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U.S. $14.99 Can. $21.95 U.K. £12.99 Games/Action

Platforms: PC, Nintendo GameCube™, Xbox™,
PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system

Statistics and tips for

all weapons

Tactics for defeating

every enemy

Walkthroughs and maps

for every creepy,
creature-filled locale

Combat strategies, cheats,

and special tips to maximize
your killing effectiveness

Tips for using BloodRayne’s

special abilities, such as
Dilated Perception and
Blood Rage

Extensive overview of
all enemies, both natural
and supernatural

Covers PC, Nintendo
GameCube , Xbox , and ™ ™

PlayStation 2 computer ®

entertainment system!
©2002 Terminal Reality. Developed by Terminal Reality.
Licensed to and published by Majesco Sales, Inc.
©2002 Majesco Sales, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

This game has received the

following rating from the ESRB

Joe Grant Bell®
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registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registered in the United States.®
Joe Grant Bell

Prima Games
Prima’s Official Strategy Guide A Division of Random House, Inc.

3000 Lava Ridge Court

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Associate Product Manager: Jill Hinckley
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©2002 Terminal Reality. Developed by Terminal Reality.
Licensed to and published by Majesco Sales, Inc.
©2002 Majesco Sales, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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ISBN: 0-7615-4047-4
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2002113289

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Town Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Deeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
BloodRayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 The Beauregard House . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 The Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Vision Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Colonial Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Temple Internal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 City of the Dead, Revisited . . . . . . . . . . .36 Temple Guardians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Blood Rage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Old Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Daemite Chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Weaknesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Queen of the Underworld . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Dante’s Inferno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Walkthrough: Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Walls of Jericho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70
Important Notes on Weapons . . . . . . . . . .7 Infiltration & Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Walkthrough: Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Louisiana Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Communication Breakdown . . . . . . . . . .41 Emden U-Boat Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
German Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Thule Chapel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Red Summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Enemies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Communication Breakdown Revisited .44 Old Gaustadt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Infiltration & Execution: Second Visit . .45 Unholy Mecha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Argentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 The Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45 Teachers and Traitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Germany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Infiltration & Execution: Third Visit . . .46 Nightfall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
General Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 The Barracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Courtyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Combat Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Lurking Underground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 The Windmill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Exploration Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Death’s Quarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 The Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Walkthrough: Louisiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Hell Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Doppelganger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Initiation: Louisiana, 1933 . . . . . . . . . . .26 The Laboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Of Wulfs and Demons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91
Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 The Butcheress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 Cheat Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
City of the Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 The Mill Mile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Ghetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide


B loodRayne is not what you’d call a subdued game. Any time you’re put in
charge of a shapely half-vampire with acrobatic moves, an arsenal of
automatic weapons, and a taste for Nazi blood, you know it’s going to
be a heck of a ride.
The game doesn’t disappoint. It’s bold and inventive, but it can
also be tough. This book is your guide to success in BloodRayne; you
can refer to it for help with any aspect of the game. You’ll find it an
invaluable resource.
Whether you read this book cover to cover or refer to individual sec-
tions (like an encyclopedia) is completely up to you. The information
provided herein runs the gamut from general tips to specific, step-by-
step walkthroughs of the entire game, complete with maps.
Check out the “BloodRayne,” “Weapons and Items,” and “General
Strategy” sections before starting the game. Then refer to the
“Enemies” portion and the walkthrough sections as you move through
the game and encounter new challenges.
When you’ve beaten the game, it’s time to peruse the cheats in
“Cheat Codes.” Some of them are handy, some of them are humorous,
and some of them are total game-breakers. You’ll definitely want to
save these codes for last.
But in the end, it’s all up to you. So sharpen up those three-foot
blades, practice your deadly rebound kicks, and grab that rusty old
Panzerfaust from the closet. It’s going to be a long, strange, bloody trip,
and you don’t want to miss a step of it.

BloodRayne is a unique character with unique traits. This section is a brief overview of BloodRayne’s most impor-
tant skills and abilities. You need a working knowledge of her capabilities if you’re to succeed in the game.

Vision Dilated Extruded View becomes available very

Perception late in the Argentina missions, when
Modes Rayne collects the eye of Beliar.
Extruded View allows you to zoom
Rayne can switch from normal vision in so you can scout targets from a
to various different vision modes. distance. It also contains a crosshair,
Here’s a look at those modes, and rec- enabling more precise weapon firing.
ommendations on when to use them. Extruded View is useful when using
quick, single-shot weapons such as
Aura Sense rockets and bullet-type weapons.
Use Extruded View sparingly;
Rayne freezes in place when she uses
it, making her an easy target.
Dilated Perception is not immediately However, when you do use it, it can be
available; Rayne acquires it at the vital for placing rockets and bullets
start of the Argentina missions. exactly where you want them.
Dilated Perception puts the world
into slow motion. It is a true lifesaver
in tough battles. For example, fighting Attacks
an enemy that’s as fast as Rayne can
result in a confusing blur of activity. Rayne has a wide array of attacks.
Aura Sense shows the world in bright It’s easy to get roughed up before you Here’s a review of them, along with a
colors. Targets and destinations shine even know what hit you. Dilated breakdown of when to use each.
bright blue, while strong and alert Perception lets you slow everything
enemies are green. Enemies that down, see what’s going on, and react Weapons
Rayne can feed upon show up red. to each attack. It allows you to dodge
Aura Sense is useful for a begin- bullets and melee strikes, and jump
ning player, but with experience you out of the way before something bad
need it less and less—and eventually happens.
not at all. Use Dilated Perception in most of
the tough “boss” battles of the mid-to-
late game. It’s also useful in situations
Note where Rayne needs to navigate a dan-
Experience teaches you which gerous bit of terrain.
enemies can be fed upon, and
under what circumstances. The Extruded View
compass ring in the screen’s Rayne can attack with guns, rocket
bottom-right corner contains launchers, and grenades found on her
blue dots that point out your victims’ bodies. Guns are also placed
current objectives, without the in almost every level; some are hidden
need for Aura Sense. in containers while others are in
plain sight.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The power of these attacks depends Weapons When the game starts Rayne can
on the weapons Rayne is using at only perform two combos in a row. She
the time. gradually gains the ability to perform
extra attacks as the game progresses.
The maximum number of combo
Note attacks that Rayne can perform in a
Generally speaking, you
row is five. All of Rayne’s melee
shouldn’t waste bullets on attacks work well against her enemies.
minor enemies. Save them for
tough fights and for enemies
that are more or less immune to
hand-to-hand attacks.
At any time, you can order Rayne to
equip her lightest guns, heaviest guns,
Selecting Special grenades, or her special weapon.
Weapons The lightest guns are suitable for
making mildly challenging situations
somewhat easier. For example, light
guns are useful if Rayne’s health is low
and she wants to thin out a group of sol- Rebound Kick
diers so she can feed in relative safety.
Heavy guns are good against tough Press the jump button once to jump.
but common enemies, like GGG Elite Press it again in midair to make Rayne
Troops. They can also be very effective spiral straight forward, kicking any-
at dealing with unique boss enemies, thing she comes in contact with along
especially after you’ve used up your the way.
special weapon. Special weapons and Rebound kicks deal decent damage
Rayne automatically picks up superior grenades are best against masses of to enemies, although they are best
guns and drops lesser ones. Special enemies and tough bosses. used against barriers. Use the rebound
weapons are an exception to this rule. kick on doors, windows, and weak
You must manually drop one special spots in walls.
weapon in favor of another.
Attacks Destroy doors, windows, and walls
Rocket-style weapons are the most to continue along the path. Some
powerful special weapons. However, doors and windows are reinforced and
they may not be suited for battles that indestructible. And walls only crumble
take place in enclosed spaces. if they’re already weak. Small holes
Heavy machine guns are best for are your visual cue that a wall can be
killing durable enemies, like GGG destroyed.
Officers, from point-blank range. A few objects require multiple kicks
to destroy. Even these show some dam-
age after the first kick, so don’t waste
time kicking areas that show no
response to your attacks.
Rayne performs a series of melee
attacks whenever you press the attack
button. She automatically progresses
from one attack to the next in the combo
as long as she makes contact with a target
or breakable object.

Even more frequently, you use Blood Rage Managing
rebound kicks to get some extra dis- Bloodlust
tance on your jumps. You don’t gain
any height with a rebound kick, but
you move farther ahead in the direc-
tion you’re already headed. This extra
distance is often needed in areas
demanding long jumps.

Rayne has a Bloodlust meter in the You can cancel a Blood Rage by press-
screen’s bottom-right corner. When ing the Blood Rage button again. Your
it’s completely filled and blinking, Blood Rage often lasts long after
Rayne can press the Blood Rage but- you’ve killed your primary target(s).
ton and enter the state of Blood Rage. Canceling the Blood Rage early allows
In Blood Rage mode, time slows Rayne to conserve Bloodlust so she
down (though not as much as when doesn’t have to build the meter all the
Harpoon Attacks using Dilated Perception), and Rayne way back up next time.
uses a set of special combo attacks Also, get in the habit of slashing at
Tap the harpoon button to lash out at instead of her usual melee attacks. enemies specifically to build up
an enemy. But the damage inflicted on The combo attacks performed in Bloodlust, then save it for tough
the enemy is minor. The harpoon Blood Rage are vastly more powerful fights. Having a full Bloodlust meter is
attack is most effective when Rayne than standard combo attacks. vital when fighting tough battles
wants to feed on or attack an enemy, As with standard combo attacks, against boss enemies.
but she doesn’t want to get too close. Rayne doesn’t start out capable of
For feeding, press and hold the performing all five moves in the
harpoon button. Rayne then harpoons special combo. She gains extra combo
a humanoid enemy, drags him close, moves as the game progresses.
and jumps down to feed on him. For The Bloodlust meter ticks down
example, you would reel in an enemy while Rayne’s in Blood Rage. When
that’s standing in ankle-deep water. the Bloodlust meter is empty, Blood
Rayne will gain the ability to do a Rage ends and Rayne needs
midair lash during the Argentina mission. to build it back up before
Once earned, jump and press the harpoon triggering another Blood
button while Rayne is in midair to execute Rage. The Blood Rage
the attack. It deals minimal damage, but meter builds up
has a good chance of dismemberment. It automatically as
can be used instead of melee attacks if you Rayne performs
want to stay on the move. When you’re melee attacks.
fighting several small, fast enemies, jump
and lash out at them instead of standing
still. You take less damage by constantly
being on the move.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Special Rage Levels
Attack This attack can be useful when
you want to dispatch a tough Choose a new game to begin playing
foe but your Bloodlust meter BloodRayne. You will then have the option
isn’t high enough.
to choose Easy, Normal or Hard mode. The
settings affect BloodRayne’s resilience. In
Weaknesses Hard mode, Rayne takes a large amount of
damage every time she is hurt. The oppo-
site holds true for Easy mode.
In Easy mode, every time you contin-
ue after dying or restart the level, Rayne’s
health is fully restored. In Normal mode,
Rayne’s health restores proportionate to
In the middle of the game, you gain the amount of time played in the level
the ability to perform a “Rage Attack” before continuing or restarting. If you
without actually entering Blood Rage. restart immediately upon entering a level,
Do it by pressing the Blood Rage BloodRayne’s health will be the same.
button and the attack button However, if you play for a few minutes
simultaneously. before starting, BloodRayne starts with
Rayne’s only true weakness is water. It
This Rage Attack deals less damage more health than she originally had. In
doesn’t kill her outright, but standing
than a melee attack performed in true Hard mode, BloodRayne’s health will
in water quickly damages her. She
Blood Rage, but the advantage is that never restore from restarting or continu-
needs to minimize her contact with
you can trigger it even if your Bloodlust ing after death.
water at all costs.
meter isn’t completely full.
In most cases, Rayne can avoid
Using this attack drains about 1/3 of
contact with water by running along
the Bloodlust out of the meter.
power lines, jumping from one dry
spot to another, or bypassing flooded
areas completely.
If Rayne has to get wet, jump as
much as possible to minimize contact
with the water. Get in, do what you
have to do in the flooded area, and get
out quickly.

Weapons Pistols

Louisiana Pistols
This chapter details the guns BloodRayne encounters in the game.
Name Ammo Illustration
In addition to depicting the guns and listing ammo amounts, you’ll
get a sense of how powerful each weapon is, and in what situations W&S M1917 Pistol 6
it’s useful.
In most cases Rayne automatically picks up weapons she walks
over. She’ll automatically drop lesser weapons for better ones. W&S Double-Action Pistol 6
This is not the case with special weapons, however. She has
complete control over whether to drop a special weapon or keep
the one she already has. Therefore, special weapons are the most Cole 44 Pistol 6
important weapons to understand.

Important Notes
on Weapons Rifles are the only form of heavy weapon found in Louisiana.
Guns are broken down by the territory in which they’re found. They should be saved for fighting Biomasses and the Queen
One section covers Louisiana guns, while the other covers the of the Dead.
German guns found in the Argentina and Germany locales.
Guns are then listed by category, in ascending order of power Rifles
and usefulness. Pistols are weakest and are therefore always list-
ed first. Next come SMGs (submachine guns), heavy SMGs, Louisiana Rifles
assault rifles, and grenade-style weapons. Special weapons are Name Ammo Illustration
the most potent and always come last. Springbrook Rifle 5
Finally, weapons are listed in ascending order within each
section. For example, in a table listing four pistols, the first pistol
listed is always the weakest, and the last one is always the Winkesler Rifle 16

Kennings Rifle 20
The exception to this rule is
special weapons, which are so
unique that you can’t always
Grenade-Style Weapons
say one is better than the other.
Dynamite is the only grenade-style
weapon in Louisiana. It’s useful against
Biomasses and the Queen of the Dead.
Louisiana Guns Dynamite works best against stationary
targets, such as boilers and generators.
The following weapons are found in the Louisiana portion of Mobile targets are more difficult to hit than stationary targets.
the game.

Light and heavy Weapons

Pistols are the only form of light weapon found in Louisiana.
They’re serviceable against everything you’ll encounter in that
section of the game.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Special Weapons
German Weapons
The following weapons are used by the German army in
Louisiana’s special weapons are a diverse lot: Argentina and Germany. Each weapon entry states whether
the weapon appears in Argentina, in Germany, or in both
Louisiana Special Weapons locations.
Name Ammo Illustration
Breaning A5 Shotgun 5 Light and heavy Weapons
These light weapons are suitable for chipping away at large
Ethica 33 Shotgun 8 groups of soldiers.

Double Barrel Shotgun 2
German pistols deal decent damage, and are best against
small targets. Don’t use them against durable bosses.
M1918GAR Machine Gun 40 German Pistols
Name Ammo Locations Illustration
These special weapons can be broken into several categories.
Walthurm PP Pistol 7 Argentina
The sniper rifle shoots a great distance, and each hit has a high
chance of dismembering the target.
Mauz 9mm Pistol 10 Argentina,
Shotguns are excellent general-purpose weapons and highly
recommended. They dismember the target and kill with a single
shot. The Ethica probably represents the best balance of ammo and
Leug P08 Pistol 8 Argentina,
shots, while the Double Barrel cannot be beat for sheer power.

Leug P08 Artil Pistol 32 Germany

Overall, the shotguns have the
best power, ease-of-use, and
versatility of all the Louisiana SMGs (SubMachine guns)
special weapons.
SMGs are much like pistols, but with a faster rate of fire and
more ammo.
The M1918GAR is a powerful machine gun—the only machine
German SMGs
gun available in Louisiana. It’s not as effective as Shotguns at hitting
multiple targets at close range, but it has a longer effective range Name Ammo Locations Illustration
and can deal severe damage in a short period of time.
Greaser Sub- 30 Argentina,
machine Gun Germany

SMP34 Sub- 32 Argentina,

machine Gun Germany

German Special Weapons
Name Ammo Locations Illustration
These heavy weapons are not only useful against crowds of
G33 Sniper 10 Argentina,
enemies, but against lone, durable targets such as bosses.
Rifle Germany
larger SMGs
Ethica 33 8 Argentina,
Larger SMGs are assault rifles’ smaller cousins. They combine Shotgun Germany
good power with a fast rate of fire and good ammo supply.
Double Barrel 2 Argentina
German Larger SMGs Shotgun
Name Ammo Locations Illustration
Kaxik Mg08 Belt Argentina,
Greaser Artil 50 Argentina,
Machine Gun Germany
Large Sub- Germany
machine Gun
MG32 Belt Germany
Machine Gun
SMP34 Artil 32 Argentina,
Large Sub- Germany
MG06 Belt Argentina,
machine Gun
Machine Gun Germany
Bergstein MP28 50 Germany
Granatewurf 10 Argentina,
Large Sub-
Grenade Launcher Germany
machine Gun
Panzerfaust 1 Argentina,
Rocket Launcher Germany
Assault Rifles
Panzershrek 3 Argentina,
Save assault rifles for durable targets and rough situations. Their
Rocket Launcher Germany
excellent shot power and fast rate of fire allows Rayne to mow
down most enemies with ease.

