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I, ANTHONY W. KAW BOON, married, of legal age, with residence and postal
address at 2530 Acacia Street, United Hills Village, Parañaque City do hereby APPOINT
my spouse, EVANGELINE C. KAW BOON, likewise of legal age, with postal address at
2530 Acacia Street, United Hills Village, Parañaque City, as my true and legal
representative to act for and in behalf of both our names and stead, and to perform the
following acts:

To sell, offer for sale, and come to an agreement as to the purchase price and
thereafter to sign for us and in our name and receive payment from the sale of
our parcel of land consisting of TWO HUNDRED FORTY (240) square meters, more or
less, located at Lot 17 Block 33, Bay Breeze Executive Village, Barangay Wawa, Taguig
City, and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 13768 issued by the Registry of
Deeds of Taguig City more particularly described as follows:

“A parcel of land (Lot 17, Blk. 33 of the cons. Subd. Plan, Pcs-13-000484, being a
portion of the cons. of Lot 1-B (LRC) Psd-106434, Lot 501-B, Swo-13-000076, (LRC)
Pcn-1312, and Lot 500,MCadm-590-D, Taguig Cadastral Mapping (Swo-13-000077),
LRC Rec. No. 26859, 3548 & C-8052), situated in the Bo. of Wawa, Mun. of Taguig,
Metro Manila. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot 19, Blk. 33 on the NE., along
line 4-1 by Lot 18. Both of Blk. 33, all of the cons. subd. Plan. Beginning at a point
marked 1 on plan, being S. 14 deg. 17’E., 18.24.38 m. from BLLM 1, Taguig Cad;
thence N. 20 deg. 38’E. 20.00 m. to point 2; (over) S. 69 deg. 22’E, 12.00 m. to point
3; S. 20 deg. 38’W., 20.00 m. to point 4; N. 69 deg. 22’W, 12.00 m. to the point of
beginning; containing an area of TWO HUNDRED FORTY(240) SQUARE METERS. All
points referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground by PS cyl. conc.
mons., bearings true; date of orig. sur., May 10, 1953, that of cons. subd. sur. Feb. 1-
28, 1985, approved on Nov. 5, 1985.”

HEREBY GRANTING unto my spouse full power and authority to execute and
perform every act necessary to render effective the power to sell the foregoing
property, as though we ourselves, have so performed it, and HEREBY APPROVING
ALL that she may do by virtue hereof with full right of substitution of her person and
revocation of this instrument.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands this ___ day
of November 2018, in Taguig City, Philippines.



Signed in the Presence of:

__________________________ __________________________



CITY OF __________ )S.S.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of _________, personally
appeared the following:

Name Driver’s Date/Place Issued

License/SSS/Passport No.

Anthony W. Kaw Boon

Evangeline C. Kaw Boon

known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Special Power of
Attorney consisting of two (2) pages including this Acknowledgment, signed by the
parties and their instrumental witnesses and who acknowledged to me that the same is
their free and voluntary act and deed.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, this ___ day of December 2018 at the place
first above written.

Doc. No. ___;

Page No. ___;
Book No. ___;
Series of 2018.

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