Indian Highways Vol.47 6 June 19

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published on 22 MAY, 2019 JUNE, 2019
Indian Highways Advance Month, JUNE, 2019

Indian Highways
Volume : 47 Number : 6 Total Pages : 68

A view of the Construction of Flexible Pavement

Edited and Published by Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, IRC HQ, Sector-6, R.K. Puram,
Kama Koti Marg, New Delhi - 110 022. Printed by Shri S.K. Nirmal on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress
at M/s. Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.



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Indian Highways
Volume : 47 Number : 6 ● JUNE, 2019 ● ISSN 0376-7256
Indian Roads Congress
Founded : On 10th December, 1934

 From the Editor's Desk 4-5
 From the Desk of Guest Editor 6
 Meet the New Vice President of IRC 10
 Advertisements 7, 8, 9, & 66

Technical Papers
 Experimental Assessment of Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) Binder Course with the Binder Modified with 11
Poly Phosphoric Acid
By V.Vinayaka Ram, V.Venkat Ramayya, S.Krishnaiah & Amarendra Kumar Sandra
 Dominant Failure Path Prediction of Majherhat Bridge Collapse at Kolkata 20
By Sohini Som, Sandip Maity, Biswajit Som & Satchidananda Sur
 Optimization of Construction Equipment for Infrastructure Projects Through Effective Project Management Tools 31
By Prof. Amit Shriwas, Dr. Indrasen Singh & Prof. Siddesh Pai
 Laboratory Assessment of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixes When Prepared with Varying Packing Characteristics and 42
Inclusion of Fibre
By M.Sreeram, A.Ramesh, V.Venkat Ramayya & M.Kumar
 Feasibility of Indore-Harda BOT Road-A Case Study 53
By H.S. Goliya, M.I. Faraz & Nitesh Dasondhi
 nrida Circular 64
 Tender Notice 65

Suggestion/Observation on editorial and Technical Papers are welcome and may be sent to IRC Secretariat on
[email protected]/[email protected]

Publisher & Editor: S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, IRC

E-mail: [email protected]
Headquarter: IRC Bhawan, Kama Koti Marg, Sector-6, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110 022.
Phone No.: +91-11-26171548 (Admn.), 23387140 & 23384543 (Membership), 23387759 (Sale),
26185273 (Tech. Papers, Indian Highways and Tech. Committees)

No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the Secretary General, IRC.
The responsibility of the contents and the opinions expressed in Indian Highways is exclusively of the author(s) concerned. IRC and the Editor
disclaim responsibility and liability for any statements or opinion, originality of contents and of any copyright violations by the authors. The
opinion expressed in the papers and contents published in the Indian Highways do not necessarily represent the views of the Editor or IRC.

Printed at: M/s Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-110 020 `20


Flexible pavements are most commonly constructed pavement type for road construction in India due to
their relatively low capital cost, easy availability of bitumen & construction equipment. These pavements are
designed to carry the loads coming on it during their design life. IRC:37 is used for design of new flexible
pavements having design traffic of more than 2 million standard axles (msa) and IRC:SP:72 is used for design
traffic less than 2 msa which is generally the case on rural roads.
The first guidelines for the design of flexible pavement, IRC:37-1970 was based on empirical approach using
subgrade strength (CBR) and traffic in terms of number of commercial vehicles weighing 3t or more per day.
In 1984, these guidelines were revised considering the design traffic in terms of cumulative number of standard
axle load of 80 kN. These Guidelines were further revised in 2001 using mechanistic – empirical approach by
preparing performance models for subgrade rutting and cracking in the bottom of bituminous layer. FPAVE
software was used for the analysis of pavements and for development of thickness design charts. The third
revision of IRC:37 was carried out in 2012 incorporating many new features viz. use of cement treated sub-
base and bases and stabilized sub-grades, use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) material bases and sub-
bases, design of bituminous mixes with modified binders. As some of the provisions in this revision were not
based on large scale R&D work in India, this document was titled as “Tentative Guidelines”.
Most of the current pavement design methods follow the mechanistic – empirical approach for design of
bituminous pavements. In these methods, for each of the selected structural distresses, a critical mechanistic
parameter is identified and controlled to an acceptable limiting value in the design process. The limiting values
of these critical mechanistic parameters are obtained from the performance models.
Based on the extensive feedback received after implementation of 2012 Guidelines on the performance of
bituminous pavement, the guidelines have been further revised recently. The salient features of the fourth
revision of IRC:37 are given below:
(i) Subgrade rutting Criteria: An average rut depth of 20 mm or more along the wheel paths has been
adopted as critical or failure rutting condition. The equivalents number of standard axles load (80
kN) repetitions that can be served by the pavement before the critical average rut depth of 20 mm or
more occurs is given by rutting performance models for two different reliability levels 80% and 90%.
IITPAVE software which is an updated version of FPAVE has been used for analysis of pavements.
Detailed instruction for installation and use of IITPAVE software is also given in the document.
(ii) Fatigue cracking criteria for bituminous layer: Total cracked area in a particular section of road
being 20% or more then the Section is considered to be critical or failure condition. Equations are
given in the guidelines to estimate permissible equivalent number of Standard axles loads (80 kN)
repetition by using value of Resilient modulus of bituminous mixes and horizontal tensile strain at the
bottom of the bottom bituminous layer (DBM).
(iii) Fatigue performance models for cement treated base: For the pavement model the input are: elastic
modulus, poisons ratio and thickness of pavement layers. By using the tensile strain developed at the
bottom of CTB layer, it is possible to estimate the number of standard axles repetition which the CTB
layers can sustain. For different axle loads, it is possible to estimate the cumulative fatigue damage
which decides whether the design is acceptable or not.
(iv) Reliability: These Guidelines recommend 90% reliability performance equations for subgrade
rutting and fatigue cracking of bottom bituminous layer for all important roads such as Expressways,



National Highways, State Highways and Urban Roads. For other categories of roads, 90% reliability
is recommended for design traffic of 20 msa or more and 80 per cent reliability for design traffic less
than 20 msa.
(v) Effect of recent increase in Legal Axle Load limit notified in the Gazette of India dated 16th July, 2018
has been taken into account in revising the indicative VDF values where the information on the axle
load is not available.
(vi) For the purpose of design, the resilient modulus of subgrade is to be limited to a maximum value of
100 MPa. The minimum effective subgrade CBR should be 5% for roads estimated to carry more than
450 commercial vehicles per day.
(vii) Due to wide spread concern received in the feedback, the present guidelines recommend minimum
thickness of granular and cement treated bases and sub-bases and bituminous layers from functional
(viii) Stone Matrix Asphalt (IRC:SP:79), Gap-graded Rubberised Bitumen (IRC:SP:107)and BC with
modified binders (IRC:SP:53) have been recommended as surfacing layers on roads having design
traffic more than 20 msa.
(ix) The guidelines allow use of geo-synthetic materials in accordance with IRC:SP:59.
(x) A design period of 20 years has been recommended for the structural design of pavements for National
Highways, State Highways and other roads. For other category of roads, a design period of 15 years is
recommended. Pavements for very high-density corridors having more than 300 msa and expressways
shall preferably be designed as long-life pavements or shall be designed for a minimum period of 30
(xi) The guidelines recommend stage construction where the growth of traffic is uncertain or future
traffic volumes are expected to increase substantially or for projects where subsequent maintenance
is mandated on performance basis. In stage construction also, the base and sub-base layers shall be
designed for full design period. However, for bituminous layers the pavement should be designed
for more traffic than estimated for the initial period so that the pavement will have at least 40% life
remaining after first stage period. The requirement of the second stage pavement shall be determined
after evaluation of structural condition of the pavement at the end of first stage. Thus design approach
for stage construction has now been rationalized.
(xii) The pavement structural catalogues in these guidelines are for design traffic between 5 msa to 50 msa,
effective CBR value of subgrade 5% to 15%. These catalogues are intended for initial cost estimation
and for guidance only. For all important pavements, the design should be carried out using site
specific inputs of traffic, available material and layer thickness to satisfy the mechanistic - empirical
performance models given in these guidelines, which may require analysis of different trial pavement
compositions using IITPAVE Software.
Pavement design professionals/ organisations are requested to make use of these guidelines and provide their
feedback to IRC for further improvement.

(Sanjay Kumar Nirmal)

Secretary General


From the Desk of Guest Editor, DG (RD) & SS MoRT&H

stuck-up highway projects

There are number of projects stuck up in Highway infrastructure development. Project is said to be stuck
up when project is delayed inordinately and even after expiry of schedule completion date is lying idle
without any physical progress. This may be due to Authority’s default or due to failure of handing over
land, failure of contractor/ concessionaire due to resource crunch, poor fund flow. To resolve such stuck
up project, Ministry has recently issued guiding principles for resolution of such projects.
The stuck up project has been defined as projects where the work has stopped due to (i) inability of the
Contractor/ Concessionaires to continue with the execution of the Project on account of proceedings
initiated against it before the NCLT under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, or under Section
241(2) of the Companies Act, 2013 or (ii) default (consecutive or simultaneous) on account of both the
Parties i.e. the NHAI, NHIDCL/ State PWD and the Contractor/ Concessionaire.
Three categories of projects have been identified for resolution/ conciliation. Stuck-up projects awarded
under EPC mode may be foreclosed vide a Supplementary Agreement mutually agreed and executed
between the Parties. The Authority would pay for the executed/ completed work in terms of milestone
payment criteria set forth in Schedule H of the Agreement in the manner laid down in the concerned
Agreement. Where executed work is not meeting the aforementioned milestone payment criteria but
determined to be usable by the Authority, payment for such work will be made as per the amount assessed
by the Authority.
For Stuck-up Projects awarded under BOT Mode, not having attained the PCOD/ COD, the concession
agreement may be fore-closed vide a Supplementary Agreement, mutually agreed and executed between
the Parties. Here the Authority would pay, as full and final settlement, an amount limited to the lower of
(a) the value of work done; or (b) 90% of Debt due. In case the investment made by the Concessionaire is
not covered under the definition of "Debt due", the payment may be restricted to the value of work done
and assessed.
In Item Rate Contract qualifying as Stuck up Projects, Authority to pay to the Contractor, as full and final
settlement, towards prolongation cost and / or idling costs, an amount calculated according to the damage
mechanism provided under the concerned contract document.
For all other projects, a provision of the respective Agreement mutually binding between the Parties be
applied and followed.
A review of all these stuck up projects clearly bring out that there are delays in providing work front to the
Contractor for want of Land acquisition, forest diversion or various other clearances etc and subsequently
the contractor/ concessionaire also find it difficult to continue with the project because of time over-
run resulting in cost overrun which eventually leads to stuck up projects. Under the circumstances, it is
incumbent upon the project executing authority to carry out pre-construction activities diligently and in
any case before award of work so that delays do not occur on account of Authority's default and also make
it easy to the Concessionaire/ Contractor to plan his work and resources to complete the project in time as
envisaged during the bidding process. This will help in achieving the higher construction targets besides
reducing time and cost overrun and pre-empt litigation.

(I.K. Pandey)



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Meet the New Vice President of IRC

Shri. Raj Mallela has graduated in Civil Engineering from Kakatiya University
and has done his Masters in Transport Planning from School of Planning and
Architecture, New Delhi.
Shri. Raj Mallela has worked as Transport Planner / Highway Engineer in India
prior to moving to New Zealand. He is a Member of the Technical Advisory
Committee to the Government of New Zealand on Pavement Management
Systems. He has worked extensively on most aspects of the Road Asset
Management in New Zealand.
He has developed Best Practice Guidelines and Generic Terms of Reference
in Road Asset Management for World Bank which is often referred to by
most counties for implementing Bank funded projects. He has led several
Raj Mallela prestigious projects of national importance in several developing and developed
Vice-President, IRC countries. He has been actively involved in assessing the applicability of
modern technology, viz LIDAR, Drones, High Resolution Satellite, Images at
various stages of planning, designing, construction and operational stages.
He returned to India in 2008 and currently works as the Managing Director of SATRA Infrastructure Management
Services Pvt Ltd. He has been engaged in almost all facets of highways development and management.
He is a member of IRC’s Road Maintenance Asset Management Committee (H-6) and contributing towards
developing the guidelines on Asset Management of Indian Roads
He was elected as Vice-President of Indian Roads Congress during 79th Annual Session held at Nagpur in
November 2018.

IRC Technical Committees Meeting Schedule for June, 2019

Date Day Time Name of the Committee

Concrete (Plain, Reinforced and Pre-Stressed) Structures Committee
01-06-19 Sat 11.00 AM (B-4)
Subgroup of Specialized Bridge Structures including Sealinks
04-06-19 Tue 03.00 PM Committee (B-9)
05-06-19 Wed 11.00 AM Specialized Bridge Structures including Sealinks Committee (B-9)
Flexible Pavement, Airfield & Runways Committee (H-2)
11.00 AM
08-06-19 Sat Road Maintenance and Asset Management Committee (H-6)
02.30 PM Composite Pavement Committee (H-9)
Project Preparation, Contract Management, Quality Assurance and
10-06-19 Mon 04.30 PM Public Private Partnership Committee (G-1)
21-06-19 Fri 11.00 AM Steel and Composite Structures Committee (B-5)
22-06-19 Sat 11.00 AM Bearings, Joints and Appurtenances Committee (B-6)



Experimental Assessment of Dense Bituminous Macadam

(DBM) Binder Course with the binder modified with
Poly Phosphoric Acid

V.Vinayaka Ram1 V.Venkat Ramayya2 S.Krishnaiah3 Amarendra Kumar Sandra4

Bitumen is used as a binder material in flexible pavement construction apart from its many other applications. This
binder exhibits complex behavior with ever varying consistencies at different temperatures. Usually bitumen for paving
applications is recommended based variations in pavement / ambient temperatures and other crucial climatic conditions.
Hard bitumen grades are recommended in hot regions while the softer ones in colder climatic conditions to resist rutting
and stripping failures respectively. Binders obtained from refineries rarely possess adequate softness and stiffness to
comply with these requirements. In order to enhance the performance of these binders, it is quite common to modify these
with many modifications such as acids, minerals and polymers. It can be found from the literature that these modified
binders have been tried and tested in many case studies with varied levels of success. Acid modification is gaining its
popularity during the recent past with researchers finding considerable improvement in the performance of these modified
binders in the form of increased complex modulus and reduced phase angle. However, studies on the performance of acid
modified bitumen on bituminous concrete mixes and in particular for binder courses; Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
are very limited in India and elsewhere too.
This paper is an attempt to share the experimental observations made on the performance of dense bituminous macadam
with Poly Phosphoric Acid (PPA) modified binder. Gradation II DBM, recommended by Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways (MoRT&H), India has been selected for investigations in the present research work. The parameters considered
for performance assessment are Marshall’s Stability, Marshall’s Flow value, volume of voids (Vv), Voids Filled with
Bitumen (VFB), Voids in Mineral Aggregates (VMA), bulk specific gravity, Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) and Resilient