German Assault Rifles The sniper rifle, like its Louisiana cousin, is useless in close
combat due to its slow rate of fire. Save it for instances where
Name Ammo Locations Illustration
you can see the target from a long distance.
Blitzgewehr 32 20 Argentina,
Shotguns continue to be excellent workhorses in Argentina
Assault Rifle Germany
and Germany. They’re suitable against any tough target.
Machine guns are handy for mini-bosses, such as GGG
ZZG33 30 Germany Officers. A machine gun can usually chew up a GGG Officer in
Assault Rifle just a couple of seconds, keeping him paralyzed with pain the
entire time.
The Granatewurf is an intriguing weapon, but it’s only useful
against slow bosses. The weapon is too hard to control against
faster targets.
The Panzerfaust and Panzershrek rocket launchers are identical,
The Tatermasher is the German grenade. As with dynamite, save
except that the Panzershrek can hold up to three rockets.
the Tatermasher for slow or durable targets, such as certain over-
Rockets are best against tight clusters of enemies and massive
sized bosses. (Daemite Warriors come to mind.)
targets. Again, Daemite Warriors come to mind, as do Mobile
Otherwise, these grenades are more significant as a hazard
Armor Units.
for Rayne to avoid than as a tool for her to use.
Don’t use rockets against close-range targets, and be careful
Special Weapons when aiming them. Extruded View is handy for making sure the
rockets hit the target, not the ground in front of you.
German special weapons include a couple of holdover shotguns
from Louisiana. 9
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

BloodRayne features a wide array of fiendish enemies. They run the gamut from common to fantastical, weak to supernaturally strong,
and foolish to crafty. This section lists all of Rayne’s foes, pointing out their strengths and weaknesses, and recommending effective
methods of destroying them.
Enemies are sorted by the region in which they first appear (Louisiana, Argentina, Germany). Within each region they’re listed in
ascending order of toughness, starting with common grunts and leading up to unique “bosses.”

Louisiana Weaknesses
Mutates are slow, both in foot speed and
Louisiana enemies are mainly victims of attack speed. They deal minor damage
(or bearers of) a mysterious plague. They when they do get in an attack. It’s easy
aren’t deadly when compared with later to circle around them for an attack from
foes, but they present a challenge, espe- the rear.
cially in large groups.
None of these enemies are encountered Strategy
in later sections of the game. They’re
strictly confined to Louisiana.

Mutates Diseased are townsfolk affected with the

same disease as the Mutates. Their condi-
tion is not advanced, so they still look
mostly human.
They possess enough human intelli-
gence to use guns, making them more
dangerous than the Mutates, which have
Rayne feeds on Mutates. They’re the no long-range attack.
easiest free lunch in the game, so seek
them out whenever Rayne needs to Strengths
restore her health. The ability to fire guns makes Diseased
If you encounter Mutates along with more dangerous than Mutates. Unlike
Mutates are former humans suffering from
other foes, go after the other foes first Mutates, which are ignored, Diseased
an advanced form of the mysterious
leaving the Mutates for last. They present must be handled.
swamp disease. They’ve been horribly
the least danger of any enemy. Depending on their weapons, Diseased
mutated, and now possess long tentacles
suitable for lashing out at their victims. can be ineffective or very effective. The
Mutates’ brains have melted to sludge, Note toughest Diseased have shotguns that
leaving them aggressive toward every- deal potent close-range damage—some
Since Mutates will fight any- even have dynamite.
thing, but not terribly bright. They attack
thing, hang back and allow
anything that moves, including other them to pester other enemies,
mutated creatures (such as Diseased). Weaknesses
then attack when one party has
Diseased aren’t as slow as Mutates, but
killed the other.
Strengths they’re still comparatively slow.
Mutates are weak foes. Their only advan- Like Mutates, Diseased cannot block or
Mutates are easily ignored. They’re so defend against any of Rayne’s attacks,
tage over Rayne is their long tentacle
slow that they present little danger if including melee attacks and guns.
arms. They have good reach, so she needs
they’re not in your way. Run past them if Diseased with weak weapons are a
to either get very close (so she can attack)
you don’t plan to come back. minor threat.
or back away completely.

Strategy Maraisreq a circling battle, hacking with blades until
the legs come off, then slash a couple
more times to finish the job.
If you face a pack of Maraisreq, jump to
the side (so you don’t get surrounded) and
use the same circling technique you’d use
against a lone Maraisreq.
If you get into trouble, use guns or
trigger a Blood Rage, which allows Rayne
to hack through the Maraisreq with
astonishing speed.
The easiest way to deal with Diseased is Maraisreq (“Swamp Monsters”) are the
to feed on them. This even works against
large groups. Feed on one Diseased, then
insect-like creatures invading the town of
Mortton, Louisiana. They swallow towns-
move to the next, and the next, until folk whole and regurgitate the liquefied Rayne can’t feed on Maraisreq.
they’re all gone. remains.
They can’t do this to Rayne, but they
Note can deal damage with their vicious,
lunging bites. Soldier
If Rayne’s being shot at while
feeding, turn around and use the Strengths
victim as a shield. Maraisreq are fast and deal reasonable
damage with their bites. They’re danger-
You can also kill Diseased with a few ous in packs, especially if they surround
blade attacks, or with guns—though they Rayne.
seldom merit guns. They can absorb a few blade slices or
If you spot a Diseased with dynamite, shots from an average gun.
wait until it throws the stick, then get
away from it. Take down the Diseased, but Weaknesses
don’t stand too close to thrown dynamite Maraisreq are vulnerable from the sides These creatures are bigger, redder, and
in the process. and rear, where they can’t bite. tougher Maraisreq. They have no unique
Their legs come off easily. They even- abilities; they’re just superior to the
tually sprout new ones, but a Maraisreq standard Maraisreq.
missing its legs is temporarily vulnerable.
If you’re feeding on something Circle around it and deal the death blow. Strengths
and dynamite is tossed nearby, Maraisreq have no long-range Maraisreq Soldiers are tougher, hit harder,
press the jump button to stop attacks. They’re fast, but Rayne can get and jump farther than the common
feeding, then get out of there. away quickly if she uses a rebound kick. Maraisreq.

The bottom line is that Diseased are weak Strategy Weaknesses

enemies, suitable for feeding, and only Just like the standard Maraisreq, these
occasionally are a serious threat. things have no long-range attack, and
they’re vulnerable when their legs are
hacked off.

Fight a circling battle. Shoot them with
small weapons, or hack them with blades.
Keep moving and you’ll rarely take
Maraisreq are dangerous when you’re in
front of them, where they can bite. Fight

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Queen of the Rip off a couple of legs as quickly as Often, soldiers appear in mixed
possible, either with blade attacks or groups with SS troopers or various
Underworld types of officers.
shotgun blasts. The Queen crashes to the
ground. Soldiers wield a variety of guns. The
Circle behind her and slash away. Trigger soldier’s effectiveness depends almost
a Blood Rage if you have it; this is the key to entirely on the sort of gun he’s carrying.
dealing massive damage quickly.
If the Queen gets up, repeat this Strengths
process. Soldiers often appear in numbers. The
For the most part, you can ignore the more of them there are, the tougher they
other Maraisreq, though you can shred are.
the closest ones along with the Queen if Soldiers with explosive weapons are
you trigger a Blood Rage. among the most dangerous foes in the
The Queen of the Underworld is the first
game. Grenades and panzers (rocket
boss creature Rayne faces.
The Queen of the Underworld resem- Note launchers) deal severe damage to Rayne,
so she needs to watch for soldiers with
bles a giant Maraisreq. She’s huge and has
To build up your Bloodlust these weapons.
a bite attack that deals severe damage
meter in relative safety, get Soldiers always have a long-range
when it hits.
away from the Queen and attack, so don’t ignore them as long as
attack the small Maraisreq. they have a view of Rayne.
Strengths Return to face the Queen when If there are alarms in the area, soldiers
The Queen of the Underworld deals the meter is full. will try to trigger them. The result is a
substantial damage with each hit. She can
flood of extra soldiers.
attack at medium range if Rayne is in
front of her.
The Queen produces a constant supply
Argentina Weaknesses
Soldiers with weak guns are weak ene-
of Maraisreq, which act as a nuisance Argentina increases the difficulty mies. Most of them have pistols or small
during Rayne’s fight against her. immensely, introducing a wide array of machine guns, and these are not a major
tough enemies. threat.
Some of these enemies—most notably Both blade attacks and guns work well
Comparatively slow to move and turn, the
the German soldiers and officers of all against soldiers.
Queen of the Underworld is not nimble.
types—appear in Germany as well as Rayne can feed on soldiers at any time,
Sever her legs and she falls to the
Argentina. either by using her harpoon or by jumping
ground helpless until they regenerate.
on their backs. They’re the most common
Regeneration takes several seconds.
Soldiers food source in the game.
Strategy Soldiers sometimes become frightened,
especially when hurt, and run away. They
can run at a moderate pace, but Rayne is
much faster.


Common soldiers comprise the bulk of

Avoid standing in front of the Queen. the German army. They’re not a major
Continually circle her and avoid threat, especially when alone. However,
her jaws. they can be a concern if they appear
in numbers.

Feed on soldiers whenever possible.
They’re a valuable resource because of
SS Troopers Note
the health and guns they provide. Aura Sense helps with feeding
Rayne can kill a small (or even on SS troopers. They glow red
medium-sized) group of soldiers just by whenever Rayne can feed.
feeding. Hop from one to the other until
they’re all dead. Rayne takes some
damage from the others’ guns, but if she
turns her victim and uses him as a
human shield, she can minimize
the damage.
SS troopers are highly trained, specialized
Note German soldiers. They’re typically found
in small numbers, either mixed in with
If her weapon is in her left common soldiers or defending an officer.
hand, Rayne can fire it while SS troopers carry the same array of
feeding. Line her gun up with a weapons carried by common soldiers. As
standing enemy, and pull the with common soldiers, their threat level is
trigger. If an SS trooper has a potent, explosive
tied directly to the weapon they use. weapon, kill him as quickly as possible
with your guns.
Blade attacks are another way of killing Strengths If an SS trooper is mixed in with
soldiers. To build up Rayne’s Bloodlust Here are SS troopers’ advantages over a common soldiers, go after the SS trooper
meter for a big fight, slash soldiers. common soldier: first. Guns are the preferred method,
To kill a large group of soldiers, a
though a Blood Rage works well. You can
Blood Rage works well. You can also • They’re more durable. also use standard blade attacks if you
shoot them, though they’re usually a • They can block Rayne’s blade attacks, continually circle, but this takes more time
waste of guns. unless attacked from the side or rear. and skill.
• They resist Rayne’s feeding attempts, Don’t feed on SS troopers if there’s
Hazmat Soldiers unless they’re frightened, low on easier prey around.
health, or surprised. If you want or need to feed on an SS
trooper, the standard method is to get
Their ability to block and resist feeding close, fire a burst of gunfire into him,
makes a big difference. Rayne can’t just quickly circle around, and feed from the
feed on an SS trooper to kill him, and she rear. The bullets are usually sufficient to
can’t slice him when he’s facing her. either scare the trooper or damage him to
the point where he’s vulnerable.
Weaknesses Do this correctly and Rayne jumps on
SS troopers have no true, debilitating his back and feeds. If she’s repulsed, fire a
weaknesses. They are vulnerable to cer- couple more rounds and try again.
Hazmat soldiers are identical to common tain attacks, however.
soldiers in all but dress. They wear spe- They can be hit by standard blade
cial suits that protect them from hostile attacks if Rayne circles and attacks from
environments. the side or back.
They carry the same array of weapons Blood Rage allows Rayne to hit from
and have the same characteristics as anywhere, including the front. Blood Rage
common soldiers. They’re only listed attacks slice through blocks.
separately because they look so different. SS troopers cannot block gunfire, so guns
are a quick way of dealing with them.
Finally, if Rayne sneaks up without their
noticing, or damages them past a certain
point, she can feed on them.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Unteroffizier GGG Officers

GGG Elite
(Low-ranking Troopers

These officers are Rayne’s targets

throughout the Argentina and Germany
Just as lesser officers’ abilities are one campaigns. Killing one or more of
Low-ranking officers are not the target offi- step higher than those of SS troopers, these officers is often the objective of
cers that Rayne is tasked with killing in the GGG troopers’ abilities are one step a particular level.
Argentina and Germany portions of the higher than those of lesser officers. When fighting these opponents, a
game. Rather, they’re common opponents “boss” picture indicating the officer’s
who have enhanced combat abilities. Strengths health appears in the lower-right corner
Their combat skill and toughness is The only difference between GGG troopers of the screen.
fairly comparable to that of an SS trooper. and low-ranking officers is that they have
extra moves. Strengths
They can perform a couple of extra GGG officers are much like GGG troopers.
Strengths hand-to-hand attacks, and they can fire They have a slightly larger repertoire
Low-ranking officers have all the charac- their weapons while diving or rolling of hand-to-hand attacks and evasive
teristics of an SS trooper. away from Rayne’s attacks. This makes moves than GGG troopers.
Their extra advantage is that they may them harder to hit and more effective at The main difference is durability.
wield a knife for short-range attacks. close-range combat. GGG officers can take a great deal of
However, this rarely comes up. Rayne should punishment.
circle them while fighting, and never allow Weaknesses
them the chance to counterattack. GGG troopers have the same weaknesses Weaknesses
as SS troopers. GGG officers are vulnerable to the same
Weaknesses attacks as SS troopers and GGG troopers.
Weaknesses are identical to those of the Strategy
SS trooper. Strategy

Though slightly tougher and harder to

hit, GGG troopers are functionally similar GGG officers are usually encountered in a
to SS troopers and low-ranking officers. crowd. Therefore, your tactics must take
Use the same strategies you’d use against Fight them in the same way you’d fight multiple enemies into consideration.
SS troopers. those other enemies.

One way of taking these guys down is Also, Pure Daemites writhe and wriggle control the host’s actions like those of a
to initiate a Blood Rage. A Blood Rage so much, even after being hacked apart, it is puppet.
allows you to chop them up quickly, keeping difficult to tell whether they are dead. They look almost identical to the
them stunned and unable to counterattack infested host, save that the head is unmis-
in the meantime. Also, since many of Weaknesses takably a Daemite head.
Rayne’s Blood Rage attacks affect a wide Pure Daemites can be hacked apart with
arc, you can take down other foes at the one well-aimed slash. Sometimes they Strengths
same time. take more abuse, but they are not Parasitic Daemites retain all the moves,
The other method is to use a heavy- durable. skills, and abilities of the host. Therefore,
caliber weapon, then gun them down Also, as they have no long-range an infested SS trooper can still block
from close range. Get up in their faces attacks, Pure Daemites can be ignored Rayne’s frontal blade attacks and feeding
and hold down the trigger. when they’re on different floors or levels attempts.
than Rayne. They can fly, but they seldom Parasitic Daemites are more durable
Note leave their general area. than their host originally was. Therefore, a
Daemite GGG trooper can take more abuse
If possible, whittle down the Strategy than a regular GGG trooper.
officers’ support troops first. Parasitic Daemites never become afraid.
If a Parasitic Daemite loses its limbs it
can still move. In fact, a Parasitic Daemite
Daemites that has lost its legs can fly around and
inflict extra-damaging attacks. Therefore, if
a Parasitic Daemite loses its legs, concen-
trate on it, and finish it off immediately.
If you kill a Parasitic Daemite with
bullet weapons, or by feeding, the Pure
Daemite inside will survive. The host body
Run or jump away to get distance from dies, but now you’re faced with a Pure
these creatures, then run in and time Daemite.
your slashes to hack them to bits.
Blood Rage is useful against large Weaknesses
Daemites are parasitic creatures that fly groups of them, but it’s overkill against Rayne can and should feed on Parasitic
through the air and lash Rayne with their smaller groups. Daemites. Most of them were common
tails. They like to inhabit human bodies, When they’re in close-range, fight a soldiers, so they cannot block her feeding
forcing themselves in through the mouth, circling battle to avoid getting slashed attempts.
then taking direct control of the body. with their tails.
The Daemites discussed here are “Pure
Daemites,” or Daemites that have not
taken control of a host body. They look Parasitic
soft and gooey, but don’t be fooled; they Daemites
can pose a genuine threat.

