, I have decided to publish this knowledge so
well as the richest in the world. That's right! that everyone — white, black, yellow, brown,
According to U.S. Government statistics it is not red, and even the sad and blue — can know the
the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestants who are the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth.
richest people in this wonderful country. Asians
— Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese —
are the richest. O f course, the Jews control the PROLOGUE
Federal Reserve Banking Swindle and the Media There has never been a time when any
Monopoly so they are the richest of all, but it is People has been without wise council and spiri­
how Asians have become richer than white tual guidance. The Old Men and Women, the
people that is our subject here. Shaman, Medicine Man, Guru, Priest, and
Philosopher have always existed in every com-
munity on the planet from time immemorial to problems of Life have always been the same for
the present. Some of these people have been everyone, that is, getting enough to eat and a
remembered to us in history or in myth. A n d place to sleep. These problems are no different
some have merely passed into Eternity without a today than they were during the prehistoric
trace or, in rare cases, they have left behind their caveman days. Whether a caveman hoarded in
knowledge and teaching in written form. the depths of his dank cavern a magnificent
Throughout Asia for thousands of years, "fortune" in bear skulls, colored pebbles and
the many ethnic groups have appreciated the seashells, or the modern day Jewish banker
teachings of their saints and sages. The teach­ hoards in his vaults a "fortune" in colored paper
ings of the great thinkers of China have been and shiny metal, doesn't matter. Both are essen­
especially well considered. Confucius, of course, tially the same pathetic desire, lust and greed.
taught an ethic based on the five relationships: The clothes are different but the hearts are the
father and son, older brother and younger same.
brother, ruler and subject, friend and friend, All-Devouring Time changes many
husband and wife. Understanding these five things but does not seem to have any effect at all
relationships and accepting one's position in Life upon the heart of Man. Knowing this, the sages
in regard to these relationships, has enabled the of Ancient China tried to discover, of all the
Chinese to live harmoniously with one another. things in life, those things that were the very
China, being the great center of learning most valuable.
and culture in Asia for so many thousands of It was obvious to these wise men that
years, became like a magnet, drawing the atten­ mere money, gems or gold were no more valu­
tion of and aligning into mutual understanding able than common sand except for the value that
with all neighboring countries. A n d so, it is to deluded Men gave to these things. And so, they
China we must look in order to best understand tried to understand what it was in Life that
the culture and thinking of the other Asian everyone needed the most. They wished to know
countries and Asian Peoples because all East this so that the People would not be confused.
Asian countries, except for the Philippines, After all, when a man is confused he makes
imitated the Ancient Chinese and then built their foolish choices and suffers thereby. But when a
own cultures upon a Chinese foundation. man can see clearly, his choices in Life are
It is important to understand that there is usually good and he prospers therefrom. Life
nothing "Chinese" about the philosophies of can be either very complicated or very simple. It
China any more than there is anything "Chinese" all depends upon your outlook.
about the invention of paper, moveable type or The ancient Chinese Sages looked at Life
gun powder. Does a sheet of paper look Chinese and looked at Heaven and Earth and realized that
to you? O f course not! there were Seven Essentials that were more
These inventions are used every day by valuable than anything else. Certainly, they
all peoples around the world without a second concluded, these Seven Essentials are far, far
thought as to their Chinese origins. It is the same more valuable than any amount of money, land
with the ideas and "secrets" that I have written or sparkling jewels. These Seven Essentials are
below. Since they are mere ideas and knowledge something that everybody, without exception,
and ways of doing things, A N Y O N E can do needs and no one can do well without. Those
them. Just as anyone can write on a piece of who do not have these Seven Essentials of Life
paper or light a firecracker even if you aren't either die or they fall into the very lowest levels
Chinese, so, too, can anyone use these Hidden of society in hunger, misery and poverty.
Secrets of Oriental Wealth even if you aren't an Unfortunately, today, there are people all
Oriental. over the world who do not have all seven of
And whether you are Oriental or not, the these essentials of life. Often, this is merely

because most people do not think about it for you cried, sucked in more and more air, and
themselves. Most people wander through life as screamed in rage that Fate had born you once
if in a daze, thinking falsely that they are alone, again. Without air, no one lives for more than a
without aid, dependant upon their own efforts, few minutes. So, air is the most precious thing
instead of seeing how God gives them whatever that we have in Life.
they need even without asking, i f they would It is only the Asian People who truly
only open their mind's eye and understand. understand how valuable is ordinary air. Truly,
To comprehend the very basic foundation this is a treasure that is literally "hidden under
of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth, you your very nose." Every great civilization of the
must understand the Seven Essentials of Life ... ancient past flourished because of an intimate
what they are and how to get them for yourself. understanding of the power hidden in the very
The Seven Essentials of Life are: air, water, air. Chi Kung, the Chinese breathing techniques
food, clothing, shelter, spouse and children. and Pranayama, the East Indian breathing
"Oh, that's nothing!" you might be techniques, are the best known examples of
tempted to say. "That's too simple and obvious!" ancient breathing methods.
But think about it a little bit more and you will The people in Western countries do not
discover a vast storehouse of Oriental Treasure live Life to its fullest because they are both
hidden within your very own house, your very mentally and physically deficient in their breath­
own mind and your very own heart. ing of air. That is, for lack of sufficient oxygen
It is one of the amazing things about the brains of Western People are a little bit
hidden treasure in that it is often buried in an stupid.
obvious place, so obvious that no one would ever One of the greatest teachers of all time
think of looking for it there. A n d this is one said, "Be Ye as a little child." Part of His teach­
reason why so many Americans look upon the ing was to call people's attention to the way little
Asian People as having some hidden, secret children breath air. Babies breath from the
source of wealth the origin of which they cannot belly while adults breath from the lungs and
find. And yet, the secret is right out in the open throat. The Buddha was enlightened when he
so that everyone who doesn't know where to observed his breath while breathing like a little
look misses it. baby. A n d the Great Men and Women of ancient
The Seven Essentials of Life are the basis Africa, Europe, India, Asia, as well as the
for grasping in your own hands the Hidden Americas, all were proficient at this belly breath­
Secrets of Oriental Wealth. They are the keys ing method. The Druidic Breath was one of the
that open the hidden treasure house. Under­ power secrets of pre-literate Europe but was lost
stand these keys, simple as they are, before when the Romans took over.
moving on to the treasure house door that is in Western Peoples have many heart dis­
the following chapters. eases and cancers as a result of their unmindful
breathing techniques. The heart as well as all of
CHAPTER I the cells of the body need oxygen while cancer­
T H E SEVEN ESSENTIALS OF LIFE ous tumors thrive in low oxygen environments.
Without oxygen, the brain does not function
(1) The First Essential of Life is Air. properly and falls into slothful, lazy and torpid
What banker or corporate millionaire or thinking patterns.
dictatorial despot would not give every penny of "Blacks suffered disproportionately high
his vast fortune for just one more breath of air mortality rates from many major causes of death
when he is on his death bed, dying? The first compared with other groups and Asian Ameri­
thing you did when you came into the world at cans had the lowest. From 1988 to 1990, for
birth was to suck in a lung full of air. And then example, Asians 45 and older had the lowest

death rates from heart disease; the rates were Learning the method is not difficult but over­
about 25 percent lower than those of Latinos and coming a lifetime of improper breathing patterns
Native Americans, half that of whites and 63 will take genuine practice and effort on your
percent lower than that of blacks."[ ] part. So practice whenever you can, standing in a
A l l people who do not oxygenate their elevator, sitting in a car, lying in bed or walking
blood effectively will suffer from myriad dis­ down the road. This breathing method is the
eases and early death. But you will not find any basis of meditation, kung-fu and chi kung. B y
help from the doctors who themselves die young concentrating on your breath, you focus your
from lack of knowledge. mind and attain a state of physical well-being
So, here is the method for breathing as and mental bliss.
Jesus, the Buddha, Lao Tzu and all of the saints Those who want to do well in scholastic
and sages recommended that everyone should achievements and mental work of all kinds,
breath, like a little child: Pull up on your anus knowing and practicing this breathing technique,
as you inhale, and the breath will, without can now compete equally with Oriental People
strain, descend into the lungs. Pull up on your in the Western schools, universities and scien­
anus as you inhale with about as much strength tific laboratories. "Although Asians represent 6
as you use to blink your eyes. percent of the California population and 2
That's all there is to it! Stop reading for a percent of the U.S. population, they make up
moment and practice this breathing method for 26.5 percent of [the University of California]
yourself. It's invisible and, even in a crowded Berkeley's freshman class [33 percent at U C -
room, only you will know how to do it, when Irvine] and 8 percent to 19 percent of freshmen
and where. No doctor can do this breathing for at Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Brown, Yale and
you. In fact, no Western doctor even knows of MIT."[ ]
the existence of this ancient breathing technique It takes calm thinking and deep breathing
unless they have read my writings. So, how can a to properly oxygenate the body and the brain. So
doctor be expected to help you stay alive, breathe deep into your belly like a baby. You will
healthy and strong i f you do not know how to feel nice and comfortable and fully alert once
breath for yourself? you "get the hang of it." While the Westerner
If you are interested in an in-depth study pants like a dog when he breathes, the Oriental
of chi-kung breathing and kung-fu methods, breathes deeply into his diaphragm like a cat.
write to the Chinese National Chi Kung Institute Abdominal breathing ventilates and cools
listed in the Reference Section. the body so one need not sweat as much as a
Essentially, at this basic breathing level chest breather sweats. And this is very nice. It
of Life, Westerners lose their sharpness of mind makes for calm thinking and an excellent kind of
and their money while the Oriental saves his health unknown to Western doctors. Thus, with
own money, because those who do not know good health you can enjoy the money that you
how to breath from the belly like a baby soon will be making from the Hidden Secrets of
sicken, spend their money on the doctors and Oriental Wealth.
hospitals, and then die. How can you be rich
when you give all of your money away to the (2) The Second Essential of Life is Water.
doctors just to stay alive? Without water, no one lives for more than
In addition, the Asian adept of this a few days, perhaps a week. So, water is the next
breathing method is far more alert and energetic most important thing in Life. A n d like air,
than the Westerners who breath like ... well, like Western people take water for granted as some­
Westerners. thing beneath their notice.
The only necessary action after learning Led into unhealthy habits by the advertis­
this knowledge, is to practice the technique, ing of the American Junk Food Industry, the

average American in 1987 drank 486 cans of say it's a coincidence but I call it a conspiracy.
soda pop [ ]. And this is only an average! A can And I have a right to my opinion, like it or not.
of Pepsi-Cola contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. A
can of Shasta Orange Soda contains 12 tea­ (3) The Third Essential of Life is food.
spoons of sugar. Sugar, is what I call one of the After air and water, you need food more
Five Edible Poisons, the other four are white than anything else. Without food, you will die in
flour, food additives (such as Nutrasweet and a couple of weeks or a month. And this is where
MSG), caffeine and alcohol. so many Orientals begin to surpass the People of
What this means is that the average the West in health, happiness and lots and lots of
American can never attain good health without money. Asians eat wholesome and delicious food
understanding the Second Essential of Life. that costs a fraction of what Western People pay
Water is pure and healthful but to substitute for their food. Those who have poor quality food
something as deleterious as sugared soda pop or have poor health as well as slow, torpid minds
alcoholic beverages is inviting what is Not-Life and minds filled full of unhappy thoughts and
to enter the domain of your body. baseless fears.
If you multiply what all of these sugared So, i f you wonder why Westerners can't
soft drinks cost versus the few pennies that a figure out how the Oriental People make their
cup of tea costs, you will see a big savings that fortunes, perhaps it is instructive to look at the
the Western People lose while the Asian People low qualities of food that Americans eat which
gain. There is more caffeine per cup of coffee produces a low quality of thinking.
than per cup of tea. A n d coffee adds six billion In America, the people eat garbage. In
import dollars to the American Trade Deficit fact, the dogs and cats, cattle and pigs, are fed
every year and contains more than 800 known better quality food than Americans feed to their
toxins.[6] own children. The reason for this is that while
While a Westerner poisons his system the average American wants his dog or cat to be
and depletes his money supply by drinking healthy, it seems to be good enough that the
unhealthy and expensive soft drinks, coffee, child only be fed. What they are fed doesn't
booze and various canned and bottled beverages, seem to matter much as long as it's advertised
the Oriental prefers cheap, delicious and health­ somewhere and is fitted into a flashy package or
ful tea or hot water. While the average pop a tin can. And, true to form, a vast multi-billion
drinker cited above is spending $243 per year on dollar junk-food industry has sprung up de­
cokes (not counting dental and doctor bills and signed, like all industries, to make the highest
medications to fight the inevitable tooth decay, possible profit. To make the highest profit means
colds and flu bugs such a consumer would have), to cut overhead costs. And i f it is cheaper to use
the average Asian is enjoying his cup of tea and some synthetic crap as a substitute for farm-
putting 243 more dollars in the piggy bank than grown food, then that's what is done. Profits first
does the average American. So, i f you are inter­ and people second, seems to be the food
ested in being as rich as the Asian People, use industry's motto. As one example, Americans
this Hidden Secret of Oriental Wealth and stop spend $12 billion per year on French fries. [ ]
wasting your money on expensive and poisonous A n American family of four spends
beverages. between $80 and $150 per week on food depend­
Do you think that it is only a "coinci­ ing on thriftiness or liberality. [ ] The strange
dence" that the sellers of the junk food that rots thing is, neither of these average American
your teeth and destroys your health attend the families is eating good food. The poor family
same synagogue as the doctors who repair your eats cheap junk food and the rich family eats
teeth and treat your diseases? Coincidence or expensive junk food. But an Asian family of four
conspiracy is a matter of perspective. The Jews eats the most delicious, succulent and healthy

food you can buy for between $40 and $75 like substituting gold ore for real gold.
dollars per week depending on their thriftiness. The average Westerners, especially
Thus, because of better quality food, the Asian Americans, raised up as boob-tube zombies, will
family is not only healthier, more energetic and never have a chance of understanding the Hid­
mentally alert than the average American but has den Secrets of Oriental Wealth because they are
somewhere between $2000 and $4000 more not thinkers. They are hardly even human be­
dollars hidden under the floor boards at the end ings. They are mere "consumers" and proud of
of the year because of this savings on food it. Like pigs and chickens and cows, they spend
expenses. their lives gobbling up whatever is thrown their
Let's use breakfast cereal as an example. way by the corporate food merchandisers;
If you cost the so-called "food" in the average merchandisers who are, by the way, in business
box of breakfast cereal, you will see that there is not to feed people but to make money. And with
about one cent's worth of devitalized grain. This all of the money that these "consumers" spend,
one cent also covers the cost of the poisons that each and every one of them is getting cheated by
Americans feed to their kids — the sugar, white the merchants.
flour, flavorings and various gums and glues and While walking through any supermarket
chemicals. The other $1.99 that is the cost of this in America, I can instantly tell which of the
box of breakfast "cereal" is actually the cost of women watch television and how much televi­
the store's electric lights, mortgage payment, sion they watch merely by seeing what they have
insurance, wages and profits plus the shipper's in their shopping baskets. The women who
diesel costs, truck payments, insurance, wages, watch the most television stock up on all the
profits, plus the manufacturer's electric and fuel goods that they see advertised on the boob-tube
costs, factory lease and mortgage payments, and nothing else. A n y other choice they leave on
insurance, wages, the cost of cardboard and the market shelf, especially choices that require
printing on the box, profits and advertising. A l l nutritional knowledge, actual thinking with their
of these things and many things more are added stupid little soap opera minds, or even the
onto the cost of that box of cereal for which the reading of labels and ingredients. Their children
consumer has to pay. are screaming, ill-behaved, snot-nosed, truculent,
The advertising costs tell an interesting unhealthy and unhappy little tykes who are being
story by themselves. The top five advertising poisoned with hyperactive-inducing sugar, white
spenders in America in 1991 were A T & T at flour and chocolate by their ignorant mothers.
$495.5 million, then McDonald's at $446.3 Their hyperactive and sugar-depressed
million, then Kellogg's Cereals at $410.4 mil­ families argue and fight often and grow up as
lion, then Sears at $337.5 million and Ford at strangers because they have spent their lives
$337.5 million dollars.[ ] Two of the nation's watching the televised ghosts and brain-washing
major junk food distributors are in the top three commercials on the Electric Jew and have never
advertising spenders. These are only the highest taken the time, the actual time, to know one
spenders while thousands of other smaller junk another as more than just cohabitants of the
food purveyors annually spend more hundreds same living space. These are consumers. They
and hundreds of millions of dollars trying to have been trained by the commercials to always
convince consumers to gobble up their products, be unhappy so that they can only find fulfillment
and then to go out and buy more. in Life by buying something, buying anything, as
A l l of these advertising dollars must be advertised. These kinds of people are true
earned back in order for these businesses to victims of the Jewish commercial culture in
make a profit. This is why you get one penny's America. And yet, they don't have to be this way
worth of "food" in every box of cereal. And even if they only knew the Hidden Secrets of Oriental
that one penny's worth is of the lowest quality Wealth. What follows, is why some of the

