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International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review,vol.

1(1), Juni 2015, 65 - 78

Available online at


(A Developmental Research at the English Language Education
Study Program of STKIP Kusuma Negara, Jakarta)
Siti Yulidhar Harunasari*, Aceng Rahmat**
Kusuma Negara School of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Indonesia*
FBS Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia**
[email protected]*
[email protected]**

The objective of this research is to develop a model of learning speaking English for students
majoring in English Language Education in STKIP Kusuma Jakarta, and to examine the
effectiveness of CALL-Based instruction the model in improving students’ speaking skill. The
research was conducted using system approach model of Dick and Carey, and was carried out
from October 2012 to July 2014 in 3 stages i.e. preliminary stage; model development stage;
validation, evaluation, and revision stage. The data were obtained through tests,
questionnaires, interviews, observation, and expert judgments. The English speaking test was
designed to measure students speaking skill before and after the implementation of the model.
Then, the data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The research findings showed
that the development of the model can improve the students’ speaking skill through the increase
in the mean score before the implementation of the model, 61 to 69 after implementation of the
model. The testing of hypothesis using paired-samples t-test resulted in a probability value (sig)
0.000 < α = 0.05 which means that there is a significant difference on students speaking skill
before and after implementing the CALL-based instruction model. It can be concluded that the
model is effective in improving the students speaking skill in English Education Study Program
of STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta.

Keywords: instruction model, English speaking skill, Computer Assisted Language


Innovations on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have

generated impacts on learning process. Along with the ease of accessing information
and communications, learning process has been assisted, complemented with, and
developed from the traditional classroom to the use of ICT such as the Internet and
other web-based tools. In fact, ICT has also become one of the approaches in foreign
language learning, ranging from the drill-and-practice to the Virtual Learning
Environments (VLEs), and distance learning-based web applications.
Language learning involving the use of technological innovations is an
interactive system between students and technology. In this research, computer, a
widely-used technological innovation is chosen to assist the language learning. Often
abbreviated and known as CALL, it describes the way computers used to assist and
complement classroom instruction.
Thornbury defines CALL as one of a number of names to describe the way
that computers are used to complement classroom instruction and is also an aspect
of TELL (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning/TELL) (2006:42). Hartoyo
defines Computer Assisted Language Learning/CALL as language learning
involving the use of computers generally refers to the interactive computer system

IJLECR. Volume 1 Number 1 June 2015. ISSN: 2406-8586

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

(hypertext /multimedia system) in which the student and the computer can interact,
and students have the freedom to choose any topic or events they will learn
(2008:21). Based on these definitions, it is understood that CALL is a more specific
part of the Technology-Enhanced Language Learning.
The development of CALL has been started from the 1960s and firstly
characterized by the drill-and-practice. It is the earliest CALL procedure termed as
Behavioristic. It requires students to respond to the stimuli on a computer screen or
to perform a variety of tasks such as filling in the blanks in a text, pairworks, multiple
choice activities, listening, and drills. Then, computers will analyze input from
students and then provide feedbacks. More complex CALL program are then
designed to respond to students' mistakes made by connecting users (branching) to
the help page and improvement activities.
The second stage of CALL development put more emphasis on the use of
language than the language analysis. The softwares of CALL at this stage still
provided an opportunity to practice the skills but not in the format of the drills. Some
of these include reconstructing sentences and language games with the computer as
a tutor. The computer provided a context for students to use language such as asking
for directions and there are also programs that are not designed for language learning
such as SimCity, but can also be used to learn the language.
The third stage is the Integrative CALL. It integrates learning language skills
into learning tasks by providing directions and coherence. It is done through
multimedia i.e. text, images, sounds and animation, and computer-based
communication (Computer Mediated Communication/CMC), which then responded
by users. CALL’s procedure in this stage has shifted from firstly characterized by
the drill-and-practice and tutorial to a system that facilitates the learning beyond the
classroom. The shift also includes the use of programs that respond to oral and
written inputs from users such as Intelligent CALL or CALL that uses artificial
intelligence (Thornbury, 2008: 43). One simple example of artificial intelligence
applied in learning English is English tutor robots that can be accessed on Users who are the English learners
can communicate in written language with the English robot tutor that will respond
to questions and correct users’ errors in grammar and vocabulary in the immediate
time or “real time”. While for those who are at a higher level of proficiency, they
can work with Elbot the Chatbot which can be accessed at
For English teachers/pre-service teachers, to master English is a form of
professional competencies— one of the four competencies that must be possessed
by teachers as stated in Law No.14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. Besides
English for teaching purposes, mastering English as the language of instruction must
also be mastered. However, English speaking skills cannot be mastered easily in a
short time because this skill requires more than being proficient in grammar and
semantics. English speaking skills will be achieved through a learning process that
needs a lot of practices and opportunities to speak in English.
The process of learning a language speaking skills would be more difficult if
the language is not used daily. It is like learning English in Indonesia which is studied
as a foreign language. Not only students are required to communicate effectively,
but also to use the appropriate language in social interaction. This means that
students should get a plenty of opportunities to practice English in real-life situations
using suitable learning approach.