Pure Daemites move quickly. They also
fly, so obstacles mean little to them.
They cannot infest Rayne, so they
slash her with their tails. They’re small
and difficult to hit. Large groups of Parasitic Daemites are
Pure Daemites are almost completely best killed with Blood Rage.
unaffected by bullet weapons, so don’t
shoot them. Parasitic Daemites are Daemites that have
inhabited a host. They have wrapped their
tails around the host’s spinal column and
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The pulpit is stationary except when Kommando

Smaller groups should be hacked apart sliding to avoid Rayne’s circling attacks. (Infantry
with blades, or fed upon individually. Use Therefore, if Rayne stands behind an Colonel)
circling attacks to avoid return damage. obstacle, she cannot be hit.
Guns work, but as noted above,
the Pure Daemite inside can survive a Strategy
bullet attack.
Always keep moving when fighting
these creatures.
Feed on Parasitic Daemites whenever
you need the health. They have lots of life
energy and provide Rayne with a good
amount of health.
Kommando is a secretive German field
High Priest ops special commander. His favored tac-
Von Blut tics are those of stealth and deception.
Rayne fights the High Priest in a long
You encounter him twice in the game—
room with columns.
once as a human, and once as a Parasitic
Stand behind a column while the High
Daemite. He’s tougher the second time
Priest fires his machine gun.

Note Strengths
Kommando fights like a GGG officer,
Use Dilated Perception to make though he’s much more durable than the
this fight easier. typical officer. He fires an automatic rifle
and fights hand-to-hand.
The first of the Argentina bosses, this His one extra skill is the flash grenade.
The High Priest periodically stops to He uses this when he’s in trouble. Once
Thule High Priest is a tough customer. He reload. This takes a few seconds. If you’re
hides inside an armored pulpit with a he does, Rayne is temporarily blinded and
far from the pulpit, take this opportunity Kommando disappears, only to reappear
front-mounted machine gun and can take to get behind a closer column.
Rayne down quickly if she doesn’t use the in a completely different location.
If you’re already close to the pulpit, run He’s assisted by GGG troopers the first
right tactics. straight toward it. Circle around to the time you fight him, and Parasitic
back when you get close. Daemites the second time.
Strengths When Rayne gets behind the pulpit, it
High Priest Von Blut cannot be harmed by
automatically starts sliding across the Weaknesses
a frontal assault, thanks to his armored
floor, exposing the High Priest’s back. Kommando has no defense against bullet
Chase the pulpit and let loose with bullet weapons. Like GGG officers, he can block
The pulpit is open in the rear, but it
weapons (or a Panzerfaust) as it slides. frontal blade attacks but cannot deal with
slides to the other end of the room in a
When the pulpit reaches the other end side or rear attacks.
defensive move if Rayne starts to get
of the room, get behind a column and
behind it.
repeat the aforementioned tactics until the Strategy
The front-mounted machine gun deals
High Priest is dead.
severe damage.

Weaknesses Note
The pulpit is open in back. The High
Priest is vulnerable while the pulpit is Common soldiers periodically
appear during this fight. Use the
sliding from one side of the room to the
harpoon to drag them behind a
other. Rayne must exploit this weakness. pillar and feed on them. Their
guns are useful if you run out of
16 Use Dilated Perception when fighting
Run around and kill some of his followers. The Butcheress has all of Rayne’s If you can’t tell which trapdoor is safe,
Bullet weapons are a good way of doing melee moves and a pair of bone saws that start running and jump at the last minute.
this quickly. act like Rayne’s blades. Rebound kick for extra air, and aim for the
Then focus on Kommando. A good walls at the center of the roof. You might
method is to shoot him a couple Strengths get lucky and reach a safe spot, or stay
of times with a bullet weapon as you You encounter the Butcheress on a rooftop airborne just long enough for the
approach; this freezes him or knocks that is actually a checkerboard of trap- trapdoors to close.
him down. doors. In addition to an array of kicks,
slashes, and other melee attacks, the Daemite Warrior
Note Butcheress runs to a control panel and
drops several of the trapdoors. Falling
Keep shooting him while he’s means instant death for Rayne.
down. This is an easy way to The beams between the trapdoors
pile on the damage. become electrified when the doors are
open, so standing on the beams is not
When you’re close, circle and use blade safe. Rayne must stand on a trapdoor that
attacks from the sides and rear. Trigger does not open.
a Blood Rage when you can and keep
dealing damage. Weaknesses
When he uses his flash grenade, run The Butcheress has no guns, but this isn’t
Daemite Warriors bear little resemblance
around until your vision clears and your a real weakness. She can close the gap
to regular Daemites. They’re huge, hulk-
compass shows his location again. Go after quickly with her array of high-flying jumps
ing, twisted monstrosities that lash out
him. Repeat these techniques until and kicks.
with tentacles. They’re tough in groups.
he’s dead. Rayne’s main advantage is her ability
to Blood Rage. Strengths
Note Strategy
Daemite Warriors deal severe damage
The second time you fight
with their tentacles and sustain a great
Kommando, he may reappear in deal of damage in return.
an outside area. One or more Bullet weapons have little affect on them.
Parasitic Daemites out there Daemite Warriors are strange and amor-
have rocket launchers. Focus phous looking, so it can be tough to figure
on killing the rocket wielders out which side is the front. This is important
before turning your attention to because Rayne needs to avoid standing in
Kommando. front of them.

The Butcheress Weaknesses

(Dr. Bathory Daemite Warriors are very slow and have
You should build up your Bloodlust meter no long-range attacks.
Mengele) before encountering the Butcheress and
activate Dilated Perception. Strategy
When the battle starts, trigger a Blood
Rage and assault her with a constant bar-
rage of melee attacks. Don’t let up.
If you’re lucky, you can kill her in that
first Blood Rage.
If you don’t kill her, use Dilated
Perception. Run away from her while fir-
ing your heaviest bullet weapons. You can
also use melee attacks when she’s close.
The Butcheress is the GGG’s lead scientist Be sure to circle her as you attack.
(and executioner). She attributes her When she runs toward the control The first time you encounter Daemite
sadistic ways to a long line of ancestral, panel, be sure Dilated Perception is acti- Warriors is in The Mill Mile. Use explosive
mortal “vampirism.” vated. Watch the trapdoors. The ones that weapons on them; refer to the walk-
emit a thin trickle of steam are the ones through for tips on where to find them. 17
that will open. Jump to one that’s safe.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Now use your bullet weapons. Then D. Mauler is a huge, muscle-bound Aryan GGG Jetpack
trigger a Blood Rage and run in. Continually experiment. He fights bare handed; his Troopers
circle the targets, slashing the whole time. main asset is his massive strength.
They should be weakened from the explosives
and they will fall quickly. Strengths
The second time you encounter them is Mauler deals massive damage with his
in Temple Guardians. Ignore the one at the punches and handclaps.
base of the shaft because he’s slow and If Rayne retreats to the upper level cat-
can be avoided. walk, he can knock down support pillars
The key to killing the three at the top is and cause parts of the catwalk to collapse.
effective use of your resources. Don’t indis- Mauler is immune to gunfire.
criminately kill Parasitic Daemites. Let
them live and feed on them after the Weaknesses GGG Jetpack Troopers fly through the air
Daemite Warriors have injured you. Also, Mauler is slow to move and turn and has and fire bullet weapons. The very toughest
hack on the Pure Daemites to build your no long-range attacks. He’s actually not Jetpack Troopers may possess rocket
Bloodlust meter. very tough if you fight him effectively. weapons.
Empty all your weapons into the three
Daemite Warriors. Then fight them with
Strategy Strengths
Blood Rage, but only when one has gotten Jetpack Troopers are super-fast and agile,
far away from the other two. It’s safer to almost immune to melee attacks.
pick on loners. They can attack Rayne from above,
When you’re out of Bloodlust and low negating most forms of cover.
on health, go back through the level to They’re very difficult to feed on
feed, collect weapons, and build up because Rayne can seldom hit them with
Bloodlust again. Then return and repeat. her harpoon.
When they’re killed, their jetpacks tend
Note to explode. This can damage Rayne if she’s
in the vicinity.
Due to their size Daemite Use Dilated Perception and get in close.
Warriors sometimes get stuck Circle constantly; never let Mauler get a Weaknesses
on terrain features. If this hap- clean frontal shot at you. Retreat if you Jetpack Troopers aren’t particularly
pens, you can run up behind think you might take a hit. durable.
them and fight them without Use melee attacks. When possible, trig-
Blood Rage. This is the only ger a Blood Rage. Keep hacking away at
time it’s safe to do so. him and he’ll fall quickly. Strategy

D. Mauler
(Infantry Note
Brigadier General) Soldiers may periodically enter
from above. You can feed on
them for health.

Germany contains a number of enemies Constantly move around and use bullet
from Argentina (soldiers, low-ranking weapons to gun them down.
officers, SS troopers, GGG troopers, GGG Hide behind cover as much as possible—
officers), as well as several unique foes. especially anything that puts a roof or object
Here’s a look at your new opponents. above your head. This forces them to drop
down low to attack. They’re easier to shoot
when they’re low to the ground.
If you’re particularly skilled, or if Vampires If the vampire is particularly difficult,
they’re close enough, you can harpoon or shoot him a few times, then try feeding
jump-harpoon them and feed on them. again. Once again, initiate the attempt
Typically, you should just shoot them and from the side or rear.
look for a meal elsewhere.
Run away from their bodies when they Oberscharfuhrer
die because their jetpacks tend to explode. (High Commander)
Bat Creatures

The vampires Rayne encounters are a

special breed from New Guinea. They
have evolved mouths in each of their
wickedly clawed hands.
These creatures are fast and strong,
but they’re nothing Rayne can’t handle.

In Teachers and Traitors, it turns out that
Bat creatures are just what the name sug- Vampires move quickly and hit hard.
Mynce is a traitor you must fight. Is
gests, giant bats. They fly into the area They’re also durable and often encoun-
nothing sacred anymore?
using kicking attacks and are hard to hit tered in groups.
Mynce is essentially a Rayne clone.
while airborne—but they are vulnerable She has the same skills, so it’s a
when they land. Weaknesses
challenging fight.
Vampires have no long-range attacks, so
Strengths Rayne can shoot them while retreating.
Bat creatures are hard to hit with melee They cannot block Rayne’s blades and
Since Mynce has Rayne’s melee skills, she
attacks while they’re airborne. can feed on them in most situations. This
can do a great deal of damage at close
makes them useful as abundant sources
range, especially if you stay in front of her.
Weaknesses of health.
She’s also just as fast as Rayne.
Bat creatures are vulnerable when they’re Some of her melee attacks take her
on the ground. A few slashes or bullets Strategy
high into the air, so your counterattacks
will kill them. may occasionally miss.
Strategy Weaknesses
Mynce doesn’t use guns and can’t (or
won’t) use Blood Rage.
Your Blood Rage is the key to making
this a manageable fight.

Large groups of vampires should be

destroyed with a Blood Rage, or at least a
mobile, circling attack style. Just keep cir-
Shoot them out of the air, or run up and cling, and keep throwing melee attacks.
slash them while they’re on the ground. Use guns if the odds are overwhelming
These creatures shouldn’t be more than a and you’re desperate.
nuisance. Rayne can feed on vampires. They pro-
vide lots of health.
To feed, jump on the vampire from the
side or rear. They can sometimes resist a
frontal feeding attempt.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Strengths Hedrox
Strategy Extremely powerful weapons and extraor-
dinary durability are the hallmarks of the
Mobile Armor.

Extreme sluggishness is this vehicle’s only
real weakness.


Hedrox is an ancient vampire chieftain

When you begin fighting Mynce, be sure who replicates himself. For example, if you
to use Dilated Perception. hack off Hedrox’s limb, the body grows a
Fire bullet weapons while staying as new limb—and the severed limb grows a
far back as possible and circling to avoid new Hedrox.
melee attacks. You can also throw in the The term “Hedrox” therefore refers to a
occasional blade slash. group of creatures that act more or less
When Mynce is somewhat hurt, she like an individual.
starts running up the stairs. Follow her at Each individual Hedrox can make its
a distance. Rayne must fight several of these things in own decisions but shares the other
Mynce may pause at certain landings. Unholy Mecha. Fortunately, she’s piloting Hedrox’s thoughts. Subsequently, Hedrox
Instead of catching all the way up, hang one herself at the time. is slightly insane.
back and shoot at her from below, then The two keys to victory are to continu-
chase her again when she takes off. ally move sideways (it’s slow, but you need Strengths
After crossing to a different tower, it’s to avoid a few rockets) and repeatedly fire Hedrox is fast and hits hard. It can leap
time to complete the battle. Trigger a your weapons. through the air and deal severe damage
Blood Rage and start your usual circling, Strafe from side to side. You can’t avoid on impact.
slashing routine. If you lay it on thick, everything, but every rocket you dodge is Beyond that, don’t worry; you don’t
you’ll emerge victorious. a plus. fight Hedrox in a conventional sense.
Press and hold the machine gun button
while aiming at the enemy’s lower torso or Weaknesses
Mobile Armor Hedrox is killed by water.
upper legs. Meanwhile, periodically tap
both the grenade and rocket launcher but-
tons. Stay back far enough so you don’t get Strategy
hit by your own grenades.
Stay on target at all times. If the
machine gun overheats, let up on the trig-
ger for a while, then press and hold the
trigger again.
When Rayne encounters a lone Mobile
Armor in The Bridge, it’s a different story
Mobile Armors are giant, mechanized because she’s on foot. In this case, she
tanks. They have three weapons: a high- needs to destroy it with three Panzershrek
speed machine gun, a rocket launcher, shots. Constantly retreat, using Dilated
Perception, and briefly switch over to When you encounter Hedrox in The
and a grenade launcher. Windmill, you don’t actually fight it. You
These mechanical beasts are incredibly Extruded View when you take your shots.
Aim low, as the Mobile Armor is constantly just need to avoid it while you break
powerful. You encounter them a few times building supports.
during the game, and your tactics depend descending. Don’t let it get too close.
on the situation.

If you position the supports between Weaknesses
Hedrox and Rayne, Hedrox will often leap When one twin dies, the other immediately Pick one twin and chase him around
through the supports, doing your job follows (regardless of whether he’s the pillar. Shoot him with bullet weapons
for you. damaged or not). and hack him with melee attacks. He
When all six supports on each of the Both guns and melee attacks injure occasionally gets behind the pillar, but
windmill’s two levels have been these officers. Rayne is fast enough to catch him,
destroyed, all but one Hedrox is killed— especially given all the reaction time
and the survivor flees. Strategy provided by Dilated Perception.
If both twins congregate in one area,
The keep after the one you’ve been fighting
Doppelganger and ignore the other. Your target’s cloak
and hat fly off once you deal significant
Twins: Sigmund
damage, so if you’re attentive you can dis-
and Simon tinguish him from the other one.
Krieger Blood Rage allows Rayne to inflict
massive damage. Stay close and hack furi-
ously, and you’ll eventually win the battle.

Use Dilated Perception for this fight.

One strategy is to destroy one of the
two pillars by rebound kicking, thus
removing one twin’s cover—but this move
is unnecessary.

The twins are senior Nazi officers who

throw bladed swastikas at Rayne.
Born as Siamese twins, they were
separated at birth; each is missing one arm.
Nevertheless, they are both proud and vain.
Their most noteworthy characteristic
is neither a strength nor a weakness—just
an oddity. When you hit one twin, the
other twin is damaged.

The twins are mobile. They like to hide
behind the two pillars in the arena where
you encounter them.
Their thrown blades bounce around
and take indirect paths, so they can hit
Rayne even if they don’t have a line of
sight with her.
The twins are durable. And because
they look the same, if you don’t pay
attention, you’ll end up attacking both of
them (and spreading out the damage)
rather than focusing on one of them, as
you should.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Jurgen Wulf

According to some myths, Beliar was the

original devil. When Lucifer fell from Beliar appears in the endgame, along
Jurgen Wulf is a World War I war criminal heaven, he usurped Beliar and ripped him with Jurgen Wulf. Refer to the last part of
who fled to South America to escape into a thousand pieces. These pieces are the walkthrough for full details on how to
punishment. While there, he learned of the relics that Jurgen Wulf collects. beat him.
powerful supernatural relics and founded Beliar slowly grows bigger and
the GGG. stronger throughout the course of his
The relics he seeks are parts of a fight against Rayne. He’s an incredibly
demon named Beliar. Some of these relics powerful enemy.
are now part of Wulf’s body and give him
special powers. He possesses Beliar’s ribs
(provide toughness), teeth (allow him to
breathe fire), eye (gives enhanced percep-
tion, which translates to supernatural
speed), and hand (allows burning,
slashing attacks).

Wulf appears in the endgame, along

with Beliar. The strategy for fighting him
is quite complex; it would be a waste of
space to repeat it all here. Refer to the
appropriate spot in the walkthrough for
full details on Wulf, his capabilities, and
how to beat him.

general strategy
General Strategy
This section provides a toolset of general techniques for getting through the game. Refer to the walkthrough sections when you’re stuck,
but the following tips will minimize the number of times you need those explicit walkthroughs.