1. Introduction comply with the structural and functional requirements

of different layers of pavements. Superpave performance
Bitumen is a viscous/visco-elastic liquid at room
grading [2] system is being implemented in developed
temperature [1] which is substantially soluble in solvents countries. This system recommends the use of testing
like toluene, benzene, carbon disulphide, trichloro protocols like Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) in high
ethylene and carbon tetra chloride. Besides its numerous temperature regime to measure rutting resistance by
applications, bitumen is used as a binder in the construction specifying the minimum value of the ratio between the
of flexible pavements comprising of bituminous bound Complex modulus and sine of the phase angle [3]. A series
layers. Several systems of grading were evolved in the past of testing protocols like Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR)
which include grading by chewing, penetration grading, have also been suggested for bituminous binders in [2].
viscosity grading, aged residue grading and the state of the However, limited studies are reported in the domain of
art Superpave performance grading [1]. binder courses like Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
with modified binders in general and acid modified
Strict specifications are being sought by agencies to binders in particular. It is with this background the current
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology, BITS, Hyderabad, E-mail: [email protected]
Asst. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, E-mail: [email protected]
Professor & Registrar, Department of Civil Engineering, JNT University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, IIIT RK Valley Campus, RGUKT, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, E-mail: [email protected]



investigation has been carried out for Grade II DBM, as adducts; alkylation of aromatics; cross-linking of
suggested in MoRT&H Code of Provision [5] with acid neighboring asphalt segments; formation of ionic
modified bitumen and the results have been reported in clusters and the cyclization of alkyl aromatics [15]
this paper.
• PPA is found to perform well in all temperature
2. Review of literature regimes in combination of Polymer modifiers [12].
Polymers that can effectively react with PPA are
The use of Poly Phosphoric Acid (PPA) as a bitumen
SBS [17-20], EVA [17, 19, 21] and ethylene ter-polymer
modifier dates back to mid-1970s. The first patent for [22]
preparation of PPA modified binder was filed in 1973 [6]. As
per this work, pavement failure due to non-load associated • PPA, SBS and SBR polymer modification in
problems at high temperature in the form of rutting can combination with Sulphur are found to improve
be addressed through PPA modification without affecting bitumen properties [23].
its low temperature performance [7]. It was also observed
• PPA can improve binder elasticity, resistance to
that the PPA can alter low temperature performance of
fatigue cracking due to improved complex modulus
binders considerably [8]. PPA is easily available in various
and resistance to permanent deformation. [9,10].
grades with concentration of H3PO4 varying from 100 to
115%. The concentration above 100% is often confusing • PPA can improve adhesion and resistance to
because the grade is calculated based on the concentration moisture susceptibility especially when modified
of H3PO4depending on P2O5 content in this inorganic above the dosage of 1.5% [10, 16].
polymer acid [9]. PPA with concentration of H3PO4 in the • Lime stone aggregates cannot reverse the stiffening
range 100 to 115% is generally used in modification of of the PPA binder [10].
paving binders [9,10]. The following points related to PPA
modification are worth noting. • Extensive field studies by Minnesota Department
of Transportation with dosages up to 0.75% PPA on
• Phase separation is not observed to be happening asphalt pavements have revealed minimal rutting
after modification with PPA [9,10]. and no cracking [10].
• The process is observed to be yielding low • Mixes with PPA content more than 2% needs
penetration at room temperature and higher additional investigations to ensure no negative
softening point [11]. interactions are taking place between the binder
• The modified bitumen will have higher viscosity and aggregate or other additives of the mix [10].
due to increase in asphaltenes content and higher Detailed guidelines for effective PPA modification
complex modulus [11,12]. can be found in [24-25].
• Non-waxy bitumen, when modified with PPA were Overall, from the above selected case studies, it can be
found to be exhibiting good performance [13,14] assumed that the PPA could be an effective modifier in
enhancing binder properties and therefore this paper
• The performance grade of the bitumen gets
attempts at focusing on performance of mixes with PPA
enhanced because of PPA modification[15] due
modification binder used for binder courses in general and
to which the Useful Temperature Interval (UTI)
Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) in particular.
increases. The UTI is the difference between the
high and low temperature grading. The UTI is 3. Experimental
found to be dependent on crude source. Binders for 3.1 Materials:
which the UTI is expected to be more than 860C
needs modification to enhance their performance VG 30 grade bitumen, chosen for the investigations, was
. procured directly from refinery source. Black granite
aggregates of all the sizes, needed for making the proposed
• The extent of improvement of binder properties due DBM mix has been collected from a single local quarry.
to PPA modification is dependent of crude source [9, Laboratory grade poly-phosphoric acid was procured
. The dosage of PPA can vary between 0.5 to with 105% concentration of ortho-phosphoric acid. The
3% [10]. aggregate was sieved using a gyratory mechanical sieve
• Several mechanisms were proposed to explain shaker and graded as per the requirements of gradation
the stiffening from the PPA modification of for DBM as suggested by Ministry of Road Transport and
asphalt binders, which include formation of PPA Highways (MoRT&H ) guidelines [5].



3.2 Fundamental Tests on Bitumen current research. The tests conducted were penetration,
Basic fundamental tests have been conducted on the softening point, ductility and viscosity conforming to the
bitumen samples with and without modification. VG 30 testing conditions mentioned in relevant ASTM codes
straight run bitumen without modification is considered as of practice enlisted in Table 1. The viscosity of the PPA
the base case and is used for comparison with PPA modified modified bitumen at 1350C temperature was observed to
VG 30 bitumen. PPA dosages from 0.5 to 2% (w/w %) be less than 3Pas indicating that the PPA modified sample
with increments of 0.5% have been considered during the has adequate workability for HMA laying.

Table 1 Details of Testing Protocols

Test Name of the Equipment ASTM Standard followed
Penetration Test Universal Penetrometer IS 1203 [26]
Softening Point Test Ring and Ball Apparatus IS 1205 [27]
Ductility Ductility Testing Machine IS 1208 [28]
Viscosity Brookfield Model DV-II Pro Viscometer ASTM D 4402-87 [29]

3.2.1 Preparation of PPA modified bitumen from 0 to 2% with increments of 0.5% are tabulated in
The use of poly-phosphoric as bitumen modified dates presented in Fig 1. The Brookfield viscosity of the PPA
back to 1973 [6]. The procedure for preparation of PPA modified bitumen at 1350C temperature was observed to
modified bitumen along with a cross linkable polymer has be less than 3Pas indicating that the PPA modified sample
been patented by Jean Valery Martin [30] and researchers has adequate workability for HMA laying.
have outlined procedures for preparation of PPA modified
bitumen [31]. The procedure, as explained in the patent The optimum dosage for enhancing binder properties
involves heating of bitumen to 1350C-1450C and calculated was identified to be 2% according to [10] and also
amount of PPA is added to the heated bitumen and the has been established based on dynamic mechanical
temperature of the mixture is maintained at 1450C-1550C. analysis using dynamic shear rheometer [41] and are
The mixture is stirred at 600rpm at least for duration of published in our earlier research [40] and therefore the
30min [30-31].
investigations for the mixes were carried out at this
3.2.2 Results on bitumen dosage. The specific gravity of bitumen is taken as 1
The results of fundamental tests with dosages of PPA in the mix calculations.



Fig. 1 Effect of PPA Modification on VG 30 Straight run Bitumen (a) Penetration (b) Softening Point (c)
Ductility (d) Viscosity
3.3 Tests on Aggregates indicate that the aggregate is perfectly suitable to be used
in the DBM layer, to be used as a binder layer in flexible
The aggregates used during the present study were
pavement structure. MoRT&H aggregate gradation II for
subjected to fundamental tests as per the procedures
DBM has been selected for further investigations during
indicated in IS 2386 Part III &IV [32-33]. These tests the current research. The details of the chosen gradation are
include specific gravity, aggregate impact value, Los presented in Table 3 for ready reference. The 0.45 power
Angeles abrasion value, aggregate crushing value, shape gradation chart for the gradation adopted with MoRT&H
parameters like flakiness Index and elongation Index. The recommendations and Superpave control points plotted is
results of all these tests are presented in Table 2. The results shown in Fig. 2.
Table 2 Result of Tests on Aggregates
Name of the Test IS Code Result Acceptability Criteria
Specific Gravity 2.74 2.5-3.0
Aggregate Impact Value (%) 12.25 <30%
Los Angeles abrasion Value (%) IS 2386 13.56 <30%
Aggregate Crushing Value (%) Part III & IV 14.52 <30%
Flakiness Index (%) 12.26 Combined Value <30%
Elongation Index (%) 13.82

Table 3 Gradation of DBM Layer for Grade 2 with Thickness 50-75 mm [5]
Sieve Size Cumulative % by weight of total Sieve Size Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate
(mm) aggregate passing (mm) passing
Range Suggested Selected Range Suggested Selected
(% finer) (% finer) (% finer) (% finer)
37.5 100 100 1.180 - -
26.5 90-100 95 0.600 - -
19.0 71-95 83 0.300 7-21 14
13.2 56-80 68 0.150 - -
9.5 - - 0.075 2-8 5
4.75 38-54 46 Binder Min 4.5
2.36 28-42 40 Content



a compacting temperature of around 1400C. Trial binder

contents of 4.0%, 4.5%, 5%, 5.5% and 6% were chosen and
three samples each were prepared with both unmodified
and modified binders. The samples after compaction were
gradually cooled to room temperature and were extracted
from molds with a mold extracting arrangement. Height
of each of the samples is being measured around the
circumference at 4 points using digital vernier calipers.
In addition, to compute volumetrics of the Marshall’s
samples, weight of each one of the samples in the air and
as well as the buoyancy weight in water were taken.
Marshall’s Stability Test was conducted on the prepared
specimens as specified in ASTM D 1559 [34] to determine
the stability and flow values after exposing the samples
in a constant temperature water bath maintained at 600C
Fig 2 Selected Gradation for DBM with Maximum for 30 minutes. Further, the following parameters have
Density Line and Superpave Control Points been computed using the standard formulae provided in
ASTM D1559 [34] to establish the suitability of the mix
3.4 Marshall’s Stability Tests [32]:
for pavement applications. The stability values have been
The Marshall Specimens were prepared in accordance corrected for nonstandard sizes of the samples. These
with ASTM 1559 [34]. The aggregates of chosen gradation results have been summarized and presented in Table 4
are heated to 1750C and bitumen to 1450C (to ensure the for ready reference.
workable viscosity). Both aggregates and bitumen are
• Theoretical specific gravity, Gt
mixed till the mix is homogeneous using a high speed
• The bulk specific gravity of the mix, Gm
mixer. Mixing temperature was maintained in the range
150-1550C. Molds of the size were also pre heated to 1400C • Percent air voids, Vv
to prevent heat loss during the compaction process. The • Percent volume of bitumen, Vb
specimens are compacted using automatic compactor with • Percent void in mixed aggregate, VMA
75 blows on each face of the sample while maintaining • Percent voids filled with bitumen, VFB.
Table 4 Summary of Marshall’s Stability Test Results
Binder Stability Flow Vv Vb VMA VFB Gm
Content (%) Value (KN) (mm) (%) (%) (%) (%)
4.0 11.21 1.40 5.31 10.19 16.81 60.63 2.43
4.5 14.64 2.70 4.74 11.05 15.80 69.98 2.44
5.0 15.85 4.60 3.10 12.39 15.49 80.05 2.46
5.5 8.48 6.20 1.54 13.73 15.27 90.22 2.45
6.0 7.92 7.90 1.17 14.92 16.08 92.79 2.44
For each parameter presented in Table 4, the average value parameter is worked out. By considering the specifications
of three samples for a given trial dosage is computed and given by MoRT&H [5], the value of optimum binder content
presented. The graphical plots for the above parameters is found to be 4.8%corresponding to 4% Volume of voids.
have been prepared and presented in Fig. 3 and from the The other parameters at this binder content is worked out
guidelines; the optimum binder content for each of the and presented in Table 5.
Table 5 Parameter at 4% Volume of voids OBC for DBM
S.No. Parameter Value at 4.8% binder content Requirement as per MoRT& H
1 Maximum Stability (kN) 16.05kN Minimum 12 kN
2 Voids filled in bitumen (VFB) in % 74 65-75
3 Flow value at (mm) 3.84mm 2-4 mm
4 Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) in % 15.64 Minimum 12%



(a) Binder Content Vs Stability

(e) Binder Content Vs Bulk Specific Gravity (Gm)
Fig. 3: Results of Marshall’s Test for DBM
3.5 Indirect Tensile and Resilient Modulus Test
The indirect tensile strength and resilient modulus tests
were performed on mixes at the optimum binder content
(OBC) for the mixes prepared using the PPA modified
binders. The indirect tensile test and Resilient Modulus
test were conducted in accordance with ASTM D 6931-
07 [35] and ASTM D 4123 [36]/AASHTO TP 31 [37]
respectively. Nine samples at OBC determined from
Marshal Test were casted out of which three samples were
(b) Binder Content Vs Flow tested for Indirect Tensile strength to determine the peak
load in resilient modulus test. Remaining six samples
three in each category were used for resilient modulus test
at temperatures of 250C and 350C.
4. Results on DBM mixes and Discussion
As detailed in Section 3.5, three samples at optimum binder
content, found from Marshal Stability Tests, were prepared
and tested to determine the indirect tensile strength. The
results of this test form the basis for the choice of peak load
for resilient modulus test. The results of indirect tensile
strength are summarized in Table 6 for ready reference.
The peak to peak load in resilient modulus test is chosen
(c) Binder Content Vs Volume of Voids (Vv) in the range of 10 to 15% of the failure load in Indirect
Tensile strength test. It can be observed from the Table 6
that, a peak load of 1500N would be quite reasonable for
determining resilient modulus of DBM mixes with PPA
modified binder. The Indirect tensile strength is found
from the following equation.
St =
Where St - Indirect tensile strength
P – Load at failure
D – A  verage diameter of the sample measured in
two perpendicular directions
(d) Binder Content Vs VFB t – Average sample thickness



Table 6 Results of Indirect Tensile Strength The test results indicate that the observed resilient
Sample Max. Indirect 10 percent 15 percent modulus values for mixes with PPA modified bitumen are
No. Load at Tensile of Max. of Max. much higher than VG 30 bitumen and also higher than
failure Strength Load Load the minimum prescribed values as per IRC:37-2018 at
(kgf) (MPa) (N) (N) 250Cand 350C [38].
1 1075 1.049 1055 1582
5. Conclusion
2 956 0.933 938 1407
3 1128 1.101 1107 1660 This article has presented a brief review of the effect of
PPA modification to enhance binder properties for paving
The resilient modulus test was carried out in accordance
with ASTM D 4123 – 82/AASHTO TP – 31. The applications. Stiffening of VG 30 binder was observed due to
procedure involves application of peak to peak load along PPA modification. Laboratory performance of DBM mixes
the diametrical plane whose intensity is determined from with binder modified with PPA has been summarized and
indirect tensile strength with measurement of deformations presented in this paper. It can be observed that the Marshall’s
in the horizontal direction only. The Poisson’s ratio is Stability value has got enhanced to 15.85kN when compared
assumed to be 0.35. The average diameter and height of
with the prescribed minimum requirement of 12kN, as per
the specimens were measured with digital Vernier calipers.
The sample is conditioned at the desired temperature MoRT&H specifications, while fulfilling the corresponding
before the application of peak load. The peak load is requirements of flow value of 3.84 mm; when the bitumen
applied at a frequency of 1Hz with 0.1 sec loading time is blended with 2% PPA content at an optimum binder
and 0.9 sec rest period. The LVDTs will measure the content of 4.8%. The resilient modulus values have also been
horizontal deformations of the sample for five consecutive
enhanced by a great extent. The samples recorded a value of
pulses after 100 cycles of load application. The resilient
modulus is calculated from the following formula and 4413 MPa at 250C and 2289 MPa at 350C which are higher
the test results for mixes with VG 30 bitumen and PPA than the values reported for VG 30 straight run bitumen and
modified are presented in Table 7 & 8 respectively. even higher than the minimum recommended values of 3000
MPa and 1700 MPa at 25 and 350C respectively for DBM
for VG 30 binder (IRC:37) and even higher than 3800MPa
Where Mr - Resilient Modulus (MPa) and 1650MPa for modified bitumen (IRC:SP:53[39]) and thus
P - Peak load (N) it can be concluded that PPA modification can enhance the
µ - Poisson’s Ratio
performance of mixes considerably and hence can be tried
t - Sample Thickness (mm)
∆h - Total horizontal deformation (µm) for practical applications.

Table 7 Test Results of Resilient Modulus for DBM Samples with VG 30 Bitumen
Temperature Sample No. Pulse No Peak Resilient Modulus
∆h1 ∆h2 ∆h
(0C) Load (MPa)
(µm) (µm) (µm)
35 1 1 1521 2.90 4.81 7.71 1867
2 1526 3.37 4.93 8.31 1739
3 1530 3.70 5.09 8.79 1648
4 1542 3.89 5.29 9.18 1589
5 1547 4.04 5.31 9.35 1565
Mean 1533 3.58 5.09 8.67 1682
35 2 1 1530 3.11 4.88 7.99 1874
2 1562 2.89 6.02 8.91 1716
3 1606 3.32 6.27 9.59 1640
4 1621 3.49 6.49 9.98 1590
5 1643 3.64 6.82 10.45 1539
Mean 1593 3.29 6.09 9.39 1672



35 3 1 1516 3.31 3.11 6.42 2212

2 1495 3.82 3.33 7.15 1959
3 1499 4.07 3.44 7.50 1872
4 1499 4.26 3.50 7.76 1811
5 1506 4.41 3.42 7.83 1803
Mean 1503 3.98 3.36 7.33 1931
Table 8 Test Results of Resilient Modulus for DBM Samples with PPA Modified Bitumen
Temperature Sample No. Pulse No Peak ∆h1 ∆h2 Resilient Modulus
(0C) Load (MPa)
(µm) (µm) (µm)
25 1 1 1511 1.9 1.54 3.44 4322
2 1527 2.01 1.69 3.71 4056
3 1527 1.93 1.84 3.77 3990
4 1536 2.11 1.76 3.87 3907
5 1546 2.32 1.65 3.98 3830
Mean 1529 2.06 1.70 3.75 4021
25 2 1 1520 1.67 1.39 3.06 4871
2 1545 1.92 1.38 3.30 4592
3 1545 2.17 1.31 3.48 4352
4 1544 2.24 1.40 3.64 4160
5 1547 2.38 1.33 3.71 4089
Mean 1540 2.07 1.36 3.44 4413
25 3 1 1518 1.60 1.79 3.39 4394
2 1540 1.58 2.06 3.64 4145
3 1559 1.76 1.98 3.74 4084
4 1571 1.88 1.99 3.87 3982
5 1573 1.76 2.07 3.82 4030
Mean 1552 1.72 1.96 3.69 4127
35 1 1 1522 2.10 4.07 6.17 2461
2 1518 2.44 4.81 7.25 2090
3 1520 2.49 5.25 7.74 1959
4 1524 2.71 5.46 8.17 1861
5 1530 2.73 5.72 8.45 1807

Mean 1523 2.49 5.06 7.56 2036

35 2 1 1493 2.62 4.00 6.62 2288
2 1505 2.80 4.09 6.89 2215
3 1500 3.12 3.94 7.06 2155
4 1499 3.10 4.09 7.19 2116
5 1506 3.21 4.11 7.32 2086
Mean 1501 2.97 4.04 7.01 2172
35 3 1 1525 2.97 2.84 5.81 2658
2 1540 3.42 3.21 6.63 2352
3 1547 3.64 3.43 7.07 2214
4 1560 3.79 3.60 7.38 2138
5 1569 3.88 3.75 7.63 2082
Mean 1548 3.54 3.37 6.9 2289

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The largest span of the road over bridge at Majherhat Kolkata catastrophically collapsed on September 4, 2018, injuring
several and killing three people. Although the structural system of this bridge was conceived and designed 57 years back,
it is unique in nature. The bridge superstructure consists of a both way precast pre-stressed concrete girder arrangement
with nominally reinforced concrete bridge deck. The sustainability of this attractive type of structural system is among
the current research areas in the world. Main objective of this paper is to identify the probable events which are primarily
responsible for the bridge structural system failure through the use of fault tree analysis. A study of uniqueness and
its behaviour have been carried out to identify the probable causes of this failure with some post failure supporting
evidence gathered from site. This report aims to provide a guideline for detail analysis of the failure with available forensic
engineering evidences.