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

Communicative approach is an approach emphasizing communication as its

main goal. This approach facilitates students with a variety of techniques such as
simulations, discussions and role plays. The techniques in this approach are designed
to enable studentst o set up the purpose of communication.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) facilitates students and
teachers to easily access online learning resources that provides information and
abundant learning resources on the Internet. CALL also provides language models
and opportunities for students to be able to immediately use the new vocabulary or
expressions acquired both from written and spoken language. Computer with
multimedia applications complements activities and classroom interaction. In-site
activities such as communicative practices can be the follow-up activities in learning
language structures and vocabulary studied by utilizing hypertext technology. This
prior self-learningare expected to build students’ self confidence to practice speaking
in classroom.
The result of the researcher’s Master thesis conducted in English Language
Education Study Program STKIP Kusuma Negara entitled "Improving English
Speaking Skills through the Application of Role Play Techniques" indicates that
through the Communicative Approach, students can improve their fluency. The
study recommends that lecturers give extra attention to improving aspects of
accuracy (Harunasari, 2011:143). In addition, since STKIP Kusuma Negara is a
Teacher Education Program Provider (LPTK) that provides education for
prospective teachers of English with one of its mission to prepare professionals in
the field of Education, the researcher attempts to develop a learning model that not
only provides opportunities for students to practice in real-life communication, but
also necessitate linguistic knowledge to improve students English speaking skill. The
learning model which is the result of the study is expected to cater the needs of
students as well as to solve students’ problems in mastering English speaking skill
in STKIP Kusuma Negara.
This study focused on developing an instruction model to improve students’
English speaking skill in English Language Education of STKIP Kusuma Negara,
Jakarta. This research basically will reveal the following research problem: What is
CALL-based instruction model to improve speaking skill of students in English
Language Education of STKIP Kusuma Negara?
The research problem brings some following questions: 1) What are students’
needs in learning English speaking skill; 2) How is English speaking learning in the
English Language Education Study Program of STKIP Kusuma Negara; 3) How is
CALL-based instruction model designed for students of English Education STKIP
Kusuma Negara to learn speaking skill; (4) Based on experts’ opinions, how is the
feasibility of the CALL-based instruction model designed for students of English
Education STKIP Kusuma Negara to learn speaking skill; (5) How is the
effectiveness of the final CALL-based instruction model designed for students of
English Education STKIP Kusuma Negara to learn speaking skill?


The research method is developmental research. It was conducted from

October 2012 until July 2014 in the English Language Education Study Program of

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta using the systematic approach model of Dick and
Carey, and Gall and Borg (2003: 569). According to Gall and Borg’s
recommendations to limit the scale of the research project for the development of
theses and dissertations only until a few stages of the cycle of research and
development, and that according to Dick and Carey that the tenth step of an R & D
is not an integral part of the development process, and also based on the reason that
the development of this model is intended to cater the needs of teaching learning
process in STKIP Kusuma Negara, then the study was carried out only up to the
ninth stages, namely revision of the final product.
The research procedure consisted of three main stages. They are preliminary
stage; development stage; and the stage of validation, evaluation and model revision.