Combat When to Use It’s also useful in Louisiana for times

when you fight while standing in the water. It
Strategy slows things and makes your situation more
manageable (in the absence of Dilated
Here are a few tips to improve your Perception, which becomes available when
combat skills. Rayne progresses to Argentina).

When to Use When to Feed

Melee Attacks

Use guns whenever the situation is too

difficult for melee attacks alone.
For example, a large room filled with
SS troopers and other powerful enemies
is tough to clear with just melee attacks.
Rayne will take damage from the Rayne can safely feed on a standing enemy
Rayne’s standard melee attacks, triggered weapons trained on her. in most situations. Here are the exceptions.
by repeatedly pressing the attack button, In this situation, thin out the toughest She cannot safely feed if several ene-
are her most basic form of attack. enemies with guns. Then take over with mies with decent guns surround her. If the
These attacks are less exotic than melee attacks, or by feeding on individuals. enemies are in one direction, she can turn
those using the harpoon or the Bloodlust Guns are essential when fighting her victim and use him as a human
meter, but they’re also the most useful. enemies whom you must destroy quickly shield—but if enemies are all around her,
You can hack and slash through most (such as soldiers with rocket launchers) they’ll shoot her. She may lose health
enemies with these attacks. or bosses who are partially immune to faster than she gains it through feeding.
Melee attacks are preferred any time hand-to-hand attacks. Rayne cannot safely feed if a nearby
you face a noncritical situation. They enemy has a panzer or grenades. These
allow you to damage your enemies while When to Use explosive weapons can inflict terrible dam-
conserving your guns. Additionally, they age. Hop off the victim and get out of the
Blood Rage
build up your Bloodlust meter. way if one of these weapons appears in
enemy hands.
Rayne has to be careful about feeding
on a lesser enemy while in the presence of
a boss. Use Dilated Perception when doing
this, and keep an eye on the boss. Be
ready to leap off and continue the fight at
a moment’s notice.

Save Blood Rage for tough enemies or

for large groups of enemies.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Maximizing Dilated Perception slows things down Grenades are not easy to aim, even when
Damage and makes it easier for Rayne to react to Extruded View is available. There are
the enemy, adjusting for every movement some tricks to help you, though.
and staying to the side or rear. Aim for the enemy’s feet, and use the
Staying to the side or rear is trickier when natural terrain to your advantage. For
you face several opponents. One technique is example, wait until the enemy is standing
to run around and separate the foes so you at the base of a slope, then throw the
can circle each one individually. grenade. The slope prevents the grenade
from going too far past the target.
Note Finally, if you want a grenade with a
short fuse, “cook” it by holding down the
This method only works on fire button for a couple seconds before
Maximizing damage means sticking close slow enemies without potent tossing it. It’ll explode shortly after you
long-range attacks. throw it. Be careful not to hold it too long.
to the target despite its evasive maneu-
vers. If you allow the enemy to drift off,
Rayne’s attacks will miss their mark. Dealing with
This is important during Blood Rage, Another method is to trigger Blood Rage Bosses
when Rayne uses her high-kicking, spin- or use weapons to thin out the group.
ning attacks. Mobile enemies can slide out
of the way of these attacks, so constantly Using High
adjust Rayne’s position in midair to keep Explosives
the target in range.

Some enemies, such as
Daemite Warriors, can hurt
Rayne if she gets right up and Bosses are a diverse lot. In addition to
touches them—so maintain a their raw power, some bosses have
precise range. unusual strengths and weaknesses and
you must beat them with specialized tac-
Avoiding Return Rayne automatically aims bullet weapons tics. This makes it impossible to outline a
at the nearest enemy or enemies. However, single formula for beating them all.
Damage she must aim grenades and rockets. However, common threads do exist.
The difficult part with rockets is getting
the elevation right. Too high and the rocket • Bosses are vulnerable to Blood Rage.
sails over the target’s head; too low and In some cases, it’s the only way to
it hits the ground, possibly even hurting damage them. Enter every boss fight
Rayne. with a full Bloodlust meter.
Experience is the only teacher when • Some bosses are vulnerable to guns,
aiming rockets. It also helps to use Dilated so keep a big arsenal on hand. Even
Perception, which gives you more time bosses that aren’t vulnerable to guns
to aim. may flinch when you hit them, and
that buys you time.
The rule of thumb for avoiding damage is
to circle the enemy. Any foe can hurt Note • Circling and staying behind the boss is
usually just as effective a strategy as it
Rayne if she stands in front of him or her, When Extruded View becomes is against weaker foes.
but no foe can mount an effective attack if available, use it to aim rockets. • Many bosses’ strengths or weaknesses
Rayne slides behind him or her. Switch from Dilated Perception derive from the level in which they
to Extruded View, line up a shot, reside. Pay attention to the surroundings,
fire, then leave Extruded View always looking for possible dangers or
before a counterattack hits you.
24 opportunities.
General Strategy
Exploration Look for Move from Floor
Alternate Routes to Floor
It helps to have a general strategy for
exploring a new level. You can always wan-
der around until something happens, but
that doesn’t work so well on the more
complicated levels.

Every Room
Some levels are small and linear, but the Rayne doesn’t need to use stairs. She
minute Rayne arrives in Argentina she can jump from one floor to the next,
deals with more complex environments. except in rare cases where ceilings
Often, you can’t reach your goal by are extremely high.
moving straight toward it. For example, if Always look for balconies, overhangs,
you’re on the first floor and your goal is and galleries where multiple floors over-
too, you aren’t guaranteed a clear path to look a courtyard. These are easy places for
it. You may have to venture down into the Rayne to climb or descend floors.
basement (or up to the second floor),
move around, then return to the first floor
Explore every room in the level. Take it at another spot.
slowly or you’ll miss semi-hidden weapons
and weak spots in the walls. Watch for
Running through the level at top speed Breakable Paths
is a surefire way to become confused,
especially when you’re in one of the more
complex, multifloor levels.

Break Crates and


It’s already been mentioned, but it’s vital.

Constantly watch for breakable spots as
these are often the key to progressing in
the level.
Flimsy doors, weakened walls, and
glass windows are obvious targets. Some
Crates, barrels, and other destructible targets are easy to overlook, however.
items often conceal weapons. Sometimes For example, Rayne may find a long
they conceal a doorway or a vital weak row of barred, unbreakable windows. It’s
spot in the wall. easy to discount them and leave, but
Make a habit of shredding everything keep looking. You might find a single
in sight. window in the row without bars.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Walkthrough: Louisiana

his section guides you through the first of three major game locales—the small bayou town of Mortton, Louisiana.
A strange and terrible plague has struck Mortton, turning townsfolk into mutated horrors and spawning spider-like
abominations that the locals call “Maraisreq,” or “swamp monsters.”
This small region provides a good introduction to the tougher challenges of later levels.

Initiation: Louisiana, 1933

Shot gun Shacks

rooftops stairs

Big Wall

This training session takes place in the

swamps near Mortton. You can skip the
initiation, but it’s quick and informative.
Start/Level Entrance It’s recommended that you complete it.
End/ Level Exit The training session is led by Mynce, a
Locked/Blocked Path Note: This Legend corresponds to every map in dhampir with powers equal to Rayne’s.
the book. Refer back to this page if you have any
Unlocks from one side questions.
Breakable Path

1 W&S M1917 Pistol 

11 Greaser Submachine Gun 
21 Double Barrel Shotgun
2 W&S Double-Action Pistol 
12 SMP34 Submachine Gun 
22 M1918GAR Machine Gun
3 Cole 44 Pistol 
13 Greaser Artil Large Submachine Gun 
23 Kaxik MG08
4 Walthurm PP Pistol 
14 SMP34 Artil Large Submachine Gun 
24 MG32 Machine Gun
5 Mauz 9mm Pistol 
15 Bergstein MP28 Large Submachine Gun 
25 MG06 Machine Gun
6 Leug P08 Pistol 
16 Blitzewehr 32 Assault Rifle 
26 Granatewurf Grenade Launcher
7 Leug P08Artil Pistol 
17 ZZG33 Assault Rifle 
27 Panzerfaust Rocket Launcher
8 Springbrook Rifle 
18 G33 Sniper Rifle 
28 Panzershrek Rocket Launcher
9 Winkesler Rifle 
19 Breaning A5 Shotgun 
29 Dynamite

10 Kennings Rifle 
20 Ethica 33 Shotgun 
30 Grenade Mynce shows you how to jump long dis-
tances. Follow her lead, and jump across
the water. Hold down the jump button; the
longer you hold it, the more air you catch.

Walkthrough: Louisiana
Next, Mynce demonstrates how to You move to another shack, where Mynce Either hack the Mutate with blades, or
“tightrope” by leaping onto a power line. demonstrates combo attacks on another feed on it if your health has been
Follow her lead. Steer yourself in midair; Mutate. She points out a Mutate for you to damaged.
hold down the jump button for the highest attack. Switch to Aura Vision and note the
possible jump. blue glow.

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

After following Mynce along the power

line, you appear beside a shotgun shack.
Watch Mynce break down the door with a
rebound kick. 21 1
20 10

1 3

Big Wall
Inside, Mynce points out a weak section of
wall. Rebound kick the wall to open a
doorway. At this point, the game starts in earnest.

Mynce instructs you to kill the Mutate A cutscene shows Rayne and Mynce driv- Follow Mynce into the church as soon as
beyond the door. Hack it apart with ing to Mortton in a fan boat. Mynce enters you get control of Rayne. 27
your blades. the nearby church.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Inside, after a brief conversation with Mynce meets you next to the wall. She Jump onto the nearby power line, and fol-
Mynce, pick up the guns scattered across tells you to destroy the Biomasses that are low it into the swamp.
the floor. generating the monsters.

City of the Dead

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
first mausoleum
Hole in

Exit the church and proceed toward the door
massive wall that encircles the town. (It 3
glows blue if you use Aura Sense.)
29 10

Note mausoleum
(open on second visit)
29 door

Even if you don’t use Aura only breakable on

Sense, your current objective is door in wall
second visit
always visible as a blue glow-
ing dot on the compass ring in
the screen’s lower-right corner.

Follow the power line. It eventually Kill any Diseased and Mutates in the
descends into the water, but there’s an immediate area, then hop across a couple
Outside, kill several Mutates and island covered with tombstones to your of tombstones to get onto a second
Diseased. Practice fighting; there’s no right. Jump onto it to avoid the water. power line.
rush. Proceed toward the wall.

Walkthrough: Louisiana
After moving a short distance along this The first Biomass is at the edge of the When the conversation’s done, go
power line, Rayne thinks she sees a map, in a corner of the giant wall. An through the door in the giant wall to
Biomass in a small mausoleum. You’re effective way to destroy it is to run in exit the area.
automatically placed beside the mau- slashing, then trigger Blood Rage.
soleum; jump inside.

When the Biomass is destroyed, Mynce

There’s no Biomass here; it’s just a cluster appears near a mausoleum behind you.
of Maraisreq. Kill them all. She opens the mausoleum and discovers a
survivor, then tells you to direct any sub-
sequent survivors to this place.

big wall door
22 9
House #4
Exit the mausoleum through the door you 29
entered, and move toward the blue dot
that represents the Biomass. Jump along House #3
the tombstones and small islands to avoid
the water. 29

Note House #2

Water damages Rayne, so jump

carefully. Hold down the jump
button for maximum air. If you
come up short of your target,
press jump again before hitting House #1
the ground. This initiates a
rebound kick, which gives you Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
some extra distance. 29
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Press jump again in midair to
rebound kick. This technique
gives you extra distance for
long jumps (like this one).

Exit the house through the front door after

Make your way along the path indicated smashing the chair that’s jamming the
on the map. You must jump across a few door shut.
small islands to avoid the water. The first
jump is the toughest.

If you’re a good jumper, you can
avoid the water completely. Run along the roof to the back of the
Jump from the starting point house. Look down. Drop onto the back
onto the roof of a flooded car, porch and enter the house through the
then to the first small island. back door.

Enter the other nonflooded house, labeled

Note “House #2” on the map, by smashing a
weak spot on the side wall.
Use the back door; the front
door is locked and barricaded
from the inside.

Stand in front of the first house, labeled

“House #1” on the map. Jump onto the
power line that passes in front of it. From
there, jump onto a corner of the roof. Inside, the hall is blocked, so smash
through the bedroom wall. Beyond it is
Inside, the hallway is blocked. Look for a the Biomass. Hack it with close-range
breakable wall and smash it. A survivor is attacks, and trigger Blood Rage as quickly
holed up in here; Rayne automatically as possible, then finish the job.
sends him to the mausoleum.

Walkthrough: Louisiana
Note Note
At various points in the game, Don’t go downstairs. It’s
(like right now) Rayne gains flooded.
extra attacks. These points are
predetermined, so don’t worry
about missing any.

Exit the house through the broken win-

dow. Outside, locate the power line lead-
ing to the next map. Get on it and exit.

In the front room, you encounter an old

lady named Kazi, who tells you about a
Go outside, then jump onto the roof of suspicious local resident. Rayne automati-
House #4. It’s a single-story house, so cally sends her to the mausoleum.
you can get up there easily.

Town Hall
town hall
29 x 7
flooded 10 x 2
9 x2
1 x2
2 x2
3 x2
Jump into House #3 by rebound kicking
off the roof and through one of House 20
#3’s three upstairs windows. 19

Note upper,floor
Even if your rebound kick doesn’t (breakable)
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
smash through the window, you’ll
catch the window ledge. If that
happens, slash the window open
and drop inside.

Follow the power line to the top of a par- The town hall dominates this island. Circle
tially sunken warehouse. Leap onto the it, killing Maraisreq, Diseased, and
big island to your right. Mutates along the way.
Locate dynamite on the floor of the back 31
room. It’ll come in handy later.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The town hall’s ground-level entrances are There’s a breakable section of interior wall Enter the flooded warehouse through a set
sealed, so examine the second floor to find next to a locked door. Destroy it. On the of unlocked double doors at ground level.
a window covered with flimsy boards. other side, you find another survivor, Run as quickly as possible to avoid
who Rayne automatically directs to the excessive water damage.

From the ground, rebound kick through

that second-floor window. Kill the Inside, run through an open doorway into
Maraisreq and Mutates on this floor. Collect weapons, including dynamite, from the room with the Biomass. Jump onto an
the jail cell where the survivor elevated platform to avoid further water
was trapped. damage.

Go downstairs and kill more creatures.

Exit the building through a door near Destroy the Biomass by selecting your
the base of the stairs that opens dynamite and throwing a stick or
from the inside. two at it. Optionally, start a Blood
Rage, jump into the water, then
quickly kill the Biomass.

Walkthrough: Louisiana
The Beauregard House
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.


Quickly exit the warehouse and get back

to dry land. The fastest exit is a single
door located beneath the elevated

lift to basement chimney

2 29

Run to the other end of the island, where

you find a power line leading into the 9
swamp. Jump onto it and follow it to the 10
next map. survivors

After destroying various Maraisreq,

Diseased, and Mutates, head to the house
and get onto the roof. The easiest way is to
jump onto the deck, kill the Diseased, then
jump onto the roof.

Drop off the power line and run toward

the large, two-story manor house.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Drop through the chimney to get inside Exit the house. Go into the garage. The basement contains a Biomass. It’s also
the house. flooded. Hack apart the boiler and the
Note water drains out.

The actual garage door (the one

a car would drive through) is
locked and unbreakable. Enter Trigger a Blood Rage as quickly
through the door beneath the as possible, then run up and
stairs leading up to the deck. slash the boiler. Shooting the
boiler with weapons is tough
because Rayne tends to aim at
the Maraisreq generated by the
Inside, fight your way upstairs. In one of
the upstairs bedrooms, break an interior
wall to reveal a father and daughter.
Rayne automatically sends them to the

Grab the battery from the garage.

It’s sitting in a corner, near the car.

Regardless of whether you take out the

boiler, you need to destroy the Biomass.
Trigger a Blood Rage and rip it to shreds.

Go downstairs to find a broken lift in a

room adjacent to the bathroom. Rayne
comments that the battery is dead.

Return to the lift and slash at it with your

blades. Rayne replaces the battery, and
the lift starts to descend.

Get back on the lift. Slash the controls to

activate them, and return to the main
floor (or just jump up). Exit the house.
Locate the dock, and follow a power line
34 leading off the dock and into the swamp.
Walkthrough: Louisiana
Colonial Power



Drop off the power line when you reach

solid ground. Get inside the Colonial
Power building. It’s a three-level structure,
and you enter on the second level.


The lower level is flooded. Run to the top

level, then jump through the glass window
of a control booth.