Oriental Secrets are hidden in an obvious place, food stores are charging far too much for the
if only you would think about it. food that they sell because there are so few wise
If you compare food with gold ore, you people who buy from them versus all of the fools
may or may not find yourself with a bargain. For who shop at the chain stores that they have to
example, a man who sells both gold and gold ore charge a lot in order to stay in business. But at
finds himself a fool and makes that fool a "good the same time, they are selling pure gold and not
deal." He says to the fool, "I have here one mere gold ore like is found in the big chain
ounce of gold that I can sell to you for $400 supermarkets.
dollars, but look and see, it only weighs one, But the Oriental People become healthier
measly ounce. However, i f you buy this whole, and richer by avoiding both of these traps, the
enormous T O N of gold ore, you get the whole lousy food and outright garbage that is sold in
ton for the same $400. A whole ton! Weigh it. the shiny boxes and tins in the supermarkets on
Count it, Son. A whole ton of gold ore for only the one hand and the high priced "health foods"
$400 dollars." that are sold in the natural foods stores on the
The fool sees that the big pile of gold ore other hand. Oriental cooking is natural cooking.
weighs a lot more than the mere one ounce of In the first place, food is what is naturally
gold and so falls for the deal and drags his ton of grown on the earth under the sunlight. To harvest
gold ore home thinking that he is now very this fresh from the farm or garden is best and it
wealthy. After all, the gold ore weighs a whole is the cheapest way. What does it cost to grow a
ton and he got it all for the same price as a little carrot? Or a squash? Not very much i f water and
ounce of pure gold. sunlight are free. For example, i f you want a
But after extracting the gold from the good breakfast cereal, cook up some brown rice.
gold ore, the fool finds that he has only one Eat it either hot or cold with milk, soy milk or
cent's worth of pure gold. Oh, the tricky seller butter, blackstrap molasses or honey. Thirty-five
told the truth, alright. It was, indeed, a ton of cents worth of brown rice will feed breakfast to
gold ore. But there was only one penny's worth five or more people.
of pure gold inside all of the dirt and rocks. So, I will not cover this subject in detail
the fool traded $400 for one penny hidden in a here. There are plenty of cook books and natural
ton of dirt while passing up the opportunity to foods stores where great natural recipes can be
trade his $400 for a fair ounce of pure gold. found. But to sum up, I would like to mention
Most Westerners, and especially Ameri­ two important reasons why the Asian People can
cans, are like the fool when it comes to nutrition eat far cheaper, healthier and more delicious
and the food that they buy from the wily food food than can Westerners.
merchants. Like the stupid woman who spends The first reason is the difference between
two dollars for a box of breakfast cereal to feed Bread versus Rice. In the West, bread is known
her starving children and her hard-working as the "staff of life." But the merchants steal the
husband, she is buying a pile of garbage with People's very lives away by selling white flour
only a little nutrition hidden inside. If you could bread. White bread is nothing but junk food. Any
weigh nutrition like you weigh gold ore, you will youngster can prove this in his school science
find that hot dogs cost about eighty dollars per project by feeding one set of rats nothing but
pound, breakfast cereal nutritionally costs about white bread and water and another set of rats
five thousand dollars per pound because these whole wheat bread and water just to see which
foolish people are buying the gold ore and not one's sicken and die.
the gold. O f course, rice, is the "staff of life" for
"Oh, but i f I buy food in the health food the Oriental People. Like white bread versus
stores, it just costs too much!," I have heard whole wheat bread, white rice is not as healthy
some women complain. It is true that the health as brown rice. If you compare the two, rice,

especially brown rice, is cheaper and healthier famous, highly paid athlete or movie star doing a
than bread. Here's why. commercial, drinks a poisonous Coke or grins as
In the first place, a one pound loaf of they gobble down an artery-clogging snack, then
bread in the store is mainly one pound of water. the poor people want to be just like them.
That's what makes it moist. But a pound of rice, Stand in the checkout lines in the neigh­
is nothing but rice. You add water to it to make it borhood markets of any American slum or barrio
eatable. So, the Oriental is, once again, ahead of and you can see for yourself the poor, unhealthy,
the Westerner when he spends his money on the and impoverished Americans spending their
most basic food item. He gets a full and honest hard-earned money on flashy packages contain­
weight and price for his rice while his Western ing nothing but lies and empty calories.
brother is paying a premium price for his moist These same poor people die younger,
and devitalized white bread the price of which suffer more illness and tooth decay without
also includes the baker's milling costs, salary, being able to afford medical help; they undergo
electric lights, oven fuel expense, insurance, more violence, misery, depression, alcoholism,
freight, packaging, etc, etc. drug use and anger than do the rich. But this is
So, the cost of bread to the Westerner is not because they are poor. It is because they eat
like buying gold ore instead of gold. Especially junk foods and starve their bodies and minds of
is white bread nothing but a glob of junk food. necessary nutritional energy. Junk food seems
The price might seem cheap, but it is still a bad cheap just as a desert mirage seems like real
deal. It takes ovens and bakers to prepare this water. But its cost in human suffering is beyond
"staff of life." In other words, the Westerner has estimation. And yet, such an economic system
to pay middle men before he gets to eat. A n d thrives because there are those who make a
when he eats white bread or donuts and cakes, religion out of profiting from other people's
he is eating garbage. foolishness, pain and misery.
But the Oriental who buys a pound of Once again, there is gold and there is
rice, takes it home and cooks it without paying gold ore. It is better to choose the gold. Choose
anyone else to prepare it for him. The pound of whole wheat bread and brown rice over white
dry rice when cooked makes about four pounds bread or white rice i f you have the choice. If you
of moist rice. A t this writing, a one-and-a-half don't have the choice, then buy whole wheat
pound loaf of the best sprouted, whole wheat flour and make chapatis or tortillas. And choose
bread in the store costs $2.25 while a pound of rice over bread i f you wish to understand and to
brown rice costs only 35 cents which, when prosper from the Hidden Secrets of Oriental
cooked, weighs four pounds. And so. the West­ Wealth, And remember, the white people of
erner pays about seventeen times more money to Europe did not grow strong and fierce on bread.
feed himself with bread than the Oriental spends They became mighty by eating porridge --
to feed himself with rice. cracked wheat, barley and peas.
It is a false Western assumption that rice The second reason Asians can eat more
is cheaper, is less nutritious and of lower quality cheaply than Westerners is the difference be­
than bread. And the Western fools who think tween Vegetables versus meat.
this, are the same fools who wonder why the "In the United States, about two-thirds of
Oriental has more money than do they. the harvested acreage is used to grow food for
Especially, are poor people victims of the livestock ... To produce one pound of meat
Jewish junk food conspiracy. Led on by flashy protein, one must feed cattle 16 pounds of grain;
packages and mesmerizing T V commercials, the pigs, 6 pounds of grain; turkeys, 4 pounds; and
poor people believe that these false images will chickens, 3 pounds."[ ] This is one reason meat
not only give them good food but will also give is so much more expensive to eat than grain.
them popularity and social status. After all, i f a According to the same source, the world pro-

duces enough grain to give every man, woman expensive steak. And when brown rice is com­
and child two pounds of grain per day - far more bined with any of the beans, peas or lentils or
than a person can eat. with soy bean products like tofu, then such a
So, why is the American diet so skewed vegetarian meal contains cheaper, better quality
toward artery-clogging meat consumption rather and healthier protein than the very best of steaks.
than toward healthful grain consumption? Beans and grains make perfect protein. But in
Because the grain cartels make more money America, the grains are fed to the animals who,
fattening cattle and chickens for market than thus, eat a much much better quality food than
they do by feeding people. Besides, their co­ do the American people.
religionists are doctors and need the business. The animals are fed the "gold" to make
A l l food comes from the interaction them plump and healthy for a profitable market
between the sunlight and the earth. It costs very price while the People are fed the "gold ore" to
little to produce food from the fields and farms extract from them the highest possible profit
because Nature does most of the work, the whether they are healthy or not. It's a clever
growing: A l l Man need do is tend the fields and swindle. But it is not a swindle into which an
orchards and understand how to work in har­ Asian is likely to fall.
mony with Nature. The only people in America Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese markets
of whom I know who understand this natural do not exist merely to serve Oriental tastes. They
principle are the hippies, the Amish and the exist to feed Oriental people. And while the
people who publish "Organic Gardening Maga­ Jews who own and control the grain and meat
zine" and "Prevention" as well as the people cartels celebrate the thefts and swindles of
who publish the "Gardens Alive!" organic Joseph who starved the Egyptians into poverty
catalog [see Reference Section]. Other than and slavery; and while the history books describe
these few, there is not much knowledge of the fake famine that the Jews engineered in
natural gardening methods left in America. It is order to foment the French Revolution of 1795
all poison-control-and-hormone-therapy type of and to maintain their Bolshevik Revolution of
farming. That is to say, it is all money-first and 1917, the Asians are immune to such market
people-second farming and marketing. This is manipulations.
unfortunate because without an understanding of Fifty-pound sacks of rice can be stored in
the Natural Way of Life, the Western Peoples a closet or basement for many years i f kept cool
will sicken and die and never understand the and dry. Rather than rely on a marketing system
Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth. that can be purposely crashed in order to create
For example, a single steak that a West­ panic and chaos, Asians homes are well stocked
erner eats with his mashed potatoes is used in with rice and other provisions. A n d so, while the
the oriental cuisine chopped up into pieces. hungry white and black people riot because of an
Thus, stir-fried or sauteed, or diced into stews, engineered food crisis, the Oriental people
this same steak feeds eight people along with the merely close the window curtains and remain
rice and vegetable plates. The meat in an Orien­ safely at home.
tal dish is used more for flavoring than for filling And so, you can see that with food, the
you up. To get filled up is the role of the rice, third Essential of Life, the Oriental People save
and the various vegetable courses. seventeen times more money when they buy
Mankind was originally a vegetarian and their "staff of life" than do Westerners and they
we have the tooth structure and digestive organs can feed eight times more people for the same
to prove it. A person needs very little meat. amount of money by using Oriental cooking
Thus, eight Oriental people eat a delicious, recipes and methods.
healthful and filling meal for about the same And this has nothing to do with being
price as a single American consumes with his either Oriental or rich. Even the poorest hobo

living under a bridge can eat like a king on empty calories and sickness-producing junk
delicious, cheap and healthful rice, beans and food. But the wise Oriental gets a true value for
vegetables. his money because he buys real food that has not
In addition, the use of the wok, that iron been devalued of nutrition and inflated in price
or steel, semi-spherical cooking vessel that is by the middlemen and swindlers of the Jewish
found in every Oriental kitchen, saves on the food industry. The Asian eats better quality food
cost of fuel whether electric or gas. Because of at a lower price and is, thus, doubly rich!
its shape, it transfers the heat from the source to This is not a very difficult thing to under­
the food more efficiently than the flat-bottomed stand. But it is amazing how many Americans
cooking vessels of the West. So, once again, the will shake their fists and knit their angry brows
Oriental gains more money by saving on the cost when they see Orientals who are better off
of cooking fuel. materially than they are. These same Americans
A n old, Chinese joke says that "to be also gulp down their "gold ore" pizzas, burgers,
happiest in Life, live in a big American style fries and cokes and make fun of those "stupid
house, marry a Japanese wife, and eat Chinese rice eaters." I think it's kind of funny, too! But
food." American homes are roomy and comfort­ the joke isn't on us rice eaters.
able, Japanese women are subservient and do
what they are told to do, and Chinese food is the (4) The Fourth Essential of Life is clothes.
best in the world. To keep off the sun and keep in the body
Anyway, you get the idea by now, I am heat and to cover your nakedness, clothes are the
sure. Western People waste their money in the next most essential thing in Life.
restaurants and supermarkets. They do not get In America, clothes are not much of a
full value for their money but spend it on flashy problem since they are so plentiful that even the
packaging containing junk food of low nutri­ bums in the street are usually well dressed even
tional value. When you compare an American if they are covered with dirt. There are plenty of
family of four that spends $150 per week on clothes for everybody. In fact, there are more
food, what do they have in the end? They have than enough clothes to go around because the
four people who have eaten what they've seen Jewish fashion Industry convinces many people
on T V and since they are hungry at the end of to waste their money by throwing away their
the week, they spend another $150 again and good clothes and buying a new set every six
again and again every week of the year. months for the sake of that fraud known as "the
However, a family of four Asian People latest fashion".
following the methods of the Hidden Secrets of What is amazing to me, is that people are
Oriental Wealth feed their entire family for so brain-washed by the fashion industry that they
about forty to seventy-five dollars per week. This are willing to spend huge sums on simple cloth­
makes them healthy, well-fed and richer every ing merely as a status symbol. I can assure you
week than those people who do not use the that the clothes sold at thrift stores, Goodwill,
Oriental methods. For those of you who do not Salvation Army, etc., are really quite good and
believe that it is possible to feed a family of four certainly a hundred times cheaper than what is
for less than $2.50 per meal, I have included my found in the fashion shops. For those of you who
special one pot cooking method for you to try. are interested in becoming richer, then I recom­
You will find it in Chapter VIII. mend that you be frugal and forget about the
So, by now, I hope that you understand. falseness of fashion. Save your money by shop­
Orientals have more money than do Westerners ping in thrift shops and second hand stores. And
beginning at these very basic levels of Life. The never buy anything that has to be dry cleaned.
Westerner pays high prices for what the manu­ A Chinese gentleman dressed in five
facturers call "food" but which is, in reality, dollars worth of second hand clothes is $200

