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[G.R. No. 161787. July 27, 2011.]


CHAN , petitioners, vs . GREGORIO P. ROGELIO , respondent.



In any controversy between a laborer and his master, doubts reasonably arising
from the evidence are resolved in favor of the laborer.
We re-a rm this principle, as we uphold the decision of the Court of Appeals
(CA) that reversed the uniform nding that there existed no employment relationship
between the petitioners, as employers, and the respondent, as employee, made by the
National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) and the Labor Arbiter (LA).
Petitioners Masing and Sons Development Corporation (MSDC) and Crispin Chan
assail the October 24, 2003 decision, 1 whereby the CA reversed the decision dated
January 28, 2000 of the NLRC that a rmed the decision of the LA (dismissing the
claim of the respondent for retirement bene ts on the ground that he had not been
employed by the petitioners but by another employer). EHCaDS

On May 19, 1997, respondent Gregorio P. Rogelio (Rogelio) brought against Chan
a complaint for retirement pay pursuant to Republic Act No. 7641, 2 in relation to Article
287 of the Labor Code, holiday and rest days premium pay, service incentive leave, 13th
month pay, cost of living allowances (COLA), underpayment of wages, and attorney's
fees. On January 20, 1998, Rogelio amended his complaint to include MSDC as a co-
respondent. His version follows.
Rogelio was rst employed in 1949 by Pan Phil. Copra Dealer, MSDC's
predecessor, which engaged in the buying and selling of copra in Ibajay, Aklan, with its
main o ce being in Kalibo, Aklan. Masing Chan owned and managed Pan Phil. Copra
Dealer, and the Branch Manager in Ibajay was a certain So Na. In 1965, Masing Chan
changed the business name of Pan Phil. Copra Dealer to Yao Mun Tek, and appointed
Jose Conanan Yap Branch Manager in Ibajay. In the 1970s, the business name of Yao
Mun Tek was changed to Aklan Lumber and General Merchandise, and Leon Chan
became the Branch Manager in Ibajay. Finally, in 1984, Masing Chan adopted the
business name of Masing and Sons Development Corporation (MSDC), appointing
Wynne or Wayne Lim (Lim) as the Branch Manager in Ibajay. Crispin Chan replaced his
father, Masing Chan, in 1990 as the manager of the entire business.
In all that time, Rogelio worked as a laborer in the Ibajay Branch, along with
twelve other employees. In January 1974, Rogelio was reported for Social Security
System (SSS) coverage. After paying contributions to the SSS for more than 10 years,
he became entitled to receive retirement bene ts from the SSS. Thus, in 1991, he
availed himself of the SSS retirement bene ts, and in order to facilitate the grant of
such bene ts, he entered into an internal arrangement with Chan and MSDC to the
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effect that MSDC would issue a certi cation of his separation from employment
notwithstanding that he would continue working as a laborer in the Ibajay Branch. DEcITS

The certification reads as follows: 3


August 10, 1991


To whom it may concern:

This is to certify that my employee, GREGORIO P. ROGELIO bearing SSS ID

No. 07-0495213-7 who was rst covered effective January, 1974 up to June 30,
1989 inclusive, is now o cially separated from my employ effective the 1st of
July, 1989.
Please be guided accordingly.


SSS ID No. 07-0595800-4

On March 17, 1997, Rogelio was paid his last salary. Lim, then the Ibajay Branch
Manager, informed Rogelio that he was deemed retired as of that date. Chan con rmed
to Rogelio that he had already reached the compulsory retirement age when he went to
the main office in Kalibo to verify his status. Rogelio was then 67 years old. aTHCSE