Note: Refer to page 26 for

the Map Legend.
Slash at a lever in the control booth.
Rayne activates the lever, and most of the
water drains out of the lower level.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

City of the
Rayne now reappears in the City of the
Dead. Watch as a Maraisreq eats Mynce
and the gathered survivors are killed. Only
then do you regain control of Rayne.
The remaining water is still electrified. Run into the mausoleum to collect
Look for a generator on the lowest level, weapons from the floor.
and shoot it repeatedly from above (or
throw dynamite) to detonate it and
destroy the electricity.

A Maraisreq kills Mynce, and the collected

survivors are overwhelmed. You’re
Exit the mausoleum. Go through the hole
powerless to help.
in the wall (the one the Maraisreq just
made) to move to the next level.
Rayne is ready to go downstairs. Get down
there and destroy the Biomass. Slash it Old Town
until you can Blood Rage, then quickly
finish the job. Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
big wall

Big Wall

red path shows best route

When the Biomass is destroyed, you’re
automatically taken to the next level.
This level requires Rayne to chase a retreating Maraisreq. The game ends in failure if she
allows the Maraisreq to get too far away.
The map shows the correct path through the level. The following is not a step-by-step
walkthrough, however. There are so many seemingly identical houses and power lines
that the description would be confusing.
Keep pace with the Maraisreq. Getting too far behind (or ahead, or off to the side)
results in failure. Periodically stop and look for the creature.
Ignore your enemies on this level; instead concentrate on giving chase.

Walkthrough: Louisiana
Killing the Maraisreq also ends
the level; don’t fire your
weapons, as you might acci-
dentally destroy it. Use your
blades to kill nearby enemies—
or ignore them and keep As the map shows, there are no true dead At the end of the line (literally, it’s the end
moving. ends, but there is a best path, which keeps of a power line), Rayne commandeers a
you close to the Maraisreq at all times. rowboat and proceeds to the next level.

Queen of the
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.


Jump onto the roof of the house in front of 21

you. Run along the roof, then jump along
a series of three parallel rooftops. If you’re 10
injured, snack on one of the two Diseased
standing on the last house. Queen

19 9

From here, follow the Maraisreq; refer to
the path drawn on the map. If you lose
sight of it, proceed as quickly as possible.
Your path is linear. Run along power lines
and hop from rooftop to rooftop in order
to avoid the water. This level is dotted with small islands and
grounded boats of various sizes. Build up
Rayne’s health to maximum, then take on
the source of the plague.

Hop across the scattered islands and

ships. Feed on the few Mutates and
Diseased running around the islands
until Rayne is in peak condition.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Go to the spot marked “Queen” on the Alternately, fire your guns to get rid of her Regardless of how you do it, you eventually
map. The blue dot on your compass ring legs. Shotguns work great. Circle the take off a couple of the Queen’s legs. Circle
(lower-right corner of the screen) helps Queen and evade her deadly attacks as around to her back, where she can’t bite you,
you locate the spot. you do this. and finish her off.

The legs can regenerate. If they
do, hack them off again.

When you reach the spot, a huge If neither dynamite nor guns work, hack
Maraisreq—the Queen of the the Queen’s legs with your blades. Initiate
Underworld—appears. a Blood Rage as quickly as possible; it’s
necessary so you can deal damage quickly.

Note When the Queen dies, Rayne discovers a

glowing rib in the carcass. At first, it’s
If you aren’t ready to initiate a merely a curiosity, but then the rib mali-
Blood Rage, hack apart the ciously embeds itself in Rayne’s body.
smaller Maraisreq that the Jurgen Wulf, an enigmatic German,
Queen produces. This allows shows up while Rayne is paralyzed with
you to build up to a Blood Rage agony. He forcefully extracts the rib from
without getting close to the
Rayne’s body.
Regardless of how you do it, the key to vic- Queen. Attack the Queen when
The curtain closes on Louisiana. You’ve
tory is to cut off a few of the Queen’s legs. you’re in full Blood Rage.
completed your first mission.
One way is to fight a retreating battle by
throwing dynamite, then charging in when
the Queen topples.

Walkthrough: argentina
Walkthrough: Argentina

ayne’s next mission takes place in Argentina. She’s to investigate and attack a branch of the German military devoted to
the occult. It’s called the GGG.
The GGG is looking for artifacts, and it’s built a large base in Argentina to aid in the search. Rayne’s job is to
kill several key GGG and SS officers while learning more about the GGG’s goals.
This section of the game takes place indoors. Many levels contain two or three floors. In these cases, there’s
a separate map for each floor.

Note Infiltration & Execution

Rayne can always jump up a Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
single floor. For instance, if outside to the dock
she’s on the second floor, she
can jump to the third floor. Of
course, to do this she needs to
be in an open area with a view
of the upper level.

There’s a lot more going on here than

in Louisiana. Read the walkthroughs
carefully and pay special attention to
the notes.

to the barracks
11 11
12 12 Infiltration & Execution, first floor
6 Infiltration & Execution, second floor
initial starting

colonel Mekay stairs down 12

30 30 11
Infiltration & Execution, third floor 30 30
5 30
11 12

stairs up to 3rd floor

6 11

27 to communication
20 39
firing range breakdown
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Infiltration & Execution is a “hub” level with several exits leading to other levels. You
revisit this level several times, first taking one exit, then performing a task in the level it
leads to, then returning to take a different exit.
You can visit the next few levels in any order you choose. However, sticking with the order
presented here is recommended.

Note Note
Regardless of the order in As mentioned in the “Enemies”
which you assassinate the section, you can feed on SS
German officers, the last killed troopers, GGG troopers, and
officer drops an important key. low-ranking officers. The easi-
est way is to shoot them a cou-
ple of times (as they can’t block
Note gunfire), get behind them, and
then feed. Easier still, just gun
Proceed into the level, killing guards and them down and feed on easier
You gain the Dilated Perception
vision mode as you start this breaking alarms. Use the maps to targets. Refer back to “Enemies”
level. Use it whenever the guide you. for more.
action gets especially rough. It
slows things down so you can
make better decisions.

Deal with groups of soldiers by using

blades or light guns to whittle them down, Make your way to the southwest part of
then feed on the rest. the map, where you find a big open area
with all three floors exposed. There’s a
As the mission starts, Rayne is inside a vehicle parked on the lowest floor.
lookout area on the second floor. Kill the
solider and break the alarm on the wall.

Get in the habit of breaking
alarms. If you leave them alone,
they can be used to call swarms
You encounter SS troopers as well. Later,
of reinforcements.
you also see Unteroffiziers (low-ranking
common officers), and still later, GGG elite Locate a stairwell leading up to the third
troopers. These enemies can all block floor, or simply jump up there.
some of your blade attacks and repel your
feeding attempts.

Walkthrough: argentina

Colonel Braun Mekay, one of your targets, lift

is here on the third floor. Refer to the third
floor map. Break through a door and
attack him.
to 2nd


The officers on your hit list are

very durable. A good plan is to
kill the common soldiers in the
area while staying out of the
officer’s sight. Then get very
close to the officer and fire
heavy guns or trigger a Blood
Note: Refer to page 26 for
Rage. A few seconds of Major j.a. cotter the Map Legend.
close-range gunfire (or Blood
Rage attacks) can take down Communication Breakdown, first floor
the officer.


30 30
You’ve just killed the only target officer on 30 30
this level. Now you must visit different levels. to infiltration
& execution 27


Communication Breakdown, second floor

Get back to the second floor, and run to

the spot marked “To Communication
Breakdown.” Slash the levers to open the
doors and exit the level.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Communication Breakdown, third floor

soldier with battery

24 floor
explosives chapel
Fight your way to the stairwell and go

30 30 11
30 30 12
communications array 14

The soldier with the battery is upstairs.

Communication Breakdown is another three-floor level. You enter on the second floor. His general location is marked on the
There’s a communications array on the third floor (it’s useful later), and the officer you map. Fight through to him and kill him.
must kill is hiding on the first floor. You automatically collect the battery.

Travel through the second floor, killing Go back to the second floor and stand on
As you approach the spot labeled “Lift,”
soldiers and destroying alarms. Don’t miss the lift. Slash the controls. Rayne replaces
you catch sight of your target, the Major
the Panzerfaust located in a crate in the the battery and takes the lift to the
General of Intelligence, fleeing down the
southeast quarter of the level. first floor.
lift. A soldier takes the battery from the
lift, rendering it inoperable.
You may wish to save the
Panzerfaust for your upcoming
battle with Thule High Priest
Von Blut.

Walkthrough: argentina
The first floor is small. Fight the soldiers, Go back to the third floor. Take the exit You can’t defeat Von Blut by simply charg-
then take out the Major General. As usual, labeled “To Thule Chapel.” ing in. Instead, hide behind a pillar until
heavy weapon fire from point-blank range he starts reloading his machine gun, then
is the easiest way to finish him off. rush behind his pulpit.

Thule Chapel
high priest

The pulpit moves to the other end of the

room. As it does, you have a few seconds
to shoot at Von Blut’s unarmored back. If
you saved the Panzerfaust from the last
level, use it now.

to communication breakdown
Use Dilated Perception to slow
things down if you’re having
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend. trouble.

Thule Chapel is a small, single-floor level.

Repeat this technique until Von Blut is

Work through the level. Eventually you After your conversation, it’s time to kill dead. He drops some documents; pick
find the chapel itself, where you confront Von Blut. He retreats into a steel-plated them up.
Thule High Priest Von Blut. pulpit, complete with a front-mounted
machine gun, and starts to attack.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Refer to the “Enemies” section’s
entry on Von Blut if you need a
more detailed explanation of
how to kill him.

Return to the level entrance and go

through the doors. You reappear in
Communication Breakdown.

Breakdown Revisited

Locate the Communications Stack. It’s on When you’ve got the dynamite, return to Take the stairs to the second floor and
the third floor. Slash at it to activate it. the Communications Stack and slash it. head back to the spot labeled “To
Rayne places the dynamite. Get away Infiltration & Execution.” Exit the level.
quickly, or you’ll take damage in the

You’re ordered to destroy the Stack. Locate

some dynamite; it’s here on the third floor
behind a breakable wall. Refer to the map. Back at Infiltration & Execution, go to the
exit labeled “To The Dock.” It’s located on
the first floor. Refer to the map if you
need help.

Walkthrough: argentina
Infiltration & Execution: Second Visit
the Dock
lt. colonel The Dock, first floor

engine room

high engineer

The Dock, third floor

The Dock has three floors, though the third floor to infiltration Note: Refer to page 26
is little more than a catwalk in the engine room. & execution for the Map Legend.
You start out on the ground floor (floor 1).

naval captain 14
11 12 12

Grab a heavy machine gun from the 21
halftrack near the level entrance. It’s
useful for killing officers.

11 14
21 13
engine room
The Dock, second floor

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

After breaking the door, back out, kill the

Go to the docks. They’re north of the level
ambushers who swarm you, then go back
entrance. Clear out most of the soldiers by
inside. Keep moving at full speed. Destroy
luring them into the garage area.
the soldier with the Panzershrek first, as
Smash into the bathroom, break down the
he’s by far your biggest threat. Then
stall door, and destroy Tischler at close
jump up to the third floor catwalk and
range, using constant weapons fire or a
kill Gustafson with weapons fire from
Blood Rage.
close range.

When most of the soldiers are gone, run

out to the docks. One of your targets, Lt.
Colonel Nicholaus Reinhardt, is standing
on a sub. Jump onto the sub and let him
have it with the halftrack machine gun. Return to your starting point on the first
Go back to the second floor. Proceed to
the bathroom where Naval Captain floor, then return to Infiltration &
Timiteus Tischler is hiding. Along the way, Execution.
watch for a soldier with a Panzershrek;
he’s in the hallway nearby.

infiltration &
Execution: Third Visit
Make your way toward the engine room
(it’s labeled on the map). Break down one
of the doors leading into it.

High Engineer Stefan Gustafson
is in this area, on the small cat-
walk that comprises the third
level. You’ll kill him in a Go to the exit labeled “The Barracks.” It’s
moment. on the first floor.

The Barracks

Walkthrough: argentina
The Barracks, first floor 23

lift 23

from 2nd floor

If you’ve done everything in the order pre-
sented in this walkthrough, you’ve just
killed the seventh officer. Reiner drops a
26 23

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend. Note

The seventh officer that Rayne
The Barracks, second floor
kills always drops the turnkey.
commander 14 If you do things in a different
from order, then a different officer
13 11 infiltration
28 30 30 30 will drop the key.
& execution
20 17 30 30

down to
1st floor
6 6
5 12
6 6 5
16 11
The Barracks is a two-floor map. You start on the second floor.
There’s a locked door near the entrance to
this level. Unlock it with the turnkey and
go down the stairs to the first-floor
parking garage.

Proceed toward the kitchen area, where Garrison Commander Ruprecht Reiner is
the Garrison Commander is trapped. You in the kitchen. Take him down like the
fight lots of soldiers along the way. other officers. Use machine guns at close
range, or initiate a Blood Rage and hack
Downstairs, you find a number of parked
him apart.
vehicles. Grab heavy weapons from the
vehicles as you fight.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Lurking Underground
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
14 30 30 30 pause
25 30 30 30

11 11

locked by

At the spot marked “Lift,” a group of

soldiers are stuck on the other side of a 16
5 switch (opens 23
garage door. Throw the nearby switch to 5 14 20 garage door)
trap them and crush them with the lift.

Now head toward the level exit. As you

enter the eastern section of the level, Upon entering this level, Rayne sees her Beyond the garage door is a big, square
Brigadier General R. Wauher gets into a target (Brigadier General R. Wauher) area. Another garage door is locked, so
jeep and drives away. Follow him. escaping in the jeep. Move down the long you must jump through the windows to
hallway. the right of it.

Proceed to the level exit, passing through In the office beyond the windows are more
At the end of the hallway, at the spot
a garage door along the way. Hack at the locked doors. Once again, break through a
marked “Pause,” a garage door descends.
switch to proceed to the next level. window to get to a new area.
Wait here. Walk up to the door to open
it again.

Walkthrough: argentina
You appear in another garage area. This The Daemites on the office floor spring to When the Daemites are gone, flip the
area has another locked garage door. Look life. Kill them all. switch, then proceed through the newly
up and notice the windows above it. Jump opened garage door.
up and move through those windows to
Daemites are tough and
unusual customers. Refer to the
“Enemies” section for extensive
tips on defeating them.

The exit elevator is located beyond the

door. Kill more Daemites, then enter the
Beyond the windows you find another elevator to proceed to the next level.
locked garage door, labeled “Locked by
Switch” on the map. A brief movie plays
when Rayne approaches this door, high-
Death’s Quarters
lighting the switch behind her.

16 12 11
Death’s Quarters, first floor


13 general
The switch is located in a small office.
Most of the office’s windows are barred;
however, there’s one lone window on the left flooded
ramp up to 2nd
without a bar. Break through this window. floor

blocked door You start on the second

floor of this two-floor level.

Death’s Quarters, second floor

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Proceed east, breaking through a locked Blood Rage is the best way to get rid of You fall down to the first floor. It’s flooded
door along the way. most of the Daemites. You can also use down here as well. Get onto a dry area
heavy weapons to finish the job. immediately if you didn’t fall on one.

Continue east, then south through the cell

blocks, battling Daemites. At the spot marked “Flooded Room,” Look around for a breakable section of
Rayne encounters a dangerous flooded wall. Rebound kick through it to get to dry
area. Run as quickly as possible to the land. Follow the ramp beyond it.
spot marked “Blocked Door,” jumping to
minimize water damage.

At the spot marked “Brigadier General,”

Rayne encounters General Wauher and his
men. They’ve all been transformed into
The ramp leads to the second floor, termi-
nating in a long hallway. Take this hallway
When you reach the door, a brief movie
to the level exit and slash the elevator
plays. Afterwards, back away. As you do
controls. You proceed to the next level.
so, the floor collapses.

Walkthrough: argentina
Hell Hall
You’re about halfway through the Argentina levels. Don’t expect a cakewalk; these remaining levels are complex and challenging,
and the combat is much rougher than before. You face a tougher grade of standard enemies, plus several truly formidable bosses.
Remember that these walkthroughs are simply blueprints highlighting the best path through each level. If you have trouble with
the details of combat, especially against bosses, refer back to the earlier sections for help.

Hell Hall, first floor

Note: Refer to passage
page 26 for the
Map Legend.

Walk around the small complex of bunkers
in the northeast corner. Move to the spot
marked “Overlook.”




25 When you reach this area, a movie plays.

25 Rayne catches sight of the Butcheress
feeding natives to the Daemites.
stairs up
30 Note
There’s no way to reach the
daemite with Butcheress now. You’ll catch up
You start on the first floor of this level. to her in a later level.