Figure 1. Research Development Stages

Research data were obtained through needs analysis, environmental analysis,

interviews, and English speaking tests. The needs analysis was conducted using self-
report method to determine the learning needs of the speaking course participants.
The analysis that measures aspects of necessities, lacks, and want was adapted from
Nation and Macalister (2010: 24 -25). The data were then analyzed qualitatively by
ways of tabulating and analyzing questionnaire answers, and make a report and
recommendation (Richards, 2005: 64).
Evaluation stage was done in three steps, namely one-on-one evaluation, small
group evaluation, and large group evaluation (Dick and Carey, 2005: 282-292).
Validation to the model was obtained from ICT expert and English language
education specialists through consultation and discussion forum. The model design
then developed and revised after its feasibility examined through expert assessment

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

Testing of the model effectiveness was conducted through trials in large group
using experimental method with one-group pretest-posttest design. The effect of
treatment is determined by comparing pretest and posttest scores using paired-
samples t-test.


1. Preliminary Stage
The preliminary stage produced a theoretical design of instructional model. A
needs analysis to measure aspects of motivation, learning purpose, language
function, information, and ICT was conducted to determine the general idea of the
students’ learning needs. The findings showed that students need more conversation
practices, additional learning material about the language function, and conversation
models by native speakers of English.
An environment analysis was also conducted utilizing interviews with
lecturers and classroom observations. The observation results showed that: 1) the
lecturers still dominate the conversation compare to students, 2) lecturers use more
textbooks than multimedia, 3) lecturers used presentation method by giving specific
topics to students and then have them prepared and presented the topics to the class,
and 4) students are interested to daily topics of language function used everyday and
to the use of technology in the classroom.

2. Model Development Stage

Model development stage and formative evaluation were conducted
continuously so that during the development process Model I and Model II were
produced after one-on-one evaluation and small group trial.
The first platform used for this model was Moodle. This Learning
Management System (LMS) was located on However, in the process of the development, there were several constraints,
among others, the disappearance of the drop down menu that supposed to be the most
important part of the learning model being developed. Another constraint was that
some teachers feel the system to a certain extent was complicated for novice users,
especially when they need to convert some files using Hotpotatoes software.

Figure 1. Platform I

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

The second platform which later on became a part of the model is a simple
Learning Content Management System namely CMS Lokomedia which load speed
is relatively higher compare to the previous platform. This LCMS can be accessed
via a webpage accessible at STKIP Kusuma Negara on by clicking on the E-Learning tab, or directly on for students, and on for teachers and

Figure 3. Platform II

1. Validation, Evaluation, and Revision Stage

Revisions to the CALL-based instruction model were based on feedback from

experts’ judgement to produce the final model (Model III) as can be seen in Figure

Figure 4. Final Model

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

This final CALL-based instruction for learning English speaking skill is

chunked into 7 activities: activity 1 for introducing scope and objectives, activity 2
for discussing learning material and unprepared role play, activity 3 for online
delivery, activity 4 for classroom discussion, activity 5 for question and answer,
simulations, and/or role play, activity 6 for reinforcement, and activity 7 for closing.
This model was implemented using a learning management system which was built
especially for this research on
This Learning Management System was used as part of the model based on
expert assessment on the following aspects: authority with regard to the topic,
objectivity, accuracy of the information, currency of a web document, and the ease
of operation (usability). An English education expert also provided validation by
declaring the eligibility for the CALL-based model for learning speaking English.
The final model was implemented using a Learning Content Management
System-based platform which is located on
/login.php until August 2014. The completion of the research model development
coincided with the launch of Google Classroom facilities by Google Apps for
Education (GAFE) on August 11, 2014. This new web tools provides additional
platform which can be used to implement the CALL-based instruction model. The
use of Google Apps for Education Apps in STKIP Kusuma Negara was started in
early September in odd semester of academic year of 2014/2015. Speaking English
course using CALL-based model was then carried out using Google Classrooms on with class code of 5rsmrpy.

Figure 5. Speaking Class -318104

Besides for Speaking English class, the computer-based instruction model

which is a product of this developmental research has been officially adopted by the
STKIP Kusuma Negara for all courses in its six study programs. The
recommendations for using computer-assisted instruction model as a product of this
developmental research was responded by requiring all new students and lecturers
to take ICT training and to make use of Google classroom.
Testing of the model effectiveness was conducted in the second semester of
the academic year 2013/2014 in class II to see how far the CALL-based instruction

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

model can improve speaking skill of students. The students were tested before and
after the implementation of the model.
The targeted population of the research was all students of English Education
Study Program in STKIP Kusuma Negara. The reachable population was the second
semester students of English Education Study Program. A sample of 30 students who
were taking Speaking II course was taken using purposive sampling technique.
English speaking tests was conducted before and after the implementation of
CALL-based model. The mean of the participants before treatment was 61, and
increased to 69 after the use of the model.
Data normality test was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and
Shapiro-Wilk through SPSS 16. The results are presented in Table 2.