dollars richer than a Western idiot dressed in she makes her family richer with her frugality.
$205 worth of designer fleece and flimflam. A n d And frugality is one of the basic secrets of
while the Westerner is working over-time to pay Oriental Wealth. It's the same old story of the
for expensive clothes, the Chinese gentleman is Grasshopper and the Ant all over again: gaining
investing his $200 in some worthwhile enterprise wealth through slow accumulation of savings.
that will make him another $2000 or $20,000 or And if you don't have enough to save, then don't
$200,000. worry, we've thought of that, too. Study the
" A penny saved is a penny earned," is Chapters on Loan Clubs and the Game of Chairs.
another fine old saying that Americans seemed
to have forgotten soon after Benjamin Franklin (5) The fifth Essential of Life is shelter.
passed away. But frugality has always been one At this level, you would do well to look
of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth. around a bit to see where you are. There are
Frugality is not a part of what the big many bums and hobos and street people in
merchants and bankers in the West desire of the America who have solved the first four problems
consuming public. What these parasites desire is of the Essentials of Life. This Essential of
for everyone to be in debt to them for the sake of Shelter is also the borderline between living as a
usury. The charge cards, loan companies, banks, nomad or as a civilized person. The street people
mortgage companies and buy-now-pay-later and bums have attained the first four Essentials
methods of finance, are for Western fools. They of Life; air, water (usually substituted by whis­
are not for the Oriental man or woman who key or wine), food and clothing. In general, this
desires to gain a monetary advancement in life. is all that is required for anyone to eke out some
When Oriental People need to borrow sort of an existence. When the weather gets
money, they usually do not borrow from the nasty, then finding some sort of shelter, such as a
bank. Why? Because it is like throwing the doorway or under a bridge, is necessary. But for
interest payments away. You never see it again. those of us who prefer more civilized ways, a
But when you borrow from family or benevolent house or apartment of some kind is very impor­
associations, either the loan is interest-free or, i f tant.
there is interest, it is like paying it to yourself. Once a person can make the kind of
This is one of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental living to have more wealth left over from his
Wealth. Also, if you cannot pay cash for some­ labors, his food and his clothing requirements,
thing, then save your money until you can. Or then he can begin looking for some kind of
use the Secrets in Chapter V I and VII. shelter, a house, apartment, lean-to, tipi, tent,
This is especially good advice for buying shed, shack, tenement, mansion, penthouse or
clothes. People who go into debt on a charge castle. To a Westerner, it all depends upon how
card merely to buy something to cover them­ much money he makes to determine in what
selves should not be upset when the Oriental kind of shelter he can afford to live. But to an
prefers utilitarianism to extravagance. Let the Oriental, money is second in importance. What
fools wear the "latest fashion'' on their way to is of first importance is the relationship that he
the poor house. A n Asian does not let these has with his family because the family is the
illusions hinder him. basis of all civilization. The Jew-Commies also
While the Western tart is spending her know this, which is why most of what is pre­
husband's hard earned money on clothes for sented on television is designed to destroy family
herself, her Oriental sister; is spending her cohesion and harmony. As the family is weak­
husband's hard-earned money on her family. ened and destroyed, so too is the country.
That is, the Western woman makes herself In America, the Jewish bankers own
prettier and her family poorer while her Oriental everything, (including the Federal Reserve Bank
sister makes do with her own natural beauty as and the elected politicians). A n d since the

bankers and big money boys want to keep their more than it already has by being at the bottom.
properties inflating in value, they, through their And because people are forced by the bankers'
paid lobbyists and shoe-licking politicians, have laws from living for free in the streets, the slums
passed laws that make it illegal to be happy are usually rented out by people who will take
without paying the bankers' mortgage fee. any shelter i f it's cheap enough. So, the slum
After all, how does a banker make money lords can't lose. "Typically, poor families spend
except by usury on a loan? He certainly doesn't about 77 percent of their income on shelter." [ ]
make much by giving you 4% interest on your One of the Chinese tips that I can give to
savings deposit. Only when he loans your sav­ you i f you want to become a landlord using the
ings deposit to someone else at 18% interest, above method and rent your property to others is
does he profit. The bigger the loan, the more this: Rent the part of the property or properties
profit to the banker. And so, ten thousand zon­ that will pay the highest rent to you while you
ing, construction, health and safety laws have live in the poorest part. B y renting the best to
been passed, all of which add to the expense of a others, you will gain more money. B y living in
building, to make sure that people are prevented the poorest part yourself, not only will you save
from living for free or for cheap in a lean-to, tipi, money, but you will not gain the enmity of the
tent, shed or shack or house of their own con­ renters i f they think that you are living expen­
struction. This prevents most people from sively off of their labors. After all, by living in
realizing that the American Indian lived in this the poorest part, you appear poorer than they are
country for thousands of years perfectly comfort­ and so gain their empathy and not such grudging
able without requiring a split-level, air-condi­ rent payments. You can best live high by first
tioned, fully electric penthouse with Jacuzzi. living low.
But since most people in America want But what i f you don't have the initial five
these things, then why not? If you want to own to eight thousand dollars? Using the Hidden
your own house or even many houses, you can Secrets of Oriental Wealth, the solution to this
do it by using the Hidden Secrets of Oriental problem is simple: It doesn't take a lot of money
Wealth. to buy a house, all it takes is a lot of people. This
You, too, can be a landlord. Beginning is where the Asian People leave the Westerners
with buying a single house, you can have a behind in the dust.
million dollars in cash equity in ten years. For While a Westerner demands a big house
between five and eight thousand dollars for a all for himself and his immediate family, the
down payment, a reasonably good credit report, Asian is eager to share what he has with rela­
the Resolution Trust Corporation of the Federal tives. A n American man might work his entire
Government will sell you a house at 10-15% life just to pay the banker or the mortgage
below appraised market value. If you buy a small company for the privilege of living in an over­
house in the bottom end of the housing market in priced stucco box with a double garage. But
a fairly good neighborhood, you can rent it out. regardless of the price of a house, an Asian
After one year, take out a second loan on that prefers to spread the expense and ease the
house and buy another house. Rent that house burden.
and repeat the process every year. Using this If you have ten Asians scrubbing toilets
method, after 10 years, you will have a million and washing dishes for minimum wage, but they
dollars in cash, i f you so desire. [ ] are all living in the same house, they will soon
This is the American way of becoming a own that house. While an Asian understands
wealthy landlord. This is why slum lords make team work and the sharing of burdens, the
money. By buying the buildings at the bottom individualistic Westerner only knows how to
end of the market, they are buying the most please himself. This is unfortunate. Ten people
stable properties. After all, it can't depreciate who buy a house together have something to

show for their efforts whether they sell the house borrow money from one another on their equity
in five years or twenty-five years or keep it in in order to make investments in other areas.
their family forever doesn't matter. They are So, you see, there is really no such thing
richer than the Western fools who do not know as a poor Asian. A l l Asians are rich not so much
how to live together harmoniously in the same because of money but because of relatives who
house. trust one another and invest in each other's
Perhaps the single, Western man and his businesses and properties. If you find a poor
wife and kids who buy a house will lose every­ Asian somewhere wandering the streets, either
thing. If the man is out of work and can't make he is mentally deranged or he is an orphan
the payments, the banker seizes the property. without relatives. Unlike the American who is
This is, by the way, why the bankers engineer thrown out into the cruel world to either live or
inflations and depressions. The Great Depression die all alone, the Asian People live by the saying,
of 1929 was a purposely-created disaster de­ "If one has food, all have food. If one is warm,
signed to enrich the Jewish bankers and finan­ all are warm."
ciers at the expense of everyone else. They were And this is why so many people are
able to buy a lot of industries and properties for living in the streets of America. On the one hand
pennies on the dollar while the Jewish Media put the Jewish bankers have warped the society by
the blame everywhere but where it belonged. persuading the corrupt politicians to pass laws
People buy houses during boom times making it illegal to build and to live in whatever
and pay the banker for a big mortgage. So, the makes you content. Rather, they want everybody
banker profits and wins. Then a depression or to live in what they call "affordable housing built
recession is cycled in. The home buyer can't pay to code." What this means is that the bankers can
the mortgage so the banker seizes the house in "afford" to sell it at a profit no matter how
foreclosure. And the banker profits and wins flimsy its construction. A n d it is built to a code
again. that decrees that it is only sturdy enough to last
But losing one's property to a banker is the twenty or thirty years of its mortgage where­
very rare with an Oriental. If one or two Asians upon it is time to buy another house, built to
are out of work, the others will take up the slack code as cheaply as possible, under another bank
until better times, meanwhile they make their loan at the highest interest the banker can get
payments and keep control of their own property. away with. It's a clever swindle and the Jewish
So, you may ask, how do the Oriental bankers have been getting away with it for
People live harmoniously together under the centuries.
same roof? B y trying! It takes effort and courtesy And on the other hand, there are so many
to not step on your neighbor's toes. And i f street people because the People themselves do
everyone tries, then the effort is not great and not know how precious beyond value are their
success is inevitable. It helps to read what relatives.
Confucius and Mencius had to say about Man, A Chinese might be very wealthy, but
family and duty. It isn't so difficult even with unless he has relatives with whom to share his
only a little effort. wealth, he feels very poor. With the Chinese, the
Thus, the Oriental People prosper even in more you give, the more you have. This is not
tough times because they spread their house mere philosophy but is actually good business
investment among many people. Even i f not sense. When you share your wealth and invest in
everyone lives in the house, there is always another relative's business, all of this comes
relatives or friends who will help buy into a back to you plus much more in the years ahead.
house with another. They will then be assured of And so, i f you want to own a house and
making a good investment because their equity build your wealth, not rent or lease which is like
will be repaid i f the house is re-sold and they can throwing your money away, then use the Hidden

Secrets of Oriental Wealth and buy a house they in turn help the elderly. A n d so, Westerners
together among friends and relatives. Whether should not be angry that Oriental People are
you are a hippy commune, a Black Muslim wealthier than they because it is a matter of
fraternity, a Christian brotherhood, an apple-pie following the ancient and holy Commandment:
American family or whatever, put aside your "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother." And i f
individual desires and realize that "a house anyone asks, " A m I my brother's keeper?" then
divided against itself cannot stand." Know you should answer, " Y E S ! " because you and
Harmony and you will know both Peace and your brother are richer and stronger together
Prosperity. than either of you are alone.
And now, here is another way that Asians The only American expression of this
save money. While an American couple might Chinese idea that I have found in this country is
both work to pay for their house, they put their the famous little statue at Boys Town, Nebraska,
children out to child care. A l l of this costs more depicting a little boy carrying his tiny brother on
money. " I n California, nannies for working his back. The caption is: "He ain't heavy. He's
parents cost $700 to $1,400 for live-ins. For a 10 my brother."
hour a day nanny who lives out, the cost is If the Western People cannot follow this
$1,200 to $1,800 per month. Baby sitters from kind of teaching even from their own Christian
illegal aliens cost from $4 per hour to $8 per heritage, then they are no better than animals.
hour sometimes $12 per hour i f the working And it is fitting that the animals live out in the
parents are rich." [ ] weather, alone and hungry, uncaring and uncared
The Asian avoids this because it is the for. Such teachings have been a part of Western
joy and duty of the old people as well as aunts culture for centuries but it takes courage and
and uncles to care for the little ones when the strength to follow them.
parents are away. Saving on baby sitting and day­ Americans, deprived of religious instruc­
care expense is simple when the grandparents tion by a corrupted Government, are afraid of
live in the same house as you. While the Ameri­ Old Age and Death. And in their cowardice, they
can family is poorer by $8,000 to $20,000 per refuse to help the elderly because they are afraid
year on child care while both parents work so as to face what they, themselves, will be someday.
to pay the Jewish banker, the Asian family keeps Americans have been cheated by the evil law­
its money intact. Thus, while slaving away, the yers, judges and bankers. They have actually
American family falls behind. But with no effort accepted as true the false lawyer's reading of the
at all, the Asian family moves ahead. This is a First Amendment to the Constitution.
simple to understand Secret of Oriental Wealth. Americans, who have been deceived by
Besides, this is how to raise intelligent that Communist front known as the A C L U , have
kids who have had the experience of the wise overlooked the fact that the Government has no
counsel from many caring relatives to draw rights whatsoever in religious matters. But why
upon. And on the other hand, the expense of would the leftist Jews of the American Civil
caring for the old folks is reduced because Liberties Union want to destroy religion? Be­
instead of sending them off to the old folks cause people without religious morals are easier
home, they can stay among their loving family to dominate and less likely to rebel against
until they die. oppression. Just ask anyone who has ever said
This is the natural way. Unlike the anything against the Jews and you will certainly
Westerners who spend thousands of dollars on learn what oppression is all about.
child care or old folks homes for their parents, Anyway, i f you want more wealth, you
all of this money is saved because everyone don't have to get it all by yourself i f you have
helps one another with the burdens of Life. The friends and relatives to help you. This simple
old help the young and when the young grow up, secret is only a mystery to Westerners because

they all selfishly want to be kings of their own being, then the Oriental way is a much better
property without having the humility necessary way for people to live.
to share what they have with their parents, Let's compare two families of seven
brothers, cousins, uncles and grandparents. Thus, each: an American family and an Oriental family
they grow poorer and lonelier through inflation, each consisting of two grandparents, a father, a
taxes and age, while the Asian Peoples who mother, one boy child and one girl child each.
follow the ancient teachings grow wealthier. The money amounts listed are only examples
Jesus taught to Westerners the power and can be any amount. So, do some calculating
inherent in group sharing when he divided the and figure it out regarding your own situation.
loaves and fishes. But the later Christians didn't As an example, first look at the Ameri­
understand and called it a miracle. It's no can nuclear family. The grandparents live in
miracle because "What I do, ye too can do and their own house which costs, let's say, $500 per
some things greater." It is only a Hidden Secret year in taxes since they own it. The father and
of Oriental Wealth: when you share with your mother live in a different town in a rented house
friends and relatives, you don't end up with less costing $1000 per month. Each is paying out this
you end up with more! money for their shelter, money that will never
I will use money as an example although come back to them, while also wasting money
loaves and fishes or pans of rice or anything else on the junk food that they eat as well as for child
will equally suffice. Suppose three friends care.
decide to divide their money. One man has two When the boy grows up, he is expected to
cents, another has a dollar, another has two move out to find "his own place" at perhaps
hundred dollars and a penny. Equally divided it $250 per month for a shared apartment with a
comes out to $67.01 each. O f course, the man roommate while the girl marries and moves
with two cents is richer as is the man who only away with her husband to yet another location.
had a dollar, but the strange thing is, the man In all, this Western family is paying a; total of
who had the two hundred dollars is richer, also, $15,500 per year for their shelter whether as
because now he also has two friends and allies. house, apartment or condo. This goes on year
And these two friends, who will give him what­ after year.
ever money he wants or needs, still have his On the other hand, the Oriental extended
money so it hasn't really gone anywhere. He's as family tries to live a life of harmony within their
rich as he was before and in addition he has two family. If the Grandparents already own their
friends who will help him through life's troubles home and pay $500 per year in taxes, then why
as the three of them continually divide and share pay more? The parents live with the grandpar­
their earnings. ents as do their two children. If the girl child
And since they will each have different marries and leaves to her husband's house, that's
amounts of money at different times, none of okay. But the $500 per year in taxes is all that
them will ever be poor even i f he is out of work this Oriental family pays for their shelter while
or falls i l l . Thus, the average Asian is always putting the other $15,000 dollars behind the
richer than the average Westerner merely by closet wall. Depositing money in the bank, is not
knowing how to share with his family and the Chinese way. If the bank knows how much
friends. This is the way we will be thinking you have, then so does the tax man. And the cash
when I tell you about the Loan Clubs and the is not readily available for those quick deals that
Game of Chairs later in this book. come along.
In the West, especially in the United A t the end of the year, every year, the
States, it is every man for himself, a dog-eat-dog Oriental family has $15,000 dollars more than
world where only the strong survive. This is the American nuclear family, plus the several
okay if you are a dog. But i f you are a human thousand dollars more that they save from