Considering that Rogelio was supposedly receiving a daily salary of P70.00 until
1997, but did not receive any 13th month pay, service incentive leave, premium pay for
holidays and rest days and COLA, and even any retirement bene t from MSDC upon his
retirement in March 1997, he commenced his claim for such pay and benefits.
In substantiation, Rogelio submitted the January 19, 1998 a davits of his co-
workers, namely: Domingo Guevarra, 4 Juanito Palomata, 5 and Ambrosio Señeres, 6
whereby they each declared under oath that Rogelio had already been working at the
Ibajay Branch by the time that MSDC's predecessor had hired them in the 1950s to
work in that branch; and that MSDC and Chan had continuously employed them until
their own retirements, that is, Guevarra in 1994, and Palomata and Señeres in 1997.
They thereby corroborated the history of MSDC and the names of the various Branch
Managers as narrated by Rogelio, and con rmed that like Rogelio, they did not receive
any retirement benefits from Chan and MSDC upon their retirement.
In their defense, MSDC and Chan denied having engaged in copra buying in Ibajay,
insisting that they did not ever register in such business in any government agency.
They asserted that Lim had not been their agent or employee, because he had been an
independent copra buyer. They averred, however, that Rogelio was their former
employee, hired on January 3, 1977 and retired on June 30, 1989; 7 and that Rogelio
was thereafter employed by Lim starting from July 1, 1989 until the ling of the
MSDC and Chan submitted the a davit of Lim, whereby Lim stated that Rogelio
was one of his employees from 1989 until the termination of his services. 8 They also
submitted SSS Form R-1A, Lim's SSS Report of Employee-Members (showing that
Rogelio and Palomata were reported as Lim's employees); 9 Lim's application for
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registration as copra buyer; 1 0 Chan's a davit; 1 1 and the a davit of Guevarra 1 2 and
Señeres, 1 3 whereby said a ants denied having executed or signed the January 19,
1998 affidavits submitted by Rogelio.
In his a davit, Guevarra recanted the statement attributed to him that he had
been employed by Chan and MSDC, and declared that he had been an employee of Lim.
Likewise, Guevarra's daughter executed an a davit, 1 4 averring that his father had been
an employee of Lim and that his father had not signed the a davit dated January 19,
1998. cDEHIC

On April 5, 1999, the LA dismissed the complaint against Chan and MSDC, ruling
From said evidence, it is our considered view that there exists no employer-
employee relationship between the parties effective July 1, 1989 up to the date of
the ling of the instant complaint complainant was an employee of Wynne O.
Lim. Hence, his claim for retirement should have been led against the latter for
he admitted that he was the employer of herein complainant in his sworn
statement dated June 9, 1998.

Complainant's claim for retirement bene ts against herein respondents

under RA No. 7641 has been barred by prescription considering the fact that it
partakes of the nature of a money claim which prescribed after the lapse of three
years after its accrual.

The rest of the claims are also dismissed for the same accrued during
complainant's employment with Wynne O. Lim. TEcAHI


lack of merit.


Rogelio appealed, but the NLRC a rmed the decision of the LA on January 28,
2000, observing that there could be no double retirement in the private sector; that with
the double retirement, Rogelio would be thereby enriching himself at the expense of the
Government; and that having retired in 1991, Rogelio could not avail himself of the
bene ts under Republic Act No. 7641 entitled An Act Amending Article 287 of
Presidential Decree No. 442, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor Code of the
Philippines, by Providing for Retirement Pay to Quali ed Private Sector Employees in
the Absence of Any Retirement Plan in the Establishment, which took effect only on
January 7, 1993. 1 6
The NLRC denied Rogelio's motion for reconsideration.
Ruling of the CA
Rogelio commenced a special civil action for certiorari in the CA, charging the
NLRC with grave abuse of discretion in denying to him the bene ts under Republic Act
No. 7641, and in rejecting his money claims on the ground of prescription. IcDHaT

On October 24, 2003, the CA promulgated its decision, 1 7 holding that Rogelio
had substantially established that he had been an employee of Chan and MSDC, and
that the bene ts under Republic Act No. 7641 were apart from the retirement bene ts
that a quali ed employee could claim under the Social Security Law, conformably with
the ruling in Oro Enterprises, Inc. v. NLRC (G.R. No. 110861, November 14, 1994, 238
SCRA 105).
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The CA decreed:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Decision of the public respondent
NLRC is hereby VACATED and SET ASIDE. This case is remanded to the Labor
Arbiter for the proper computation of the retirement bene ts of the petitioner
based on Article 287 of the Labor Code, as amended, to be pegged at the
minimum wage prevailing in Ibajay, Aklan as of March 17, 1997, and attorney's
fees based on the same. Without costs.