Tabel 2. Result of Data Normality Test

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
After CALL .227 30 .000 .909 30 .014
Before CALL .271 30 .000 .894 30 .006
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The calculation of normality test produces a probability value (sig) .000 and
.006 and .014 <α = 0.05. It means that the students’ score was from normal
distribution. Hypothesis testing was done using a paired samples t-test with SPSS 16
by comparing the data before and after the implementation of CALL-based
instruction model with α = 0.05.
Results of calculation paired samples t-test are presented in Table 3.

Tabel 3. Results of Paired samples t-test Calculation

Paired Samples Test
Paired Differences
Std. 95% Confidence Interval
Std. Error of the Difference Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair 1 Before CALL –
8.000 6.644 1.213 5.519 10.481 6.595 29 .000
After CALL

The calculation produces a probability value (sig) .000 <α = 0.05. Thus, H0
which states that there is no difference between the mean score of students’ English
speaking skill before and after implementation of the CALL-based model was
rejected. The mean scores of English speaking skill before implementation of the
model was of 61.00, and 69.00 after the implementation of the model showed that
the CALL-based model is better than conventional models used in the earlier
speaking course.
As has been expected, the CALL-based model has more advantages compared
to conventional learning that has been done so far as described below:
1. The computer-assisted self-learning activities which were carried out before the
face-to-face class has proven to develop the students' ability to respond

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

automatically to input they received in a communication activity. This is because

they already have knowledge of new vocabulary and language expression in
accordance with the subject being studied, so in speaking practice students can
do it more smoothly. Utilizing CALL, students gain more and longer exposure
to the subject matter because of the availability of language models, feedback
and explanations that can be accessed by students anytime, anywhere. These
findings reinforce that CALL-based model can properly develop the ability to
respond to the input that we called automaticity.
2. The Communicative Approach which has been the theoretical foundations for
the development of this models of put communicative competence as the main
objective. Communicative competence components consisting of grammatical
competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic
competence can be developed properly through CALL-based instruction model.
By ways of listening and observing firsthand how native speakers of English
communicate in a particular context through video / audio which links provided
by lecturer through Learning Management System, students can develop their
strategic competence, i.e verbal and non-verbal communication strategy as well
as developing discourse competency. In addition, extensive learning resources
have also allowed students to develop grammatical competence and
sociolinguistic competence, i.e. knowledge of the language rules and discourse
of social culture. These findings have broadened our knowledge about language
learning that Communicative Approach which focuses on the goals and activities
of the communication can work well together side by side with the CALL
approach which commonly used in language laboratory.
3. The practices of communication in face-to-face class such as question and
answer, discussions, simulations and role plays that characterized the
Communicative Approach has given students the opportunity to use the
competencies they have developed through the CALL-based activity. Through
simulations and role plays, students are given a situation and goals, and then they
have to develop them into a conversation without much intervention from the
lecturer. This kind of activity has been the impetus for students to communicate.
These findings reinforce opinion that the non-communicatice activities would
not be the impetus for students to communicate, and vice versa.
4. Self-directed learning can help students to become autonomous learners. This
can be seen from the students’ responses in the form of questions and comments
on chat facility in Google classroom. Links to learning resources given in the
virtual classroom were studied and responded positively. Utilizing this
hypermedia technology, students can also access other relevant materials as
usually a webpage provides some links associated with the content they contain.
This finding indicates that students with interest and intrinsic motivation showed
a greater level of comfort, and showed deeper engagement when performing
their tasks.
5. CALL-based instruction model is also developing other language skills although
the ultimate goal is to improve English speaking skill. It can be seen from the
students’ work recorded in the system. Results of this study as well disprove the
common assumption stated that learning using web applications is only suitable
for teaching writing and reading. The evidence suggests that in addition to
improvement of students 'speaking skill this model also had a positive impact on