buying real food instead of junk food. Plus the
money saved on day-care for the kids. This is
money that they can use to B U Y their own house
if they want, or, after a few years of living
together, they can pay cash for any house that
they like. Or invest it in a business to make even
Meanwhile, the American nuclear family,
each member trying to get something for him­
self, ends up having nothing at all. The rents
paid to the landlord and to the bankers are gone
and will never return to them. They are working
just to stay alive and pay the rent. They will
never move ahead in the monetary world as
easily as does the extended, Oriental family
because they do not understand the concept of
Study these pictures taken of typical
houses in Cupertino, California. House A was
built without any kind of future in mind. It was
designed for a married couple who might have a
child or two but that is as far into the future as
the designers or that American couple could
House B , on the same block, started as an
equally small house. But as the family grew in
size, a second story was added to accommodate
the parents and children. When American fami­
lies get larger, either they sell out and move to a
bigger house or they build a few more rooms or
they convert a garage to more living space. This
is thinking ahead, but not thinking very far
House C is a typical Chinese house on
the same block. The tiny American house that
was on the lot was torn down and this huge,
extended family structure was built in its place. driving of them, it is frequent to see Asian
While the little American bungalows are families having two Mercedes or other super
built on a cement slab, the Chinese houses have expensive automobiles which each individual
large basements for storage of extra food, com­ could not afford by himself. While an American
mercial goods and extra relatives. These houses family can barely afford an ordinary car since
are built for extended families, for the increasing only one person buys one car, the Asian family
of wealth and for a multi-generational owner­ can afford several expensive cars since it is seen
ship. The two-car garage allows for private not only as a status symbol but as an investment
parking and for the transfer of commercial goods of many family members chipping in to buy a
out of sight of the neighbors. And because cars luxury vehicle.
are often bought by several people who share the When the owners of the small American

homes die, the relatives sell the property which It is really cruel what the Western People
passes out of the hands of the family. When the do to their children in the areas of matrimony. O f
owners of the Chinese houses die, the extended course, "true love" and "love at first" sight can
family remains in residence. Thus, entire blocks happen in Life but it is really quite rare. It seems
of American houses, over a single generation, pathetic to me to see the Western women spends
are transferred to Chinese ownership from which ing so much time and money on clothes and hair
it will never again be allowed into non-Chinese styles and make-up in their attempts to attract a
hands. By thinking in terms of extended families mate. And using Thoreau's phrase, they seem so
over many generations, the Chinese outlast all much to be living lives of "quiet desperation" as
other people. It is not "survival of the fittest" but their left arms flag nimbly about in the air as
survival of the smartest. A n d as the black person they walk. It's almost as if, lacking the added
stated in the Introduction, "They don't really weight of a wedding ring, their left arms and
bother anyone. They just crowd you out." Until hands find an additional lightness.
finally, as in Photo D , all of the houses are built Likewise, all of the time and money
to Chinese specifications. spent by the young men on cars and fancy
To an American, "team work" is some­ clothes and the entertaining of young women on
thing that is only applied to playing games like dinner dates and various outings is really quite
baseball or basketball or ice hockey. But it is enormous. These are all vanities that do little for
T E A M W O R K that makes great civilizations, mutual understanding between a man and a
too. " A house divided against itself cannot woman. And they are an expense which costs the
stand." But a house of people living peacefully American People huge amounts but which costs
with one another can accomplish anything. the Oriental People very little. Once again, the
Oriental People grow richer through their wis­
(6) The Sixth Essential of Life is a Spouse. dom and frugality while the Westerners, espe­
And now look around again. You have cially Americans, grow poorer as a result of
managed to solve the problems of getting enough extravagance and stupidity.
to eat and a place to live and sleep. It is time to To explain the difference between the
start thinking about a spouse and raising a two cultures is really quite easy. While the
family. If you are a monk or nun or holy hermit, Western People allow their children to pass
then this does not apply to you since love of God through the youthful torments of lust and passion
is sufficient in your case. But everyone else like stray dogs and cats, the Oriental People
should consider carefully what follows. guide their children through these difficult times
No one who cannot solve the first five as loving human beings should guide their
Essentials of Life can possibly think about children - through the method known as "ar­
getting a marriage partner. O f course, poor ranged marriages."
women can marry rich men but poor men do not I am not saying that arranged marriages
have such good chances of marrying rich are always, in every case, such a good thing but
women. After all, the man must provide the they certainly have a much lower divorce rate
home in which the woman is to live. This is a than anything that the West has to offer its
law of Nature as well as the common sense of youngsters. A n d arranged marriages are certainly
most societies. not something that is "Oriental." Read the
Once again, the Asian People are much following passage from a 17th Century European
better off than the Westerners in this area of Life. play, The Miser by Moliere, and see that what­
And once again, it is not a matter of being Asian, ever Asia invented regarding arranged marriages
it is only a matter of truly looking at the realities is nothing at all new to the West:
of Life and in making thoughtful and wise "CLEANTE: Yes. I'm in love, and let me say
decisions upon which to base your actions. before we go any further that I am fully aware that I am

dependent on my father, that as a son I must submit to his children and the great grandchildren forever. To
wishes, that we should never give a promise of marriage
allow children the freedom to make the lust-and-
without the consent of those who brought us into the
world, that Heaven made them the arbiters of our choice,
passion-induced mistakes of choosing a marriage
that it is our duty never to bestow our affections except as partner without parental aid, is to invite Chaos
they may decide, that, not being blinded by passion, they into the family.
are less likely to be deceived and better able to see what is In Asia, it is well understood that when
good for us than we are ourselves, that it behoves us to
the children grow up and can make a living, it is
trust to the light of their prudence rather than to our own
their duty and responsibility to give help to their
blind desires, and that youthful impetuosity leads, as often
as not, to disaster! I mention all this, my dear sister, to save old parents. Both the old people and the young
you the trouble of saying it. The fact is that I am too much people in America are fools not to understand
in love to listen to anything you have to say and I, there­ this. While the Americans today spend money to
fore, ask you to spare your remonstrances. have their parents stored away in a convalescent
"ELISE: And you have actually given her your
hospital or retirement home, they are becoming
"CLEANTE: No, but I am determined to do so,
poorer and poorer. So, they should not make
and I ask you, once again, not to try to dissuade me."[ ] 14 grudging comments about Oriental People who
So you see, none of these "arranged are becoming richer merely by following the
marriages" or even "marriages of convenience" ancient, Oriental ways of common sense, human
are new to the West because men and women for love and frugality.
countless ages have tried to understand not just "Eighty percent of the residents of
the debt that we all owe to our parents but also nursing homes don't get any visitors - ever!"[ ]
the relationship between parent and child. And these old people live out their lives watch­
As Cleante so aptly observes, parents are ing the ghosts and game shows on the Electric
in a better position than the children to judge a Jew, and living among others their own age who
qualified marriage partner. "Not being blinded are strangers to them. These are some very
by passion, they are less likely to be deceived lonely, lonely people, these aged Americans.
and better able to see what is good for us than They are hungry for talk and will avidly con­
we are ourselves." verse with anyone who is willing to take the
Admittedly, the arranged marriages of time. They are so glad to talk with anyone and to
Asia are not the totally unselfish desire of the shake your hand with a firm grip that says,
parents to make a happy match for their children "Please stay longer. Don't go. But i f you must
because there is also involved the wise idea of go, thank you for talking with me. Please visit
choosing someone who will also be willing to be again." Their only joys that remain are found on
of benefit to the parents when they become old the dinner plate and this is only a joy to their
and dependent. You see, China, as well as every declining taste buds. It is really a barbaric
other country where the people are not afraid to society that fosters such a state of affairs. And it
look at Life as well as to look at Death, was long is a society that is doomed to perish unless a
ago enlightened as to how much a parent should change of heart and an acceptance of Life is
trust their own children versus how much they made by the American People.
should trust the State to aid them in their twilight It is a land of dogs, fools and grinning
years. bankers to treat their old people with such
In the West, the parents send the children callousness. And yet, it is a choice that these old
off into the sunset over the horizon and then people made in their youths. They chose to trust
grow old, poor, feeble and alone in a convales­ in Jewish Federal Reserve Notes rather than to
cent hospital while their children enjoy their trust in their own family and children. They
own lives of toil and mortgage payments. This is believed that the Government would support
really a waste of both of their lives. It is a v i ­ them on Social Security rather than to have as a
cious cycle that gets passed along to the grand­ comfort and support their own children for

whom they worked away their lives. strangers. If they are not too decrepit, they can
Within a year, the average American old always enjoy the grandchildren and lend a hand
person who enters a convalescent hospital or by saving their family the expense of baby sitters
retirement home is reduced to the economic and day care. Thus, the Oriental, extended
level of a pauper. Their trust in money — family grows even wealthier without effort while
whether as stocks and bonds, savings, pensions, the Western, nuclear family grows poorer even
and Social Security — is a misplaced trust. As while working double shifts for both parents.
inflation rises, the power of their money dimin­ As for the children, they can find a
ishes. They trusted in money, one of the most wealth of stories and wise advice with their old
unstable of foundations, while they allowed their parents and grandparents. And where else can
children to follow this same path and to abandon wisdom be found but in the old people? In
them. And, under this modern system, these matters of life or matters of finance, it is to the
same children will be abandoned in their turn by old people that the young people of Asia turn for
their own children. Thus, the American Dream advice. This is a very natural and a very ancient
becomes a nightmare. And the Americans and way and is found in every country in the world
other Westerners become not only poorer and where wisdom reigns above foolishness. And it
poorer materially, but they become low in spirit is one of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth
and demoralized as they perceive the uselessness because the "wisdom of age" is applied to the
of this kind of a life. various ideas and money-making schemes that
On the other hand, the Oriental People youths invent.
know from vast centuries of trial and error that While the average Western youngster, out
the best way to live Life is together with friends alone in the dog-eat-dog-world of business,
and relatives. After all, M a n is not a lone animal might find that he takes three steps foreward and
like a cat but is more of a social being like a two steps back from his mistakes and folly in his
monkey or an ant. We do better when we work progress through Life, such is not the case with
together than when we work alone. This is only the Asian lads and lasses. While working at the
natural and human. But it is certainly unnatural very same jobs, the Asian can successfully out­
and non-human for the people of the West to perform the Westerner merely because the Asian
strive for their own selfish little domain while asks his elders for good advice and the "tricks of
excluding even their own relatives. Such think­ the trade" while the arrogant Western youth
ing leads to both economic and personal ruin. plows ahead regardless of advice.
When an Oriental person reaches a Westerners can never compete success­
certain age, it is time to retire and live off of the fully with Asians without discovering W I S D O M .
fruits of the children's labor. And the young And wisdom is not something that is the sole
people understand and respect this because property of any one people but it is found in all
someday their own turn will come. It is a loss of cultures around the world. Wisdom is not the
money for old people to pay the retirement sole possession of the elderly, either; nor is it
homes for a place to live and be cared for. A n d found in any of the schools or universities where
yet, it is a loss that has fraudulently become a only knowledge is taught.
part of the American system. Don't blame the Wisdom is a combination of knowledge
Asian for being richer merely by being wiser and and life's experience. This is why the oldsters
more frugal and sane. usually have more of it than do youths. A young
When the Oriental old people need a man can be very smart but still make foolish
place to live, they don't have to go anywhere mistakes because, lacking experience of life, he
else than where they are already — with their cannot tell how to apply his wonderful knowl­
family. With their family, they are surrounded by edge in a faultless way. And this is where the
loving relatives and not by paid attendants and youths of the West fall behind the youths of the

East simply because the Asian youth is quick to secrets, one must raise one's own children with
ask for and glad to receive advice from his elders Truth and not with falsehood.
regarding business, finance, work or personal In the West, especially in the United
habits while the youths of the West are negligent States, children are given lies that are sworn to
in asking for and resentful of receiving the same be the truth and they are still expected to under­
advice from their elders. This is very stupid of stand the difference between truth and lies. It
them. But they learn to be arrogant and stupid might seem too simple to mention but I will
from watching Hollywood's trash served up on mention it anyway.
the Electric Jew. Even Chinese children are To tell innocent, trusting children lies
becoming unruly and lacking in filial piety as about Santa Claus and flying reindeer, is one
they are brainwashed by this monstrosity of mistake. To tell them about Easter Rabbits and
Jewish television and Hollywood pornography. deceive them with hidden eggs, is two mistakes.
And yet, the Asians become richer To tell them of tooth fairies, and then to fool
because "two heads are better than one" while them by hiding money under their pillow at night
the Westerners become poorer since "no man is is three mistakes. To tell them about witches and
an island" but they insist on being an island vampires on Halloween is four mistakes. What
anyway. The cult of the "rugged individual" is can be said about an entire society that puts
designed to make money for the bankers and enormous lies and resources every year into
industrialists but it leads to poverty for everyone deceiving little children? Can such a society
else. The cult of the rugged individualist leads to raise trusting children who believe what their
poverty for everyone else because "united we elders tell them? Certainly, not!
stand, divided we fall." The bankers and indus­ After lying with earnest persuasion
trialists profit thereby because "divide and about flying reindeer and magic, egg laying
conquer" as applied to finance, provides more bunnies what happens when you tell these same
individual, Western consumers than are found in wide-eyed and astonished children about God
the Asian, group-oriented methods. and Jesus and Wisdom and Virtue? To expect
It is true, as the Western marrying girls these children to believe you, is sheer lunacy. So,
say to their boy-friends, that "two can live how can such an idiot society not have problems
cheaper than one." And applied to the Asian with their youths taking drugs and being delin­
versus Occidental methods, thirty in a family quents?
group can live cheaper than ten, individual "Listen, K i d , there really is a Santa Claus
Americans living alone. So, move in with your and I want you to believe me when I say that
relatives, sleep on the floor i f you must, and taking drugs and stealing cars is bad for you." To
grow richer together rather than grow poor all by raise children on lies which the parents and
yourselves. society swears to be the truth, is only inviting
sullen resentment when you tell them the truth
(7) The Seventh Essential of Life is Children. which they will assume to be just another lie.
They are an essential because without I found this legend written on the bottom
children, a man or woman becomes the slave of of a teenager's skateboard in Los Gatos, Califor­
the state and dependant upon the cruel mercies nia in the late 1970's: "The truth is, all you know
of Fate in old age. (Only the religious saints, are the lies." Doesn't this say something about
monks and nuns can benefit from not having the outlook of American youth?
children.) Not only are children a joy in one's For the sake of making a holiday dollar,
married life but they become a comfort in one's American society destroys itself by destroying
old age. That is, children are all of these things i f the trust of its youth. In fact, holiday means
you know and follow the Hidden Secrets of "holy day." And history is filled with traces of
Oriental Wealth. And to follow these hidden destroyed societies that forsook truth for the sake