Chan and MSDC's motion for reconsideration was denied by the CA.
In this appeal, Chan and MSDC contend that the CA erred: (a) in taking
cognizance of Rogelio's petition for certiorari despite the decision of the NLRC having
become nal and executory almost two months before the petition was led; ( b ) in
concluding that Rogelio had remained their employee from July 6, 1989 up to March 17,
1997; and (c) in awarding retirement benefits and attorney's fees to Rogelio. HAaDTE

The petition for review is barren of merit.
Certiorari was timely commenced in the CA
Anent the rst error, the Court nds that the CA did not err in taking cognizance
of the petition for certiorari of Rogelio. TcaAID

Based on the records, Rogelio received the NLRC's denial of his motion for
reconsideration on January 16, 2003. He then had 60 days from January 16, 2003, or
until March 17, 2003, within which to le his petition for certiorari. It is without doubt,
therefore, that his ling was timely considering that the CA received his petition for
certiorari at 2:44 o'clock in the afternoon of March 17, 2003.
The petitioners' insistence, that the issuance of the entry of judgment with
respect to the NLRC's decision precluded Rogelio from ling a petition for certiorari,
was unwarranted. It ought to be without debate that the nality of the NLRC's decision
was of no consequence in the consideration of whether or not he could bring a special
civil action for certiorari within the period of 60 days for doing so under Section 4, Rule
65, Rules of Court, simply because the question being thereby raised was jurisdictional.
Respondent remained the petitioners'
employee despite his supposed separation
Did Rogelio remain the employee of the petitioners from July 6, 1989 up to March
17, 1997? aCSEcA

The issue of whether or not an employer-employee relationship existed between

the petitioners and the respondent in that period was essentially a question of fact. 1 8
In dealing with such question, substantial evidence — that amount of relevant evidence
which a reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a conclusion 1 9 — is
su cient. Although no particular form of evidence is required to prove the existence of
the relationship, and any competent and relevant evidence to prove the relationship may
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be admitted, 2 0 a nding that the relationship exists must nonetheless rest on
substantial evidence.
Generally, the Court does not review errors that raise factual questions, primarily
because the Court is not a trier of facts. However, where, like now, there is a con ict
between the factual ndings of the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC, on the one hand, and
those of the CA, on the other hand, 2 1 it is proper, in the exercise of our equity
jurisdiction, to review and re-evaluate the factual issues and to look into the records of
the case and re-examine the questioned findings.
The CA delved on and resolved the issue of the existence of an employer-
employee relationship between the petitioners and the respondent thusly:
As to the factual issue, the petitioner's evidence consists of his own
statements and those of his alleged co-worker from 1950 until 1997, Juanito
Palomata, who unlike his former co-workers Domingo Guevarra and Ambrosio
Señeres, did not disown the "Sinumpaang Salaysay" he executed, in corroboration
of petitioner's allegations; and the Certification dated August 10, 1991 stating that
petitioner was rst placed under coverage of the SSS in January 1974 to June 30,
1989 and was separated from service effective July 1, 1989, a certi cation
executed by respondent Crispin Amigo Chan which, petitioner maintains, was only
intended for his application for retirement benefits with the SSS. SCaIcA