1. Introduction back it is unique in nature. The bridge structure is made of

both way precast pre-stressed segmental concrete girder
A catastrophic failure of a bridge is a nightmare not
arrangements with nominally reinforced concrete bridge
only for the engineering community but for the society
deck. The earliest applications of transverse prestressing
as a whole. If a bridge fails the loss of bridge structure
in bridge decks were apparently in Europe around 1960[5]
is only a small part of the total loss. The loss sometimes
and this bridge was designed in 1961, which proofs the
can be immeasurable like loss of human life, damage
level of engineering used in India at that time. Research
of properties and most importantly impact on the
on this shallow depth structural system is still continuing
current engineering practice and the national economy.
in different parts of the world today. So a detailed failure
This undesirable event highlighted the necessity of re-
analysis of this bridge can give some valuable evidence
evaluation of on-going design engineering, construction,
and put more light on the behaviour and long term
bridge inspection and management practices. A review of performance of this deck structural system. This report is
sudden failure of aging and historically important bridges an approach towards this research by presenting an initial
can add valuable knowledge and insight to the bridge review of the possible events behind this failure that led
engineering community and indirectly to the society as a to this sudden collapse through the use of qualitative fault
whole. The failure of Majherhat Bridge in the afternoon of tree analysis based on some forensic evidences.
4th September, 2018 shook the country. The failure of the
bridge has suddenly disconnected the large area of south- 2. THE BRIDGE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM
western part of Kolkata city. Fortunately, the spans above The bridge structure is described here on the basis of the
railway track did not collapse and numbers of cars were available schematic drawing (Figs.1,2 and 3) and some
less on the deck which came down. Although the structural evidences collected from site after the collapse. The
system of the bridge was conceived and designed 57 years Majherhat flyover passed over a canal and the Railway
Bridge Design Engineer, E-mail: [email protected]
Bridge Design Engineer, E-mail: [email protected] EIS Planners and Engineers Structural Consultant, Kolkata
Director, E-mail: [email protected]
Fellow, Institution of Structural Engineers, London, & Consulting Engineer, DESCON



tracks with total deck length of 135.31m, which were width of carriage way was 12.8 m accompanied by 2.44m
comprised of six spans of 16.76 m (clear span) and one of wide footpath on either side. Substructure is RCC wall
34.75 m (clear span) simply supported on RCC piers. The type pier and counterfort retaining wall as abutment.

Fig.1: Elevation of Majherhat Bridge Indicating Failure Span

Fig. 2: Key Plan of Majherhat Bridge Indicating Failure Span

Fig. 3: Typical Section view of Majherhat Bridge Indicating the Deck Arrangement
The bridge superstructure system comprised of thin cast structure of smaller span is 610 mm and largest span is
in place RCC deck slab laid over simply supported pre- 1520 mm which is collapsed [4]. In that era the structural
stressed precast segmental equal flange I beam girder system of this bridge deck was an innovative one and
(Fig. 6), placed side by side (Fig. 4) and precast segmental also unique in nature. This both way pre-stressed precast
transversely pre-stressed diaphragm (Fig. 5). The pier segmental girder (Fig. 7) slab system with skewed simple
and abutment foundations are on driven cast-in-situ span could have been the first of its kind in the world
concrete piles of 460 and 480 mm diameter with length in that era. This prestressing force produces an upward
of 12.2 m and 21.04 m respectively (length as per PWD deflection or camber of the deck, which is opposite to
drawings [4] may require verification). These entire spans the deflection of at least the same magnitude due to
are moderately skewed. The deck is simply supported the dead load. So the deck possesses a design camber
on mild steel plate bearing. Still no proper evidence of which is an important attribute in design and its long
bearing type is observed at site. Overall depth of deck term performance. Durability of this concrete deck was



enhanced by application of prestressing to bridge decks

for the prevention of concrete cracking, thereby sealing
out moisture, gases and water which initiates corrosion
in reinforcements and concrete deterioration. Moreover,
several researches show through experimental evidences
that the presence of non-pre-stressed steel tends to
restrain creep and shrinkage of concrete [8]. The collapse
of the bridge deck after 54 years of satisfactory service
can solve many questions regarding its design and long Fig. 4: Precast end Segment Modular Unit in a Skewed
term performance. Pattern after Failure

Fig. 5: Prestressing Bars in Both the Directions with Segmental Girders and Diaphragms

Fig. 6: Cross Section of Segmental Girder with Location of Prestressing Bars.

Fig. 7: Indication of Segmental Precast Girders Showing Small Beam Segments and no Shear Connection with Deck Slab.



part of superstructure collapse.

vi. The failure at mid span occurred along the skew
axis of deck and the deck displaced laterally
(Fig.8) along the transverse skew axis.
vii. Absence of shear connections between the
prestressed segmental girders and the deck slab
caused the loss of deck redundancy
viii. Post failure impact is in the lower side as the
damage of deck top profile is not significant even
after post failure impact. Also, cars were not
heavily damaged; injury and loss of human lives
are found low. This shows the deck underwent
yielding rather than instantaneous collapse due
to brittle fracture. Fig. 8 shows the post failure
condition of the deck.
Fig. 8: Deck Just after Collapse of Majherhat Bridge 3.1 Maintenance
3. PRELIMINARY SITE EVIDENCE According to the preliminary observation, the bridge
showed several critical areas with undesirable aging
i. Vehicular load on the deck at the time of failure
effect, developed due to prolonged lack of inspection and
was considerably low compared to design load of
the bridge which was IRC Class AA loading. So, maintenance. This can be summarised as below:
failure due to over loading for excess dead load i. Severe seepage at bridge under deck, deterioration
(high pavement thickness) and live load due to of grout and differential downward movement of
some light vehicles is nullified as the total load girders in the span adjacent to the collapsed span
was much less than its design load at the time of as shown in Fig. 9.
failure. ii. Along with heavy seepage the growth of
ii. Dead load was predominant at the time of vegetation and clogging of drainage systems are
collapse. also found in the bridge which indicates a clear
iii. Absence of regular inspection and maintenance lack of maintenance of the structure as shown in
is evident from present deteriorated condition of Fig. 10.
structure. iii. As a result of major water intrusion severe
iv. External causes like Earthquake, Flood and other corrosion and material loss has been found in
natural events have not occurred. the pretension cables as shown in Figs. 11 and
v. Condition of substructure is not affected due to 12.

Fig. 9: Photograph of Deteriorated under Deck of Girders Adjacent to Collapsed Span



Fig.10: Sign of Lack of Routine Inspection and Maintenance

Fig.11: Condition of Prestressing Bars Collected during Removal and Dismantling of Collapse Span

Fig.12: More than 50% Corrosion Loss of Cross Section of Prestressing Bars

4. BRIDGE FAILURE MODEL WITH FAULT representation of the various failure paths both primary and
TREE secondary which lead to an undesirable outcome. The fault
A Fault Tree (FT) is a probabilistic tool for graphical tree top down approach can identify the basic events from



the top event as the failure of the bridge. Main objective a Boolean logic diagram comprised primarily of complex
of this report is to identify the events which are primarily entity called “gates”. In accordance with the rules of
responsible for the bridge structural system failure. To probability theorem, AND gate which can be written in
establish a definition of bridge structural system through a set algebraic form as –
FT model is normally a complex task. A structural system Pf = P (A) ∩ P (B) ∩ P (C) …
can be represented by its functional layout diagram and In Boolean logic form it can be written as probability of
its detailed boundary condition including the material failure, Pf = P (A). P (B). P (C) …
interface and property. The main limitation of this review
is the unavailability of the original as built drawing and
its design and detailing. A preliminary layout drawing So, Pf = ∏ Pfi
with some indicative detail is only available with us as of i=1
now. It is evident from the site evidences that some of the and for OR gate as –
common basic events and undeveloped events have not Pf = P (A) U P (B) U P (C) …
occurred at all. Hence those events are ignored in the fault
In Boolean Logic form it can be written as Pf = P (A) + P
tree construction. (B) + P (C) +…
Fault Tree is based on a deductive top down approach, n
starting by considering a failure of structural member or So, Pf = 1-∏ (1-Pfi)
system and aims to deduct sequential events which could
lead to the ultimate failure as a top event [7].A Fault Tree is i=1

This Fault Tree Includes the Symbolic Notations given in Table-1.

Symbol Name Description

Basic Event A basic initiating fault requiring no further development.

A fault event that occurs because of one or more antecedent causes acting
Intermediate Event
through logic gates.
Conditioning Event Specific conditions or restrictions that apply to any logic gates.
OR Gate Output fault occurs if at least one of the input faults occurs.

AND Gate Output faults occur if all of the input faults occur.
Undeveloped Event Fault expanded no further.

4.1 Evaluation of Fault Tree

4.1.1 Fault Tree Model –
Fault tree models are depicted in part wise manner in Figs. 13, 14 & 15.

Fig.13: Fault Tree of Majherhat Bridge Collapse – Top events



Fig.14: Fault Tree Collapse of Superstructure due to Failure of PPBS Girders

Fig.15: Fault Tree Collapse of Superstructure due to Failure of Bearing and Change in Support Condition



4.1.2 Event Description –

Events Description
E1 Collapse of the longest suspended span of the Majherhat bridge due to failure of superstructure
E2 Collapse of the longest suspended span of the Majherhat bridge due to failure of substructure
A Failure of main Precast Prestressed Beam Slab (PPBS) girder of the bridge
B Collapse of deck structure due to change in end support-boundary condition owing to failure of bearings
resulting from improper design to a frozen condition.
C Collapse of deck structure due to change in end support -boundary condition owing to unintended fixity at
the support due to jammed and non-performing expansion joint.
D Collapse of superstructure due to failure of supporting pier cap
E Collapse of superstructure due to accidental impact resulting from vehicle collision
A1 Fracture of main Precast Prestressed Beam Slab Concrete girder due to inelastic downward deflection of
girders forming an unstable plastic hinge in the simple span
A2 Failure of main Precast Prestressed Beam Slab girder due to excess torsion resulting from loss of transverse
prestress in the skewed span
A3 Failure of main Precast Prestressed Beam Slab girder due to failure of deck system
B1 Material degradation of bearing elements
B2 Failure of bearings due to overloading
C1 Failure of deck structure due to unintended fixity at expansion joint due to inadequate expansion gap.
C2 Failure of deck structure due to unintended fixity at expansion joint due to non-performing expansion
A11 Snapping of longitudinal prestressing cables of the girders reducing negative camber and subsequently
increasing downward deflection
A12 Collapse of Precast Prestressed Beam Slab girders due to flexure at mid span
A21 Failure of girders due to excess torsion caused by eccentric loading due to minibus location at the deck
A22 Separation of girders due to yielding /snapping of transverse cables which ceases the uniform response of
whole skewed deck against torsion.
A31 Lack of shear connections between girder and deck slab resulting in loss of deck redundancy
A32 Failure of deck slab due to overloading
A33 Degradation of deck Concrete due to moisture intrusion resulting in loss of strength and stiffness thus
increasing the chance of failure
B11 Material degradation in bearing plates due to corrosion
B12 Material degradation of bearing elements due to long term usage without necessary replacement or lack of
maintenance of bearings
C11 Inadequate expansion gap due to design deficiency
C12 Inadequate expansion gap due to blocked joint ensued from faulty maintenance process
C21 Failure due to nonperforming expansion joint due to lack of maintenance
C22 Failure due to non-performing expansion joint resulting from long term deterioration of expansion gap
A111 Yielding and snapping of longitudinal prestressed bars due to time dependent prestress loss
A112 Yielding and snapping of longitudinal prestressed bars due to overall section loss
A121 Strength loss of girders due to material degradation resulting in Bending failure
A122 Failure of girders due to overloading



A221 Snapping of transverse cables due to time dependent prestress loss

A222 Snapping of transverse cables due to overall section loss
A1111 Loss of prestress due to creep
A1112 Loss of prestress due to shrinkage
A1113 Loss of prestress due to relaxation of longitudinal prestressing bars
A1121 Section loss of longitudinal prestressed bars due to corrosion
A1122 Section loss of longitudinal prestressed bars due to lack of maintenance
A1211 Material deterioration of girders due to environmental stressors
A1212 Material deterioration of girders due to lack of maintenance
A2211 Loss of prestress due to creep
A2212 Loss of prestress due to shrinkage
A2213 Loss of prestress due to relaxation of transverse prestressing bars
A2221 Section loss of transverse prestressed bars due to corrosion
A2222 Section loss of transverse prestressed bars due to lack of maintenance
In this FTA approach the elaboration of faults for situations involving dichotomy. A Fault tree can be
substructure parts has been neglected due to the
translated to equivalent set of Boolean equation and
undamaged condition of the pier and the foundation part.
The super structure faults are described in the FT models solving them to get a minimal cut set. A minimal cut
and based on this evaluation of the minimal cut set has set is a smallest combination of component failures
been carried out. which, if they all occur, will cause the top event to
4.2 Boolean Operation occur [6]. By Boolean operation on the fault tree, the
Boolean algebra is particularly important when the following minimal cut set is obtained.
A1111 U A1112 U A1113 U A1121 U A1211 U A1212 U A21 U A31 U A33 U B12 U C11 U C12 U C22
And the corresponding FT model is shown in Fig.16.

Fig.16: Minimal Cut Set of the FT Model of Failure of Prestressed Precast Segmental Girder at Majherhat Bridge
4.3 Findings path with specific events triggering the collapse condition.
Minimal cut set (Fig. 16) as evaluated from Boolean The individual critical events that contributed the most in
operation from the FT model presents some defined failure probable failure path are:-



i. Yielding and snapping of longitudinal prestressed performance. As this bridge performed satisfactorily for
bars due to time dependent prestress loss in the last 54 years before failure, it requires to be made under
form of mechanical relaxation, creep and consideration in further research. It is evident that more
shrinkage of concrete from the initial time, rigorous and upgraded failure analysis based on original
design data and post failure forensic engineering evidences
ii. Damage propagation through long-term
is required for further enhancement of knowledge on
deterioration of grout, loss of camber and
this type of complex structural bridge deck systems.
development of tension crack at underside of
Furthermore, for the sustainability of this type of bridges
all over the world, updated specific codified design
iii. Corrosion of different elements like pre-stress guidelines along with explicit inspection and maintenance
bars, reinforcement bars and thus loss of original procedures including its constructability and inspect
integrity of segmental construction and material ability aspects is required.
iv. Lack of shear connection between deck slab and
Prestressed beam girder initiating a non-composite The authors cordially thank Professor Kalyan Kumar
slip condition. Ray of IIT, Kharagpur and Dipesh Chandra Barua,
v. Lack of routine and expert inspection with Director, EISPE for their valuable suggestions and
maintenance of risk prone elements like prestressed remarks made during the preparation of this paper.
bars, segmental joints, expansion joints, bearings
and other critical components of bridge. REFERENCES
i. Anderson A.R. ,“System Concepts for Precast and
Other elements of the cut set have been ignored in this
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Construction”, Special
analysis as their occurrence is not prominent as per the site
Report 132, Systems Buildings for Bridges, Highway
evidence. Although, this qualitative fault tree approach is Research Board, Washington DC 1972.
useful to show failure combinations of various events in a
top down graphical manner, the actual events of the bridge ii. Biswas Mrinmay, “Precast Bridge Deck Design
System”, PCI Journal / March-April 1986.
failure can only be revealed with proper quantification of
the occurrences of the events on the basis of probabilistic iii. Le Beau Keary H. and Wadia-Fascetti Sara J., “Fault
data if available[3]. The minimal cut set can be directly used Tree Analysis of Schoharie Creek Bridge Collapse”,
in the inspection of these bridges with suitable assessment 320/Journal Of Performance Of Constructed Facilities
ASCE/July/ August 2007.
checklist derived from the possible events of this analysis.
As a result the maintenance strategy for this unique iv. Highway Bridges in West Bengal a report published by
structural system can be worked out in an appropriate way Public Works Department and Public Works (Roads)
to avoid long term damage propagation. This Fault Tree Department, Government of West Bengal, 1977.
model depicts the overall behaviour of this unique system v. Poston Randall W., Breen John E. and Carasquillo
and may be used for quantification of its parts to recognise Ramon L., “Design of Transversely Prestressed
the actual efficiency of this structural system. Concrete Bridge Decks”, PCI Journal / September-
October 1989.
vi. Smith-Pardo Paul J. and Ramirez Julio A., “An
From this report, it can be inferred that the collapse of Investigation on Transversely Prestressed Concrete
this bridge deck is triggered from its intrinsic reasons like Bridge Decks”, Report No. – FHWA/IN/JTRP-
internal loss of strength of material and stiffness of the 2002/26, December 2002.
whole precast segmental deck system. Induced torsion for vii. Som Biswajit, Som Sohini, Majumdar Dipesh
its skewed deck profile, caused yielding of the transversely and Mondal Gokul, “Fault Tree Model for Failure
prestressed bars resulting in excessive elongation which Path Prediction of Bolted Steel Tension Member
probably initiated the failure. The possible absence of in a Structural System”, International Journal of
shear connections between the prestressed girders and Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN: 2248-
the deck slab led to the loss of in-plane and out-of plane 9622, Vol. 5, Issue 6, (Part-5) June 2015, pp. 18-25.
deck redundancy which may be required to be reviewed viii. Tadros Maher K., Ghali Amin and Meyer Arthur
by more updated analysis and experimental verification. W.,“Prestressed Loss and Deflection of Precast
The longitudinal profile of prestressed bars in girders may Concrete Members”, PCI Journal / January-February
require further investigation for its long term structural 1985.