of lucre. The bankers and merchants cannot be ment (all governments), the bankers, lawyers,
expected to make any changes since they are the industrialists, judges, doctors, they all make their
ones who profit from such lies, so it is up to the money partly through unsavory ways. They deal
American People to tear down and rid them­ with deceit, graft, treachery, pay-offs, sexual
selves of falsehood disguised as truth. Only then, favors, kick-backs, power, money and even
will they be free as well as prosperous. But how murder every day of their lives. It is not to their
did these lies gain such a foothold in American benefit for the People to judge their actions
society? Simply through a lack of vigilance. under Religious and Moral Law because they are
Asians, too, have various myths and fairy all, with but few exceptions, guilty of high
stories but it is not like in the West where the treason to their people and to morality and to
only goal is sales receipts and Jewish profits. God. And yet, under the Civil Laws which they,
Asian myths and stories are told as a means of themselves, write, they appear as innocent and
instilling good thoughts in the listener. To teach clean as freshly fallen snow.
righteousness, truth, respect, virtue, holiness, And so, once the Constitution was signed
valor, and filial piety, are all worthy goals of with the meaning of the First Amendment being
these stories and legends. taken at face value by the signers and by the
At one time, these same things were People, these scoundrels no longer wanted this
taught in the American schools, too, such as with particular article to be in force. So, through the
the famous McGuffy Readers. But with the double-talking lawyers and corrupt judges, they
godless lawyers and judges abusing the true and made a false and deceitful assumption. They
original meaning of the First Amendment to the assumed that the original writers and signers of
U.S. Constitution, it is almost illegal to pray. In the Constitution added the words "an establish­
fact, it is illegal to pray on government property ment of religion" in the sense that "establish­
or anywhere else that government money is used ment" was a verb and not a noun.
to buy the People as well as to buy things for the Thus, through this kind of forked-tongue
People. sleight-of-hand, they claimed essentially that
The First Amendment of the U.S. Consti­ government by influence had power over religion
tution was written for and addressed to the God­ and over religious institutions as well as over
fearing, religious people of the United States in when and where people are allowed to talk about
the Eighteenth Century. It states most clearly that religion or to pray; and that the First Amendment
government "shall make no law respecting an was really Only there to prevent government
establishment of religion." It was written in this from establishing a religion of its own.
way to gain the necessary signatures of the In fact, the U.S. Government has estab­
representatives of the People. lished its own religion by influence and by
To the God-fearing people of 1776, the default. B y assuming that it has the power to
word "establishment" was, and still is, a noun. It prevent religious expression on the grounds that
means any establishment or place of religion government money is somehow involved in
whether a church or an assembly hall or any whatever the event, the U.S. Government breaks
religious body. Thus, the government has no both the intent and the will behind the First
right to make any law that relates to religion in Amendment. B y preventing the free expression
any way whatsoever. This is what the original of religion or religious views anywhere in
intent and understanding of this word and phrase America whether on government property or not,
was in 1776. is a clear violation of both the intent of the
But once the Jewish and Communist writers and the will of the signers of the Consti­
lawyers of the A C L U started to work with their tution. A n d it is an act of treachery acted upon
two-faced double-talk, the meaning was immedi­ the American people.
ately twisted. You see, the big boys in govern­ By making any law whatsoever regarding

religion, either for or against, the U.S. Govern­ I am concerned about this because of
ment has overstepped its lawful bounds. The what I have seen the in the Communist coun­
lawyer-created phrase "the separation of church tries. Government has no authority and no right
and state" has no Constitutional foundation to say anything one way or the other about
whatsoever. The original Founders of the United religion. It is something beyond their compre­
States certainly did not separate their daily life hension. A n d so, when I see the same things
from their prayers to God. To claim that a child happening in America that I have seen happen in
cannot preach Christianity on school grounds the Communist Asian countries, I don't like it
simply because the Government gives money to one bit.
the school to operate, is sheer sleight-of-hand. If the Federal Government will not obey
The false reasoning is, that since this money is the will of Heaven, Earth and the People, then
provided by the Government, it would break the rebellion is the only alternative for the People.
First Amendment because the Government And this is why the right to keep and bear arms
would be [using the verb] "establishing" a was one of the B i l l of Rights. This Right was not
religion by allowing preaching to occur on a guaranteed merely for fighting off Indians and
government financed school ground. Only a thugs, but to defend yourself from oppressive
lying lawyer could think up such falseness. This government.
infringes not only an American's right to free­ Knowing the power of Temptation in the
dom of religion anywhere in the land and free­ Heart of Man, the Founding Fathers did not trust
dom of speech anywhere in the land but it is, in A N Y government, not even the one they, them­
fact, an establishment of religion by the Govern­ selves, created. And this is why the big money
ment and that religion's name is Anti-Religion. boys, the bankers, lawyers, doctors, industrialists
And why would a government want to are trying to take away the right to keep and bear
destroy religious freedom? Because as Jewish- arms, because they know that their days are
Communism teaches, people are more easily numbered and they want to stave off the wrath of
controlled i f they behave like animals or i f they the People for as long as possible.
are taught to behave like animals. Animals can This is one of the first signs of an au­
be broken to the whip and starved into submis­ thoritarian and dictatorial government, when
sion. But humans with religious knowledge and they take the weapons of self-defense away from
belief, can undergo any hardship and still perse­ the People. The first thing the Mongols did when
vere to victory. Neither the Jewish Commissars they invaded China centuries ago, was to allow
nor the Jewish bankers want this. And so, to only one meat cleaver for every ten families.
further their One-World-Government-United- This is what the Shoguns of Japan did once they
Nations Conspiracy, they attack religion when­ had achieved ultimate power, was to have a
ever they can. Especially, is Christianity a target sword hunt and take away the swords from
since Jesus was the only religious leader in everyone who was not one of their samurai
history to actually tell the truth about the Jews. goons. The modern, Japanese shadow shoguns of
And they hate Him for it to this day. This is why today, known as the Ruling Elite, also have strict
any Catholic priests or Protestant ministers who gun control laws because they fear the people's
commit personal errors, are splashed across the vengeance. The Communists, the Japanese, the
front page headlines of every Jew-owned news­ United Nations and now the American govern­
paper and T V station for weeks at a time. The ment seem to all have similar ideas along these
Jews love to make asses out of Christians while lines.
hiding the perversions of their own rabbis behind It is an interesting fact that the country of
the ads on the back pages. There is no level Switzerland requires by law that every able-
playing field when the Anti-Christs own the bodied man in the country keep in his own house
media. a fully automatic machine gun in good repair.

And yet, Switzerland has the lowest murder rate but instead substitutes a false category where no
in Europe. "Guns do not kill people; people kill category naturally exists.
people." Every civilization the world has ever
To raise up a country's youths who have known, has realized that once a child reaches the
been deprived of the word of God and the teach­ age of puberty at around 12 or 13 years of age,
ings of Morality through the brainwashing of he or she is no longer a child but is an adult.
public education and the perverse lies of the They are young adults, true, but adults neverthe­
Jewish Media, is to invite murders, rapes, kill­ less. And all of these world cultures have usually
ing, looting and other sad events into society. A l l had some sort of ceremony or religious rite to
of this is the fault of the Government because it recognize and to celebrate the youth changing
has taken the guaranteed rights away from the into an adult. That is, most civilizations do this
People. It has taken away Religious and Moral except in the West.
Law and replaced them with Civil Law. Thus, it In the West, it was found by the bankers
has established a government religion of Anti- and deduced by the lawyers that young adults,
Religion. By its Own making, the U.S. Govern­ living as lone Americans without family back­
ment has raised up cynical and rebellious youths ing, didn't have the ability to repay loans or fully
who grow up only to fill the over-crowded enter into business dealings successfully. So,
government prisons. man-made laws were passed that transgressed all
The people of Europe are in the same biological and natural laws. It was decreed by
situation because they have also trusted their the high-and-mighty judges and lawyers that a
politicians. And the politicians have betrayed man was not a man nor was a woman a woman
them to the twin Jewish swindles of Commu­ until the age of 18 or, in some cases, 21 years of
nism and Banking. age. Thus began in the West the first stages of
And so it is, that the United States of demeaning youths and retarding the growth of
America, the "Land of the Free," has, according adults. And by retarding their adult capabilities,
to Amnesty International, a higher percentage of the Jew-Commies have been able to retard the
its people in prison than any other country in the power and wealth of the entire nation. Yes, it is a
world including the Communist as well as the conspiracy.
dictatorial states. I find this exceedingly strange Today, in America are found big, strap­
but with the Jewish bankers, Jewish lawyers and ping 180 and 200 pound fifteen year olds who
the traitorous politicians defying both common beat up old ladies and steal cars or murder
sense and moral law, it is understandable. people just for something to do. Because they
The children in America are very much have been raised in a society that prohibits the
excluded from adult life. They are placed in a teaching of morality, wisdom or religion in the
little box from which they are not allowed to schools and which decrees that such a bully of a
escape. Instead of being appreciated as continu­ boy is not a man, these young adults think as
ally maturing little humans growing to adult­ children and are treated as children in the courts.
hood, they are segmented and departmentalized Eighteen and twenty year old liquor store bur­
in inhuman ways. Again, the mercantile interests glars and strong arm robbers are looked upon as
and lawyers are very much to blame here. Chil­ mere children who really don't understand the
dren are categorized into "infants", "children", seriousness of their crime. And yet, the real
"pre-teens", "teenagers" and "adults". Later, this criminals are the lawyers, politicians and judges
same ridiculous system is applied to "young who believe that their opinion is even greater
adults", "middle aged" and "senior citizens." I than God's, Heaven's or Nature's Law combined.
say that this is a phony and destructive Jewish The real criminal is the Society, itself, that raises
method of valuing people because it does not up youths ignorant of moral law. But lawyers
take into consideration human biological truth don't make money from the virtuous. They make

money from the crooked and corrupt. So, cor­ big buffalo tomorrow!
recting this situation cannot be done within the Even the labor of children adds to family
legal system. wealth. But in America, the children are given
Now, this interaction among friends and three months of vacation in the summer while
family groups is visible in a study that showed their parents work. This is a holdover of pioneer
that neighborhood dollars turned over six times farming and harvest timing and not conducive to
in San Francisco's Chinatown but in predomi­ educated young people in a modern society. But
nately black East Oakland the dollars turned as a means of slowing down American produc­
over only once before they left the community. tivity so that the Third World can overtake the
[ ] This is because Chinese people do business United States, it is a method well devised by the
among themselves while the blacks do business Jewish-Communists who are undermining this
with the Jewish slumlords and the various country. Lazy youths lead to family poverty and
foreigners such as East Indian speculators, Arabs to rich industrialists who will sell the United
and Koreans who take their profits out of the States to foreigners i f only the young people of
black neighborhoods and put those profits in America can be made illiterate and lazy enough.
their pockets. During the school year, Chinese youths
African-American People might ask study at public school but also go to Chinese
themselves where this money disappears. Drugs? school for several hours per week. The extra
Some of it. The banker's mortgage payments? study in Chinese language, kung-fu, meditational
Some of it. Or is it not wise to understand the breathing (qi gong) and calligraphy makes them
Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth? smarter while the America children are follow­
For example, when a people owns their ing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and
own businesses, works a six or seven day work wasting their energies playing sports instead of
week, hires their own relatives (who often work improving their minds.
for free), does business with their own neighbors And so, a family is made poorer when the
and shares the profits with their friends and youths are made to think that they are only "little
family, then the money is bound to circulate and kids" who only get but never give. They are
not vanish. Only when selfish individuals try to "owed" three month's vacation from their
make their own, individual profits does the flow studies because they are "kids" who don't have
of finance speed into individual pockets. Money to work until they "grow up". And they are
is like water. It grows as it flows. brainwashed into believing that school and
And yet, working together for mutual learning is so much hard work that they need a
benefit is only a "hidden secret" because it is so three months vacation from it just to recuperate.
obvious. There are no worthless members of a Thus, America produces, in its Federally
natural, human family. Even the poorest and financed schools, idiots instead of intelligent
least member of a family has something to offer children. And the industrialists (who write the
to the others. laws) grow richer because of this built-in system
This lesson was appreciated by the of illiterates who become the low paid wage
American Indians. When a little boy with his toy slaves of the future. But they are not wage slaves
bow and arrow came back to camp with a little who actually have a dependable job because,
mouse that he had shot, everyone celebrated! It ever alert for cheaper labor, the American
was an occasion to hold a feast and congratulate industrialists demand unrestricted immigration
that little boy. Along with the rest of the food, of cheap foreign labor to supplant the more
that mouse was skinned and cooked and eaten expensive idiots that they have raised up in the
with fanfare and gladness because everyone public schools. N o Asian country would import
knew that it was only a little mouse today but labor while throwing out of work its citizens
when the boy turned into a man, it would be a because we know that a country's true wealth is

measured, first and foremost, in the strength and things for the family. But one must raise one's
harmony of its people — not merely in the children to "Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother"
wealth of its Jewish bankers and traitorous for this system to work.
industrialists. Another way that the "Mexicans got to
Very few children raised up in these ways step over us" is because close family ties and
grow up to appreciate the true pleasures of brotherly love prompts the Mexican to pass
learning. In their on-going assault upon America, along his job to his friend or relative when he
the Jewish-Communists who control the Media, leaves. Thus, the extended family method of
insist that the children can't learn because of Asia is used by the Catholic Mexican as second
"poor schools" or "bad teachers" or a thousand nature. B y passing along the job, the Mexicans
other excuses designed to hide the actual facts as an ethnic group, begin to have and to keep
that (1) no matter how hard you try, you can't jobs and to dominate the job market while the
teach someone who doesn't want to learn and (2) black people and the white people who prefer
no matter how hard you try, you cannot prevent a the every-man-for-himself philosophy, find that
child from learning something that he wants to they can't get their old jobs back because the
learn. Mexicans have them but don't let them out of
In other words, the children are being Mexican racial control. La Raza is a rallying cry
deceived into thinking that for them to learn, it is for Mexicans. La Raza means the "Mexican
up to the schools and the teachers to teach them. race". Racism is a powerful social and political
But in fact, it is up to the student to learn, no tool that has been given to people of color by the
matter how good or bad the schools and teachers Jews for gaining economic and political power
are. It is up to the student to learn; it is not up to over white people. In fact, the very phrase,
the teacher to teach. When this Hidden Secret is "people of color", was invented by the Jew-
not known, then the students are forever failing Commies because this phrase polarizes all non-
because they have been led to rely upon a false white people on earth against the white man.
theory of education. But because of the Interna­ But it is forbidden by the Jews that any
tional Money Lenders who control the school white people use racism in their own survival
systems, these children are meant to fail. When strategies because the Jews have decided that the
they fail as students, they will not achieve a high white people are to be dispossessed of their
level as adults, and i f they cannot achieve a high country and obliterated from the earth. America
level as adults, then the International Money and Europe are being taken away from the
Lenders will be able to make even more profits whites by the Jews and sold to and inhabited by
by keeping wages down and importing labor the People of the Third World. B y using racism,
from the Third World nations where the children the Jewish-Communists rally their troops. They
are actually given ah education. meld together the Third World Peoples with
That Black People, as well as Whites, racism. And they divide the Euro-American
misunderstand the important role of children in People by disallowing their cohesiveness with
contributing to the family wealth can be seen in racial brotherhood. It is a form of genocide
the opening words of this essay: "It used to be against white people.
that you hated Mexicans. Now blacks hate the It is strange that the one people in the
Asians because, like the Mexicans, Asians got to world who claim to have such an aversion to
step over us on their climb upward." Yet, one of genocide, are the world's foremost practitioners
the methods used by the Mexicans for "stepping of genocide. When the Jewish Bolsheviks took
over" the blacks is simple: remain together as a over Russia in 1917, they immediately murdered
family and give all money earned by all mem­ 40,000 Christian priests and four million Rus­
bers to the father. Then, the father, with his sians. Then under Stalin, the Jews murdered
increased buying power (and prestige), can buy another forty million. A n d since that time,