Private respondents' evidence, on the other hand, consisted of respondent

Crispin Amigo Chan's counter statements as well as documentary evidence
consisting of (1) Wayne Lim's A davit which petitioner acknowledged in his
Reply dated July 11, 1998, par. 8, admitting to being the employer of petitioner
from July 1, 1989 until the ling of the complaint; (2) Certi cation dated October
22, 1991 showing petitioner's employment with respondents to have been
between January 3, 1977 until July 1, 1989; (3) A davits of Guevarra and
Señeres disowning their signatures in the a davits submitted in evidence by the
petitioner; (4) SSS report executed by Wayne Lim of his initial list of employees as
of July 1, 1989 which includes the petitioner. On appeal, the respondents further
submitted documentary evidence showing that Wayne Lim registered his
business name on July 11, 1989 and apparently went into business buying copra.
At this point, we should note the following factual discrepancies
in the evidence on hand: First, the respondents issued certi cates
stating the commencement of petitioner's employment on different
da tes, i.e. , January 1974 and January 1977, although the earlier date
referred only to the period when petitioner was rst placed under the
coverage of the SSS, which need not necessarily refer to the
commencement of his employment. Secondly, while respondent Crispin
Amigo Chan denied having ever engaged in copra buying in Ibajay, the
certi cates he issued both dated in 1991 state otherwise, for he
declared himself as a "copra dealer" with address in Ibajay . Then there
is the statement of the petitioner that Wayne Lim was the respondents'
manager in their branch o ce in Ibajay since 1984, a statement that
respondents failed to disavow. Instead, respondents insisted on their
non sequitur argument that they had never engaged in copra buying
activities in Ibajay, and that Wayne Lim was in business all by himself
in regard to such activity.
The denial on respondents' part of their copra buying activities in Ibajay
begs the obvious question: What were petitioner and his witness Juanito
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Palomata then doing for respondents as laborers in Ibajay prior to July 1, 1989?
Indeed, what did petitioner do for the respondents as the latter's laborer prior to
July 1, 1989, which was different from what he did after said date? The records
showed that he continued doing the same job, i.e., as laborer and trusted
employee tasked with the responsibility of getting money from the Kalibo o ce
of respondents which was used to buy copra and pay the employees' salaries. He
did not only continue doing the same thing but he apparently did the same at or
from the same place, i.e., the bodega in Ibajay, which his co-worker Palomata
believed to belong to the respondent Masing & Sons. Since respondents admitted
to employing petitioner from 1977 to 1989, we have to conclude that, indeed, the
bodega in Ibajay was owned by respondents at least prior to July 1, 1989 since
petitioner had consistently stated that he worked for the respondents
continuously in their branch o ce in Ibajay under different managers and
nowhere else.
We believe that the respondents' strongest evidence in regard to
the alleged separation of petitioner from service effective July 1, 1989
would be the a davit of Wayne Lim, owning to being the employer of
petitioner since July 1, 1989 and the SSS report that he executed listing
petitioner as one of his employees since said date. But in light of the
incontrovertible physical reality that petitioner and his co-workers did
go to work day in and day out for such a long period of time, doing the
same thing and in the same place, without apparent discontinuity,
except on paper , these documents cannot be taken at their face value.
We note that Wayne Lim apparently inherited, at least on paper , ten (10)
employees of respondent Crispin Amigo Chan, including petitioner, all
on the same day , i.e. , on July 1, 1989. We note, too, that while there
exists an initial report of employees to the SSS by Wayne Lim, no other
document apart from his a davit and business registration was
offered by respondents to bolster their contention, irrespective of the
fact that Wayne Lim was not a party respondent. What were the
circumstances underlying such alleged mass transfer of employment?
Unfortunately, the evidence for the respondents does not provide us
with ready answers. We could conclude that respondents sold their
business in Ibajay and assets to Wayne Lim on July 1, 1989; however,
as pointed out above, respondent Crispin Amigo Chan himself said that
he was a "copra dealer" from Ibajay in August and October of 1991 .
Whether or not he was registered as a copra buyer is immaterial, given
that he declared himself a "copra dealer" and had apparently engaged
in the activity of buying copra, as shown precisely by the employment
of petitioner and Palomata. If Wayne Lim, from being the respondents'
manager in Ibajay became an independent businessman and took over
the respondents' business in Ibajay along with all their employees, why
did not the respondents' simply state that fact for the record? More
importantly, why did the petitioner and Palomata continue believing
that Wayne Lim was only the respondents' manager? Given the long
employment of petitioner with the respondents, was it possible for him
and his witness to make such mistake? We do not think so. In case of
doubt, the doubt is resolved in favor of labor , in favor of the safety and
decent living for the laborer as mandated by Article 1702 of the Civil
Code. The reality of the petitioner's toil speaks louder than words. . . . 2 2

We agree with the CA's factual ndings, because they were based on the
evidence and records of the case submitted before the LA. The CA essentially complied
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with the guidepost that the substantiality of evidence depends on both its quantitative
and its qualitative aspects. 2 3 Indeed, the records substantially established that Chan
and MSDC had employed Rogelio until 1997. In contrast, Chan and MSDC failed to
adduce credible substantiation of their averment that Rogelio had been Lim's employee
from July 1989 until 1997. Credible proof that could outweigh the showing by Rogelio
to the contrary was demanded of Chan and MSDC to establish the veracity of their
allegation, for their mere allegation of Rogelio's employment under Lim did not
constitute evidence, 2 4 but they did not submit such proof, sadly failing to discharge
their burden of proving their own a rmative allegation. 2 5 In this regard, as we pointed
out at the start, the doubts reasonably arising from the evidence are resolved in favor of
the laborer in any controversy between a laborer and his master. SATDEI

Respondent entitled to retirement benefits
from the petitioners
Article 287 of the Labor Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7641, provides:
Article 287. Retirement. — Any employee may be retired upon reaching
the retirement age established in the collective bargaining agreement or other
applicable employment contract.
In case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to receive such
retirement bene ts as he may have earned under existing laws and any collective
bargaining agreement and other agreements; Provided, however, That an
employee's retirement bene ts under any collective bargaining and other
agreements shall not be less than those provided herein.
In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement providing for
retirement bene ts of employees in the establishment, an employee
upon reaching the age of sixty (60) years or more, but not beyond sixty-
ve (65) years which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age,
who has served at least ve (5) years in the said establishment, may
retire and shall be entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least one-
half (1/2) month salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least
six (6) months being considered as one whole year. cSTHAC

Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the term one-
half (1/2) month salary shall mean fteen (15) days plus one-twelfth
(1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash equivalent of not more than
five (5) days of service incentive leaves.