New/Revised Publications of IRC – NEW ARRIVALS

The IRC has brought out the following 15 New/Revised Publications. These prestigious publications are quite useful
for the Highway Professionals.

S. No. Title of the Document Price Packing &


1 IRC:37-2018 “Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavement” (Fourth 1400.00 40.00


2 IRC:57-2018 Recommended Practice for Sealing of Joints in Concrete 300.00 20.00

Pavements (Second Revision)

3 IRC:86-2018 Geometric Design Standards for Urban Roads and Streets 600.00 30.00
(First Revision)

4 IRC:87-2018 Guidelines for Formwork, Falsework and Temporary 800.00 40.00

Structures for Road Bridges (Second Revision)

5 IRC-127-2018 Guidelines on Skill Development of Workmen in Road 800.00 40.00


6 IRC:SP:36-2018 Guidelines for IRC Standards (First Revision) 100.00 20.00

7 IRC:SP:54-2018 Project Preparation Manual for Bridges (First 500.00 30.00


8 IRC:SP:63-2018 Guidelines for the Use of Interlocking Concrete Block 500.00 30.00
Pavement (First Revision)

9 IRC:SP:73-2018 “Manual of Specifications and Standards for Two 1500.00 40.00

Laning of Highways with Paved Shoulder” (Second Revision)

10 IRC:SP:83-2018 Guidelines for Maintenance, Repairs & Rehabilitation 1000.00 60.00

of Cement Concrete Pavements (First Revision)

11 IRC:SP:117-2018 Manual on Universal Accessibility for Urban Roads 900.00 40.00

and Streets

12 IRC:SP:119-2018 “Manual of Planting and Landscaping of Urban 1200.00 40.00


13 IRC:SP:120-2018 “Explanatory Handbook to IRC:22-2015 “Standard 1000.00 40.00

Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges, Section VI-
Composite Construction”

14 IRC:SP:121-2018 Guidelines for Use of Iron, Steel and Copper Slag in 600.00 30.00
Construction of Rural Roads

15 IRC- Pocket Book for Road Construction Equipment 1200.00 50.00

Copies of these publications can be obtained from IRC Office against cash payment. For more details, please contact
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Prof. Amit Shriwas1 Dr. Indrasen Singh2 Prof. Siddesh Pai3

India is presently the world’s fastest-growing major economy. India's economy is set to overtake the United States as
the world’s second largest by 2050. Infrastructure development will play vital role to convert this prediction into realty.
Government of India has set the ambitious target of Infrastructure development in coming years. It is the time for Indian
construction industry to make a vision to play key role in achieving such ambitious target. Indian construction have to
start implementing best project management practices benchmarking international standards. As per various research,
cost towards construction equipment operation is 36% of total project cost. Optimization of construction equipment will
play very important role saving substantial cost of infrastructure project. Pilot study carried on Project A: NH 4A (NH
748) Four Lanning and Project B: NH 17 (NH 66) Canacona Bypass in the state of Goa. Both the project consist of bridge,
culvert and road works. Total cost of the Project A is Rs. 241 Crore and cost towards construction equipment installation
and operation is Rs. 92 Crore. Total cost of the Project B is Rs. 180 Crore and cost towards construction equipment
installation and operation is Rs. 63 Crore. Construction equipment optimization by sharing of construction equipment
between two infrastructure projects on the basis of free float utilization resulting in cost saving of Rs. 46.2 Crore.

1. Introduction share for developing 27 industrial clusters and for road,

railway and port connectivity projects.
A well-developed infrastructure is the foundation for
growth in any country. Infrastructure provides the basic Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Government
support system for other sectors of the economy expanding of India, has decided to increase the national highway
capabilities everywhere. Indian Infrastructure sector cover from the current 96,260.72 kilometers to
is going through revolutionary phase, as USD 1 trillion 200,000 kilometers in the country. The project includes
investment planned in 12th five year plan, according to Niti development of four-lane and expressways. Creating a
Aayog – Government of India. The role of construction world class infrastructure in highways is of top priority.
equipment is very important to face challenges of 21st Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government
of India has set an ambitious target of laying more than
century India’s infrastructure development.
40 km of roads every day in next five year with signing
India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 7.6 per contracts worth US $45 billion for highway construction.
cent in the year 2015-16, has made India the fastest growing Effective project management is the most important factor
economy in the world. Considering the importance of to accomplish infrastructure development target set by
Infrastructure growth, a critical factor for the continued Government of India. Construction equipment plays vital
economic growth of the country, the Ministry of Road role in infrastructure construction.
Transport and Highways Government of India has Effective project management is the most important factor
proposed Rs 25 trillion investment in infrastructure for to accomplish infrastructure development target set by
the next three years (2017-2020) duration imparting major Government of India.

Assistant Professor, E-mail: [email protected]
Senior Professor and Dean, E-mail: [email protected] National Institute of construction Management and Research, Farmagudi, Ponda Goa,
Assistant Professor, E-mail: [email protected]



In this research paper authors have considered two performed to define a new project or a new phase
infrastructure (highway development) projects. Project of an existing project by obtaining authorization to
details are as follows: start the project or phase.
• Four laning of NH-4A (NH-748) between • Planning Process Group: The process required
Km.118/000 to 125/000 including construction
to establish the scope of the project, refine the
of high level four lane new khandepar bridge at
Km.118/800 in the state of Goa. objectives, and define the course of action required
to attain the objectives that the project was
• Construction of Canacona National Highway
undertaken to achieve.
Bypass from km. 68/00 (chainage 00/00) to km.
85/740 (chainage 7/740) on NH-17 (New NH-66) • Executing Process Group: The processes
on P. M section in the state of Goa. performed to complete the work defined in the
Authors have applied Primavera 6.0 R8.4 for complete project management plan to satisfy the project
project planning of both the project. Critical path method specifications.
applied for calculating the time span of the project.
• Monitoring and Controlling: The process required
Activity with free float identified to carry out analysis
have indicated the substantial cost reduction towards to track, review, and regulate the progress and
construction equipment operation for both the projects. performance of the project; identify any areas in
which changes to the plan are required; and initiate
the corresponding changes.
Project management is the application of knowledge,
• Closing Process Group: Those processes
skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
performed to finalize all activities across all process
meet the project requirements. Project management
groups to formally close the project or phase.
is accomplished through the appropriate application
and integration of the 47 logically grouped project The process group’s interaction and the project
management processes, which are categorized into management process are shown in Fig. 1 and 2
five process group. These five Process Groups are: respectively. The project management process groups
• Initiating Process Group: Those processes and knowledge area mapping is given in Table 1.

Source: PMBOK Guide

Fig. 1 Processes Groups Interaction in a Phase or Project



Source: PMBOK Guide

Fig. 2 Project Management Processes Interaction



Table 1 Project Management Process Groups and Knowledge Areas Mapping

Knowledge Project Management Process Groups
Initiating Planning Process Group Executing Monitoring & Closing
Process Group Process Group Controlling Process Process
Group Group
Project Develop Develop Project Direct and • M onitor and Control Close Project
Integration Project Management Plan Manage Project Project Work or Phase
Management Charter Work • Perform Integrated
Change Control

Project • Plan Scope Management • ValidateScope

Scope • Collect Requirements • ControlScope
Management • Define Scope
• CreateWBS

Project • Plan Schedule Management Control Schedule

Time • Define Activities
Management • Sequence Activities
• Estimate Activity Resource
• Estimate Activity Duration
• Develop Schedule

Project • Plan Cost Management Control Costs

Cost • Estimate Costs
Management • Determine Budget

Project Quality Plan Quality Management Perform Quality Control Quality

Management Assurance
Project Plan Human Resource • A cquire
Human Management Project Team
Resource • Develop
Management Project Team
• Manage
Project Team
Project Plan Communications Manage Control
Communications Management Communications Communications

Project • Plan Risk Management Control Risks

Risk • Identify Risks
Management • Perform Qualitative Risk
• Perform Quantitative Risk
• Plan Risk Responses

Project Plan Procurements Conduct Control Close

Procurement Management Procurements Procurements Procurements

Project Identify Plan Stakeholders Manage Control

Stakeholder Stakeholders Management Stakeholders Stakeholders
Management Engagement Engagement

Source: PMBOK Guide



2.1 Critical Path Method • INDEPENDENT FLOAT: It is the excess time

available if the preceding activity ends as late as
The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK),
possible and the succeeding activity start as early
an internationally recognized collection of processes and
as possible.
knowledge areas accepted as best practice for the project
management profession, defines the critical path as “the • INTERFERING FLOAT: Interfering float is the
sequence of scheduled activities that determines the difference between the total float and free float.
duration of the project.” It is the longest sequence of tasks 2.2 Literature Review
in a project plan that must be completed on time in order After reviewing various research papers and books on
for the project to meet its deadline. If there is a delay in highway project management, author found that critical
any task on the critical path, then whole project will be path method applied for calculating project completion
delayed. Although many projects have only one critical period, resource optimization, cost control, risk assessment
path, some projects may have multiple critical paths. etc. neither float management nor construction equipment
• FLOAT: Float is the amount of time an activity, sharing aspect is being discussed in any of the research.
network path, or project can be delayed from the Authors strongly feel that float management and
early start without changing the completion date construction equipment sharing can play very important
of the project. Float denotes the flexibility range role in infrastructure project management. Hence author
within which the activity start and finish time have considered free float for sharing of major construction
may fluctuate without affecting the total project equipment between two highway and bridge development
duration. project in Goa. Primavera 6.0 R8.4 applied for scheduling
• TOTAL FLOAT: It is the time span by which the and identification of free float in both the project.
starting or finishing of an activity can be delayed
without affecting the overall completion time of the 3. MAJOR EQUIPMENT RATE
project. Major equipment rate were collected in the year 2016.
• FREE FLOAT: It is that duration by which an Equipment rates are inclusive of fuel charge, maintenance
activity can be delayed without delaying any other cost, operator cost, and salvage value. The equipment rate
succeeding activity. Free float is the portion of total is given in Table 2.
float. This concept is based on all activities start at
their earliest times. Table 2 Equipment Rate

Sr. Name of Equipment Rate Per Hour

No. (INR)
1 Batching and Mixing Plant 30 cum capacity 1940
2 Hot mix Plant – 120 TPH capacity 15100
3 Hot mix Plant – 100 TPH capacity 11167
4 Hot mix Plant – 60 to 90 TPH capacity 8930
5 Hot mix Plant – 40 to 60 TPH capacity 1950
6 Piling Rig with Bentonite Pump 4200
7 Crane 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 - 40 Tonne 536
8 Crane 80 tonnes 1200
9 Dozer D – 80 – A 12 3030
10 Dozer D – 50 – A 15 2145
11 Integrated Stone Crusher 100 THP 6000
12 Integrated Stone Crusher 200 HP 12000
13 Hydraulic Excavator of 1 cum bucket 1000
14 Transit Mixer 4.0/4.5 cum 820
15 Transit Mixer 3.0 cum 700
16 Tipper – 5 cum 438
17 Tandem Road Roller 800



18 Smooth Wheeled Roller 8 tonne 700

19 Truck 5.5 cum per 10 tonnes 200
20 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne 1163
21 Wet Mix Plant 60 TPH 1400
22 Paver Finisher Hydrostatic with sensor or mechanical control 100 TPH 2000
23 Kerb Casting Machine 50
24 Mechanical Broom Hydraulic 410
25 Motor Grader 3.35 mtr blade 436
26 Mobile slurry seal equipment 790
27 Hydraulic Chip Spreader 171
28 Front End loader 1 cum bucket capacity 800
29 GSB Plant 50 cum 1224
30 Emulsion Pressure Distributor 640
31 Wet Mix Plant 100 TPH 8847
32 Wet Mix Plant 75 TPH 6610
33 Vibrating Pile driving hammer complete with power unit and accessories 1200
34 Piling rig including double acting pile driving hammer (Hydraulic rig) 6250
35 Jack for lifting 40 tonne lifting capacity 1200
36 Bitumen Pressure Distributor 760
37 Bitumen Boiler oil fired 522
38 Concrete Paver Finisher with 40 HP Motor 2500
39 Pneumatic Road Roller 727
40 Pneumatic Sinking Plant 3094
41 Pot Hole Repair Machine 2145
42 Pre stressing Jack with Pump & access 140
43 Ripper 1878
44 Rotavator 450
45 Compressor with guniting equipment along with accessories 500
46 Plate compactor 63
47 Batching and Mixing Plant 15 – 20 cum capacity 1520
48 Cement concrete batch mix plant @ 75 cum per hour (effective output) 3245
49 Road marking machine 90
50 Tractor 370
51 Tractor with Rotevator 200
52 Tractor with Ripper 200
53 Belt conveyor system 800
54 Cold milling machine @ 20 cum per hour 500
55 Drum mix plant for cold mixes of appropriate capacity but not less than 75 tonnes/hour 1200
56 Epoxy Injection gun 200
57 Induction, DE induction and erection of plant and equipment including all components and 15000
accessories for pneumatic method of well sinking.
58 Joint Cutting Machine with 2-3 blades (for rigid pavement) 50
59 Truck Trailor 30 tonne capacity 300
Source: Primary Survey Data , 2016



4. PROJECT A: NH 4A FOUR LANNING Project title: Construction of Canacona National Highway

Project title: Four laning of NH-4A (NH-748) between Bypass from km. 68/00 (chainage 00/00) to km. 85/740
Km.118/000 to 125/000 including construction of high (chainage 7/740) on NH-17 (New NH-66) on P.m section
level four lane new khandepar bridge at Km.118/800 in in the state of Goa.
the state of Goa. Location: Canacona – Goa.
Location: Ponda – Goa. Client: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways,
Client: Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.
Government of India. Contractor: M. VENKATA RAO INFRA PROJECTS
Contractor: M. Venkata Rao Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd PVT. LTD (MVR)
(MVR) Project start date: 01.01.2016
Project start date: 01.01.2016 Project finish date: 13.02.2018
Project finish date: 22.01.2019 Project detail: Project consist of construction of 7.74 km
Project detail: Project consisted of construction of service four lane road (paved with bituminous mix) as Canacona
/ slip road (paved with bituminous mix) on LHS and RHS bypass, 500 m long bridge at Galgibag, 450 m long bridge
for total length of 13.586 km, 106 m long Khandepar high at Talpona, 100 m long bridge at Mashe, 21 new culvert
level bridge, 400 m long grade separator at Ponda, 30 and 1720 m long reinforce earth wall.
m long grade separator at Amigos junction, 4 vehicular Cost of the project: Rs. 180 Crore.
underpass, widening of 26 culverts, 4 box culver and
Construction equipment operation cost: Rs. 63 Crore.
junction improvement at 9 location.
Weightage construction equipment operation towards
Cost of the project : Rs. 241 Crore.
total cost: 35%
Construction equipment operation cost : Rs. 92 Crore.
Project breakup cost for project B is shown in
Weightage of construction equipment operation Fig. 4.
towards total cost: 38%.
Primary project break up cost for project A is shown in
Fig. 3.