Jewish Communism is directly responsible for up". They fall victim to the mercantile seduc­
the murder of one hundred million people world­ tions of buying things that the advertising im­
wide. And why do they scream so loud about the plies will make them into adults - liquor, ciga­
alleged six million Jews under Hitler? Because rettes, chewing tobacco, flashy automobiles,
they want everyone to be so sick and tired of fancy clothes and endless varieties of skin and
hearing about genocide that they don't want hair cosmetics. A l l Jewish monopolies! What a
anyone to notice the one hundred million that coincidence!
they, themselves, murdered. And they certainly You can see the difference in the two
don't want anyone to notice that the Jewish mental attitudes expressed by the average West­
abortion mills murder millions of white and ern and Eastern child. The Western "teenager" is
black children every year while the Jewish usually either boisterous and rowdy, unable to
bankers make it impossible for white farmers calm his racing ego or he is easily frightened and
and families to survive. Communism is Jewish. uncertain about his role in life. Such a child is an
Banking is Jewish. Western Medicine is Jewish. easy target of the Jewish pornography industry of
And genocide is Jewish. Jesus called them Hollywood. But the Oriental child is, in general,
hypocrites, but I call them ordinary, everyday cool, calm and collected. The difference is
Jews. mainly in the foods that they eat, the breathing
At first it seemed odd to me that a coun­ techniques that they use, and the methods with
try that can orbit Mars and explore Jupiter, can't which these children are raised.
protect its own borders from illegal immigration. Americans are content to allow their
It is all a matter of national will. But the Interna­ children to become like the dysfunctional idiots,
tional Jewish Financiers don't will it and since the perverts, the criminals, the dope fiends, the
these buy and blackmail the American politi­ soap opera divas and the morons who play sports
cians, the borders are open to any illegal alien or since these are held up by the Jewish Media
enemy who wishes to enter. Monopoly as the very pinnacle of desirability.
And so, Americans would do well to take But Asians prefer to raise their own children to
better care of their children because these chil­ be normal human beings rather than victims of
dren will someday be guardians of the State. the Media Moguls.
Unlike the American parents who place their Oriental parents do not exclude their
children with baby sitters while they go out, who children from their life like the Western parents
exclude them from adult gatherings and are do. It is not at all uncommon to see an Oriental
careful not to fight in front of the children, business executive taking to an important meet­
Oriental People usually treat their children as ing his little son. And the working mother is
normal human youngsters. B y treating children often accompanied by her children at work
as normal human beings, Oriental children grow where they sometimes even lend a hand in the
up to be normal. But by treating children as labors. In general, the Oriental People take their
special little, individual groups like "babies," children along with them rather than leave them
"kids," "teenagers" and "adolescents," Western at home alone or with a baby sitter. Thus, these
children grow up with a retarded sense of whole­ children gain the valuable experiences of Life
ness or a feeling of incompleteness. A good from observing both parents and strangers that
example of this problem and its solution can allow them to be successful in the adult world.
been seen in the Sidney Poitier film, To Sir, With Certainly, they develop a more wholesome and
Love. mature attitude than those poor, deceived and
Western children never feel complete as manipulated children that are raised in the West.
people because the Government has decreed that Meanwhile, Westerners abandon their
they are children even though they are biologi­ children with baby sitters who are strangers or
cally adults. They are always striving to "grow leave them to their own devices. The result is

that these children not only are deficient in their of the re-birth of E O S T E R , the pagan goddess of
knowledge of real life, but they go into adult­ spring. Even the Western Sabbath has been
hood with false expectations as to what this adult changed for political reasons from Saturday to
life is really like. Western children are trained to Sunday! This list could go on but suffice it to say
be the sole captain of their fate while Oriental that Americans blindly celebrate holidays that
children are trained to face the world knowing have no real meaning. Their celebration of New
that they have the backing of their family. Thus, Year's Day has nothing much that can be said
the Oriental has both the psychological and the about a new year since there are no special
monetary advantage over his Western brother. astronomical reasons for having the New Year
While the Western young adult must build his begin on January First.
own business and professional network of people Primarily, The United States is a pagan
with whom to work and make a living, the country with a patina of Christianity covering up
Oriental young adult already has in place a vast the dark spots. No one seems to care much for
network of relatives who will help him with Truth. Even the clocks are set with daylight
money and advice in his business ventures. A n d savings time, a holdover from wartime methods,
thus, while the Westerners fall behind, the merely as an industrial convenience. Thus, no
Orientals thrive merely by following the ancient one is even in time with something as simple as
course of human companionship and common sunrise! It is no wonder that Americans have a
sense. scattered and slipshod approach to one another
For you to be able to take advantage of since they are out of time with the Universe
these Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth, you itself.
must be willing to "forgive and forget." That is, This is not the case with the Oriental
you must be willing to talk with your relatives People, especially the Chinese. Not all of us get
and to iron out any bad feelings that you may up before dawn to practice Tai Chi Chuan and
share. If your goal is a better, wealthier, more martial arts or deep-breathing exercises but we
trouble free life, then you must be able to under­ all celebrate Chinese New year in a way that the
stand that one's family is more than merely two West would do well to copy.
parents and their children. A family includes all In the first place, the Chinese New Year
of your relations, uncles, cousins, aunts, grand­ is in time with the seasons. When the moon
parents, everybody. Once this is understood, then reaches its appointed place in the sky, Chinese
there is no limit to what all of you can accom­ New Year begins. Why should it matter whether
plish t o g e t h e r . or not the New Year begins at the same time
"But," you may complain, "in modern every year? With Westerners, New Year begins
times there just isn't time to get everybody precisely at twelve midnight, January First
together long enough to accomplish anything." If regardless of whether or not the moon is wane or
you think about it, this is where you will dis­ full. Western people are not in harmony with the
cover yet another Hidden Secret of Oriental cosmos when they do this. They believe that
Wealth. their timing is superior to celestial timing. But
In America, the holidays are devised no man can grasp the wind nor throw back the
strictly for the sake of Jewish merchants and sea, neither can one change the course of the
industrial sales. Simply because the United planets, moon and stars. But this is only an
States of America is officially an Anti-Religion observation, this is not one of the Hidden Secrets
country, most people really don't know that of Oriental Wealth.
Jesus was born in the early summer and certainly The real secret here is found in the
not in cold December or that the celebration of duration of time that is devoted to this Chinese
Easter is not commemorating Jesus arising on New Year holiday. Depending on which Asian
the third day but is really the Druidic celebration culture you look at, Chinese New Year lasts from

ten to fifteen days. By having one big holiday for being. They have no depth or quality. And
once a year, there is more time to make money because of their random scattering throughout
during the remainder of the year. This is the time the year, they cause loss of both time and money
of year to pay off debts, get the house in order at work depending upon how they are connected
and begin receiving guests and paying visits to with weekends.
relatives. This ten to fifteen day holiday is plenty You may celebrate Chinese New Year i f
of time to iron out family feuds and talk out you want to, but what I am saying is that Ameri­
differences, to plan for the coming year and to cans do not have any control over their holidays.
offer aid to those with little while receiving These holidays have been manipulated by
benevolent gifts from those with much. In these politicians, lawyers, and special interest groups.
ten or fifteen days, much can be accomplished. A special U.S. lobby representing Jewish manu­
Businesses can be built and put into operation facturers of barbecue and sports equipment even
among cooperative relatives. A n d intelligence had daylight savings time extended so that they
can be shared. could have better summer sales!
And Chinese New Year makes Orientals What I am suggesting is, i f you want to
richer while Christmas makes Westerners poorer. learn the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth, you
And why? Simply because during Chinese New should, with your family, make it a yearly obliga­
Year we show appreciation to others by giving tion to celebrate being together for at least ten
red envelopes of money while Westerners spend days every year. This is real wealth, if you have a
their money buying lavish gifts to give away! large family and you love one another. Thus,
Such a foolish system makes the gift giver with only a little common sense, anyone can be
poorer yet doesn't make the receiver any richer! wealthy IF they have the courage to face the
Only the Jewish bankers and merchants benefit Truths of Life.
at Christmas time. So, i f the Asian is richer than And one of the truths of Life is "early to
the average Westerner, you might think about a bed, early to rise, makes a person healthy,
change in your gift giving. Money makes a wealthy and wise." For Westerners to stay up late
wonderful gift. Just be sure to first put it in a red watching the Electronic Jew and thus getting
envelope before you give it. After all, it's a nice their minds filled full of trash, and then getting
gift. It isn't dirty money. So, wrap it up first in a up late and missing the sun rise, is to trade dross
red envelope. ("Red" is the symbol for for gold. Especially, is it nice to practice Tai Chi
"heaven.") Chuan in the beauty of the early morning. Be­
Compare this to the way Westerners sides overcoming illness and old age, Tai Chi
celebrate their New year, i f you can really call it Chuan practice is like taking a wonderful,
a celebration. The only goal is to have a party, twenty minute vacation to paradise. The king­
perhaps get drunk at midnight, sleep late the dom is within thee.
next day and maybe go back to work on the third
or fourth day of the New Year. Thus, nothing has Chapter II
time to happen. Games and Strategy
The same is true for Christmas, the One of the most jealously guarded of the
biggest holiday in the United States. There is a Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth has been the
whole month and a half building up to it with the martial secrets of warfare and strategy. While I
buying of gifts and the anticipation. But it is can say that the Chinese consider such applica­
really a short-lived holiday. It lasts a single day tions as ungentlemanly, the Japanese use these
and it's over. methods on friend and enemy alike in all aspects
Thanksgiving, Halloween, you name it, of their dealings with other cultures. The Japa­
all of the American holidays really are lacking in nese are especially expert at undermining the
substance not to mention truthfulness and reason United States since the people and leaders of the

United States are peaceable players of children's gest mugger. And martial arts are a way of
games and are not of a military mind. Thus, enlightenment, i f you study Oriental philosophy
American people are naive children when it and breathing techniques, too.
comes to deception and trickery on both the The martial arts of Asia, and especially
battlefield and in the business world. China, are a complete health exercise system,
From the most primitive cultures to the breathing and meditation system, method of
most advanced, much can be learned about the strategy and a self-defense system. The West has
mental attitude of any people on Earth by nothing comparable. Unfortunately, because of
looking at the games that they play and their the media misuse of martial arts in flashy fight
leisure pass-times. scenes alone, most Americans only see the
In the West, children's games have been violent side of these arts and completely miss the
elevated into the adult world as a means of mass health benefits and their use in building moral
marketing. Football, baseball, basketball, golf, character and strategic planning ability in the
tennis, and many other sports and games take up practitioners.
the leisure time of the average American either
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was asked, "Do
as a participant or more commonly as a specta­
tor. A l l of this is very nice i f you are a child
learning to coordinate your limbs. But for adults He replied, "I think it's absolutely essen­
to put so much of their lives into trivial sports tial. ... I have my kids do martial arts because it's
and games, is really pathetic. But much much the only thing that I've found that really brings
worse, to encourage the youths to spend their everything into focus." [ ]17

time playing games rather than studying books, That this basketball world champion
is an ignorant kind of racial and national suicide. would say such a thing shows that there is
The sports and games of the Orient something more to the Oriental martial arts than
consist of more interesting and valuable pass can be found in Western athletics.
times. Karate, aikijujitsu, various kung-fu styles, One of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental
arnis and kali and escrima, pentjak-silat and tai Wealth consists of martial arts as health exercise,
chi chuan are a few of the martial arts that do confidence building,
quite nicely as sport, as entertainment and as learning strategy and tactics, as well as self-
self-defense. Martial arts to be wary of spending defense. A young person trained in martial arts
too much time in, are judo and aikido. Although doesn't have to "prove" anything to anyone and
basically good exercise, the Japanese, ever ready rarely gets into the kinds of trouble that un­
to hide their true knowledge and intentions from trained youths fall into. A n d an old person who
the West, have watered down these arts so that practices Tai Chi Chuan will live a long, healthy
Westerners cannot learn the more deadly aspects life without fear of being mugged by the doctors
of them such as jujitsu and aikijutsu. or imprisoned in a retirement home.
The Chinese martial arts, except for the The game-playing Americans have a
Communist propaganda system known as Wu difficult time understanding the chess-playing
Shu, are all excellent for health exercise as well Soviets who, after 70 years of murderous in­
as self-defense. Americans would do well to trigue against the Western democracies, are now
spend more time learning how to defeat heart obtaining free aid and low-interest loans at
disease and cancer through Chinese Tai Chi American tax-payer expense. But Americans
Chuan and Chi Kung than learning how to defeat have an even more difficult time understanding
the opposing baseball team in points. A little old how the chess-playing Asians outwit them so
lady who practices Tai Chi Chuan will never often in business.
become decrepit or suffer from arthritis or heart The Chess of Asia is also a war game but
ailments and is more than a match for the big­ it is very different from the chess that is known

in the West. Any Western chess player can changed and varied from the original East Indian
explain to any Western businessman the advan­ game of Chaturanga.
tages and the applications in business of chess The Chinese Game of "Wei Chi" or as it
strategy. However, very few Western chess is known by its Japanese name of " G O , " is one
players are adept at the strategy and tactics of of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth which
Oriental chess since they egotistically and has been over-looked by Westerners who merely
ignorantly think that only Western chess has any shrug off the game as being of the level known
merit. as mere "Japanese checkers." In fact, the Game
Indeed, Western chess players are arro­ of Go is more difficult than is Western Chess
gant in their knowledge of Western Chess while although the rules are as simple as checkers.
simultaneously being intellectual cowards. They Does this sound like a game of checkers
have devoted so much time and effort in master­ where the object is to "capture real estate,"
ing Western Chess that they really are afraid to "make a profit" and "cut and kill the opponent?"
"get involved" with the Chess of Asia. And so, This is precisely the terminology that is used in
they miss both a refreshing intellectual pleasure this game. To give an example of how important
as well as a full appreciation of how chess has Go strategy was to Japan, it is beneficial to know
that the game was forbidden to be taught to
anyone not of the Ruling Elite. This law was in
effect for several hundred years. Today, every
Japanese corporate executive is expected to be
expert at the Game of Go or his prospects for
promotion are very dim.
Every Oriental businessman knows how
to surround his opponent on the Go-board-like
grid of a street map and to gain the advantage in
logistics; and how to connect his own lines of
supply and how to cut his business opponent's.
For example, whether this represents a
Go board or the intersection of streets on a city
map, notice what happens when the black pieces
at the lower edge of the board are surrounded
and cut off by the white pieces. They either "die"
from lack of business or they leave the neighbor­
Such subtle strategies are one of the
Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth. But it isn't
like the black man in the opening paragraph
believes that "They don't really bother anyone.
They just crowd you out." The method is more
like occupying the unused, strategic spaces a
little bit at a time until, with patience, the other
ethnic individuals and groups just feel like they
want to move elsewhere. But it usually only
works against people who don't know how to
play Go.
The Japanese have been using this Game
of Go strategy on the United States continuously