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

the development of students' writing skill. This is in line with the principle that
language learning should be integrated and mutually supportive. As a language
is not a separate part, the learning in the classroom must integrate the four
language skills.
6. From teacher’s point of view, the CALL-based instruction model has facilitated
the management of the learning process and made the organization of teaching
materials more easily. Teachers can take advantage of the management system
for delivering learning materials to students and direct students to the learning
resources that can be accessed anytime and anywhere, without being limited by
the format of the document. They can also communicate with students using
facilities available in the system. In addition, the ability to store information in
a Learning Management System has allowed teachers to do evaluation process
efficiently. These findings support the idea that CALL-based instruction model
provides benefits for teachers in terms of evaluation.

However, in addition to the advantages mentioned above, CALL-based model

is not independent from its shortcomings. There are also major factors that become
a challenge for the CALL-based model. Users must meet a certain level of ability to
use this model. It also requires adequate facilities and infrastructure so that this
model can be implemented properly. Classroom activities such as discussions,
simulations and role-plays done in pairs or groups need large space to accommodate.
In small classrooms, activity is limited and can only be done through a demonstration
in front of the class, and role-play or debriefing should be conducted from each seat.
Students must have the knowledge and skills to access and navigate the web
in order to study the material provided.The lack of this capability can lead to delayed
classroom tasks. Lecturer had to extend the time limit so that all students have the
opportunity to submit their work. Due to this reason, the student assignment recorded
in the system should not be used as the main component of evaluation.
Web application used as a Learning Management System for CALL-based
instruction model should have features that allow the implementation of a complete
learning process. Based on these considerations, it is required an in-depth study and
considerable support in terms of funding and implementation so that this model can
be implemented effectively.


From the research results, it can be concluded that Computer Assisted

Language Learning-based instruction model which covers self directed learning and
then followed by in-site activities could be an instruction model to improve students’
English speaking skill at the English Education Study Program of STKIP Kusuma
This CALL-based instruction model is effective to improve students’ English
speaking skill shown by the improvement of their means score from 61 before the
implementation of the model to 69.
The conclusion is based on the all steps of development and the results of
evaluation of the model as follow:

International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review

1. The results of needs analysis based on the component of learning necessities,

lacks and wants are:
a. Students looked at the importance of speaking English fluently and
accurately for English teachers/pre-service teachers.
b. Students felt the lack of their ability in selecting appropriate vocabulary or
phrases in context, and of communications strategies.
c. Students expect an increase in the frequency of conversation practice,
learning materials and learning resources enrichment, and conversation
models by native speakers of English.
Meanwhile, the results of the needs analysis for lecturers recommended to
multiply practices of role playing and discussions in the classroom consider that
speaking English is a skill, not only a knowledge. It is also recommended to use
websites to support the enrichment of learning resources and learning materials.
2. Observation on the learning process in the Speaking classrooms in English
Education Study Program STKIP Kusuma State showed: a) classroom
conversation is still more dominated by lecturers than students, b) text books are
more widely used than the multimedia, c) lecturers use presentation methods by
providing specific topics to students and then have the students prepare and
present the topic, d) students seem more interested in the daily life topics, and in
the use of technology in the classroom.
3. The CALL-based instruction model suitable for students of English Education
in STKIP Kusuma Negara is the model that facilitates them to be able to do self-
directed learning before class, and then followed by discussions, simulations, or
role play in face-to-face class.
4. Statement of the feasibility of the model being developed is obtained through the
experts judgement with the following results:
a. ICT expert stated that the website of STKIP Kusuma Negara which is
located on is viable and good to be
used as part of the CALL-based instruction model.
b. English education expert stated the feasibility of this CALL-based
instruction model for learning English speaking skill.
The final CALL-based instruction model is proven to be effective in
improving the students’ speaking skill in English Education Study Program of
STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta. This model increases the mean scores of students
from 61 before the implementation to 69 after the implementation of the model.
Testing of research hypothesis which states that there are differences between the
mean score of students’ speaking skill after and before utilizing CALL-based model
generates a probability value (sig) .000 <α = 0.05. This means there is significant
difference in the mean scores of students’ English speaking skill before and after the
implementation of CALL-based instruction model.


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International Journal of Language Education and Culture Review


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