Source: Primary survey data , 2016

Fig. 4: Project Break Up Cost for Project B
6. Equipment Optimization Model
Source: Primary survey data , 2016
Fig. 3 Project Break Up Cost for project A 6.1 Process Flow Chart
5. PROJECT B: NH 17 (NH 66) CANACONA Process flowchart of equipment optimization
BYPASS model is shown in Fig. 5.

6.2 Project Connectivity

Selection of Two Identical Infrastructure project
(Close loacation/Executed by Same contractor) Distance between Project A & Project B is 83.5 km, Projects
are properly connected by NH-4A (NH-748) and NH-17
(New NH-66). Distance can be covered in 2 hours. Hence,
Construction Equipment Information Collection
mobile equipment can be shared easily. The connectivity of
(Activity wise usage, rate and productivity)
the project A and Project B is shown in Fig. 6.

Preparing Schedule in Primavera 6.0 R8.4

(Equipment assigned to each and every activity)

Identification of activity with free float availability more that 10 days

Equipment Sharing between Identical Activity of both the Project

Caculation of Cost Saving by Both the Project = A

Calculation of Cost Saving by Sharing Major Plant Set Up = B

Total Cost Saving = A + B

Source: Primary survey data, 2016 Fig. 6: Project A and Project B Connectivity Map
Fig. 5: Process Flow Chart of Equipment Optimization
Source: Google Maps

6.3 Equipment Cost Analysis for Project A and Equipment cost analysis for project A and Project B is
Project B given in Table 3.

Table 3 Project A and Project B Free Equipment Cost Analysis

Sr. Description (In ` Crore) Project A: NH Project B: NH 17 Total
No. 4A (NH 748) (NH 66) of Project
Four Lanning Canacona Bypass A+B
1. Total Project Cost 241 180 421
2. Cost Towards Equipment 92 63 155
3. Equipment Weightage (In %) 38% 35% 37%
4. Machinery Mobilization Cost 0.91 0.61 1.52
5. Major Plant Installation & Operation 64.18 44.85 109
6. Major Plant Installation & Operation Weightage (In %) 27% 25% 26%
7. Other Machinery 27.32 17.15 44.47
Source : Primary survey data , 2016

6. 4 Project A and Project B Activity (Utilizing Common Free float analysis of project A and Project B is given in
Resources) - Free Float Table 4.



Table 4 Project A and Project B Free Float Analysis

Sr. Project A: NH 4A (NH Project B: NH 17

No. Activity 748) Four Lanning (NH 66) Canacona Bypass
A. Highway
1. Bituminous Concrete (BC) 3 - 409 14 - 160
B. Culvert
1. Excavation 49 41
2. Miscellaneous works: (Stone Pitching, Painting 1 1 - 506
of Head walls. etc.)
C. Bridge
1. Superstructure - Pier Head 30 18
2. Superstructure - T Arm (Casting) 80 48
3. Superstructure - T Arm (Launching) 30 - 663 42 - 538
Source: Primary Data – Schedule From Primavera 6.0 R8.4
6.5 Equipment Optimization by Utilization of Free B – NH 17 (NH 66) Canacona Bypass activity with
Float high float can share the equipment with Project A –
In this research project, it has been considered activity NH 4A (NH 748) Four Lanning. Cost saving by free
with high float in both the Project A and Project B. float utilization for project A and project B is given in
After thorough analysis, it was observed that Project Table 5.

Table 5 Project A and Project B Cost Saving by Free Float Utilization

Sr. Project A – NH 4A (NH Project B – NH 17 (NH 66) Cost Saving Remark
No. 748) Four Lanning Canacona Bypass In Project B
Activity Id Free Float Activity Id Free Float (INR)
(In Days) (In Days)
A. Highway - Bituminous Concrete (BC)
1. A1230 11 A1170 14 419456 Project A:
2. A1350 17 A1290 31 419456 9.9.16 To 15.8.18
3. A1410 17 A1470 28 104864 Project B:
4. A1590 409 A1590 46 419456 7.4.16 To 1.2.18
5. A1650 23 A1650 31 419456 Mentioned activity of Project
6. A1830 18 A1710 160 629184 B can utilize equipment of
7. A2010 16 A1830 11 209728 Project A, because Project B
8. A1950 27 104864 activities starting after 9.9.16
9. A2010 10 104864 and finishing before 15.8.18
Sub Total of A. 2831328 with large free float.
B. Bridge - Super Structure – Pier Head Unit
1. A5920 30 A6420 18 214368 Project A:
2. A6420 30 A6790 18 214368 3.5.16 To 6.12.17
3. A6790 30 Project B:
29.3.16 To 26.6.17
Mentioned activity of Project
B can utilize equipment of
Sub Total of B. 428736 Project A, because Project B
activities starting after 3.5.16
and finishing before 6.12.17
with large free float.



C. Bridge – Casting of Segments – Super Structure – T Arm

1. A6020 80 A6020 48 420864 Project A:
2. A6030 80 A6030 48 420864 17.3.16 To 9.10.17
3. A6040 80 A6040 48 420864 Project B:
4. A6050 80 A6050 48 420864 29.3.16 To 12.6.17
5. A6060 80 A6060 30 420864 Mentioned activity of Project
6. A6070 80 A6070 48 420864 B can utilize equipment of
7. A6080 80 A6080 48 420864 Project A, because Project
8. A6090 80 A6090 48 420864 B activities starting 29.3.16
9. A6100 80 A6100 48 420864 close to 17.3.16 only and
10. A6530 80 A6530 48 532224 finishing before 9.10.17 with
large free float.
11. A6820 80 A6540 48 532224
12. A6830 80 A6550 48 532224
13. A6560 48 532224
14. A6570 48 532224
15. A6580 48 532224
16. A6590 48 532224
17. A6600 48 532224
18. A6610 48 532224
19. A6620 42 532224
20. A6820 48 532224
21. A6830 48 532224
Sub Total of C. 10174464
Grand Total (A + B + C) 13434528 Project B activity equipment
cost considered.
Source: Primary Data – Schedule From Primavera 6.0 R8.4
6.6 Major Plant Optimization utilize plant installed for the Project A – NH 4A (NH 748)
Four Lanning. This strategy will be resulting in cost saving
Total Rs. 109 Crore incurred towards major plant installation
of Rs. 44.85 Crore, which turns around 25% of total cost of
and operation cost for project A and B, which is 70% of
Project B – NH 17 (NH 66) Canacona Bypass.
construction equipment budget and 26% of total project cost.
By analyzing both the project characteristic and location, it 6.7 Cost Control through Equipment Optimization
is found that common site for plant installation is required. The total cost saving for Project A and Project B is shown
Hence Project B – NH 17 (NH 66) Canacona Bypass can in Table 6.
Table 6 Total Cost Saving for Project A and Project B
Sr. Description Amount
No. (In Rs./Crore)
1. Cost saving by Major Plant and Installation sharing on the basis of free float 44.85
2. Cost saving by other equipment sharing on the basis of free float availability 1.35
Grand Total (Overall Cost Saving) 46.2
Cost saving in % of Total Cost of Project B 26%
Cost saving in % of Total Cost of Project A + B 11%
Source: Primary Data – Schedule From Primavera 6.0 R8.4
7. EXPERT INTERVIEW the most important strategy to counter time and cost
Authors have interviewed General Manager - M. overrun. Construction equipment optimization model
Venkata Rao Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd (MVR), comments like this will not only control the time and cost but also
are “Construction equipment plays vital role in project result in substantial cost saving in multiple infrastructure
delivery. Sharing of construction equipment is one of project.”



8. CONCLUSION vi. “Roads ministry targets laying over 40 km of roads every

Construction equipment are the primary requirement of all day in 2016 - 17” by Rajat Arora, The Economic Times.
infrastructure project. Effective management of construction
equipment ensured timely delivery of infrastructure Standard.
project within the contractual cost. In this research paper viii. “CPM Analysis of Rolai-Rinjlai Road Construction”
authors have carried out the potential of construction by KhuranaSunita and Banerjee Snigdha (School of
equipment sharing model between two highways and Statistics, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, M.P., India)
bridge project in Goa. Critical path method, Primavera 6.0 at Research Journal of Mathematical and Statistical
R8.4 applied for schedule preparation. Activity with free Sciences-2013.
float considered for sharing of construction equipment. ix. “A Study on Resource Planning in Highway
Free float utilization will be resulting in substantial cost Construction Projects” by K SwarnaKumari and
saving for the project. Considering both the project weigh J Vikranth at PYDAH College of Engineering &
Technology. , JNTUK, Andhra Pradesh.
tage of construction equipment is 37% of the total cost.
x. Project Management Software: “Primavera 6.0 R8.4”.
Cost towards major plant installation and operation turns xi. Project Management Institute. (2013) A Guide to the
around 25% of the total project cost. Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5th Ed. Project
In this case Project B – NH 17 (NH 66) Canacona Bypass Management Inst, [S.L.]
can utilize plant installed for the Project A – NH 4A (NH xii. Peurifoy R, Schexnayder C, Shapira A (2010)
748) Four Lanning. This strategy will be resulting in Construction planning, equipment, and methods, 7th ed.
cost saving of Rs. 45 Crore. Apart from this Cost saving McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Boston
by other equipment sharing on the basis of free float xiii. Dr. S. Seetharaman (2014) Construction Engineering
and Management, 5th ed. Umesh Publication, Chennai
availability is Rs. 1.35 Crore. Finally Rs. 46.2 Crore cost
xiv. Punmia B. C., Khandelwal K. K. (2016) Project
saving achieved, which is 26% of Project B Cost and 11% Planning and Control with PERT and CPM, 4th ed.
of Project A and Project B Cost. Laxmi Publications.
REFERENCES xv. Modi P. N. (2009) PERT and CPM, 5th ed. Standard
i. National Highway Authority of India (Ministry of Road Book House
Transport and Highway, Government of India) xvi. Chitkara K. K. (2010) Construction Project Management,
ii. “Construction Planning, Equipment and Meyhods” by 2nd ed. McGraw Hill Education.
“Robert L. Peurifoy, Cliff J. Schexnayder, AviadShapira”, xvii. Paul E. Harris (2014) Planning & Control Using
McGraw Hill Publication; 2007 edition. Primavera P6, Revised Indian Edition, Eastwood Harris
iii. “Downtime Model Development for Construction Publication/ BPB Publications
Equipment Management” by “Mr. Madhav Prasad xviii. (2017) Union Budget 2017 - 18: Highlights. Civil
Nepal and Mr. Moonseo Park (Assistant Professor Engineering& Construction Review 28.
at National University of Singapore, Singapore)”. xix. (2017) Welcome to NHAI. In:
Journal - Engineering, Construction and Architectural
Management – 2004 xx.
iv. “Heavy Equipment Management Practices and xxi.
Problems in Thai Highaway Contractor” by xxii.
“ThanapunPrasertrungung and B.H.W. Hadikusumo xxiii.
at Asian School of Technolgy, Thailand”, Journal xxiv.
- Engineering, Construction and Architectural xxv.
Management -2007. xxvi.
v. “Construction and Project Management for Engineers, xxvii.
Architects, Planners and Builders” by “K.G. project-stage2.html
Krishnamurthy and S. V. Ravindra”, CBS (1 December xxviii.
2008) “Construction Management and Equipment” by course-material/project-time-management/sequence-
“Saurabh K. Soni”, S.K. Kataria& Sons Publication; activities
2014 edition.

Names of the Authors of the fourth Paper entitled "Application of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH)
Circulars of Pavement Option Studies with Case Studies" printed at pages 29-35 of May, 2019 issue of Indian Highways
may please be read as: Shri Swapan Bagui, Ms. Atasi Das and Shri Anukul Saxena. The name of Shri Anukul Saxena
was left inadvertently while printing.





M.Sreeram1 A.Ramesh2 V.Venkat Ramayya3 M.Kumar4

Aggregate gradation selection process plays a vital role in designing the Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) layer. In our country
mid-point blending of aggregate is adopted as outlined in Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH). Bailey’s
method of aggregate packing has significant effect in improving the structural skeleton of the aggregate in bituminous
concrete mixes.
During the preparation of HMA harmful gases are released which pollutes the environment. Numerous techniques are in
practice, a few are at developing stage for reducing the effect of harmful gases. One among the technique for reducing the
mixing temperature is with the use of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA).
The current experimental study attempts in the efficacy of bituminous concrete mixes prepared with MoRTH mid-
point gradation and varied packing characteristics vis-à-vis of Bailey’s method. Both mixes were modified with
sasobit and reinforced with fibre for judging the efficacy in Marshall Parameters, tensile strength, resilient and rutting
A total of six different mix combinations were prepared, out of which the first three mixes were prepared using MoRTH
mid-point gradation and remaining three mix combinations were prepared with varied packing characteristics vis-à-vis of
Bailey’s method. The results explains that reinforced WMA mixes prepared with Bailey method provides better efficacy
towards stiffness value, moisture sensitivity and rutting resistance when compared with modified bituminous concrete
mixes when prepared with MoRTH midpoint gradation.

1. Introduction the packing characteristics so as to improve the mixture

Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is composed of different properties.
aggregate sizes glued together with asphalt binder. Preparation of HMA requires large amount of fuel and
The response of HMA to traffic loads and environment in-turn releases harmful gases. One of the alternatives for
depends on its constituent’s material properties and the reducing the mixing temperature and release of harmful
proportion of each. The performance characteristics of gases in HMA mixture is with the use of Warm Mix
HMA mixture is also based on aggregate skeleton which Asphalt (WMA). These mixtures are prepared at much
directly relates to the mixture response. Properties of low temperatures (110˚C-120˚C) and are placed on the
the aggregate skeleton are expressed directly in terms road. WMA mixtures contribute in cost savings during
of hardness, shape, and aggregate gradation. In our operation of HMA plant. Several additives are in used
country we adopt MoRTH Specifications for preparation for preparation of WMA in our study we have used a
of HMA mixture but there are no guidelines for varying wax product as Sasobit®. Sasobit is a synthetic hard wax

PG Student, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology, E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of CE, VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engg. & Tech., Bachupally, Hyderabad, E-mail: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of CE, Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Gandipet, Hyderabad, E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of CE, University College of Engg. (Autonomous), Osmania University, Hyderabad, E-mail: [email protected]



which is free from sulfur and other impurities. The use performance characteristics of conventional, modified and
of this organic additive, Sasobit® wax pellets reduces the reinforced bituminous mixes when prepared with MoRTH
viscosity of the asphalt binder and provides homogenous midpoint gradation and varied packing characteristics vis-
glue with the aggregate. Polypropylene fibre (PE) was à-vis of Bailey’s method.
used as reinforcement which is rigid, tough and crystalline
thermoplastic produced from propylene fibre.
3.1 Materials
1.1 Problem Statement
Crushed stone aggregates and stone dust is collected
Pavement structures are subjected for several from local quarry. VG 30 grade bitumen was collected
distresses among them the predominant distress from IOCL Chennai refinery and sasobit pellets were
are fatigue and rutting. In this article an attempt is collected from M/s. KPL International limited, New Delhi.
made in the laboratory for reducing the release of Polypropylene fiber (PE) is collected from M/s. Reliance
harmful gases during the preparation HMA mixture. Industries Limited.
The distresses in HMA mixture are improved by 3.2 Gradation of the Mix
providing better aggregate skeleton and through
Bitumen Concrete grade II as outlined in MoRTH
guidelines was used in the present investigation[30]. Bailey
2. LITERATURE REVIEW method of mix design addresses issues related to mobility,
A review of past studies is presented in this section. The compatibility and continuity of gradation through three
aggregate packing characteristics has an influence on parameters CA ratio, FAc ratio and FAf ratio[18] as shown
both shape and particle size distribution[11]. The effect of in fig. 1.
packing characteristics in HMA mixture developed by Bailey Parameters will be evaluated for a given blend as
Robert D. Bailey in the early 1980’s was successfully in per the following formulae.
the laboratory as well as in field[2, 13]. This method is best
suited for arriving homogeneous of large size asphalt
mixtures [5]. Bailey method of aggregate grading was
also evaluated for different sieve and aggregate sizes
as practiced in European[6]. Dense aggregate structured
mixes were also, designed with bailey method which
has provided better resistance towards permanent
deformation caused due to high traffic flow [1]. Bitumen
when modified with Sasobit for preparation of WMA
has impact on grade performance, aging behavior,
rheological properties at high or low temperatures, higher CA Ratio - Coarse Aggregate Ratio
complex moduli, lower creep elasticity[4,14,9,8]. The binder PP half sieve - Percent Passing Half Sieve
performance was expanded with addition Sasobit which
PCS - Primary Control Sieve = 0.22 x NMPS
has improved the oxidation and rutting characteristics
. The durability aspects of HMA mixtures for SCS - Secondary Control Sieve = 0.22 x PCS
different environmental conditions were improved when TCS - Tertiary Control Sieve = 0.22 x SCS
performed on wheel rutting test (HWT)[7,12].
PP PCS - Percent Passing Primary Control Sieve
2.1 Identification of Gap
PP SCS - Percent Passing Secondary Control Sieve
Researchers have adopted MoRTH midpoint gradation
for improving the performance of bituminous concrete PP TCS - Percent Passing Tertiary Control Sieve
mixes using additives and reinforcement. The variation
The factor 0.22 was arrived after considering the
in the aggregate gradation shall be addressed for efficacy
analysis of 2-D and 3-D packing of different shaped
of conventional and modified bituminous concrete
mixes. particles. 2-D Analysis has shown the particle
diameter ratio equal to 0.155 (all round) and 0.289
2.2 Objective and Scope of Research Work (all flat) with an average of 0.22 for angular and sub
The goal of this article is to investigate the efficacy in angular particle.