since Commodore Perry landed in Japan in
1853. At this time, they are engulfing America,
Peru, Brazil and Canada using these methods
gained from a knowledge of the Game of Go.
They are purposely destroying the American
industrial structure by applying these Go tech­
niques to the field of business.
I am glad that Go was invented in China
but sad that the Japanese, like almost everything
is very interesting. The pieces are pointed so i f
else their culture possesses, have stolen this
you capture one, you can turn it around to fight
game for their own purposes.
for your side. In this game, part of the idea is to
Using Go game strategy, it is easy to
turn the mind of the opponent so that he is
compare the styles of American and Japanese.
fighting for your side. The Japanese apply this
The main difference between the Western busi­
technique every time they hire an American to
nessman and the Japanese businessman is the
work for them. Every American lawyer and
difference between a lust for money and a lust
retired diplomat thus becomes a hired pawn
for power. The Western businessman is content
helping the Japanese destroy the pawn's own
if, no matter how hard you struggle, he has his
hands wrapped tightly around your money. The
Japanese businessman is not content until he has Read pat Choate's Agents of Influence
his hands wrapped tightly around your neck. (Alfred A . Knopf, N Y , 1990) for a whole list of
Then, when you are dead, he can take your U.S. Congressmen, lawyers, and lobbyists who,
money without a struggle. To a Westerner, by every moral and ethical law in the world, are
business is a kind of serious sport. To a Japa­ nothing but spies and traitors to their people and
nese, business is a style of warfare. their country. B y working for the Japanese, these
dogs are mere Shogi pawns. A n d yet, since they
It is an act of treason for the Jewish
write the Civil Laws, they pronounce themselves
industrialists to have sold plutonium to Japan.
to be honest and clean and very slick.
The year 1992 will go down in history as the
Even President Ronald Reagan received
beginning of the end of Western World domina­
$2 million as a pay-off for helping the Japanese
tion, thanks to the Jews of the Clinton presi­
destroy the American electronics industry. O f
dency. B y giving the Japanese nuclear capability,
course, he was only a dupe and a Shogi pawn.
the West has traded limited money for limitless
But he is a good example of how unabashedly
power. But the Jews have been secret allies of
ruthless are the Japanese and what money-
the Japanese since the 1500s when all Western
lusting fools are the Americans. But Americans
powers were thrown out of Japan except for the
would not be so quick to sell out their country
Jewish trading colony of the Dutch East India
except for the pressure exerted on them by their
Company. This is why Kyoto was never bombed
debts to the Jewish bankers.
during WWII since the Jews of the Roosevelt
gang prevented it. The Jews and the Japanese In Shogi, as in Life, it is important to be
have been in cahoots for 500 years. aware of your reserve forces and to apply the
sneak attack or the ninja attack by dropping a
The Japanese know that no Asian country
captured player into your opponent's camp.
wants them to colonize, so they are colonizing
Western chess simply has no reserve forces and
North and South America by stratagem. Guam,
the sneak attack is impossible. The Japanese, by
and Hawaii are known in Go strategy as "exten­
their own admission, are a very sneaky people,
sions." Peru, Brazil, Canada and the U.S. are
in general, and it is appropriate that they have
known as "invaded territory."
developed such a game. This is not racial preju-
Also, the Japanese Chess game of Shogi

dice on my part, it is merely an observation that
anyone can make who knows Japanese methods.
A l l that is necessary to understand the Japanese,
is to have a knowledge of Chinese literature and
an understanding of treachery and deceit.
After all, there is nothing that the Japa­
nese pirates have that they didn't steal from
other countries including the islands of Japan
which were originally inhabited by the Cauca­
sian Hairy Ainu and the Koreans.
It grieves me that the Western industrial­
ists and bankers have sold plutonium to Japan.
This, no doubt, has already been manufactured
into nuclear weapons in Japan's secret under­
ground military factories. Yes, Japan pleads to be
completely allergic to nuclear weapons, but this
is only a Go strategy known as "crawling to
A n interesting combination of both Go
ing the relationship between empty space and
and Shogi strategy involves the buying of golf
courses. The Go strategy is called "capturing real solid objects. Books, computer programs and
estate," while the Shogi strategy is to place video tapes of these subjects are available from
hidden microphones and pin-hole cameras in the the sources listed in the reference section below.
locker rooms so that the Japanese can gather I cannot stress enough how very far
intelligence from Western business executives behind Asia are Western peoples in the fields of
and politicians. The Japanese make some won­ strategy and education. Much of this is the fault
derfully tiny microphones and cameras. of the Leftists in the U.S. Government but much
is also the laziness and ignorance of the average
Chinese Chess is interesting in that the
boob-tube watching American, mesmerized with
field is divided by a water barrier or a river.
Jewish fashions, junk foods, immorality, and
Some of the pieces can't cross the river and they
money swindles.
act as home guards while others press the attack
by crossing into enemy territory. The king is
enclosed in a walled fort or city. And the use of Chapter III
cannons makes this a more modern game than Education
Western Chess. As Confucius said, "To learn and at
various times to repeat what one has learned, is
Westerners can never understand the
this not after all a pleasure?"
secrets that Asians have for gaining wealth and
It is the peculiar idiocy of the average
property without studying the Asian Chess
American to hold in great awe and reverence
games of Go (Wei Chi), Shogi and Chinese
actors and actresses, baseball players or other
Chess (Hsiang Chi). While the average West­
sports players, as examples for their youths to
erner studies something as trivial as the baseball
emulate while stupidly looking at those who
scores, the men of Asia study methods of placing
value knowledge and learning to be egg-heads,
their shops and stores on specific lots on a city
nerds or weirdos. The Jewish Media is the origin
block (or on a state or national map) so as to
and cause of this destructive attitude.
surround their Western rivals and capture his
It is the peculiar astuteness of the Orien­
customers. Some of this is chess strategy and
tal to hold in awe and reverence the attainments
some of it is feng shui, a method of understand-

of the great teachers and philosophers while courage him and her to study. There is nothing
looking at the playing of sports and games as worse that a modern parent can do than to allow
being of a rather frivolous and childish nature. the child to listen to the radio and especially to
Herein lies one of the main Secrets of Oriental watch television while doing their homework.
Wealth, And any child who eats sugar, white flour and
Mencius said: 'He who works with his chocolate will never have the mental powers nor
brains rules, while he who works with his brawn the high educational level that children have
is ruled.' This doesn't seem to me to be a very who do not eat these mental and physical poi­
"Chinese" thing to say, any body can say it and sons.
understand it because it is only common sense Sugar causes hyperactivity, hypo- and
and is universally true. hyper-insulinism, pimples, tooth decay and its
Because Oriental parents know that the polar opposites of lethargy, dull thinking, and
success of their children is their own success, inability to concentrate. The depraved Western
and because they know that knowledge brings psychologists actually give such children danger­
power and wealth, they encourage their children ous drugs like Ritalin in the false belief that it is
to study hard and to make good grades in school the child and not his diet that is the source of all
and to use their knowledge for getting a good of this alleged hyperactivity. A n d these same
paying job. What is so Chinese about this? There psychologists and junk food producers attend the
is an African saying that: "When the son kills a same synagogues as the Ritalin manufacturers.
lion, the father smiles." This, too, is only human Surely, Jesus spoke the truth about these devils!
nature and universally true. "By the time that an American child
But in the West, with its run-away indi­ graduates from high school, he will have spent
vidualism where it's every-man-for-himself, the 15,000 hours in front of a T V set, compared with
parents know that they will be growing old and only 11,000 hours in the classroom." [ ] "Chil­
feeble some day and that their children will dren who spend Saturday morning in front of the
certainly not be of any help to them. Indeed, television are getting a weekly cram course in
Western parents have this false vanity that causes unhealthy eating, according to a study that
them to say, "Go out into the world, M y Chil­ counted 222 junk-food ads during four hours of
dren, and make a place for yourself. Don't worry cartoon shows.
about me. I'll be alright. I don't want to be a "Sugarcoated cereals, candy, cookies,
burden to you in my old age." chips, fruit-flavored drinks, chocolate syrup,
Such thinking is nothing but fuzzy- fast-food meals and pizza dominated the com­
headedness, vanity and ignorance regarding the mercials.... This kind of broadcasting is leading
True Ways of Life. It is a dead-end street on the to eating habits that cause obesity, tooth decay,
road of human evolution. It is a dead-end street heart disease, diabetes and other diseases."[ ]
because neither the parents nor the children can And so, for the sake of making money, American
survive to carry on the race. Little by little over Junk Food Manufacturers poison innocent
the years, people who think in such ways will die children and destroy their own country.
out. The old people die without passing along "The Educational Testing Service, in a
their knowledge and wisdom, the young people six-country survey sure to bolster the harshest
shrivel up and die-out lacking this knowledge critics of American education, reported ... that
and wisdom as they are faced with the inevitable 13-year-old American school children score
economic and military pressures of other peoples worse in mathematics than their counterparts in
who do, indeed, know the Hidden Secrets of all five of the other nations studied and fall close
Oriental Wealth. to the bottom in science as well.
For the average American child to "... Students were tested in Ireland, South
progress in school, it is up to the adults to en­ Korea, Spain, Britain, the U.S., and in Canada.

"... the children who scored best in both Marshall McCluen, the famous media
mathematics and science watched the least guru, was quite wrong when he hypothesized
amount of television. The survey, moreover, that T V is an "extension of the nervous system."
reported that the American 13-year-olds watched Actually, T V is a substitution for the nervous
the most television while the Koreans watched system. A n d instead of a functioning brain, all
the least."[ ] that the watcher is allowed to possess is a con­
Taking a walk through any suburb, suming mouth and a ravenous desire. These are
village or housing area in the world, allows you perfect industrial sales targets! These are perfect
to see first hand what the people do for enter­ dupes for the anti-religious, materialistic, porno­
tainment. And the type of pass-times that are graphic, creeping Communism of the purveyors
popular with the people gives a clue to the inner of the Jewish Media Monopoly.
working of these various people's very minds. A child cannot envision years in advance
The children playing in the streets and between because he has never been an adult. But since an
the houses, the women gossiping over the fences adult has been a child, it is up to the adult to
and the men participating in their own social guide the child through the snares and pitfalls
activities, allow you to understand the richness that Life holds. To say to a child, "Study hard so
and depth exhibited by humanity. you can get a good job when you grow up," is
However, in the United States, there is the Western way which accomplishes little.
very little richness and depth. A walk through There are a million things that the Western child
any township or neighborhood is a walk through wants to do rather than to look into the future for
a desert. There is no one around. Everyone is a good job for himself. Watching television or
indoors watching the Jewish television shows. playing baseball are as far into the future as he
Wrapped in their cocoons of apartment walls and can see.
housing stucco, the people are mere bodies But to say to a child, "Study hard because
sitting in front of ghosts projected onto glass. all of your sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles
The retarded mentality of a ten-year-old child and your dear, loving parents are depending
that is reflected in the television mass media is upon you to do well in school so that all of us
also absorbed by the T V watchers into their daily may prosper when you grow up and get a good
lives. Fully 72 percent of Americans [ ] do not job," now that's giving the child an immediate
even know their neighbors, so hypnotized are reason for doing his best. A n d it is a reason that
they by the Electric Jew. is with him for his entire adolescence since the
Precisely and truly stated: Anyone who reminders of his loving parents are so near at
watches commercial television is a fool. There is hand. Through using such methods, 34% of
not a single program that exists primarily to Asian adults in California are college graduates
entertain or to inform the watcher. Their only versus 25% of white adults, 7% of Hispanics and
reason for a program's existence, is to keep you 15% of black adults. [ ]
in the chair long enough to sell commercial Getting a good education is one of the
products. A l l so-called news and entertainment Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth. But it will
is secondary to television's primary goal of not work for you unless you are able to enjoy a
selling commercial products. A n d while the close and harmonious family that shares both the
boob-tube shines and flickers, a person's very good times and the bad times with mutual
Life is ebbing away. But they don't notice, so endeavor. This secret works wonders for these
enwrapped is he or she in the images that seem children's grades in school because they know
more real than Life. A n d while the couch pota­ that it is the truth. They will, indeed, give money
toes dream away their lives like opium addicts, to their brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles and
they leave the streets and neighborhoods aban­ parents when they have good paying jobs as a
doned to the thugs. result of their excellent school preparation. And

these relatives will help them and work with frugally, appear to be poor, and to have money in
them in whatever businesses they enter. Under the floor boards than to have expensive furni­
such a system, the Western People, while being ture, look rich, and to owe everything to the
great ball players, grow poorer and more stupid banker and credit card company.
while the Oriental People grow richer and more
intelligent. But once again, this is not a matter of CHAPTER V
R A C E , it is a matter of common sense. A n d Buying wholesale
anyone can have common sense, but why do so There is more than just the joy of Chi­
few Westerners apply it? nese cooking in the predilection of Asian People
for opening a restaurant. A restaurant is merely a
Chapter I V business to a Westerner but to an Oriental, it is a
Frugality livelihood for themselves and all of their rela­
I have already mentioned frugality as one tives and friends.
of the Secrets of Oriental Wealth but I would Just as "an Army moves on its belly" as
like to return to this subject here once again. the Westerners say, so too, does any group of
The slow accumulation of wealth is a people. They can drink water without much help
secret of both the Oriental as well as the Jew. but to eat is sometimes a real logistical problem.
Saving every penny, is a very good thing to do When people work for mutual benefit, a restau­
because the pennies add up. And when an entire rant or grocery store is not just a way of pulling
family saves every penny and pools their re­ in customers so as to make money. A restaurant
sources, they end up with a considerable fortune or grocery business is a way for buying whole­
in a very short time. I have already mentioned sale food and selling with little or no mark-up to
the healthful, tasty and cheap Oriental foods as relatives. It is a way of feeding not only one's
well as given my special recipe in Chapter VIII. own extended family but as a way of feeding any
But there are a few things that I have not covered and all relatives who need something to eat. The
yet. food can always be traded for labor if the rela­
When a Westerner furnishes their house, tives have nothing in their pockets. Unlike any
they pretend that they are lavishly wealthy by other business, a restaurant automatically solves
buying all kinds of over-stuffed chairs and all of the Seven Essentials of Life. A n d a restaur­
couches, coffee tables, beds, wall to wall carpets rant provides intimate meeting places for family
and cabinets for their house or apartment. Looks reunions, New Year celebrations, and business
seem to mean a lot and they pay for things that meetings of a private nature. You can read about
are expensive and look nice. this in the Game of Chairs in Chapter VII.
A n Asian, on the other hand, prefers only When Oriental businessmen work to­
that the furniture perform its function. A bed is a gether in mutual endeavors, they can pool their
bed, a table need only be a stable table, a cabinet buying needs and get the best price breaks when
is designed to hold and store things, not to be buying wholesale from the distributors. Thus,
admired. A n d so, whatever will do these jobs, while a Western business might get a 30% break
even orange crates for book shelves, is certainly in wholesale price for buying $10,000 worth of
good enough. When money is saved by buying goods, an Oriental business gets a 40% price
second hand furniture or using no furniture at all break because they might buy $50,000 dollars
since a thick carpet is usually good enough for worth of goods. This $50,000 does not come
both floor and bed, then the money can be better from the needs of a single business but from the
invested in things that will bring even more pooling of purchases from several Oriental
money in the future. A n Asian prefers to follow businesses at once. Say, five Oriental-owned
the teaching of Lao Tzu and to hide his bright­ liquor stores or five Oriental restaurants or five
ness and to hide his wealth. It is better to live of any other kind of Asian-owned business each