There are technically three
floors, but the second and third
floors share the same blueprint,
and there’s nothing of conse-
stairs down
quence on the second floor.
Therefore, the second floor map
Hell Hall, second floor has been omitted.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

When the movie’s done, throw the switch When you reach the spot marked Take the stairs leading up. Ignore the brief
in here to open the locked passage marked “Picture,” Rayne recognizes a picture of second floor and continue to the third
on your map. Jurgen Wulf. Moments later, an explosion floor. You catch sight of the grenadier
from a grenade-lobbing Daemite hurls Daemite that shot at you earlier.
her forward.

Run into the formerly locked passage. A

flood of Daemites pursues. A movie is trig- The grenadier Daemite is up here. Kill
gered, showing Rayne piling boxes to Rayne ends up at the spot marked him, taking care not to fall into the grind-
block them—but it’s futile. “Destination.” A pair of Daemites manning ing machine behind him. A good tech-
machine guns (they’re marked “Gunners” nique is to rebound kick him into the
on the map) prevent her from going north. machine.

When you regain control of Rayne, run

along the long corridor leading south.
Avoid fighting Daemites; just run. When the grenadier dies, he drops his
grenade satchel through the machine. It
Go south to the spot labeled “Grinders.” gets caught on the grinders downstairs—
Throw a lever to stop the spinning the ones you disabled earlier.
grinders, and run across.

Walkthrough: argentina
Go downstairs. Grab the satchel from The grenade detonates a line of explosive Run down the hall and hit the switch to
where it’s hanging, above the disabled barrels and takes out the gunners. You’re open the elevator. Exit the level.
grinders. Now you have grenades. now free to run past the spot marked

A swarm of Daemites comes
The Laboratory
downstairs at this point. Finish
You begin on the first floor of this three-floor level.
them off.

Note: Refer to
page 26 for the
Map Legend.

30 30
Return to “Destination.” Without walking
into the machine gun fire, ready a grenade
and bounce it down the machine gun hall.

30 30
4 30
Don’t look down the hall; you’ll 4
only get shot. Just throw at an
angle so the grenade bounces opened by
into the hallway. It doesn’t need switch
to get very far.

The Laboratory, first floor

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

opens 3rd Floor

Door The
second floor

You emerge in a big area with contain-

opens 1st Floor ment cells and second-floor catwalks over-
head. Head to the second floor and throw
the lone switch up here.

opened by 2nd
floor lever

break The
glass Laboratory,
third floor

Go back downstairs and proceed north

through the door the switch opened.

As you travel north and east, you see a

group of Nazis fleeing, including the boss
known as Kommando. They seal their
exit behind them, so you must find a
When you step off the elevator, your ene- Throw the switch in the room with the
different path.
mies flood the room with deadly gas. broken window, then proceed through the
Break one of the windows at the spot door that opens to the west.
marked “Break Windows” on the map. This
causes the soldiers to die instead.

Walkthrough: argentina
The “Enemies” section’s entry
on Kommando contains a com-
prehensive strategy for killing
this boss. The short version: Use
Dilated Perception and Blood
Rage to slow things down; cir-
cle Kommando and attack him
The map shows the convoluted path you from the rear; keep moving if
must take through the level. Follow this he uses a flash grenade to You enter a room where, once again, sol-
path, breaking windows and walls at the temporarily blind you and diers try to kill you with poison gas. Break
indicated spots and killing Daemites along escape. Then seek him out windows at the spot labeled “Break Glass”
again and repeat the strategy to kill them instead, and end the level.
the way.
until he falls.

Hoard weapons and build up
your Bloodlust meter as you go.

When Kommando falls, walk over the

turnkey he drops. Then go to the second
floor and use the turnkey to throw the
lever. The lever opens a door on the
third floor.
At the spot marked “Kommando,” the boss
attacks, along with several Elite Troops.
Jump to the higher levels to avoid getting
surrounded, and start to fight.

Continue to the third floor and go through

the door you just opened. Heal yourself by
feeding on soldiers.

After dealing with most or all of the Elite

Troops, focus on Kommando himself.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The Butcheress Note

The brief version: Use Dilated
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend. The Butcheress, first floor Perception and empty your guns
into her while retreating; then
use hand-to-hand attacks.
landing spot
Otherwise, trigger a Blood Rage
and deal as much damage as
possible. If she retreats to the
control panel, some floor tiles
will drop. Rising steam gives
away the unsafe tiles; jump to
the safe ones.


The Butcheress,
second floor (roof)

When the Butcheress is dead, Rayne

torches the Daemites below.

Start on the second floor of this level,

which is the roof. You saw this roof earlier
in a cutscene in Hell Hall.

Jump through the central pit. You end up

The Butcheress has all of Rayne’s abilities. on the first floor.
Plus, she can use a control panel that
opens holes in the floor. Refer to the
“Enemies” section for a full description of
You start near the Butcheress, who her abilities and strategies for killing her.
engages Rayne in conversation. When the
chat is over, kill her.

Walkthrough: argentina
Downstairs, go toward the level exit. Kill all of the Daemites in the morgue, and
Along the way, you pass through a long another group of them crashes through
morgue area filled with Daemites. the disposal chute at the exit point. The
chute stays open, so you may now exit.

The Mill Mile

to crushers
level 23

third 20
15 Note: Refer to page
26 for the Map


opened by
The Mill Mile, third floor, and outdoors

16 battery You start on the outdoors section of this

lift from three-floor level.
floor 16

The Mill Mile, first floor Lift (needs


The Mill Mile, second floor

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

You begin on a shingle of land beside a Move through the crushers. Use Dilated Go through the door into a big, open area.
mill. Jump on the incinerator on the front Perception to ease the task. The crusher In the southeast corner you find a lift.
of the mill, and from there onto a ledge conveyor leads you to the second floor. Walk up to it, and Rayne notes that it
beneath a row of windows. needs a battery.

There’s probably a Parasitic
Daemite with a grenade launcher
down here. If you kill him, be sure
to grab the grenade launcher
and save it for later.

Follow the ledge all the way to the end of Look for a forklift in the southwest corner.
the mill, watching the windows. When you Walk up to it, and Rayne collects a battery
find one you can break into, go inside. from it.
You’re now on the mill’s third floor.

On the second floor, run through two

short sets of conveyor belts. Some of the
belts are blocked by rollers; take the
clear ones.

Return to the lift and use the battery.

Throw the switch you find inside. This Slash the controls. You descend to the
starts a row of crushers moving. first level.

Activate the switch on the wall. It opens a

locked door to the south.

Walkthrough: argentina
Refer to the “Enemies” section
if you need more tips on
defeating Daemite Warriors.
Don’t panic; these guys are
very tough, but they’re also
very slow.

Locate the Panzerfaust in the dead end Go north to the spot labeled “Third
near the lift. (Break boxes to expose it.) Warrior.” A third Daemite Warrior smashes
Leave it for now. through the wall here. Ignore it and run
through the hole it made.

When you’re out of grenades, turn and

run. Get the Panzerfaust and empty it into
the Daemite Warriors. If they’re still alive,
Now proceed north, past piles of wood use a Blood Rage and fight a circling
chips. Eventually, you run into a pair of battle, striking them while staying Hit the switch in the room beyond to
Daemite Warriors. behind them. lower the lift. (The switch is atop a plat-
form.) Ride the lift down to the next level.

There are a few Parasitic
Daemites around
here; feed on them if
you get hurt.

Fight a retreating battle against the

Daemite Warriors using all of your
weapons. Keep moving back toward the
Panzerfaust you found earlier, firing
grenades all the while.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.


30 30
30 11 Continue to the spot labeled “Second
30 30
Lieutenant.” Kill the soldiers here—including
the Lieutenant, who’s a typical officer like the
ones you assassinated in earlier levels.



30 30 15 The Lieutenant drops a detonator when he

30 30 14 dies. Collect it and resume your clockwise
opens door to path through the level.
fire north

This level is large, but it only has one floor. Move through
it in a clockwise fashion.

When you reach a locked door, look for

the lever (labeled “Opens Door to North”
on the map). Throw the lever to open the
door, then proceed.
When you first arrive, a group of Nazis exits Start moving through the level in a clock-
through a tunnel, sealing it behind them. wise direction, killing Daemites. Refer to
Your task is to gather the dynamite and deto- the map for arrows that get you going in
nator necessary to open this tunnel. the right direction. You have to rebound
kick a couple of spots along the way.
Walkthrough: argentina
Slightly west, several Daemites attack. You Enter the tunnel and head south, fighting At the extreme southern end of the tunnel
can throw a lever labeled “Fire” on the Daemites. You need to hack a lever to get is the level exit. Slash the lever and pro-
map to release a gout of flame and fry through a door to the south. ceed to the next level.
some of them—but immediately back up,
as the fire can burn you too.
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

pump room 1
30 30 30
30 30

sealed tunnel 20
Grab dynamite from the spot labeled 26 13
“Explosives,” then continue north to your debris
starting location. 15

officer with panzer

detonator daemite

pump room 2

This is another very large level with only a single floor.

Proceed to “Sealed Tunnel,” where Rayne

automatically deploys the dynamite. Back
up so you aren’t hurt in the explosion.

Proceed south, killing Daemites. When the Smash through the debris and enter Pump
tunnel veers right, look for the entrance to Room 1. Throw the lever in here. This low-
Pump Room 1 on the right. It’s filled with ers the water level in a sealed tunnel you
barrels and crates. pass through later.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Exit Pump Room 1 and continue south- Proceed east, then north into the big open In another open area, jump onto the roof
west. Examine “Sealed Tunnel.” As the area with a spot labeled “Panzer Daemite.” labeled “Roof Entrance.” Drop through the
name suggests, it’s blocked by debris. You Kill Daemites in here, being especially hole in the ceiling, then move north.
need a detonator and explosives to get careful to take down the Daemite firing
through it. rockets from the rooftop.

Save your weapons and build
up your Bloodlust meter for a
big upcoming battle.

At the spot marked “Kommando,” you

encounter Kommando again. This time
Travel south to Pump Room 2. Like Pump he’s a Daemite, so he’s somewhat more
Room 1, its entrance is filled with barrels durable than before. Otherwise, his skills
and crates. Inside, fight an officer and are the same.
several soldiers.

The passage north is sealed with debris.

Go east through the windows of a building
instead. Then take the doors to the east.

Fight Kommando much as you did before.

The officer drops a detonator when he Be aware that when he uses his flash
dies. Grab it. Then throw the lever in here grenades, he might reappear in the open
to lower the water level still further in the area to the west.
sealed tunnel.

Walkthrough: argentina
If Kommando does reappear
outside, be careful. There are
more Daemites out there, and
one fires rockets. You might
want to lure them inside, or else
run outside and take down the
rocket shooter before returning Fight your way back to “Sealed Tunnel.” Move west through the previously sealed
your focus to Kommando. Rayne automatically places explosives tunnel, jumping over or around the water
when you arrive; back up. pits. Slash the switch at the end, then
slash a strange “eye switch” (a switch in
the shape of an eyeball on a stalk) to end
the level.
the Temple

The Temple,
first room

When Kommando falls, he drops a key.

Grab it and open the door to the room
labeled “Explosives.” Take the dynamite Note: Refer to page
26 for the Map
from in here. Legend.

The Temple,
second room
Go into the open area to the west and
approach “Debris” from the north. A rocket- This next area is a Daemite temple. Instead of
shooting Daemite blasts the debris, allowing floors, the temple is comprised of big, cylindrical or
you passage. Go through the new opening spherical rooms. There’s a map for every room.
and kill the Daemite.

These temple areas test your
jumping skills. Squeeze the
most out of your jumps, and use
rebound kicks to get extra
height and distance.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The “exit” is a hall that leads you to the After clearing out most of the Daemites in
Near the entrance, slash an eye-shaped second room. Refer to the second map now. here, get up to the eye switch at the top.
switch in the wall to open a door to the Do this by using both the walkways
main room. around the edge and the branch-like
Note structures in the middle of the room.
Note Watch for Daemites with rocket
launchers in these areas. Keep
You encounter more of these moving, and if a rocket whizzes
“eye switches” as you progress by, always go after the rocket
in the temple area. Daemite immediately.

After hitting the eye switch, a door opens

below it. Drop through the door and into a
vertical tube. Drop through the tube to the
level exit and throw another pair of eye
switches to exit.

The exit is on the other side of the central

room, about halfway down. Go there as Temple
you fight Daemites. Internal
Note Note: Refer to page
26 for the Map
Drop from one walkway to the Legend.
next to quickly descend.

Temple Internal, first room

Walkthrough: argentina
Use the platforms in the center of the
room in combination with the enclosed
walkways along the edges. By using both
and jumping from one to another when
you need to, you reach the exit.

Temple Internal, second room

Fight as you go. As usual,
rocket-firing Daemites are your
biggest threat.
You’re now in the second room. Move
through the tunnel and drop into the ver-
Start at the bottom of the first room and tical chamber. Fight to the level exit, and
go to the exit at the top. throw a pair of eye switches to leave.

Temple Guardians
when all 3
have fallen

Note: Refer to
page 26 for the
Map Legend.

Temple Guardians,
opened by Daemite second room
upper lever Warriors

Temple Guardians, first room

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

You begin at the side of the room, near the Go up to the eye switch. You must jump
top. Head to the bottom. If you find a rocket- from ledges on the central column onto
firing Daemite near the ground, kill him ledges around the edge of the chamber,
immediately. then back again. Proceed to the top; this requires excellent
jumping skills. Take care not to fall all the
way back down, or else you’ll be mauled
Note Note by the Daemite Warrior.
Be aware that the small, alien-
When you kill the rocket-firing looking “light fixtures” are solid,
Daemite, grab his Panzershrek
and save it for later. Also, save
so you can jump on them too. Note
your other weapons from this Build up your health by feeding
point on. on the Daemites on the way up.
Also, build up your Bloodlust
meter. If you’re maxed out on
Note both, leave the Daemite near
the very top alive. You can then
feed on him later.
Aside from the rocket-firer, kill
as few Daemites as possible in
here. You have a massive battle
later, and you want to return
here to feed and build your
Bloodlust meter. Throw the switch to open the door. Then
drop all the way back to floor level.

At the top, you enter the second room. A

movie shows you the three Daemite
Warriors on the level just above you. Your
task is to kill them.
At the bottom, approach a door that’s
“locked” with thorns. A movie sequence Go through the opened door. There’s a
shows you an eye switch near the top of Daemite Warrior inside the central col-
the chamber. umn, along with a few Daemites. Ignore
the Daemite Warrior, avoid the water, and
start jumping up the ledges.

Walkthrough: argentina
Leave the Parasitic Daemites
alone as much as possible once
you’re healthy again. If you’ve
got health but no Bloodlust, run
along the vines in the center of
the room. These lead up to a
higher level, where floating
Exit the shaft you’re in, then fight the Daemites pop from the walls.
three Daemite Warriors. Trigger a Blood Hack them to build up
Rage and fight them with circling, Bloodlust.
spinning blade attacks.

Note Key points when fighting the Daemite Warriors:
Never stay in front of the
Daemite Warriors, and try not to • If possible, fight the Daemite Warriors only when you have a Blood Rage.
fight them without Blood Rage. • Wait until they’re separated, and pick on the loner. Don’t attack two or
Keep circling them. See the fol- three of them in a bunch or you’ll get hit.
lowing tips, plus the Daemite • If one of them gets stuck on the spines sticking out from the ground, lure
Warriors entry in the “Enemies” the others away from him. Then get behind him and hack him to bits. (In
section, for more information on this case, you don’t need to use Blood Rage; save it for the ones that
killing these beasts. aren’t stuck.)
• Fight until you’re out of Blood Rage. Then disengage and go to the
upper levels.
• Feed on humanoid Daemites on the first level to restore health. Hack on
floating Daemites on the next level up to restore the Bloodlust meter.
• Don’t kill the humanoid or Pure Daemites indiscriminately. They’re a valu-
able resource. Avoid them as much as possible until you need them for
health or Bloodlust.
• If you run out of Daemites up here, drop all the way back down the shaft
into the first room (avoid the Daemite Warrior and the water at the bot-
tom). Kill and feed on the Daemites you left behind down there. Collect
guns too. Then come back up to finish the job.

When you’re somewhat damaged and the

Blood Rage is gone, jump to the higher
levels. Feed on a couple of the Parasitic
Daemites, and hack the floating Daemites
to build up the Bloodlust meter again.
When you’re healthy and ready for another
Blood Rage, go down and fight again.

When all three Daemite Warriors have Follow a tunnel into the ceiling and slash
fallen, proceed to the very top of this a pair of eye switches to exit the level.
chamber. Go through a hole in the ceiling,
which opened when the last of the
Daemite Warriors was killed.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Daemite Chamber

locked Note: Refer to

until page 26 for the After Rayne claims the eye, German sol-
skull is Map Legend.
diers break through the wall, revealing the
tunnel labeled “Locked until skull is
skull taken.” Jump into that tunnel.