Retail, service and agricultural establishments or operations employing not

more than ten (10) employees or workers are exempted from the coverage of this
Violation of this provision is hereby declared unlawful and subject to the
penal provisions provided under Article 288 of this Code.

Was Rogelio entitled to the retirement bene ts under Article 287 of the Labor
Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7641? aTcIAS

The CA held so in its decision, to wit:

Having reached the conclusion that petitioner was an employee of the
respondents from 1950 to March 17, 1997, and considering his uncontroverted
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allegation that in the Ibajay branch o ce where he was assigned, respondents
employed no less than 12 workers at said later date, thus affording private
respondents no relief from the duty of providing retirement bene ts to their
employees, we see no reason why petitioner should not be entitled to the
retirement bene ts as provided for under Article 287 of the Labor Code, as
amended. The bene cent provisions of said law, as applied in Oro Enterprises,
Inc. v. NLRC , is apart from the retirement bene ts that can be claimed by a
quali ed employee under the social security law. Attorney's fees are also granted
to the petitioner. But the monetary bene ts claimed by petitioner cannot be
granted on the basis of the evidence at hand. 2 6

We concur with the CA's holding. The third paragraph of the aforequoted
provision of the Labor Code entitled Rogelio to retirement bene ts as a necessary
consequence of the nding that Rogelio was an employee of MSDC and Chan. Indeed,
there should be little, if any, doubt that the bene ts under Republic Act No. 7641, which
was enacted as a labor protection measure and as a curative statute to respond, in part
at least, to the nancial well-being of workers during their twilight years soon following
their life of labor, can be extended not only from the date of its enactment but
retroactively to the time the employment contracts started. 2 7
WHEREFORE, the Court denies the petition for review on certiorari, and a rms
the decision promulgated on October 24, 2003 in CA-G.R. SP No. 75983.
Costs of suit to be paid by the petitioners.
Corona, C.J., Leonardo-de Castro, Del Castillo and Villarama, Jr., JJ., concur.

1.Rollo, pp. 111-121; penned by Associate Justice Renato C. Dacudao (retired), with Associate
Justice Cancio C. Garcia (later Presiding Justice of the CA and a Member of the Court)
and Associate Justice Danilo B. Pine (retired), concurring.
2.Approved on December 9, 1992 and effective on January 7, 1993.
3.CA rollo, p. 48.
4.Id., pp. 44-45.

6.Id., pp. 46-47.
7.Id., p. 35.
8.Id., p. 38.
9.Id., p. 36.

10.Id., p. 37.
11.Id., pp. 39-40.
12.Id., p. 51.

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14.Id., p. 52.
15.Rollo, pp. 24-25.

16.Id., pp. 56-61.

17.Supra, note 1.
18.Lopez v. Bodega City , G.R. No. 155731, September 3, 2007, 532 SCRA 56, 64; Manila Water
Company, Inc. v. Peña, G.R. No. 158255, July 8, 2004, 434 SCRA 53, 58-59.
19.Section 5, Rule 133, Rules of Court; People's Broadcasting (Bombo Radyo Phils., Inc.) v.
Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment, G.R. No. 179652, May 8, 2009,
587 SCRA 724, 753.

20.Opulencia Ice Plant and Storage v. NLRC, G.R. No. 98368, December 15, 1993, 228 SCRA
473, 478.

21.Lopez v. Bodega City , supra, p. 65; Manila Water Company, Inc. v. Pena, supra, p. 58; Tiu v.
Pasaol, Sr., G.R. No. 139876, April 30, 2003, 402 SCRA 312, 319.
22.Rollo, pp. 117-119.
23.Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Employees Association-NATU v. Insular Life Assurance Co.,
Ltd., G.R. No. L-25291, March 10, 1977, 76 SCRA 50.
24.Martinez v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 117495, May 29, 1997, 272
SCRA 793, 801; P.T. Cerna Corporation v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 91622, April 6, 1993,
221 SCRA 19, 25.
25.Jimenez v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 116960, April 2, 1996, 256 SCRA
84, 89.
26.Rollo, p. 120.
27.Oro Enterprises, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Commission, G.R. No. 110861, November
14, 1994, 238 SCRA 105, 112.

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