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“Impact on consumer using Mobile and Internet Banking with

reference to Public Sector Bank in Amravati city”

Miss. Rani A. Adhau


Prof. Pooja Dammani

Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati

In the Partial Fulfillment for Award of the Degree of

Master of Business Administration

Head of Department
Department of Research &P.G. Studies in Science & Management
Vidya Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Amravati


SN Content Page No.








“Impact on consumer using Mobile and Internet Banking
with reference to Public Sector Bank in Amravati city”

Banking is the latest delivery channel for financial services. Internet banking is
a self-service that allows customers to perform financial activities over the Internet.
There is not a singled basic definition of Internet banking that is being used
universally. There has been a lack of consensus in the definition given by researchers.
Regardless of the differences in definition, Internet banking refers to many kinds of
electronic services through which bank customers can request information and get
most of the retail banking services via a computer. It is also commonly known as
online banking or ebanking. Internet banking has been defined from
different school of thoughts by various researchers depending on their experience,
natureand study environment.
For this research, Internet banking is defined as a self-service that enable bank
customers to get access to their accounts and the latest general information on bank
products and services, and conduct all financial transactions any-time from anywhere
through the use of a bank's website. Internet banking provides a change from the
traditional way of face-to-face contact at a bank's counter during office hours to a
remote way by online network connection anywhere at any time (24 hours a day, seven
days a week). Internet banking provides many advantages for bank and customers as
well. Therefore, many banks have invested heavily in Internet banking services.
Although Internet banking provides many benefits, many individuals still refuse this
service. Since the acceptance or rejection of new technology depends on the factors
that influence individuals' behavioral intention toward this technology, there is a need
to determine which factors influence individuals' intention to accept new technology.
Internet banking like other new technology faces many problems associated with its
acceptance. Yemeni banks, as other banks in the Middle Eastern countries, have
suffered from problem of Internet banking rejection. So far limited studies have tried
to deal with this problem. Therefore, this research investigated factors that influence
individuals' acceptance of Internet banking services, and used Republic of Yemen as
the sampling frame.
a) Mobile banking
Mobile banking has emerged as a wireless communication channel for creating
value by customers in banking transactions. Today, the main focus has been the field of
modern methods of banking services, Supply of banking and financial services using
mobile phones, it is a few years the use of mobile phones for banking and financial
affairs, but in the short term, significant progress has been made in this field. It could
be a lot of promise in this new way of banking future .Another definition is a service
that will enable customers Information, such as your bank account balance and be
informed of through your cell phone. This is done with high security. As usual banking
services, mobile banking services that are offered through the mobile network. Factor
that the bank has focused heavily on the issue; could unique mobile services at reduce
cost banking services. Services in mobile banking system The main services of this
systemcally be considered as follows:
Possible to obtain a variety of information related to customer accounts
Possible purchase of the stores, shopping centers and costs Pay hi Hotel
1) Observation of the securities market and transfer of buying and selling
securities via Mobile Web
2)Check and replace services;

b) Internet banking
Internet banking (e-banking) is the use of internet and telecommunication
networks to deliver a wide range of value added products and services to bank
customers (Steven, 2002) through the use of a system that allows individuals to
perform banking activities at home or from their offices or over the internet. Some
online banks are traditional banks which also offer online banking, while others are
online only and have no physical presence. Online banking through traditional banks
enables customers to perform all routine transactions, such as account transfers,
balance inquiries, bill payments, and stop-payment requests, and some even offer
online loan applications. Customers can access account information at any time, day or
night, and this can be done from anywhere. Internet banking has unproved banking
efficiency in rendering services to customers. Financial institutions in Kenya cannot
ignore information systems since they play an important role in their operations
because customers are conscious of technological advancements and demand higher
quality services.
Jiaqin Yang and Li Cheng (2009), It discussed a comparative study about the issues
of recent accessible E-Banking services among the young customers between China
and USA. The findings of the study provided some important and perceptive
guidelines for the future improvement of E-Banking services in both nations and
global level. The gap between two nations regarding the awareness and usage of E-
Banking services was relatively significant. Customers face some critical problems
such as less availability of services and poor service quality. Chinese customers were
more willing and access to new available services like internet banking services and
mobile banking services. US customers are less aware about internet banking and
mobile banking services because they are less educated customers.
Siong Choy Chong, Pik Lian Loh and Binshan Lin (2010), Identified factors
influencing adoption of E-Banking and mobile banking services and measured
customers’ preferences in choosing between E-Banking and Mobile banking when
conducting transactions. The findings of the study indicated that perceived usefulness,
perceived ease of use, convenience, computer efficiency, device features and security
were major influence the adoption of E-Banking services. Similar findings are
obtained for mobile banking adoption, except for mobile phone efficiency and device
features. The maximum of customers prefer from E-Banking to mobile banking
because they have mobile phone in pocket. Hence, it is essential to analyze the various
features of mobile banking services.
Elisha (2010) Explored the major attributes responsible for internet banking based on
customers’ perception on different E-Banking technologies. The study found that E-
Banking serves more advantages to Nigerian banking sector. Factor analysis found that
security, time factor, queue management, fund transfer, accessibility and user friendly
are main factors influencing to E-Banking services. Out of 750 customers, 660
customers were agreed with factor of convenient and flexible of E-Banking services.
Hence, now-a-days most of the departments link with banking sector because all the
payments are made through online banking services. In this connection one has to find
out the level of awareness urban people in internet banking.
Reginald Masochal, Norman Chiliya and Stanislous Zindiye (2011), Find out what extent do
banks implement innovative banking technologies in marketing strategies and practices and
investigated the customers’ perceptions on the level of satisfaction gained through the use of
technology in transactions with their banks. The findings showed that most of the customers’
indicated that they were influenced to bank with a bank which uses advanced new banking
technologies. Therefore, innovative banking channels namely mobile banking, credit card,
debit card, SWIFT and internet banking reflected very low levels of usage by customers and
also maximum of customers’ prefer from E-Banking methods to traditional banking methods.
Unluckily, there was a vast gap between ownership and usage of E-Banking resources
entailing that there was no effective consumption of technologies owned by rural customers.
Therefore, it is necessary to identify what level of modern banking technology services was
expected by the urban people.