This chamber contains a small pod suspended in the center. The pod
contains the skull of Beliar.
Inside the tunnel is a drilling machine
loaded with explosives. Run directly to the
drilling machine and slash at the red
blinking light along one side.

Go up to the skull. You must use the Inside the pod, Rayne discovers that the
“vines” that lead to the central pod. skull is merely a container for the real
prize, the eye of Beliar.

Note The machine is cut loose and falls into the

The room is a tilted cylinder,
Note pit, causing a huge fireball. Run directly to
the level exit.
and you start at the low end. To Rayne now gains the Extruded
reach the skull, go to the other View ability.
(higher) end. There you find
“vines” that lead directly to the
pod. Jump on them, take them
to the pod, and jump inside.

Walkthrough: argentina
Dante’s Inferno

Start running along the indicated path imme-

diately. Don’t stop to fight or look around;
just get through the level as quickly and
efficiently as possible. Never hesitate.

When you reach the spot marked “Truck,”

hop on the truck. From there, jump
straight up into the ceiling tunnel. This
triggers the end of the level.

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

When you appear in this level, the fireball from the Daemite Chamber is right behind
you. Your task is simply to get out quickly.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Walls of Jericho
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend. Note
Mauler is nearly immune to
guns. Use Dilated Perception
d. mauler and engage in a slow hand-to-
hand fight, attacking from the
rear. Never let him hit you.
Trigger Blood Rage when you
can, and continue to fight this
way. A stray German soldier or
two may show up; feed on them
for health. Refer to “Enemies”
for more info on Mauler.


When Mauler’s dead, jump to the second

locked until floor catwalk. Take the catwalk through
mauler’s dead
the door labeled “Locked until
Mauler’s dead.”

You enter on the first floor of this level.

Follow the hallway all the way to the level

exit. When you get there, you see Jurgen
Wulf taking off in a U-Boat. Rayne sneaks
You appear amidst debris. Run east and Kill Mauler. Refer to the note, and to his onto another U-Boat to pursue him; the
encounter Mauler, a huge super-soldier. entry in the “Enemies” section, for tips. Argentina section is now complete.
After a short conversation, the fight

Walkthrough: germany
Walkthrough: Germany

Y ou’ve just made it through a very tough part of the game. You’re in for more challenges
in Germany, but if you’ve made it this far, you definitely have the skills to succeed.

Emden U-Boat Station

This level is completely noninteractive. Just sit back and watch as the story progresses.
The action starts up again in the next level, Red Summit.

Red Summit
lt. colonel locked until targets



Start moving up the path toward the walls.

If you start to get overwhelmed, retreat.
29 30

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

Red Summit is a large outdoor level. You have three officer targets, which you can kill in
any order. The easiest order is probably the one presented here.
Take it slowly and use the walls and rocks for cover. Some of the soldiers in this level
have surprisingly long range. Move west toward the Second Lieutenant
of Infantry. His position is marked on the
map. Clear out most of his surrounding
troops before moving in for the kill.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The Second Lieutenant is simi-
lar to the other officers on
your hit list. Blood Rage or
close-range weapons fire will
kill him quickly.

Colonel General Heinrich Eberhard is at

Note this spot, along with a swarm of SS and
other durable enemies. Use Blood Rage to
Watch out for Jetpack Troopers. clear out most of the opposition here,
You encounter one of them here; including the Colonel General.
it’s your first taste of this
dangerous and mobile enemy.
Refer back to the “Enemies”
section for tips on destroying
these foes.

When all three targets are dead, the level

Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Zahl is at the exit becomes unlocked. Exit the level.
spot indicated on the map. Kill the nearby
SS trooper with the rocket launcher first,
then kill the Lieutenant Colonel.
Now go as far west as possible, then north
across a rickety bridge with a hole in the
middle. Watch out for panzer shots from
the north; constantly strafe sideways to
avoid them.

Now backtrack south, then take a curving

road that leads northeast to the spot
marked “Colonel General.”

Walkthrough: germany
Old Gaustadt
guard towers
cathedral (inaccessible
until the next level)
second lieutenant
bell tower

30 to 2nd


drop kick jump


Old Gaustadt, third floor Note: Refer to page 26

for the Map Legend.

Old Gaustadt, overview

to 2nd floor cathedral

(locked until

30 jump

lt. colonel
hans eldrich

bell tower structure

Old Gaustadt, first floor Old Gaustadt, fourth floor

to 3rd floor
12 commander

to 1st floor

Old Gaustadt, second floor 73

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Note: Refer to
page 26 for the
Map Legend.

Move northwest from your starting loca-

tion, toward the spot marked “Lt. Colonel
Hans Eldrich.” When you reach this area,
you see the Lieutenant Colonel dragged
18 off by a vampire.

You can scratch the Lieutenant
Colonel from your list. Now you
only have to find two more tar-
gets on this level.



Old Gaustadt, fifth floor

Old Gaustadt, sixth floor

Your task in Old Gaustadt is to assassinate another three officers.

This complex castle features six individual levels, which don’t fit
Explore the partially ruined area at the
together as neatly as you might expect.
base of the castle. Note that the doors are
There are a number of exterior stairwells,
all locked. When you’re done looking,
platforms, and towers that make the maps
take the stairs at the spot marked “To
a bit difficult to read.
Second Floor.”
Provided is an isometric view of
the castle that shows its general
shape and a few major features.
Study it, then take this level slowly. Note
Consult with the maps to determine
what level you’re on. You’ll do just There are two other sets of
fine if you frequently refer to stairs near the front of the
these pages. castle, but they just lead to a
balcony area with more
locked doors.

Walkthrough: germany
Refer to the second floor map. Go west, Get atop the building labeled “Bell Tower
into the castle dining hall. Boxes are Structure.” To do this, jump on a
stacked in an archway; break them and go semicircular balcony along the front
through. of the building.

Refer to the third floor map. You appear

between a pair of guard towers, which you
can ignore (or climb the stairs and kill the
guards if you wish).

You’re now in a set of three connected Now jump from the balcony to a higher
halls. Commander Dametrius Klaus is in level, where arches surround a massive
here, fighting vampires with his men. bell. You’re on the castle’s sixth floor.
Trigger a Blood Rage and shred him,
as well as any remaining vampires
and soldiers.
Go to the spot marked “Jump” in the map
on page 73. From here, jump onto the roof
to the west. You must jump onto a piece
of door frame first, and from there onto
the roof.

After gunning down the soldiers up here,

shoot the bell with any weapon, sending it
crashing down.
Exit through the hole you made two steps
ago. Go to the spot marked “To Third
Floor” and take the stairs up.
Refer to the fourth floor map on page 73.
You’re now at the spot labeled “Jump
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

The bell rips open sections of
the lower levels, making it pos-
sible for you to access areas
that were locked.

At the spot marked “Kick,” rebound kick

Second Lieutenant G. Saxon is located at
four separate walls. You break through
the spot marked “Second Lieutenant.”
after destroying the fourth set of bricks.
Hack him to bits.

Carefully drop down two floors, through

the hole the bell made. When you reach
the third floor, at the spot marked “Drop
Here,” stop descending.
Now you’ve dealt with all three targets
from this area. Drop all the way back to
Unholy Mecha the first floor, then head up the stairs to
the cathedral entrance on the fourth floor.
Take the door to complete the level.
scaffolding Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

up to
enter mobile armor 3rd floor

with pulleys

armor Unholy Mecha, second floor

This challenging level puts Rayne briefly in control of an

experimental, mechanized Mobile Armor. It also features
an intense battle with Jetpack Troopers.

Unholy Mecha, first floor

locked until
dead end
bat arrives
(jump is too far)

76 Unholy Mecha, third floor

Walkthrough: germany
Here are tips for success in Mobile Armor combat:

• Stick to areas where you have at least a little room to move. Don’t wedge
yourself into a corner.
• Constantly strafe back and forth. Your Mobile Armor is slow, but if you
can avoid just a few rockets, you’re doing well.
• Hold down the machine-gun button and maintain a constant aim on the
enemy. If the machine gun overheats, wait for it to cool down, then hold
There’s a Mobile Armor near the entrance. the button down again.
Rayne automatically jumps on top of it, • While holding down the machine-gun button, repeatedly tap the rocket
kills the pilot, and gains control. A brief launcher and grenade launcher buttons. Fire these weapons as often as
movie explains the controls. you can.
• Simultaneous use of the machine gun, rocket launcher, and grenade
launcher is key. You need to inflict maximum damage in a short time.
Note • Don’t pitch your view too far up or down, as this causes you to lob
The Mobile Armor is big and grenades over the opponent’s head, or onto the ground right in front of
slow. It has three weapons: you (which damages you).
machine gun, rocket launcher,
and grenade launcher. Watch
the movie and memorize the


Pick one enemy and hammer

him until he’s dead. The faster
you get rid of one Mobile Armor,
the easier your job becomes.

After dispatching the first Mobile Armor,

move southwest. You encounter three
more Mobile Armors.

Move south. You encounter an enemy

Mobile Armor. Destroy it; see the tips
for help.

After the third Mobile Armor is destroyed,

a final Mobile Armor, piloted by Super
Tank Lieutenant General G. Gosler,
appears from the east.
Break through the wall here, and enter the
big room with the three enemies. Move
back and forth while fighting them.

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If the Mobile Armor is destroyed
with Rayne inside, she dies.
Therefore, if it’s down to a tiny
sliver of health, get to the altar
as quickly as possible. Rayne
will exit, and you can fight the
soldiers on foot.

Fight this Mobile Armor just as you fought

the others. When you’ve dealt serious The third floor is a narrow corridor filled
damage, Gosler offers to surrender. Rayne with Jetpack Troopers fighting giant bats.
refuses, and the battle resumes. Finish An explosion blows out one side of the
him off. building.

If you lose, it’s probably Walk up to the altar, and Rayne automati-
because you took too much cally gets out of the Mobile Armor. Now
damage from the other Mobile ascend the scaffolding off to the side.
Armors. Try again, and this time,
focus on taking less damage
against those first four enemies.

One end of the hall is blocked by a gate.

Go to the other end, where the explosion
occurred. Rayne sees a big, empty gap and
says she can’t jump that far.

Climb to the top of the scaffolding.

From there, jump across a series
of stone platforms to a wooden
platform hanging from a rope
When the battle’s won, a squad of sol-
and pulleys.
diers, including a small swarm of Jetpack
Troopers, descends from above. Fight
them with your Mobile Armor.

Note A giant bat crashes into the previously

locked gate behind Rayne, breaking it
Use only the machine gun to open. Run through the gate and proceed
fight the Jetpack Troopers. to the level exit.
Rockets are unnecessary, and
grenades can bounce back and
hurt you.

Jump from the rope-and-pulleys platform

to the second floor. From there, run up the
stairs to the third floor.
Teachers and Traitors

Walkthrough: germany
locked until room is clear


spiral Teachers and Traitors,

second floor

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

Teachers and Traitors, first floor

by mynce


You start on the third floor of

this cavernous indoor area.
with mynce

Teachers and Traitors, third floor

Conserve your guns as much as
possible while you fight; soon
you will need them for a
tougher enemy. Also, build up
your Bloodlust.

Break through the window in front of you. This large, multilevel area is filled with Watch for a Jetpack Trooper
A movie plays, showing that Mynce is not soldiers. Start killing them. Also kill the with a rocket launcher. Keep
only alive, but working for the Nazis. She Jetpack Troopers who fly in while you’re moving, and shoot him as soon
exits the room. fighting the common soldiers. as he arrives.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Use Dilated Perception and shoot Mynce At the top, Mynce opens a door and crosses
with guns, staying back as much as possi- to the other tower. Follow her. When you
start ble. Don’t use your Blood Rage. When she reach the top of the other tower, there’s
takes a little damage, she starts climbing another short conversation. Then you must
the stairs. Follow her. fight her to the death.
In the process of killing enemies, head
down the long spiral staircase. Clear foes
from the second floor landing, then clear
the first floor as well. If you have a rocket launcher,
use it when Mynce is waiting
for you on a landing. At other
times, she’s just too close.

Refer to the “Enemies” section
Trigger a Blood Rage and attack Mynce,
for more information on how to
fight Mynce. circling her and staying behind her as
much as possible. You can also use guns if
When you’ve killed everyone in this area, you still have them.
a door to the west (beyond a gaping
chasm in the floor) opens, and a few rein-
forcements come out. Kill them and take
the door.

When you’ve nearly killed Mynce, she tries

to escape. A movie sequence shows part of
the tower giving way, and Mynce falls to
start her death.
Beyond the door is a tower with spiral
stairs leading up. Mynce is here. After a Mynce may stop and fight briefly at vari-
brief conversation, she starts to fight. ous landings, or she may go all the way to
the top.


Walkthrough: germany
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

basement floor


When you regain control of Rayne, she’s
back on the first floor, near the tower sec-
tion that broke away. Get inside, then fol-
low the corridor to the level exit.

dead end

20 Nightfall,
general 30 second floor
officer 30 to 3rd

from 2nd floor

opens Nightfall,
when third floor
are killed 26


colonel Nightfall, first floor

Kill two targets on this level. They may be killed in any order.
You begin on the first floor; note that this is different from the basement floor.

This level is thick with vam-
pires and giant bats. You must
fight your way through.

You start on the first floor. Move to a stair- In the basement, locate another stairwell
case that leads into the basement. leading back up. Take it.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Watch for soldiers along the way,
including one with a rocket launcher.

Descend to the first floor. To do this, throw

You reappear on the first floor, but now
another switch to open a second grate.
you’re outside. To your right, one of your
two targets has sealed himself inside a
nearly impregnable room.

At the spot labeled “Lieutenant Colonel,”

a movie shows Lieutenant Colonel Hans
Eldrich—the same officer who was
taken by a vampire in Old Gaustadt—
getting killed.
Now you’re in the room labeled “General
Officer.” Your target, General Officer C.
Reichard, is in here too. Kill him.
Jump onto the ledge above the stairs you just
ascended. Break the window up there and
get inside. You’re now on the second floor.

Now that both targets are dead, soldiers

open the door that leads to the level exit.
They start an air raid siren. Travel back
Head back outside. You must backtrack to across the chasm and take the level exit.
the third floor, then to the second floor
Take the stairs to the third floor. and out the window.
The jump back across the
chasm can be tricky. Jump
and climb up the tower onto a
tall buttress that extends
toward the main level. It’s the
only point high enough to
ensure an easy leap.

Go to the lever labeled “Unlocks Grate.” Outside, go over to the spot labeled
Throw it, and a floor grate opens. “Lieutenant Colonel.” You need to jump
across a chasm to reach the spot, which is
82 behind a tower.
Walkthrough: germany
This is it—the culmination of Rayne’s mission against the GGG. All the 20
skills you learned in previous levels are necessary here.
Read the walkthroughs carefully—and as always, take your time.
Don’t be surprised if you have to start over a few times. These pages will
help prepare you, but there’s no substitute for in-game experience.



30 18

bridge to
30 window

16 12
Courtyard, first (ground) floor
weapons room 4th
11 floor
level 15
exit 30
12 30
Note: Refer to 2nd
20 page 26 for the floor 16
Map Legend.

Courtyard, second floor

Courtyard, 3rd
fourth floor floor

Courtyard, third floor
level This level spans four floors, but don’t be intimidated. The
first (ground) floor is the biggest, while the others are quite 83
small. You start on the first floor.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

On the third floor, battle to another

Proceed to the northern edge of the court- stairwell. Take it to the fourth floor.
Jump out through the window just north yard; kill a big group of vampires there,
of the starting point. You’re now in a big then jump onto the ragged fringe of the
courtyard with searchlights panning second floor
across it.

Before proceeding to the next
step, jump onto the nearby
third-floor rooftops and kill the
soldiers up there. They’ll con-
tinue to snipe at you if you don’t First Lieutenant Armo Samso is on the
deal with them now. fourth floor. Kill him and his guards.

Look for a second-floor bridge to your left;

there’s a soldier with a rocket launcher up
there. Jump up and kill him.

Stay out of the spotlights until
you’ve killed most of the
soldiers. Go to the second floor, then return to the
There’s a door on the second floor. Break courtyard (using the same broken door
it with a rebound kick, and get inside the you entered). As you get outside, an air
castle. raid starts.

Grab guns from the big room at the south-

ern end of the bridge, then return to the Inside, fight to the stairwell and head to Travel to the southwest corner of the map.
courtyard area. the third floor. Note that the air raid knocked a hole in
the wall on the second level.
Walkthrough: germany
Hedrox is an ancient, powerful
vampire that can (and does)
replicate itself a seemingly infi-
nite number of times. If it loses
a limb, it not only regenerates
the limb, but the severed limb
grows a whole new Hedrox.
Jump onto the second floor in the map’s Jump out of the open fourth-floor window
southwest corner. Then leap through the into the darkness. The level is complete.
recently made hole, into a room contain-
ing the stairwell to the level exit. Run up
the stairs to the fourth floor.

the Windmill

You begin on a catwalk Immediately switch to Dilated Perception.

above the windmill’s Destroy the six wooden supports that hold
upper floor. up the upper floor’s ceiling.
The lower floor is
inaccessible until you
break all the supports on Note
the upper floor. Don’t fight Hedrox at all. Just
upper destroy the supports.