3.4. Preparation of Specimen

3.4.1 Marshal Specimens
Marshall Specimens were prepared as outlined in ASTM D
6926-04 [23] for arriving Marshall Parameters. Aggregates
were preheated before mixing with conventional and
modified bitumen (WMA). The mix is placed in mould of
100 mm diameter and compacted with 4.54 kg rammer,
falling from a height of 45.7 cm with 75 blows on each
face of the specimen. The compacted specimen shall have
a thickness of 63.5 mm.
MORTH guidelines were used to determine Optimum
Bitumen Content (OBC). Three test specimens were
Fig.1 Gradation of the Mixes compacted for each percentage of binder content, A
3.3 Preparation of Warm Mix Bitumen total of 120 specimens were prepared, in the first set
specimens were prepared with MoRTH mid-point
Sasobit granules was added to VG – 30 @ 0.5 – 3% with
gradation using conventional, modified mixes. In
an increment of 0.5% (w/w%) to weight of bitumen at
mixing temperature of 1200C. The mixing temperature the second set specimens were prepared with varied
of WMA mixture prepared with sasobit at 1150C and has packing characteristics vis-à-vis of Bailey’s method
approximately the same viscosity as that of conventional for conventional and modified mixes. Fig. 2 shows
mixture at 1350C. material used for preparation of Marshall Samples.

(a) Sasobit Granules (b)PE fiber c) Mixing and Compaction for WMA (d) Marshall with DAQ
Fig.2 Materials combinations for preparation of Marshall Specimens along with DAQ
3.4.2 Preparation of Specimens for Rutting Test prepared at lab densities. The slab was compacted
The specimen was prepared in a slab compacter using hydraulic pressure in oscillatory motion until
using roller compacting device as shown in Fig.3. desired laboratory mix densities were achieved as per
The slab has a volume of 6000 cc and mixes were AASHTO-T324 [20].

Fig.3: Slab Compactor and Immersion Type Wheel Rutting Equipment


TECHNICAL PAPER Immersion type of wheel tracking device properties and are calculated using equation below.
Accelerated test simulated in the laboratory for estimation St = 2P/π D t (4)
of rutting resistance and is presented in Fig.3. The wheel
Where St = IDT strength, MPa; P = maximum load, N
used in the study was a steel wheel of 47 mm wide and t = specimen height immediately before test, mm;
with total weight of wheel assembly including surcharge D = diameter of specimen, mm
is 710N, an LVDT is used to measure rut depth. The travel
of wheel path is 230 mm and the speed of the wheel for 3.6 Repeated Load Test Set-Up
one pass is approximately 1.46 kmph (72 wheel passes per Resilient modulus test was conducted by repetitive
min). Specimens were tested in fully immersed condition applications of compressive loads in a Haversine
in water at a temperature of 50oC for estimation of stripping waveform load pulse applied vertically for 1, 2 and 3 Hz.
property. Load duration of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 seconds were selected
to represent transient traffic load. The magnitude of load
3.5 Indirect Tensile Strength Characteristics
applied was 10% of tensile strength. Horizontal and
The indirect tensile strength was performed as outlined vertical deformations were measured using LVDT’s.
in AASHTO T 283[19]. Tensile strength properties of Marshall Specimens were used for resilient modulus test
bituminous mixture are used to relate to the cracking as per ASTM D 4123 [22].

Fig.4: Repeated Load Test set- Up

4. PRESENTATION OF TEST RESULTS 4.1 Engineering Properties of Aggregates
In order to meet the objectives of this article laboratory The suitability of aggregates for corresponding pavement
tests were performed on conventional and modified mixes layer or type of mixes is essential parameters. Table 1
prepared with MoRTH mid-point gradation and varied shows the engineering properties of aggregates used in
packing characteristics vis-à-vis of Bailey’s method. the study.
Table 1 Properties of Aggregates
Test conducted Results (%) MORT&H Specification (%) Test code
Aggregate crushing value 24.35 Max 30 IS:2386(IV)
Aggregate Impact Value 18.3 Max 30 IS:2386(IV)
Combined Elongation & Flakiness Indices 3.81 & 7.62 <15 IS:2386(I)
Water absorption 1.03 0.1-2 IS:2386(III)
Specific Gravity 2.73 2-3 IS:2386(III)
Los Angeles abrasion value 19.5 Max 30 IS:2386(IV)
As per MORTH [30] requirements aggregate materials satisfies preliminary test property required for of BC-grade-II.



4.2 Bitumen Properties were analysed in the laboratory for arriving the grade of
bitumen. Table 2 shows the properties of the VG-30 and
Bitumen is collected from IOCL refinery and its properties WMA prepared with Sasobit.
Table 2 Properties of Binders used in the study
(i) VG-30 Binder.

Consistency Characteristics Test Standards Laboratory values Specifications (VG- 30)*

Penetration at 250C,100 gm. 5 Sec, IS: 1203-1978 66.43 50-70
1/10 mm
Softening point0C IS:1205-1978 43 47
Ductility(cm) IS:1208-1978 44.6 50
Absolute viscosity(centipoises) IS:1206-1978(Part-2) 2376 2400

*Source: IS 73 2016
(ii)Warm Mix Asphalt

Type of Test Warm Mix Asphalt Test Standards

Penetration at 25ºC, 100 gm. 50 IS:1203-1978
5 Sec, 1/10 mm
Softening point(0C) 69 IS:1205-1978
Ductility(cm) 104 IS:1208-1978

It is observed from viscosity test results that WMA when 4.3 Marshall Properties
prepared with sasobit has low mixing temperatures than
conventional mix. This helps in reducing the release of In order to achieve the stated objectives following suitable
harmful gases during the preparation of HMA. codes are assigned and are presented in Table 3.

Table 3 Sample Codes for Different Mixes

Mix Type Description Code

MoRTH Midpoint Mid-point gradation prepared with virgin binder. MGV

Mid-point gradation prepared with Sasobit for arriving WMA mix. MGS

Mid-point gradation of WMA mixes when reinforced polypropylene fibre. MSP

Bailey’s method Bailey’s gradation prepared with virgin binder. BGV

of gradation
Bailey’s gradation prepared with Sasobit for arriving WMA mix. BGS

Bailey’s gradation of WMA mixes when reinforced polypropylene fibre. BSP

4.3.1. Marshall test properties for MGV & BGV of bitumen corresponding to 4% of Air Voids (MORTH,
5th Revision). Accordingly, Figure 5 represents Marshall
The Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) is the percentage Parameters for BGV and MGV mixes.



Fig.5. Marshall Parameters for MGV and BGV mixes.



The results illustrate that the optimum binder content for 4.3.2. Marshall test properties for MGS & BGS
MGV and BGV mix is arrived at 5.5% and 5.5% from mixtures
Air Voids perspective. Figure 5, it infers that the stability
Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) was prepared with Sasobit
value, density, VMA, VFB parameters were improved
for BGV mixes because aggregates gradation at these which produces asphalt mixes at low temperature;
sizes are found to possess high specific gravity and these mixes were prepared with MoRTH mid-point
better interlocking properties as the percentage of fine gradation and varied packing characteristics vis-à-vis
proportions being more which is arrived in JMF. of Bailey’s method.

Fig.6: Marshall Parameters for MGS and BGS mixes.

From the above figure 6 it is observed that the optimum point gradation and Bailey approach. The tensile
sasobit content for preparation of WMA is arrived at 1% properties of above two mixes were improved with
to the weight of bitumen. The addition of sasobit has Polypropylene fibre (PE) as reinforcement. These
reduced the mixing temperature by 200C thereby reducing
fibre were added at 0.2 % interval (w%w). Stability
the release of harmful gases in the preparation of HMA.
and density behavior for MSP and BSP mixtures
4.3.3 Marshall test properties for MSP & BSP are presented in fig. 7. It is observed that maximum
mixtures stability for MGS & BGS mixture is arrived at 0.6%
MSP and BSP mixes were prepared with mid- of PE and hence considered as optimum PE content.



Fig.7: Marshall Parameters for Different Percentages PE of MSP and BSP Mixtures
It is observed from the test results that voids in mineral coarser particles as that of in mid-point gradation. Voids in
aggregate for mixture prepared with Bailey approach is bitumen shall be in the range of 65 – 80% and all the mix
lower than that of convectional mid-point gradation. This combinations are within the range. Table 4 provides the
is because the finer particles occupy the void portion of details of Marshall Parameters for mix combinations.
Table 4 Marshall Parameters for Optimum end Results of Mix Combinations.
Binder content (%) Mix Type Stability Density (g/cc) Flow VMA (%) VFB Marshall
(kN) (mm) (%) Quotient

5.5 MGV 13.20 2.35  3.625 17.11 70.13 3.641

5.5 BGV 14.92 2.36 3.375 16.85 73.75 4.420

WMA prepared with Mix Type Stability Density Flow VMA VFB (%) Marshall
Sasobit content (%) (kN) (g/cc) (mm) (%) Quotient

1.00 MGS 14.59 2.36  3.34 16.61 73.9 4.368

1.00 BGS 16.23 2.37  3.15 16.38 72.7 5.152



Polypropylene fibre Mix Type Stability Density (g/cc) Flow VMA VFB (%) Marshall
(%) (kN) (mm) (%) Quotient
0.6 MSP 18.83 2.40 3.3 16.20 73.25 5.706
0.6 BSP 20.18 2.38  3.2 16.05 74.86 6.306

As per MoRTH specifications the flow values for all Table 5 Tensile Strength Ratio for Different Mix
mix combinations are in the range of 2 to 4 mm and is Combinations
shown in table 4. Mixes prepared with MoRTH mid-point
Mixture Conditioned Un-Conditioned TSR
gradations has higher flow values compared to mixes
MGV 0.60 0.80 0.75
prepared with Bailey approach. The air void criteria for
BGV 0.69 0.89 0.78
WMA mixes are satisfied as per IRC:SP:101-2014[29].
MGS 0.95 1.18 0.81
Marshall Quotient value is increased for mixes prepared BGS 0.98 1.20 0.82
with MoRTH midpoint gradation when compared with MSP 1.08 1.28 0.84
Bailey method. This indicates that the mixtures exhibits BSP 1.21 1.41 0.86
higher resistance towards rutting and shall be provided on
pavements where stiff bituminous mixture are required. From the above TSR test results it is observed that the
From the test results it infers that mixes prepared with fibre reinforced mixes perform well than unreinforced
varied packing characteristics vis-à-vis of Bailey’s method mixes with regard to tensile strength ratio. Also, the mixes
outperforms with the mixes prepared with MoRTH mid- made with Bailey’s gradation have performed better than
point gradation. those made with MoRTH’s midpoint gradation.
4.5 Resilient Modulus
4.4 Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR)
The resilient modulus data for all combination of mixtures
Moisture damage in bituminous mixes refers to the loss
in the study are shown in Table 6. This test was performed
of serviceability due to the presence of moisture. The ITS
for 300 cycles at three frequencies of 1Hz, 2Hz, and
test is a performance test which is often used to evaluate
3Hz at 350C. It is understood that after 100 cycles, the
the moisture susceptibility of a bituminous mixture. Table
accumulated plastic strain per cycle becomes negligible.
5 presents TSR values for different mix combinations used
Deflection and load readings were recorded in the first
in the study.
100 cycles, average of 5 cycles of test readings are used
TSR= S1/ S2  (5) to determine the resilient modulus. The test is performed
twice on one sample with 90 degree rotation. Repeated
S1 - Tensile Strength of Conditioned sample (MPa),
load test set-up [22], test was used to to determine resilient
S2 -Tensile Strength of Unconditioned sample (MPa) modulus of each mix combination.

Table 6 Repeated Load Test Results

Horizontal Initial
Mix Binder Tensile stress Resilient
Load (N) Deformation tensile
Combinations Content % (MPa) modulus (MPa)
(µm) strain

MGV 5.7 800 0.003381 0.8 2310 0.00077

BGV 5.6 890 0.00368 0.89 2361 0.00077

MGS 5.7 1180 0.0048 1.18 2400 0.00072
BGS 5.6 1200 0.0042 1.2 2789 0.00065
MSP 5.7 1280 0.0048 1.28 2624 0.00068
BSP 5.6 1410 0.0049 1.41 2831 0.00054



Fig: 8: Resilient Modulus for Different Mix Fig.9: Rutting Characteristics for Different Mix
Combinations at 1Hz, 2Hz, 3Hz. Combinations
Figure 8 explains that resilient modulus test when
performed for different frequencies at standard test Based on the experimental study carried out in the
temperature (350C), the aggregate skeleton has an effect laboratory the following conclusions were drawn.
on stiffness value. It was observed that increase in finer • Aggregate gradation obtained using Bailey
particle proportions increase the stiffness value. Therefore, approach of gradation was almost in line with the
the effect of aggregate size and aggregate skeleton has mid limits specified by the MoRTH standards.
influenced in improving resilient modulus as observed for • Marshall Stability values for unreinforced mixes
BGS and BSP mixtures. The inclusion of polypropylene prepared MoRTH midpoint gradation and Bailey
fibre as reinforcement in mixes prepared MoRTH midpoint approach mixes was higher by 13% and 12.62% for
gradation and Bailey approach has also improved the modified reinforced PE fibre mixes. Thus proving
resilient characteristics. Presently the effect on load that the Bailey’s gradations result in better stiffness
frequencies is moderate for resilient modulus values of
test results when performed at 1 – 3 Hz frequencies. Better • It is observed that WMA can be laid successful at
results will be understood during the future study when very low temperature of 1200C and has improved
Marshall Parameters for mixes prepared with
carried at 5Hz and 10Hz.
Bailey gradation.
4.6 Immersion Wheel Tests • The Modified bituminous concrete mixes when
The rutting test is conducted in accordance with AASHTO- reinforced with 0.6% PE content and Bailey’s
gradation have outperformed than all other mix
T324 [20] and used for evaluation of rutting characteristics
combinations with regard to Tensile Strength Ratio
of the mix. Rectangular slab was prepared of size 400
(TSR), thus proving the efficacy of these mixes
mm X 300 mm X 50 mm as shown in figure 9. The slabs with regard to resistance against moisture damage.
were prepared at OBC and OFC for all mix combinations
• The Modified bituminous concrete mixes when
at corresponding maximum densities as presented in reinforced 0.6% PE content and Bailey’s gradation
Table 4. 24,000 passes will simulate traffic of 30 msa in have improved the resilient modulus when
the field[10]. MoRTH midpoint gradation provides less compared with other mix combinations, thus
resistance towards rutting than mixtures prepared with proving the efficacy of these mixes with regard to
Bailey approach. WMA mix reinforced with PE fibre when resilient behavior.
prepared with Bailey approach has offered maximum • The Bailey’s Reinforced Modified Mix (BSP)
resistance towards rutting than all combinations in the has shown high resistance against rutting when
study. compared with all other mix combinations used



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H.S. Goliya1 M.I. Faraz2 Nitesh Dasondhi3

Public Private Partnership is defined as “an arrangement between the public and private sector with clear agreement for
delivery of public infrastructure or public services. Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts are the
most common form of contracts used to undertake construction works by the private sector on large scale and complex
infrastructure projects failures of partnerships.The highway sector in the country has been facing difficulties in the award
and implementation of projects particularly through public private partnership mode. This is due to over all economic
downturn as well as, specific issues of the sector. Here in this study a case study has been done under BOT mode of
construction of NH-59 A to conclude whether BOT Mode is viable for constructing project road. Hence Project designing,
and financial viability analysis has been done. Thus, viability of the project has been found out on the basis of economic
and financial point of view and for that discounted cash flow techniques have been used and it has been found that the
project road is economically viable on the basis of BOT model as Net Present Value (NPV) was found positive (26 Crore)
and also economic Internal Rate of Return (IRR) was found 13.1 % which is higher than Interest rate i.e. 12 %