buy the $10,000 worth of goods that they and By law, pedestrians have the right of way
their Western competition also needs. But since and they blithely insist on taking it without the
they pool their buying needs, they get the same slightest courtesy. The deceleration, stopping
goods at a 10% cheaper price than does the and re-acceleration of all of these cars and trucks
single, Western buyer. This is a Hidden Secret of for the sake of each of these selfish pedestrians
Oriental Wealth. must use up millions of barrels of gasoline and
Taking a strategic move out of the Game diesel oil every year.
of Go, an Oriental businessman can place his
various goods in the shops of his friends and Chapter V I
relatives. Thus, while the Westerner is trying to Loan Clubs
sell his goods at his one, single location, the For those of you who would like to make
Oriental has his goods distributed all around the more money without using the Oriental methods
city on consignment. This is a kind of saturation described above, perhaps the Asian Loan Club is
marketing unknown to the West. So, what's for you. With this method, you can get any
wrong with a Chinese barber shop perhaps amount of money depending upon the number of
selling some packaged noodles or a few pieces people in the Club and how much they all want
of jade? If Westerners don't like it, then perhaps to invest. Using this method many thousands of
they should be on friendlier terms with their own Asian immigrants without a single penny in
family, friends and relatives and make more credit have been able to get the cash they need
money, too. for business ventures. Here's how it works.
And by buying cheaper than the Western First, these clubs or associations use no
buyers with group purchases, the Oriental can written records except for membership lists. So,
either sell at the same price to make a 10% you see, it is important that everyone involved
higher profit or sell at a lower price to drive the understand the virtues of honesty and trust. The
Western competitor out of business. Either way, club's goal is to produce a large enough amount
the Asian business prospers while the Western of money so that a single one of their members
business declines. each month is able to acquire enough capital to
So why can't the Westerners do the same start a business. A t the same time, the interest
thing? Because they only understand the idea of that this person pays, is divided up among the
"team work" when they are playing silly other members. Any number of people can be in
children's games like baseball or football. Once the loan clubs - 10, 20, 50, 100, or even 1,000 -
they get onto the playing field of the business but let's use as an example a club composed of
world, all that they learned from their sports is twenty people.
thrown aside and it's every man for himself. If each member makes a monthly contri­
A n example of how incredibly selfish bution of $500, this gives the club $10,000 a
and individualistically conceited the average month to loan out. And because there are twenty
Westerner is, can be seen everyday on the streets people in the club, this makes 20 months in
and highways of the United States. This phe­ which the club will operate.
nomenon is in the form of the average pedestrian Each month the members bid to borrow
crossing the road. These silly people will step the loan pool. Whoever offers the highest inter­
right out in front of a long line of cars not caring est takes all the money as a loan but they must
that they are stopping perhaps fifty or more pay back immediately from their loan the
automobiles just so that they can cross the street. amount of the interest. Members of the club each
Even to wait a tiny moment for a break in the have different ideas on how to make money with
traffic or to run across the street instead of this seed capital and they each have different
slowly ambling like cattle, is beyond their time schedules for making use of this money so
mental faculties. they don't all need to have this money the first

month. Some can wait while others need the man of the Board of the new company that will
money immediately. So, each month, whoever be created out of this game.
bids the highest interest for the club's money, There is one thing about money; you can
wins that month's pot. But they must pay back never have too much of it. A l l members of these
the interest that they bid immediately. So, i f private clubs are usually wealthy financiers,
someone bids $2,000 interest, then he or she bankers, import-exporters, etc. And these men
would draw, $8,000 from the $10,000 pot and the all have their various ideas of how to invest or
remaining $2,000 would be divided up among start new businesses i f they only had enough
the other members. O f course, by not keeping investment capital. And the problem with bor­
any records, the interest income is tax free. rowing from banks, besides losing the interest, is
Each member is only allowed to draw that there is a paper trail following both you and
one loan from the club. The last member to take the money that you borrow— whereas with a
the pot doesn't have to pay interest because since loan club, there are no records. And where there
everyone else has already withdrawn a loan, is a paper trail there are usually government tax
there is no one left to bid against him. collectors sniffing around.
At the end of the twenty months, the loan And so, these wealthy loan club members
club is dissolved. However, the organizer usually who all know and trust one another begin not by
asks everyone to renew their membership in bidding for the loan but by telling each other the
another club. I f some people drop out, that's ideas that they have for making millions of
okay because new members can be brought in. dollars. These are gentlemen, in the true sense of
Needless to say, this system will only work i f the the word, and none of them would dare to steal
members know and trust one another enough to an idea that was presented by any one of them
keep making the payments every month. for his own selfish purposes or he would face
There is another system that is some­ ostracism from the members.
times used in which the club members draw The first person to speak is usually the
marbles or hazelnuts with their name on it for one who hosted the Game of Chairs. He hosted
the pot. Again, each is allowed but one win. This the Game because he had a brilliant money-
system is not usually for the anxious entrepre­ making scheme that he wanted to share. When
neur but more for the gambler. But in this way he has finished presenting his ideas, someone
everyone becomes rich with the help of everyone else may brain-storm that idea or present an idea
else. of his own.
Some, perhaps, don't have any good
Chapter VII ideas and so they remain silent. But each person
The Game of Chairs who knows of a way to invest a certain sum, tells
Another type of loan club is called in his idea or the investment opportunity that he
Southeast Asia, The Game of Chairs. This type sees and states the amount of money that this
of loan club is popular with the very wealthy idea would need to be actualized in the business
Chinese businessmen. The meetings are always world. After everyone has said what they wish to
held at an expensive restaurant complete with say, whoever has the best idea for making money
pretty girls and perhaps entertainment to go wins the chair i f there are enough members who
along with a sumptuous banquet. When all of the are willing to invest in his scheme. Each investor
fun and food is over, the waiters and waitresses becomes a percentage partner in the venture in
are asked to; clear the tables and leave so that the respect to the amount of money that he invests.
Game of Chairs can become more of a business And the winner of the chair picks up the tab for
affair. Around the tables, only the club members the night's festivities.
are seated plus there is one, extra, empty chair. If the ideas presented have no one willing
This chair represents the position of the Chair­ to invest, then the one who hosted the Game

picks up the tab for the evening. So you see, a re-hydrate just fine except for the pinto and the
Game of Chairs can be very expensive to the one small red beans. These should be soaked over
who calls for a Game but fails to have a reliable night first. Don't worry about getting gas with
idea. Everyone has a good time no matter what this four-to-one rice and bean ratio.
but these kinds of loan clubs involve hundreds of If you are cooking for more people, add
thousands of dollars each and are, consequently, more rice and beans but whatever the amount of
only for the very rich. rice and beans, add double the amount of water.
And yet, the system works for any num­ So, I fill the pot up with water to the second digit
ber of people using any amount of money. The of my finger.
only limitation is how much these people can Then I start adding whatever vegetables
trust one another to continue making the pay­ that I want, making sure to put the hardest ones
ments each month. Asians can do this whereas, in first like carrots, turnips, ginger root, beets,
perhaps, Westerners cannot. Anyway, this is one celery, potatoes, garlic, etc. Then the softer ones
of the Hidden Secrets of Oriental Wealth. like onions, daikon radishes, cabbage or bok
Whether you use all of the above Secrets or only choy. It is best to fill the rest of the pot up to the
a few, you cannot help but to become richer. top with cabbage or leafy vegetables or the beet
And now, try the cooking method in the tops and then put on the lid. The water should
last chapter and while you save money, your not be salted or seasoned at all.
health will improve from this excellent food. Put the pot on your hot plate or stove or
Good health can make you rich because it is hibachi or campfire at its highest heat. What you
something that you have which is beyond price, want to do is bring it all to a boil until the steam
that is, good health is priceless. comes out from under the lid. Once this happens,
everything in the pot is as hot as it is going to
Chapter VIII get. Make sure that the steam is hissing out real
Wu Tao-Wei's good but don't take the lid off because you want
Hawaiian-Eskimo One Pot Heavenly Pig-Out everything to stay hot. Don't worry about the
Cooking Method. high heat. Nothing will burn. You'll see.
Here's a way to feed four people for Now, take the pot off of the fire and
$2.50 or less. I devised this method of cooking in quickly wrap it in a towel or cloth of some kind
order to save on fuel and to save on washing up and quickly put the whole thing into one of the
the mess that wok cooking often makes. While ice chest-type coolers. N o ice! The ice chest
wondering how to keep the heat in the pot, I should be dry and not contain any ice.
remembered that the Hawaiians for their luau After all, an ice chest is merely an insu­
cooking would build a fire in a pit for several lated box. Whether it keeps heat out and cold in
days until the rocks were hot. Then they would or keeps cold out and heat in is all the same to
bury in the pit a pig with all the trimmings for a the ice chest. So, by putting this steaming pot
few more days until all was well cooked. Thus, into the insulated box, all of the heat is trapped
the Hawaiian name. just like the heat is trapped in the rocks at a
With this method, one pot is all that is Hawaiian luau. The ice chest I use is called an
necessary. I use a covered one gallon stainless Igloo Cooler. Thus, the name Eskimo.
steel pot with a lid. Into this pot I add enough Now all of these vegetables (I suppose
brown rice which, when level, reaches to the you could add meat, too, but I've never cared to
first digit of my finger. Add enough dry beans so try it) will continue to cook just as i f they were
that there are four parts of rice for one part of in an oven. The heat is trapped and can't go
beans. This way, the rice and beans combine to anywhere so it stays in the box and keeps on
make perfect protein because of their compli­ cooking. The food will be ready to eat in a half
mentary amino acid balance. A l l dry beans will hour i f you are in a hurry. Or i f you want to wait,

this meal will be ready to eat at any time of the Information on Jews; write for catalog.
day and will be steaming hot even eight or ten
hours later. In fact, it gets more delicious the Wayfarer Publications,
longer you wait because all of the juices blend P.O. Box 26156,
delightfully. Los Angeles, C A 90026
Women should make note of this method Excellent selection of Tai C h i Chuan, Hsing-I
for pleasing their husbands since they can cook and feng shui books and videos.
the whole thing up in fifteen minutes in the
morning while fixing breakfast. Pop it into the The Natural Healing Cookbook,
Igloo and the husband can take it to work. When by Mark Bricklin & Sharon Claessens,
he opens the box for lunch he will have a steam­ Rodale Press, 1981
ing hot and delicious meal. A n d there is room in
the Igloo for eating utensils, a small bowl and Sugar Blues,
condiments, too. by William Dufty,
Regarding condiments, this sort of Warner Books, New York, 1975
cooking does best with a splash of cold-pressed
oil such as olive, soy, safflower or peanut and a
dash of soy sauce. Leave out the oil i f you are
dieting. Don't buy any Kikkoman or any other of Footnotes:
the synthetically prepared junk food, MSG-filled 1. San Francisco Examiner,
soy sauces. Only use natural soy sauce for the Image Magazine, page 34,
best flavor. "Pride and Prejudice", by Michael Moore,
And at home, this method will save the November 15, 1987
ladies many hours a day over the stove. Using
only brown rice and beans as the basis, there is San Francisco Chronicle,
an infinite number of flavors that can be cooked "Black Income L o w in '80s in Most of U . S . "
by Tim Schreiner, page A12,
up depending on the combinations of vegetables
July 29, 1992
that you use. A n d thus, the name, "Wu Tao-
Wei's Hawaiian-Eskimo One Pot Heavenly Pig- 3
San Francisco Chronicle,
Out Cooking Method." A l l you have to do is "Growing Disparity in Ethnic Death Rates,"
leave the pig out and go ahead and Pig Out! Bon page A 2 ,
appetite! September 16, 1993

R E F E R E N C E M A T E R I A L S A N D SOURCES San Francisco Examiner,
"Thorny Debate over U C : Too Many Brainy
Chinese National Chi Kung Institute Asian?"
c/o P.O. Box 31578, San Francisco, C A 94131. by Annie Nakao, page-A12,
Ask for the Tien Tao Chi Kung Correspondence May 3, 1987
Course as well as a catalog of their Chi Kung
and Kung-Fu video tapes. San Francisco Chronicle,
"Grab Bag", by L . M . Boyd,
"Gardens Alive!" organic catalog April 24, 1988
5100 Schenley Place, Lawrenceburg, I N 47025
San Francisco Chronicle,
National Alliance, "Why Moms Get Queasy,"
P.O. Box 2264, by Sylvia Rubin, page-B3,
Arlington, V A 22202 May 1, 1992

Food Engineering News, Black Belt Magazine,
June 1992 "Black Belt Goes One-On-One with Kareem
San Francisco Chronicle, by Jim Coleman, page-28,
"By the Numbers," July, 1992
by Brendon Boyd,
August 2, 1991 San Francisco Chronicle,
"How Television Molds American Children,"
San Francisco Chronicle, by Jane E . Brody,
"By the Numbers," by Brendon Boyd, February 3, 1987
July 3, 1991
San Francisco Chronicle,
The Cousteau Almanac, " T V Ads Teach Kids To Eat Junk Food," page-
by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, page-591 B5,
Doubleday & Company, Inc., June 6, 1991
Garden City, New York 1981
San Francisco Chronicle,
American Spirit, "U.S. Scores Dead Last in Math Among 6
"Simple Recipe For A Million Dollars," Nations'
by Larry Adams, 13-Year-Olds,"page-Al,
April, 1992 February 1, 1989

San Francisco Chronicle, 21
San Francisco Chronicle,
" L . A . ' s Poor Pay About 77 Percent of Income for "The Grab Bag,"
Housing," page-D8,
by L . M . Boyd, page C - l
September 17, 1992
May 6, 1995
San Francisco Chronicle, 22

"Do You Have a Zoe Baird Problem?" San Francisco Chronicle,

by Jerry Carroll and Sam Whiting, page B 3 , "Racial Gap Stayed Wide in the '80s",
February 10, 1993 page-A4, May 11, 1992

Moliere, Five Plays,
"The Miser," Act I, scene II,
trans. by John Wood,
Penguin Books, Inc.
Baltimore, M D , pages 113-114

Senior Magazine,
"Top Doll Brings Hope to Convalescents"
by Edie Bliss, page-25,
Senior Magazine, San Luis Obispo, C A
February, 1990

San Francisco Chronicle,
"Racial Gap Stayed wide in '80s,"
Page-A4, May 11, 1992

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ucts and publications or visit us on the web at

Copyright 1992 by
Bamboo Delight Company,
P.O. Box 2792,
Saratoga, C A 95070


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