Stand behind the supports while you

destroy them. This keeps Hedrox away
from you.

unlocked by
Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

As the level starts, Rayne faces three

Hedrox. When the conversation’s done,
you regain control of Rayne.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

When all six lower supports are gone, the

Hedrox will break supports if they lunge When all six supports are gone, the upper
lower floor collapses as well. All but one of
into them. Therefore, if you get behind the floor collapses. Drop to the lower floor
the Hedrox is killed, and the last one flees.
supports, Hedrox will do part of your job and break the six supports there, using the
Go through the hole Hedrox smashed in
for you. same method.
the wall to end the level.

The Bridge

Note: Refer to page 26 for the Map Legend.

mobile major
12 general exit
15 weapons

30 30
safe spot 30 30
30 30
soldiers 30 30

This is a short but surprisingly tough

level. Use Dilated Perception to make
the rough spots easier. Note
Get the Panzerfaust.

You start beside the ruined windmill. Watch

the soldier blow himself up; this lets you
know there are landmines in the area. Then
carefully go behind the windmill and grab
guns from the weapons cache.

Walkthrough: germany
If you didn’t kill the rocket
soldiers in the earlier steps, you
can still make it. Always jump
from one obstacle to the next
after the soldiers fire their
rockets—not before. Then,
when you’re close enough, get
Equip the Panzerfaust, switch to Dilated in amongst them and kill them.
Return to your starting spot. From here,
jump from structure to structure along the Perception, approach the window facing the
path drawn on the map, toward the point rocket soldiers, and fire at them. (Extruded
labeled “Safe Spot.” View helps your aim.) Get away from the
window immediately after firing.
GGG troopers on the tower
shoot at you, as do soldiers at If your aim is good, you’ll kill most
the spot labeled “Rocket of the soldiers down there, mak-
Soldiers.” Keep moving or you’ll ing the next few steps easier.
be hit by rockets. Don’t linger in the window, or Kill any remaining stragglers at the spot
you’ll get hit by a rocket in return.
labeled “Rocket Soldiers,” and grab a
Note Panzershrek from the ground—preferably,
one with two rockets left. Equip it.
Don’t drop to the ground, or
you’ll be damaged by landmines.

Exit the tower and kill the GGG troopers

on the outer edge. Stay away from the
rocket soldiers if you didn’t kill them in Move up the ramp toward the spot labeled
the last step. “Mobile Armor.” When you get to the top
Don’t stop, even to kill the GGG troopers. third of the ramp, switch to Dilated
When you reach the ruined tower labeled Perception and slow your ascent.
“Safe Spot,” loop around and go inside the
tower. Kill another GGG trooper in here.

You’re safe from the rocket
soldiers in here—unless you
stand right in front of the
window facing them.
Take the path drawn on the map that
leads to “Rocket Soldiers.” It involves
jumping to a smaller tower, from that A Mobile Armor appears at the top of the
tower to a vehicle, and from the vehicle to ramp and starts moving toward you. Start
an angled bit of cliff near the soldiers. moving backward, down the ramp.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If the Mobile Armor is quite
close, move to the side before
firing. This prevents the Mobile
Armor from getting a bead on
you before you’re ready to fire.
Also, there may be an extra
Panzershrek, so if you miss,
grab it and try again.
Jetpack Troopers descend and blow up
Switch to Extruded View to line up your parts of the bridge in front of you. Keep
shot. Fire the Panzershrek, then switch running and jump over the holes. Jump
back to Dilated Perception. Repeat this immediately if you see a falling grenade
process for a second shot. anywhere nearby.

Aim low because the Mobile
Armor is constantly moving
down the ramp. Aiming too high
results in the rocket whizzing
over the Mobile Armor’s head.
When the Mobile Armor is destroyed, go
all the way to the top of the ramp. Kill an
assortment of soldiers here, and feed back
to full health.
As you near the end of the bridge, you see
Major General D. Traugott, along with sev-
eral soldiers. Shoot before you reach the
end of the bridge, concentrating on the
Major General.

When you’re out of rockets, run backward, Or trigger a Blood Rage when
keeping the Mobile Armor in sight. If it you reach solid ground.
fires a rocket, jump to avoid it. Start crossing the bridge. Jurgen Wulf
appears behind you. A cutscene shows
him running past you with super speed,
setting the bridge on fire.

Grab another Panzershrek at the bottom

and equip it. Again, switch from Dilated As soon as the Major General falls, run
Perception to Extruded View and fire. The through the exit door behind him.
Mobile Armor is destroyed after the third Run toward the end of the bridge when Optionally, stick around and clean up the
direct hit. you regain control of Rayne. After another ground soldiers, then the Jetpack
cutscene, switch to Dilated Perception. Troopers.

Walkthrough: germany
gate Note: Refer to
page 26 for the
Map Legend.

second floor

Doppelganger, first-floor perspective


This level pits you against the Doppelganger Brothers. Once

again, Dilated Perception is the key to victory.
You start on the first floor.

The twins like to hide behind pillars (each

Doppelganger, first floor
behind his own pillar) and throw blades that
bounce off the walls, hitting Rayne indirectly.

You begin in a hall that forms the outer When you enter the actual arena, you’re
Pick one twin and chase him around the
ring of an arena. Run through the hall, confronted by the twins, Sigmund and
pillar with Dilated Perception. Fire guns
feeding on soldiers to build Rayne’s Simon Krieger. After a cutscene, the
when you have a clean shot. Stay behind
health. battle begins.
him and slash if he’s close; trigger a Blood
Rage if you can.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

When you hit one twin, the
other twin is damaged.

Doppelganger, second-floor perspective

Keep fighting the same twin, even after

another brief cutscene. The cloak and hat
get torn off the one you’re fighting, so it’s
easy to see which one you need to keep
pounding on.

You’re periodically hit by the
twins’ blades, but not enough to When Wulf takes off, Rayne can smash
A ladder is thrown from above; walk to it.
worry about. the gate with multiple rebound kicks
In a cutscene, Rayne climbs to the second
and proceed to the level exit.
level. It turns out that Mynce threw down
the ladder. She survived the fall in
Teachers and Traitors, and it turns out
that she’s a double agent.

When you’ve dealt lethal damage to one of

the twins, the other dies. This triggers a
cutscene in which the unhurt twin
dies as well.
Follow Mynce when prompted. A gate
slams shut. In another cutscene, Jurgen
Wulf shows up and kills Mynce behind the
gate. You regain control of Rayne while
Wulf is still around, but you cannot dam-
age the gate yet. Just wait and listen.

Of Wulfs and Demons

Walkthrough: germany
Note: Refer to page 26
for the Map Legend.
16 11 11
jurgen wulf

30 27

14 to 2nd floor
30 Of Wulfs and
18 Demons, first floor
5 12
6 15

these weapons are on a tier on the column

to first

11 11

16 Of Wulfs and
28 Demons, second
11 18
Proceed to the hexagonal arena. When
17 15 27
Rayne arrives, Hedrox and Jurgen Wulf are
18 there. Watch a cutscene in which Hedrox
25 is transformed into Beliar.

This is the final showdown. It’s conceptually

simple—but very difficult to complete. Read
this walkthrough thoroughly and learn
everything you need to succeed. Only then
should you try the level.
You start on the first floor.

The entry hall contains a number of com- When you regain control of Rayne, you
mon soldiers. Kill them—but more impor- confront two enemies, Beliar and Jurgen
tantly, feed on them. Rayne needs to be at Wulf. Kill both to win. Killing them is
full health for the final showdown. much harder than it sounds.
TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

Jurgen Wulf has the following abilities: • If Beliar grows 11 times, the game
The Arena ends in a loss.
The arena consists of two floors, connected
by a stairwell. • He sometimes moves at “normal” • Beliar’s attack is to extend a huge
speeds, but when he wants to get spike at you. Avoid this attack. It gets
somewhere fast he can run at super harder and harder to avoid as he
speeds—much faster than Rayne. becomes bigger.
• He usually attacks with guns. • Hiding behind columns will not save you
Sometimes he slashes with his fiery from the spike attack. Keep moving—or
hands or breathes fire (courtesy of kill him before he gets too big and
Beliar’s teeth). aggressive.
• Gunfire and normal blade attacks do • Beliar’s only weak spot is his heart.
not hurt him. They do, however, slow Attack the heart to deal damage.
him down and cause him to flinch. Extruded View can be useful for
The arena contains lots of weapons. Shooting him is very useful. aiming rockets at it.
Some of the best ones are lying on various
tiers of the lower floor’s support columns. • Stay behind Jurgen; he can’t respond • The heart is almost impossible to hit
Jump onto the flat parts of the columns to to your attacks if you aren’t in front with bullet weapons unless Beliar is
grab the weapons. of him. facing you squarely. Otherwise, the
These weapons are marked with aster- • Blood Rage attacks are the only way to ribcage protects it.
isks on the first floor map. hurt him. • Rayne aims for the heart if Beliar is
• He uses a variety of weapons; there’s facing directly toward her and she’s
no way to tell what he’ll use next. Keep out of his reach. Any farther away, or
track of him because you never know slightly off center, and the ribcage gets
when he’ll pull out a rocket launcher. in the way.

• When he drops weapons (and he peri- • Rockets don’t need to hit the heart; the
odically does), they always have full large explosions deal splash damage.
ammo. Jurgen is a good source of • Guns are the only effective way of
weapons. killing Beliar, as you can’t afford to get
close enough to slash him.
The second floor seems safest, but you
need to spend most of your time on the
lower floor. That’s where you get your Your Strategy
best shots at Beliar.

The Opponents
Here’s a look at the important characteristics
of both enemies.

Beliar has the following characteristics:

• He starts out small, but grows in size.

Your controller vibrates to let you
know when this is happening. Your overall strategy is to kill Beliar first,
and worry about Jurgen later.
• Beliar emits flames and is invulnerable The reason is that Wulf drops guns.
when he’s in the process of growing. Without these guns, you will run out of
• After growing a couple of times, Beliar ammo and have no way to kill Beliar.
can no longer fit into the stairwell; he’s
stuck downstairs. But he never really
92 goes upstairs anyway.
Walkthrough: germany
it. Refer to the map for weapon locations.
You want the rocket launchers (panzers) and
An alternate strategy is to grenade launchers most of all.
destroy Wulf after you’ve Also, throw grenades at Beliar. If
knocked Beliar down to about you’re good at timing it, you can “cook”
20 percent health. Be sure you grenades by holding them awhile before
have a fair amount of weaponry throwing them at his heart. If you’re more
left if you choose this route. cautious, just throw them at his feet.
However, for the purposes of
this walkthrough, assume that
you’ll kill Beliar first. Note When you run out of heavy-hitting
explosive weapons, you need to use
Obviously, you must be careful regular guns.
Killing Beliar not to hold the grenades too To be effective with regular guns,
long. Rayne should be very close to Beliar
(almost close enough that he can attack),
and Beliar needs to be facing directly
Wulf periodically fires at you. When this toward Rayne. When that happens, Rayne
happens, start moving and return a little automatically aims for his heart. You don’t
fire. Don’t get caught up in a big fight with need to aim manually.
him; just shoot him and cross the room.
Then concentrate on Beliar again. Note
Rayne aims for the heart auto-
matically, but only when Beliar is
Stick to the lower level in the early stages,
nearby and facing directly
and make heavy use of Dilated Perception
toward her. Firing from longer
to keep things slow and manageable. range, or when Beliar isn’t facing
Wulf and Beliar fight each other a lit- directly toward her, is useless.
tle; otherwise, Wulf runs around a lot and
attacks you periodically. Keep tabs on his
location by occasionally glancing at his
blue dot on the radar ring.
Stay in Dilated Perception
The Granatewurf grenade launcher while you do this. Don’t use
(located on a pillar on the first floor) is Extruded View; that’s only use-
very useful. You get 10 shots with that ful for aiming rockets at Beliar.
thing, so make them count. Stand at
midrange from Beliar and fire grenades at
Slowly retreat while firing, keeping just
the ground near his feet. Beliar tends to
out of Beliar’s range. When Beliar gets
walk toward you, so use that to your
close, cross the arena and start firing
advantage. Position yourself so you’ll
again from the other side.
draw him over the grenades.
As Beliar grows bigger and bigger, it
Wulf is a wild card. He may deal
Fire your special weapon (Panzershrek, gets harder and harder to aim from the
respectable damage to Beliar, or he may just
Panzerfaust) at Beliar. Before doing this, lower floor. Eventually, Rayne physically
concentrate on you. Watch for guns that he
quickly switch to Extruded View to aim can’t aim high enough. When that hap-
drops; if you’re lucky, he’ll drop rocket
carefully at his heart. Then switch back to pens, move to the second floor for good.
launchers and grenades. Brush him off by
Dilated Perception. Then fight by getting Beliar to face you,
shooting him a little and getting away;
When you’ve used up one special jumping off the ledge, and firing at the
spend as little time on him as possible.
weapon, grab another and immediately use heart as you drop down.

TM Prima’s Official Strategy Guide

If he gets too far away, cancel your
Blood Rage and save it for later so you
don’t have to start over with a completely
Kill Beliar before his head clears
the second floor. If you’re forced
empty Bloodlust meter.
When your Blood Rage is over, build up
to the second floor, and Beliar’s your Bloodlust meter. Hide behind another
not very close to dead, you prob- obstacle, wait until Wulf gets close, enter Cheating is naughty.
ably won’t win. Start over and try
Dilated Perception (if you haven’t already), There. Now that that’s out of the way,
to deal damage faster. here’s a list of cheat codes. To use these
then pop out and shoot him to freeze him in
place (and prevent him from firing). Shoot codes, go to the “Cheat” option on the
Killing Wulf pause menu. You’ll find a list of words,
until you’re within striking distance, then
A movie plays when Beliar is finally dead. which you may combine to form phrases.
hack at him until he runs.
Then you return to the game, and it’s time The following phrases yield the following
to go after Wulf. results:
Circle Wulf so he can’t get in a
shot or use his fiery breath. TRI ASSASSIN DON’T DIE: God mode—
Never let him face you. makes Rayne invulnerable to weapons and
enemy attacks. She can still fall into bottom-
less pits or be smashed flat, however.
Produces a “time factor” adjustment,
which you can use to greatly speed up or
slow down the game. It goes from 0.1
If you have a Blood Rage, hide behind (ridiculously slow) to 1.0 (normal game
a pillar or obstacle and watch him. When speed) to 4.0 (ridiculously fast).
he starts running toward you, trigger the
Blood Rage, then pop out, freeze him with LAME YANKEE DON’T FEED: Select this at
a couple of shots from a bullet weapon, any time to restore Rayne to full health.
and start hacking. Now get behind an obstacle and repeat DON’T FART ON OSCAR: Enemy freeze—
the process until your Bloodlust is high when “Frozen” is selected, all enemies just
Note enough to trigger another Blood Rage. stand around and do not attack.
It’s slow going, but if you use this for-
mula and don’t get greedy, it’s also safe. ANGRY XXX INSANE HOOKER: Fills up
Triggering the Blood Rage when
Use Dilated Perception as much as neces- Rayne’s Bloodlust meter automatically
you’re already next to Wulf is a
bad idea. He’ll escape while you’re sary; it allows you to avoid most damage. each time it’s selected.
powering up the Blood Rage. SHOW ME MY WEAPONS: The weapons
Congratulations that Rayne isn’t actually wielding appear on
This is an extremely tough fight. You now her back and in holsters at her sides.
have a winning strategy, but it by no
means guarantees success. You’ll have to JUGGY DANCE SQUAD: Rayne becomes
start over several times before you get the extremely well endowed.
hang of it. INSANE GIBS MODE GOOD: Gratuitous
Keep at it and you’ll emerge victorious. dismemberment—when this is enabled,
Remember, a little luck is involved. Jurgen Rayne’s attacks hack off limbs much
Wulf is a wild card, and sometimes he’ll more easily.
help you more than others.
When you win, sit back and watch the
If he starts to escape, shoot him to
endgame cutscene—and congratulate
slow him down, then catch up and deal
yourself on a job well done. Even with the
more damage.
benefit of this walkthrough, this last battle
is a serious challenge of your skills.
cheat codes
In addition to these cheats, you can create a number of phrases that elicit text
responses from the game.
Here’s a list of phrases that get responses, in no particular order. It’s up to you to find
out exactly what the responses are.



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