1. Introduction a margin of the profit. The contractor is therefore fully

The road construction forms an integral part of responsible to increase the necessary finance, which
infrastructure development. In most of the cases, the large- is often a combination of debt and equity, for proper
scale projects like road and infrastructure development implementation of the project design of flexible pavement.
were taken up by the government solely, but this strategy It occurs generally in surface layer. The main factor of rut
increased the financial as well as labour stress on the initiation is shear strains in bituminous layer.
government. Therefore, an alternative programme in 2. Need of Study
the form of private participation projects (Public Private
Now a days the BOT method is being used in many
Partnerships) had been introduced and BOT is an excellent
infrastructure projects at both national and international
example of PPP. The BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer)
level where a private sponsor finances, design and build
concept may be defined as the granting of a concession
and then operates a facility for specified concession period
by the government to a private contractor, known as the
to recover his investment and earn desire benefits and
“Concessionaire”, who is responsible for the finance &
after that he transfers that facility to the project granting
construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities over
authority, but here in this strategy. A big limitation is being
the concession period before transferring the facility to the
seen, that most of risks either in the form of financing,
government at no cost.
construction, operational and recovery risk is being carried
During the concession period, concessionaire owns and by private participant, and there is no risk to be borne by
operates the facility such as a toll road etc., and collects the granting authorities. Hence private investors are not
revenues to recover financing and investment costs, interested for investing in such projects of huge risks of
and to maintain and operate the facility as well as make recovery. Therefore, some other financing strategies has
Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Professor Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science, Indore
Research Scholar



been introduced to overcome this risk factor, like EPC and and identifying the most suitable mitigation strategies.
annuity model etc. Since BOT schemes has been proved
Salami B. et. al. (2013) This research establishes success
very beneficial for project granting authorities, therefore,
factors for BOT power plant project in Iran comprise of 33
it is suggested for different projects. Hence in research
factors. All 33 success factors are considered as important
work a case study has been done on a project road NH-
factors in BOT infrastructure projects; moreover, there
59A (Indore-Harda MP).
is a good agreement in significance of success factors
3. Objective of Study between government organization, consultants, and
• To accomplish road inventory and traffic survey. concessionaires.
• To decide proposed road cross- section either two Schaufelberger J. et al. (2003) This paper contains a
lanes or four lanes on the basis oflane capacity study of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project financing
analysis. strategies from the perspective of project sponsors. The
• To design a four-lane highway on the basis of financing strategy for a BOT project includes the selection
design traffic data. of the appropriate mix of equity and debt financing, and
the identification of appropriate financing sources. Based
• To estimate the total cost of project and compare
on the study findings, a decision model was developed
economics of pavements and conclude the
that can be used by BOT project sponsors in selecting
feasibility of proposed BOT toll road project.
appropriate financing strategies.
4. Literature Review
Tiong al.(1995) This paper is concerned with the
Ahmed al. (2007) This paper aims to introduce a role of equity and level of equity investment required in
decomposed evaluation model developed to assess the most a build-operate-transfer (BOT) tender. This paper shows
common significant decision factors that strongly affect that high level of equity is necessary in BOT tender If it
the feasibility of BOT projects. The paper describes the is specified in the request for proposal, the competition is
viability decision factors that were identified and screened keen, and financing for the project is certain.
with the assistance of a group of industry experts. This
analysis yielded 21 significant factors that would have a 5. Methodology
certain impact on the feasibility of any BOT project. In this study, following data and details were obtained:
Gupta A.etal. (2013) In this paper, major risk factors of • Traffic analysis on project road and obtained annual
ongoing PPP highway projects (under NHAI and MPRDC) average daily traffic and also traffic forecast for
have been identified. Cumulative impact of risks and its design life of the pavement.
fluctuation over various phases of BOT project life have • Design of pavement on the basis of IRC standards
been analysed. In view of the findings it is suggested to set i.e. IRC:37 for design of flexible pavement and
up regulator for the PPP road projects which could oversee IRC:58 for design of rigid pavement.
the fast-changing overall socio-economic environment
• Estimating the cost of the project road as per present
and suggest measures to lessen risk and create win-win
rates given in MPPWD-SOR 2017 and preparing
situation to all stakeholders.
toll forecasts of revenues.
Jeong J. et al. (2016) In this study, a model to evaluate the • Preparing economic evaluation and profitability
financial viability of a highway service areas BOT project statement by different methods of economic
is developed based on the discounted cash flow analysis evaluation i.e. net present value, internal rate of
and the real option valuation.The case study shows that return etc. and concluding feasibility report.
compared to the result from the existing methods, the
result from the developed model is close to the actual 6. Analysis of traffic survey data
results of the case project. To assess traffic characteristics, speed characteristic and
Nunzia al. (2015) These risks are not borne by one travel time etc. related toproject road, these traffic surveys
party, but should be allocated to the party (public or private) were conducted:
who is best able to manage them. Based on the results of a • Volume count traffic survey
Delphi survey conducted among a list of experts, the paper • Turning count traffic survey
provides a guideline for both public and private parties
• Origin & Destination survey
in defining a list of significant risks in PPP motorway
projects, preparing a practical risk allocation framework • Axle load survey



6.1 Volume Count Traffic Survey 6.3 Origin & Destination Survey
Traffic volume is the fundamental measure of traffic, it is Often it is required to know the exact origin and destination
also known as flow of traffic. of trips in a transportation study. The origin is a place
from where a trip is generated and then it is terminated at
It is defined as number of vehicles passing a section on a
a place called as destination, Road side interview is one of
road per hour or expressed invehicles per day. For design
the best method for collecting origin and destination data
purpose traffic volume is converted into equivalent to
as shown in fig. 6.2.
PCUs (passenger car unit) by using equivalent factors.
Hence flow is designated as PCUs per hours or PCU per
day. This survey has been carried out for a week/7days,
24 hours at desired location. The category wise traffic
was counted as number of vehicles in each direction at
15 minutes’ interval over 24 hours for seven days. The
maximum Average Daily Traffic (ADT) recorded at these
locations is 18565PCUs per day. It was found that about
98.08% traffic predominant by the fast-movingvehicles
and around 1.923% traffic is dominated by slow moving
vehicles of the totaltraffic as per traffic survey data shown Fig 6.2: Origin & Destination survey
in annexure A.
6.4 Axle Load Survey
6.2 Turning Count Traffic Survey
The axle load spectrum data of commercial vehicles is
Direction wise movements of the traffic are estimated at needed to estimate the repetitions of different axle’s i.e.
all major intersections along the project road to obtain single, tandem, tridem in each direction during the design
pattern of contributing and diverting traffic form adjacent period. In India, the legal axle load limits are: 102 kN, 190
roads. This survey proves helpful to inform different kN and 240 kN for single axle, tandem axle and tridem
features of traffic such as variation of total traffic on axle respectively. For this survey, different categories of
major and minor cross road intersections, mix traffic vehicles are weighed, it should be 10% for volume of
conversion at intersections etc, and provides a complete Commercial Vehicles Per Day (CVPD) if exceeding 6000,
picture of peak hour traffic and right turning traffic that 15% for CVPD about 3000 to 6000 and 20% if CVPD is
are essential for the design of improvement of road less than 3000. Generally, axle load survey is conducted
intersections. continuously for 2 days/ 48-hour period.
Table 6.1 Axle Load Spectrum for Project Road Conducted at the Location of Survey.
Single axle Tandem axle Tridem axle
Axle load class Frequency (% of Axle load class Frequency (% of Axle load class Frequency (% of
(kN) single axles) (kN) Tandem axles) (kN) Tridem axles)
185-195 2.01 380-400 18.8 530-560 0
175-185 0.4 360-380 17.35 500-530 0
165-175 2.21 340-360 24.58 470-500 0
155-165 16.89 320-340 13.83 440-470 0
145-155 10.59 300-320 4.92 410-440 20.73
135-145 23.66 280-300 4.19 380-410 19.51
125-135 17.76 260-280 0.14 350-380 21.22
115-125 11.93 240-260 5.49 320-350 18.29
105-115 6.17 220-240 5.3 290-320 18.05
95-105 0.4 200-220 0.24 260-290 0.73
85-95 0.67 180-200 4.82 230-260 0.49
<85 7.31 <180 0.34 <230 0.98



6.5 Traffic forecasting 2010 it was widened from single lane to two lanes hence
The present-day traffic has been projected for design life for farther development of this highway (to four lane)
at certain growth rate (i.e. 5%) as shown in Table 6.2. reconstruction of road pavement should recommend for
entire stretch of the project road.
Table 6.2 Projection of Traffic for 30 Years
7.1 Soil Investigation
Year 2017 2022 2027 2032 2037 2042 2047
To identify the existing soil properties three samples had
PCC/ 18565 23694 30240 38595 49258.5 62868 80236.9 been collected from every 5 km interval along the length of
the project road and evaluate the characteristics of existing
It is found from traffic capacity analysis that “Four Lanes soil and performed detailed tests on the soil samples as per
Paved Shoulder” is required. As per IRC: 64-1990. IS shown in Table 7.1and test results have shown in tables
7. Pavement investigation and Design given in Annexure C.

The details pertinent to the pavement condition are collected Table 7.1 The List of Laboratory Tests is Given Below
to decide exact strategy for maintenance and rehabilitation
Sr. No. Name of the Test Preferred Standards
measure of existing road. The different types of distresses
developed on the pavement surface are cracking, ravelling, 1 Atterberg limit test As per IS:2720 part 5-1985
patches and potholes, rutting on surface, edge break etc. 2. Grain size analysis As per IS:2720 part 4-1985
these were observed by visual inspection under the visual
condition survey of pavement. these distresses were also 3. Maximum Dry As per IS:2720 part 8-1983
Density (MDD) test
measured by digital photography as shown in Fig. 7.1 &
7.2. 4. Optimum Moisture As per IS:2720 part 8-1983
Content (OMC) test
5. California Bearing As per IS:2720 part 11-1987
Ratio (CBR) test

7.2 Pavement Design

The reconstruction of existing pavement will be done as
per IRC guidelines, a four-lane divided paved shoulder
flexible pavement has been recommended instead of two-
lane paved shoulder.The four-lane flexible pavement shall
be constructed for entire length of existing pavement except
some length of major villages, this will be constructed
as rigid pavement. The complete design of both of the
Fig. 7: 1 Pot Holes on the Surface of Pavement pavements are detailed below as per IRC guidelinesi.e.
IRC:37 for design of Flexible Pavement and IRC:58 for
design of Rigid Pavement.
8. Project Estimation
The various provisions have been taken in estimation of
the project cost in accordance with agreement made as per
specification & standards of MoRTH. For the financial
analysis, the cost estimate is worked out for proposed four
lanes flexible pavement with paved shoulder. The summary
of cost estimate is given in Table 8.1. The construction
of the road is expected to be executed completely in 24
months, year wise progress will be 40% in first year, and
60% in subsequent second year including cost of bridges
Fig. 7.2: Rutting and Ravelling and culverts also some other details have presented in
Since this highway is 50 to 60-year-old and in the year Annexure B.



Table 8.1 Abstract Estimate of Four Lane Paved A debt to equity ratio is 70:30, which is commonly adopted,
Shoulder for infrastructure projects, has been considered for the
financial analysis of this project. For the loan repayment,
Sr. No. Details Amount (in lacs) a repayment schedule of 25 years has been adopted with
1. Construction Work 66531 moratorium period of initial 2 years. The interest on long
2. Contingencies (2%) 1330 term debt has been taken as 12% in keeping with the
3. Sub Total 67851 present low interest regime.
4. Add 2% For Supervision on Total 1357 8.2 Toll Plaza Establishment
At present, user fee (toll) on National Highways (NH)
5. Add 2% For Quality Control 1357
is being levied and collected in accordance with the
6. Add 0.75% For Road Safety 508 provisions of the national highways Act, 1956 and rules
Charges on Total
made there under. The rate of fee for use of the section
7. Cost Escalation @10 For Two 6791
of national highway, constructed through public funded
Year Construction Period
project or private investment project shall be identical.
8. Grand Total 77864
The rate of fee for use of a section of national highway
8.1 Project Capital and Finance Mechanism of four or more lanes shall, for the base year 2007-08, be
The viability of any BOT project depends on working cash the product of the length of such section multiplied by the
flow available to service the debt and equity. The working current rates as shown in Table 8.2.
cash flow is basically depending upon the following: Table 8.2 Base Rate of Toll fee for different category
• Capital cost, if vehicles
• Traffic forecast, Base rate of
• User fee structure, Type of Vehicle fee per km (in
• Operation and maintenance expenses, rupees)
• Interest on debt, and Car, Jeep, Van or Light Motor Vehicle 0.65
• Taxes. Light Commercial Vehicle, Light Goods
Vehicle or Mini Bus
Infrastructure project are typically capital intensive and
are characterised by long payback period. To look at the Bus or Truck 2.20
project on a commercial format, it becomes necessary to Heavy Construction Machinery (HCM) or
adopt measures, which significantly improve the financial Earth Moving Equipment (EME) or Multi 3.45
viability of the project. Such steps include optimizing Axle Vehicle (MAV) (three to six axles)
capital costs and drawing up a user fee structure based on
benefit analysis and revenue optimisation principles. Oversized vehicles (Seven or more axles) 4.20

For the purpose of the study, following sources of finance 8.2.1 Annual revision of rate of fee
have been taken; This is increased without compounding, by three per cent
Equity-to be provided by the developer. (3%) each year with effect from the 1st day of April, 2008
and such increased rate shall be deemed to be the base rate
Subsidy/Grant- to be provided by the client for viability
for the subsequent years. The applicable base rates shall
of funding.
be revised annually with effect from April 1 each year to
Debt- to be arranged by the developer / concessionaire. reflect the increase in wholesale price index between the
Expenses- expenses can broadly be classified based on the week ending on January 6, 2007 (i.e. 208.7) and the week
phases in which they are incurred, viz. construction period ending on or immediately after January 1 of the year in
expenses and operation & maintenance period expenses. which such revision is undertaken but such revision shall
Operation & maintenance period expenses include, Toll be restricted to forty per cent of the increase in wholesale
collection expenses, administrative expenses for day-to- price index.
day operation including insurances, maintenance expenses,
The formula for determining the applicable rate of fee
which include routine and periodic maintenance, interest
shall be as follows: -
expenses incurred for servicing terms of loan, taxes and
concession fees. Applicable rate of fee = (base rate) + (base rate) x {(WPI



A – WPI B)/ WPI B}x 0.4 To assess the project in terms of attractive financial returns,
the following criteria adopted;
IRR (internal rate of return) on project investment =
WPI A means the wholesale price index of the week ending minimum equal to discounted rate i.e. 12%
on or subsequent to 1st January immediately preceding the
date of revision under these rules; and WPI B means the Benefit cost ratio (BCR) = should be > 1.3
wholesale price index of the week ending on 6th January, Net present value @ 12% discount rate = must be positive.
2007 i.e. 208.7 A profitability statement report is given in Annexure D.
Two toll plazas were proposed for the entire length of Subsidy Options:Civil construction cost for project road
the road. This toll plaza will capture the traffic of Indore- section is estimated at Rs 778.64 crore for total length of
Harda Road, proposed location of these toll plazas is given 150 km from Indore to Harda for improvement to 4-lane
in Table 8.3 as per NH toll policy. No toll plaza is located facility. Base year traffic (toll able) on the project road
near urban area, first one is located at 2.5 km from start section lies around 18565 PCU/day, considering leakage
point i.e. junction of NH 3 which is 15 km distant from of 3 % overall traffic. Under such condition, if toll revenue
Indore city, and second toll plaza was proposed about 10 alone is not likely to make the investment commercially
km far from urban area and also the distance between both attractive to the prospective investors. Hence, the
plaza is greater than 60 kms. commercial viability will be analysed with various levels
Table 8.3 Location Detail of Proposed Toll Plazas of subsidy to the project costs. Following subsidy levels
are considered,
Sr. No. Name of Toll Plaza Location (Km.) • No subsidy, base year
1. Indore-Harda Toll Road km. 2/520 • 10% subsidy to the project cost
2. Indore-Harda Toll Road km. 146/200 • 20% subsidy to the project cost
• 30% subsidy to the project cost
9. Methods of Financial viability of
Project • 40% subsidy to the project cost (maximum
permitted by NHAI)
To assess whether the project is a profitable proposition,
the returns to investors are measured by the IRR, which 10. Results
is estimated from the cash flow statements, based on The capacity analysis results, “four lanes paved shoulder”
discounted cash-flow technique. is required for the project road for 25year of concession
• Benefit and cost ratio method period without any leakage on commercial traffic under
the LOS-B. The economic analysis also has been done
• Profitability index method based on discounted cash flow techniques i.e. net present
• Net present value method value and economic internal rate of return, and summary
• Internal rate of return method etc. of economic analysis is shown in Table10.1.