1. To study the awareness of bank customers about mobile banking and internet
2. To study the customers attitude towards mobile banking and internet banking
3. To examine the new generation banking sector and its products/services
4. To study expected changes in new banking
1. In Amravati various banks are working to satisfy the need of the customers.
But my study restricted only to the bank and to know the awareness, various
modes of services which are provided by banks in Amravati.
Research methodology is a activity to achieve truth. Research includes in
procedure of Collecting data, analyzing the data finding the conclusion or truth.
Research depends upon the scientific procedure. Research methodology is a way to
systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of
studying how research is done scientifically. Research methodology involves
activates designed to achieve research objectives. In order to ensure that the
appropriate information is collected, a detailed research plan must develop.
Defining research problem allows the researchers to focus on the how, what,
which, why, who, when, where question needed to guide the formulation of research
objectives and clarify the pertinent information requirements. All the efforts, time and
money execute research will be wasted if the research problem will be misunderstood.

Here research applied Exploratory Research Design. Exploratory research studies
are also term as formulate research studies. The main purpose of research studies is
that of formulating a problem for a more prccise investigation of developing
research question which could be worked upon at the later stage.
The exploratory studies are carried out to explore a subject. The main objective is
to help on defining a research problem and generate a set of research question
which could be worked upon at later at a stage.

 Sample Design:
Non probability, Judgment, and Convenience techniques without any
stratification to obtain a uniform size of respondents in each sex, age, income etc.
category is selected.
 Sample Universe:
All the customers of internet and mobile banking in public sector respondents of
Amravati city.
 Sample Size:
The sample size in this research is 100 respondents.

 Sampling Units:
The sampling unit is the basic unit containing the elements of the population to be
sampled. It may, of course, be the element itself or a unit in which the element is
contained. The sampling unit selected is often dependent upon the sampling frame
and the design of the project. Here the sampling unit is the respondents of
Amravati city.
Sampling Technique
The researcher will be carried out by using “convenient sampling method”.
The data was obtained by two main methods
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data

Primary Data
primary data will be collected through questionnaire and personal interviews
and schedules, i. e. through survey. Methods of collection of Primary data follows:
 By interview
 Getting information by observation.
 With the help of Questionnaire
Secondary Data
Secondary data are data which are being collected by someone else and which
have already pass through the statistical process. Secondary data was collected
through the secondary sources.
 Books
 Journnals
 From internet
6) Limitation of the Research
1. The sampling size is 100, will be small and so the sample may not be truly
representative of the population.
2. The period of study will be limited to Academic year only 2018-19.
3. At time, certain respondents may not be co-operative; they may provide
unreliable or misleading answers. However every effort will be taken to reduce
bias incorrect information supplied by the respondent.
4. The data given by respondents may or may not be true.
5. The study is limited for Amravati city only.

7) Chapterisation
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Mobile and Internet Banking
Chapter 3: Review of Literature
Chapter 4: Research methodology
Chapter 5: Data Analysis and interpretation
Chapter 6: Conclusion, suggestion and finding

8) Bibliography
1. C. R. Kothari - Research Methodology, former principal, college of commerce
university of rajanthan, Jaipur (India). (2004)
2. Al-Sabbagh, L, and Molla, A. (2004). "Adoption and Use of Internet Banking in
the Sultanate of Oman: An Exploratory Study." Journal of Internet Banking and
Commerce 9(2): 1-7.
3. Bagozzi, R. P. "Attitudes. Intentions and Behavior: A Test of Some Key
Hypotheses," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (41), 1981, pp. 607-

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Miss. Rani A. Adhau Prof. Pooja Damanni

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