Table 10.1 Summary of Economic Analysis

Construction cost Total Maintenance Debt to Concession Grant NPV NPV IRR
(Crore) in Base cost during equity period @10% @12% @12%
Year 2019 concession period Ratio Discount Rate Discount Rate discount Rate
778.64 363.97 70:30 25 Years 0% 95.3 (Crore) 26 13.1%

11. Conclusions for entire stretch except at toll plaza and village
The following conclusions are made by a portion, where rigid pavement is proposed.

case study of this road: • The cost of estimate of this project road is Rs. 778.64
• A four-laneroad with paved shoulder flexible crores as per based on MPPWD SOR-2017.
pavement is suggested as per the traffic capacity • The economic evaluation have been worked out
analysis. A flexible pavement is recommended based on discounted net cash flow technique @12%



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Annexure: (A)
Table (a): Volume count traffic survey data


CATEGORIES Car/Jeep/ Buses Trucks Multi Axle Motor Other Total Cycle Animal Other Total
OF VEHICLE Vans/Three I/C Arti veh& Cycle/ Vehicles Dwawn
Wheelers Truck Tra. Two- Agr.
Combination Wheeler Tractors
AVERAGE OF 7 1624 325 1172 2525 1312 24 6971 75 7.0 54.3 137
PCU 1 3 3 4.5 0.5 4.5 0.5 6 4.5
PCU VALUE 1624 975 3517 11361 656 108 38 42 245
CVPD 4046

Annexure: (B)
Table (b) Estimate of Four Lane Paved shoulder with Flexible Pavement i/c construction of Bridges and culverts
on NH-59A (Indore-Harda Road)
Total Amount (in % of each Item, as
Sr. No. Details
Lacs) whole
1 Site Clearance 427 0.64%
2 Earth work 1618 2.43%
3 Sub Base & Bituminous work 37377 56.19%
4 CC Road 867 1.30%
5 CC Drain 113 0.17%
Miscellaneous (Guard Wall, Km Stone, Service duct, two nos. of Toll
6 2617 3.93%
Plaza etc.)
7 Horticulture 0 0.00%
8 Major & Minor Bridges and Culverts* 23502 35.33%
Grand Total 66521 100.00%
Note: The approximate Cost of “major and minor bridges and culverts” were taken by a DPR prepared by MP PWD for the same
project for two lane highway so for this project, that cost was projected for 4 lane highway.

Annexure (C)
Table (C): Laboratory Test results
Sr. Chainage Sample Description IS Atterberg limit Free MDD OMC CBR Field
No. (KM) Classification Swell Density
Liquid Plastic % g/cc % %
Limit Limit
% %
1 1.200 BC Soil with Kankar CH 48.7 25.2 49.2 1.458 19.8 2.59 1.472
2 2.700 BC Soil with Kankar GC 50.6 24.8 48.6 1.476 19.3 2.7 1.465
3 4.200 BC Soil with Kankar GC 47.67 24.91 47.55 1.469 19.6 2.66 1.432
4 5.700 BC Soil with Kankar CH 45.89 22.84 48.35 1.455 19.4 2.52 1.427



5 7.200 BC Soil CH 57.8 29.3 59.32 1.463 21.65 1.48 1.472

6 8.700 BC Soil CH 57.6 26.55 59.66 1.447 22.5 1.65 1.448
7 10.200 BC Soil CH 60.34 24.56 58.46 1.449 21.69 1.51 1.439
8 11.700 BC Soil CH 57.4 27.6 55.6 1.432 20.7 1.66 1.468
9 13.200 BC Soil CH 57.12 26.69 53.2 1.424 21.01 1.54 1.455
10 14.700 BC Soil CH 58.12 25.45 51.24 1.433 22.15 1.5 1.432
11 16.200 BC Soil CH 49.62 26.2 55.2 1.442 20 1.76 1.475
12 17.700 BC Soil CH 52.12 27.16 52.3 1.436 20.88 1.68 1.421
13 19.200 BC Soil CH 58.2 32.4 59.6 1.415 22.4 1.56 1.446
14 20.700 BC Soil CH 57.46 25.79 58.22 1.435 21.48 1.71 1.47
15 22.200 BC Soil CH 55.6 27.14 57.45 1.474 22.5 1.68 1.465
16 23.700 BC Soil CH 55.7 26.4 54.7 1.463 20.4 2.28 1.494
17 25.200 Moorum GC 24.9 13.7 21.7 1.825 12.75 12.8 1.813
18 26.700 Moorum GC 26.5 12.86 20.87 1.872 13.2 13.1 1.832
19 28.200 Moorum GC 24.5 12.88 20.84 1.877 12.65 12.81 1.828
20 29.700 Moorum GC 25.6 13.4 21.54 1.866 13.15 12.9 1.832
21 31.200 Moorum GC 26.4 12.7 20.7 1.834 12.88 12.78 1.84
22 32.700 Moorum GC 25.5 13 21.6 1.86 12.58 13.22 1.888
23 34.200 BC Soil CH 58.4 24.2 59.2 1.466 21.6 1.76 1.487
24 35.700 BC Soil CH 59.7 26.2 60.4 1.458 22.5 1.56 1.464
25 37.200 BC Soil CH 56.2 25.8 57.6 1.475 21.4 1.97 1.492
26 38.700 BC Soil CH 57.6 26.2 58 1.468 21.8 1.66 1.492
27 40.200 BC Soil CH 59.2 58.3 61.4 1.457 22.6 1.56 1.474
28 41.700 BC Soil CH 58.5 26.7 58.7 1.472 21 1.76 1.485
29 43.200 BC Soil CH 58.2 32.4 59.6 1.415 22.4 1.56 1.446
30 44.700 BC Soil CH 60.45 33.6 62.3 1.408 22.7 1.46 1.446
31 46.200 Moorum GC 27.6 12.4 23.4 1.806 13.5 11.42 1.824
32 47.700 Moorum GC 24.6 13.8 21.8 1.824 12.6 12.56 1.812
33 49.200 Moorum GC 25.8 14.2 23.6 1.815 13.5 11.83 1.832
34 50.700 Moorum GC 23.5 13.2 22.6 1.836 12.2 12.66 1.847
35 52.200 BC Soil CH 58.7 26.4 57 1.435 21.6 1.87 1.432
36 53.700 BC Soil CH 59.4 28.2 61.4 1.412 22.8 1.56 1.436
37 55.200 BC Soil CH 54.5 26.8 58 1.447 21.3 1.97 1.476
38 56.700 BC Soil with Kankar GC 48.7 25.2 49.2 1.458 19.8 2.59 1.472
39 58.200 BC Soil with Kankar CH 50.6 24.8 48.6 1.476 19.3 2.7 1.465
40 59.700 BC Soil CH 56.4 29.2 57.2 1.735 20.8 1.76 1.742
41 61.200 Moorum GC 27.4 13.8 21.3 1.834 11.7 12.04 1.854
42 62.700 Moorum GC 24.6 14.7 19.4 1.864 10.6 13.39 1.879
43 64.200 Moorum GC 22.7 13.5 16.8 1.876 10.2 14.32 1.863
44 65.700 BC Soil with Kankar GC 51.6 24.5 48.7 1.482 18.7 2.7 1.504
45 67.200 BC Soil CH 54.2 28.2 52 1.457 21.4 1.97 1.486
46 68.700 Moorum GC 24.3 13.7 18.2 1.806 12.8 10.28 1.814
47 70.200 Moorum GC 21.8 12.8 14.6 1.838 11.2 12.46 1.824
48 71.700 Moorum GC 25.6 14.2 17.5 1.826 11.7 11.63 1.83
49 73.200 Moorum GC 22.5 13.6 13.2 1.847 10.8 12.97 1.858
50 74.700 Moorum GC 24.4 14.7 16.3 1.814 12.6 10.59 1.827
51 76.200 BC Soil CH 57.2 29.6 52.8 1.462 19.6 2.49 1.483
52 77.700 BC Soil CH 59.4 30.4 56 1.426 22.4 1.56 1.456



53 79.200 BC Soil CH 57.4 27.6 55.6 1.432 20.7 1.66 1.468

54 80.700 BC Soil CH 59.5 26.4 57.6 1.428 21.4 1.56 1.442
55 82.200 BC Soil CH 46.3 25.4 53.8 1.447 19.8 1.76 1.466
56 83.700 BC Soil CH 49.62 26.2 55.2 1.442 20 1.76 1.475
57 85.200 BC Soil CH 53.2 24.5 52 1.482 19.2 2.8 1.472
58 86.700 BC Soil CH 55.7 26.4 54.7 1.463 20.4 2.28 1.494
59 88.200 BC Soil CH 53.6 27.8 54 1.478 19.6 2.59 1.483
60 89.700 Moorum GC 56.4 25.2 57 1.452 20.4 2.18 1.446
61 91.200 Moorum GC 20.6 12.8 18.45 1.856 10.3 13.49 1.892
62 92.700 Moorum GC 23.4 13.6 20.6 1.834 12.4 11.21 1.862
63 94.200 Moorum GC 19.5 12.4 18.7 1.846 11.6 12.25 1.832
64 95.700 Moorum GC 21.7 13.4 20 1.824 12.2 10.9 1.856
65 97.200 Moorum GC 18.8 11.6 18.2 1.852 11.3 12.66 1.847
66 98.700 BC Soil CH 55.6 26.2 53.7 1.476 19.7 2.59 1.472
67 100.200 BC Soil CH 54.8 25.5 52.4 1.484 18.8 2.8 1.512
68 101.700 Moorum GC 22.6 14.7 21.4 1.806 12.7 9.96 1.794
69 103.200 Moorum GC 24.2 16.4 23.6 1.784 14.6 8.72 1.816
70 104.700 BC Soil CH 57.6 30.2 55.6 1.442 19.6 2.49 1.463
71 106.200 Moorum GC 24.8 14.7 22.8 1.832 11.6 10.59 1.857
72 107.700 Moorum GC 21.5 13.2 21.4 1.846 10.4 11.42 1.879
73 109.200 Moorum GC 19.6 12.2 19.6 1.824 12.7 9.96 1.853
74 110.700 Moorum GC 17.5 11 19.5 1.837 11.5 11.21 1.842
75 112.200 Moorum GC 17.2 11.2 18.4 1.842 10.6 12.46 1.876
76 113.700 Moorum GC 18.4 11.6 18.7 1.845 11.2 13.08 1.864
77 115.200 Moorum GC 19.3 12.4 20.6 1.818 12.4 9.86 1.842
78 116.700 Moorum GC 16.5 10.2 2.3 1.857 10.8 13.49 1.862
79 118.200 BC Soil CH 58.3 30.4 57.4 1.426 22.5 1.56 1.454
80 119.700 Moorum GC 18.2 11.2 16.4 1.832 12.2 10.9 1.876
81 121.200 Moorum GC 15.4 9.4 18.25 1.868 9.8 14.32 1.882
82 122.700 Moorum GC 16.3 12.6 15.8 1.843 10.5 12.56 1.867
83 124.200 Moorum GC 26.2 13.7 21.4 1.842 11.5 11.42 1.837
84 125.700 BC Soil CH 54.4 27.7 53.6 1.434 20.6 1.87 1.458
85 127.200 BC Soil CH 58.3 28.5 55.2 1.418 22.4 1.66 1.427
86 128.700 BC Soil CH 56.8 29.4 54.5 1.426 21.5 1.76 1.442
87 130.200 BC Soil CH 57.2 28.2 55.8 1.414 22.7 1.66 1.435
88 131.700 Moorum GC 22.4 14.6 17.3 1.828 12.6 10.04 1.847
89 133.200 Moorum GC 19.6 11.3 15.4 1.84 11.4 11.63 1.872
90 134.700 BC Soil CH 59.2 28.4 57.5 1.438 20.7 1.97 1.463
91 136.200 BC Soil CH 57.6 30.2 60.3 1.424 21.8 1.76 1.42
92 137.700 Moorum GC 19.4 10.2 14.6 1.857 9.7 13.91 1.865
93 139.200 Moorum GC 20.1 12.3 15.6 1.844 10.32 12.8 1.84
94 140.700 Moorum GC 20.5 11.69 13.8 1.861 12.56 13.1 1.845
95 142.200 Moorum GC 20.15 12.6 14.5 1.841 11.68 12.33 1.875
96 143.700 BC Soil CH 58.3 28.5 55.2 1.418 22.4 1.66 1.427
97 145.200 BC Soil CH 56.7 23.9 54.8 1.424 21.8 1.75 1.431
98 146.700 BC Soil CH 58.9 26.32 57.1 1.422 22.3 1.584 1.425
99 148.200 BC Soil CH 56.12 27.45 55.6 1.45 21.67 1.65 1.466
100 149.700 Moorum GC 21.32 13.8 12.5 1.83 12.7 12.14 1.846
Note: This tests data was taken from DPR prepared in 2010 by MP PWD for the same road project.


Annexure: (D)
Profitability statement
Revenue Operation & maintenance Repayment Profitability  
Deduction: Main. NPV
for exempt +office exp.+ Interest Net Net @12%
Year Toll Net Periodic Net Gross Outstanding @13.1
traffic and patrolling Principal rate Taxes profit project discount
revenue revenue maintenance income profit  IRR
leakage exp.+ toll exp. (12%) /loss cost rate
( 3% ) (in cr.) @3%
2018                       311.5      
2019               37       504.6 816.0    
2020 99.0 3.0 96.0 3.0 0.0 93.1 35.5 98 -40 0.0 -40.3   780.5 -28.7 -27.9
2021 121.3 3.6 117.7 3.1 0.0 114.5 35.5 134 -55 0.0 -54.9   745.0 -34.9 -33.6
2022 129.5 3.9 125.6 3.3 0.0 122.3 35.5 144 -57 0.0 -57.5   709.6 -32.6 -31.0
2023 138.3 4.1 134.1 3.4 0.0 130.7 35.5 143 -47 0.0 -47.5   674.1 -24.0 -22.7
2024 147.6 4.4 143.2 3.6 93.8 45.8 35.5 128 -118 0.0 -118.0   638.6 -53.4 -49.9
2025 157.7 4.7 152.9 3.8 0.0 149.1 35.5 195 -81 0.0 -81.0   603.1 -32.7 -30.2
2026 168.4 5.1 163.4 4.0 0.0 159.4 35.5 153 -29 0.0 -29.5   567.6 -10.6 -9.7
2027 180.0 5.4 174.6 4.2 0.0 170.4 35.5 98 37 0.0 37.3   532.2 12.0 10.9
2028 192.3 5.8 186.5 4.4 0.0 182.1 35.5 64 83 0.0 82.8   496.7 23.8 21.4
2029 205.5 6.2 199.4 4.6 119.7 75.1 35.5 60 -20 0.0 -20.0   461.2 -5.1 -4.6
2030 219.7 6.6 213.1 4.8 0.0 208.3 35.5 75 97 32.2 65.3   425.7 15.0 13.2
2031 235.0 7.0 227.9 5.1 0.0 222.8 35.5 51 136 45.0 91.3   390.2 18.7 16.3
2032 251.3 7.5 243.7 5.3 0.0 238.4 35.5 47 156 51.5 104.6   354.8 19.1 16.5

2033 268.8 8.1 260.7 5.6 0.0 255.1 35.5 43 177 58.4 118.6   319.3 19.4 16.6
2034 287.6 8.6 279.0 5.9 152.7 120.4 35.5 38 47 15.4 31.2   283.8 4.5 3.9
2035 307.8 9.2 298.6 6.2 0.0 292.4 35.5 34 223 73.5 149.3   248.3 19.4 16.3
2036 329.5 9.9 319.6 6.5 0.0 313.1 35.5 30 248 81.8 166.0   212.8 19.3 16.0
2037 352.8 10.6 342.2 6.8 0.0 335.4 35.5 26 274 90.5 183.8   177.4 19.1 15.7

2038 376.3 11.3 365.0 7.1 0.0 357.9 35.5 21 301 99.4 201.8   141.9 18.7 15.2
2039 401.5 12.0 389.4 7.5 194.9 187.0 35.5 17 135 44.4 90.1   106.4 7.4 6.0
2040 428.3 12.8 415.5 7.9 0.0 407.6 35.5 13 359 118.6 240.8   70.9 17.8 14.2

JUNE 2019
2041 457.0 13.7 443.3 8.3 0.0 435.0 35.5 9 391 129.0 262.0   35.4 17.3 13.7
2042 487.6 14.6 473.0 8.7 0.0 464.3 35.5 4 425 140.1 284.5   0.0 16.7 13.1
Total 5942.7 178.3 5764.4 123.1 561.0 5080.4 816.0 1624 2641 979.8 1660.8     26.0 -0.8
Table (D) Profitability Statement









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Delhi Postal Registration No dl-sw-17/4194/19-21
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ISSN 0376-7256 Newspaper Regd. No. 25597/73 without prepayment
published on 22 MAY, 2019 JUNE, 2019
Indian Highways Advance Month, JUNE, 2019

Indian Highways
Volume : 47 Number : 6 Total Pages : 68

A view of the Construction of Flexible Pavement

Edited and Published by Shri S.K. Nirmal, Secretary General, Indian Roads Congress, IRC HQ, Sector-6, R.K. Puram,
Kama Koti Marg, New Delhi - 110 022. Printed by Shri S.K. Nirmal on behalf of the Indian Roads Congress
at M/s. Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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